sseattle-cm-set1.indd 1 Q e A B CDE F G H J K L M N O P a

t N N t




E e


e Legend


0500mN S E



e t

c N# 00.25miles N 43rd St University of

e e e


m Av

N 43rd St N 43rd St y NE v U DISTRICT E

l N l

Seattle Ave M NE e

ve A NE

NE 43rd St Washington


NE d N


t t Av n Av NE Top Sight Short List

i s


N e

n s

d N o n e dN

y l Wa

e n 5 ay

VU ve NE W e N e



o va o


e  vd NE R t



L v N Motor Pl Park Ave N a 1 Routes



ve Nve

w n e s y l e

. NE 42nd St m

y h Av h

n e

lyn Ave Ave lyn N n

B n


i a l i E n l

Stone Way Tollway a e


r e i a A


8thAve 7t r d 9th A y r W elt e

N e D v ke Bl

ord Ave k r v d


F ide Ave Freeway


r Ph

W WinslowP Salmon E 99 N 42nd St N 42nd St

e äb e Av 15th O Memoria


1 P NE11th Ave 1 G

Quad 12th Ave N A a r d

y stern Ave N

sev Primary Rd Bay N Brook n

1 y NE 42nd St Burke Ave a e

A N 42nd St N P

Corliss A

NW 42nd N NW 42nd St n St Ea

v nn Secondary Rd e

W e Woodland AshworthA

ve Montla

Woodlawn Ave N

Roo d

NE Tertiary Rd




A Henry Art

a e

W s NE 41st St Gallery Lane a

ra ra N 41st St N 41st  University  of Washington   513 o St P `ß Path NW 41st St AveNE       r  A      N 41st St A Visitor  Center    Pedestrian St/Steps

4th Ave NE

1st Ave NE

Au       W

nsmore Ave N 5th 5th

2nd Ave

N  A    


N Central Plaza     N 41st St NE Campus Pkwy e


LatonaAv       e NE 4 A Transport AveN 0th St (Red Square)   Suzzall o  NW 40th St v Av cific St      

n n a

A P Airport N 40th St N    Library  

n NE 40th St       d

e Bus

r NE 40th St  Rainier     St e') A

NW 40th d

N 40th St tma       3 N 40th St

W n Cowlit Vista Ferry Av

i E University of NW Bowdoin Pl L z Rd NE Monorail w Whi Washington in B 2 g NW Bowdoin Pl The Train 2

' u Pl N S N ke N Bowdoin Pl orthla ( A r NE N

t E Tra m k E e e FREMONT

v N 39th St S - N G

W A t

A Drumheller

N 39th St N 39th St e

N N N i N e



N m d y Areas v



ic W Fountain o a A

S e

a v B NE Pacific St

e N

N k Way NE Cemetery, Christian

o o W

N n



N rr Pl N rr

er n n

u v F o

e t e e

t T w

a y

e a e r s

W so e h A

g S l Cemetery, Other v r v

n n e t v

d C de Ave de S a i i y

N W n y m h A A

e r S a i i A

p l Av ok Park

e S

at B N 38th St fic University t e


s N

C l o n a

W ersity

o i

t r

a n n


a n n d r y

o v Pedestrian Area

a c e


n o

G Bridge

l P t

A T n i k B


n nnysi W r F v W E a st 2 t N 38th St a

il r h N 38th St l Sportsground


a u

e A E n

a Uni N r m h P N Paci m a 1s y S t

o F r Water Feature d n D

e N va nt N N o r t v 36t s C E l h o N o u NW S Portage Bay Pl E n W t t N 37th St E B


ve N S Ewing m Sights t W C N Statue N e 3 e a Way N S 5t k

n r e W t h Christian v a St of Lenin a

l F S Fremont 15th Ave NE l 3 A ve t Monument 3 A N orlissAve nt h A N E

t N Ave nd Park 36 Troll C o h t Stone l Museum/Gallery/

8 h St P t WhitmanAve Bagley A M Albion Pl c 6 A University of fi Fremont N Ave shworth i dla ac Historic Building Interlake Ave Interlake Ave N NE P W Canal Park Fremont A E N w Ave Washington Park ic A Guidepost N 36th St N 36th St e ke A Rocket A v W Bertona St rs Woo Other Sight 9 W Bertona St on Apatosaurs N A th 34t n

S N t h S Fairvie li t N e t 1 k

C A 7 ve N ve

6 0 S E n t o v

th A h a t Ave N e

c e # n r 2 University of h i F

Fremont Av d W A

v way E F k t f

W W Cremona S nAve u A i A v A l e E A h Washington i c ad ve N N n e 3 v v Late for the Interurban Public Sculpture 5th St Al i A a o r c l d e g i m


s r W k A Union Bay

e o Br W

W n r a

P h s St a v t o Waiting for N 34th St NP n l n r

5 rr Pl N Meridia y Burke N Ave A W     Dravus St S N a a

W Woodlawn Densmore t the Interurban No e a v rt Wallingfor h lak Bur H e    ke- C `ß513 W G ilman Trail N E 4 W     No 4 e rth N 34th St E H lak E Gwinn Pl t   ume e W Av a r y u     Etruria St Etruria St AFremont r d i s PORTAGE Portage a r S    P

t 3 Bridge l e Ave E BAY Bay Queen Anne Ave AnneN Ave Queen George Washington    W N    N n Ave E E Shelby St Memorial Bridge o a St stlak W Barrett St     W Florentia St Florenti (Aurora Bridge) rt hl E Shelby St    a Ea E Blvd e W Barrett St k iew Ave E 99 e v k

    äb Frankli West E


ir la

N l Marsh



ve E ve

   e Montlake


Fa n

N Gas Works


e Island v



    v v Park

A Ave E A Park

A dway ve

W Fulton St n St A ulto W F in St Mo

   E Haml

W FultonSt n E Hamlin St


ard ard

d d


1th Ave E

    air !A oa t


1 r


s 3r 10thAve



B 1 a VU5

Mount ayf  Boyer `ß520 e     Harv


v W W Armour St Pleasant W Armour St M D e 5   W Armour St A 5 e st

N l W

x l Cemetery Rogers l ake Ave N     Newell St i ter E Edg E Edgar St e ar S e t

Park H v Av vd    E Lake Washington Bl

Av A e N Foster

    E W Newell St t Roanoke

ob h Island

s M   W Newell St Newell St t N 1 Park

4 o Evergreen Point n     t la    Floating Bridge k E Roanoke St e E Roanoke St     P W Raye St l    `ß520 E

W Raye St ve E W r E Lousia St e


N A Birch Ave N Montlake een Anne D

e u l y St Hallada A 24th h Q


i Park v t E Louisa St D E 4 M A W Halladay St H e iller St N E Miller St

l m



b W

ve E




W a


n St E Miller St N Smith r in e h g

AveE s

D W Smith St a t v o


M D St n E Calhoun E Calhoun St 26th Av


n Ave nAve E


w B

W n cG r e l E e E e N h

h h W v

e e

i k

le Ave E leAve d

e ton E Ave W W

t r l v

M a v e


e a

aw s

t r

e e A 0 L

airview A

e E Y c v u Westlake

1 W Wheeler s

St v v S F


G Minor E Ave th Ave E A Pl E Mc Graw h

E Mc Graw St St e Q

A A t Frankli t

r t

e E Eastlake

a E Ave 19th


Boyl 5 s W d w 20

s 1 r E I 2 th Ave E Ave th n E 1 10thAve t P 3 2nd Ave W e

11th A

l McGraw St e r McGraw St 8th A 12 l

E Lynn St v E Lynn St a E Lynn St E Lynn St Waverl Ave N k 23rd Ave E McGraw St e W McGraw St W hA n ve N t 3 B E Lynn St Lynn St 1 lvd N W y Pl e E Boston St EASTLAKE w








