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10-22-1966 Kabul Times (October 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 173) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 173)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1322.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THEKABUL~ OCTOBER 20~ 1966 , , • i JainIe): Returns ~ J'~~t ..";... Communique '~.CO/lld from pag. I) , ~ConlcJ. from page 1) The '" )Willster at Afghani. steady development dutlng'the IaSI tan a#!>fdihg to the communique f bail a century l 4 E8" has lrij1\ed the Prime MlOlster and A revIew ot !he lll~aiJollll1 the r0telJn Minister of Turkey 10 slluallon wlthm this cont",,\ led visit AfalJanislnn at a convenient Ibe two Prune MlDlStera t

.' -- . \

PAGE 2 THE KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 22 1966 \ ,1 , \' 8qsin~~I\~ Th~ .- fi'oOO For ThoughL Time ifJpg Business Of Growth • As the United Nations D~ade pf duct\on and emp}tyment and bute sIgmficaptly to dev.elopment The report atresses the unpor Browneial, Log c \' the worst enemy The word awesslon 18 .:om develOpmeht ell~rs its final y,ears, stable .eron0'f!;!c Ilt'9wth WIthin n the practIcal terms of produc tance of efficientlY used • human roan parlance th!:SO daYl It has .... an Independent organIsation of'busi< 1he frameworK: of e' fr~ socIety tlOn and dlStrl1lutjon of more and resources physical resources and 01 Tr 1/1 a, sell r glileo,..n"" ~P.r.ess sumed a slll!Uficance liardly )wtifi lI1ess experts offers thIS all'viet: to Th~ CEOrDoost for the local liuSI better goods at lower costs Such capital ID aChleVmg h1gh per ca , ed by Its ongmal IlDpUcatiOns The developmg countries \leGS man IS contalriea In a neW people are found 10 all countrIes PIta output Higher output the (I t vorst enemy 0/ v,ftue mternational juatcl1ll bbdles which Put mbre trus~ 10 your local study It has Ijust ISSued called to some elttent .and they develop statement f!Rds means higher eXIst have never been able to de­ businessmen and less emphasis How Low Income Countnes Can a WIde var\ety of enterpnses- mcom~nnd a greater opportunt fur II e ont! cannot see Its own In a caSe l;,oncernmg the definl sUbsl s Heywad ed tor all)! fllnds part clliarly n developmg forc.e sultabon wOllld only create con Telephones In prepar ng its statement r cultural methods should be st forts be made to use artlstic ta Maryam H gh School last week the ance of sports spec ally for stu welcomed tbe UnIted Nallons resolu countnes fus on FaIlure wotild still further Leaves Much To Be Desired CED s Development Pohcy Sub ressed lents in a1 corners 01 the country t on ca ng lor March 21 st to be Fire Bngade 2012 NangoTha.T da y Is ah Fr day sald n ts ed dents dur na: the w nter t me when 'They create real and faIrly For them Arbcle 51 of the UN reduce the scant authonty of the The Casp an Sea IS probably the makmg the excess run off of the committee drew eftenSlvely on MONETARY POLICIES published in Jalal tor al that cons der ng 1 may have most schooJs are n recess the ed observed throughout the world each Charter was always an undJS UN and tts highest offiCial Police 2OllO'I most long suffenns water body on !Northern Pechora and Vychegda The develop ng countries mo abad a so editorial ses on the role cns s proof mternatIOnal coopers De Afahanlstan BaDk 20041I the expenence of the low ncome been the first t me the st dents to al sa d un ess th s prab em 5 year as a day of campa en against t on a startmg pomt for much puted and suffiCient excuse ThIS Earth In lhe I/lst three decades fivers Ilow mto the Volga bllSlD Jby netary and fJscal po1JcIes have of stage performances n the coun The permanent cnses 10 the Radio Afab,u1IstaD ~ countries as seen by knowledge­ appea ed before an aud enc-e the r cons dered ser dus v there w be rae al d sc m nat on The echtor al greater communal undertakings ar lele so httle CQntests the mdi Un ted NatIOns merely rellect the lIS level has dropped by more than means of erectJDg g ant hydraulic able people w thm these natIOns much to do w th attract ng or re­ try performance was exampla y and an tnev lable stagnat on among wh Ie apprec at ng the tact that v dual and collectIve right of self PashtaDY :lr4!Jjlll'Jd;y BaDk 22092 2 5 metres This has created great Referring to the establJshment at that collld be launched If class c relatIOns between the great Airport "22318 developments IS under. exammatioD CED commISSIoned 15 separate pel! ng trade a d and IDveslment exce ent students manj nat ons have aUa ned tbeir power rivalry were onCe to give dcfence that It might well be dIfficulties for fishing naVlgal10n Is such a project economIcally the report said For mprovlDg Farrukhl Theatre the paper says powers The $o",et Union Its al Bakhtar Ne~ ~cy 2Of13 country studIes by qualifIed 000 The same ss e of the paper car ndependence dur ng the I fe hme way to a world order felt there was no mtentlOn of I es and Fran<;e refuse to contd for all extracllon 1n the Neftyanya Justified? Major mdustnal enter nomISis to get the facts The CED the apportIonment and use of that nat ons advanced in science Each of the g r s who sang 0 red the fu text of the Jomt com oC the Un ted Nat ons sa d there are makmg war unposslble ' Arlana Sale C!>ffIce 24731 fo~ and technology have also deve1o~ !rhls s the real valUe of the hute t9ward the UN peace D1IS Kamm (0,1 Stones) and sodIum pnses adapled enurely to low water drew th s conclus on funds by government the stat.. p ayed a character on the stage re mun que ssued at the end of Pr me certa n countr es wh ch n spite of The emergence of young coun 24732 ed the r art st c and cultural insti United Nabons what unpercep­ SIOns ID Palestme the Congo and sulphate producllon n Kara Bogaz level condItions were built on the meni recommended an effectIve M mste Mohammad Hash m Ma be ng Un ted NatJons members have We bel eVe there Is one out tuhons to a £Teat extent. ce ved enthuSiast c app ause froro tlbly secures Its otheI'WlSe so 10 tr es freed from colomal rule led Cyprus plunglJ),g the UDlted Na Gal Casp an Sea ID the recent decades sYstem of budgetlDg expend, the aud ncee wandwal s v s t n the UAR and underm ned ts dec slons relating to to a populatIOn explOSIon 10 the At different hmes vanous sug standmg lesson that can be drawn tures and noted that there have In a comment on the mdependence secure eXistence The UN could tlOns fifty millton dollars IOta ~tU81Jl Great funds were mvested 1OtO put from the success stones of those Such talents undoubtedly sa d Turkej rae al d scr m nat on We welcome world orgamsabon The number av,oUl"S gestlons were made as regards been str k ng developments 1n of two Afr CBQ nations Sa11411ee be altogether more Importlmt here debt lrng the lands abandoned by the sea low mcome countnes that have he ed tonal are to be found n The paper devoted spec a pages any dec s on which a ms at end ng and now If It were to place more of memberrcountnes bas almost All etIorts to create a peace ralstOg the Caspian Sea level by under crops and pastures governmental budget ng pnncl published n Ghazl1,l says that smce maDy schoo\s of the cap tal and the to art des and features fo women rac al d scr m nat on and whole­ doubled now standmg at 119 and ::;ex t,;dUcatIon transferr ng some of the run off been exper enc ng rapid growth pIes and techn ques n the Umted the Second Wor:ld War imperialism contracts for these economic BO­ keepmg body are fruitless The For mOst Ifrlgated lands located for a decade or more People m p ov nee But these ta ents often and Chl dren The ch Idren s pages hearted) suppor t oncluded the clal cultural and humamtarian because of tbe pnnclple of one A r'rot,estWH Stuay group n ,L.,on from the basms of the Dmeper Don n the backwater zone of Caspian States and olher countr es which and colon aUsm has been SP nt of mternatlOnal ooopera ~weQlSll the successful countnes not only remam I ke w Id ftowers not bene nc uded crossword puzzles sho t ed tor a1 objeotlves Were this to come man one vote the maJonty situa don callea rOt stYle sex and the Nothern and Sibenan flvers waters tJle low sea level lS favour may be adapted to local cond t as one hation alter another bec0­ t on and WIllingness to IDtema eoucauoD to combat tne pnuosopny wanted development very much fit ng from the care of a gardene about there would be less talk tlOn has changed completelY and the walers of the Black and able to controlling the sallDlficauon IOns mes free While the paper pralSeS twnalise toternatlonal politICS are 01 .drualO S James .do a ana but wanted It strongly enough to It s the duty of the Department of of the weakness and permanent The SovlOt Uman used to be less effective than the tendency Azov seas and waler boggIng of SOil They v ew that nllat on the deternunation of captive notions Arnenca s 1-' ayboy magazme do what was requ red to get the r Inionnat on and Culture and Rad 0 WORLD PRESS cnses of the Umted Nations a certam loser to a pro West to create hlocs It bad been proposed 10 bUild a If the sea level