The London Gazette; 28Th June 1963 5603
THE LONDON GAZETTE; 28TH JUNE 1963 5603 MILLS, Frederick William, 41, Eyebury Road, Eye, PAYMENT UNDER SCHEME OF Peterborough in the county of Northampton, HAY ARRANGEMENT and STRAW MERCHANT. Court—PETER- BOROUGH. No. of Matter—19 of 1961. Amount GATES, R. D. G., (male), of Pegasus Stables, per £—Is. 6&d. First or Final, or otherwise— Snailwell Road, Newmarket in the county of First and Final. When Payable—19th July, 1963. Suffolk, Occupation unknown. Court—CAM- Where Payable—The Official Receiver's Office, 49, BRIDGE. No. of Matter—16 of 1962. Amount Bateman Street, Cambridge. per £—5s. Od. First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When Payable—10th July, 1963. Where Payable—7-8, Wellington Square, Hastings. HARGREAVES, Harry, residing at 40, Frenchwood Street, Preston in the county of Lancaster, Accounts Representative, and lately carrying on business at that address under the style of " Harco Central ORDER ANNULLING, REVOKING, OR Warehouse" as a CREDIT DRAPER. Court— RESCINDING ORDER PRESTON. No. of Matter—7 of 1958. Amount per £•—8fd. First or Final, or otherwise—First and HUSTLER, Gerald Roland, of Willock Farm, Wisbech Final. When Payable—28th June, 1963. Where St. Mary in the Isle of Ely and county of Cam- Payable—8, Manchester Road, Bury, Lancashire. bridge, FARMER. Court—KING'S LYNN. No. of Matter—19 of 1962. Nature and Date of Order Annulled, Revoked or Rescinded—Receiving Order DUCKER, Walter John Henry, of 1, Victoria Place, dated 22nd Nov., 1962, Rescinded. Petition Filed Terrace Road, Binneld in the county of Berks, 5th Sept., 1962, Dismissed. Date .of Annulment, GROCER.
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