June 29, 1962
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Temple Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ave. Provlde~oe, R. L. THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOL. XLVI, No. 16 JUNE 29, 1962 12 PAGES Jewish Leaders Uphold Supreme Court Decision By Brenda Slack Some Jewish leaders In States and as such was to be are "kicking God out of our Rhode Island hailed the recent followed. lives." "The decision of the decision of the United States Rabbi Saul Leeman of the United States Supreme Court This Is The Year To Supreme Court outlawing the Cranston Jewish Center and restraining prayers in public use of official state prayers In president of the Rhode Island schools Is a welcome reaffirma the public schools as a reaf Rabbinical Association com tion of the fundamental doc Become Bar Mitzvah firmation of the constitutional mented, "Jewish leaders for a trine of separation of Church or so It would seem if you were may stay in a previously select doctrine of separation of long time have claimed that and State," he says. one of the three boys from ed home In order to see exactly church and state, while others the meaning of the separation "Compelling children to re Rhode Island who will board a how the Israelis live and work. were noncommittal, simply as of the church and the state is cite a prayer even non-de Jet at Idlewlld Airport on Tues They will also spend a weekend serting that since the Supreme Just that. All elements of re nominational In substance, is day. on a Kibbutz. Court had made this decision, ligion, whether they be holiday definitely a breech of this bas Along with nlnty-seven other Steven, the son of Mr. and It was the law of the United celebrations or recitation of ic doctrine. However, I am youngsters from all over the Mrs. Seymour Block of 78 Bry prayers, denominational or frightened by the preliminary United States, Steven Block, ant Road Cranston; Robert, the otherwise, do not have a place Interpretation of this ruling Robert Dreyfuss, and Bruce son of Dr. and Mrs. Jack B. USSR Condemn In the classroom. We feel that that may have some far-reach Sherman will make up the even Dreyfuss of 76 Weetamoe Drive, this Is a step In the right dl ing sordid Implications. hundred who will fly from New Warwick, and Bruce, the son of rectlon and trust that the "Already there has been talk York to Amsterdam for a two Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman More Jews To school authorities will cooperate that we are 'kicking God out of day tour and then on to Is of 83 Rugby Street, Cranston, ln every way to make It a real our lives' and that we are rael for a Bar Mltzvah Pilgri are all members of the Cranston Prison, Death ity." Rabbi Leeman continued, showing preference to seculari mage that will last for six and Jewish Center. saying that the general senti zation because of this ruling. a half weeks. The Center Is perhaps the PARIS - Five more Jews ment for many years of rabbis This is totally, completely and Their exciting adventure will only temple in the country that have been condemned to death and Jewish organizations has thoroughly untrue. I do not be combined with an educa has a "Summer In Israel" as In the Soviet Union recently been that religion does not know of any country that is tional program and extensl ve a part of · the regular program for "economic crimes," accord belong In the public schools. more God-fearing and obser . touring, all designed to fully of its religious school. Rabbi Ing to reports made public In The fact that prayers are ving than the United States. acquaint them with Israel and Saul Leeman has explained Soviet newspapers arriving here not allowed In public schools, Merely because the thinking of Its people. The rich religious that this program Is set at the this week. Rabbi Abraham Chill of Con the early fathers, confirmed by and cultural aspects of their 15 year old level upon the com Two of the death sentences gregation Sons of Abraham the recent decision, was to gua- were meted out to Jews after a visit will Include receptions pletion of two years study In feels, does not mean that we CContinued on Page 3) with leading figures in all walks the Hebrew High School. trial In Odessa. where two oth of Israeli life including govern Banking Program er Jews were given long prison ment representatives, rabbinical The religious school has sentences. This rePOrt ap Israel To Get $25 Million authorities and educational of- launched a banking program peared in Prava Ukrainy, of ficials. · with a Providence bank to fi ficial organ of the Ukrainian nance the venture. It is known Communist Party. As Loan From West Germany In addition to