"S' . V tmmSDAT.KATI^ / Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation I Bar toe Moato of April, 1S4S / ■ T /^ke W eathdr. Me. JuoM ■on of 8,190 .Vtoeqms e< O. a. weetoev Botraa WMr. —T-end Mrik »A. ...W. Blgi List^ngageinent Berry Outloc^ Engaged to Marry Trade School About T< BontoB otroot, bao completed Member of toe Audit ^ /.SKiattoied Hght .alMiwere aad hia training at Camp Slbmrt, thunder showere this eventeg ead Buieaa ef 'Clwteltoae shiowen again Saturday mdrataxi AUl, and baa been aeleofed to at­ Seems Gloomy Honor Pupil^ -A warmer toaighU y He. u tend a achool of chemical engi­ Manchester-^A o f ViUagfi Charm I t tooior* neering tor further training. A K Mfbt e^elook tor graduate of Manebejiter Migtay Ivopul Growers Declare Director Echmalian An­ ..^ C ls w l^ Advertteteg bmtome MMlon. AU achool he studied for two and a V0L.LXn.,N0.186 MANCHESTER, (X)NN., FRIDAY, MAY T, 1943 I wqiwted to bo preo- half lyeari at Trinity College And Prices of Crates and nounces the Nanies of Gifts (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S* entetod the aurvlce FebiuaiT^ 2S. /■Jt Baskets Too High. Ranking Students, x Loyal Circle of Klng’*i Daugh- } . I — / , Cannon “Daisy” / ,xX _ j «M bora loot aigbt ot fead of Tax 'M other Held in Clhild Slaying m itard, Ooon., boo]^Ul. to tera will hold Iti spring rummage strawberry grower* In thl* area Difector John O. Echmalian, of House Passfe^Bill -■ Ond M ra MIebaol SlbrlsB of aale on Thuradayj May 18, In the may decide not to cultivate aa ^e Manchester State Trade Center parish houie, with Mrs. \ toira. U n . atbrino w u tbo many acre* this summer a* in the School today, announced the honor TURKISH T O W ^ Dir Mloi Clara Dtokoan of Arvld seabufg serving as chair­ past and may even decide to plow Staff Raps man. Friends who are willing to under some of the berrie* that tuey students fp/the months of March Bath Size • 79e contribute to the sale and desire and April,'^1943 in the four depart­ Goveriug D^icit! had flgured on marketing., this ments of the school. Carpentry, artlclos collected, should ..contact summer. In another month ^rrie* Bill Passed Mrs. Frimb Falrweather. '8144, or ^af^'g . Electric and Machine. ^rucst Size ..a...... a.«•••,, 33e 'will be coming in^the Manches- -’Tbe honor students for this Mre. Marold Belriier, 4571. feTs Auction Market\Thie la the x a i4> o k d a m period, by departments, are: Face Cloth . . . . .y. . X • ...... /. 15« / Iftrgeat strawberry raXkct in yie ^rpentry, Robert King; Draft­ Faced by Bi^ge Hous^Apprbved Meas­ Precincts 5 and 6 wlU hold state, selling over oMe^tolrd of all, ing, John Sudoliy Charles Steppe; Beautiful colored towelfi^Y^ith white floral patterns. BINGO gaa mask drill Tuesday evemi the berrie* ^rown. ■- ure Is Seen Likely to at 7:80 at the Hollister stt^t Burton Schaefer, Norbert Ctinfie- A t o m o r r o i^ n ig h t Costs Of Crates and Biksketa lewski; Electric, Joseph Svirk, Cause Resentment school. There will also be ^ shoV The decision io make the ^hnge Robert Arendt, Ranald Orimason, Concura' With^ / Senate f on \ ORANGE HALL Ing of motion pictures from the has been decided upon by several Maxwell L am ^ rt and Clifford New Borrowing from Gen­ Army.Orde N Among Big Taxpayers. office «rf Civilian Defen^. . ...ft/ of the growers because of the^Jn- Huitgren; Machine, WilUam creased cost in crates and basket^. "7* Sm yth,. Michael Swetz, Gaoifge eral Fund Despite Washington, May 7.—(jP)/— Mhw Helen Harrington There was a time when crates Dorie L Ste\«nSon England, William Simpson, Ed­ n Quitting were piircbatod for 10 cent* each. ward Beraenskl, Samuel McAIUa- CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Effort” by Clarie to n F. . Stem, ^chief of the ^on- Americans Capture Ft Mr*. Martha Harrington, of 15 Now ths price la 50 cent*. The Mr. and Mra LesHe A. Steven­ ter and Charles McCarthy. bnal tax toaff, teatilted to­ l^ket* are selling for |lh a 1,000, son of 4fi Wadswdrth street an­ Gorgeous pastel multi-color floral O Q Get Money from Reds Drive Wedge ry vill^ Supply and Mill atreet,'announcM tha •ngage- Defied day-tl^ th* House-approved rev­ G. E^ILLIS & SO^, INC. 'or a oent each. Add to this three nounce the engagement of their pattern on white grounds. sp\Je^O m«nt of her daughter, MIm Helen Highway Department. enue .bllDfailed to put all taxpay­ pair Depot pn~I^e$ cent* for. picking and It is going eldest dsughteir, Doris Irene Stev­ f’ ... . I- of All Kinds Irene Harrington, to Private to make the price excessive. The enson, to Charles A. Robbins, Jr,, ers on a My-ss-you-go basis and Heavy Fighting Re­ Hrwln n. Davie, eon of Mr. and local grower* pack berri** 84 soil, of Mr. and ;:Mr*. Charlss A. 'OLD Other Chenille Spreifids ...... $3.29 to $12.95 State Capitol, Hartford, German Rorn Womanf would cau * ^ resentment among Robbins cf Pro^denc*, R. L, those who ported in y^rogreMyrn Milsop SrippBM-—Painl“—Hardware Mr*. Bdgar DavU of 17 Sprue* quart* to th* oral*. Thl* mean* May 7.—i with the Senate on a bill pror 53-year-old woman, Oerman-born tha Ruml-Carlson "skip avyear" Allied Headquarters, NoriJi to r plokere. The boy* ahd girl^ of the University of CohnectlcuL Camp Edward*. Mbm. No dat* He 1* now employed aa a metal- Tiding for the payment of ex­ but a United States citisen sine* plan f«w current taxation foi\ the Afrita, May —Allied \ . hM b**n set for th* wedding. Who have' been employed In the House-apiproved -bUI. liirglst In the United Aircraft - KEMP'S "^Colorful printed cork mats that will save laundering pected deficit* in the operation of 1930, stayed behind the counter of /Moscow, May 7.-—(/P)—The Off Australia trOops have 'penetrated into past oan now get more money In company. lac. linens. Four patterns. , the Charter Oak bridge over the ”0 ^ Almost as Much” different lines of employment and 768 Mate BL TeL 86M her) restaurant today despite an ITia congressional tax expert Red Army, smashing forward '/ the outskirts of both Bizerta will not have to get out of bed The wedding wlH take place Connecticut river between Ekwt Army order to leaye the Etestern in the increasingly violent and Tunis, it ' was ' officially AUOB OOFBAM - late in June. I Hartford aisd Hartford. told tha committee that the House early In tha nnornlng to go to Defense command. bill, which would excuse the first Huge Flow of Men add IMPINGTHESHELYES FILLED fUiiowB Aa (pMMi Alice) li)ia Tliaine* Measure “I have never done knythlng un- battles which have cost the announced at Gen. Dwight D. SPnUTDAL MEUIDM work. EveiTthlng,, la reacting 6 per cent normal tax and th* 13 Supplipg for Fpiure Eisenhower’s headquarters against the grower*. - - ^ Large Size The measure, similar to one American," protested Mr*. Olga Germans nearly 10,000 dead, b« that tha U|^4dm hi operating^ sua- ■Hb llaoghter of a Seventb Son Schueller, mother of four children, per oent first bracket surtax iq today. Americans captured It With a VeU. Many of the grower* hr* likely [adopted for the new bridge over putting into effect a 20 per cent has driven a wedge between Drives (Zontinuek ‘Vir­ tora was to k^p^goods moving oif\ths Beading* Dany, ladndlng Sonday, to follow the .idea used in other [the Thame* between Groton and one of whom is In the U. S. Navy. withholding leyy on wages and the German and Rumanian Ferryville, supply and repair year* when bertie* In the field (New London, provide* that l^toU The order, signed by Lieut. Gen. tually Un^minished'. depot on Lake Bizerte eigtat miles S A. M. to B'P. M. Or By Appolnt- Retail Salesroom BATES SHOPPING H. A. Drum, chief of the Eastein salaries, would "cost .almost as forces operating north ahd I how tfa^have changed I Woakhi*t It bo woik meoA. la the Sotwleo of Uw Pee-. ^were advertised at lOw price*, pro­ I revenue* are InsufflcleKt to'm eet much aa complete forgiveness" ot -----7 - « south of the Naval base, at 1 p. Defense command, gava her until south of the Kuban riyfir in m. (9 a. ra.. e.w.t.), today, said a if we oouldooh^ get all of cvarjrthing our eu»- pie for SO F ean. viding to* purchaser brought their You can carry plenty in these large/ I the coat of operating the bridge .1942 taxes, as . propoato in the the Caucasus and )* tightening Allied Headquarters' In Aus­ own baskets and picked them land amortising It* bond*, money last midnight to mpve out of the dispatch from the field. lerswant? But thhUust can't bo. MO Cborcb Street, Hartford, Ooaa. size bags. All color combinations. Malne-to-Florida seaboard region, Ruml-Carlson plan. Its net about NovOrossisk, front tralia, May —Japanese sub­ toatc ^rheae 00007 themselves, . Mwchester Knitting Milk $ 1.00 ■to make iip the deficit may be bor- Stem said that abateinent un­ Enemy Poaitlona CoII^m* / The problem now is toAcep shelvco and caaeo filled—« under a 1942 regulation empower­ line dispatchea reported today. marines toiyedoed and sank five Itowed from the state’* general der the House bill would eliminate Aided by strong Air Forces, the Heavy fighting waa reported td Z.: , Manthester Green, Conn. Ifund. ing the Army to remove any alien Allied freighters, one an American, /m p e d a B j with m«vhandisbNfor Whidi thoio la a dto Smaller Size ...... • ...... 59c | or citisen considered dangerous to 1942 taa liability for a stogie per­ Soviet troops cut one road after progress in both sectors aa tha U. Itep. WUUam Hoppin (R) of son with no dependehta whose in­ retontly In the "life line” waters S. Second Corps and the Britisik m aiid. X . tfO ^on Dept. ritengton. Finance commltt«,e the national security. another In tt»e Kuban valley, serv­ No OM roalbos better thaa Wto how annoying It la E4T THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S Qumtioned Last December. come did not exceed $2,500 and a ing Axis.topply lines and avenue* east of Australia but the huge (low First Army capitalized, on deep Irmu. told the House that married person, with no depend­ of escape. penetrations through . coUapaing for you to find yourself unable to ^ food Items which . X " X - ■■______■ lie Charter Oak Bridge commi*- A spokesman for the Eastern of toen and supplies for future NATIVE HALF BROILERS 100% Pure Wool Defense command. In response to ents, whose net earnings did not Allied offensives continues "vir­ enemy positions all along t)M you have been fai the habit of buying : ilon had estimated there would be exceed $3,200. Those with depend­ Cut Important Road northern Tunisian front. TENDER LOIN STEAKS 858,000 deficit during the next One dispatch said the Russians tually undiminished.” headquarters Let as assure yon that no one strivegharder than (Oontteoed on Page Two) ency allowances could make more announced today. "Our troops have ■ contlnusd. we to eo^m ate with you and fill your orders as com- AND Ot h e r g o o d t h in g s so years, but that the traffic ex- and still have all of their 1942 tax cut an Important road and cap­ their victorious advance,” a sps(> t*S DAY ™RELLAS tured a height dominating the ap­ Every member of the 81 aboard plotely aiM quicUy aa humanly posdble. CLAM8 ANB OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL SWEATERS ertence of the past two months excused. the American ship, commanded- by ial communique said. indicated that the figure Pay About 60 Per Cent proaches to a large city, the (iame Capt. C. C. C. Endetrom, Alameda, Reconnaissance elements wers( DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! Make Ideal Gifts For Smart patterns and colors. $3.98 be considerably lower. Above these levels, however, he of which waa not given. Calif,, was rescued by Australian said to have made the penetratioa./ Rep. T. Emmet Clarie of Killing- Labor Board said are 24 per cent of the tax­ I Red Star, the Army newspaper, Naval craft after one of two toiv of the Bizerte suburbs. Many mogsi Re:irniaiider^f Restaurant f, the minority leadier, did not op- payers who paid about 60 per cent ! .said the Germans 4iere pouring In pedoes found Its mark In a night prisoners' were taken. It waa tto- Other UinbrellftH • •••.sosesae••••••••• S2*98 Co $4*98j Me the biU but recalled that Now Nearing of the total of income taxes. He Mrs. Mary K. Fralley, is led by DetecUve J. T. Luther from more reserves, along with more attack. The brave captain, last to nounced.'', Fipe Wines, LiqUors and Beer MOTHER^S DA^y overnor Baldwin had recommend- added that they would not be the chief of detective's office after Chief of Detectives Will Fritz units of tanks-and planes. leave the ship, stayed aboard until British Oapture Le Bai-fie Imw foM Yaluea on Birds Bye foods has created an s85-87 Oak Street • Telephone 3922 . that bridge deficits be met from placed on a current basis and said she Signed a .statement that .she shot and killed Her daughter, I-mmediately northeast of No- the main deck was awash. Armored units of the Britiah ' impniesdonted demand.. .and how the Cod Cakes, which • Highway department fund would have to make two compli­ Louise Beaumont Martin, 6. and critically. wpUncled her son. Watt vorossiak the terrain is extremely The biggest 'ship lost was an First Army captured Le Bardo, on ALL qOLORS ALJ. SIZES vhich the chief executive had call- New Crisis cated tax returns yearly. Martin, 3rd, at their home in-Dallas, Texa.s, Custody of the children d.fficult, full of terraces and steep Australian freighter.. Only two of the highway' at the western edga s "the fund moat closely ellied" "These taxpayers will resent be­ for the next six months was awarded, the day befere by a District hills, 'The Germans, and their Ru-' her crew perished. The others, in; of Tunis, the communique stated. vith the bridge projects. court Judge to their lather. Watt Martin, Jr., of^^iami Beach, Fto. eluding the captain who stayed OOMBINATIOIC Peas Green Beans AT FACTORY PRICES Gift Toiletries ing required to make computations manian satellites, .e dp'g in deep­ AUied planes, completely domi- . He did not want to let the bill Three-Man Panel Con^ for two separate years when they ly here, and are fighting fiercely, it aboard until hia ship sank, clung to natlng the sky, taaintaihed heavy (O i^ • Poliita) Asparagus Spears OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TU^TP. M. .$1.00 Clalrie sajd, without remind­ was sSid. rafts and wreckage until pieked attacks upon Axis transport col­ Y Rubinstein’s Appl^ Blossom Cologne ...... , tinues Hearings in are not being put On a current up. )F18H CAKES Aqmragaa Cuts •Friendship Garden Cologne . . , .$1.00 ing the. repreaentatives that ''they basis, and since-they pay about 60 Orders Tq ShSot Laggards umns which clogged the roads ol OVBN Coni Wax Beans TELEPHONE 9304 \ to using geneitU f und money for per cent of the tax. I think their Fear MschlnerOunnlng • retreat. • •Old Spice Cologne ...... ••••' .$1,00 highway purpose." Coal Wsge Dispute; German prisoners told their cap- A sfiiall Australian freighter (A b^dcast by 'Grant -Farr, Ford Hook Lfanas CHESTER .$1.5(1 complaints might be given some Russian Offfeial ^iEiys tors that the German officers had was sent to the bottom by a sub­ •Yardley Lotion Cologne ‘W'orks Both Ways'* Storm Signs Miultiply. weight,” Stam declared. . orders tb s)ibot every man who NBC reports attached to Alllsd Both “ **^49e Tiny U m as •Evening in Paris Cologne with Atomizer...... $1-25 marine which later surfaced Sur­ headquarters, said 30 enemy ships - Looking ahead to next Tuesday, SsM Vote Today fell back. ' • vivors bent low in the lifeboats •Coty Face Powder .... .$1.00 lie day scheduled for debate on a Senator Vandenberg (R„ Mich.^ had been "sunk in the Tunisian Washington, May" 7—(i4^The ("Embittered defensive fighting" fearing they would be machine- straits,” this suggesting (mother , PlNBaCBST HOUSEHOLD AIDS AUTO B ^ Y W< •Old. Spice Gift Package...... '...... $1.00 itutional amendment pro- War Labor board—a key bulwark -said-he saw no reason why a com­ Poles Used for Spies was reported by the German high gunned but if was dark and the jn g the use of motor vehicle mittee vote on taxies could not be command to be cortinuing on the powerful sweep against surface ' Cuu of Everything Yon Own... •St* Denis Bath Powder••••***.•.•*..***...** .. 69c Qf President Rootovelt’s hold-the- submarine failed to sight theta. , transports which might attempt to Formerly of 24^Maple Slr^et li^ite for anything except hlgh- had this afternoon. eastern sector of the Kuban bridge­ Another s ta a 11 AustiaUan •Sutton’s Powder Mitts...... 59c *y purposes, Clarie asserted "it line order against inflation—waa “I think the answer will be writ­ head. The Nazi communique, withdraw the Axis suvlvors. .$1.00 being propelled rapidly today to­ Declares Some of R**I»- Doto T o freighter’s hull was ripped in mid- 'i The -spirit of the German i;^Dfgopp#ar «• Fov M U h 9 ^ Nylon Hair Brushes...... a a a a a a a iriu both ways" and maintained ten around the Ruml-Carlson bill," broadcast from Berlin and record- morning by two torpedoes and she ,. 50c at moitoy from other sources ward a new stabilization crisia. Vandenberg told reporters. resentalive8 Already Ad by The Associated Press, said O l » •Evening in Paris Talcum...... a..'.------Its threie-man panel continued sank within an hour. The other (Continu^ Ota Page Ten) .$1.00 hould not be put to highway use. This measure, harpooned sharp­ tanlc-supported Red Army forces ship lost was a amaij NoVvi'egian [towiM $CMTCI REMOVING Roomers o f. the Hotd Sheridan •Evening in Paris Face Powder ...... hearings 'in the coal, wage dis­ Have Admitteil Guilt ’ were repulsed with heavy' casual­ '"Pius Tax. / Hoppin ssdd he agreed with "the pute which threatened war pro­ ly by Randolph Paul, Treasury freighter. Most of the \re w s principle" b^ind Clarie’s general counsel, at yesfefaay’s With Letter ties.. / v . were saved by alert patrol cratt. duction with laat week-end’s walk­ And Been Sentenced. (Dhdaring that 155' Russian' POLISH ...MS. 25l^ but'that he and other out. but the United Mine Workers Initial hearing, is credited by ad­ ; May 1 It was first disclosed that I oommittee metebera felt vocates with having the support pianes' were shot down yesterday, the enemy had sent submarin;^ who defined ite juriadiction mato thl bulletin said five (Jerman air­ st the bridge was "set up a no pretense of seeking either rep- of at least a dozen of the 21 TOm- Mascow, May 7.— An­ For S|dlin "in some force" g a in st the sup­ Flashes! iFOR MOTHER eclfic project entirely apart mittee members. drei J. Vishinski, vice (Him-! craft were lost. Two Soviet patrol Old English No/Rubbing Wax reseniation or participation. boats were \reported sunk and two ply lanes, east ,/^iquid Polishing Wax, pints, To Hoppiir's rem arit Clarie rs- mulUphed. told American and British Leningrad ch^nel.) ■vivoTs indicated the Japanese were FaUs > Settle Dispute 330 ADAMS STREET^ MANCHESTER ■■»d that "his iteaglnation An Ameribiui Federatitoi of La­ the votes of Democratic Senators operating .in wolf packs of the size 40at quarts 89e. etches much further than bor spokesman said the board waa Clark of Missouri, Gerry of Rhode newspapermen today that, Once fop" Moscow; Bury 3 ,0 ^ Axis De«d used by the Nazis in the Atlantic. Clilcaito. May 7—tiPj— .\n esnee- Located- At geiicy fact, finding panel an­ (EXPELM> >> Lemon on Polish, HANDKERCHIEFS •‘tpttcjlng on ite last-lega." Island, Radcliffe of Marvland and representatives of the Polish Roosevelt Refuses A dispatch to tzyestia. the gov- A spokesman for Gen. Douglas - Moth Protection' Glass Cleaner, In Smart New Patterns In^AIl Street Shades I Th* House took from the foot of ^ot Encouraged By Byriies Lucas of Illinois. In addition, they government-in-exile in Lon­ eiTimerit t ewspapo'r.: said special MacArthur ha.s estimated that two nounced to ^ y it had failed to set­ CanN^coinihoflat^ several more^ robniers in said they felt they might obtain groups had been organized to bury tle the dispute- between 900,009 25c) / Pthe on Disinfectant... calendar and passed a hill, Board members who sougdit. to don had engaged in espionage To Disclose Contents. per cent of 1.000,000 tons of Allied lUC I'teeh now goes to the Senate, hi- increase their power to handle the support of Senator Walsh (D. the Axis dead and that 6f .shipping had fallen prey to Japa­ railroad non-operating workers our V ei^ furnished guest house. WithNpt* Mass.). activities in Russia and de­ and the nation's prtoclpnl rail­ 5fl oAk street any state bank or trust wage disptites with the right to ■ WasJitoBton, May , 7.—i;P) — these groups buried about 2.000 nese subs in the •Southwest- Pacific ' ■ / NOPoSni>Z ^ y / . 2 5 c ~ 3 5 c ^ 5 0 c «»«•» ompany to give chattel mort- remove "inM]usiitles" gloomily re­ Pstomoont Issue Made d e a r clared some of those involved al­ soldiers yesterday. , ' ■" area during the period in whiqh roads-^ver union ' demands for EXPERT ^ without hofii Special weekly rates. Real on livestock, farm machln- ported thev gdt no encouragement Chairman George (D., Ga.), no ready bad admitted their guilt and President Roosevelt, said today West of captured Krymskaya the Allies- lost two and one-half higher wagew. I. L Sharfnmn There qie many desirable ite m .)^ can buy with­ ‘ AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING from Stabilization Director James Rumlite, already has made die been sentenced. Former Ambassa­ th^rt Joseph E. Davies would leave the Red Army managed to drive of the I'niversity of .VUchlgna, out points/^ .for example! , X / and crops, a business which per cent of approximately 10,500,- home at^osphm Store Will Qose Saturday, May 8 at 5:30 I House was told waa almost en- F. Byrnes in a several-hour session paramount issue clear in declaring dor Stanislaw Kot himself, Vish- Mmost at once fol" Moscow to car- One part of a large Axis force to 000 ton* used in support of the chalmtan of the panel of three Healthf ^ Nutritions X ^ r ■yesterday. the committee must decide how inski asserted, had .admitted being ^ry a pertoinal letter from the one side, of the swamp and, river North African campaign. members who have been hearing' AUTO PAINTING AND WELDING For Big Bond Rally (ppa tte ^ OB Page Twelve) Without such power, tome involved In these activities an *" the,case since March I, said It X had expressed his regret. / president to Joseph Stalin. . The American freighter was the > “ peanut BUTTERs.> \ ^ aoufves said regional—and ’per­ (CdnUnued OB Pqgs Eight) The chief executive -fended off (Continued bn Page Twelve) first incoming trans-ocean ship, to had "made every reasonable CALL Miss WHEEI.ER, TEL. 3990 haps national—labor members of Now itorving in London effort” to settle the controversy. * PeiW”^ Butter Crunch...... '.lb. jdrAlc the board Soon might be forced to all .attejnpts of reporters at a press’ be sunk out of the great volume of' The panel now wlH retire Into JOHN H. NOYES, Propri^r. (Kot is now serving as minister conference to gain infomiatloh''lon shipping sent across the Pacific Aymour’s Peanut Butter ...... ^-.I’s 39c; 2’n ~ FOR^RESERVklTONS resign, due to union pretoure. - of information, with the/i Polish executive session, the chairman Eeceh-Nut Peanut Butter ...... 