WASHINGTON STATE Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation WWASHINGTON HHERITAGE RREGISTER A) Identification Historic Name: Lunar Roving Vehicles, I, II & III Common Name: Lunar Rovers; LRVs; Moon Buggies Address: Lunar Surface City: N/A County: N/A B) Site Access (describe site access, restrictions, etc.) On the lunar surface C) Property owner(s), Address and Zip Name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Address: 300 E Street NW City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20024 D) Legal boundary description and boundary justification Tax No./Parcel: N/A; See Property Description & Figure 1 Boundary Justification: N/A FORM PREPARED BY Name: Sarah J. Martin, SJM Cultural Resource Services (On behalf of the City of Kent, WA) Address: 3901 2nd Avenue NE #202 City / State / Zip: Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: 785-342-1665 Email:
[email protected] Nomination Nov. 2019 Date: 1 WASHINGTON STATE Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation WWASHINGTON HHERITAGE RREGISTER E) Category of Property (Choose One) building structure (irrigation system, bridge, etc.) district object (statue, grave marker, vessel, etc.) cemetery/burial site historic site (site of an important event) archaeological site traditional cultural property (spiritual or creation site, etc.) cultural landscape (habitation, agricultural, industrial, recreational, etc.) F) Area of Significance – Check as many as apply The property belongs to the early settlement, commercial development, or original native occupation of a community or region. The property is directly connected to a movement, organization, institution, religion, or club which served as a focal point for a community or group. The property is directly connected to specific activities or events which had a lasting impact on the community or region.