BATURDAT, APSIL B9.19St ' >AOS IWELVB iBanritrstor Evnthta IHmld

~2l THE WEATHER ■ (',Several of the tnemberi of Ca»p-| forecast ot V. H. Weather Boreao ' man Court, Order of Amaranth, ara SAVE MONEY AVEBAOE d a i l y CraCTLATION ABOUT TOWN plannlmt to attend the mee^ng of Oe Car ami Trmek Bepeln At NEW AUTO INSURANCE RATES for tte moMth of Aprils ItSR ' t' ______I Unity Court New Haven, Tueaday FILMS . Fair and continued cool tonight , _ I evenlnc, when the Grand Royal and Tueaday; alaiwly rliiing temprr- The aeolor choir of the Rmanuel , M^a. Anna W. Beech an;J DEVEIAIPKD AND 20% TO 25% LESS ABEL'S 6,238 atum tomorrow. Lutheran church- wUl rchearae to- , Q^and ’ Roy*lRoydl Patron Wllltanv OoHeeSMi Ante ■epeira PRINTED Member of the AafBt Baer M Cooper Street Don’t Write Year Insurance Until Yon Have nlfbt at 6:15 o'clock. ' Laraah will make their offlclaj^alt 24-HOUR SERVICE Bareea of CIrealeltaM MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VHXAGE CHAR.M I Film Oepos,t Roi At Talked With This Agencrl La Publneae Society of Manchea Manotltlater Camp No^640, Royal i tar will hold Ita 16th annual eprlng | Store Entrance (FXHIRTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS dance tonight In the Rainbow Nelghpora, will meet/Monday eve-! (CSaoatSed AdvertlMng on Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 1, 1939 lance hall. Arrangementa are in if the home/of Mra. Carrie , ARTHUR A. KNOFLA VOL. Lvni., NO. 180 ■Tor^naon. 211,fulllard atreet. ' RECORDS :harge of the younger membera Oecee. Colombia. Bnnewtrk 875 Main Street Telephone 5440 ■';» I •Jia Boclety and every effort li^-' VeealloB KEMP'S ng made to give, everybody ''JVj A ton.^niUp Lee, waa bom laat Manchester Boy Executives Ready for Action ittenda a good time, l^rt Ganw- night aOhe Stamford Hoapttal to latl la chairman of U>e large pom- Mr. Jthd Mra. William O. Wllion o f ' R. S. PoHerton nlttee of arrangen)ema. Ihkl city. The babv la a grandaon i A t the Ceeter 589 Stale St. SEES NEW LINEUP HITLER AVERS NATION .4 Mr. and Mra. Philip Miller of] Mlaa EmllS-'fmnna. who wna ai South Glaatonbury. and William WIN , U ran !»/frr fnm lirtj, sth- nounced ywilerday ae valedictorian son of Arch atreet. of the cWaa of 1P39B '4 Manchester ing /*»A ctrni, ctilltmiei, 4«ra- Htflv^hool. la tak l^ a nmifnerclal iam, u amk amkUt, prrtpiring ar OF THREE POWERS «»ilrae and not a college preparatory aJarami faatt Atblaia*$ Faat, HEAVILY-ARMED; TRY y io a n t. aa atated In/^he Herald. Annual DESSERT - BRIDGE wask arjallan srcbat, Jan't mitt •'•r i. j / Mlaa Marjorie M e.^ n i, co-aaluta- ikit grasi appartmtity la hani torian. la alao t i ^ g a commercial Center Church House kata ta gat ralia/fram taur faat AS AIM OF RUSSIA cottiae. and Mt*< Loulae Chambera. M ay Dinner the other/fiiOMUtorlan, la Uklng the Tuesday, May 2, traaklaat college prpjferatory couree. ISOUTING OF '' WEDNESDAY, MAY S WOMAN CALLS FIREMEN I . 1 ;30 p. m. TO GET TO HOSPITAL Thp^'Permnncnt Memorial Day 5:30 to 7 P. M. Witness TeHs Sepnte Com- dKmlttee will meet Monday eve- Group 4, a CXIW8 ri,AY ccpiiys i FREE FOOT TEST Y. M. C. A. Wilmington, N. C., May 1. — ROIJC IN ONE r o m a n c e ! Fuehrer And Lientenants Se* ng at 8 o'clock at the Municipal ('enter Church Women. fdttee 'ArrWement’ Be­ (A P I—Flro trucks, with slrana -'^building. 79 North Main Street POUND MAY Prires At Kach Table! This expert, trained in the method of Dr. Wm. M. Mammoth Bingo ami^l screaming, aped to a Wilmington TMttshurgh, May 1.— (A P )— ADVERTISE^IENT suburban heme. There waa no Three wwa playetl cupld'a role led May Day CelehratioBS World’s Fair Maps and EVER READY CIRCJLE, Are, but there..was a woman Scholl, the world-noted Foot Spedaliit, will be here KING’S DAUGHTERS tween S o w t, Germany In this romance. ' FartlHaer-Vegetable Garden ape- T.Herature for Each Guest. eager to ' get to a hospital the ASKCOKFROl Mra. Maude A. Short, 81. ask­ To Unify Reidi, Strength-, clal 11.95 per 100 lb. bag. W. Hnrry Admission 40 cents. on the above date to assist ns in showing jon how MENU! Tomato Juice, roaet quickeet way. The flremen were ed CTiarles K Howling, 36. to Ehigland. Mancheiter Green, tele- torkey, not dreming; whipped And J ^ n Is Possibility. sorry. They had not learned take care of her cows after her ^ phone 8451. millions of foot sufferers the world over have found potato, aboeatrlng carrota, obstetrica at lire college. OVE^DANUG ' second husband died In 1937. en Otfensive Against In­ peaa, cranberry asuce, picklea, Grand Drawing of Prizes "He's been coaxing me to get relief through the use of Dr. Scholl’s Foot Comfort iMNae made rolla, pie aad eof- Waehlogton. May 1 — (A P ) — married fur a year, but I kept res. PhlUp Marshall Brown, repreeent- holding out. Finally, I broke ternational Enemies; Hitt Appliances and Remedies. Be sore to attend this itn- TONIGHT Dtnner 75 cents. Ing Uio American Peace Society, / V Posmbility Seen Of Action down,” aald the widow as she GREEN FAVORS and Dowling filed notice of In- RainboM’ Dance Hall ponsnt event—learn the joys of rea l foot happiness. told the Senate Foreign Affairs ! tentlon to wed. Charges Nazis Want W aL Committee today that an "arrange- To ForestaD German More For Trip To Europe And i -It was love at first sight," in Bolton rhent" between Ruiutla. Germany LARGER GROUP commented Dowling. "I love her ta il saaiaii /and Japan was "perhape an Immo- Toward Forceful Annexa­ and Bile loves me and that's all , May 1.— (A P ) — Adslt 16th Annual Sprinjf hmd rtwmwimg pfw^niimg klimrt, l#W#r 25% ' diate possibility.” that'a neceaaary.” Hitter today proclaimed Germany Dance He declared such a lineup would IN L A ^ R U N IT Mrs. Short's first husband one of tha “ must beavily-onnsd Me New York World*s Fair result from an agreement between tion Of Baltic Sea Port died before Dowling waa bom. tlona of ths world" and Nasi tUpla^ AUTOMOBILE Russia and Germany, which he aald - r mats pressed efforts to isolats Ps* IjSl Fubinese Society la the aim of Russla'a present "Mavor” Ralph PeUrabn (left above) with hla staff of municipal executives inappod this morning as land to make her ripe for ylehtlar nayoT ,______i.a 9K- . hnUrflno- O th m in th« nicturepicture MEI>ODY NOTES ORCH. Or Ekiuivalent in Cash "power politics,” and from the Federatioii President Rec thev ore’pared to' take oyer the re ins of government In the Municipal building. CHheni In (ho , May 1.—(A P ) The poa- to German denuwds. 0 INSURANCE existing alliance between Japan and are: Elmo (Red) Gavello. center, town traaSurer; Meredith Murdock, (right) town clerk and Edward CCJIOlHe-'SOM. nihility, that PolanJ might seek con­ Tha Fuehrer and his UeutsoaOtt Admission 40c. Germany. eouei COMMONS GETS seised upon May day eelabrotlOM 44 INC. BENEFIT MANCHESTER PIPE BAND BINGO •This may. If we become too an­ ommends Sobstihition Of trol of Danalg Free City to fore­ unity the Nasi Releh and atraogtV. REDUCTIONS tagonistic to these latter two coun­ stall any German action toward an the effenatve against “tatsmie tries, put us way out on a limb In- forceful annexation was raised today tional enemlss" which Hitler hsoM COME EARLr...OR PHONt FOR APPOINTMENT Additional 5 Members Of New Board BRITAIN’S BILLS with bis Friday reply to Pi sslitaB ternatlonaUy.” Brown said. by the official- (3azetta Poleka. To Be Held in Roaoevelt’s peace proposals. 15% Safe Driver Reward Sboul<( Adopt Real Neutrality W U l EXAMINE BOYS RULE MANCHESTER; The newspaper, pointing to what In two speeches—o m to 1IB,0|3 At The only course for this country For Present 3-Man Body. It termed (Serman violation of .In­ boysoys anda girls of the Hitler Tootk. to pursue. Brown contended, is to O N C O Jp iP T S End of Policy Period ternational agreements, aald “the 01rganlaatloa and another to adopt and stick to a policy of "real THREE BODIES policy of Berlin create# a situation and brain workers” la a Ben^S, neutrality.” Washington, May 1—A P )—Charg­ ARE ‘BOSSES FOR A DAY’ which will cause the Polish govern­ mass msetlng—he hit but at chargoS . "As far as public opinion Is con­ ing that the National Labor Rela­ ment to further Its demands con­ Text Not PabKdied bniiiedi that Oermsiny desires war. i MASONIC TEM PP cerned,” he aald, "the Untied States cerning establlildiment of new guar­ He Mao took occasion to strfllP NOTICE! tions board has distorted the Wag­ FOR r a m N G at this moment la rapidly getting antees for Polish rights and Polish at American action ogolnot OcnnqqC YOU CAN NOW INSURE IN A HARTFORD STOCK CLARKE unneutral.” He added that neutral­ ner Act into “an Instrument of op­ Forty Yoim jsleri From Ifijb RUSSIA SHOWS property In IMnxIg.'' itdy Bit It b Reportod goods, saying: CO. AND SAVE UP TO 40% ON YOUR ity could beet be attained by a wise pression,” President William Green Qasetta , Pplska's article was In­ “ Hoa Orggnlss i BeyaoM.” : - administration of neutral principles of the American Federation of Labor Bolber, SouRfat Four Days On terpreted as meaning Poland might “The Unttod Stotoo haa nrgoflli qi . AUTOMOIilLE INSURANCE ask the League of Nations—nom­ Meuore Oi Draft In- INSURANCE SATURDAY, M A t 6 by the chief execuUve. He opposed recommended today that the three- W Trod. Pick HER READINESS a boycott against German goodi.! u» prove U> yon that we can nave you money by Inauring In a enactment of rigid neutrality legls- member body be displaced. inally the highest authority In Dan- would have been bettor to iMpg Warrant Charging Mur­ sig—to tranrfer certain of Ita Hartford Slock Company. iKtton* Appearing ^fore the .Senate Up Rems Of Goveniment chides Northern Irefamd. German goods than German eR AGENCY Brown said that he favored repeal Labor Ck>mmlttee, Green proposed rights to Poland. grants.” .‘•^''“5 of the present neutrality le^slatton substitution of a new flve-member der, VolnntarQy Gives Self IN BIG DISPLAY CoaM Give PoSoe Powars. (COmpoIgM ogotaiBt CHARLES W. LATHROP 829 MAIN STREET Watch This Paper for Further Announcements so the president and State Dapart- "Federal labor board.” He xlso testi­ In First Civic ExperimenL The Lstagus could Invest Poland of German goods In tha ment would have a free hand In fied In aupport of A FL amendments vrith police powers In ths Free Cfity Loadoe. May 1.— (A P )—BUIs eoD Btotoa ore uaoffleiaL H m 14 Avon street Telephone TS.!!* which already lies within tbs PoUsn conducting International affairs. to the Wagner Act offered by Sena­ Up To Philadelphia Police Ing for mUltory eonscrlptlon at man States govamatont hM PHONE 3665 custonui admtntstrmtton. 35 per cent eouatorvalliag j The witness told the committee tor Walsh (D-Masa). Manchester succumbed to •hoy aged 30 years for six months of Among other things, these amend- 'ArtQlery And Tanki Thun- Although Danslg. detached from agalqst most German goodalo I that the United States can keep out rule” today as orty seniors of the Oerinsny by the TVoaty at Vat- trslnlnf and enabling tha gov of war “U the rising Ude of baU is mens would broaden the right to ap­ pendato tar Mhatdy « peal Labor Board dsclalona te the Philadelphia, May 1 — (A P ) — high school snd trsda school took sallies, la predominant^ bihaMtsd moat 9o eoU op-iM irv i forosa when checked In this country.” der Acroai Red^qnare As by Germans, the port handles a “Never In Urn last 49 years”, he courts, woiffd rsetrict the board's While a prisoner known to police over important posttloha in the iov- It deems nsesasory Orsrs Introduced Oennon diplomacy la. t “A REAF. TREAT ALWAYS** power faflnvalldats labor contracts, 'Louie the Rabbi” was being ar­ great deal of Poland's foreign trade drive 4 wedge between P4 aald. “have I felt the International erroental, business snd civic Ilfs of and. at the Baltic end of the PoHsb today in ths House of Opmaona. Hungoiy la tbe hope of sttuatlon was so fraught with dan­ and would permit employers to petlr raigned on a charge of murder to­ Phnes Roar Over Kremlin A Night At the tion for elections to determine which the community in the first VYouth (Corridor, would be Invaluable tar Ths texts wars not pubbshsd Im­ Poland, formeity a poHner ger.” union should represent their worK- day, detective* supervised the open­ Day" program under the auspices protection of PoUsh territory in mediately but it was reported that Germany in a 10-yaar n' playiDg "Power PoUHca” In May Day Anniversary. case of conflict. the conscription measure Inehidad alon pact which HlUer. HOTEL SHERIDAN Differences between nations are ers. ing of graves of three men whose of the Chamber of Commerce, an Fkvore One Philosophy widows are held as miembers of an event that may become an annual It was reliably reported that Northern Ireland. PHdoy, It was sold. . DINK AND DANCE not, he aald, differences of Ideologies Reichsfuehrer Hitler had followed Prime Minister Bomon DeVolern As tbe Oennka Fuehier 9Mt W E MUST SELL as between totaUtarism and demo­ “Stated generally,” Green said, eastern scalioard Insurance-murder feature. up his demands of laat Friday re- of Ireland was understood lost wosk ier Youth and worken be Every Thurs. and Saturday Night cratic states. World powers, he "our opposition to the board Is that ring. ' It Isn't beyond the realm of pos­ Moscow, May 1.—^(A P )—The big­ in deciding cases It has established to hays wsnisd ths British govern* ad awqy wltb senteneee Uke 1 eertsd, are playing traditional The bodies will be examined for sibility that these beys, chosen as gest military display ever seen on men not to extend oociseriptlon to his Tony O’Bright and Hla precedents whereby the ao-called traces of poison such as found In (ConUnoed on Fags 8U) “Germany Is one of tbe “power poUtlce” behind "aH tbia talk outstanding example of American Moscow's Red Square stressed So­ northern neighbor. baavily-are^ nations of ths Hotel Sheridan Orchestra of Ideologies.” - economic philosophy of one labor four, others dug up in recent youth by vote of their classmates, group Is encouraged and sustained, viet Russia's preparedness today Bepofts Polnng's B snetlen today, thanks to our strangth FOOD AND UpUNIiS No Cover Ohargot Senator Borah (D.. laho). In com­ months. may'some day a decade or so hence thanks to our frt«ids.“ r ! 65 Acres of Nursery menting to reporters on general for- while that of another la suppressed The new prisoner was Morris the bona-fide holders at the of­ aa Moscow celebrated the 6OU1 an­ Tba Mils ware Introduced by IN A CLASH nv niKMSEI.VESI No Mlalmam Charge! “On a day Uke this I or even obliterated. Bolber, called a witchcraft prac- fices which they are filling for a day. niversary of International May day. AXIS IS WORKING Prime Minister Chambattaln and The board baa taken aides In JIlpreiM eonfidsaes Into the I (liontlBoed oa Pagt ElgbLl tioner by others under arrest In the AD of them entered Into the novel Six hundred warplanes—Includ­ War. Secretory Lealle Hore*Belisha -Dm* Of Weekaaae Pi Isn’t Scouting Activity plot that detectives say took scores program with keen enthualaam and ing 360 massed two-engined bomb­ after a cabinet meeting in which AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICES (CooUaaed ea Page Bight.) 'Foreign Secretory Viscount Halifax “If ever the hour should corns 1 of lives—possibly 100—In Pennsyl­ took over the places with an ease ers, 144 combat planes and a num­ OUT JOINT PLAN tha world bcllsver It con rsach'< vania, New York, New Jersey, and and confidence of manner that drew ber of new types such as a four- reportod on Poland's raoetton to at Germany’s frsedom, than 4 Delaware In the past 10 yean. Relchrfuehrer Hitler’s Friday spsach admiring compliments from the men winged fiying "battleship” and va­ and was sold to have announced that lion-fold cry wlU rise, so f In M?t|ichester Worth The graves opened were those of whom they are Impersonating as rious tight bombers and pursuit British negotiations with Soviet that ths world weU know OVER 50,000 Fruit Trees DRAWS BIG FINE Antonio Romualdo, 41, who died 'kings for a day.” planea—roared over' the Kremlin. teJesbIy that ths Urns of Oen Nov. 13, 1037; Raymond Mandluk. Gayda(^yt Military More Russia were “ rooking excellent pro. APPLES ~ PEARS Oeneral Sltaattos Artillery and tanks thundered weakness is definitely past." Hoppers Coke 4.7, who died Feb. 22, 1935; and gress." “Wslova p so cs.... I hav* anouflb,; )M P h o»n sE across. Red Square In numbers hith­ PLUMSPEACHES - John Wolosyn, 41 burM In January, It waa an Impossibility to obtain The cabinet also approved tha grounds to want paoet to comptstb? Your Money? Spring contracts are now available. Act now and aava . Blaas.. Blay I— (A F ) FOR CONSPIRACY first-hand reports of all the activ­ erto unequalled here and bayonets To Coonter Anglo'French CHERRIES, ETC. ntattiea of the track driv- 1936. of tens of thousands of Red soldiers terms of the conscription Mil and enterprissa that need from 10 to r “ money on your next seaaop’a fuel bill. ities and experiences which tha boys understood to have reviewed on la BpHaglleld went lato I'he deaths of Rompaldo and encountered in their ventures be­ fiashed in the bright sunlight of a YpeKPf.** » Price for a limited time only . . . EVERGREENS C dth l epreseatattvee ot Mandluk had been attributed to na­ Arab reaction to new British pro- HlUsr spoke to tbs opdlsnoa It’s a minor matter in .monetary terms compared perfect day. Program Of EochrcbnieDt tural causes. Wolosyn waa listed as hind the scenes of Uiei proceedings boys and girls and to 4 . “threaten­ witiv the character building and training that Scout other soothem New England that are part and parcel of the rou The hundreds of tanks Included Prices Start at for here this afternoon prepared einberg Pleads Nolo Con­ the victim of a hit-run automobile. 83 .which mounted four machine (Oeottnoed ea Pago Six.) ing world” nt the Olynftit. StedhM- work does for boys. per ton gght to have t Bolber. who had been sought for tine necessary to keep a thriving Hla aecond addreaq aba in the Uwt* $ ea. community going. SSfe to say, boW' guns and one two-inch guii, and 13 Rome, May 1— (A P )—Vlrglnlo garten, before iqiased woriters in agveement alhjady algned by the tendere To Charges Grow­ four days on a warrant charging enormous, beayUy armored ' tanfcv; Gayds, authoritative Fascist editor. / You’re asked for a contribution of money — eonaid- Keep your bualneaadneaahi In ManMancheater. operatore, and which ended a X5-day murder, walked Into city detective ever, that all enjoyed themselves to which mounted a one-tnch gun Labor Front .uniforms gnthsenA- ^sr the contributions of valuable time that many men ■trike three weeks ago, thrown oat the utmoet and received a wealth of Indicated today that Germany and around n 1804bot May pole that front and rear, one two-inch gun ily were working out a Joint mlH' JAPANESE FLEE have given for yeark to the work. ;__ (^1■ 1 5 5145 U PERENNIALS /FREE OFFER the window. The SprtngffeM mem­ ing Ont Of Coster Case. (Uonttnoed oa Pogs Eight.) Informative, educational knowledge. and Mx machine-guns. - came from a pins forest la Sudeten- FREE OFFER bers of the Track Drivera, Chaaf- . “Mayori* Oalla Meeting tory plan to counter vriiat he Several fast tanks raced across charged waa an Anglo-PTanch at­ / 25c Each YOUR CHOICE fsora,. StaMembn’s .. aad .Helpen One of the' first official acta of the Square at 40 miles an hour. . To tbe worker^ he dedavM^ Union, an A. F. Ls afnUato, claim Ralph Peterson, president of the tempt at “encirclement” DURING’QUAKE that ‘International agitators" . ’ONE jg ONE CHINESE WISTERIA or Ipf StaSn Revleivs Parade The ManchesterMam 6 fo r $1.00 /th a compromise iwerks an lajoetloe New Haven, May 1 — (AP) — senior class of Manchester High and Ths 'Visit to Italy of CM. Gen. “working against Germany wltRnW ; Please Send Your / PERENNIAL FREE ONE RED STEM DOGWOOD ea several claselgeatlona of wrorkeri Irving Feinbeig, 41, preaident of the ROPER NOMINATED boy mayor of Manchester for the Joseph StoUn, sccording to So­ Walther Von Brauchlt;^, chief of their means and 1 sm arming Qeftf 1 %.- / American Beverage Company of viet olhctals, reviewed the parade CHINESE WISTERIA In their area. day, was to call, with the approval staff of the Cermany Army, Gayds many with all my means," Lumber Ge^Fuel Co. With Each , WITH EACH • New York, and Jacob and ^njalnin ci David CSiambcrs, a special meet*, of orfnsd might from the top of sold, was for that .purpose. Eiriy Reports Diidotes No He said that German unity 9a4 Donation/NOW Russell Paul, Manager. •-YEAR TRAN8 FER.S RE)(X)BD8 Simon of the Brodx, N. Y., pleaded ENVOY TO CANADA ing of the Board of Selectmen for Lenip’s tomb.. From the press snd Geherat Von BrauMiltaeb and Osn. tba abeenee of class struggto ehnrne.; $1.00 Purchase .. PLANTS fO C B ack $2.00 Purchase ^ glbonM, French \8omsllland, Blsy nolo contendere today In Federal tUs afternoon at 5 o'clock, at which diplomatic sections ot the grand- Alberto Parlani, chief of staff of ths terised this Nasi May day. 1,__(A P )— The Ita Urns ooasolate court when arraigned on charges time It is expected that the hoy stwds, however, he could not be Itolian Army and uaderseerstory Ctsidties Dot Parts Of "The May day of doss fights, To WILLIAM C. CHENEY. Treasurer, .was reported today to hdve oeat Its growing mii of the investigation mayor wtll be prepared to make seen. for war, departed by plane today for records from thl. French Best Afrt- into the alleged bootlegging activi­ recommendation on an Important ' Defense (3ommlaaar fOementl E. Tripoli for an Inspection of tha Itol* an Page Six.)/ care The Manchester Trust Co. eoa poeeeeeloa to Addio Abaha, capi­ ties of the late F. Donald Coater- Nplomatic Post Pats For question now being pondered by the VoroshlloS opened the celebration ten North African forces. It was ex­ Coasdiiie Sink Into ^ Sea. Climbing Vines Special Pri^s tal of Italian Ethiopia. There wee qe Uuslca. M pected to last several days DINE AND DANCE SHADE Immediate explanation hut It waa Judge Carroll C. Hlncks fined on page au.) (Oaotlaaed Oa Page Six) B P ^ N i v y — MATRIMONY ON THESE GARDEN MEEDS mer Commerce S^etary The German came to Roma for ^NES — CLEMATIS — CLIMB­ comHwred possible that Feinberg 37,500 for conspiracy to staff talks with. Itolton Army lead­ Akita. Japan, May L — (AP) — D A L A D e n FLOWERING A for n U E - might have decided to remove the the Ulegal. diversion Of denatured ers and was rccMved yesterday by Bixty-thouMnd terror-stricken res­ ING HONEY SUCKEL ' roeords bocaoee of the eltaatkia alcohol. Jacob Simon. 42, a drug' In New Field Of Service. idents of this northern Japanese DANTE'S RESTAURANT SHRUBS f l ' U y i King Vittorio Bmoauela and Pra TREES craated by Faoctot riamor against gists' broker In New York who was mler MusaoUnir vrith whom he talk­ coastal city fled to the open spaces 19 East Center Street ^ Odd FeUewa Baildtaig LARGER AIR FORCE’ Fraaee for Frearii fkwnelUoiid. charged with concealing denatured London Will depress His ed for more than on hour In Gen­ today during' a series of earth FEATTKINO O m SEA POOD BABi 8 and 9 Ft. Spednens BARBERRY /\ to r * f O f f . . . ■ alcohol, was fined FSOO, the maxi Washington, May 1.— (A P ) — eral Porlonl’a preaence. shoeka described a t the most aa- m Dine MA.NCHE25TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, MAY 1 ,19!ia level When Koldtlnalil lost eonaclous- nees because of lack of Oxygen, Dr. HEIRESS’ MOnlER HAIR IS DARKENED PLAN ELIMINATING Congress Still Has Bulk Specter said. United States May Make Republicans Now Weighing Congress Republicans Put World*s Fair at New York V-'------^ : ? TAKEN BY DEATH Potential 1940 Candidates BY NEW HORMONE Rough Edge On *40 Planks CRITICIZED TAXES Of Session *s Work To Do AFTER CRACKBP CAN.UUIAN SNOW SMELTS Formal Antarctic ^laim Opens Gates to Thousands ------Halifax,-N- 8., May 1.—-(Cona- ,, . s o . dlan Press )-rA snowfall to a depth Waabingtoo — (>P) — RepubIi-4, publican opposition showed up on Waahtngton. May 1. (API—Oon-<^meet criticisms of the present sj-z- WaablBCtaa—(AP) — Pr»»l(l«nt to Adelle land In the Austra­ Washington. - r rted iO Inches had fallen i Tht Morning AfterlakinI carried To Five Men. District Attorney Thomas B. ly Under Par. are app^ving the material which Damocratlc prasidenU in tha past of the exhibita. The figures mounted On “Business Delerirenls” issues out of the way arc national last miilnlght. Halifax ami New ^ torraal claim to part of th« Ant* Byrd's base in 1828-39 and 19S4-U. cided It might be well for ths Re­ have urged tn vain that the govern­ gleaming buildings, 50 miles of The House Ways and Xieane Com •UtStto OOBtlBMlt. 6. A notable Increase In whaling Dawey of New York and Senator publicans tn Washington 'to know potIUciana______say must form the basis roads and 35,000 employes—opened all day 4mtU 5 p. m. when the total defense mid gdvernmeilt reorganisa­ mlttee last week voted to recom­ OInsgow were under seven Inches of i Oirttrii Little Liver Pfte Dr. Erneat H. Onirntn*;. director Taft of Ohio, whose names fre­ each other. for platform nsgoUatlona in the mental institution be revamped to waa 192.000. An hour laterj fair oHi- tion. This fact caused administra­ New York, May (APt- Two operations by British, .Tapanasa and obtain greater efficiency. its gates yeaterday to several hun­ clala announced that the totalling IVaahlngtonr May 1—(AP) —The mend freezing oM age Insurance o< tarrltortaa and taland ponaaaioDji, Norwegian “floating faclorita'* In New York May l.—(AP)—Death quently figure In the cpeculation, They decided to hold some sub­ Toronto. Ont.—(AP)—Tha Yale next'coavcDtlon. tion lieutenants to predict today taxes,, at the prea«-nt one per cent durable Russian filer* whose non­ ' baa outlined ientativa plana, sub* have apoken at capital functions in Wbat the Republicans and some dred thousand visitors. apparatus was not working properly Treasury waa disclosed by well-ln- that the session would continue un­ the (tmith Paclflc. at SB came yeaterda.v to Mra. Maryon scription dinners, and Reprssenta- School of Madlbtna has darkened 3b the two dominant disputes of Democrats sought here waa a President Roosevelt headed a level for three years. stop "good will" night from Moscow Jact ia oongraaalonal approval, for 7. Growing Imltcatlona that the the laat few daya.. A long Hat of the session, the Republicans and the and that the real total waa estimat­ forme<^ legtalatora today 'to have til mid-summer. to the New York World’s Fair earns an expadlUon'^late thia aummer. Ila Andrews McCarter, mother of Ann other eenatora, governors and rep­ tivs Martin of Massachuastta, tbs gray hair of young to middle-aged method by which any presidential kaleldescoplc program of Inaugural ed at 600.000 Altboiizh little new legislation has • The committee slso Is exjiected to Antarctic some day'inay prova rich Rapubllcsn floor lasdar, flttad tbsm kntl-Rooaevelt Democrats have raorganizatlon. would require af- ceremonies, coming down from recommend projaisals for continu­ to grief In a crqckup on a marshy i;aald iu main purpose would be to Cooper Mrwdtt, the “sterlUsed" resentatives from atrategle states , , , .. . . - „ menmsn byoy use ofoi meths new tost-tube mai-vuu. sex i.iw — —. — -- The’stVeam of vlritora bad slowed I drafted a comprehensive four-point been enacted so far, the president's island off New Brunswick rested to- in mineral or oil resources. Hyde Park to proclaim the fair ■ perceptibly during the late alter- 1 program to eliminate taxes criticis­ ing miscellaneous "nuisance taxes" ! map araaa ex^ored by Rear Ad- heiress. ___ also have been giving addieasee, not '!'• P'*" ">»■ ‘ »h^tUnf P»r- h o ^ e , teetoeteron. propo^on.ty congressional leaders appear satla- e' so far this ;«es8lon, In the eyes lantic route In a single hop. planned Paraona well vened In Antarctic Itepartment officiala toward eitab- which she had lived slnct tiling a position that It la 14 months until Nswcomers to tits Houts wsrs confined to men sexually tatijn par. cial guests from a huge wooden In his 15-mlnute speech, broadcast 1. Elimination of the present un- session for polishing prerious New after enlchlng up on their sleep to exploration, however,' sugReat seven llshment of formal claims on the the nominating convantlona, that No pradlcUoni wars mbdf about also liave favored a recasting of the On WPA, which like spending stand on the steps of the $3,000,000 Deal laws. of Its siip|>orlers. was approval of bankniplry petition a year ago. gvsn scUvs jobs in working out throughout the world anu televised dlstrlbiilnl profits, capital stock, a government reorganization bill visit the fair ground* late thla sfter- (. factors possibly Indlcatlngrthat the basis of discovery alone. The ranse of her death wa# not most anyona of thoaa who abowsd plana for |Jieee mestlnge. Then other peraoos. / WPA formula, though all anti- promises to be one of tne big Federal building which heads the —the first time an American presi­ Principal Work Remaining msm. llsudden American Interest In Ant- Until recently, this governmeni local elactiva strength tn the 19S8 This sex hormone Is made syn- Roosevelt Democrats do not agree problems that will leap over this fair's main avenue, "constitution and excess profits taxes. Substitu­ Thus revision of the neutrality, after'the HouYie pigeonholed the given. the members of Congress, llitening dent has been "seen” over the air— tion of a flat-rate corporation in­ progrnfm last yesr .Mr, R Hall,” and dominates the “Court of President Roosevelt review the de­ social aeciirlty. and wage-hour laws, Uie pilot, mid hi* navigator. Maj. nomlneee, and that It It wall to look campaign, most Republican come levy of no more than 22 per extension ot the prealilenfa mone­ alreaM to the present In ment of that policy, some say prl- vited to become leading lady In tha pointing out. -howavtr, that tha fecto which flava Coma to light from tives from the middle of the nation's few mors points to the Republican There followed a phrade down the Francisco Golden Gate Exposition drastic changes to the Wagner Happy .At Stalin MeMage >the dnowy wastes lying below 60 vately that an exception may be Shah of Persia's harem. nets of atudylng tha field, uaa of thla drug In tha laat year. program. Aa an aid to business im­ "T; ‘Modification of the capital Labor Relations Act. Senator Burke TO USTEN TO REPORTS Ona after another, governors and presidential candidato will not nec- bread basket, they earried their op­ mall with 25,000 annbimced psr- as providing "a view of the amazing gains tax In an effort to encourage (D-N.cb). author of several propos­ Both men grinned happily as Con­ south latitude, with a made henceforth with respect to the eaaarily coirs from among last Tha ex|)erimants today were re­ position to big appropriations into a provement, he advocates tax Uetponta — Army, Navy/\Marines, development of our far west.” stantine Oiinisnsky, Soviet charge rked increase in tractor and Antarctic brekuae of haxarda and C O.VMIlIRRN m yoitcK eenators who won stfstegtc vic­ ported bU James B. Hamilton' and changes, amendments to the Labor Investment. ed amendments, said last night that ne-equipped expeditions. tories for the Republicans In the year's victors. successful effort In the house to cut police, fair workers and ^It^elgn The extensive foreign participa­ Meets Roosevelt Appro\al he and his assorlajtes vlrtuaUy had ON MEMORIAL DAY d'affaires, read them a message of hardahipa Involved In colonising such I OS Angeles. Msy I. (APi - Tha Gilbert R. Hubert of Yale and of the away from a farm bill provisions Relations Act, help for the rail­ groups In an eye-HIHng arrOy of tion In the New York Fair, he said, felicitation from Josef Stalin, gen­ 8. Oermany's claim this year— a barren, lifeless area. laat election are being brought to In addition to a candidate, the AlbanF^boapItal, Albany, N. T. iwgiven en up hope of^evising the Inw leia Angeles Kxamlner said .today Republicans—as well aa the Demo­ for $350,000,OUO in parity payments roads, a study of the effect of trade variegated costumes. “Is a gesture of friendship and good- The legislators Indicated that eral ' secretary of the Cnmmuntet 'her Brat tn history—to ISO.OOO Mrii. Anna Cooper Hewitt Braditreet Washington to ,ba YIewad by prom­ ThM pointed out, flrit, that It waa agreements, and a description of tha President Roosevelt had approved this year square miles east of Crown Prin* Diplomatic problems are as thick inent party members. crats—have to decide the attitude to ths farmers. After the president’s address anil yvlll toward the United States for In the items on the administra­ eommittee Ghalrman To Meet party. as Icebergs In tha bay of whs Ira. la In lleno “considering the |Kisalhl|. notltod the skin of castrated and Even some Republican polltlclana fields to which business might ex­ Ich I render grateful Dianks." the entire program except the pro­ The Russian filer*, flown from the ccas Martha land in the Norwegian Ity of a divorce" from Gene Brad- Quit# s^ few are-being, given a their 1940 platform will taka to­ eui^hoid men had been observed to speeches by Grover Whalen, the tion program, however, there 1* ma­ Can any nation, for example, ward tha legislation enacted under wera aiirprioed at the degree of pect the'government to compete. fslr's dapper, top-hatted $100,000- " ' udlng to the fair's theme. “The posed rediicUrm In upper-level in­ Thia Evening To I)iacuH| Island to Moncton, N. B.. In a small­ asetor of the Antarctic. claim land no one has visited simply street. former bar steward; chance to 'speak, so that their fel­ loM Its tallow, pasty color when the He added to this a further In­ come taxes Secretary Morgenthau terial for plenty of controverslea. 