www.ZSL.org emai: 19/03/2016
[email protected] Camera Trap Overview, Types & Camera Trap Overview, Types & Features Features Rajan Amin, Lucy Tallents & Tim Wacher Drs Rajan Amin, Lucy Tallents & Tim Wacher Specific Learning Objectives To introduce camera trap technology including camera types and operational features for use in animal population surveys Intellectual property rights belong to the authors. None of the information contained herein should be used, in whole or in part, for distribution or presentation without prior consent of the authors Camera types Deer Cam Reconyx $50-100 $450-650 film digital Camera types Moultrie Buckeye $65-100 $800-1500 digital digital Wirelessly downloads to base station or laptop How do they work? How do they work? Non-triggered Triggered • Time lapse • Different triggers • Continuous recording – Mechanical • Used in: . Baited traps – Animal behaviour (e.g. nest . Weight ecology) – Animals in open spaces . Shore birds . Grazing animals, water holes – Infrared . Seals, penguins . Passive . Active • Require more power (depending on Passive trigger (PIR) the application) Active trigger – External power source • Infrared beam – Solar power • Some commercial cameras can be setup in both operation modes • Heat in motion (but • Mechanical lever • Require more storage & processing reptiles?) – Lots of images • Trip wire – Video • Pressure-activated ©ZSL/author 1 www.ZSL.org emai: 19/03/2016
[email protected] How do they work? How do they work? “passive” camera system triggered by body heat and movement as the animal passes in front of the sensor PIR sensor Detection zone Passive Infra-red (PIR) sensor Detection zone • Heat-in-motion detector • Area in which sensor is able to detect the target • Optimum detection is where the temperature difference between target and background > 2.7 • Important feature and not degrees C.