University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-22-1966 Kabul Times (October 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 173) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 173)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1322. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1322 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THEKABUL~ OCTOBER 20~ 1966 , , • i JainIe): Returns ~ J'~~t ..";... Communique '~.CO/lld from pag. I) , ~ConlcJ. from page 1) The '" )Willster at Afghani. steady development dutlng'the IaSI tan a#!>fdihg to the communique f bail a century l 4 E8" has lrij1\ed the Prime MlOlster and A revIew ot !he lll~aiJollll1 the r0telJn Minister of Turkey 10 slluallon wlthm this cont",,\ led visit AfalJanislnn at a convenient Ibe two Prune MlDlStera t<l Dohl time The invitation Has peen ae tbat au Identity of vIew &!Sled ~I­ cepled , wcen Ibe lw6 l,jovernmlmts as far as J Bakhtar adds Malwandwal and tbe necC$Slty for speedy and peace­ V N0 OCTOBER 22 1966 (MIZAN 30 1345 SH) PRICE IV 3 Demlrel met for talks in Ankara ;! ;1 • . luI ...~tJtment of the outslaDdiog 10 yesterday afternoon The meeting leronlionQJ ISSUes are concerned was marked by friendship and cor I Tbey shared the vIew that a solid 1 diahly InlcmaMnnJ cooPeration based on HM King, Queen Coal Slag Crushes It wss also attended on the Af r LAOS AIR FORCE COUP GhorCitizensGive OverAf. 3m. ahan side by Dr Popal and Dr tbe pn,nclples of non m\Crvention m Welsh Schoel, Ghafoor Rawan Farhadl Director mternal alfalrs of c:.quailly of ViSIt Maiwandwal General of the Pohtlcal Affairs De rights and of mutual respect BID FAILS, SAYS ARMY To Establish More Schools between natIons revealed Itself as 75 Children Dead partmen! ID the Foreign MmlStry Ibe maIO objective of all peaco-Iov CHAGHCHARAN, Oct 22 (Bakhtar)­ and on the Turkish side by Ishan In His Home AHERFAN Wale· Ocl 22 (AP) Mlm~ter Ing countnes and a subslaDtial con The cltlzens of Ghor hhVC contributed over three million afghams Sabn CaglayangIl of Souvanna Phouma Returns To \OVorklOg under giant arc hghts :Foreign Affairs the Secretary..cene Inbution 10 thIS end couJd be Their MaJest,es VISited the Prune to expand educational facllttles m their provlDce broughl about througb free co­ rcscue team.s Saturday dragged ral of Political Affairs in the Minister at hls house yesterday The dilC'ctur of the prOVincIal 1 hIee more DnmUry a'"'.:1 sevPI1 more bodies of young children from ForeIgn MmlstrY and Jamll Waft operation On the baSis of fnendship eveDing Department of Education Moham rno e v Ilage sthoo s v.c.c set up and good neIghbourlIness between By, a Welsh Village school that was Ambassador to Afghanistan Capital Shocked Bombing On Thursday evening TheIr mad Az[m Nasefl said In lhe cur by the Government The c.;ost o( slates swamped under a mountam of coal Tho Prime M lDlster vIsited the Highness Pnnce Ahmad Shah rent year two primary schools and these was met so ely by the i!OV slag With the feared loss of 200 Conservatory of Turkey Tuesday Both sides reCOgnIsed the para VIENTIANE, Oct. 22, (Combined News Services)­ Pnnce Mohammad Nad.. and Mar 16 Village schools \\ere establIshed t:rnment mount unportance of the UnIted lives He Inspecled the ballet folklore The PrIme Minister of Laos Prince Snuvanna Phouma, who has shal Shan Wah Khan Gbazi vlslled III the provl c(' from contrlhuhonl'; In Gardez. Pakth13 Abdul Qadar Nations and the necessity of eosbl ~... o e tnu I ~ uUO beenmed ann ex and archives sectIons The students been having talks In Pans was today Dying back to his strife the Pnme MIQlster and expressed mode by thp Df'nnl p Qaz:l the Deputy Governor laId the give a standmg ovation to the 109 thlS orgamsatlon to carry out lorn capital shocked by raids by rebel air force planes Ion the their pleasure al scelng hIm healthy foundatIon stone ot a building for llllLUi eu rCSl:UC s- nuny OL tnem the functions entrusted to It to pro I el s wnose own l.:lUlucen were Pnme MlnJster city Friday agam a teac.:hers tramlOg 5 hool mote world peace and internatiohal IS~llg-lOlIea LOrougnOU1. we nJ.2ht Tuesday Dlght Malwandwnl and Laotlan army leaders claIm Flflh Mlhtary Region told re The Pnme M1Dlster has answered Royal Audience fhe school stanclOg on u "? icre cooperation to safeguard human I up ~ agliUlst nope mat hearts Mrs Malwandwal accompaOled by that the sltuatlOn'throughout the porters that Thao Ma had form a message sent 10 him by Bnllsb KABUL Oct 22 IBakhtar)- plot of la ld Will have three dormJ nghls and fundamental freedoms 'vc e suIJ oe.:lung bc=oealll