W to

e e


e e


e uro E e

N e n

v Howe S

v v v v v ve E Boston St

A S v

A t

A A onSt

Av ost



ra Ave h W Boston St

h 7

7 d Bosto Blaine St

h n St t h

h A h h

E d E 5th Ave 5thN Ave


t w t t

0 n


7 t

8 e

3r 5t 9 4 t e

1 S tt i E 2 e Boyer Ave k v e oc v

r way

r A

W Crockett St N C i Av


t h

a lston Ave E Ave lston


a kett St F E Newton St 19t Croc e I !A

r n

Franklin Ave Ave E Franklin E N

Harvard Ave E

e Crockett St Boy t


e E Newton St v r ve E E E Washington Park l H a A Newton St Newton St k Arboretum o e       w n N e E Howe St

W 24th Ave E

25th Ave E 26th

S t E Howe St      D Broadmoor

e Tayl o rAv e

e Interlaken

r E Howe St v       W Howe St r

E Golf Club A Park terlake Av In n

Howe St Howe St      E D t w B

11th Ave 11thE Ave

s       o

N m

l Lake Union 1 Louisa l u

e      v

QUEEN WESTLAKE E Blaine St d t N g ve Boren e i       I

1 r

e n

A e St

N A E Blain

ANNE B 8 8 0 t

v o

t     Lookout Peach Ct E e



t s b

A r

N laine St Blaine St N 5 W B l r



l       a B

l A e

t A


i e e T k o

h a A Lakeview e

G v

v y      n H l E n

Av y v

o Ave E A 8th AveN

E Gale

randview Pl E A

e r P A e e


b Cemetery

e l r h A 99 r

v E d d A

e äb ve E

r t

o v E Garfield St     

e A n

a E 4 N r St A N 3r t

21st 2


n W

W Garfi eld St W Garfield St o      rescent t E C Dr E



s urn Pl E



l       In e e

e e

e y e Garfield St t

v ve v v

v      e

v v o r



A l A A B a E Galer S  Volunteer  Park   

h h d d

h k



t t

t      t e t n Conservatory 7

8 3r

6 St E Galer St n 5 4 2 St Mark's E Galer A       E A B aler St Galer St Galer St E W G Cathedral      l E t v MADISON

N G d W    aler S  

Ave E W



e Ave     



v e


9 t 9 e


A Av

17th Ave


Av t

A 18 Lee St


     16th Ave E Av

t s Ave E

N e W Lee S t r

15th L d

N 1

s r

a h       a

e l d 8 1

1 t e

l Volunteer

N 3 Av k



0 t N Ave lake R v N

6      N E Highland Dr E Highland Dr e

h A

e 5 t h VU h Ave E k 9th Ave W A Park W e

h t  t W e r v v N e

P AveN d E E Highland Dr ASeattle Asian

v a A A v Fairview

l A as 24th Ave E

!A e Ave E P 25 26 v W W Comstock St nd A

3r w

West Art Museum e e o r

2 l hi h e e W t g n

i e

5 6thA

e E B t g

v Ann

n Dexter Dexter


Eastlak E o

Highland Dr u n l Tayl o rAv e N P !A W Highla nd Dr r n

e o os

rd A V p B Marshall !A TreatA e ec

u Lakeview Blvd t l E v A 23 S

Park Kerry House Q e t Prospect St 3AFairview & v E Prospect St Water Tower E Prospect St d E E W Prospect St Park Queen Anne A t l i

E Observation Deck

li Campus Drive E E o E E Helen E St A Counterbalance E t N m

ve A

e 10 10 t e

A m Museum of v e E



v u Japanese W Av

ard St Ave E W W Ward S t A e Ave al

t S e e e E Ward St W e History & w Garden

v v s Ave th E Ward St A W Kinnear Pl v ie

A t th Av

16th Ave E 8th Ave 8thAve N


11 19th Ave 19thAve E

lston Ave E Ave lston A l v

17th Ave

h 18th Industry a A r 20th Ave E t Lake Union 22ndAve d

t i roadway E roadway

12 6 k a Feder

s Kinnear n e F Harvard A B

1 Aloha St Park 13th Ave


Aloha St Boy Park A A B E Aloha St v e E Aloha St E Aloha St

!A Plnt E e Center for lm

31st Ave E o W Olymp ic Pl N o N Wooden Boats

n m

l N

t A CAPITOL HILL Valley St e Valley St E Valley St E Valley St W v Be

Me N Valley St e


Av N

N Valley St e r E

ce e

9thAve e e W Roy St n

r v 3ALake Union v Pl W Roy St e A


Av A

E Roy St

r E h Roy St Park E Roy St E Roy St Roy St h rora Ave N

t a l d l t


i 4 o n Roy St

5 W E 3rd Ave N Ave 3rd

6th Ave A tt 2 Terry & 11 Westlake E e W 11

W N Ave Taylor







v e


W Pacific Northwest & Mercer e A

e e

W v             3A 3A E Mercer St E Mercer St Madison St v e Mercer St Av

h A

Av             E

Ballet Av

v t E Mercer S t

A E Mercer St


t t Mercer St d


4 8


S s

h n

t Bill & Melinda Gates

t 2 t 1             h d



5 E


27t e E e

6 McCaw a E Republican St e E e 3rd Ave W Ave 3rd        Foundation   o 


A LOWER Repertory    'A      r  e 5 Ave E      Hall v     B  VU  Theatre      Visitor  Center     e l QUEEN ANNE E P

  Seattle   e  A     E Republican St r e e

            lden Ave E

N E u

E Republican St 14thAv

            Republican St R v h Center E dway epub n St E Ave N lica

W Republican St Republican St Boren Ave N t eral Av eral             26thAv

AveE r A


e 15th E Ave ummit Ave Ave ummit E    A         Ma A

Memorial Melros             v


t Ave t

Eastlake Ave E Fed Broa      Stadium       3rd VALLEY

99 Ave N 24th

          äb  25th stlake International 2

A nt A 31st Ave E

N             SOUTH LAKE

21s             o ius E Harrison St e Fountain             ston Ave E Terry Ave N UNION m

Key We St v rrison E Harrison

W Harrison St      Seattle       Ha St Harrison St l 5th Ave N Ave 5th




W W  Arena          

e E e


Pont e Center


e 12 e 1# Cascade E Thomas St 12 n             E Thomas St


v ve   Children's   A   Museum  of    Westlake Terry & n

N AveN


A A A Playground

h Ave E Ave h

            E Ave h

h Av h


t A t   Museum          & Thomas Thomas d

d Pop Culture E Thomas St

s 9t

r             3A

3A E e n

th AveE n

1 18

17t 1

            ter 3 E ve

Ave e

2 Thomas St       Tho mas St    Thomas St e

     Space       h E

t             Av h

u Chihuly Garden A E Thomas St Dex

            8 e

A Needle N Q             E John St

v E John St 14t

 & Glass          13thA

e A 11th Ave E

            N e

v E

h Ave h Ave N

            v e

A N ve St

5 REI E John           w  A( +A N u E John St 6t r

E AveN


v 2# h l         o    Capitol

N l N W John St l Joh N Quick n St e

i John St y

o             l a A

y l

e N

31st Ave E t e            Pacific Hill 29th Ave E W 30th Ave E

a e

t 26th Ave E v

t Shuttle A Yale

v ve             inor v e A S T e

  A     e     B A !A BorenA E G A le

Science v n St

v M             i E d l 22ndAve e Av d  n    a  N     9th Ave

st ACenter Denny Park O W e      o       Denny Way 21st Ave E Ave A E 3 20th Ave E 1

