Vascular / Endovascular Surgery Vascular / Endovascular Surgery Combat Manual Combat Manual
Vascular / Endovascular Surgery / Endovascular Vascular Vascular / Endovascular Surgery Combat Manual Combat Manual Combat W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 +65.67332882 (Asia Pacific) 800.437.8181 (United States) 00800.6334.4673 (Europe) 928.779.2771 (United States) Stone Stone AbuRahma Campbell GORE®, EXCLUDER®, TAG®, VIABAHN®, and designs are trademarks of W. L. Gore & Associates. AbuRahma © 2012, 2013 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. AS0315-EN1 JULY 2013 Campbell Compliments of W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. This publication, compliments of W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Gore), is intended to serve as an educational resource for medical students, residents, and fellows pursuing training in vascular and endovascular surgery. Readers are reminded to consult appropriate references before engaging in any patient diagnosis, treatment, or surgery, including Prescribing Information (including boxed warnings and medication guides), Instructions for Use, and other applicable current information available from manufacturers. Gore products referenced within are used within their FDA approved / cleared indications. Gore does not have knowledge of the indications and FDA approval / clearance status of non-Gore products, and Gore does not advise or recommend any surgical methods or techniques other than those described in the Instructions for Use for its devices. Gore makes no representations or warranties as to the PERCLOSE®, PROSTAR®, SPARTACORE®, STARCLOSE®, and SUPRACORE® are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories. surgical techniques, medical conditions, or other factors that OMNI FLUSH and SIMMONS SIDEWINDER are trademarks of AngioDynamics. ICAST is a trademark of Atrium Medical Corporation. ASPIRIN® is a trademark of Bayer HealthCare, LLC. MORPH® is a trademark of BioCardia, may be described in this publication.
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