29e_ ■Hour W eek These sources pointed to brief Mother Held the contents oc,on whet'her Davies Civilian Shot from America since tho war open­ said, and prepare Its report for walkouts reported in several aec- government in London, y post to would bring back a reply. .He said ed! . , submission to Pretadent Roosevelt. The JW.H4LCv-Two small Washington, May . 7—(flV-The Se’.'ridge Field. Mich.. May 7— Tetley’s, Lipton’s and Betty Crodeer Dehydrated Soiips slpn Of the 48-hour work week seepetsries of the Polish embassy position of the Treasury May 5: -dor, who plans to leato shortly G E O ^ E SMITH’S MUSIC the entire country ia being con- children are dead, their mother other Junior members of the (A*) — A second shooting — the for Maririd for a fortnight’s con- ... no points. / Dozen Faee chargied with their murder, In the Receipts, $79.7M,M8.61; ex­ wounding of a'civilian by a sentry Giraud Offers *ered by the War Manpower penditures,' $169,620,207.99; net sultatloh with his govemnient, . WITH TONY O B I^ H T AND, HIS XYLOPHONE climax Iff a bitter court battle —oceprred at .^Selfrldge field to­ said he wahted Ut ask the preslr isslpn, hut officials said te­ (Conttnoed. bn Page Two) balance. $13,088,809,991.1.7, day, less tlian 24 hours after the Soft, Sweet Music For Your I^ d n g Pleasure! thers were too many prob- ^ Lonff Terms syhlch deprived her temporarily of Plan oil (k-nt w'hether h^ had anj’thing PINEHURST r : ' . Being Constructed By to permit a final decision' their custody because of her tan­ disclosure that the former com­ sprriaJ for him to. copvey. He gled maritad statua manding Officer of' .this'Army air added,'however, t)ui't lM Is takings-^., ‘T did not ws-nt to give my chil­ base had been arrested following no s|ieclal .rtiessage Jmek to Spain. • MEAT DEPARTMENT efflclal* esUmated a na- the wounding of a Negro private.’ Mfaltei^s. Redtauraht Imal 46 hbur week would add the Convicted of Conspiracy dren to their father or s anyone Proposes ‘provisional ^,It docs not cost you'a single extra point to get the COTTAGE HOMES,-Inc. else. , said BJonde Mrs^ Mary K, Flour Producers Alarmed Representative Shafer. (R., Bombers HJt Mining Plants best... - . ' ~ Formerly Dante’s (At The Center) -/ lulvalent of ons million 'ilrorkers To Viohitc Sedition M'ch.) said at Washington he 'had Central Power’ in Let­ ^ the labor force. Half that hum- Fralley In a written statement New Delhi, May 7.— He*\y FRESH LIVE - 4 Room Single Dwellings on Lots With 7200 *ft$f she bsd been'^harged with been atopred by Chairman May HaUbut THE VERY BEST IN CHOICE FOODS AND LIQU would be freed foiT' new Jobs Act; Pour Ac(]ttitted. At Home Raking Slump (1-., Ky.) of .the,.,.Hou.se Military ter Sent ,lo -DeGaulle. bombers of the .4nierlcan Alr_ "s their old work was taken the fatal shooting of Watt Martin Force o|>eratlng from India struck Mackerel Square FJeet of Land or More! . ~ > m , 7, and Louise Beaumont Mar­ Affairs committee '(Kit an inves­ LOBSTERS Salmon by their former fellow em- Loa Angelea, May 7.^iP)-r-Pos-- tigation o the shooting Of the Lontlo**, May .7— —The Inde­ a damaging blow yesterday at Jap­ "They have plastered walb, sand finish ceilings. No. 1 ss, working longer hours. tin. 6. Chicago, May -7—(P)—The av-*t,ation. Keepers said, to devise a -private would be .made. pendent French News, agency re­ anese efforts to reclaim valuabla- Medium and Large Haddock FiDets slble sentenoea of 20 y4ars In The children were shot in Mra oak fidoring, Muii-air condition heating system, coal-fired Boom) T o Fky Overttme prison and $10,000 fins face each erage housewife, beset by ration-. -which would break the log Three Challenges Ignored ported today that Gen. Henri mlnlng properties in Burma which Sizes. Frailey's apartment yesterday w-ere made unser^'ireabls by their Cod PoDaek radiator ia every room, fall size cellar, hatchway, set / ■ • ' ' mmi, lit most business firms are of 10 men and two womep convict­ tag of fate and shortening, has J**” ,*** family flour sales. One sug- Capt. Richard Ramey, public Giraud had proposed to Gen. Pinehurst Best k\ FLORLUX ed a t conspiracy to violate the shortly after District Judge W. U __...... ” . gestion. according to Keepers, was relations officer at the base, said Charles DeGaulle that they, join owners during the “scorched earth” Grote A Weigel’s Frank- tubs in basement', special continuous hot water heater nd by law or by labor agree- Thornton awarded . their custody retreat fri>m that country last SLICED BACON furts 1/ FLOOR and DECK ENAMEL Bti to pay time and a half* for wartime sedition set throiM activ­ plqced her cook book on the shelf- housewives should.be granted today's shooting occur’c.d at i a.m. forces by establishing a “ provi­ unit, asbestos shingle^ insulation, space for two more ities of Mankind United. until Sept. 14 to their father, Watt and ended her creative efforts extra ratioh points with every 25 When Private WUUam Bridgfc, 23- sional central power” in— North year. A romnmnlqoe of the lOth 47c pound. Minced Ram . ^ FAST DRYING work in excess 'of 40 houra. Martin, Jr., a t Miami Beach, Fla. United States Air Force said B-34 rooms to be finished 6tt on second floor, sidewalks, shrubs, lAK GRILL’ snqiloyes’ weekly wages- ,: vFe<*«ral Judge Leon R. Tank- with home-baked cakes, pastries, pound (.urchase of* flour, year-old Negro from Montclair, Africa with' themselves presiding. natural draiiuge. wlch ordered the 13, at liberty on .l^gaHly or Marriage awided bread, and blactiita—causing flour Kbepers admitted the shimp in N. J., fired a shot into the chest of , The proposal, the news agency Liberator bombers raided the big Many 1st Prire S a u a ^ and Cold Cut Itd n s.. .Bologna *WHE1US GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHEK* — advance 80 per cent, while Martih contended during the producers to become alarmed. sales since th« end of March, ■Namtu mines, produce™ silver, t torm payroUa-;-eonald*rlng that bail, to ajppear for sentence Met:- a civlUan who had l^ o re d three said, was contained in a jetter and Liverwnrst...Small and Large Sauaage. • BLISTERING SUN Ftreptem or fireptee* «ad s m g o at saifll added eeak day at 2:30 p. m. week-long hearing that his form­ W. F. Keepers, educationsTdi- when rationing went into effect. challenges and three warning dispatched by Giraud from Al­ lead and tlnci aad scored direct Would be fewer smploysa_ er wife was not a proper jguardlan .rector. of the Wheat Flour, insti­ hita both OB the. flotation plant aad Air Cured Dried Beof ...... ; ...... ^ p,, jg* J go up about e i^ t per cent ’’ Fo«u- Otoera Aeqalttod jWaa "a completely unexpected" shots. giers on April 27. " ' DINB AMD DANCE Four other reputed members of for the children because she oon- tute, said his organization, a trade velopment which he attributed to The wounded civilian waa iden­ T)ie letter pointed out it' was the eencenttatlon mil). - through B, said tbs WMC, would bring tlnueu to live with A. S. W., Fral­ association of millers, had ■ been thl desire of most houtowives to tified aa William H. Hasse, 54. added, that Giraud and DeGaulle which air-orre are processed. •SNOW OR SLEET To the Lilting Tnuss of f dsraands for price increases. the group, described by govern­ « s • Come to Piiwfanrst Friday or Satnrday...yoa will $5220 $37.50 ment officisl* as a aecret, aemi- ley, radio announcer, after the deluged with nat-ion-wlde com­ spend their limited points upoh whose laat known address' was would not form a "du-imvirate,” Small Dowa Paymriit. Per Moath. Cover* C anytag I W in; ha* ordersd th* 48-hour legality iff her marriage to him plaints from manufacturers of so- meat, rather than upon lard, vege­ Grand Rapids, Mich. His condition since the responsibility would be Jap Drive Oh Changsha get courteous attention and help #llh roar point prob- '; only for 89 aress which have' reUgious ofganiution, ware ac- lems. - ‘ ^ • DRIVING RAIN ■Mertgage Already Chargee aad Amortiutlaa ef DON MAC AMD HIS qutlted by a 13-man Jury which was clouded. ~ 'v cailed family flour, which is tiSed table oils, and similar shortening* at the Army base hospital here was shared by meinberw of an execu­ Chungking, Mqy 7 ,—> (^ — A Arraaged. Mortgage. shortages and tor. three in- rendered Ite verdicte laat night Mra Fralley, _41, teetified she in home baktog. nt^ded; In baking. In the south, t-vported as "fair." tive Committee,'and other officials Strong Japanese force which crosa- I' P le a * ’phone Friday for Sidurduy deUTery. Node- 1es on a nationwide basis: after 14 hours’ deliberation. Trial had lived In the same apartment Although Keepers would hot wlfere'*hot biscuits long have been Captain Ramey said Private of the "central . power." which wd Tungtlng lake by launcbes us- Uvsries on Mondays. r ' ^ Come prepared to make a small down payment, on r h t t b m m a s t e r s lumbering and non-ferroua m'ake any estimate bn the slump a favorite at every meal, the sales Bridges, reported that Hasse and wrould consist at first of the pres­ der airplane cover has effected a • TRAMPING FEET _■ mining. of tha 16, all California rMidmta, with Fralley, but not as man and the house you like. They’re beginning to move last. D E LiaO U S FOODS — MODEST PRICESI required five weaka. v.- wife, after learning, thati 'Frailey's to sales. The Northwestern Miller, slump is particularly marked, he another plvilian apparently cUmb- ent French Over eas council and lodgment on the southeni ahoics Saturday, and already there Accuaatlona against various de­ divorce decree from bis fltot wife a trade pub’lcuttlon, said ntovement said. ed over a fence on the south side later of consulattve bodiM. of Tungtlng lake,' the Chlneae high Roast Beef ' Teal Pot Roast Steaks he steel order was tissued only from grocers' shelves in some In- Because the government . has of Seltfidge field, that when chal­ Proposes Proclamation oommaad. aaaouiKed tonight,' in- Afai on QUaminf Beasdtf fendant*, contained lHi< Ibe testi­ had been set aside. Fralley and the jitanees waa off as much aa 60 per Half Broilers,^ Veal Cutlets Chow Mein Le been rumblings ffom Indus- mony of goveriiment wltnsase*. In­ former Mra’Martin said they were emphasize' the ne«d for eating lenged,^ neither of the men answer­ The agency ' quoted Giraud ad' dlcntlng that ahotber Japaaesa ^ spokesme.n that price ceiling cluded: dant from* a year ago. About 45 more cereal fooda—flour Is such ed but continued to advance to­ saying wheii Ftonce is lityi drive OB Changshn, capltsi *4 COTTAGE HOHIESr Inc. married in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., •P*4 cent, of all flour made ia of the c u/vee/v me Fine'Wincs — Liquors and Beer JMMs would be asked to offset Opposition to seiccUve servlca by Aug. 9, 1940. a food—while, meat, butter and wards the sentry, who fired three crated a g;overnment must then be Hunan pravtnoto .ls nndsr way* -■ V . - -opFT CENTER STREET “family" type. Keepers estimated. poultry become scarcer. Keepers BS' up on s legal basis emanating The first laadtogs wer mad* yes­ Manchester Lumber & Fuel. Co. Alexander Jarvis, I^es,, 26 Alexander Street SO Oak Street TeL 3894 I esttesated tosg* boost of 8100,. some, who also diacouragad the In awarding custody iff th* chil­ warning ahoU before .taking aim v'/V. ti.OCf /.VC/A’ SJAIt ARMORY a year tor 985,OQO .steel purchase of war bond*; assertion* Neettag To Devise Plaa said he war confident the OPA at Ob* of the intruders- from pre-armistice leglsIaUon. terday, the oommunl^^ salA BvefoH T. MeKteney, Mgr. dren to their fsthbr. Judge Thorn- Representatives of milling as­ Other detaohnMBta foOnwed latot CENTER 8TKEET; PHONE 814S Telephone 4112 or 7275 would act to increase- flour sales, ~ Whan Hhase was . shot in the Giraud was said to have proposed lUMUtaaal m sociations are meeting regularly although he eould 'not say what' is the day and llghtiag waa era- . igUM ttifi 0O i«t « ( Ailminii- form MMh seam takm ^ aa Ksqi Elcht^ (CsaUausd *a Psg* Xwslv*) ttauiag tola assralggi ’ '-'t ■ IJ, A ^ • ^ 9 ■<( 'SB SV SM N tt tUilltAM), MANUiUtiSTEK, CO^rN•^l^IDi^;, MAY 7, 194i \ N' ' . / ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, ERJDAY, MAY’7, 1943 PAGE Tm fEa I Soviet authorities have hindered t A l l l h S J . lisv will make up*epe aover # v w s .90 fpercent ^ w a w i l h which edlKextchd dollars and cenU prices, which will affect poultry\^ Ific'ial Says or are hindering the departure' price controls over most grocery fluid milk, bread; . eggs, butter>j of the weekly food^udget and in- Clipsheet. To Start Work packaged cheese. Sugar, cereala elude. Items' which kro moat frS' from the U.S.S.R. of Polish 8ufa><- A.:, Ceiling Items. Oellinrvprices wUl soon be quently purchased. X'Announce- JccU . . . fr« false.” i •. Maj^ Unravel 'Slightly Daiigerous'' at Ui© State '^omofrow Till 5:30 P. M-r announced • for «yier communities evapoeated and condensed > milk, ei*€! Spies (The' stHement included a Averag^ Citizen Told flour and sev^al. other commodi­ ment ’of further price flin g s on On New Tract — ■ in the state, Mr. Bowles said. other commodities will be hiade as [its 4 Terms lengthy resume of the assistance ^ttqre.Closes At S;S0 ‘ Pric^ Monday Towns in which tK? ceilings be­ ties, will be Vnnounted in Sunday For W ar Bond Rally. and Monday newspapers in'the af­ soon as possible and the cmHnga (Contln re One) which the Russians wera said to come effective MondaJ',;a.re: will be extended to cover the whole have given the Poles in forming Hartford, West Hartford, Kast fected an state as rapidly as possible,” kfr. R e p u b l i r a Afifl ^ to emba.'.sy staff, \lncU idlng\Polish and equipping ah Arfny on Soviet Mdch Delayed Project - Buy More War BOn^ 3lv«r 1 ,0 0 0 Food Itemff Hartford, Windsor, Wetlil^rsfleld, U n d et/th e plan, flat ceiling _____ \ - prices/WtMild be based average Bowles ssserted. ' ^ reptvsentatives AtNyiadlvoatofcsand soil. The Polish gbyernment, .Maloney<.to Consult Bid­ Rocky Hill. Newington, Far^ning- on The OPA would not comment on S p a i i g l e r ' N e w Archangel, Embkssyv staff meha- however, ‘.'did not wish to dispatch On Main Street Apart- I V Be Arranged in 3 9 ^ ton. New Britain. Middletown, costa^nd markup’s in the commun- bera were, among throe seiitencei front to fight shoulder to shoulder LAST Ity /it is believed, and housewives whether the new rollings would be '^ eal S peech n i p a i g i i mentfts R^ady Now. Uncle Sam WiU Contin> dle on Income Tax flmie Towns. Meriden, Kensington, Crom' generally lower than current to be deprived of liberty, he said. ^ .Soviet troops and evaded the Meat Violations ' Bristol, Burlington. Plaihvme> r^uld ba advised that commodities prices. However, Paul Willis, presi­ (The statement did not make ,it fuiKHlmeHt of its own 'undertak­ ue to Tell AU to Take Liens Agaibgt O'Leary^ Avon, Southington. Canton; Wind­ Quid Cost a certain price and no dent of the Grocery Manufacturers Washington. May'''?, The clear whether these actually wete ing,statement added. It now seems as though the HKm'ord. M»y *— —Flatceil- m) Hands Out of j^ockets; ^ (Cost $1.50d Fines \ W f prioiss o« approxliMtely 1,000 sor Utcks. Granby. Suffiel^ of America, said at a recent ihrot- Republusa'n National eonrhUUee held in Russia.) (TJTe^Russian charges followed fnuch delayed .Job of erecting Waterbury, May 7—(8^—U. S. Thompeonvilte. Enfield. W arehW e .-^^•’■Malor Step In Drive iiigln Nei ■ York: was-dlsclh^ed today to have .sort­ 3IaJurity Plead Guilty ' by.only 24'i»ours the publication of apartment houses on the west side iDod Items will b* fixed on a coro- Point, BkJomfleM, Rockville. Tol­ . ’‘A^ouncement of these prices More Drives Loom. Senator Francis T. Malpney will Keith’s Spring Sale •lunity bawia In 39 central Connec­ "In the faec of a reduced ^lumk ed a new bampaign agalnat a ^ 'Vishinski ' asserted that an a letter fropr'Rramier Stalin to the of Main street lAtwaen 9t. James Hartford, 7—(A>>—Pleading \ land, Somer.>^ Ellington. Man)tfield, is a neiv. major step/ln the drive and an increase coat of doing tipai- inove to ranomlnate Prealdeni elming majority” of those Moacow correapbqdent of The New confer, May 17, with U. 8,. Attor­ Final Ri^uctions ticut' town* Monday, It was an- Coventry, BoHon, Andovej>; Marl­ to hold the line in 'Connecticut," and Forest streets,'’ will soon be| By James Marlow.and George nolo cbntepdere to eight counts ney General Francis BlMle to de­ I i- Bounced todBy by Chester Bowles, neas, the small grocer has bVn Roosevelt for a fourth term. ed “pleaded„gullty of their York Times in which he replied to borough, Glastohbury, South Wind­ Mr. Bowles declared. "Now every hanging on in the hope that Um the correSpondent’eNmeries con- started. v, Zielke of • yiolani^ meat ceiling prices p | a u te Office of Paice Administra­ citizen and eVery retailer will be ‘ Supplementing Chairhnan Harri- activities and gave evi- termine If income tax Uena of the sor and Mancheslet / / ''overall markup regulation prem­ Bon l$\Spangler's AhO- ucidatlng in detail the es- rcriiing , Russia’s views^On Poland The property was purchased Washington, May 7.—(J*)—Uncle and daughter quotas, Harold J. tion diveeboF. Mr- Bowles .said that >the new armed with a simple, easily under­ Bureau of Internal Revenue will • T ib start* Oje first In a series ised repeatedly by OPA would Sj^ckea In the east and midwe.st. Id method of the.se activl-; by sayittg he favored establish­ year last February b^ Robert I San) la telling you—the average Frledmdn of South Norwalk, •was take precedence over, attachments stood and effectivk Weapon which come through in time to save him." ment Of a strong independent will enabie him to do^hla bit in the the commltj^ee has Just sent put tics." H Raymond of Farmington, who has I litisen—to take your hands out'trf fined 81,500 in Federal court yes­ which the Citizens' Good GoveriL-' . Substitution of a flat dollars and SAsked why the Poles should be Polish state a(ter the war. I since organized the Manchester | terday by Judge J. Joseph Smith. fight against inflalloitx It will in­ cents program. Mr. Willis said. Is the flrit issue of a new cllpah'eet, 3 ^^r pocketa.1 You may’sa well get ment Association has pen^g crease the dilficultie.s of\the black called X)’n‘the Home Front”. Its engaged in espionage in Russia—a fttores Corporation. The rear sec­ Five poultry dealers charged against assets of missing Fpraier a new blow ahd may force many nation with which they signed a tion of the land has been^^ot aalsl uaed.ixto hearing that. He’U keep It with poultry ceiling price 'viola­ marketeer for it will reveH him in retail grocers out of business. - leadipg' editorial is a plea to dis­ Sikoriiii Confers Controller Daniel J. Leaiy; con­ pel Sny belief that "there is hut mutual assistance and friendship and at least three persons'. have! up. tions, the first to be brought -Into victed In the W aterbujy million his true light. \ agreement on July 30, 1941—Vi­ been Interested In the puniltasci "In the past, it has often'been Chperk Built oa'Eggs ' one among us qualifled to rule." fCUh Eden %oday Why? Because -thero are some Federal court, pleaded innocent dollar , fraud case. v . ifficult for^both retadcrs a>rd The single . paxc,, four-eohimn shinski replied: London, Mky 7 -HA'i \ l^emier with the Idea of erecting apart-! things to think ab^ut befoi^ get­ and will be tried May i t . They Mkloney will ask'Bifidle if it is "Nobody spies out^af charity." ment houses. A person has now! were: 4 ' j ' unccticut Choppers to know ex^- '‘'oSingiipore'a cathedral It built publication was addressed to sev­ Wladyslaw /Sikorskl of tjie POIisb ting chesty overvlne success—and possible to remove this last obsta­ actlv how much they ought to pay eral thousand of the amaller news- The accu.sgtions agalh^ the Po­ government - in -,exile\ro n fe rre d been secured who will erect lool Meyer Rosen of WillimanUc. 15 cle to trial of. the 8606,()00 suit s foundation of ground shSlls, lish representatives werc'^contain-^ apartments and it is expected thatl it waa a succMb—of the April war fr , these grocery items because suksr, and whites of eggs. The papera, moatly weeklies. It wiU be more than an hour.today' 'with bond drive netted him 18 counts; Haskel Rosen, WilUnian- brought by the association In 1938 the le(^ eeiljng prices were dif;. issued bi-weekly at first. Latey it 'ed in a paper which Vishlnsld read Anthony Eden, British foreign within the next two weeks theT Uc, six counts; Benjamin Ctoit, to recover appropriations allegedly resulting mixture is stronger than to the correspondents and wWch 'billion (RjUars, five billion more Rdnf il^f •*^» »e Iwip •n your eld fM- ferent iriNlhe various stores. Now may become a weekly . secretary, after Soviet Russia Zoning Board of Appeals will ren-L Norwich, seven counts; Normah illegally pvenlraMm.' granitS: • he said had been sent to the Rp- der its decision and work will bcl than the"^ goal he se t.' J. Antokol 6f the Norwich Uve* Robert Young, Lana Turner and Walter Brennan are shown In new both consunjer and retailer will Not •'Prepared To Conunent made new accusations again.St the Thaft drive reaped more rewards Suggest# Board Member Attend a scene from their latest picture, ".Slightly Dangerous," with Dame have' a list of, definite dollars and Officials at the Democratic Na­ liah government in London. \ PoU.sh embassy in Mb.scow. started. Poultry company, Norwich, eight Fainous “SURE FIT” y«»“» yloMun. ***** far lIoi« The paper also accused Polish than any government campaign— ' tn advising the Board of ^nance May Whitty playing at the State Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. c.nts eeiling pHces. by items, size ■ / tional committee said they had not -. The Polish government was sK ,xth the history of this country—to counts; Joseph Levine, Bridge­ of the proposed action by Mkloney, SLIP COVERS >?T9 WILL CASH OS THE USE! of containers aiidxby brands." / seen the clipahect and were not military leaders of . refusing to about the atatement by An- The automobile industry is pro­ port,. 10 counts; and Philip Pb- Arison ;«!or crater is. four- ducing war material at a rate far nfise money for war. But— Mayor Monagan suggests that It To Add Color and Charm In Large Starkets prepared to comment on it. Charles send to the Soviet-berman front dreKJ. Vishinski. Soviat vice com- layes, New Haven, 10 counts. -KEi’n r s SPRING s a l e : t o m o r r o w o n l y : , Tn Your Living Room FRAP Old Records Must Go Back . Stores which areN^stricted by fifths of j, ide^ . and 600 feet the Polisp Army .which was organ­ miaaai; for foreign' relationa. pend­ greater than lU peak rate in Financial' authorise attendance dt the Wash­ of the Mlciiefaon, veteran Jhibllclty chief William M. Robbins, chairman ington meeting of at least one Sofa Chair First. present regulations, s^h as the • *^**^f^*'’ for the Democrata. used' to put but ized in Rugaia with the coopera­ ing th^xconference at the Foreign top years of motor cAr productk>n.