r r   2n          E

4th r Capitol

    B        E Denny Way h Ave h

 De nny Wa y         Denny Way Denny Way ard Hill Wa 13             B t 13 St o Cal Ave 4th 3 2 r y DENNY TRIANGLE Westlake & 9th r 25 d a 4 e Anderson t l 3A St n Harv S A C t t t t E Howell St v h S raTe A t Park E Howell St e e A ll v S S S l a 8t 9 o r e rt l n t g ve t th n ry l o Myrtle Edwards !A a W h A W e e is S 2 S Av L A wa w d E n ll v v o Seattle a y d est e e Park Monora e

e t Ave Melrose a A e t H M t Be 7 S S v E B v S e Central e t a M A l

h i ve e ve ake n B n A i Community h 1st i i v o no A E Olive St l E Olive St t V t e rgi t re 18th Ave Olympic Sculpture A S i S n r Y College 7 1 v Ave A a !A V t 16th Ave e ll 6 A E r v le a t v Bobby 13thAve e 14thAve Park h A W A wa e e W ylston Morris

t t e v v t v Av elmont e e t e Pl Nagle S S S A S A Summit Playfield s t B Jimi Hendrix d t r 5 Bo A Westlake h a e 4 th l S t E Pine St o rn BELLTOWN tery th A l Statue E Pine St E Pine St

r eda t 5 A a A ve & 7th B C we E Pine St 1 t ve t B ve 3A 14 S S Ho ay A Pl ord 14 y e 3 W la n rd e & Pine C i A Amazon iv 3A V t v Ol Comet Tavern Pier 70 S e Tower I ll Melrose Ave %A

Bellevue Ave Bellevue 2 9 Crawf E Pike St E Pike St a Regrade t

n e W d h Mi E Pike St A Park A St VU5 v w v 8 v ne  n A e t e i o Pier 69 h P %A Shorty's r Gay City 23rd Ave E Ferries to San Juan Islands & Victoria (Canada) A Av

/A t 7t ve Ave Harvard

El Westlake Library 10thA 11th Ave S w e li ll h E Union St ot e t Hub A E Union St E Union St A t B S 3A ve t l A Times Square S a v St ke s e ard i ay a Building A P Ave ka h c or w

n Bellair B d Pier 67 W n n Nordstrom t e a e t B o S L 31st Ave S y n 29thAve

Airporter 25th 30th Ave y Bla 24th Ave

Ave o l o 26th Ave 99 T 27th Ave äb ia 1# Visit r Su s is W n Shuttle e e to d i r Broa a e g r n m n E Spring St 15 s r A Seattle A +A y M E Spring St 15 i 2 Westlake A A 21st Av A m Av E 20th

e t n 2#Westlake 22nd Ave er V d   6t ve n A t Center  v Stimson- it e A v S   h A Washington State e A v e t   A v Green h Av th Ave THE e r Ave 12th Elliott Bay Pier 66 a   ve Convention Center e Century  5 9 CENTRAL 1 l 'A 5t

WATERFRONT w t Mansion 1 s Ave 18th


1 (Bell Street Pier) 16thAve t e h P   A t   St3 Plaza    Broadway DISTRICT A l P v S  ine r     l E Marion St Way Jr King    P  d  4t v o e A Contemporary e St & Marion Seattle Free Walking Tours V# s    A     e a (CD) t b c t 3A  A    v   h  e S E Marion St Theatre b n !A l Corner  & Sanitary  e  Av  n Park t u o       S   Se is Seattle Market e H      ik e  St t ad Beecher's Handmade Cheese $A    P   n S M University  P Buildings      nio g FIRST  ik       U rin E Columbia St e A Crumpet Shop Freeway p HILL rtin Luther   Pl      Rainier S E Columbia S Market Magic        St t a  A(       Park ASorrento bia   $A Market     ATower 9t M A Seattle M um Old Seattle Paperworks  A(      h Hotel i l    AInformation     n Symphony Co ve   A      A or DOWNTOWN v Piers 62 & 63 Main & North  Arcades  Booth     A 16      'A   8 e Av 16         ACobb Building t h th Ave th E Cher

   A     h A e E Cherry St ry St Pike Place Market   Benaroya A   w

t 13 St James 12t         t v S Concert Hall S 7 e s        y A Seattle Tower t e Gum  Wall     t  h A Cathedral m Greater Seattle W       si 

r ve `ß513       A e  A St Ja ames St N Nordic Heritage NE 75th St Seattle Art iv v n Seattle E J A Green Lake n A 2# University Street e rio Frye Art

e Museum SAND Museum U a A University 23rd Ave 23rd

v A! PHINNEY Green RAVENNA Pier 58 A 1201 Third M t Museum A Park S


POINT Al 28th A Ave 29th

Lake a Ave 30th NE 6 Hammering Avenue A bi NW 65th St W RIDGE 5th St a E m E s Man t u N VU5 l N W E Jefferson St BALLARD N ka S o E Jefferson St E Jefferson St  Ravenna a Safeco A C

e 32nd y e c A GREEN e a Three Piece t v Woodland Park n s e S v W A W t en Plaza y MADRONA A NE 55th St t e r t St n Sculpture: Vertebrae NW Marke LAKE A i S r T

Park e  o r VU5 e

h a n  h e Broadway h

Salmon t e  P y Vi WEST EDGE C r

t A W N 50th St r

8 Pier 56 v y Av Bay 5 d 3 & Terrace E Terrace St

1th Ave N

99 e A Ave h 1 3A äb n V# r E Terrace St

1 G a t d t v t a S th Ave

e NE 45th St S Tillicum Village S Ave 6th i e 15th Ave 17 l d 2nd A n 4th Discovery g Av 1 17 m v o

/A 1

n 25

27th Ave 26thAve 17th Ave 17th s 20th Ave u i 18 19th Ave !A University of LAURELHURST r Columbia r Ave 21st a A e Tillicum Village c p e f n t f Av 22nd Park FREMONT Pier 55 t S e 9 A h Washington S A Center

W J t t

A v Tours Ferry n v h E Alder St E Alder St e W Arctic E Alder St lder St 5 E A e e A ur iso N B Ave th W 1 v ic U DISTRICT d v F Union a Building o 0 k o e A u e M 1 r r so r h Bay Pier 54 t St 6t e

a h n A t s W Dravus St  r S S e t n t S n t m St h S E Spruce St A io ry m r A E Spruce St 4 r a Spruce  a ia r J A Harborview E Spruce St v 99 b e lde v 3 a äb M Po h v A e Park e m  n lu C 5t e Park `ß520 s o MAGNOLIA N A Pier 53 t C 2#Pioneer h ve Ave Pioneer A MADISON Ferries to Bainbri 4 e E dge Island Square v e St t e E Fir St E Fir St v E Fir INTERBAY Lake  /A Building h PARK Ave

QUEEN Union Pioneer A h Ave

 28th Ave Broadmoor A v 31st Ave äb99 Pioneer Square Square Broadway ANNE  /A e 30th Ave S

8th A n 9th Ave 24t to 17th er 1 1

21st Av Golf Club em Ave 3th s to Br Historical District A Park 16thAve Ferrie A Smith Tower E 1 Puget Pier 52 A 3A E Yesler Way 18 t A A Yesler Way Yesler 18 S Sound Mercer St CAPITOL n Pier 51 Yesler Pergola 5 o Terrace SEATTLE VU HILL s VU5 i land /A Way Occidental  Lavizzo S Washington St d to Vashon Is 14th & Washington/ S Washington St Park CENTER a Ferries n St S Washington St M Park Waterfall S Washingto Central District Edwin T Pratt E MADRONA Grand Central Arcade Kobe Terrace 3A A 3rd Ave S S Main St Park Park ve S la 4 S B s t E Union St !A AFoster/White Gallery Park o k h Milepost 31 A A !A e e r ain St v S M a A e S Main St n v Lake S Main St n

