BALLVILLE E-ZSHOP Jerusalem Twp. hoods,” hesaid. but itwouldnotgetintoourneighbor- narrow stretchthatwouldbefl dike system.Sotherewouldbeavery in wouldbestoppedbytheinternal opening. Anywaterthatwouldfl fail, thespurdikewouldconnectthat Wards Canalouttothelakewere “IfthedikebetweenHowardRoad and StateRt.2thatextendsaround dike wouldlimitdamageinthatarea. MarkSattler, atrustee,toldThe Press lastyeartheadditionofspur Canal, hesaid. breach atadikeonthenorthofWards help providesomereliefifthereisa at theHowardMarshMetroparkwill An earthenspurdikeprojectcom- pleted lastyearbyMetroparksToledo Wards Canal. being intheareaofBonoRoadand was beingundercut–withtheworst about severalareaswherethesystem said hewasparticularlyconcerned the corpsofengineers.Attimehe personnel fromtheBuffaloDistrictof Twoabout sixmilesofthedikesystemwith yearsago,Benchwalked problems.” heavy windswewouldhavesome the yearyoucould,soifwegetsome underneath itanymore.Formostof Road bridgeatRoute2.You can’tsee “Thelakeisreallyup,”Bench said. “IusuallyjudgeitbytheHoward add morelastweek. initially andthetrusteesplannedto were fi chinery toaccommodatethebagsthat Hecreditsatownshipresident, George Coker, formodifyingthema- bags aresewnshut.” full. Andratherthanbeingtied,these bag hastositjustright,itcan’tbetoo the sand.That’s criticalbecausethe provides thebags.Themachineweighs do it.TheArmyCorpsofEngineers Alfalfa Millsandtheysaidwould said. “IjusthappenedtoaskToledo ing foraneasierwaytodothis,”Bench “We gotlucky. We ranoutofsand bags andallthreetrusteeswerelook- the trustees. which liststhecellphonenumbersof may alsovisitthetownshipwebsite number is419-836-8921.Residents like toreceivesandbags.Thephone Benchsaid residentsshouldcon- tact thetownshipoffi summer. to trylimitfl fi EyingarisingLakeErieandanag- ing, erodingdikesystem,townshipof- Jerusalem Township trustee. Anounceofpreventioniswortha pound ofcure,reasonsDavidBench,a [email protected] News Editor By LarryLimpf for fl Trustees brace cials havebeenstockpilingsandbags All-Press Basketball lled. About1,100were fi See Sports ooding Weekly ooding thisspringand Continued onpage2 ce iftheywould ooded, “It’s Worth “It’s Worth Fremont” the Short the Short Drive to Drive to lled ow Judge issuesrestrainingorderonNorthwoodhotel have respondedtonumerouscallsthepast fi Joel Whitmore,thecity’s policechiefand Affi ty. the violationsandpreventcriminalactivi- Therestrainingorderdoesnotclose the hotelbutdirectsownerstocorrect lose theirjobsifthisoccurs.” that manyofdefendants’employeeswill will notbemetbyclosingthehoteland er, theyindicatedthatthepublicinterest dispute thatthehotelwasanuisance,rath- facility. Atthehearing,defendantdidnot eral welfareofthepublicandguestsat property isadangertothesafetyandgen- Mayberry wrote.“Theyalsoclaimthatthe property constitutesanuisance….”Judge “Plaintiffclaimsthedefendant’s during aMarch2hearing. ing codeviolationsandcrimereports extensive listofallegedhealthandbuild- Thecityarguedthefacilityhasbecome a nuisanceandpresentedasevidencean JudgeAlanMayberryapprovedthe city’s requestMarch19. Value Inn,2426OregonRd. straining orderagainsttheAmerica’s Best City ofNorthwoodforatemporaryre- TheWood CountyCommonPleas Court hasapprovedamotionfi [email protected] News Editor By LarryLimpf re chiefrespectively, claimdepartments Rump Roast Rump Roast Boneless Serving MoreThan29,000Homes&Businessesin4Counties sandbags. AchutedesignedandbuiltbymetalartistGeorgeCokerspedup left; attheToledoAlfalfaMill,KevinChapman,left,andEricSchuffenecker, pallets. Atright,JasonBox,ofToledoAlfalfaMill,alongwithco-workers, $3.69 the process.AccordingtotrusteeDavidBench,1,100bagswere of theJerusalemTownshipmaintenancedepartment,loadsandbagsonto the townshipthatisindangerof more tobe Jerusalem Townshipisgettingpreparedforanyfuture P Since 1972 davits submittedbyTom Cairland The /lb. fi lled nextweek.Thebagswillbemadeavailabletoanyonein 900H&Bii4Cti C 4 i i B & H 000 29 h RESS Rib Eye Steak Steak Semi-Boneless $4.99 led bythe 1512 River St.,Fremont, OH

E-Z Directions at /lb. fl ooding. (PressphotosbyKenGrosjean) March 30,2020FREE had itsoffi “FromMay1,2018throughDec.31, 2019, theNorthwoodPoliceDepartment operators havegoneunheeded. two yearsatthehotelandwarningstoits ing documentedcrimeincluded15thefts, this muchactivity,” theaffi ment respondstocallsforservice,with “Thereisnoother facilityoraddress in thecitythatpoliceorfi ments. Duringthattimetherewere660calls for servicetothepoliceandfi ity…” still notenoughtodeterthecriminalactiv- “However, increasedpolicepresencewas deter crime,”chiefCairl’s affi ity 167timesinanefforttocombatand 1/2 Hams Smoked occupants notlistedon violations dealwith the guestregister... $1.59/lb most concerning undocumented Some ofthe cers walkthroughthe…facil- “ fl ooding. Photoat Cut Fryers “ approx. 6-8#bags davit says, not- says, davit fi lled with lled 79¢ dvt says. davit r depart- re r depart- re fi ll /lb. Photos fordisplayonly. “Notresponsibleforcopyerrors.”We now acceptOhioDirectional Card.Pricesgoodthru4/3/20. Potatoes Baking notifi InDecember2018,Cairl,Anderson and Whitmoremetwiththedeskclerk criminal activity. the hotelhadahistoryofviolationsand new ownersofthehotelandadvisedthem InMay2018,chiefCairlandBob Anderson, cityadministrator, metwiththe and Jan.29,2020. Thestatefi ed thehotelonNov. 2,2018,Oct.21,2019 days,” chiefWhitmore’s affi warning systeminOctober2019forseveral fi idence inthelocationviolationofstate cooking devices,allowingpermanentres- ting cookinginroomswithunapproved tampering withsmokedetectors,permit- er maintenanceofthefi not listedontheguestregister, improp- “Someofthemost concerningviola- tions dealwithundocumentedoccupants runs in2019. three yearswithEMSrunsovertakingfi the hotelhavebothincreasedinpast ChiefWhitmore’s affi fi one rape,twostolenvehiclesandmore. criminal damageincidents,fourassaults, arrests fromanundercoveroperation,fi including fourdeaths,fi suspect fromToledo, 11drugoverdoses, 12 warrantsforarrest,includingamurder re rules,andtheshuttingdownoffi re andemergency medicalservicerunsto 419-913-4883 •419-332-7167 30¢ ed managementthehotelwas still /lb. See Education The winner re marshal’s offi Deli Ham Ham Virginia Baked Baked Continued onpage2 re alarmdevices, davit statesthat v prostitution ve $2.99 davit says. ce inspect- ce /lb. ve re re 2 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Wood Co. government update

Wood County Commissioners Doris 100 degrees will be asked to wait while a Herringshaw, Craig LaHote and Ted representative of the offi ce they wish to vis- Bowlus, in cooperation with the county it is contacted. elected offi cials, offer the following up- • The Wood County Landfi ll is operat- dates regarding county government offi ces ing and accepting traffi c from commercial and departments, in compliance with the haulers and municipalities; however, the Stay at Home Order issued by Gov. Mike individual public drop-off is closed at least DeWine on March 22. until April 6. • The Courthouse Complex remains • The public session of the Board open, however, access to many county of- County Commissioners will take place fi ces and departments is restricted. Visitors Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. Thursday ses- are urged to call before they plan to go to sion meetings are canceled at this time. the courthouse. Phone numbers to county Meetings are open to the public. Social dis- offi ces and departments are available on- tancing will be strictly enforced. Minimal line at To obtain in- business will be handled in session during formation by phone, call 419-354-9000 or the public emergency. 1-866-860-4140. All visitors entering the For more info, contact Wood County Courthouse Complex will have their tem- Administrator Andrew S. Kalmar at 419- perature taken before being allowed to pro- 354-9100 or [email protected]. ceed. Those who have a fever greater than

Northwood offi cials claim the hotel has become a public nuisance. A hearing on a permanent injunction is set for April 22. Judge issues restraining order on Northwood hotel Continued from front page of Northwood police offi cials with 24-hour remote access to the live-feed. America’s responsible for a disproportionate number Best Value Inn is planning nearly $500,000 of service calls. Cairl and Anderson went in investments in remodeling, renovation, to the hotel again in May 2019 to warn the and security, not just relating to the remain- owners the hotel was still a nuisance and ing 90 unrenovated rooms, but to the lobby the city was considering legal action. and breakfast area and state-of-the-art secu- Judge Mayberry’s order calls for the rity keycard-access doors. These and other owners to correct the fi re and building code renovations are being planned and sched- violations and have two security guards on uled. site at all times. Management is also re- “I do want to note one very impres- quired to record occupants on a ledger and sive takeaway from this lawsuit so far, that require photo identifi cation from anyone speaks volumes about our justice system renting a room. generally, but also about Judge Alan R. A hearing on a permanent injunction is Mayberry in particular. During the March scheduled for April 22 at 9 a.m. 2 hearing, the plaintiffs presented numer- ous high-ranking and infl uential city (and Excerpts of a statement by Shawn Desai, one state offi cial) to support their position. attorney for the hotel, follows: Defendants, on the other hand, include “My clients have been putting their many individuals who were foreign born money where their mouth is and taking with defense counsel (myself) who is from concrete steps to invest in the only solu- out of state. After considering exhaustive tions over which they have control – the evidence from both sides, with testimony quality of their hotel and security and safety from witnesses running past closing time of their operation. In 2019 alone, America’s of the court, Judge Mayberry made the de- Best Value Inn has invested approximately cision to take the matter under advisement $400,000 in a comprehensive remodel and and take time to refl ect on the issues in- Thank you for living renovation. Over 60 of the newly remod- volved. Judge Mayberry could have found eled rooms boast granite countertops, new many reasons to rush to a decision in favor tile fl oors, fresh paint, new carpet, new fl at of the much more powerful, and infl uential our mission every day! screen TVs, new energy-effi cient air con- local governmental offi cials, but instead ditioning units, and new refrigerator/mi- stood fi rm to truly and fairly consider the crowaves. Moreover, America’s Best Value issues involved and to consider both sides. Inn has invested approximately $90,000 to This decision served as a very impressive reconstruct and repaint its parking lot and example in judicial ethics and leadership With appreciation and adoration: We salute all an additional $8,000 to replace all parking and speaks volumes about the quality of the lot lighting with high intensity LED lights. citizens of the City of Northwood and about of our healthcare professionals who are caring “Moreover, America’s Best Value Inn the quality of the justice system therein.” invested approximately $3,500 to upgrade Hotel staff has also received training in and add to its 42 camera live-video surveil- human traffi cking awareness, the statement lance camera system and has provided City says. you for improving the health and well-being of Prices are subject to change without notice - good Mon. 3/30-Sun. 4/5/2020 our communities and for helping us re-imagine YES, WE ARE OPEN! healthcare beyond our four walls. WE STILL “HAVE IT ALL” ONLINE ORDERING AND CURBSIDE PICKUP AVAILABLE WWW.HOUSEOFMEATS.COM SENIOR DAYS & TIMES BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS FOR THE LATEST UPDATES, GO TO: TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 10 LB GRAB ‘N GO $1.99 LB. 9:00 AM-10:00 AM .org/covid19 Lee Williams’ Temporary Hours 7 Days A Week #HereForYou 10:00am-6:00pm • Ohio Direction Cards, Mastercard, Visa, Discover Accepted 419-698-2731 • We Guarantee Satisfaction Of Our Products 2521 Starr Ave. (Near Wheeling) Prices are subject to change without notice - We reserve the right to limit quantities © 2020 ProMedica THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 3

Th e Press serves 24 towns and surrounding townships in Lucas, ubblications.comons. Metro & Suburban43447 • 419-836-2221 •Editions pressp 1550 Woodville Rd., Millbury,b OHOH 43447 • 419-836-2221 • pressp Ottawa, Sandusky & Wood Counties