4. rrance's claim, re*deflned In lows esn Bte them In action. and the New Deal. They are divided solidarity Republican Leader Martin a-year chief. Mayor Fiorelld La- W orl^of Tomorrow." he concluded: When the president's request . for Pnigreaa Of Plana. — er plane -yestenlay. were “ferried" by skirting its coast T Infoimrd of the death of her Uit-tube hormone wae given. The achlevad on this vote, particularly In junction;. “All wlK) come this World's probably will discuss that Idea with on to New York In the epeeity trans­ blather, Mrs. Maryon Andrtwa Me- walqk' their' pos|dbllltlea. Ths on- on this problem, just as are tha terns thing happened to tbs com- Guardla, and Gov. Herbert Lehman, $1,750,000,000 for relief actlvUlea In Does dropping a flag liom an air­ lib e ra era members of Congress Damocrata. but at this dtaUnca view of the fact that by far the “Keep the United Rtatci out of the throng of visitora scattered Fair In Ndw York and to the expo­ him before talking to the .House port plane of Commodore Harold 8. plane. as done hy a German plane Carter, In New York yesterday, Mra. 'plrxlone of women whose ovaries war." Ways and Means Committee next the next fiscal year Is brought up. The Permanent Memorial Day •Vandorhllt. yachtsman, which waa Brailslrot w as overcome by rmutlon from all sect Iona, capable of spread­ from the conventions. Interest ip^ bad been removed. The women re­ biggest share of Republican gains throughout the grounds for a mul­ sition to SanNFranclsc-o will receive Republicans will open their fight to Committee will meet this evening EXPERT over Crown Prlnceaa Martha land laat fall was In rural and saml-rural It ii just 23 years since the past tiplicity of other activities. the heartiest oiSwelc.omes . . . they week. chartereil hy Soviet and ■ American StocK Up Now On 'last winter and by F.IIawoith uve'r and unable to talk coherently, thii ing the good word If they see a man pears to be centering on pcrsona||l ceived either male or female sex ___ The suggested tax reduction turn relief supervision back to the at 8 o'clock In the Municipal build SHOE REPAIRING newspajier said. - they like. ties rather than planks. dlitricts. tense of th it same slogan wae a Inauguration Reenacted will find that the e3(e« of the United officials. Qwallty MalarlaJs — Flrat rtass rrlnceaa Rllr.abeth land In January,, hormone Injections. Ona otber/principal line of jRe,- winning one for the Democrats. would not affect Incomes under $5,- states. Ing'to hear reports of the commit­ Their smashed plaqe - still con­ conatlliitr « legitimate claim? The nradstieeta, who recently “In three of four castrated men”, George Washington’s inaugura­ States are fixed on the future, tee chairmen. Committee chslrmen WerhmaMaMp and Ssrvioe. capie heie after an Hawallaiphoney- tion, of which the fair — opening wagon Is hitched to v s ta r . . . a 000 a , year. Many NeutnUlly I’ropoeale taining 300 gallons of gasoline—wa* If let la hundreda of feet thick the report goes on, ‘;between 36 and The Treasury experts hope that There are almost as many neu expected to re|iorl on progress left on lonely MIscou l.aland. guard- PEPPERELL ^ SHEETS, CASES and ae tulid and nermanant as land, moon, checked out of Holly- 46 years of age, who haye been In­ marked the 160th anniversary, was star of good will, a stor dlnrogress made In connection with the annual SAM YULYES wood apartment April ,3 for the males. Thla mtkea It prob­ reenacted on the Mall near a heroic for mankind, a star of grea^ hap­ the program wlit result in no loss of trallty proposals as there are mem- e-n doctor, who waa flown Up to this aftomoon the Tax Col­ DURING LAST MONTH pecially about the region of the ears, from reynactlng Washington’s In eUl. a star of peace.” publicans are opposing renewal of lector has taken tn approximately augural journey to New York, In (BVe set 22 per cents as a top limit. the president’s authority to devalue speakers; John Pratt, music; Ber­ to the Island to treat the men for asfumed a darker color, Ex’pect Billion Expradlture Cbqioratlons with Income of less nard, O'Neill, flags; John Jensen, minor Injuries, said they told him Pay Only TRAFFIC SAFETY DRIVE $180,000 on the current tow liaf, pay­ Oasaation Cluageo Oelor WON’T BE SOLDIERS the leading role. the dollar, a measure which already Think Of I t ! ments being made on tha first half of 27 In South End At^ Eight In GREENWICH TO NOTE Four other huge statues, repre­ Sixty nations and 35 states are thartv$25,000 a year would be given has passed the House. Advocates of ■ri ool children. Major Gonllenko had pancaked the SAVE MONEY “After eesastlon of treatment, the participating in the fair, which ex­ spcclaJN,favorabIe treatment. Mra. William O. Crawford of the plane to a landing after Pilot Kok- taxes due by May 15. Of tha total North End—N o / Big Loss hair like tbs'aliln, again ' appeared senting the freedom of speech, various old are pension plans are PAYING BIG DIVIDENDS $891,000 tn be ralaed by taxation press, religion and assembly, were pected to bring the expenditure of a The pnw nt law levies flat-rate trying to bring their measure to a Daughters of American Revolution, kinaki fainted at the controle. 6 Large Sheets — / i / / y Y Reported. lighter In color. The Umlted data 200 YEARS’ WORSHIP taxes on cdzmratlons with Incomes chairman of the Permanent Me­ The fliers, seeking to regain their 3 8 c Down this .vtar, half la payable before ths thus far rOgardlng the faetora. In­ dedicated. billion dollars—as compared with House vote. middle of May. After that time, P&SS Firit ScieDtific Labora­ As night feU, the fair's unpre­ $770,000,000 at the CTilc^o O ntury I of than $ajU000, and Imposes a morial Day Committee will preside bearings after looing their way in Kansas City. May 1.—(AP) ~ A There were 3$ fltoi in Manchester volved make unwise further Inter­ tax ranging frohn 16 1-2 to 19 per Despite continued economy talk, it at tonight's meeting. a fog, hod climbed to the 37,000-foot 6 Large Cases 50c W eek outstanding accounts are liable to pretations and the extension of these Greenwich, May 1—(AP)—A two- cedented display of color lllumlna- of Progress. appears that appropriations for H v tf w i n f fralTlc safety campaign la paying penalty. during the m onth/f April. Of this The fair is about tliree times as cent on larger coinp^lca, depending big dividends here. mimuer 27 were/ln the South' End phenomena to other condittona than tory Step; AO Likely To weeks celebration commemorating Uon waa snapped on by the Impulse on the amount of proHls turned over regular government function* will those stated." tha 300th anniversary of Protestant of a ooamle ray from a distant star. big as the Gotten Gate Exposition be atiout thoraame as for the cur­ Standard Roods of the famous Peppercl qualitf, RFFRI&ERATOR Last midnight Kansas City cum- Carl W. Peterson, .18. of 28 Grls- and right in the/errltory covered by and cost near^five times as much to shareholdem. pleted an entire calendar month the Ma^heeter Firs Department. Among the effects of Injecting Episcopal worship in this town was Meanwhile the throngs streamed Would Reduce Ru'racn rent year. Congresa cu; $50,000,000 packed in boxe«L freah laundered and ready to use. At wnld street, was taken Into eusto BAGIO CO. There have hern only nine auto -Mnncheelc^ Flre^ Department, of sure, improved appetite, claims of Toronto (AP)—Test tube babies Kendell L. Wilkie, the latter chair­ biggest locomotive to the world to Oct. 31, and probably will run for the burden on those profiting fro: the biggest defense proigram in diHlhs In 1039; In the flrrt four Improvement In the sense of well­ man of the l)oard of Commonwealth tha smaUeat hat to tbe world. lYiey a second year. investment transactions. merican peacetime history. 'Billy Behave And the real thrifty one will buy SEVERAL sets for main STHLL’f I C. Mcniy Olson of 72 Pine street, eight alarms ansWered. there were passed their first, eclentifle labora- months of 1938 there, were 82. , being, )>ettcr memory and concentra­ saw bread, cigars and auto tirbs When it ends, it will be trans­ Senate farm bloc la trying to ; InHiiinnrr underwriter In the Aetna live oiilsMe the .llstrdct. torj’ step today, butw 1th prospects and Southern, were scheduled for Under present law, fpr example, future supply. The l/rgest loss wqe caused hy tion. addreaees^ at an anniversary dinner manufactured and automobiles as­ formed into a city park half as big man who buys securities and sells authorize $250,000,000 for crop Given By The Booster^Club and Open Forum il.lfe company at Hartford, ctle- os Central Park and valued at MAVKfVBRfl PLANNBD j bratad his 25th year with the com- two of/tire Area outaldf.of tha dli There also have been reports of that If ever produced they Will not tomorrow night. sembled. them at a profit in 18 months or less parity^Tpaymenta, which the HoUae Of the North Methodist Church I psny last week. Among gifts from trlct. men returning to work after retfre- be relied just to fill ermlse, for ell Dr. William Lyon Phelps, ^ a le ‘-Theo* Center" Popular $100,000,000. has to pay the applicable income tax re je c te d /^ well as $160,000,000 for z Lmdon. May 1—(API—Reuteri his sssoclatas were a act of golf ment because they felt so much bet- ere likely to be girls. University author and eritic, Ona of the most popular attrac­ T^day the fair swings into a rou­ rates on 100 per cent of his protlt disposal onsrop aurpluses. These At (British newa agency! reported to­ clubs and a golf bag. ter, eqd of man handling exfcutly* The first step wee reported to the preaches the sermon May 14. tion* wo* the “Theme Center," tbe ting of the daily special eventa If the securities are sold after being funds would mi In addition to the day from Gaunas, Lithuania, that work tn better feihlon. Federation of American Societies "trylon and perisphere"—a 700-foot which will typify Ifa run. The day held between 18. and 24 months, he m The Rev. James . Wetmore. the needle-llks pyramid beside a 200- regular $600,00d;090 In farm bene- Important German naval and artil­ A large attendance Is expected at SO/ AIN ST. PROPElrtY Now Dtagnoeie Method for Experiments! Biology from town's Bret Episcopal rector, came will be ."Norway Day," with Crown pays a tax on 66 2-3 per cent of hla fiU. EYES EXAMINED lery maneuvera wart scheduled to tha Mayhasket social which the A new metheid of medical diag­ Clerk Unlverelty. There 43 virgin to Greenwich to 1793. Provlouely, a foot sphere, the largest globe ever Prince Glaf and . Princess Martha profit and If they have iieen held Bevenue Should HBLl'rovided start along tha &temel coast tomorc Lirlhnr I-eague of the Emanuel nosis'"through four of the UHirhan ova, unfertUlxed human "egga” tuc- pastor from By», N. Y., came occa­ buflt by man. Within the sphere the guests of honor, reviewing longer than 24 months, he pays The president Is reported to have Hollister St. School Hall row following the completion of Lutheran church will hold at Its SOLO TO s c o n SIMON body's salts was deacribed by Dr. en directly from ovaries by surgical apectatora sat on an endless belt parades and dedicating the Nor­ tax on 50 per cent of his profit. sionally on horseback. and taw to huge model the Imagin­ told a group of House ^rpembers flrst-llne fortincatlona to defend the regular meeting tomorrow night at y^foird Hastings of Harvard Unt- operations, were placed' In teat wegian pavilion. The new schedule would be 100 that he would not veto thKextra Friday, May 5, 8:30 p. m., D. S. T. GLASSES FITTED newly-Hnne'xed German territory of 8 <>'clo«-k. A special Invitation Q f I vetoLty hledlcal School. tubes. ed Ideal city of the future. It wiU also be “New Haven Day," per cent on profits from assets held DwrllinK And 20 Acres The quaal-nudea, which received six months and less, with the per payments, but that addltlonoKlax Mr mel. cxlciidcd to members of the late Land Owned Hy ■alta are sodium and chlor­ The ova not only lived but dem­ centering around the New England revenue ought to be provided to Admission—Adults 35c. Children 15c contirinntiun rlasa to attend the Mr. And ide, fr(>eriment repeat! the history of age, the tlr^company was Informed between taxpayers and the Internal We hn\c iivee 1,090 listings of land with 1,000 feel fronfags on surrounding fluid. like discoveries In lower anlmale. property. singing and folk dancing undar South Main street. Frana R. "This has been applied to the im­ by cablegram. LOCAL W.CT.U. BRANCH SMALL DAMAGE DONE Revenue Bureau. Janet Tobitt of England, and nature In the anlmale the expcrlmenta Three passengers and four other Smill Weskly Payments. Simon, recently married, will make portant clinical prdblem of \to e have led to production of yoimg work under MIm Dorothea Clark hie home there. He le the son of measurement of edema (wat« crew membera were Injured. The JONES REALTY without any fertlllMtlon by malea. plane was reported wrecked In four TO PRESENT PROGRAM BY BENTON STREET FIRE PROBE JEWEL BOBBERIES the president of the Carlyle John­ swelling) an^iRlehydratleB^of tia In aueh exparlments, In the great I 88 Ouk Strust Mrs. Sidney Elllon of Ulac atreet son Machine Co. ot this town. ue#.'' ” feet of water at Mosomblque. Phona Manchester 7347 was tendered a «(^prise birthday W jority of casea, the young all Southeast Africa.. The Challenger New Haven, MAy 1.—(AP)t-P o- Richard Stone . Aftomey William 8. Hyde repre­ llce were Investigating two jewelry OPTICIAN party at her home Saturday evening sented Mr, and Mra. Van Nets and haw been females. was procesdtng on a trip from Dar- Pablic Invited To South Meth­ Sparks From Chimney Drop by about 2.1 men^bert of her family 'Tim Q ark work was reported by ea-Saloam to Durban, Union of store robberies today. Someone P. J. Amiri - Optomefriat Mr. Simon waa represented by At­ odist Tomorrow Evening; On Roof But Biaze Is Quick­ smashed' the display window of a and friends. Cpds and Chinese torney Raymond R. Bowers. Dr. Gregory Pin cue who lal'd em- South Africa. The Guest Speaker. ly Extinguished. ’ BoUding Phone 4730 checkers were;^laycd and priasa ptaatlca^ be is not planning to cany (toapel street store > early Sunday awarded the wiiinera. A feature of It on to film out whather human ba- LOSES MONET, CLOTHES morning and made off with rings the buffet lunch waa a beautiful blea con be\made by last tube meth­ The local branch of the Woman's Companies 2, 3 and 4 of the South and .watches valued at $400 and a FILMS birthday cake/made;by one of Mrs. MINER DIGS GRAVE ods. Dr. Pineqa haa, however, made New, Haven, May 1. — (AP) Christian Temperance Union will Moncheator fire department respond­ more aerioua break was discovered DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Elllott'a daitohtera.. flhe waa pre­ young rabbits^ thla "virgin birth" Fotmd early Sunday morning wolX- present a program tomorrow eve­ ed on a bell alarm from Box 65 at Saturday morning at a Center ANY SIZE O f t - ning at 7:40 to the South Methodist 11:30 yesterday morning. They street store where, burglara who sented with-/ numeroua Individual INSTEAD OF COAL process. v tog through Beaver Pond park church, to which the general public R O L L ...... ^ y c glfta and a MautUpl bouquet of cut How To SobeKUp 4Julchly minus coat and trousers, August B. were cMled to 95 Benton street to tunneled through a wall stole an es­ flowert. alad a purse of money from by Chamber of Commerce. will be welcome. extinguish a roof fire which had timated $6,000 worth of loot. TMsWaah To sober up quickly* when dead Johnson, SO, of Hamden, told police The guest speaker will be Mrs. started when sparlu from the chim­ ARTHUR DRUG STORE her daughtora' famlliea and aon's tn Unlontown, Pe. (AP)—Miner L. drunk, talfs an Intravimoua injection two men had accosted him at a West Hwtford. Mrs. Elliott haa F. Wiley |i et'tll digging despite May 4.—Mothbrand DaughUr Ward E. Duffy of West Hartford, ney settled upon the roof. The con­ Father and Ron banquet at Masonic of Insulin and of gluoose; . Diocovery street corner In downtotvn New Ha­ whose subject will be “Welfare tents of one of the Ituge chemical lived In Mknehester 60 ysara. Mr, shutdown of tha-bltuminoiia fleldi that these two "ihote” win quickly ven, forced him Into an automobile Le^IaU on for 1939”. Mra. Duffy MOTHERS Elliott Je senior warden at Bt. but. It’s his own grave Instead of Temple. and roblYed him of $4 and hla Clothes. tanks extinguished the fire with but May 8. — “BUIle Behava", 8-act reduce the aleohoMn the b lo ^ woe Is a member of the State Public wsmsll lose resulting. Want More, Than Anything Eloe Mkry'e Epitropal church. coal that'i oceup^ng bis time. reported by Walter Ooldfarb, Karl Welfare Council, chairman for that Tha 48-yaar-old man said ha had play Booatar club of North At 4 o’clock Saturday aftenuxin A W e ting of B t Bridget’s Guild Methodist church at Hollister street M. Bowman and Samusl Parkar, of branch of the work of the State Lea­ No. 4 was called to South Main COAL... no faar of Immadlata death but Benavua and Kings County heap!- gue of Women Voters, and therefore atreet on a still alarm to extinguish Something Smart To W ear will fallow the Novena devotions to­ wanted to be prepared. school. Old Company’a night/ The meeting will he in tha May 6. — Mancbaitcr Pips Band tala. Now'York dty. well qualified to speak on this topic- grass fire. Wiley obtained State Board of Thay tried It on dnmka brought Mrs. William Rush will be accom­ G- E. WILLIS A SON. INC. parish hall and all members are Health approval ot hla plane a year European tijp dodal. urged to remain. - Next Week to the hoapltal. The shots convert panist for her brother, C. E3more 2 Main St. Phone 5125 ago but didn't And time to dig the May 9.—Sixth annual high schom the alcohol Into water and carbon Watkina, who wOl sing "The Bulld- ’ s grave In a cemetery neiu' bis home S iM ri -*r” by Cadman. dloxtde. t,h tbs lobby of the Mary Cheney until the wags deadlock left him spring concert at high school hall.. Tributes to Frances E. WUllard ■ibfary will be 'ound a dlaplM of May 13-33. — Annual Memorial Diacovaty that a syathetle chem­ NOTICE without ,work. boapUal drlva for $16,000. ical, alpha tocopherol, can be sub­ will be aa foUowa: MANCHESTER MEMORIAL material In rggard to the New 'Pork . -.-J------V---- — ---- TONIGHT! May 13. — Annual mother and stituted for vitamin E, tbs fertility Mra. Robert Cooper, "First Presl' HOSPITAL World's Fair, books and pamphlato dent of National Council Of Wo- MEETING OF THE CORPORA- Vhlch may be taken out If desired. daughter banquet at Bmamiel Lu­ vitamin, waa reported by Herbert $500.00 WORTH OP inen”: Mri. Fred-T. Bllah, "Worker, theran church. M. Evauf’ Oladya T-. Emerson and ..V 'nON New literature on the fair will be PUBLIC RECORDS IRWIN FURNITURE for BuffraKfi”) Mrs. Herbert Robb The annual meeting of the mem-1 added sa lt is received. Coming Bventa Oliver H. Emerson Of^tha Unlverelty SCOUTING May IT.—7th and 8th graded aen- GIVEN AWAY FREE! "Cto-Founder of (Chicago D. A- R."; bers of the Corporation of the Man­ BxeevtOrDoad of esaUforata. Mias Ella Waahburh. "Educator”: eert at high school hau. choir and Dr. Evana said It has b4»an known BY WATKINS BROS. chester- Memorial Hospital will be I B 4 6 S ' NEEDS YOUR FCEL TIE-UP BNM Under terms of an exaeutor'a eemblned orchaatra. WlnaOra Mnat Bo Piaomtl Miaa Zhrelyn Beer, "Methodist Worn- held a t th e ' hospital on. Monday, I Boston, May I-::-(AP)—With the deed recorded today by Town Clerk for aoma time that this ehtmleal May 20.—Legion Cabaret danes at wUl-mo ths work ef Yltamtn B for ENDS tONIOHTi Hay 8th, 1939, at 8 o’clock P. M., return to work today of coal drivers Samuel'J'. Turktnj^on, the Man­ Rainbow, Bolton, for the purpose of transacting any and helpers a graatar Boston fuel chester Trust company, executor of female rata. But It has only just WALLACE BEERY in May 31.—Third annual banquat ot been proven that It la potent also business proper to be transacted at | SUPPbRT! tie-up whieh began April I t was at tha eaUU of the lata EllubeUi J. Garibaldi society at Sub-Alpine elub. “SERGEANT MADDEN” said meettog. Ob end. Oolway,' has conveyed to LUIlan M. HEN OF 45 TO SO (XT UMm ut. Mi ei-v Strickland property located on Qol- May 34.—Fourth annual outdoor . PLUS - F. A. VERPLANCK, And dent let.anyone tell you differently either' Mother likes musieia faatlval at Sdueational Secretary. • •.CeeNrSt, M—cMiNp way atreet. “FAST AND LOOSE- Haachester, Conn. . H*. *"<* welye the feshhms^ehe'U lov*_.faahlone Waritantte Square, 1,000 volees and 100 mual- HIGHEST ANNUAL WAGE you U love! All ere charming, youthful, carafuUy and softly By warrantee deed recorded at etans. May 1st. 1989. * tailored to fit and flatter Mother'i figure. Best of all-- they're Ward E. Krauac TOMORROW AND WED. tha offlea of the Town Clerk, Adam inatmetor Waabingtoo, May 1 — (AP) — her day—Sunday, Lawn Mowers Karklel, of Bristol haa conveyed to CLAJUNBT AND V ■^. » »\ > 4 I ‘ Men in the (orUe* may have more A t the New York Worlds Fair I ' William S. HjMe, tniatce, lota flO and DRY ERA GANG LEADERS SAXOPHONE Ueels Saasir'el tcrable finding jobs than younger 66 Midvale tract addition No. 1 Tor eepkaw RaUa.. aaln, hut when toey do have work, ... ^ptain N a n c y L o ^ y ^ a r t New Dresses for Mother Sharpened and a. sum ladlceted as 6500 by atampa. mmUst t l Watawl Btraql seeaa 4ka areUaei^. m $886 ^ a t ale aaiakberel 1 the Social Security Board esUmated Repaired AppWte tloM GUILTY IN CONSPIRACY $oday, they draw fatter pay checics. «nd her Guides will show millions $4.98, $5.98, $7.98, $10.98 - Application for a marriage Ucente Director John J. Oonmn of tbe Othare From gl.Og. Why bot h»v« haa been made by Charles Mertena, SPECIAL KOTICE y o b r mower ^ driver and Oladya Lillian Ted- Chicago. May l.-^(AP)—G«orn OM Age Insuianoe Bureau reported their way around. prepbred bow ford, ellk worker. (Buga) Moran and Prankla (Aw- that men between 45 and SO bod the COATS . . wnBrotmpBT I - Ugbaot annual wage of any othw TO THE LADIES! And at the Fair... or wherever you for the eeai- Pemilt ntoiw BooOaggwr) Parker,. ntOhlbi- Bo maay af you derfn to buvo me ptw- Draaticany Reduced lag aeeaoar A permit has been appro'ved by ticn arm gang leadara, today atoed ago groiip-:-61,M4. Shenieaed bad tha building Inspector for the erec­ eonvletad by a criminal court Jury THE NEW Toiitlis betareen 18 and 19 aver­ eiiaoB yow ipatoriaia for yoa that I most go j.. Chesteijfield’B right combination Please Send Your orerhbbM H tion of a tingle mvelllng with attach­ ot consplroey to foiga and cam aged only 8868 aoeb, but tbe pay to. taka "time off” to do ao, Hwretofe, this 20% to 40^0 wilt m a Hke ed garage on Princeton street 'Dw eountorfeit American Exprete cianied steadUy to tha 464K) year iheppa v w he eleaed all day Thursday* of the world’s best cigarette tobaccoa Donation To new bgalb abd houte will be built by Edwin Jacob­ Company travelera' choeka wiUi a CIRCLE group, than Ml off. to enable me to give this added eervico. is showing millNI^s th^ way to more I ' For Quick Clearance mbka aaowtbg son of 104 Pitkin street and will coat faea valua of $63,000. Please make early appalatmept If you SHOW NtORTi wish to eaU au Thaiateya. 0 « . bplebewb. approximately $6,000. ‘The jury, which returned ita van- BMOmUD BEAT NEUTBAS. the RIGHT COAMINATION o f the smoking pleasure. . y C. CHENEY diet loot Bight oftar daliboratlog IS PREUbiSION GRINDING Treasurer cRiTicizEa pouor houra, fallad to oxareiao it* right ProvKUneo, R. L, May 1—(AP)— world*s best cigarette tobaccos When you try themyou*U know bthy Chest- PROMPT SERVICE to impoa* oB*-to-fiva year priaon r L u s I TIm Vary John J. DUlon, O. P. ROSE MARIE WILROSt PHONE 7S8S Tokyo, May 1.—(AP) — Tatsiw torma and $1,000 tinea on each. Trial THEY M4DE ME preoident ot Provideno* College, erfields give smokers just wk^ they sptmt Care of the Kawal. a Japanete Foreign Offloa Judg* Jamaa F. Fardy nay tbara- told the senlar clooe today the o.,they*re milder and taste rettr DRE8SSHOP ofltoiaL sharply critlciaad what he to n pate aantanca up to ■ nagimiim SaV ’A CRIMINAL A > Dressmokins Shoppe ht a cigarette... more refresmng mildness ynltod Stateo ahould remain neutral I Ordiard Street Tel^one 81$5 Botol S htrldu Building Manchester ealMd the Aiflerieaa-BrtOMi poU^ ot ona jrtor in jail and • n,6 regarding foreign oSalra "until better tasts. pleasing ot “tatarfarsBee" In'vrotld a f^ y oenw vary gravs harm and taiJuty ^ . Trust Co. hM hoen doM h e n ’* that cad be a t is f y ifiA ifteit» Mn* 1 TBEY S s n » ' W. WtOA ■■'J ,\:\t 'iPACTB n w

MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTr BliTcONN. MONDAY, MAT 1.1989 3 VIOLENT DEATHS Largest Peacetime Total t*U the South Manchester Depert- the tourist who glanced at Rome's | ment that It would be doing a good Colosseum and sniffed “ Huh! Not j work If It were to make an offer near as Mg as the Yale Bowl!" Washington DURING WEEK END Likely For Defense Bill similar to that of the North End Of course all such pride In mere firemen, been use'that would be loojslae In obnoxious. But U would Daybook Washington. 1— (A P I mostly combat types, plus 219 pro­ — h t P r t t f m much like trying to tell .Santa Claus | seem that we may have eaaon for TWO FOR THE None Result Of Motor Vehi- iTncleSam’anatlonai defense bm for vided for In the regular appropria­ to hustle out of his North Pole bed a little glow of pride In our latest tion. Washington—Now and. then the the year beginning July 1 appeared . To Continue Shipbuilding “ largest." and get busy on his Job. .But per­ barksweep of the Westtmn Pselllc cle Accident; Man’s Body likely today to reach the unprece­ In addition to the two new bat­ haps It would not be too risky to We haven't the largest army, nor tide brings to Washington one of dented peacetime total n f $1,804,- tleships. the president requested ' rather casually hint that there are even the largest navy. But we have those strange Yankees who lire on OF funds to cootinue the Navy’s ship­ PRICE 458,.152. PsMUhed c*err Breelns KxeepI quite a number of spots, not very j the largest library, the outskirts of t)ie world, and ao It I Taken From Sound. building program autborlxed last •ssSsTS sue tfoUdars Knieretf at tea was we met TheO Rogers. Even that amount, which will be year In the billlon-dollar naval ex- Offic* at Manchaatet. Corn, aa far from the business center, where l l.ess than 100 years ago the IJ- i tacrease.1 by $’*’77,000,000 If addi­ ■eeoBd Claaa Mall Matter______He teems know almost arery- panrton act. Last week be aaked' some ably controlled burning would ] brary of Congress wss n«gllKlble.*i one who in' fO years has crossed tional loi-ks approved for the Pana­ for an additional $31,621,000 In di­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES the Pacific to/Manlla. Ha went orer | B.v ASSOtnXTEn PKF.S! ma Canal, to far less than England’s ^ rect appropriations and $34,179,080 Osa Tear b» Hall ...... do a lot of good If there were any- j Today, having Just opayied Its new ONE! The two weeks’ mtoslon^eld In St. j Three residents died violently in defen.'e fund of nearly $3,000,000.- - In contractual authorlzaUons to give Per UoBta bj Mall ** one to do It and that we Juat don t j 18,000,000 annex. It la the largest i 'jJSe t;00- Fact Finder! ■lames’s church, came to a htase yea, Sinaia C«pt ...... —...... ** Monday. Ma.v 1 Connecticut over the wifek-end but 000. the fleet a sysfem of air bases far OalTraraS One Tear ...... I» know of anyone able to do It or jin the world The annex, has shell : brothers. Moat o f the -•.:C. Not i?o Long Ago terdav afternoon-when tHe\^urch Congress already has made $578.- p. m. none of them as a result of a motor loiit In the Padfle. Alaska and the equipped for the Job, unless the H .room for*10.000,000 books, twice asjojthers came back. 4:48— To Be Announced. was filled, by men 'of the partoX 528,111 avnllahle td the Army—the | mEMBKR or THE ASSOnaTED t Inncnpring MkttreaMS 1 :00—Backstsga .1.00 Ad Liner Dance Program. have been attending the mWslotKfor I Caribbean. But Then stayed and went bito vehlclo accident. largest sum that service has receiv­ These new facilities, some Naval PRE8H .M. K. P. should hnpfien to feci thojmany aa the main library now con 4:18— Stella Dallas “ \ a:30 .\thU-Hc!. at Conn. State_,Col- .« week. The first week's mtosHm Tba Aaaoslalad Praaa • axcluaiaalr the ' newspaper busthesa and made or 1 Box Sprint snd 1 Mattress Besides, sn unlilciiUlled man’s ed since the World W a r- for acquisi­ experts said, would enable the aatltlad to Iba uaa el rapnbllratlon urge to go out and start something, tains. 4:30—Vic and Sade lege --Geo. VanBlbber was for the women and so great It-pay handsome dividends In peaoa 4:48—Girl Alone body wii's taken from the .waters of tion of new weapons ami expansion Navy to detect any hostile move ■ ef all nawa diapatehaa eraduad to II i Tlie firemen wouldn’t get a thing Thus the United States Is /pre aa well as excitement. He bit 5 45— Adventures in Science the attendance then that both the' of the Air, Corps. or not olbarwlaa oraditad In Ibla i 8:00—Midatreani • 6:00 E.SSO Reporter —News, and upper and lower parts of the church Isvng Island Sound off WiMxInionl. against the United SUtes while the pared to gather together l|t^ even Washington to celebrate hia 40th For the Navy, President B00 Naval the fleet’s task of keeping the C ^ b- ruII eerrlce client of N. B A Sere* .1:18—Talk hy State Offirial 6:30- Edw-tn C Hill. Over 3IK) at Breakfast j maybe—but perhaps we've said all gulshes man from^The brute world enment have gone on svhlle Pva bean prize-Moakler. They put their men 5 0 - Melodic Strlnga, Larry Huard. New Haven Biitt)or1tles Investi­ air base program. ’ bean free o f enemy submarines, thsy ICO Inc- 6 :4 0 -B.aseball Scores , The men’s mission was climaxed l.,eBders plan to bring the Naval I that can hr said without risking will live on here, and In the In the Phlllpplnaa,’’ he said, 'land to work on these Duo-Rest twin bed VN'hUe a limited stock remains we'ra gated the death of Orazio tli-ero, said, and guarding ths vital Panama yet I have to come back here and ' B a rito n e 6:45— WDRC String Ensemble . ye.'terday by the large number of bill to the House floor this wreek. Mombor Amorleen Kewepeper Pob- offering full size Holmon-O. D. Baker- •4ft -Lowell ’Thoma* >- f>6-year-old (aipeorn vendor, whoae' Canal from surprise attacks. I having some smoke-eating volun­ "achleveinenta" In which he made ring my own telephone numhers.