| large super-markets ahd those mkteor that made it''probably was tion of Soviet authorities. of the Treasury's War Finance member of the board. a similar sheet for the Nw^ Deal Office. Attorney George M. Cohen of Turn Them In To with large yolumes of business. no grenter than 30 fe ^ Answering a question aa to the HoweveiXthe Poles have con- rommittee, said that, even though Oppose Zoning ^ $4.95 $2.95 may not sell .at these ceiling prices } called "dispelling the Fog," but possibility of a resumption of dip­ the drive waa a siiccess, financial Hartford, eoihtael for the associa- that waa discontinued several Bistcntly denied allegations that .tlon has maintained that CTonnectl- • \ but must continue to obarrve their A I T . S. fighter plane mMe his­ lomatic relations between the So- their troop.s ^ t i o n e ^ in Russia mobilization in the hatipn is lag- Milk Deliveries present regulations, which Sgt tory by flying a round tHp of years ago. 'viet and polish governments. Vl- ging. cut. Superior court attachments POtTERTON'S One Democratic party spokes­ had refused to jqin Sotriet opera-' would have a prior claim over the 339 .Main St. At the Center their ceilit.rs at a iow'er level tharN more- Ihan 600 miles from vwn sHtnski raid: / tions against tbe^rm ans. They He pointed out that only 7 per FKKK for mbs* independent stores. 'English base to shoot up a fM- man. however, observed that it cent—81.260,000,000—of that. 18 income tax liens. \ Pboae nSl might be difficult for his National ■ "There is nothing in. Die world said that only oneXreduced divi­ Hartford, May 7—((h)— Zoning Mr. Bowles said that the irnlial torv and an( gas reservoir. which chnnot be changed." sion ^ f about 9,000 tnsn was ade­ billion came out of the pockets of ^ m m ittee to go in for this sort He a d d ^ however,, in conclud­ -— -NOW PLAY^G the-average citizen in purchase of- of milk, deliveries would "threaten of publicity now for fear It would quately equipped and tl^ Riiasians ing the conf^nce; / themselves were trnable tas^furnlsh “ E” bonds, called the "people's the welfare of children, especially Goodyear Service be interpreted es propaganda for bonds" because they are the cheap-., a fotitth term and National com­ Asserts P o ^ R«s|MHisiMe \ arms for some 90.di00 qthefs. babies,” the Connecticut State • * "The Polish goyiernraent is ra- Transferred te Persia est. Federation of Women’s Clubs re­ mittee organizatloha are aupposed Treasury Secretary Morgenthau Doing Its Part to ba neutral aa to prealdantial sponsihle for the rupluro of rela­ Thereupon, the Poles said. In solved at the final session of 4ts tions and therefore it ^ for the I accord with both Russia and Brit-' [ said that even the April perform- annual meeting yesterday. •j ■ xf*-' •• candidates. ance ‘.’must be bettered.” Aaka Viaahs^ and' Coronsenia ■Poli.sh government to takk.^ con- I ain some Polish units were trans­ I The resolution protested the Crete steps, and’one cann<^':dls- ferred to Persia and the Middle This is what lies ahead for the "zoning and other measures of With purchase of a 81.000^. bond Accompanying the new Repubh- I remainder of the year, according by Goodyear Service store in can clipsheet waa a letter to edf-, cijss the question in the a^lpra^. East where there were posaibili- the milk admiriistrator and the tore from Spanglef asking their H.N'How, when and in what direction 'tiea for arming them with Amert- [ to Treasury officials; Connecticut Milk Producers Assoh MariSbster, the second War Bond GAY YACHXCHAlftS Impends on concrete conditiona." ckn.Mppliea. Another DHve In August ciation," and asked Gov. Ray­ campaigs in Hartford County Folding style, heaVy d u c l^ n „ "vlewa, crlUciams and comments" apmied closer toward its goal to­ OR the publication. Ru.ssia-severed relations with Sikoraki himself touched briefly SUN. . MON. AND TUEfl. A continuous effort to sell bonds mond E. Baldwin "to use his sturdy ha^wood fi-aVne.xPer- ' the\Polish government in exile on thisAubJect several months ago I between now and August ra'hd, in emergency powers to adjust the day. feet for|ibrch or "bur approach to this whole SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS I ,N Job." the letter said, "is thatxwe do aftersthe latter had asked the In- in answer'TO reporters’ questions. I that month, another drive, prob- m atter as equitably as possible.” At the same time, Al Bristol, lawn. ' ' $ 2 . 2 5 not want„to be distant preMi ag- ternat^n Red Cross to. investigate The fact that Eden recently has Plus: ‘The Falcon Strikes Back' lably greater and with a larger The Women’s club of Seymour manager of the, Goodyear'', store, The Well-Dressed ants dumping useleas materisKon Germairchargea that the Russians conferred at Ibnrth with Ivan I goal than April’s. Then more con- submitted the resolution, ahd one disclosed that practically ail the T T car* your deaka. b u t. that you are ^ the SmoMnak region prior to the Maisky, the So\u«t ambassador, ftinuous effort betweei Septenrber of its supporters was Mrs. Ber­ store’s employes are buying bonds much interested tn the cause or- had slain ro.OOiO Polish officers in aroused speculation in informed land December. In that final month nard H. Matthies, wife of the also under salary-deduction or di­ breaklng the Rooaevelt-Hopkins- German war. Later the quarters that some ne^xpropqsaia Modern and OM-Faskloned |of 1943- -another drive. state representative whose bill rect-payment plans. governiqent in London said aimed at . bringing the Phlqs "and "Both during the drtves and in to oust Milk Administrator Don­ Th^ Manchester (Joodyear FTankfurteXhold on the govern­ ded this request as having ment aa we are. Russians together bad been m^e, DANCING |the intervals." Morgenthau said, ald O. Hammerberg waa recently^ store's participation in the Harl- "We are all Ame^cana together ^ The sending of an Ajneric |"li is important that all who have defeated in the General Assem- tpqi cmmty’s second War Bond s Suits who dread the thought of perpetu- to say specifically wheth- delegation to MdScow was consid- CITT VIEW DANCE HALL egular incomes or accumulated bly. ^ve is part of a nation-wide er relations with the Polish govern- | ered of the greate.st importance Keeney Street funds make steady purchases of Mrs. Robert T. Baldwin of Goodyear program to help the a tii^ one man In the White several issues of savings Hoiiae; and -of seeing the contin­ ment had 'been broken or merely ' CURDAY n ig h t , .MAY M Westport was Installed yesterddy drive reach its national quota. suspended. VI Vishinski did not give a Haagy Spialu, Primaptpr. anda." as president of the federation to] Mr. Bristol said that in this FINER TYPE ^OLID MAPLE DINETTES ued mixlng-of*politics with war ad­ direct answer;, declaring merely Homer Leaves The goals in the government ministration.” the next year. manner “ Goodyear is demonstrat-. Do NOT confuse with dinettes usual­ that the RusslaiKword for the sit­ drives have been going up. In De- ing that each store in the country Reduced For Last Day ahd Topcoats The cHpaheet's fourth-term edi­ uation had a ftneXshade of mean- For Teheran cember 1942, the first great drive ly found so low. THB:s E are famous torial said that .when President The cypress tree has knees,, pe- is a clo'se, integral pSrt of the HAMP.SHIRE HOUSE creations re- ing, ■ \ ■ , May X.—(Ti—The of thU war, the goal was nine bil­ cullar growths In the roots. community, whlbh it serves.” Roosevelt "submitted to the Word "SoapeodiNl^ Used Italian radio, in a broadcast to­ lion dollars but 812.900,000,000 was produced from antique originals FamouR F in e .^ ^ ric8. Finely Tailored •forced draff in 1940. It was free­ (An Engliah version '<»f Vishin- day recorded by The Associated Biised. finest craftsmen and hand rubbed to a deep rich lustre. Extension table MOHAWK RUGS A. ETE CARVER tmESS B ly forecast that should he be elect­ •aki's statement Issued byxthe offi­ Press, said it had been learned In Of th at total individuals, xTart- Extra fine, extik beautiful, ed. he would again be a candidate Istanbul that Tabeusz Romer, am­ FRED ■Sp/ing Sale Values For and 4 ladder back chairs...... Fameue Shirtwaist Proek-^(k cial, Tass neM’s agency, hb^’ever, nerships, and personal'trusts pur- Budget ’Tcyma one of America's finest / fared skirt. Sisea !• te SA,, m for a fourth term. used the"word ‘(suspended.”) bassador to. Moscow for the Polish Bsed only 81.014.000,000: In the / makes. All over Broadloom aJs. "Now that time has come," it (The issue as to,Whether govcroment-ln-e$iIe, had left Kui­ Ipril drive—^when the goal waa 13 • and Colonial designs. up continued. "The. drums are begin­ sia had broken orXuepended rela­ byshev by plane tor Teberan, cap- WERNER Simon—Individuals bought 82,- ning to beat again to win the tions with the Poleg. waa raised lUM of Iran. lastnietor of 39,000,000, Including the "E” S \- $49.50 country to the belief that we have abroad in connection with the '\R om er and his staff left Mos­ onds. 0 J W OF MANCHESTE M> E. JOAN iCENLET SHIRT 8« far deteriorated AS a people that translation of the Russian note in­ cow. for Kuibyshev, the alternate Piano and Organ) drota Of War Increasing ' LoBg sleevd'x^repe with eaa- there is but one among Us quali­ to English). S o^t capital, shortly after . the The costs of war, meanwhile, are vartlble roMar;'^ White, Biws. fied to rule.” Vishinski said thyre. apparently Ruraian government .severed rela­ Studios: toing up. Fot: the calendar year of Belfa. *4-46. l.M \yaa a feeling in the United States tions with the Polish administra­ 821 Msin Sireel [942 the government spent about e i i w s KEITH^S i that both Poland and the Soviet tion over the latter’s request for 152 West Center Streot 86 billions. Of this. 19 billion came M.AIN ST„ MANCIIE.STER Sport Coats $ 12-50 up union had fallen into a Nazi pro- an inquiry into German propagan­ from taxes and 37 billion was bor- Ills MAIN ST. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL 0))en Saturday 'till 5:80 Army Order I paganda trap, but he said he did da chargea that the Russians had Telephone or 781S owed. : not believe the majority of the -xecuted 10,000 Polish officers In the calendar year of 1943 the -TO.MORROW TILL 5 :301a ST DAY OF KEITH’S ' On Quitting ; people in Ame’rica thought theyj'near Smolensk. rovemment will spend about 100 I Ru.ssiana had been taken in. lillion. Of that total, 30 billion will Area Defied I It is obvious, raised by taxes. The remainder I Germana are dHvJilMother Held LEARN TO PLAY -70 billion—will, bs obtained Arrow C. MO.TUD HOSIERY wedge between1 the United' )vb- | ^ —-- Srough sale of government ae- ExtiB MMSA M Aange Bay- tOoetieaad fram Page Oee) tions. i^ties. . 1.U General In Leading Itol For Murder A 4 STRING GUnV So—:the government figured to inquiries, declined to. say*on what (The text of the atatemem read —X-—■ \ Private Instruction. t* 20 billion in t}ie' first quarter, grounds the order was issued, ex­ by Vishinski. as broadcasyby the (Centtnaed,/fMM PagW.^>n«) tie iflonths betwiien January and plaining. "oui! policy is not to Moscow radio and recordro by the Popular Tuni^ Can Be he end of April; 25 billion more comment on Individual cases." Soviet monitor in iMtiqon, said ton skid rtturn to their ^«(ther Played in a ShhH lline. 1 that second quarter ending in Mia- Schueller who U estranged that General Vollkoviw. former was conditioned upon het .flesist ^ugust; another 25 billion In the, fr^m her husband, said only that chief of . ths Polish TnillUtry mission ing froth “the relationship hereto- A Few Instruments iiM quarter. she was questioned by a military' in Russia, had played / a leading Will Top Off Effort tor^And pow existing between the Still Available. Those August and December ■v White Hud ■ \ board last Dec. 23 regarding her role In the alleged espionage actlv d ^ n d a n t ind one A. S. W. Frai- membership in “German clubg.” Itles. V Ives wil’ top off the effort. £'3 ^ U. 8. District Judge J. Cullen (jthers me.ntionea by Vishinski AU the while the governrhent Colors Mrs. Frailey said in her state­ ^lU be' selling those E, F Md G Ganey declined yesterday to Isaug in connection wttly the espioni ment that Frailey had nothing to GEORGE J. SMITH j an injunction al>F requested to .charges were Fnst Sectetaptea Dial 8380 for DaUila onds, the small ones w h l^ the Arlet and Zlalensfcl of the do w ^ the klUlnga. verage investor can hanme, plus restrain enforcement of the order notes which attract big money i i; but granted a hexitng May 17 on embaasy- and Second Seepbtaries New Low Pheel her attorney’s petition for a de­ GruyaV and Olwovski. ople although anyone /can buy M a s ^ ’e hem. / „ . claratory judgment. The ^jjrder, (^me attaijnes of ^ e Polish MODERN LIVII lOORlSi; meanwhile, was stlU in.force. embassy were/deport^on account MAY WE aUOGEST— The notes ate deslgnro tor Fed- $ 7 . 2 4 Although many suefl caders of their connection, With- the alleg­ ral tax payments ana short term ed spy o p e ra U ^ . XVlshinski's liS C L E kyestrhent. .Funds Invested In have been issued on the west coast \ N t H f • I I U ‘ the one recel'ved by Mrs. Bchueller statement raid^^e Polish repre­ 'T h e nem will enable theiiwners to re- D TAILORT^^N FROCK was the first- in this area. sentatives wepe said to have acted ST ART^ TODAY sice their future tax loads, earn a $ 1 0 9 under the/guise of organizing re­ Barn Dance" pturn tor them Jra long as the Button.dowB edttoa alaaalc . .. Firtt Mdiiehester ■oney remains invested -rmp to Sleek modern lines — balloon And Up Pra-shriiBk; S.M lief for P ^ h citizens In Russia— a work tor which 'Vishinski said MODERN AND SOCARB sturlty—and supply \ the Treas- cushions — superb hap^ tailor­ Dozeii Face they had been given every aasiet- Showing! wlth funds to meet current ing — rich long wearing cover­ For Yo«r Entertainment, ar 'costs. BUDGET TERMS X ing — massive proportions! ance by Soviet authorities. . Relaxation and Sociability * - Long Terms Reiterates Russian Cliargea Robbins spoke as he flld be- ARRANGED sS109 for sofa Sind chair. (The* Moscow broadcast also Knights of Columbus kuse: j quoted VUhlnskl as -reiterating [All through! the war—and the 28 Prospect SL, Hartford, i ; . .*..T '.X, (Oeattooad froaa Paga Om ) Russian charges that the Polish jHid sales ydll last through the '' government in London was “under |ar—^the '^asiiry wants Amerl- I. TAPERED SLACK SUIT EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT to Invest tn government ae- Fa.«hloned "of spun fabrlca— that attacka by submarines on the the influence of Pro.r,HftIerite west coast were' not maide by Japa­ elements” and asserting that Convenient To All Rus Linos j hrltles so they will get their aur- Navy, Powder, Bose, Green. |UB cash out of circulation at a lJ-44. 7.M nese, but were propaganda raporta Polish' officials, press and radio 8 to 18 Midaifht. of “war lotds"^; glorlflegtion of are continuing to circulate .false whSn the goods they can buy /-■ -. • ‘ ■ Adolf Hitler as the foe of "hidden reports concerning relations with Featartng scarce. rulers" responsible for the war. Russia. . > ■ iBaaka limited la April Drive .' .One witness - testified that .At- Vishinski, the broadcast added, Art Websfer'i I In that 13-biltlon dollar April ( the Treasury limited ~ th(i Uiur L. Ben, of San Francisco, aa- asserted that "aUegatloais that OM TUaors Oichoatra. sartad "volea" of Mankind United, ount banks could ptuchase to and a woman eompani.on drank a ' HANK POST, Pifompter. Mllion.' The rest was to ba, ed by business organizq.- tpast .in a San Fi-ancisco cafe to s i / tlie Japanese attack on Paari Hat-' Ilke insurance companies, |d Individuals, partnerships and bor. ■ DANCE trusts. - Claim Miaondanitandlng UiLj Defendants taatiflad their stafeV I As it developed, the goal was ments had been, miaunderstood, MANCHESTER Uflwd without the bank money LIGHTWEIGHT and denied they had made'any as­ Ich, when added, swelled the SPORTS GENTBR STATE to Its final 18 billion figure. sertions intend!^ to impede, the j, Wens street ” HARTFORD PLASTIC BAG draft or otherwise impair the war •ON THE SAME SHOW; JJOL |When the Treasury began to STETSON HATS effort. ke apart th a t' 13-bHllon non­ Zipper top kaodbag. Roomy money to see Where It came 4.98; Convicted by the Jury were Bell; Saturday^Niji^t, May 8 ..Oaorn C. Ashwell, Homer G. Wil­ It found: cox, Bay B. Sharpe, Eugene - W. Jy a comparathrely small part WHILE THEY LASTI 2 PC. $ to $ Brown. A. Ray Elaea, J. F. Burkey, Moflen and OM IhahloMiX from indivldualB, the bulk 5-00 7.50 Max Theodore MUler, Mrs. Maude FemMVfy BaM A t flUIlaf'a^iiaO Be from business housea DIVANOLA LIVING ROOMS Askew, Laurence Cook. Edwin O. Pater Mmar, Pnasplar. at,” Robbins said, "Is not a Gilson and Mrs. Shanna Thausen A Oeed Tima fa r Tanng aad OM! ord to give ui satisfaction. Peo- Jakeman. Lanlancy waa racom- do not yst realise we must mendad for Mrs. Askew, Cook, OU- financial support from svery Store Closing Saturday, May 8 at 5:30 lon and Mre. Jakeman. in the land." Lovaly Colonial styling, ALL STEEL Found innocent wera Harold V. SPRINGS, attracUva hommpun up- . For War Bond Rally Norria, William Dueret, Pauline System Bills' Approvsd holatory. Dlvanola divan (<^>ena 'to A special, treat! ' tTFRS ROl I INS and hundreds paused to watch aa ) personnel director from a merit Vi i»l K-T-TTni «i / 1T 7.1 J G. PRINTED HANKIES pmicemeti attempted to capture fS. JFSSF. / JAVihS a ' ipMn list ^without confirmation Wltk "Maakar" prtaled aeroro piumaged pheasant which settled LEGION HALL • Vi -v " - ^ \ . the Senate were approved by • J W OF M>MANCHESTER face. fiOa on the atraet car tracks at a busy L eonard Street Judiciary committee yester- Loop intersection. But Just as ooa • S S r - j / j r r : i / poHeamaa was a too>. away, the Modera aad (M Fadikmed Daadiig. pheasant arose at a Mnurp aajlr SATURDAY, MAY 8 — S to 12 ^ , Icoordiag to tests, llght-solorcd CC.HOUSC'^SOK soared high into the air end flew Whem Fine Fnmltare Coeto, Lem! . liws ■ IHC Fun For AD! Admission 55c,Tax Inel. I tire more sasUy and are.more d wn the akyacraper lined street tihie to glare than are da'rk- MAIN STREET (OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL) MANC1IE8TKB 1115 MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL u h t The show waa aver. l i A u Store Oloow,$a««nl^r At 8:80 P. M. For Boml Rally. 841 MAIN St. MAN^ -w ■ T'/Z/r t ' , . it.:-: .5 -

MANUflESTES BVENUiG OTRALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, MAY 7,1943 X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAWCHIGSTER, W1 FRroAT, MAT 7, 19 IS i Woman Gets Ovenupply contributions; to buy and 'Satdt two s •elected' u foUewe: Flnt, Meanof Qaudia Back Of Federal Pamphlets l e g end Jills carloads of ,the grain for ek^rt- iChecki of St. Joseph’s, »nd *ec- w m Kansas^^^eat \ Loedl School Boys Cut Up * ~ T ^ Russian fields from w hlcli'''the Rockville claas, Antoinette Mueller of Yank-Invaded Britain a GagmatKs Dream ■ iWSodbury, May V .serxl first came So long ago gi;g' the IbMt •chool. 17-18 Wdodbuj^ women , with only a barren now, he pointed' out; re­ HOW WfTH Lw fto R. OlMiiMMi '' ' . I' * To,Russia The ja d fM were Mr*. D. J. Mc­ \ ' ■ X • ■ X ' ^ modest sized vsgetabla and treating armies in the back-and- $40, BoehvOl* Carthy, H. Cliapnnan and On Street W\th a Cut Out flower' garden Miit to Wash­ forth swings of battle destroyed Louis Fleehi X Famous Comedy Hit to ington recently for several every growing thing. ------^ Msrf Anwefca,*” quipped government .pamphlets on gar­ State M^rie Wealthy .by C Hbfwoad Sh o w , "mra Sivo tountria* '^ r i n g was' in the air yestei^y^Jady’s arm moved, the w-heeis of Play at the Bushuell Other stateg have supplied oats, »nd Gfoup dening subjects. barley and other seed for the Rus- taparatad b f fba toma Ittnguaga.’' To and with it came a new klnd/ol-jlhe car almost locking. The driver She gPt what she wanted ^Seeril^frcim Crimea to horseplay by school boys turn- rulibhed his eyes, said something Memorial Soon. ..sians, he said, "and it would be Hebron | Ualp bridga that "aep erot^" cartoonists and Dlore. She’s at a lost to Return Favor. Kansas to provide wheat—to re­ ing home. - j r . which sountiad like "crasy kids." , for Camp a t botb cooiMrfaa b o vo tvrnod thair humor knpw what to do with: store in Russia an industry that A group cOni'lng up ^ a in street and ^ p p e d heavily on the throttle. Seldom before^ has a comedy / A pamphlet on “The Eradi- Complete figures on the Hebr^ fbipso. These pfetwrea ore from on exhibit Topeka, Kas., May 7—(;P)—Men- country helped to build in Kan- had found O' cardboard damsel in The kid kept it tip. Car after • scored such an 'Emphatic hit ivlth / Cation of Ferns From Pasture sas.‘‘ War OardCn committee are as fol­ \ sponsored b y tba fnpJish-Speaking U nion" violent colors, the.-^'typp that ad­ car stopp^, brakes whining. Each Land." nonites, coming ,from 4he Ciimca lows; Robert E. Foote, chairman; audiences ^ r e as did John G o ^ nearly 75 years ago. brought to Furthermore, the old Brief Exerci^ Held for and dhtglayaid at Haw York's M attopoli- vertises c ig a r e tt^ toothpaatc and driver whirl^ away after the dis­ Albert W. Hilding, asalatant; John en’s major New York hit, “ Clau­ Another on "Sheep-KitUng America's inidwcslern plains wheat expert grinned conflIdently, such. It was life-size.-;. .and very closure, blushing and mumbling to Dogs." Kansas will it! Tolland -Youihs Be­ Horton, Hebron Center; Edwin tau Muidvm at Art. dia.’’ A t the conclusion of irHe en­ treasured sacks of wheat. beautiful. - a, ' himself. It w aVa treat to \vatch. And duplicate copies of Smith, Burrows Hill and Jones " ' ‘ i f . Finally tlrln^of the stunt the gagement the demand for further Now a grateful Kan.sas, made fore They Leave street; F. Elton Post Bolton and BRITISH One of'-the lads grabbed the "Making Unfermented Apple boy packed MiaaNBeautiful under wealthy by that seed, is returning r Burnt Hill roads; Carroll Dunham, ilgiir and hiding behind it, started pertormances w a s -so' great that Juice on the Farm." his arm and sloggOd do'wn Main it to the war-scorched fields of Rockville, May T.— (Special Amston Center and Lake; Kenneth to jerk hie ri'ght arm and thumb -negotiations for a j'Hurn engage­ Ru.ssia. . towaf'd? the Center. It waa realla- street towards the Notto E;nd, cer­ ment were entered into; Mr. Gold­ -—-r\- ’— The second pou p of young in Ellis. Gilead and vicinity; Mrs. R. '•Rus.sia’s hard rod Turke'y seed Foote. Gilead .and North street tlc andN:ertainly. at first glance, tain that even’ . M i X Am erica, en promised that, if posrtble Rose Isft Tolland County this morning couldn’t help him get a nde. paved the wa^ .for the . reputation :o iookfd likb-,^e little lady of, the I.Franken’s delightful play would ’The committee, on Connecticut 'Kansas enjoys aS-the leading pro­ to r active service with brief cxer- return here at the end of the Bos­ Chicken Pleas V^nteera have completed the ad>nad suddenly become animated. » . . ducer of this kincl', of wheat/ in CRUST ton rurx. This will conclude at the icnricc eisrs bsinjt held prior to their de- WarSJarden Survey, and IflO gar­ H er smOc wasX;witching: her ap- Everything else being equml the America," said J.