W v S Main St A A

le 17thAve S A

18th Ave S

t Pier 48 S Ave 31st

21st A Elliott e 2 Washington t Klondike Gold Rush v a h e

a e 29th Ave S

3 S 5th & Jackson/ 7th & Jackson/ t Bay y t Occidental SquareA S rd es National Historical Park 2 S Frink

4th W Jac o A Japantown Chinatown 1 kson St 1 S Jackson St Park i t Occidental Mall 3A A

3A S Tax 3A 3A Little v ater S Jackson St e A R son Pl

LITTLE S Jack S W y INTERNATIONAL King St Station Saigon l 2

ain Ave S

4 a Union 2#International A Wing Luke Museum SAIGON P

DISTRICT (Amtrak)2# t h

i W 19 Station District/ of the Asian Pacific S King St e S King St h 19

H See Seattle Map S King St r r S

A 30th Ave S

King Street J 28t S King St A Chinatown American Experience A S King St a A 20th 90 v

VU e

r v g y S e



e S b Station e S e A S

n v

a S e


o i r R S S

w w Mount Baker W ai Seattle t K A ve S Weller S r S r SODO B S Weller St

e Roq La Rue r


v n Park A

t t e Pinball Museum e e i e


a v Harbor a e h

A 20thAv

18th A 18th 7thAv



S 16thAv A S r 25th Av

y c 26th Ave S

i a t

W W W A l Island 5 PIONEER 8 o

VU lk ira W äb99 INTERNATIONAL u

t t  A m n ve !A S Lane d s St

s e S e A SQUARE S Lane St L e A S Lane St a W v e St DISTRICT S S Lan International Ave n

E v S A

W i

e h t

W S Children's Park S 99

WEST S äb ar



6th S

e a A M e S Dearborn St S Dearborn St S SEATTLE v CenturyLink Field i W S r 19th

v Jefferson Park W p S Dearborn St


e S o


A (Seahawks S Dearborn St

t r v


v t

r Golf Course i w y W B h A


A Stadium) Ave S

t n a e M a S Nye Pl


h Maynard Ave S

t y a p Pier 46

t S West Seattle r W S 4th Ave S s

o 15

20 c i a H 20





i r h e

s St ia S A S Charle l Municipal t COLUMBIA v

g BEACON i w D a n A

2 Golf Course d 22nd Ave 24th A

r a D S Charles St 2 C i

HILL L 5th AveS h

r t

S a 6 t l h u Sturgus v th Ave

W D a 8 e t S Orcas St t 1 is u h mer S Park P 2 S Plum 5 31st Ave S

D 30th Ave S w e th l Pl

29th Ave P S ve S a r VU90 Yak i m a Av e S A  o S m GEORGETOWN K Washington State v p e S S

i i Sve HIGH s n S lar h Exhibition Center S Norman St E Boeing Field/ g Dr Jose S POINT P R M J t i King County OccidentalAve S 7 Rizal u l S Norman St a r 1st Ave S W t v 6th A r h rg S e g W Park S r International in A u a S ve s 2 e a v

l Airport A 0 l y e A P v W Lewis h ve s t

77/04/2017 4:10:21 PM S A a S u A5 RAINIER S Royal Brougham Way B h S Judkins St / Lincoln y A Park

0 S h kins S

2th 2th S Jud S S R A t

t i 4 Park 509 r 1 a `ß VALLEY v S Judkin

/ 5 p i s St e 2 n y S o 21 21 3 +AGreyhound S Wadswor 0 i th Pl a r e S

1 5 äb99 VU Bus Terminal t S Judkins St r 7 W W S A S Irving St

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a VU

4 Stadium  ve Field y : 05km A ka S 1 Museum of Flight 02.5miles S

0 S Day St th A th : 2 Alas S Day St

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Always recurating its art collection ’s tall, modern 6 The Jazz Age Fairmontw Olympic Hotel with new acquisitions and imported skyscrapers contain some interesting 3A dates from 1924 and is undoubtedly one of temporary exhibitions, SAM is known architectural details rarely spared a the classiest remnants of Seattle’s early- for its extensive Native American 20th-century heyday. artifacts and work from the local glance by the suited offi ce workers who Northwest school. (SAM; www.seattleart hurry from building to building at street; 1300 1st Ave; h10am-5pm level. 1# Wed & Fri-Sun, to 9pm Thu; dUniversity St) SEATTLE Start Light rail – Pioneer Square Classic Photo of the Seattle Central 7 With its inverted base looking like a tree2#  Library’s rough-cut diamond shape. G16 Distance 1 mile that’s been nibbled by a beaver, the Rainier E4  City Map Duration 45 minutes Tower has been nicknamed the ‘beaver FREMONT PUBLIC building.’     SCULPTURE t  Post Al S  t r  Fremont does bizarre like the rest a  A3 D21 w  e  of the world does normal. Its public Pike Pl t 4th Ave S Pine St S e S  Pike St y 5th Ave t sculpture, People Waiting for the  r 4th Ave Westlakestl S ELLTOWN e ll  tt & 7thth Interurban, by artist Richard Beyer, MUSEUM OF FLIGHT A$A$ Pike Ba 3A owe  3rd Ave A H ay  3rd Av W is an amalgamation of the scary, the Place Amazon ive Wa The remarkable Museum of Flight  e Ol E12 Market Freeway l St Tower I 2 9 politically incorrect and the weird. chronicles flight history from Kitty  nd Regrade t Park Wal h  2nd Ave A Park AvA S (btwn N 34th St, N 36th St, Aurora Ave N &  A w v 8 v inene Hawk to Concorde. (www.museumof Take a Break: Beecher’s Handmade  e %A Shorty's th Ave e P CHIHULY  A Evanston Ave N; g5)  7 7th7 v MUSEUM OF; 9404 E Marginal Way S, Boeing University St WWestlakeestlake t  4 Peek inside the Seattle Central Library h e Cheese (www.beechershandmade  t HHubub AveA Bell St S h g  Times Square 3A GARDEN & GLASS Field; 9am-5pm; 124) 1st Ave and go for a quick ride up its lime-green St POP CULTURE; 1600 Pike Pl; snacks $3-5;  c a Building A P Union St r  Seneca St escalators to see how good architecture no Bellair  e t Nordstrom An exquisite exposition of the life and h9am-6pm) is a perennial favorite. L S Airporte E12 This dramatic marriage of super- 