thousands Caglayangll attended a TurkISh country IS back to normal and ed a'" revQ~utlOnary coup com Prime Minister Wilson wlshmg him Dunng the y, E'ek ended October 20 tones two classroom hUlldwss a claSSical co~cert and to achIeve all the objectives of they almy has seIZed control of mlttee Kouprasith saId that good health the following were rece ved n bUlldIng fur an c q (' nenta! shoo! 01 LO 1.;0 oJ. greasy ruobJ.e in thoir Students and residents thc charter o vn ncar S 1.ney Knew tho outcome Accordmg to another rcport the of Kabul hned the streets to give a ronsing welcome to PrIme Minister MQhammad Hashim Mal the au force base from whIch Thao Ma hael senI word earher Elders and Ch,eltuJOs of Achek audience by illS Majesty the Kmg to serve as a l;lboratorv u mosque Prime MI01ster before leaVlng the wandwal this mnrnlng The two parlles reaffirmed their dISSident officers launched al­ that he would send hiS planes to zalS and Baloocbles m the localFbap­ First Deputy Prime Minister and and sports gro nds At 4D mmUlCS at1.e! midmeht b rl support to the peoples who struggle lO~tallatlOns ler of the National Jlrgah of occu Qn said t IS hl'i1 tenmg to co day mght I;, bOdies had been re­ Ankara hospital Monday wrote -----------------------------.:....------._~ tacks on mllttary In bomb VIentiane Fnday r orelgn MInister Nour Ahmad ....,.----- agumst colomalism and for the at cove t.:;:] f om the school burled and hiS thanks to doctors 10 a special Vcmtlane Thao Ma apparenlly deCIded plcd Southam PakhtunIstan have tn Etemadl Defence Millster Gene al that the peop I' nov. rCD 1"(> the tammenl of Iheir nght to self deter book He also presented hiS pboto Officel s of the air force who to stflke after the Armed Forces a message sent from Toba conyeyed Khan Mohammad Justice MmlsLer v lit p of ('d al 0 (; ushed under two mllhon tons of mlOatlOn ..Jag 1.hat swept like a black oval to tlie hospital at the request of Ihe Make~s Smith May Yet rdered the attacks have ned the H gh Command In Vlent'ane de to Prlmc Minister Malwnadwal Dr Mohammad Halder M es a1 d 1 he f! nre The TurkISh Pnme MmlSter out [lnLl e nto thiS Welsh vll1.M:e Friday doctors Prosecutor USSR Suggests UN Sanctions rmy Jeadels saId c clcd to remove hJ.m from the Ihen pleasure over h~s recovery and 1)(1 str es M 1 ster E g Abd I s n I g Is s hned hiS Government s views 00 A crowd gathered to greet him Compromise UK VIt:~ntJane was tense but command o( the air force ThiS h s return home Sa n .... d Sa m ;}nd Maj Gen Moh t: s s 110 Ie: mOl 109 Final Submission the Cyprus problem and expressed fhe movmg mountain engulfed a as he was leaVing the hospital To Brilng Rhodesia To Heel talm yesterday Shops were order was to come IOto effect The Prlmc MInIster had returned ammad Az In Governor o( Pakthla VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS Mrs Malwandwal gave a recep­ Officials Think hJS deep sausfactlon to the AI dosed and the streets were de October 25 to Kabul from Ankara Thursday 111 \. h 1 th Vo fit 0 al E I ft'lrmhouse k Ihng a woman Bnd her In Subandrio Trial ghan SIde for the perfect tinder t \ 1100 10 honour of Mrs Demlre1 yes LONDON Ocl 20 (AP) -Bntam selted Thao Ma was demoted to a post morn109 tJO"l Dem rt T (It r th 1\1 n sir.) of grandchildren beCore thunder NEW YORK Oct 20 (Tass)­ standing and assistance granted by Homoe News In Brief terday evening In the Afgban Em Wednesday night received rebel Planes b mbed Vlentlan~ for In the General Staff at Vlent ane As hiS pl3ne was passing over Ed t () I :1 f t: ng do vn on the little school and SiNGAPORE Oct 20 (Reuter)­ Thp. SOViet VOIon suggestcd yesterday that the United NatiQns KABU 0 l 2 (Bakhla)- c1~ bassy PremIer .Ian Smith s preliminary AfghaOlstan to Turkey at the United if) minutes Fr day In the out Iran he sent a to Iraman Prime MI I ~o h t g 14 houses ncarby Dr Subandno the former Indo could Impose sanctIOns nn Rhodes.a as long as whIte raCIsts re IN PARIS Mo Dm <ld Asel A 0 blar and Mrs Popal Mrs Caglayangll and answer to her fina I terms for a NatIOns bl eak of fight ng between a I n sler Amlr Abas Hovclda wish109 I sch ols Pol c.:e and counCil authofltJes I eSlan Foreign M mster on trial for mamed m power there The two Parties agreed tbat the Mol am "Id Masoum R Isoull two ~raveh the wIves of some other TurklSb RhodeB\,a settlement-and qualified r rCe Units loya] to their chief In PailS Prmce Souvanna Pho­ the Iranian natIon progress and III I vlte estImated that the total h s hie 111 Jakarta had tned to stafT me lbers of Bakhtar ,c ..
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