-C. Mohler, sec- dens m listed. Chairman o f the / [ peal was re s is tle ^ ' plane with the highest hoTsepciw- Colonial theater on May 15, and EASY. A package of F lak o.x ^pccifllly arran(«d to tit yo«r . parture. Mayor Rsymond E. Hunt, rctkgy of the State B«|ids and reU tivot the Bslectlvs Service Board spoke ThC othef Nnembers) are Mrs. 'return engagement at the Bush- not involved. Between.pay.Dty k>an« Charles Flllmbrts, Hebron Center; 'X ,.nell Memorial in Hartford for two Three Denied, .Three pie crust fhat » l ^ t and (or small amounts and short periods briefly. Mrs. Stanley ^Nygren, Church readily nude. $30 for $ weeks costs Leslie li. Cbarter Jr„ of somew [performances. flaky, top and/bottom, street; Mrs. Charles Miner, Co­ lie Boston' engagement origi­ Held Over But Rest you Ufa K loan of^100 costrlso.to was the Acting Corporal for the Q Oality ingr^eses, p re c i- ■ lumbia road; Mrs. Maurice Keefe, nally was for four weeks but this wheij promptly repaid m t» monthly group which Included the follow­ consecutive msullmenis of S10.05 m cV Wall street; Miss Lillian Orifflng, was ^tended a fortnight. The two Granted Permission. OLD •ton m ix e d ^ a t'i Flako. , ing nom Rockville Burnt Hill. Basket Spop and An­ 0 P6C - VISIT SERVICE saves tim e. Phone "Dear Mbmo—In England they drive on\ "Con I tell you where^yM can get a engagehpents in Boston', one at the u* your applKstion. Theft come i i' hf • Alfred Nowak, George W. Glass. dover Roads; Miss Sylvia Martin, One application to keep chickens RECORDS Wimnk n . Stodolski. Jr,; Harold M. the left tide of the rood.** HOT—dog? Young tnoiybre you craiyll?** Wlibur ahd one at the Colonial appointment to &i(n «nd Hie cssli. r-tlead Road; . Mrs. Rose Mott, POPULAR will give 'HSiaudia" a record of 11' was wJthdrgwn, three .were held - Our old friend the Jeep turns up a fufrow at the Willys-Overland 90-acre Victory Garden in Must be toroed In for sal- Morgansop, George V. Lentocha, Marlborough Road; Mrs. Edward V. weeks in Bo^on. “ Claudia" has over for further investigation and Toleda tS vd « the ]eep-n>akij)g flfin pitch in as lannerettei. .viige if you want to keep Nonnan AXWeber, George R, Smith. Burrows Hill; Mrs. Ida C. established many records and is, three -were denied by the' inning — ^ ^ ______’ playing the new ones. FINANCE c a Waller, Leon L. Rowe. John J. Heck .(substituted for Mrs. W ai­ FOOD MARKET without doubt, one of the most suc- Board of Appeals last night. \ ZijC each paid for old rec­ Richard,!Robert C, Underwood, ter W rightt Jones street; Mrs. L. htnte TNenter RullfHnv I cessful plays to b ^ e e n in at least The application of Alexander be allowed; to keep 75 chickens so its se.4aion Wednesday he l«>- inate un.safe ono.s. . \Vhlle ae’ei- ords Irrespective quantity. 3tifl Floor Phone A430 ^ taifford m Mathewson, Edward F. A. Bentlnger, Hope Valey and he might sell eggs from a coop ,855 MAIN STREET NtUBINOW BUILDING ' I a decade. Jarvis to convert the former club­ lieved it\winuld be a mistake to clents have decrea.sed. fia. said,' be­ l.li'enne No, :IRI • ' Oworek, Leonard F. Oolemba. Sol Gupll; Anne Clark, Lebanon and Mr. Golden deferred the trip to' that he was erecting on I^firl II. II. Ilrosqn. Misre , ' house at Florence.,and Norman abandon p u re ly - state inspection li. Bronowits, Raymond Schrumpf, Mlllstream roads; Mrs. Herbert Ith e Pacific coast\ln o r ^ r to play street into apartments met oppo­ street larger than Ahe 100 square cause of gas rationing oth er k e m Porter, Amston road; Mrs. Ira Tur- H / Jr., Harold Joyce and Stanley T. 1 return engagements here^nd in a sition because it is located too feet, had his petition denied. of motor v^ iclcs. Magee said factors, 8e forecast would | shen, Amston L«ke, assisted by rr ' Inc. co«H aiedllk. ^ Ifew other cities. "Claudia’’Nya8 to close to the street line. This 'too, Action waa deferred on the pe­ depreciation of cars now on the the Misses Shirley'Barkln. Lottie once .move fnerease/when regula- ' 768 Main S t Tel. 5680 The following from Rockville IFresK Fruit' and Vegetable X* open a spring and summer tour, of tition of.Chester psosky of 98 Turahen, Melva Doubleday and I was heltl over for further investi­ road made it Imperative to elinx j tiftns were rcla'xedt Buy U S Wnr Bonds S Stamps , were accepted for duty in the Ithe far west at the Geai;y T h e ^ r , gation. Union street for investigation by Read Herald Ad vs. Navy. Harry B. Mead, Edward V. Bertha Prink; Mrs. Stanton Har­ Specialsv I San Francisco, op May ^ t h . Tn The petition of Mr. Jarvis was the entire board. It being consid­ Melesko. Russell E. Andrews. Efl- ris assisted by Mrs. Vorus Nicker­ lhas been set back until ^ n e 13;' the first presented. It was explain- ered that his lot was too small. Watd J. Mattisk, Robeijt Grumbach son. Aihston Lake. ■now instead o f travelling Cali by Mr. Jarvis that he had 'The petition of E. W. Whitham and Philip G,’ Doss. Edward W. There was a 100 per cent re­ of. 42 Gerard street was also de­ \ \ sponse to the W ar Garden Survey, FLORIDA JUICY ORANGES ^EEDLbss GRAPEF RUIT Ifornla by easy stages, the coi agreed to buy the clubhouse If he Waltekus and Earl Rich, both of |ln one long leap will jump ferred to have the property looked R . r . D. were accepted Ydr service completed two weeks ago. There wasXallowed to convert the build­ over by the entire board. are 131 experienced gardners. -29 from Toronto, Canada to ing into four apartments. This was in the .Marine Corps. 19c dot. sfoi-aoc ' Trancisco. Calif. The petition of'Irving Halprin to Vernon Orange / without eiki^rience; 76 large gar­ opposedX by Peter Seboen, who The brilliant cast includes Don owns property across the road, and keep chickens in "the , rear of 995- /There wUl be a meeting of the dens are planned for, 30 sniall onea ano 13 of various slses not named. aid .Cook, Pbyllis Thaxter. ami I „lso by Svahte H. Gustafson, who 999 Main street was denied on the /Vernon Grange this evening at Both experienced gardnerh and DEUCIors APPLES FRESH d a n d e l io n s "largucritc McNamara. owns propert.^n the street. grounds that it was an unsuitable eight o’clock at £he Vernon Center Mr. Golden, the.,dcan of Amcrl- place and when Mrs. Anna Ander­ others called for literature onNpeat Plans .V ^ Presented Change Hall. Members of the control, planting, fertilizers, stor­ 3 lbs. 29c 2 lbs. 29e fcan producers. ha.s '•bad more hit.- son of 97 'Pleasant street did' not KUlngton and Tolland Granges will lo his credit than an.v other mana­ Mr. Jarvis w-ak represented by appear aitd the petition was op­ ing. dehydration, etc. 140 wantisd ... ----- Judge Raymond R\Bowers who be guesta for the evenipg. .... canning bulletins. 150 asked fori ger. "Claudia." however, jias been posed by two neighbors, the board Roae Day pne of his greatest succesie^ Be­ showed a plan of the propo.sed denied it. - War Garden bulletins. This report YRLLOW’ RII*E BANANAS. NATIVE SCAIXIONi^ changes. The building la 35 by 50 Rose Day will be observed on does not include Gilead, sides "Claudia” he has Paul Miini. Because he did not have the per­ Saturday in connection with the Frank Eugene Hooper, aged 73, In “ Counsellor at Law " at the feet and it waa statedX^^hat the mission of the owner of the prop­ original part of it was er&ted 30 annual i^ipaal for funds for the formerly of East Hartford, died at AIAS- \ K l 3e '11^.^ , 2 bunches 19c^ oyale Theater, in New York anS- erty the application of Paul Salvation Army. ITAlformed mem­ the home of his son Harold, at 1 ^ Ephron* comedy, "The Home X^ars ago and an 'addition^^aue Hilderbrant of 80 Linden street bers of the Salvation, Army and Burrowa Hill, Wednesday. He had *'NoW\whkli tide do' we post them on "P o rd o o Ilia. Could you toll mo what 'Take 0 sw allow o f ihoi iogor and toll X r ^ t " at the Longacre Theater, in inThose who opposed 'Uie was denied. local high school girls wiU sell rose been in failing health for some a g a in ? * ataydo ftono Ian k in pounds?" me it don't taste./liko boor!" FRESJI DA-TES , \ SWEET>EP^|ER8 forki' change^ said they would rath buds on local streets.. * tiine. The Jlooper family have liv­ have thXfence around the buildin Board o f Education ed in Hebron fo r About two.years, , \ - 2^ , quart than to kbc >1 changed over The Teachers’ committee of the moving lately from the Victoria 59e lb. apartments. -'They asked that the ill ReHprocale Board at Education reporu that Strong place on'the WHllmantic by the Hebron Public Schools, to | and attended the local locals and | iicpn^^^'nty.d on account o f the lull lets to Be building be moVed back to conform tha contracts og the teachers is­ road to Burrows HilL MK be presented in the Town H all later Ellingtdn Rockville High school. coldrica.-on. with other buildings ofi the street. 11 Auto Drivers sued a month ago have been well was employed 33 years by the L. In May. Two opere^s are being Katherine M Richard of Rock­ ______SpO llf i of Ships Mr. Jarvis laterhjform cd the .'X board that he would not buy the signed and the list of teachers for F. Dettenborn Woodworking Com­ rehearsed. *'On the by Ibe ■ Mrs. O. F. Berr ville, R. F. D. No. 2, has been ap­ pany, Hartford, and was retired. Primary room at the .Green, and property if he had to move the JM3-44 follows: . 493-3, Rockville pointed adrnfnistrator of the e.sy BaltimoV May 7 i/P) - ^otor RockvlUe High School: PhUlp Hia w ife dleiT about two years “ Mexican Fieata," in the interme- ; tate of Frederick W. Rich^T, building as it would coat\ him Superior, Wis., M W 7 Su- vehicle adnUnistratois from east­ If. Howe, A. 7. Chatterton. Allen ago. He leaves six sons. Charles of diate room. It is understood that i late of Ellington. .’ lertor expects to ^break ship $1,400 to db this. - 'Dresser, Kenneth W. Little. John Cranford, N. J.. Arthur and Louis there will be flute playing by piipils | Charles Dana Bennett. Public As all of the members of tiie. ern states a ^ e d last rtfght at 'Thomas Bajters is a pajJent in punching records,, Strengthen in- K. B^d. Paul Roden. J. Murphy, of Blsiat Hartford, .Kenneth of C lif of the higher grades, with other ..Relations Consultant, of the Na- ernational relations and \haSten commission had not viewed the tlicir annual coW rCqee to extend ton, N. J., Ronald G., of the U. S. features. Other schools o f-.th e . , „ ^ the Rockville City hospiVal. ^ property, it was decided to with­ >*.. Gelsaler, R. Baro, Esther Fel- tlonal Grange, announces that , i r u.u' Jictory in four action-packemhoura re^rocal recogidtmnx of driving Ibsra. Louise Flood, Dorolto Har­ i Arm y and Harold of Hebron; threa towms will also take part...... y. Joseph DeCarh o f,d o b a Hill I'andaj but it was the visit qrghe hold the decision. I di ugbters, Mrs. Geraldine Toohey Hebron students of IVlndham \% orthy Master Albert S. Goss, , has been InitiiLlled as the licenABa to all a^s;{^ north of the low, Natalie Ide, Lucille Kuhnly, >ionnc quintuplets that had t Was Not in Order Potoma'C».rtver. M. Male, L. MacFarland, E. Mac- of Hartfbru, Mrs. Archibald Bes^ High sbtaool are proud of the fact,; Master of the National Grange, i new president the Italian- |t> excited today. The , petition of George E. Mac- Tatlane, Margaret McLean; Eileen sett^ of Hebron ,and Mrs. Dorothy that they have borne their part'' min -willytill represent Agricultilge on a 1 American Friept time, are coming to this s t r e e t ^ ^ not in proper form and tion t^ e x te n d the recognition tleaiy, H, Wilder, B. Kellner, Spe- and Burt of Newark, Nj^J-. also abopt $1,000 apii^, and when all the Hutual Broadcasting network Edmondo, Jr., all of Ellington, are I ^ ead-of-th(-Great Lakes city Of the board 'returned the petition and p j^ ged his state to hrtfor it. cd^^eacbera, Mrs. Helen Upson; nine grandchildren. T h e funeral figures were cast up it wras found at 8:00 to 8:45 p. m.. eastern war other offlgfers of the organization, ' \ [f.OOO to christen the Quint fleet, with the suggestion that a new one Oth^ states affected were l^ry- Anna Hendricks. will be held Saturday at 8 p.m., at tliat enough n^ney had been raised time,’' Sunday, May 9, from the VC sleek qvian freighters built be preaentb^' He wished to con­ Ifytd. Maine, New Hampshire, D«;I Maple street: Raymond Rams- Lowe's Funeral Horpe, East H a rt­ from the Ontire school to buy 4 Shorehain Hotel, Washington, D. ] kt sleek ocean freighters built vert a thrce^family house into a aware. New York, Pennsylvani; deU. Helen Ertel, Mary McCusker. ford. Interment will be in Center and a hal| Jeeps. C. A panel of four representing In] rrangements. four-family buimn'g, but his re­ Rhode Island. Cpnnecticut'Massa­ 'Oprtdyn Forster, H. Berr, M. cemetery, Ekuit Hartford. A sulsriitute has been teaching addition to Agriculture, Labor, I 1 Statesmen of three nations, ad- quest was for th c ^ a h g e of a two- chusetts. Vermont and the Dis­ Mrs. Lulu Lord was called to Willinjiloii Beberwitssky, Mildred Candito, In the higher grade room, Hebron Retailers, and O. R. A., will dlg- CT' |irals, and tens of thousands of family .into a threri^amily house. trict of Columbia. Manchester recently on account of Helen Hendrick. BSthe^Plynn. Eve­ Center, for the pa.st week in place cu.ss “ Rolling Back Price.s." I Miss .Jennie H. t:hurch ctatora w ili here. As for Alfred Burns! of H72 Keeney Magee told the conference at an accident to her granddaughter,, lyn OuOberg; East ^ o o l: Modcste Oi Mrs. Maude Bottomley, W'ho had ’’ CoCp. Louis Lavitt who is sta"^ > |cot^, never have vessels gone stre.ctj who wished, .to Nmange a Barbara, daughter of Morgan G. the misfortune to sprain her angle. iSubay, Helen McCiufthy. E. Kibbe. tioned in Chicago, formerly ofyizi- fewise down the ways in such one.-family house into a two-fttmily Lord. The .child fell dowm- Stairs Incapacitating h ^ for teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rada at Alice Denson, Ouwla Read, Conr lington. was recently married to Lmber. apartment so that he may ui and suffered a fractured skull. She She hopes t o ^ b a ^ at work again Ml-ss Eudice H yatt of 55,.'lnilay tended the firemen’s Wjiist in lBut. it is the, five little girls, not Stance Brookek, Alice Clough. P. was taken to the Manchester hos­ of the hou.se for help on his fki'm, Monday next. \ street, Hartford. CorporgT Lavitt Eaglcville-and Mrs. Rada won a ^ips, dignitaries, gold braid or imUnson, ikiiiap Randall, J. Har- pital wliere she is undergoing treat­ was given permission. y Miss Dorothy Simpson, tegcher is the son of the late Jdax Lavitt ecedent, . that has Superior’s phr. "E. ’Ibompaon; Northeast: C. ment. Sha.was unconscious And in ;6f Intermediate grades at the cen­ pi ize. - Cupcakes and cOfl’ee were ■ These chicken applications were" Anderson and Mrs. M.ix Lavitt, ..who now re­ Mother’s ea rn ^ the 'cheers of the entire fam ily for the way she s 'jCcQovem, R. Casati, R. Adajlan; a critical l^ d itio n for sorhe time. ter. acted Tuesday as escort to a -seryefi. ;X.^ ; granted: Edward A- Grant. 50 Hor­ Vemon Depot: J. Touhey, A. Loet- sides in Hartford./' Mr. Lavitt ■ Mr. and 51rs. Herman Ush&r. of smiled through the hard work and heartaches of wartime. So. one lEHich of the quiiiUcwill sponsor ton road ; Charles Vincek. 69 North It will be 'about a week before the group of Hebron students who .will and all, ^lute a good soldier this Sunday by remembering hpr with 1 ship. . dashing,-n pint bottle of Scher; Talcottvllle: R. Loverin. crisis can be considered past. enter Windham High next fall. owned what is as the Eaglevllle .spent Simd;iy with M <;, street; Edward Donaldson, ' 137 Miss Candito is on a leave of Aborn farm an;!' raised tobacco and Mrs. Monroe L'.sher at Wc.st' >iomethliig guy - ■ .something to make her happy. • 'We’ve srores o f ragara Falls water against the Manchester Green roa<(; Jabe G](eenhouses The first of the Red Cross Re- They visited the school inspecting ehecc-'^vlng g ifts .. .gifts o f pleasure aiid com fort.. .of Utile luvurtea Iw ks, it slides down the ways abaenoe until the end of June and fre^sher, course meetings v ^ held extensively at/(ne time and Louis 'vVillington. , W’httc,'54 Jensen street;. A1 van and observing the^ work. / tnqthers wiint hut seldom buy for themselves. Come In today and Id splashes into Lake Superior, Mias Ertel is taking her place as Wednesday even^g at the home of spent His yoytig days in Ellington Not many, gardens . have yet Johnson, 143 Middle Turnpike, .Ariistic kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Grace-. \ pihke your selection. * fr h e freighters are the Moses ea.st: Joseph Peretto. 29 Indian Edmund H. Hdrton, with Mrs. Fresh \y, Asa Eldrldge; Gyrdon'Gates, Payne is teaching-in the upper Lqlu Lord and Mrs. Betty Cohen drive; Jacob Adamy, _Goodwln Floral ATrangeineuts grades. Miss Beverly Kellner has Candies liley Foster and Watson Ferris, streeti^ James Viveiror, 341 Ea.st as leaders,. Leroy Getchell was Columbia Imed for captains of early Amer- . begun work In the High school on chosen, lender in place ' o f Mrs. $■•» A n il am Center street; Ernest W. Ubert. her graduation from New, Britain an frigates and assigned by the 17-Village street: Mrs. Irene Cope­ Lord, ^ o resigned. The sessions Miss Gladys U. lUes HOUSEHOLD NEEDS LMW. ^S. Maritime commission. TeacberS' College last week and is will ^ held once in two 'weeks at 575-IS. WUlimaatla Olvtaloa land, 14, Hackmatack street; t f f h l n g Oommertial classes. thO/Horton home. Classes hnvs alao George F. Unbehaun, 117 Center Wedding, Fun^^hy OraduatloB Plans been started in Amston and Gilead. , ) Reg. 75c Doan's Pills 50c street; Milton E. Townsend. • 85 Rev. B. H. MUls.of West Hart­ / Harold Brehant. son of'..William Lucius Robinson, Jr., was th^ lazis Intensify West Center street and Chester ford has been secured as gradua-/ *^Brehant of Norwich, formerly of guest of honor at a party given ..by ' keg. $1.25 Serutan 84c Jedrziewski, 141 Deepwood drive. Anniversaries tion speaker for the High school Hebron, rnet' his cousin .Sergeant Leroy Aspinwall withdrew, his about thirty o f the youhg p^^pls Work'on Forts Est. 1922 graduation, June 11th. Raymond Brehant, in India and at the town .hall on Wednesday Reg. application whefi he could not get '' Dr. Msutln Metcalf has b ^ i ap­ gave him the glad hand not long $1.25 Absorbjne Jr.‘ 88c the Consent of 'the owner o f the 153 Eldridge Street pointed to represent the //Schiiol ago. Harold is with the U. S. Fly­ evening. Dancing and games were property, tp allow him, to keep X'- BMrd at the presentation of diplo­ ing foroes, and his cousin enlisted enjoyed and refreshments of scal­ Reg. 75c.Bellans 50c Stockholm, May :j8-— (Delayed) chickeng, Phone 8486 mas a tth e graduation on Jline 11. nearly two years ago, both going lops, salad, punch, sand' ’Ichea. Ice In’)— The Germans are Intenst- Nicholas Hensen who asked to Srhool Reports from Norwich where they had been cream and cookies were served by Bteeti'li, Ing the work on Norwegian for- a committee consisting -of Mrs. i Reg. $L.OO Mormold 71c The school nurse reports that closely associated. About the first ALARM \ Icotiohs following a conference during April 200 children*' were person Harold saw in India waa Ethld Isham, Mrs. Laura Squier, ] Narvik at which the possibill- weighed and measured, 31 per cent hit cousin in the-door.pf.Ahe^Quarrj M ra Vara.. Lypaan,.Mra. i, Eleanor Reg. $1.25 Father John's 84c CIUOCKS b f invasion were discussed ^hy ■ were belojv-and'39 per cept were lofmaster’a office. *rhe two, youpg 'Tuttle, snu Miss Harie Field. Mr. Hard |][wegian leaders and heads ' of above normal weight.. First Aid riien are-nephews of Fred Bnehant Robinson' left for Rockville 'Thurs­ 'German Xim y, Navy and po- If You Live In This Area And 1943 was given jS and there were 11 the Hcbron-Willimantic road. day morning for Induction into the reliable .reports from inside cases of/^elusion from school. Raymond ‘ Brehant Is a son of Arm y. |rway ssid today. i''- ' ^ ■ -"V ' ’ Medical inspection was continued .Jemea Brehant o f Philadelphia. Roland Msthieu has eold his RIGHT - A 100,000 Times Right! Sesa reports from source.^ " Own A through the month with Doctors Mr.! and.Mrs. Edwarq A. Smith hoibe on 'the H o p i^ v e r road and Itch cannot bs-„ further identi- ,Y a lucky few of the men in Uniform That’s why we ask you to please DeNCSpe* We point with pride to the num­ Beek^th and Flaherty In charge. have heard lately from their son recently moved to.GriswoId. said that orders .have been , ’The 'Truant Officer reports 10 in- Lt. Bradford, Smith, Who is some- The Board at Education has de­ ber of prescriptions we have filled en by the .Norwegian undsr- wilLbe hpnie for Mother’s Day this year, cially careful this Sunday and make only dre y vestigatlons from Jbe East school. 'vhere. In Africa With the U. S. cided to continue the plan of hav­ .. .each and e\ery one • monument |>Und organization to prepare one, from St; Joseph’k one from forc^. He has been promoted \to ing the sesmnth and eighth grades open revolt and that . ipofv CHRYSLER CAR to profekslonnl precision In weigh­ but most met^ will want to Be home, and they^ , the'achool nurse and four children the rank of Captain. He could not with the mcception o f those o f the rls bad developed in 'the, total most urgent calls to distant out-of- ■state^ tell very much about what he vvag ing, mensuring nnd mixing of questioned on the street , Old Hop River Dtetrict, at Chest­ mbbUizatlon campaign.^ Come Here For Servide And Re- 'The Vernon Center, schodl has doing but-said that he was in good nut HIU and Mrs. Helen Bassett drugs o f the purest qunllty. 'That w ill jam the k>ng distance lines'' w ith "their points. " health anc was being well cared oyal Norwegians said a full- be.en turned over to the selectmen has renewed her contract for thajt we have:'Seen right— 100,060 times IViJTS revolt would come when paii^ .Jecquse We Now Are The as the Board of Education has no foe. AS they had not healrd from him for some weeks his letter waa school for next year. ligllt-:—Is your guarqptee of abso­ vegian .officials gave'the slg- telephone calls frohv^cry part of the country. further use for this building for John Romantk o f Cherry VaUey ■v'erj' welcome. 1 lute aotmrncy of thO medicine ypn to co-operate with Xlhed sum- Offi|;ial Parts And Service Dealer. schbol purpose.^. leave* today for induction Unto the u 39c Miss I>orothy Brehant has re­ have compounded here, ' offenslye plans. - Extra operators wtl|^be on duty, manhing .The Dobsonvllle Fire Depart­ ef vered from German measles and Army. .. ^ ‘ ment has asked jfor .the use. of the back again at work as secretary grounds at the school and. this Improving oa Nature V REMEMBER: _eyery switchboard and forking at top speed for. Dr. Brae Rafferty in Willi- DRIVE DOWN TO OUR GREENHOUSES 1st Aiigliaii - ■ - matter la in the hands “ of the ifiantic. Building committee to obtain legal A Victory plot of about threa Chemigum, a synthetic product, THIS WEEK-END AND PICK YOUR throughout' the day. Every available circuit advice from the corpoi-ation coun­ acres has beeir-plowed-up^ in Ams- is proving better than natural LIQUOR SPECIALS Town Bombed We Also Are Official Dealer For Nole to sel and report at tNfe next meeting. tor and will be divided into gar­ rubber for the rolls of printing will be in use. Even so, there are bound to be Certain changes are to be made dens as soon as plans can be ma­ presses. Inks and cleaning sub- V Parts And Service For at the Maple rireet school base­ Shenley's fiftli $2.47 e l a s t ic of Boy^ tured. stances.are leas-inclined to swell MOTHER’S DAY ondon, May 7—(AV^Two or ment during the coming summer, Arrangements are being made and distort it, and it can be com- nOCKlNGS some delays and disappointments. Doesn’t it repainting the . lunch room, re-ar- Park & Tilford Resehfe, fifth $2.47 German planea swept In for the usual spring concert given poitnded to special requirements. the English channel just . . ranging the electric lights and .KNBB CAPS DeSoto SHid Plymouth Cars seem little enough to gi’ve our soldiers and changing the library from the first FLOWERS , Four Roses fifth $2ir84 dawn today to bomb a- town floor tp the basement a b d o m i n a l |the East Anglian C(mt. Nppy Poalor Wlaaers ,~ SUPPORTERS bomb dem olish^ a shop sailors first chance at available long distance California Wines quart $1.06 another fell in a residential The Poppy Posters submitted in TRUSSES Bring thein kere-where trained mechanics the annual c