IS raised conSI m ght actuallY encourage econo­ to alta n the r freedom it says that Afghan stan to find these ta ents ern majorIty Now ma]onties 1ne Playboy concept at women as dam to cut off the level there econom es started o1nd to keep n several parts of the world colDn The weeklj Hol day s quoted by The cnses are the result of The Umted NatIOns only ex derable mvestments will be ft¥lurrcd m c development---cOnce held by and tra n them 3S vocal sts news y rt!op s Va Ii aa also vote agalDSt the UDlted leIsure accessorles ahd playtmngs The poss,blhty of separating some them gomg • aham still pers sUI It particularly re­ Hpinhua as saymg n an .article overemphaslsmg polItical obJec penences Its cnses becaUSe f to protect the eX1SUng structures some develop ng nat ons-has custe 5 and acto s and actresses aaj na t"eAillg WQU U tlves and peacemakmg mISSIons States and Amenca s former UN was aU wrolli saJQ tne 13 strong of ts bays from the sea WIth the and lands These expenses w II RAPID GROWTH been d sproved- by the lessons fers to Angola and MozambiQ.ue and ~ u,~ that the pbenome a emergency of majority of members still bar It s pass bie to develap a strong t;' e dn,) puss a lU mea a or ented pohcy has YIelded to a gJ;ouP s report on modern sex and purpose of reduclDg water discharge The CED report does not mm to other types of neo-colonial.wn Ch nu as a world power champ on 10 mternatlOnal trouble spots bour the utopIan hope that It probably equal the pOSSible but of exper ence the statement amateur group of art sts from these on attempts by Indones a n th more sober View Nowadays no morals aDd tbe evaporation surface was miSe d fficultles standmg In the such 8S rac al aparthied practiced ng v gorous y the cause of down The deas of collective peace might yet develop IOta a third problemat c advantages antiCIpated sa d lnflat on accordmg to the talented students Th s amate ream war one ID Washingfon would hit on It re"9"""""ded tor scqools dISCUSsed too way of development such as a n South Afr CD and Rhodesia trodden peoples has upset the en keep ng by an mternatlOnal force force between the great powers from the rals ng of the sea level study harms the least pr vlleged grOUp should receive tra n ng In itele ng to lndo es a tore g the Idea of malting the war 10 Swed sh style sex education which Professor Samuel Geller Sov et scare ty of tra ned and exper enc The neW3papers say that forces re po t ca and m I tary setup n and gradual renunCIatIon of na.­ Instead of harbourmg these iIlu Many people bel eve the Casplao segments of soc ety reduces per mus c and then perform every tort V n s e Aaam 1\t a k S sta e{llen a V etnarn a UN affaIr as was stressed the obligations towards sc enust Doctor of geography told ed people and a lack of f nanc al sonal say ngs handIcaps Invest opposed to colonialism are deter vh ch the US and the USSR d c t onal sovereIgnty were certamly s 0'" they "hould concentrate fish catch bave dllwnsbed be­ n ght or so fo the benefit of tea U woe u at 1noones a wou a done w th Korea socIety and offspring entailed n an IQterv ewmg APN correspondenl and natural resources But the n ned to unity their actiqn aeainst tated terms to smalle nat ons very much to the fore when the more on economIC and socJal cause of tbe sea level drop ment plann ng restricts exports che s and v. e fare organ sat ons ake paS! ve steps 0 bi ng abou man woman relat onships that the sharp drop of the Casp an report states many obstacles on and reduces access to fpnds from all k nds at colon ahsm While peace ta ks the pape sa d The sma ler nat ons can now no UN was founded hut rIght from funct ons The fish resources -suffer Immense Part of the rece pts from such per For this reason too there has The group mentioned a book on Sea level s caused by the dUD10a fishin~ ce cons dered msurmauntable ab oad (CONTINENTAL PRESS) Sa alice congratulates the two nat anger be browbeaten by the two the start the structure of the If the UN were to lumt lis losses due to rrational me fa man es m ght be used to rnp ave One an see at a g an e tha long been a taCIt agreement sex mstructJon publiShed by the t on of lhe Volga run off due to cli have been overcome by the coun ons on the r ndependence It hopes super powers because the balance Un ted Nations was not su ted for pohtlcal acbVlty to the yearly hods and Implements to the poUu he Indones an author t es are mere the purpose among the great powers to gIve Royal Soard of Educat on n mate condit ons aod by tbe IDten­ tr es whose ~rowth has been the that the world will continue to at the stage and buy equ pmenl of I ver n the world has been d s frank exchange of Vlews ID the t on of waler by ndustnal and se Fr da s hlah carr ed an ed to a I,) sell ng US wares under the Ihe UN elbow room to mediate Sweden s ve consumption of water for m most rap d engthen efforts aga nst every kind t bed a shakeup wh ch no anger To start WIth It was oversha General Assembly It would bet werage water dISchargcs on the return of Pr me M n ster abe of honest brokers do ved by the Cold War Its n nternatlOnal dIsputes only But 10 learnwg about contracep dustr al and murutipal water su~ Wh Ie ~mphas s ng self help of ("olon a1 sm and end domination lhe r nte ton bo Is down e ab es Amer ca and. the Sov et ter fulfill tbe PUrpOse ,t can .stIll Dams have barred the fishes way Grenade Explodes Mohammad Hash m Ma wandwal early years were dommated by when they themselves on no ac lion boys and girls should no more ply for rr gallon and for filhng up he run off cond tons have changed the CEO report recegn ses that and exploltat on of one nation by U on 0 nt m date weaker not ons hope to achIeve than by tlltmg at expect to embark on sexual nter f om hlS offic a1 v s toT ekej one othe han a demand that the the antagon sm between RUSSIa count Want to be tOvolved The the wlDdmlll of becommg an In of water reservoirs as has lhe nflux of nutrients to the seH help s only one s de of the KillIng 4 Brothers iltlother nalion once and for aU V e namese peop e g ve up the h hav been heartened by the Sovlet Un on and France stress course 1D their early teens than to There are two aspects to th s happy emer~ed and Amenca whIch n those days dependedt factor to totarnatlonal Ra s ng the level bas become an sea Rough cstlmates show that development problem and that CONSTANTINE Algeria Parwan published n Chariakar event First of all he P me M n s sacred struggle aga st US aggres (a t that Ch oa has as a the prmciple of sovereIgnty n dnve sports cars and vote the re­ could stili 11e sure of command pohtlcs (German Trihune) mportant part of the enUre Volga even f the greatest pOSSible effect h gh ncome natlOns haVe a res Oct 22 (Reuter) -Four peo­ n jln art de 00 the development ol s on and for nat ana sa vat on and w Id power 0 whom they can de the r foreIgn pohey more than port said • ter tound an apportun tv dur ng h s CasplBo problem However most s der ved from raI5mg the level pons b I ty for ass stmg and en ple died and two others were educ-at on m Ghorband a Parwan the peac-e by wh ch lhe pe d accord ng to the art de Anglican and non-eon1ornust tr p to d $ uss var ous matte s w th of the proposed proJecls have been t w II not Justify the large outlays courag ng the economic develop seriously injured when a prov ce woleswali says that at Un ted States 5 to a c Pj South The US and the USSR found t clergymen teachers doctors and eaders of the UAR and Turkey V etnam ('xt emely d fficult to hold on to rCJected At present the project of 1'equ red to prOVide additional nu ment of low ncome nat ons The grenade accidentally explod though Ghorband s more than 60 writers gave the1r condus ODS m a wh ch wJU certa nlj lead to greater T tr ents statement pomts out that the ed In a hopse In a village ki ometrls away from the provmcia. h s 510w5 lea j that the lhe r super power pos t on aga nst 75 page report fiex and Moral ty The elevat On of the Casp an Sea Un ted States a d pol c es reflect near here police reported centre educat on there has made sa understanding and furthe oope a Indu es an author t es s and on th a surg ng wave of nat onal sm and the result of a two--year survey car 5 n~ level lo the average many years an awareness of that responsib Tuesday 'night. 16factory pro&ress t on between Afghan stan a d these de oC US mper al sm a d aga nst the rag for e of revolu ned out .tor the Brit sh Counc I at two Islam c countr es Se 0 dly the serve mark w II requ re 35000 ll'1II10n I tv It goes on to say tbat these A seven year ~Id hoy was as a new pawn n the US pea e t on wh ch Ch oa has re eased says New Course Of Development Churches I FAO Reports World Most of the school bUlldin,s in P me M n ster has re overed from ta ks sw ndle he art c. e Aid Policy CUblC metres of water a year add pol c es have been substantially playing wltb the grenade the area have been constructed Part n The report advlsed that casual sex adjusted to g Ve relallvely more a ser OUS adment As soon as the Sunday s Pravda carr es travel Rode Jane ro s newspapers Tues Measures of techlllcal aId par Food Production t onslly The same amount of when it suddenly went 01T thro gt tonat ons made by the peo tlcularly techmcal advISOry sche up for Itself ID world markets coulq be tr vially pleasurable or water IS reqUIred to IrrIgate 12 III I ass stance to countnes which rna killing four of his brothers P me Mm ster felt that he auld notes by 0 eg Orestov who re en hlj JO ned the Pres dent of Braz I s By Walter Sheel Federal MlDIsler mlldly therapeutic but one could ph.