Since 1972 March 30, 2020 FREE The All-Press Basketball RESS The winner See Sports ServingP More Thanh 29,000 29 000 HHomes & Businesses B i iin 4 CCounties ti See Education Jerusalem Twp. Trustees brace for fl ooding By Larry Limpf News Editor [email protected] An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, reasons David Bench, a Jerusalem Township trustee. Eying a rising Lake Erie and an ag- ing, eroding dike system, township of- fi cials have been stockpiling sand bags to try to limit fl ooding this spring and summer. Bench said residents should con- tact the township offi ce if they would like to receive sandbags. The phone number is 419-836-8921. Residents may also visit the township website which lists the cell phone numbers of the trustees. “We got lucky. We ran out of sand bags and all three trustees were look- ing for an easier way to do this,” Bench said. “I just happened to ask Toledo Alfalfa Mills and they said they would Jerusalem Township is getting prepared for any future fl ooding. Photo at do it. The Army Corps of Engineers left; at the Toledo Alfalfa Mill, Kevin Chapman, left, and Eric Schuffenecker, provides the bags. The machine weighs of the Jerusalem Township maintenance department, load sandbags on to the sand. That’s critical because the pallets. At right, Jason Box, of Toledo Alfalfa Mill, along with co-workers, fi ll bag has to sit just right, it can’t be too sandbags. A chute designed and built by metal artist George Coker sped up full. And rather than being tied, these bags are sewn shut.” the process. According to trustee David Bench, 1,100 bags were fi lled with He credits a township resident, more to be fi lled next week. The bags will be made available to anyone in George Coker, for modifying the ma- the township that is in danger of fl ooding. (Press photos by Ken Grosjean) chinery to accommodate the bags that were fi lled. About 1,100 were fi lled initially and the trustees planned to add more last week. “The lake is really up,” Bench Judge issues restraining order on Northwood hotel said. “I usually judge it by the Howard Road bridge at Route 2. You can’t see By Larry Limpf 12 warrants for arrest, including a murder underneath it anymore. For most of News Editor suspect from Toledo, 11 drug overdoses, the year you could, so if we get some [email protected] including four deaths, fi ve prostitution heavy winds we would have some arrests from an undercover operation, fi ve problems.” The Wood County Common Pleas Some of the criminal damage incidents, four assaults, Two years ago, Bench walked Court has approved a motion fi led by the most concerning one rape, two stolen vehicles and more. about six miles of the dike system with City of Northwood for a temporary re- “ Chief Whitmore’s affi davit states that personnel from the Buffalo District of straining order against the America’s Best violations deal with fi re and emergency medical service runs to the corps of engineers. At the time he Value Inn, 2426 Oregon Rd. the hotel have both increased in the past said he was particularly concerned Judge Alan Mayberry approved the undocumented“ three years with EMS runs overtaking fi re about several areas where the system city’s request March 19. runs in 2019. was being undercut – with the worst The city argued the facility has become occupants not listed on “Some of the most concerning viola- being in the area of Bono Road and a nuisance and presented as evidence an the guest register... tions deal with undocumented occupants Wards Canal. extensive list of alleged health and build- not listed on the guest register, improp- An earthen spur dike project com- ing code violations and crime reports er maintenance of the fi re alarm devices, pleted last year by Metroparks Toledo during a March 2 hearing. tampering with smoke detectors, permit- at the Howard Marsh Metropark will “Plaintiff claims the defendant’s ting cooking in rooms with unapproved help provide some relief if there is a property constitutes a nuisance….” Judge two years at the hotel and warnings to its cooking devices, allowing permanent res- breach at a dike on the north of Wards Mayberry wrote. “They also claim that the operators have gone unheeded. idence in the location in violation of state Canal, he said. property is a danger to the safety and gen- “From May 1, 2018 through Dec. 31, fi re rules, and the shutting down of the fi re Mark Sattler, a trustee, told The eral welfare of the public and guests at the 2019, the Northwood Police Department warning system in October 2019 for several Press last year the addition of the spur facility. At the hearing, defendant did