“ outfits and build up a big re.serve. So made Innereprlng mattreeses m pair 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. i men who received ooinmiinlon At ilsbore Aesoolsllon. ______fr-ivi -Mr. Dtotrtct Att-orney body was found In lu'd In his tvv-o- What Army Will Get teer ask ua If w.-e’d be willing to himself one with the tiger and the here they are . . a special purchase, for. only. $29.7L Regularly $19.78 7:15— Liim and Abricr. the 8:30 niass over 425 received the Pabitihen Roprooeeteileos: Tbo 7:18—Champions 7 30- Eddie Cantor's Camel Cara Sacrament. Of this number the rtvoni ai'arliuenl Saturday night, Military exiwrta toM Congreas the Julius Mtthowe Spoeisl Asene*—.IIOP- Icome along and hold a, bore'nozrle. hvens Partnership In Vaostlaiia. and, of course limited in quantity. each . . and etill $19.78 If you buy W I 7:80— Inside of Rporla with Jack Army funds would give infantry­ Holy Name Society of the church .Medical Examiner .Marvin M. Scar­ only one mattreea. $29.78 If you buy van tsrk. Cbleaso. Odiroli end Boston. And where that would put us! Thro and McCvlIough Dick run Select either two twin size mattreues 8:00 - Cavalcade of Amertrs. men new semi-BiilomaUc rifles two- two! No reorders are possible at this Stevens I was In the majority as ,112 later at­ brough said death was scddentsl MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF the Manila Free Press and they 7.48— Studio Program 8:30— Model Minatrela tended the breakfait that was and "seemingly due to llliimlnaling and-one-half times more efficient [ RUSSIAN FLIERS make enough money to stay on va­ or a mattress and liiatching box price! CtRCrl-ATIUNB.______g:00— Al Pearce and his Gang 9:00— Lux Radio Theater. ' served in the Army and Navy Club. gas." that flowed Into the room than World War rifles; provide air­ cation by turns. One roams the spring . . at the price of one I men with planes capable of speeds Tbo Horald Prlntlns Compsnr Ino.., 'COMMISSIONEir IIK KEY? I Cood sportsmanship will cause, R;30— Alfred Wallenstein’s orches- 10:00—Guy l.o)mbardo'a orchestra. It was the largestMiiimber of men from an uneapiied pii>e connerted to STATEMENI OF OUH world for a few months or a year, 10:.30 - The Columbia Workshop that have attendeii a communion in excess of 3.10 nitlea sn hour, and essoinee no flnenclsl roeponelbllllr i very fear rrgrel that General Kok- I while the other runs the paper— Each outfit is excellently tailored with t r«i a new1,v-lnstnllial meter Intended to for typocrspnioAl orrore epposrlns in The suggteatlon that c.ovrm'ir (1-00—Hour of Charm with Dorothy 11:00 Esso Reporter— News and ' breakfast In Manchester. protect cities against air rshto with then It's turn about. tape edges, handles, ventilators and serve another apartnu'nt. sdvortlsemonts In the Menebeeter Baldwin appoint Edward .1 Mickey, j kinaki and Majoi Gordlenko, the Thompson, c-ommentator - Weather. \niong the Si»eakrr« anU-airersft guns that shoot ac­ POLICY EvonlBs Bors|(L I Then to sandy haired, sandy com firm roll edges. New brown and 11:05—Forest Eire Weather Fore­ Shooting t'ailed Suicide curately into the stratosphere. Hartford County detective, to be j .Soviet filers, after having made an 9:80— Eddie Ducliln'a Orchestra i Judge Harold Garrlty was the plexloned. and sandy of speech. cream woven stripe ticking. Inner- cast and Baseball Scores. ' toastmaster. Speakers included Rev. The shiKitlng of William Krafton Funds also were Included to bd- He had a part In the Spanish 10:00— Contended Program. MONDAY. MAY 1 Stale Police Commissioner In sue-i " P " ’ "'Kht from Mos 11:10—Jack Teagarden's orchestra. William Gl.vnn of St. Mary’s church. tote Saturday In the klteheh of a sler*Aeacoast defenses of the con -eovv 111 the North Amerlian Conti (Civil War—as a visitor—and later spring unit insulated with white sisal 10:30—Guy Hedlund Players VALUES ARE ceed Anthony Runderlsnd. whose 11:0b— News and Weatfier 11 30—Ozzle Nelson's orchestra, Hartford, who made the prin- Fall-field restaurant was railed a llnenlal Unlle.l States. Panama and Inent. had the bad luck to wrote a hook about It. - He was In pads overlaid with soft felt uphol­ RISlfNG IN ■ " term expires on July 1 of this year, WATKINS 11:15—Ted Lewis orchestra 12:00—Ted Weem's orchestra., ! cipal adilress. He look for his sub- aiilelde by Medleal Examiner Stan­ Hswall. r .1 l| Barcelona In 1938 when raiders INC “DEMOCRACY” stery, Button tufted. ■ rothsrs 11:30—Horace Heldfs orchestra 12:.30— Shep Flelil’s orehestra tect "la -Christianity a Failure? ton R. Smith, who sold the man Of the money sought thus far,,81,• which appears to be developing In­ : forced doiyn by the clrcum-' thre'iitenrd ths home of one of hla REAL ESTATE Tomorrow's Program WHS despondent over the denth of 401.457,564 wimld be spent in fiscal Our political words are getting I Blancs of Kokkinakra fainting friends. Hr talked the Invaders 12:00— Eddie Rogers orchestra ' State Depiity William J. Shea, Rev. to s movement, to one, we believe. 12:30— Earl Hines orchestra A. M. , Vincent Hl’nea and Rev.- Thomas hto wife three years before. 1940, and the remainder during the Don’t >’o« need all scrambled. that could not p^alhly hr Improved i altitude of 27,000 feet, which Into leaving the place alone and 7:00—Shoppers Special. got hla name on front pages. 12:58—Newa Stack o f 8t. James’s church, Rev. Two men In a boat dlsrovered the next two or three years. more Are InanranM Some o f them have come to mean 7:15—Esso Reporter —News ano James P. Timmins of St. Bridget’s on. The pro|K,siiv may not receive companion to make From here Theo goes to Europe. 1:00— Silent ‘ man's body off Wooiimont and President Roosevelt asked for Im- Weather. church. Charles O’Dowd, grand mmllHte appropriation of only $M,- on yoiir houM? A practically nothing at all. iinlvcr-iil mi.1 enlhusl-isllc siipimrt ! '''"crKcn'-.y landing on an laland Prohahiv fte will go Vin around to brought It HshoiV. Meillcal Ex­ T:20--Shoppers Special. knight of Campbell Council and P. aminer William J. H. Ktocher said 800,000 of the $300,000,000 Intended few extra doUmra When men understand widely dif- in Hartford County, but If ao It will In the .Gulf of St. Lawrence. •Manila In a few months If a war TomofroW’e Program 7:55—Esso Reporter— News and doesn't Interfere. J. Carroll, president of St. James's It had been In ths water slhre last for the proposed Air Corps expan­ farent things by the same word, hot be because the people In this There to no reason to doubt that, Held over! Weather. Holv Name Society, and John G. sion. That enabled the War De­ may save tho«- 8:00—Reveille with Jake and Carl S:00 Shoppers Special fall and that It might he that of a than that word la no longer of much part of the state do not think Ihht, hut tbr that unforeseeable and un- The three bedroom eehemes tor last Mahoney of 81. Bridget's Society, partment to order 665 new planes. mndm if the lira The British Are Oomlagt 8:30— Francta Cronin, organlat 8:30— Eaao Reporter - -Newa and hurricane vletlm, . value. preventaj)le mcldent, the Russian week . . Schemes 7, 8 and- 9. have were other speakers. Mr. Hickey would make the Ideal Aarignpients to cover the visit 6:55— Newa eomes. Don’t delay been held over for another week V.'onthor. .Average Attendance Two wyirda ring In ever>- ear to- Stale Police Pepiirl incnl head, hut aviators would have completed of the King and Queen of England 7:00— Morning Watch 8 ."..I !ihoppera Special. . In addition to the three new During the two weeks the ml.sston HE II.AS O l’TLIVBD neelnff us for com­ day, and all day long. They are their night afid. liiniled gloriously at are'at a premium among Washing­ 3:00— Newa and Weather 9:00—Richard Maxwell. berniiae hla scrvlees In the offiee of Again-- schemes b^lowl , was held there was an average at­ PKOSPEtmVE MOURNERS i ton newspapermen. In spite of the 8:15— HI Boy a 9:15- Home Folks Frolic.,, plete information. "democracy " and ''dlctatorahlp," the county’s stale's attorney, Hugh Floyd Mennrit Airfield, close to the tendance of 1.000 a day by the 8PKC1AL disposition of most of them to look 8:30—Radio Bazaar 9:25— Esso Reporter —News and women and 700 by the men. Are- we all talking, about the M. Alenrn.' have been of such very World's Fair, lit. less than schedule down their noses at "soolety report­ Council Bluffs, la. — (A P ) — 8:48— Rhythm of the Day Weather. i Sunday waa not the only day on George Wright. 70-year-oId bachelor same thing whan we use these time. ing." They expect It ivlll be most­ 9:30— Girl Interne— Joyce Jordan Innerspring great value that It may appear to 9:00—Milky Way Which men of the, parish received attorney, has called off plans he words? L^t'a see. Denmcrary, Aa It was. the flight was an out­ ly that, chat about what the Queen d e c o r a to r s 9:18—Food News 9.45— Us On a Bus. communion. At the mosses on many that he Is Indtopenaable there. wears and whether King's swrord o u r p la n 3 n e w I made for hto wake because he to still JOHN L: Why. that's a country where the standing achievement and the land­ 9:30—Jake and Carl 10:00- Pretty Kitty Kelly. i Wednesday morning and each morn- Unusual panoramic view taken from a ^ane We do not Iwlleve, hoyever, that trina him as he leaves the train for 10:1.V—Myrt and Marge ver>’ much alive and the friends he MATTRESS people goveni themselves! 9:45— The Happy Gilmans j ing thereafter there Were many /of the grounds and buildings at New York World a Fair ^ Invited fen years sgo are either such conalderatlons should Im- per ing Itself a demonstration of re- a formni call. 10:30— Hilltop House. 10:00— Central City 1 eommunlcants. before ODcning day. A t bottom of photo is the F ^ era l huRdinB, dead or living In other parts of the la It? Well the United Slates Is mitted to weigh against the selec­ sourccfutiiesB calling for much aJ- Imidentully, If all the applies- 10:15— John's Other 'Wife 10 45— .Stepmother. i both sfdes of it are various foreign buildings. Before tt i» JENNEY tlons for space on the train wters 11:00— Tropical Moods. i country. laaorMta* ai not, never was, and never was In­ tion of the very beat person avail­ niliatlon. \ 10:%0— Just Plain BUI elliptical Lagoon of Nations. The long Wright took out "wake" insurance granted It would be miles long. Be­ 10:45—The W’omsn In White 11:15— Scattergood Balnea •n o psrisphere. theme symbols, is calTed Constitution MalL A t tbQ $ 1 2 . 9 $ tended to be, a pure democracy. It maturing Oct. 31, 1938. J. C. Han­ T a L M M able to head the State Police. And sides perhaps 1.10 to '200 newspaper- 1 1 :00—Davt* Harum 11:30— Big Sister. • — KStif."*-- the building. 191 Mata BL to a democmtic republic. ROOM sen, the triistee, died recently. men from England. Canada and the SCHEMES there cannot tie many well dlsp-iaed 11:18— Lorenzo Jones 1:45—Aunt Jenny’s Stories. Overnight News 10 Depot 8q. T e L « H » The people govern themselves, United Flales. the "pilot" train will "Instead of'm y old friends making people In tlila state, at all fninlliar 11:30— Young Widow Brown 12:00—Kate Smith. airirmaUvcly-"If the weather to have to carry many eoaentlal psr- 12:15— Her Honor, Nancy James. merry at my wake", said Wright. "1 KEMP'S but not directly, "niey are govern.- In New York] 11:45— The Road of Life , good’'—to many requests by the with both the department's work­ eons such aa Rrotland Yard men and 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. have attended the Rinerals of all hut ad by popularly-choaen officials Bjf CeorgB Rosa J for Young Homemakers 12:00 noon— Noontime Varieties. Of Connecticut SETTLE QUESTION ■t princesses for permission to go I ings and the character and record Yankee Secret Service agents. The 12:18—Bradley Kincaid 12:45—Our Gal Sunday. a few of them." who have egrtain powers as long as :iw1mmlng, ride ponies and have pic­ of Detective Hickey, who do not King's own train will follow the 12:80—"Your Family and Mine" 1:00—Elsso Reporter— News and ' By AStMNllATEO PRESS pi Inti nics during their parents' absence. they are In office. People 'can re­ New York. May 1 —After hto con- 12:48— Stagin’ Sam Weather. rerognlr.c In him the man precisely As In presidential, travels, a R e a d y fo r In s p e c tio n OF SHIP’S CONTROL place them with others If they don't valeacenre friim that myaterloua 1:00— News and Weather 1:06—Conn .Market Produce Bulle. fitted to get the very IichI results "p IM " Iraln gees ahead as a pre- East Berlin— (A P )— A state police DUKE SPONSORS ORPHAN kiuil of a li'W weeks ago, mllUonalrr 1:18— Melody Sweethearts ^ tin. like what la done. That Is a repub­ from the Hlati' Pollen service. i iiiiUen agattial bomba In the track 1:10—Musical Interlude Investigation got under way Into the Wanstead, England— (A P I — rhe lic, but It la not pure democracy. ^ MIm magnate and his strikingly |oi (iiull" rail 1:30— Gretchen McMullen theft of 2,000 pounds of virgin tta There would be a peculiar Illness, qutpmrnt. The Idea 2:00— French Pronunciation Lesaona 1:16— U fe Can Be Beautiful. Duke of Kent enteried Cyril Day, sound.s awfully thrilling, this bual- valued at $1,000 from the Stanley Equerry To Carry “ King’s 10. In the orphanage here. The boy's la a democracy? Of blonde wife, Hope Hampton, are re- — Professor A. Croteau 1:30— Mata Street— Hartford. loo. alsuit the selection of Mr. neaa of going ahead to clear out Chemical Company, which had Im­ father died after a fall wrhlle course not, we aay. It to a mon­ aoming their public appearances. 2:30— News For Women Only l;45-^Thls Day Is Ours. Hickey to direct the activities of the bombs, hut so far ns this corrs- TUESDAY 2:00— Doc Barclay's Daughters. ported It from England. The metal decorating hto store to welcome the 2:48— Meet Miss Julia archy. The king is head o f the First glimpse I had of them wa.s apenilenUs tnve.stlgatlon goes, one was taken from the factory through Orders” To Captain Who Duke to Needham Market, Suffolk. the State Police, ulnec aa a member 3:00— The Story of Mary Marita 2:15— Life ft' Love of Dr. Susan. stale, and he rules hei aute hla fa­ In the lllltmore lobby. - Brulatour never has disturbed the peaceful 2:30— Strictly Swing—GlI Bayek. a side door, probably Friday night, nir familY would need INCOME of the rank and file of that organi­ 3:18—Ma Perkins was smoking a cigarette through an progress of the pilot train. 2:45—WDRC String Ensemble. dropped over a nearby' fence and ther ruled. 3:30— Pepper Young’s Family Win Command Personnel. zation many years ago he resigned elghteen-lneh holder, ao It wa.s im- Inchleutally, this town to etill NIGHT 3:00— Gurtto Institute of Music. picked up by truck, authorities said. -it? Yet In Sweden everything of im­ frfim It because at that time It had IKis.slblc U) go too near him. Hope worried about where all the King's 3:45—The Guiding Light 3:30— Harvard School of Education Middletown—Church services at­ ^ ' tf tended by overflow audiences closed portance to done by popularly-elect­ aaggetl down Into a coiuHtlon of fu­ was looking longingly at some niEn and ladles In waiting will l>e series. ed representatives of the people. •sparkling knlck-knacka' in a Jewel- sheltered In the White House. There 3:45—Matinee Promenade. the annual seulon of the New Eng­ London, May 1. — (A P ) —'Tho^ Investigate if death removed its mainstaY tility—and of rather more than land Conference of the Augustana problem of who should edmmand * The king walks about town or rides era cnhlm-t but Hrulnlour shook simply aren't enough spare bed­ questionable rectitude - with which Ilia head In a gealuie of ".\'o." rooms. big as the place to. In Whathar you’rt 18 or 80 . .I f you have young ideas . . Lutheran Synod, which has voted to the liner Empress of Australia, the | Before Yoa Sign Your ' the trollc.VB like anylxaly else. And Quotations— hold Its 1940 meeting In Hartford. he could not consclcirtlously aas-i- Before the myaterloua ahiKitlng, spite of everything nuiny of them you'll like these color schemes Each one is decorator- captain or the king's equerry, dur­ Union— Hagop Cospikyan, acting ing the voyage of King George VI < Heating Oil Contract ths Sociallsta think he'a awell. In clate hlmaelf. he was never known to deny Hope nlmplv will have to .be spilled over planned, so you can be sure it’s smart, sophigticated . . pastor of the Congregational church and Queen Elizabeth to North many ways Sweden to more demo­ anything. Into tn,and $8 roome In the local no matter what the price. To. date we've designed a Socony Friendly 8ervloe With How,much a month H ow many months Nothing could he more appropri­ hotels.-' I beg you to let them come In. The here since Dec. 1. was ordained to America this month has been settled Standard Heating Oils cratic under the monarchy than R A D I O ^ ^ * ^ the Christian ministry In exercises ate. then, Hum Tr- Levy, both of Bridgeport and Attor­ Their Majesties spent their (m I BILL’S $200 monthly for 58 monthi day they accepted an Invitation to wouldn't go to tha deatlst'a” What $150 monthly for S4 montbi tives. We will fetoe power and rule to seen by one of the shrewdest [lol- 10 11 ott and Franklin, Jr., will soon pean developments has taken quite ney Harry Watsteln of New Haven. visit a big department store In a older people do, tisually. paaees un­ . week-end before leaving for the Service Station," for them until some day they are . be divorced. 100 monthly for 58 months 150 monthly for 72 montha Itlcal commentators In Connecticut body. Someone told them It was a a spurt since the Hitler speech of United States and Canada, where noticed. Not always, but mostly. Goidp Plum and Linen HlS HENS CAN LAY Cor. Foster sod E. Center Sts. able to do It themaedvea.'' to be a victory for the tolls Idea lo big Trading Post. What happens to this: tba slips Green, Red and Lmen Friday, with numerous programs they are due May 16, at home with 50 monthly for 114 months 100 monthly for ll4 months Our two countries are the great­ placed on the list at the last minute • OREEN-YOLKED EOOH their,two daughters. But your most rigid .South Amer­ the financing of the Merritt' High­ And. on Fair Day they are going of older people are likely to be n - PHONE 3975 to violate a tribal taboo and Initiate imated. Anything that Is repeated Comfort is the keynote of this scheme! A deeply est In the world. Their relations are . . . among a number of depart­ They gave final Initnicttons to ican dictator always instsls that he way. nucleus and extensions. Cox Topeka. aKns. — (A P ) — Walter three leading New Yorkers as hon­ has Its effect on character and hahit- All the essentials of a smart living room . . 8 pieces vital to humanity, are unlimited in mental changea at NBC, A. H. Mor­ governesses and. It was said, replied ■ also IB merely a trustee o f the peo­ upholstered Grand Rapids-made sofa with pleated the power for good and are a Laundon can make hla hens lay yel­ to strong for tolls, whereas some of orary Semlnolea ths. lucky candi­ Then we have a pxttsm. It Is pat­ in all . . for only $198. The scheme is built around ton. vice president formerly In bulwark of liberty and peace. low, red or green yolks In their egge. Annual Rata Far 11*00$. R M H M Whole Ufa S FaHcy ple's pipAer, ruling for th?Ih until those Republicans who have op- dates being President Roosevelt. tern that children copy. back and arms is covered in'a rich dark red mohair. charge of televiaion. Shorting a hen on her grain ration they are able to do It themselves. Mayor LaQusrdla and—of course— It to really dreadfuUy h ^ to live a Chinese Chippendale sofa in a plum damask, j An -Marquees of Lothian, British pored his renaming are against the A lounge chair is done in a striped green velvet, and and feeding her green vegetables 4Ui Year Net Grover Whalen. " up to these youngsters. One oaiinot X. amhasoador-deslgnato to U. S* Short wave forecast fbr the week Gnarsntseil First 3 Yean And that* to dictatorship. occasional chair and a 9x12 rug in an 18th Ceijtury makes the jrolks green. An abun­ at Freaeot Scale *‘4tb Year Net” ibovi tolls, and the commentator In quea- alwaya be a paragon of parfecUoB. the 9x12 plain frieze rug is in a Cascade green color. ending Sunday: "Reception prob­ Age Not to Exceed _ tS7o Ltn So whenever we'hear those words Document pattern bring the green into the schetne. I challenge anyone to show the dance of carrots ta the diet m ^e.i Tbk Msximuin (C w .ei«4) (S«b|M< W fourtb-j'eer premium Iim tlon Is-convinced that If the Gover­ No Fair Welcomers We make our mistakes, have our ably will shpw pronounced fading yolks more yellow than they shbiild The third chair . . a wing model . . is covered in miners are any better off since Johii ^. at end of Uiird “democrac.\-” and ''dictatorship" to­ nor had jHel'ded to their pressure It Year-round hotel dwellers already weaknesses and love our tndui- Tha plum and greens u t repeated in a Chippendale at the start and the end of the be. yolks come from diets of diNodeiid ■’i '.,1 L. Lewis became their leader. day let's atop and aak ourselves. gencea linen which picks up all the colors in the room. A week. I t Is expected to be fairly $13.09 $12.41 year, st our preeeat nols. would have ended In tolls financing have felt the brunt of the, w orld’s wing chair covered in n atu ^ linen with a colorful —Representative John McDowell chemically treated grains. 2 0 $1 5.4 0 Just what do we mean? Fair u ^ n their exchequ'ers. Formal Daddy sleeps until 10 O’clock Sun­ good in.the middle of the week.” AU the yoUcs . taste about the Futun divideod*. of oouna, fij-lng out of the: window. . coffee table, twojend tables and an occasional table o f . Pennsj'h'anla. little nptlcoa have circulated the day. In comes Bud and Sally from flower design. In addition theM four items the same, said Laundon. 25 17.72 15.06 14.32 een not be (oietold. Better than either »-ord lojlay to If this IS a correct view of Ujj> Sunday school. TH E Y had to get up complete the 8-piece room scheme . . $325. — -— . - . ' - V -^‘.!a free country,'' . Every American past month to most hotel tenants, scheme includes a coffee table, occa$ional table and Listening tonight: / situation- and thifre to plenty of, informing that rates were going to early enough, dear knowa MOthar 30 2 0 .6 6 17.56 ..,1 6 ,7 4 : says,- "Dfiddy Works very hard au ,!j;alka WJZ-NBG : ■ PoboeeiMoadattkawistae has .defUmtly asked the question, reason- for accepting It as correct— be tripled or quadrupled. two and tables. Deaths Last Night ■jcorum. Senator Burton K. Wheeler week. He needs his rest, deara” IlfUNeRAlHOMeOF 2 4 ,5 8 ,2 0 .8 0 2 0 .0 2 cooUia Prenuum Wsivw "Well, It’s a free country Isn't It.?'’ It affeete moat of all ths folk In on "Railroad Problems"', WOR-MB8 35 the retention of Commlaslongr Cox Oul't fliii# DiiebUity Previiiou. Me knows what that meant. the minor hosteirlea who have been 9, J. Stanley McLean of Canada on ^ W I L L I A M Pw ' 2 5.82 to probably ths best thing that This Is trua but Btifl and Salljr New York— Mrs. Maryon. Andrews 40 • 2 9.79 24.47 And ths Important thing about Juat managing to muddls through. "The World Situation” : Weaf-NBC oould have happened. The fact that msy say. "We hkve to get up tarty Brugulere Denning Hewitt d'Erlan- Issas4 st agta 1$ to S9 ’ Many are now migrating to the ;h and every day. You don't allow 9:30, Herbert. Hoover on '.rnie Fu 1_ 3 6 ,7 3 3 1 .2 2 30.39 any country today to not "Is It a ger McCarter, 55. mother of Ann 45 .Mr. Cox . was an' appointee of for­ Bronx am< Brooklyn for cheaper ac­ us to stay in bed.*' turn of Technology.” democracyr^ or "A dictatorship?" Cooper HewItL the "sterUlaed" MtalBum Policy, $6,000 mer Governor Cross and to supposed commodations, Others are forming Then -mother explalna that It Is W E A F -N B C —6:30 Frontiers of 50 4 5.89 39.01 38.18 heiress. She married five Umes and or "A monarchy?" but ''Is It free?" to be some sort of a Democrat wtll collective and renting flats In old good for little children to hop out iiiilliNiiirhiii’i'li'Niii!' Oeoi'dgy; 7 Al Pearce; 7:30 Mar­ brownstone houses, raising common Scheme No. four of her husbands were mllUon- weigh very much less with the peo­ at the same time each raotniac. But garet Speaks, songs; 8:30 Eddy Du- > funds to pay malds-of-all-work. they can't sea why Mg folk (rt aU aliea. She wras defendant in a $500,-' chin orchestra; 9 Marek Weber con­ 000 suit brought by . her daughter FIRES TO PREVENT FIRES ple of . the state'than with the rela­ Nevertheless, these are the New the breaks, and chUdrsn hsvs to bs ceit. , \ tively small group of politicians Yorkers who welcome the Fair soldlera ' on a charge she was (luped Into a It seems a little 'surpri.alng thal WABC-CBS—6:30 Eddie Cantor SYMBOLIC INCREASE THE INCOME OR NUMBER OF MONTHS least. Go ahead, daddy, and get In your sterilization operaUon. • (west repeat 9:30); 7 Cavalcade of WE lOILT k PilVATE MIDAE t who give a great d * l more thought Auburn, N. Y.—Dr. Arthur H. there has not been a greater re­ forty winks If you need tbein, but 1 America; 7:30 Howard and Shelton; . . i of the complete­ I to patronage than dors the average Norton, 68. organizer and president sponse on the part of North End Short Sport am Juat saying that there la a good 12 i 8 Radio Theater "Lady For A Day"; tajtpayer. . emeritus of Keuka < women’s) col­ ness and beauty of FIR A TELEPRINE CARLE owners to the offer of the Manches­ The other night at the Tavern, Mt o f bookish stuff written about 1 i 9 Guy Lombaido. by a pohey of suitable ambunt ot tbose attractive rotM . There to very little likelihood that Jack Pearl—the memorable Baron training chlldran th a t' does not lege at Penn Yan, N. Y. ter Firs Department to burn over Plum, Gold and Blue 8L Louts— Dr. Frederlch W. WJZ-NBC—6:30 Jimmy Kemper Quish service is the at­ ’ Did you ever hear of a “catenary span?” . Connecticut will not. In th»i.tveBrfu­ Munchausen—was saying how be reckon with the ways of a home. grass and brusn tracts which con- Frerlchs, 90, one o f the charter songs; 8 Primrose quartet: 9 Tnie would have liked to buy another Seeing la believing, and it has Its or Falsa; 10:05 National Catholic tractive and modern It’e a euspension bridge — like the George Consult Agent, phoiu local office, or writs to the Company ture, go on.with a crosa-atate high- effect upon the youi ger generation. memhebs and one time president atituta greater or lesser fire' haz­ round of drinks, but hto budget for Th« flneit of hand-tailored pieces make up this acbool of social work. Waahington Bridge. Recently our engineers way“Tfn the Merritt Parkway scale How can we eay, "Do this,” or and treasurer o f the American In­ Quish funeral home. ards, under conditions which Would the day was running short. What to expect Tuesday: or pnsAty close to It, and wlUdn a “Don't do that,'' when they have tha sophisticated ensembla. , First there is a Chinese stitute o f Chemical Ehigtaeera. devised an inexpensTve way to construct one eliminate all danger df uncratroUed Now Pearl has earned a share of W EAF-N BC — 12:30 p.m. Federa­ Its use as a center for year or two It to likely that Connec- wealth In his day and It was a sur- raverse In object lessons right be­ Chippendale flo ^ cpplad from the origlna] in the on a email scale when aa old trolley bridge spread o f the flames. .,.T>(«in_ - jjre fore them? tion 0( Women's Clubs; 1:45 Hymns Uetrt people who would prefer hav- prisa to hear be lacked ependtng- of all ehtirclMai'-8;S0 Vic and Bade. funeral aervicc is pra> MTOIB the Farmington River wae being torn plenty of such hazards and\as soon moBty. Bill he explained. Daddy w on’t eat baked appisa R a ie ^ Tavern at WllHamsbmy. . It haa a sinfle Ing Ite built with tax ihoney rather Motber says, "You must aat your r^B rllflin 7 C^t-^s Oonotrt flnata: dowiL Poles were erected at both sides of as there to a dry spell, continuing Mrs. Pearl holds the purse-strings down-seat caahion and la covered in a soft plum ferrad by a growing apples, darllims, they are good for 4:45 Kentucky Derby trail; 5:30 the river and a steel etrand struiig between than with teUs wU be hard to find. In the family, dictates the financial for any length of time, they are al­ you." Aunt Btnma won’t apeak to damaak. A distinctive barrel chair has a soft old ]Nn. T aft and Rep. T. V. Smith on Besldea, Commlsalonor Cox to policy and dolaa out $10 par day to number. them. Then the telephone cable wa^ re­ most certain to make themaelvea Mrs. Jones. Mother says, "You must * 1 "Tlie American Farmer." WJZ- Nk generally believed to be doing a her mate. : Whan thfct ten-spot to blue demask coverinf.. The third chair . . d distln-' moved from the bridge and literally “ewung” manifest. It to Just a little puzzling ba polite and st>aak to avsry NBC—1:80 p.m. High ecbool stu­ Coats You Can Afford. pretty good Job with the whole gone, the dialectic Pearl, must solve WATKINS chlldran, whether you like theiam or fUithed -lounge model . . ie ia striped gold velvet I • ROtHSRt. INC dents awards; S:05 Deacrlptlve pro­ o’/er to its new supports, staying 4a service ^ t no more owners o f biunable his dilemma foif himself. not.” RADIO state road eltiiatlon. AI these colors are repeated ia a flnely draWn 18th gram from France. CBS and MBS sU the time. Engineering feats like this play raieBAiTM . 'lands have availed themselves o f Parents need not go about with chains—3:15, Opening"' League of --- ^ _ THINGS REAIXV GOT ROT V their part in giving you the beet possibls the departmefilFa offer, which, com^. prunes In'Ujelr mouths It would be Cehtpry floral patterned rug . . 9x12 siz^. Also of AAANCHESTER SERVICE Nations pavilion at World's Fair, slUy to have to put tbamaalvaa on ttiephm service at the lowest piossihlt cost. Ing from r , volunteer organization,: “LARGEST” LIBRARY Tulsa, Oklo.— (A P I — Papare la 2 lamp tables, a coffee table and occasional table . . CuBniaffham Tubes Sec. Wallace and othen. Jfttfittmuv 'tit Amwrlra tbatloa evaiy second for ths Some Tuesday short waves; M a gradoua and commendable, ona. the mayor’s wasta basket caught Phone 4457 By the way, have you a telepbona? The I t used to be a common crack in fit of tbesf young oflfoers, but all e i^ t lueeee for I4SI. Hlllilliilii GSE OSD GBB London 0:23 Ser- Offkot NEWARK, N tW JERSEY By tba tame token, not all the Are. Ira Pilcher. N Y A director, who say It la a hard job to put tl__ Swtbern New England Telephone Company. -i A l Europe that Americana were al- was In the office, raced tor a glass moos In Stone; HAT4 BudMoat 7 BMtdMr Are hasarda BUggastUifl this over by oral euggestion entlraly. BR' Hungarian plcturaa: "ndNItH San waya bragging about bow the Unit- of water but Fred Pyeatt, the ample la ao much stroagar. Duplicates of *T>ark Victory" Furniture given away Tonight W m . E . K r a h ^mayor's secretary, toesefl the basket Joaa 9 Brofdraat ta EngMati; TPA4 m “ ■ North' alwaya had the bt|^est ot #M>* --S-A-I— --- -- every mtotake ws maka tkay , at the Slate Theater. Be aure to attend. SS OahRMMrt Straat antfto. JuatlflcRtlatoto- iPazta U fM ^MMh atmto. F A C E S I X M ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, MAY 1,1989