> Right now there are two mid mes and trSlnmg in the commerc s nce the end of World War II I 00 heclares of land In the droughty ke the most of the r own resour and Injuring bis mother and resume h s dut es in the serv ce oC lj v s ted south ScotIa d He wr tes Chamber of Deput es n a de facto tor EconomIc Coopel:8tton not count on It end ng conveniently Likely To Improve detour primary schools and 10 he (,Quntn- he lett the Ankara has hat h s lr Ion ded v th thp ) tesl over the d scretionary lal and agr cultural fIelds- natur Between 1960 and 1965 produc South EaS!\. Th s area would Yield ces elder sister v lIage 's hools tor boys Bnd airls ally had the r own poInts of cry tlVtty grew by about 22 per cent for both part es ot that same rno about 2 SUO to 3500 mllhoo poods P ta where he had undergone an Labou governmo t s auster ty JJrog I \\ S t :1 b) P es dent Hum preprecautlons and re-shuffllDg 10 ment ROME Oct 22 Luc 0 Car ry The compound prtoclple em nproved n iS66/57 UN Feod JouzJan urges WT ters n the pro-­ al f eld n the future Where ral Republic s abIlity to compete French fllm or the suggestIveness of he fish catch decrease of aboul gou and pat ence n the serv ce ot progress ve reforms have not bee't doso President of the Chamber of bodies the prmclple of promotion and Agr culture 0 gan alion re­ v nee to take an act ve part in In.tor ~ec pass ble part of the mstrucllon With the otber big mdustrlal po an I!:rn:Ush advert sement he ountr) We sa d the ed tor a fulfilled the government s to e gn Del ut es ded to subm t a Without which the process of se­ vealed here Monday 00 000 tons a year Even If we m ng the public about soc al chan schemes Will be transferred to the wers of the world It cannot be blame the dlmlDlShed fish catcb en v.. sh the Pr me M n ster everj SUC pol cy over the past twO) ears has pu ge of s x deput es to approvaJ ekmg and obta1DlDg knowledge J ames Bond Glrlle magaz nes and Data ava lable at the be2 no ng ges now taking place n the coun factories or other plants or pro t rely on fhe sea level the use of ess n cont nued serVIce '!Jl the oa been marked bj in reased depen by the Chambe and skIll and S\DIultaneous loose overlooked that other donor coun Playboy clubs proJected for teen ot October the FAO counc I was try The ed tor al says that the time Jects to be developed Volga waters ID the droughty South on n the eht of H s MaJestj the dence on the United States and ts Rio s mportapt newspapers pub nmg of the strong bonds of anCt tnes are deliberately and smgle­ agers an ar1U).clal world where told at ts current Rome session has rome fa our wrrters to send East Will ev dently be uncomparably K ng s gUidance home pol cy by an onslaught on I shed n tUIl the speeches Monday ent traditions where they cannot mmdedly placmg tbeU" develop matuTJty was 'del(lYed and personsI poInted to an ncrease for most terury art cles to the paper They A start has been made to gly ment aId at the serVlce of the more effective than tbelr discharge Ye,lerday s A IS n an ed tor al the I v ng standards ot the working of five of the deput es suspended by be reconciled WIth the develop relahons kept lmpermanent and major commod t es ncludin2 a sub shoulrl t ke a vltal nterest In :the ng fmanclltl snpport to the ap­ eJWort tnterests olo the sea urged author t es to take a greater people he reports Pres dent al dec-ree before a sess on ment of an mdustnal socletY-

PAGE 2 THE KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 22 1966 \ ,1 , \' 8qsin~~I\~ Th~ .- fi'oOO For ThoughL Time ifJpg Business Of Growth • As the United Nations D~ade pf duct\on and emp}tyment and bute sIgmficaptly to dev.elopment The report atresses the unpor Browneial, Log c \' the worst enemy The word awesslon 18 .:om develOpmeht ell~rs its final y,ears, stable .eron0'f!;!c Ilt'9wth WIthin n the practIcal terms of produc tance of efficientlY used • human roan parlance th!:SO daYl It has .... an Independent organIsation of'busi< 1he frameworK: of e' fr~ socIety tlOn and dlStrl1lutjon of more and resources physical resources and 01 Tr 1/1 a, sell r glileo,..n"" ~P.r.ess sumed a slll!Uficance liardly )wtifi lI1ess experts offers thIS all'viet: to Th~ CEOrDoost for the local liuSI better goods at lower costs Such capital ID aChleVmg h1gh per ca , ed by Its ongmal IlDpUcatiOns The developmg countries \leGS man IS contalriea In a neW people are found 10 all countrIes PIta output Higher output the (I t vorst enemy 0/ v,ftue mternational juatcl1ll bbdles which Put mbre trus~ 10 your local study It has Ijust ISSued called to some elttent .and they develop statement f!Rds means higher eXIst have never been able to de­ businessmen and less emphasis How Low Income Countnes Can a WIde var\ety of enterpnses- mcom~nnd a greater opportunt fur II e ont! cannot see Its own In a caSe l;,oncernmg the definl sUbsl s Heywad ed tor all)! fllnds part clliarly n developmg forc.e sultabon wOllld only create con Telephones In prepar ng its statement r cultural methods should be st forts be made to use artlstic ta Maryam H gh School last week the ance of sports spec ally for stu welcomed tbe UnIted Nallons resolu countnes fus on FaIlure wotild still further Leaves Much To Be Desired CED s Development Pohcy Sub ressed lents in a1 corners 01 the country t on ca ng lor March 21 st to be Fire Bngade 2012 NangoTha.T da y Is ah Fr day sald n ts ed dents dur na: the w nter t me when 'They create real and faIrly For them Arbcle 51 of the UN reduce the scant authonty of the The Casp an Sea IS probably the makmg the excess run off of the committee drew eftenSlvely on MONETARY POLICIES published in Jalal tor al that cons der ng 1 may have most schooJs are n recess the ed observed throughout the world each Charter was always an undJS UN and tts highest offiCial Police 2OllO'I most long suffenns water body on !Northern Pechora and Vychegda The develop ng countries mo abad a so editorial ses on the role cns s proof mternatIOnal coopers De Afahanlstan BaDk 20041I the expenence of the low ncome been the first t me the st dents to al sa d un ess th s prab em 5 year as a day of campa en against t on a startmg pomt for much puted and suffiCient excuse ThIS Earth In lhe I/lst three decades fivers Ilow mto the Volga bllSlD Jby netary and fJscal po1JcIes have of stage performances n the coun The permanent cnses 10 the Radio Afab,u1IstaD ~ countries as seen by knowledge­ appea ed before an aud enc-e the r cons dered ser dus v there w be rae al d sc m nat on The echtor al greater communal undertakings ar lele so httle CQntests the mdi Un ted NatIOns merely rellect the lIS level has dropped by more than means of erectJDg g ant hydraulic able people w thm these natIOns much to do w th attract ng or re­ try performance was exampla y and an tnev lable stagnat on among wh Ie apprec at ng the tact that v dual and collectIve right of self PashtaDY :lr4!Jjlll'Jd;y BaDk 22092 2 5 metres This has created great Referring to the establJshment at that collld be launched If class c relatIOns between the great Airport "22318 developments IS under. exammatioD CED commISSIoned 15 separate pel! ng trade a d and IDveslment exce ent students manj nat ons have aUa ned tbeir power rivalry were onCe to give dcfence that It might well be dIfficulties for fishing naVlgal10n Is such a project economIcally the report said For mprovlDg Farrukhl Theatre the paper says powers The $o",et Union Its al Bakhtar Ne~ ~cy 2Of13 country studIes by qualifIed 000 The same ss e of the paper car ndependence dur ng the I fe hme way to a world order felt there was no mtentlOn of I es and Fran<;e refuse to contd for all extracllon 1n the Neftyanya Justified? Major mdustnal enter nomISis to get the facts The CED the apportIonment and use of that nat ons advanced in science Each of the g r s who sang 0 red the fu text of the Jomt com oC the Un ted Nat ons sa d there are makmg war unposslble ' Arlana Sale C!