Metro Edition Vol. 36, No. 28 Suburban Edition Vol. 48, No. 47 Oregon Amplex providing public Wi-Fi access Waterline improvements start on Starr, Navarre As a service to the community, By Kelly J. Kaczala Access to driveways along the south • Installation of a new 8-inch water- Luckey-based Amplex Internet recent- News Editor side of Starr Avenue Extension within the line on both the north and south sides of ly set up several free public Wi-Fi ac- [email protected] project work limits will be temporarily in- Navarre Avenue with new fi re hydrants. cess points to help those who need to terrupted during some stages of the con- Following all required testing, the ex- complete business and educational Construction of two waterline improve- struction operation. The city and/or con- isting water services serving all properties work. ment projects are underway in Oregon. tractor will be notifying property owners within the project limits will be connected The following locations are up and The Starr Avenue Extension Waterline directly if access to their driveway will be to the new waterline as part of the project. running: Improvement Project started on March 23. affected by the scheduled work. The contractors of both projects will • Pemberville Library, east parking It is expected to be completed by August. The contractor will be required to keep notify property owners in advance of any lot; Construction is also underway on the any necessary driveway closures to an ab- work that may affect access to the property • Genoa Library parking lot; Navarre Avenue Waterline Replacement solute minimum. Driveways will be open or site utilities. • Elmore public parking lots near – Phase I project, which is expected to be during non-working hours unless otherwise The contractors contacted the Ohio the post offi ce and park; completed by December. notifi ed. Emergency access to drives will be Underground Protection Agency prior • Oak Harbor Library has its own Oregon City Council in February available at all times. to digging to have underground utilities Wi-Fi available to the back lot; awarded a contract to Hillabrand & Sons marked. The public utility companies will • Luckey Library - park across Construction, LLC, Northwood, for the Navarre waterline be marking their utilities as best as possible. street for best reception. project Starr Avenue Extension Waterline Oregon awarded a construction con- Residents are asked to contact the city to “Working in the telecommunica- Improvement Project. It will consist of re- tract to Speers Bros., Sandusky, for the note any underground sprinklers, systems, tions industry, we understand fi rst- placing about 5,300 feet of an 8-inch wa- Navarre Avenue Waterline Replacement drainage tiles, or buried utilities that may hand how important internet access terline on the south side of Starr Avenue Project – Phase 1. It starts west of Isaac not be marked or marked improperly for is for many local businesses and fam- Extension between Wynn and Stadium Streets Drive to Lallendorf Road. The proj- both projects. ilies with students,” said Brian Hintze, roads. The existing water service connec- ect improvements will occur within the The city hired full-time inspectors for Amplex Director of Sales & Marketing. tions along Starr Avenue Extension will be existing public right-of-way or established the projects. The project inspectors will be “By partnering up with several com- connected to the new 8-inch waterline. easements with the following work occur- available on each site to address any con- munity locations such as libraries and The city received a low interest loan ring between these addresses: cern the public may have during construc- schools, Amplex is able to use our through the Ohio Environmental Protection •2701 – 3111 Navarre: Lining of the ex- tion. fi xed-wireless technology to offer free Agency’s Water Supply Revolving Loan isting local 8-inch waterline along the north For any concerns, questions or prob- public Wi-Fi during the crisis. Account (WSRLA) for the design and con- side of Navarre with new fi re hydrants and lems regarding the construction of the wa- “These Wi-Fi hot spots give fami- struction of the project. new waterline extensions across Navarre to terline projects, please contact the City of lies the opportunity to complete home- During working hours, the contractor serve new fi re hydrants along the south side Oregon Department of Public Service, 419- work assignments, stay in touch with may close Starr Avenue Extension between of the road. 698-7047, or the Oregon Police Dispatch’s loved ones, and enjoy online activities, Wynn and Stadium roads to through traffi c •3165-3181 Navarre: Installation of a after hours non-emergency number at 419- while still allowing for social distanc- and maintain one lane of traffi c through the new 9-inch waterline along the north side 698-7064. ing,” he said. work area for locals. Due to the nature of of Navarre with new fi re hydrants and wa- Construction plans and specifi cations the project, the city is asking motorists to terline extensions across Navarre to serve are available for review at the Oregon avoid driving through the construction area new fi re hydrants along the south side of Municipal Complex at the Department of Dog shelter as much as possible. the road; Public Service Offi ce. In the interest of public health and safety, the Wood County Dog Shelter is implementing the following emergen- Oregon approves bids for road repair program cy closure protocols effective Monday, March 23 at 8:30 a.m. By Kelly J. Kaczala residential resurfacing of the following: •S. Wynn Road – Navarre Avenue to • The Dog Shelter will be closed to News Editor •N. Edward Street – Seaman Road to South limits; the public, including volunteers. [email protected] North limits; •The West municipal complex site im- • Phone calls will be answered •N. Fargo Street – Seaman Road to provements, Phase 2; during normal shelter hours. Oregon City Council earlier this month Pullman Avenue; •The senior center parking lot. • Appointments may be scheduled approved the bids of contractors for its •N. Goodrich Street – Seaman Road to for critical services, including releas- 2020 Roadway Improvement Program. the North limits; Replacement ing dogs to their owners and adopting “The whole project is divvied up be- •N. Goodyear Street – Seaman Road to Council also approved the bid of E.S. dogs. tween two contractors,” said Public Service Pullman Avenue; Wagner, Oregon, for the Seaman Road and The following are non-critical ser- Director Paul Roman. “Both meet the best •Pullman Avenue – N. Yarrow Street Yarrow Street bridge replacements for vices offered as listed below: bid criteria and are the lowest and best to N. Fargo Street; $1,186,511. • Dog license sales are available bids.” •N. Stephen Street – Seaman Road to “E.S. Wagner was the lowest and best online at The total project costs $1.2 million. Milwaukee Avenue; bid for the project,” said Roman. • View adoptable dogs online at The approved contractors are Helms •Lawnsdale Drive – Luverne Avenue The city received federal grant money and Sons Excavating, Inc., of Findlay, and to South limits; from the Federal Highway Administration • The ability to visit adoptable Henry W. Bergman, Inc., of Genoa. •Luverne Avenue – Eastvale Avenue to funded through the Ohio Department of dogs, obtain dog park memberships The Department of Public Service East limits; Transportation, said Roman. and surrender dogs is unavailable. checked their references with the cities of •Eastvale Avenue – Wheeling Street to “It pays 95 percent of construction, Shelter employees will continue to Findlay, Tiffi n, Sylvania, and Henry County Berlin Avenue; and up to a maximum cap amount of $1.1 respond to reported incidents and per- and believes Helms and Sons Excavating is •Main road resurfacing of Corduroy million,” he said. “We’re just over that form enforcement duties. For emergen- qualifi ed to do the work, said Roman. Road – West limits to Lallendorf Road; amount, but a good portion of the project is cies, contact the Wood County Sheriff’s “They are a new contractor, at least •Coy Road – Seaman Road to Corduroy being paid for by grant dollars.” Offi ce. for our bid. All of the references gave very Road. The Seaman Road Bridge is over Otter For additional information, call good reviews,” said Roman. The city has Creek just east of Wheeling Street. The the Wood County Dog Shelter at 419- hired Bergman on prior projects. Repairs Yarrow Street Bridge is between Seaman 354-9242 during shelter hours, which Henry W. Bergman, Inc., will do vari- and Corduroy roads. are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, ous pavement repairs, including. The projects are expected to be com- 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Thursday 8:30 Resurfacing •S. Coy Road – Pickle Road to South pleted within 90 days. a.m.-noon and 3:30-4:30 p.m. Helms and Sons Excavating will do limits; BEARCLAWS Great Smiles Tire-Auto & Light Truck Service LLC Start Here 5601 Woodville Rd., Northwood (Corner of Walbridge) 419-696-0001 Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm $20.00 OFF Accepting Any Brake New Patients Service & Emergencies Coupon good thru 4/30/20 BEARCLAWS Oil Change $10.00 OFF 9LUJLQLD&DUQHU'XQQ''6 -RKQ=DWNR''6 Semi Synthetic $19.95 DUHZHOFRPLQJQHZVPLOHV Full Synthetic $39.95 Cooling System Includes 5 quarts of full or semi synthetic oil. Service Plus tax and disposal fee. Gentle and friendly dental care for the whole family Coupon good thru 4/30/20 Coupon good thru 4/30/20 BEARCLAWS BEARCLAWS 721 S. Wheeling Street, Oregon, OH • 419-691-8936 4 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Bird observatory looks forward to 2021 Biggest Week With the potential impacts of provide meaningful birding experienc- COVID-19 likely to stretch for many weeks, es and offer as many services to birders Black Swamp Bird Observatory has made as we possibly can,” said Black Swamp the decision to cancel the 2020 Biggest Bird Observatory Executive Director Kim Week In American Birding. Kaufman. “If it’s possible to do so, we’ll The birding festival, that was to take try to have the Optics Alley tent open, as place from May 8-17, 2020, annually hosts well. We’ll defi nitely provide all the latest thousands of birders and nature enthusiasts birding information, our nature store will A yawning and has welcomed participants from six be open, and our staff will be available to Eastern continents, 52 countries, and all 50 states. welcome you to the area and answer any Screech Owl With help from partners including questions you might have.” at Ottawa Lake Erie Shores & Islands, Destination While it was an immense decision to National Toledo, Lodge, make, BSBO is now determined to make Wildlife Ref- and others, The Biggest Week In American next year’s festival bigger and better than uge on the Birding has brought an economic impact ever before. The 2021 Biggest Week In boardwalk estimated at $40 million to the Northwest American Birding will be May 7-16. behind the Ohio area. This, along with other business- Other BSBO events, such as the high- es being closed due to COVID-19, does not way cleanup and spring public banding visitor’s cen- come at a welcomed time. demonstration, are also on hold. ter. (Photo BSBO has decided to waive the previ- The Ohio Department of Natural by Ryan ously stated $25 cancelation fee to festival Resources has closed Magee Marsh Wildlife Lesniewicz) registrants and is refunding every partici- Area, Black Swamp Bird Observatory, and pant one hundred percent of their registra- the Sportsman’s Migratory Bird Center to large numbers of people gathering with not Birding or to learn more about teaming tion. the public as of March 23. This closure was enough people following the social dis- research and education to promote bird “In the event that our governor deems made by the state government due to the tancing guidelines. conservation, visit or follow Black it safe to operate normally by May, BSBO popularity of Magee Marsh. The state felt a To fi nd out more about the cancella- Swamp Bird Observatory on Facebook. will rally the troops and do our best to dangerous situation was being created with tion of BSBO’s Biggest Week In American

•William P. Shuff, 1217 N. Erie, Toledo, $187 court fi nes, obstructing offi cial business. costs and fi nes, disorderly conduct. •Justin Brinley Tandler, 1049 South, Toledo, 180 •Cassandra Lousie Bahs, 115 W. Oak, Oak days CCNO, 120 days suspended, $337 court Harbor, 30 Days Corrections Center of Northwest Court Log Oregon Municipal Court costs and fi nes, theft. Ohio (CCNO), 30 days suspended, $337 court •Derrick Raymond Jaegle, 5024 Seaman, Oregon, costs and fi nes, unauthorized use of property. costs and fi nes, assault, 90 days CCNO, 83 days suspended, $287 court 30 days CCNO, 14 days suspended, $337 court •Andrew Lee Symington, 1122 Colton, Toledo, •Sheena N. Bounds, 1800 N. McCord, Toledo, 60 costs and fi nes, criminal damaging or endangering. costs and fi nes, domestic violence. 180 days CCNO, 160 days suspended, $337 court days CCNO, 57 days suspended, $337 court costs •Julia Ann-Elizabeth White, 735 Deal, Toledo, 180 •Amanda Lee Hogan, 1310 Idaho, Toledo, 180 costs and fi nes, theft. and fi nes, criminal mischief. days CCNO, 150 days suspended, $287 court days CCNO, 174 days suspended, $337 court •William Daniel Heard, 817 Greenwood, Toledo, •Corey Michael Fawver, 5107 Bay Ridge, Oregon, costs and fi nes, theft. costs and fi nes, vandalism. 180 days CCNO, 150 days suspended, $337 court 180 days CCNO, 165 days suspended, $337 court •Jonathan Howard Rhodes, 28833 Bradner, •Allanie L. Minor, 2028 Nevada, Toledo, 180 days costs and fi nes, attempt to commit an offense, costs and fi nes, assault. Millbury, 180 days CCNO, 120 days suspended, CCNO, 180 days suspended, $287 court costs and •Courtney Cousino, 1464 Colburn, Toledo, $187 •Corey Michael Fawver, 5107 Bay Ridge, Oregon, $387 court costs and fi nes, patient abuse-gross fi nes, endangering children. court costs and fi nes, possession of a controlled 90 days CCNO, 75 days suspended, $250 court neglect. •Luke Anthony Rowe, 1868 N. Cove, Toledo, 180 substance. costs and fi nes, resisting arrest. •Ryan Philip Lester, 12 Magyar, Toledo, 180 days days CCNO, 180 days suspended, $337 court •Sheena N. Bounds, 1800 N. McCord, Toledo, 30 •Wendell Corey Fawver, 256 Alzale, Curtice, 180 CCNO, 180 days suspended, $337 court costs and costs and fi nes, theft. days CCNO, 27 days suspended, $337 court costs days CCNO, 180 days suspended, $337 court fi nes, violation of a protection order, •Ricky L. Wurster, 537 E. Pearl, Toledo, 180 days and fi nes, disorderly conduct. costs and fi nes, aggravated menacing, •Amanda Lee Hogan, 1310 Idaho, Toledo, 90 days CCNO, 160 days suspended, $337 court costs and •Jonnie Leveil Robinson, 1800 N. McCord, Toledo, •Jonnie Leveil Robinson, 1800 N. McCord, Toledo, CCNO, 84 days suspended, $287 court costs and fi nes, assault. 180 days CCNO, 173 days suspended, $337 court

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FinancialF Assistance Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information and updates. OtherO Possible Benefits Ottawa County Veterans Service Office COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES WE CARE. 8444 W. St. Rt. 163 Suite 102 CHS accepts all payment sources including Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial Insurance Oak Harbor, OH 43449 and Self-Pay. A sliding fee schedule is available for qualifying patients based on family size and income. @CHS_Ohio 419-898-2089 *Veterans Crisis Line 800-273-8255* THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 5 For thousands on reduced lunches, meals are blessing

By J. Patrick Eaken know, there is a lot we’ve had to put to- ployees of the district and one volunteer, lunch and a breakfast. They come through Press Staff Writer gether in a short amount of time. We’ve our food supervisor’s husband, that have Monday through Friday from 11-1, and we [email protected] served over 6,000 meals since this hap- all volunteered to come in and distribute give them a lunch for a day and a breakfast pened. the boxes. We have a pretty lean operation, for the next morning,” Gault said. School district leaders believe they “We started doing it a week ago but it seems to be working pretty well.” “We started last Wednesday, and I think have an obligation to help the thousands Monday, and if anybody called and they When families drive up, she says you on a normal day we’re giving out about 600 of students who are missing out on school had the need we ran over and started mak- can see how much they appreciate the food. meals, serving about 300 children. We have lunches during the coronavirus pandemic ing meals immediately. So, we’re into our “It is complete appreciation. My hus- some cafeteria staff there and volunteers, shutdown. second week and it went from 1,000 and band said he even saw a lady with tears in so it’s a drive-through or you can walk up, Even more at need are the thousands we knew we were going to get more for the her eyes,” Laurell said. “They cannot be come up and everything is prepackaged of students who are on free and reduced Monday serving because that was going more appreciative. An interesting fact, and for you. We give you a bag if you are in a lunch status. to be our big serving for the whole week. this is something that is just a little bit dif- car depending on how many children you Oregon City Schools is offering its Really, the number is 4,999 because I had ferent — we had a couple parents tell us have, give you the corresponding meals, “Caring for Our Kids” grab and go USDA one meal left. that their children are appreciating just hav- and we see you on the next trip. It’s going sponsored breakfast and lunch for children “It just keeps growing. I want to be all- ing the normalcy of a school meal. It’s not really well, and it supports the school dis- ages 3-18 every Monday from 10 a.m. to in for it the entire time that it is needed. My necessarily it’s a big, big need, because I do trict, obviously, in times like these.” noon during the school closing. Assistant food kitchen staff and the administration think there is, but just getting that school Within the school district, the need Superintendent Dean Sandwisch cannot have been just so overwhelmingly support- meal is making our kids happy because they for these families to get meals is great, says emphasize enough how important the pro- ive. It’s just good to see everybody come are used to that school meal every day, so it’s Gault. gram is. together and work for a kind of normal that “On a normal school day at Toledo “About 1,300 of our students are on common cause.” their getting their Public Schools, nearly 90 percent of our free and reduced status, so it’s critical Laurell says they school meal. That’s kids are on a free and reduced lunch. We for some of these folks that they get their are limiting the amount probably the best serve around 21,000 meals every day and meals. I still think that we’re just touch- of staff that helps to fol- takeaway I’ve had with schools being closed, we still have ing the surface at this point because with low social distancing It is complete from the whole thing families and students that are looking for 6,000 meals it’s about 350 students, maybe guidelines. appreciation.“ My is that we’re helping where that meal is going to come from,” a little bit more than that,” Sandwisch “Our staff has vol- our kids deal with Gault said. “So, the district is doing what says. unteers but we’re keep- husband said“ he this by just giving the district does in times like this. We “People are appreciative, people are ing it at a minimum. them their school opened up eight of our sites for parents to stepping up to help who are really trying So, we’re using our even saw a lady with meal that they are bring their children, whether you are TPS to honor space and we’re doing a lot of this teachers and our clas- used to. or not, and receive our food.” outside. As soon as the report we take ev- sifi ed employees and tears in her eyes. For informa- Gault says the online learning program eryone’s temperature and then we move on what we’re doing is we tion, call the Oregon within TPS during this school shutdown from there. It defi nitely feels very, very es- are going to keep those Schools hotline at has seen its’ challenges as well. sential to us because we just see a lineup same workers for the 419-698-6030. “It’s going about as well as we can do. of cars that are picking up food. They need following week. They Unfortunately, not everyone has an internet it. It’s very critical,” Sandwisch continued. have to take their temperature and we’ve Waite connection, so it’s a challenge,” Gault said. “I fell into the role on Monday, but told them they can’t be sick at all. That way Waite High School is one of eight pick- “But we also have paper and pencil learn- we kind of do three cars at a time, and I’m we don’t have to go over the procedures up locations for Toledo Public Schools, and ing so we will be distributing more infor- kind of traffi c manager at the head of it, with everybody again, so we’re kind of Jim Gault, executive transformation leader mation out on April 6 in the event we are telling them what will happen and then keeping the same volunteers week by week of curriculum and instruction, says it is the closed beyond the time the governor has we take their name, they’ve already regis- so that minimizes the exposure so they are busiest location. closed us so far.” tered, we give them their boxes, and it’s not getting exposed to different people ev- “Waite, in terms of our high schools, is For information about the meals pro- quick turnaround. It looks like NASCAR ery week,” Laurell said. the one we are seeing the most volume at. gram, contact Linda Meyers at lmeyers@ because we turn it around in probably two Sandwisch added, “We currently have It’s just what Waite is — it’s a staple on the minutes or less and then the next three four of our six kitchens in operation and east side, parents and children have been move up.” they are a trimmed down staff. It’s basically very happy to see us and they can continue Pick-up is drive-through style at Starr a couple at each one — Clay is the biggest to come back and we’re happy for that,” Quilters’ canceled Elementary. Each student receives fi ve one. We just have as trimmed of a staff as Gault said. The Maumee Bay Country Quilters’ breakfasts and fi ve lunches for the entire we can get, and they are coming in for three At Waite, pick-ups are available daily. Guild has canceled the April 7 meeting due week. days a week. “We’re working with the United Way to the coronavirus restrictions and safety of “It’s really going well,” said Food “On Mondays, regular hand-out days, 211 to give out free meals for children, our membership. Future meetings will be Service Supervisor Vicki Laurell. “You we have a total of about 12 people, all em- whether they are TPS or not, and they get a announced in The Press.


