!Skeletal System Bookwork: ! Multiple Choice Questions: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7! 1. Which if the following are correctly matched? ! a. Short -! b. -leg! c. -sternum ! !d. -Cranium ! 4. Bone pain behind the external auditory meatus probably involved the: ! a. Maxilla! b. Ethmoid! c. Sphenoid! d. Temporal! !e. Lacrimal ! 5. that articulate with the sphenoid include: ! a. Parietal ! b. Vomer! c. Maxilla ! d. Zygomatic! !e. Ethmoid! 6. Which humeral process articulates with the radius? ! a. Trochlea! b. Greater Tubercle! c. Lesser Tubercle! d. Capitulum ! !e. Olecranon Fossa! 7. Which of the following bones or bone parts articulate with the femur? ! a. Ischial Tuberosity ! b. Pubis! c. ! d. Fibula! !e. Tibia ! ! Short Answer Questions: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ! !1. Name 3 functions of the skeletal system: ! -Provides support (framework) !-Anchors skeletal muscles !!-Provides a storage !for calcium & fats!!!-Site of blood formation ! 2. What is the anatomical name for the shaft of the long bone? For it’s ends? What is yellow marrow? ! Shaft of a long bone: !Ends of a long bone: !! !Yellow : Fat !!Spongy Bone: Holey or lacey, Compact: is solid. ! 3. Why do bone injuries heal much more rapidly than injuries to ? ! Bones are highly vascularized, whereas cartilage has poor vascularization and relies on !diffusion for nutrient supplies. ! !5. Define fracture: ! A break in the bone. Compression fractures are more common in elderly. Greenstick (incomplete) fractures are common when the bone matrix contains more collagen, such as !children’s bones. ! 6. Name the three major parts of the axial skeleton! !Skull, Thorax, Vertebral Column. ! 7. Name the eight bones of the cranium! Two Each: Temporal & Parietal bones ! !One Each: Occipital, Frontal, Sphenoid, and Ethmoid Bones. ! !8. What bones are connected by the coronal suture? By the sagittal suture? ! Coronal Suture: Frontal and Parietal Bones! !Sagittal Suture: Parietal bones. ! 9. With one exception, all skull bones are joined by sutures- What is the exception? ! !Joint between the mandible and temporal bone (temporomandibular joint) ! 10. What facial bone forms the chin? The cheekbone? The upper Jaw? The bone eyebrow !ridges? ! Chin: Mandible ! Cheekbone: Zygomatic! Upper Jaw: Maxilla ! !Eyebrow Riges: Frontal ! 11. Name two ways in which the fetal skull differs from the adult skull? ! -The fetal skull has a much larger cranium to skull ratio!-Foreshortened facial bones! -Fontanelle or unfused membraneous areas.