>ffIce 24731 fo~ and technology have also deve1o~ !rhls s the real valUe of the hute t9ward the UN peace D1IS Kamm (0,1 Stones) and sodIum pnses adapled enurely to low water drew th s conclus on funds by government the stat.. p ayed a character on the stage re mun que ssued at the end of Pr me certa n countr es wh ch n spite of The emergence of young coun 24732 ed the r art st c and cultural insti United Nabons what unpercep­ SIOns ID Palestme the Congo and sulphate producllon n Kara Bogaz level condItions were built on the meni recommended an effectIve M mste Mohammad Hash m Ma be ng Un ted NatJons members have We bel eVe there Is one out tuhons to a £Teat extent. ce ved enthuSiast c app ause froro tlbly secures Its otheI'WlSe so 10 tr es freed from colomal rule led Cyprus plunglJ),g the UDlted Na Gal Casp an Sea ID the recent decades sYstem of budgetlDg expend, the aud ncee wandwal s v s t n the UAR and underm ned ts dec slons relating to to a populatIOn explOSIon 10 the At different hmes vanous sug standmg lesson that can be drawn tures and noted that there have In a comment on the mdependence secure eXistence The UN could tlOns fifty millton dollars IOta ~tU81Jl Great funds were mvested 1OtO put from the success stones of those Such talents undoubtedly sa d Turkej rae al d scr m nat on We welcome world orgamsabon The number av,oUl"S gestlons were made as regards been str k ng developments 1n of two Afr CBQ nations Sa11411ee be altogether more Importlmt here debt lrng the lands abandoned by the sea low mcome countnes that have he ed tonal are to be found n The paper devoted spec a pages any dec s on which a ms at end ng and now If It were to place more of memberrcountnes bas almost All etIorts to create a peace ralstOg the Caspian Sea level by under crops and pastures governmental budget ng pnncl published n Ghazl1,l says that smce maDy schoo\s of the cap tal and the to art des and features fo women rac al d scr m nat on and whole­ doubled now standmg at 119 and ::;ex t,;dUcatIon transferr ng some of the run off been exper enc ng rapid growth pIes and techn ques n the Umted the Second Wor:ld War imperialism contracts for these economic BO­ keepmg body are fruitless The For mOst Ifrlgated lands located for a decade or more People m p ov nee But these ta ents often and Chl dren The ch Idren s pages hearted) suppor t oncluded the clal cultural and humamtarian because of tbe pnnclple of one A r'rot,estWH Stuay group n ,L.,on from the basms of the Dmeper Don n the backwater zone of Caspian States and olher countr es which and colon aUsm has been SP nt of mternatlOnal ooopera ~weQlSll the successful countnes not only remam I ke w Id ftowers not bene nc uded crossword puzzles sho t ed tor a1 objeotlves Were this to come man one vote the maJonty situa don callea rOt stYle sex and the Nothern and Sibenan flvers waters tJle low sea level lS favour may be adapted to local cond t as one hation alter another bec0­ t on and WIllingness to IDtema eoucauoD to combat tne pnuosopny wanted development very much fit ng from the care of a gardene about there would be less talk tlOn has changed completelY and the walers of the Black and able to controlling the sallDlficauon IOns mes free While the paper pralSeS twnalise toternatlonal politICS are 01 .drualO S James .do a ana but wanted It strongly enough to It s the duty of the Department of of the weakness and permanent The SovlOt Uman used to be less effective than the tendency Azov seas and waler boggIng of SOil They v ew that nllat on the deternunation of captive notions Arnenca s 1-' ayboy magazme do what was requ red to get the r Inionnat on and Culture and Rad 0 WORLD PRESS cnses of the Umted Nations a certam loser to a pro West to create hlocs It bad been proposed 10 bUild a If the sea level IS raised conSI m ght actuallY encourage econo­ to alta n the r freedom it says that Afghan stan to find these ta ents ern majorIty Now ma]onties 1ne Playboy concept at women as dam to cut off the level there econom es started o1nd to keep n several parts of the world colDn The weeklj Hol day s quoted by The cnses are the result of The Umted NatIOns only ex derable mvestments will be ft¥lurrcd m c development---cOnce held by and tra n them 3S vocal sts news y rt!op s Va Ii aa also vote agalDSt the UDlted leIsure accessorles ahd playtmngs The poss,blhty of separating some them gomg • aham still pers sUI It particularly re­ Hpinhua as saymg n an .article overemphaslsmg polItical obJec penences Its cnses becaUSe f to protect the eX1SUng structures some develop ng nat ons-has custe 5 and acto s and actresses aaj na t"eAillg WQU U tlves and peacemakmg mISSIons States and Amenca s former UN was aU wrolli saJQ tne 13 strong of ts bays from the sea WIth the and lands These expenses w II RAPID GROWTH been d sproved- by the lessons fers to Angola and MozambiQ.ue and ~ u,~ that the pbenome a emergency of majority of members still bar It s pass bie to develap a strong t;' e dn,) puss a lU mea a or ented pohcy has YIelded to a gJ;ouP s report on modern sex and purpose of reduclDg water discharge The CED report does not mm to other types of neo-colonial.wn Ch nu as a world power champ on 10 mternatlOnal trouble spots bour the utopIan hope that It probably equal the pOSSible but of exper ence the statement amateur group of art sts from these on attempts by Indones a n th more sober View Nowadays no morals aDd tbe evaporation surface was miSe d fficultles standmg In the such 8S rac al aparthied practiced ng v gorous y the cause of down The deas of collective peace might yet develop IOta a third problemat c advantages antiCIpated sa d lnflat on accordmg to the talented students Th s amate ream war one ID Washingfon would hit on It re"9"""""ded tor scqools dISCUSsed too way of development such as a n South Afr CD and Rhodesia trodden peoples has upset the en keep ng by an mternatlOnal force force between the great powers from the rals ng of the sea level study harms the least pr vlleged grOUp should receive tra n ng In itele ng to lndo es a tore g the Idea of malting the war 10 Swed sh style sex education which Professor Samuel Geller Sov et scare ty of tra ned and exper enc The neW3papers say that forces re po t ca and m I tary setup n and gradual renunCIatIon of na.­ Instead of harbourmg these iIlu Many people bel eve the Casplao segments of soc ety reduces per mus c and then perform every tort V n s e Aaam 1\t a k S sta e{llen a V etnarn a UN affaIr as was stressed the obligations towards sc enust Doctor of geography told ed people and a lack of f nanc al sonal say ngs handIcaps Invest opposed to colonialism are deter vh ch the US and the USSR d c t onal sovereIgnty were certamly s 0'" they "hould concentrate fish catch bave dllwnsbed be­ n ght or so fo the benefit of tea U woe u at 1noones a wou a done w th Korea socIety and offspring entailed n an IQterv ewmg APN correspondenl and natural resources But the n ned to unity their actiqn aeainst tated terms to smalle nat ons very much to the fore when the more on economIC and socJal cause of tbe sea level drop ment plann ng restricts exports che s and v. e fare organ sat ons ake paS! ve steps 0 bi ng abou man woman relat onships that the sharp drop of the Casp an report states many obstacles on and reduces access to fpnds from all k nds at colon ahsm While peace ta ks the pape sa d The sma ler nat ons can now no UN was founded hut rIght from funct ons The fish resources -suffer Immense Part of the rece pts from such per For this reason too there has The group mentioned a book on Sea level s caused by the dUD10a fishin~ ce cons dered msurmauntable ab oad (CONTINENTAL PRESS) Sa alice congratulates the two nat anger be browbeaten by the two the start the structure of the If the UN were to lumt lis losses due to rrational me fa man es m ght be used to rnp ave One an see at a g an e tha long been a taCIt agreement sex mstructJon publiShed by the t on of lhe Volga run off due to cli have been overcome by the coun ons on the r ndependence It hopes super powers because the balance Un ted Nations was not su ted for pohtlcal acbVlty to the yearly hods and Implements to the poUu he Indones an author t es are mere the purpose among the great powers to gIve Royal Soard of Educat on n mate condit ons aod by tbe IDten­ tr es whose ~rowth has been the that the world will continue to at the stage and buy equ pmenl of I ver n the world has been d s frank exchange of Vlews ID the t on of waler by ndustnal and se Fr da s hlah carr ed an ed to a I,) sell ng US wares under the Ihe UN elbow room to mediate Sweden s ve consumption of water for m most rap d engthen efforts aga nst every kind t bed a shakeup wh ch no anger To start WIth It was oversha General Assembly It would bet werage water dISchargcs on the return of Pr me M n ster abe of honest brokers do ved by the Cold War Its n nternatlOnal dIsputes only But 10 learnwg about contracep dustr al and murutipal water su~ Wh Ie ~mphas s ng self help of ("olon a1 sm and end domination lhe r nte ton bo Is down e ab es Amer ca and. the Sov et ter fulfill tbe PUrpOse ,t can .stIll Dams have barred the fishes way Grenade Explodes Mohammad Hash m Ma wandwal early years were dommated by when they themselves on no ac lion boys and girls should no more ply for rr gallon and for filhng up he run off cond tons have changed the CEO report recegn ses that and exploltat on of one nation by U on 0 nt m date weaker not ons hope to achIeve than by tlltmg at expect to embark on sexual nter f om hlS offic a1 v s toT ekej one othe han a demand that the the antagon sm between RUSSIa count Want to be tOvolved The the wlDdmlll of becommg an In of water