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Tri County Tire, Inc. 7511 Jerusalem Road, State Route 2, Oregon 419-836-7788 Mon-Fri 8-5:30, Sat 8-12 6 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Ag Eastwood, Lake Notes Food scarcity an issue for some schools

By J. Patrick Eaken wide email. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Press Staff Writer “For the safety of everyone involved, Children must remain in the car, and [email protected] please do not send children or accompa- a food service staff member will approach Wood Conservation ny them if you have a fever or are under the vehicle to count how many children, For schools providing meal service to any quarantine for exposure to someone putting the appropriate number of bags District issues their students during this coronavirus pan- suspected of COVID-19. Let us know, and containing breakfasts and lunches. If a fam- demic shutdown, there are several chal- we will work to get things somehow deliv- ily needs supplemental food for children, new offi ce updates lenges. ered to you. We do not want anyone to go there is a cart next to the Boost Bus in the Eastwood Local Schools has a unique hungry, but we have to protect our staff as outer elementary parking lot to get one bag Wood Soil & Water Conservation Dis- kind of challenge — the district is spread well,” Welker continued. for every three children in the household. trict has issued updates regarding changes out over a larger geographic area than many The district was on spring break last “We’re letting people who qualify to the H2Ohio enrollment, and day-to-day other districts. week, so meal service will pick again on to pick up food and it’s kind of sim- operations. As a result, food is being distributed to Monday, says Ruch, who oversees the ilar to a restaurant’s curbside service,” The deadline to sign up for H2Ohio fi ve locations — the high school offi ce, the program along with food service director Superintendent Jim Witt said. “We’re hav- has been extended until June 2. The dis- former Pemberville Elementary gymnasium, Karen Brown. ing people go out and put food out there, trict encourages application appointments Troy Villa clubhouse, Zion Lutheran Church “It’s important for our kids to have so we keep our social distancing, but we be completed by May 27. in Luckey and St. John’s Lutheran Church in healthy meals while we are on this break. think it’s really important that our kids get Appointment availability will be re- Stony Ridge. Food is provided on Mondays We don’t know how long it is going to last, fed during this time.” duced starting April 1 so that staff can tend and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at we don’t know how many parents have Witt says Lake is using food service peo- to other District work. The District is now each location. For Troy Villa and the church been laid off that really could use this food ple and volunteers from the Lake Township collecting for review Voluntary Nutrient locations, a bus is parked in the parking lot. so we’re trying everything we can.” Firebelles help put the packages together. Management Plans of those who have al- “We were way over 100 kids on one The program is seeing one issue — They do just a tremendous amount of work ready signed up for H2Ohio and are plan- day. Since our district is so spread out, some products are becoming scarce. for our district and we’re really thankful for ning a spring 2020 phosphorous applica- we try to be in all areas of the district,” “We have food service personnel, we their help,” Witt continued. tion. Assistant Treasurer Laurie Ruch said. have bus drivers — the food service pre- The Lake Township Firebelles has Ohio Department of Agriculture will All meals are a grab and go, and the pares it and gets it ready and we send one been supporting the Fire Department and also be conducting some of these reviews district follows federal school breakfast cook and one bus driver to each location,” Community for 73 years, providing a month- and may call applicants. and lunch regulations. Breakfast consists of Ruch said. “It’s going well so I hope we can ly mobile food pantry and maintaining the All district business is currently by a pop tart or cereal box, a grain, juice and keep doing it. We are having a little prob- yearly Feed Our Neighbors Food Baskets appointment only. Those who need to a milk. Lunch consists of a sandwich, fruit, lem getting product now. A lot of places are program, which last year reached over 80 meet with someone face-to-face or drop off vegetable and milk. out of some items, but so far so good.” families in the area, among other projects. physical papers should call the offi ce in Students will get three breakfast meals Welker announced another change For questions about Lake’s program, advance at 419-354-5517. Offi ce staff can and three lunch meals with six milks on starting this week — the district will start email Chris Wilson at cwilson@lake- work remotely with those who do not want Monday. On Thursday, students will get using school vans instead of buses, and ta- to or cannot visit in person. two breakfast and two lunch meals with bles will be set out for children to pick up For H2Ohio, download and fi ll out the four milks. In addition, each family will their lunches. Welker stresses the impor- Farmer Field Worksheet online at www. be provided spaghetti noodles and sauce, a tance of social distancing and staying six Delivery change and gather loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter. feet from others. Beginning with the March 23 issue, digital fi eld maps. These additional items will be paid If you have a child with any type of al- The Press will be delivered to homes for through the generosity of the Eastwood lergy, contact Ruch and a substitution will only and not distributed to the news Extension offi ce closed Family Fund. These funds were raised by be made. If you cannot make these serving stand racks at business establishments. Ohio State University Extension of- Eastwood Alumni and residents before times and would like a meal delivered to Mary Perkins, general manager, fi ces throughout Ohio are implementing Thanksgiving, says Superintendent Brent your house, contact Ruch at 419-833-6411 said the policy will be in effect for a month and is being put in place to teleworking options for staff amid current Welker. or [email protected]. keep carriers safe. coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) out- “If you are sending younger kids, The Press offi ce is closed due break concerns, and all Extension offi ces please make sure they can carry everything. Lake to the state implementing a closure are closed to the public until further notice. Parents are encouraged to accompany their Lake’s meal service just got underway of business during the coronavirus The move mirrors The Ohio State Uni- child to help with transport. Again, these Wednesday, for children ages 1-18 free of pandemic. Press staff is routinely versity’s decision to close university build- extra items may be heavier for smaller chil- charge and will continue during the school checking phone messages and emails ings and facilities on all of its campuses dren so parents may want to come with closure. The program runs in the main during the day. to “critical services” only, such as law en- their child,” stated Welker in his district- campus parking lot every Wednesday from forcement and public safety, hospitals and health services, facility utilities and a few others via email and phone. Most Extension-planned activities Heat Your Home through April 20 are postponed, scheduled to be held virtually, or canceled. For Less! Glass City Federal Credit Union For more details, contact the local OSU Glass City Federal Credit Union Extension Ottawa County Offi ce at 419- with renewable resources 898-3631 or email [email protected]. salutes Waite High School’s Visit for offi ce Central Boiler Dealership salutes Waite High School’s phone numbers and direct links to each of- •Outdoor Wood Furnaces March Student of the Month! fi ce’s website and staff directory. •Outdoor Corn & Wood February Student of the Month! • Pellet Furnaces Magee Marsh closed Magee Marsh Wildlife Area • Sales in Ottawa County is closed until further notice, according to the Ohio • Service Amanda Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. • Installation The closure, which includes the Yoster boardwalk, parking lots, roads and • Parts walking trails, is in response to the We Finance ongoing public health situation with Amanda has a 4.00 GPA and is COVID-19. For more info, call the B & B Woodburner, LLC Wildlife District Two Offi ce at 419- 20533 Bradner Rd. ranked 7th in her class. She serves as 424-5000. Additional info about Ohio’s editor in the Yearbook Club and likes wildlife and wildlife areas is available Luckey, OH at 419-466-6200 to paint and draw outside of school. Amanda also takes care of rescue animals.

The daughter of Kelly Klaege and Terry Yoster, Amanda plans to attend and major in Commercial Art Technology with dreams of becoming a Commercial Artist.

We congratulate Amanda and are happy to award her a $25.00 Savings Account.

1340 Arrowhead Dr. 1666 E. Broadway 1155 North Main St. 5642 Secor Rd. 1353 Gage Rd. Maumee, OH 43537 Toledo, OH 43605 Bowling Green, OH 43402 Toledo, OH 43623 Toledo, OH 43612 419.887.1000 or 419.691.3595 419.352.0787 419.475.8201 419.476.1791 800.837.3595 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 7 During a pandemic Letters Letters should be about Your brain can now be your best friend 350 words. Deadline Wed. Noon. Send to By Melissa Martin ues and commitments who happens to have [email protected] Guest emotions that are triggered on a regular and Is there a sanitizer for the brain? Yes. ongoing basis. This point might seem se- Water, sewer Prayer, meditation, yoga, music, laughter, mantic, but it isn’t. When we become fused nature. Whatever healthy and legal activity Editorial to our emotions – thinking that ‘they’ and services fl owing brings pleasure to the mind can relax the ‘we’ are one and the same thing – we are brain and the body. My miniature paradise effectively hijacked by them. If you can no- To the editor: The Northwestern Water is a steamy cup of cinnamon tea, a blanket, tice emotions without becoming them, they and Sewer District is committed to keeping and a book. What is your brain bliss? no longer determine your behavior.” Visit water and sewer services fl owing to and Do you need to quarantine the brain to anxiety “really try to limit the news con- from homes 24/7/365. from information overload? Yes. Too much sumption or just staring at your phone and Beliefs, perception, and perspective We are prepared to provide safe, clean sunshine is a desert and too much rain is your computer, because for most of us that are created inside the amazing skull setting water and sewer services throughout the a fl ood. Give your brain a break from ob- makes mental health worse rather than bet- on the neck. Challenge scary thoughts in- Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. sessive viewing of news about the corona- ter.” stead of inviting them in for a tea party. You First and foremost, your water is safe to virus. Decrease your daily dose of health “The emotional brain responds to are the boss of your brain. And thoughts are drink. COVID-19 is not impacting our wa- facts. Watching funny animal videos brings an event more quickly than the thinking just thoughts. When you can’t control the ter supply. According to the World Health warm fuzzies to my crispy brain. brain.” — Daniel Goleman situation, you can change how you think Organization, Center for Disease Control, Do you need to go on a social media Emotions are created in brain and about the situation. and Water Environment Federation, there diet for a while? Yes. However, connect- show up in the body. Fear is a natural re- The brain is connected to the body. is no evidence that COVID-19 is present in ing via technology can be therapeutic dur- action during a pandemic. However, anxi- What is healthy for the brain is also healthy or is being transmitted by drinking water ing disease isolation. But avoid ardent ety and panic ensues when fear jumps on for the body. What is healthy for the body is supplies. complainers, dooms day naysayers, and the emotional rollercoaster and speeds up also healthy for the brain. Hydration, sleep, Our crews are focused on keeping safe, faultfi nders. Give your psyche some posi- and down with uncertainty. Fear of the un- creativity, fresh air, nature walks, having clean water fl owing to homes and provid- tive word food with hopeful conversation. known can paralyze logical thinking. The fun with children, petting animals. ing essential sewer services throughout this Escaping into Pollyanna la-la land is not unexpected can derail us and catapult us Your brain is your best friend — so take emergency. We have protective measures what I’m suggesting. Stay in reality, but into a brain hullabaloo. The fi ght, fl ight, care to treat it well during stressful times. in place to protect our operators, including balance brain and body exposure to data or freeze response begins in the amygdala, “I beg you take courage; the brave soul individual staffi ng at our water and sewer and statistics. A brain buffet of panic is not which is an almond-shaped bundle of neu- can mend even disaster.” — Catherine the plants, staggered shifts, remote working healthy or helpful. rons that forms part of the limbic system in Great arrangements and social distancing. We Recently, the Washington Post penned the brain. are currently implementing portions of an article with advice from mental health “You are not your emotions. Emotions Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is an author, our contingency plan and will continue experts about easing anxiety during the are, by their very nature, strong. However, columnist, educator, and therapist. She to adapt to ensure operations continue pandemic. Psychologist Kathy Hogan- it’s important to get clear that you are not lives in Ohio. Contact her at melissamcol- throughout this crisis. Bruen recommends that individuals prone your emotions. You are a person with val- [email protected]. To help customers facing fi nancial dif- fi culties, we have suspended all service shutoffs for past-due accounts. If you have trouble paying your bill, we are willing to Much to talk about during coronavirus outbreak work with you. Please contact our custom- er service offi ce to make payment arrange- There is no doubt the coronavirus has your personal information that will lead to ments. Our customer service staff is avail- changed all our lives. Crime your bank accounts being emptied. able during regular business hours Monday I am right there with all of you since Never…let me repeat…never give your through Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. early in the outbreak, my chief directed me Prevention personal information out to anyone calling Our offi ce remains closed to the public to work from home. I am spending much or emailing you, regardless of what they are until further notice, so please call 419-354- of my time making calls to Neighborhood Corner telling you. 9090 and select option 2 for assistance. Our Watch members and others to check on by Ron Craig A lot of people end up being scammed online billing system as well as the auto- them and to provide some socialization when they do an internet search for a gov- mated phone payment system is available during these times of isolation. ernment agency or company, only to fi nd for electronic payment via credit card or I am also investigating ways to conduct Watch out for scams and internet fraud out later they were not actually on the of- electronic check 24/7/365 at Neighborhood Watch meetings without re- As a crime prevention offi cer, my big- fi cial website for the entity they wanted. If you experience a water or sewer quiring people to physically come together. gest fear is that people will become victims For example, if you use Google as your emergency or service disruption and need of scams and internet fraud. There are sev- search engine and you type in the entity to reach us after hours, please call your What is happening in Lake Township eral reports out there of unscrupulous peo- you are looking for, many times the search county sheriff’s offi ce: Our offi cers have had to make changes ple who are preying on others during the results do not refl ect what you were looking • Wood County, 419-354-9001, choose in the way they perform their duties. For viral outbreak. for. You may need to look down the search option 9; one thing, they are trying to handle as may Fake vendors are advertising health results several choices before you fi nd the • Hancock County, 419-422-2424 calls as they can by phone. This, of course, products and safety products that don’t ex- one you wanted. (McComb); reduces the number of personal contacts ist. There are a lot of people trying to get If you choose the wrong one, you may • Henry County, 419-592-8010. they must make, and that is the key to stem- their hands on face masks, hand sanitizer end up entering personal information to a A dispatcher will notify The District’s ming the spread of the virus. and other such items in an effort to try to website that can lead to fraudulent activity. on-duty personnel. We’ve all heard the term “supply protect themselves. There are nationwide In conclusion, we are being told things Finally, with the demand for toilet pa- chain” in the news lately. While we have shortages of these items, and healthcare will get worse before they get better, but per and the increase in sales of disinfect- many fi ne businesses in Lake Township, professionals are concerned there will not hopefully there is light at the end of the ing wipes, we remind our customers to one stands out as a shining star as we talk be enough for them. tunnel. If we practice social distancing and not fl ush disposable or disinfecting wipes, about supply chain. Nagle Trucking has a Another item high in demand is virus proper sanitary techniques we are being ad- paper towels, tissues or napkins down fl eet of refrigerated tractor-trailer rigs that test kits, and many people are falling victim vised of, that time will come sooner. the toilet. Instead, please toss them in the are delivering life-sustaining food prod- to those who pretend to have them for sale. garbage. Flushing these items could cause ucts. If these items were truly available, states This article is a public service from you costly plumbing issues during a crisis. I had the pleasure of talking to owner and the federal government would have the Crime Prevention Division of the Lake Only fl ush toilet paper. Ed Nagle recently, and he told me there purchased them. Scammers are swindling Township Police Department. Township This emergency is unfolding, with new have been only a few snags as his drivers big chunks of money out of people trying to residents may obtain further information information changing constantly. Please re- perform their duties. Hats off to Ed, his acquire these items that don’t exist. on crime prevention and public safety top- main informed to keep yourself and your employees, and all truck drivers for doing Internet fraud is running rampant right ics by contacting Ron Craig, crime preven- family safe during this time. their part in getting the food to us we all now. There are fake websites and emails tion specialist/community policing offi cer, Visit for fac- need. circulating that are aimed at trying to get at 419-481-6354. tual information regarding water and sewer services. Is corporate opportunism supplanting cooperation? Jerry Greiner President, Northwestern Water and Sewer District By Sam Pizzigati and Sarah Anderson erful to become ever richer and more pow- erful at the expense of everyone else. We all have to come together. We need Guest One example: Within our increas- to help each other. We don’t have time for ingly coronavirus-ravaged economy, more The Since politics as usual. Editorial and more families will be facing evictions. P 1972 In times of crisis like the current coro- Progressive activists and offi cials are now RESS navirus pandemic, these sorts of calls for quite rightfully calling for a coronavirus Metro Suburban Explore cooperation become the drumbeat of our moratorium on evictions. P.O. Box 169 • 1550 Woodville Rd., Millbury, OH 43447 daily lives. But we have a chance to go much fur- 419-836-2221 Fax 419-836-1319 Unfortunately, no drumbeat ever are seeing,” she told Democracy Now re- ther. Why not use this crisis to rewrite the Distribution: 29,061 gets everybody marching in sync. In deeply cently, “this very predictable process that eviction-enabling statutes that let corporate Metro Edition: 13,728 Suburban Edition: 15,333 unequal societies like our own, a wealthy we see in the midst of every economic cri- landlords enrich themselves at the expense few can exploit such catastrophes to make sis, which is extreme corporate opportun- of vulnerable families in the fi rst place? General Manager: Mary Perkins themselves even wealthier. ism.” The coronavirus crisis also gives us an News Editors: Larry Limpf, Kelly Kaczala Back in 2007, Naomi Klein explored In response to the pandemic, she said, opportunity to use the public purse to shift Sports Editor: J. Patrick Eaken this phenomenon brilliantly in her land- the Wall Street wishlist on everything from our economy towards greater equity and Features Editor: Tammy Walro mark book The Shock Doctrine. Klein cutting and privatizing Social Security — sustainability. The core of a reverse shock Photographer/Graphics: Ken Grosjean, Stephanie Wade showed how corporate elites worldwide by undermining its payroll tax revenue doctrine ought to be a massive public in- Advertising: Cindy Harder, Lesley Willmeth, Leeanne LaForme, have repeatedly and brutally used “the stream — to enriching the fossil fuel indus- vestment program designed to create good Peggy Partin, Katherine Siebenaller public’s disorientation following a collec- try with huge bailouts is being dusted off. jobs, with a premium on projects that better Classifieds: Stephanie Wade, Angie Tierney tive shock — wars, coups, terrorist attacks, So how can we prevent a “shock doc- position our economy to address climate Circulation: Jordan Szozda market crashes, or natural disasters — to trine” repeat? change. Social Media: Tammy Walro push through radical pro-corporate mea- For starters, we need to provide imme- But we could also use these funds to sures.” diate support for those the coronavirus is reverse some of the inequality that makes The 2008 fi nancial collapse would hitting the hardest: the sick and those who economic crises so dangerous to begin Publication Date: Monday vividly illustrate the dynamics Klein de- care for them, as well as the workers who with. Classified Deadline: 1 p.m., Thursday scribed. The Wall Street giants whose reck- lose jobs and income. Display Advertising Deadline: 5 p.m. Wednesday less and criminal behavior ushered in that But we can’t afford to stop there. We Sarah Anderson and Sam Pizzigati News Deadline: Noon, Wednesday Audited by: crisis ended up even bigger and more pow- need, in effect, a “shock doctrine” in re- co-edit at the Institute for Hours: Monday-Thursday. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. erful than before the crisis began. verse. We need to seize the openings for Policy Studies. This op-ed was adapted CIRCULATION Classified Dept: Closed Friday VERIFICATION change the coronavirus presents — and COUNCIL Klein sees those same dynamics now from and distributed by Printed with Soy Ink. Member of IFPA resurfacing in the coronavirus crisis. “We challenge the capacity of our rich and pow- 8 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Education Published fourth week of month. Summer meals program gets Northwood head start