not had its offi cers walk through the…facil- days,” chief Whitmore’s affi davit says. dike would limit damage in that area. dispute that the hotel was a nuisance, rath- ity 167 times in an effort to combat and The state fi re marshal’s offi ce inspect- “If the dike between Howard Road er, they indicated that the public interest deter crime,” chief Cairl’s affi davit says. ed the hotel on Nov. 2, 2018, Oct. 21, 2019 and State Rt. 2 that extends around will not be met by closing the hotel and “However, increased police presence was and Jan. 29, 2020. Wards Canal out to the lake were to that many of defendants’ employees will still not enough to deter the criminal activ- In May 2018, chief Cairl and Bob fail, the spur dike would connect that lose their jobs if this occurs.” ity…” Anderson, city administrator, met with the opening. Any water that would fl ow The restraining order does not close During that time there were 660 calls new owners of the hotel and advised them in would be stopped by the internal the hotel but directs the owners to correct for service to the police and fi re depart- the hotel had a history of violations and dike system. So there would be a very the violations and prevent criminal activi- ments. criminal activity. narrow stretch that would be fl ooded, ty. “There is no other facility or address In December 2018, Cairl, Anderson but it would not get into our neighbor- Affi davits submitted by Tom Cairl and in the city that the police or fi re depart- and Whitmore met with the desk clerk and hoods,” he said. Joel Whitmore, the city’s police chief and ment responds to calls for service, with notifi ed management the hotel was still Continued on page 2 fi re chief respectively, claim departments this much activity,” the affi davit says, not- have responded to numerous calls the past ing documented crime included 15 thefts, Continued on page 2 “It’s Worth Boneless Semi-Boneless Virginia Baked the Short Smoked Cut Fryers Baking Weekly Drive to Rump Roast Rib Eye Steak 1/2 Hams Potatoes Deli Ham Fremont” $3.69/lb. $4.99/lb. $1.59/lb 79¢/lb. 30¢/lb. $2.99/lb. approx. 6-8# bags 1512 River St., Fremont, OH 419-913-4883 • 419-332-7167 Photos for display only. “Not responsible for copy errors.” We BALLVILLE E-Z SHOP E-Z Directions at ballvillee-zshop.com now accept Ohio Directional Card. Prices good thru 4/3/20. 2 THE PRESS MARCH 30, 2020 Wood Co. government update Wood County Commissioners Doris 100 degrees will be asked to wait while a Herringshaw, Craig LaHote and Ted representative of the offi ce they wish to vis- Bowlus, in cooperation with the county it is contacted. elected offi cials, offer the following up- • The Wood County Landfi ll is operat- dates regarding county government offi ces ing and accepting traffi c from commercial and departments, in compliance with the haulers and municipalities; however, the Stay at Home Order issued by Gov. Mike individual public drop-off is closed at least DeWine on March 22. until April 6. • The Courthouse Complex remains • The public session of the Board open, however, access to many county of- County Commissioners will take place fi ces and departments is restricted. Visitors Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. Thursday ses- are urged to call before they plan to go to sion meetings are canceled at this time. the courthouse. Phone numbers to county Meetings are open to the public. Social dis- offi ces and departments are available on- tancing will be strictly enforced. Minimal line at www.co.wood.oh.us. To obtain in- business will be handled in session during formation by phone, call 419-354-9000 or the public emergency. 1-866-860-4140. All visitors entering the For more info, contact Wood County Courthouse Complex will have their tem- Administrator Andrew S. Kalmar at 419- perature taken before being allowed to pro- 354-9100 or [email protected]. ceed. Those who have a fever greater than Northwood offi cials claim the hotel has become a public nuisance. A hearing on a permanent injunction is set for April 22. Judge issues restraining order on Northwood hotel Continued from front page of Northwood police offi cials with 24-hour remote access to the live-feed. America’s responsible for a disproportionate number Best Value Inn is planning nearly $500,000 of service calls. Cairl and Anderson went in investments in remodeling, renovation, to the hotel again in May 2019 to warn the and security, not just relating to the remain- owners the hotel was still a nuisance and ing 90 unrenovated rooms, but to the lobby the city was considering legal action.
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