reservoirs as has lhe nflux of nutrients to the seH help s only one s de of the KillIng 4 Brothers iltlother nalion once and for aU V e namese peop e g ve up the h hav been heartened by the Sovlet Un on and France stress course 1D their early teens than to There are two aspects to th s happy emer~ed and Amenca whIch n those days dependedt factor to totarnatlonal Ra s ng the level bas become an sea Rough cstlmates show that development problem and that CONSTANTINE Algeria Parwan published n Chariakar event First of all he P me M n s sacred struggle aga st US aggres (a t that Ch oa has as a the prmciple of sovereIgnty n dnve sports cars and vote the re­ could stili 11e sure of command pohtlcs (German Trihune) mportant part of the enUre Volga even f the greatest pOSSible effect h gh ncome natlOns haVe a res Oct 22 (Reuter) -Four peo­ n jln art de 00 the development ol s on and for nat ana sa vat on and w Id power 0 whom they can de the r foreIgn pohey more than port said • ter tound an apportun tv dur ng h s CasplBo problem However most s der ved from raI5mg the level pons b I ty for ass stmg and en ple died and two others were educ-at on m Ghorband a Parwan the peac-e by wh ch lhe pe d accord ng to the art de Anglican and non-eon1ornust tr p to d $ uss var ous matte s w th of the proposed proJecls have been t w II not Justify the large outlays courag ng the economic develop seriously injured when a prov ce woleswali says that at Un ted States 5 to a c Pj South The US and the USSR found t clergymen teachers doctors and eaders of the UAR and Turkey V etnam ('xt emely d fficult to hold on to rCJected At present the project of 1'equ red to prOVide additional nu ment of low ncome nat ons The grenade accidentally explod though Ghorband s more than 60 writers gave the1r condus ODS m a wh ch wJU certa nlj lead to greater T tr ents statement pomts out that the ed In a hopse In a village ki ometrls away from the provmcia. h s 510w5 lea j that the lhe r super power pos t on aga nst 75 page report fiex and Moral ty The elevat On of the Casp an Sea Un ted States a d pol c es reflect near here police reported centre educat on there has made sa understanding and furthe oope a Indu es an author t es s and on th a surg ng wave of nat onal sm and the result of a two--year survey car 5 n~ level lo the average many years an awareness of that responsib Tuesday 'night. 16factory pro&ress t on between Afghan stan a d these de oC US mper al sm a d aga nst the rag for e of revolu ned out .tor the Brit sh Counc I at two Islam c countr es Se 0 dly the serve mark w II requ re 35000 ll'1II10n I tv It goes on to say tbat these A seven year ~Id hoy was as a new pawn n the US pea e t on wh ch Ch oa has re eased says New Course Of Development Churches I FAO Reports World Most of the school bUlldin,s in P me M n ster has re overed from ta ks sw ndle he art c. e Aid Policy CUblC metres of water a year add pol c es have been substantially playing wltb the grenade the area have been constructed Part n The report advlsed that casual sex adjusted to g Ve relallvely more a ser OUS adment As soon as the Sunday s Pravda carr es travel Rode Jane ro s newspapers Tues Measures of techlllcal aId par Food Production t onslly The same amount of when it suddenly went 01T thro gt tonat ons made by the peo tlcularly techmcal advISOry sche up for Itself ID world markets coulq be tr vially pleasurable or water IS reqUIred to IrrIgate 12 III I ass stance to countnes which rna killing four of his brothers P me Mm ster felt that he auld notes by 0 eg Orestov who re en hlj JO ned the Pres dent of Braz I s By Walter Sheel Federal MlDIsler mlldly therapeutic but one could ph.> Right now there are two mid mes and trSlnmg in the commerc s nce the end of World War II I 00 heclares of land In the droughty ke the most of the r own resour and Injuring bis mother and resume h s dut es in the serv ce oC lj v s ted south ScotIa d He wr tes Chamber of Deput es n a de facto tor EconomIc Coopel:8tton not count on It end ng conveniently Likely To Improve detour primary schools and 10 he (,Quntn- he lett the Ankara has hat h s lr Ion ded v th thp ) tesl over the d scretionary lal and agr cultural fIelds- natur Between 1960 and 1965 produc South EaS!\. Th s area would Yield ces elder sister v lIage 's hools tor boys Bnd airls ally had the r own poInts of cry tlVtty grew by about 22 per cent for both part es ot that same rno about 2 SUO to 3500 mllhoo poods P ta where he had undergone an Labou governmo t s auster ty JJrog I \\ S t :1 b) P es dent Hum preprecautlons and re-shuffllDg 10 ment ROME Oct 22 Luc 0 Car ry The compound prtoclple em nproved n iS66/57 UN Feod JouzJan urges WT ters n the pro-­ al f eld n the future Where ral Republic s abIlity to compete French fllm or the suggestIveness of he fish catch decrease of aboul gou and pat ence n the serv ce ot progress ve reforms have not bee't doso President of the Chamber of bodies the prmclple of promotion and Agr culture 0 gan alion re­ v nee to take an act ve part in In.tor ~ec pass ble part of the mstrucllon With the otber big mdustrlal po an I!:rn:Ush advert sement he ountr) We sa d the ed tor a fulfilled the government s to e gn Del ut es ded to subm t a Without which the process of se­ vealed here Monday 00 000 tons a year Even If we m ng the public about soc al chan schemes Will be transferred to the wers of the world It cannot be blame the dlmlDlShed fish catcb en v.. sh the Pr me M n ster everj SUC pol cy over the past twO) ears has pu ge of s x deput es to approvaJ ekmg and obta1DlDg knowledge J ames Bond Glrlle magaz nes and Data ava lable at the be2 no ng ges now taking place n the coun factories or other plants or pro t rely on fhe sea level the use of ess n cont nued serVIce '!Jl the oa been marked bj in reased depen by the Chambe and skIll and S\DIultaneous loose overlooked that other donor coun Playboy clubs proJected for teen ot October the FAO counc I was try The ed tor al says that the time Jects to be developed Volga waters ID the droughty South on n the eht of H s MaJestj the dence on the United States and ts Rio s mportapt newspapers pub nmg of the strong bonds of anCt tnes are deliberately and smgle­ agers an ar1U).clal world where told at ts current Rome session has rome fa our wrrters to send East Will ev dently be uncomparably K ng s gUidance home pol cy by an onslaught on I shed n tUIl the speeches Monday ent traditions where they cannot mmdedly placmg tbeU" develop matuTJty was 'del(lYed and personsI poInted to an ncrease for most terury art cles to the paper They A start has been made to gly ment aId at the serVlce of the more effective than tbelr discharge Ye,lerday s A IS n an ed tor al the I v ng standards ot the working of five of the deput es suspended by be reconciled WIth the develop relahons kept lmpermanent and major commod t es ncludin2 a sub shoulrl t ke a vltal nterest In :the ng fmanclltl snpport to the ap­ eJWort tnterests olo the sea urged author t es to take a greater people he reports Pres dent al dec-ree before a sess on ment of an mdustnal socletY- , '.;11' \ ' , , , , ~ \ ? 'I .L , " " -., , \ -, ' ~ " , , I I , , , ,• .,.1 PAGE 4 THE KABuL TIMEs . '. ' OCTOBER 22.·1966, ,; ., ,\ " ! t I , ' -' J " ~ ~'A J ~.. ,~t ~I ,I World Briefs '. ... t. I l MOSCh , Foreign MinIster Adorn Mali~, the Two Jewish Agon, bre lyrical w9r~ to"describing the Hopeful On Non-Proliferation tary Nguyen Huu Huog and Trano­ Soviet 11~ws agency Tass reported ol Israel r.nd Nelly Sachs, u "German oufferlna l'f the :ieY;lsh( jii!opl'l But " Other olUCials present at the talks port Secretary Truong Van Thuan­ horn authoress have been awarded· , NEW, YORK, Oct, 22. (Reuter).-"­ whIle. mourn109 Ibe ord~al of ber , 'W...... ha\'e Withdrawn tlierr resrgnations, the NobQl Llterat.ure Prlz~, tUe , included Indonesian Ambassador 10 Soviet and the United States delegates both sPDke hopefully of a people, shc has been free o~ hatred. h .:~ ,.J' HB Gundersen of the Norwelgan Ing group, Goldberg saId no olliclals 'Rockptle' area believe NEW YORK, Oet 22, (Reuter)­ ,vas praised by the Academy as the 'IlJl!r.j{i', ,vS po " ,.,c, ,. ," ';i>I}"ome For Johnson lays Conditions ported by deeds, agreement IS ilJ:.L'I: - ·n U~H MRIS. ,Oct, ,23, '(QPA),-Dele- l:'_f;(; IIA.LU Na~y said here Frida.., h a. radIo 10­ state that was WIthout nuclear North Vietnamese troops may usc rhe world's populatIon may double foremost wNter tn modern Hebrew pOSSIble In; the near future artillery to bombard American - , , , . ,y-. gat"'! ohihe~ 12~ membet slates of BRISBANE, Australia, Oct. 23, (AP).- For Res"ming Talks tervu~w He said that.; the sub­ weapons should feel It was being 10 over 6.000 nuUlOn by the yellr hterature For the 'Umted States, Arthur asked to Sign the positions across the $lemJlitansed. ,]lEn';Q.f.iv.- H1Ih¥A'- the UN EduC81JonllJ, Scienhfie and U.S. President Lyndon Johnson rode past a mlllion cbeering Aus. LAGOS, Oct 23, (DPA).