Jtonfe aitb frir Jiin tin j. J U r f t l a n h

PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY EVESIKO, BY Having mane large additions io onr former Tarlcl; cf JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor PLAIN AND FANCY J O B T Y B E J , Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, We are now prepared to execute with nevtness and des­ patch. evert description of Job Work, such as Circulars, Bill-heads, Cards, Blanks, TERMS, Catalogues, Programmes, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $1,50 If payment is delayed 6 mos. “ 1,75 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction and Hand If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 BiUs, &c., &c. EEF No paper will be discontinued until all arbea sa­ ges are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. Particular attention paid to ET Single copies, three cents —for sale at the office. VOL. 12. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1857. NO. 23. P HINTING IN COLORS XT AU letters and communications to be addressed to the Publisher. BRONZING. &.C.

IFor the Gazette.] I hear thee whispering on the breeze, dear maiden, come mother to have no fears. She knows the people your residence on Tuesday or Wednesday, and len. His visit there had been altogether pro­ “ Danger of the Seas Excepted.” —It will Original and Striking Similie. At a temper­ away, to whom I am to go, and altogether, Milly, 1 will then make the necessary investigation. fessional. be seen by the decision copied below that tho ance meeting in New York on Wednesday even­ THE EAGLE AND THE DOVE. I’ve heard the music of thy voice, I’ve seen thy sparkling eye think Providence ineanB me to go.’ Very respectfully, My life had always been a pleasant one, but 1 ground covered by this phrase is likely to be ing last, the Rev. Mr. Cuyler told a number of I come ! 1 come ! brave Edgar dear. Think’st thou I fear ‘ And now, Annie, there is etill one thing Edward Templb.” had never dreamed of such happiness as 1 felt somewhat curtailed. It seems to be perfectly amusing stories, from which we clip the follow­ A LEGEND OE LAKE CHICKAWAUKIE, ROCKLAND, ME. to die, more to wish for.’ And this was tho other : that evening, when Dr. Temple, so good so reasonable that a ship should be considered un- ing : Then plunging in her breast a dart drawn from his bleeding seaworthy if the master is incompetent; and side ‘ Yes, and I have hope of providing for that, “ Dear ones at home, think of mo as safe, wise, so endeared as through his kindness he had It was about deer hunting. A city buck of There is a bright ami lovely spot, far in the wilds of Maine, Her drooping heud sank on his breast, in death she was his even.’ become to us all, told me that he loved me, and whether ho is so or not, is likely to be decided the Broadway order went into the country, and That boasts u legend of the past—of sorrow and of pain, bride, well, and kindly cared lor. Everything, even to Before oppression’s cruel hand, had driven the red man forth, ‘ Is it possible ? and how, Annie ’’ asked me to be his little wife. And when I did hereafter by his conduct rather than his reputa­ they invited him to a deer hunt. He had seen The light canoe, no longer sped, across the sparkling wave, the umbrella, arrived safely at its destination.— tion. That thousands of losses have occurred An alien from the hunting ground, thatgave his fathers birth. The heavy burthen on its side, soon found a watery grave. ‘ By and by, Milly, you shall go with mo to Mr. Kinnaird was awaiting me at Charleston, so not at first answer, because I could not, only I the antlers of a deer, and had a lively notion of I love to dwell upon the theme, unlinking memory’s chain, drew his hand to my lips and kissed it, he took by the incompetency, neglect or carelessness of Recalling pleasure of the past, that ne’er can come again. Mr. Poole’s.’ that I was not detained there at all. When we venison, but ho knew about as little of the live Years have flown by and in their flight have born the chief ship-masters—and have been paid for by under­ The murmuring stream, the simple cot, with honeysuckle I uttered an exclamation. I had not thought reached here, Mrs. Kinnaird was at the door me in his arms and held me close, close. He animal as he did about the gun they gave him. twined ; of that. Annie would sell her pretty watch and laid his cheek against my owd, and told me of writers—no one can doubt. In a large portion Ihey placed him where tho deer was to pass, and Are earlv reminiscnces, dear to the wanderer’s mind. A grassy mound close by the lake, tells where his ashes lay. watching for us. She is very quiet and gentle, of the cases of loss happening by this cause, it For ’twas my home ! my dear old hom e! that cottage in The warriors too are still in death, and moulder near the chain, Miss Strong’s parting gift, to obtain for and wears habitually a patient, sorrowful look, tho quiet, bright future that, with God’s help, told him to fire as soon as he saw him. He the vale, sam e; her father the means of procuring better medi­ lay before us. would bo impossible to peoduce such evidence stood and trembled. Soon he heard the baying It seemed an earthly Paradise, that peaceful sunny dale ; The lake still sparkles in the sun, and bears the maiden’s which made me sure that soma trouble lay at as would satisfy a ju ry ; but in many others, at name. cal advice. She had strong faith .that his re­ her heart. It is this : Her eldest child, a girl And then I understood how it is possible of the hounds, and before long tliero was a 1 love each old familiar haunt—each crag and valley wild. least as good a case as this decided by Judge Would I could bring them back again, and be again a child. And when a child, full many a time, I’ve heard this tale of storation to health was not impoBsibe. of fourteen, is incurably afflicted with spinal to love another better than life, and yet be un­ cracking of the under-brush and a magnificent love, Grier, could he made o u t; and if the doctrine There is a tale about this spot, of sad unhappy love, We went together to Mr Poole, the watch­ disease. I did not see her till the third day af­ aware of it. We talked of my father and moth­ deer rushed by with immense ar.tlers,°und his Of sorrow borne and ended now, when through the tangled And wept to think how sad the fate, of the Eagle anti the er ; lie had their entire consent to win me if he a3 laid down by him is to be sustained, it be­ grove Dove. maker. Mr. Poole was a little man, old and ter I came, for she dreads to meet strangers.— tail erect. Tho city buck still stood and trem­ S. Lizzie T. hoves ship-owners to look sharper than they The Indian wild, with agile form, and light, and feathery- shrewd, but not void of honesty and good feel­ When at last I went to her bedside—she really could. With health fully restored, my father bled. The huntsmen came up and asked why spear, ing ; yet a little close in a bargain. was not likely to be straitened again. have done heretofore to the competency and he did not shoot. His lips trembled, as he an­ With fearless step, and untaught grace, pursued the panting sits up—there was so much suffering apparent carefulness of the masters they employ. deer. The Leonards. ‘ Good morning, Miss Leonard! good morn­ We talked of Annie. Next week Dr. Tem­ swered, “ 1 saw nothing but the devil by in her white emaciated face, and the pale lips, Important Admiralty Case. In the United And there was one—an Indian maid—a graceful airy sprite ; ing, Miss M illicent! what shall I have the which, in the paroxysm of pain, she had com­ ple would go south. Would I not go with him, with an armchair on his head, and his hand­ Whose glossy tresses seemed to shame, the ebon brow ol and see Annie ? I would dearly love to go! If States Circuit Court in Philadelphia, before kerchief sticking out behind.” night ; Annie and I sat by the fire. We had extin­ pleasure of selling you this morning ? a pretty pressed within her teeth till they were bleeding, And eyes that from their brilliant depths a mine of love guished the lamp, for our work being all done bracelet ? a cameo set in pearls ! one of these Aunt Effie would come and stay with my mother Judge Grier, the case of “ -Xavier Bazin v. The that I could not say a word. She looked at me Liverpool aud Philadelphia Steamship Compa­ could bring, there was no longer need of it. We had lately new-fashioned shawl pinB ?’ a little while, and then said, ‘ You are sorry for during my absence. Only my wardrobe—but Were sparkling like the morning dew, upon the raven’s No, Annie said. She came rather in the hope that was no matter. How long would he be ny,” has been decided, involving some points of iv “ Spiritual ’ Cheat.—An amusing detec­ wing ; come to regard such little economies.’ me, are you not ?’ I could only say ‘ yes,’ and tion of the deception of a public exhibition of The silver lake, that lay close by, was not more pure or ‘ There is the stage, Annie !’ that Mr. Poole would himself be the purchaser. kiss the thin little hand. My heart went over away? Less than two weeks, he said. But importance. The libelant purchased goods in wild, And she showed him the pretty euamled watch, did I understand ?—it was as his wife I was to Paris, which were shipped on board the steam professed spiritual phenomena—of which, the Than was the heart that beat within the bosom of this child. We hastened through the back gate and the to her at once, and I am sure that she, too, is playing on drums and tainborines was a leading orchard, just as we had done every Dight for the with its delicate chaiD, and said she wanted him go- ship City of Philadelphia, belonging to the re­ The livelong day around the hills, her plaintive notes would learning to love me. Her name is Lily, and it spondents, who contracted to deliver the goods feature—was made at Columbus, Ohio, latelv^ ring last ten, Sunday excepted, and knocked at Mr. to buy them of her. fits her well, so white she is, and so fragile.— And positively, then and there, Doctor Ed­ Or planting on her Mother’s grave the earliest buds of Spring ‘ You wish to sell me these ; and so pretty ward Temple made me see clearly how his life, at thoir destination in Philadelphia, “ accidents and is thus described by the Journal of that She’d prattle to the senseless mound, in moonlit evening Colvin’s kitchen door, Miss Colvin opened it Tho next two children are twins, May and Flora; city : hours, herself. and so suitable as they are for yoursolf ? And which had been so poor and lonely, would be of the seas excepted.” The steamer, while on and the other, a boy of seven, whose name is “ The hall was quite full, and the perform­ And was herself the sweetest thing, among these fav’rite • I was sure it was you,’ she said, with a what do you expect me to give you for them ?’ made rich and beautiful by my compliance ; how her voyage, struck the point of Cape Race,.in a flowers. Temple. Mrs. Kinnaird tells me that the Dr. ances proceeded on according to the programmo pleasant smile ; ■ and here is the letter at last, ‘ I happen to know that they cost a hundred inhuman and unlike myself it would bo to with­ dense fog, being thirty miles out of her course, She seemed with them—her breathless friends, with heart Temple, from whoso-skill we hope so much for of the preceding night, when the lights were so free from strife, lletter late than never. Miss Annie !’ dollars. I want you to give me as near that as hold my consent: how much better for a thons and was lost, with a portion of the libelant’s you, dear father, is her h3!f-brother. He is put out and the hymns were sung. The be­ A sweet Mimosa springing forth, with animated life. We just said ‘ Thank you,’ and hurried back you can.’ and reasons, it would be that I should yield an goods. The latter party sued to recover the Yet not alone the forest flowers, that decked the maiden’s coming here in the spring to visit poor Lily. I lievers sat in the front circle. The medium The lamp was lighted; the letter, so nice looking ‘ That, of course, was when they were new,' uuhesitating acquiescence to any propositions value of the goods thus lost. Judge Grier ruled hair, . shall not need to wait till then to know what he took her position beside the old gentleman, and And not alone the gentle birds, Chickawauka’s love might with its red waxen seal, was opened and read. Mr. Poole said, whatever, and however preposterous he might as follows: can do for you. God grant it may be all we at length the admonitory tap of the drum and share. The contents were just what we had been hop­ ‘ They liavo been in my possession just three choose to lay before me, that I finally then and The respondents aver that the ship was sea­ For circled with her holiest thought, and of herself a part, hope ! I think of you all so much, it is hardly tho jingle of the tamborine gave token that the A lover’s form was shrined, amid the wild flowers of her ing for, but tears dimmed Annie’s eyes, and her weeks, Mr. Poole. You may judge for yourself ever after allowed him to arrange all important worthy in every way ; the libelant denies the like being away from homo. Courage, little sis­ spirit king was about coming among us to beat heart. voice choked a little while she read it, and I had whether they have been injured at all.’ points according to his own sovereign pleasure fact in bis replication. ter Milly ! one week, two, aro already gone. A a tune and jingle a refrain. He was admitted, to try hard to keep from sobbing outright. Mr. Poole wished to inquire if her father was —a mode of procedure which, from its peaceful The testimony ot the captain shows bis steam­ A pale-faced stranger from his home, with heart and cour­ thousand blessings on you, cear ones all ! and amid silence and darkness, he beat and 1 I am so glad they are asleep,’ we said, mean aware. Annie informed him that on the con­ results I would cordially recommend to all ray boat to have been new, made of iron, tight and age brave Annie.” banged away upon the drum, and the tamborine To view the red-man’s hunting-grounds, had crossed the trary. her father knew nothing whatever of it. married sisters. staunch, well rigged and manned. our father and mother. We went to our own shook with ecstasies, and the believers felt how boist’rous wave. littlo room directly, and then, as we had often 1 had observed a gentleman standing at tho Now this letter from Annio gave me courage The fairest and brightest of spring mornings The answer and tho witness both seem to as­ His nimble bark once tempest-tossed, nowin the glassy bay. to present the other to my father. When lie shone on our wedding. As I tied on my trav­ sume that running against a cape or a continent good it was to he there, when, presto change, With white sails furled, aud moorings fast, at anchor quiet done before, we talked over the past and especi­ other end of the counter, apparently occupied some wicked unbeliever struck a light, which^at lay. ally the future. In one year, if we should ell in reading a newspaper. I was sure, just at had read it, he said : eling hat, little brown gipsy that 1 was, I could is one of the usual accidents and unavoidable lie landed on the rugged shore, with firm and manly tread, ‘ Do you know, Milly, that the opinion of a not see, not then nor ever since, what it was dangers of the sea. once exposed the swindling imposition. The Sweet flowers smiling at his feet, pines waving over head, live, and if Annie’s health should endure the this juncture, that some telegraphing occurred between himself and Mr. Poole, for the latter, physician in D r. Temple’s standing is an expen­ that won for me Edward Temple’s love. I only That cannot bo termod an “ accident of the spirit of the tamborine was the female medium He bent liis footsteps toward the lake that just before him change of climate—Annie laughed then—the —a stalwart lass, tall, stout, and twenty-five,_ lay, debt incurred by our father’s long illness would after looking at him a moment, excused himself sive affair ?’ know that it has been unfailing, unvarying, the sea,” within the exception of the bill of lading, And as he mused upon the scene, this fair maid crossed his , The spirit of the drum was a boy about thirteen; to us, and approached the stranger. Presently I assured him that I was provided with abun­ glory of my life. which proper foresight and skill in the com­ be paid ; the dear old home-place would be free aud there they were both discovered rubbino- While in her morning’s ramble, she had gathered the lilies he returned, aud resumed liis colloquy with An­ dant means, and then, of course, it came out all We did not take Annie by surprise so much manding officer might have avoided. If the from encumbrance, and then it would bean easy the tamborine and beating the drum. Never white, thing for two strong, well-educated girls to sup­ nie. ‘ I think I will take the articles at your about the watch. I saw my father look at my as I had thought. She affirmed that my letters compass on the new iron vessel was not suffi­ And wove them in her tresses black, which was her chief did light produce such an effect. The female price,’ 6aid he, ‘ unless you would prefer that 1 mother a tremulous kind of smile ; one of those had prepared her for just such a denouement!— ciently protected to traverse correctly, the ves­ delight. port two persons of so simple and easily satisfi­ threw down her instrument and rushed to her He saw at once her loveliness, aud stood like one amazed ; should lend you the money on them.’ looks which I think the angels may sometimes We would fain have taken her back with us, sel was as little seaworthy as if she had no com­ ed habits as those of our father aud mother, seat, a self-convicted imposter. The lad drop­ He dare not speak, ’twould break the charm, she saw him * Oh, no ! not that,’ Annie said, with height­ give each other. now that the necessity for her absence was re­ pass—and this should have been carefully ascer­ as he gazed God bless them : and then six hundred dollars ped his stock and disappeared. The old man ened color. She had never borrowed money. Well, the very next day was Tuesday. The moved but she would not break faith with the tained before she started on her voyage. If And starts to flee, ‘ Star angel bright, he cries in accents a year was really a magnificent salary for a girl protested that he had been deceived, but looked wild, of eighteen, She would not like to do that. She was greatly whole day long I could scarcely withdraw my­ kind Southerners. Especially she would not there was no fault in the compass, then it is Nor leave me sad and lonely here, thou little fairy child. the very impersonation of confusion and disap­ ‘ But only think, Annie, I shall be doing noth­ obliged to Mr. Poole. And with the five twen­ self from the window. However, Dr. Temple leave the poor sufferer, Lily, for whom, my hus­ very evident that the officer who is. thirty or I’ve come from a foreign land that’s rich in gold and fame, pointment. Tiie believers stared at one another, There maidens dwell whose beauty bright, would put the ty dollar bills in her little portemonaie, we re­ did not come. The next morning, a little while band said, was no earthly help. So we left her forty miles wrong in his calculation, and driving ing only making expense, while your are earn­ very much as a green-horn would who had bet sun to shame, crossed the street and went home. after our late breakfast, there came a ring at the there, brave and cheerful as ever, and all the through a thick fog with a full head of steam, But never have 1 seen a form, or viewed a face like thine ! ing all this !’ his last dime with a thimble-rigger that he ‘ Annie,’ said I, * I do believe it was that door. I opened it myself. It was the same happier for our happiness. and first discovers his true position by running O stay by me, I’ll guard thee well, say but thou wilt be ‘ You must not look at it so M illy; don’t you could tell under which thimble the ‘ little joker’ see that 1 could not go away with half my pres­ gentleman who made Mr. Poole give you the gentleman—I knew him in a moment—whom I Before the summer was through, poor Lily on an island, a cape or a continent, has neither And kneeling at the maiden’s feet, he clasped the gloveless had met in the church. Ho gave me a card, had gone to rest. She died blessing Annie, the skill nor the prudence to be entrusted with was, and had lost. The audience yelled with hand, ent courage, if you were not to stay with them! lull price, for lie was going to offer you less.’ delight. The old man said they would give no Annie thought it was a good thing, however and when I saw on it ‘ Dr. Edward Temple,’ I whose loving cares had lightened much of her such a command—and for want of such an offi­ And earnestly besought her to dwell in his fair land. and you will cheer them, and writes me such more exhibitions, and the door keeper whom we * I’ll bear thee hence in grandeur, aud thou shalt be my long, dear letters ; and you will be preparing to it came about, since we too little misers had the suppose I must have gone quite white, for, with pain, and whose gentle piety had led her to trust cer the vessel is not seaworthy. bride, the thought of how much depended on this visit, in God. The loss of tho goods committed to a carrier believe to be the real principal of the concern, Many may gaze with wondrous eyes, but I’ll love none else do a great deal more for them, perhaps, than 1 money. ‘ A hundred dollars? Oh, Milly? said the money should be returned, and so it beside.’ can. Oh, we have a great deal to be thankful what a world of comfort may come to us from the room darkened -around mo. But he—to put The Autumn brought Annie home. Our and in possession of his servants, puts tho bur me nt my ease, I think—took no notice, only was, and thu3 ended the last exhibition of ‘Uar- ‘ Chickawauka to whom ye speak,’ she said, ‘ is of a swar­ fo r!’ that?’ birthday, the same for both of us, tho last of then of proof on him, to show how it took palce, thy skin, making some inquiries about my father, and monical Science,' or ‘Spiritual Manifestation.’ ” W hat in the nature of thy tribe can ever be akin?’ And we knelt down in that litter bedroom and The day approached when Annie was to go. September, we kept in the old homestead. And and that it was not by their fault, but in con­ He pleaded yet more eloquent, and gently spoke her name ; prayed silently. And then, though we had What a lovely day was the Sunday preceding ! presently, when all-was ready, went into his when Annie awoke in the morning, there, in its sequence of some of the unavoidable accidents She loved him and confessed it, with woman’s heart ol room. I looked at the clock on tho mantel­ been unusually excited, we soon fell asleep with There had been a light frost during the night, little morocco case on tho bureau, lay her watch excepted in the bill of lading. The Bangor Whig says : — flame, piece. It was ten. I would wait pitientlv But suddenly her dark eyes fell, and sadly thus she said, our arms around each other. and tho two maples which grew in the yard with its chain—once more a gift, and this time The respondents have not alleged or proved In conversing with a geutleman from Gardi­ ‘ My father is a stern old" chief, he’d rather see me dead.’ Early the next morning Annie awoke me to were changed, ono of them to flaming crimson half an hour, I said ; and I walked the floor for from my husband, who had been its real pur­ any ono fact tending to relieve them from re­ ner the other day, he remarked that although ‘ We’ll haste to him, I’ll be his guest, ’till I have gained his I could not keep still. In less than half an the recollection that we were maids of all work and the other to a deep, rich orange hue. The chaser when Mr. Poole so won our gratitude.— sponsibility. That a steamboat has been either business is not now as good as usual in that love, hour he came out. I had sat down then, for I Then I will bear my bride away, the Eagle with the Dove.’ that day, and that 1 was cook. So, dear reader firs were greener than ever, and clusters of scar­ A happy day that was ; sunny and calm out of ignoran tly carelessly, or recklessly dashed against place, still the people there feel the depression could not stand longor. As well as 1 could, for will it please you to sit down with us? This let berries were thick on the tall mountain ash. doors, and just so within. My father’s health a capo in a thick fog, cannot be received as a much less than in oilier places—and this, ho Weeks had flown round, her ancient sire, did love the snowy table linen 1 ironed myself. Are not the The dahlias just outside the window, -has been I shook from head to foot, I asked him what lie was perfectly restored. My mother, too—the plea to discharge the carrier. Yet, for anything said, was on account of the variety of roanfac- stranger guest, had told them. damask figures brought oat finely ? I have sheltered from the frost, and were glorious ; and dearest mother in the world—happiness had that appears, such is tiie case before us. Il turing operations carried on there, which fur­ But Chickawauka’s brow beamed still, with youthful hope ‘ I am their daughter,’ 1 said, thinking lie aud trust, charge of the old-fashioned silver ; is it not a group of brilliant roses had burst into bloom brought increased strength to her. there were any circumstances tending to lead to nished some paying employment for a large por­ She cherished still the lovely flowers, that in the valley bright ! And the fragrant coffee, and light, within. And then how intensely blue and se­ hesitated. Annie did not go South again, neither does a contrary conclusion, they are not in evidence tion of people, although less at this time than grew, ‘ 1 know it,’ lie replied, with a smile that had And loved them better, for they smiled upon her lover, too. white biscuits, 1 made myself. In truth, I am a rene the sky was ! she live at home any longer. She is the wife ot in the ease. usual. He also remarked that the people were a wonderful power, for it seemed to calm me. When rising with the morning sun, to join the fearless chase, little proud of my housekeeping, as people are We went to church that morning. Annie my uracil respected brother-in-law, Frank Tem­ of prudent and saving habits, and therefore bet­ Her baud prepared his simple food, with unaflected grace. ‘ I told them that there was same hopo of apt to to be of new acquirements ; and besides, and I. It was half a mile thither, so Annie ple, Esq., and my own next-door neighbor. The Island of N ewfoundland. An English ter prepared to meet and survive dull times ; Then stealing to the rocky clilf she viewed the hunting train, amendment. But, Miss Leonard,’ he added, ‘ I And waited patiently for night, to bring him back again. 1 have so little to he proud of 1 would not wear the new gaiters. She said her paper, in describing the largest of the Aiueri- and he added that monied men were more in­ Thu« strengthened day by day, a pure devoted love : This lady, so (air and so pale, is my mother, shoes must not wax old for a yeur to come ; she shall remain here several days, and unless you cun islands, says it is about four hundred miles clined than elsewhere to let money at reasona­ And all who knew did cherish them, the Eagld and the are careful I shall have two patients on my the kindest, gentlest, best mother that ever sub­ would not treat herself even to a pair of gloves Repleving a W ife.—Drew’s Rural Intelli­ long, by two hundred and fifty in average ble rates to mechanics and others who furnish Dove. hands, instead of one. Besides,’ he continued, But in their calm and peaceful sky, anon there came a cloud, dued a rampant romp to demure decorum. Pale in that time. But how laily-like she looked ! I gencer furnishes us with the following circum­ breadth- It abounds in lakes and rivers, both employment for the people. ‘ your father requires freedom from excitement.’ Which burst in all its anger, and their noble spirit bowed. and thin she was ever since my recollection; but fell behind her a little, on purpose to observe stances which took place at Augusta within a of moderate size, and its surface is diversified When Edgar sought of the stern old chief, the object of his The words felt on my sense distinctly enough? heart, how nicely her brown-gray traveling dress fitted few days : with hills and mountains, some of which pio- iier hair is not so dark as it was ten years ago, but I could not altogether take their meaning. The P eerless City. Six millions a month He raved in madness, cursed liis race, and bid him quick her little figure. Everything about her was no “ A case like that which has absorbed so much ject bodily into the sea. The lowlands when depart. when I used to tangle it with pretty little are being invested in the erection of new build­ simple and elegant. Her hat was so light and 1 repeated to myself what he had said. He had public attention in New York lately, has taken they do not consist of peat bogs, are generally * Think ye that I’ve forgot the wrongs, that by your fathers thorny rose-buds. She says always that she is seemed as if goiog, hut again hesitated. ings in this city, at the present moment. Six came, pretty, so suitable for traveling, too. But then place in this city within the past week. It covered with forests of fir and pine. These va well ; and well I believe she is as any one can ‘ Miss Leonard,” said he, ‘ will you get your millions ! This does not look much like a fear Aud will ye dare insult me now, b ring dishonor to my name. be who lives, moves, and has her being in three it must indeed have been a very ugly hat which seems that tho daughter of a Mr. Doran—an rieties of trees are very abundant, but they sel­ What would’st thou, speak? bold Eagle, the tongue must bonnet and come out with me I I want to ask Irish Catholic,—was engaged in marriage to a of anarchy on the part of capitalists, nor yet, silent keep, other lives. Four years ago, my father—he who could spoil tho sweet face with the rich brown dom attain a height of more than thirty feet, like throwing sinews that seek employment out And ere to-morrow’s sun shall set, return ye o’er the deep. hair around it. Even after we were in church, you some questions.’ Mr. McCormick, a Blue Nose Protestant. The and in the northern portions they are so low ,. sits on the sofa, to which the breakfast table has He made me give him, so far as I knew, all of work. This sum should, if properly distribu­ With pearly brow, and dimpled smiles, a rose leaf on thy I could not help Becretly comparing her with the young lady’s parents were opposed-to tho match and their branches so matted together, that cheek, been drawn—was thrown from his'gig and hurt the particulars of my father’s injuries, and spoke ted among our industrials, keep alive the spirit Misses Mellen, who were heiresses, and the ac­ because the bridegroom was not a Catholic, and small animals can walk upon their tops. The Thou cam’st with poison on thy lips, although thou seem’dst in some dreadful way, so that he has never since of liis ree ivery even moro confidently than be­ of enterprise, aud encourage tho most unfortun­ so meek. been able to ride or walk without assistance — knowledged fashionables of our village ; and the Priest was notified and forbidden to unite most useful tree upon tho island is the tamarae. 1 little deemed Chickawauka’a eye was on thee all the fore, This hope, growing strong in my own the parties. Not to be foiled in this way, Mr. ate to look forward with hopeful confidence.— while, Sho then relinquished all occupations that would though they wero magnificently arrayed in gor­ or larch, the timber of which is used in build­ mind, carried away before it all my self-control. McCormick and Miss Doran repaired to Ex-May­ Six millions invested io marine aud iron, brown But should’st thou dream of bridal flowers, thou’lt see a separate her from him, and since then has rare­ geous brocades, and no end of jewelry and em­ ing small vessels. Tho elm, the maple, and the stone and brick, lath and plaster, should uiako fun’ral pile.’ broidery, yet in my eyes, Annie bore the undis­ I burst into tears. Ho was there, a stranger, or Patterson, with the certificates of their in­ beech are rare, and the oak unknown. The He turned away in sadness then, and sought the maiden’s ly been absent from him a single hour. but I did not care. He was silent. I did not a grand display of taste, of new facilities for bower, Annie was fourteen then, and I exactly a puted palm of ladyhood. tentions, and were legally joined by him in variety of trailing evergreens is immense, and trouble myself about what he thought. I soon marriage on Saturday last. The fact coming to trade, and new means of development for our Where he knew; full well he’d meet her, at evening’s trail- j year younger. We did everything in our pow­ There was a gentleman in Mr. Mellen’s pew, all the berries peculiar to the northegn latitude private resources. New York promises yet to quil hour. grew calm again, and then I tried a little to ex­ the ears of the offended parents, before night are so abundant as to be an article of export,— W ithin the shady nook lie saw a graceful, agile form, er—I through Annie’s influence—to give our a stranger, and very line looking, too. 1 won­ become a peerless city.—.V. Y. Times. dered if he wero not a suitor of one of the cuse myself. the bride was seized, carried violently to her The animal kingdom of the island is more inter­ And soon the lovely maiden’s waist, was circled by his arm, mother perfect freedom from household cares.— ‘ It is the best thing that could have happen­ Upon his breast reposed her head, as seated by her side, We left school, but our education was not there­ young ladies, and I wondered if he would not former home, and imprisoned in a chamber, so esting than the vegetable. A Swedish natural­ lie told her all his griefs, and claimed her still his bride. ed,’ said lie, gently. ‘ It lias probably saved see Annie, and think her prettier than either of her husband could have no intercourse with her. ist, who spent several years there, reported it Bovs and N eedles.—Boys sometimes think it ‘ \ ouder is my hark,’ lie said, ‘ if you will go with me, fore interrupted. After the first few months it you a serious illness.’ 1 11 bear you oft in spite of threats, acrass the deep blue sea. seemed rather a pleasure than a toil to our fath­ them. I caught his eye once—grand oyes they Not to be defeated in this way, the husband, on to contain no less than live hundred species ol takes a great deal of drilling to make them At midnight while Warbosa sleeps, across the lake we’ll Until my heart was thus lightened, I did not Wednesday last, sued out a writ of replevin, birds. Of the large quadrupeds, the caribou, glide er to instruct us himself. And how much bet­ were—hut he did not look around much, and men. Tiiev wish they could get out of the indeed, 1 began to think my own mind was wan­ know what a weight had been on it. which was served by Sheriff Gilbreth in due or American reindeer, is the most abundant.— shackles. Perhaps it does. But how many And entering on board my ship, we will the storm outride.’ ter wo gut on than in school I Difficulties van­ W hat letters 1 could write to Annie now i — ‘ I’ll share thy lot with thee,’ she said, ‘ wherever thou ished, or were surmounted. Even algebra and dering too far, and I tried awhile to control it. form, who entered the prison-room of tho af­ Its paths intersect the whole country like sheep things do you suppose have to he done to a bit may’st go, In vain ! Parson Emerson selected for his text In a few days it was evident that our father was frighted wife and gave her to her lawful, though walks. The black bear is found in the wilder ol steel wire before it makes that simple little ‘ Then be ye ready at twelve this night, and I’ll await for geometry lost their formidable knottiness. I improving under tho new treatment. thee, the passage which commenorates the durability Protestant husband.” parts of the island, and the wolf, fox, hare, tool called a needle, and puts it intu the mar­ have heard Aunt Effie say that my father was Dr. Temple was the kindest, most assiduous In a swift canoe, witli paddles light, down by our trvsting very quick tempered when a boy. I know that of the wearing apparel of the children of Israel marten, heaver, and muskrat abound in the in­ ket? Can you guess? Seventy; yes, seventy tree. during their wanderings in the desert, and I re­ of attendants. During the week or two that terior. Their coasts swarm with difl'erent vari­ processes are necessary in the manufacture oi a Hark ! they hear the old chiePs voice! which gives a sudden he was patient as an angel with us, and I know he remained in our neighborhood, he came to Fire and Lightning. The Worcester Spy re­ sta rt! that at least one of us must sometimes have test­ membered the text, but nothing else of the dis­ ports that during a thunder storm on Saturday eties of seal. With regard to reptiles, such as needle. Can you wonder, then, that in “ mak­ He’s seeking for his truant child, and quickly they must course. the house several times each day. How grate­ snakes, lizards, etc., it is Eaid that St. Patrick ing a man of you,” you are subjected to a great part. ed liis power ofendurance. Our mother taught us ful I felt to him for what he had done ! His afternoon, a barn in Westborough, belonging to When the services were finished, as wo left destroyed them in Newfoundland at the time many hard rubs ? It is this drilling which She hastened to the spot from whence the voice had come what she knew herself of music and drawing. whole demeanor, too, took one’s respect and S. T. Fay, was struck by , and a horse And there beheld her father stern, who bids her quick go French and Italian wo learned to read and write the church, I saw the dark-eyed stranger assist­ in it was instantly killed. The barn was set on that he banished them from Ireland. The in strengthens and weighs and tempers and polishes home; ing the Misses Mellen into their carriage. confidence entirely. Before many days I had land lakes and streams aro the homos of vast you ior manly work in the world. ‘ I’d have the girl within the camp, while the serpent lurks with case, hut there was uo one to give us the told him of Annie—how generous she was, how fire by the lightning, and burnt down. Two around, When wc had come a little way toward home numbers of salmon and trout. The resident right pronunciation. lovely every way. I had shown him her picture, calves in tho barn were burnt. The houso ol Nor would I have thee venture forth, while he is on my When wo had been our father's pupils for I recollected that I had felt my prayer-book in population of Newfoundland is about one hun* ground. Patty Andrews, in the same vicinity, was also A W ord to young ladies.—We believe that the pew, so 1 hastened back for it. In my hurry and told him that even that had not a tithe of dred thousand, and nearly every man in the col­ And warriors ’ set a guard around, all things must be se­ more than two years, there came a letter from her actual beauty. 1 had shown him a tress of struck by lightning. Tho electric fluid passed a young lady, by her constant, consistent, Chris­ cure ! I almost ran against some one in the pew—the ony is connected in some way with the fishing Miss Strong, principal of a school of high stand­ her hair, and made him remark its exceeding down the chimney, shattering it to fragments, tian example, may exert an untold power. You I 11 teach the girl to trifle thus ! and banter with iny pride: stranger gentleman ! and what had he in his or seal-hunting business. The island is govern­ Though knr,west well I spurn the race; though shalt not ing in one of the Eastern cities, claiming the and seemed to expend its force in a pot of cream do not know the respect, the almost worship, hand but my prayer-book, and opened at the fly­ length and golden, wavy, lustro. I told him of ed by a representative assembly of fifteen mem­ be his bride !’ right of discharging, in part, an old- time oblig­ the books she best loved, and indeed, did all in that stood in the chimney corner. Miss An­ which young men, no matter how wicked they She silent heard the old man’s threats, lior dared she speuk leaf where my name was written. Then he had bers, with au Executive Council of twelve, ap­ a wo i d ation, by receiving one or both of us into her my power to make him acquainted with her, drews received quite a severe shook, and was may bo themselves, pay to a consistent Chris­ observed Annie, and had taken this way to as­ pointed, like the Governor, by the Crown of She covdd but think, such were her thoughts, as lover’s establishment for as long a time as we could be thereby to make good to him the loss he sustained affected with partial deafness for some time af- tian lady, he she young or old. A gentleman certain her name. However, he did not seem England. breasts oft stirred. spared from home. After much consideration, in her absence. torwards. Another house about a mile distant, once said to a lady who boarded in tho sama The warriors led her to the camp o’erwlielmed witli silent at all disconcerted at being detected, but with a grief, the result was that Annie went for a year and a Three times in the course of the winter, Dr. was also struck, but suffered little . house with him, that her life was a constant cool bow laid down the book, of which I imme­ Ruined iiy Good Luce. The Baltimore Patriot And set a guard about the place, and thus obeyed their half. Before her return, I had begun to feel Temple was in our village again. My father proof of. the Christian religion. Often the ch ief, diately possessed myself, and came away again speaking of Mr. Hazard, the Boston defaulter, i that we were poorer than wo used to be, and my continued to improve, and in the spring his simple request of a young lady will keep a II being late she quick retired, and feigned to he asleep as hastily as I entered. It having been discovered that the United says he drew forty-five thousand dollars, in , The guards much wearied by the huut, soon ceased to vigils busy brain had already devised and rejected as amendment was complete. When asked for his young man from doing wrong. We have known keep. At another time, I should have constructed States steamer Michigan, on the lakes, is one or three different prizes, in a certain lottery. But i impracticable, a thousand schemes for improving bill its amount was so insignificant in compari­ this to be tiie case very frequently; and young With beating heart and noiseless step, lest s’he should thexn from these abundant materials a superb chatcau- two tuns larger than the size allowed by a treaty the Patriot omits to add that forty-five thousand awake our condition. son with what we had expected, that if wo had mum have been kept from breaking the Sabbath, en Espagne, but this was Annie’s last night at between Great Britain and tho United States, people had to be robbed of a dollar each in o r-, She stealthily passed the unconscious guard, and hastened Annie came home. How lovely she seemed not always most carefully kept our poverty to from drinking, from chewing, just because a to the lake. home for a year. Our evening hymn had never and Lord Napier having called the attention of tier to make up the sum of this contribution.