3890 Woodridge Drive • the Villages, FL 32162 • (352) 674-4700
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IW-830 - Buffalo Crossings - Issue: 04/01/19 Viewed: 03/26/19 10:10 AM Buffalo Crossings 3890 Woodridge Drive • The Villages, FL 32162 • (352) 674-4700 Buffalo Crossings Management Team April 2019 Debbie Martin Administrator Crystal Zauner Director of Nursing Kim Costa Marketing Director Al Gabianelli Director of Dining Brenda Shortt Dining Rm Supervisor Barbie Smerecki Activities Director Ken Canterbury Maintenance Director Meka Brutton Housekeeping Supervisor Katie Van Tassell BO/HR Manager Brain Bender: Egg-cellent Activity Wanda invited her four grandchildren— Daniel, Izzy, Jackson and Charlotte—to her apartment to color eggs. Each child dyed two eggs—one a solid color and the other the same color with a white stripe. The children’s ages are 2, 4, 7 and 9. Using the clues below, can you determine the age of each child and the color of his or her eggs? 1. The two youngest children needed help dyeing their eggs. 2. The oldest child’s favorite color starts with the letter B. 3. Daniel is 7 years old. His brother’s favorite color is red. 4. Izzy and Charlotte have the same favorite color, so after they were done, they switched their striped eggs. Now they each have a blue and a purple egg. 5. Jackson is not the youngest child. 6. Charlotte helped the child with the purple eggs while Wanda helped Jackson. 7. The green eggs were colored by a boy. (Answer: Izzy—2 years old, purple; Jackson—4 years old, red; Daniel—7 years old, green; Charlotte—9 years old, blue) IW-830April- Buffalo2019 Crossings - Issue: 04/01/19 Viewed: 03/26/19 10:10 AM Sunday Monday Tuesday RESIDENT BE COURTEOUS TO OTHERS April Fools’ Day 1 2 BIRTHDAYS 9:30 Catholic Communion/LY 10:am Chair Fitness/2F AR Ed G. 4/8 DON’T BE LATE!!! 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks Please Be Up Front 10 Minutes 10:30 Banks Bus Trip Patricia P. 4/8 W Encompass/Clinic Early if You Are Signed Up for 11:am Cell Phone Education/LY Charlotte B. 4/14 11:am Men’s Club/Back DR a Trip. Bus Departs Promptly 1:pm Scrabble W Barbie/LY Nina S. 4/21 1:30 Skin Cancer Awareness No More Than 5 Minutes After 2 Earl & Pat Live Music/L Dermatology Talk/2F AR Jaunita K. 4/23 Designated Time. We Cannot 3:pm BINGO/2F AR 3:pm BINGO /2F AR Larene D. 4/24 (Wait) As We Have a Daily 4:pm Wii Bowling/2F PS 4pm Kings in the Corner/2F GR Dorothy T. 4/29 Timed Schedule to Follow. 7 Ellie’s Ladies’ Group/2F OC 7pm Bridge Club / 2F OC 7 8 Color Guard Pinning 9 9:30 Catholic Communion/LY 8:30 Nondenominational 10am Encore Fitness/2F AR 10:00 Chair Fitness/2F AR Church/BT 10:30 Walgreens or CVS/BT 10 Special Color Guard 8:45 Open Bible Lutheran/PU 11:am Cell Phone Education/LY Pinning Service for Our 9:30 Congregation Church/BT 1:pm Sequence W Sheila/LY Veterans/L 11:30 Catholic Church/BT 2:pm Pictionary W Elizabeth/B 1 Bunny Bottom Floral 1:pm Word Jumbles/LY 3:pm BINGO/2F AR Arrangement for Your Room/LY 2:pm Rummikub/LY 4:pm Wii Bowling/2F PS 2pm LIVE MUSIC Lisa Beck/L 3:pm BINGO W Sean/2F AR 7 Ellie’s Ladies’ Group/2F OC 3:00 BINGO/2F AR 6:pm Shuffleboard Table/AR 4pm Kings in the Corner/2F GR 7pm Bridge Club / /2F OC 14 Watercolor Class Today 15 Vets’ Club Outing 16 8:30 Nondenominational 9:30 Catholic Communion/LY Church/BT 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR 10:00 Chair Fitness/2F AR 8:45 Open Bible Lutheran/PU 10:30 Walgreens or CVS/BT 10:00 Vets’ Club Outing/BT 9:30 Congregation Church/BT 11:am Cell Phone Education/LY 11:am Use It or Lose It Memorable Melody: 11:30 Catholic Church/BT 1:pm Rainy Day Watercolor Menu Chat W Al & Brenda/B 1:pm Word Jumbles/LY Class for 8 W Barbie/LY ‘Take Me Out to the 1 Yoga Class W Caron/2F AR 2:pm LIVE MUSIC Gary S/L 2 Ray & Kay Live Music/L Ball Game’ 2 LIVE MUSIC W Sax Steve/L 2:pm Rummikub/LY 3:pm BINGO/2F AR Baseball fans who have 3:pm BINGO/2F AR 3:pm BINGO W Sean/2F AR 4:pm Wii Bowling/2F PQ 4pm Kings in the Corner/2F GR sung this catchy tune 6:pm Shuffleboard Table/AR 7 Ellie’s Ladies’ Group/2F OC during the seventh-inning 7pm Bridge Club/2F OC stretch may be surprised to Easter Sunday 21 Earth Day 22 Buffalo Bling W Debbie! 23 learn that the writers had 8:45 Open Bible Lutheran/PU never been to a ballgame 11:30-2pm Easter Luncheon 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR 9:30 Catholic Communion when they composed the Make Your Reservations 10:30 Walgreens or CVS/BT 10:00 Chair Fitness/2F AR song in 1908. Actor Jack 11:am HUGE EGG HUNT 11:am Cell Phone Education/LY 1 Buffalo Bling Arts & Crafts Norworth wrote the lyrics Children/Family Of Residents 1:pm Sequence W Sheila/LY W Debbie/LY after seeing an ad for Polo & Staff/L 1:pm Painting W Michelle/AR 2 Live Music Terri, Andy/L 1:pm Word Jumbles/LY 3:pm BINGO/2F AR 3:00pm BINGO/2F AR Grounds, home of the 2:pm Rummikub/LY 4:pm Wii Bowling/2F PS 4p Kings in the Corner/2F GR New York Giants, and 3:pm BINGO W Sean/2F AR 7 Ellie’s Ladies’ Group/2F OC 7p Bridge Club/2F OC Albert Von Tilzer set the 6:pm Shuffleboard Table/AR words to music. The first 28 Tea Party Day 29 Country Ride 30 recording by Edward Meeker was a hit, but it 8:30 Nondenominational 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR Church/BT 10:30 Publix Bus Trip 9:30 Catholic Communion/LY wasn’t until the 1950s that 8:45 Open Bible Lutheran/PU 2 Ducks N’ Daisies 10:00am Chair Fitness/2F AR the chorus became a staple 9:30 Congregation Church/BT Tea Party/DR 1:pm Country Ride/BT at baseball games. 11:30 Catholic Church/BT Door Prize Tickets 1:pm PHASE 10 CARDS/LY 1:pm Word Jumbles/LY *Being on Time 2:pm LIVE MUSIC W Petrina/L 2:pm Rummikub/LY *Bringing a Friend 3:00pm BINGO / 2F AR 3:pm BINGO W Sean/2F AR *Wearing a Hat 4p Kings in the Corner/2F GR 6:pm Shuffleboard Table/AR 3:15 BINGO/2F AR 7pm Bridge Club/2F OC 7 Ellie’s Ladies’ Group/2F OC IW-830 - Buffalo Crossings - Issue: 04/01/19 Calendar of Events Viewed: 03/26/19 10:10 AM Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Baking Demo W Jean 3 4 Veterans’ Club 5 6 10:am Five Star Fitness/2F AR 10:am Walk&Talk/Meet Lobby 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR 11am Easy Chair Yoga / 2F PS 10:am Heather’s Fitness/AR 11:am Trivia in Bistro 10 Walmart Bus Trip 11-3 Essential Oils Sale W 11:am Trivia W Elizabeth/B 1pm-4pm $5 Sales W Alex/L 1:pm Mini Manicures/2F GR Demo at 2pm / Lobby 11:am Veterans’ Club/AR 1:pm Reading W Randy/Library 2 Bible Study W Pastor Dale/LY 1 HUGS Piano Praise Group/L 1 Charlotte’s Rummikub/LY 1pm Millie’s Bridge / 2F GR 2 LIVE MUSIC Buddy M/L 1pm Pet Therapy Visit/Lobby 1 MUSIC W Karen Hall Trio/L 2:pm Movie Matinee/TR 3 Stop by Our Bistro & Meet 1pm Samba W Emilie/LY 3 Bottom’s Up Happy Hour/B 3:pm Pinochle/Library Jean, Our Baking Queen! 