X 9 -.A', y , '' . • lA^UHBSTKK fevBKlNG HERALD, MANGBESTER, CONN.. FRmAY, MAY 7, 1943 EvBrtlW O ftfcliAljD, lIlAildlBSSTBIt. CWWW« FlUTDAT, MAY 7, 194S

state's gqjn, in other words, sines one-half of all fines Imposed for nounced'yeAtorday he had accept­ M haii the order, what we see harder to hold production at Its Coming C-a!*l Thfir Shatlow» Before HEALTH COtUMN' Big Gatherin low B egi^ Today It Costs in '1942 each 100 million miles of violations of the/ mot^ veMcle He also served aa an eoonomle oAtl , . I motor vehicle travel In Oonneetl- ed a post as chairman of toe Board M anchester number Of Individual pesk than it wSs to get It up law# ahall be turned over to the Research Post vleer to toe oldi NRA and WPA.1 Ifl cut netted the state treasury of Editors of tffsJReBearclf Insti­ Henderson resigned from thaj there in the first place. The drain oommisaloner of motor vehicles, tute of America, l^c., a private laying their plans and Pains Around Heart May i On Itecreation . Ti^Br^a^ Law $5,960,- an increase of $2,375 over who in turn pays'it over to the OPA last December, - explaining' lEvening Berald upon materia la a)ao needed for the $3,585 In 1941. For Hendei^n research and bqsin'cki. reporting that because of a back ailment and - irahalllng their forces and their etate treasurer. Last year such service with offices hcf« and in political influence in M effort to civilian life will gfbw progressive­ ‘That Connecticut.- police and fines roee to $232,952.99, a gain eye trouble he needed a rest. Atxi He: New York. • , .s toe time, many In Congfra* were I II BIMMII lU M t defeat the purposea and provi­ ly more severe. The fact that top [ 1,800 , Aut£iD|Ttie6 o Traffic Violations Aver­ couVjtcourt authorities did their of $49,595.71, or 27 per cent; over Impressed With Merit- Reveal Serious Condition part 'to'.hold traHic to war-time toe $183,357.28 received In 1941. Will Interpret Ration­ urging that he be fifed on toe ' sions Of the order. Labor says it production'' W now being attained Henderson said jiA'iiad been im­ ground he had , been "too tough" ' Physical Educatjon In* age Fine Increased dlscipllhe is indicated by toe fact • Motor vehicle mileAge, on the caii't possibly be maintained. The willv.^cmand “ mors manpower. In ^By Ur. 'fliomaa D. M asters ; blood that is available to. the hear that while -motor vehicle mileage ing and (^her Federal pressed with the'fneritNjf the in­ la administering price and ration­ la reduced. , yiled to Parley. ^During Last Year. other jiand, as estimated'from gas­ stitute's, activity In "taking to ing controls. Others within"too ad­ farm bloc aaya It Is outrageous. other Words, the strain upon civil­ Written for NBA dropped 23.6 per cent and accl- oline consumption, dropped, from Lack of Blood la Cause 'dents, 31.3 per cent, arrests drop­ Controls for Business. uusinesq men effective interpreta­ ministration complained he had r* iH u ^K And both have the forceful, ian Ufe is. still due to Increase: Older men have supplanted pjacing an extra burden on th( toe, 19411 fljrure of 5,113,968.314 tions of governmental regula­ appointed nuipferous Republicans^ Qaaa.. H artford, May 7.--r-Blghteen'ftuiiv, Hartford, May 7—It has becomi ped ^only six per cent and fines for miles to 3,908,556,027 last year,/a tions.” u a J t* a*. tough” leadership which wilt ge^- there Is going to be no pleasant ihoM of “ I"' heart aa la the case with physics dred Invitations have been/'malled Washington, May 7—(F)--Tlie to field offices. < ' •liar: dustry. Many are over- aaertlon may cause tha hsart U more expensive to break motor ve­ motor vehicle offenqes actually difference of 1,205,413,287 mlleS, As it bolls'^down, Henderson will’ roasting flown the hill to flnal out to recreation leaders through­ ros'b 27 per cent. man who smokes a black cigar al- Besides heading the reseanto'or* « «ATM tham what they want. AncI, aS reaching ‘heir physical atrongth ^^quira mors blood than tha re- hicle laws since' war-time traffic or 23.6 per cent,- according to toe now,-find himself "advising” busi­ victory. out the state Inviting them'to at­ regulations have been li^effect, ac­ nost as big as the figurative club g a n ^ tlo n 's editorial hoard< Hen- j l I a a a.a # « a a a a * f 9 i9 f thay proceed' to destroy that "hold caring tor Victory Ga^fts circulation can supply. Ilv During 1942, 30,843 abstracts bulletin. AccldcnU totalled 27.398 he wielded In Initiating Affiericans ness in a field in which he previous­ ‘IcrSsn said he would engage on the' All a«aaa*aa*a«$ Ij tend the Governor's' Conference on cording t o a Motor Vehicles de­ the line" ol der, as they ptoCeed to doing other heavy taalm for which effect of this made dealing with motor vehicle cases toe 1941 figure of 5,113,968,314 to rationing and price, ceilings has ly had been largely "telling” busi­ side a limited amraM of eco­ »..aaav«aaaa«* •$ •0l ■Wartime Recreatfon a t the Hotel' partment bulletin issued today were received by toe commissioner M r a a a « * « • « a «9 9 ;0 f he^ la no longer availabls. ' | quacy. 'rtia pain Can be dupllafit' year, a drop of 8,57.7, of 31.8 per landed a private, job he will in­ ness'what to do. Almost hia entire nomic consultation jerai private grab; higher wages And higher They ahould know ‘he ay m ^ .Jj, muafilaa of tha hand ii Bond m Hartford on May 19. -yi^ch shows the average court from toe courts, which was only cent. Federal service was devoted to I t - More than-fiO authorities and lead­ terpret these and other Federal groups, radio, writing' and lectur­ prices, whare and/how will tbs tom* i^«y »*'• worked whi\m a tourni fMe for such convictions increased 2,072, or six per cent less than toe some form of regulation of private ing activitiesX’ ' ^ TMB PHiaM Wariling Given ers In th^ field of recreation will lastsyear to $16.10 from the $11.08 control* fots^siness "men. people of Ameripi be telling the pectorts *rt order Inat the> mav cpnatrlcli tha blood vaOMli 32,915 abstracts received during Tests are, being m ^e to develop activity. Before becoming the first, ------care for themeelvea. In tha past.lj’n th# arm to a degraa that de participate In group discussions on average during 1041. the previous year. Lieon Henderson, 210 pound, 47, price boss, he'Aerved pn the Sccur-' admlnletrauon^to do what it various problems involving war- a pickup device to recover landed , The Mi.ssisSippi is the 13th long­ at uT aa«ra aiaaaiakaa ffaaiiaa the incidence of angina pectoris; privei ^and of the The rash driver’s loss Is the , According to Connecticut-Jaw, year old loimer price administra­ ities and Exchange comml.ssion ar aat ataanriM afaaitaa in ought to'do/m its upm conscience On Butclierihg am ount oi tithe recreation at the meeting. klldsrs. tor and Now Deal economist, an­ est river in the world, with a haa., been four UnMc as great blood naaded to carry on th| which regulates .stock traiisactions. length of 2460 mllca ihia aaatr aad aiaa taa laaal nawt among man aa among women. Governor Raymond E. Baldwin aabliahad aarain. and of Ita^own responsibility—be ■ — — ' . work. All • ' #flHibuaatioa ai tough ?/*Frankly, we don’t know. With more and more women tak-. The condition of angina paotoj and State Police Commissioner spaaiai liaaateHai aaMia ara aiaa •Hlaiighler'^ Housea Not ing on heavy joba of military and Ekiward J. Hickey, acting War But^ perhaps potatoes will do it. Is so im portant that oompMert raaanraa __ , civilian Ufa. there la likely to be medical care M . essentt^. ,Tlv Council Administrator, will spe^ aaraiaa atiaai o< N. A A Mefe. at least, is one letter to the Up to Sanitary Stand- ,iin Increase of this disease among sym ptonu, howeveT«, tn o ^ be mQi at the opening session at 10^0 taa. editor which is against inflation. ardfl to Be Closed. them also. and not understood, ksd tharsfi a. m. The chief morning, a^l^ross Angina pectoris la eharacterited depraclatad. They (nay ba ati will be given by Mark McCloskey, If. that aeems inslgnlilcant, let iis by pain in the region of ihe heart, Director of Recreatlon.^/Dfflce of .Andrews Sisters, Mitchell Ayres hasten to say that. In just about Hartford, May •T.-—(/P'-A sharp billed to mere indigaaUon. Th| SAVE NOWxBEFORE : Na«law tam.fam . oaiaaaa. Bat ra il, aaa occasionally In the pit., of the im portant thing is to refidfAlL Defense Health and Welfare Serv­ ^ Boataa. two ysars of trying to write warning that dfinnacticut slaugh­ !itomach. or beneath the breaat- the pain fof'krhat It really isjani ices, W ashington, D. C. Milton H. Meet thip “Queens of the Music auRBAU o r against the dangers of inflation, ter houses which do not conform to i)ona. Tha pain may radiate Into to consult a physician aarly, ratf Glover, chairman of the Recrea­ Machines,” the Andrews Sisters, WARD WEEK ENOS i Cl iiiinimum Sanitary Standards or the left side or the left arm. The ar than wait until the attacks b tion Committee of the Connecticut America's Top Singing trio and that is our entire mail record. We keep'records will-be closed down intensity of. the suffering may War Councl^ Will preside over the stars of stage, screen, records and n a Maraid PriBtiai Ooaaa^ come mors severe or more asHoui Don’t deloyl These specials Ino. astumak no9 Bnanoiai—„ raavoaM* have had lettsrs in favor of al­ was given by Fitch Ij. Brennan, vary in degree from a alight sense t conferenceK',_ radio,' who are appearing In per­ bllity (or typoarapbldaltraobl^ arfarl a#* most every special gain which has s ate food distribution administra­ of oppression in the cheat to a A Tataphone Conlultatlon ma| .T6plca-Tor'''gTOHj) discussion will son on the stage of the State pricos ore for Word Weak tor. at a meeting of government, Severe, agonising, vlce-ltke pain i IncTudg: Industrial recreation, com­ theater, Hartford, today, Satur­ Friday. May 7 led us tow ard. inflation, letters in Masters' health column tells ho only! Buy tho things 'you state and municipal meat Inspec­ <0 intense as to give rise to the munity recreation, rural recreation, day and Sunday only. Hear them w n o favor of higher wages, letters in to observe and report aymptoma need now before this greof tors at Hotel Qarde here Thiirsday. car that immediate death 1a at save a doctor's visit lachbol extension programs, leader- sing the hit tunes of the day that pBtatoM May Do It favor of higher farm prices, let­ Called by Cfigude W. Joixe.s, state land. lehip. woihen's and girls' activities, skyrocketed them to fame. In ad­ nation-wide Sole is over. ters In favor of higher profltST-iat* 4^ommissioner on dameatic c.nimalil. Relieved By BAst I children’s activities, youth activi­ dition to an entirely new repertoire Sdllor," '•aya an impas* ties. and servicemen’s, activities. tars in favor of higher salarice. some 60 Inspeetora, veterinarians The paln is coitunfinly preifipl- Army Rejects .of songs as only the Andrews Sis­ letter oh our desk todsy. and health officials were told of iated by phyatcal exertion and At the dinner meeting in the eve- ters can swing them. Appearing •*aA yW wife now tnueb ihe la But It took potatoes''to bring to new meat stamping regulations umialty aubaldes with complete Inijig main addresftea will l>e given with the Andrews Sisters, is Our desk a latter against ' infla­ now in force and given demonstra­ rest. It may occur after a heavy Orson WelleJ I by Governor Baldwin and Dr. Jay paying foi^va pounds of potatoes IB: Nash, (Ifiialrman. D epartnient of Mitchell Ayres and hla band, fea­ tion.' Now that It has come, now tion of proper stamping procedure. meal and for this reason may be turing Dick Dyer, "Sentlment,al (wliaii,ahe ckh. them.) erroneously considered acute In- I Health and Physical fi^ucation, that potatoes have perhaps be­ Speakers., include,! government |New York University. baritone”; Gee-Gee, “ Cornet and 'The foyerhment telle the state and local officials. digM^lon. The pain la often as- Hollywood May 7,—(F)— t Comedy”; Marty Olson with his come both a scarcity and a sym­ sMlated with shortness of breath, out of tha Army, Orson Walla# i The committee arranging to|- the SAVE NOW-IN WARD REDUCED FOR WARD WEEK bouaewifa not. to pay exorbitant Not Properly Equipped . hot trumpet and others. Also on IVffgH bol which may rouse (who which also subsides with'rest. Fol­ khowladges. Although *T/ ■conference includes; . (toveitoor REDUCED FOR WARD WEEK prices for potatoes, now that the Urging that Inspectors fifte all also be Work! tomorrow, as typ- avarything l possibly could to iBaldwin, honorary chairman; Mr. the same, bill are Masters ft Rol­ knows?) even more than - one lowing the attack of pain, a res­ lins, JeMe ft James and other star Florida crop is in. I’ve yet to see their Influence In seeing th at ait"l* Jac'kBoiivilie Bus Ist.s. idual soreness in the cheat may In." iGIover, chairman; Marjorie O. tary' facllltlea are Improved, Ml;. 'acts. Featured on the serben is • new potato in the m a^t. You member of the public, we feel t o last for some time. The .motion picture actor Voodlock, Regional Recreation Brennan daclared that the' Army director said he watvad. A daf# epresentative,'Office of .Defense "Shantytown” with Mary Lee, BiU "Rest” Hocter can aat rice, noodles, and n>aca- hope renewed. Strike Is Ended Eaglrs Attest Ti/Bank The Importance of these aymp- ly (3Ul)crt ft Cliff Nasarro. Inalats that nisat be handlad tight. tbms Is made clear w|th the Riant to appear for induction yej fealth and Welfare Services, of M e n ' * real Just ao long, and then ^ u Haven,-secretary; Richards As 'Usual, there are midnight Soma slaughter houses hdea still C r o s s Oceanside. , CaUfT^— (F) — Col. knowledge of the changes that Urday—only to ba rtjaotod. Sale Priced ! want potatoes. \ are not properly equipped,' he try to help tha war effort aa Coughlin, treasurer; A. J. Brun- stage arifl screen shows' every Fri­ S i Men! Here’* That Moment Hag Come JackSonvlUe,x _ — F|a„ May 7-—(F) — James W. Flettoi Highlands, N. J., producs them. The heart Is a warned. The FDA. he said, buys muscle.'In oitler/.to do Its work. propagandist, he added. dage, State Club director, Exten- day midnrgfit and every Sunday "My vegetable man says the Jacksonville returned to normal Notes has twe eagifis to attest to his Jon Service, University of Con­ midnight. only 20% down HerrlnRl*®**® r- J Bven the weather was auapl- meat here fof the armed forces OIDee, B6S Main SL—Tal. 6637 rank. They're live ones, caught at It requires blood from which It An Induction station offlo A Bargain! waretaouae man wM Mile bim a and lend-leaac and "It must ba today after settlement of a strike said physical reasons lad necticut; James Curtin, Director There are late stage shows every clout, two weeks , of tow clouds which for 19 hpurs had the metro­ the Marine camp by Lieut. Charles derives oxygehe and nutrition, if M t o f U OutlltB few potatoes, not neirly enough right." the blood vessels that supply . the Wallas' rajeotlon Tha actor bf Recreation. Waterbury Park Saturday ,aml Sunday a t 10 p. m. and rilin finally lifting to maka politan araa without bus servica. W. Byorr Apollo. Pa., to celebrate apartment; Charles Latiista, Dl- ' Herc-sacbavryoucanreallyrestinJ for half hla ouatomera, baa plenty Production — Tuesday through Fiett's promotion to lleutenapt heart with its blood are constrict­ explained ha suffers from a 2 4 .7 5 perfect s' full exploitation of our I>r. A. C. packer. Federal m ast Thousands of cH)Mna and war ictor. Employees’ Club, United i Ha. firmly fiUcd c— ’ *^^^^^ S Suits of potatoes stored, but won't sell inspaetbr for tha Naw Havan araa. Friday, OiM tar office, lO-i. colonel. ed or narrowed, the amount of ailment. command r>IB. M. BItFood. deputy com- Nurses' AldeA^ at tfic hospital. .B take away potatoes, H's 'time ha pn, ^ r e c t o r , of Recreation, P ark Second Congregational church. BiVa you extra long wear. We have them all fit an t®- war, misaionV on domaattc animals , N utrition cla8s“ CeXter , church, Sunday tment, Hartford; exhibits, Mu Sigma Chi Society. Dress tengtn* hM an to howit* Sent Prisonerg ;evenlng. ^ -ringbone pattern » ThsM was arllllary, mors of It demonatr^d legal stamping pro­ oh Parry. Director of Public Re- Ladies' Night of Friendship portant Ward Week aav- nfou know 1 writs of potatoes cedure and acted aa chairman. Me Wednesda-y^ litlons for the Connecticut Devel- woveit^n. the ferric «/* 1 than hM aver bean concentrated Surgical Dressings. “ Aiderican club. South Methodist at 7:45. itigl Here are plmda ^ aa tio symbol of vast and tar asked Inape^rs to pay apsclal pment Commission. Tuesday, May 11 , Prmls, Pi'"'"* Senforii^'N otice the con- on one battlMront since tha great attention to Imported cattlA to Washington. -,ttay 7—(Ft—Uni- I Legion Hall. \ x liemngbonea, caloc ■tftpea reaohtng>wrongs~the unneoesaary , Nuraei’ Aides at the hospital. , Fifteenth annual G Cleif con­ barragaa of the first. World War prevent- the ipread of dlaaasa, and tad gtataa’ pflaonars and civilian cert, Emanuel Lutheran church. rtruction^P-P«»^ and pliun cbtort-kll ^power of the Black Mathat, the auggastad closer'attention to hu Intarnaes Jiild In Oarmany and Sewing, St. Mary's Fpisbopal Thera arars'/.aaaaonad, coura­ 'Gas mask ^ drill of Precincts 6 deep po ck et^n sizcsl fully tailored. Some 100^ otupendouA eiitaatrophlo danger mane slaughtering, sanitation and Italy may ba sent cigarettes and church. N.' fovies to Show geous armies, k^n for the final Sewing, South'Methodist churefi. and 6 at Hblllstev strefit school at ^ l , acme rayon blcnda. adherence to governrnept reguIS' tobaoe'o every two months starting 7:30. of mdatlon.'* blovvr tions. next Monday undsr a plan an- Sewing, Quarcyville Methodi.‘>t Victory Gardens like BKMt letursik) the editor, Orest Advances Mi riounced today by tha War Pro­ church. North Bedtph. Wednesday, May It yard. long. 39 . In thasa grihlaa there wars Surgical dressings for Red we auppoos, this letter wants to Raad Hitchcock of tha HucmkA duction Board. Prisoners in Japan Sewing, Center bhurch. - ...... , heroic aactlons which had special Cross. Volunteers always welcome .w.: sea something done about it. And society said great -advances \in will ba Included la tha plan whan- Sewing, Mrs, Watts'. High I Members of the Young People’s i. L^. and crucial taaiu to do. .Thera humane slaughtering have bean avar aoma way of getting pack- ■treat extension. ciety of the Talcottville Con- at American Legion hall, Leo.nard perhaps this letter indicates that, street, from ID a. m. to 4:30 p. tn. was a group of Amartcana as­ made in the peat 20 yaara aluj^ ea through la available, the Motor Corps Plcl<-Up and Dtliv- egatlonal church have'arranged thanks to potatoes, this country ts urged Inspectors to guard Against added. cry oif Production by Mra. R. S. ■r the shewing of the sound mo- Board of Directors Y. M. C. A. signed to the task of cleaning out to meet a t 7:30. ' getting ready to do something caraleaaness on the part gift bundles each contain- Olmsted. "bn picture, "How to Plan a Vic- ona last hill In orderN.to clear the |ry. Vegetable Garden,” at the Wednesday, May 19 about It. Our particular oorre- 'alaughterera. Ing^t^ea cartons of ctgarattaa, or Trip to Blood Bank', Hartford. advance^ jxnvard Fsf^i^lU and /Appaaling to Inspectors to re­ ISAwc^noa paekagaa of tobacco, F irst Aid Class. Trade' SchooU eetlng of the society Sunday eve- Annual meeting and election of REDUCED FOR WARD WEEK ■ SAVE NOW -IN WARD WEEK B SPECIAL FOR WARD WEEK epon^t, wo should Judge, has BlMrta. ■ “ ■ V: ■ port obvious black marketAerlng or 100 e t^ r s , or approximately 24 evening. ag a t seven o^clock, in the church officers of the Y. M. C. A. been aware of the ''stupendous, at aladghter houses. Joseph ouncair oU flt^lng tobacco may be Thursday Talcottville. Monday, May 24 Thera wefa men In the British |This picture has been prepared /catastrophic danger of Inflatton" Baatne, price officer of the Office sent evetjr^:^ days. smaller Nurses' Aides at the hospital. ■\ Kiwanis CTub concert. High First Army Who had taken of Rrlce Administration, ’warned am ounts or am ed packages will Sewing, Mra. Pierce's, 89 Cam­ an ‘nsurance company. I t is school hall. K nil-te-Fit R educed!'liO r long M ore thia. But If It Ukea that Illegal sales are. Atlll peratst not ba accepti bridge street. pll worth going a lonf distance Sunday, .May SO Shirt Soie-- "Bloody Bou," the bill known aa see. It has b«en in great de­ a potato shortage really to hit the Djebel bou AoukAg, laat week, ■Ijng In Connecticut. "We'vi! caught Uiidar the progfAm, the next-of- Sewing, St. James's School, kin­ Memorial Day services at South 0and O votall* ‘‘little Man'' between the eyas a lot of chlaelera already.” he de )dn of each prlsoner\^ll be sent dergarten. That which brightens Her ad not only in this area but At Methodist chpreh. Slip Covers 1.75 Voliie! and lost It to tha 6armanit' and dared,' "but probably not half , of Nutrition, Center church,, eve­ 'home brightens Her life! I considerable distance, and was fhd make him sit up and howl, two tobacco labals every ■ two shown ,ln Pittsburgh. Penn, Monday. May 31 who, this time, had t^,. atuff to them. There will be more brought montba by the Prisoner ^ W ar In­ ning. : ' - Memorial. Day parade and cere­ 44 Sikdbrised-Slrunk^ Wrhi glad there's a potato short* to court.” ■ - Staff Aaiistance class, evening. log. addition, a discussion will I take It for keepa, ao tHAKtha h a rd formation Bureau of tha 'provost Ice place on the subject of nature, monies. ' I f« .