Japanese Soldier /ilo yal Guests at Hyde Park POLAND MAY Sent to Germany COMMONS GETS TOWNWIDE REVOLUTION ASK CONTROL BRITAIN^ BILIi PROVES A BIG SUCCESS FLINt-BRUCE’S" 48 ^^" Storewid ON CONSCRIPTS OYER DANZIG GoTennnental Oyerthrow By morning, but Anally be was sdgsc 1891 - 1939 ,'tnto s corner In the probate court (OBBthiiMd fron Page Oaa.). (rbntlijned from Page One.) De Facto Jmta Gives he''co^menT«i‘ mor“ ^ . " ‘ ’ gardliig Um Free City and the Po^ posais concerning ihe future of Pal-,' _ , I M • *“ * »b«P". Abe new May6l fiah Corridor with mon details of estine \ Rnvc r.Tn^npiicc In Mnni* easjig nts feet up on t« what be wants. Iacl.uwng setting After the cahInM meeting prime D oys IjA|I.IICULC lU lUUUI ^^e nearby Uble. "It’s a 1^ easlst tba width of a propbeed tr*D»~Cor- Minister tlhambertaln told thp Mouse , • f ^ • than school." rldor German highway at no less of Commons' Cinal Affairs. ^ probate judge RusssL then gs kilometers I1S.5 miles.) •'1 fully recognise th^ ilrslrahllltv VI|KI| z iiia iia . ^ Roberu . etrlking lisUesely at The additional details were said of making a statement on the pro- ______; typewriter keys In ah effort to look to have been conveyed prh'ately to ■grew of negotiation* with Russia at •- I busy, agreed. Probate Clerk Job* Polsnd. |he earliest possible date, but I do Today’s revolution was a complete . Wallett tried unsuccessfully to gel Veagne Completely Inactive not progr^e to,do so fo. the time be­ success. Before sunrise members', his new boss to give him the da} The League of Nations, although ing. 1'rop.^ls have been received of the junta which staged a coup 9^ to go Ashlng. "You are needM poaaesilng full legal authority over from Kiis.sla.and tbe conversations In this office" wae the gist of I Danzig, Is completely Inactive. The are nrrs^edlng with all possible dls- d’etat wera up. ready to ruth Into de facto, judge's rtply. "Somebo^-. high, commissioner ' Is on Indehnite patc^'’ the town governmental offlcea and may die any mUiute. and yOu wouul leave and the governing power nas ,A'sked by r.nhorlte I.*‘ader Clem­ seize control. All of tbe strategic have to handle the estate. It would been assumed by' Nazi party mem- ent R Atlee why there wae ‘'such location* were covered, and a look One If somebody had a wiil to Starts tomo'rrow with more than JOOO homefurnishing items et Special Anniversary Sale price»-lneluded are brand new arrivals in spring and lummer berz. many of whom were said to long delay’' In the negotiations. strangle hold wa* Immediately «e- be read and i had to tell them the merchandise, samples and one^of-a-lcind items. S pedal^ obtained at price concessions, discontinued models and patterns all at eirtreme have been aent to Danzig from Ger­ Cbsmherlsin replied: cured on the town fund*. Tax In­ Clerk was all bound up with a many for that purpose. niiricnlt to Tell Details. come was Impounded, the probate trout." markdowns. Ifs the biggest, the most important sale of the whole year at Flint-Bruce’s. If you need furnishing* for a single room or entire house. Gazeta Polska, in commenting on ’d tliid It very difficult to enter records were sequeatered, and the Fill Big Job* the'poasibilltv' Poland might seek, firm hand of an entire new author­ N o w is th e time to fill those need*, at prices that have been marked way down. Come in and set for yourselt. control, recalled how Germany an­ Into det^s atmut negotlatiuna Down In the Tax Collector* whirl) are stiff In progress It la FIrit of the European royal families to be entertained thie season bv .President Rooievelt et hie ity smacked down heavily on a flee, a check for $30,000 wo* wBU nexed Uemel. denounced the Brltlsb- Hyde Pork home were the Crown Prince and Princess of Norway. Enj.yi' t th'e eun on the front porch doien municipal departments. German treaty and aholleheo not a very simple matter and one by the de facto Collector, Eklvi In whleh other governments have are (left to righti Mrs. FranhIln D Roosevelt, Prince Olaf, Mrs. Sara Delano i'.oo.aevelt, the Preeldenfe Grab Powers Mora Anniversary Bargains in ' the Pollah-German non-aagresslon mother: Princeae M'artha and the President. Stratton, and deposited with th* Fine Mapla Living Room to he eonsldered beside our own!" The police department was pound­ Treasurer. The de facto Park Super­ pact One of thy 'first Jiipanese army ed into Submission, while the due Bedroom and Dining Room On April 27. the day before Hit­ Poland's reartlon to Hitter's intendent, William Murray, was out Furnifura At Great Big ler's Reichstag speech, the Polish generels to receive tnp-rsnking npeerh. In which he denounced the process of the courts was shifted on the job aa was the Secretary of Furniture government let it be known It was diplomatic Dost Hiroshi Oshims. f:erman-P"llsh non-aggression pact to the Impenetrable »ecrecy of the tbe Board of Selectmen, Harry and dinritjsed the terms of hla “one Savings, Anniversary Priced willing to rearrange the sUtus oi above, envoy to Germany. Is revolutionist*. With th* power* of Squatrito. It was noted that th* 49B/32. 9‘Pc. Mehogany SulYe, Danzig, to ehare It with Germany. said to be seeking stronger tie-in and only offer” concerning the Free RUSSIA SHOWS arredt, trial, and money thus con- provisional government only filled Flint-Bruce's 29/3344. 3-Pc. Blond Maple Suite, reduced from $141 t o ...... s n t That proposal was aimed at of Japanese defense plans with <’ilv of Danzig and the Polish Cor- Local S t o c k s ^N. Y. Stocks cantrated In their grasp, Manch ra­ the $200 a year jobs on tbe Board reduced from $125 to . . aboUahlng technical authority of the Rome-Berlln axis. rlrlrr. was transmitted to lyindon ter’* Boy Government proceeded to of Selectmen, and did not bother Maple IB/7042. ' 9-Pc. Meuivo Cerly Amerleen Mapio Suite, FLINT-BRUQFS Solid LMgue of Nations and giving politi­ liy Sir Howarif Kcnnard. Rrlllsh act. with the other five vacanclee, these 2-Pc. MepI* Suit*. reduced from $39B to 5275 aiuhsssailor to Warsaw, after a talk Adams Exp ...... 160/600. cal authority to Germany and''eco­ Fiirnlahal by Putnem ani Co! Air Reduc ...... Probably the first department to being only wortb a hundred a year. "Trutype" House reduced from $65 to . , . 437/D70. lO’Pe. Modarti Suite, Rneit Grend Kapidt Mahogaif “TrityH” nomic control to Poland. Gazctta ing and tlien went op fo point out with Polish Foreign Minister (Zol 8 t'antral Raw function under the new regime was "Why don’t they give deputies to Josi-ph B»rk. Alaska Jun ...... make, reduced from $4S0 to . S«99 Polska's article was taken as Indi­ the strength pf German arms, ex- Hartford, Conn. .Allegheny the Town Treasury with de facto the fellows like park laborers, who HarmoRi Homo cating that Hitler’s denunciation ot hoillng the Hitler Youth to be on It was unilerstond It emphasized IN BIG DISPL AY Telr|ibon« 8-0I8I Treasurer EHmo Gavello at It* bead. Cempletely redecereted and reduced from $37.50 to $24.75 —10/949. 9*P«, Mehogany Adam Suit*, beat Grand .\m Rad St S ...... really work?" asked one Inquiring the Pbllsh-German nnn-ag-’reaaion guard constantly. the follow-lpg points; I ;00 p. m. t)uiitstlona Gave'Io last Saturday got touch ’ refurnbhad 4n a practical man­ Rapidi make, r^uced fr«m $47B t* $349 Redecorated and refurnished ki \ 1 » Hitler’s arrnunf of Oerman- Am Smelt ...... de facto official. It was pointed out 160/700. High Beck Maple Wing Chair, treaty ended this propoattlon so far He admonir.lied the Hitler Youin ironllnoed from Page One) with the local bank and made sure to him that only executives were ner. See how many prscticsl, 18th Century "Trutype" Me­ Pollsh negotiations over Danzig was Am Tel and T e l ___ reduced from $ l8 .f5 to $16.75 364/4010- 9-Pc. Claw-end-lall Foot Mehogany Chip- as Poland was roncerned. to lead healthy, abr.tcnious lives Iqaursnce stork* Am Tob B ...... that $12.')/)00 would be transferred being supplantpd, and that no Im­ but sxcitinq and refreshing pandale Suita. Grand Raplda make, hogany. Every piece exquisHe- "inaci urate." with a speech emphasizing Soviet and to become "hanly men and up­ Bid Asked Am Wat W k s ...... to Boston banks to make payment portant part of the town govern­ 29/2948. Mapla Arm Chair, - reduced from $42t to $350 HIGHWAY I'NNECESRABY right women, who know that for­ 2. Germany dcffnltely^ did not lireparednesi for war. Aetna Casualty...... lOO 104 of principal and Interest (in town ideas you can pick up. You'll ' created of tin« solid Hon- offer Poland a 2.1-yenr pact of non- Anaconda ...... ment was being-reconstituted. A re(iuc*d from $32.75 to $24.75 . Halifax. May 1. — (Canadian tune does rot distribute her gills The present International sltus- Aetna Fire ...... 42 44 bonds, liie money iJierefore was on few town executives arched eye­ got the thrill of your, lif* when 121/2041. t-Fa. Crotch Mchoqoay Full lo i* Suit*. uras MehoMiiy, Every piece aggre.-slon. tlon, he said, "la I'ke a tanglei web Arnaour I I I ...... Grand Rapid, maka, i Press)—Antoni Roman. Polish secre­ lavishly but that everything must Aetna Life 27 29 Atchison ...... hand In Boston this morning when brows at this explanation and ex­ you IS* Jiow attractively these 29/3201. Maple Barrel Chair, 'of ’Trutype" fumltura In ma­ tary of stste and minister of trade be fought for." . .3. Germany did not mention a of bloody Intrigue and cowardlcA^of AutonioUlle ...... 28 31 due. However. Gavello had a bad raducad Irom $191 lo ...... $ 3 2 9 Joint German • Pollah • Hungarian Aviation C orp...... postulated vehemently. rooms have bean done and at reduced from $16.95 to $14.95 hogany and maple Is eaduslva Mid commerce, aayt the highway Paul Joseph Goehbela-, propagan­ rulers." Conn. Genersl...... \. 28 27 few moments when It was Intimated at/no. 9-Fa. Walaut Quaaa Aaaa Sulfa, Adolf Hitler would like to build guarantee of Slr>vakla. He added; "The world's toller* Baldwin C T ...... Na Aaacaeora •uch moderate cost—"Trutyps" 29/2435. Maple Wing. Chair with Drop Arms, In. Hartford et Rlnt-$ruce'*. da minister, and Youth I>ader Bsl- (lartlord F ire ...... 68 71 Balt and O hio...... that de facto Tax Collector Edwin There were no defacto asseaeora. raducad tn/n S1I9 to ...... ; $ 2 4 9 across the Polish Ccuridor Is un­ dur von Schlrsch spoke liefore Hit­ t Poland dl'l not Anally "reject” easily realize that the Soviet ttnlon Hartford Steam Boiler 87 hdapi* throughout. reduced from $29.75 to $22.53 No mtttot wtw kolpt v*«, whs* y«M Germany’s D.anzig proposala hut X Benillx ...... Stratton might be "putting the probably because no money can be necessary. ler, Gueliljcis deiiarlng that youth la the only country whose govern­ Natlenal Fire ...... 84 .86 424/1144. 10-Fa Atpan Quaaa Aa*o Suita, trod* at Fllat-lfv**, you wM boaoAt, merely put up cotintcrproposals. Beth Steel ...... skids tinder the treaaury’’ by build­ squeezed out of this department Ptrk your e«r i f our Just 222/727. Mapla Morris Chair, In a shipboard Interview yester­ was "the guarantor of the new' Eu­ ment Is figlit'ng for peace through­ Phoenix ...... 70'1 72‘ i ing up the town's bank balance Sat­ radueod from *429 I* ...... $ 2 9 $ by th* tralaod food tact* *t *«r day eh-.routa to the New York Made fur Military Rosanna. out the world. Borden ...... until next October. liBBd your porking tiekof to on* of vary special ... $14.75 rope” and asking, “what can an old Traveler* ...... 440 160 Can P a c ...... urday with spring checks. A quick •ur lolouBOfi, affor you Iiovo mado 2*1/1710. Mohogony CI*w-*ad-|aR Foot CoHoa* ' dooorator aolocpoofl*. They kasw World's Fair, the mlnieter said: ■ Colonel Berk, who Is expected to "Everyone knows except- those The Building Department wae democracy do. facing Nazi youth?" Public Ptilllles Cerro De Pas ...... survey showed that this probably your puroHato. 158/400. Maple Cap* Cod Chair,- A Gay Colorful Bedroom Distinctly Smart ^ ||4 luHot, roducod tnm $*0 t* ...... $ 2 9 ,7 $ what b MW, and wh*r* to N. - "When the war ended In 1918, answer Hiller’s speech formallv this who do not want to admit It that Conn. Lt and Pow. ., taken ovef by de f()cto Inspector 32 86 Cies and Ohio ...... wa* not so. although Stratton would retiucad from $13,75 to $11-75 ' BeA, Chetf and D ru m * W * want y*« to na* **r d***rathr# after the Treaty oi Versailles, we week, was reported to have told,Sir the Red Army Is a great power Conn. Pow...... 48 47 Ursin and he was toiigh on the (x>n- Afty m I# purchaia dolivarad wjfhiii 424/ l ie . I-Fo. Modora Aeotl* aad Aapoa Suit*. TwI* Chrysler ...... not come right out with a flat tractors. lorvim. TMi'n find It s fr**t hsl* gave tbe German government the Howard that Poland was cjonvinved which Aocs not fear •iiy menace Hartford H!er. LL ... 61 63 denial. BO fnilai of Hartford. Wo iMp 436/1402. Wing Chair, genuine linan, M l, roducod from $149 to $ 1 9 $ wha* r*d**sratlaf sad r*f«raliM*f right to cross the Polish Corridor from outside. Coca Cola ...... Over in the police station, d* froioSt propaid anywharo in Naw You may pick and choose from many charming pieces in this dainty, smart French group- Different BOYS RULE MANCHESTER; Germany 8 proposals for A extra­ Pluminatins Shs. ...,. 80S 824 Col Gas and E l ...... First At Work . -reduced from $25'to $19.95 210/ie. F-Fc. Grand RcpMi Modem M hfy. Salto, you, homo. OB our railway In order that they territorial road and a railroad "Whoever iliires Jo step on the Hartford (ias ...... 31 38 facto Chief James Murphy and England on purehaiai of $10.00 or size pieces make it possible to use it in small as well as large room*. The pieces ere furnished in five might transport goods to E ^ t Prus­ threshhplds of our home will be de­ ComI Inv T r ...... First de factotum on the job this Prosecutor Leo McPartland began moro. I4I/IBA. Maple End Table, Twin lo d i, roducod from $4S0 to . ..$ 2 t 9 Fhaaa 2-I2S4 tor svsslsf spsolsK acroas the Corridor between Ger­ .So. .\'ew Kng. Tet. Co. 148 130 ComI Solv ...... morning wae Health Officer Ken­ maat If msra ••svsslant. sia and vies versa. Therefore, they ARE “ BOSSES FOR A DAY" many proper and East Pnis.sla were stroyed. Western Maas...... 30 32 fingerprinting everybody who called Tkroo woyt to pav: Char^O’on epan reduced from $9.95 to ... $4.95 modish postal shades, which will be popularised by the World's Fair thi* year. Grand Rapid* quality 192/12. e-F*. Docorclod laomol Salto, Twin lo d i, have no need for another road across "A bloody ■pertacle I* taking I Cons Edison ...... neth Wigren, who wa* up at 6:30 a. On thia MflM tl* *r sto t**r sttrse- made not for eronomic but for mili­ Industrial m. making the rounds with Dr. In the hopes of catching Measles tha •ocount; Pay eatn; or Budgat your throughout. See thi* attractive group tomorrow— RInt-Bruee— 4th Roor. radueod tram $149 4* ...... $ $ 9 the country.” tary reasons. place jn the past and west. The I Cons Oil ...... STH FLOOR TRUMIULL ST. lUILOINS tiv* roMM sstapUtoly fdiasrstod (tlonttniMxl from I’age One.) • Acme Wire ...... IS 18 I Coni Can...... F. Forbes Buahnell sampling milk. Mope,' reported loose In theee parts. purehaiai ovar a porlod of a yo«r> 162/214.. Wcinut Vanity Draaaar, II'A " round mirror, 'These roads otivlously were for I if. 8. 8. R.. however, foresaw all The Prosecutor got a warrant out •ad roturalchod I* llth C *atorv MOd Am. Hardware ...... 20 22 ' Corn P ro d ...... Of.'course this was a spiiclal occa­ _ ' roduood from $42.10 t* ...... -$ 1 9 ,7 5 military purposes.” Colonel Beck I this and created a strong army and Arrow H and H. Com. 32 34 for the culprit - i**hot**y "Tratye*". I* on* to HITLER AVERS NATION Board Also present will be Elmo navy, j Del I.,ach and West sion, very few health officer* being What To See at FLINT-BRUCE'S and hsv* y**r •*l*aiii** disw y*a thaae Uavello as town treasurer and clerk was reported to have told the Brit­ Hllllnf-s and Spencer. 3'i 4 4 up regularly at 8;S0 a. m. to sample Dog licensing took up a lot of I 240/4101. Mahogoay CMpp**4*lo Dr**it*« T«W* ish ambassador, "and Poland sees ‘ . 'Can't Be Frightened. I Douglas Aircraft ... •oaak, radyeod trom $M to ...... $ 1 9 ,7 $ ••wly d***r*tod hewaee—**d resma. of the Board, In addition to the other HrI.stol Brass...... 20 82 I Eastman Kodak . . . . anything. However, It gave the pro­ time over at the office of de facto no reason why she ahould co!-oper- . "N<^/sftiall affairs can frighten us Colt's Pat. Firearms. 79 82 Town Clerk Meredith Murdock. In Where You Will Rnd It HEAVILY-ARMED; TRY boys who sre flilln.g po'ltlcal olTlcea. but If a big war comes we are rea y I Elec Auto Lite . . . . . visional government a long day on Our Representutlirs stg with Germany's military plane." Hagle Ixjck ...... 8 n the Job lo this department. SantUry" "t*)* of the rush a couple came The Polish foreign minister also y/e not only know how to fight, w.- i Gen Elec ...... Five of the boys went to Hartford Bearing...... 90 100 Gen Foods Inspector of■ the■■ revolution ' ■ was -Rob­ In for a marriage license and vety ISOLATING OF POLAND this morning to m.ike a lour of in­ WHS reported to have expre.ssed the *o fight. And If It la necessary Gray Tel Pay Station 8 10 I ert Madden, who wont snooping nearly were listed as a kennel on Asylum S%fot Building, No. 103 Opinion that Germany aimed to cut/'O ORht against an enemy we will Gen Motors spection of the Stale Capitol and Hart and c;(x>ley . ... 90 100 sround dlata*teful localities on a the wrong license blsak: Poland off from the Baltic. )lo ‘*It the - way------we did ”17 ”years **” ago Hendry Mach., B., . . . i Gillette ...... were scheduled to be received by s 7 9 Y''*e'ter P ro d ...... snaring expedition for contamina­ Joho Hyde, de facto official, was 1st floor— Summer furnituro end miscelUneous itoms. (C rroro Page One.) prominent etate official Those who Poland war. underetood to h'SiVe ihgsinst foreign armies of Inter- Ijindrrs, Frary h C?lk. 22ri she still Included xletnchments of armed Russell Mfg Co. 19 23 3rd floor— Breakfast sets of every type end price. Office cal parUea In Europe It is similar workers and a detachment of "old j Mont Ward ...... sumed command. Ae i* the case in The general impression among Chamber of commerce "Executive v^-as opposed to havjhg Russian Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 19 21 the actual municipal setup, be had furniture in wood and steal. to Labor day In-the Unlteu States.) ffuerrllla fighters of revokitlonary Sllex C.O...... , Na-h K e iv ...... the provisional government official* Vice-President" Allan Coe. troops on Polish soil. ' iiH 134 Nat B lsc...... only a nominal authority over his “A new German community has Coe probably bad the busiest day Me.snwhile, Kuasish-Turkish ne­ clWIIant, men, women and children, Stanley W orks...... 32 34 la that they had just as soon stay aiiaen over hate.'i hr cried. Nat Cash R e g ____ confreres but be held the big stick on for a week. Thera Is sorrow all 4th floor— 8-room Harmony House end 4 ettrectively fur­ of all the boys as on him fell the gotiations and / Britain's and i^rarched past the po’lahed red tomb do., ptd...... 28 _ over them all. PredncMoa Is Problem of Lenin. Torrtngton ...... Nat Dalrv ...... around though, that more selectmen nished alcove rooms furnished in "Trutype" reproduc­ task of shaping up the program for France's talks \^h Russia all mttat 224 24'* Nat Distill...... Choked Off Germany’s problem, Hitler eald, the dinner tonight at 6:30 o’cloc'i at lie concliin at Ihe'^vt'oeklv Afterward*, the crowd danced In Continental ...... 12H . 14 4 Bombay, May 1— (A P )—A com­ "But.” he said—and the workers open '’final negotlatloss’’ with So­ Pub Sent N J .... Chamber*. r - meeting of the Klwanls club at the public squares or milled abimt, lis­ Corn Exchange ...... 824 844 ."Never talk to-a reporter” ., Cham­ munique published by Gangpur 1st Floor— Living room and summer furniture with kitchen shouted to a man at this—"what am Country club, at which Rnu-e Wat­ viet officials. Radio ...... One usually well-informed sottree. tening to - music and eating sand­ irirst National ...... 1830 1700 bers advised. ‘Espetilally about the state disclosed today that 31 per­ I without you?" kins presided ss bov pre.sldent. wiches. ------Guaranty 237 Reading ...... ' appliances in alcoves. said that pn)tertlon of the Baltic 248 Republic Steel .roads. You'll be putting us all on sona were killed and 33 wounded la Hitler said that 9,000,000, Ger­ Ilani|iiel Tonight. One feature of the parade wa.s Irving Triuit ...... 9 11 For Particular People we Suggest this Suite 3 pcs. ^149 ntstes as well as Belgium. Switzer- Rev Tob B ...... the spot again.” rioting April 28, when troops open­ 2nd floor— Living room furniture and Regency room; else the Thb AHrtsHw Ml MahegtRy OoIm M Sallt 3 'pes. , . *119 mans had returned from foreign Aa Clianiber president, Theodore the ntimber of v/omcn pirtl Ipanta. Manufact. Tru st...... ; 8.84 374 ed fire followed attempt* to arrest a lands to live In the new Germany, , l|«id and The Netherlands was In- Safeway Stores .. The de facto Mayor could hardly Bniwn will preside at the dlnper to­ They were numerous among the de Manhattan- ...... 18 17 believe his ears, but be did, and Hindu leader. Nifmal Munda, On* of Grand Rapid* finest *uite* at a lit+l* mors thsn the ordinary type fumiturs. All sxppssd Home planners shop now .under construction. Never In our history hava we been ablate offer such a value ee Ihh lor so IHtfe. A I m a ia d pom where ’’classes have been destroyed night. at wh'ch Rev Elmer Thlene.s. I vblved In proiwsals for the alliance. N. Y. T ru st...... Schenlev D Is ...... The cnblnei mlnlstcra wer* coni tnchmenta of young parachute 97 100 didn't talk. whose arrest was resisted by vil­ part* and th* interior of the drawer* are of Hondurat Mahogany. Satinweod-Iclay and imported are of genuine Honduras Mahogany, quality h eemperabie to Rapid* menufeetiire. ^ and the people placed above even’ secretary of.the Hartford Coniitv jiimpers and also In the company of Public National ...... 264 284 Sears Roebuck ... 3rd floor—Rugs, carpets, linoleums end drapery dept. crneil mainly with examining Hlt- Socony Vac ...... ”Off The Record” lagers, later was found hiding in a marquetry ertbticatty inleid Jn tha comer* make thi* suite, an outstanding value. Pressing table if drowars ora •■captianilly d##p m o poomye Vanity dPOBBOfi twin Dodit chair ofid baoch oiFaNaWa* thing.” YMCA. will be the principal speak­ old giiorrllla flgh’ters. • Title. Guarantee...... 4 8 It was "Very different to get tha ITie real revolution, he declared, er.- U Is expected that many of er’a Reichstag speech. In which no­ U. S. Tru st...... South Pac ...... tre*.-...... you wish for $40.00. tice was given of Germany’* abro- 1870 1820 South Rwy ; . . . .. 4th Floor— Bedroom suitos in mahogany, walnut and othar had brought about ’’one people, one the boys will be called u|>on for, TO INSPECT FORCES brief remarks Plans are being lAHon of the 1930 St Brands . . . . . , . dacorative wood— Also flInt-Bruco's famous Slumbarland raich, one leadership." HOLD GERMAN BAKER ’’AntuverMry’ Spteiah Drostic Roduetions On Quality Living Room Furnitufo On the diplomatic front. Germany made for seventy-five guests. Includ­ naval treaty and the 1934 PollSh- •Ls^avre. France, May 1.— (A P ) St Gas and El ... bedding shop. Gei'mnn non-aggression agreement, Ruiiie, May V —(A P ) — Col.-Gen. St on Cal ...... MorexAnniversary Sale' Bargains sent Ambassador Hans Von Moltke ing the boys and their sponaora. Walther Von Brauchltsch, chief of —Harbor police today arrested Erik from Our Drapery Dept. back to Warsaw to keep a close eye Reynold Becker, boy chief of the rablnet members stiulled the ad- St on N J i ...... S4/IOJO. 1-fc. M*sl« Suit*, OrMMr, ChMt-*n-ChMt, 1*4, 5th floor— Maple furniture, 7 room maplo Trutypo house, over the week-end. staff .of the German Army, and Gen. ! Schafer. 18-year-old German baker, Tex Coro on the tense Pollsh-Gcrroan situa­ South Manchester Are i|epartmcnt, Alberto ParianI, chief of staff o f the whom they found In a motor launch Tuesday Specials at the r*duc*d from $110 t* ...... Bhorofon Sofa inferenr*> ■ Unit Aircraft .... Unit Corp ...... $4/202. 7-Drawor Mopi* Voaity, tors* mirror, raparad for sample and dalivary to customer.^ All flint- eny. Heir flRed, eover h a fine her foreign policy completely Into Foy. There was no damage and This followed a conference In Fancy M ackerel, strictly freah ...... l.S c lb . Fire VVArtlen .lohn .lensen Inter took, Unit Gas Imp . ... roduood from $49 fo '...... $34.50 blue figured fepestry. smartly teliered, Genneny'e and that she establish a ( ’alro, Egypt, yesterday of « Arab Fresh Caught Buck Shad ...... 1 2 c lb . ruca work-shops are on this floor. ^ customs union with the relch. char^, Thomas Donahue held the lenders, observation* ' were U 8 Rubber...... 14/104$. MapI* Chott-oa-Choft, roduood-from $1$ to ...... $19.71 e very comfertable. Would Dentroy Friendship poninon of chief at the north end. U S Steel ...... Fresh Butterfish ...... I5 c lb ., 2 lbs. 25c Basamant— Whore you'll find hundreds of range bargains in not made public but were under­ H*pl* 1/1 Fottor lod, roduood from $I7S0 I* ... Such a plan would be calrulated At Herald Office. stood to fncliide a recommtadatlon West Union...... Smelts ...... 19c lb. $4/l04i. $14.71 /Another lad with a busy schedule DAILY PATTERN West El and. Mfg . new end.used items. to destroy the tradlt(onaI Polish that Palestine Arabs cooperate in 14/10}!. MapI* 1/1 SpladI* Bod, roduood from $22JO to , , $17.10 Hungarian fiiendshlp which was^ . Germans Received during the past.week at The new SPRING AND SUM­ Bring Sunshina liito Your Living Roonii Here is e Custbrn-BulH suHe #t little this town; Mra. George Oole of Ver- DIAL 5137 — FREE D ELIVERY Simmon* 4/* laacrsprinf Mattrau, radueod from $2240 to . $14.9$ wer* reported beaten by Polish Le- the MahehesYer office of tha RalU MER PATTERN BOOK, 33 pages satUea, Oonn„ Mra. John Wa!ah ot mere.then the erdbiery type of fur­ -Itonnalres. DaladleT ha* Increased hours. of way Express, was a total of 877,000 of attractive dsalgni' for every else SlapI* Whit* CoHon Mottroic, 4/6, radueod trom $19.71 to $12.9$ niture. Bought end priced especially work from 40 to 60 per week In Middletown, Mra. James Jester ot or Sun Parlor with Polish A'ctors Attacked strawberry planU, which represent* and -every occasion,., la now ready. Son Pedro, Cal„ and Albert A. Fer­ TUESDAY GROCERY SPECIALS Slmmoat laaofcprinf Mattrosa, naw rtripa tiekinf, for tho 48th Annivortary Sale. Sef* -r Theze reported - Pollah attaclu some factories, but aviation sources the pUnttng of ’ 81 scree. The men Photographs show dresses made said production still wae lagging. rell of Pittsfield. Mass. TTiey ai Prunes (Sunsw eet), 2-pound 2 pkgs. 25c raducad from $29.7$ to ...... $19.7$ h 86" long. Two pieces ara^ covered ud a counterpart, according to the who are planting this year haa’motl- from . these patterns being worn; hava 13 grandchildren and bna great lYarsaw newspaper Kurjer Wara- <3ne evidence of the new produc­ fled the growers not to tend plants a feathi* you will anjoy. " Lst the Eggs, Local, Strictly Fn sh , Large Size ,...... 2 9 c d o r . 1/1 AIrfoom Mattrau. raducad tram $$9 t o ...... $39.7$ Ona of Thost with th* new long wearing "Ken- tion campaign 4Vaa given by tbe grandchild. Four ganerationa wer* Miwaki, In an attack upon the dl- early because of cold weather. charming -dealgna In this new present at tha party. 'Among the Cream Cheese, Faiiinont’s Fancy, -3-oz. foil p^lga., 5c ea- CHthioR Dot RnHIb Slmmani all hair pad laaarcprinf 1/1 Mattfoaa, more” tnehelr. Reduced from $198 «etor of a troupe of 40 PoUMl ao- May day “work as usual” order to­ According to, th* regular figure* book help you in your sewing. raducad from $$940 to ...... *a Is, $3440. day In national defense factorlea. gueats wer* Mrs. Nellie FerriMi and Wesson or Maxola O il • * • '• •••aasasa***', pint can 3-c Choirs to ...... ,$169 ora arho were to have given' per- the number of plant* that have al- One pattern and the new Spring /Jias Dorethy Jensen of this town IB2/20. 3/> \nnonpdng Mottrou, roducod from I29.7B S19«7i. Uhlena voluntarily abandoned their rejidy been received and which are Educator New Engiihd Lunch Crackers . .M b. pkg. 15e Gir liilt <1.39 in'. bnaancie* yesterday at Gross- anJ Summer Pattern Book — X and Mrs. Nbttle Tregoskis of M U - 149/ 3/1 lfiR$r$pnng Matfnws. royueod from $3B S1T*7S Itrahlttz,' Germany. traditional labor day celebrations! to be planted will mean, according Oven Baked Beans or Brown Bread, R. S ., .. Igst. can 29c A new one per cent sales tia*, de­ cents. Pattern or book alone— fe l 43" wide, large ruffle, Poopit Expoet and Do Th* manager’s, car was demoUsh- to figures, the harvesting of 1,()00 Ifl cents. . I Mr, and Mra. Farrall wera pra- Fruit CocktaiL Royal Scarlet ...... igst, can 23s creed by the government on April crates from each acre planted. The Pr'isdtla top, cushion dot in id and the manager and hla chauf- 31, also went into/ effect among For a PATTEIW of this at­ aented with gifts from their chil­ Grapefruit Jplce, awest or unsweetened. No. 2 can . cream. Some pin dot in ecru Two Efifroneos—*103 Atylum Stroot, For Thoir Monty of T ^ F In * kur were beatei^,. the nqw^iaper average sale of berries In tbe past tractive mode] tend 18c In ODIN, measures calculated to supply IS.- ha* been $3 a crate, which means dren, and all thoroughly enjoyed the • ****•*•••••••••*••«*•**•***•'«*****••*•* 2 for 1 ^6 ot same Anniversery price, 0(X))000,000 franc* for rearmament, your NAME. ADDRESS. B TrLB ninqy get-together. O xydpI o r R in s o ...... - - 2 Igff. p !u ?s. Quality Furnituro Sforo *^ e re arc peopl* atouod us who that according to tbe present num­ NUMBER and SIZE to TH N $1.39 pr. . 150 Trumbull Stroot, Hartford of which S.8SO.OOO.OOO franca were ber of plants received there ista be Cevered wHh genuine linen, beeu- to Jot.Jlke Osnnan untty," Hitler allotted the Air Ministry. (Th* HERALD. TODAY’S PATTERN Fairy Soap ...... 3 c" -es lO c■ hsrveeted berrlea to tha value ot B ab b itt’s C le a n se r...... , , t c a n a 9e ‘IM •MTlkk Oljnnplc Stadium ^jather* Rrane Is cucrsntly worth 2jB cants.) nearlv $300,000 on tbe ficw slants. BUREAU, 10« SEVENTH AVIS- tHiily figured wHh deep velance NUB, NEW YORK, N. Y. R^lkl^Aift. eR ereund bese of choir .cusfom Mdereda Reduqild freni ■■■'■ ‘-A -

