The Annals of UVAN, Volume XI, 1964-1968, Number

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The Annals of UVAN, Volume XI, 1964-1968, Number E d i t o r i a l соммітгЕЕ: Alexander Archimovich, President of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States Dmitry Čiževsky, Heidelberg University Olexander Granovsky, University of Minnesota John S. Reshetar, Jr., University of Washington George Y. Shevelov, Columbia University e d i t o r : Omeljan Pritsak, Harvard University. All correspondence, orders, and remittances should be addressed to The Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U. S., 206 West 100 Street, New York, New York 10025 Price of this volume: $8.00 Copyright 1968, by the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U. S., Inc. THE ANNALS OF THE UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IN TH E U.S., INC. V o l u m e XI, 1964-1968 N u m b er 1-2 (31-32) This Volume is Dedicated to the Memory of V ladim ir V ernadsky (1863-1945) the First President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1918-1919) CONTENTS The First Year of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1918-19) 3 V la dim ir V ernadsky Botanical-Geographical Changes in the Distribution of the Field Crops of the Ukraine During the Last Fifty Years . 32 A lexander A rc him o vich A Cytochemical Study of Balantidium coli 1. Macronucleus . 69 Se r h ij K rascheninnikow Major Results of Research Work by V. F. Savitsky in Genetics and Breeding of Sugarbeets in the United States .... 91 H elen Savitsky Psalterium Winnipegense Cyrillicum A Note on a Hitherto Unknow Manuscript in Canada............................................. 105 J aroslav В. R udny c'k y j Some Aspects of the “Sonata Pathetique” by Mykola Kulish . 109 L u b a M. D yk y Critical Reception of Franz Kafka in the Soviet U nion .... 129 R o m a n S. Strug Coming to Grips with the Kazanskaya Istoriya Some Observa­ tions on Old Answers and New Q uestions......................... 143 E dw ard L. K e e n a n ,, J r. Plebiscite of Carpatho-Ruthenians in the United States Recom­ mending Union of Carpatho-Ruthenia with the Czecho­ slovak R e p u b lic ........................................................................184 J o seph D anko Structural Changes in Ukrainian Industry Before World War II 208 I w a n S. K o ropeckyj Tunisia, France, the United States, and West Germany: A Ten­ tative Appraisal of Tunisian Economic Policy in 1964-1966 229 Yaroslav Bilinsky BOOK REVIEWS P. A. Zuraev, Severnye lrantsy Vostochnoi Evropy i Severnogo Kavkaza (Savromaty, Skify, Sarmato-Alany, Anty, Y assy і Osetiny), vol. 1, New York 1966, 341 pp....................................253 Alexander D ombrowsky Arthur E. Adams. Bolsheviks in the Ukraine; The Second Cam­ paign, 1918-1919. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1963. 440 p a g e s ................................................................ 255 John S. Reshetar, Jr. obituaries Ivan Basilevich (Ivan R o z h in )..........................................................258 Levko Chikalenko (Neonila Kordysh-Holovko)...........................260 Semen Demydchuk (John V. S w ee t)................................................261 Illja Hryhorenko (Ivan Rozhin)..................................................... 262 Ivan Krypiakevych (Omeljan P ritsa k )...........................................264 Viacheslav F. Savitsky (Alexander A rchim ovich)..................... 269 Dmytro Solovey (Ivan B a k a lo )...........................................................270 Volodymyr Timoshenko (Iwan Zamsha)..................................... 272 Pavlo Zaytsev (W.M.)...........................................................................273 Zakhariy V. Borispolets (Iwan Zamsha)...........................................276 Yelisey P. Kryvobok (Iwan Z am sha)................................................276 c h r o n ic le................................................................................................277 A NOTE ON TRANSLITERATION................................................................ 304 Academician Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) The First Year of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1918-1919) VLADIMIR VERNADSKY* T h e V ernadsky F a m il y My father and mother were Kievans and Ukrainian national tradi­ tions were lively in both branches of the family. My childhood years (1868-1876) were spent in Ukraine, in Poltava and Kharkov, some­ times in Kiev. In 1889 after a trip abroad (I went abroad after completing my studies at St. Petersburg University) ? I was elected to the chair of mi­ neralogy at Moscow University, initially as a privat-dozent with one compulsory course. This was completely unexpected for me. In London in 1888 I had made the acquaintance of Professor A. Pavlov of Moscow University and of his wife,a M. V. Pavlov who was also a very learned paleontolo­ gist. Together with them I made a geological excursion to Wales dur­ ing the International Geological Congress. This acquaintance affected my entire life. In Paris in 1889 I re­ ceived