^aC lM Owl ln ' y * g 0 . the potato baa become marshal general’s office. The la- Swimming class, East Side Rec, Sofas hitting First Ai^my could begin |>m her religious or sacramental Wednesday. June 2 3 reduced! Buy NOW and a ayfflb($;;:af "far reaching wrongs" bela—which may be used by ettmer evening. ' sni’owehusky.be^Py*"***® . atraaming across tha final \^aln ct The meeting la not for Red Cross Nurses' Aides Bene­ which la lUjdaratoad \by every tha relative or given to someone . Friday people only, but for the o l ^ fit card party. Masonic Temple. better! toward Tunis. , Vol nil leers €aii\ sisa—are than forwarded with suf^ Nurses' Aides at the hoapltal. home, parhapi^ at long Itat, the \ \ as well, Sind particular!^ Friday, Jime 4' i i Expensive-loo^ »pS ficicnt money to a tobacco manu­ Saturday gI who are interested in a garden. igh school graduation at State avaraga people oSf^lalnation will Wa ihantion American axplollf Wear Badges NoV facturer, who sends the tobacco Nurses' Aides at tha hospital. Fit, every Huiirs.. for resl workin* comfort. and British exploits aa such to ba theX measurement. * ■ * rSAcb up and in f u M ^ little Iron direct to the prisoner. . Trip to Blood Bank. I To View Kaleer Technique Aura that credit la fairly dlatrtb- Radio program, “ T hat The'y ■iiiiMMsrasiiiiaMiaiidiiMti'r iMirii it':’ 3 into Washington policy, Washington, May 7.—(Fi^-ClH^ Might Llva," WTIC, S p. m. U ^ p a t—lfiAS One raaaon that iroh h u been uta way resentatives of the Blood Donors' are, in many lineA reAchlng our best, of her: - ar.(>und the earth to view a aol|ir SSrvlea of. the Red Cross, who will try ought to stop belonging to on# Industrial “ peak,” beyond., whiCQ A rock-like charaCterj a clear eclipse, .knowing that the total be glad to take your registration fietioaed: bloc o f another, and using all strong faith - 1 5 * 2 5 c we ara not likely to progress, and eclipse cinnot laat longer than 7^ for tha donation of a pint of blood PeiiitiyW ® ^® Sale! Highljr-absorbent cottona their energy in a selfiih effort to That Cod waa in Hia heaven, that minutes and that clouds may call to the Blood Bank In Hartford. A The Arniy & Navy Club Stripes end plain colors! Every u,- Clocks! Stripes! Novelties! in fine Military style oxfords of toft beyond which we will probAbiy O llJteduted frith reinforced heels and toea. one has a eomfortabls pleated quality hose. Longs, shorts in smooth leathers that look so push ahead o.f each other by ex­ His tru th off' the whole ahow. group of tha Staff Assiatonta will Shorts or longs in 10I4 to Ig not need to progress in order tq Would conquer evil. In Its every top and unbreakebU visor I IOVi-12. Choice of colo'rs! well with everything! erting superior ■ preaaufa on a win this w'sr. , form; timoroua government, and that, A quick, fierce aaiger at thoas Every Saturday Night In Ward That means that the first asaen- SdUPHcM ^ M en $2.49 Tro.user Sale tei SalelMenk < instead, they ought to band to­ things tial to our general victory in this A t8tl5P. M, Stuidy ConvcB Gnii Saver' M e n I Speciall gether in one great people's i lob­ Which seemed unjuat'~kO' bar, - or SpMdStyIn:: war haa nearly been won. -lh spits small, or mean— “Manchester Defense Council W oA G Iovga Wodc Pants S5.50Vqiuetl Stibis. Sliarlel by. demanding, that the govern­ of controversy, confusion, and Ani ahe was not the one to bold quslity o ayo«x^J^“j^., ment resist special Interaata and her peace Volunteer Enrollment of Women MagasliM racks t o I 1 1 4 discord, American government, har fAvorlto per' Istt-oMt . t b * to 3Sc-qt. .special profits in the intcraat of At such A time. In no uncertain fnire Penasy'^’^ t^ cootslnersl American . buaineas, Anaeiican la­ term s for War Work cala, 6S.M to 666.60. »200 IN PHIZES ^^yluntoere. Bnntyour.cn _ 3 3 1 the common good. .'' bor have still come through.. We She spoke her mind, nor .^feared Longtr-wsarihg ^.bteeuso the Here’s e real bargain! S a a to r-, iVhtle they leetl Zipper fty . lockatitched seams won’t rip; Swdae rib knh lot peefeet fitt 'File latest instanue an whlek have bean, batter than we seamed the consequencel v- " REGISTRATION BLANK (20) fS.0& GAMES (S) $10.00 GAMES ia td work penfs that look like tro at gaberdines in i smart coU Better quality yarn 'for extra twilled canves is extra etroagl dseee peats. Cotton and sapoot ton. rayon and wool blendl wearl Btqr now at sale priceat this baa not bappensd is the Pras- to be; wa have dona things Iva But, for k sick child (or a lonely ( 1) 120.00 GAME (1) fS0.(k) GAME Itfaat’a "hold the tine” order of one),' sssssss^saassaFtasiisBs.BBSs'ss s's ••••*•••••#••• ourselves, even with our great In­ Her patianca and bar klndnaas WATKINS last BMnth, Here, oonceivabty, HF toP*?AA6«* 6ROT-NII6* IMCa dustrial imagination, might easily knaw' no bouads. ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR! w as a a npBoctyiiltif for ii^' peo- • • • • • • ••••••*•••••••••• have believed to .he impaeaible. That wotH-wofa bMd atnolaafi B U Y W A R S T A M P S . . . O N SALE AT ple.et Aawelee to hnad toasthar many • fovarM kaww-s MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN That wa have thus won the vio- Rain or Snow, le# or Hail, bshm d a a orflair which If honotod "Don't M afraid.'' ahtfd say, "I’m ^PIlOD# BCOa ••'••••• s i: T Of' V pur(. hof(Itallnq tory on our production lines does right hart, now..." Our Bincp GamcB Wfll Still P tbybII! akaoBisd aafl ahforoad aad Bot,^ K ahould ba' amphaalaed, Ood took kar band ka Wa, Mat Werk If Air S t' 'f ' ' R V NOW }-oy LATER’ m m t k t m K amM yaar. hi Sielaff > io.vria> .> ii< :i(v T V A K i j haait BBMtat. Bat kutaai at Aad Md har fia Cha Falaaa af Wa a r th a t atrUUn Ufa la going to gat '#•••• sssatsssss • • F s 824-S28 MAIN STREET such gangral public affort In King. better. It will, in many ways, be r-D. J, Peterson. V.. _____' -4. • V f » r ■ MANCHESTEE e v e n in g flERALD, IfANCHEOTER. C»NN, FRIDAY, MAY 7,1948 J^CH ESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MAY T, 1948 \ NlfilfC-4 EclwaFcls Acting Joe Tells the now apd sonie peopi* cook them Poliee Promise Mother’s Day^ ' like ai^ragua. But lay dff the Clubs Wild Greens roots; th*y,’re poiaonoua. Rationing Data Chief of Staff cUeuj^ltt Ctj^ Passing Local' Maft ■X' To Be Marked The GWl,N(^komng u can do mm Quick Action Eating Urged some good 'foiNra? family larder, Region Here’* Information Yon Will Want To HaTe^Furfiished virent Into the w U d -n «en situation London, 7.— («P)— 'The ap- " / ■ —... — A h v h with the Agrlcultuh* department Is Found a Suicide By Loqtl War, Pric^ and Rationing Board, No. 112.16 ithtment .of Maj. Gen. Idwal Hu- Another Woman Is Mo* Zion Lutheran Pastor andyCame out with tnh*e obaerva- Soropliniisls lo ConVeni lert E d w ^ s , 48, as acting chief Wiir Help War Effort SATIN SMOOTH Annonticen Serviced Uona: ^ ■' At Bouton the Week* lested in Bridgeport; ’Th* office of W ar Prlc? ■4nd ?> Sugar . --s, of staff in the European theater And Replenish Diet Lot* of weed* max*' good, salad fikvviumi of RaUonlng vBoanl 112.16 U located I Stamp 12 m Book 1 good for S| of operiitlons waa announced to­ ■ V with a touch of vinegar or ulad LOVELINESS IN SOFT cLabor Board Another Threatened. For Sunday. day By the U. S. Army,.. ^ iC^r Citizens. 116 WelU^Sl., Takes End of Mav 15. in th^ Lincoln .chool, opposiVthe ; oil. Cooked, lota of them taste like DELICATE PASTEL The original announcement katie, turnip grfens or other gar­ poat office. Offlbqhours are as tel- ; stam p 23 good for one pound | ■ , Zion Evangelical • Lutheran from headquarters said General Brl(Jgeport. M ay ,7— (/PH-Leroy Wa.shihgton, May — Go den vegetable* more commonly Poison, Then Falls Into Now Nearing The semi-annual conference of lows: 9:30 to 4:30r-.Xuesday, closed'v^hrough May 30. EMwards had been made chief of SHADES FOR YOUR Fulton, 19, of Arm strong place, al­ church, Cooper and High streepf? put In the pMture gnd pick your­ known. Eat the right onee and the New England Region, Ameri­ all day; Wedneaday.'Thursday and . Shoe* .staff, but. this was aminded a few Globe Hollow Pond. leged attacker of • a Bridgeport Paul G. Prokopy, pastor, l^r^cd- self'a meal, dx^part T6f one any­ you pick up aome Vitamin A and Friday, 9:30 to 5:15; Saturday, 10 Stamp 17 In Book 1 good for] hours later to include the "act­ BEDROOM W A LLS.-A can Federation of Soroptimlst way. ■X*’- B, niacin, thiamine and iron, New Crisis girl placed under a bond of operation with 4.000 D“^heran ing” In his official title. Clubs, will be held In Boston the to 1:00. Th* telephone number i» one paly, through June 16. . ■ ' ^ I l’ll help ype wah-.effort, replen­ which will make you *trong: .iONovaiml Avl*i»on«, o t llS'Wella $25,000 today, pending arraign­ - . T ire* churches of the Missouri^ Synod, He succeeds Brig. Gen. Charles XTTTOBEHOLb-ANEW 049 4 ish your diet, and surprise • lot of If you’re more interested In the DtrMt, WH found dMtd In Globe (Ooni'niMd from Page One) week-end of May 15,^ H. Barth. 39, who was killed last ment In Superior court next week Effective May 1, persona en­ will celebrate Mothe/S’ Day by people who thought fobd comes health side than the taste, eat d ow Mlfjs Dorothy Cfagin of Chest­ MiAt. Cbeeie, Fats, Canned Ftsh Monday In a plane accident In DURABLE BEAUTY THAT WITHSTANDS WASHINQ/ H O pond thl« ^morning: on a bench warrant charging rape. titled to 240 miles pir. memth gaao- “mothering" -her .sobs and daugh­ only from stores. them raw. Otherwise, parboil would receive anything but a told nut Hill. president of the Soropti- Red coupon* B and F vali^ Iceland that also tookvthe lives of by bte d«u*hter-in-liiw, Mr*, Fulton was presented before llne rations are eligible ter either! The Office of W ar Infornilation them for two or three minutes, shoulder from UMW Prosldenl inist Club o t Boston, assisted by through May 31. Coupon G valid ters In the service. l leut. Gen. Frank M. Andrews flat Judge Charles J. Mcbaughlln this Grade 1 or G ra d e 'll tirS*, differ-1 gave out today that now Is a then drain and cook like spinach. D A T _ / ^ ^ WALL rznnk Avlsnone who auapected John L. Lewis who has termed the members will keep open house from May 9 through May 31. Cou­ Zion congregation is bringing a»id 12 ''Others. < Uiat MWMthing w u wrong and mdrnlng, but since he was not rep­ enc^ In eligibility . ter t])e two] time to pick wild greens. The OWI says you can eat dan- the WLB,^‘prejudiced” against the st the plubrooms, 230 Clarendon pon n valid from May 16, and gradeAbeing abolished. its plan to- a climax with the PAT-CO FINISH resented by counsel, he w a s . not They've been eating dandelion ^ n , lambs’ quarters, plantain, aterted to aearch for him. miners. ' 1 slieet, Boston, on Saturday eve- Coupon J from May 23 through special .s^Cvice at 10 a. m. Mothers The body waa found In a amall put to plea a ; that time. , Gasoline greens in the northeastern etatea . **. purslane, wild chicory and Lewis Continues Silence I ning. Mrs, M ary Cunnlff, Milton, M ay 3J, j . < , and al)-menibera of the parl.sh cova In the large pond about 100 State’s Attorney Lorin.W. Willis No. 5 coupons worth 3 gallons, for years, and the middle west dock.^Farniers mostly cuss 'em. In New York city Lewis eon- and Miss Phoebe Mills, West Rox^ Procoeaed Fruits and Vegetables families have been encouraged to Two lA>cal Sailors fia t to the south of the spillway said that the case would be as­ A coupons li^ t last through Julyl knows all about dock which mixes tinued his silence bn the hearings bury, are In charge of the festivl- Blue coupons G, H.-and J, valid ,a^hd. Informative posters ’’They on tba aaat bank of the poiid. He signed, for 'Tuesday. or Immediate­ 21. .Up t6>'300\/mHes' addltlohalT Lieut-Gen. Thomas HoIcoAib, left, Marine. Corps commandant, is with other salad greens, and Manchester Lumbei* & Fu^t Co. here. He met reporters Hhis moi-n-! ties, ■ through May 31, on basis of; point rations i Hold any question this morning which issue of t h ^ Synodical Church completed their basic Naval'train- two other occasions he had at­ be^Mrs. Thomas Rudkin, of Bov- todkw to obtain a bench warrant distributed b^ msdl carriers be­ on household- type and 100 galioni won't get the same answer.” paper, the . Lutheran Witness, ing at this! Station and have been Tho.se developments broke erlylNMa.ss. Mrs. Hazel B. Hick- for thV-^rest of EMward I ’lmothy ginning May 20. on Institutional type. tempted to take his life. superbly and outstandingly IHiis- selected to attend trade schools. Exercises Mav 8 M v U Lone Search against a background of planned ett. o f\N ew Jersey, second vice Johnson dg.1339 Stratford avenue, trated, with' accompanying feature They are: N o general alarm was sent out labor probes of the board and the prestdentNjf the American Fedei-a- Stratford, atleged to have threat­ writa-u'ps, will be distributed to ^ James J Lee, 20,- of 11 Spencer government’s wage policy. Pre.si- tion of Soroptiml.st Clubs, will tell ened Mrs. Julta..^ Frazier, also of pital a t ' Battle Ci’eek, Mich., forj / > . ' for him and the flrst that the tlj^e families and visitors' at the street, Manchester, will attend a New Haven. May 7.—(A>)—The dent Philip Murray called an ex- ! how Soroptimbits are living up to Stratford. Civilian Shot "observation." / knew of his disappearance school of Aviation Machinist’s 460 members of the class of 1944 ■ traordinary. meeting of the CIO the meaning ofMhelr name Threatened Wtlh^ Knife Wounded by' Revolver Shot b when hiS daughter-in-laW- TTI : mdntbers of the Sunday attended Manchester will Jiold their class day exercises,' Executive, board for next Friday for Women TOe theme of the Mr. Willis charged that Johnson Schoor'^’i'U receive folders popu­ ^u k h o n ed that his body was in At Air Field The statiphent, issued by Cap-J Hi^n ochool. He had lieen eiriplo!^« marked this year by extreme sim­ at .Cleveland to discuss what he- conferenee will he , expansion threatened Mrs. Frazier Aurtth a larly portraying and describing the water. She found it, she told tain R a m ^ , said that Private Wil-I ed by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft plicity. on Saturday, M ay 8, at called the "crisis” .in the go vern -!of service work aiHpng young knife April 23, demanding thkishe the work rif, the Church for the the police, when she walked along liam M cM e. 24, motor vehicle AtUlio Gavello, 25, of 78 Bissell Yale, five months in advance of ment’s wage and price administra- girlii. ^ \ submit to his wishes, but that the (Oonttaihed from Page One) men and wohian in the armed tbs p«M»d. looking fo r him. She drlve^. for the base garage, wail street, Manchester, will attend a graduation. tion and the A F L Executive Conn- In charge of the confeiynce ar- intended victim managed 'tb m a k ^ service of our chqntry. on the far- school for Aviation Machlnlst’a atazted out early this morning, 'bh^t near the heart by the sen- wounded at approximately 1 a. mj Because the majority of the aoon after her husband had left cll will corivene here on M ay 18. rangemenU will be Miss G laire her escape. Johnson was charged Wednesday by a revolver shof flung fronts at hdme and .abroad. Mates. He attended Manchester ,r,i 1 Sweenev of Belmont, chairman; senior class will have left Yale by ! fo r work as carrier at the local with aggravated assault. try'*Nbullet, Captain Ramey said -‘^allegedly fired by" Colonel Ool| The local congregHj-ion will re­ High School. He had been emplov- The arrestion that the I .by Miss Marion D r ^ , Meanwhile, as a concerted cam­ July, m ^ t of the ceremonies will poat office. ' was ‘ tottering" came from Philip he wesHflld, the other civilian man. ceive a special Mothehs’ Day of­ oo by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. South Boston: Miss Margaret paign against molesting of women fering ter this spiritual work as take place while the students are Usutenant William Barron at Pearl, editor , of the A F L Weekly caped in the darkness. /. "The revolver was said to hav^ Collins. Watertown: Mrs. Caroline continued to develop. Ann Galpe­ her part in raising 'over $500,000 .still in college, although tiie ac­ t o 8:30 P , M . once drove to the pond. The News service, who charged -that been fired near the front steps W ittes. Newton;' Miss Mary Har- rin, 1'7, of 215 French street, who . At Washington, Shafer s ^ that needed to carry on for the coming tual graduation will take plaoe In spot was reached "by driving in the president and Byrnes ilealt upon his request. Representative base headquartes.’’ said the statel October. rin^rfon. of Boston. stabbed Mario. J. M aggi, 18, of . 107 year. Last year oyer $472,000 tiC’ga Haste Is UrgeK»m| contended much Famished by the MeCoj Maggi, recovering from /"stab tions BO that the nine women arid for the Japs they weren’t in reach It W M the p in io n of those who. let and without adding any grease, furlough or others from this area of WLB authmty had hinged on Health SarviM wounds of the right lung, left kid­ three men jurors might start de­ when Curtis Shelton, 20-year-old aaw the body this morning that* ■- (Continued From Page One) place your steak m the hpt skillet ■will have a place of honor reserved, their getting p o W r to iron out ney and abdomen, is liv"a “fair” '--Jor them in the front of the liberating this afternoon. The trial restaurant kitchen worker, ^got to ba bad died from the poison soon Addreaa oommnnlcattoiis to Die for an instant, and then turn Im­ began Tuesday. inequaliUes. A lth ^ h their pro­ much it wants the Treasury to condition in St. Vlncept's hospiUl. talking about what he’d d6 if and mttinr he struck the water. Herald, Attention' MeCoy mediately. repeating this several church..'- The choir will sing “W e posal to Byrnes, made more than "lose” to get taxpayers on cur­ Indicative of th*' punishment Donay, 43-year-oId head of a when. It would have been nice if A radio call was aent back to M Health Sarvloa tlrnes'durmg the first few minutes. Conte in the Might of the Lord ot a week ago, did not involve scrap­ awaiting offendei*^ w as a six- German - American importing Shcltoh hadn't been there eitheri police station and Chief Sam- rent basis. When the meat is well seared on ' IJght.” . The service will include ping of- the "Little Steel” fOrmida, months’ jail sen)«hce Imposed yes­ house and a naturalized American He .was njaking wild slashes with Gordon notified Medical E x- Ruml-Garlson plan supporters both sides, turn down the fire and p l^ g e of .allegiance te our conn they sought permission occasion­ Dreams and Nightmares terday on Nariline Morello, 26, of citizen, is accused of falling to ad­ a butcher.wjife, snipping, off the ner Dr. D. C. Y. Moore. \ The contend there will be no losa in allow the meat to simmer until try's^as well as the Christian flag, ally to go beyond Itg 15 per cent 28 Lexington" avenue, who was vise authorities of aid given . by heads of im a^nary enemies, when later drove to the pond as immediate revenues and little cooked as desired! You will find and wm-,be cdncluded with reces­ increase in wages over the levels Many reader?'write' in and ask found guilty In City Court of mo­ Max Stephan, convicted traitor, to he .made a misMick, slashed his Officer Martin. throughout the years, but Paul that the ■addition of the canned sional singing of "God, Bless our lesting A Stratford woman who Hans Peter Krug, German flier. In ^w n thigh, and hur^ted to the hoa- Aanbolanee Called of Jan. 1, IW l. said that *8,319.000.000 in levies what dreams are made of, and mushroom sauce, which is added Native Land.”-; A similar service was wilting for a bus in Central April, 1942. pital. Moiwe arrived at 10 o'clock The board eetimated last month would, go down the drain. there are few living persons who last thing before the meat is will be held at Lebanon. Redeemer avenue. City ^ ProseputOr Milton had tba body removed to the tluU nearly 10,000 applications for The Ruml-Caflaon plan would served, will provide you with a Lutheran Church, Village Hill, have not experienced this phen­ Herman declared that all offender* P. Quish undertaking rooms, voluntary Increases would be re­ abate the 1042 tax 'o„ George E. Bensche. CorporSl. : and bed bean in in health for formula-only procedure of the wages and salaries to enforce the tation of dreams but it was nqt al­ am forced to get up during the !" Rene D. Casagrande. Sergeant. Dma tbna. H a baa not been em­ board was cited as one cause-of "pay as you go” principle. ways easy to find someone who night. When ! omit the fluid, thia Raymond ,,F.' Dey, Pfc. ployed. H e Is survived by one the U M W ’s defiance, as well as Dissension Within Committee held the key to the true meaning does not...,v occur. Do you...... think.. .I Stafford Public schools Includ- Herman Daniel Gorens, M Sgt. pn, Frank. for other walkouts. But there was sharp dissension of the dream. Scientists and p.sy- would injure my health if I rtay | Ing Staffort ^Hlgh s c h ^ wdll^^ Stuart Hagenow, Private. sessions. Saturday morning from F unaral arrangements have not In the absence of U M W re p i^ within the committee bn the' »o- chologists explain that while we away from liquid after 5 o'clock ' — — - "" Roland W . LaShin?ke, Captain. 8:30 to 12:30. ’The final Saturday sompleted. sentatlvej, the coal panel hearings callcd “windfall” provisions of are asieep, a portion of the brain In' the afternoon ? So many health W allace F. Lepper, 1st Sgt. AT or nervous system, may remain sessions will be on, Saturday, M ay were thrown open to the piibli^ the Ruml-Carlson bill— provisions authorities say it is im’portant to Harry T. Mathiason, U.SAI C. awake, and that dreams are pro­ ^ George G. Plaine, F2-C. and operators said they would sceK; inserted, in an effort to keep 'war drink, plenty ot water' that I am 15. duced by a wakefulness of s o ­ David P. Mitchell, president George Charles Sadrozin.ske to present bOth, sides of the ^case ■contract broker* and other* with puzzled?” 