1 with Respect to Zulu: Revisiting Ukuhlonipha Hlonipho, to Give Its
With Respect to Zulu: Revisiting ukuHlonipha Hlonipho, to give its form as a Zulu noun stem, is a form of respectful behavior in speech and action.1 Mentioned in colonial-era documents and other writings since the mid-19th century, it has been widespread in southern Africa, practiced among (at least) the Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, and Sotho. Recent studies, including several very useful sociolinguistic and ethnographic descriptions, have focused their attention mainly upon isihlonipho sabafazi, the linguistic form of hlonipha associated with women (the isi- prefix implies a way of speaking).2 Indeed, a stereotype of hlonipha as “women’s language” goes back to ethnographic and linguistic literature of decades ago, and is described as a form of linguistic taboo in which a married woman must avoid speaking the name of her father-in-law. It is also often described as “old” or “traditional,” or even vanishing. While the existence and prominence of this stereotype is of interest in itself, the practice of ukuhlonipha (the general term, with infinitive prefix) is much wider than much of the literature on it recognizes. To focus solely on “women’s language” is to excise a wider frame of social, semiotic, and somatic meaning. Hlonipha is not only about language; bodily posture, comportment, and clothing are part of it too. Moreover, a narrow focus on “women’s language” implies ignoring hlonipha as practiced by men, as well as the practice of praise-performance (bonga), which, we propose, is the semiotic complement to hlonipha and joins with it in a broader Zulu notion of “respect.” The cultural background to these practices, we argue, is an ideology of language and comportment that understands performances of all kinds, including linguistic utterances, fundamentally as actions of the body.3 1 Focusing first on isihlonipha, we argue that the linguistic practice is itself seen as bodily activity in a Zulu ideology of language, and we explore the semiotic connection with other forms of respectful bodily comportment.
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