ISRAEL JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, Vol. 41–42, 2011–2012, pp. 115–144 Chloropidae (Diptera) of Turkey with descriptions of new species and new records EMILIA P. NARTSHUK Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab 1, 199034 St. Petersburg. E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT A list of Chloropidae from Turkey is provided, containing 64 species from 31 genera and 4 subfamilies. Three species are described as new. Two additional species were only identified to genus level. Twelve species are listed based only on literature data. Most species (40) are recorded from Turkey for the first time. KEYWORDS: Diptera, Chloropidae, Asia Minor, Turkey, new species, new faunistic data INTRODUCTION Grass flies of the family Chloropidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) of Turkey are insuf- ficiently studied, and only 21 species have been recorded to date. Loew (1858) de- scribed 3 species: Oscinis brevirostris (now Aphanotrigonum cinctellum (Zetterstedt)), O. marginata (now Polyodaspis ruficornis (Macquart)) and Crassiseta megaspis (now in Elachiptera). He also cited Constantinopolis as type locality for the two former spe- cies and Asia minor for the latter species. Becker (1912) described Chlorops pallidior from Asia Minor. Duda (1932-1933) recorded Oscinimorpha albisetosa Duda, Chlo- rops fasciatus Meigen and Thaumatomyia sulcifrons Becker from Asia minor, Lodos (1957) recorded Oscinella frit (Linnaeus) as Scatopse nigra, but his drawings of the fly, including its wing, beyond question refer to O. frit. This species was mentioned by Özer (1976) as well. Lessman (1962), who studied pests of cones of Ceder libani, found larvae of a fly, which he did not name (see comments below under Hapleginella laevi- frons (Loew, 1858)).