an unexpected letter from A. P. Pavlov which urged me to present my candidacy for the chair of mineralog at Moscow Universi­ ty. The professor of mineralogy, M. A. Tolstopyatov, (1836-1890) had to leave the chair because of illness. At that time I was planning to affiliate myself to either Kiev or Kharkov University because, according to the doctors, the climate of St. Petersburg was harmful to my wife. Due to this, my wife’s family, the Staritskys, moved from St. Petersburg to Poltava in order to be close to my son, at that time their only grandciild. My father had completed Kiev University and had been professor of Political Economy and Statistics first at the Kiev University and then at Moscow University. In 1856, he moved to St. Petersburg. I still met people in Moscow who had known h::m. * A chapter from the Memoirs made available to the Editors through the cour­ tesy of Professor George Vernadsky (New Haven, Conn.). Translated from the Russian by Orest Subtelny (Harvard University). з 4 THE ANNALS OF THE UKRAINIAN ACADEMY The doctors found the climate of Moscow completely satisfactory for my wife, Natalia Yegorovna (1860-1948). During the summers (1889 to 1918), with the exception of yearly trips abroad and into the field for research in mineralogy and geology, we lived in Poltava and the Poltava Gubernia. My wife’s parents lived in this area and I had a small estate on the Psel near Shishaki (I bought the land and built the house in 1913). During all of this time I was closely associated with the Poltava Museum of Natural History from the time of its foundation and carried on my scientific work there. My father and mother knew Ukrainian well. Mother, who was very musical and had an excellent voice (mezzo-soprano), sang Ukrainian songs beautifully. Sometimes we had choirs at home. This had a great affect on me, though I did not express it externally. I was a very introverted child. An uncle on my mother's side, N. I. Hulak, (1822-1899), was a member and one of the leaders of the Cyrillo-Methodian Brotherhood, a secret Ukrainian society at whose head stood T. Shevchenko, N. Kostomarov and others. Shevchenko suffered the most. Hulak spent time in prison and was afterward forced to live outside Ukraine. My mother was close to the future wife of N. I. Kostomarov (1817- 1885). They were childhood friends. Both of them studied at the same boarding school, the Levashev Pension in Kiev. She often told me of her tragic and romantic fate.1 My mother's and my wife's family belonged to the officer-gentry class. Being interested in my own and my children’s past, I investigated documents and came to the conclusion that all these families owed their prosperity to the right of running a tavern and to the purchase of serfs—a privilege of the nobility. Catherine II and Paul I established serfdom in Ukraine after Ukraine had freed herself from it through long years of Cossack and popular revolts. This action especially weakened the separatist ten­ dencies which had existed in some of the families of the ruling class up to the 19th century—until the political revival of Ukraine. My father’s family had a different background. My great-grand- 1 Consult her memoirs and N. I. Kostomarov's book The Cyrillo-Methodian Brotherhood, [The author’s reference is to the book Autobiogaphy of N. I. Kostomarov (Moscow, 1922). In the same book the memoirs of Alina Kostomarova are included in the form of an introduction. On pp: 195-204 of this book there is a discussion of the Cyrillo-Methodian Brotherhood.—Ed.] THE FIRST YEAR OF THE UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 5 father, I. N. Vernatsky attested his gentry background during the reign of Catherine II in the Chernigov regency. He did receive the patent of gentry for himself and his family, after he had pro­ duced as evidence a pledge by twelve gentry-men that he maintained a gentry-man’s style of life (because his documents were lost in a fire). He, of course, knew only his father’s first name and patronymic and showed that his father and grandfather were “army comrades,” that is, free, registered, rank and file Cossacks. He was the pastor of a large village, Tserkovshchiny, in the county of Berezin, Chernigov Vicegerency. At that time in “Little Russia” the parishioners chose their priests from among themselves. Accord­ ing to family tradition he came to Tserkovshchiny from the Zaporo­ zhe. He was a very vivid personality.2 He studied in the Pereyaslav Collegium and in the Kiev Academy which were at that time institutions of higher learning.3 According to family tradition, my father's ancestors came to the Zaporozhe from Italy or Lithuania.4 My grandfather, after breaking away from his father, Vasiliy Iva­ novich Vernadsky (1769-1838) received in 1826 the rank of Collegium Counsellor (as of December 31, 1824). At that time the rank carried with it the right of hereditary nobility; so he had himself registered into another list of nobility (nobility of service) and taking advantage of the opportunity he changed the spelling of the family name: Ver­ nadsky instead of Vernatsky.
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