BATURDAT, APSIL B9.19St ' >AOS IWELVB iBanritrstor Evnthta IHmld ~2l THE WEATHER ■ (',Several of the tnemberi of Ca»p-| forecast ot V. H. Weather Boreao ' man Court, Order of Amaranth, ara SAVE MONEY AVEBAOE d a i l y CraCTLATION ABOUT TOWN plannlmt to attend the mee^ng of Oe Car ami Trmek Bepeln At NEW AUTO INSURANCE RATES for tte moMth of Aprils ItSR ' t' ______ I Unity Court New Haven, Tueaday FILMS . Fair and continued cool tonight , _ I evenlnc, when the Grand Royal and Tueaday; alaiwly rliiing temprr- The aeolor choir of the Rmanuel , M^a. Anna W. Beech an;J DEVEIAIPKD AND 20% TO 25% LESS ABEL'S 6,238 atum tomorrow. Lutheran church- wUl rchearae to- , Q^and ’ Roy*lRoydl Patron Wllltanv OoHeeSMi Ante ■epeira PRINTED Member of the AafBt Baer M Cooper Street Don’t Write Year Insurance Until Yon Have nlfbt at 6:15 o'clock. ' Laraah will make their offlclaj^alt 24-HOUR SERVICE Bareea of CIrealeltaM MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VHXAGE CHAR.M I Film Oepos,t Roi At Talked With This Agencrl La Publneae Society of Manchea Manotltlater Camp No^640, Royal i tar will hold Ita 16th annual eprlng | Store Entrance (FXHIRTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS dance tonight In the Rainbow Nelghpora, will meet/Monday eve-! (CSaoatSed AdvertlMng on Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 1, 1939 lance hall. Arrangementa are in if the home/of Mra. Carrie , ARTHUR A. KNOFLA VOL. Lvni., NO. 180 ■Tor^naon. 211,fulllard atreet. ' RECORDS :harge of the younger membera Oecee. Colombia. Bnnewtrk 875 Main Street Telephone 5440 ■';» I •Jia Boclety and every effort li^-' VeealloB KEMP'S ng made to give, everybody ''JVj A ton.^niUp Lee, waa bom laat Manchester Boy Executives Ready for Action ittenda a good time, l^rt Ganw- night aOhe Stamford Hoapttal to latl la chairman of U>e large pom- Mr. Jthd Mra. William O. Wllion o f ' R. S. PoHerton nlttee of arrangen)ema. Ihkl city. The babv la a grandaon i A t the Ceeter 589 Stale St. SEES NEW LINEUP HITLER AVERS NATION .4 Mr. and Mra. Philip Miller of] Mlaa EmllS-'fmnna. who wna ai South Glaatonbury. and William WIN , U ran !»/frr fnm lirtj, sth- nounced ywilerday ae valedictorian son of Arch atreet. of the cWaa of 1P39B '4 Manchester ing /*»A ctrni, ctilltmiei, 4«ra- Htflv^hool. la tak l^ a nmifnerclal iam, u amk amkUt, prrtpiring ar OF THREE POWERS «»ilrae and not a college preparatory aJarami faatt Atblaia*$ Faat, HEAVILY-ARMED; TRY y io a n t. aa atated In/^he Herald. Annual DESSERT - BRIDGE wask arjallan srcbat, Jan't mitt •'•r i. j / Mlaa Marjorie M e.^ n i, co-aaluta- ikit grasi appartmtity la hani torian. la alao t i ^ g a commercial Center Church House kata ta gat ralia/fram taur faat AS AIM OF RUSSIA cottiae. and Mt*< Loulae Chambera. M ay Dinner the other/fiiOMUtorlan, la Uklng the Tuesday, May 2, traaklaat college prpjferatory couree. ISOUTING OF POLAND '' WEDNESDAY, MAY S WOMAN CALLS FIREMEN I . 1 ;30 p. m. TO GET TO HOSPITAL Thp^'Permnncnt Memorial Day 5:30 to 7 P. M. Witness TeHs Sepnte Com- dKmlttee will meet Monday eve- Group 4, a CXIW8 ri,AY ccpiiys i FREE FOOT TEST Y. M. C. A. Wilmington, N. C., May 1. — ROIJC IN ONE r o m a n c e ! Fuehrer And Lientenants Se* ng at 8 o'clock at the Municipal ('enter Church Women. fdttee 'ArrWement’ Be­ (A P I—Flro trucks, with slrana -'^building. 79 North Main Street POUND MAY Prires At Kach Table! This expert, trained in the method of Dr. Wm. M. Mammoth Bingo ami^l screaming, aped to a Wilmington TMttshurgh, May 1.— (A P )— suburban heme. There waa no led May Day CelehratioBS ADVERTISE^IENT World’s Fair Maps and EVER READY CIRCJLE, Three wwa playetl cupld'a role Scholl, the world-noted Foot Spedaliit, will be here tween S o w t, Germany Are, but there..was a woman In this romance. ' FartlHaer-Vegetable Garden ape- T.Herature for Each Guest. KING’S DAUGHTERS eager to ' get to a hospital the ASKCOKFROl Mra. Maude A. Short, 81. ask­ To Unify Reidi, Strength-, clal 11.95 per 100 lb. bag. W. Hnrry Admission 40 cents. on the above date to assist ns in showing jon how MENU! Tomato Juice, roaet quickeet way. The flremen were ed CTiarles K Howling, 36. to Ehigland. Mancheiter Green, tele- torkey, not dreming; whipped And J ^ n Is Possibility. sorry. They had not learned take care of her cows after her ^ phone 8451. millions of foot sufferers the world over have found potato, aboeatrlng carrota, obstetrica at lire college. OVE^DANUG ' second husband died In 1937. en Otfensive Against In­ peaa, cranberry asuce, picklea, Grand Drawing of Prizes "He's been coaxing me to