By J. Patrick Eaken Press Staff Writer [email protected]

Northwood food service director Emilia Bires says that when the school bus comes down the street to deliver meals, it generates excitement. As long as the district is shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic, bus deliveries will start at 11 a.m. “They’re excited. They see us coming down the block like an ice cream truck. We’re getting a lot of positive remarks from parents. We’ve actually got a really cute picture sent to us by a student that we put on our Twitter account,” Bires said. “We did over 1,200 meals in the four days that we offered the meals. It went very Preparing meals for Northwood Schools are lead custodian Chris Crofts, food service workers Erin Wauford, Angel Gray, well. Our highest serving was on Friday, we Ginger Cairi, Julie Phelps, Teri Russell and Julie Russell and custodian Jeff Deal. (Photo courtesy Emilia Bires) hit 520 students.” The breakfast and lunch program is for so we had Rossford give us donations from For Bires, who has been with from there. I did the summer feeding pro- children up to age 18, served from 11 a.m. to their food service, and also Penta County Northwood’s food service department for gram for the last four years in Northwood, noon at Brentwood Park and various school (Vocational School), so they are sending 16 years and director for 14 years, this was so there are a lot of good things that we’re bus stops around town. There is no need to families to one of our sites that we are serv- a no-brainer. bringing to the families in Northwood. RSVP, “just come and be fed,” says a district ing at Brentwood, which is a little park “When you think about it, I always say, “I went to Greg Clark fi ve years ago fl yer. Northwood was on spring break last there near where the old Lark school was ‘Whatever you can do, it’s not just me, it’s and I said I wanted to do a summer feed- week, so the service will pick up again on that was torn down. So, we actually have everyone doing it — put a plan in place and ing program, and he said, ‘Why?’ and I said, Monday. Bires says the program has been a students coming from Rossford and that everybody will follow and make sure it gets ‘Because we need to help our district for collaboration between two departments. area getting meals there. done.’ I have a passion and I have the staff one.’ Two, he asked me to excel and see “We have all of our staff working be- “We are driving to every bus stop that supports me. I learned from a great chef what we can do for our families. cause they are actually contracted, so there where we pick up kids and we are letting years ago because I always worked in res- “I said that I was going to run it one are seven staff that are working, and we still the parents know where our buses are at. taurants and I had an opportunity to go to time and do it myself and it went from there. have our transportation employees working We have four buses going, two on one side cooking school,” Bires said. Greg was very knowledgeable and aggres- so they are on the bus and making sure that and two on the other side. So, everyone is She has taken this program further, but sive as well and he made a lot of difference we get deliveries to all the students and actually waiting at the bus stops. long before schools shut down because of at Northwood Schools. I did this because I families. So, it actually is a collaboration “I say hats off to the food service staff the coronavirus epidemic. A summer feed- know there is a need and actually, we are between the transportation coordinator and and transportation, and to our superinten- ing program serving breakfast and lunch doing very well with that. We see a lot of the food service, and the school district is dent (Jason Kozina) — he’s been 100 per- runs from the fi rst week of June through the students, and other districts come to our supporting us doing this. cent behind me. We do it together and we fi rst week in August for children up to the feedings. We have Genoa schoolchildren “We buy the food through our gov- know what we need to do. It’s been really age of 18 at the Brentwood Shelter House coming to our feedings in the summer, we ernment funded money and GFS (Gordon nice. We had a nice week. I’m buying food and the high school. have Lake schoolchildren coming down, so Food Service) is one the vendors that we right now so we can start back up on March “I like kids, I like the family we’re with. we have opened it up to everyone.” use. Then, actually while we were offering 30. It’s nice networking, you know. We do I have my own food pantry I helped start Bires can be reached at 419-691-3888, meals, Rossford schools wasn’t able to do it, it together. It’s a team effort.” two years ago so I have donations coming ext. 1630 or [email protected].

Salutes Cardinal Stritch’s Salutes Clay High School’s March Student of the Month March Student of the Month Emma John Cronin Engle

Emma has a GPA of 4.17 and is ranked 9th in her class. She has John has a GPA of 3.63 (unweighted) and been active in the National Honor 3.92 (weighted) and is ranked 30th in his Society and the Yearbook staff class. He is active in both the Marching where she served as editor. Emma and Jazz Bands. John is also a member is also a Cheerleader, a Student of the National Honor Society and the Ambassador and a member of the Business Professionals of America. Spirit Club. The son of Trish Engle and Bob Engle, Th e daughter of Jason and Jennie John plans on majoring in Computer Cronin, Emma plans on attending Science and Business at a college yet to be Bowling Green State University decided upon, with hopes of starting his and majoring in Early Childhood own business. Education.

As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, GenoaBank As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, is proud to sponsor this outstanding Cardinal Stritch High School Student by GenoaBank is proud to sponsor this outstanding Clay High School Student by awarding each winner $25 FREE in a new Deposit Account at GenoaBank. awarding each winner $25 FREE in a new Deposit Account at GenoaBank.

Downtown Toledo 202 N. Summit St. 419-244-2020 Downtown Toledo 202 N. Summit St. 419-244-2020 Genoa 801 Main St. 419-855-8381 Genoa 801 Main St. 419-855-8381 Perrysburg/Rossford 9920 Old US 20 419-873-9818 Perrysburg/Rossford 9920 Old US 20 419-873-9818 Elmore 352 Rice Street 419-862-8019 Elmore 352 Rice Street 419-862-8019 Millbury 24950 W. State Rt. 51 419-836-2351 Millbury 24950 W. State Rt. 51 419-836-2351 Maumee 703 Conant St. 419-891-0070 Maumee 703 Conant St. 419-891-0070 Oregon 3201 Navarre Ave. 419-698-1711 Oregon 3201 Navarre Ave. 419-698-1711 Sylvania 5501 Monroe St. 419-841-5501 Sylvania 5501 Monroe St. 419-841-5501 PPorto Clinton/Catawba 3994 East Harbor Rd. 419-734-3994 PPorto Clinton/Catawba 3994 East Harbor Rd. 419-734-3994 Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 9 The Press Education

BAY AREA CREDIT UNION Salutes Lake High School’s Salutes Northwood High School’s March Student of the Month March Student of the Month! Mallory Lee Lexus Spitler Mallory has a GPA of 4.043 and is Betcher ranked 15th in her class. She is a Parea Leadership member and helps organize Lexus has a 3.798 GPA and is fundraisers and activities to promote ranked 7th in her class. She is inclusivity in school. Mallory is also a active in the Chess Club and member of the Track Team, the Book CRC Job Skills. Club, the French Club and is also a Wrestlerette. The daughter of Dawn Church, Th e daughter of Rhonda and Mark Lexus plans on attending Spitler, Mallory plans on attending the Owens Community College Judith Herb College of Education at and majoring in Electrical the . Her goal is to Engineering. become a high school English/History teacher.

As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, GenoaBank is proud to sponsor this outstanding Lake High School Student by As part of our continuing awarding each winner $25 FREE in a new Deposit Account at GenoaBank. commitment to the communities we serve, Bay Area Credit Union Downtown Toledo 202 N. Summit St. 419-244-2020 is proud to sponsor this Genoa 801 Main St. 419-855-8381 outstanding Perrysburg/Rossford 9920 Old US 20 419-873-9818 Northwood High School Student Elmore 352 Rice Street 419-862-8019 by awarding them a Millbury 24950 W. State Rt. 51 419-836-2351 $50.00 Savings Account. Maumee 703 Conant St. 419-891-0070 Oregon 3201 Navarre Ave. 419-698-1711 Sylvania 5501 Monroe St. 419-841-5501 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER PPorto Clinton/Catawba 3994 East Harbor Rd. 419-734-3994 Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC

Bay Area Credit Union Th e Union Bank Co. salutes Penta Career Center’s Salutes Gibsonburg March Student of the Month. High School’s March Student of the Month!

James Jarett Jablonski Spoores Jarett has a GPA of 3.682 and is ranked James is a senior from Northwood High School and 23rd in his class. He is on the Wrestling is studying Construction Electricity at Penta Career Center. He has been an honor roll student and team and is also a member of Skills earned the Penta Academic Achievement Award in USA, Drug Free Clubs of America and 2019. At Penta, James is a member of SkillsUSA and the National Honor Society. the Drug Free club. He also participated in Penta’s Early Job Placement program and worked this school The son of Greg and Jennifer Spoores, year for a local electrical contractor while attending Jarett plans to attend the Power classes at Penta. James has been active at North- Systems Institute Program at Owens wood. He is a four-year member of the football team; Community College. a three-year member of the track team; and has been a cast member of several Northwood musicals.

The son of Courtney Jablonski and Joe Woody, James plans to enter the apprenticeship training program with the IBEW and become a journeyman electrician. He plans to pursue employment as an electrician in either the residential or commercial industry.

As part of our continuing commitment to the communities Th e Union Bank Co. we serve, Bay Area Credit Union 230 W. Madison, Gibsonburg, OH 43431 is proud to sponsor this 419-637-2124 • 800-837-8111 • Fax: 419-637-7118 outstanding Penta Career Center Student by awarding them a $50.00 Savings Account. As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, Th e Union Bank is proud to sponsor this outstanding

EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Gibsonburg High School Student with a $25.00 VISA Gift Card. 10 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Education The Press Genoa third-grader earns Pinewood Derby honors

Gavin Peters, a third-grader at Genoa (Genoa High School), a student in Penta’s Elementary School, placed third in his age Criminal Justice 1 program. group and fourth overall at the Eagle Bay • First Aid/CPR competition: Abbey Pinewood Derby held March 8 at Clyde Student Mackay, (Eastwood High School), a student High School. Peters is a member of Bear in Penta’s Firefi ghter 2 program. Pack 342, Williston. • Nurse Assisting competition: Amber He is the son of Kevin and Carrie Stars Mugler, (Woodmore High School), a student Peters. in Penta’s Medical Technologies Academy 2 program. Penta students excel competition: Daniel Mattimoe, (Oak • Architectural Drafting competition: Penta Career Center students earned Harbor High School), a student in Penta’s Georgia Stinson, (Genoa High School) a top awards at the Ohio SkillsUSA Automotive Technologies 1 program. student in Penta’s Computer Aided Design Northwest Regional Competition. • Medical Terminology competition: 2 program. The event, which was held at Penta Mary Paengrord (Northwood High School), SkillsUSA is a national nonprofi t orga- Career Center on Feb. 14, included 38 a student in Penta’s Medical Technologies nization serving teachers and high school competitions. Thirty-one Penta students Academy 1 program. and college students who are preparing earned either a gold (fi rst place), silver • Prepared Speech competition: for careers in trade, technical and skilled (second place) or bronze (third place) med- Marissa Pendry (Northwood High School), service occupations, including health oc- al and qualifi ed for the Ohio SkillsUSA a student in Penta’s Cosmetology 1 pro- cupations. The organization provides edu- Championships that were set to be held in gram. cational experiences such as leadership, Columbus in April. They include: • Crime Scene Investigation compe- teamwork, citizenship, and character de- • Automotive Service Technology Gavin Peters tition (team of three): Morgan Perkins, velopment skills.

Solomon Lutheran Church 305 West Main Street Woodville, OH. 419-849-3600 Holy Week Worship Maundy Thursday April 9 at 7:00 PM with Holy Communion Good Friday, April 10 at 7:00 PM Holy Saturday, April 11 at 8:30 AM Easter Sunday Events with Holy Communion Festive Worship at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:20 AM Come! Be a part of the Joy! We have a place reserved for you! CComeCComeoommee CCelebrateCCelebrateeelleebbrraattee tthetthehhee LLivingLLivingiivviinngg JJesusJJesuseessuuss wwithwwithiitthh UUs!UUs!ss!! MMaundyaundy TThursdayhursday SServiceervice at 7pm GGoodood Fridayriday SServiceervice at 7pm EEasteraster VVigiligil SServiceervice at 5:30pm EEasteraster SSundayunday SServiceservices at 8 & 10:30am

PPrincerince ooff PPeaceeace LutheranLutheran CChurchhurch 4155 Pickle Road (at Pickle & Lallendorf) Oregon, OH 43616 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 11 The Press Education


Helping good people make good decisions. Salutes Woodmore High School’s Salutes the Oak Harbor High School March Student of the Month SalutesMarch the Student Oak Harbor of the High Month School January Student of the Month Steven Carter Student’sChance NameMilledge Steven has a GPA of 4.168. He is active in Cross Country and Track, FCA, the Quiz Chance has a GPA of 3.934 and is th team and the National Honor Society. rankedLorem 8 ipsum in his dolor class. sit He amet, is a modermember Steven also enjoys playing chess and is of the National Honor Society, Band, atius assueverit theophrastus id vis, active at the Frey Rd. Church of Christ. Choirno luptatum and Thespians. philosophia Chance quo. is Cum also activequem in convenire Adaptive Sports,ad, no hasTeam illud GLASA Th e son of Ralph Carter and Heather andludus FCA. albucius. He is also Has active tota nostrud in church et. and enjoys weightlifting. Carter, Steven plans to attend the Usu utamur vivendum, cu agam deli University of Toledo and major in catissimi eos, duis pericula nam te. The son of Brian and Chrissy Hall, and Mathematics with hopes of eventually Chad Milledge, Chance plans to attend obtaining a Ph.D in Math. Ad eos duis error animal. Eum dis either the University of Michigan or sentias cotidieque in. Ut elit discere Kent State and major in Neuroscience recteque mei, in vix feugiat perfecto or Pre-Med. insolens, te quo ancillae mentitum tincidunt.

Croghan Colonial Bank is proud to reward the excellence of Oak Harbor As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, GenoaBank High School students by awarding the selected a special gift. is proud to sponsor this outstanding Woodmore High School Student by awarding each winner $25 FREE in a new Deposit Account at GenoaBank.