48-Hoiir Week burgeoning- w ar income* from cialized Intellectual centers, which the Cyril Johnaoh Woolen Com­ Otto F. Senkbeil, Pfc. as far as we can.” Answer; If th* taking of liquid getting an abatement all put of. produce mental pictures or dreams. during the evening causes an in­ pany on Furnace avenue, has been Ewald John H. StechholU, Sgt. / Plans Studied prop>bybeans. -He said he had heard nothing some cases insomnia or the Inabil-. er than the economic aspects of exemption to member* of the dance of food Iron. However for the Arm y today. He is the uhtil today about stopping the the work week, and that employ­ armed forces on the first $3,500 of jty to ?leep at all. ; . , varioini reasons, enough iron may nephew oP M r. and Mrs. Joseph H w ’* tiw “ real McCoy” ! Made to the same *ped- Installed aa FresTdeut running of the mines.. I ers who demand higher prices to their basic government pay, Considering the mental aspect as not be absorbed. For example the Fontanella- of 272 Porter street, - fication* a t the helmet* our American soldiers wore r ' , ' ------meet higher payrolls must take a causative factor. It is well known Iron may be taken into the bodji Manchester. into battle on the hot sands of Africa and in the Norwich, May 7.—th Installed as president of the Con­ Citadel ^Services ual may accomplish in his mind abie-rmfide of molded plastic. Weighs less than 8 But the W M C officials aOknowl* On Anthracite Contract absorbed properly,' An article oh necticut department, .Daughter^ edged a nationwide 48-hour-week during sleep those things which oz. Adjustable harness fits any head I v N ew York, May 7.— (g*>--vRepre- Iron Starvation, should be of in­ The candy Industry In . normal bf LTnion Vetefans, at the closing might create an inverse manpower he Would like to do when awake, NO SALES Sentatives of hard coal operators On Mother’s Day terest to you. This article will be times annually uses $27,000,000 essibn of the organization's 34th problem— unemployment — unless but is restrained by some mental, 5t) FI. and the United, Mine Workers re­ forwarded to any reader desiring worth of fnfits and nut*. $15, ___ ^MONTGOMERY VTARD. Tiyention yesterday. ' ’./ - ^ D E A L E R S there were exemption^, for com­ inhibition. i . a copy'who write in care of this 000,000 worth of dairy pro(luc£* sumed negotiatibTrv*. at 11 a. m. to­ '-Then again there are those who munities. 'w ith labor surplussfA .Sunday evening at_7:30 a ape newspaper^ amLenclose . ten cents and $150.00,000- worth of other \ „ Such a-s New' York, where workers day for a wage contract with 'talk, sing, sit up or walk dufijig MAT^CHESI ciai Mother’s Day serylce will be,.J and one large* self-addressed enve­ agricultural products. “ - 8iZ4-828 MAIN sV. - TEL. 5161 “freed” from "their old jobs might' U M W President John L. - -i^ewis sleep. T h la is known-as somnam- held at thb S^vation Arm y hall', lope, A t the same Urn* that- you not be able to find new ones. Ubsent for the third day. binism. The sense may be -partly ROOFING especially honoring the mothers, rSquest'the article on iron. I sug­ Exemptions also would have to Lewis rsmained-in his office In awake so that the individual niay who have boys In- the ; service. gest that you ask for article on be -made, they said, for dangerous the Hotel Roosevelt, fo q r. biocks" answer questions with ' more or Food Minerals as this will tell you ASBESTOS SIDING or fatiguing work, as well as for from' the W aldorf-Astoria hotel, Major N. J. Curtis will, be In less accuracy, but forget complete­ charge, and will read letten from about the other important minerals plants where the working pcKcdi^Ie W'here the negotiations have been ly upon awakening. Occasionally; W needed. W ith the two artlclu In depends on svallability of nia-.. -Under w a y ‘' since early April. nearly all of the 22 boys and one but rarely; a patient may undergo' i n s u l a t i o n ^ your possession, you will --have tcriJlls. ' Both.sides, agreed to contmue the woman, Captain'' Luella ' larder,' tb*. ..opposite condition In which t ccouddersble Information on food “If too many exemptions would parleys here after It was announc­ who 1s In California and may JbS the muscular system is e-sleep Expert workmanship. All work minerals, their use in the body, be necessary, we won’t adopt a ed yesterday that Ralph E. Tag­ transferred .to Honolulu. .while the intellectual facilities are guaranteed. Reasonable Prices. and will know which_ common national 48-nour week,” they said. gart and James ,H. Pierce, mem­ The Women’s Home. League wide awake. This cause* a patient I No obligation for an estbnate. i9 8 Only last week, one 1^'’MC plan bers of' the hard” coal n itlating have been remembering-the serv­ to believe that he is patalyzed, but foods provide them. ^ FLOWERS W rite or ’phone. . — to ^ o p t a nationwide job-stajii- committee, would appear before ice men from the ’ corps with the condition does ncit last for long Heavy Osngn 8teel. “ 14 In. (Idiopathic) REG. Msatlon program-r-w*a dropped fol­ the-War Labor board at Washing- cookies'and other gifts, and In and slapping of the muscles wlU Long, 7. In. Wide, 7 In. Deep. $4,56 QueZtoin: R. K. asks: ■’-"What Burton Insulatine Go lowing protests from labor mem­ tom-today. the letters they express their usually awaken them Immediately. FOR MOTHER does the te ™ . ‘Idiopathic’ mean ? 180 Oxford'St. ’ HarHford bers lof the WMC National Man- appreclaliloir for the thought of The most frequent causes of In­ Answer: This term is applied to TeL 82-4515 agement-liabor' Policy bommittce Merchant Marine Cadets them. ability to Bleep are excessive gas some diseases and refer* to a dia- CHOICE SELECTION OF BLOOM­ Jlifirh Quality • Regular $1.35 Gallon •Itheogh a high official of the ag­ formarion in the Intertlne*. diges­ ea*e arising without any known The United State* Merchant White House Meals tive disturbances or toxins in the ency had said Its final adoption causa. Hence to a disease which Is ING PLANTS TO BRING CHEER Marine Cadet Corps has just cele­ blood stream. eould b * aoq^iected “within 48 self-originated, or to on* which TIlDDriUTTKir hmus.** brated Us 60th birthday. Its com­ A ll the food for the presidential In order to eradicate dreams or -TO HER ON MOTHER’S DAY, family and the White House serv­ nightmares. It Is necessary to re­ ariee* spontaneously from an un­ I UKrtiJN 1 INEi plement hsui increased from 445 explainable. cause. Manchester O tsage* A t * Oree* to 5,200. ' Two thousand four ant* Is paid for by the President move true cause. * SUNDAY, MAY 9th. ^ Brinsr Your Own Container. Gallon ogt of his salary. When any meal Readers of this column who hundred and ten cadets have been Prairie "People” New and Ufscd '. Hipanaa* of an ocange I* not de- m training______during'__ the past_ 14 i» an ^official” one, the food 1* would like to have further infor­ iermlmwl by it* color. Navel months, W3 at schools and 1,417 for 'by .thc government. mation on the subject of today’s iHoniefi Available for discussion-are invited to send for Before the coming of the white j.erenge* do not color up when ripe aboard merchant vessela Of the man,-America had towns of more Girl Scouts’ Origin Dr. FranH McCoy's special article and hav* to be colored orange 238 cadet-midshipmen who served than a million inhabitanU, but [immediate Occupancy M u a* of public prejiidic* - agai'nst on ships sunk by enemy action; entitled "Drieams and N ight­ mares.” Just addreas your r*- they were populated by prairie Western Auto ta jr iiv g f m o ra a g M 63 were killed. The Girl Scout movement bad its organlaattoa tai 19U in Savan­ quect to the MeCby Health 8er- d b g a ' ■ ' Alexander Plywood Bomb Backs nah, Oa.. jand wim the outgrowth vlce care of this new^per, en- WILLIAM VITTNER a Year of a "Girt Guide’’ group fonnad eloalaff a lurg* aelf-addreaaod en­ . Jarvis nobaUy tb* flnt OMBtlaa of Bomb r*ek* tor mimitlona ther* In 191B, velope and tan eanU In Mamp*.' Alexander 8$. Manchester Associate Store O rar'a'seor* of patriot!* altlr Phonon: finr fi* food I* fbuBd hi tb* plant* throughout tb* eoubtry are zens have leased their property to 856 MAIN STREET AT PARK STREET Kakolw HIM*. Job now 'being constructed of IS-pIy 'Twelve mUUon pound.s of homba Ice 4112 ' Residencif 72U ft I* «*ld: .*T* there *ny ta*te plywood, .bonded with cold-press were dropped^ in one Of the 1000- I ■ f ^ $ \ / r—r— • ^ ' A,. MAWIHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN h FRIDAY, MAY 7,1948 BVEMNO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN; IHTDaY; mat t, is 4x -X i , . / TEN k «< Sam Houston Fights Again Better Health Female Ferry Pilots 'Johnny Doughboy? Sure He*8 , - "I I of blood plasms for Sur Units Enter, i,.u«auauna; Red Cross Graduation New Contract Desert Hero Visits Famous Father DAR — ^..Jed aoldtsra. Tha *um of s'. ;> ■ |J:e8,'000 was contributed by th* CharitJ Cfiiefi A Fine Broth o f a Foy,'^ Say After the War mambsr# forltMs projsot, gnd 37 Itibarbs of Tunis iV '! *■ s, plow in Force Reports Given moMla units hfiva now bssn pur> His Hosts in Northern Ireland Monday to Be PubUc chassd oiMl 14 psrraansnt bloofi R e re ^ i bisEerte Today Speaker at State Con­ donor osntsrs. stUbhabsd. Thi# ■ '■'. -b Chance' Vouglit Coiii* .-v«' By N EA Service - *jrr eaid. „ . Hartford;' May 7- "Ohe • of d .l SerricM eoiir,e.l2|!;,” 'Th* annual mootlng-in Juno will . M o n t h PfChpt lAidwi* Bertorius, Nazi townspeople and the peasant. "One boy sized it up neatly, say- Bridgeport May 7—lA’)—A new farmers. - X I *"g 'Irelaiid would be a lovely the sociar developments which la T o Cirt rertifi< ’iil<>n. Motor corpa providea drlv. Orford Parish Chapter, Dsughter* be combined with ao'otiting at lh« ntazy commentator, aaid Ih a bound to follow this war will be ' lO 1.C 1 l ^ e n i n c a ie s . to Uke the lncreaMng num- contract jetwsm the Chanc* Cbuntry aubhou*4, with noon Charity sssta far «i« aM ncUa w W lcaat recorded by Reii- Thavfr the welcome word , place. If you put a roof on It. Vbught division otUnlted Aircraft, of Ihe American Revolution, held brought here by Bernard Newman, American ‘ artillerymen ' in “ North­ more adequate health aervlce for . , , , _ ber.'bf blood dqnora’to tha canter luncheon. April totahul 8*,7«4.7b WM n that French native troops had ern Ireland have been practicing . At 8 a clock. Oh the evening df h r Hartford and for tranapbrting Inq.; with planu in Stratford, its May meeting yesterday after­ Cookiea, oqffoc and nuU wars •trated the Inner fortifications lecturer an4 ivrlter for the British al the people of the couittry,” Dr. Bridgeport and D««|) Nftlver and cases and 9P parson# «t«M t r Ministry pf'Information. He has with British guns and got the Emory W. Morris, general director Monday^ May lO, graduationivni exer-crtwa~. tha wivea of aoldiara to msdlcal noon a t the Y.M.C.A. Mr*. R. Les­ served, by Ui4 Bontsaaes yesterday;, Biaerte. Thta went even he­ hang of them In a surprisingly Local Union No. 877, U, A. W. who were Mr#. (Jharlos M, Chsney, •^partfflent. 'iTiia w as fi fisaM ld the Allied account placing just come over to visit our army and treasurer. W. K.'Kellogg foun­ eiaea will be held In the chapeLbi;h a p ^ b f ' centera. They atao do plckmp CIO, was ratified laet nij^ by lie Cooper, ohaifman of the pro­ oU^ve caao# and 13 parsqM f camps' and armaments. short time. ■- dation, today told the Connecticut and delivery aervlce for Produc­ Mr#. I ^ r le * R, HathawAy and Ued detachments in the out- "In fact,” says Newman, “In the South ' Methodiat chiiniirchl for union members at union headqiia.r- gram committee reported ' that Mra. Jim s* Nichols. theNjst aa carried duttag. Very recently, he. Went up to State Dental Association at the members of the Volunteerc SpecialMpeclsl tion. - ters here. It was announced today montfppf March when thf ao« Glster and looked oV'''.an .American soldier sound.” emergency or disaster. 'Garments (he efflrlency of German worker# had arrived, .that "we have In Ulster whO does not know how­ has been planned. remain under th# representation after the waf^f Mrs. Idilian S. Compaiisou Node our victorious Armies differences of the people of Ulster Dr. Morris a^ e rfed th at he feels* mads by knitting and -iswlng of the present union as long at Bowers read shqrt ’Ntoiies ' a ■so sharply that some Natl Indus­ da not .affect their attitude to- to drive a car and howto repair n.ore government participation In W.. C. Bowen, Regional Direc­ trie* have reverted to an eight- 'The record# of th# charity are going to drive the enemy one. In a campaign t)»t will be tor, American Red Cross. North workara, as wall sa surgical dress­ bpth divisions remain as closely poem.«i. . partment for the month of sea." wardi American soldiers. Yanks health p’-ograms will be Inevitable ings, ara used prinolpaTly at the incorporated as they are now. Re|iorl of Cnnveiflto., Hour day, a Berlin diapatch said are universally liked." invaluable when rnptorized vehi­ and beneficial, and can be worked Atlantic Area, wilt be the princi­ last night. Th# dispatch, to Th* 1942 showB 103 oases and Ifil TIia^lMMity commander In chief cles break down qr-wben the ene­ pal ipeaker. Mr. Bowen,.' who prasant timg for tb8 jirmad forces # Should the two oompanies be­ The regent. Mi.s. W .tY CraWr sons on the lists and th# td ^ cost! Had n^D the soldiers to give > Are Becoming "YlM»ka” oui on a democrati'- basis. wrlth lessar amounts for foreign come diattnctly separated In order ford gave some iif the^lgh sputa Bftsler Nachrlehten, reported that K Johnny Doughboy is unconsclous- my abandons epfs, your fellows .V' Dr. Morris Is chairman of ths served the Red Cross iii- (he flrrt Dr. Robert Ley, German labor for April 1942 was 13428.40 o».| aty ounceSrf their skill, strength ‘can take thenrover and soon puv World War In Prance and has relief and, domestic ^iMstar, for the Sikorsky unit to manufac­ p i i ’wqr h u com# close to British Ambassador Lord Halifax, showji of the Conlinentsi Congress, hekl $70.70 lesa than last mbnth. ly^ Americanizing ,the Irish, he Ccunctl' on Dental Health of ths Thoroughly Organlafid . ture the helicopter exclusively, the Iti 'Cincinnati, the/week of April legder, and othei representatives land enduran^ sa'>a.sajA Tramcars ire now atreet- them In nkfnlng order: I doubt American Dental Association, or« been afftltatsd with .it* activities her# with hit Mm, Lieut. Richard Wood, who lost both lege duritie of the labor front had decided In While the file# show '*24 fca$$l ■^“Forward thcrNJo victory," be whether Any other^F*’oup of sol­ All of th* Voiluntssr (Jorps .are union will ask the NLRB to es­ Africap desert fighting with British Klghth Arm.v. LicHteriant Wood 19. Khe reported that- the total, is car^jiftr ar»^ now elevators: granized last August. practically, ever, alnco, is a gradur favor of the shorter work day. and 69 more persdn* on the char­ diers can do It so well. at# of Hitohkiss and of Yale. operatsd to msqt ths dsmafid^ tablish a neW and separate local if vJfitiJH hi* father at th* British Embassy In Washington, amount, of war bonds and stamps ity lists in April 1942, inorsaodfi] chemisfcts shopi are now Just plairy Th* first program instituted which ars aatablishsd through rs- union, it was aaid. sold ;durlmr'^the sessions of the Dcdsion Appreh^ng drug s t^ s ind sausages are hot other thing that amazed me through the council was initiated Nurses' Aides as Ushers cost* of ouppiies and other aid haa WpS" the manner in which your N. B. Lacy, ' Field Representa­ search and anticipation at Nation­ Its Main Prorfalon Cpn^jossfmt: pledged by members, Army Msfitetns Iriqreased^ to show but a diflbrane# German military spbl^sman dog*. March 15. This is the physical flfe- al Meadquartera. This la tha first reached the sum High school Victory bers of the Nurses’ Corps automatically to th# War Labor inspectors may bq^’repreaenteo by *35.000,000, man reports. “Fbr instance, some house's around Corps 'program, in cooperation will act as ushers, and Mrs. Henry has been thoroughly organlaed in bonus s't'stem based on reduction Board of arbitration. now serving with the U. S. Army. nm nbtf^lO to one, according "Make* no. difference. In everF an the various corps. of labor costs baaed on increased the bargaining ijn'It upon. presenta> (ia\e 3* .Miibllp I nits Death-rate of personnel, exclusive a Transoc^ dispatch broadcast if them sometimM visit a^^tUe V. j v - V.. wtlh the U. S, Office of Education Huggins will be the chief , hostesd. Four hours pay la provided for tion of proof to the National U(- One of the!' automobile Indus# i hamlet called Limavadyxlt’B a group of'American soldiers there and the U. S. PuhlNt’ H ealth Serv* Again, all parsons who dealra to effort. There1* also a change in the workers reporting for work on any PaugluerS of the American of battle casualties, is th* lowest trie* is producing big amphibian by the Berlin^^radio and recorded A large attendance . is eitp^ted, vacation plan.' bor Board that a majority rteMre Revolution, she saitl. In addition to Keltic name- and meajyjXHound's seem to be^umbers who can play ice, • and it is hoped that .all Red.GFO#» Aitshd tha graduation axarclaes day that work la not scheduled for In Army history. Hospital* (Mtv# tioop and gun csi^Her* and pr4«' I by The Associated Press.) musical instruments and they soon \ Monday evtmng will b# cordially Mr. Robinson skid that th* flew to be represented by the -Union's their other war work, were first to doubled In number# and hospital : ' Both Tunis and pizente are no^w Ijeap;! ’The Americans at once . 'Z Governor Baldwin will present aervlces will be well represinted. them to. perform. Employe* work­ negotiatln'g committee. / cision airplane parta inatead • called it The Canine Hop! mid organize a singsong. They love to (Ill's.’ Moritzs Corps Photo From NEA) the Alfred C. Fones aw'ard to Dr. welcome; agreement will noUbecome effec­ ing In exes** nt .ten hountW ill be donate a mobile unit for th*. col- bed* tripled, since Pearl Harbor. automobitea. [within range of Allied big guns'. dance and are teaching the local The Horn# Nursing Corps has tive until It ha^ been Approved by — ■„ I.,-.,. ______Biserte Is almost b^t olf from AQ set tofA solo'toop M Avehger Field, Sweetwwtet, Teo^ Glh^w Canine Hop’ It U npw to all save Four generations after his''great-great imcle. Sam Houston made V. H.'KazanjIan, professor of plas- postponed Its regular meeting in allowed an additional Itmcn period Disbrow of^enee& dy,K . Y, gets good the old people. girls American' jlH^bugglng. Of history as a soldier and Texas pioneer, Pvt. Sam Houston, Jr., 18, tic surgery at the Harvard School th* War Labor'Board ronceming J ihe remainder of the ejiefny terrl- course, in the town# and villages Order to be able to attend. of 15 minutes. Benlority condition* leUow stodortsSig SWegtwater, Teou, ferry bSiB Balning center. "Ask the soldiers if there Is leaps into military life.''with enthusiasm as a Marine trainee at of Dental Medicine, tonight Com­ a check-off system for the collsc-’ arlHlng from layofTTranafer or ra- | W y and the Germans ajb-, falling dances are organized, And well su­ All Production workers who [ To U§e l3 ‘Juror* tlon of due# which' i# opposed, by ■MONrBOMIItV A iTA ftB ' ■back'from their last defen^ In anything they dislike and they wUl- ' 'I^arris Island, S. C. mander William McG. Bum s, have served more than a year are hiring ar# to bsrafrlsd out under tell you there is only one thing-- pervised by Red Cross officials.” USNR, will talk on "War Service the management. He apid that if the new agrMnlent on th* baals of .ftont of Tunis after the loss^ North sea channel, on the Medl- entitled to Service awards. So that the WLB approves the^ propos'ed' put the Incers on seve>^\ other Procurement and Assignment.” records may be checked and no At Policy Trial qmployrnent'ln each division of ths 'Ibaaaeault^' their strongest posl^ strategic points a,t which the Gar- terraneitm and on the Russian The two-day meeting iwtll close ■ Incentive bonus ayatem' It will "Hon In th« Plain of Tunis as Humphries of I^lley street and name emitted, it will be app're- work*, provision is mad* In ths man's were still fighting. front.’’ « ' Christopher Glenp'ey of Coventry, Saturday"’w1th the installation of amount > 0 substantial wage''.'in­ ^ “ lO^bnemy was reported 'fever­ French Continue Advance General Giraud, In an interview Hawaii jetps Nibble *^Mystery Did You Know officers at 4:30' p.m. Technical dis­ , elated if all production worki^rs creases. throwing up defenses in front formerly of this town. The trus- ’.'Who have worked for over i yeSr Biidgepo'ft, May 7—(J*)—Polling French troops in the Pont-Du ven to Jacques Villesolin of the .tees of the South Methodist church cussions were .held today and 'wfli The new vacation provision give* tha capital of the French pro- Faha area, on the First Army’s ependent French agency and be continued toitiorrow. on any form of Production, . in­ of a jury for the trial of Lloyd 30 hour*' vacation with pay to' all Beans** as Air Raid Precaution^ Sent for the'bbsequles a beautiful T h a t i ^ cluding Burgical Dressings will Bcnard, 42. of Whit# Plains, N. Y,, ttsetorate. right fl^k,: continued their ad­ pubHAed in , the Algiers weekly sheaf of ^ ater lilies. Thera were worker* In ’the employ of the com­ Heavy LoSsee Inflicted vance to'^srd Zaghouan agilnat "Taim^sald “Europe is at the contact the Red Cross office."ilfla? cha,rged with conspiracy, in con­ pany six months; 40 hour# for LANDLORDS^ momentA. fortress.' If It is to be many, floral tributes. The perfection of plastic baf. before Monday, and be present at nection with the Operation of an worker* w|th one year of,i^rvlce: Heavy losses were inflicted on strong opposition and extensive W eird Idea Sweeps the Islands interstate ’ policy "racket" in mine fields. penetratedSt must be attacked ’The Service was in charge of Acs and push rod! housings for the gxeroises that evening, to re­ and an additional day Tor every Native of ManrhiHijeXleslrM the retreating foe over wreckage- Rev. Lebnard C. Harris, superin­ airplanes has effected a saving of About Town ceive the awards. Starnfoid, was started today be­ Bttered terrain in some of the. , Gen. Sir Bernard Montgomery’s and attacked At several points." year of service until Ihe vacation fo move bark to totin In neiar ^serta that Tokyo’s output of war tendent of the Providence Dis­ thousands of pounds of sheet Those In Claas fore JiKlga Charles J. McLaughlin reaches two weeks In duration. future. Need • rooms. war’s fiercest fighting. The offen- Eighth Army advanced also at one French MoraM Streni^hened By Betty MacDonald Robert Edg;ar, of SpflMfleld, in Superior Court. inland point nine mi)ei northeast He said the nibi^e of French news, the sinking of all our ship* trict, and a former pastor of the aluminum. . *< . ’ \ formerly of this town, was freed The graduates are member.