-The marines observed a10nf' the coasts treaty Has a 2000, a Umted Nahons report saId ...,~,: Tel'~.... Far' I:lf\.1' "CUltural OrgaDlsation _ (UNESCO) Goldberg saId there was sub­ zonc ID support of a monsoon 1'''':11 rr"",_f'\ of both !muthe"n a .... rl no~h~~n Nor­ ta "our to the nuclear weapon Tuesday He has pubhshed many novels, ~Texas·style Eastern Nlgefla government has ~len_tI31 hope for progress (owards powers ., offenSIve 's' '11 if· .' I Pl' will meet in pqns from October 25 tralians it\ :Sydney Saturday, attended a barbecue laId down three condltlon~ for 10 S way. dId not belong lo a 1\ NATO and shol t stories a conventional an InternatIOnal treaty barrmg The report saId most of the popu­ "e • u am to Novemlier' 30- for. )he 14th ses- outside Canberra and came to Brisbane looking weary and strain· countrY It should do so, he said. ID the TblS freakISh 620-foot hIgh rock, lation growth-from 2,998 million but nevertheless somettmes compll­ wz:ency further partICIpatIOn ID the Lagos the further 'proliferatIOn of l'U- which stands four miles south of the • , slon of their geheral conference ed Saturday night, the eve of his flight to the Manila summit awareness that the proposed tre­ 10 1960 )0 a pOSSIble 6,130 mllhon ..cated style' constitutIonal talks resU/DlDg clear weapons • zorft:, commands three major ap­ KAbm. Oct. i!3. (bakhta,r).- This year's ,session will, COInCIde conference. Monday NEW YORK Oct 22 (OPAI-A aty would do more for the secu­ 10 2()()()-'would be In developlDg The Umted States and Bntatn , - Akb wllh the 20th annIversarY of the The wdd welcome In Sydney. not thmk they would come" cloudburst 'ramed out the first day nty of all cQuhtnes, nuclear and proaches through the mountains countries whete there was still con­ Agnon whose literary work has Agriculture_and liTigation IMinister Eng. Mir Mohammad • ar foundlDg of, UNESCO ,in 1946 the nation's largest OIty, waa FIrstly, all northern troops 10 are among countries which have from the North The Japanese government as· Lagos and the West be posted of a two~day Bavarian October non-nuclear alike iilderable scope for rapid decrease ItS root In the Jewish ChassJdim Reza Yesterday met a number of fanners iii whose areas the Its l1)a!n ,task win be to,. consider marred by the sharpest demons. Jomed In sponsonng a resolutIOn Meanwhlle, the Security Coun­ It has been the fooal POIDt of al­ cnbes great SIgnIficanCe to next back to barraeks ID the North to fest m mimature here after free In the death nate movement of Eastern Europe, / is wheat',Improvement programm~ hl}$ been launched. a budget caUlDg for e~~lture of Iratlon Austraila has seen against on the subJect Imtlated by Rus- CIl resumed ItS debate Thursday most continUOUS and bitter fightipg In week's Mamla conference, pollb­ ensure secuflty of free mov"",ent beer had mollified a number ot ~ An mdlVldual's life span was preoccupied his compUca1ed writ· 10 In sIa The Mmister told the farmers that his MInIstry, accord- $62 millIon in 1967 and 1968, financ- the U.S role VIetnam. cal sources saId 10 'rokyo would-be demohstrators from local on Israeh complamts that armed I between Amencan Mannes and longer' today and thus world s>opu~ Ings \\ Itl1 symbols, and Nevertheless~ and discussion Goldberg saId that In today's operatm~ mld~JWy Ilnce with the pohcy of the government. has, embarked upon an eo hy contflhutions from member the PreSIdent The government however re­ brewerlcs protesting against the im­ U:U:I,R"S from SYria had enemy troops since latlOn growth has ',conspIcuously phanlnstlc viSIOns Secondly, the pohce be \ll;ed to world no state whIch did not 1 he northeast monsoon hIt the reO. mtensive programme to boost wheat production, The al/D IS to states, told a crowd 10 Bnsbane gards It as unhkely that the port of foreign be~r The event­ cQmmlUcd acts of aggression accelerated and may sull accelerate mamtaln law and order In Lagos have nuclear weapons could pro glon Ihls wcek lie country self-suffiCient and Keep prIces at 8 reasonable, DurlDg the two·year penod, ap- "This It the most wonderful meetmg of countries WIth dtrect held In New York s Bryant Pa~k against Israel ·furlher fo, the same reason", but make t for the duration of the talks, and mote its long range security by rt was the CouncJ1's third 3es· Flnng of field guns across the SIX­ prOJumat61y equal funds WIU be VISIt thllt I have ever been on It· mlhtary commItments 10 VIetnam thlfdly, memorandums of the In a huge n"lon tent-was to pro­ there wos a gradual slow(ng down VACANCY level. placed at UNESCO's disposal by IS a sentImental Journey" acqUIring them slon on the tense Mlddlc East mile buffer represents a sigruficant WIll produce any fresh hope for vaflOUs delegations on issues mote genume German beer as drunk In the rate of populahon 8rdwlh 10 The programme IS based, Eng (he UN development \lrogramme At one spot In Sydney's centre "What Will really promote the sItuation extcn~lOn of thc Vietnam war Full time Manager or Mana· a peaceful settlement of the where there IS no agreement be at the annual beer festival In developed countnes national secuTlty of every state Some mIlitary observers feel tbat geress required In Novembe,r for Reza said on research conducted Specl'al Functions The fundS will prOVIde for Im- Johnson had to leave hIS auto- Vtetnam confilct exchanged for study and consul. MuO!C'h ever) autumn The first scheduled speaker was The report-enlltled "World tb raise v~letles of 'Wheat best suit~ provement of teacher status and mobl1e to contInue In another one large or small, IS the n<;m prol1- Jamll Baroody of Saudi ArabIa nClther the Americans nor the re$ldentlal staJf house 'in Kabul. Ever smce Phlllppme PreSIdent tatlons Populatlo" P.rospecls" said Europe's ed to the clunatlc and SOli condl- tr8lDlpg, the fight agalOst lllileracy, prOVIded by the Australtan gOY. The CounCIl met at Tsrael s ur­ alleged North Vietnamese ,are Applleants essel1t1ally English Mark UN Day Ferdmand Mareos durmg hIS MIlltary governor for the East, KARACH I Dot 22 (APl-Deve­ shares In populatlon growth, rela­ speaking, must have knowledge tlOns In MghanlStan edueatiqn for youth ernment J(ent request on FrIday and agam anxIous to risk escalating the war VISit to Washmgton In Septem­ LIeutenant-Colonel C Odumedwu lopmellt of roads and rBllroads lively substantIal m Ihe 1920's and or International eaterlng, and WIth the neanug of the fall ,and access of Women and gIrls to HIS own car was unable to pro- on Monday when an adJournment 10 thiS way Here Tomorrow ber, first proposed a conference 0Jukwu, saId 10 a radio state­ In Turke) Iran and Pakistan PHO·s. was now apt to dlmlDlsh and keeping of accounts Apply In snowmg season, the MlnlSter said, educatiOn. • ceed since SIX antt-Vietnam de- I \Vas called to enable delegates to Major Floyd Karker of the US among the countnes sendmg ment from Enugu yesterday that W,I~ dIscussed Friday at a meetmg Prompt Diagnosis to become comparatively small attempts are bemg made to get KABUL, Oct 23, (Bakbtar) - In natur~1 SCiences, the pro monstrators had prOVIded a hu- study a report,. from Norway's Mannes saId writing before November 26 to troops to VIetnam, Japanese have If the first two condItIOns were oC the Re~lOnal CooperatIon Cor It antiCIpated a large rtse of as much unproved wheat seed to Tomorrow IS the 21st ano1versary gramme WIQ give pnonty to plan- man barner by" lymg 10 a hne Of Cancer Lieutenant-General Odd Bull We know they ha ve got arlJ Hostel Committee, P.O Box 5, always been "unlOtetested" In tak­ not Implemented or aceepted Developmeht (ReO) (ornmlttee III population growth In Africa and a Hery and they ought to use It If they Kabul, stating previous experl the farms as possible of the foundmg of the UDlted Na- nlng of technologIcal progress across the pavement Ing part Rawalp10di UN mlIJtar:x c}-,Ief In the area conSiderable flse m LotIO AmerIca demonstra~ then the talks eould be held out­ SYDNEY. Oct 22, (Reu­ ThIS document puoltshed Wed­ are gomg to attack' ence and salary required Last month 54,000 seers of Im- tIO)lS organIsation In Kabul the teachmg of baSIC SCiences, research Police dragged the Side Nigeria The committee be,l;!an Its fourth The report estimated Chma's proved seed was distrIbuted to occaSion WIll be marked by pro- on natural resources and apphca- tors away ler) -Qne third of tbe peo­ nesday was Simply a factual ac- He was speaking to reporters He added that the East would sessIOn under the chairmanship of population 10 2000 81 between. less fanners In various woleswahs If grammes held at the Park ClDeroa, hon o[ sCience to development The preSIdential motorcade was ple who die of eancer coult! count o( events prIOr to the from rhe command posl of a Manne not appomt representatlves to Hassan Ganjl leader of the Irtlnlan (han 900 and nearly 1.400 million ehemlcal fertiliser Is apphed 10 Arlana Cmema, Kahul UDlverstty Proposals for the SOCIal sCIences also re-dlfected In an IlDpromptu Laotian Rebel Air be saved by prompt diagnosis Israeli complaint and drew no unIt based at the foot of the Rock­ the proposed 12-man adVISOry delegatIOn 'A\,;coIdlng