the varied cul The June 12 issue of that JERUSALEM -Israel has and roads in the Ashdod devel tural activities, attention will as the "Cranston Jewish Cen ten Israel Pilgrimage Fund" and newspaper listed the condemned received a $25,000,000 loan from opment area. A World Bank be given to a wholesome rec as Blnyamin A. · Gulko and West Germany which has mission now in Israel in con reational program at Camp children at the age of seven are encouraged to make a de Moshe A. Fuks. The newspaper promised another Joan of the nection with the Joan met with Alonei Yetzchak, located in reported that an eight-year same amount before the end Israel Bar-Yehuda, the Trans Benyamina, where the group posit every Sunday in their classroom so that by the time prison sentence was given by of the current fiscal year, POrtation Minister and with will be Ii ving w bile in Israel. they are ready for the pilgri the same court to Betya B. Maariv, the leading evening Finance Minister Lev,i) Eshkol This unique project is plan mage, financial consideration Rothstein, and a five-year sen newspaper in Israel. rePQrted last week. ned and directed by Jewish will be reduced to a minimum. tence was ·Imposed cin TZila G . last week. educators in America and Is Steven, Robert and Bruce Lapidus. All four had been ac According to the rePQrt, the rael. The special religious and are about to embark on an un cused, the newspaper stated, of loan Is outside of the West Rabbi Denies cultural programs will have the forgettable experience and all "dealing in foreign cllrrency ." German-Israel rep a rat lo n s active participation of the Is children who were born In 1949 Three other Jews were con agreement and was made in Complicity In rael Ministry of Education and and have received a minlmllII} demned to death after a trial fulfillment of a promise given other agencies. The boys and of two years Hebrew education at Dniepropetrovsk, which is by Chancellor Konrad Aden Kidnap Charges girls wfll be divided Into four are eligible to apply for the also In the Ukraine. The men auer to Prime Minister Ben groups of twenty-five each and Pilgrimage. condemned, a c c o r d in g to Gurion at their 1960 meeting in JERUSALEM - Testifying in will be guided and supervised With the high standards set a Moscow dispatch, were N. New York. The promise was . his own defense, Rabbi Binya at all times by four educators forth in the Rhode Island Re Scachevsky, I. Stavisky and L. understood to be for a $500,- min Mendelsohn of Kommem and their wives. ligious Schools we will no doubt Kocher. All three have already 000,000 loan -to be made over a iut settlement, who with three One weekend will include a have many more than three on been executed, the Moscow re period of 10 years. others is on trial for alleged visiting period where the chil the Bar Mitzvah Pilgrimage in port stated. At least four Jews The daily declared that complicity in the abduction of dren may visit their relatives the years to come, perhaps even had previously been sentenced sources in the West Yossele Schumacher, denied and friends in Israel or they a few girls next year. to death in Moscow. German Treasury Department that he had anything to do said that he Chancellor's prom with the kidnaping of the nine ise was not an unconditional year-old boy who was taken assurance that the total loan from his parents because of Israeli Officials Initiate Talks would be made. Within the fears that he would not receive general framework of the com an Orthodox education. To Prevent Possible mitment, the Bonn officials In a dramatic statement Yarn Embargo were reported to have said, the occasionally Interrupted by WASHINGTON - Israel! of Senate-House conference com States this year. The Industry matter will be reviewed each choking tears, Rabbi Mendel ficials here this week Initiated mittee has reported other legis had planned on shipping 40 year on the basis of specific de sohn told the court that he had talks with Washington autho lation that would emliower the percent of its output to the velopment projects to be sub no knowledge of Yossele's rities with a view to preventing Executive Branch to take what U.S.A. In 1962. Editorials In Is mitted by Israel. whereabouts and had nothing a POSSlble embargo on the Im ever steps may be necessary to raeli newspapers expressed the Report Denied to do with the abuctlon. He ex portation of Israeli cotton yarn reduce foreign Import quotas. hope that Washington would JERUSALEM - A denial was pressed sorrow that those hiding to the United States as a re The legislation Is designed to reconsider Its ban and continue Issued here this week by the him did not heed the call of sult of the new U.