99 Blanchard Westlake Center #  can combine practicality and beauty. äb 1 Visit w Weste Shuttle work of local glass sculptor Dale Chi-  A Seattle A NATIONAL modern architecture and rock-and-  6 irginia2n Westlake A 2#Westlake +A  rn Ave V d Ave  6 huly, with masterpieces spread over t Center t   h A Washing roll history was inspired by the music S   6th Ave THE rt  Av SPACE NEEDLE GALERY  a Century Conven an exhibition center, a glasshouse 1st Ave  5th Ave e 'A DOWNTOWN WATERFRONT w  of Seattle-born guitar icon Jimi The largest green space in Seattle  ier) e St  t 3rd Plaza THE Spring St Post Al S ine  and a garden. (www.chihulygardenand Viaduct P 4 The defining symbol of Seattle for Way more than just a market, One of London’s most visited at 534 acres, Discovery Park boasts Seattle Free Walking Tours V# Ave A Contemporary Hendrix. (; 325 A  th A WATERFRONT 2# 5th Ave !ACorner & Sanitary  Theatre more than 50 years, this streamlined, century- old Pike Pl is a cavalcade of attractions,; 305 the W Harrison British St;Museum h11am- 5  St v 5th Ave N; h10am-7pm Jun-Aug, to 5pm cliffs, dunes, meadows, forest and t Market ke e S University $ Pi Beecher's Handmade CheesePA Buildings ion St modern-before-its-time tower was noise, smells, personalities, banter 6pm Sun-Thu, to 7pm Fri & Sat; mSeattle ty ik (founded in 1753) is an exhaustive Sep-May; mSeattle Center) beaches. It’s a one-time military si Street e A Crumpet Shop Un Freeway r Market Magic P Rainier Center) ve l Park built for the 1962 World’s Fair. (www. and urban theater. (www.pikeplace and exhilarating parade through E12 installation reborn as a textbook Western Ave i A A( A$A Market Seattle ATower Un Madison St 2 The Columbia Center is the tallest Old Seattle PaperworksA( AInformation XWÕ5 A Symphony DOWNTOWN; 400 Broad St; h10am-; 85 Pike St; h9am-6pm Mon- world cltures, with galleries devoted example of urban sustainability. (www. 4 Piers 62 & 63 Main & North Arcades Booth 'A building on the West Coast. If you have  ACobb Building 9:30pm; mSeattle Center) Sat, to 5pm Sun; dWestlake) 3rd Ave Pike Place Market A BenaroyaA A  time (and $14), check out the observation Concert Hall A Seattle Tower htm; g33) 3  sity St GREEN LAKE PARK  A er Seneca St deck on the 73rd floor. Seattle Aquarium A Seattle Art A 2# 2nd Ave Museum Univ University Street G16 A favorite haunt for recreationalists WEST Pier 58 A 1201 Third A Hammering l Avenue A Seattle Ce EDGE Marion St a and sunbathers, scenic Green Lake A17 skan W Man t W Safeco A e A Three Piece Park is packed with crowds in sum- A3 s Columbia St Seattle Great Wheel A t Pier 57 e Plaza Spring St r Seneca S Sculpture: Vert ay V nA WEST EDGE mer, but it’s even better in fall, when Pier 56 v V# e 3rd ia the leaves are changing. (g62) Tillicum Village St 2nd Ave /A duct Ave Tillicum Village ring A Pier 55 Sp St Tours Ferry 2 Cherry St son Arctic C16 bä99 i Madison St Mad Building Pier 54 t n St A St ry S 5 The magnificence of the Seattle skyline is bia er äb99 MarioPost Av A Ch reflected in the 55-story 1201 Third Avenue 4th Ave WALKING TOUR Pier 53 ColumPioneer 2#Pion 1 Ferries to Bainbridge Island Squa G10 /A e Building building, which changes colors with the Marion St Pioneer A d /A Pioneer Square Square clouds and sunsets. t remerton A Elliott S James St Ferries to B Historical District Park A Smi a Pier 52 Bay bi A A A MUSEUM OF HISTORY m Pioneer 2# Pergola lu TRAVEL TIPS Pier 51 Yesler o Square PIONEER /A Way C shshon Island Occidental Ferries tto Va & INDUSTRY Park Waterf SQUARE Grand Central Arcade !A Park Almost everything you need to know 3 Built in 1969, the Safeco Plaza was one of Milepost 31 A A !A Seattle’s first real skyscrapers and ushered MUST-SEE HIGHLIGHTSe Pier 48 S Main St about Seattle is crammed into the 1 The Arctic Building was constructed st Seattl Occidental SquareA in an era of massive downtown growth. We Na refurbished Museum of History & toto Wes Occidental Mall A in 1917 as an eponymous club started by 3A Industry, the centerpiece of Lake Water Taxi King St Klondike gold-rush veterans. Its defining A3 ( Union Park. (MOHAI;; feature is the 25 walrus heads that embel- Ki S 860 Terry Ave N; h10am-5pm, to 8pm 1st 0 500 m lish the building’s exterior. Thu of month; jLake Union Park) N# 0 0.25 miles


GETTING AROUND HISTORY BUFFS CULTURE VULTURES TRANSPORTATION Legend Cross walk Pedestrian crossing Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (J19) One of A Contemporary Theatre (H15) The ACT fi lls its $30 million Bus Run by King County Metro 123 Link Light Rail Transit on a wide number of Portage Downtown City center the best museums in Seattle – and it’s free too! home with performances by Seattle’s best thespians. Seattle Streetcar Bay routes. Buses are pay-as-you-enter and cost a peak-time Seattle Center Monorail Freeway Motorway Nordic Heritage Museum (B16) Dedicated to the brave Seattle Symphony (Q16) Nationally renowned, this orchestra fl at fee of $2.75/1.50 per adult/child. Nordic pioneers who helped found the neighborhood (then plays in Seattle’s fi nest concert hall, the Benaroya. Commuter Rail (Amtrak) Gas, gasoline Petrol a separate city) in the late 19th century. Light Rail Regular all-day service on one line between Sea- Frye Art Museum (K16) This small museum preserves the Tac airport and the University of Washington via downtown. Highway Main road Tillicum Village (G17) Get a candid taste of how the Duwamish collection of Charles and Emma Frye, and hosts sensitively tribe lived at the purpose-built Tillicum Village on Blake Island. curated temporary shows. Streetcar Two lines. South Lake Union line runs from Hood Car bonnet Westlake Center to South Lake Union every 15 minutes. LAKE Pioneer Square Historical District (H18) Pacifi c Northwest Ballet (E11) The foremost First Hill line runs from Pioneer Square to Capitol Hill. Fares UNION Intersection Crossroads Study beautiful red-brick architecture on a dance company in the Northwest puts on more are $2.25/1.50 per adult/child. Parking lot Place to park your car, dotted with rows of self-guided walking tour. than 100 shows a season at McCaw Hall. Water Taxi Runs between Pier 50 on the waterfront to West parking meters ) $ Seattle; daily in summer, weekdays only in winter. Pavement Road BARGAIN HUNTERS NOSTALGIC & CREATIVE Taxi Initial charge $2.60, then $2.70 per mile. Fairview & Campus Drive Sidewalk Pavement Trunk Car boot (D14) Outdoor branch of Seattle Shorty’s (F14) Belltown dive bar where pinball never went CYCLING Lake Union Park Art Museum on a knoll overlooking Elliott Bay. out of fashion. Westlake & Mercer Terry & Mercer Center for Wooden Boats (H10) Free sailboat rides on Lake Comet Tavern (L14) The ghosts of grunge haunt this still Seattle has a bike-sharing scheme called Pronto covering FOOD & DRINK most of the central area. There are 500 available bikes located Union, Sunday morning at 10am; fi rst come, fi rst served. dive-y pub in Capitol Hill. Seattle Center in 54 docking stations. A 24-hour pass costs $8 payable at Westlake & Terry & Thomas Thomas Crumpet Shop (G16) Pike Place phenomenon where thick Gum Wall (G16) Colorful montage to which you can add machines at any stations. You can also rent helmets. Capitol Hill Appetizer First course toppings are lashed on homemade crumpets. your own personal touch. Capitol Hill Bike lanes city-wide have improved exponentially since Westlake & 9th Bodega Corner market Occidental Park (H18) Recently renovated Old Seattle Paperworks (G16) If you like the introduction of Pronto in 2014. They are painted green LAKE square off ering bags of free games, decorating your home with old magazine WASHINGTON Candy Sweets and usually separated from traffi c lanes. Pick up a copy Westlake & 7th Broadway & Pine including ping-pong, chess and table covers, art deco tourist posters or that rare of the Seattle Bicycling Guide Map, published by the City Westlake Check Bill football. Hendrix concert fl yer, this is your nirvana. of Seattle’s Transportation Bicycle & Pedestrian Program Hub Westlake Center Chips Crisps a#( ELLIOTT BAY Westlake Broadway & Marion Entree Main course FOR KIDS ACTIVE OUTDOORS ARRIVING IN SEATTLE French fries Chips Beecher’s Handmade Cheese (G16) Kids fall instantly in Lake Union (H8) Dodge boats, seaplanes and ducks to University Street Sea-Tac International Airport (SEA) Link light rail Yesler Terrace Half and half A mixture of half cream and half whole milk love with the mac-and-cheese cartons. kayak in Seattle’s watery ‘car park.’ Broadway & Terrace commonly served with coff ee connects to downtown Seattle in 30 minutes; shuttle Seattle Pinball Museum (K19) One of Seattle’s weirdest Washington Park Arboretum (Q7) Off ers a wide variety of buses stop on the 3rd fl oor of the airport garage and cost Pioneer Square Pop, soda, soda pop Soft drink but most welcoming museums lets you play on all the gardens, a wetlands nature trail and 200 acres of mature from $18 one way; taxis cost from $42 to downtown (25 exhibits. forest threaded by paths. Regular Cup of coff ee with milk no sugar minutes). 14th & Washington/Central District Occidental Mall Seattle Aquarium (F16) Designed with kids in mind, the REI (J13) The fl agship store of the now famous outdoor 5th & Jackson/Japantown7th & Jackson/ChinatownLittle Saigon King Street Station Situated in Pioneer Square and on International District/ aquarium has a fi sh ‘touching tank’ and daily feeding shows. chain has a climbing wall and bike test track. King St Station Chinatown the cusp of downtown with good, fast links to (Amtrak) Market Magic (G16) Pike Place Market’s Seattle Free Walking Tours (F15) Meeting practically everywhere in the city. Use light rail resident joke and magic shop. daily at 11am, this two-hour walk takes in Pike to Westlake in the heart of downtown or take Place, the waterfront and Pioneer Square. b c6the streetcar to First Hill (both fares $2.25). Stadium

