Reshuffle 2014 - The new Government line up

1 Whip’s Office

Michael Gove MP

• New Position: Chief Whip • Previous position: Secretary of State for Education • Entered the House: 2005 • Political Interests: Education, crime, terrorism • Interesting Fact: A member of the winning team in Grampian Television's quiz show Top Club Lord Ashton of Hyde

• New Position: Government Whip, • Previous position: None • Entered the House: 2011 • Political Interests: Water, banking and finance • Interesting Fact: Gained the rank of Lieutenant with the Royal Wessex Yeomanry

Anne Milton MP • New Position: Lord Commissioner, HM Treasury, Whip • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Health • Entered the House: 2005 • Political Interests: Environment, health and social care, voluntary sector • Interesting Fact: Worked in the NHS as a Nurse

2 Foreign Office/EU Commissioner

Phillip Hammond MP

• New Position: Foreign Secretary • Previous position: Secretary of State for Defence • Entered the House: 1997 • Political Interests: Economic policy, international trade, EU, defence • Interesting Fact: Said that if there was a vote now he would consider voting to leave EU

Tobias Ellwood MP

• New Position: Parliamentary Under Secretary to the Foreign Office • Previous position: Shadow Minister Culture, Media and Sport • Entered the House: 2005 • Political Interests: Defence, education, environment, tourism • Interesting Fact: Was a senior business manager at the London Stock Exchange

Lord Hill of Oareford

• New Position: EU Commissioner (nominated by PM) • Previous position: Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: EU, education, constitution • Interesting Fact: Ex Special Advisor to Ken Clarke

3 Ministry of Defence

Michael Fallon MP

• New Position: Secretary of State for Defence • Previous position: Minister for State, joint brief Business, Innovation and Skills and Energy and Climate Change • Entered the House: 1983-92, 1997 • Political Interests: Constitution, public sector, education, economy • Interesting Fact: While he was out of Parliament he was a director for Quality Care Homes MP

• New position: Minister of State, Ministry of Defence • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Ministry of Defence • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Culture, media and sport, justice, foreign affairs, transport • Interesting Fact: Has a majority of 389

Julian Brazier MP • New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Ministry of Defence • Previous position: Shadow Minister, Transport 2005-2010 • Entered the House: 1987 • Political interests: Defence, foreign affairs, economics, law and order, families, countryside • Interesting Fact: Member of the Cornerstone group of Conservative MP’s

4 HM Treasury

David Gauke MP

• New position: Financial Secretary to the Treasury • Previous position: Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Care and quality of life for the elderly, healthcare, defence, the arts, space • Interesting Fact: Life long supporter of Ipswich Town F.C

Priti Patel MP

• New position: Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury • Previous position: Member of Members expense committee • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Trade, business, economy, law and order • Interesting Fact: Headed the press office of the Referendum Party in for the 1997 general election

5 Business Innovation & Skills

Matthew Hancock MP

• New Position: Minister for State, Business, Enterprise and Energy, (Now attending Cabinet) • Previous position: Minister of State, shared brief, Business, Innovation and Skills and Education • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Economic policy, business, education • Interesting Fact: Worked as an economist for the Bank of Edward Vaizey MP

• New position: Minister of State, Digital Industries, Both Business, Innovation and Skills and Culture Media and Sport • Previous position: Parliamentary Under-Secretary Culture, Media and Sport • Entered the House: 2005 • Political interests: Arts, architecture, technology, environment • Interesting Fact: Regarded as a moderniser

Greg Clark MP • New position: Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Universities and Science • Previous position: Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster • Entered the House: 2005 • Political interests: Economics, financial services, cities, poverty, welfare reform • Interesting Fact: Ex member of the Social Democrat Party

6 Business Innovation & Skills

Nick Boles MP

• New Position: Minister of State for Skills, Enterprise and Equalities in the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills & Department of Education • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Communities and Local Government • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Education, local government, foreign affairs • Interesting Fact: Shared a flat with Michael Gove

George Freeman MP

• New position: Minister for Life Sciences in the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills & Health • Previous position: None • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Constitution, crime, civil society, localism, life sciences • Interesting Fact: Chairman of the All Party Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture

7 Cabinet Office

William Hague MP

• New Position: First Secretary of State, Leader of the House • Previous position: Foreign Secretary • Entered the House: 1989 • Political Interests: Agriculture, economic policy • Interesting Fact:: Noted and popular nonfiction writer

Joe Johnson MP

• New position: Minister of State for the Cabinet Office • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Ministry of Justice • Entered the House: 2005 • Political interests: Criminal justice, education, foreign affairs • Interesting Fact: Practised as a lawyer specialising in Criminal Law

8 Attorney General’s Office

Robert Buckland MP

• New Position: Solicitor General • Previous position: None • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Criminal justice, constitutional affairs, foreign affairs, education • Interesting Fact: Recommended that prisoners phones should be sold and the money given to victims charities

Jeremy Wright MP

• New position: Attorney General • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Cabinet Office • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Business, finance • Interesting Fact: Former banker and journalist

9 Cabinet Office

Oliver Letwin MP

• New Position: Minister of Government Policy Cabinet Office and Privy Seal • Previous position: Minister of Government Policy, Cabinet Office • Entered the House: 1997 • Political Interests: Education, elections and campaigning, political ideas and philosophy • Interesting Fact: Member of ’s policy unit between 1983-86