2 Shuffleboard W Barkley/AR 5 Dinner Music W Doc/L 4:pm Scrabble / Library Sample Some Fresh Desserts/B 3pm Mexican Train/LY 6:45 Night Owls’ Bingo/2F AR 6:pm Saturday Sudoku/Library 7p Poker Pals/3F CC 7 Texas Hold’em W Michelle/3F Central Mobility Is Here! 10 Art Museum Day! 11 Men’s Club Outing 12 13 10:am Walk&Talk/Meet Lobby 10am Encore Fitness/2F AR 9:am Brunch & Train Ride/BT 11:am Trivia in Bistro 10am Five Star Fitness / 2F PS 10 Walmart Bus Trip 10:am Heather’s Fitness/AR 1:pm Adoration in Motion 10 Mount Dora Museum for 11 Beautiful Brows by Barbie 11:am Trivia W Elizabeth/B Dance Show / Lobby The Arts & Lunch /BT Tweeze, Shape, & Draw/LY 1 Charlotte’s Rummikub/LY 1pm Millie’s Bridge / 2F GR 11am Easy Chair Yoga / 2F PS 1 Wheelchair/Walkers Courtesy 2 Passover Celebration/2F AR 2 MUSIC Parking Lot Band & 1:pm Samba W Emilie / LY Clean Central Mobility/LY 3 Liquid Lounge Happy Hour 2nd Sat Ice Cream Social/L 2 Live Music W DJ Donna/L 2 Bible Study W Pastor Dale/LY Root Beer Floats/B 3:pm Pinochle/Library 3pm Cornhole W Barkley/2F AR 3pm Knitting W Barbara/LY 5 Dinner Music W Doc/L 4:pm Scrabble/Library 7 Texas Hold’em W Michelle 7pm Poker Pals/3F CC 6:45 Night Owls’ Bingo/2F AR 6:pm Saturday Sudoku/Library Spring Games! 17 BIG MONEY EGG HUNT 18 Battle of the Chefs! 19 20 10:am Heather’s Fitness/AR 10:am Encore Fitness/2F Ar 10:am Walk&Talk/Meet Lobby 10:am Five Star Fitness/2F AR 11:am Trivia W Elizabeth/B 10 Walmart Bus Trip 11:am Trivia in Bistro 11:am Easy Chair Yoga/2F PS 1 Charlotte’s Rummikub/LY 11:am Mini Manicures/GR 1:pm Reading W Randy/Library 1:pm Samba W Emilie/LY 2pm LIVE MUSIC Joe G/L 1:30 Backyard Spring Games 1pm Millie’s Bridge / 2F GR 2pm Pet Therapy Visit/Lobby 3 Battle of the Chefs/ Bistro Relay Races, Egg Toss 2:pm Movie Matinee/TR 2pm BIG MONEY EGG HUNT Vote on Your Favorite & More! Don’t Miss Out 3:pm Pinochle/Library RESIDENTS ONLY/2F AR Mouthwatering Appetizers & 2 Bible Study W Pastor Dale/LY 4:pm Scrabble/Library 3:pm Mexican Train/LY Sample Some Delicious Wines 3 Council Meeting/2F AR 6:pm Saturday Sudoku/Library 7 Texas Hold’em W Michelle/3F 5 Dinner Music W Doc/L 7pm Poker Pals/3F CC 6:45 Night Owls’ Bingo/2F AR 24 25 26 27 10:am Five Star Fitness/2F AR 10:am Encore Fitness/2F AR Activity Room in Use for 11:am Easy Chair Yoga/2F PS 10 Walmart Bus Trip Private Meeting 10:am Walk&Talk/Meet Lobby 1 Live Game Show 11 Beautiful Brows W Barbie 10:am Heather’s Fitness/AR 11:am Trivia in Bistro Are You Smarter Than a 5th Tweeze, Shape, & Draw/LY 11:am Trivia W Elizabeth/B 1:pm Reading W Randy/Library Grader???/B 1pm Mini Manicures/GR 1 Charlotte’s Rummikub/LY 1pm Millie’s Bridge / 2F GR 2 Cornhole Games W Barkley 2 Bible Study W Pastor Dale/LY 2 LIVE MUSIC Georgie J/L 2:pm Movie Matinee/TR of Trilogy Home Health/2F AR 2p LIVE MUSIC & Birthday 3:pm Happy Hour & Humor- 3:pm Pinochle/Library 3:pm Mexican Train/LY Bash W Mark R/Lobby & B Bring Your Best Jokes! / Bistro 4:pm Scrabble/Library 4 Special Dinner Music by 3pm Knitting W Barbara/LY 5 Dinner Music W Doc/L 6:pm Saturday Sudoku/Library Ray & Kay/DR 7pm Poker Pals/3F CC 6:45 Night Owls’ Bingo/2F AR 7 Texas Hold’em W Michelle/3F Activity Room (AR) Theater Room (TR) DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP Calendar Activities Are Bus Trip (BT) FOR ART/CRAFT/JEWELRY Subject to Change.