Downtown Toledo 202 N. Summit St. 419-244-2020 Genoa 801 Main St. 419-855-8381 Perrysburg/Rossford 9920 Old US 20 419-873-9818 Elmore 352 Rice Street 419-862-8019 Millbury 24950 W. State Rt. 51 419-836-2351 419-898-5741 Maumee 703 Conant St. 419-891-0070 Oregon 3201 Navarre Ave. 419-698-1711 Sylvania 5501 Monroe St. 419-841-5501 PPorto Clinton/Catawba 3994 East Harbor Rd. 419-734-3994 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER • MEMBER FDIC Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC State Bank Salutes Genoa High School’s March Student of the Month Salutes Eastwood High School’s March Student of the Month! Marainna Griffi n Heninger Coffi eld Marainna has a GPA of 4.230 and is ranked 6th in her class. She is active in Cross Country, Track, the National Honor Society, Griffi n is ranked 1st in his class Spanish National Honor Society and is a member of the Football, and Genoa Brave. Basketball and Baseball teams. Griffi n is also active in the National Genoa Th e daughter of Robert and Honor Society and the Key Club. Anne Heninger, Marainna will Th e son of Dale and Jodi Coffi eld, High School attend BGSU and pursue a Griffi n plans to major in Mechanical degree in Nursing. She plans on Engineering at either Ohio State working as a labor and University or the University of delivery or pediatrics nurse, Toledo. while also going back to school to become a nurse practitioner.

As part of our continuing commitment to the communities we serve, GenoaBank is proud to sponsor this outstanding Genoa High School Student by awarding each winner $25 FREE in a new Deposit Account at GenoaBank. As part of our continuing Downtown Toledo 202 N. Summit St. 419-244-2020 commitment to the Genoa 801 Main St. 419-855-8381 communities we serve, Perrysburg/Rossford 9920 Old US 20 419-873-9818 State Bank is proud to Elmore 352 Rice Street 419-862-8019 sponsor this outstanding Millbury 24950 W. State Rt. 51 419-836-2351 Maumee 703 Conant St. 419-891-0070 Luckey Banking Center Eastwood High School Oregon 3201 Navarre Ave. 419-698-1711 235 Main St., Luckey, OH 43443 Student with a Sylvania 5501 Monroe St. 419-841-5501 $25.00 Savings Account. PPorto Clinton/Catawba 3994 East Harbor Rd. 419-734-3994 419-833-3401 • Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC 12 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020

Frank Waganfeald Jhaiden Wilson Joey Holifi eld Ben Morrison Jac Alexander Stritch’s high-octane backcourt duo lead All-Press Team

By J. Patrick Eaken Conference Bay Division POY. Press Sports Editor “Jac is a special player in the Oak [email protected] 2019-20 Alan Miller Jewelers Harbor basketball program,” said coach Eric Sweet. “He is a four-year starter and Only three of 10 local boys basketball two-time captain. He was always the hard- teams had winning records, but when you All Press Boys Basketball Team est working player we had in the gym. Our look at the individual talent coming from Player of the Year: Joey Holifield, Cardinal Stritch team and program ran through him the past this community, it is shocking. Coach of the Year: Eric Sweet, Oak Harbor four years.” That includes two guards who ruled This year, Oak Harbor went 19-5, los- the Cardinal Stritch backcourt and contrib- ing in the tournament to eventual district uted over 40 points per game. FIRST TEAM Points semifi nalist Rossford, 51-43. Leading the way is Stritch 6-foot-3 se- “The leadership and work ethic he nior guard Joey Holifi eld, this year’s Alan Jhaiden Wilson Cardinal Stritch 5’7 Jr Guard 20.3 2.3 stls put into the game of basketball allowed Miller Jewelers All-Press Player of the Year. Jac Alexander Oak Harbor 5’10 Sr Guard 19.0 4.5 asst the Rocket basketball program to elevate In voting by 10 coaches and 10 media Ben Morrison Rossford 6’2 So Guard 14.6 1.8 asst to a new level. He led Oak Harbor to its members, Holifi eld is a near-unanimous Joey Holifield Cardinal Stritch 6’3 Sr Guard 22.4 8.9 reb fi rst league championship since 2001, and choice for POY after averaging 22.4 points, Frank Waganfeald Clay 6’7 Jr Center 13.9 9.0 reb during his sophomore year helped lead 8.9 rebounds, 3.4 assists and two steals per the Rockets to a sectional championship, game. He is a fi rst team All-Ohio Division SECOND TEAM which was the fi rst since 1998.” III selection by the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Alexander fi nished his scoring career Association. Demond Marks Northwood 5’8 Jr Guard 19.3 4.3 asst third all-time in Oak Harbor Basketball “Joey has been an instrumental part Jay Moten Northwood 6’0 Jr Guard 16.3 6.5 reb History. He also owns the record for most of the success in our basketball program at Mike Rightnowar Genoa 6’3 Sr Guard 13.4 3.5 asst three-point goals in a career. Cardinal Stritch,” said Stritch coach Jamie Jacob Meyer Eastwood 6’3 So Forward 11.8 8.4 reb “Jac will be missed but he can be proud Kachmarik. Ethan Dewese Rossford 6’5 Sr Forward 13.5 6.8 reb of the legacy he left on the program. Jac is a “During his four-year career here at top six all-time great player in the Rockets Stritch, our record was 86-18. This year as a THIRD TEAM basketball program. I am honored to have senior he really stood out as our leader both Theo Hernandez Gibsonburg 5’9 Sr Guard 16.3 3.8 stls been his coach. Jac is an outstanding and on and off the court. All the accolades that amazing young man that was a joy to be Joey has received this season have been Blake Booker Oak Harbor 5’10 Jr Guard 11.0 2.1 stls around and coach over the past four years. well earned through all his hard work that Christian Peters Eastwood 6’2 Sr Forward 10.2 5.1 reb “Jac will further his basketball career he has put into the game of basketball. I am Gary Batch St. John’s 6’3 Sr Forward 9.5 5.1 reb at one of the greatest (NCAA) D-III pro- excited to see Joey grow as player next sea- Noah Hagdohl Clay 6’4 Jr Forward 12.2 5.3 reb grams in the state of Ohio and across the son at Oakland University. It has been a U.S. He will become a Pioneer and play for true blessing to coach Joey and watch him HONORABLE MENTION Coach Vanderwal at Marietta University. I mature into a wonderful young man.” Allen Laytart, Genoa; Andrew Barringer, Woodmore; Austin Biddle, Gibsonburg look forward to watching Jac play basket- Holifi eld is joined on the All-Press fi rst Cameron Huffman, Lake; Cameron Stuck, Waite; Clay Schulte, Oak Harbor ball at the next level.” team by teammate Jhaiden Wilson, a 5-7 Gabe Dowling, Oak Harbor; Hadden Rodgers, Lake; Jacob Halko, Eastwood Sweet, the son of legendary Ottawa- junior guard who averaged 20.3 points, 2.3 Justin Wiggins, Cardinal Stritch; Keeghan Calkins, Clay; Mitchell Tille, Gibsonburg Glandorf coach Dave Sweet, is All-Press rebounds, 2.2 assists and 2.3 steals. Wilson Noah Henline, Eastwood; Paul Koenig, Woodmore; Ross Thompson, Cardinal Stritch Coach of the Year, but fi nishing two votes is special mention All-Ohio. Rylen Stoner, Genoa; Tyler Henderson, Gibsonburg; Zach Sziepila, Genoa behind in second place was Genoa coach “This season Jhaiden became a big Tim Hausfeld. Also getting votes were weapon in our offense and really had a Kachmarik, Eastwood coach Todd Henline, breakout season,” Kachmarik said. “He set district tournament, where they lost on Another “special player” and Rossford coach Brian Vorst, who had the school record for made three-pointers a last second shot to Evergreen (44-43), Joining the Stritch duo is Oak Harbor local representation on his team through in a season with 87. Last season, Jhaiden’s which had a shot at the state tournament 5-10 senior guard Jac Alexander, who av- open enrollment. role was to be our outside shooter but this but never got to play its’ regional fi nal game eraged 19 points, 3.6 rebounds, 4.5 assists There were three players who live year he really showcased how talented of a against Ottawa-Glandorf because the Ohio and 2.7 steals. Alexander is the only other within The Press distribution area on the scorer he is by scoring in a variety of ways.” High School Athletic Association shut player besides Holifi eld to receive All-Press All-Press ballot that do not attend one of Holifi eld and Wilson led Stritch to a down winter sports because of the corona- POY votes and he is a D-II special mention 18-7 season, which included a trip to the virus epidemic. All-Ohio selection and the Sandusky Bay (continued on page 13) Proud to Support Area High School Boys Basketball byby co-sponsoring the All Press Boys Basketball

HHours:ours: Mon-FriMon-Fri 10am-6pm,10am-6pm, SatSat 10am-4pm10am-4pm THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 13 All-Press Cole worked himself into a champion (continued from page 12) 10 Eastern Maumee Bay community By J. Patrick Eaken at the end of their careers. Watching them schools, and one of them, Rossford’s Press Sports Editor strive and progress for four years, and then 6-2 sophomore guard Ben Morrison, an [email protected] the majority do not achieve the level they Oregon resident, is fi rst team All-Press. have been working so hard toward. It’s a very He averaged 14.6 points, 3.5 rebounds, Northwood senior wrestler Austin humbling sport for wrestlers and coaches.” 1.8 assists, had just 1.1 turnovers per Cole is a school record holder, and no one To Encheff’s credit, and his coaching game, and shot 66.7 percent from in- can take that away from him. staff, Cole believes he became a state-meet side the three-point arc, 31.5 percent However, the record he wanted will qualifying wrestler because of them. The from outside the arc, and 62.7 percent not happen because the Ohio High School Rangers fi nished as Toledo City League from the free throw line. Athletic Association “postponed indefi - runners-up, narrowly losing to east side ri- Ben chose to go to school and con- nitely” the state wrestling tournament be- val and champion Waite, and enjoyed suc- tinue playing with his friends from his cause of the Coronavirus COVID-19. cess up and down the lineup all year. AAU travel basketball days and Vorst “I beat a lot of records, but I didn’t get “Honestly, everything that I saw going could not be more pleased. Together, the record I wanted though — the single into other programs, I have never had such Vorst and his squad led the Bulldogs season record. I was two wins off. If I would good coaches before. They are always right to a 20-4 season and Northern Buckeye have went to state…,” Cole said, letting his by your side. They are always pushing,” Conference title, losing to Sandusky, voice drop off after the word “state.” Cole said. 82-60, in the D-II district tournament. It is easy to understand what comes “Coach (Steve) Simok has done a lot Filling out the All-Press fi rst next — the old “what if” that never hap- with me all season long, just pushed me team is 6-7 Clay junior center Frank pened. throughout the season and coming in help- Waganfeald, who nearly averaged a Cole (44-5) fi nished as a Division III ing during his off days and grinding out double-double at 13.9 points and nine district runner-up, losing in the 195-pound with me,” Cole said. rebounds. Playing in the tough Three championship by a 13-3 major decision to “Coach (Ken) Reinhart just helping us Rivers Athletic Conference, Clay went Edison senior Jacob Brewer (54-7). Once he with our strength and coming in there and 6-16, but Waganfeald is considered knew he had qualifi ed for state, the celebra- rolling around with us — it is an amazing one of the fi nest big men in the area tion was on. He won three matches straight, feeling that they come out there and do stuff by many high school coaches and he including the semifi nal, to get to the title like that. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for has one year to play for coach David match. any better coaches. They get things done, Rodriguez. “Once I won that match, I went crazy,” we do stuff in the room we get done and (Photos of All-Press fi rst team Cole said. “It was a good feeling that I was then we go rock it out in the tournaments.” players are by Amy Hansen; Laura going to make it down there and have the It all resulted in a big season for the Bolander; Russ Lytle/ opportunity to do some great things down Austin Cole. (Photo by Doug Hise) Northwood senior. RussLytle/RHP; Doug Karns/www. there.” “Winning the (Northwood’s Jim) Derr; Lee Welch/ Still, Cole needed to get to 46 wins to ment over the years. Austin does have col- (Memorial) was a really huge accomplish- get the record he wanted most, but there lege coaches inquiring about him but, as of ment for me. I haven’t won that — last year were other records he did get. now, he is not planning to attend college. As I took second place,” Cole said. Cole ended his career second in career far as a person, I do not believe I have seen a “Then, I didn’t do too hot at (Clay’s) Golf Outing wins (tied with Jake Grigson) at 134. He is more social person, and I think that helped Maumee Bay (Classic), but at PIT (Perrysburg St. Mark Lutheran Church, 611 now the leader in career pins (81) and pins him prepare for the bigger stages. He is very Invitational Tournament) I ended up beat- Woodville Road, Toledo, will host its in a season (30). He ranks top fi ve all time relaxed and confi dent before matches.” ing the No. 1 kid in the state in my place- 14th Annual Golf Outing on Saturday, in takedowns, two-point near falls, three- Cole says he plans on entering the ment match. I fell short my fi rst one but May 30 with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. point near falls and technical falls. workforce after graduation from high then I came back and cut some weight be- at Legacy Golf Club, 7677 U.S. 223 in Northwood coach Nick Encheff has en- school and not wrestling collegiately. But cause I knew 220 wasn’t right for me, so got Ottawa Lake, Michigan 49267. The joyed watching Cole develop over his career. Encheff could see Cole’s disappointment down to 195 and I thought that was a good event is sponsored by the High School “He is one of the better natural athletes when the state meet was canceled. accomplishment. I rocked that out and did Youth Group of St. Mark. Proceeds from to come through our program,” Encheff “I won’t speak too much for Austin. It’s what I wanted to do and took fi rst. the golf outing will offset expenses for said. “He won some matches his freshman a given to say he was disappointed, as all the “The districts came and I ended up the youth to do mission work in Rogers, year because of his athleticism. He had a other state qualifi ers were,” Encheff said. winning all my matches until my semifi - Ohio this summer. Cost of the outing is losing record as a freshman. He is a very “He did experience the state tourna- nal match, then I pinned a kid in 1:03, then $75 per golfer and includes lunch, cart, raw wrestler. ment last year, which many will not have I ended up losing to the projected state dessert and prizes. Interested golfers “The enjoyable part was watching him that opportunity now. As far as I am con- champ which was a bad thing. Then, it all can contact the church at 419-691-3597. learn the sport of wrestling and the improve- cerned, I get emotional for all of my seniors went downhill when we got canceled.”

