Suiform Soundings Newsletter ofthe IUCN / SSC Wild Pig, Peccary and Hippo Specialist Groups Volume 15(2) January 2017 ISSN: 1446-991-X Suiform Soundings is the newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Wild Pig, Peccary, and Hippo Specialist Groups. This newsletter is electronically available at: soundings2 Editor in Chief:Thiemo Braasch Managing Editor / Production Editor: Thiemo Braasch and Rafael Reyna Handling Editor Portuguese Section: Alessandra Nava Handling Editor Spanish Section: Rafael Reyna Handling Editor French Section: JeanPierre d’Huart Handling Editor Africa Section: AnneMarie Stewart Handling Editor Asian Section: Matthew Linkie Editorial Advisor: Erik Meijaard Contact address: Thiemo Braasch Email:
[email protected] Photo front page: Cloisonné image made from the 1597 illustration of the horned pig, the earliest Chinese depiction. It was designed by Jiang Yinghao and originally engraved by Li Wenxiao. The original engraving is figure 6A in the first article of this issue. This enamel ware image was commissioned from the Cloisonne factory, Beijing. Please email all contributions to future issues to Thiemo Braasch, email:
[email protected]. Articles, photos and comments are welcome and appreciated. Please follow the guidelines for authors, which can be found on the website listed above. SuiformSoundings15(2) 2 Table of Contents EDITORIAL by Rafael Reyna-Hurtado 4 Early Chinese awareness of the 'horned' pig (genus Babyrousa) by Alastair A. Macdonald 5 Walter Kaudern's geographical distribution of Babirusa, 1920 by Alastair A Macdonald and Friederike Johansson 15 I Jornadas Regionales del Jabalí del Cono Sur de América by G.