get relief through the use of Dr. Scholl’s Foot Comfort iMNae made rolla, pie aad eof- Waehlogton. May 1 — (A P ) — married fur a year, but I kept res. PhlUp Marshall Brown, repreeent- holding out. Finally, I broke ternational Enemies; Hitt Appliances and Remedies. Be sore to attend this itn- TONIGHT Dtnner 75 cents. Ing Uio American Peace Society, / V Posmbility Seen Of Action down,” aald the widow as she GREEN FAVORS and Dowling filed notice of In- RainboM’ Dance Hall ponsnt event—learn the joys of rea l foot happiness. told the Senate Foreign Affairs ! tentlon to wed. Charges Nazis Want W aL Committee today that an "arrange- To ForestaD German More For Trip To Europe And i -It was love at first sight," in Bolton rhent" between Ruiutla. Germany LARGER GROUP commented Dowling. "I love her ta il saaiaii /and Japan was "perhape an Immo- Toward Forceful Annexa­ and Bile loves me and that's all Berlin, May 1.— (A P ) — Adslt 16th Annual Sprinjf hmd rtwmwimg pfw^niimg klimrt, l#W#r 25% ' diate possibility.” that'a neceaaary.” Hitter today proclaimed Germany Dance He declared such a lineup would IN L A ^ R U N IT Mrs. Short's first husband one of tha “ must beavily-onnsd Me New York World*s Fair result from an agreement between tion Of Baltic Sea Port died before Dowling waa bom. tlona of ths world" and Nasi tUpla^ AUTOMOBILE Russia and Germany, which he aald - r mats pressed efforts to isolats Ps* IjSl Fubinese Society la the aim of Russla'a present "Mavor” Ralph PeUrabn (left above) with hla staff of municipal executives inappod this morning as land to make her ripe for ylehtlar nayoT ,____________ i.a 9K- . hnUrflno- O th m in th« nicturepicture MEI>ODY NOTES ORCH. Or Ekiuivalent in Cash "power politics,” and from the Federatioii President Rec thev ore’pared to' take oyer the re ins of government In the Municipal building. CHheni In (ho Warsaw, May 1.—(A P ) The poa- to German denuwds. 0 INSURANCE existing alliance between Japan and are: Elmo (Red) Gavello. center, town traaSurer; Meredith Murdock, (right) town clerk and Edward CCJIOlHe-'SOM. nihility, that PolanJ might seek con­ Tha Fuehrer and his UeutsoaOtt Admission 40c. Germany. eouei COMMONS GETS seised upon May day eelabrotlOM 44 INC. BENEFIT MANCHESTER PIPE BAND BINGO •This may. If we become too an­ ommends Sobstihition Of trol of Danalg Free City to fore­ unity the Nasi Releh and atraogtV. REDUCTIONS tagonistic to these latter two coun­ stall any German action toward an the effenatve against “tatsmie tries, put us way out on a limb In- forceful annexation was raised today tional enemlss" which Hitler hsoM COME EARLr...OR PHONt FOR APPOINTMENT Additional 5 Members Of New Board BRITAIN’S BILLS with bis Friday reply to Pi sslitaB ternatlonaUy.” Brown said. by the official- (3azetta Poleka. To Be Held in Roaoevelt’s peace proposals. 15% Safe Driver Reward Sboul<( Adopt Real Neutrality W U l EXAMINE BOYS RULE MANCHESTER; The newspaper, pointing to what In two speeches—o m to 1IB,0|3 At The only course for this country For Present 3-Man Body. It termed (Serman violation of .In­ boysoys anda girls of the Hitler Tootk. to pursue. Brown contended, is to O N C O Jp iP T S End of Policy Period ternational agreements, aald “the 01rganlaatloa and another to adopt and stick to a policy of "real THREE BODIES policy of Berlin create# a situation and brain workers” la a Ben^S, neutrality.” Washington, May 1—A P )—Charg­ ARE ‘BOSSES FOR A DAY’ which will cause the Polish govern­ mass msetlng—he hit but at chargoS . "As far as public opinion Is con­ ing that the National Labor Rela­ ment to further Its demands con­ Text Not PabKdied bniiiedi that Oermsiny desires war. i MASONIC TEM PP cerned,” he aald, "the Untied States cerning establlildiment of new guar­ He Mao took occasion to strfllP NOTICE! tions board has distorted the Wag­ FOR r a m N G at this moment la rapidly getting antees for Polish rights and Polish at American action ogolnot OcnnqqC YOU CAN NOW INSURE IN A HARTFORD STOCK unneutral.” He added that neutral­ ner Act into “an Instrument of op­ Forty Yoim jsleri From Ifijb RUSSIA SHOWS property In IMnxIg.'' itdy Bit It b Reportod goods, saying: CLARKE Qasetta , Pplska's article was In­ CO. AND SAVE UP TO 40% ON YOUR ity could beet be attained by a wise pression,” President William Green “ Hoa Orggnlss i BeyaoM.” : - administration of neutral principles of the American Federation of Labor Bolber, SouRfat Four Days On terpreted as meaning Poland might “The Unttod Stotoo haa nrgoflli qi .
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