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14 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 For Owens, Hahn, expectations were high at state meet

By J. Patrick Eaken Press Sports Editor [email protected]

Now that everyone knows that Eastwood has quality underclassmen who can wrestle, it does not help that they did not get a chance to prove themselves at the state meet. East- Eastwood had a trio of Division III state wood's qualifi ers — junior Brandon Hahn (48-2), Gavin Ow- sophomore Gavin Owens (45-7) and junior ens fl ips Jimmy Recknagel (40-11). Otsego's However, this year there was no state Jake Man- meet because the Ohio High School Athletic ley in the Association “postponed indefi nitely” the state wrestling tournament because of the 120-pound Coronavirus COVID-19. district “They obviously felt disappointed. champi- They all looked forward to it,” Eastwood onship coach Joe Wyant said. “Obviously, I had a match. feeling it was coming but I tried to act like Manley we couldn’t control it. We don’t want to get won 6-3 by mad about something we can’t control. But decision. the only good thing, all three of them have a chance to come back next year because (Photo they are all underclassmen. by Doug “For guys like Owens and Hahn, their Hise) whole season is the state tournament. They’re quality guys and a lot of guys are a tournament we went to near Akron early another shot at Manley at state. tournament.” happy to make it. Recknagel is super happy this season. He’s had a great season. He “A lot of people wouldn’t realize it, but Recknagel advanced after fi nish- that he made it for the fi rst time and that doesn’t get nervous, and he’s been in so he had seven losses, but one loss was to a ing fourth, losing 10-5 to Mohawk senior was a great accomplishment for him be- many matches...He was smiling before the match to a predicted state champ, then he Morgan Price (45-9) in the 152 pound con- cause he’s put in a lot of weight loss, a lot start of the tournament. Nothing ever both- had fi ve losses to the Otsego kid (Manley) solation fi nal. of work to make weight all the time — it’s ers him.” and Manley is really good. So, he lost to Earlier this season, Eastwood qualifi ed been a struggle all year. But it was good for Owens faced Delta sophomore Zack some great guys. He had a great season. He to the D-III state duals team tournament him just to go, but for Owens and Hahn ev- Mattin in the 106-pound fi nals and lost an only lost to really quality guys — mainly with one solid wrestler at nearly every eryone expected them to be there.” 8-1 decision. It was a rare loss for Owens, Manley. He had a pretty good season other weight class, but not a lot of depth beyond Hahn, who won a league, sectional and who fi nished with a 47-3 record. Mattin, than those two guys. He jumped up two that. Hahn says the team got better as the district championship, admits, “I’ve got who also beat Owens, 6-3, in the district fi - weight classes from where he was.” season wore on. one more year to win a state title, sadly, but nals, placed seventh at 106 at the 2018 state Hahn won a 126-pound district title “We have a couple good ones on our I’ll take what I can get.” He also excelled at meet. this year after defeating Antwerp senior team, but obviously with good wrestlers top D-III tournaments hosted by Van Buren “It was cool,” Owens said of taking Randall Mills (36-8) by a 17-1 technical fall. you have other wrestlers wrestling good and Lima Central Catholic. second. “I got farther than I expected. I “He always had that dream (state wrestlers like me, Gavin Owens, or other During the state tournament last year thought I was going to lose in the quarters. championship),” Wyant said. “Last year he state qualifi er Jimmy Recknagel, and Bryce as a freshman, Owens took second place I wrestled someone (Covington sophomore was a little disappointed — he took fourth Maynard — when you start wrestling these at 106 pounds and Hahn, a sophomore, Kellan Anderson) who already beat me (5- and he was hoping to be at least second, good wrestlers, you all combined and you placed fourth at the D-III state tournament 0) midway through the season.” but (then-Genoa senior Oscar) Sanchez was learn how to do different things. You build at the Schottenstein Center in Columbus. This year at 120, Owens advanced to the only guy who beat him last year. Hahn a better team around good wrestlers,” Hahn “We knew before the season he was state after fi nishing as district runner-up, had two losses this year — one was to the said. a good wrestler,” Wyant said of Owens. losing in the championship, 6-3, to Otsego Manley kid, who beat him 1-0, and then he (— includes quotes from last year’s “He was third in the state in junior high senior Jake Manley (47-0), who was his had one other loss to a guy from Allen East state tournament story by Press contribut- last year. He beat two very quality kids at nemesis all year. Owens was hoping to get in the fi nals of the Lima Central Catholic ing writer Mark Griffi n)

CCOVID-19OVID-19 Market swings Specialp making you Gift Certifi cate Elmore is Open Massage Package uneasy? Buy 4 Hours and Let’s talk. get 1 Hour FREE. But, through $220.00 Mid-August the SR Larry Dean, AAMS® =$44.00 each Financial Advisor 22051 W State Rte 51 To be used when the order is 51 Bridge is Closed Genoa, OH 43430 419-855-0096 lift ed and you need Stress Relief! Your muscles will love you! DETOUR over the Portage River Brian J Greggila Financial Advisor 365 Rice Street Schedule Your Massage with between Rice St. Elmore, OH 43416 Licensed Massage Therapists 419-862-9136 Sandi Bowen & Lilley Decker and SR 105 Kaleki 360 Rice Street, Elmore Detour SR 105 & US 20 419-515-0223 Member SIPC Hey Coaches In an effort to serve you It’s Time to better, check out our new QUALITY & SELECTION Think About The yarns and threads you’ll find Team Uniforms! online shop at at the Crafty Needle are of the finest quality and not the typical yarns found in large craft stores. Many items available: YARNS AND THREADS Seeds & Herbs Pansy/Viola Bowls MAKE A DAY OF IT Super Saver T-Shirts Enjoy the company of fellow GiŌ Cards & more crafters at our knitting tables. Woodmore Genoa Gibsonburg Join us for “OPEN NEEDLE” night • Shirts • Hats • Sweats • Nylon Jackets • Bags Curbside Pickup Available • Scarfs • Mittens • Pants • Shorts • Socks every Thursday from 6-8pm. Varsity Jackets Bring in your projects and your problems. LEARN AND HOST 329 RICE STREET Sign up for classes. Space is (across from Post Office) Extensive Selection of Knitting & Crocheting Supplies ELMORE Local is Best! and Unique Gift Items For You & Your Home available to host private events. 419-862-3891 1180638063 WW.. SRSR 105,105, ElmoreElmore Mon.-Fri. 10-5; Wed. 9-8; Sat. 9-11:30 4419-862-359619-862-3596 364 Rice Street • Elmore, OH 43416 • 419.862.0333 • THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 15 Bulletin Board The Press Church Worship Guide Bulletin Board policy p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Clothes and small As a service to our community, The Press publishes household items available at reasonable prices. Deadline: Thursday 11:00 am Bulletin Board items at no cost, as space permits. Proceeds benefi t mission projects. IM W There is no guarantee that items submitted will be nspirational essage of the eek: Be Proactive Not Pro-anxious published. To ensure publication of events/news Being proactive entails creating or controlling a situation by have legitimate anxieties, it is like the smoke alarm telling items, please speak to one of our advertising rep- Gibsonburg causing something to happen rather than waiting for it to us that something is burning, but when we have anxiety resentatives at 419-836-2221. A complete listing of Active Seniors invited to Meet and Eat at happen and then reacting to it. In this context,“proactive”is over nothing, that is like the false alarm when nothing is on events is available at Gibsonburg Senior Center, 100 Meadow Lane. usually contrasted with “reactive,” and we are often open to fire. When the anxieties are real, it is best to be proactive. Lunches every weekday, educational and so- the criticism that we should be more proactive. Knowing When there is nothing we can do about the situation, the cial programs, health assessments and more. that your car is having problems, the proactive response biblical advice to “not worry about tomorrow”is appropriate. Toledo Transportation and home-delivered meals avail- would be to make the repairs ahead of time rather than When there is something we can and should do, we should Hungarian Embroidery Classes, Mondays, 2-4 able. 419-637-7947. or 6-8 p.m., Calvin United Church of Christ, 1946 waiting for your car to break down on the side of the road. follow the advice given in Proverbs, and be like the ant who Bakewell. Come to any session or call 419-349- When thinking about the future, it is common for us to worry stores up its food for the winter. “Go to the ant, you Calvary Lutheran Ch. 5539. Graytown about events that may or may not happen, and thus we are sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no Waite High School Alumni Class of 1951 meets Zion UMC, 18045 W. William St., Elliston- often “pro-anxious,”when we might be proactive. Anxiety commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions the 2nd Mon. of every month. For info, call Betty at Trowbridge Rd. – LIGHT pantry will be open to can serve a useful purpose in our lives; it has been aptly in summer and gathers its food at harvest” Proverbs 6:6-8 419-691-7944 or Fran at 419-693-6060. residents of Ottawa County who struggle with food described as an alarm which warns us of danger. When we NIV Waite High School Class of 1955 meets the 2nd or fi nancial insecurity (2nd Wednesday of each Tues. of each month. For more info, contact Ned at month from 5-7 p.m.) 419-893-4336. Northwood Toledo CalvaryCalvary L Lutheranutheran C Ch.h. Luckey FirstFirst S St.t. J Johnohn L Lutheranutheran C Churchhurch 1213 Washington St. Oregon 1930 Bradner Rd./Corner Luckey Food Pantry is open the last Wednesday 2471 Seaman St. 691-7222 or 691-9524 419-855-3906 Clay High School Class of 2000 is planning a 20- of eachC monthalva rfromy L 1-3uth p.m.era nandC theh. last Thursday of Woodville & Bradner Rds. [email protected] year reunion May 2. For more details and RSVP of the month from 6-8 p.m. at 247 Oak St. (behind 419-836-8986 Sunday Services: info, visit the post offi ce), in the former Loft Youth Center. Fellowship Breakfast/Learning: 9:15am 7:45 am & 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00am Sept.-May Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society, Historic Open to families in the Eastwood School District. Sunday Worship: 10:30am Sunday School 9:00 am Traditional Service 10:00am Brandville School, 1133 Grasser St., is every 1st Luckey Library, 228 Main St., is closed to the pub- Pastor Robert Noble Jerald K. Rayl, pastor Wednesday Community and 3rd Thursday of the month. For questions and lic until further notice. 419-833-6040. Worship Service 6:30pm rental information, call 419-693-7052. Northwood Wednesday ROOTS Kids Oregon Fire & Rescue Museum, is located at Church of God (preschool thru 5th grade) 6:30pm 4350 Navarre Ave. For private tours contact Mike Oak Harbor Snyder at 419-297-2383. 1838 S. Coy @ Curtice Elliston Wild Game Dinner, set for March 28 at 6:30 p.m. at 419-691-1376 Oregon Retired Firefi ghters Assn. meets the 3rd Oak Harbor Conservation Club has been canceled. Rev. Brent Smalley, Pastor Lake Twp. Tuesday of the month at noon at the Oregon Inn. Board of the Ottawa County Transportation ZIONZION UNITEDUNITED Food for Thought Food Pantry at St. Paul’s Sunday Worship 10:00 am Improvement District (OCTID) will hold regular Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm MMETHODISTETHODIST C CHURCHHURCH Episcopal Church (corner of Coy and Navarre), meetings at 8:30 a.m. April 20, July 20 and Oct. 19 “Everyone Welcome” Breakfast 8:30am open the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 4-6 p.m. at the county engineer’s offi ce, 8247 W. SR 163. Doors open at 3 p.m. Please bring ID. Supplemental Oak Harbor Al-Anon Family Group meets Fridays Sunday School all ages 9:00am Worship 10:00am 26535 Pemberville Rd. groceries provided to those in need. at 7 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, 122 W (between St. Rtes. 795 & 163) Harbor View Historical Society Inc. and Ottawa St. The LIGHT Pantry opens Museum, 2083 Autokee St., is open Thursdays 5-8 Oak Harbor Alliance Chapel Food Pantry, 11805 2nd Weds. 5-7pm Perrysburg, OH p.m. Admission is free. For info call 419-691-1517 SR 105, open the last Wednesday of every month, 2975 Eastpointe Blvd. 18045 W. William St. (Lake Township) Frey Rd. Church of Christ or visit the museum’s Facebook page. 4:30-6 p.m. During the pantry, a hot meal is served. Off Elliston Trowbridge Rd. Phone: 419-837-5023 Great Eastern Toastmasters Club meets the 1st There is also a free clothing room with all sizes for Saturday Worship: 11:00am and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:15 p.m. children and adults, men and women. Call 419-898- Thursday Bible Study: 7:00pm Pastor Stephen Bull in the community meeting room near the cafeteria at 7165 for info. ProMedica Bay Park Hospital. Guests welcome or Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. join for a small fee. Contact Allan Hoar at 419-698- Walbridge Worship: 10:15 a.m. 3733 or visit GreateasternTMC.ToastmastersClubs. Pemberville God's Work, Our Hands.” org for info. Lake Erie Perch Dinner, March 27 and April 10, Unity United Methodist ELCA Oregon Republican Club meets the 1st Thursday Pemberville American Legion. Canceled of the month at the Oregon Senior Center, 4350 Community Food Pantry at Bethlehem Lutheran 1910 E. Broadway St. Navarre Ave. Visit www.OregonRepublicanClub. Church, 220 Cedar St., is open the 1st two 419-693-5170 Oak Harbor com or contact Lynn Gibbs at lynlin3215@gmail. Tuesdays of the month, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; 11 a.m.-2 Sunday Worship: 11am com for info. p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the rest No matter who you are, St. Boniface Ashland Church Food Pantry, 2350 Starr Ave., of the month and 8-11 a.m. the last Saturday of you are welcome. open the last Saturday of the month from 1-2:30 the month (excluding holidays). Eastwood School Catholic Church p.m. ID required. District residents may visit the pantry once monthly. C elebrate Recovery, a 12-step Christian-based re- ID and proof of residency required. Info available at Oregon 215 Church St., Oak Harbor, OH covery program to help anyone overcome hurt, hab- Pemberville churches. it or hang-up (addictions, anxiety, depression, grief, Masses - Saturday 4:30 pm co-dependency), meets Wednesday from 6:30- Sunday 8:30 am 8:30 p.m. at Intersection Church, formerly Heritage Stony Ridge Christian Church, 1640 S. Coy Rd. Everyone wel- Stony Ridge Civic Association meets the 3rd Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod come; free. Call 419-389-3299 for info. Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Stony Woodville Christ Dunberger American Legion Post 537 hall Ridge Library. Visit stonyr for more Solomon Lutheran at 4925 Pickle Rd. is available for rentals and ac- details. Elmore commodates up to 145 people. Call 419-704-5381 Shared Bounty Thrift Shop is open at St. John’s We will live stream our service on Church and School for details. Evangelical Lutheran Church, 5520 Fremont Pike our Facebook page, 305 W. Main St. 419-849-3600 Quilts of Compassion seeks quilters to help make from 10 a.m.-noon on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of LWBCoregon. Sunday Worship: 8am & 10:30am Trinity quilts for local charities, hospitals and disaster vic- the month. Household items, clothing, shoes, books Sunday School 9:20am tims. No experience required. The group meets Sunday worship 11am and Lutheran Church and more available free to area families. Donations Recovery Worship Thurs. 6:30-7:30 pm the last Wed. of the month 1-3 p.m. at Faith United help support the ministry. Thursday Bible Study 6pm ( Pastor Alan Brown Methodist Church, 3415 Starr Ave. Call Flo at 419- School Open Enrollment-Nursery thru 6th grade 412 Fremont St. 693-3766. The feed is also on our website 419-862-3461 Walbridge for those who do not have Stephen Lutz, Pastor Northwood Walbridge Branch Library, 108 N. Main St. is Facebook. Genoa closed until March 31. At that time, the library will Pastor Jim McCourt419- 972-2622 Worship 8 am - 10:45 am Northwood VFW 2984 is closed until further notice. evaluate when to reopen. Call 419-666-9900 for Men’s Prayer Breakfast, every 3rd Saturday of the info. Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday School - 9:30 am month at 9 a.m. at Northwood Church of God, Coy Support Group for Families and Friends who 5224 Bayshore Rd. Catholic Church and Curtice roads. For info, call 419-693-0260. are Dealing with a Loved One’s Heroin/Opiate GraceGrace EvangelicalEvangelical Free Home Safety Assessments and Smoke Addiction meets Monday 6:30-8 p.m. in the 204 Main St., Genoa, OH Detector Installation Program offered by LutheranLutheran ChurchChurch Municipal Building, 705 N. Main St. Sponsored by Masses - Northwood Fire Department. To schedule an ap- Mainstreet Church. For info, call 419-838-7600. Rt. 51 at Witty Rd., Just north of Elmore pointment, city residents may contact the fi re chief Saturday 6:30 pm at 419-690-1647 or email fi [email protected]. Sunday 10.30 am Sunday Worship-9:00am Woodville Wednesday Evening Woodville Food Pantry, 212 Bridge St., is open the last Thursday of the month 6:30-7:30 p.m. and the Trinity Worship-7:30pm Jerusalem Twp. last Friday 8:30-9:30 a.m. Available to all Woodville Sunday Worship at 10 United Methodist Pastor Jaci Tiell Board of Trustees meet the 2nd and 4th Tues. Village and Township residents. Applications avail- Church School for All Ages at 11:15 Main at 4th, Genoa 419/862-3630 [email protected] of the month at 7 p.m. at the township hall, 9501 able at the Pantry. Accepting help from the Pantry 2350 Starr Ave., Oregon Sunday School 9:15 am Jerusalem Rd. will not affect any other benefi ts you may be receiv- Worship 10:30 am Check out our facebook page. Jerusalem Twp. Food Pantry, open 2nd Wed. of ing. 419-720-1995 Ramp & Elevator every month, 9-11 a.m. at the township hall, 9501 Pastor Greg Miller eerr i i JesJes s a e Jerusalem Rd. Prince of Peace Lutheran S v nngg n u ’n’ n m . 4155 Pickle Rd. (LCMS) Elmore We’veWe’ve GotGot Ph. 419-691-9407 Don’t Hide Your Light under a Basket! Christian Women’s Breakfast, April 27, 9:15 Preschool 419-693-8661 a.m., St. John’s UCC, Elmore. Attendees will see Sunday Worship 8 & 10:30am Invite your friends and future friends to worship & a DVD presentation of “A Glimpse of Heaven,” by experience the joy of fellowship with you. With rates as low Elva Hurst, a professional artist and author from Sun. School 9:15am, Sat. Service 5:30pm Carryout!Carryout! Sharing Jesus & Living His Love as $8.25 per week (Suburban) or $9.50 per week (Metro), Lancaster, PA. In this “chalk talk,” she shares a glimpse of heaven as given in the Word of God. Curbside Delivery Pastor John Genszler you can be listed in The Press Church Directory. Elmore Conservation Club Trap Shooting closed Call us at 836-2221 until further notice. Call 419-392-1112 for info. with paid orders Genoa Genoa Legion Breakfast, planned for March 29 Give us a call! has been canceled. The next breakfast is tentatively set for April 26. Al-Anon Family Group, Genoa Giving and Getting, 419-725-2888419-725-2888 Connect with us! meets Monday at 8 p.m. at Genoa Christian Church, 415 Main St. Trinity Thrift Shop, 105 4th St., Friday 9:30 a.m.-4 Find our menu on Facebook Daily Meal Deals $5 and $6

