Excavations at Forum of Caesar the Project Is a Collaboration Between the Danish Institute in Rome, Danish National Research

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Excavations at Forum of Caesar the Project Is a Collaboration Between the Danish Institute in Rome, Danish National Research Excavations at Forum of Caesar The project is a collaboration between the Danish Institute in Rome, Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence, Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) and the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. The excavations are made possible by a generous donations by the Carlsberg Foundation and Aarhus University Research Foundation. The planned excavations have a three-year duration and aim to broaden the understanding of the Forum of Caesar. Due to extensive excavations in 1932-1933 and 1998-2000, the Forum of Caesar – as the only of the five Imperial Fora - is actually visible in its original length, including the greater part of the Temple of Venus Genetrix, but a substantial part of its width on the north-eastern side remains unexcavated. The aim of the forthcoming excavations is to unearth the eastern side of the Temple of Venus Genetrix, and the entire eastern portico of the Forum, which currently lies hidden beneath Via dei Fori Imperiale and the adjacent pedestrian areas. The excavations will further contribute with important data in connection with the medieval and modern phases of the area. What is more, a prehistoric necropolis is expected to be situated below the Forum of Caesar, as ten tombs from the 11th and 10th centuries BC have been located in the area between 1998 and 2008. With the application of newly developed scientific techniques and analyses, the forthcoming excavations aim to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the thousand-year sequence of Roman history that is found in the area of the Forum of Caesar. For further reading: https://cas.au.dk/en/cfp/ .
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