Wim& Mwoygoods?
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THE PERSONNEL! OF THE IDAHO a recent speech in the House'. Mr. Pierce has entitled “ An Act relating to certain County MARRIED: At Buena Yista Bar, on tbe 8th inst., by Justice ASSEMBLY. acquired a reputation here of being a pointed Treasurers : ” Walker, Mr. J. H. Teeter to Miss Mahala Wil J M o » H i and logical debater, and is on his feet oftener Section 1. The County Treasurers of the coun L ewiston, Dec. 6th, 1864. ties of Nez Perce, Idaho, Boise and Shoshone liams. E ditor W orld : I have taken much trouble than any member of tbe Assembly. shall, on or before tte twentieth day of March SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1864- Hon. H. C. Riggs is also a native of Ken «ne thousand eight hundred and sixty four, pay to ascertain the age, nativity and occupation over to the Territorial Treasurer of the Territory DIED: The mountains—.they proclaim T of the several members of the Assembly, as tucky, but came to Oregon in an early day— of Idaho, all moneys keid by them as such county At Buena Yista, on the 9th inst., Louis, adopted The everlasting creed of Liberty! Treasurers for the use of the Territory underand son of Mr. and Mrs. Heury Cooper, aged 2 years That, creed is written on the unlrampled snow. it i3 composed this Winter, and also the is about 40 years of age—and has been, I Thunder’d by torrents which no power can hold, by virtue of any law of Washington Territory and 6 weeks. believe, Mayor of Corvallis, Oregon. He is a S ec. 2. The Territorial Treasurer is hereby re J-lave that of God when he sends forth his cold, length of time they have respectfully resided At Buena Yista Bar, on Friday morning, lGfh And breath d by winds that through the free heaven blow. man of fine appearance, and business quali quired to receive any and all moneys thus paid by upon this Coast. If yon think it will be of said County Treasurers, or any of*them, andre- inst., Mos. Minnie J. wife of Ira F. Powers, aged fications, and would make a useful member, sufficient interest to your readers, it is sub- ceipt for the same to said Treasurers, which re 26 years, 7 mouths aed 13 days. Thanksgiving.—Gov. Lyon, it appears, did if he was not troubled with “ Territorial j ceipt shall discharge them from all liabilities. notice tbe President’s Proclamation appoint jeet to your disposal. * Sec. 3. For a failure to comply with the provi- California, Maine and New York papers please Capital” and “ Boise City” on tfie brain sions of this Act, they, and their sureties, shall be copy. ing a day of Thanksgiving, but it was issued Hon. Alexander Blakely, of Idaho county, The only things he has asked for yet, for liable on their official bonds At the Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 21st, Joseph L. from the press, says tbe Lewiston Age, only Speaker of the House, is a native of Tennes Boise City, are the Territorial Capital, a In this Grand Jury report we see it stated Barlow, of congestive chills. Deceased was a the day previous to the time appointed by see—was born in .1829, and consequently is Branch Mint, an Assay Office, a Distributing that the Board of County Commissioners of brother of A. J. Barlow of this city. the President. It was observed there by now 35 years old. He is a printer by trade, Post Office, and a division of Boise county and Boise instructed the County Treasurer not to preaching, adjournment of the Legislature, and was formerly one of the proprietors, and account to the Territorial Treasurer for mon the location of the County Seat at that place eys collected in 1863. and, he never has. But ]>s~ew tlais ^Veek. destroying turkeys, &c. editor, I believe, of the Jacksonville Sentinel. Most of these measures would be beneficial bis official bonds are responsible uuder the He has resided in this Territory about two» to Idaho Territory, but the benefit of them general law, for thus misapplying the Terri Hon.'E. D. Holbrook has been declared by years. He is an active, energetic, young should, iu my opinion, b# distributed among tory’s funds. Section eighty-three of the HEADQUARTERS’ SANTA CLAUS î ! Gov. Lyon, in a proclamation dated Nov. 14, man, and makes a courteous and prompt Revenue Law reads thus : the several towns and localities in the Terri ■ A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP the duly elected Member of Congress from presiding officer. If any Tax Collector or County Treasurer shall, tory. Idaho Territory for the term of two year«. either directly or indirectly, use, loan, employ or Hon. E. C. Latta, of the same