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191 Launceston Tasmania 7250 State Secretary: Secretary@Tasfhs.Org Journal Editors: Editor@Tasfhs.Org Home Page Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. PO Box 191 Launceston Tasmania 7250 State Secretary: [email protected] Journal Editors: [email protected] Home Page: http://www.tasfhs.org Patron: Dr Alison Alexander Fellows: Neil Chick, David Harris and Denise McNeice Executive: President Anita Swan (03) 6326 5778 Vice President David Harris (03) 6424 5328 Vice President Maurice Appleyard (03) 6248 4229 State Secretary Betty Bissett (03) 6344 4034 State Treasurer Muriel Bissett (03) 6344 4034 Committee: Judy Cocker Peter Cocker Elaine Garwood Isobel Harris John Gillham Libby Gillham Brian Hortle Leo Prior Helen Stuart Judith Whish-Wilson By-laws Officer Denise McNeice (03) 6228 3564 Assistant By-laws Officer David Harris (03) 6424 5328 Webmaster Robert Tanner (03) 6231 0794 Journal Editors Anita Swan (03) 6326 5778 Betty Bissett (03) 6344 4034 LWFHA Coordinator Judith De Jong (03) 6327 3917 Members’ Interests Compiler John Gillham (03) 6239 6529 Membership Registrar Muriel Bissett (03) 6344 4034 Publications Coordinator Denise McNeice (03) 6228 3564 Public Officer Denise McNeice (03) 6228 3564 Reg Gen BDM Liaison Officer Colleen Read (03) 6244 4527 State Sales Officer Mrs Pat Harris (03) 6344 3951 Branches of the Society Burnie: PO Box 748 Burnie Tasmania 7320 [email protected] Devonport: PO Box 587 Devonport Tasmania 7310 [email protected] Hobart: PO Box 326 Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 [email protected] Huon: PO Box 117 Huonville Tasmania 7109 [email protected] Launceston: PO Box 1290 Launceston Tasmania 7250 [email protected] Volume 27 Number 1 June 2006 ISSN 0159 0677 Contents Editorial.................................................................................................................... 2 President’s Message................................................................................................ 3 Annual General Meeting Agenda............................................................................. 4 The Settlement Mark II – February 2006, Margaret McKenzie................................. 5 Ailwin to Zwingli, by George!, Marion Sargent ......................................................... 8 What a small world we live in!, Judith De Jong ........................................................ 9 Thirlstane ............................................................................................................... 12 The Tasmania Mine Alphabet, Margaret McKenzie ............................................... 13 The Tasmania Gold Mine Alphabet........................................................................ 14 Bess of Hardwick and Her Times, Shirley Foster.................................................. 15 An Excursion to Port Arthur in 1842 (parts 3 &4) ................................................... 16 Tasmanian Placename Changes ........................................................................... 22 Old Launceston...................................................................................................... 26 The Dutch in Australia, 1606-2006, Nonja Peters.................................................. 27 Help Wanted .......................................................................................................... 30 New Members........................................................................................................ 32 New Members' Interests ........................................................................................ 35 Quidnunc ............................................................................................................... 37 Saving Our Census!, Nick Vine Hall....................................................................... 38 The late David Hay ................................................................................................ 39 Obituary—Mr Henry Elms Lette, MHA ................................................................... 43 Lt Joseph Henry Kay RN, A J Harrison.................................................................. 46 Were your ancestors Methodists?, Barrie Robinson .............................................. 51 Fact of the 1500's .................................................................................................. 52 The Maatsuyker Island Light.................................................................................. 54 A visit to the Eddystone Lighthouse ....................................................................... 58 Genes on Screen, Vee Maddock ........................................................................... 60 Branch Acquisitions ............................................................................................... 61 Tasmaniana ........................................................................................................... 66 Branch News.......................................................................................................... 69 Library Notes and News......................................................................................... 72 Deadline dates for contributions: by 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October June 2006 2 Tasmanian Ancestry From the Editors Please note when sending material for the journal to use the address below— It was nice this quarter to receive some any other address may cause a delay positive feedback from our readers in reaching us. Please use Endnotes not regard to the changes we have made to Footnotes. your journal, and as you can see by the Journal Committee cover of this journal we are still finding Anita Swan ways to enhance the Tasmanian Betty Bissett Ancestry. Journal address We are always on the look out for new PO Box 191 Launceston Tasmania 7250 informative content to pass on to our or email members via the journal and welcome [email protected] any items sent to us. This journal as always has some very interesting articles. Margaret Mc- Deadline dates prior to: Kenzie's article The Settlement Mark II 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October describes some of the not so talked The opinions expressed in this journal about events that occur at an are not necessarily those of the journal archaeological dig. Reading the Facts committee nor of the Tasmanian Family of the 1500s certainly explains some History Society Inc. Responsibility rests common sayings used nowadays. with the author of a submitted article and we do not intentionally print A J Harrison's article Lt Joseph Henry inaccurate information. The society Kay RN gives an insight not only to cannot vouch for the accuracy of offers Joseph Kay but to the abilities of the for services or goods that appear in the time to construct and man the Magnetic journal, or be responsible for the Observatory in Hobart. To achieve what outcome of any contract entered into they did in that time frame was with an advertiser. The editor reserves amazing. I don't think it would have the right to edit, abridge or reject been possible today, with all the red material. tape that is necessary. If you wish to contact the author of an Don't forget to read the Branch news article in Tasmanian Ancestry please and Branch acquisitions to keep up with write care of the editor, enclosing a what is happening at all the branches. stamped envelope and your letter will You may wish to contact or attend be forwarded. meetings. © The contents of Tasmanian Ancestry Anita & Betty. are subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act and may not be Articles are welcomed in any format— reproduced without written permission handwritten, typed or word processed, of the editor and author. on disk, on CD Rom, or by email. Disks and photographs will be returned on Cover photo: Ainslie House request. We do ask that you try to limit see What a small world we live in! pp 9-11 these to 2500 words maximum, unless © Photo: Anita Swan it is an Index which may be included in several issues. Tasmanian Ancestry 3 June 2006 President's Message June brings with it the onset of winter resources, attending meetings or and usually the time when family functions and assisting at the libraries. historians use the time to catch up with It is hoped that by working together we sorting files, and adding new-found can not only increase the member family to data bases, either elect- participation but also increase the ronically on computers or manually to membership numbers for the individual hard copy. branches. If you have any ideas that This year I would ask you to consider you think would help please feel free to putting that on hold for awhile and talk to a committee member at your attend the AGM on 17th June at the branch or forward them to me via the Town Hall in 7Ross. state secretary, all ideas will be It would be great to see some of our considered. new members. You would not only get Remember that together we can make the chance to meet members from other a difference. branches and share information, but I look forward to catching up with you at what better place to also learn first hand the AGM. z about our three new competitions. Anita Swan The first Journal Article Competition will be awarded, and the launch of the Family Chart Competition & the Short Story Competition. We will also be announcing the winner of the annual 5th Annual General Meeting Lilian Watson Family History Award. of August 8 2006 will see Australians completing the Census. As family Tasmanian Family History researchers we know the value of being Society Inc. able to glean any information from these records, so of course we will be answering YES to question 60, but
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