Community Building Sourcebook Land Use and Transportation Initiatives in Portland, Oregon
Community Building Sourcebook Land use and transportation initiatives in Portland, Oregon December 2007 Community Building Sourcebook, Portland, Oregon December 2007 Dear Colleague: TriMet is pleased to provide this Community Building Sourcebook, which highlights the many land use and transportation accomplishments of the Portland, Oregon, region. This document is intended to provide snapshots of the innovative projects, plans and programs that shape our region’s growth. As you will see, Portland’s successes have depended upon partnerships among neighborhoods, local municipalities, regional interests, state agencies, environmental groups, developers and private fi nancial institutions. These partnerships are key to our successes. This document was a collaborative effort among TriMet, Metro and 1000 Friends of Oregon, originally published in 1999. Now in 2007 we are proud to present a revised edition of the Community Building Sourcebook to include new projects, programs and up-to- date information. A new chapter includes two transit-oriented development tours. We hope you fi nd the information and contacts helpful in your own work. Please feel free to call any of the listed representatives for more information. Sincerely, Fred Hansen General Manager Community Building Sourcebook, Portland, Oregon Acknowledgments The 1999 edition of this report was a collaborative effort among 1000 Friends of Oregon, Metro and TriMet. The following individuals helped prepare and edit the 1999 Community Building Sourcebook: GB Arrington, Rob Bennett, Amy Carlsen-Kohnstamm, Phil Harris, Michael Kiser, Kim Knox, Barbara Linssen, Carlo Markewitz, Amy Norway, Lynn Peterson, Rhonda Ringering and Darcie White. TriMet led the 2005 update of the Community Building Sourcebook. Jillian Detweiler was the project manager.
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