MA>UM«!rrER EVENING HERAL^i MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAT. MAT 1.1989 MANCHESTER ETV'ENTNG TTEKALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAT, MAT 1, 1939 X'- PAGENOm > A G B EIGHT FOURGRAllDATE // FAIL TO SECURE/ Stereopticon Adaptation SCOUT CAMPAIGN OBITUARY Miss Hannah Latimer Cheney TOBACCO WORKERS TOPIC • SERIAL STORY LEGISLATORS CON Non-Sinkabje" Ship TO BE CONTINUED NOW CAN HEAR To Wed Dr. Byard Williams FROM HOSPITAL BORDER ADVENTURE PAROLE SYSTEMS THEIRLKTOES Measures Speed of Stars DEATHS OF KIWANIANS’ ADDRESS BY OREN ARNOLD Washliigtnn—(Al’)—An ■ adapta-Aleaky rubber balloon. lion of the old-fac’iilbned parlor The stellar stereopticoo adds B Mr*. FHU H J«hn»«n _ . i ii •. T lU stereopticon ta giving science a new third dimension to picturaa ot tb* J Mra. Hannah .lilatina, •’"i’n'!?" iFnends Unite To Give Wap- Trained Attendants Given CAST CHARACTCBS Nearly 1,000 Drivers In This j Instrument for measuring the apeed stars’ light. Just as a parlor storey Chairman Kelley Decides wi,fe of* Krltr H .Inhnaon bf 34 Clin­ Health and Diet Many Members Have Boy o r maintained a front of abject fear, Handling Of Criminals Under ticon glvra an impression ot depili ton iftreet, died late Saturday eve BETTY M.\«Y JORDAN—^ t - nevertheless. At that. It wasn't all 4 ^ fx/ • i\* I XI a t ' stars bllllona-of miles away. tj yoong Border Patrol service sec­ District Did Not Appear l or. R W wood of John* HopkWs when two pictures .are v ls i ^ ning at her home, of bronchial pneu­ ping Man Audiphone At Diplomas On Completion pretense.- —■ ' ” ' University, Baltimore. Informed tne rimiiltaneouslv. To obtain this ef­ That Rest Of Week Must monia. Mrs Johnson wasvas bom 71 Advice Guests At Noonday Lonclh retary. She IstKired In the laundry un­ Consideration In At Least , 5 * la. Dalmlanil, SHEKIDA.N STARR—Handsome National Academy of Science today; fect, Dr. Wood placed two prisms ycara ago In F'crgelanda, Of Their Courses. By DR. FilANh MeCOV til after aunset. _ At The Armory. that by twtalng two prisma, or! opp^t* each other and carried th* Swedrn. and had lived in MAnchea- Surprise Party. eon; Chnrches Would Im­ Border Patrol oSloer. "It ta night, " she toUJ the wom­ wedges of glass used to break up light refracted through them to Be Devoted To Drive. ter for 4fl years. HOPE KILDARE—Btarrii fol­ an In charg# there. "Here are sUll Fourteen States. low officer, also a baohoior. _____ \ llght^lnto Jla component colors, it ta gratings which were etched with She was a member of, Emanuel In the human family we find a I some large linens. Shall I hang possible to determine atellar veloci­ 4,800 lines an Inch. Lutheran chiirch and of'the Ijidles Raymond Hall of Wapping. form­ Graduation exercises w‘ere held great number of people who have a prove Conditions. LUIS B.ARRO—Mexican smog- them out new, even so?" Nearly l.OOO drivers were without ties more accurately Tom Krllrv. rbalnnan of th« Aid Society, and will Ue missed not erly of this town, was greatly Mr- this afternoon at 1 o'clock for the leaning toward the development of 'Thing* dry at night in this Chicago. May 1 —(AP)—Leglslx- Witfi this arrangement, he aald. operator's licenses Hits morning due liv a paper aiihmitted for the open­ the violet and ultra-violet bands of Mancho.ater_B'JV Scout rtrlve an­ only by ihr^iuembera of her Imme­ prlsed .Sa’turtlav evening to flnd/the class of 1939. trained attendant! some type of rheumatic disorder. air," Ihe woman said. "But do lion ^ designed to , Improve parole to failure to reimrl s) the Motor ing eeaslon of the academy'* two- nounced today’ that the rampaljrn diate family hut by A host of friends. birthday card parly at Ihe church claas of the Manchester Memorial Juflt aa there are some who have a Conditions among migratory Yesterday: Bettj ta put to work you think - you can slip by the ^gyj^t^nis or the handling of crlml day meeting, ne predicted that the light are thrown together on a WO) be c(.)ptlniie<1 another week aa She was a good hplghhor and man.v community house In that place waa hospital. Robert Custer, one of the tendency toward tuberculosUi and workers on tobacco plantations and In Barra's laundry. Going oVit- guard!" ns Is was under consideration today Vahlele Department's #>ib slotlon new atellar stereopMCon might aid screen and the Infra-red bands ap­ reporta now Indicate but 2r> [ler rent will terall her (yc'la of klndneaa'.lh town's boy executives In chpEge of ride to spread dothe* and look- Betty Mary didn't try to escap<’. ; least-14 stateaf. an Associated during the week of Iheir renewal pear at opposite aides. Thus any in- bis honor and for hi* particular others with a tendency to diabetes, the efforts being made by the Conf~^ In solving on* of the major mys­ Hhlftlng of th* band* toward the red of the quota received by the work- times fit aorrowf/ tH-neitl. The young man reached the hospital for fhe~Tti*iL. assisted eo there are those who have Ihia necticut Council of Churches to Im- over to El Paso sod the huge With the clothes lines already full. i>rrn» aiiiwey showed, licenses teries of the universe—the move­ era. Besides her husband. .Mrs, Jonn- the age of 33 today, and due to a Mis* Doris I. Hutchinson; Superin­ pge “M” on a hlU. she hits on ahe climbed 60 feet or no • up the | outstanding, perhaps, was the ment of line* of light when viewed end of the rainbow can be measur­ The committee urRcntly requeata son leaves ope daughter, Miss Ellen tendent of Nurses, In giving out the rheumatic tendency. prove them, especially in the direc­ A total of .5,032 license* were Is­ ed much more accurately. nerve condition following an Illness, In the patient in whom the rheO' tion of an extensive recreational M Idea to outanart Barra. WUI steep hill—well above the rooT passage by the Ohio Legislature ol through a s|>ectroacope grating the eupport of the local people for Johnson, gnil seven sons, Arthur, diplomas. Superintendent Harry C. It workT j sued during the wi-ek, or about 'JOO Academy member* also received he has been unable^ to hear ainre he Smith of the hospital was also pres-1 »o" >" l>rc"*'n‘- we may find program for the proper use of lei­ line of the house- and lied three ^ Bbolishing the four-member leas than were Issued here a year aimed at .the red side of a light rain­ the Scout drive. Unle.-ia the amount Rudolph./Herbert, Victor, Kre Miss Ruth 1-nndry. Hartford. Conn. ritate the Joints, arthritis develo|is. pany; Edwin Jlllaon.. bo.v manager through In the remote event that tion* to the full commiaalon. a list renewals were made out. 3-Plece Sets LIkd New. La­ ~A purse containing the sum raised , The relief of arthritis depends up­ of the State Theater: John Pickles, radely BO many year*. the American officers bad wind of % /# * . our showroom son St Johnaon, Nick Angelo. Leon up to dsle was presented In s May- ‘•Well—no! Of .course not, Hop*. scheme aimed at speeding ilp^dta- Those who are without driving bor and All Materials, 6 Thorp, Susan Gammona. P. K. Caah- on removal of the primary cau.)|C. •nanager of the telephone company; bta plan. With Betty Mary, the posltlon of cases. V i s i t and see Tor basket to Hall, who with his The host treatment is that which William Tedford, boy preeident of 1—the fact ta, her two white sig­ spy," now helpleaa, he probably licenaes must obtain them today In New SprinR Filled Cushionfl lon, W. J. Irwin. Mra. Thomaa Sloan, SEES NEW LINEUP / mother, Mra Oacar ftrong. ai d Mrs. nals, for safety, had been bang­ .Msssachuiirtts To Invniigato Nahum Cutler, Liirliia Thrall. Brn- corrects the cause. 1 find that the Manchester Trust company; Nelson felt that hts crossing would be In Massachusett* th*/House ap­ Called “imsinkoble," the $4,000,000 S S. ''Panams" Is ^hown In Nsw the Motor Vehicle department office yourself our better work With Every Job. A'lam Msnkin of Ihia town warmly ing there for several day*, and York prior to makins her maiden voyage in the coastal servlcs. An In Hartford. The department has and truly better fabrics. jamin Cheney. Elmer, C^ Anderson, GREEN FAVORS treatment may he considered under Kilpatrick, bo.v publisher . of The nothing likely would hurt her if safe, oh* realized. B uro couldn't proved spending $2,000 to Investi­ Pentland the Florist. OF THREE POWERS thanked the donors present for their three separate heads: flrst, the ex­ Herald and Henry Satryb, manager even know that she bad learned gate the pardon and parole system. ad v an c^ principle of bulkhead difsign not only permit* her to tUy Issued a warning:^ that itate police aaslslance. she Juat stayed around towm in afloat even with much of her hold filled with water, but restrict* will make an Immediate checkup on Also David Armstrong, A W tremely virulent poisons In the pa­ of the Gas company. Juares. She’* smart, I figure. She all of hU plans, but be was keep­ Arthur Lyman, state correction Re-Upholstered Bendall. Mrs. Jennie Cliilow. Habel A trlsl machine was loaned to tient's body must be eliminated; Kendig said that the program ing her, Juat for safety. Then, too, commlssioner^/aiaalled parole con­ fire to a small area. Owned by the Panama Railroad, the “ssfety llcenaea and thoae'^.. without the FREE! AS AIM OF RUSSIA Mall, and although he has only un- LARGER GROUP can take care of herself. Now if ship ta the flrst of her kind. neresaary permits to ' operate will A Big. Roomy Pull-Up Chair Any Style Wing Chnlr, Cliik C. VIot. Manchester Sand * Gravel second, any focal infection which is sponsored by the churches had tbs there hod been three white spoU he was attracted to her. ditions. Oo.. Ellrabeth M. Taylor. Sidney L. deretood apeeches by Up reading all full approval of the Connecticut These points and more she b* arrested and penalized. With E»ery 8-Plere Net Re- Chnir. t!ogsw«ll Chair. Attme- Miss Hannah Latimer flieney present must be cleared up through — that wrauld mean trouble! But Colorado legislators passed a law Upholstering Job. live Mntsriala 1 Naw Spring Wheaton. Paul H. Cheney. Frank ((Vonttnoed from Page Ons.) these years, he was able with the local treatment; and third, the bone Valley Tobacco Association, and picked up from the gossipy serv­ setting Up a three-man parole board crime, and the House approved a superior to mules, tha “woman from Cheney. Jr.. William Oswald. Mra. aid of the Instrument to Identify IN LABOR UNIT alms for the contentment of the Just a blank window.” ants In the kitchens and else­ with ^w era now vested In the gov- J by which criminal courts Mlaaouri” defies society to exclude Cushloii. Oaly . . . must be given an „ opportunity to Hope sMk* impaUenUy, almost propoi C. Ruddell, Sidney Carter. Edward words almost forgotten and to Mrs. Mary Pleraon rheney of 78 Colonel Frank Cheney and Mary heal. worker, the production of more and where, Overhearing part of It. She enlbr. could ilsoe convicted person* on anybody as ambitious and datsr* F. Taylor, Mrs Rose Forman, F P elgn policy, said that “the qiieatUai hear radio,hroatJcaaU,“greatly to hts (OonMnoed on Page I'wo.) snapping IL . _ .. Pi* mined as the ta Although Bum*' Forest street announces the engage­ Bushnell Cheney. She Is a graduate The underlying rheumatic tox­ better tobacco through development A blank window, and Betty devoM much time to looking for Wisconsin aolons studied propos­ probaj'liibh 13.50 Handley, F’eank Balkner. Nutmeg of neiitralllV has resolved ll.self Into delight. An audiphone adapted to ment of her daughter. Miss Hannah of Milton Acadein.v, Milton. Maas., of harmunioUB relations between em­ a chance to slip away unnoticed, als to Combine administration of The Wyoming legislature, now ad­ huabandllke devotion to his mule and 25% $ Forest. No. lift. TallOdara of Udi- the profKi.HltIon of whether w'e khall his needs has been ordered and It la Latimer Cheney, to Dr. Byard Wll- what haa been called an 'deologlcal emia may be produced by the fer-, unaccountably missing now for his scorn for "iHiclely foollahneaa" al­ and' of .Sarah Lawrence College, mentation of starchoz and sugars; ployer and employee and the crea­ nearly 24 hours, stupid! Well, you but there wasn’t the merest Op­ prloona, paroles, relief, pensions and journed, paaat-d u law designed anon, \V. G. Glenney and Donald W. be neutral or whether we shall be expected will be delivered 'shortly. liama of New York (Ity. son of U'r. Brcngvllle. N. Y.. class of 19.'W, controversy' ard has rendered de­ tive use, of leisure time. portunity. The cook aoon put ber all other welfare work In one de­ primarily for Juveniles and Aral <>t- most cause a rift, he fixes things up No Charire For Credit Macdonald. unneiitral. whether we shall prohibit, Prize winners at the aelhack were and Mrs. William R. .Wllllama ol Williams Is a graduate of cisions which promote the rivals of or may be built up by constipation sit here and talk, but I'm going to washing dishes, and after she with a couple of Yankee trick* and AUTOMOBILE or an abnormal Inteatlnal condition Types of Workers . bo do something." partment; to establish a state radio fenders. giving district court* If Paid In 5 Months. The general campaign committee: the sale of arms and armaments to a* follows: L:idies flrst. .Mrs. Ed­ New York. . a College, and of the College the American Federation of Labor He said that there were three had been locked finally In for the system for catching criminals, and broader power* in granting proba­ hrlnga both Mtag Oporge'a social Tom Kellf.v. chairman; Chris Me-. all nations or whether we shall sell ward lla.Hswtt of Manchester, Mis* Cheney ta the daughter ot clans and Surgeons, Coltim- to the injury and detriment of the such as adhesions; or may be part­ Sherry himself was angered a night, with but UtUe sleep, she campaign and bla own mule expedi­ ly due to enervation. Any'of these types of workers, those who remain bit by that. to set up a city-county crime con­ tion and suspending sentence in INSURANCE Cortnick. Alvah Russell. F'rank them to certntn nstlons alone." ttliarles Hart of Wapping; second, the late Horace Bushncll Cheney . ersity. He Is practicing In Am'erican Federation of Labor." at tobacco plantations tlje year waa wrorklng again in the kitchen trol committee in Milwaukee. crimes other than those carrying tion to a succeaoful conclusion. Our method of pnrehasiw Zimmerman, Charles Klmb.ill. Her­ In event of a war. he said, "we.are and graiuMaughter of the late ink City. In a 14,000-word statement. may help to produce that particular "AU right, what?” he barked. •Mrs. Alfred F'l.vnu of Wapping, round, those who come In dally from •What you going to do? You before dawn. New Hampshire bills wrould sim­ the death penalty. a new. re-upholaterinB Job man Montle, David McComb. E. J. In the war from the very lime that Melvin Stead of Wapping. Unochle, Green detailed cases in which he kind of aUto-lntox,lcatlon from surrounding commimltles and thoae She peered out a back window plify return of parole violators to McCabe, Dr, VV. John Field and we begin to furnish arm.s and arma­ said the board had dl.scrimlnated which rheumatic trofibles come. were already over there. If you In South Carolina the Senate kilt­ REDUCTIONS doea not beeomt a Snandal lirst, Mrs Frank Wackford of Wind­ who stay at the plantation from didn’t want me to help you. why'd once at daybreak and felt two custody, taking th* procedure out ed a bill to set up a Parole Board Robert H. Smith ments." sor LfH-ks, .Mr. Schober of Rock­ against the AFL.~He strongly aup- This toxemia, appears to be in­ ■^lopday through Saturday. The pro­ causes for gratitude—riie bad not of the courts and placing It in the TOSSED RRECRACKERS burden. Just pay aa little aa [virted the principles of the Wagner creased In the case of the arthritic you come here at daybreak? You and the House rejecteu a measure Additional $5.70. IIQ.OO or $16.00 ■ ■■This", he said. ' Is certainly not ville; second, .Mrs. Otto Koachwltz gram ia aimed at these latter work­ Suiow well enough we've been Been Luts Barro again, and her hands of a state parole board, and to 'establish a state police force. neutrality. It Is not what the Amer­ of Rockville. Henry Morrell of Tal- act, and said It was to preserve by the use of' an abundance of ers. he said. The CXiuncil sends % boy three white sheets were stUI hang­ provide a new. ceil block to relieve New York legislator* had more 16% Saf6 Driver Reward A BETTER PLACE FOR month. • ican people want They want honest these principles that the AFL had starch and sugar In the diet, as ap­ teaming together all our life, espe- CAUSE GENERAL BRAWL YOI'R UPHOLSTERING cottvllle. WEDDINGS and girl to each plantation, the bo.v ctally In a pinch like this, Hope! ing. overcrowding at the state prison. than 100 anti-crime bills Introduced At WILL EXAMINE neutrality." offered Its amendments. parently the patient with this trou­ working in the field a* a counsellor (To Be Oeatlnoed) Debate Abolishing Sysietn. Green expressed opposition to Git off your high horse now, and and considered creating a non-poll- The senator declared America ble does not metabolize auch foods and advisor, the-girl taking care of let's go Into a huddle. First thing's An Illinois Legislative Commjttee ticsl commission to study nil of Algiers. May 1.—(AP) — Two End of Policy Period FOR THOSte WHO WANT, THE BEST IN LIFE . , should "have nothing to do with fur­ amendments proposed ' by .Senator normally. Practical experience will the children of workers. investigated eondftlons at the un­ Come Here! All New fJofaa and Chain BuUt In $500 FURNITURE PRIZE Uttle-Smachetti Burke iD.. Neh.l, saying they to find her. Then any personal them and report for action next amsil hoy* playfully t6s.-ed fire­ THREE BODIES nishing arms to Great Brltaln.or jn.v Miss Mary F'raners Smncheltl, trip they will live at Knollwood often- demonstrate that a heavy In­ Special attention is given to the buiiness, lov# and whatever, can fenced St; Charles Training School year. crackers imder the feet of two San- would be "destructive of the 'pur­ COMBINED BANDS GIVE Own Factory. '' other nation ■*' ilnilghter of Mr. and Mra. Pasquale beach. Old Sayhrook. and will be at take of these particular foods will Improvement of sanitary conditions for Boys from which 89 Inmates soldiers last night. " If vve are not going to take part In pose and theory" of the act. Burke act in a definite way In causing for the workers, the elimination of be settled your owm way. See AT THE STATE TONIGHT SmaTfletll of PH Summer street, was home to their frienil* after May 15. what I mean?" have escaped since Jan. 1. Mean­ The boyi ran and th* soldieni pur­ war". Borah said, "then the only married this inorijtng to Frederick The bride la a graduate of the told reporters yesterda.v there was more soreness of the Joints. bad language and the cultivation of time the Illlnole Legislature debated OPEN Every Thursday aw FOR POISONING sensible thing to do Is to stay out of little chance that the labor law goodwill between the workers, all That mad* sense, ot oourss, . CONCERT AT CITADEL sued them. Little, son of Mr, and Mr.s. Alexan­ Merchant Secretarial school and the When the arthritic Is underweight and Hope's Inherent good Judgment a proposal to abolish the present “SHOW M T IS BURNS’ Irate townsmen retaliated against CLARKE Saturday Eveninff Until It and we are not staying out of it Wat kina BrolhiTa Will Share der Lfttle of 243 Kem street. The bridegroom attended Manchester would be amended at this session, It may be found that he has second­ of different races and creeds. parole system and create Instead a (OanMnued on Pngs Five.) when we are fiimlshing the arms >iy ebargea Alanutarturera .\ld«-d Through a "sports center" these told him so. Actually, he felt a trifle the soldiers, wounding them. HOLMES 9 P, M. ceyemnny Was performed at 9 High school and graduated from ary anemia. When such Is the case, .ahamed, an^ he tried to convey Hartford’s Russian Musicians state "honor community,” a tract Two hundred Senegalese went to vyhlch the flKht Is being waged " in I'resentation Tt» Lucky John L. Lewis, CIO president, de­ workers unite in common pursuits of about lO.OtX) acre* where con- MOTTO IN NEW HLM INSURANCE yPHOLSTERING CO. headquarters this morning with an o'clock at the rectory of 81. James's Governor Diimmer Academy. South the giving of plenty of the green that fact now by co-operating wrtth Here; Large Audience En the aid Of their eomradas. MATTRESS Her IJItle Accmiipllshesl Winner Of Set. church by the Hev. Vincent Hines, clared Saturday night that the pro­ leafy vegetables and other foods and are Uught painting, sculpture vlcta wrould be taught trade while A general brawl ansoad In which nftomev Dt*elarlng that President Boo.sevell Bytleld. Maas. He la connected with posed AFL amendments were pre­ and many of the other fine arts tn Joys The SctectionsJ RENOVATINO who used the single ring ceremony. Robert C. Buell and Company of rich In Iron, may be helpful. Maybe she moved bar room, producing commodities for state __ ... windows were smashed, hiiaea were Showroom, Factory and .^lo-vod One Of Prlnel|Mila could accomplish llftle by a reply to Tonight on the stage of the Btate The bridal attendants were Miss pared with the aid of representa­ addition to all manners of sport*. use. Upon release they would be AGENCY Floss, Hair, FelL .Hollce Capt James A. Kelly has Mart ford. In addition to the primary toxic and figured wa'd have aenae JLl" ■ I » stoned and 100 persons were Injured, Adolf Hitler. Senators George (D.. Tlic.atcr will be held the dravvlng by Josephine Smachettl. sister of the tives of the National Association of cause, there are other causes which Children Instructed A large and appreciative audience given money they earnM to "start Thla tradlUonal American motto geriously enough for Office, 48 School Street ______1-IHy Service, . naiN 'Bolber mh.v have been one of Ga.l and Sfye (rf/ N. D. I. siiggealnd which Watkins Brother will, to the Manufacturers and "of several of enough to follow her algn^ In bride, nnd John Dowd of East H art­ may contribute to the development Children are given Instruction In another hotel or something, he gathered at the. Salvation Army over" anywhere. of the man who wnnta things proved h 829 MAIN STREET two principals who originated the todav that Great Britain take up lucky winner, sward a complete ford. the most reactionary and anti-labor musical appreciation and are taken citadel yesterday afternoon when a Other Illinois bills would permit to6a him•*■■■* refers 6toa Bob IBiiwnwBurns, lylncvking -etr of scheme that aent vlcllma to their Jeffer-Pinney of arthritis. For example, focal In­ ventured. Obviously he was des­ Onler was restored near midnight LARGE REMNANTS AS LOW AS 25 CENTS, negotiations for European peace FROG' ihipllcatc act of the furniture The bride wore a traveling en- corporations of the country." fections may serve to make arthritis on picnics, hikes and other outdoor sacred concert was rendered by the Judges to fix minimum and maxi­ ths homespun humorists, in his lat­ by additional troopis. PHONE>3665 graves and then collected Ihe Inmir- within the framework of Hitler’s used In the motion picture "park aemble of navy blue and white, with Miss Dora May Plnney. daughter In his testimony, Green said the events. When the project waa flrst perate, but sUn did not know Juat Hartford Russian Baptist church mum terms. Instead of Indeterminate est picture. "I’m From MlS'^oml", ani <■ on thclr Uvea. Retehatag speech. of ,Mr. and Mrs. Cfharles M. Plnney worse. These may be located around which way to turn. Victor.y." The drawing tonight will curaagr of roses and . sweet peas, AFL had hoped the Wagner act the roots of teeth, In the tonaila, begun, labor Injusticea were found choir and brass band. sentences; abolish capital puntah- which Paramount will present locally With the surrender of Bother a They offered this propos-il In ad- he under direction of the Boy Man­ The bridesmaid was also attired in of Gilead, formerly of Manchester, would "In no way harm organized to be common but the Council has ■■No, , I doubt that,” Sherry said. David Addy has been tutoring the menti fix punishment for klonaptng tomorrow at the State Theater. dozen persons were under arrest on was married at 10 o'clock this fore­ sinus cavities, gall bladder, or colon. been able to bring about a fair and *Hut ws can sure look and sea. What Burns wants proved to him vam;e of the expiration at miilnlght ager of the theater, FMward Jlllson. a navy blue ensemble-and wore a labor.” Abnormal foot conditions, by caus­ th e dawn haze has About fitted— musicians for soma time and under at death, life Imprisonment or not homicide chargee. One. Herman of the "cAsh and carry" neutrality Also prew'nt Will he Henry Smith of corsage of sweet j>eas. noon to Clifford Jeffers, son of Mrs. "But.” he added, "we are sadly uniform wage scale and Is making his lead ersh ip th e vlstUng band less than 14 year*. in this new, down-to-earth comedy Petrlllo. has t^eq convicted nne 1 wdilch regulate Amcrl Mr. and Mi-s. Little left on a trip Clifford Jeffers of West Center ing mechanical strain, may act aa slow but steady progress toward what time ta U?” The recent Washington Legisla­ 1s that mules are Inferior to machin­ It Is A Good Time Watkins Brothers. disillusioned. The act oncejhailed as contributing causes. Certain kinds Both looked at their watches played with the local band making E?.rd»,o«' Aonihe^ trade,With Warring .uatlons, The winning ticket holder must to the New York World'! Fair and atreet. The ceremony was perform­ labor's Magna Charts has been dis­ better all-around conditions for the a fine combination. ture established wall-leas conserva­ ery when it come* to equipping an mandatory. Another. Mra. C arlna , t'uiilrary to the opinion held by Washington. D. C. On their re­ ed by Rev. Vincent Hines at the torted Into an Instrument of oppres­ of work, which Induce a long con­ migratory workera and saw it .eras 7:25. tion camps, mostly for first offend­ army. And to show that he's a Favato, interrupted her trial to he present to rccelvi Ihe award tinued occupational strain may act 'The man In the tower will Bandmaster Robert Lyons also - To Take George and Nye, some U-gl.siators i euntalns many cxeellent ,.turn they . will occupy their new i rectory of St. James's church. The sion by the partial and biased ad­ Future Club Plans Isd th* combined bands In special ers who Would be compensated for Mtaaourian In/iplrit as well a* In confess that she murdered three young couple were attended by Mr. ministration of the present board. in the same way. Obesity may op­ .The attendance prize, donated by eom* dowm at 8. On* of usH slip their work, this at request of the fact, Bobb goes all the way to Lon­ men. believe Mr. Roosevelt may discuss Lieges of furniture for dining and ! ,.uu ’ll!, it erate as a contributing cause in up for a bit then, take the glasses m IMvUoos* ■ Advontage Of i Hitler’s nddre.-w in ••fire!aside chat" I Uvinirliving room useuse. nearing eompletlon. and will bo at and Mrs. Charles Davidson, of 18 "Almost contemporaneous with Robert Smith, was won by Dr. Friday night the looal band with Parole Board to aid "human rehab­ don, where th* beads of the British Many of those under srrest are home to their (rlenUa after May 15. Laurel street, brother-in-law and some cases because the overweight Forbes Bushnell. It waa announced and study every window In ilitation” and reduce overcrowding army, unable to prove thelt_j)OInt, wom*n—widows' of men Investiga­ to the nation. During the week ticket stub* the division of the labor nyjtrement the assistance of guest artist Major The German chancellor, In re­ Tile bridegroom is with the firm of slater of the bride. The latter wore (in 1935) a definite partipllty was condition throws too heavy a that the club would be host to the Juares. Then we'U go a mile or of prisons and reforraatorlea. aecepUhlat LOW INTEREST tors have Hated ns victims of the have been saved up from tldkets of Johnson A Little, plumbing and weight-bearing load on Joints al­ East Hartford Rotary Club in an twro up' river and look from an­ T. W. MalpaM, of Boston, gave the Other proposals pending included: ring. sponse to the president's iipiK'iil for all attending the State, and It (s a traveling en.semble of tweed with manifested by Board Member Ed­ other angle. I reckon we could following program in concert with " 1 ^ From Mliaouri" show* Burns a lO-yenr non-aggression pledge, heating conlraelors. corsage of gardenias. win Smith for the Clfp and he has ready inflamed. A cold, rainy cli­ evening meeting at the ' Country Florida—Take convlcta off road for the flrst time since Arlxona RATES AND Detectives are still seeking at from these that the winner, will be mates la considered by some au­ club_l>ei« Ofi R°D«rt Pryde, go look from that angle first, while the SongesUr Brigade under th* 'work; set lip a parol* board; re- least one more pinjor figure— a wo­ said Fritlay he was willing to give choaen. The ceremony was followed by a been able to Influen^' the official isaderahlp of Fred Clough. The sal* Travelar", which picture marked bla peace assurances to countries which reception for .50 relatives and work of the board/end of the per­ thorities to be a contributing cause former "Tteutenant governor, of the w* wait.” ’ vtae the criminal code to speed up. Chang* from light musical Comedy AVAILABLE man. A murder charge names' her A'n entirely new program will be KeiT-McKaitr District, will be present and will In two minutes they wrers In a of tickets was far th* benefit of the a* Mrs, Rose Carinn, a vvidovv, and requested them and Which* accom­ friends al the home of Mr. and Mrs. sonnel no as to support the cause of arthritis. trials, appeals and aentencea. / role* to the portrayal of homespun shown tonight, eunalatlng of ".Ser­ Of interest here Is the wed.ling of In tomorrow’s article I shall go show motion pictures of his rqund govemmant car hastaomg out one local Corps funds. To Establish Prison F am a / American characters. The new pic­ says ahe was used by the ring aa a panied thclr requests with propos­ geant Madden" and "Fast and Ml** Edith Frederlka McKalg, Davidson. Guests were present of the CIO." / ot th*'streets near the river. When MORTGAGE "lure." als 1o the Beleh from Astoria. L. I.. New York. “Vaurping .Ajra .Abusing Powers' on with the discussion of arthritis the world trip. Mr. House urged the Connecticut — EsUbltah prison ture continues the trend, coating Bob Ixvvse ’ daughter of Mr. and Mra. P. IV Me- Contending that the board has and will explain how the basic rheu­ Kiwanlans to attend the affair. they topped a rise that gave them farm*' to relieve crowded county as an ardent mule fancier, a family Simultaneous with Bolber's sur­ .Saying Hitler's talk "opens the Knig of Westland Avenue. West Hartford, Bolton, Gilead. Granby, Three delegates were named to a dear Hew ot the town across to FUNDS render came reports that police vveVe I way for further conversations he- South Windsor and this town. been “usun& g and abusing pow- matic toxemia may be eliminated. REPORT 31,665 JAPS Jails and segregate flrst offender* man and Missouri's ''imofftclal sm- holding a man believed to have fur- | tween Gieat Britain and the Ger- Hartford, and Otis Russell Kert, era," the /AFL official declared, Ita QL'ESTION'S .AND ANSWERS the convention of_ Kiwanis Interna­ Usxloo, they parked and atudisd from repeaters. basisdor’' to England. . . ' formerly of Manchester, which took At noon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers left tional at Boston bn June 15, being Juares csrtfuUy. S at 08 If yon eontenplato nUbed poison—in wholesale lota—to ‘man govemment.'' George told on a motor trip to Canada. On declslonh^ are not fair." (Sinking In of Clieefcs) ' Pennsylvania—A nqw panal cod# Buma and bis new screen wife, ABOUT TOWN place at the McKalg home Saturday Arthur Knofla. Rev. Earl Story and- Thsrs's plenty of whit* speU KHXED DURING APRIL to “streamline” overlapping sta­ Gladys Ctaorgs, leave Missouri for bnildinK a new home. members of the ring. 1 porteriv* their return they will live in Gilead While the AFL has grown numeri­ Question: Mr. L. H- writes: "If an but non* In any window,” Bhsrl- Meantime, questioning of tw-o j j^e representative of her al- afternoon. cally since enactment of the Wagner I of the upper teeth have been pulled President Houee. tutes; set up a stats board of pro-, , Lwtlan when word comes, out...that Mrs. James Magnell. formerly of The bride wore a navy blue sheer where Mr. Jeffera is engaged in ssl4 to^Uy* No Commlaalona o t^ r prlBonfrfl conUnilfHl. ninotiK the slates, this town, who underwent an opera­ fruit growing. lavf. Green said, the advances not )}een replaced with ar- ChungUng, May 1—(AB) — A bation and parole; require Judges Bni^iaiid is prspsrlng to mOtoris* redtngote ensemble, white floral "divould have been much greater had "It could bs Just two ^ t s , any statomant by Chtnsss military bead- to Impose maximum terms. tbs Biul* units ot th* army In ae- ■ One was Ce.