En Volkenkunde 144 (1988), No: 2/3, Leiden, 236-247 This PDF-File
A. Oki Economic studies In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 144 (1988), no: 2/3, Leiden, 236-247 This PDF-file was downloaded from http://www.kitlv-journals.nl Downloaded from Brill.com10/02/2021 12:50:59AM via free access AKIRA OKI ECONOMIC STUDIES Japan has often been criticized for showing an interest in Southeast Asia solely in terms of economie benefit, not of the culture or history of the region. In view of this sort of criticism, one might reasonably expect a plethora of economie studies of this region by Japanese scholars. So f ar as academie work is concerned, however, one will be surprised at the relative paucity of economie studies, both when one considers the close economie relations between the two countries and when one compares this with other fields of study, such as politics, history in general, and cultural and social studies. The same applies to Indónesia itself. There may be several reasons for this. Among other things, Japanese students of economics proper are not, generally speaking, especially interested in Southeast Asian countries like Indónesia. Differently from, for instance, Australia, where one finds a sizable group of economists specialized on Indónesia, in Japan such economists are scarce. Nevertheless, a large number of studies of the Indonesian economy must have been made by Japanese scholars in connection with Japanese economie aid and investments by Japanese companies. However, such reports and studies have rarely been published or publicized. Since it is almost impossible to tracé these economie studies, we will exclude them from the present survey.
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