Marine Cultural and Historic Newsletter Monthly compilation of maritime heritage news and information from around the world Volume 4.04, 2007 (April)1 his newsletter is provided as a service by NOAA’s All material contained within the newsletter is excerpted National Marine Protected Areas Center (NMPAC) to from the original source and is reprinted strictly for T share information about marine cultural heritage and information purposes. The copyright holder or the historic resources from around the world. We also contributor retains ownership of the work. The hope to promote collaboration among individuals and Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and agencies for the preservation of cultural and historic resources Atmospheric Administration does not necessarily endorse for future generations. NMPAC is part of the Office of Ocean or promote the views or facts presented on these sites. and Coastal Resource Management within the National Ocean Service. Newsletters are now available in the Cultural and Historic Resources section of the web site. To receive The included information has been compiled from many the newsletter, send a message to different sources, including on-line news sources, federal
[email protected] with “subscribe MCH newsletter” agency personnel and web sites, and from cultural resource in the subject field. Similarly, to remove yourself from the management and education professionals. list, send the subject “unsubscribe MCH newsletter”. Feel free to provide as much contact information as you would We have attempted to verify web addresses, but make no like in the body of the message so that we may update our guarantee of accuracy.