— to me ! how beautiful, with her clear hazle eyes ourselves, wo should havo thought Dr. Temple lady whom they respected, and for whom they The Eagle brave she there beholds, who waiting for his and her rich chestnut hair, that when she let it sounded so sweet nor so sad as it did that night. our government to the mattor, orders have been Notwithstanding Mr. Hazard’s lottery luck, he bride, had, perhaps, been aware of it. But then we given to discontinue her in her present capacity. had to steal money, it seems, to keep pace with bad an affection, requested it.—Albany Trans­ With all things ready as she comes, soon o’er the waters down, fell in bright coils to her very feet. And Tho sweetest voice of all would be missing cript. glide, henceforth ! In spite of our efforts to be brave recollected that he did not atfirst come to Clare­ his expenditures! He would have been a richer her head sat so daintily on her neck—a little mont expressly to see my father. Perhaps he Like nn old friend the evening star, who’d watched the lov­ proudly, but she was not proud in the least— the notes were a little tremulous, and so was our man, in tho end, had he never made tho ac­ ers flight had never come expressly for that. I had seen The W ay of the T ransgressor is Hard. The And the broad full moon with cheering rays dispersed the father's voice when he read the evening service. quaintance of a lottery ; and the probability is . We honor the freedom and courage of Dr. the sweet, earnest look of her eyes made you him with those rich but common-place Mellens. Hon. Barker Burnell, formerly State Senator gloom of night, If there was weeping that night, it was all in that, had he never drawn a prize, and thus by ! Wayland, in exposing in the following language But ere they reach the distant shore, that nears them to the sec that. Was it possibly one of those young ladies that from Nantucket county, is now in the chain- secret; for each felt the necessity of upholding sudden wealth been tempted to sudden improvi­ the prevailing emptiness ot a profession of re­ bay, I had rather felt then seen clearly what was drew him here ? I did not like this idea at all, gang at Valparaiso, having been sentenced for A yelj is heard the maid is missed, and sought without delay. the others. dence, he never would have acquired habits that ligion :— amiss in our littlo household. Mr. Wood, a 1 Miss Milly,’ said Hannah Wheeler, one robbing the mail, lie may bo seen daily in the The chief awoke, was it a dream? or has his daughter The next morning, whilo the stars wero yet tempted him to run the risk of the penitentiary ’In thousands of instances the whole of a flown ? lawyer, had been there several tirnos, and there evening in April, as I entered the house with streets of that city, with a ball attached to his ■winking through the maples, with hasty, loving to preserve his standing on 'change. “ What Christain profession amounts to simple this—an H*e hears the scout as they rally forth, the truth to him is had come from the post office some business • my hands full of snow drops and white and leg, working with liis fellow-convicts. He was known kisses, Annie said good-by to as. aud entering comes over tho deil’s hack,” remarks tho old individual is found willing to join the church, looking letters. Once I heard my father say to purple eroeusses, “ that Dr. Temple is come indicted several years since for embezzling the His eyes fire; he grasps his bow, and to the bank he tho stage coach which was to convey her to the Scottish apothegm, “ always goes under liis and is introduced by the pastor perhaps, with fled, my mother that ho was no longer of any use. funds of the Nantucket Bank ; but escaped the railroad station at Keene, she was lost to our again !’ abdomen;” and we never knew a yet, the consent of the deacons. A very lew stere­ ’Twas even thus, he sees them as o’er the lake they sped. I did not hear her reply, hut 1 could guess what ‘ Is he, indeodl’ said I, with undisguised punishment duo to his criino by -‘ leaving his He calls aloud to his fierce band,bids them pursue the twain, whether an “ artist” at faro or a veteran at the otyped leading questions are asked by the pas­ it must he. These items I imparted to my sis­ view. pleasure. ‘ I am glad of it.” country for his country's good.’,— Transcript Arrest them in their flight so swift, and bring them buck I came near feeling desolate. My mother policy and lottery shop, that did not bitterly tor, with a whispered yes or no in reply, a list­ again. ter soon alter her return. However, our con­ ‘ I don't see why you should be glad,’ rejoin­ ‘ I’ll vengeance have ye pale faced dog, your blood the price would havo had me come and 1 io down on the realise, at some day, the truth of the asser­ less non negative vote, the right-hand of fellow­ shall pay jectures were presently ended, for our mother ed Hannah, a little tartly. ‘ They say he is 6ofa in her room, but I feared I should betray East Indies. A new river near to and below tion.— N. Y. Times. ship, a seat at the Lord’s table, the name re­ And you, ye daughter of a chief, shall sadly rue this day,’ unfolded to us the whole affair. A manufactur­ going to he married to that red haired Miss With how sadly I was feeling, and I went to our little corded on the church-book, and they are in the age yell, they skim the wave, each warrior with ing company, at whose head was Mr. Dutton, a Mellon, or else the cross eyed one. If I was Calcutta is now being cleared out by an English his bow bedroom instead. When I had knelt and prayed company and will soon he opened to commerce. O ur Homes.—What is their corner stone hut church—too often on tho shelf. The work seems But all in leading man in our village, had utterly failed, such a wonderful doctor, I would cure her first. they will escape, their gain on them is to God to unite us again in safety and happiness tho virtue of woman, and were do-.-s social well­ now completed.’ slow. Mr. Dutton had borrowed money of every one But he is going to marry one of them this sum­ It is anticipated that a port will spring up there OnceCJore he shouts with I was comforted. It began to grow light.— being rest hut in our homes ? Must wo not nge glee ‘ your arrows quick who had it to lend, among others of my father, mer.’ which will rival Calcutta. let fly. Tiieio, in a little crystal vase, was a bunch of trace all other blessings of civilized life to the j W e’ll have them yet, the maid shall and now, when this money was required to meet ‘ Oh, Hannah ! I exclaimed ; impossible !’ her graceless lover late violets that Annie had gathered the night doors of our dwellings ! Are not our hearth-' Orthography at the Fish Market. Wo no­ die,’ other demands, it not forthcoming. A Further discussion of the question was pre­ Then quickly o’er the silver lake arrows flew thick and fast, before. The room was full of their fragrance. Virginia strawberries foim Norfolk, are selling stones guarded by the holy forma, conjugal, filial, ticed at the “ fish stall ” at the end of the mortgage of the premises we lived upon had cluded by the appearance at the front gate of They pierced the heart of the Eagle bold, and soon he There were tho volumes of Mrs Browning’s at $1,00 per quart in New York. and paternal love, the corner stone of church Bridge, a sign partly completed, which in its un­ breathed his last. heen'effbeted, which averted the immediate pres­ Dr. Temple himself. I was glad it was a little poems, which Annie would leave, because, as and State, more sacred than either, moro neces­ finished state reads thus: “ Hollob—” . The Chickawauka beholds her lover slain, aud looking toward sure. But our mother told us, with a sad smile dusk, for I dare say I should have looked con­ the sky she said, sho knew them almost by heart, and I sary than both 1 Let our temples crumble, and occupant brought to market, one day last week, that we must hold ourselves in readiness, if fused. One always does when the person of Begs the Great Spirit gently deign, to hear her mournful cry. loved them so much. There was her prayer- Patrick Shea, an Irishmin, 00 years of age, capituls of State be leveled with dust, but spare a line halibut, and thereupon commenced get­ ‘ And mother dear in tb.e Land of Dreams, methinks I see need were, to remove to the farm in Surrey.— whom one is speaking comes unexpectedly. thee now book, which sho had exchanged for mine ; and fell dead io tho street in Bangor on Thursday. our homes. Let no Socialist invade them with ting out liis “ shingle.” hut before it was com­ We would willingly live there, we said. W e ‘ My father and mother are gone away to­ With sparkliug coronet of gems upon thy shining brow, her writting-desk, prettier than my own, but his wild plans of community. Man did not in­ pleted the fish was sold ; and the unfinished an­ The great Maneto hushed thy voice, then came a joyous were young and strong, and we could and we night,’ I said, by way of conversation, as, de­ which eho would leave, because it stood always vent, and cannot improve or abrogate them.— nouncement remains to be perfected.—Exchange band, would earn money. And that 6amo night, after clining the chair I plaied n.-artho fire, he seated There were heavy frosts and ice at Ellsworth And bore the in their magic car, to dwell in fairy lund in one particular place, and the room would A private shelter to cover in two hearts dt-aier we went to bed, our plan was formed. Annie himself beside me on the sofa. 60iue nights last week. Oh Mother,! in that happy dime, are there no passions look more natural with it there. to each other than ail the world ; high walls to wild, would go South and teach ; Miss Strong would • I know it,’ lie said. ‘ 1 came to see you, Sunrise brought with itllm nah Wheeler, exclude the profane eyes of every humam being; Croup.—A medical correspondent of the New Like these whir h burst with frantic rage, upon thy helple: aid her in obtaining a situation ; I would stay Milly.’ child ? our new servant ; no flaunting young maiden, ' seclusion enough lor children to feel that moth Ilamps,lire Journal of Medicine states that for at home, and with Hannah Wheeler’s assistance ‘ Indeed ! then you shall be rewarded.’ And A house in Camden, owned bv Benjamin Are there no whirlwinds of the heart? No strong resistless but a demure matron. Tidy, dexterous, and Crandon, was destroyed by lire on Thursday. ’ or is a holy and peculiar name—this is home : three years he has used alum in the croup, and power would relieve my mother of domestic cares. I gave him tho flowers I was still holding, lie deft she to >k so readily to toe ways of the house, and this is lira birth-plies of every secret in ail that time he has not seen a fatal case That like the scorching mid-day-sun withers the tender The very next day a letter was written to took them, and the hand that held them, flower ? that my office was well nigh a sinecure. In ad­ ' thought. Here the chore i aud State most c-one which was treated with it from the b -ginning. Alas ! they’V'C borne her from my sight,she cannot hear my Miss Strong, and it was tho final arranging of On the 18th inst. the house and stable of Mr lie usu 41y gives ah air. ten grains once in ten moan dition to her other excellent traits, sho was an ‘ I have been many times before to seo you,’ for their origin and rupp-it Oil ! spaie our this affair which we so eagerly looked for on he said. 1 W hat shall be iny recompense for Eben Woodbury of Houlton, Me., together with minutes, until vomiting is induced, u.-ing at the Her home is now among the blest, and I am nil alone ! every arrival of the muil. incomparable gossip. Arrivals, departures, I homes ! The love we experience there, gives I’ll stay no lc nger ! I’ll come to thee ! dear Edgar bids me weddings, funerals, quarrels, and reconciliations, that ?’ about $400 worth of sleighs, robes, &c., were i our faith an infinite goodness ; the purity and same time larlar emetic or llive syrup iieelv ; come. And this brings me back to our beakfast.— Hannah was au fa it to all ; and being not chary ‘ Me?’ I said, simply beeauao I did not know destroyed by lire. Whole loss $1000; ! disinterestedness of our home is our foretaste the latter subduing the inflamution, while the His bride I’ve ever vowed to be, aud now I’ll hasten home.’ Our father praised the coffee and the biscuits, Then kneeling by the Eagle’s side, she pressed a burning of her treasures, she kept me also very well in­ what to sav. I and our earnest of a better world. In relations alum has more of a repulsive action. kiss, and when the meal was over, which, according A gentleman who is just returned from a j there established and fostered, do we find Upon his clay cold lids; and deem’d twas pledge of future to our wont, was cheerful, I removed the break­ formed. ‘ Yourself, Milly ; nono other' Did you not bliss. * A fortnight after Annie’s departure, two let­ know it? ’ somewhat extensive trip through Upper Canada, i through life the chief solaco of existence. fast things, and left Annie to unfold her project. Some one entered the offico of the Gospel ‘ I come to meet thee now she cried, upon that peaceful ters arrived, of which this is one : 1 answered honestly that I did not. informs the Rochester Democrat that nothing shore She came out half an hour afterward, looking Banner, Augusta, last week, and disarranged j A gentleman having a large-sized six shooter W here lurking thorns that wound us here, are felt and feared happy, though a little tearful. “ Dear Madam Circumstances require my And then, in the pleasant spring evening, he exceeds the promise of the wheat crop there; the motto of that paper so that it read “ In the no more, and unless some evil, now unexpected, shall be­ in his hand, was asked : — No more shall anguish wruig ray heart, mine eyes be • Will they let you go ?' I asked. presence in your vicinity early the ensuing week. told me how I had never been absent from liis name of our God we will upset our Banner.”