STREETS 8th Ave G13-J16 17th Ave E N9-12 29th Ave Q15-17 Bell St E15-F13 Cowlitz Rd NE L2 E Helen St P10 E Roy St L11; M11-P11 George Washington Lee St E9 N 39th St D2-H2 NW Market St B17 S Charles St K20; O20 T W Fulton St A5; B5; C5 Woodland Park Ave 7th & Jackson/ Georgetown C20 Arctic Building H17 Green Lake Park C16 Nordic Heritage Seattle Free Walking Washington State Lewis Park M21 8th Ave N F7; G8; 17th Ave S N19 29th Ave E Q13 Bellevue Ave J14 Crawford Pl K14 E Highland Dr K9; E Shelby St L4; N4 Memorial Bridge Lenora St F15-G13 N 40th St D2; F2-G2 S Day St O21-Q21 W Galer St A9 N F1-3 Chinatown K19 Green Lake C17 Beecher’s Handmade Guidepost E3 Museum B16 Tours F15 Convention Lincoln Park B21 1st Ave D14-F15 Need to Know G10; G12 18th Ave N14-18 29th Ave S Q19-20 Bellevue Ave E K13 Crockett St C7-D7; F7 M9-N9 E Spring St M15; P15 (Aurora Bridge) E4 Linden Ave N E2 N 41st St C2; E1-H1 O S Dearborn St Taylor Ave N F8; W Garfield St A8-C8 Woodlawn Ave N G1-4 Broadway & Marion High Point B21 Cheese G16 Gum Wall G16 Occidental Park H18 Seattle Great Wheel Center H15 Montlake Park N6 1st Ave N D5-13 E8-F11; F13 8th Ave NE L1 18th Ave E N9-12 30th Ave Q15-17 Belmont Ave K14 E Howe St J7; L8- E Spruce St L17-O17; Gilman Ave W B17 Lynn St D7; E7 N 42nd St E1-H1 K20-N20; P20-Q20 W Halladay St A6 L15 Interbay B18 Benaroya Concert Hammering Man G16 Occidental Square F17 Water Tower Mount Baker Park Information Internet Resources 1st Ave NE J2 Occidental Ave S H21 Terry Ave H13; J15; 8th Ave NW B17 18th Ave S N19 30th Ave E Q13 Belmont Ave E K10-12 D M8; O7 Q17 Grandview Pl E M8 N 43rd St E1-H1 S Irving St P21-Q21 W Harrison St B12 Y Broadway & Pine L14 International District Hall G16 Henry Art Gallery M1 H19 Seattle Pinball Observation D19 1st Ave NW C3 Olive Way H14 K17 Visit Seattle (%206-461-5800; www. The Stranger ( 8th Ave S K19 19th Ave N15-18 30th Ave S Q18-19; Belmont Pl E K11 E Howell St M13; P13 E Terrace St L17; Q17 Greenwood Ave N D1-3 M N 50th St C17 S Jackson Pl M19 W Highland Dr B10 Broadway & Terrace C19; L20 Bill & Melinda Gates Hing Hay Park K19 Old Seattle Museum K19 Deck M10 Mount Pleasant 1st Ave S C20; H21 Davis Pl S N20 Terry Ave N G12 Yakima Ave S Q20; cnr Pike St & 7th Ave, Seattle Weekly ( 8th Ave W A3; A7-9 19th Ave E N6-7; Q20 Bigelow Ave N E8-10 E Interlaken Blvd E Thomas St K12; N Bowdoin Pl D2 S Jackson St K19-P19 W Howe St B8 L17 Laurelhurst D17 Foundation Visitor International Paperworks G16 Seattle Symphony Waterfall Park H18 1st Ave W C5-12 Dayton Ave N D1-3 Madison St G17-K16 P Thomas St D12; Yale Ave J14 Cemetery A5 Washington State Convention Center; Not for Tourists (www.notfortourists. 8th Pl W A9 N10-12 31st Ave Q15-18 Birch Ave N E6 M6-P9 M12; O12-P12 H N Motor Pl E1 S Judkins St M21; W John St C13 Capitol Hill L13 Little Saigon L19 Center E12 Children’s Park K19 Olympic Sculpture G16 Westlake Center G15 2nd Ave E13-H17 Delmar Dr E M6 Malden Ave E M12 E12-J12 Yale Ave E J6 Ravenna Park C17 h9am-5pm daily Jun-Sep, Mon-Fri Oct- com/seattle.aspx) 9th Ave G13-H14; 19th Ave S N20 31st Ave E Q11-13 Blaine St C8 E James St O16 E Union St K15-P15 N Northlake Pl G4 Palatine Ave N C3 O21-Q21 W Kinnear Pl B10 Fairview & Campus Lower Queen Anne C11 Center for Wooden International Fountain Park D14 Seattle Tower H16 Wing Luke Museum 2nd Ave N D5; D8-11; Delridge Way SW B20 Halladay St E6 Marion St H18; J16 Yale Ave N J13 Regrade Park F14 May; dWestlake) Seattle Post-Intelligencer (www. J16-K17 20th Ave O15-17 31st Ave S Q19-20 Blanchard St F15 E Jefferson St E Valley St M11; P11 N Northlake Way Pasadena Pl NE K1 S King St H19; W Lee St B9 Drive J10 Madison Park D18; Q9 Boats H10 D12 Pacific Northwest Shorty’s F14 of the Asian D13 Denny Way D13-J13 Harbor Ave SW B19 Martin Luther King Jr U Yesler Way J18 Roanoke Park L5 9th Ave N G11-13 20th Ave E O6; O10; 32nd Ave NW B17 Boren Ave H13-L17 L17-N17; Q17 E Ward St M10; P10 E4-F4 Peach Ct E O8 K19-N19; Q19 W McGraw Pl B6 Madison Valley Q12 Central Plaza (Red Japanese Garden Q10 Ballet E11 Smith Tower J18 Pacific American 2nd Ave NE J2 Densmore Ave N G2-4 Harrison St F12-J12 Way P20-Q16 Lake Union Park H11 Rogers Park C5 Emergencies 9th Ave NE L1 O13 34th Ave W B18 Boren Ave N H12-13 E John St L13; N13; E Yesler Way L18-Q18 N Pacific St H4-K2 Pend Oreille Rd NE O1 S Lane St K20; Union St H16 W McGraw St A7-C7 Madrona D18; Q17 Square) N2 Jimi Hendrix Statue Pacific Science Sorrento Hotel K16 Experience K19 Real Change ( 2nd Ave NW C3 Dexter Ave N E5-F12 Harvard Ave K13-15 Martin Luther King Jr TRANSPORT- Little Saigon M19 Spruce Park O18 Police, Fire & Ambulance (%911) 9th Ave W A3; A7-9 20th Ave S O19-21 35th Ave SW B21 Boren Ave S M18 O12-P12 Eagle St D13 Nagle Pl L14 Phinney Ave N D1-3 M20-N20; Q20 University St G16 W Mercer Pl