county, was in any manner place out of his possession, other WIM& MWOY GOODS? Mr. Holbrook will take his seat on the 4th of Hon. John Duvall was born in Missouri wise than on special deposit, any funds belonging JUST RECEIVED AT born in Nashville, Tennessee, and is 33 years March, 1865, at the beginning of the 39th came to Oregon at an early day, and served to, or collected by, or paid to him for the use aud of age. His father moved to Arkansas while benefit of either the Territory or any county, he M . O O K S 9 session. one session in the Oregon Legislature. He is shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and of convic Mh Latta was still a young man. From that a bachelor, and 35 years of age. He is an tion thereof, shall be forthwith removed from VERYTHING suitable for Holiday Presents^ E Dolls of every description. Sword Canes] Mr, B lake, of the Humboldt Express, has State he emigrated to California in tbe year energetic member, and participates very freely office, and shall also be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding five tnousand dollars, or im Ladies’ Oloalis and Hats, furnished us with a large package of papers 1850, where he resided until 1862, at which in debate. prisonment in the Territorial prison for any time all of tlie latest stylo and fashion. from all parts of the world, including picto time he went to Florence, his present resi not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and A fine lot of Gentlemen’s Such is the personnel of the Assembly. In imprisonment. Beaver BusinessCoats. rials, magazines, &c. They receive a large dence. Mr. Latta has no profession, but he another communication I will give you the Also, a lot of supply on the weekly arrival of the Express, is a man of considerable ability, of strict homography of the Council. e have used the case of Boise countv to Dancy W all Paper. illustrate the principles laid down at thebe- 48®”Go and see what they have ! 8w2 integrity, and in every sense a “ bed rock” A L ooker On. and keep them for sale at the office on Main this artiele. It matters not how \ street. * man. efficient the general principles of a revenue Hon. Hasbrook, of Owyhee county, is How Boise County Affairs are Managed. law may be, it is a failure if its details are not , ROBERTSON & C O ., N ot So.—The Oregonian of Dec. 6th, con a native of New York,—was born in 1833,— [From the Lewiston Age.] complied with. By such non-compliance, Watchmakers, Jewelers, Assayers, tains a statement that Judge Beatty of this and is the youngest member, with one excep. In our own Territory, this has not been public credit is impaired, and public finances are deranged. Opposite iVuite’s Exchange, place, had a difficulty at Rocky Bar lately done—the letter of the law has been almost lion, in the House. He is one of tbe most Our Legislature have now under consider Main Street, Id alio City. with Dr. Terry, and that Judge Beatty was totally disregarded in Boise county. The AVE FOR SALE a fine and well-selected vigilant and attentive Committee members in revenue enactment of the last Session is cer ation amendments to the Revenue Act. We would suggest that the most certain way of Stock of American and English Levers, ßhot and would die, &c. The whole thing is the House. He is very quiet in his seat, but tainly susceptible of improvement; but the H Anchor, Duplex, and Chronometer Watches, an entire fabrication. Judge B. never has his keen perception and prompt action, makes root of financial evil, just now, is in county securing efficiency, would be to secure obedi ence to its provisions. Diamonds, 3?*ins, Kings, Chains, had any difficulty with Dr. T.—and has not him continually alive to the interests of his management; and there is where the blow Kracelets, and. Ladies’Setts, must fall that would strike it down. Officials of the most approved styles ; Clocks, Silver aud been at Rocky Bar for some months, and is constituents. in the county mentioned, through their neg T he I daho W orld is the name of a new Silver-Plated Castors, Wine Caskets, Cups, Bas- - alive and well. Hon. E. C. Sterling, of the same county, is ligence, if nothing worse, have actually laid paper published at Idaho City, by I. H. Bow kets, t-poous and Forks, Fine Pocket Cutlery, man & Co., and edited by Henry C. Street—a a native of Pennsylvania, and is 35 years- of themselves liable to serious penalties. The Colt’s and Deringer’s Pistols, The I daho is the name given to a new war forty-seventh section of the revenue law reads gentleman well known to our readers, anc\ Meerschaum Pipes, Toys, Notions, &e., Ac.