to the repoI( major THIS accordance WIth dlfecbons, YIelds audItOrium, RadIO Afghamstan call for studIes of the effects of edu- change of Itinerary to avoid dlffl- and treatment an American (oncJ US Ions pIle committee until adequate partl­ The TurkIsh delegation IS beln!: area population totals by the year are expected to nse 30 to 40 per audnonum and at schools cation on demography and of SOCIal cultles Wlth crowd of about Chief Reported :loetor said here yesterday It IS understood that UN mIlt Camounagcd Viet (" ong arullery the a led b, Nezlh Deverse 2000 \Yould be 2171 mllhon for culars and mformatlon were avail­ In a radio address, Dr t3JY observers earned out an m. hIdden from view by low-Iymg mon­ SPACE cent Among those wbo WIll speak at and cultural problems caused by 5,000 who had assembled 10 a To Be In Thailand able GanJI In hiS Inaugural address South ASia I 287 millIon tor East WHEAT CLEANING these gatherings are Presldenl of the sCIence and technology square close to the centre to pro- Emerson Day, of tbe New vestlgatlOn In the area Wednes­ soon doud~ could easlly c.'Ocape de­ BANGKOK. Oct 23, (AP) -Re­ said the C'tIrrent meeting \.. as of ASIa, 768 million for Arnca 638 The East has dechned to attend York Strang clinic, said tbat day tection Wheat cleanmg machmes run Wole.. J>rgah Dr Abdul Zablr. In the commumcahons field, I( test agamst the US presence In liable sources said Saturday Laotian special ;lgOlficance as It follo~ed million for Latm America, 527 mil­ by provlnclal departments of Kabul Mayor Professor Mohammad envlsages ten-year book develop- Vietnam a meetmg of pennanent secretar­ ID the United States this Rains and fog hamper US ob­ lion for Europe: 353 million (or the rebel air forc£! chief, BrigadIer Ge­ Ies of finance, which made a num rerent meetings of tht> heads of tlie ~ervallon and aIr stnkcs agrICulture and lITigation have Asghar. Rector of Kabul UDlver- ment programme for developmg It seemed a strenuous day for year 300,000 people would die On F'r'day thc Umted States "'uvlet UOion and 357 millIOn for neral Thao Ma, has fled to Thai. ber of recommendatIOns regard­ th £Ie RCD member state The Amencans are forced to cleaned 20.000 seers of locally Slty Touryalal EtemadI. and UDlted countnes the preSIdentIal body-guard who of cancer UN rlelegatton made clear that North Amenca and 31 9 rT'lJlhon for land With some of hiS fellow pilots 109 finanCial assistance and reha­ r~ly heaVily on artillery ralsed seed for fanners free of Nallons ReSIdent Representative m Other major agenda Items mclude were followrng the Johnson car It \\ as still agamst seating China OceanIa and asked for asylum blhtatlon. but agreed to assocIate KINSHASA Congo Oct 23 (APl He said the American Can­ They have already brought Into eharge Afghamslan Arsene Shahbaz. elechon of 15 of the 30 members of ready to jump to aclton every cer Society, drawing on the In the United Nations now des­ AP adds (rom New York A The sources added Thao Ma Itself With the recommendations The CongolesE' press agenc) said no..lrChernmost South Vlctnam several Last month 240,000 seers of AI the programme planned by the the UNESCO execuhve board and tIlDe the PresIdent ordered a halt, experience of c1lnJcs such as pite the recommendatIOn of a group of experts on world popula­ new In at Udo" airport 10 north­ The 32 year-<>Id /lovernor, an Frida) that the Congu s Ambassa hIgh level US cltlzens group of theIr bIggest field guns, self chemIcal Lertlhser was gIven to Afghamstan's Fnends of the Umted adoption of a declaration of pnn so that he could get out and east Thailand aboard a Laottan dur Strang, had found that one tion said that unless dras­ farmers at half the cost Over NatIOns whIch WIU be held ID the clples of InternatIOnal cultural co- mmgle w,th the crowd AP dIspatch says, saId one of the to Spain Arthur PInZI was re that both China and Fonnosa oropened 175 mIllimetre cannon plane It IS not known how many third of those wbo now die I c measures are taken Immediately 1,000 model farms have also been AuditOrium of RadIO AfghanIstan at operation Two of therr colleagues had to three Eastern delegates already called several da) s ago to diSCUSS should have seats I hese would be well wlthlD range other pIlots fled With him of cancer do so needlessly-­ 10 curb the population exploslOD 10 set up m cooperatIon WIth local 5 pm tomorrow a message from ActJvltles In celebrauon of the stay behind m a Melbourne has- had reSIgned saymg If the condI­ With Congolese authorltlf>s the reSI­ But Senator Renan Fuentealba, of North VIetnam SO\Jrces said the Thai authontles dence of former Premier MOise "that we bave the knowledge underdeveloped nations and to brmg fanners, so that the farmers )Day Pnme MtDlster Mohammad Hashim 20th anOlversary wIll mclude a pita} With an eye aibnent after tions were not met the East to apply to find cancer early "ha,nnan of the ChIlean delega­ Ar the same hme. tbe Rockplle <,bout agrarian reform there will be are conSidering their request for re­ should not attend the meetmg Tshombe In Madnd and Dong Ha-the Martne base 15 see for themselves the benefits of Malwandwal Will be read Follow- round table, October 31 November an attack On the preSIdential fuge and !reat It promptly sucb tIOn to the General Assembly, world 5larvallon In massive propor­ The delegate was umdentlfied The government has stated that expressed speclaJ sbhsfactlon" miles to the east-would both the usmg Improved seed, ferbl1ser illS the functIon the artlsts of the 3 on UNESCO's contnbuhon to vehIcle on Fnday In Melbourne Rebei air force pilots at Thao any ('ountn gIVing ref.uge to Tshom­ that one out of three or tons and te"hnlques cultural affairs department of the Nbbel Peace prize Winners With by anti-Vietnam demonstrators but reportedly IS Chnstopher C at the recommendatIOn made Within range of heavy Viet Cong Several of lhe experts doubt that Ma's orders FrIday bombed mtlttary be stands In danger of 10img good 100.000 out of 300,000 eould ThIS year some 15,000 acres of MIDlstry of Informahon and Culture leadIng UNESCO olliclals partlc,- The government of the federal MOJukwu, fonner East attorney Thursday mght In the report of guns north of the frontier headquarters and other milItary be saved who now die. 'iuch reforms can be taken In tIme land has been allocated for rlUS- WIll gIve a concert paling "state of New South Wales. of general and constitutional adVl­ relatIOns With the Congo a natIOnal polley panel of the II IS believed these two strategic mstalJatlOns at Vientiane, but Frzday If at all 109 wheat seed in the Nagarhar --- .'-'-____ twhlch Sydney Is the capital, pre- ser POSitIons would be maIO targets 10 Umted NatIons aSSOCiatIOn of the ~ night loyal government trooPfj He ealled for a Umted Natlons­ PARIS Oct 22 (oPAl -The U.s US any enemy offenSive One of them Dr Karl Brahdt o~ Canal, Helmand Valley, and other lh S sented Johnson WIth two whIte claimed to have seized government has hfted the embargo Ihe Hoover institution at Stanford expenmental farms It IS expect· I" midget kangaroos supefV1sed mQUlry mto the J anu- US Changes Site II have hope, he said In a De ummit Assesses . aIrport m southern Laos which has ary 15 military coup and subse- on three giant electronic computers In Saigon a homemade Viet Umverslty, went so far as to sug· ed that 800,000 seers of seed WIll If- MeanwhIle ForeIgn MInISters statement "that thIS report WIll been the headquarters of the former Quent unrest The suggestIOn for France Imposed some time ago Cong mme burst to a VIllage mar­ f'cSl that the United States use ItS be dIStributed neXt ~ear Plans t of seven powers allied In the air force chief Of Explosions be the prelude to a genUlne ac V' WEIss came after a federal government It was announ( ed here Thllrsda) tlon of Washington which I ket place Friday, killing nine people massive foreign aid programme as bave been drawn up to dlstnbute Ie ar, co ues ·Vletnam war held a senes of In- The reports said VientIane, the statement Thursday gIVing its ver­ night and wounding 48 'f,th a lethal r.... verage to force reform In the COULD Djore chemIcal fertiliser also. the NEW DELHI, Oct. 23, I(Renter).