Dear Mrs Lane,

I am writing to you following the Public Information Day on 16 April organised by Wessex Solar Energy. It was useful to have the opportunity to talk to the representatives who said they were genuinely surprised by the number of people who attended, and the depth of feeling about this proposal.

I am not sure what the next step is with your Council, but I did see the Notice of Planning Application from Wessex in the paper last week. I note that only Landowners and Tenants are invited to make representations about this, whereas I think there are many people, like us, in the 2 villages who are very concerned. I am attaching a note I made after that public Information Day which you may consider relevant.

Secondly, I wrote to our MP, Andrew Murrison congratulating him, and mentioning this proposal. His reply on 12 May included the following quote:

“On solar, I will resist if it’s an eyesore and believe alternatives should stand on their own financial merits rather than rely on subsidy Best wishes, Andrew Dr Andrew Murrison MP for South West

Well I think there is little doubt that it would be a very significant eyesore to many homes in our village. (A view from our house is attached). It would significantly affect our enjoyment of the local countryside and spoil the footpaths – whatever WSE say about fencing them off.

Thirdly, I see that the Government policy is that these solar installations should not be placed on agricultural land. I’m sure you are aware that this was actually announced last year, and earlier this year. The following link includes the statement by the Environment Minister Elizabeth Truss. help-safeguard-farmland

Fourth, solar installations should not have an adverse visual impact – the point that Dr Murrison has picked up on. Look back at North Bradley from the site of the proposed installation and you can see the number of homes that would look at it.

In summary, I hope that the Parish Council will be supporting local villagers in opposing this proposal: it would appear to flout current government policy as well as the CPRE guidelines. The latest announcement from this new government, as reported in the news, has said that they will no longer support more onshore renewable energy development. So this application would seem to be a rather cynical attempt to push an installation through quickly by a venture capital Company.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Menheneott

28 The Rank, North Bradley Nr , Wiltshire BA14 9RP