Read The Press on-the-go SMOKEY’S BBQ ROADHOUSE 2092 Woodville Rd, Oregon, OH 16 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Real Estate 419-836-2221 or 1-800-300-6158 •

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                 Selling your home? OREGON – Condo for sale, 4265      WOODVILLE MANOR APTS.      Townhouse Dr., Nice, 2 bedroom, 1 Woodville, Ohio bath, 1 car garage. Asking $144,900.    We’ll get a buyer!    Call 419-266-2064 or 419-704-5152      2-Bedroom, newly painted,      wall A/C, appliances, OREGON- Condo for Sale, 3523      porch or balcony, The Press delivers more      Laundromat on site Bay Berry. 2 beds. 2.5 baths,     prime buyers to you than     dormer, 1,599 sqft. 2 car garage. Friendly Neighborhood any other media. Between $159,900. 419-340-0856     Pet Friendly     our two papers, we deliver   Starting at $484/mo. plus utilities     Call/Text 419-669-0274 to over 29,000 homes in   23 communities in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky and    COPPER COVE 1105 S. Wheeling, Oregon Wood Counties. Open 24/7!   •Swimming Pool •Laundry •Spacious Remodeled Units Reach communities •On Site Manager & Maintenance including: •1 Bed ~ $505 • 2 Bed ~ $605  Curtice, East Toledo, 419-693-6682 Elmore, Genoa, Gibsonburg, Place your ad in Yorktown Village Lake Township, Luckey, 3 easy steps: 0DU\$QQ&ROHPDQ 1 & 2 Bedroom Millbury, Northwood, Oak Townhouses & Apartments Harbor, Oregon, Walbridge 1) go to our website:  NEW! Join Oregon’s Finest Community & Woodville PDU\DQQFROHPDQVHOOV#JPDLOFRP ★Laundry ★Swimming Pool 2 & 3 Bedroom ★Spacious Floor Plans 2) click “Submissions” ★Private Patios Variety of ★ 24 hr. Emergency Maintenance 3) click “Place a Real Estate for Sale fl oor plans! 419-693-9443 Call today! classifi ed ad” 10208 Corduroy Rd. Bank Financing Available 419-836-2221 Curtice, Ohio 43412 Contact Walnut Hills   Classifieds on 3 bed, Library & Offi ce w/separate 419-666-3993   Check out the Classifi eds entrance, 2800+ sq. ft.    at Your Time With 5 acres    Very nice home!       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As $350,000 nancing of dwellings, and in amended, prohibits discrimina- 2.88 acres other housing related transac- for 2020 tion in the sale, rental, and fi- tions, based on race, color, na- 10050 Corduroy tional origin, religion, sex, fa- nancing of dwellings, and in Curtice, OH 43412 other housing related transac- milial status (including children tions, based on race, color, na- $32,000 under the age of 18 living with tional origin, religion, sex, fa- parents or legal custodians, Belkofers Auction pregnant women, and people milial status (including children securing custody of children under the age of 18 living with Service under the age of 18), handicap CASH IN WITH parents or legal custodians, (disability), or an intention to featuring pregnant women, and people KP Premier Realty make any such preference, lim- 1 bedroom apt. $550 securing custody of children Ken Belkofer itation, specification, or dis- under the age of 18), handicap crimination. 2 bedroom apt. $650 (disability), or an intention to 419-277-3635 To complain of discrimination make any such preference, lim- call HUD toll-free telephone 2 bed. Townhouse $700- itation, specification, or dis- number 1-800-669-9777, for $725 crimination. the hearing impaired is 1-800- To complain of discrimination 927-9275. • Pool Lana Rife *Equal Housing Opportunity* call HUD toll-free telephone Full Time REALTORΠ • Oregon Schools number 1-800-669-9777, for 109 E. Main St. EAST – 2 bedroom house, $550 • Intercom entry the hearing impaired is 1-800- Woodville, OH month+deposit and utilities appli- • Cat Friendly 927-9275. ances, not pets. 419-691-3074 • Washer/Dryer Hookups *Equal Housing Opportunity* 419-344-9512 [email protected] EAST – 3 bedroom lower, $450 month/+deposit and utilities, appli- Ask about our specials! ances, washer/dryer hookup, no 0XOWL0XOW0XXOWX WWLL±0LOOLRQ0LOO0LOOLOOLRRQ pets. 419-691-3074 “ Make your fi rst Big Move!” 7(55<)/252  'ROODU'ROO'RO''RROOROR DU  3URGXFHU3URGRGXFHUXFXFHFFHUHUU  EAST SIDE – All new 1 or 2 bed- EASTWYCK APTS. ³)XOO±7LPH´  room, apartments, $400- $500/month +electric/one month de- 5HDOWRU posit, credit check. No pets/smoking. 3148 Corduroy Rd.  Great properties for sale… 419-250-9748  17639 W Ravine, Elmore, OH Oregon, OH  East Toledo- 2 & 3 bedroom One Owner Ranch Home on homes, $500/month-$650/month For 419-691-2944  on the Portage River! 3 bed, more information call 419-779-7406 WHUU\IORURFRP 2.5 bath, scenic river and nature views, quiet plus Privacy! PLEASED TO PRESENT: 2040 AUTOKEE, OREGON 206 Colony Rd. Rossford, OH NOW $64,500 2 bed, 2 full bath home w/ fresh 4150 DAHLIA, POINT PLACE paint, new carpet, new furnace & DISCOUNT NOW $80,000 more! Full finished basement w/bar! 9090 STONYBROOK, SYLVANIA 4211 Woodville Rd. Northwood Sell your larger items, car, boat, $299,900 Over 6000 Sq. Ft. of prime 1123 CRESCEUS RD, OREGON commercial real estate! High traffic lawnmower, etc. in a FLASH! area with tons of potential! NOW $86,500 4710 CORDUROY, OREGON 102 W. Crocker St. Bradner, OH 4 weeks/$30.00 (15 words) ACREAGE $94,900 1 story commercial retail space, with over 1200 sq. ft. (General Merchandise Only- Over $2,000 and Up) Excellent business opportunity! SOLD: 701 FORT FINDLAY, SR. 20 @ Dutch. Woodville, OH Bring in some extra cash with The Press WOODVILLE 1.42 Acre Commercial lot Classifi eds. Reach over 29,000+ homes 1137 CARDINAL BAY, OREGON 0 SR 20 Woodville, OH and businesses in our 2 publications, 23371 ST RT 51, GENOA 3.06 Acre Commercial lot plus our website. 1966 ALLENDALE, TOLEDO 3417 DOUGLAS , TOLEDO Under Contract! 4113 FREY, NORTHWOOD 1547 Latcha Rd., Millbury, OH The Since 19025 PORTAGE RIVER, 2409 CR 65 Fremont, OH 1972 ELMORE 222 Elm St. Woodville, OH PRESS 503 SOUTHVIEW, GBSBURG 1851 CHERRY, MILLBURY Sold within the last month! Metro Suburban Maumee Bay 236 OTTAWA, ELMORE 405 High St., Woodville, OH 121 Linden St. Port Clinton, OH 2293 N. Manor Drive, Genoa OH Deadline 1pm Thurs. Call Us for Details! 23909 Meadow Dr. Genoa, OH The Press • 1515 Woodville Rd., Millbury 2365 S. Stephanie Ln. Oak Harbor, OH 133 Evergreen Dr. Woodville, OH 419-836-2221 ______Classifi [email protected] '$1%(55< It’s Your Move… 5($/7256 Let Me Help You Make It! Open M-Th. 9 to 5 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 17 Classifieds Autos, Boats & Campers • Flea Markets • Garage Sales • Help Wanted • Household Pets • More

Deadline: Th ursdays at 1pm (Closed Fridays) We provide our local community a “trusted” way to buy 419-836-2221 or 1-800-300-6158 • classifi [email protected] and sell to each other through our classifi ed ads section. Delivered to over 47,000 Readers in Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky & Wood Counties

        Help Wanted        Hiring: WiƩ & Gaines, Inc. 130 S. Locust St. Oak Mike's Hauling SALES OPPORTUNITY Harbor, OH 43449 419-898-3211 We buy junk cars, trucks and vans, NABF College World Series media Looking for: HVAC Technicians also 50's, 60's and 70's vehicles. publications/sponsorship. Commis- Scrap metal hauled free. sion only. Call 419-936-3887, leave Head Start Teacher needed. Electrical Technicians 419-666-1443 name and phone number. Must have an Associates Plumbing Technicians Degree in Early Childhood Experience required. CompeƟ Ɵ ve Wage. Send   Small Manufacturer Education & be willing   located in Northwood, resumes to: wiƩ [email protected] looking for long term, to work on Bachelor’s. full time employee. Cleaners Needed at Turnpike Partial Tuition  Plaza in Genoa, Part-time & full Will be responsible for WE ARE HIRING time shifts, including weekends. production and assembly. Reimbursement. Luckey Farmers, Inc. is Starting wage $9.00/hr. More for Need experience with Call to apply or apply in shift differential. Must have clean hand and power tools. looking to hire Custom Applicators. background and reliable trans- Must be able to lift 75 Lbs. person. portation. Call 419-261-6094 Mon- Willing to train the Fri between 9am-4pm. right person. Little Wonders Child Care 2534 Woodville Rd., Northwwod If you want to work,  show up on time & have 419-691-3783 reliable transportation,      feel free to respond. • Operate High Clearance Sprayer and e)TGCV$GPGrVU Machinery with Precision • Competitive Pay      Call 419-836-2300 with • Apply Fertilizer and Crop Protection Products • Bonus      • Utilize Agronomy Software to Ensure • Safe Work Environment questions or for an 4R Nutrient Stewardship Goals are Met         initial phone interview. Bus Driver Looking for Seasonal Work? !  " #$ %  & 6QCRRN[XKUKVNWEMG[HCTOGTUEQOCPFrNNQWVCPCRRNKECVKQPHQWPFWPFGTVJGGORNQ[OGPVVCD '( )**       +H[QWJCXGCP[SWGUVKQPURNGCUGEQPVCEVVJG9QQFXKNNGQHrEGCV + & $ *      , Luckey Farmers, Inc. is looking to hire        seasonal Class A CDL drivers.     Holland Building Services             is currently looking for janitorial cleaners for a           locaƟ on in Perrysburg, OH, near 795/Tracy Road.          • Seasonal Drivers Wanted e)TGCV$GPGrVUGPGrVU     • Current Class A CDL License Required • Competitive Pay 1st ShiŌ Mon.-Fri. Full-Ɵ me  • Agricultural Hauling on a Local Route • Safe Work Environment   • Located in Northwest, Ohio $11.85   6QCRRN[XKUKVNWEMG[HCTOGTUEQOCPFrNNQWVCPCRRNKECVKQPHQWPFWPFGTVJGGORNQ[OGPVVCD+H[QW JCXGCP[SWGUVKQPURNGCUGEQPVCEVVJG9QQFXKNNGQHrEGCV You must have a valid driver’s license and reliable Ground Crew transportaƟ on. We also require a background check -RO2B> and drug test. Need Full Time (LFK J &LJBLCQEB->H &>O?LO0L@HBQP Call Recruitment Manager, JoAnne for an interview EXTRA! Must have valid Requirements Bachelor’s Degree 419-691-4694 or text to contact us 419-276-6087 EOE drivers license in Any Field 1BBHFKD!BOQFCFBA EXTRA! 1R?PQFQRQB2B>@EBOP cash? Apply in person 7:30am - 5pm ,BT MBOA>V Windsor Lane Health Care is Pick up a Press Benton-Carroll-Salem 0>QB Local School District seeking applications for the Route! Lake Erie Tree Service 0BT>OAFKDTLOH 7333 Jerusalem Rd. $LOJLOBFKCLOJ>QFLK TFQEDOB>Q following positions !>IILOBJ>FI ->H&>O?LO The Press is looking to (Corner of N. CurƟ ce) RN • LPN hire carriers. Routes are a HPMOLRPB@?@PPA@LJQLDBQPQ>OQBA PQRABKQP PQ>CC flexible way to earn extra sign on bonus income on your own schedule. Walking Routes are Currently Available in OAK HARBOR If interested, please contact Jordan 419-836-2221, Ext. 32.

NOW HIRING! Fax resume to 419-637-2555 or send email to [email protected] or stop in at address below. 355 Windsor Lane TEAM LEADERS Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431 Discover PIZZA MAKERS Windsor Lane Health Care is seeking applications for the Untraveled Delivery Drivers following position STNA Training Classes Roads Available Full or Part Time Positions New auto Advancement Opportunities listings each Delivery Drivers earn between $12-$18 per hour! (Hourly wage plus mileage & tips) An equal oportunity employer. 12776-419 week in Apply at the following Marco’s Pizza® locations: The Press 149 Main St. E., Toledo ...... 698-1511 Classifieds 2607 Starr Ave., Oregon ...... 693-9383 Fax resume to 419-637-2555 or send email to 697-1131 [email protected] or stop in at address below. The Since 2036 Woodville Rd. near Pickle...... 1972 355 Windsor Lane PRESS 693-0700 Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431 Metro Suburban Maumee Bay 4624 Woodville Rd., Northwood...... 18 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020             Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure in industrial,    Ottawa Hills Memorial Cemetery, BAY AREA CONCRETE NOMS Healthcare is looking for all located on Central Ave. 2 graves for New or Replace Concrete construction, manufacturing jobs, or the household furnishings and junk sale; $3,000 call 419-693-9948 for a part-time Medical or repairable cars & trucks. Call •Driveways •Sidewalks military may be the cause. Family in Assistant. CMA/RMA in our Ray 419-349-1970 Restlawn Memorial Park- Garden •Pole Barns •Porches of Devotion, 4 Grave Plots, Lot •Stamped & Color Concrete the home were also exposed. Genoa offi ce. *77 yr. old mechanic 328, C- 2 Plots, D- 2 Plots, Retail for •Brick & Block work etc. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email To apply, please visit car nut wants to buy all 4 is $3,000, Asking $2,000, 317- Veterans & Senior Citizens 809-2469 [email protected]. car, truck or motorcycle Discounts from 1934 to 2000. -Free Estimates- $30 billion is set aside for asbestos EOE From elderly person, nice one,   Licensed & Insured wrecked one, running or not.    Mike Halka 419-350-8662 victims with cancer. Valuable settlement Price is no object. Oregon, OH Building Serviceperson Thanks! 419-870-0163 monies may not require filing a lawsuit. Metroparks Toledo Are you tired of throwing money has an away? Do you want cleaning and    opening for part-time Building Old Guitars Wanted! Gibson, Fend- painting done right? I scrape and   Servicepersons to perform er, Martin – Condition not important. paint inside and outside of private Village of Oak Harbor- Public NoƟ ce $ Cash Paid! $ 419-304-3246 homes, rentals & businesses. I get it a variety of housekeeping, done. I get it done the right way at a KNIERIEM janitorial, and basic maintenance very affordable price. Excellent refer- PAINTING & WALLPAPERING ORDINANCE NO. 3-2020   ences. I try to beat competitors EXTERIOR-INTERIOR functions at the Tree House prices! Call/Text: 419-279-3396, Painting & wall papering; Interior AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR Village, Oak Openings Preserve.   419-699-0422 (No Text) wood refinishing; airless spray; CURRENT EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES power wash & blasting; silicone Up to 35hrs/wk. $11.73/hr. High     seal; refinishing aluminum siding; OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK HARBOR, STATE OF OHIO, school diploma or equivalent residential; church, farm. DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING       50+ YEARS EXPERIENCE required. Must have valid driver’s FREE ESTIMATES DECEMBER 31, 2020. license. May include evenings,     *SENIOR & WINTER RATES* weekends and holidays. 419-697-1230     THE BIG GUY NORTHWOOD RESOLUTION NO. 03-2020 Go to LANDSCAPING   AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE OHE to view detailed position      OHIO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARD- description, job requirements One guy who does it all!   Give him a call! and to apply. HERE! ING THE PURSUIT AND USE OF POTENTIAL OPIOD LITIGATION SETTLEMENT FUNDS.     Free Estimates NORTHWOOD FLEA MARKET Great Eastern Plaza Turnpike Servicece Plazas     Call 567-207-4955 2664 Woodville Rd. RESOLUTION NO. 04-2020 are hiring for:    TUES-SAT: (9am-5pm) A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE $54 for SUN: (10am-4pm) VILLAGE OF OAK HARBOR AUTHORIZING AND PRO-    Tools, Bikes, Outdoor, Camping, TRAVELER’S Fishing, Sports, Appliances, VIDING FOR THE INCURRENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS 4 weeks!* Records, Man Cave and more. EXPRESS Husqvarna Model 970 Riding For more information call Jean FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A PORTION OF Lawn Mower. $1300 OBO, 419-277-9083. Hiring for All Shifts       419-855-4071 THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, ENLARG-        and Shift Managers          ING, IMPROVING, AND/OR EXTENDING ITS CHURCH       !  " Part time Positions Available FREE! STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, FACILITY TO      Savings Include an American Walk-In Tubs SERVE AN AREA LAWFULLY WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION Standard Right Height Toilet - • Starting at $10.00 per hour  !"#$!%%% FREE! ($500 Value) WALK IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,500 Meal Discounts • Flexible Hours TO SERVE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Applicants will be considered for all concepts  Backed by American Standard’s 140 years of experience Apply @  Ultra low entry for easy entering & exiting RESOLUTION NO. 05-2020 Plumbing, Leaks, Clogs,  Patented Quick Drain® Technology Sump Pumps, Entire Bath, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE ADMIN- Blue Heron Wyandot Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, Concrete Flatwork, Roofing,  ISTRATOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY Plaza Plaza INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard Windows & Doors TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED 419-855-3478 419-855-7239 419-333-9834  44 Hydrotherapy jets for an invigorating massage Limited Time Offer! Call Today! STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REGARDING 877-381-3271 THE CHURCH STREET PROJECT, AND DECLARING AN Public NoƟ ce Or visit: EMERGENCY. Salem Township, OƩ awa County has fi led the Annual Financial Report for fi scal year ending December 31, 2019 with the Auditor of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS State of Ohio. The report is on fi le at the Fiscal O ce, 11650 W Portage River S Rd, SEALED BIDS for the furnishing of the necessary materials and construction of the WASTEWATER ĸ TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS GENOA, OHIO will be received by the Village of Genoa, 102 Oak Harbor, OH. East Sixth Street, Genoa, Ohio 43430 until12:00 Noon (Local Time) Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and at that To view the report call 419-898-4126 time and place will be publicly opened and read aloud. By the order of Sue Perrin, Fiscal Oĸ cer Salem Township, OƩ awa County, Ohio The scope of work for this project consists of chemical feed equipment, tertiary fi ltration equipment, ultravi- olet disinfection equipment in a wood frame building with miscellaneous piping, electrical, and site work.