*are Valenti, alien ex-i n,„„y of ap- tion at the Hartford hospital and tlflclal dentures, will this condition - DEAN’S F.ATHER DIES oslor. Didn't bar noU say Two No ServlM Charirea eonvIcL BA B A ff n • ' I proach to negotiations looking to- has been a patient at that Institu­ toque with navy; veil and corsage of 'not the board prejudiced and harmed be.likely to cause a sinking in of the gusrteia today aald that 8X,6w Jap- Nebraska—EatabUMi a "Uttl* O- eordiuiea with tha advlca ot Buraa’ Federal Deposit Ina. Corp. 4 white Orchids. Her sole attendant. us by ita unwarranted declalona. for safety, this* for help, any way aneae wrsro ktllpd and VIS taken msn” department under th* stats rivaL Gene Lockhart, a machinery Admits Part In Poisoning | U rd the settlement of Euroia-sn tion the past five weeka, has return­ Announce cheeks? . Sbelbume. Mass., May 1.—(AP)— any Ume'T 8bs—aha gave tha County Detective William 3. Con differences 'without resort to war. ed to her hdtne In Sayhrook.^ Mr* Frank R. Simon of this town *Tt must be Mmembered that Answer; Yes, the extraction of all Charles 8. Dole, 81. father of Rep. prisoner durbig 604 ”enemy attorney gensrsl. manufacturer. Bums goes abroad' nelly said Valenti signed a state- wore a yellow and robin’s egg- blue rival groups have not only thrived, note to you that night, net to me.” strength-teetlng actUms” in the New Jersey— Limit sale of re­ to save bis buslaess and that of his "In this view of the matter. Pres­ Engagement oi the upper teeth may bring about Frod B. Dole, and of Sumner A. Hope added thla last a Uttl* blt- The Manchester ■Fnent last night admitting he helped, ident Roosevelt may have advanced Mr. and Mrs. George F. Borat at­ print dress with corsage of white Mr. and Mra. Philip L. JohiiMn of • • • but that they have been nour­ a sinking" In effect. I suggest that Dole, dean of the Connecticut'State latter half of April. volver-., ammunition to gun parmlt friends. Miss George, on th* other poison Charles Ingi-ao for S9.030 tended the 40th wedding anniversary camellias and white accessories. ished on prejudicial and biased de- tetfy, coldly. The batUee oceurrad In IS.Cbln- holders and require sales records; hand, goes to crash British society. Insurance. This statement came the Interest of peace and may find 198 High atreet, WalllngT^rd, an­ the patient consult "a dentlsL College, died today. "Yep, that's a fa c t I mean that further oommunlcattona with celebration Saturday evening of The ceremony w-as followed by a nounce the eoKagement of their cUlona of the board. • • • e o provlnoea. The statement deiiied require uniform criminal records be While th* "man from Mtasourt” ta Trust Company during round-table bickering In Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnaon of wedUlng breakfast at the home of ■To .put it bluntly, all claases of about th* signals. Sh* Juat hap* they eonsUtutad a general Japanaaa kept by county Identification busy challenging British army offt* ' ______Member______which three of the prisoner* ac Hitler are unnecessary, especially In daughter. Miss Ruth PhylUa John­ the public aa well aa the American pen*4 to glv* It to m* Is all.” vlview of the livfprmal method In Bristol. the bride's parents, which was deco­ son. to Lawrence Convars*, Jt., son offenstve and aald that during that bureaus and state police. data to show him why machinery cuaed each other. , rated with palms and spring flow­ Federation of Labor, no longer re­ Th* conversation served, howr- time tha Japaneae logt S6 armored The Texas Senate passed a meas­ ta hlch Hitler re|uled to the presl- of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencs (Jonverae Detectives also were pressing Mr. and Mra. W. F. Gerlck of spect the administration of the act ever, to upset Sheridan Starr con- care, three warablpa and SI field ure providing for a pUhUc school Herman Petrillo for full details ol dent's m.’S.sage." ers. of 70 Henry street, Manchester. The by fhe Board." ' siderably. In his heart Stock Place, have moved to theif On their return from a motor wedding will tkke place In June. guns.i. J educational campaign agalnat 21 murders h» told ConnellJ- he knew ■*' l>>gli-al For Britain To .Art recently acquired home on the Birch Confidence In Board Vital For Tuesday.. When'Hope said nothing to that, about. - f Nye told repprteis It would or Mountain road •'Confidence in the members who Sherry spoke again. •Itl nearly It wa.< during the roundtable con­ (ogii al for Great Britain to seek to compom the board is \1tal. AiBli- %. Let's go on back apfi taka a ference, Connelly said, that Valente, C harlu Burr, 15 Scarborough road. / start ncgoU'atiins with Germany. Sunset Council. Degree of Poca latM organization (of the AFL) TAr lock from the tower. W* bettar b* prevlous'.v unre8()onaiv8 to qnestidn- He, argued that Utile coiild he hnntaa. wUI ' meet tonight At 8 HOSPITAL NOTES Census: 66 patients. have gone so far as to say that will ther* in css* 6h* pbeosa again, mg. "rtfelded to tell the whole accomplished by further peace pro­ o'clock In 'linker hall, when plana even seek protection from thla board. of tuuiliful too.”, have to guess about tbs beat, .itory.'l posals from tills government, but will he made .for the official vlatta Week e« .April M, 16M If this feeling becomes wide­ Wanes .T hey talked scarcely at aU on euler to get perfect leaalta ____ ^ Sealed around the table were Val­ contended Great Bi-italn might bring tlon of the GreaLPocahontaa, Kath­ Admitted teU Saturday: Mrs Tuesday. 9 a.m.—Den^l cllhle. spread. BO that there is a refusal lO K Y D O L heir way back to the Patrol head- JHH ■Masure beat aa aocuratoly M ooaMag tngre*. ente. Petrillo. and Katph Polselll, 'about - a "resl undWstafidlng'' by erine 'Quick, and her staff, on May Irene Von Deck. 32 Sterling Place. 10 a.m.—Tonsil and adenoid clinic. everywhere oh the part of Ameri­ 8 Bara Isuartsr* and whan they had park- aa you eaarwttb aa ELBOTBIO tnagw who. h0» aflmilted. participating Ih calling a general F.uropean confer- 15. Mrs. Gertrude Herrmann, 61() Cen­ Wednesday. 2 p.m.—'Well,' .baby can Federation of Labod uhlona to th* man from aboea was COWSTAWTLY IW BAHCEB three poison .slayings. The three enca to Iron out basic economic and ter street, Mrs. Rosa Andreo. 629 clinic at the ‘.'T." seek relief under-the act because of AMAY Vust eomtiif off shift R* saw Heps talked over Crimea, they had com­ political problems.. The Forget-Me-Not King's ^ u g h - Tolland TumpIHe, Miss Elsie Ekpr- Friday, 2 p.m.—Welt baby clinic feat of the board's administration, 19e Lge. pjeg. 21e and gharry as bq elambsred I muted. Connelly said, wlllj one ec- The tense European situation has tera will hold their monthly meeting mann. 825 Center streeL William All clinics imleu otherwise noted industrial strife and conflict will be his ladder-llke step*. ■ Cluing another until the complete highlighted rongresslonal discussion at the home of Misses Lois and Backus, 282 North Main street, are held at the H ulth Center, the result and the ultimate aim of SPECIAL! Great, Iwrge 100 Size, Tree-Ripened "Hsy, you two bama,” b* ballad ^ RECIPE story of Ingrso's death was dls- of new aeutrality legislation. The Janet Tracey. 108 Woodland atreet Robert Cble. 20 Bank street Haynu street. thb act will be destroyed. them gobd-nsturedly. "Wsrsa't you Apriedt Criaa Croaa Pit cloeed. 'cash and carry" prorislons are the at 8:00 this evening Visa Jane Birth: Saturday, a daughter to "I Bay Jt la imperative that the FLORIDA ORANGES doz. 39c intsrsatsd In Boy Scout signals or Valente, the police statement said, only section! of the present law Marie Ftnlay i^ll have ^ charge Oi Mr. and Mra. Gilbert Wlttmann, present personnel be displaced if % Ib. etuwed. unswsetsnsd apetoota H k admitted ohtalnlhg frpm Petrilja 12 of these onuige* weight 10 pounds and 8 ounces artd Ibey’re something a few day* ago? You Whlfch expire, leaving In effect the the devotions. Oorentry. NO COMPANY K DRILL only to restore confidence and re­ asked m* about tww whlto spots bi _ fiS Anted rtod at taussa *A the poison that killed: -Ingrao anff* ban on arms shipments to.belliger­ spect in the mlnda of rnlllions of Just full of Jillre. named Polselll and Mrs. Caritia Fa­ ents whenever ' the prealdent finds tHscharged lata Saturday ; Mrs American workers.' ' a' hoUl window ones." ■VT n t RARELY n r a a ev IT Dr. E. C. Higgins will spook to Mary Admanson, 105 Biasell street "Tsai Why?" Hops and Bhsrry ■ U as a i-laeli pis plow with pastry. Mix flm nprlcot*. lemon rW vato, Ingrao's common-law w-ife, as that a state of war exists. the members of the Knights of Co­ Green contended that the board his helpers. Mrs. Favato ims Mrs. Mabel Seaman, 85 Porter TO BE HELD TONIQIT From Argentina—Large Bunch Fancy Red Grapes .... looked Intently at him. "What Is nod granuinted sugnrl together. Put mixture Inti uabeked pie The “cosh and carry'' system re- lumbus. tonight on “Blood Trans­ Street, CTuirlea Morrill, Wapping. had forbidden "normal relations" Ooefon an ao coiUaotly ruaniolyMttif iaftctlon pleaded guilty to the Ingrao slay­ qtdres that w arptiig nations pay cash fusions." between employers and employes...... '...... lb, 23c it? * Did you 'see th* signals to- sboD. lo p wHb the browu sugar. Arrange narrow atrlpa of ing and two other murders. Francis Fazzina. 42 Oak atreet. He said certain collective bargaining for certain goods purchased In (he Admitted Sunday: Mra. Anna Llent. Fre.v To Re At ,\n«ory Fresh Rhubarb ...... 10c lb., 3 lbs. 25c aad coBtatiaa thai they rainly ghm h a tbouthL pnstry. Isttlon fusMoa neroe# Hw top. Snk* at $76 degrsM f * Valente, a 5.Vyear-old giant, was Uniteil States and transport them In The meeting of the board of poUce elections had been ruled illegal be- yore hem al Ho. I didnT brought here from New York where foreign ships.. Chairman Pittman Krawakl. Broad Brook, Mrs. Teresa To Receive The Enlistment cauw minor supervisory employes Red Baldwin Apples ...... 3«/, lbs. 29c aoo no twro isbtto spots In no win* T h ty do. tbs nacaeearr opaegtiOBi tn a ta a o t, or commlsstonera. scheduled for to- Rufinl, IgT Birch street. Stanley Hiikt tboaacnaMry visit, regardiaas of rtek. That ha finished ferving a .sentence for a (D-Nevl of the Senate Foreign Rela­ morrsyr night, has been poat-ponsd. Of New Members. had made unsotieited remarks In fa­ dew. In faot 1 guess what I sawr liquor vlolatlnn Saturday. U. S. tions Committee -wantl to Fe-«iS(U “Belaiite, H u t Windsor HiU vor of the AFL. wras Juat olothea doing. But sway is pari of their lob, aad acoeptad as such. Immigration authorities were plan­ Birth; Sunday a son to Mr. and There will be no dfjll for Company Shurfine Coffee, ...... 23c lb. over at that ranch house -the old these provisions and apply them also BeesasstherooffasopramiaentltilioaU FOR BETTER MEALS— A BETTER RANGE ning to deport him when, be waa to munitions. Mrs. Jifiui Haihpson, 58 Birch K. 169th tnf. C. N. G. at the armory Aak for your free pony ride coupon w|th ench pound of Tsrraias \ plaes, you knowT-*are Every procautlon it takan and every aeaptie. tiar- -* linked virith the poison ring. MRS. DAVIDSON F ^ , strset. this avenlng. In viet^of tha fSet DRAWS BIG RNE. Shurfine Coffee. Coupons good for one pony ride at Threaheria thro* wbtts spots, sort of up oo floriiy the booM ia additioa to pcoteet- UlslaSand preventhm nmiaure la em ployndler the Valente's arrest on a homicide Discharged Sunday:. Mrs. Terew that members of the company are th* htU. Mit—•'^ lag h afaiast the{ wiad,'rsfai aad the •NEW ELECTRIC RANGES now at unusually charge' here brought to 11 the num­ SUFFERS A BROKEN HIP UcOann, 152 Pearl sticet Gemma enduvorlng to enlist new members, Buckland Pony RMe. 'ThrwsT” ghsny barked It safety of e ^ Individual petient, but the Doctor ber held in Jail for compllcityttn the 100,000 DRIVERS FAIL Rota. 1S6 Eldridge' street Raymond UeuL Stephen Frey will be at the , FOR CONSPIRACY ”T*ah. But It's Just Shasta dry­ elements. anat, in many caaaa taka a dtanca o s paraooal LOW PRICES --j)loL Braoae, 567 Silver Lane, E U t Hart armory tonight between the hours of Fresh Calves’ Liver Fowl Capgns Broilers ing, near's I can make out with A BARRES Geoetoo Individual or aafaty, Mra EUiabetb Davldsoo, 9.8, of 10 ford, Harold Maher, 72 Church 7 and 7:45 p. m. to sign up any who (Oauttaraed from Page One.) the glasses:, §tUl, lY* a funny Urns WANTS THCi'CtES TO RENEW UCENSES Orchard street suffered a fracture street Gerard Rock, Rockville, Mrs. wish to Join. Mackerel ...... lb 15c of day to hang out—''' Strip Sbingls Boof dost exactly thsL la Ffiaadi aad loved onaa may fear and avoid ceota- JSSPECTED, TOO of a hip this noon when she slipped Andrew Healey, Buckland. Twro new menwllsted during the trlbuted to bootleggen who redis- Freshly Chopped 30c Grade Pinchurst Ground Beef. Spe­ "But that's lads Barre's bom* odditiou. The Vital Element is tbaaa AT TOUR DBAIiER'S OR Chicago.—CAP) — Testing lanes tiUed it for human consumption. gioa. but tha Doctor mast caiyy OB»aad doaaaa on the bottom step of a statrwray Birth today, a daughter to Dr. p u t wruk and doty two more are cial lb. 25c, - new, man!” w ell ■iinwi theic peoteeticn. for bicycles are recommended by Hartford, Vlav 1__(AP)— Ap- at her home. 8ha waa taken to the and Mra. W. John Field, 119 Lake needed to bring the company up to After the defendwts severed ^eal Chops lb. 3Sc gheny and Hops were staring a matter of routine duty. - Mlu Miimie Fallon, aaslstant super- , prozlmately' 100,(KX) automobile dhv- Mancheatw Memorial hospital in street maximum strength of 63 men. A their connection with united Chem­ at each ether as tf a bomb bad ex­ Trinidad tab* A*, Intendentof schools in charge' of ele. ’ era today had not renewed' tjielr the Thomu Q. Dougan ambulance Admitted today: Mrs.. Elizabeth number of enlisted men of the com­ ical and Drug the company was ploded at their heels. •hell ta rir* Yiial The Manchester Electric Division msotary grades; operators’ licenses, although the and X-ray] examination, was given White,''9 Church street. Mrs. Eltta pany haVe applied for enrollment In taken oyer by McKesson and Rob­ Betty Mary Jordan, a prisoner, ElsinsntlnBABBEB She requested principals to organ­ deadline feU last nlgbj; Michael A. this afternoon to determine the ex­ Knowlton, 32 Strong surest, Mrs. the* In fan t^ Extension Scbo<4 bins which is now Uquidating it. behaved far better than biff eaptor Csnsses BsMk ll's BARBER Bm ifCff ise sttch lanes for assurance that Ckmnor, state motor vehlcla com­ tent of the Injury. Elisabeth Davidson. 19 Orchard eouru with ths object of becoming Coatep-Muates. who committed 'punc/iuTjt Qivce.n/.ync. .might have expected her to. -Nat nr* -prsfarsd- INPIVIOUAL BB ooMMBononr bicycles -have good brakes and missioner, said, today. Mrs. DavldMO was born tn Ire­ s t r u t commlsstooed officers. This la a suicide in Fairfield, last December It was avMeot that Luia Bane •r sis e tle a lie y e * AND STRIP proper lighting equipment and to However, Colonel Connor explain­ after his xrfwst onjs charge of 'vto- / D^ALAISID:ALi:-i51 ■' "^02■^02 MAINSTPEET MAIN STPEET 0 5 7 MAW STREET land and baa had excellent health Discharged todAy: Francis Pa­ very encouraging sign and evary ef­ told tww o t Wa guarda to watch PH 0N B70M 'TTBHMBStiMi Instruct riders in rules of safety and ed, the number of renewals atlU is for nearly a century.'She if some­ gan!, 36 Hrch s t r u t Peter DelnlcU. fort wlU be made to enroll thou Utlng the Securttlsa and Exchange bar closely, for onsn they osas* to . d ' . to use arm signals 11)^ motor- 20,000 ahead of 'that last year on what deaf and dicr fyaalght has 566 Burnside Avhhus, .Bast'H art- with Mtlsfactory phyalcal and edu- Act, was McKesson and Robbins W. HARRY the same data. bean eonaidarahly U^idrad. ^ford* Junw Joaas, laili^nn, lira. ratlcsul regutrsmsgta. .ptsaldaBt 6t ttta ttSM e( Ids death...... / ~ x . PAGE BLEVBK MANUMBSTEK EVENING HCKAL.U, MANUMBEIEK, WJNN. MUNUAt, MAY 1. 1989 . . / MANCHESTER FVTXING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. MAY 1.1959 : - g ' p a g i t i n REV. ERICKSON PREACHES f Y. M. C. A. Notes TOWN PAYS OFF Today; DiMaggio Out Lose League Lead Hiss Oarr't Biology club $125,451 BONDS ankeeSf PArty. News From MamJiestbr’s Neighbors I Y FAREWELL SERMON HERE 7:00—Tlgera' club meeting. I I 7:00—Center Springs tlub meet­ ing. Leading Trainers Divide All tote baskets must be cleared Rednees Prindpal Sum By which has been of a thorny nature to RED SOX ANNEX FIRST today. The "Y" will not be roa(>on- the local school board. M. H. S. NINE TO FACE TWO STIFF TESTS Eninuel Utheran Church NORTH It concerns the tranaportatlbn of Blble for any arttclee left. $101,000 And Interest two children of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmcr ROCKVILLE H. S. CUSS Picks For Derby Between Crowded As P ^tor Says Dlngwell to th* Hebron Green 1 AS CHAMPS BOW TWICE COVENTRY aehool. ‘ $24,45U 5 Today. Dr. Grace, who had learned that JOCKEY IS BLAMED Challedon and Johnstown About 60 young people, attended (»E S TO BRISTOL Navy and Harvard Loom Goodbye To Congregation 3,000 FROM STATE facU were not fully brought out at OFF FOR WASHINGTON th* morning service of th* Second a hearfng held several weeks ago. la Result Of Slugger’s Absence’ I Of la st Seven Years. The offles of the Town 'Treasurer Congregational church Sunday In endeiUorlng to get to the root of the at the borne of Mra. WlllUm Met­ WEDNESDAY; HAU As Best Eastern Crews FOR TRACK MIX UP New York, May -1.— (AP) — AMaryland-brsd nominee. while , today announced payments of town obeervancc. of Youth Sunday, bc- mstter^ud prevent further trouble calf of Elm street. Mra. E. H. Cobb After due deliberation*, the tralnera] Johnstown's backers, n a l»«n y . ON VISIT TO FAIR and expmae about the case. Seniors Also To Visii The • \ . , , 1,. 4 __1 poinle»l to the amazing speed of the Tab Him As “ Most Valu- * ^ .^btlgattona totalling 1125,451.35 out. sidea the regular congregation. will be the reader. string along w ith Challsdon Rev. Leon Austin took for the He wtll Uy the Information gained Loagrlrw Meeting Th» Era*nu*I Uithfmn rhurrh landing la Boston banka. The fol­ here before .the State Board and It U New York. May 1.— TAP)—FromVSyracii»«. That acicounti for all the Johnstown for the Kentucky Derby. I BBllot-by-ballot. here's the way text Of hla sermon, Luke 6:4. World’s Fair On Their Re^ The Longview P.T.A. will hold HERE THIS FRIDAY this early-sruxoo viewpoint, it begins "Major" varsity eight* in the east Trainer Brady Says El Chi* able” Player; Senators YEHTERDAY’S RESULTS. •WM rrowdfJ to r«p»clty y»«t^rmon. "Ocxl theme being "I Dare You." The W ifll V irtn r v * dupUcate of la*t season with ton eight on the Severn'* rough Derby distance. Ur's bred In Mary­ Win Both Week-End THts; principal. 12,455 Interest. Franklin thought for this sermon waa taken touch with the Hebron School Board Springs PTA will furnish a part of for Saturday's blue grass classic I Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia 1. B« With \ou". to bring to » clo»r ' Delegation In Attendance and will visit her* at a later date. iCOCyHCOf ffllH iH flw l J ^ Navy and Warvard sharing the hon- waters ih Its opener, Nevy added to for the Associated Press today, and land, where they breed good race high school and educational square from the hook "I Dare You" writ­ the entertainment. There will be an' ora: But three regattas this week It* prestige by breer.lng home a (Other game postponad). U i »ev*n-y*»r pantorate her*. Krv. Mrs. Raymond Canfield of Hart­ From The Woolen Ciiy. Tactics Of Stout. decided It^ wa* between the W. L. horses. Bees Defeat Giants. S20.000 principal and 16,151.35 In­ ten by William H. Danforth. a book exhibit of school work by the special should make it clear whether such leifl^ and a half In front of Colum- Lou Schaeffer Choiledon's Atnerlcsa. Krleknon Irft In th* aftrrnoon for At New H a ^ Day. terest. Refunding $31,000 principal Rev. Austin says every youth should- ford U here for some time. She U classes. Over Middletown In Open- Brann h o ^ M and William Wood­ I Washington 3, New York 3. Rock Iiland, HI., to auiime the helping her sister, Mrs. Howard O. sn Indeclalvc duel 1* In prospect. |bl* on the smooth Harlem. Oolum- wards big bay. with teclinlcian and I chances are as good as any of ’em, and $2,045 Interest. Eighth School read. Miw. Edmund .Morin Those two were on top In 19'dS. bit, boasting a number of veterans 'even though horses like rechnlclon, Boston 3, Philadelphia 1. poaltinn of c^ptrollcr o f Aiiguiitana and Utllltlea diatiicta, two Interest Thompson. In the care o f their aged Rockville, May 1—(Special— The 'Mr*. Margaret (Caaey) LoiilsvUle, K.V., May 1—(API — El Chico drawing slim support. Chicago 6, St. Louis 5.. OoHog* and Theological Seminary. The choir composed mostly ol, father, William L. Griffin. Mr. Grif­ y) U c J w with 'the Olmaon edging out Navy .from the crew that as fourth /at Of the 12 trainers In the "Jury,” iI Johnstow n and El Clilco will ■ be By JIIMSON B.MLEV New Hay^, May 1 — (AP) -Om payment* of $607.50 and. $1,300 re- young people rendered the anthem Senior claas of the Rockville High 46, wife of Edmund MorinIn of Hopes To Capture for "aprint" honors by a very alight Poughkeepsie last June, was rated Trainer Malt Brady today blamed .qsMirlBted Prene SiKirte Writer Detroit 14, Cleveland 1. In hi* •efmon. Rev. Ericknon ex- fin has been In an Invalid condition four picked Challedon and four I tough. Eastern nerflctif daime(r out S.OOO ottvtng to­ spcctlvaly. Funding $30,000 prin­ very lovely. TTie floral tribute wa* school-left Rockville this morning East Main street, died at a BeM |r . margin and each winning Its cli­ os a potentially strong eight, but It Jockey Jimmy Stout.-Aboard the vic- 11. (Giiyi Bedwell Hope Chal- p n u K i hi* gratitude for the loyalty for some years, since having a para­ hospital on Saturday afterndhifS others gave it to the tall son of I a. ■ It's K»mg out of the wny to find Sprlngfifld 2. Hartford 0- •nd cooperation h# ha* received dur­ cipal and $4,725 Interest. Ninth a basket of* spring flowers given lytic obock,- He U 78 years old and at seven o'clock on their • annual Wii In CCIL Contests. matic four-milc test. Navy at never could catch up. The Midship­ turiouis Johnstown, for. the nilxup in Jamestown. Another. Max Hirsch, I ledon w Ins It. troublo for anyone to piedicl in the day for New Haven day at the New School District two Interest pay­ where ahe had under gone an opera­ men never raised their beat above Albany 3, Binghamton 2 (10». ing hi* atny In Mancheater and ad- by Mr. and Mrs. Erall J. Koehler In confined to hla bed. hut U able to Washington trip. .They left Hart­ Pouglikecpslc and Harvard against laat .Saturday's VI o.hI .Memorial wl]o knows s thing or two sboiil Hirsch Jais'hs ChHlIel.Mi to win: first month of'the lisselmll season Re\'. K. E. Erirkenn Yoyk World's Fair. ments of $3,825 and $;,232..50 re­ and children In memory of Mr. and tion earlier In the week. She leaves Vale at New London 33 while rowing the mile and three whH'ti caused AVilliam Ziegler. Jr.'s he’s a real nlec o ’lt, has l>een irainfit S<-rnnton 7. Wilkes-Barre 8. monlahed hi* congregatloi. to remain alt up part of the day.’ ford at 8:0.1 and Were scheduled to the gee-gees, couldn't make up hi* that a pisyer who now 1* Injured and Klmlra 9-5. Williamsport 4-3. •Uai^art In faith to Chrlal. Follow­ . The ntTIctal parly aboard the spectively. The total principal pay­ .Mr*. Charles Hsll. Mra. Helen White had as vlaltora her hiiaband, a arm, Edmund, Jr., So far this year. Navy looks the quarter* In 7:41.8, less than two sec­ El Clilco to wijid up m suth plac*. mind between the pair. Two well. out of the lineup will win a major ments are $101,000 and the total In­ arrive In New York at 10:40 and in and a daughter, Dorothy,' all of thU Fresh from it* thrilling extra-in- best. The Midshipmen have con­ onds slower than th* course record. ing the aervloe, Rev. Erickaon *hook ••(Vlehrlly Limited" pulled out of May 2 at 1 p. ra. d.s.t. tbs Coven­ Saturda^r Mlaa Chariot#* Hull and Still ranklwl at the turr of events leaned" toward Technleian, and tl steh neat her ftrmiin. league's most valuable player STANOINOS. hand* with tboae In attendance ami fhe New Haven station at 7 am. terest $24,451.25. Washington at 2:30 this afternoon. city. ntng triumph over Middletown last quered two fairly strong rivals, Oornell and S>Tacu*e had to shift at Jamstca. the ordinarily geplal Matt Brady cllmlied aboard hi* own Earle Sande—Jubnatown try Fragment Society wrlll serve It* Miss Helen Coffin of Hartford. their opening regatta from Lake I award come autumn. NsthXMl received the beat wl*hea of the con- KANSAS C in WILL leastem standard time), stopping The payments made today leave Miss Elizabeth Cronin of CXiIcbea- The members of the party walked The funeral will be held on Tues­ Friday In Its opening baseball en­ Princeton and Columbia, without Irl.xhinaii was anything but that as entry, little FI Chico. class, but watch Hrooni Yet Joe II Msgxin, cooped up In annual May Day liincheon In the day morning at 9:15 a. m. at the Cayuga to the narrow Inlet because * - w L Pet. gragatlon In the Important taak to long enough at Htratford to take on the following conditions on the ac­ Church Community Houee. . ter la spending a few days as the the short lilatance from the station counter of the season. Manchester much trouble. Harvard bn* had he arrlveil here with the Ziegler en­ Vole Own llnroe. Jim Fltzslnmneix Is a real good hla New York hole! rian' toilay with Burke Funeral hoiTleraone. cently. have returned home.' They of the visit U as follow*: Tuesday, row. May 2. A prize of one dollar This week Navy and Cornell come headed into the first tuni In the mile- cheering and chowder sodetv. but best effort: Challedon i* second Padded Payrolls In New Refunding. 41i% Issued 11-1-32, ity Hnnar. The fifth degree will be for the league diadem which together In a dual test at Annapolis. five sixteenths on the ScmiyIktII In world champion* Immediately lost W L /Pet. dant of the New Jeritey Dlatrlit Others In the group dined at vari­ mature May 1, 1042, Issue of $310,- had throat operations done. 8:30 a. m. Tour in motor coaches of will be given for any slogan which Manchester and West Hartford and-70 yards "Derby prep." El Chico figured bis own HsaUier Broom choice—he'll develop Into one of Luther League, will apeak at the cunferre4 %, ficiently recovered from a severe Zoological Park. Cathedral, Arling­ second straight defeat Saturday m derbilt, who had to take on the Job In both games left-handed pitch­ .600 and alao at ah Informal aervtce In Inapectlon. Meeting will he called alogan to Mra. Lebbeus Blsaell of the Housatonlc at Derby, Conn., and the Quakers are likely to be Just as and never recovered (■nough to be for hla own stables because of Bud (Jhalledon to fight It out. Chicago ...... 6 / Flag ralaing exercisea and an In- Issued ll-t-32i m.iture Nov. 1, 1043, grip cold Sunday as to be able to of,- ton, National cemetery, Trip to bowing to Meriden, 7-3. The Men ol much of an unknown factor as Vale, ing triumphed, yet with the right- Waahington ...... o 4 .556 the afternoon. Rev. Guatnfaon la a' to order at 8 p. m. d.s.t. time. ficiate at the service* o f St. Peter’s Ellington avenue. Rockville. the Compton Clip regatta at Ctam- a contender. Johnstown waltzed m Stotter's Injury, will probably keep Ben Jones—Technician ha* Johns­ native of Sweden but apeni mriat ot triHluction to the New KnglancI Issue $04,000, balance due $38,000. Mount Vernon and Return; eve­ Monahan previously lost- a ten-4n- which opens its season at Derby handed D1 Magglo In the lineup New Detroit ...... 'y/6 5 .545 On Thursday evening Coventry Episcopal church and at Calvary ning. Theater. Groeery Social clash with Middletown and brldge brings together Harvard. by six lengths, bis Impound out of th* Derby to town to bast, but ha's used to the hla boyhood In Worceatcr. Mna*. He KnnwuA f'lty, Miiy 1 (AIM Kan* group exposition and the Connecti­ Fight School and Utllltlea DIatiict Princeton, Massachusetts Tech .and Saturday. "Say,” Brady added, "If It wasn't choppy track at th* Downs. York did not lose to a southpaw any St. Loul...... 4 6 .444 Grange No. 75. P. of H. will hold Ha church, Colcbester. Wednesday, 8:30 a. m. visit to Mra. Anna May Pfunder’a team of were also nosed out by West Hart­ sav* th* Bun Beau colt fpr the Urns during the exhibition cam­ .400 waa ordained four year* ago and tih* atJi ('tty, aernr of a whtrlwlml vice cut exhihit were on the program, 4% lasufsl 11-1-32, mature Nov. 1, the American I>eglnn AuxUiary will that other horses were there, Chico Preakneas. Bo he voted for O o l- Roscoe Goose—I lean tq'Techni­ (Hevetond ...... 4 6 with the climax at night when Nut- regular meeting in their hall and Chriatlsn EMdeavor services here National Museum. Smithsonian, ford last wsek In a game that It was paign, when aa many aa nine In a Philadelphia ..... 3 7 .333 aerved In Weal New York aince then. clriiniip and {H>llttral purge lh(< pant 19.10. Issue $100,(KK). bklance due will observe National Music night. hold a grocery aoclal at the home might have been knocked right Into ledon. Roeco* Goo**, whose Light- cian, but Johnstown la g tough nut Rev. Eakll Englund of Bcrgehneld. inrggers visit the aquacade and aec $65,000. were omitted Sunday evening, owing Bureau of Engraving, Washington dadded to replay after the umpire row started against them, nor In Bmkcev few wrf’ka. brgtria a nrw flarnl yrar. Each lady Is reqiiegted to bring a to a Trl-Oounty Union meeting at of Mr. and Mra. Willlani Poehnert ruled "no decision" because of dark- the Infield." spur Is a doubtful starter, saw Tech­ to crack. N. J., will preach at Emanuel on llrcworks. Funillng bonile at 5 t ;% .' Issued klonument. Pan American Building Those m the prese box did not put Matt Brady—El (/hlco will nm league games where they faced / w L P ot linlay with the promlar "no padded box lunch for two vhlrh will be the Westchester Oingregatlonal and White House; 1:15 p. m. Trip to of Union atreet on Tuesday evening, neao. nician In the crystal ball. 0 1.0OO Sunday, May It, being the third ol Include Kl\e Mlatea 11-1-3.1, mature May 1, 1944. Issue May 2. the finger on Stout for the tough Choiledon's breeding drew th# ail day: Johnstowfi and CTialledon three portalder*. . Springfield/...... 2 payrolla; no deficit ” aold after the meeting. church that evening. It was at­ Annapolis and U. S. Naval Academy, Manchester, Impressive In commg WOODRUFF MIGHT HAVE This was tlis first time In the WlIkes.Biah'* ...... 3 1 .750 a aeries of candidates to ailcrceii The New Knglanil exhibit, hmuird $.100,000, balanre due $1,10,000. break. Jimmy and the big son of fancy of most of those going for the are goioiL Rev. Erickaon In the local pnatoratc. The pn»mlMv wa.s made !>y "the Mr. and Mra. Charles PInlln of tended by quite a number of local Dress parade of cadets, evening. from behind to edge Middletown by four seasons D1 Maggto has been A lb a n y /...... 3 ' 1 .760 In one building. Includes the stairs Ninth SchcKil District, 4 \ % is­ Arlington, N. J„ are at their aum- people. 5-4 In the eighth Inning of a game Jamestown were In the crush at the A Student from Augnatana Theolngl- litlli* mayor." Hrycr H. Hmith, wh<» Theater. curve but appeared to be out of the with the Yankees that they have Wlllloftisport ...... 8 2 . AOO on April 14 aHr.ed rontnd of the of Connecticut, Miuisnchiiaetts, New sued 11-1-32, mature Nov. 1. 