— drowned in tears This route through Claremont will he quite as mind since tho morning I saw him in the church, fall it, there will be an unusually bountiful har­ I “ Fray, sir ! is that a horse pistol?” The editor takes tho matter with Christain cool­ • Yes, they will let me go. Miss Strong’s let­ I “ No, sir!” he replied, “ it’s only a colt’s. A land where roses ever bloonL, now to my sight appears, convenient to me as any other. I will call at He had never had a thought of the Misses Mel­ vest the present season. ness. I see thy spirit in the air—it seums to chide my stay— ter has done, us good servico, She tells our « We have been requested to give place to R iot at W ashington. LATER FROM EUROPE. NEWS ITEMS. i W ashington, June 2. A large meeting was £Ije ‘gtorfdauti © ajtttf, WIGGIN, the following, and although we have not a suffi W ashington, June I. (N. Y. Times Special - ■ - " ! held here to-night, in front of the City Hall.— ient knowledge of the matter to warrant us in Correspondence.) Our city to-day bus been A rrival of the C anadian, The Lewiston Journal says that a city m is-1 Th® BPeake™ were Gen McCalla Dr Clayton, Druggist and Apothecary, sionary visited an unhappy young man confined i and Councilman Lloyd, all of the American giving it our editorial endorsement as a “ citi­ the scene of tho most intenso excitement, riot Quebec, June 1. •Thursday Evening, June 4, 1857. and bloodshed. A gang of organized rowdies in jail in that place for a State prison crime.— i w^° 3P°kc of killing citizens by the NO. 4 SPEAR BLOCK. zens ” movement, (this being the first intima­ •ome 50 in number, called the “ Plug Uglies,” Steamship Canadian has arrived, with Liver­ In course of conversation, the puor culprit said,! aB*v|nes> daJ election, as a cruel, cow- (Recently occupied by J. C. MOODY.) tion of this anticipated “ freu uud easy ” .time pool dates of May 20, (our days later. Laoture by John B. Gough. irrived here this morning from Baltimore, for with tears running down his cheeks, “ Sir, I had1 ardD,’ u"d blo°dl-v m"0300™ of the innocent; DEALER IN which has reached us,) yet we very willingly the purpose of defeating the Democratic ticket, Liverpool Cotton market is quiet and unchang­ a good home education ; it was mv s/reeZ educa- ! and of ‘ COhdact the Executive authomies PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMI- ed. Sales of the three days 16,000 bales. This eloquent and able champion of the temper­ -ive our “ free and easy” friend (who. by the ind keeping citizens from the polls. They di lion that ruined me ; I used to slip out the house i a.3 trampling under foot the sacred rights of the cala, Perfumery nnd Fancy Good*. -ided their forces, and part of them made a de- Breadstuffs generally steady. and go off with the boys in the street. In the j '“?• and aw and order- — ance cause addressed u full audience at tho Tre­ way, is a bona-fide “ citixen ’’) the benefit ol Provisions were without any change. moastratio l at the first preeinct of the 4th Ward street ■ I • learned - to -lounge ; in the street -I learn - 1 reliininary measures have been taken to PAPER HANGINGS. WINDOW CUR­ mont Temple, Boston, on Sunday evening last, The London money market is unchanged.— bring the mutter to a judiciul investigation. our circulation, with a ‘‘ heave ahead” with ind another at the 2d Ward polls. At the lat­ ed to swear ; in the street I learned to smoke ; TAINS, fireboabds a*nd borders. upon the subject of the effect which social ter place their interlerance soon caused a row, Consols 93 3-4 a 93 7-8. in the street I learned to gamble ; in the street The Mayor’s conduct was severely condemned your— The Manchester market was dull. At Bir ROCKLAND, ME. drinking custome in respectable society hud in and some fifteen or twenty shot were fired. A 1 learned to piller. Oh, sir, it is in the street by the meeting, which separated with cheers Oct. 22, 1856. A3lf Free and Easy Celebration. mingham the market was steady, with a goud and groans. The community is still feverish on forming an appetite for intoxicating liquoro young man named John Ougelev was shot in the ihe devil lurks to work the ruin of the young.” Ridiug iu au Omnibus. The citizens of Rockland and vicinity contem­ knee. The citizens of this Ward then turned American demand. The woolen manufactures Let hoys take warning. the subject of tho riot. among the young. We append a few sentences have Bligbtly improved. Irish linen market As we were going down town in the Omnibus, opposite plate having a good free and easy time on the out with arms and drove the rioters off. it u young and beautiful lady, we could not help admiring from the Journal's abstract of this address : heavy. Florida P orts.—Shipmaster and charterers such beauty, until we saw gray hair mixed with the black, Fourth of July. The Fantastics are expected At this time a desperate row had commenced St. Louis, June 2. The Leavenworth Herald “ • • • He commended theorizing it the first precinct of the 4th Ward, the Paris letters report the discount market easy, of vessels to Florida Bhould understand that all which seemed to break the charm, the remedy for those witu a better supply of money on the Bourse. of the 30th, learns from a person who left Salt gray hairs would be the Alpine Hair Balm, which is war­ and advising against drunkenness, su far as the\ to pay us their annual welcome visit in (In ■‘ Plugs” being reinforced by the “ Rip-Raps ” the bays, inlets, rivers and waters within the Lake on the 15th, that great excitement existed ranted in a short time to turn gray hair to its original color, It is rumored that the bank of France has made county of Nassau, ate, by a recent act of Con­ be it Black, Brown or Auburn. See advertisement. were calculated to da good ; but he preferred morning and we understand that there will come and ‘‘ Chunkers ” of this city. urnong the Mormons, and many outrages were working and sacrificing, in the cause of temper­ A terrible attack was made on the Anti-Know a new contract for gold. gress, embraced in a new collection district, off on the Rockiand Trotting Park, splendid Reports from Madrid announce that at an in­ commtted by them. Brigham Young was driv­ o s ance, much more. Lord Palmerston was ol Nothing voters, with pistols, bowie knives and called the “ District of Fernandina.” This in­ trotting and running Matches in the forenoon, terview between the Mexican and Spanish For­ ing all the Gentiles away Judge Stiles, the U. similar opinion when he offended the Genera! stones and they were driven from tho polls. cludes the Florida side of tho St. Mary’s river, S. Marshal, and the Surveyor General, with H.ST EXTERiflt^WlTOR As.embly ot the Church of Scotland by an­ and in the afternoon there is to be a grand re- IL B. Owen, one of tho Commissioners, had eign Ministers, the basis of an arrangement of and, of course, all the mills oa that side are A Spurious Coin is never Counterfeited. the Mexican difficulty was made. a large number of emigrants, bad already left swering their application to the government to itta, in which all classes of small sail vessels, lis band shattered by a pistol shot, embraced in the new district, and all vessels The Spanish invading squudron still remained and others were burring away. The Good and True only are thus honored. ordain a day of fasting and humiliation because A Kloffer received a spent tall in the fore­ bound to those landings will enter and clear at PARSON’S |,0 flics to New York. St. Louis Kansas last fall are returning having been dis- to their advantage to call nt the store of SOOTHING SYRUP- pressure of advertisements and of *• news-mat­ food to last them until after harvest, and ap- Houston, hack to New Orleans, thence to gusted with the country. , E. 4-J. HARRIS, world, three questions; • * » » who will tilt 23tf Opposite the Thorndike Hotel. 100 Gross for sale by the State Agent, ter ” already in type, which latter, by the way, pointed agents to procure the loan, pledging • por[ Gibson in the Cherokee Nation, where he Twenty nine were baptised in the First Bap­ a piano, without touching it, or cause a chair to their county orders payable in one year from 1]t8 u on letterS fr01u p ratt to Mrs. McLean, MILLER’S C. YV. A T W E L L , P ortlan d , State Agent. move a foot, placed as we will place it, and with '3 9U'^0 113 lnucb value as our editorials, and tist Church in Concord, N. II., the two last date, with seven par ceut interest- his lathless wife. He takes out a writ lor the Sabbaths, some fifteen others are expected to be C. P. FESSENDEN nnd N. WIGGI V, Agents for Rock­ a committee of scientific gentlemen to arrange wLerewli.Ii we know you will be as well content A gentleman sent Irom Detroit with means to ,,rreat of the guilty parties, has them arrested CONDITION POWDERS land and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine gen- baptised next Sabbath. In the Second Baptist | erally. I2tf the experiments.” ed' illeviate the distress at the North, writes that anj brought before the Commissioner lor exami- Church about twenty have been baptised. Ite had conversed with families there who have THE BEST MEDICINE FOR illation. By some means Pratt is discharged. ENNEDY'S DISCOVERY. Tfie genuine is Mr. H. F. Gardner has accepted this chai- i only forty pounds of flour in the house, and this He mounts his horse and makes oil, hut is pur­ Sudden Deafh of a Naval Officer. Ycster- -CT.__.___ „ . Kfor sale by lenge, on condition that the party making the The New Cents. We have them—by the po- was borrowed,—no meat, no butter, no meal, sued hy McLean and shot dead. day afternoon, just after the conclusion of the » e i i —C i L / O l t S . lGlf C P FESSENDEN proposition will consent to permit all the con- IHeness of W . J . Bond of Henderson & Co s and only a few potatoes, those for seed. At Such are the briefest outlines of this rnelun- religious services on hoard the U. S. frig-! For sale Wholesale anti Retail bv one house the mother, with six little children, ate Cumberland, Charlestown Mass., Lieut J C. P. FES3EXDEN, A WORLD RENOWNED REMEDY! ditions of the arrangements for the trial come Express, ■ H- Carey of Bryant’s Express, chuly aff ,ir—yet embracing seduction, polygamy Only Agent for Rockland. said, “ my husband has no money, can g>-t no kidnapping and murder, as only a part ot its Albert Allmand, fell upon the deck in an apo-; within the scope of those natural laws within Lovejoy of Ilodgman & Co s. Express, HOBENSACR’S WORM SYRUP work ; we have but little flour and that is all.” heinous offenses to God and in.in. Can a system pleetic fit, and expired in about an hour. Lieut. WIGGINS which spiritualists bel'eve spirits to be confined j —and ^ate -sew Englar d and California papers Here the tears filled the poor woman’s eyes. comprehending such rottenness and corrupiton, Allmand was a native of Virginia, and had been 100 GROSS for sale by the State Agent. in producing the manifestations alluded to. The f 'ianks gpntleinen of the Express, and may you Another gentleman speaks of meeting an old stand! Human nature cannot endure it—hy in the servico since 1841. His age was about EXCELSIOREYE WATER. C. W. ATWELL, Portland, State Agent. man coming down to Clinton county for food for its own inherent laws, it will vindicate itself in thirty years, C. P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN, Agents for always be on the s-cent for something new or A SURE CURE FOR challenger does not object to this and the trial, his family. He btates that he had a wife and one way or another. If enactments and p jice „„ T- -. j u. . * Rockland, and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine which is anticipated with interest, will probably useful for the printer. six children entirely destitute, that he had a prove insufficient, the very instincts of liumani- d le , Ynlt.edr,^tates, steaal f"g a*'0 Niagara INFLAMED AND WEAK EYES, generally. good crop of wheat in the ground, 120 acres of ty will tise up to the rescue. Even within the j feac'le,l Deal, England, on the loth mat., niak- soon take place. Put up and for sale by the gross or single bottle at land worth $5 per acre, nnd that he would sell pale of the sect-no matter how powerfully -HS th0 passage m seventeen days Ihe great i c HJCOA uud Shells lor sale nt We invite the attention of purchasers to No, 3 Spear Block. 16tf ) 5 Kimball Block. forty acres of it fir $00, and take it all in prov­ guarded-the elements of rebellion will breed : 0st dl3ta" cc ran, one. da/ WaS 304 mil03> The Rockland, June 1,1857. 3in23 K3- Rev. Mr. Kailoch preached in this city tllB advertisement of Messrs. Berry & Rich isions. There are many more similar cases. and burst into life. Man is not a demon, and i E arner Vanderbilt arrived at Cowes on the lath on Sunday last, occupying the pulpit of Rev. ARDaoN in to-day s paper. They have jnst put there are principles within him which cannot be makiog the run in less than ten days, Rockland Band. Mr. Thomas in the forenoon, and that of Rev. in a larSe and fresh assortment of spring and r y Our table is graced, and our sanctum creeded and tyrannized wholly out ol him. And Cn Sunday, the upper part of a large wooden rp m s BAND having recent’v furnished themselves with i an entire new sett of INSTRUMENTS, and made Mr. Batler in the afternoon. The 1st. Baptist | summer goods, consisting of the best styles and made doubly pleasant this miming, by a beau­ much as we deplore such scenes of violence, yet building on Fore street, Portland, was destrov- even between passions, between brutalities, I e at his old stand. We large quantities ; they will easily deceive persons Rockland, May 28, 1857. 6 1 Gordon, to Miss Ano Sarah Hall, both of Thorndike. Also J. G. Hovey & Co., tho celebrated Pyrotech­ by same, March 15th, Mr. Alfred 11. Clark, to Miss Judith invite attention to his advertisement in another oy illed iiy a orse at a casual glance, but heing of pewter, like all OPINIONS OF REGULAR PHYSICIANS. G. Mosier, both of Unity. on Monday, after a session of 140 days. The B K H . At Camden, on the nists, have been appointed hy the City of Bos­ n i . . i i In New Casile, 7th inst., Mr. David Em m ersonio Miss that kind of coin, hate a greasy feel andslumpy Exeter, Me., Sept. 30. longest legislative session known in the State column. 