A11 Magnolia A18 Chihuly Garden & L14 Center E13 Space Needle E12 Yesler Way H18 2nd Ave W C7; C9-12 Dravus St C4 Harvard Ave E K4-5; Way S D20 ATION Occidental Mall H19 Sturgus Park M20 Seattle Police (%206-625-5011) Bus 10th Ave L15; L17 20th Pl S O19 Boston St E7 E Lake Washington Eastern Ave N J1 NE 40th St J2; L2 Pike Pl F16 S Main St H19; University Way NE W Newell St A5; B5 Montlake O6 Glass E12 Kerry Park C10 Pergola H18 St James Cathedral 3rd Ave E13-H17 K7; K10 Mayfair Ave N D5 Terry & Mercer G11 West Montlake 10th Ave E L5-8; L12 21st Ave O15-18 A Blvd O5 Eastlake Ave E J12-K4 NE 41st St L1 Pike St G16-J15 L19-O18 (‘’) M3 W Nickerson St Phinney Ridge B17 Children’s Museum King St Station J19 Pike Place Market K16 PARKS Washington State Patrol (%360- King County Metro Transit (%206- Boyer Ave E L5-P8 E Hiawatha Pl S N20 Maynard Ave S K20 Terry & Thomas G12 3rd Ave N D5; D8; 10th Ave W A4-9 21st Ave E O8; O10-13 E Louisa St J6 Elliott Ave E15 NE 42nd St J1; M1 Pine St G15-J14 S Norman St O21-Q21 A2-C3; B17 Monorail Pioneer Square H20 E12 Klondike Gold Rush G16 St Mark’s Cathedral Park N5 596-2600) 553-3000; Airport Way S C20; Boylston Ave K14-15 Highland Dr E10 McGraw Pl D6 Westlake & 7th G14 Bobby Morris D11; E9 11th Ave L14; L17 21st Ave S O19 E Alder St L17; E Lousia St O6 Elliott Ave W A10-C13 NE 43rd St J1 Pontius Ave N H12 S Nye Pl O20 V W Olympic Pl B11 Portage Bay L4 Cobb Building H16 National Historical Pioneer Building H18 L9 West Seattle J20-K21 Boylston Ave E K6-7; Howe St C8-D8; E8 McGraw St D7-E7 Seattle Center E12 Westlake & 9th G13 Playfield L14 3rd Ave NW C2 11th Ave E L5; L7-8; 22nd Ave O15-17 M17-Q17 E Lynn St J7; L7; Etruria St C4-D4 NE 45th St C17 Poplar Pl S N20 S Orcas St D20 W Prospect St B10 Queen Anne B18; C8 Columbia Center J17 Park J19 Pioneer Square Statue of Lenin E3 Municipal Golf Taxi Train Alaskan Way B18; E15 K9; K10; K12 Howell St H14-J13 Melrose Ave J13-14 Valley St D11-F11; Westlake Center G15 Westlake & Mercer Broadmoor Golf 3rd Ave S J18 L10-12 22nd Ave E O10-13 E Allison St K4 N7-O7 Evanston Ave N E1-E3 NE 55th St D17 Portage Bay Pl E L3 S Plummer St K20 W Raye St A6-C6 Rainier Valley D21 Comet Tavern L14 Lake Union H8 Historical District Stimson-Green Course B20 Seattle Orange Cab (%206-522-8800) Light Rail ( Alaskan Way S G21 Bridge Way N F3 Hubbell Pl J16 Melrose Ave E J12 G11-H11 G11 Club D18; Q8 3rd Ave W C4-12 11th Ave NE L1 22nd Ave S O20 E Aloha St L10-P10 E Madison St C18; Everett Ave E M7 NE 65th St D17 Post Al F15 S Royal Brougham W Republican St B12 Railway Ravenna D16 Corner & Sanitary Lake Union Park G10 H18 Mansion K15 Woodland Park C17 Seattle Yellow Cab (%206-622-6500) Broad St D14-F11 Memorial Way NE N1 Vine St E14 Westlake & Thomas Cal Anderson Park 4th Ave C18; E13-J18 12th Ave L16-15 23rd Ave O17 E Arthur Pl Q12 L15-Q11 Humes Pl W B4 NE 75th St D16 Post Ave H18 Way H21 W Roy St B11-C11 Stations Sand Point D17 Market Buildings Lakeview Cemetery Pioneer Square Suzzallo Library N2 STITA Taxi (%206-246-9999) Tram G17 Broadway L15-18 Mercer St B18; Virginia St F15-H14 G12 L13 4th Ave N E5-8; E11; 12th Ave E L7; L10 23rd Ave E O7; O10-14 E Blaine St J8; L8; O7 E Marginal Way S C21 F NE Boat St L2 Prospect St E10 S Wadsworth Pl P21 W Smith St B6 Seattle Center B18; G16 M8 Park H18 Three Piece Sculp- WATER Streetcar ( Albion Pl N F3 Broadway E L4; L5; I E11-H11 Volunteer Park Rd L10 Capitol Hill L13 Westlake Hub G15 Cascade Playground E13 12th Ave NE M1 23rd Ave S C19 E Boston St J7; K7; O7 E Marion St M15-P16 NE Campus Pkwy L2 S Washington St J18; W Wheeler St A6 D12 Crumpet Shop G16 Late for the Quad N1 ture: Vertebrae H17 FEATURES Alder St K18 L7; L10-12 Fairview Ave E J5-K3; Meridian Ave N H4 International District/ Yesler Terrace L18 H12 4th Ave NE K2 12th Ave S L19-20 24th Ave P13-15; P18 E Calhoun St N6-O6 E McGraw St N6; O6 Interlake Ave N G3 NE Northlake Pl K2 Q L18-M18; Q18 Wall St E14-F13 Sodo C19 Denny Park G13 Interurban E4 Queen Anne Tillicum Village G17 Alki Ave SW A20 Brooklyn Ave NE M1-3 J6-J9 Midvale Ave N F1 W Chinatown J19 Dr Jose Rizal Park Duwamish River 4th Ave S C20; J20 13th Ave M14-16; M18 24th Ave E O6-9; P12 E Cherry St M16-P16 E Mercer St K11 Interlaken Dr E N7 NE Northlake Way J3 S Weller St M19-N19 Wallingford Ave N South Lake Union H12 Discovery Park A17 Louisa Boren Lookout Counterbalance Times Square L21 Aloha St D10-F10 Burke Ave N H1-4 Fairview Ave N H10 Minor Ave J13; Queen Anne Ave N King St Station NEIGHBOR- C20 4th Ave W B6-9; B11 13th Ave E M7; M10-12 24th Ave S P19-20 E Columbia St E Miller St L6; N6-P6 Interlaken Pl E O8 NE Pacific Pl N3 Sand Point Way W Armour St A5; G4-H1 The Waterfront E15 Drumheller Fountain M8 C10 Building G15 Edwin T Pratt Park Images by Brendan Sainsbury/Lonely Planet ©; cdrin, Elena_Suvorova, f11photo, Ivan Arboretum Dr E Q8 Burke-Gilman Trail Federal Ave E L10-12 J14-K16 C4-12 (Amtrak) J19 HOODS East Waterway C20 5th Ave F14-J18 14th Ave C19; M14-17 25th Ave P13-17 M16-P16 E Montlake Pl E O5 NE Pacific St L2 NE D17 B5; C5 Ward St D10-F10 U District C17; N1 N2 Main & North Arcades Rainier Tower H16 Treat House C10 N18 Stanic, lembi, neelsky,, Westend61 Premium/Shutterstock ©; Anita Elder Ashworth Ave N G1-3 B2-F4 Florentia St D4 Minor Ave E J6 Queen Anne Dr D6 Pioneer Square J18 Elliott Bay B15-B19 5th Ave N E7-13 14th Ave E M12 25th Ave E P6-8; E Crescent Dr O8 E Newton St J7; L7; J NE Stevens Way N1-2 Seneca St G17-J16 W Barrett St A4-B5 Warren Ave N D5-D11; Ballard B17 Wallingford G2 Foster/White Gallery G16 Rainier Vista N2 Union Station J19 H16 Design, Lonely Planet/Getty Images ©; Image courtesy of Chihuly Garden and Glass © Auburn Pl E N9 Francis Ave N D1; D3 Minor Ave N H13 Stadium J21 Fremont Cut C3 5th Ave NE K2 15th Ave M15-17 P9; P12 E Denny Way L13-N13; O7 Newell St C5-D5 R Smith St E6 W Bertona St A3-B3 D13 Beacon Hill C20 West Edge G17 J18 Market Magic G16 REI J13 University of Fremont Canal Aurora Ave N C17; C Franklin Ave E K4; James St J18-L16 Montlake Blvd E O5 University of Green Lake C17 5th Ave W B4-9; B11 15th Ave E M9-14 25th Ave S P19-20 P13 E Olive St M14; P14 Newton St D8-E8 South Ship Canal W Blaine St B8 Waverly Pl N F7 Belltown E14 West Seattle A20 Fremont Bridge E4 Marshall Park A10 Roq La Rue H19 Washington O2 Park C3 E2-F11 K5-7 Jefferson St K17 Montlake Blvd NE Rainier Ave S C19; Washington O4 6th Ave G14-J17 15th Ave NE C17; 26th Ave P15-17 California Ave SW B20 E Edgar St J5; L5 E Olive Way K13 Nickerson St C4 Trail A2 W Boston St C7 Western Ave D14-G17 Capitol Hill C18; L11 Westlake F8 Fremont Public Milepost 31 H18 Safeco Plaza H17 Victor Steinbrueck Frink Park Q19 Lake Union C18 Fremont Ave N E1-3 John St F13; H13 O1-3 M19-N21 University Street H16 6th Ave N F9-11; F13 M1-M3 26th Ave E P6-8; Carr Pl N G2-4 E Fir St L18-P18 E Pike St K14-N14; Nob Hill Ave N E5; E8 Spring St G17-J16 W Comstock St B9 Westlake Ave G13 Central District (Cd) Sculpture E4 Museum of Flight Seattle Aquarium F16 Park F16 Harborview Park K18 Lake Washington B Fremont Way N E2 Republican St D12; Westlake G15 6th Ave S K20-21 15th Ave NW B17 P9-12; P13 Cedar St E14 E Galer St J8; K9; L9; P14 Nob Hill Pl N E6 Stewart St G15-H14 W Cremona St C4 Westlake Ave N O15 SIGHTS Fremont Rocket E3 D21 Seattle Art Museum Volunteer Park L9 Interlaken Park N8 D19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fuhrman Ave E L N F12-H12 6th Ave W B3-4; B7-9; 15th Ave S C20; M20 26th Ave S P19-20 Bagley Ave N H3 Cherry St H18-J17 M9-O9 E Pine St K14-P14 NW 40th St B2-C2 Stone Way N F1-3 W Crockett St A7 E5-G12 Columbia D20 1201 Third Avenue Fremont Troll E3 Museum of History & G16 Volunteer Park Jefferson Park Golf Portage Bay M4 C17; L4 Roosevelt Way NE L1 Tram 1ST EDITION B10; B11 16th Ave N14-18 27th Ave P15-17 Baker Ave NW C1 Clay St D14-E13 E Garfield St J8 E Prospect St K10; Lake Washington Blvd N 34th St D3-G4 NW 41st St B1 Sturgus Ave S M21 W Dravus St B17 Westview Dr W A6 Denny Triangle F13 H16 Frye Art Museum K16 Industry G10 Seattle Asian Art Conservatory M9 Course C20 Puget Sound A18 Published Sep 2017 Roy St E11-F11; H11 Salmon Bay A1-B17 7th Ave G13-H15; J16 16th Ave E N9-10 27th Ave E P11 Battery St F14 Columbia St H18; E Glen St N13 M10; P10 G E P6-9 N 35th St C3-F4 NW 42nd St A1-C1 Summit Ave K14-15 W Emerson St A3 Wheeler St E6 14th & Washington/ Downtown H16 A Contemporary H5 Museum of Pop Museum M9 Waiting for the A10 USA $7.99 7th Ave NE L1 16th Ave S M21; N19 28th Ave Q17; Q18 Bay St C13 J17-K16 E Gwinn Pl L4 E Republican St Lakeview Blvd E K10 N 36th St D3-H3 NW 65th St B17 Summit Ave E K10-12 W Etruria St A4 Whitman Ave N F2-3 Central District M18 Eastlake J7 Theatre H15 Gay City Library K14 Culture E12 Seattle Center D12 Interurban E4 Kobe Terrace Park Union Bay D17-Q4 UK £4.99 S 7th Ave S K19-21 17th Ave N14; N15; 28th Ave E Q11 Beach Dr SW A20 Conkling Pl W A4 E Hamlin St J5; N5 L12-M12; Q11 Galer St D9-E9 Latona Ave NE K2 N 37th St H3 NW Bowdoin Pl B2-C2 Sunnyside Ave N J1-J2 W Ewing St A2-B3 Willard Ave W B9 5th & Jackson/ First Hill K16 Amazon Tower I G14 Grand Central Arcade Myrtle Edwards Park Seattle Central Washington Park K18 West Waterway 7th Ave W A4; A7-9 N17-18 28th Ave S Q19-20 Beacon Ave S C19 Corliss Ave N H1-3 E Harrison St K12-M12 E Roanoke St K5; P5 Garfield St D9 Leary Way NW B1 N 38th St E3-F3; H3 NW Canal St C3 S Bush Pl N21 SW Admiral Way A20 W Florentia St C4 Winslow Pl N E1 Japantown J19 Fremont B17; E2 Apatosaurs D3 H18 C13 Library H17 Arboretum Q7 Lavizzo Park O18 B20

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