January 2019 Volume 40 Number 5 Editor:
[email protected] President’s Message I hope that you enjoyed the holiday season with your loved ones and family and are now ready to start the new year! Making New Year’s resolutions are now being made in hopes that at least some of them will be met. While making your New Year’s resolutions, I hope that you will consider the goals of our AAUW branch and help make them a reality. The first goal is to increase membership. Thus, the question is, how many of you have encouraged a friend or new acquaintance to join our branch or will do so in 2019? The second goal is to increase fund raising to meet the needs of the operating expenses and those of the Branch projects. Thus, the question is how many of you have been active in supporting the fund raising events? There is always a job for each of you! My last question for your consideration is: How many of you regularly attend the general meetings and meetings of the special interest sections? I find that active participation in the above activities brings pleasure and a feeling of camaraderie among our members. I trust that you will do so also! I sincerely wish all of you a very happy, fulfilling and healthy 2019! Marilyn Corey January Branch Events 2nd: Finessing Fems Bridge 4th: Jean Burns Slater 3rd: Lunch Bunch 4th: Judy Zaretzka 4th: Daytime Page Turners 14th: Mary Matakovich 7th: Board Meeting 15th: Joan Knowlton 8th: Night Readers 22nd: Judy Leonard 28th: Great Decisions 23rd: Liz Wineman ** See following pages for more information.