20th ult., a small boy of Mr. Win. Midkiff, ton to supply the tire works for the coming Julia Matthews sound that any boy will recognize. This certifies that I have wommended the use of W 19- Iu Augusta, Mr. W n , McCormack to Miss Maria T. Du- was that of IS50, which continued 150 days.— — — — — — -■ while playing about a horso in a pasture, re- Fourth of July. They received from the Mass­ T A R ’S BALSAM OF W ll.lrCHERIt Y fur diseases of tile B ’w ° i L thron. gill, all of this place. of last year. The average length of the legis­ nati Gazette of Monday says that John Jolliffe, frozen spray and snow, 50 feet in solid thickness onlv patent medicine to which 1 have ever given my public gant,” and we think, from appearances, that recommendation, I shall not be suspected by the candid of The bounteous manner in which this office was remem­ lative sessions in Massachusetts, since the year Esq., a lawyer of that city, extensively known under the American side of the Fall at Niagara. giving rash or precipitate testimony.’ bered on the above occasion, entitles the happy couple to our ladies appreciate them. *,* E legant Tapestry and Velvet Carpets, at as tho friend and advocate of the slave in cases A heavy rock thrown upon them makes no more SETH W. FOWLE «fc GO., 138 Washington Street Bos­ the thanks of the typos. May they live four thousand three- •1831, is 10G days, not including the extra ses­ ton, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. hundred and sixty-six years, four months and nineteen days, Low P rices—See the advertisement in our pa- arising under the fugitive slave law, was on Sat­ impression than upon bard ice. and may prosperity and happiness attend theim— The North sions, which since that time have been three in Agents for Wistar’s Balsam and Oxgenated Bitters,—C. 1 per of the New England Carpet Company of urday last mobbed iu Covington, Ky.. and driveD P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN, Rockland: A. West. [A young tnan of talent, enterprise and growing influence number, amounting to only 40 davs. It is an E stablished Fact that Dr. San- g03t0n out of the town. The Democratic Convention of Maine, for the SWEETLAND, Rockport; J. II. ESTABROOK, Camden; nomination of a candidate for Governor, will he WM. COOK, and G. I. ROBINSON Thomaston. 2w23 at the West has found that “ good thing” spoken of in the ford's Invigorator will cure Liver Complaint, ______Proverbs of Solomon, and receives the above unique con­ The Maine Convention of Universalists held iu Portland on the 13th of June. gratulation, at the hands of a brother Editor and political Jaundice, and General Debility. Many people, The New Custom at Elihworth. The Ad- C. P. FESSENDEN^ opponent. We are pleased to tender the happy pair our Drowned.—On Wednesday last a man named own congratulations. May their family tree put forth many will hold its annual session at tho Universalist vestiser states that the foundation walls of the ! TnE “ Suspicious Vessel.” —The mystery personally known to us, whose word caDnot be Win. R. Howard was drowned at Nicolaus.— fruitful branches, and may their shadow never be less.—Ed. church in this city, on Tuesday, IV ednesday and . dou|,tedj i]av0 giyen their certificates to prove new Custom House in that town, now in process i with which a telegraphic dispatch from IVash- Gazette.J He was a respectable man, fifty-two years of Thursday, the 23d, 24th, and 25th days ol the and aacp, a mas3 of ovidence who can of erection, have been pronounced insufficient to ington has enveloped the movements of the brig Druggist and Apothecary, age, and latterly from Maine, where he leaves a build upon, uud are to be taken down and re- Mary Cobh, says the Baltimore Sun, is explained present month. The occasion will doubtless be dou|jt wife and two children. . , built. by the fact that the brig took a load of granite NO. 5 KIM BALL BLOCK. one of much interest to the friends of the de- j t js tru[v tij0 jnTOijd’a friend, and will give —— ------at an Eastern port for tlie capitol at Washing- ROCKLAND, ME. nomination in this city and vicinity. | wh(jn- aU Qther remedieg faiJ> Qnd in gom0 Murder. In Woonsocket, R. I., on Sunday ■ New Orleans. June 1. Gen. Walker left tl>n> "nd has been for ?BTBral dll?s !I.nce 8,10 dis- In Newburyport, Ma\ 25th, Capt. Wnx Tatq, formerly evening, a man named Riley murdered his wire i |,ere to-day for Washington, by tho river route : charged her cargo, waiting to take in wood ior CANFORD’S Invigorator by of this city, aged 62 years, 11 mos. D 16tf G P FESSENDEN, Agent. instances that have come under our observation by bieaking her skull with a fiat-iron. He nt-[ ^ t our municipal election to-dav there was :the Port wll0nco 8'10 . ed- “ eanttme a gang At sea, on his voyage from Liverpool to New York, The American Agriculturist for June is re­ eighteen days out, Capt. Nicholas P. Warren, of Belfast, it seems the means of snatching its victim from tempted the same deed last fail, nnd also cut his I no opposition to the American ticket. ! of caulkers have been innocently pursuing their Master of the ship “ Northern Chief.” ceived. Every one who has a farm or a garden own throat last summer. Ugly disp ositions, ______| avocation iu “ filling up chinks ; hence the 1 JERRICK’S Sugar Coated Pills, for sale by In Searsport, 2lth inst., Maria L., daughter of Jonathan the grave; we wish all our leaders who need ■I J 16tf C P FESSENDEN, Agent. and Sarah Smart, aged 20 years 11 months 4 day9. should subscribe for this excellent agricultural medicine would try one bottle, for it will surely In Frankfort, Feb. 18th, Mr. George W. Trudy, aged 29 paper. Only one dollar a year. Specimens DREAM of Lillies at years. Also May 18th, Mr. George Trudy, aged 73 years. give relief. (See Advertisement.) • V 16tf No 5 Kimball Block. In Belmont, May 6th, very sudden of bleeding at the Biay be seen at this office. S 5 Lunge, Mrs. Lydia, wife of Mr. John While of Belmont, Ankle Ties. N -3 E J-W S. K. WHITING, aged bo rears 25 days. . - “And still they Come.” Pure Bourbon Whiskey. Ill Stillwater, Min., A. D. Grecly,formerly of Me. MISSES and Children’s Patent Leather and QTATE ASS AYER’S OFFICE, 16 BOYDS- N E W G O O D S , COMMISSION MERCHANT, In 8l. George, 21st. Mrs. Almira W., wife of Capt. Roger SINCE MY LAST BULLETIN, D I Kid Ankle Tiea. 0 TON STREET, Boston, May 20, 1857. CHEAP CLOTHING Biekinore, aged 24 years 4 months. BERRY 4; RICHARDSON. AXD REAL ESTATE BROKER, In Cushing, Mat 20th, of consumption, Ilortcnse U., HAVE received additional evidence of the Rockland. June 3, 1857. 23tf H. C. T iiacheb, E sq., 13 Central wharf Boston. J . W A T T S , daughter of Titos. C. aud Levina A. Kelleran, aged 17. Dear sir:—With this you will receive the detailed re­ wonderful effeets of my GENERAL AGENCY, INTELLIGENCE, AND I To the Hon. Beder Fales, Judge o f Probate, sults of analysis of two samples of Bourbon Whiskey, CORNER MAIN AND PLEASANT STREET, SEA SICKNESS REMEDY. manufactured by Mr. J. H. Cutler, of Lousville, Ky. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, m a r i n e j o u r n a l W m. Battie, Esq., a prominent Lawyer, in thia city within andfor the County o f Lincoln. It will be seen that these Whiskies are pure and una­ IT AS just returned from Boston, and offers at JQL a small profit for cash, a general assortment of Maiu Street, Rockland, Me. has just received a letter from his friend, Mr. Thompson, fJ.EO. J. BURNS Administrator of the Estate dulterated, and entirely free from any mineral or vegeta­ T ’HE Subscriber has just opened with a NEW who writes “ The bottle of Cook’s Sea Sickness Remedy, ble drug or poison, and as such I can recommend them for Consignments solicited. Business attended to with PORT OF ROCKLAND^ you bought for me, was entirely successful, my wife, was of J , J. BURNS, late of Rockland in said County, medicinal use. Respectfully, Gr rocG 3?iess. X STOCK of deceased, respectfully represents, that the Personal Estate A. A. HAYES, M. D., promtness and fidelity. quite sea sick, on board of the boat. I gave her some ol Also Gents’ aud Ladies Rockland, May 7, 1857. 19tf the remedy ami she was entirely cured of it.” of the said deceased is net sufficient by the sum of five -Assayer to State of Mass. Arrived. hnndred dollars to answer the just debts and charges of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, Mr. E. Harris, of the popular firm of E. & J. Harris, QTATE ASSAYER’S OFFICE, 32 SOMER- Clothing, Hats, Caps May 23th, schrs Bangs, Swett, Boston; Chance, Haskell, Administration : he therefore prays that he may be em­ extensive dealers in Cloth’s, Clothing, &c , in this city, powered and licensed to sell and convey so much of the O SET STREET, Boston, May 20, 1857. AND Fishing Tackle. do; Wm Gregory, Bucklin, do; Lucy Blake, Shaw, Fort- informed me, that he was completely cured of sea sickness, laud; Hurd Wood, do; Hector, Snow, Saco; Bay State, Real estate of the said deceased as may be sufficient to H. C. T iiacher, Esq., 13 Central wharl, Boston. Domestic Dry Goods, f \F every description at No. 2 Beethoven on board ot boat, last week, by using two doses of the raise the suid suin with incidental charges. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS &c., V Block. Terrill, Bangor; Lion, Hix, Salem. 29th sell R B Fitts, remedy. Evidence like this must convince the most skep­ Dear sir :—1 have made a chemical analysis of the sam ­ EARTHEN, STONE, and WCODEN WARES. Pendleton, NVork. 30th, sells Ella, Ulmer, Hix Isle for N G. J. BURNS. ple of •* Old Bourbon Whiskey ’ you brought to me, made Rockland, May 14, 1S57. 20lf where the tical, that my remedy is what I assert it to be, v i z a 19tf York; Wm Woodbury, Higgins, Boston. 31st, schrs Ever­ positive and never failing cure for Sea Sickness. by John H. Culler of Lousville Ky., and find that it is free ett, Odaway, Boston; Concordia, Nash, do; Massachusetts, F, G. COOK, Discoverer and Proprietor, LINCOLN, SS.—At a Probate Court, held at Rockland from all poisonous matters, and has 49 ger cent of absolute Keliar, do; Pilot, Lasselle, do; M Farnsworth, Everett, Sa­ City Drug Store, ROCKLAND, Me. within and for the County of Lincoln, on the 28lh day ol Alcohol in it—and about 4 ounces of Saccharine matter to Soap, Soap. NAKED FULL assortment of Sheet Music for sale lem, O Cowl, Smith, d t; Alnomak, Tate, Newburyport; June 3, 1857. 23tf May A. D. 1857. On the foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the gallon. It is n pure and unadulterated Liquor, suita­ PRANE’S, Colgate’s, assorted Toilet, Curtis inay clothe themselves at lower prices than at any other A at No. 2 Beethoven Block. brig Henry Leeds, Grant, do; schrs Lucy Ames, Ames, the said Petitioner give notice to all persons interested in ble for medicinal use. STORE in this city, and there the Poitsmouth; Juno, Walsh, do; Uncle Sam, Farnham, do; said Estate, that they may appear at a Court of Probate, L? Davis’, Superior Transparent, Chemical Olive, Coop­ S. K. WHITING, Respectfully your obedient servant, 19tf Commission Meichant. Joseph Farwell, Packard, Hallowell; Pearl, Ingraham, to be holden at Wiscasset within and for said County, on CHARLES T. J a CKSON. M. D., er’s, Winchester, Dickerson 7 3 - •• i AlJ persons who wish to purchase, will save money by New aud Desirable THE BEST FRUIT CAN. Blank Books made to order. Botanic Physician. cotta) Stetson, Liverpool; Pacific, Gadd, NOrleans; brig Rockland, May 5, 1857. 19lf calling at Black Swan. Dodge, I’once, PR. No. 1 Spofford Block. id- 5 £ S 5 s 5 S 2 « ! ^ “ 'S 124 Hanover St., Boston. Z, Z Z, L, J Z B > i. £. Ar 31st. ships Odessa, (of Damariscotta) Barstow; Benj STYLES OF It is the Cheapest It requires neither , I 3m 15 E. C. STEVENS. Adams, Chase, and Ironsides, Curtis, Liverpool; M tr 5 and PURAPPING Paper, nil sizes and qualities r u X X - f t No Monopoly. Bradford, (of Warren) Thompson, London; brig Triphenia, WAX, SOLDER, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY MOST DURABLE CEMENT, ’ ’ for sole ut * SHEAR’S, (of New Haven; Maxwell, St Barts. BRYANT’S AND YANKEE NOTIONS NEW ORLEANS—Cld 23d,ships Screamer, Snow, Liv­ SUMMER GOODS in the world nor Boors, Sash, and Blinds. erpool; Polar Star, Pearson, and Lanerk, Magoun, Boston. i RUBBER RINGS Sargent’s EStadcrs. are all lept in a large variety Below, 24th, ship Hamburg, Williams, from Havre. No to seal it. I would state to my coslomers that my aim will he to af­ — OF— ll, SPEAR will sell Sargeant’s Readers at INDEPENDENT EXPRESS. ford to every buyer of BARROW’S & EWELL, Ar 25th, ship Granite State. Weeks, Liverpool: sch LEAD SCREWS, pRATTS • Bostou prices by wholesale. Louisa Dyer, Jameson. Rockland. It closes with a UtTOULD inform the citizens of Rockland and SPRING HASP, E BANGOR, ROCKLAND AND BOSTON. B R Y G O O D S Towed to sea I9th, ship Sarah Purrington. EVERY VARIETY the facility at once and at all times, to find at my estab­ ’ ’ vicinity that they are engaged in the manufacture WRENCHES and is so sintpk School Books. ' EAVES Rockland lor Boston, every Monday of the above named articles, in R ock ville at the beau are used in this that any one can lishment, the greatest variety, all tile Latest and most at­ of Lake Chikawaukie, three miles from R ocklnud, Opening this day R. SPEAR keeps constantly on hand a -J ami Thursday at 5 o’clock, P. M., per Steamer tractive Styles. CAN manage it I where they are prepared to execute orders for any of the FOREIGN PORTS. • large assortment of oil kinds of School Books which M. Sanford. Rockland, May 7, 1857. 19tf above work at very short notice. Proprietors for the United States, E will he sold at wholesale or retail. 20tf Ar at St John, NB, 29th ult, barque Katharinn, Crocker, PRATT’S PATENT SAFETY LAMP A FEEDER Money, Packages. Orders &c., In addition to which, are prepared to do a variety of Boston : sells Arno, Giles. Providence; Southerner, Mann. M A N ’J F A C T U It IN G C O M P A N Y , taken and delivered and B ills and Notes collected with A T C O S T , J O B W O R K , Bo-lou : 31st, ships Win F Storer, (Joinery, d o ; Ocean promptness and dispatch Belle, Kelleran, 1 hiladelphia; schs Philip Gilkey, Gilkey, OLD STAND OF B. W . LOTHROP. 