Brookes Newmark MP

• New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Cabinet Office • Previous position: Whips office 2010-12 • Entered the House: 2005 • Political interests: Economic policy, special needs education, poverty reduction • Interesting Fact: A noted critic of quantitative easing

10 Work and Pensions

Esther McVey MP

• New Position: Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Now attending Cabinet) • Previous position: Minister of State at the Department for Work and Pensions • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Business innovation and skills, education, transport, health • Interesting Fact: Used to be co-host of GMTV

Mark Harper MP

• New Position: Minister of State, Department of Work and Pensions • Previous position: Minister of State for Immigration 2012-2014 • Entered the House: 2005 • Political Interests: Education, special needs education, law and order, health, defence • Interesting Fact: Former accountant and financial analyst

11 Transport

John Hayes

• New Position: Minister of State for Transport and the Cabinet Office • Previous position: Minister of State of the Cabinet Office • Entered the House: 1997 • Political Interests: Education, elections and campaigning, political ideas and philosophy • Interesting Fact: Since 2009 he has been the honorary Chairman of the British Caribbean society

Claire Perry MP

• New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Transport • Previous position: Assistant Whip • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Economy, education, defence, justice, international development • Interesting Fact: Worked in Banking and Finance for Bank or America and Credit Suisse

12 Department of Communities and Local Government

Brandon Lewis MP • New Position: Minister of State, Department of Communities and Local Government • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Communities and Local Government • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Tourism, local government, coastal erosion, business, transport • Interesting Fact: During his time as leader of Brentwood council he co-hosted The Eric and Brandon Show with local MP on Phoenix FM,

Penny Mordaunt MP

• New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Communities and Local Government • Previous position: None • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Care and quality of life for the elderly, healthcare, defence, the arts, space • Interesting Fact: Appeared on the Television programme ‘Splash’

Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon

• New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Communities and Local Government • Previous position: Lords spokesman, Business Innovation and Skills • Entered the House: 2011 • Political interests: Asylum, immigration and nationality, communities and families • Interesting Fact: Chairman of the Conservative Friends of Pakistan

13 Home Office/Justice

Mike Penning MP

• New Position: Minister of State at the Home Office and Ministry of Justice • Previous position: Minister of State at the Department of Work and Pensions • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Tourism, local government, business, transport • Interesting Fact: During his time as leader of Brentwood council he co-hosted The Eric and Brandon Show with local MP Eric Pickles on Phoenix FM,

Andrew Selous MP

• New Position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Justice • Previous position: Shadow minister, Work and Pensions • Entered the House: 2001 • Political Interests: Trade and industry, families, defence, homelessness • Interesting Fact: Served in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers 1981-1994

14 Energy & Climate Change/International Development

Elizabeth Truss MP • New Position: Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs • Previous position: Parliamentary Under-Secretary Department for Education • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Education, business, skills, work and pensions • Interesting Fact: Was president of Oxford University Liberal Democrats

Amber Rudd MP • New Position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Energy and Climate Change • Previous position: Parliamentary Private Secretary to George Osborne MP • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Welfare, transport, environment, food and rural affairs • Interesting Fact: Rudd has been actively involved in the campaign for the local fishing fleet in Hastings. Desmond Swayne MP

• New Position: Minister of State, International Development • Previous position: Vice Chamberlain, HM Household, Whips Office, House of Commons • Entered the House: 1997 • Political Interests: Defence, social security and Scottish affairs • Interesting Fact: Former PPS to

15 Wales

Stephen Crabb MP

• New Position: Secretary of State for Wales • Previous position: Lord Commissioner, HM Treasury Whip and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Wales Office • Entered the House: 2005 • Political Interests: Energy, international development, trade, voluntary sector • Interesting Fact: Born in Inverness

Alun Cairns MP

• New position: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales • Previous position: None • Entered the House: 2010 • Political interests: Economy, trade and industry, special educational needs, culture • Interesting Fact: Worked for Lloyds

16 Education

Nicky Morgan MP

• New Position: Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women • Previous position: Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Minister for Women • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Business, manufacturing, economy, higher education • Interesting Fact: Qualified as a solicitor and worked as a corporate lawyer

Nick Gibb MP

• New Position: Minister of State for Education • Previous position: Minister of State for Education (2010-2012) • Entered the House: 1997 • Political Interests: Economics, taxation, education, social security • Interesting Fact: Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

Sam Gyimah MP

• New Position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Education • Previous position: Lord Commissioner • Entered the House: 2010 • Political Interests: Business, education, transport • Interesting Fact: President of Oxford Union

17 Northern Ireland

Andrew Murrison MP

• New Position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Ministry of Defence • Entered the House: 2001 • Political Interests: Health, defence • Interesting Fact: Had a career as a medical officer in the Navy

18 Leader of the Lords

Baronness Stowell of Beestom

• New Position: Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor to the Duchy of Lancaster • Previous position: Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department of Communities and Local Government • Entered the House: 2011 • Political Interests: Women, equalities, work and pensions • Interesting Fact: Successfully steered the Equal Marriage Bill for England and Wales through the House of Lords


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