1040, nier home for a week. Only Tj^iit half the dog taxea here originally set for seven frames, has cai Seminary will arrive here June Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Is­ lasue $1.17,00i*a Tfxliiy Yanki-es. paid lialance of $055,000. hard for the collectors, who would were gueata of their president, Mias (Joach Kellay will probably depend son Says It’s Too Late thinks be could run a half mile In ing at the Autumn View Farm. meet the party and take them for a 1:48, one and two-tenths seconds redhead is going to be In there wing­ never dropped back. Philadelphia at Brooklyn. He natd an tnveattgution ahuwed Connecticut nppmpiiatrd J40,(HM) j rather receive payments more comprehensive guided tour of the Janet Anderson of Tolland Onter on the same lineup that started In 1937 he was delayed until May for its cxlilliit and with Nrw Haven ! The Older Boys and Glrla Con­ against Middletown with Pratt os under Sydney Wooderson's still ing Saturtlay. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.' NOT BE HAMPERED "alKH-klng" condlUonn In aome de* promptly. » Fair Grounds. Upon their return Saturday afternoon and enjoyed a The chestnut son o. John P. Grier , 1 by a tonsil operation. I.#st year day l)clng llic attraetkm crowds [ ference will be held Friday and Practically the whole town went catcher, Hllinskl at first, Murdock Now For Pill Negro To unofficial world record. (Only games scheduled.) paitmenta; r»nlcred 7.V) employen PUPIL OF SESSIONS Kutiirday at the Second Congrega­ they will board special Long Island picnic on the lawn. —La Cblca made the till to the Felix McEvitt Annonnees STATE SPORTS he wns a hiddoul ami finally started Amnrlran from the Niiliiieg slate Itcgan |M)iir- | on daylight saving .time Sunday. Mtaa Hattie Jewett of RockvUle at aaeond, Griswold at short, Kil­ OhI Kate* Credit alrlcken from the payroll, effective tional v;hi(rch. Any young people In Railroad train service for return to patrick at third and Tburner, Beck­ In the acclaim that goes to long Downs In good shape. He will not see April 30. Cleveland at Detroit. .' toilay. an| cllmhlnto flriit place by betting the Htylcfl "ctuintry l>ookkeeptng ' with church grounds tell the story. The morning after havin'g been closed Funeral After that date, 9 per cent Is added West Hartford 1.000 John Woodruff had Just run a 47.4- terrific opening burst of .speed Its 1939 campaign on the Houaa- a ntrlrt.ayntem tif chycka and coiiq- Mr and Mrs. Albert L. Crowell men and buy* did the work outside T h e funeral of A. LeRoy Martin, to the tax. Meriden ...... 1.000 he waa the two-year-old champion t(mic Saturday gives the Iripres- Phllad^bto Athletics. 3-1. Jim Tiltshiirgh. May 'I - - ( A P ) -^Penn of Highland Park, who have been for a weak, the usual spring vaca-. second quarter-mile to give Pitts­ enabled Pitt to get away flrat at the laat year." Bagby didn't take any chances tcr-chet k«. v/hlle 6 few of the Ladies prepared tlon. 72 of 30 Davis avenue who was Mias Ebbs Olaon teacher in th* Middletown . . . .333 gun in three of Its victories. Ohl cals; Ha?e Ten Veterans. sions this Is th* year of atonement. Washington, May 1.— (APi — s.vivanlu railroad ‘ officials said to­ wintering in .Santa Monica. Cali­ fatally Injured In r n outo accident In Primary room of the Hlcka Memo­ .000 burgh Its fourth championship of Chico will be the only one of four hts Bcven-mt hurling decldl dinner Inside. Several tree* were set B ristol...... the 45th Penn Relay carnival. ran on all four teams—4.40, 880, mile Three consecutive -delMta by Har­ Jame* S. Kemper, vlc^ prceldont of day It probably never would , be fornia, arc on their way home to out Improving the landscaping and from hla home on Saturday after- rial School, returned Saturday to Ziegler eligible* In Uic Derby. Brady vard-Including last year's clean game and contributed a home CONTORT the United State* Chamber of Com­ known Just who wa* to blame for Connecticut. Recently. Mr. and Earlier that day he had done better and sprint medley—ah'd Woodruff brought Our Mat. also a nominee, his cause. \ EXPECT HEAVY VOTE bniHli across the brook waa cut and. n(^n. Rev. Dr. George S. Brookes, her home in Meriden for the spring on the last three. ' At a recent dinner In New Bril* sweep—have left their marks here merce. deolarerl today that hilalne** the wreck of a* ikitihle-header Mrs. Crowell had Jhe pleastire of pastor of the Union ^ngregatlonal recess. than 21.4 for 220 yards, and the day with him but cxplolneo It waa "Just The Detroit Tigers, b o ^ Individ­ burnt. RICHBKG HAS PARLEY before he had run a 7:51.2 half-mile. for company" fo'r Chico. Time Sheet I aln, Ckiach Jim Foley. Hayden Grla- and the sons of Ell oarsmen appear FOR SALE IN •boiild Ih' alliiweil to carry on In freight which killed live trainmen attending a concert in the Bovard church officiated. Mlaa Turney one of the local town BULLDOGS CRASH OUT surrounded with an atmosphere of ually and oollecUVel.v m majors’ Each o f those times Is within and Substantial were left home. wold, Br„ and Msnoger Fell* J. Mc- leading sluggers, Humed loos event of war "wllhout beUig ham­ IN NAUGATUCK TODAY 15 miles south of hare. Auditorium, University, of Southern The honorary bearers were for­ teachers has returned to Bridgeport determination to do an abundance W O LV ER IN E strung by rule* and. rt'gulationa or The train plowed through a de­ Caltfomla at which a 'bi^lllant pupil WITH CARDENAS ON OIL mer Mayor John P. Cameron, Fred­ bailing distance of a new world "Our Mat hasn’t shown loo well Evltt of laat yearia Junior Legion broadside against (3im land to win. of Archibald Sesaiona. Ml*a Helen for the vacation period. EASY 14-4 TRIUMPH record. In each of those races. since we brought him back from of erasing. 14-1, with Tomniy/Bridges holding excessive taxation." rail switch and over the end of a erick H. Holt, Marshall (Charter, Week End Sports baseball team heard of tha plans for EM Leadsr, Yale's (I won't talk) •The vast majority of our conn-, .Naiigatuck, May I—(A D To- BJoratad, former South Methoillst Mr. and Mra. Charles Miller, who Woodruff had seemed to be nlnnlng Santa Anita," reported Brady, "so th* Indiana to sl^ hits and fanning 8 H E U "Stull track" yesterday while hound HEBRON William PInney, Everett North, head coach, has been handicapped tryroen don't want America to get day’a biennial eliH tlon of ttre con- for ('oluml)us, •6., with 36 cars, sev­ church organist and choir director Mcxlc/j C3ty. May 1.— (A P )—Dla- have Uyed in Tolland village for a — ■ no harder than Jobnstowu. .In a (By Asaoclsted Press) we won't Bend him to the post." the coming season. Thia year there eight. (toarle^Oehrtnger. who In­ gave the concert. Frederick J. Oioley, Donald C. Flak, year, have moved to West road, *U- will probably be six teams In this until recently-by mlaerable weather. HORSEHJ Into another war." he.*altl Irt an ad­ aollilated town and borough found eral of which were luailed with steel Hebron Grange Soft Ball team has patrhea from Saltillo, Coahutia William Sadlak, George Arnold, Jr., Tha Bulldogs opened their 1930 morning canter. Yet Lawson Hot Springs, Va.—Bobby Riggs cidentally b e ^ out Di Maggip for dress prepared for thC ehantiher'H 8.277 citirena ellgllile to vote, the Mr. Sessions la a professor of mu­ state, told today of a two-hour Sun­ lington. ' Robertson, veteran coach of U/ S. district with Bristol and Windsor But the* past few days of warmth the most valuable player awol'd In and mlscellnneous freight. been asalgned to the Southern Cherwood C. Cummings, George B. season and the newly formed Junior takes two titles In Hot Springs Invi­ and calm water have worked won X7th annual meeting. - largeat number in Naugatuck'H hln- In.stantly killed were Engineman sic at the Southern Ctallfornla Uni- day conference by Donald Rlchberg, ‘The Juvenile Grange recently-or­ Twilight League Saturday by Olympic teams, was oddly reserved tation tennis tournament, defeating DIZZY DEAN TO TEST Locks aa newcomers and Mancfiies- 1937, proved he still to a valuable veralty School of Miialc and has League as arranged by the Sports Hammond, Frederick N. Bcldlng, ganized In Tolland Grange, had the ter back as an entry for the second dera. •‘But whether war comes or not, tory Hcconling'to the reglntrara. E. Feeney. 52, Columbus; Fireman Washington lawyer. Dr. Francisco John G. Talcott, Col. Froocla T. , trouncing the Mohawks 14-4, In In his enthusiasm. Wayne Sabin, 6-3, 9-7, 8-6, in singles hand flji/getting hi* third homer qf we men In biuilne** must not falter < Mnnldernble tnterenl ban been D. R. Conroy, 43. Steubenville, O.; markrti succeaa with his classes (Jommlttee of East Central. Pomona Castilla Najera, Mexican ambassa­ installation of officers Friday after­ It's Too Late Now final and pairing with Elwood Cooke year. Play will start as soon as the Aa usuiU, hig Ed la SJIent about the sp rl^ with the bases filled. \ Maxwell, David A. Sykes, John E. "gams that waa marred by bad play' Yale's prospects. He has a habit of oven for an Inatant In our deter­ ahown during tlui campaign and of- Fngineman D,. H. LIngenfellsr, 45, there. at a recent committee meeting. dor to the United States, and Presi­ noon at the ToUond Grange Hall at ing afield. The two teams com- "That boy should have .been Ulc to beat Sabin and John Doeg, 3-6, m s SORE ARM TODAY High school campaign Is over and Chirago’s White Sox squeszed mination that bualnoa* ahnll be per­ Flak. Lebbeus F. Bissell, Arthur T. 5 o’clock. Worthy State Master must be completed by the middle pointing to the facts which some­ flciulN expected a heavier vote than Flnunan C. K. Hlne, 45. and Con- Other grange teams of the Southern dent Lazaro Cardenaa. BIsaHI, (Charles N. Squires, all of noltted no less than eleven errors, v/orWa first four-minute mllcr," 6-0, 6-2, 6-2, In doubles. Mrs.. Sarah the St. Louie Btowns, 6-5, in mitted to carry on." the 8,282 polhsl two yearn agii. klng, but rather green. Bees won their third straight to U ut>[>oaci1 ft>r rci lectfon by Krnncia WORK WISH GRATIFIED ford. runs In the first three Innings, put' THEY’RE moccasin soft, yet wssm ment competition supported by tax­ .1. O'Cohnor, lti']>ublfran» a former of his b<^. Charles Yeger, 18. ton. Ellington, Stafford, Tolland, arrlvetl at Saltillo with Castillo Na­ Grange and parents of the Juvenile over any more. It’s loo bad." tennis tourney, defeating Herman day trip hla team bad to Buffalo. Has New Stroke push within a half game of the top. es nd. nwsbiolmm agalnnt Mfimorlal Meeting Tlirklngton. 2b ...3 1 1 , 2 0 Washington; expected to be on gion team will be ell^ble again this whom tb* White Box once turned $ J . 0 0 V former president of Inc Reserve (-'harb*.‘* price ami Mra. (’atbeiine ment. The regular meeting of the Tolland perhaps wasted poteiitialitles, tne 17, when It wa* originally scheduled Under Leader'* closest - scrutiny BROOKFIELD AUCTIONS There Is a report of casea of ENGLAND ORDERS NAZI There wdll be a meeting of the (Jhapman, 3b ----- 2 0 0 1 0 0 e-foot 4-lnch Olympi(: champion Is bench at least a week.* to be played: year and it is planned to start tm' today for ths important stroke Job down a* an Infielder, ...... Officers Association. wlllXspeak On Nardello. Reptihllcann. Brown was offen-d the Job a measles at the Carlman Frankel Ellington Meihorial Day committee Community Men’s a u b waa held at B. Tlirklngton, 8b 3 0 0 0 1 week ago but foot bllatera he suf­ the Federated church social rooms. a phenomenal figure. Ever since Nav# York—Johnstown, William Despite the philanthropic purpose madtoUIy to try out other candi­ Is Tim GUe, a senior, who in new - in the other game of the day' • “ Providing Strategic Wa\ Mate­ place oil the Marlborough road. It at eight o'clock thia evening th the Forde, o ...... 3 X 0 14 1 Woodward's Kentucky Derby Favor­ dates tor the various posUions, all rials." fered winning the qiore than 26- Ladles were Invited to be present. 1936, when he won the MO-meter of the game, Miuiager Gabby Hart­ at the post. Until recently, John Brooklyn beat I’hiladelphia 3-1 by 4 OLD SCHOOLHOUSES mlle grtnd April 18 delayed hla re­ begins to look as If there may be an CORRESPONDENT HOME Ellington Towrd Hall when plana Donahue, as ...... 4 3 3 0 0 tltlo 'at Berlin, the experts have ite, wins Wood Memorial at Jamaica nett la u.slng the exhibition as a poatUons being open. Blair, who pneed the freshmen last Ifh* hitting of Gene Molirg ari<* seven- •The four-day meeting alilo will will be made for thia year's observ­ Motion pictures entitled "Safari on G l e n n e y ' s GREEK WOMEN PONDER porting until today when he Joined epidemic here In the town, though Agard. rf ...... 4 2 3 0 0 be#n waiting for the day when and $17,675, beating Volltant by six chance to test the question-mark Manager McEvltt la particularly year, appeared to have the edge, 1 It pitching of Luke Hamlin, who bring consideration of taxes. Yroifs- thus far there have been no cases at ance of the date. Edwin J. Davis, Wheels in Africa,” were shown. Cervlnl, p . . . , . , . 4 3 3 0 1 lengths In 1:42 for mile and 70 789 Main Street portatlon, foreign linii.-, eniWoy- Bnsikilcld, May 1 —(API. Only a crew cleaning up gutter* along London, May 1.— (A P )—Dr. Gott­ George Neff's orchestra furplshed long John really wpuld be pushed. right arm‘'o f Dizzy Dean, whose looking fo f pitchers. Any boy born And before Blair, It was George z ow has won three In a row.' Elm street here. the center. chairman of last year’s committee yards. Impound third and T. M. Dor- inent suid' methods of slimiilnrliig BUSINESS MATTERS one “ lIUIc red arhwlhcaiae,” symbbi fried Roael, correspondent of the the music. A large attendance was They're still waiting, and long mound activity has been limited to In tha year 1933 og laUr Is allgibl*. Vletor, Jr., who rowed No. 6 on the Members of the Westerly Cham­ Mrs. Marietta O. Horton and her requests that representatlvea of the 34 14 16 37 as they don't oak him to run on sett fourth aa EU Chico runs sixth batting practice tossing since the Coach Frsd Ston* «T Waaver High 1988 jayvees. Gile has proven the f . A. A. O. m e e t in g . private Investment of another era In education.' re­ newspaper Natlontil 2!eltung of Es­ various organisations of the town present. after being bumped at start! mained tiKlay In the town of Brook­ ber of Commerce and othera sought slater. Miss Marion Gott entertained Mohawks those confining indoor tracks, keeps Cubs returned from their spring In Hartford Is already busy trying steadier. ’’ sen, has been Inatructed by the as well as othera Intereated attend Tolland Grange was well repre­ AB R H PO Ithaca, N. Y..—Cornell oarsmen The Polish-American Athletic Hartford May 1 —(AP) A' dis­ field Hthich was $4,625 richer be- work for Brown after the Indian the Women's Bridge club ait their Home Office to leave England w1 th­ winning. When other runners start training Jaun,L-i out candidates for the Hartford Le­ Behind Oil* In the No. 7 seat is trict ronvontton of the National youth told those congratulating him home Thursday afternoon. The the meeting. sented at the Pioneer Past Masters IT. Martin. 3b ....4 beat Syracuse varsity by eight feet Hartnett has said definitely Dizzy gion team and the locals plan to get club will hold Us regular monthly HOUSEWIFE DISRUPTS catise It sold four of* them at auc­ ing 14 days. Asaociat/on of Bast Central Pomona worklilg their legs like frantic pis­ Jack Rannanberg, followed by Char­ PhlliiptoboH- Society women's aitx-. on hla marathon victory that, while party took the form of a birthday 'Probate Hearing B. Martin, rb, p ..4 . tons, Woodruff merely stretches In mile race opening season for both)- waa bis cholcs as the starting pitch­ busy right away. Announcement ley Ruprecht, Dick Gould, Foster meeting tonight at 7:30 p. m. at tion. • • . ' T^e. National Zeltiing has close -There will be a hearing at the Orange No. 3 when the annual M. I. T. third. lllary to the Greek Otihodox rhurrh. The sjile Satuniay dispcvied of the he enjoyed the honor of winning. surprise for Mi^. Horton's daughter- MeVelgb, s a ...... 3 er. ' How long he will work:. Gabby will be made shortly as to where Fargo, Judd Pollock, Stan Living­ their chibroom on Clinton street. rohaidereO kU'liH'KS inettera today "I'd rather l|Kvr a Job," connections with Field Marshal Probate court on ’Tuesday at 10:30 mcliting and banquet waa held at Philadelphia—Pannsylvanla erswa indicated, depended on bow bis arm -All girls are requested to turn in MEETING OF BUND Ixmg cMeadow Htll school, believed in-law, Mrs. Edmund H. Horton, one Hermann Wilhelm Goering. FltxgiO^d, lb .. .4 the** boys ara to report. "Jim" ston with' Fred Cross, bow, and (top- at the-wind-up aeaalon of Its annual of th* membra. Three tables were a. m. to act upon the ’application of Bolton Grange Hall Saturday eve­ Rosooe, p, 3b ....S' will seven races of opening regatta, fejt. Oppoalng Dean was Edgar Foley, coach of Mortarty Brothers’ their basketball., uniforms. ..The the oldest of the four, for $8tX); the . Roael alao la the head of the Ehig- Two-Minute Half varsity beating. R u le rs and Man­ tain Bucky Byers, cokswaln. , Tbla convention. , In play, Mra. Horton received a the administrator of the estate of ning. The topic for the evening I JaoolMi I f ...... n .4 ilmitb. young southpaw th* Box rO-. team, has genarously offered to boat averages about 183 pounds and club will also take up the baseball La CrekeentSi Calif., .May.-!.— Arehblshop Athenagora.s of North OMuse District bulldiyg, hullt In Ush-Oerman Information Bureau Max Lavltt. late M Ellington who w aa/‘Elementary Sch(x>is.” hattan by 8 1-2 lengths. eently,,,purcbased from the Philadel­ Bltuation. It I* vital that every 1870. for $1.350;., the Iron Works WOIAN BADLY HURT handsome bouquet of Jonquils, and which supplies news on the Nazi re­ idlno, cf ...... S- spend some of his spars' Urns help­ about 6 feet 1 Inch In height, THE • (At*)—Mrs. Ellxabcth Barbcr.i-who America and Ul.Hlaip kavadas of many eongratulaticma and best desires' authority to lease certain Charles Leonard of- Tolland wax: Havre D* Grace, M d—Thanksgiv­ phia Athletics. ing Manager McEvltt round hla member be present at the meeting, Identiflcfi herself as an "Insigniflcant schixil, 1855, for $875 and the gime and distributes a paper print­ IjfoQtBD, r f ...... 2 ing, Mrs. Parker Comliig's Mary- typical leader crew - HEW Biwton praised fhe work of the wUhe*. land owned by the deceased, and r^ently Installed associate grand : I W / t f n , rf ...... 3 T The White Box business office, boys into shags. tonight. The annual election Of .American housewife," almost dls- Greek women in the United .State., Huckleberry Hill building. 1908. for ed In English and German at Es­ located la Ellington. lan().br*d four-year-old, wins $10,UOU handling details of the game, an' Byers,' Rupresbt and Cross are $l.60t>.' , ' IN DURHAM MSHAP Mrs. M. G. Horton, the hostess, patron of the Grand Oiapter- of I l(^nan, c .3 Mi the only veterans. Rahnenberg, Liv club officers will be. held. nipted a German-Arnctican hmnl as largely reapmsihle for,the mam- sen. ' Card P a ^ Tuesday Connecticut, Order of the Eastern' added Philadelphia Handl<:ap by four hounced $14,600 in advance ticket T l rtfton# meeting of 1.500 pecBon* yesterday The soie remaining bulliLIng'^ left won highest honors, M|as Louise E f t lengths from Ral Parr's Hjrpcoclte; Ingston and Gile rowed on the 1938 tenance of Henctii.sni and uiilty, Hollister holding second 'place. The Vernon Women's Republican Star. 88 4 4 34 a soles bad been received and pro- GRILL PBACTICE when she demanded that New 1'ork among Greeks In America. . to the town now la the Center Dla­ Durham, May 1—(A P )—Mtaa Club will hold a pbblic card party 'Pawtucket, R. I.—Bejabbers, 10-1 dieted a crowd of 35,000 would jayvees; Pollock 'was on "the com- TonlgHt at Mx-thirty at the East CHAMPION Bund Leader Friti Kubn tell -"the trlct school, which like the others Laura Barnick of Thompson avenue. Refreahmenta of ' sondwlcdieB. a Mtaa Theo Oourrier' a student at Scar* By Iniiliig* blnatloh boat while Gould, who was Both, men addre.s^sed more than. BRENNAN BECOI In Red Men's hall on 'Tuesday a i- mm shot owned by R. A. Coward, takes tta* game. Yesterday*s Stars Bide playgrounds, the newly organ­ Nmw ihu sooo truth." was abandoned last fall, but which East Haven, and Arthur O aey. .IB; fine-birthday caike and othar oakes, Voasar college, has been spending 4 123 456 780 captain, and Faigo, were outstand­ •400 delegates anrl guests last' night. ternoon at two o’clock. There will $5,000 Portsmouth Handicap at Nar- The entire proceeds, including ized Oak Grill softball team will ibiIbr prBiwet When angry bund meml>er* i was retained for town purposes. of Cromwell were injured, the and tea wera/aerved. Mrs. Edmund several days da guest of her aunt iBoUdoga...... 163 012 O'lx—14 rangasett, beating Sun Inplay by ing as frcalimen'. Pete Beard and TTte convention closes tonight. be individual tables and the players Mrs. Mary Healy. scorecard, parking lot and other In­ hold their ■tnltlal work-out. All, fr#«i crowded around her to shmit "go Bidders did not say what they former critically, when their car Horton will entertain the club at UQUOR COIUDSSIONER I Mohawks ...... 110 101 000— one length. cidental recelpta, will go to Btrat- AMOdATED rRESS. Bud Dreeland, members of last back to Moscow, the woman calm'v her home next Thursday afternoon. may choose their own gaihe. There Mlaa Alice Hall one of the faculty members of last year's town cham­ I would do with the btilldlng.s. left the highway her* todav and ■ / will be prizes at each table. Mra. Runa batted In: Calhoun 2, Hyde San Mateo, Calif.—Mrs. Harry too, who lost a leg last November Chsirlsy Qahring*#r #ik1 Toniny year's frosh boat, have-been Impres­ pions, th* East Sides, are asked- to quoted the, declaration of lnJep.'nit i tunied over several times. Today Is the last day for payment of Bast, Haven High school is spend­ la, Hutchinson 3, Donahue 3, Agard Garland’s Sweepalot nosarout favor­ Bridges, ~Tlgar*-r#orm*r•—rFo hit home sive and may. yet fight their way ance and the constitution to liack up i Ida Weber and Mrs. William Pray ing a ten days' receaa in Tolland a t ' in a bunting accident near hla Tex­ be present Any other asplrantp for AuthorlUea at a UIdiUetown hos; of taxea on property; Including dogs, Hartford, May l.-(AP)—For­ 1. Osrvinl 1, T. Martin 1, B. Martin ed Best Beau to win Can Mateo as home. run with bosos loaded and totter Into the varsity, Moriarty Brothers her charge that Ku'nn principal j without th* usual penalty. Tax-Col­ mer State Senator E. B a ^ or Bren­ are in charge. the home of her parents, Mr. and <- a positton on the team are Invited 'to Masonic Notes CONEY I S m STILL pita! said Mis’a Barnick was on the 11, McCann 1. Two base hits: Gal- Handicap at Bay MsadoWa. Stratton won 16 ^amaa and lost pitched six-hit ball, itrlklng out Onb* Appear Stroag try out 801-818 St, Cof.rBuiai'-SL‘' speaker at the gathering, was not lector Mark H. W. Hills will receive nan, Stamford RepubUu^ became Wedding Tuesday Mrs. L. Eknest Hall . Baltimore—Mrs. E. Road'Beard’s eight, aa Detroit crushed Iniliana. danger Hat with a fractured akull ' Many from Rockville will attend I houn, Hyde. Utree base hits: Hyde, nine last seaaon, the bast record 5f Among the other boats, coach advocating "true Americanism", i and multiple lacerations of the b^y. payments at hla home through the state Jlquor commlssiooer for a Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele and I Carvlnl 3. Home runs: Agard. m ts veteran'/jumper. Blockade, takes Mike Kreevich, Whit* Box—Con- Mr*. Barber dlsi lalmcd cembrotlon i Manchester Ixnlge No. 73 A. ,F. the wedding of Mlaa Theresa M. any pitcher on the Sox staff. Ths Don Grant’s cub* appear strong, in and A, M will hold a special com­ DRAWS LARGE CROWD Caaey ouffered scalp la%'cratlans and day. He wlU be glad to get them term 'of six years today, aucceedlng Mfe Leila S. Hall were callers on I off Roscoe: 10 in 4 1-3, Martin, 'o In Maryland hunt cup for second time. lanky Texan, now wearing an artl' trlbutod three spectacular fleldtng with any orgenizetion. however late at night Payments Frank S. Bergin. New Haven Dem- Della Fera of 60 Oak street, Man­ a recent test with the varsity over munication tomorrow evening. a possible skull fracture. Hla con­ friends in Windham Center recently 13 3-8, Cervinl, 4. Double plays:. Pbiladelphia — John Woodruff flclai leg, ia first hose coach with ptoya aa wall as a doubi* at plate the two-mlle route, the first boat may also be made to the town derk ocraL chester to Peter Genoveal, son of Local school closed Friday and paces Pittsburgh to record feat of to victory over Browoa. Lsxlge will open at ‘7:30 p.nv whfn New Yotk. May i -- tAl’ ) .— dition waa ‘Talr."’ Mia. Olymplo Genoyesi of Pifia I Martin to Oltigeraid, Hutchinson to the team. Owner Lou 'COmtakev barely triumphed. ’’ .... at the office on the Green until d<>e- He waa awom In at the eommls- will reopen for the spring term winning four relay titles at 4Sth has assured him he has a job wltn Lou F*tt*. Bees—Held Gtonta to NEW BRITAIN MAN FREE Hie 'KhtFrc'l .\pprcntlrc Degree ‘will World's fairs ■may .()ome and go, but State Policemen Frank LaForge In^Ume. street, this city which will t ^ s lB!yd*. Lsft on bsaes: BuUdoga 7, The varsity to rowing the usual, be conferred on two candidates. Re­ and Doreace Mielks investigated. a$o«’* office in the Capitol by Attor- Monday May 8. I Mohawks 10. Bases on balls off Penn Itolays; PanDiers set meat rec­ the Whit* Sox club as long aa he six bits and fanned five for third Coney Island goes on forever. Us Victoria Hlldlng entartataMd. AejMJcneral Francis A. PallotU In place on Tuesday morning at ten efficient Leader version of the freshments will be the The Union MLaslonary Society will I Oervlni: 10, Roscoe, 6, Martin 4. HU ords In mile and baU-mlle relays, wants it. straight win o f osaaon. Washington, stroke, reaching well Grover Whalen estimated hla the Afternoon Bridge club at her the presence of the two other, mem- o'clock at St. James church In Man­ also take sprint medley and quar­ Gm* Moore, Ilodgsrs—^Singled 'TOPS" IN SWEATERS IN BRISTOL AUTO DEATH conclusion of the meeting. $160,000,000 opus on Flushing flats, chester. MUs Della Fera bos been meet Thursday May 4th at tha Fed- ■ by pltcbar: Roscoe by CervlnL out to the catch, which ia taken home Friday afternoon. Two tables, bera of the commlasion, Samuel R. erated'^urcb for the all day sewing ter-mile; North Texas Teachers take RED MEN TO BCEET with bases loaded for two runs aa t-Tone Battoned Froat a#3 pre-vlewlng the "World of Tomor­ FRENCH PRIEST SLAIN as usual, were In pUy. MUs HUdIng Spencer, Suffield, "and JuUtia C the gueat at several showera recent I Struck out by Cervinl: 14, Roscoe two major relays; Mosel EUerbe Brooklyn beat PbUs, 3-1. with' a nice,linking of shoulder and Plato 3-Tone SUpoor Tuesitii.v ■■v.'ning..Ma.v 0 the, Mas­ row," drew Bllglitly more than 600.- meeting. Each lady la asked to Is, Martin 8. - Tlni*: 3:30. Umpire: body, and finishing with an unexag­ Bristol, May 1.—(APi —Harold heraelf won the first prise. The sec- Stremlau of Meriden. ly. wins invitatian 100-yard dash with A special meeting o f tbo Rsdl J*® ^ t c b ^ 11.95 ' ter M'r.soii Dog fee w1ii-be conferred 000 o|>entng ilay customers Sunday. and prise waa token by MUs Busan Meeting Tonight bring a box lunch. The hoeteaa will INewoomb. gerated, comfortable, but deceptive­ Weir, 84, of New Britain, held crlmf BY CHINESE BANDITS As a member of the 1035 and furnish hot coffee. F^naela Looey record-equalling 9.8 performance. Men's AthleUc Club bss been caUsd ^ ^ nally reaponstble by Coroner Frank on two canilidalea. Manchester Only a few mile* away, 250,000 Pendleton, acting as a sub^tuta for 1N7 Senate Commissioner ^Brennan The Past Chiefs Club of Damon Des Moines, la.—Cffiuek Fenake ly long lay-back. There Is a wealth An Wool zipper 3-Tone and L/>dge will have as Its guests liiem- persona thronged Coney Island home Mr*. Albert W. Hlldlng, who was in Temple, Pythian Slaters will bold a for 9 o'clock toolght at the club on anh. of power In the boat which gradual­ Healey In connection .with the auto- wrote the liquor act amendments BABES UNIQUE BONOB Praneie Leary, former M. H. 8. outnma John Borican to win 1,000 Bralnard Place and aU officers end ' Plain Chrysler Sweaters gioblle death of Frederick Ott of ber* of the Travelers Insurance Co., of the hot dog and the boardwalk. Shanghai, May 1.— (AP) — The Providence for a vacation with her Introduce In thooe yean. meeting thU evening at eight mile sensation, ran a two-anlhuts yard feature at Drake ralaya in ly Is being harneased. $2.95 Bristol' last February, was found who will fill the chairs, and the de­ slaying of a French priest and kid­ daughter. Mlaa LoU. o'clock at the beme o f Mrs. Hector CURB QUOTATIONS half-mile aa. Setob Hall Prep' of 3:12.3: Ohio Btate team runs mile director* are **k*d to be preront. In addition to next Saturday's Rinocetit In city court today by gree will be worked bv the Travelers MUST SEEK NEW POS'l'S naping of two others by <3iine*e Refreehmenta of aaodwlc)iea^ fndt Blair of High street Ou-Usle, Fa.. Mqy i — (A F )— relay in 8:14.1 for most important Members o f th* club «re asked to regatta, the Yalsxvarslty baa three HOWLAND PLEADS OLTLTY. iPretty AUea Abbott, o f Phlladal- East Orange, N. 'J.,. captured the meet at the Rad u — I Oene Liltord, Cuba—Broke Chlea- Sleeveless Sllp-Ons fudge WIlUam J. Malone. group. ., ' Lee, N. H.. May I. — (A > ) — bandits who raided the Jesuit mla- salad, cakes and tea were served. .The ladies of the Italion-Ameri' two-mlle prep school rday cham- of four m e^ records brokan. — ... 30 toetog streak by holding .Ctordln- other races, ld tbeir regular monthly business ta Bond and S h a re...... winning team war* Bovs, Collado Cbicsgo—Illinois A. C. watsr polo fence, whlob 10 atoMst completed. I — _ on th* water. A wnek later, at affected were Mra. Ruth K. Munroe, IbsUsvss sbs bss "Sns posslbtlitlss o f y ? ourt before th* tHal that under u May 23 the Master Mason been Father Hermand, 67. and those aioner of BkhicaUaa, was in Hebron Mlaa Maude Home, 61, at MUtoo. and social meeting at the home of Wtzff Hud P o w ...... and Flstcher. Fordbau. of whlob tsam bsats N«w York A. C. B-6 in It to also snnounesd that all local I XouiaviU*—Cwoa J. BuMi, L oal» Prlncetoa, N. J., Tale wW meet Ijw aUUute, th* > charge against Mr*. Mina F. Banders and Mrs. kidnapad were Father Lodayot. 73, Tturaday evening to meet the town IdsvMoplag into n elsesy tntsroel* flgbtars who doMrs place# on tha I vine baby named after Manager (tomell and Princeton for the Ctor- w1U be conferred and the chilri will EutuTW. Kenlston. Mrs, Munroa Fab. S and was acntanced to Ufa Mr. and Mra. Edward Katha thU Psnn Road Frsn’a brothar GtMarla.ibaIi nark. Thames at New 1/ondon. MA>CK«yrEK EVI:?<1^G MCTALD, MAA'CHESrcn. CU.N.N. m u n d a t , m a t 1, 198» PAGE TWELVE MANCHE51TER EIT^NTNC, HER .\LP' MANCHESTEK. CONN. MONPAY. MAY.l, 1P39 PAGE THWfKBN'