The contract documents, including plans and specifi cations, are on fi le at the offi ce of the Village of Ge- POSTPONED noa, Ohio and the Architect/Engineer -- Poggemeyer Design Group, Inc. (PDG). The documents may be viewed and ordered online or obtained from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, Ohio 43615, Telephone 419-385-5303, for the cost of printing to be paid to the printing compa- ONLINE ONLY ny at the time the documents are picked up. Shipping and tax charges are the bidder’s responsibility and CONSIGNMENT AUCTION payable directly to Becker Impressions. Accepting FARM & CONSTRUCTION The Engineer for the Project is Poggemeyer Design Group, Inc., 1168 North Main Street, Bowling Green, EQUIPMENT * RUNNING MOWERS, ATV’s Ohio 43402. & GOLF CARTS * TRUCKS & TRAILERS All bids must be signed and submitted on the blanks which are bound in this booklet. Bids must state at the the unit prices in the blanks provided and be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked --- WASTEWATER SANDUSKY COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS --- and addressed to the Village of Genoa, 102 East Sixth Street, March 23 - March 28 Genoa, Ohio 43430.

from 9 AM - 5 PM Daily The bid guaranty may be of two forms: Go to Bonnigson. 1. A Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond using the form in the Contract Documents. (The amount of the bid com/online to get does NOT have to appear on this form.) Terms, Conditions, Photos and 2. A certifi ed check, cashier’s check or letter of credit in favor of the Village of Genoa, Ohio in the amount of 10% of the bid. If the contract is awarded, a Contract Bond will be required, which is a 100% payment register to bid! and performance bond.

This procurement is subject to the EPA policy of encouraging the participation of small businesses in rural areas (SBRAs).

After the award of the contract let by competitive bid and prior to the time the contract is entered into, bid- Pick up ders shall submit the affi davit required under the Ohio Revised Code, Section 5719.042 that the bidder was dates not charged with any delinquent personal property taxes in Ottawa County, Ohio. will be The successful bidder will be required to pay not less than the highest applicable minimum wage rates as April established by the federal Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. 5th, 6th The Village of Genoa, Ohio reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularity in any & 7th bid and to determine the lowest and best bidder. from 9-5 No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 90 days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of daily. bids. This project is being partially funded with Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) and Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) with Buy American requirements.

KENNETH BONNIGSON, CAI The estimated cost of construction which includes all allowance and alternates is $1,897,500. 1570 W. McPherson Hwy, Clyde, OH 43410 Office: 419-547-7777 By Order of Kevin Gladden, Village Administrator THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 19               


Various Antiques, China Tea Set TMZ Automotive 26” Men's Huffy Bicycle – 10 Portable Camping Hot Tub, easy etched in gold, Floral Pattern, $200, Vivitar Aero View Video Drone, 419-837-9700 speed, $30. 419-474-5629 up/down, 2-4 people, paid $1,200- Crown Empire Princess China ages 14+, Quadcopter, 2.4 GHZ, AVOID COSTLY REPAIRS! asking $325. 419-214-2382 Set-8 place setting+ (62 piece) $225, R/C Series, USB charger, never Clean your diesel exhaust system Ivory Floor Lamp (rewired) bottom used. $125. 419-474-5629 and save money!   lights up ($30), Vintage Glass Large and Small trucks.    Globe Lamp, blue floral design $30.     Call or text for pictures. 419-708- Wedding Dress– Size 18/20, white 0137 (Oregon)    beaded satin, A-Line, full gown with 1982 21' Star Craft Aluminum walk train, strapless, clean-no stains, $75,  around boat, EZ loader trailer, 20HP. CYCLEMAN    call or text for pics. 419-708-0137 Mercury motor, $950 419-898-8565 We Repair Chinese Pocket Bikes, Makers On Main by Joys    *We buy most anything from Scooters, and Mopeds, automobiles, antique vehicles,      many parts available. of the Heart Christian    will come look, pay Hundreds- Also repair motorcycles. Boutique is nestled in  Thousands! Call 419-870-0163    Hours:      Thursday, Friday & Saturday the heart of beautiful 2003 Buick LeSabre, Champaign (12-6pm) beige cloth interior, super clean in-      Call to verify hours 419-244-2525 downtown Genoa. Our 3 Female Kittens (6 Months Old) & side/out. Recent tune-up, new mission is to share the Mamma Cat (1.5 Years Old) avail- brakes from Tireman, V6, 177,000        able for adoption. All are are fixed, miles. Take home for $3,200. 419-     love of Jesus and spread flea treated and litter trained. They 707-7018 (Oak Harbor) Joy to others through our are all very loving and friendly. $25   to a good home. They were rescued handmade items. and are in need of a forever home.     31' Fifth Wheel RV Trailer, new Call 419-698-5479 or 419-344-4109   tires, brakes and spare tire, rack on 624 Main St., Genoa to set up a time to come pick yours the back, goodies with it. $7,500 out!       OBO 419-214-2382 419-855-6152 Sell Your Items     3 Yorkie Puppies – Ready for Adop-    st     Tuesday-Friday 10am-7pm FAST in the tion April 1 . Reserve yours today!, 2000 Hornet, Tandem axle, fully self  Wormed, Tails Docked, Dewclaws,   contained, 31' long. New tires and Saturday 10am-4pm Male $400, Females $450, 419-661-  awning, called Bunk House, sleeps 1273 7-8, $4,500. 567-277-5333 1985 Step Van, all aluminum body, Classifieds! dual wheels, $500. 567-277-5333 THE PRESS EXPERTS If You’re an Expert and want to get involved... CALL 419-836-2221. Deadline: 11 a.m. Thursday

Concrete Construction Home Improvement Plumbing Roofing Roofing ERIE CONCRETE LLC Schwartz A to Z Home Gray Plumbing FREEDOM 419-575-2666 Construction ACE ROOFING, Flat Work, Colored, & Quality Amish Improvement 25 Years Experience Stamped • Bobcat work, Craftsmanship Insured/Bonded ROOFING WINDOWS Hauling & Dirt work All Major •Post Frame Buildings 567-202-3430 Credit All Major Credit Cards Accepted - FREE ESTIMATES - AND SIDING LLC FREE ESTIMATES Cards •Roofing Painting • Drywall Repair Landscaping • Hauling — Senior Discount — Senior Discounts Your local, veteran-owned LICENSED & INSURED Accepted •Siding small business •Barn Restorations LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER Veteran Discounts ★ ...and Much More Free Estimates Landscape Jim Gray Roofs/Gutters ★ Financing Available BAY AREA 419-910-0024 419-691-7958 Siding/Windows CONCRETE The big guy INSURED/ 419-FREEDOM (419-373-3366) New or Replace Concrete A+ Lifetime Warranty rating Driveways, Sidewalks, landscaping Your Ad Could Be Here! Pole Barns, Porches, one guy who does it all. Stamped & Color Concrete, give him a call. Remodeling Brick & Block work etc. Electrical Contractor free estimates PREFERRED CONTRACTOR Veterans & Senior Citizens’ call 567-207-4955 A+ BBB rated contractor. PRECISION ROOFING Discounts DON GAMBY Doing It Right Wind damage? Shingles or siding – Free Estimates – SCHNEIDER SONS’ EXTERIOR missing? Downed branches? Licensed & Insured Landscape & Tree Service Since 1980 DECORATORS We handle all types Mike Halka RECENTLY CHOSEN TO INSTALL ELECTRIC CORP. Vinyl & Aluminum Siding of home repairs. 419-350-8662 Windows, Shutters, ROOFS FOR OWENS CORNING Call us! 567-225-1570 Oregon, OH Whole Dreams PRESIDENT & COMMUNICATIONS House Custom Design Decks of Fields 419-862-2359 DIVISION PRESIDENT BECAUSE OF Licensed & Insured Generators OUR EXCELLENT REPUTATION Landscaping & Tree Service 50 Years Experience Licensed & • Spring & Fall Cleanup A+ 419-836-1946 Insured • Bed Maintenance Rating Robert Belville Builder 419-470-7699 New & Old Homewiring • Tree & Shrub Pruning & Removing Complete Remodeling Service • Mulching • Firewood For Sale $200/Cord 50 Yrs. Experience - Insured/Bonded LLC Specialists — Degree in Landscape Design — Your Ad New or Tear Out & Replace 1556 Oak St/At Oakdale Free Estimates/insured • ADDITIONS • BATHROOMS Driveways, Patios, Slabs, Toledo, OH 43605 I will match or beat any price! • INSURANCE WORK Sidewalks, Steps, (419) 691-8284 BRAD FIELDS 419-250-8305 • COMMERCIAL REMODELING Pole Barn & Garage Floors, Family Owned & Operated Since 1942 419-693-4053 419-467-1404 Could Stamped & Colored Painting AMAZON ROOFING Free Borders - Spring Specials Excavating • Fully Licensed & Insured Be Here! • Bobcat Services • Senior & Veteran Discounts CUTTING EDGE A+ • Hauling Stone & Topsoil BELKOFER PROFESSIONAL 419-691-2524 ~ Free Estimates ~ PAINTING CUSTOM INTERIORS ~ Licensed & Insured ~ EXCAVATING Call •Septic Systems •Sewer Taps • Interior/Exterior Painting Total remodeling, Professional Quality and •Snow Removal •Lawn Care • Power Washing Since 1964 Service With a Smile •Backhoe/Bobcat/Dozer Work Licensed & Insured from start to finish! •Stone & Dirt Hauling •Demolition •We build Custom Kitchen BLUE-LINE 419-836-2221 419-467-8496 419-836-8663 Marc 419-464-8248 419-392-1488 •Cabinets and Vanities REMODELING & to fit your space Construction Plumbing ROOFING LLC Hauling •Custom Tile Showers • Replace or Repair •Kitchens •Hardwood Floors • New Roof • Flat Roof Storage FIRST CHOICE •Drywall •Trimwork • Rubber Roof B & G HAULING •And much, much more. •Stone & Dirt PLUMBING Free Estimates — Fully Insured — A++ Licensed & Insured MAUMEE BAY S&J Construction Hauling 419-466-2741 Rating •Bobcat Service SELF STORAGE General Contractor All Major Credit Cards Accepted 419-242-4222 7640 Jerusalem Road (Rt 2) “Your Complete Home •Demolition & Hauling (419)836-4000 or Business Repair and •Concrete Removal Multi-sized Units - Outside storage Revitalization Experts” •Clean Ups/Clean Outs l Remodeling Security fence - 7 day access ya Plu “We make every effort to accommodate YOU.” Residential • Commercial Ro s Driveway Stone and Drain Cleaning Available Call The Press A+ Rating Shawn 419-276-8989 Spreading - Senior Discount - Tree Service We accept all Major Credit Cards Call Anytime Windows, Doors & More! to be an Expert! (419) 836-1822 419-376-2729-376-27222 Don't see your 419-340-0857 (419) 836-1822 [email protected] 419-836-2221 LAKE ERIE TREE SERVICE 419-862-8031 “We’re Local” businesses category? •Firewood (delivery available) Don't worry! RON’S HAULING Add full color to your ad for •Tree/Stump Removal & DEMO •Crane Service We can make one for •Land Clearing •Clean outs you and you can only $5.00 more per week! – 24 Hour Emergency Service – •Tear downs FREE Quotes Fully Insured be the first one in it! •Dumpsters •Insured (419) 707-2481 419-360-3971 Call 419-836-2221 20 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: “Baker’s will remain open during the coro- navirus quarantine. The automotive repair industry is deemed an essential industry to maintaining transportation and safety. “

BBaker’saker’s Timothy L. CCollisionollision Williams In Loving Memory CCenterenter February 15, 1952 PProfessionalrofessional RResultsesults • SatisfactionSatisfaction GGuaranteeduaranteed April 3, 2018 CCOMPLETEOMPLETE CCOLLISIONOLLISION REPAIRREPAIR FACILITYFACILITY • UUnibody/Framenibody/Frame SpecialistSpecialist To My Big Guy, • BBASFASF CCertifiertifi eded PaintPaint TechniciansTechnicians When I miss you... • WWee WWorkork withwith AALLLL IInsurancensurance CComomppaniesanies I recall our conversations then smile, FFreeree CComputerizedomputerized EstimatesEstimates listen to songs that remind me of you. NNoo RRental,ental, NNoo PProblemroblem Th en I miss you more. BBaker’saker’s hhasas FFREEREE LLoaneroaner CCarsars oorr RRentalsentals AAvailablevailable Until that time, Owner Since 1987 Manager Ron Baker Dave Downes All My love, BBaker’saker’s CCollisionollision CCenterenter Bonnie 22234234 NNavarreavarre Ave.,Ave., OregonOregon • 419-698-4450419-698-4450 P.S. You’d be so Proud of Billie & Matt Northwest Ohio’s Premier Collision Repair Center and your grandkids are wonderful! Wireless The Top 5 Reasons to Hearing Aids Choose...

Stream from your iPhone or Android 5 Our beautiful office is easily accessible Phone Calls, Music, & Internet from I-280 and 795. 4 We accept many insurances and will file Stream TV Directly to your hearing aids your claims for you. 3 We have a friendly, long-term staff who care about your comfort. • American Made 2 We offer cutting-edge whitening and • FREE Hearing Test restorative procedures. $1,990$1,990 And the #1 reason is: You’ll love our a pair • 2 year warranty warm, family-friendly atmosphere. with FREE Ofł ce Visits Jody E. Freytag, D.D.S. Matthew D. Freytag, D.D.S. *Handicap Accessible* Call Today For Your Appointment! *New Patients Welcome* *Emergencies Welcome* *Gift CertiÀ cates Available* 3601 Ayers Rd.

3241 Navarre Ave. • Oregon, OH 43616 Millbury, Oh 43447 (419) 690-8267 419-836-1033 Follow us on Facebook!