166 BLOADWAY, N. Y. Paper Hangings. such as Agents for the Company. Offices—Store of PIERCE £4,20. ^S S . Great Panoramas h-l City Undertaker. Also a good assortment of PORTLAND, MAINE. Rhubarb, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c. Black and Fancy Doeskin Pants, Mix’d Doeskin, Casai Tubs, Pails, Clothes and Sawhorses, Brooms, mere, Satineli and business Pants. Eh 'T'lIE subscriber l aving been appointed Gitj ! Comprising lire best roots Herbs ami Harks, in'tire world Undertaker, would give notice to the public that all! Which have been so much admired J- Door Mats, ^-c., ct., 50ct., and $1,00 bo’tles. Carriages Made, Repaired or Painted to For Tetter, Scald Head, Ring Worms, Erysipelas sores, confident that ours is the the very place to buy cheap aud “ “ “ J. LIND “ SANDERSON & LANERGAN, Buy a Bottle aud convince yourself that you cannot O rder. shaving sores and pimples, is has been found an invalua good articles. “ French Kid Sl.ll’i ERS. live without it in your house. COLLARS, SLEEVES, FLOUNCINGS, “ “ “ BUSKINS. ble remedy. TT All iu want of C lothing, and desirous to get their Manufacturers, aim Pyotechnists to City of Boston. Or­ ' AltKER, St. George, Maine, Sole Agent and Pro­ EXPRESS WAGONS, &C., &.C., &c. “ KID BUSKINS, all qualities. prietor. 201 f C. W. ATWELL, Deering Block, Portland, General money’s worth, iu full,arc most respectfully invited to call Mi-ses’ ami Children’s BOO l’S and SHOES, all qualities. ders solicited. Address upon HOLDEN, CUTTER & CO., CONCORD STILE WAGONS Agent. Gents’ and Boss’ Calf Foxed and Patent Leather C O N -i ilght and heavy, and i Some beautiful SWISS COLLARS for 50 cts E. A J. HARRIS, GRESS BOOTS. 6w22 15 and 17 Kilby St., Bostoi:. C. P. FESSENDEN, and N. WIGGIN, Agents for Opposite the Thorndike Hotel. A Great Bargain. Gents’ Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Ties. BUGGY WAGONS Rocklmd, and sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine Rockland, June 3, 1857. 23tf Gents’ and Boys’ French Calf Boots auil Shoes. A COTTAGE house, finished , in the best of for sale as ahi J. \V. BROWN, I. 000.000Bottles Sold! Rockland, March 19, 165' 3ml2 ally 14tf •1 Kerry'* Bloch. “ “ “ Black and Drab Cloth Gaiters. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853, by fY style, ami pleasantly situated on Park Street, will “ “ “ and Youths’ Goat, Calf, Kip and G rain' Rockland, April 2 0 ,1S57. J , R ussell Spalding, iu the Clerk’s Office of he sold at a bargain if application is soon made to FRANCIS HARRINGTON BROGANS. the District Court of Massachusetts. S. K WHITING, Th? Eastern Express Ge., PEEMIiJM FIRE WORKS! All of which will be sold ut the very Lowest Cask Real Estate Broker, No. 2 Beethoven Block. MANUFACTURER OF Prices. J.U Infringements mill be dealt uit/i according to Law Rockland, May 14, 1857. 20?f J. G. HOVE! P. s. A large lot of Ladies’ and Misses’ Gaiter Boots i BLOCKS & BUM PS, Received from the Mass. Char. Meeh. Association, the oaly ami Shoes a! Cost. J. PJJSSELL SPALDING’S CoEaim sssssKer’s ft’etaee. AT STEAM MILL, UP STAIRS, Rockland, June 2,1857. 23lf GOLD g o s z E YT7 E having been appointed by the Hon. Judge ROCKLAND, ME, February, 18, 1857. 8tf they ever awarded for Fiieworks. of Probate for the County of Lincoln, to receive ; tpORM ED by the combination of the Ex- and examine the claims of the creditors of II. S. BRAD­ -L press Companies of Orders addressed to J. G. H O V EY 4c Co. LEY, late of Boston in the State, of Massachusetts, de­ F M t S A L E . - ceased, whose estate is represented insolvent : give notice UODGMAN CARR & CO., Pyrotechnists to the City of Boston for the that six mo**ihs, commencing on the 23d day of December 'UlIE subscriber thinking of changing bis NEW _GOODS! FOURTH OF JULY, 1857. 1856, have been allowed to said creditors to bring in and A pluce of business offers for sale a CARPENTER & CO., I 1-2 STORY HOUSE, (nearly n e w ) Bunion, June 2, 1E57. 5w23 prove their claims ; aud that we will intend the service Call and see the Beautiful Styles of assigned us nl the office of N. MESERVEY iu Rockland in finished throughout (situated on Florence Place) with a WINSLOW & CO., K 3 A H ¥ said Couniy of Lincoln on the 14th day of April, and 23d very l ime lot—on which it stands. I Will continue the Express business between JBosIoei LINCOLN. SS.—At a Probate Court held a t’ day of June 1857, from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 o’clock P. M., One lot on the opposite side of the street from the I and the State of Maine. 3ZJ> iO. S S S G - O O D S Rockl iud within and for the County of Lin- 1 i s ol said duvs. house. I The Express will leave Rockland for Boston by Steamer CEO. W. BROWN, ) f, One lot near Capt. Tims. Hix’s. • MENEMON SANFORD every Monday aud Thursday at Just received and now opening at the old stand of coin, on the 2Sili day uf M.iy, A. D. 1857. TT 1 T Q P A ~D Q This great anil popular preparation it decidedly one of ihe ; THOMAS W. HIX. J CornmiMroncr.. One LARGE STORE at O\Y L’S HEAD,(new.) ! 5 o’clock, P. M. CUSAN M. FARR. |,lte Widow of DANIEL ll A I O V V A i O Dnled till, 21rl rlrrj nf Dec A. I>. 1656. 13lf i Return Wednesday and Sntuiday mornings. B. W . LOTHROP, nicest and best articles in the world for the Also the SCOW BAGADIJCE, four years old—in prime „ ,, No. *1 Berry’s Block. LJ PALL, late of South Thomaston in said County, de- running order having just repait^d and recaulked her. For Portland and Boston by Steamer DANIEL WEB- Rockland, April 20, 1857. I7tf HAIRS JACOB KU8EVELT & buN. Also 3-32 of baique Trajan (new) about 450 tons. STER every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at lu i cchwI, loivlug presemed her npiiliclinn for Dower in lire Il Imparts a richness and brilliancy, cleans, ornaments, real c.lale of which lire »ai;l deceased died seized and po»- BERRY & RICHARDSON, Also all kinds of SEASON ED LUMBER, cheaper o’clock, A. M. invigorates, embellishes, removes dandruff, relieves head­ than the same qualities can he bought elsewhere. Tho>e Office iu Boston, 35 Court Square. ache. and has probably been med for restoring and pre­ SHIP CHANDLERS, in want of lumber would do well to call before purchas­ E. i. LOVEJOY, Jrrenf. ordered, —Thai Ihe said Susan, give nnlice to nil per­ NO. 7 KIMBALL BLOCK venting the (ailing off of the hair with as much success son. ioleresie 1, by causing n ropy of rhia Order In lie puli- DEALERS IN ing. The above will he sold cheap for cash or approved Rockland, May 1, 1857. I9tf as any article ever lyiown. It has stood the test of time credit. lished lliree weeks successively in ihe Rockland Gazelle Hare received from BOSTON their printed ar Rockland rlral Ihey may appear al a I’rolone and use, aud all can rely upon it. CORDAGE, OIL, PAINT, TAR, PITCH, Also he would give notice that those indebted to him SPRING AND^UMMER?^ Sole Proprietor, J. llu sell Spalding, Manufacturing are tequested to call aud settle their account and those G. D. SMITH Court to he held rtl Wisrassel in said Countv 'n the first ! ___ Chemist. Principal Depot, 27 Tremont St., opposite the O A K U M & c. Tuesday of July. A. I). 1857 and shtrw rarr.e.’if any thev S U MM ER HATS AND CA PS, having hills against him to present them for payment TEACHER OF PIANO FORTE, have, why the same should not he allowed. Museum, Boston, Mass , where all orders should he ad­ S. G.B COOMBS. dressed. The fac-sitnile ol his signatute is on every bot­ STTZI3 ST O R E S, Rockland, April 28, 1857. Vocalization and Harmony, BEDER Fa LES, Judge of Probate tle of the genuine. MILLINERY. 1 A ttestE. Fcote, Register. ’ Y'T their Store may be found everything Sold by Druggists generally. PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, IXTOULD respectfully inform the public, that October 16, Jd56. _____ cow421y received at the BONNET SALOON. i W lie ran be laiinil at MORSE UROTHERS, Jluila Tu the Honorable Beder Fales Judge o f Probate 22 SOUTH ST., & 33 COENTIES SLIP, HEMENAVAY & JUNES, , Room. Snow’s Bieck, Main Street. 35a‘©-wr a x !.d T a s t y TUST Received by J . WA'ITS, Raisins, Figs, N E W YO RK . ' DEALERS IN lie has permission tu refer to the following gentlemen. within and fo r the County o f Lincoln. H. G. Berry, A. G. Spalding, In the HAT and CAP line at reasonable Prices. tl Citron, Currants, Oranges and Lemons for sale low. Manila Rope, Tar’d Rope, Anchors ami Chains, Bunting, ARGARET II. HALL, Administratrix of 2btf Cor. Main & Pleasant Sts. FI-gs, While Lead, Paint Oil, Lamp Oil, Patent Wind­ Vi sltui? Yairssv. W. A. Farn-wortlt, N. A. Farwell, the E.tate of JOHN HALL. J r., brie nl Rockland, in P-S . A large lot of old STYUE HATS &. CAPS lasses, Ac. . _ Boors, Sash and Binds, F. Cobh. T. Wi li.mts, Msaid County, deceased, respecifullv represents, that theat Co«t, rtotice. STORAGE. MALLET BUILDING, GENERAL assirtment of Wil'on Yarn- W. Il, Titcotnb, J T. Berry. Personal Fntateof ihe said deceased is not sufficient by Rockland, June 3, 1857. 23tf constantly on hand at wholesale or re'ail hv I. K. Kimball, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to answer the T ’HE Comittee on Accounts anti Claims will (opposite Congregational Church.) II. HATCH, Rockland, Aptil 15, 1857. 16tF just debts ano charges ol Administration: she therefore 1 meet at the Aldermen’s Room Berry Block, the hst '9 tf No. 3 Linie Rock Street. prays that she nicy he empowered and licensed to sell and Saturday of every month al 9 o’clock. A. M., to audit TUST Received. Mtlasses, Crushed, Powdered MAIN STREET, G-. F. FLING, convey so much of the Real Estate of the said d ceased | claims vs City of Rockland. ’J and Havana B. Sugars. Il>son, Oolong, >ingyoung Express W:»gon’s& I3arinesses as may be sufficient to raise the said sum with incidental . 3w‘z0 Per Order. and Soushitng Teas For sale by ROCKLAND, ME. F O R S A L E . P 0 RT BAIT PA I \ T E R , charges. J. W xTTS, MARGARET IL HALL. I T T „Wool, r Wool, Wool. f to tic e . VV’tLL be sold nt very bnv rates if applied far GRANITE STREET. 20tf Cor. Main and Pleasant Sts. At the nbuve place may he found the I First Door West from Union St | "IVOOL OOL GROWERS in this vicinity will HE Subscriber having barn employed to sup­ soon, two Express Waggons, one nearly new.— ----- A largest and be.. FLOWERS, Agent. ; Rockland, May 7, 1856. 19tf are prepared to furnish Coraage and Duck of the best OR LIVER REMEDY ! 25 Circular Block, Mercantile Square, BANGOR, quality, nt the lowest manufacturers’ prices. effected in Reliable Companic** IS REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE TROUBLED WITH LIVER or E. L. LOVEJOV, Ascnt, Rockland. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS N BOYNTON, ) No. 134 Complaints, unless the — * One dose, often sepcated, March 26, 1857. 13tf 5 0 “ “] 10 0 “ Scottsville O T I S ’ S E BOYNTON,.1R Commercial Block, P. S.—E. II. COCHRAN is devoting his most desperate of cases. > is a sure cure for cholera 1 00 “ Geneesee AFIIERVEY ) BOSTON. 16iy whole time to the Insurance business, and when the second bottle willfXJ morbus, and a a sure pre- HATS, CAPS, 5 0 “ Baltimore witli scarce a single failure ventative of cholera, EXPRESS. IMPROVED PATENT INSULATED TI-IOMAS FRYE, pledges himself to give the most careful at­ restore the patient to h e a lth ^ One dose, taken often GO Half Bbls and vigor. We wish to^* will prevent the recurrence «—AND— 1OOO Bushels Yellow Com. tention to all business in the above line. 2 0 0 “ Meal. call the attention of all billious attacks, while it Physician and Surgeon, Rockland, December 3, 1856. these facts, that the Invig-* relieves all painful feelings, 2 0 0 “ FFICE N o.4 Kimball Block, overthestore of J. Wake orator is compounded by a . J j ’ One or two doses GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. 100 Rye PAUL. A RUMERY, O field DwellingHouse on Spring Street, opposite Dirigo physician, who lias used it1^ taken occasionally is one HENDERSON, JEFFERS & CO S. PORK, IIAMS, LARD, Agents for Lincoln County. ! Engine House. ALL ORDERS BY DAY OR NIGHT, in liis practice for the pas: of the best remedies for a CHEESE, BEANS, MOLASSES, 1 will be promptly attended to. 43 ly which were selected wilh great care exprcsslv for this mar­ Post Office address, Rockland, Me. twenty years with successGJ cold ever known, 3 E ZXL ZF» j F L z e s £3 , SUGAR, TEA, &c.. ; Nov. JO 1854. almost incredible and that Thousands of cases of in- ket, and will he sold at the vert- lowest Cn.il Prices. this day received and fur sale wholesale and retail TT71LL leave BOSTON for ROCKLAND, ELLSWORTH T. A. WENTWORTH, SAMPLE may be seen at the SHOP of it is entirely vegetable, b e-Q flamation and weakness ot H and MACHIAS bv t the lowest prices. Y ing composed wholly oP*^ of the lungs have been No. 2 Spofford Block, O. B. FALES. H. 0. BREW ER & CO. STEAMER M. SANFORD, 15lf Oopposite Thorndike Hotel. Rockland. Jan. 15, 1857. H E M E X W A V & JO NES, gums. cured by the Invigorainr. AND CONNECT WITH Some idea of the stren g th ^ One dose taken a short STEAMER ROCKLAND, UOK Ladies’ Cloth Gaiter Boots, ’ Mallet Building, opposite the Congregational Church, \ SHIPPING & COMMISSION of these gums may b e . , time before eating, gives at Rockland. T. A WENNTWORTH’S. 1 are Agents for the same, formed when it is k now n^1 vigor to a p p e t i t e , and i^zniZFLozoz./AZKr'zr's, one bottle of the Invigorat-^. makes food digest well, All business intrusted to their care will be promptly at­ i From Professsor J. Ennis. or contains as much strengh*^ One dose, often repeated, tended to. OR Ladies’ Colored Gaiter Boots, HARTFORD, CONN. [ After several years of at- MOBILE, ALA. as one hundred doses ofi-^ cures chronic diarrhcea in W. J. BOND, Agents ______T. A. WENTWORTH’! j tention lo the subject of caloinal, without any ofitsA-« its worst forms, while sum- Comer Main and Elm Street. F Incorporated, 1819. lightning Conductors, and deleterious effects. , , mer and bowel com plain ta Rockland, April 2,1856. 