i RED RYDER BT rXtD HAmAX Cng'AWTiSVW z w r o m s iT SENSE ANO" n o n s e n s e : HAOPltiq Ip-ip MC a.-TMOeSOttk HcVPi-iC- 1elU.t.. rV e v o if -TO COM*/ VWaoB Circle, Helping Hands. N fnvr w m You Hold Me. ND, Never will you hold me w*ith pud­ : eke HCio one slope buying, O'F A . UTTUg_ When some Soft lovely “fingers can he seen in ding# and cake. mwMia Some one stops e ^ ln g ; sonfe surprising places. SANG OW Or even the threat of 9 heart W When some one stops selling, And I've been forced to wonder if .LAiqo Some one slope naaklng. I break. GRABBEISG, tu g gomctlmes. they’re not disgraee. ! Never will you hold me writh SM ggirf When some one stops making, I saw- a girl's white graceful ham! knife, fork and spoon AND HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Some one stops working; CarTViWiur AliTOMUUiLES FOK SALE 4 IM)N US—STOCKS APARTMENTS, FLATS.' dab rouge on pouting Ups As long as the road lies umler -_£ArE<;, Haiti ** lost FOLNU 1 ~ Major Hoopie Refuses to Be Silent -When sopie one stops working, Long hours of toil ms'le rough and G ovM A- MORTGAGES .11 TENEMENTS 6a LE AVIN G FOR California. Will sell HARVARD HAS LEAD the moon. 183b’OLtfsMOBlLE 6 cylinder: 1836 Some one stops earning; gnarled Jier mother’s Anger tips, Nor phantoms at fireside with grief BeftS mgerr FG U N r>-K K V CASE containing « 6 room house, steam heat, 2 sun- About Silent Witness, the Steed He’s When some one slope earning, CQA-ncQ Iceyi. Owner may have by paying Ford deluxe; 1936 Dodge sedan: LONG TER3I FIRST mortgages, FOR H E N T r-FIV E room duplex, There’s work for every one to do. in the rcs-im LAND bath,, hot air fumaec, W'tst Side. porches, garsge, garden. Sacrlllce Some one stops buying. there are no hanila to apart : c w a tK MCH1B for aJv. 6 Bnckland Block. Man- 1031 Nash setlan; 1B3U Ford sedan Ins. Co Money or F. H. A. plan. *3,200. 9 Village street, off from Been Waitingr for in K^ntu^ky Derbyl Nor obvious candles to jew-el the Messier NsjAi . 10 Henderson Road 127, very desirable. Applicant must IN BASEBALL LOOP And helpless fingers tell the '.vorld, cheater. ______I- , Deals completed through local at- Sunset street. 1 gloom Tel. 723S. toney. The Lomas h Nettleton Cd., have g o ^ record. Call 7330. ' ' Harried Man (after, examining that thev’ve not done their .share. 1 Bu* « -*oi'g salyr-fixtled, a mood l o s t __ BROWN LEATHER Key Hartford.."Srel. 7-3211. BY MAJOB AMOS B. HOQPLB his friend's new- anudment) —Well. Marred 'hands proi>elled by loving FOR RE.NT—FIVE KOOM FLAl. FOR 3ALE4—3 ROOM bungalow, Also a Cotunel, Kentucky Hotnh Ouarda I of gowns of ’gold, . aae with drivera licence l.ial .“lal- 1838 OLP.S 6 DELUXE Re.|an; lU3i I wish I could afford a place' like - hrfkris. to ml while waiting he |K|j|i I " " YW' eCN’S ANADB m b MVgVG5KSldr IfilMEALiy 1933 DODGE SEilAN motor recon­ 1634 p'ord . coach.; 1933 pontiae to inerease Ineome.. suhstsntislly. housekeeping. 313 Main St. Tel. New Tork, May 1.—(AP) —After here. The question « . w-here would Voice I from the rear!—Go horns REMAHKABtS f DID OLASW/ ditioned. Uuaianteetl. Paliii gtssl. sooth a tasty dish of Derby delicacy, having scored one triumph as a said to the offtce-)>oy. "Do you sup­ BUSlMfiBS MANAOER coach; 1930 Itiilck coupe (.‘ole Reotder protection Write Box E, 6277. you be? and steep It off. old man. Bargain at *178 .Vi Ri.utinei Sah a two-year-old. couple of weeks of preliminary pose there's any opening here tor a o r TH' LITTLB 04UM 1 TBUL VtJU OP « » - motors. 6463. 81 (?enler slreei Hriald. . l-fiK R E N T —4 ROOM tenement, SUBURBAN FOR SALE 75 But ws Hooplas havs been sticklers for breeding down through the sparring that has set up" university graduate?” D06 POOO BASBBAl L Ckfi/lioa A M SO Al. Co. 82 Oakland atre.-t IR UMPiRIHa HuV W A.N TK D -'Ih y«'nra »tr- over second floor, garage, garden. years since one of my grand-uncles—I bellevs itrwas Zanzibar Hoopie U l and Dartmouth as the tctm .l HOLD EVERYTHI.NT. BY CLYDE LEWIS TBAM.f TtBrirBa tcoe BAVIMB A Adults Alfred Cbagnot, 627 Center FOR SALE- ANDOVER— Good —discovered the Oodolphin between the shafts of a water cart In Pana U H * *3? the boss doesn't raise my «*UACI-IIAI4 V i l l i « LASOff.HB'LL BUSINESS SKKVICES with drtver a Urenae Apply '<•! dairy farm 93 acres without stork —and proved that both casl ^;7 CALLBD t W "WAOSf street. It seems to ms Uncle Zanzibar was m search of a chaser that morningl to *13. a week by tomorrow." A W 1 WAFTA m rx PROAA FIM DA P lV «M i;i KrookHcM atraet, after ft p. m. and toots on main highway. 6 room en— the Sevan teams of th* es8M n _ Manchester OFFERED Kaft! Kaff! w w w o w e UMPIBB.^lT «CKM E9S jp IMtoCb/yie, t u ttr .-m o ! FOR RENT— A V A II.A B LE about house with furnare. Are place, • • • Intercollegiate baseball league settlo "Is your husband up yet?" asked I RIGIUAIUK MUaK cfX)Uiii;. water, electrliity. silo, milk room down to aerioiia business this week FAVS TEW BOCKS OKIB P0J2Kklt9MT Z Evening? Herald l*OIILTRY AND •lime 1. 6 rooms all Improveinenis STEW tu n HOOPIJ'- REMKMBERA HOW an early-morning esiler rrmt and rommrmal Kefrlj^ftatlon and garage at 360 .Main stiret, and ham that wdl house 20 hesrt IHJlfiHTV DOMINO WON »nOA8« Harvard, after winning Its first •'Y'e». I believe )ie is. " replied tbe A dAME.-MVAIjrA OlflCBRK«l>A1SB7«g Ilf all I.V14CN. Srr im for quotHlmni- SIIITLIKS 4.1 of rsitle Price 'snd Icrins ressou* CLASSll lEU near Haynes sire.-! Apply at 3,38 It Is a matter of well chronicled history that the Oodolphin. when four gamea, suffered a acthack Sat­ itern -lookirg w-ife t h b 4irt r»cw and nmil 4i|inpmrnl. Kxprit .Main street. able. Mani heeter Realty Co. 923 taken to England, became one of tiirfdom’s greatest sires, founding a urday when s<3phomore W alt Sickles " I ’d Ilk"? to say a few- words to TBVBAWOBOMB, I nrrvlcc. Krmp'a, InroriHjratcfl I d K s a l e -O.NK WEEK Special. ADVERTISEMENTS Main street. Tel. 4412. thoroughbred line that persists tc this very day, Harr-r-nimph! pitched Cornell to a 12-3 victory blm," said tha visitor. (wow>-AeoLrr t o Broilers, pullets., live 20c. Dressed DESIRABLE 5 room tenement, 3 No, no Hash please! But rather let us consult our turf register But the day before the Crimson ha«ri and •hDr#via»ton* Auliimn street. mills. S Walnut slierl. Inquire LEGAL NOTICES 76 time and thus remained ahead of OOATB WHICH R u e - •ACh count at a word and compound^ your oM wiuihrr toward any iiiimIi-i. Hmmmm! Technician? No! Hmmmmmmm! CTialledon? I ■ Tailor Store. Dartmouth, which edged oiit Yale. NIBHEO'IM# l o c a l word* at two wnnlt Mlntmum ooat ta Easy or Maytag v.a»tu r. 3i i vice uu AT A I'or’ IlT OF FKOKATK The Key. 3-2 In ten Innings, on Friday for It.s M ILK ortet of three all mukvB ul washers, varuuiii el M.iiirhfBlft, wlfliln ;gnil ff»r II..* Life effK-lentIv has classed SUPPLV f Lioa rttet ut>r Jay tui irantieni f o r s a l e 4.1 F(iR RE NT—A V A ILA B LE .MAY 1. lumripi f»f on lh« Sltli EOAOf TO LAPSE IMTO \ third victory'in four starts. I leaiivrs and ele. Snow HioUieis, ’S S 'j? Days and pights that have passed aJa. Seven room tenement, all Impruve- day of Auril A. D.. *TF4E VERNACULAR, Eight gamea are on this week s ICS4rctl«v Mtrrh 17 IK» 248 .No. Main atreet. Tel. 4.306-4531 rreaent WILLIAM NTDR Ken . Into years, filed them sw-ay ments, with garage, g(x>d location. 9. riA (SETTINa QUITB acheduls with Harvard and Darl- C««b Chaia* Open evenings. FOR SA LE — BLACK perambulator, J ndff*. In a cabinet marked "I’ esterday." 1 otti ^ eta Inquire 133 na.sell street. mouth coming together at Hanover. 6 Conaaoutlva L>a>a as good ss new. Phone 4886. K#ialB> of John Tamoaaltle let* of A KK3K F'or which there Is a key 3 .ConaecutlT# Oa>a 'J rtai II Ola M.incheatFr, In baM iMatrlrt. flBcaea* OUT OF N. H., Ratunlny for the climax That w-e rail M»mnry. 1 Day ...... 11 ctal U Ota FOR RENT —2 AND 3 ROOM »«1. FOR .SAl.E—flOKSF', rollars, new apartnirnts, fiirnlshnl or -THIS DERBY Dartmouth entertaina (Tolumbia'a All ordert foi irrctfulai maernoua lIKATINt; — IM.UMmNG — On niolh-fi cf Viiiiii Tamo^uitl# "f dangerous outfit Weilncsday. Other will ba chargirt at the onr-tim# rata R(M)FIN(; AND SIDING 17 and lUH'd tcniii Itainciuie.s Ifaiiiesx eil. Call 3737. « hmI -tiT • \t-. \iliix. KEPOKTIWG t tipvclal rul4»t rui lot»g term every lepaliTiig, autu tups and curtauis <»l;i'i;i:i:i»—Thai.-lx uiduUi from conteLsts arc Penn at ('ornell We)|»v .167 as a Icani. but while they have firth day. a pitcher like Monroe Jubitz there's No “till forbida". Jtapiay iinca nut I’LUMIUNG.' HKATLNiJ.. .I^iming. I omiiioilstlunn sullahlQ Im dculiHt. of 111! Ollier on ill*, iniidjc ^Ikii poft C - \ I^IHAT BUeHIffiMifiWSe ■uld. range' bolleia mid conductor pipe. Rent *20 per month. Wni Rubinuw ncjirffi if» thf place where the dc* a chance for the Ells to cause trou­ 0 , The Herald wUl not be reeponelble E. J. Tanner. 61 Laurel. Tel, 3747. AFFUANCES—RADIO 4tt ceaned Imri dwelt within eatd town ble. Llkewlsg,, Columbia baa In ^ Boau Tvmtw yg a b b too soom IN for more than one incorrect Ineertion and by imbliHhlng the aam* In eome Hector Dowd anid: George Smith a of any' advertlaement ordered for nr\4 fiiMpDi hfivtng r' rlrculatinn In HOOFING A SPECIALTY Also 6 PT. .NOKOK Refrigerator, guar- HOIISK8 FOR KENT 65 Kill'd dUirlrf >^ltMii.lui. a brand ~TT F rr. have .375 and .368 averages, re­ chars# made tor the eervire renderau qulrr IHO UtfiH4»lJ atrect, upntaira. W ILLI-V.'I ?. IfVM . ' are currently releasing is the new KYOV2R. VOO .MOM* b*OU* VOO !> • Phone 3333. new W,eatlnghouse, Hotpoint. St. Judge. spectively. the Crimson team is bat­ COQ A « 0 K « . Y .s J E «.V O t^ ...... , AVOAiS Oto V V L ▲11 advertlteineiite muet conform Warner or Copeland—No money set of 12 values from Aden. They ______■^OOT G)\’>5\V3 _ VJtCt K\W . , to atyle. copy aod typography with BKVERAL MODERN SIX ROOaM H-S.1.5?; ting .283 to lead the league. V O O - ' POLM td om down—Easy terms. You can save Two Cornell batsmen, BUI Mogk picture a camel corps, Aden har­ refulatlona enforced by the^pubtieh- Hlngl« huuaea, also two family tlatn, AT -V ''d irr oF i *iu »,m a t i: h k l p bor, a dhow, and the capture o f BOOTS 1^ era and they reaerve tha rtcht to MOVINi;— TRUCKING at Tuckel’s, 1083 Main S t.'H a rt­ In excellent locatlbna. Apply Kd- at .M.iik hcNP I wUhln .in<1 for tin and George Polzer, hit hard enough yoo .voto edit, revtae or reject any bopy^ eon* Aden in 1639. One of the stamps tto^ »■ I eee« ms w S4« S«sv)Ct. i*c T Y ~ r STORAGE 20 ford. Tel. 7-3136. wnnl J. Moll. Telephone Maiichca* PlKtrlff (.r \? III. hi-Hi cr. on ihf ::nb Hgain.Ht Harvard to go to the top of k « A « O O t4 aldered objectlonahle. ii.iv of \Diii A P : doubt it! Close up, perhaps at the finish, but no! Hmmmm! Xalapa the batting list in the compctitluu Is shown above. CLOtlNO lIOUHS^OlaaalOed ade ter 4642 or 802ft. I'n -in l WILLIA.M S. HYI)K, Kan . s e e "And now Ihe big evcnl of Ihe evening, folks—the Mc- to be publlaliad aanie day muat be re* Clown? Hardly bred for the route! Johnfltown? Hmmmm! Not for the Charles H; Blair bat. Mogk rugged enough fur a Hoopie! Although the deelgn has net calved by 13 o'clock noon. Baturdaye AUSITN A. CHAMBERS FUEL AND FEED 49-A r,s*.ile <»f .1 t'.iPi-rf bill* of has a .462 average foe thxgr games Whorlle-McWhelp grudge fight 1" 10:M. .M.inolrt “-I. I . MI f.tPl PiM r h t. lb r4M,‘ r.I Fliirckn! Here it is! and Polzer .455, Polzer ajso has been ofllcially announced, tha Loral A Long Distance Movers FOR SALE -SEASONED hard SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 Tel—6260 6H Hollister St »*n nK»iiMji of 'h«-«tt-r adnuni.*'t rat ri x. F!gud! A sterling son of Busy American-Edith Alice, by Pennant! Robert Hoye and A rt Johns of Ijar- memorative will, In all probe- plaee *4 .Mi ^pi'r load. Tel. 8628. toe or tuliaccu IhiuI. Iiupiire Anna tUlPr.lIKP '!’b,»i MUintli^ from Suridy, there is the nag, ah, er - 1 mean horse! WANT ADS CALVIN q. T A C .d A Iir— Moving th4* I'-Mh tliiy of April A P. I.'- vard the lead In the Princeton A.''^. bllity, feature a game between FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA and trucking. 30 Wtaidland street l';ugenc GIgllo. StaNkavIch, Wlmlsorvillc, Conn. .ind tl)4> N.iiiM* lire .md nlbiw- In picking .Silent Witness—Har-r-rutnph!—.to win the Derby. J am cup competition. Other clouting J youngsters on the back loL ▲da are accepted over t.he telephone rearing high expeelatlons ution the Pennant strain in this splendid animal. at tha CUAROU RATH atven above Telephone 6833. l.'OR SALE —W ELL seaSuned Bard .(I for tlic 4-r«diton4 wilhin wbluh |m leaders arc Luplcn with ten total Rectangular in shape, tha aa A oohveulaooe to advertlaere, but litliig In tbi-lr 4-1iilhiM Hkiiinst a:ti«l e • Sire of tlic reiloulituhle FTqulpoise, Pennant traces her nobility back ba.K‘8 anil Lupien and Rcino Gron- stamp w ill shoes the barefooted wood *4.30 per loud. Apply Edward lat<-. amt tbo h.iUl .id minlst i a t rix i> tha CASH RATES will be accepted ea l.EGAL NUTK'ES 78 to the doughty Domino, black whirlwind of 1893. F!gad! If memory dahl of Harvard, tied with six runs catcher in white shirt and fus- FUId. PAYMENT If paid at the bull- J. Roll. Tel. 4642 or 6186. illiff'led to kIvu public iiotU'o to the REPAIRING 2H AT A roiruT OF in:i.o i:r<‘«ning. l»lBlTlrt Ilf Miitu'lirntt r. »»n ihr ^;lih 11-ciipy 4if ibla oitb'r on thi* public we were wont to say at Newmarket. aaeh ad otherwiae the CllAUUhi woihI sawed Htovc lvugt!i. and under mouth men, have won one game watching his teses before dellv* iwiirmHirHiUfi !-fiinn e8i, key fitting, duplicating^ cloctrlcal Vla> of April. A O, Nlyn poHi at to tli<> plan* w’lirn ... RATE will be collected. No reapnnai* cover, *4..^iO; 1-4 I'oril *2.30. One i'irj»4iii w il l ia m s. im.»i;, tin- tb'Ci iKt'l biHt dv\4-ll within Ni^bl and lost none each to share the tdp ery. There are runners leaving blllty for arrora in talophoncd ada ulUlliea, guns c(c., .'rroundltluhcd. town ntnl by pnMIabItig tin* enme '*ti .M.AJOK Ki'X'.\U-.S ’n iK lIJ . GKANDF.YTHKK Hating, but the oiitatanding per- | will ha aaaumad aod Cbeir accuracy half tun Kuppers Cuke *6.00-1-4 Jllilgr first- and ascend. There to a Gnngwajr BY ROY CKANB Hrnlthwiiite, 32 Pearl street. fur *3.15. Phunu 4486. L. T. Wooil li.-Uiilf* of J.inif# I-'lmUK-tll lain of Nom*- tnwHpiipir having a rlrcul.iib^b ll.\I> AND WILI. .MAKE UIFTY WAGER formers so far have been Harvard’s church in the bediffnund and a WASH caanot ba suarantcad. Mfimhislur. in euiil IMkIiic i, ild'faM* III Niilil tiroiijiU dlallb't. Wltblli teh We can go farther buck than that in the lineage of the great Pen­ Co. Tom Healey, with three victorlc.s I flag-bedecked, seheolheuae nearby. LAWN MOWERS SHARPF.NEl/ or »«l, daya from the tl.Me of thU tmbr. ainf, nant. Of a surety! Bark to a sunny spring morning In the 1850s when INDEX OF ThK AdmininlrHlrlx having rxhlblt* r« lijin Miake to Ibis court of the iio- and one defeat, and Yale’s Jubitz, To the le ft of this design there M I T A ^ . , ItAWl OPtWTM rrrnnditlonrd *1.23. Llla-ral allow­ my grandfather Gregory resided In n romnioened and re­ cobblers, chlppcwas and Green RRhl MitnohoBlrr, bi> and the Hutno in Morris. Dartmouth , ...... ^ -1 .7.30 MMelgncd for n h4*nrlnK <>ti Ihu allow* Egad! WelPdo I remember the thrill "we had (Editor's Note: He will be tosued In New York April Jb Maroorlam paired. Precision grinding. Delivery Muiintain aced potatoes. Frank V. unre 4)f Muid itdinlnlntratloM at't'outil Yale ...... 1 X .500 LfOat and Pound means the thrill his grandfather had) /When wc first cast our eyes upon 30 wriU be printed on flat-bed service. Phone 7383 or 6263. Karl- Wllllains. 'rclephunc, 7887. with' B.tid rntuti*. and thin <'o\>rt dl* Sports Roundup Colum bia...... 1 2 .33:! w Anoouncemanta the .\diiiiltlKtTill rlX to givt! {tub* the shining coat of that splendid' Eclipse! Hardly had I beheld the Pcnn.yylvania ...... 1 0 .333 presses instead of by die rotary reraonala sen and Edgrrtun, Buck land, next /> process as originally announced FOR SALE-*4A)W inaniirc, any iht )iotit'i‘ to all iicriiotiB By F.IIIIIF: BUIKl'Z gramISire of Domino than I made tip- my mind that if ever a horse named Cornell ______...... 1 .333 AntoaMrbIlea to R. R. Depot. tlicrrlii to iippt ur and b»i hffimt llw it. Silent Witness should be entered in the Kentucky Derby, Major Amos *> ao that the design may be more Automobllea for SaU .. .. . ainmmt. Telephone 8898. A. F’. • >ii by publlHhiiiK ii «'opy of ihitt older Princeton ...... 0 .(5od Nrw Y'oik, Ma.v 1 — (API — Bamaby Hoopie would support that steed with a lofty wager. And. ’’ sharply detailed. Automubilea for Exchaiiga LAW NM OWERS shar|)encd. factory Bray. In Bonie nfWti|mpi*r having n cirtrnln* Week's wash: Looks like the whole This week's schedule: Tuesday- lloti In tniid PlRlrlct. IPV dfiya lieff^iti Y'ale at Dartmouth; VVednesday — I • • e Auto Acceaaorlaa—*Tlraa .. methml *1.00. ('ailed for and de­ country la pullini; for Lmi Gehrig— by Jove, I will! .-L*. Auto Repalrlnp^Palntlns . itiild diiY «>f hrnring anti return inaK*) Upon what remote clrcumstenccs Fate fixes her famous finger! ^ Pennsylvania at Cornell; Columbia ' Nominations for the proposed livered free. Hatiafaetlon guiiran- hla fan mail i ight now is the heav- Auto Schoola ...... to thiH Court. at Harvard; Saturday-Columbia at 'Temous Americans" set of post­ Autoa-**tihlp by Truck .... teed. Walt Burnett, 676 Lydail. Tel. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 WILLIAM 8. IIYPK ever . . . seems to u.a the boys Cornell (2 ); Pennsylvania at Yale] age stamps still pour Into the ' Autoa*—For lllra ...... 4418. Jtiilgt*- who are busy electing Luke Sewell Garaaca»Servic«»<*>btoraaa SEE rilE "HONF^YMOON’ —3 H-5-1-39. (2), Harvard at Dartmouth. United States Post Office Depart­ Motorcyolaa—iilCycUa ...... 11 rooniH o f fumlturo *108.00. *10.00 to aiicleed Oaear Vltl ut Cleveland ment *nd the White House. It to Wanted Autaa*-*Motorcyclea ..«• 13 dpwn —18 months to pay. Albert's AT A rOPUT OK PHOUATK IIIILP are putting a couple of mighty nice Rt MRHcheetrr within and for the likely that the sat w ill be dl- Bnataeee and Pralaeetoaal. •errlree Furniture (TO., 43 Allyn St., Hart­ l>latrlct of Mnnrheata.r. on the I9th gnya on the spot . . . Penn relays Graham Sees inm ible Tony >vided Into at least seven, and net Bualneaa Bervtcee Offered ...... U ford, (Jonn. \ ilAV of April A. P . 19X9. news Indicates Jock Sutherland BY V. T. RAM UN . Houaehold Hervtcea Offered ....13«A MAJOR LEAGUE mere than 12 sets o f five stampr ALLEY OOP Made to Order HERALD ITi'Rent WILLIAM S. HYDK. Kni\.. merely ahifteil from, the football to eadL ranging in donomlnattona Bulldina—Contracting ...... 14 SFlNSA'nu.NAL VALUF' oil win­ Judge. the track squad . . . the Washing­ Flurlata—Nureerira ...... lb dow .MliadcH, flat finish Halland Kalnta of Thoinaa llrowti late t'f from 1 through 5 cents. T IF 1H6R1 W iffi JU S T SO M B W H / Funeral Dlrectora ...... H MRiUdieater, In rhIiI dlatiicl. dcoeanvtl ton anvil choni* W In full swing As Conqueror Of Joe Louis Under this plan, it to lik d y lleatlns^Plumbintf—-Hoofing ... 17 shades, cut to ineasij're 48c und,up. On inutlon uf Kinina Brown v»f euttl again, likening Clark Giiffith's-pay­ LEADERS I COULD orr UR HIOH toieUtoH that the stamps wiU be. toguad rs L U O OMR OP IW fM OW TW J loauranca ...... ^ Complete with shade pull and eye­ Ifancheater adminlatratrla wjth wiU roll to those yn Phllly and St. MUiiDery-*i>resamaklng la By ASSOCIATED PRESS , ever s period ot several monttu , mouOM ASTDUMOgD W MS HtAD, i^JOCK 'IM O D D JOBS let. Curtain stretchers *1.19. Bam­ annexed. Louis. By DILLO N OBAH.\M .^visible could do at least a half-way to Moving—'Truckmg‘-*btorage .... au boo rakes 15c. Marlow's For OHPKRKD:—That alz months from A P Fenture Seiwfc* Sports W riter i decent Job on Galento. Batting—Myers. Cincinnati, .500; in 1939 and 1940. President PIBSr S aH T OF A FREIOHT TQAH V COLD, I MnCHAf Public Peasengar Ser'elce ...... 30sA the 59tli day of April A. D.. 1939, be Roosevelt is Uking a special in­ sahtos. Painting—P:itienng ...... ::l Values. I f Louis can’t see Galento, he. Hack, Chicago, and Medwiefk, St. | — ------7 * I A u ev OOP BEFUS8D TO B6 TOO ancT the aaine are limited and allow:* Today’s Guest Star terest in the set, w ill weigh the Profeasional Ser^icca ...... rd for tlie credltora within wtilcli to Nijtson Denton. Oncinnati Times- New York*-1 have just discover­ can’t hit him. Galento will see Louis. Louis, .400. **1 just love this sort of thing— it brings out all my peasant TERRIFlBO. OETKRMIklED ID CHAlr lUpairing ...... 3 DIRECTORY 60 LH. TCF: C A l’ ACITY refrigera­ bring In llieir claijna agalnnt aaitl National I/rague final choice ot names. Star; “Mr. Ixails Hchnefer breaks ed the ’’White Hope" boxing needs And if Tony can gel set to swing blood." |l£KIC>B t h i s RDAIUVI& MOMSmXOPt ratloring —Dyeing—ClenIting ... -4 tor *3.00; kitchen cahlmts *10.00, eelale. ami Uin aabf admlirtalrntrl)f i" his left hook, witheiut worrying Rpns-Garms, Boston, H ; Ult, | (ecpyrlsht. ISIS. NEA flsrvlee. toe.* rrv, OUR. PI^HtSTORiC HSBO Toilet Goode and Strvlce ...... 3b and miscellaneous tumlture. Call directed to give publld notice tu ibe out with a suggestion designed to to kayo Joe Louis. creditors to bring In their clalina about reprisals, he'll beat Louis. New: York, 9. VCKfTURED A H6ALTMV SOCK 4CT Wa-nted—Butiocaa Serviea ....• 21 \ gratia listing of local poo pie 3737. • ( honor Maj. Abner Doublcday, one - EOaratloaal within said time allowed by posting of the originators of basFball . , , He's anoyier guy named Joe. Knock him cuckoo. Runs batted in— Goodman, Cm- rrs noMwaiMo s to e«. for odd Jobe during the eurrent a copy of (his or.dar.on the publb? Couraea and Clateea ...... Ifr Brother Schaefer w^uld substitute He can't box a lick. Dunninger won't reveal the de­ cinnatl, 13;,CamlUl. Brooklyn, 9. TUO.NFRVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Private inatrucDona ...... :e sign poat 'neareet. to the place where Hits—^Hack, Chicago, 16; Am o^l i-lniiiiip t-ani|>algn. liegeiMl: tlie. deceased last dwelt within anbl Doublcdays for double header*.” Joe Dunnlhger. He lives in the tails of his secret at invisibility, Dancrng ...... la-A MACHINERY AND vlch and Mueller, Philadelphia, 13. .Muaical—Dramatic' ...... 3a No. I, lawn nork; No. 3. gimh'ii town and by publlahlng the s.-une in Bronx. But don't hold that against ‘'But It is a combination, of .sev­ TOOLS 52 some newspaper having a clriMilaibrn eral Ulusions," he confided, myster- Doubles-Bartcll, Chicago, 6; I T l f e P o w e r f u l K a t r i n k a o f t e n h e l p s t h e S k i p p e r d u r i n g Wanle4*^lnatructloni ; ...... 3o uurk; No, 3, is-llar iittrk; No. t, In said prolate dlatrict, within tcti Mall .box: Bobby F'ellor: The FItiaurlal Moore, St. Louis, and Martin, Phila- | house work and eleunlng. NEW GARDEN THAOtORS, Oliver daya from the date of thle order, and White Sox say you are a better he should hit Louis it would ! lously. THE MOVING SEASON Honda—'btocka—UurtgAgea . . . « Vi return make to thle court of the no* pitcher than ever before and get­ have app^TlmaUly the a«n. effect { talked fight over delphla, 5. Bualneaa Opportunitlee ...... 33 implenientg and tractora, uaed tiva given. ting better . . . Dutch Meyer: on the ^ n Terror Is an Inspired at- with Dunninger and toere may ^ ‘lYtpIes— Hack and Herman, Chi-1 Money to Doan ...... 15 ' horM sulky plows. Fordson parts. WILLIAM f. HTPF cago, 2. Dublin Tractor ('ompany, VVIIU- ' Judy.e. They're betting around Austin Texas tack by an angry housefly. [ compIleaUons For iM tan c. a baj- £ 1 = Help and filtaallona wheeze Home runs—camilli. Brooklyn, | «Ueip Wanted— i'i'lnale ...... 3li The 1I..I; . , mitullc. Chrlatlan doesn’t, win the southWest I mean to say that J o e -m y joe ' «-»hlp doesn t grunt and w Help 'Wanted —Male ...... 5t> grid title again this year . . . up —can't punch. ' " I »k e Galento. And even if ^u j s can’t and Goodman, Cincinnati, 3. Elmer W. HurdiLk, AT A roCUT OK lUlOHATK HKLP FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hard to Answer BY MERRILL BLOS8ER Saleainen Wanted ...... Sa*A stale N. Y..editors: G^t ready for see Galento he likely could tell Stolen bases—Lavagetto, Brook-1 .Help Wanted—'Mate or Feniala.... •-■4 Eldriilse Street. at Manchester, within and fur the But he won't have to. lyn, 3; Myatt, New York, Gle(3i'jn, | WANTED—TO BUY 58 District of Manchester., on the S^th a wholesale House of David invasion He wUl (careful thera, Alphonae) Tony's location by sound. r — ------"X Agent# Wani'ed ...a^*A ,Nos. 1-3. 25e (Chicago, and--, Rosen and - Me L iF T iA t *4b c a r . V B A H ! W HY Situation# Wanted—'Female .... day o f A p ril A. D.. 19S9. . . . Washington Redskins: You whip Louis without ever climbing J ooMt BtytVB BPsao dimom I'D UKB TD Y O U a S T O A Y MOVING? I’LEANINO'7 Save yout Present W IL L IA M 8. H T D £ . Esa-. This invisible match also poses Brooklyn, 2. CHANOBD'. A 'tlWf KR7 NDU AT AUL! p u n c h h im SOUNDS <9000, Ofe THB OROUND WHCB • W ia B 'tb U 6<3BM ' - SlMattone W-anted—Male 3V M'lllmm Shea. may ,»s well start looking for an. into a ring with him. He la my Ump.ioymifnt Aj»«npita ...... ^ 4o aalrahic junk and sell for Ckah to Judge. a.question tor scientists: When an Pitching— Fette, Boston, H * pROBAwnr s f o k b t o td u a m o t o u BlSHr BMgCK Burr'IT HA» ONB t^ F U r A BLOCK UNOBR 60 PRBTTY AND 32.3 Tollknd Turnpike, ’‘Estate of Peter B. D.'ivtdson. laif of other end. Bob-Masterson is going "White Hope" proxyf or remote TMB a m l s T a n y MOBW W HY W AB HB Live g|4»rh*—Pel*.—I'oultry*-* Vrkldra Wm. O.Mriiiakv, 182 Bls-scllStreet. Hamlin, Brooklji], 3-0. t h o u b m t e o T*xi ON TMe F lX w IN IT .^ 1 -Nos. 1-3. .30c hour. ■Manchester. In said PialVUH, di t'caai-d. to slay in F'lorlda and coach Ponce control. irresistable force meets an immov­ MAPPtN to KNOW BOaN SO 6TRONB Dog*—liirda—Peta ...... 41 Tcl. ,’>878. ' ■ On. motion of l>avw1 M I'axUlooti of able object . there geperally la a American League ''W NOM/ Live Stock —Vetiiciee-...... 43 Dc Ixxin high ,at Coral Gables . , TDUR CAR HAS- tI Mr*. ' I ’ Finley. said Mauilhenter .(dmlnt&braiiu. stalemate. But what will happen Baiting—DlMagglo, New York, ,Pdultry atHt'Supt>ltee...... 4i U R D B U K P :— T»>ul aix molUh.^ fn'un F'ninkle F’risch: The baseball w iil- •'xWe’U tend a robot man, or better N T A U A C K IN Wanted~ Peia—- Poultry—stock 44 83 Eldrldge Street. the S9th day o f Okpril A.-l> when an irresistable force, Louis, .435; Greenberg,' Detroit. .420. trj SQ HOW ■ROOMS WITHOUT efs say they can't help missing the SUU. a beer barrel Into the squared Fai aal^^.%lleccllaae4iBe . , No. 4. and tame are limited and allow* sight and sound of you on the Card­ meets an invisible object. Galento? Runs— McCosky, ' Detroit, 12; I COULD HB CHANBB ArtioJea For Sale «a BOARD 59 ed for tba creditors w’lthin whichito circle to do the actual lighting. The "■ News of my "White Hope” for­ Walker, Detroit. 10. CD TUB 71101 P brlnr In their claims against said inal bench. ' ' Boata and Acceear'riea ...... 4# F’ranklyn White, beer barrel will be disguised oa mula has already had one pleasant Runs batted in— Walker, Chlca-| Building MaterlAla ...... H FOR RENT—FURNISHED roorf. estate, and the said ndmlnlstratoi. ts Tony Galento. in tlghU. Dufinlnger ■ . 73 Church .Street, directed to give public notice to the effect on Bash Boulevard. Joe go. alid Gefiringer, Detroit, 11. DlamomTa- Watchte—Jewelry .. 43 No. 1. 30c hour. Rcnaoimblc.'lnquire 42 Woodbridge Gabby Hartnett took 'a few huffs will merely be the power behind the Electrical AppHaiii ca—Radio .. 43 creditors tu bring thelj: cialinR and puffs-in batting (iractJcts the Jacobs, Galento's manager, has left Hits—Kuhel, Chicago, 19; Me-1 Fuel and Feed ...... :i...43>A atrcct. within snld time ullowVd b\ pcNiiii^ punch. _ Cosky, Foxx and Greenberg, De-1 W caley Vantour, a .copy of ih|8 orilcr iurihu public other day and almost blew the |Mrk the two-for-B-nickel league and Garden—Farm— , l*a?ry .Prj>.ared the palings . . And I figure that anyone who can. I'll go out and buy myself a piece Waarlng Apparel—Furs ...... ei return make to this court of the no* Home runs—Greenberg and Geh- ✓ V. Wanted—To Buy ...... 63 4 20 ('enter Street. a third darn ‘near tore-the fence thake a block-long battleship in- of Galento. ,lfce al\en. ringer, Detroit, 3. >aahia< Muard—Hetcia—Heeorte , No. 1-8. WILLIAM • MTDR down . - . Gabby howled townrda MeaiMurajile HOUSEHOLD i Judge. the Cub bench: 'T h at’s just to keep Stolen.bases—Hoag, S t Louis, 3; I Where Than’B SnokB— I BT JOHN C ..^ R R T Eooi&d Without Board ...... So SCORCHY SMITH M. B. GapweH, Maneuso huatiing for bis job.’’ the promoters . . . he simply re­ Ing to do with your worlds series Cose, Washington, and Kuhel and| %»A^ar« Wanted «;i3*A . 333 Adams Streep FURNITURE Walker, Chicago, 2. etSonauy Board—Reaortt Sk fuses to loss. . dough? . . . D(k Prothro: “Invest cAiV, 9Hg«iA,T eor-auT i t *Hotals—JUdtaurauta «1 No. 4. 35e hour. Pitching—Feller, (TIevelahd, and| TVlO H0UB9 miM...TM2gS...Fdue...wHlLff -TH6 Luke Sewell (at *12,500 per) it In oil weUs." NVg euRVNoeS fiCAN.tXe HOW2ON FORYHe eA »v- PONT 7 WILL Be oamc Wuitad^Rooms*-r>Board I I AT AUCTION the highest paid btiH pen catcher What’s this shout the Tale brass Bridges. Detroit, 3-0. ' ■ aaI fi;elal« Far Meat — Mrs. H. Schwarra. 427 Center Street. b ase^ll . . . ’Johnny Bomrdino, hats « miggesting that Bsckfield S T IF T FEB ApArUnanCs. FlAie. Teuomente .« el TONIGHT AT 6:10, D. S. T. Used Electric rookie .*econd SBckei- of the Browns Coach Earle (Greasy) Neale drop Aohlnaa Looationa Cor Rent . l i I No. 2. 3Bc hour, - (Bab) ar Nhlae) S.ILOON PLNf U -lilT S • JiOBMa For Rant ...... i§ is drawing rave notlcea all atouhd hla nickname T . . . . Dan Parker (%lcago — Sam Caropsgnla, AS SU ND AY s c h o o l ! •mburbhD For R e n t...... I f ^ ' Bdgar K. Mohr, FOR H.VRRV MADDEN Refrigerators the circuit .... among the 1930 of the N. Y. Mirror la driving grocer, and bis wife, Annie, stepped Summer Homaa Fof Rant .•••«,« 17 660 Middle Turoplks frosh at Texas U, Dana Biblo will wrestling promoters nuts the way Wanted to Rant ...... II GENERAL ELECTRIC up to two well-dreaeed men in the Central Valley, CMUf. — (A P)—'I No. -1; 2Se hour. 126 RISSELL STREET find a lad who scored 267 points in he Is printing the results o f their Heat instate Far Sale in flne working rondiUon loop and asked vi'bat evelated train Construction of taverns seems tp -bel MANCHESTER 193T and another who rolled up 245 matches a day ahead of time . • they should take-to'reach the home A^arUneut BuUding for bale . . . 13 Johnson McKee. KELVINATpR going ahead faster than church | last year . . . Georgia Abrams Yanks, Giants and Dodgers idoubt it of friends. Buaioeae Property for Sale . . . . « ' \ 235 Spruce Street. 4 Rooms of Good f'lesn F'umlsh- In flnr working romllMM architecture in this boom town! Ft^me and Land tor S a le ...... 71 Washington's fighting cartoonist,' is the World's Fair will help baseball I Ne. 1-3. 2Sc hour. Inga. Corona 'rortsble Type­ The men led the couple to the called Into being- by huge Shartal UdUhas for Sale ...... 71 MAJESTIC a crowd pleaser and Is set to go attendance much . Zeke .Bonura, Lota Cor Sals *...... 71 writer. In Hne working condllioa platform o f a nearby, station - and dam. Sunday school was held ou'-| Reaort ProM ity for tala 74 places as a middleweight who Itk'ea an apple a day (along put them on the right train. doors until rain set in. Then Cb SuborbM tor! Sal* ...... 71 ROBERT M. REID & SONS K E M P ’S, IN C with his bananas) was charged 40 A s the train begM to inove, Cam- ter Barger Invited the group to me ,c| k m I Eatat. tor Exehanga . . . u 74 He BMra Down cents per for same by a Phllly hotel. pagnla looked out the window and in hU beer parlor. Waatad— Eatat* ...... I I .%lTCnONKER!4 FYlgtdalrw 8nlM nnd 291 Main 8te Mancheatar Honey Boy, a 300-lf Kentucky waved at the men. One waved back The offer was accepted, and aaiel 4M4I.4.—I•.gai Hnticn Sefvloe, rfcwm 66110 black bear, now working the south- Legal Kytlcaa it IHerheard, with Campolgnia's billfold contain- of drinks was suspended untill Rss4 The Herald Adva trs wrMtUSK circuit, U Ui bad with Oaaey Btaagle: "What a n you so- iM *22. scrvlcss were «v«r.