Dr. Born 1949 Eltville am Rhein Nationality: German Lawyer and notary

Candidate for Shareholder Representative for election at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2017

Dr. Franz Josef Jung is not a member of any statutory Supervisory Boards or of comparable control committees of commercial enterprises in and abroad

Biography After graduating from high school in 1968 and military service, Dr. Franz Josef Jung studied law from 1970 to 1974 at Johannes Gutenberg University in . He completed his legal clerkship between 1974 and 1976 at the District Court of . In 1978, he obtained his Dr. jur. Degree with a doctorate in regional planning in . Dr. Jung has been working as a lawyer since 1976 and as a notary since 1983 in Eltville.

His political career began when he joined the Junge Union in 1969. From 1973 to 1983, he was a member of the Federal Executive Board of the Junge Union Germany; from 1981 to 1983, he was it deputy Federal Chairman. Other milestones include:

1972 to 1987 Kreistag representative for the -Taunus district

1983 to 2005 Member of the Hesse Landtag

1987 to 1991 General secretary of the Hesse CDU

1987 to 1999 Chief whip of the CDU Landtag fraction

1989 to 2017 Member of the 9th to 16th Federal Assembly

1998 to 2014 Deputy Chairman of the Hesse CDU

1998 to 2016 Member of the Federal Executive Board of CDU Germany

1999 to 2000 Hessian Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Head of State Chancellery

2003 to 2005 CDU Fraction Chief in the Hesse Landtag for the 16th electoral period

Since 2005 Member of the German Bundestag

2005 to 2009 German Federal Minister of Defense

October 28, 2009 to German Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs November 30, 2009

2012 – 2014 Chairman of the Media Policy Expert Group of CDU Germany

2013 to January 2015 Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Bundestag fraction for Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

Since 2014 CDU/CSU Bundestag fraction officer for churches and religious communities

Since January 2015 Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Bundestag fraction For Foreign Affairs, Security Policy, European Council

Since 2015 Board member of the Saint Petersburg Dialog

Since 2015 Chairman of the Federal Work Group for Soldier Care (BAS)