14tf OR Ladies’ Cloth Congress Boots, CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. I their most approved co.i- For Producing Hair on Bald Heads, I One bottle is the s u re s t^ yield almost to the first ______T. A. W ENTWORTH’! I struction, the best that I have thing known to carry away dose. F T hus. A. Alexander, Sec’y T hos. K. Brace, Pres’t. I AND RESTORING TpOR Ladies’ Cloth Congress Heel Boots, seen are made after a qui.e ROBERT ANDERSON, ! the had effects of mineral One or two doses cures A. B. HOUGH, Agent. recent invention, called GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. poison of any kind. attacks caused by worms, N E W GOODS. J- T. A. WENTWORTH’! Insurance may be effected in the above Company' by ap­ “ Otis’s Patent.” They are Onlyone hottie is needed*** while for worms in chil- IJO R Ladies’ Side Lace Heel Boots, plying to very decidedly superior to I> © i p i x t y THIS ASTONISHING AND UNEQALLED to throw out of the system- dren, there is no surer, saf- •*- 'r. A. WENTWU C. D. SMALLEY, all others, and afford the fol- -L preparation has never failed to produce a growth on the effects of medicine ifter^H er and speeilier remedy in at D. STABLER’S Clothing Store. characteristics aud. advan­ KOCKLAND, MAINE. Bald Heads, when used according to the direction, nnd a long sickness. the world, us it neves fails. TJOR Ladies’ French Kid Congress Boots, Rockland, Jan. 15, 1857. 3tf tages : turn hair back to its original color, after becoming gray One hottie taken fo r^- There is no exaggeration 1. They envelope the Jadtiary, 7, 1857. atf and reinstate it in all its original health, lustre, softness Jaundice removes alt yel- in these statements. They A. II. KIMBALL & CO., T. A. WENTWORTH’S. 3Zj e a t l i e r t o z* © I building completely and se­ and beauty. Remove nt once all scurf, dandruff and un­ lowness or unnatural colorW are plain and sober facts, TpOR Ladies’ French Kid Gaiter Boots. curely, running along all the pleasant itching, scrofula,eruptions nnd feverish heat from from the skin. - that we can give evidence NO. 1 CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK. L. C. BURKETT, prominent comers and an- Jllihne ESair ESnlm, the scalp. It also prevents the hair from becoming un­ One dose after eating isHr to prove, while all who use T. A. WENTWORTH’S. healthy and falling off, and hence acts as a perfect sufficient to relieve the it are giving their unani- YV0ULD announce to citizens of Rockland ° U ! h s " FOR RESTORING GREY HAIR OR Ladies' Nice Silk Gore Congress Boots, HAIR INVIGORATOR AND TONIC. stomach nnd prevent the mous testimony in its fa- AVE just returned from Boston, and are mnl he has opeue.! u STOR E in Hie : the peculiarities o f every TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. food from rising and sour-r _ vor. now opening a carefully selected stock of GOODS T. A. WENTWORTH’S. H F J. P-M&II building near tile brook, where may be found building, it may be stated r z Warranted to Cure Baldness, Scurf, Dandruff, itch­ A geztleman ol Boston writes to his friend in New Bed­ ing. t/2 We wish all who aro adapted to this market, consisting in part as follows: 1J0R Ladies’ French Kid Slippers, ,.r that in general they rise ing aud all diseases of the skin. This Balm gives the ford thus: Only one dose taken he-^ sick and debilitated to try more points above the fore retiring prevents night- this remedy, and test it p r o v i s i o n s . ’ T. A. WENTWORTH'S. SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, scalp a new and hnalthy action ; restores the coloring To your inquiries, 1 would reply, that when I first com­ LININGS AND FINDINGS OF ALL KINDS, edifice, run along the roof- matter to the roots of the Hair, winch passes through the menced using Professor Wood’s Ilnir Restorative, my hair mare. Q thoroughly, and any who Flour, Boston Clear and Mess Pork, Hams, Lard, Fulton U 0 R Ladies’ Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of all TRU NKS, VALISES. CARPET BAGS &c„ edge to the ends of the gut­ Hair and gives it a natural color without the use of Hair was almost white, and hud been so for the last ten years One dose taken at night are not benefitted by its Market and Chicago Beef, Beans, Potatoes, Dried J- descriptions, T. A. WENTWORTH’S. ters, and descend the four Dye. and it was very thin on the top of my head, and very loosens the bowels g e n tly ,^ use we should like to hear Apples, Codfish, Pollock, Ac. for sale wholesale or retail at the lowest CASH PRICE. corners ol the house deeply Hundreds of preparations have been introduced, pre­ loose, and pulled out freely ; but I found that before I had aud cures costiveness. from them, as as we have Those in want of any of the above articles will please into the ground. As they One dose taken after e a c h y e t to hear from the first UOR Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes and call. tended to preserve the Hair and keep it from falling oil', used all the second bottle, (which was eight weeks) my CSrZTOoejpieis. ■L Gaiters of all descrintions. are ornamented in their composed of Oils, Alcohol, and other deleterious materi­ hair was en.irelv changed to its original color, light brown meal will cure dyspepsia person who used a bottle N. IL Cash and the highest price paid for Hides and forms no objection can be and is now free from dandruff’ anil quite moist. I have One dose of two tea- of Invigorator without re- A choice assortment of Family Groceries, such as Granu- i T. A. WENTWORTH’S. Calfskins. als, and all to no use. Hair dyes have been introduced luted, Crushed. Brown and Muscavado Sugars, Java, .urged against them on tho that do not give the hair a natural color, besides being hair cat five or six times since the cange, aDd have poonsful will always re -^ j ceiving benefit, for there Porto, Cabelio, West India and Burnt and Ground Rockland, Feb. 16, 1857. 8tf score of appearance and taste troublesome to use. This Balm is not u dye. Knowing neveri ny thing like white hair, starting from the ; lieve sick henduche. are such astonishing medic- Coffee, Young Hyson, Oolong, Ningyong and j UOR Gents’ French Calf Boots, 2. They are armed with that a preparation was needed to do what was required roots ; and it is now as thick as it ever was, and does One bottle taken for fe-^r inal virtues in it, that all, Souchong Teas, Molasses, Porto Rico, do., I £ ___ T. A. WENTWORTH’ THE NEW DHPOT, handsome gilded points, pro­ for the Hair, the proprietor was induced to experiment come out at all. Il has proved in my case all that I could male obstruction rem oves^4 no matter how long they Rice, Vinegar, Lamp Oil, Candies, jecting out wards two or three until he could obtain an article that would be the exact wish to ask the cause of the disease, - have been effected, if their Cr«am Tartar, Salerntus, Starch, OR Gents’ Calf, Patent Leather and Cloth ; inches at intervening dis­ lias July 1, 1855. Yours, etc. and makes a perfect cure. complaint arises from a de- 120 W ashington Street, .remedy, and after seven years trial perfected this Only one dose immediate- ranged liver, will be bene- Corn Starch, Gherkins, Mac- Congress Boots, T. A. WENTWORTH’S. BOSTON. tances of every eight or ten Balm. It is soothing and emollient, allays all irritation ot curoni, Tapioca, Citron, F feet. the scalp, thereby stopping that troublesome itching. If (From the Boston Herald.] ly relieves cholic, while CC fitted, ifr.ot enitrely cured. Mace, Currants, Ac. TZpOli Gents’ Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Somethino Worth Knowing.— By using Professor SANFORD 4 CO.. Proprietors, Cures Dandruff and Scurf, and when tiie hair bus turned 345 Broadway New York. d T. A. WENTWORTH’S. J. D. M’CEEAEY & CO’S., gray it will bring it bock to its original color, be it Black, Wood’s Hair Restorative, gray hair can be permanently PAINTS AND OILS. 3. The glass insulators, restored to its original color. The sebjoined certificate Wholesale agents in Boston, Burr, Fostei &. Co., No. I NEW YORK PRINTING INKS, by which they are held off Brown or Auburn. It makes tiie Hail soft and glossy,— Union White Lead, Hudson River do., French Zinc, While, TpOR Men’s and Boy’s Calf, Goat and Kip prevents it from falling off as will be seen upon using from Johnson «fc Stone, Gardiner. Maine, is but one of the Coruhill. Retail Agent J. Russell Spalding, 27 Tremont Boiled and Linseed Oil, Sp’ts Turpentine, Japan, Zinc, — AT TIIE from the building, are great­ many instances that are daily coming to our knowledge, St., opposite Museum. __Brogan., T. WENTWORTH S. ly superior to any other this balm for a few days—life will be given to the roots ot Dryer, Coach, Furniture, Damar and Bright Var­ Manufacturer’* Lowc*t Cash Price*. the Hair, and growth will soon appear. Growth does not of its wonderful effects. It is no longer problematic, but II. 11. Ha Y. Wholesale Agent for Portland. nish, Paris Green, Chrome Green, Chrome Yel­ ALL WARRANTED OF SUPERIOR QUALITY’. known form of insulators. — a self-evident Truth, as hundreds in our community cun C. P. FESSENDEN, Druggist, Wholesale nnd Retail CQHB &'SWETT,' They are not in the interior take place at the end oi the Hair, as will be seen in per­ low, French Yellow, Venetian Red, Red —BY’— sons who have their hair dyed. If you examine gray hair testify. Agent for Rockland. 3m 14 Lead, Vermillion, Verdigris, Litharge, • JOHN I). FLAGG. of rings, in the ordinary way, that has been colored for a week, you will find towards but they are solid holts of Gardiner, Maine, June 22, 1855. Prussian,Blue,Umbrc, Lampblack, glass of a proper length, fas­ the roots, that the hair has come out gray, hence it is nec­ LOTTERIES. Whiting,, Borax, Chalk, Ac. J. D. F. would call the particular attention of New essary to have the fluid at the roots of the hair healthy, Dear Sir : I have used two bottles of Professor Wood’s The Lotteries of Samuel Swan Co. are chartered by tened to the house at one end Hair Restorative, and cun truly say it is the greatest dis­ BUILDERS’ MATERIALS. England Printers to this stock ol Inks. and to the rod nt the other,- that the whole hair may be a natural color. Each hair the State of Georgia, and have sworn commissioners ap­ Extra Fiuc Jet Black Ink, bus a root in the skin, and is of itself a hollow, gray tube, covery of the age for restoring and changing the hair.— pointed to superintend their drawings, and certify that Nails, Glass. Sheet Lead, Tar*d and Dry Sheathing Paper, in a very admirable manner. Before using it, I was a man of seventy. My hair bus — FOR— An inspection of the object through which there is a constant circulation of the pig­ every thing connected with the same is done iii a strictly Locks of all kinds, Knobs. Butts. Screws, Blind ment from the root. When this pigment or coloring mat­ now attained its original color. You can recommend it Fastenings, Store Latches, Locks and Bolts WOOD-CUT, CARD AND FINE BOOK PRINTING. is necessary to obtain the honorable manner. They offer to the public a fair oppor­ H'S ter dies out, it leaves the hair hollow and it becomes gray. to the world without the least lear, as my case wes one tunity for investment, for interest of parlies at a distance Window Line, Hinges, Ac., Ac. FINE BLA CK B O OK 4- NE INKS idea; a verbal description To invent a balm that would produce this pigment has be­ of the worst kind. — ALSO— cannot give the notion clear­ being as well protected ns though they were present.— come the study' of the proprietor. The discovery of the Yours, respectfully, The Managers would respectlully call attention to the HAJRDW j YRE. Fancy Colored Ink*, Tint*. Gold Size, ly. The office perlormed by DANIEL N. MURPHY, Bronze, Varnishes, &ze*.. these insulators, in case of a Aipine Hair Balm will do it. I will bring the hair to its feet that all persons liaxe a legal right to send orders for Long Handled Shovels and Spades, Cast Steel and Iron liutural color by making anew the coloring matter in the Profeasor O. J. W ood. tickets to Georgia, as the lotteries of Samuel Swan Jt Co. Shovels, Spades and Manure Forks, Hoes, Pick-axes, Just received, fresh and bright, from the Manufactory of lightning-stroke, lias been il- . roots of the hair. J .D . M’CREARY & CO., established in New York for lustrated by a vast number are authorized by the Legislature of that Slate. A lottery Crowbars, Axes and Hatchets of all kinds, Treenail, It is a mistaken notion that oil or grease will restore Brookfield, Massachusetts, January 12, 1855. will he drawn every Saturday throughout the,year, all or­ Ship and Screw Augers. Bitts, Hammers, all the last fifteen years, and now the largest and best Manu­ ol well-known facts. On the factory in that city. the hair, as nothing can be more injurious. The Alpine Dear Sir —Having made a trial of your Hair Restora­ ders received being filled in the drawing next to take place kinds of Rasps and Files, Sand Papei, C. other hand, the necessity of Hair Balm, will restore the skin and save the hair of tive, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been (ET Orders received by Mail or Express, will he attend­ proper insulation has been after the same ermes to hand. According to the scheme S. Hand Saws, Plane Irons, Grind those who have been sick with fever or any disease. excellent in removing infiamation, dandruff, and a con­ one ticket in every ten must draw a prize. Tickets are Stone Fixings, Cow Bells, ed to with promptness and despatch. Please direct to shown by a vastly greater stant itehing tendency with which I have been troubled JOHN D. FLAGG, number of facts, where the Prepared by C. A. P. MASON, Providence, R. 1. $10 ; halves, $5 ; quarters, $2,50. No tickets sent unless Horse, Shoe, D .P. IVES CO.. 83 Milk st., Boston, Mass., sole from childhood ; and "lias also restored my hair, which the money accompanies the order. The drawings are Scrubbing, Floor, White Wash and PAINT BRUSHES. 120 Washington Street, Boston. lightning has descended along was becoming gray, to its original color. I have used April 1, 1857. 3ml4 the rods a part of the way agents for the United States and Canadas. Aud General upon the principle of one number on each ticket, and are Agent for Delight’s Spanish Lustral. other article with anything like the pleasure and profit. so simple that none can fail to understand them. Thero SHIP CHANDLERY. down, and then entered the Yours, truly, buildings along the staples ” r sale in Rockland by all Druggists. 6ml7 is no combination of numbers to mystify the buyer. Prises Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Cotton Duck and Ravens, Tar, i f ' J. K. BRAGG, Pitch, Rosin, Oakum. Rigging and Pump Leather, Cot­ by which they were attach­ vary from $40 to $50,000 ; every prize being drawn, nnd McECKROH’S Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield result of drawing forwarded to all purchasers. ton and Hemp Cod Lines, Mackerel Lines. Deep Sea ed. Lives have been lost in Professor Wood. Hand and Log Lines, Leads, Net, Whipping, Zro££5,2?Y3l© "7V