- fonnal dIscusstons m Manila Sun- At USSR Request Judge to be In harmony WIth Laotian adminIstrative capital, was sIOn of events behmd the over­ ThlS IS the resu It of an agree­ PreSIdent Johnson's triP to the spray of sphntered glass world s underdeveloped na bons MinIster saId day to prepare for the SWDlDlt qUiet Saturday aDd the government IN DAMIAN I No proposal to solve the Vietnam war are llkely to result from eomerence on VIetnam next Mon- throw of the clvlltan govern­ ment concluded betw~en the Amen­ WASijlNGTON Del 22 (OPAl Four of the dead were South Statesmen of the world are DOt was said to be 10 control Far East" HAVE AccordtQg to a report from the non-aligned meeting between india, YugoslaVia and the UAR day and Tuesday ment. can and French governments a -The U S government has chang­ VIetnamese soldiers and four were aware of the new technology, tech~ The General Assembly IS sche­ Bannan, a group of extensIon a conference !Spokesman said Saturday night. • Tomorrow the leaders _of SIX Pans Foretgn Mln1str,} offiCial said ed at the Soviet UnIon's request, duled to start debate a month children a mihtary spokesman said mques available to make Increased US sources here noted that the the locatIon of a senes of under­ ThIs Mekong Delta blast c1lma~ed production a realIty," he said SPOKEN workers from the MIDlstry of The spokesman LK Jha, saId DurlOg dISCUSSIOns on world alhed nabons fly here to jom from now on a move from eight Agnculture and Irrigation has the three leaders-Indla's Prune economIc 9roblems Saturday af- the" host, •PresIdent Ferdinand agreement With France ac('orded waler explOSions In the northern communist and nonahgned coun~ a ~eek of Viet Cong terror attacks. Nobody can say there won't arnved there WIth tbree tons of Mmlster Indira Gandhi. Yugoslav ternoon, I 'e three leaders had Marcos of the Philippmes, in a With Amencan obligations arisIng PaCific tnes to replace Formosa With malnly to and around the South be a (amIne In the world but if It FOR You unproved seed and some 12 tons PreSIdent Tito and UAR Pre- stressed the unportance of a mul- maJor revIew of thelf war aga- Anwari Lays Cornerstone Of Irom the treat) bannmg atoml(, The American State Department Vietnamese capital comes It wIll be government-made" People's China In the Umted Na­ of chemIcal fertIliser Sldent Nasser-5aturday gave Ulateral forum 10 SUpervise aId to Inst the VIet Cong tests m the atmosphere said Fflday night the explOSions tIons An Ap dispatch from Washmg­ Doctor Raymond Ewell. Vice ADVERTISE IN On Its part the French govern­ which would definitely establish the represen~ ton sayS the US Defence Depart­ The team will sow part of the theU" assessments of the V,etnam developlDg countnes Secretary ,of State Dean Rusk Bntam s permanent PreSIdent for research at the State THE KABUL TIMES seed ID the agriculture depart- sltuallon They agreed that any tendenoy of the UnIted States told repor. $4Million AIT Annex meat has undertaken not to use the dIfference between earth tremors tallve to the United Nallons, Lord ment FrIday announced develop­ UQlverslty of New York at Buffalo TO SELL - TO BUY ment's fanns and some of it 10 He saId they had agreed that of ald.glvlDg powers to exert ters he would go to Geneva to- computers for milltar:) purposes.. and atomiC tests would now be Caradon said Friday Bntam 'has ment of a revolutIonary radar sys­ pOinted oul that India With one _ KABUL, Oct. 23, (Bakhtar)_- privately owned model farms the V1Etnamese people must be pressure on reCIpIent countnes morrow u fast as the fastest effet:ted al least a h:.mcrcd kIlome­ ,10 doubt' as to ltS sovereIgnty tem that can prOVide helicopters third of the world s underdeveloped as The foundation stone of an annex to the Afghan institute I of For Quick Bamlan fanners have put at left to determme theIr own should be stopped and that "the Jet could take me", If commumst LONDON I Bonn Oct 22 (DPAj tres from Ihe Soviet held Kunle over Aden night eyes for use In Vletnam populallons waS an example of the Technology was laid yesterdllY by JEducatlon MInister Dr. Osman the dISposal of the department of future WIthout interference ald-giVlDg process has to be freed leaders were ready to dISCUSS AnWllrl, -British Economics MlOlster MI­ Islands Lord Ca.adon, m a letter to The new system has been tuccess­ food problem at Its worst • Returns agrIculture some 15 acres In dIf- Asked whether this meant a from factors whIch would add.-to peace chael Stewart has had to postpone The cham of Islands occupied by Secretary General U Thant. dat­ fully flight-tested an announcement I n the next 14 years, he said ferent locahtles to set up model solutIOn wlthm the framework of dangerous tensIon between n~ Asked If he thought commun- The bUIldings will be construct­ hiS VISIt (0 Bonn set for next Mon­ the SovIets after World War II. IS saId and demonstrated that It can Indta s populallon would mcrease mE ONLY ENGLISH The MmlSter thanked the UDI' ed Oct 18 and made public Fn­ ed over a 110,000 sq metre area at a day because of the House of Com­ frequently the centre of earth trc day took Issue With statements clearly dlfferenhate between vanouS by 150 to 200 mIllion people It NEWSPAPER fanns the Geneva agreements. Jha saId and poor countrIes" 1St leaders should be mVlted to ted States for the assIstance gIven A seed clean109 machme Was this had been the posItion thro They agreed that developmg the Mamla surrumt. he saId, "I do cost of $4 mllhon, 70 per cent mons debate un the government s mors by Yemen dunng general de­ kmds of ground objects and vanous "'QuId be . totally ImpOSSible" to In equlpplOg and enlarging the IN AFGHANISTAN put mto operatIon yesterday by ughout' countnes should get together to of which comes as a grant from measures to enforce the wages and A few days ago the SovIet govern­ bate kinds of terrain feed (hem by Indian resources alone Ins!ltute the department 10 Bamlan Jha saId It was hIS tmpreSSlOn find wayS of "moblllsmg deve- the Umted States The work WIll prlces SlOp It was announced In ment appealed to governments He also thanked other coun­ Yemen Foreign Minister Moh­ The machme cleans over half that (here were no maJor dlffer- lopment resources, strengthenmg london and Bonn Tuesday A new orgamsatlOns and mdlvlduals mak­ ------be completed towards the end of tnes and mternatIOnal organisa­ ammad Sallarh told the General a ton per hour enees on VIetnam between'; the and supportmg each other, and 1968 date JS to be agreed on later Ing expenments 10 the area ro Ie Assembly Oct 17 that Britain dId Famed Spy EscapeR tIOns whIch have cooperated WIth Anwan saId that as Industry fram from dOing so since explo not have legal sovereignty over FLY ARIANA three leaders that had to be haVlDg a common outlook ID the Mmlstry In unplementmg bfldged , pohtleal and economIc fields" and sCienCe and technology pro­ rOKYO Oct 22 ks after darkness The Intematl(lnal Music Centre for Film, Radio and Gram­ between 'east and western EuroPe -mutual co-operatlOn mIt 700 more students 400 of has ~ettled on the hills of Arlington ., Informatton and Culture M10ister mophone, Vienna and between East and West Ger- -work to arrest the regretta- When Blake. a fonner BntlSh them Will be gIven hostel accom­ N.Hlunal lernetar) That mdlcated d,plomat, was Janed m 1961 MolI'ammad Osman Sldky many, Jha slild ble gap between nch and \lOor modalton 1\1 •• 1 the ''''nal would take plaC'e And the Intematlonal Society for Musle Teaching, Washing­ (CO/lid on paRe 4) , The MiDlsler praIsed the talent of ! 11 Ihe lhlld 1I111lVersan of the ton. the young people whose works were Death:---=T'-ollReaC'hes 'fllllll:: PreSIdent S assassJnatlOn on Vlew He said holding of such Date: Time: I lo.., ever Hh "ffi( e of the Chief 23.10.1966. ex.hlblhons IS an effective way of 116 In Welsh of F.lIgltlt~t.:1 S S ""JUANA CINEMA PIA announces the mtroductIon of Its w~nter schedule 10:20 every Thursday morni ng AEROFLOT you that engulfed young childRn at the • 109 them In research work At-a; 5 3ll and 9 30 pm RUSSian effective November 1, 1966 WIth F-27 aircraft (all tOUrIst local school and swamped about 16 Ilalian film In, FarSI FBI OIVI 6i ?R ESS He said the management of the houses som CRIMINALfi; class) between Kabul and PeShaWaI\ "from KABUL to MOSCOW via TASHKENT in 6ours.,· pro!!rammes of 'he youth commJttee But Saturday, more than 24 boun IS left to youth, so thaI they WIll CINEMA , 1 after the disaster struck, medical ex­ At ;':.30;'-AIm5 30, 8 and 111 pm Mondays, Thursdays an~ S~tur~ys: develop competence and skill In perts ruled out all but remote AEROFLOT arriv,s from MOSCOW & TASHKENT every organisation Ilalie, lIIm In FarSI FBI OIVI­ (hances of finding anyone alive SOIN CRIMINALE Arrival Kabul 1020 The president of the youth com... The bodies of more than a hund­ KABUL CINEMA Wednesday at 9:20 a,m. mUtee, Nazar AZlZl, said art IS a red ciliidren and seven adults have At 2, .s, l\Dd 7: 30 p m. meanongfuI pasUme for youth and been recovered from the debr18 IndlllQ ./11m BADEL Departure Kabul ll~ helped elimonate complelles Me(hcal offiCIals said the picture , I' Sldky VIewed Ihe exhIbits. which " PAJIDR CINEMA Information and ti ckets are available at was becoming even worse as res-­ For reservatIOns please phone No 22155 IOciude portraits. composihons and cuers dIg fUflher down At ..1,;., 5, !,"J'> and 10 p m abstracfs IndIan ,111m BAGI SEYA or your Travel Agents ARIANA and~AEROFLOT offices EngIneers had earlier poured " The Items are all works of 8th Ichemicals on the 500-foot (ISO­ (0 121h grade students The exhlbl' • Information and Cnlture IWnIster Moha mmad Osman Sldky looks 'at art exhibits by metre) high mounlalll of PH waste members.,of the Public Library Youth CommJ ttee. t,on Will be open to the pubhc for to try IQ bmd It t08ether, prevenljpl , two weeks. from 2 10 5 P m dally any further avalanche t....~ '-'