Iceland: an Exhibit in Special Collections
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Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections July 10 through October 2017 With the Libraries’ acquisition of Chester Thordarson’s collection in the late 1940s came many titles in Icelandic and about Iceland. Guest exhibit curators Peter Gorman and Todd Michelson-Ambelang have drawn on the Thordarson Collection, as well as other holdings of Special Collections, Memorial Library, Mills Music Library, and the Wisconsin Historical Society, to illustrate Iceland’s natural history, folklore, literature, print culture, and religion. From 16th-century Icelandic Bibles to a recent “intimate portrait of Icelandic ice” by photographer Ian Van Coller, the exhibit affords a glimpse into Iceland’s stark landscape and rich culture and – we hope – encourages viewers to explore further the Libraries’ strong holdings about the land of fire and ice. Department of Special Collections 976 Memorial Library University of Wisconsin–Madison 728 State Street Madison, WI 57306 1 Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections ATLANTIC PUFFINS As highlighted in the online Iceland Magazine, “The Atlantic Puffin, also known as the Common Puffin, is a species of sea-bird in the auk family that breeds in and around Iceland.” Its name in Icelandic is Lundi; the scientific name is Fratercula arctica. Although more than half of the world’s population of puffins live in Iceland, they are abundant from Newfoundland to Ireland and Scotland; the Maine ocean islands provide nesting sites for Atlantic puffins in the United States. One of our colleagues in Central Technical Services and Special Collections, Cindy Lundey (!) has adopted a 14- year-old puffin, Penelope by name, through Audubon Project Puffin in Maine. See more about the project at . In response to Cindy’s query, we have learned that the puffins from Maine tracked by the project “have gone to an area southeast of Massachusetts” during migration: “they don’t interact with the Iceland puffins. Scientists from across the puffins’ range (the whole North Atlantic) have found that the different populations of puffins stay separate even in the winter. Interesting!” Van Coller, Ian. Lundi. Bozeman, Montana: Doring Press, 2016. Copy 2 of 10. Acquired through the Reeder Family Fund. The artist describes this as a “handmade artist book that I meant as a contemplation on the decline of the Atlantic Puffin due to climate change and human impacts. The book includes photographs I made in Iceland and the Faroe Islands in 2014, pages that I laser cut, found postcards and historic images, as well as appropriated texts either from scientific journals or press clippings. The prints are all pigment prints made by myself, and the book is a drum leaf bound by Rory Sparks.” Special Collections. Press Doring Press oversize Yarrell, William. A history of British birds. Illustrated by 520 wood-engravings. London: John Van Voorst, 1843. On display: v. 3 of 3. Special Collections. Thordarson T 2752 Gould, John. The birds of Great Britain. London: For the author by Taylor and Francis, 1873. On display: v. 5 of 5. With the bookplate of Gregory M. Mathews. Issued in 25 parts over the years 1862-1873. “What a singular bird it is, this Parrot of the sea!” Special Collections. Thordarson T 1764 flat 2 Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections LANDSCAPE Van Coller, Ian, photographer. Fissure. Bozeman, Montana: Doring Press, 2015. Copy number 4 of 5. Colophon signed by the artist. Acquired through the Louis and Esther Kaplan Fund. Special Collections. Press Doring Press flat Featuring photographs by Ian van Coller, Iceland 2014. As the photographer describes, “This is the second in my series of books about glaciers…. I intend this to be an ongoing series of books about glaciers from various regions around the globe. There are 19 image plates, a title page, an index and a colophon.” Binding and letterpress by Rory Sparks; archival pigment prints on Asuka. Van Coller’s book Lundi (about the Atlantic puffin) is featured elsewhere in this exhibit. Special Collections also holds The last glacier, a collaboration with artists Todd Anderson (from Clemson University), Bruce Crownover (master printer at Tandem Press in Madison), Ian van Coller, and master book maker Rory Sparks, with an introduction by Nancy Mahoney. EDUCATION Moller, Martin. Um̄ Pijnu og Dauda Drottens vors Jesu Christi: Eintal Salarennar vid siaalfa sig ... Saman̄teked wr Gudlegre Ritningu og Skrifum þeirra gomlu Lærefedra. 4th ed. Þrickt a Hoolum i Hiallta-Dal: af Halldore Erikssyne, 1746. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4702 Rit þess Islenzka lærdóms-lista félags. Kaupmannahøfn [Copenhagen]: Jóhann Rudólph Thiele, 1781-1796. On display: v. 1, 5. Special Collections. X51 IS5 Rask, Rasmus. Lestrarkver handa heldri manna börnum: með stuttum skíríngargreinum um stafrofid og annað þartil heyrandi. Kaupmannahöfn: Prentað hjá dírektør Jens Hostûp Schûlz, 1830. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4818 3 Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections Íslenzk ljödabök Jóns Þorlákssonar …. Ed. Jón Sigurðsson. Kaupmannahöfn: Prentað á kostnað Þorsteins students Jónssonar, 1842-1843. Special Collections Thordarson T 4828 v. 1 Balle, Nicolai Edinger. Laerdömsbók i Evangelist-kristilegum Trúarbrøgdum, handa Unglingum. Reykjaviḱ: Prentud í prentsmidju Islands, á kostnad hennar, hjá Einari Þórdarsyni, 1876. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4927 Nygaard, Marius. Oldnorsk grammatik til skolebrug. 4. udg. ed. Bergen: E. B. Giertsen, 1894. Special Collections. A 105 Cutter STORIES, LEGENDS, & FAIRY TALES Symington, Andrew James. Pen and pencil sketches of Faröe and Iceland. With an appendix containing translations from the Icelandic [by Ólafur Pálsson] and 51 illustrations engraved on wood by W. J. Linton. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1862. Among the appendices are “Icelandic stories and fairy tales,” trans. Ólafur Pálsson, and “Information for intending tourists.” Memorial Library. A 10787 Cutter Icelandic legends. Collected by Jón Arnason. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1866. Special Collections. CA 7885 Ólafur Davíðsson, ed. Íslenzkar Þjóðsögur. Reykjavík: Ísafoldarprentsmiðja, 1895. Memorial Library. PT7433 D3 Icelandic fairy tales. Translated and edited by Mrs. Angus W. Hall; with twenty-two illustrations by E.A. Mason. New York: A.L. Burt, [1897?] Memorial Library. BU49 H14 Cutter Sigfús Sigfússon. Íslenskar þjóðsögur og sagnir. Ný útg. ed. Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfan Þjóðsaga, 1982. 2 v. Memorial Library. GR215 I7 1982 4 Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections FOREIGN SOURCES Sturla, Þórðarson. The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition against Scotland; A.D. MCCLXIII. Copenhagen: Printed for the author, 1782. Special Collections. F431 S93 Cutter; also Thordarson T 4719 Milton, John. Ens enska skálds, J. Miltons, Paradísar missir. Kaupmannahöfn: Prentat hja H.F. Popp, 1828. Paradise lost in Icelandic. Special Collections. Thordarson T 2193 Ingibjörg, Skaptadóttir. Kaupstaðarferðir. Lítil frásaga. Akureyri: O. R. G. T. stúke "Ísafold", 1888. A novel. Special Collections. PT7511 S65 K3 Matthías Jochumsson. Chicagó- för mín 1893. Akureyri: Prentsmiđja Björns Jónssonar, 1893. Probably issued to coincide with the World’s Columbian Exposition. Bound with: Sharpe, Hólmfríđur G. C. (Stephensen). Sálin hans Jóns míns: Leikr i þremr þáttum. Reykjavík: Bókverzlum Sigf. Eymundssonar, 1897. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4802 Steingrímur Thorsteinsson, ed. Þúsund og ein nótt: Arabiskar sögur. 2. útg. endurskoðuð. ed. Reykjavík: Bókaverzlun Sigurðar Jónssonar, 1910-1914. Translation of the Arabian nights into Icelandic. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4884 kvæði Left to right: Eggert Ólafsson. Kvæði Eggerts Ólafssonar: útgefin eptir þeim beztu handritum er feingizt gátu." Kaupmannahöfn: E. Jónsson, Th. Sæmundsson, S. Thorarensen [editors and publishers], 1832. A 19th-century edition of the work of an 18th-century author. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4784 Þorsteinn Vilhjálmur Gíslason. Nokkur kvæði. Reykjavík: Prentsmiðja Reykjavíkur, 1904. Includes translations from B. Björnson and Börge Jansen. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4812 5 Iceland: An Exhibit in Special Collections Örn Arnarson [i.e. Magnús Stefánsson]. Illgresi: kvæði. Reykjavík: Prentsmiðjan Acta, 1924. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4785 Beck, Richard. Ljóðmál: kvæði. Winnipeg, 1929. Inscribed by the author to Chester Thordarson. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4787 MATTERS LEGAL Lög-book Islendinga hvöria sam sett hefur Magnus Noregs kongur (loflegrar minningar). Special Collections. MS 121 Icelandic law-book transcribed in an unidentified hand with marginal annotations in another hand. Owned by Chester Thordarson, among others. Magnus. Løgbok islendinga, hvøria saman̄ hefur sett Magnus Noregs kongur, loflegrar min̄ingar. Prentud ad niju a Hoolum i Hialltad that is, Hólar i Hjaltadal: af Marteine Arnoddssyne, 1709. Special Collections. T 4693 Iceland. Alþingi. Løg-þingis bookin, innehaldande þad, er giørdist og frāfór fyrir løgþingis-Rettinum: anno. Leirárgørdum vid Leirá: Prentad á kostnad Islands almennu …. af … G. J. Schagfjord, 1799-1800. Special Collections. Thordarson T 4689 NATURAL HISTORY Anderson, Johann. Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis zum wahren Nutzen der Wissenschaften und der Handlung: Mit Kupfern, und einer nach den neuesten und in diesem Werke angegebenen Entdeckungen, genau eingerichteten Landcharte, nebst einem Vorberichte