June 2011 Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 2


TABLES AND DIAGRAMS 3 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY 4 1. TRENDS REGARDING PORTS OF AZOV AND CASPIAN SEAS 6 2. REVIEW OF PORTS OF THE AZOV SEA 10 2.1. Russian ports of the Azov Sea 10 2.2. Ukrainian Azov Sea ports 25 3. REVIEW OF THE PORTS 33 3.1. Russia's Caspian Sea ports 33 3.2. Maritime ports of Iran 43 3.3. Port of . 47 3.4. Port of Aktau. Kazakhstan 50 ABOUT THE COMPANY "BUSINESS PORT" 56

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 3


Tables: Table 1. Development projects ports of the Azov and Caspian Seas 6 Table 2. Characteristics of the port of Azov 10 Table 3. Characteristics of the port of Taganrog 15 Table 4. Berths Taganrog 17 Table 5. Berths Eisk 21 Table 6. Cargo areas of Rostov Port 23 Table 7. Characteristics of the port 25 Berdyansk Table 8. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Berdyansk, 2008-Apr. 2011 25 Table 9. Berths Mariupol 30 Table 10. Main characteristics of the port "Astrakhan", 2010 32 Table 11. Main characteristics of the port of Makhachkala, 2010 36 Table 12. Main characteristics of the port of Olya, 2010 39 Table 13. Characteristics of Anzali Port 43 Table 14. Berths Anzali 43 Table 15. Berths Amirabad 45 Table 16. Port development projects Amirabat 45 Table 17. Terminals of the 47 Table 18. Berths Aktau port 50

Diagrams: Diag. 1. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Taganrog 2003-2010. 16 Diag. 2. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Taganrog 2004-2010. 16 Diag. 3. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Yeisk, 2005-2010. 20 Diag. 4. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Yeisk, 2006-2010. 21 Diag. 5. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Mariupol, 2006-Apr. 2011. 29 Diag. 6. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Mariupol, 2007-2010. 30

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 4

Diag. 7. Dynamics of freight port of Astrakhan, 2003-2010. 34 Diag. 8. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Astrakhan, 2004-2010. 35 Diag. 9. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Makhachkala, 2003-2010. 37 Diag. 10. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Makhachkala, 2004-2010. 37 Diag. 11. Dynamics of freight, port Olia, 2003-2010. 40 Diag. 12. Growth rates of turnover port of Olya, 2004-2010. 40 Diag. 13. Dynamics of freight turnover in the port of Aktau, 2006-2010. 50 Diag. 14. Growth rates of turnover at the port of Aktau, 2007-2010. 51

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 5


At present, the Caspian region to Russia becomes increasingly important. Developed to transform the objective conditions of the Caspian Sea and the coastal areas as an important transit center of trade between Europe and Asia. All littoral states began to show high activity in the reconstruction of existing and construction of new port facilities, the establishment of new economic international relations in order to increase traffic through its territory. The report offers detailed estimates on the state and development of the ports and their infrastructure. It therefore provides outlooks on actual and probable construction work for extensions to the ports. Furthermore it presents forecasts on freight types and their development. Information presented in this report may be of interest for the following groups:

• Russian and foreign carriers;

• Stevedoring companies;

• Port cargo suppliers;

• Dock building companies;

• Port services suppliers;

• Potential investors in the sector of the market;

• Other market participants. The object of study is to market the ports of the Azov and Caspian seas. Area studies - Russia (Azov, Taganrog, Eisk, Moscow), Ukraine (Berdyansk, Mariupol), Iran (Anzali, Amir Abad), Azerbaijan (Baku), Kazakhstan (Aktau). Objective: to analyze the state of and prospects for development of ports of the Azov and Caspian seas. Methods of Research. To achieve the objectives was monitored print and electronic materials business and trade publications, including the English language, statistical books, the Internet and other sources.

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 6

Volume and structure of the report. The report consists of three sections totalling 56 pages, illustrated with 14 charts and 18 tables

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 7


The trade volume between the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe is growing by …% annually. The trade volume between Asia and Europe is projected to grow the future, with the main development of container shipping in the medium term...

Table 1. Development projects ports of the Azov and Caspian Seas Sea Port Liquid Terminal for Container Ro-ro Refrigerat LNG Infrastructure cargo bulk and terminal ed cargo improvement terminal general cargo

Azov Oil Grain terminal Just built - - + + terminal just built

Azov Sea

Caspian Sea

In 2010, the cargo turnover of all the ports of the Caspian Sea was … tons; the cargo turnover of the Russian ports on the Caspian Sea has exceeded … tons of cargo.

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 8

Russian ports could potentially be a major transshipment point of transit of goods between Europe and Asia. However, due to insufficient depth, …% of the Russian ports are unable to take large vessels… Production capacity of Russian ports can provide …% of the cargo handling needs... Almost all of the ports of the Azov and Caspian seas currently are upgrading areas, buy new equipment, and create new terminals, which certainly increases competition between ports in the region. Most of the ports of the Azov Sea and Caspian specialize in handling of ... It is known that Government finances only objects of the state property (water areas, canals, etc.), construction of port infrastructure should be funded by private investors.

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 9

2. REVIEW OF PORTS OF THE AZOV SEA 2.1. Russian ports of the Azov Sea

To reduce cargo transit through Ukraine and prevent the cargo overload at the Russian Black Sea ports the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory decided to create the largest cargo complex near Primorsk-Akhtarsk by for 2014-2015…

Port of Azov Port of Azov is located on the line of the 9th intermodal corridor, designed to transport goods from north to south, and is effective in working with the freight traffic of the Balkan-Danube and the Mediterranean areas. The port is operating in a year-round navigation.

Table 2. Characteristics of the port of Azov Characteristics Value Total area, ha Vessels tonnage, thousand t Depth at the berths, m Depth of the approach channel, m River width, m Open storage area, sq. m Potential capacity of port, mln. t/a year Loading rate, t/day

Total area of the port of Azov is more than … ha - central cargo area – 5,9 ha; - new cargo areas (“new port” territory) – …; - ... There is a land set aside for the construction of the terminal of liquefied petroleum gas - … ha. The great advantage of the Azov Sea Port is the possibility to store up to one million tons of cargo. The port is located in the area with a well-developed transport infrastructure

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 10 and has access to roads and railways. The port also has its own fleet.

Cargo volume, port specialization The main specialization of the port - all types of bulk cargo and general cargo, such as metal, scrap metal, coal, wood (sawn and round), ore, fertilizers, grain, cement, as in big bags and bulk, containers, etc. It is also planned to handle liquid cargo and LPG. The largest share in cargo turnover of the port is taken by coal, grain, cement, metal products. Increase in container handling is anticipated. Major share of goods is exported to to Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Cyprus, the Balkan Peninsula. Import is only a minor part of the total turnover... In 2009, the turnover of the port amounted to … t, the major part of turnover was taken over by the company JSC "Azov Sea Port" and LLC "Promekspeditsiya." The latter company is engaged in the transshipment of grain. The main markets of grain - ... Grain Terminal has a total area of 7.5 ha and is capable of handling of … t per year…

Port development, perspectives

• Mooring quay was constructed;

• The port area was expanded;

• Grain terminal was built;

• … Container terminal As a part of the third stage of the "Azov Sea Port" investment program the specialized container terminal was built. This is one of the largest terminals in the region.

Port advantages

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Overview Of Ports Of The Azov And Caspian Seas 11

• Good location: the port is the gateway to inland waterways transport system; • …

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