The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology Volume 13 · Number 1 Spring 2009 Editor-in-Chief: R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Celebrating 150 Years at Southern Seminary Executive Editor: Russell D. Moore 2 Editorial: Stephen J. Wellum Editor: Stephen J. Wellum Celebrating God’s Faithfulness to Southern Seminary Book Review Editor: Chad Owen Brand 4 R. Albert Mohler Jr. Associate Editor: Christopher W. Cowan Mission, Transmission, and Confession: Assistant Editors: Brian Vickers Three Central Issues in Theological Education Brent E. Parker 6 Thomas J. Nettles Advisory Board: James Petigru Boyce: For Christ and His Church Timothy K. Beougher 30 Michael A. G. Haykin John B. Polhill “Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed”: Chuck Lawless The Ministry and Piety of Basil Manly Jr. (1825-1892) Peter J. Gentry Esther H. Crookshank 46 Joshua W. Powell Mark A. Seifrid “We Cannot Sit in Judgment”: Randy Stinson William Whitsitt and the Future of the Seminary Design: David Yeiser 60 Gregory A. Wills Typographer: John Rogers A Review of James H. Slatton’sW. H. Whitsitt: The Man and the Controversy Editorial Office & Subscription Services: SBTS Box 832 64 Gregory A. Wills 2825 Lexington Rd. Southern Seminary and Progressive Religion 1870-1940 Louisville, KY 40280 80 Russell D. Moore (800) 626-5525, x 4413 Southern Seminary and the Reshaping of American Culture: Editorial E-Mail: Retrospect and Prospect
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