* of Ost llRie and Half Good reference* and reliable ' fllve b^gan a t first light yesterday, Honolulu—One of the most fan­ South Methodist church, succeed­ At the suggestion of State’s At­ gaged through the day smd as of DJebeblna, approximately mid- troops was atrengtMqed by the and the pitiful stote of America In Springfield today when th,e, the Nurses’ Aides, Canteen, Staff Employe*, who work during employer. H rfe la sn opportu- tastic superstitions to come out in the future, is about as true as ing Rev. R. A. GialplUs. The scrip­ Assistance and Motor Corps. In torney Lorlh W. Willis, who said their vacations. If It la nec.esaary. nlt.v to g rt a tenant who treat* mgfat fell both Americans and Way between that village and new offensive and the knowledge Bafflee are air collectors shaped grand Jury returned a -no bill that the trial may last a week, it Zagbouan, in heavy fighting. that in a few weeks they w ^ld be of World War H to date U the the story of ' Kudan, or our oW ture was re ^ by the Rev. Harvey to b i.0 contour of the cylinder Manchester, these Corps function will recieivc time and a half com­ your property a* though It was British were still advancing. ag^ainst him in connection with was agreed that' a 13tb Juror will hla"own. Yesterday’s furious air offensive receiving new equipment re' weird rumor of "Kudan," which version of the cow jumping <^r Mousley, mlnlst^ of St Paul's, head and barrel. They cool the the death of William F. Kirby of as follows: Nurses' Aides work in pensation plus their vacation pay, are an bestinent An Allied communique aaid and the eulogy was given by Rev. the local ho^Ital, and, upon re­ be chosen to. guard against the it 1* stated. I: tM tcd States troopa had captured which eclipsed anything yet a . K Be Atr ForcM blMted a path U, 8. . -ir Force attacked moles.. Born In Anpbi(er 39 years ago, Hfif'M i ii ^ i -||Obr mllaa long and 1,000 yards Itself One Honolulu teacher reported and harbor instaliationa of Reg­ seeing- two of her Japanese stu­ he leqvSs his parehtoi Mr. and Mrs. jgridA vttb a terrlfio bomb barrage gio-de Galabria, Italy, and scored John Hunt of Andove;;; two broth­ Miiich Qovesed practically every Many a man is developing a dents hastily eating the beans Just direct hits'on at least two large before ducking Into a shelter dur­ ers, Alfred of Manch^ter and Mpiare ykrd, the British Army merchant ships, one throwing up new respect for the job of house­ John of Warehouse Point, and a Ewept dowit the main road to.Tu- ing an air raid. "They say if flames and white smoke. keeping. sister. Mrs. Catharine Brmim of nto from Medjez-El-Bab, establish­ (Malta-based fighters attacked they eat them, they won’t get Andover. He Was a member ofvthe Send tlh ed ttaelf on a brosal strip extend- amalT eqemy surface craft off In the past, such a chap may. killed’’ she explained. railroad union. Mg flv« miles liorni and five miles Sicily , with cannon and maeWne- have taken his wife’s wmrk pretty From outside islands have come the axuki beana through the mail The funeral will be held Sunday 'X-^ •oath oC the road and tolled east- gun fiire and left them listing. lightly. He Imagined that all she afternoon at 2 o'clock at the An­ W d . Malta bombers set ;fires. in Mar­ to young soldier# stationed on dover church. The pastor. Rev. Home Town - The Infantry at first formed the had to .do., to get a meal was fry Oahu, from parents and sweet­ sala, Sicily, last night) \ , William B. Tuthlll, will officiate X •peariiead of toe drive, faking high 'Twenty Axis aircraft were, shot some .lamb'eliops and open a cou­ hearts; one Honolulu lawyer, who ple of'cans. N.J . and Interiment will be iri Townsend around and wiping out anti-tank down over their cwn air fields in b u had an old Japanese riian on cemetery, Andover, (un poaitions. Then Britiah arm­ Tunisia and threbxpther* du;urtni: Ha thought tii# housework did his estate for years, recently wra* itself, simply becaUae his ■wife had Friends may call at tbs T. P. ored fonnatlons, moving up on both the sea- sweeps. TeixAllied planilanek surprised when the old man ap­ Holloraa Funeral home, 175 ' Are missing. - ^ cleaning woman ^>nice a week peared at dinner and 'entreated Wbo helped' her with the heavy ter street, until 1 o’clock Sunday TTie Germans assigned 60 tanks 'The British F irst Army has him to eat the arukl bean to pro­ afteimoon. to engage this eteamroUer move­ made '[good progress" in the offen­ wort(. or because in a ma^ani- long his life. ment, 35 to the south of Massl- sive launched east of Medjez-E3- mouB''moment he had bought her Chief Sooroo of Bean# fcauR and 25 north of the vtUage. Bab yesterday and ha* inflicted a washing machine. The reddish-brown beans, which Both these formations were routed "considerable" losses on the ene­ Well, now this feUow, used to ba-ve never been grown* extensive­ Funerals i t In armored battles during which my, both in personnel and equip­ thinking of man's work aa the ly In Hawaii, are the sl» of a 1 to Your ■averal German tanks were dev ment - It ■ waa announced- (^n only hard work, can see that run­ llttl*x,(lnger nail, with' a wh|te •troyed. British anti-tank gun Algiers radio broadcast said a ning a house is no snap. stripe on one side. They were Rev. Jos. Cooper’s crews quickly took up strategic strong British force had reached a He sees that the housekeeper, usfially part of a Japanese mochl positions toTprevent the enemy position fii the area of St. Cyprien, under A rationing system, baa Just cake and w i^, before the wnr, im­ Funeral Yest^day SOLDIER! Btom throwing in any fresh armoiST ' about -12 .miles from the,'West sub­ about as many deadtta^es to meet ported from, japan. Maaslcault, 17 miles southwest urbs of Tunis.) a* a business man. tt takes a desk Attempting to discount the ru­ Do you write to your soldier?^ of ‘Tunis, fell into the heavy Brit- Admit Deep Penetration calendar to keep her straighten­ mor, the Hawaii Hochl ran a car­ Largely attend^^ funeral ser- iah'pincer and by the time it was ed out on her closing dates for toon showing Kudan holding his vlces .were hehr yesterday ' at occupied at 3 p. m., British arm­ (The German high command said buying canned goods sugar, coffee, bag of Azukl beans. In one comer o’clock.. In S ^ P au T s church, New­ Of course you dol But^yw V. ored units which shot around the tl>e 'Allies had penetrated German gasoline—etc. / / Is a prophecy saying: L*t Tokyo port It T.<^or Rev. Joseph Coop­ town were Mready advancing to­ and Italian poaitions deeply at one Furthermor#: he can’t go on send Its small bean# to Hawaii; er, who/tfied hi that city Tuesday. can’t write every day. fere’s ward St. Cyprien, six miles up the point, ‘Although numerous enemy blithely thinking that all Kla wife America wUl shorten the war by ‘ReV. Cooper was pastor of th# road. ^ attacks were repulsed and 12 ene­ dq#t“whei(- the gets a meal j.on mas# production of* planes, tank# South Methodist church of this something else you/^n do, - •• Many Enemy Killed my tanks were destroyed and sev­ town from 1922 to 1928, and the G iv « h$r the ta ^ IS open a few cans. and gun# to Japani In another though. Send hinf^^ubscrip* Many of the enemy were killed. eral hundred prisoner* were taken." WhsF'Ae opens a can now it la part of the cartoon is tha familiar church waa represented by its . ’To the American bag. of more The communique, broadcast from present pastor. Rev. W. Ralph X- an-;^c*aiefi. Mother Goose cow Jumping oVer tion to' The Rtohehester Eve- wenderfvl $eleclioii of fine than 1.000 prisoners in the north, Berlin and recorded by The Asso­ And he knows he can no longer the moon. The nearby story aa- ,Ward, Jr., Mrs. Ward, Mrs; Thom- the First Army added many hmi' ciated Press, said, the Allied Infan­ >»•, say gran(Uy when She gets in a n in g Hendd-—that's the best th^se Idvely sheer dreds. The captives Included some try an i. tank formation* were tight- Ji^ with, relatives coming German Elite troops, who cracked greatly superior and were support­ unannounced ai\d a child coming to keep him in touch Ivn at this amiuing price I- as did the others under the terrific ed by strong Air Force units.) down with goodnesa-knowa-wrhat, h l C - U FOR HER DAY • bombing, sheillng, tank assaults The communique reported 'that "CAll in Mrs. Jones to help you ' with home, tt^s a little suid infantry attaclrs. all the'gains made by the British EsponsivO toohing kaum morton-dyod coney with the now turn U. S.. detachments bn the Brit­ for a few days and try and take Flr'st Army in the advance toward It easy." Nope. Mrs. Jones has thing to do, but think Sunday, May 9: ish ,leJt fisnk attacked the High- Tuntff have been “firmly secured." bock wffsl China mioli-slyod oonoyl Bsavor mod seal dyofi thelr crews. In one case an Arhef- quit “working out’’,to‘ take a Job “Our armor has made, further in a defense plant . ’ w hat it will mean to him 1 oonoyi Sku^dyod epeotam froof aeahf AR IwaurtoM furs that .• west of Tunis, and by 10 a. .nl., conaicierable advance* towrard C o r a a g e S ' ...... 75c and .up' • -forward elements ' had reached Then, too, he now sees the jm v K w m , will glyo yousootensaf woarond plooturo. Somd in sites 12-20/' Tunis,” i t added. keeper of the houas. poring ovar A c t N O W ! thSlr objective In spite of storfig The British Eighth Army Made some up to 44 (at no extra ooftl). enemy • resistance., troops in- garden book# pt night and won­ FORMER BOXER WHO ROSE^ Mixed Pots of Potted Plants , . $1.25 and up local attack In the sector of dering whether she should put up ■voived were among'thbse who had Souar, w-eat of Enfidaidlfe, and FROM Wam&TOk UEUTENAWX taken Mateiir. the communications two or three hundred quart# of M ixed Baskets ...... $ 2 . 0 0 fine, full-fcnhiened considerable artillery and patrol fanned fruits and vegetables, and iJECEHTLY t a A SOOESSFUL junction between 'Tunis and PATin. AfiWHST ITHE OAP -* Q « a l l t y ym m f l i i $ ■ » • n l y s s * Biserte. acUvltg was' reported from that it dawns on even him that the A little north, of the Chouigul southern battlefpont. summer lan’t going to be any va­ ANESE AT6UA0ADCAIJAa^ Geraniums ...... Ssal-dysclconsywithtumbaekcuffsilsavsr-dysdeen^ In addition to the almost con­ cation for the attle woman—what sector, other Americans crossed i ^ y e n f n i i Sofail*and silvsr otnlars-dysdeensy. Sizss 12-441,... | the River Tine and attacked the stant sweeps ever the battle arest; with gardening and canning abid­ Small Potted Plants . . * ...... 25c each ridge on the east bank along'a sec­ Allied aircraft raided the docka ed to all her other tobs. tor of several miles under Jieavj- and shipping at Favlgnana, a Yea, men are de^loplng a new machlne-gun and m ortar fire. small Island o|f..,tlie w est eoaat of respect for Mama’s Job. But then Victory Gardens . $i.Q0 and up N «n$s«in« ••bl«wfi|y«il c»ii«y •nly I Mop Up Uwt Opfoaltlon Sicily. k so Is Bbe hasn’t felt so fer enly — S I 5 BriU farther north, tank-sup- . Many Other Shtps Soak necessary to her famlly or so im­ Cut Flowera ...... $3.00 Down Our famous foveritfl Rich, 4**p psitsfi sabis-dyafi - t.i .^rted U. 8. detachment* mopped portant in her life. RATES: consy with "windsMsM* cvffs, aeyea Rnsfi. lt-4 4 1 . 147” -- vp the last Axis opposition on In addition to the 11 ships an Djebel Achksl. on the south ahqre nounced definitely as sunk, many 7 S C e n t s Roses, Carnations, Snapdragon aitHT $ to ^ a t LaUcs Achksl, and on high others wer# sunk In attacks on Always look on laft-ovsrs O n e M o n t h Giv# Mother tisplng ground called Djebel Zarour six Sicilian porta, the communique "food on hand," rathsr than said. It also disclosed that fight­ scraps which can’t ba wasted. If Solea to'the southeast lacroM the S i x M o n t h s . . $ 4 . 5 0 of those osquisitoly sheer rayon hose to woor on her slawfi plys r«gular Buy U. S.' W ar Boatlis' and fum ipfi Khteur-Siaarte highway). er-bombers of the . Desert Air they are kept perfectly refrigerat­ Large A ssortm ent G ardenias anil O rchid- for Force, in addition to blowing up a ed, they wm have flavor, nutrition I ■tat a t tbs aaemy’a haavy anti- Corsages at Reasonable Prices. "dreu op" o«osions. 7S donior wMi woN roinforeod paym*nta wiH h«ld your «Bot task guns were liquidated with destroyer in the G utf of, 'Tunl# as and good conaiatency. Store Cloaed Saturday, M ay 8 at S$S0 thalr crewa, la on# acaa an Amer­ reported earlier, scored ^rect hit* Left-over meats are better if THE HERALD: ^ ^ tops, Asp hM a * o t Afil finish bond onV icas task raa aquarely into a gua, oh another destroyer. ixMked only a short Urns. 'Ths -.•Nf-nr wnM NovBfflbwr ISHw Fw W ar Bond K al^ ■t Battanisc Its poaltloa. The roads to Tunis and Bizerte same applies to left-over cooked 1 enclose I ...... Pleaes wm6 a enbacription to: M bottw vwfily tinyem. M rtaat from IH •• IQH. B aamy foraaa overwhelmed la- were .choked w ith Alliisd troops vegetables. In making a stew for moving up under their aerial um­ Monday’s dinner from food left ■tfY WAI tfAMfM ON M i l At atadad membera c t the Naai Bar RANK AND NAME .. > e e e • • e 4 McConvdle’s Greenhouses oalhia r^itmeat. among the beat brella to strike the .final blow at from Sunday, start it with some SOa W00DBRID6B STREET TEL. iM T la rrte W a . the German and ItaUaa foroea in fresh uncodked nuden vegs- ADDRESS. AT CAMP tiM nalB objant e t tha day's Africa. Ublaa Stew tbesi In stock made Fur Storage, Cleaning opacatloBi for tha Americana w m As the battle grew in fury, Gen. from bones. When nearly tender, »*eeeee*«oeO« »••••••••••••••« bhei Ifspair Service ol ta gat Gbouiqua pass. INhUa tt was Henri Honore Giraud repeated his edd the left-over cooked • vege- STATE s a t lUQy oeouptocL th e galna of the predietini that the Axis would be Uhlea and a m t .Thlek^ i McConville The Florist Bn# wMcIi the oommunique Usted defeated in Africa by the end of delicately with garden herbs and B32 MAIN STREET 1 'M Important features.” were May and said “tt is important to add dumpUngs. .Cover and cook. TEL. 2-1059 ittB ja m u y $ io 0 i t m . AlAUl l i HiBIlM i ___ _ .824-82S MAIN ST. MANCHESTER atJfck j 824-S^8 M A i\ ST. TE l !< ilf il . V ■ ’I?,'- J

^ /-sW ^*-iA -m' ' ^ V -' ' ..

- ■ ■ - ' ' . ' , . ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAT, MAY 7. 1943^ \, ■ n r u L T B ^lAJkiHESTER CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 7> 1943(- "X PAGE Tm k T E g lir Hwse Pas^s Bill Summer Uni forms for Lady Mo rirr 5 A llied S^iips Soldier^iind W TIC—1«M >uss f o G o Breaks Precedeht W D K O -IS 60 > W N B U ^ e iS CoV eriiig U the document >n fled, befitting the occasion and the i F rien d .JX.... 1.00 of many built originally to link up 5U5—WTIC — Front Pago Far­ WNBC — Spotli|2(l Bands; U t By. BUI K ing > Moacow, discuss them, and ^ e n ■times.” ■ Friend ..y...../cx ...... 10.00 mountainous New Guinea's gold rell; WDRI3—Keep the Home tie Known Far' Cambridge, Mass., May 7—UP\— '■ By JuAson Bailey Holyoke Fighter Expects' However, he saldv there "prob- ! mining, operations. Employees,/FedfirBl Bake Fires Burnim;: WTHT—Super­ .K To an Inquiry whethe^ as to Fifst womHn on the floor in the Shop ...... 6.00 10:00—W nC / ’fomiTiy Riggs and Disregarding the hopeful attitudes j: AP Sports Writer . ably will be some arrangement for | man i WNBC' — Captain Mid­ Betty Loi/"^ WDRC — Comedy Davie# would bring a reply. th e 151-year history of the New In the air. Gen. George C- Ken­ of most of ItS’- traditionsl rivals. The Philadelphia PhllJiSs, who i To Stop Armstrong af' a--little hilarity close by;' the j night. I Carava^WTHT John B H arvard, fo r the th ird tim e in Its] 1 - execuUve assert^ uialk his York Stock Exchange is Helen House chamber. , ney's forces stepped up operations T otal ...... $20.00 have been'-'th'e butt of-iri’Bny b a d \ Boslon Toniffht. j - which for Bome'tlme had been ham­ Evening / Hughte; WNBC — John Gun- 69*year-oId football history, today jokes, arc-now making .the bad, ® lJ|uM tioner was aiwupBlng the let- Hanzelin. telephone cleric lor s llanaher Noniinalinn Confirin^^--. Corenifral Katz lost, his brown pered by bad weathert Liberators wajjeycontaining cash, which rep- 6;IK)—WTIC — Nows; WDRC— th cte , was out of intercollegiate ’^dlron jokers say "but . . , called for Crepl/. brokerage firm. News; George B. Armstead; 10/{—WTHT — Concert Hour; competition. "Will it?” he was asked. The Senate unanimously ,Con- | blew up a storehouse and started pesenleA his last month's pay and The Phillies are in the National I M ay 7 —(;P)—Totanny firmed today Governor Bi^win's j such intense fires that smoke rose WTHT—News; WNBC—To be NBC—Grade Flelda' Victory Ajinouncement that Harvard League cellar, as expected, but i^Maup, sensational SDrlngfleW W ith -a grin, he liOpUed th a t no- is to be heal'd on the subject. aonyt amall surplus he had from Show. nomination of Cornelius,,J^, Dans- | 8,000 feet in a raid yesterday on tho previous month, as well as Announced.' had suspended formal football for Manager Bucky Harrl* and welterweight, will maka V)dy had seen the letter, except May said in announcing that^ no 6:1.5—w n c — Victory is odr 10:30—WTIC — Jerry Sears Or- the, duration, an action that h^s himself and his personah^cretary. her of Meriden to siic^s'^d himself j Manokwari, above Geelvink bayj some valuable peraonal papers, Owner Bill Oox have succeeded in '"■jor boding debut the hard hearings were planned on the Con- as state labor commissioner. i Dutch NSw Guinea Business; WDRC—Today altrthe cheatr(i; WNBC — Alec Temple­ been expected since Head Coach coIlecUng a reasonable facsimile of way---agairist hammerin' Henry Miss Grace Tully. ^ last Saturday somewhere in Man- ton Time; Kings' Men nally bill to .strengthen the gov­ Danaljer father jeit U. S. Senator At Taberfane on the A roe' Duncans; WTHT—Spoits) Mu­ * ^ick Harlow, moat of hia coach­ a basebaJI club. At least it looka Armstrong, ring,, history’s only "Did you write It In English. ernm ent's poW;er ‘to .seize strike- hester. He has no Idea jliat sic; WNBC—Sporta; News. 10:45—WTIC — Elmer Davis; John A. Danahei'Xand Mayor Fran- : below Dutch New Guinea, where In town the wallet could ing aides and AthleUc Director BUI more Hke a ball club than thedoOr triple champion^ tonight in a . 10- a reporter wanted to know. idle plants and to impose stiff 6:30—WTIC — Musifldf Appetiz­ WDRC — Elmer Davis; WNBC Bingham entered the armed serv­ round bout at the Boston' Gar-J No, Irish, the president retoitx cis R. Dpnah^r of Meriden, was | lian Beaufighters destro; have slipped from his pocket. mat of recent years. •penslties on persons instituting appointed f6r four years from | ers; WDRC—K^ji Working. —News. ices months ago, was made by They have beaten the first place den.' Japanese floatplsnea orylh* The K^rald carried a story Keep Singing, America; WNBC 11:00—WTIC — News; WDRC — •d . - s tip e s In governm ent-operated Jiily T He was first named 'to the j and sank a small boat loaded with Carroll F. Getchell, acting mama- Brooklyn Dodgers In three out of Jessup, who ha* knocked out ntvinofl Calls on Hull about his loss and also has carried — Newa y News; Crawford Clothes Pro­ ger of the Athletic Aasociation.. all but three of hfs 27 professional pianis. o^ce b.v Governor Baldwin in i enemy troops. a "lost" advertisement for him nine games and, consi^ring the ' ^ Soviet Am bassador Maxim L,lt- Starting next Tiie.sday. the Ken­ I 6:45- WTIC X LowcU Thomas; gram; News: WTHT — News; Back in 1885, when college foot­ masterminding that^ 'Harris haa rivals while campaigning In Hoi- /aindff called on.Secrttary of State tuckian .kajd. Ihe com m ittee wdji free of charge. The $20. -thus far WDhC ,XThe World Today; WNBC — Uncle Sam Speaks. ball was being developed in the yoke, will be accompanied by sev­ The Senate .also confirmed these contributed, is the result. had to do to even get a team on H ull fe»day for a final talk before Ikcgln cortaijlgration of all ,^.tne Last (Prtler Seals News ;/VNBC—Wayne King. 11:1.5—w n c — Harkneiw , of East, the Crimson was ordered to the field,/this is a^minor miracle. eral thousand# of his rabid west­ going to Moscow to report to his nominations: 1 Wa.shington; WDRC ~ Gordon drop the game because the faculty pending measi'iKt;.s in executive ses­ Webster Walker of Bridgeport. 1 7 :0 0 -.W TIC — F red W aring In Harels Jugf(|eH Team ern Massaebuaetta supporters, in­ : government. sion. with the prdspect the. Connal- Oten Death Sentence Pleasure Time; WDRC—I Love MkcKae — Songs; WTHT — considered it "too rough to be a' The one-thne "Boy Wonder” of cluding mariy eager to wager, ^ TOe ambassador' told newsmen Mrs. Eehel M. Ryan of Ridgefield, Music; WNBC— 'The Music You sport.’ 'The second Interruption, in Iv bill would be amtmde5i' to include and James E. Melton of Weston,, Washington. May 7- — ^ Giraiul Offerg /^a Mystery; WTHT — Fpiton the Washington Senators has had large aums that he will put a sud- ‘ 'W did not yet know the precise s'bme provisions of pi'^^easure to Lewis. Jr.; WNBC -- Victor W ant. 1917-18, resulted from the first the singer. Merritt Parkway com­ submarine^skipper whose last gal­ to do sleight-of-hand tricks yet he den stop'tp Armstrong's highly date Ot his departure but expected ban unionization 'qiP forc'nj^cn. ■ Betty Grgbte’s swi(p proves Borge; Nothing Serious. li':30—WTIC — The Road to Dan­ W orld W ar. successful cojiieback campaign. mission. V \ ^ lant order, "Take- jisr down," seal­ says if-^he had had-.the lineup he It would be very soon. He added rnforeaeen Opp<>sltlon Devylops ed HiS own death sentence was even the current con- Plan on Unilv^ 17:15—WTIC — News; WDRC— ger: WDRC — Bob Allen, Or­ Getchell said that ail of the col­ "^'^buS' and the .same, breaks had Armstrong, 'i^ho has won all he looked forward to .seeing Da­ Frank V. Chappell of New Lon­ Secret Weapon; WTHT^Hart- chestra. leges on Harvard's 1943 schedule. Pevelopmjpnt of unforeseen 'pp~ ckedlted by the Nav^-today with aervation trend it w ithout orarred, he could have won ail but three of hia 19 starts since hs vies when he arrives in the Soviet don and William Reeves of Fair- I ’ ford's Hfime Front Heroes. 11:45—WNBC—News; News. Columbia, William and Mary. returned to the ring. is. at 31, position talh e puroposed creatlOT field, commissioners of steamship auccessful -attacks on three Japa­ its attractions (Oonttnued from Pag* three games from the Dddgers in a ^ t a l . nese ships, the ta« of which the |7:30—WTIC — The Arkansas 12:00—WnG-xNewa; Paul Mar­ Dartmouth/ Army, Holy 06ss, Phlladriphia last week instead of about 10 years older tjian hia am- P raises Drive" S;Uoc«e# of an Jnrdependent civilian aupply term inals. Traveler; WDRC—Easy Aces; lin's Music; WDRC — News; Princeton, Brown and Yale, had adn^istration sent surprised siip- snb rammed i|Fa dramatic flight mity which shroif^s many a sub- a proclamation addre^d to the loring them. The scores were 4-2 bltioua rival who has ygt to bat­ President Roosevelt praised the Stanley Talmadge . of Norwalk fig h t'fo r, life./' WTHT—Trinity College Pro- W THT—News. been requested to cancel. 4- 3 and 4>* tle longer than eight roiiri^. Tha pqpfers of the legislation scurr>’ing and AjThur R. Beach of New Ha­ mariners' operat/ons. French people annqtfncing this. gt'aiti; WNBC—The Lone Rang­ 12:30—WTIC — Ted ^traeter’s American people and the TreaS- \ The' letter addeddJiat while rec­ The Immediate reactions from At any r#te the Phillies halved wide differences in ages fired tha today for realignment of fast- ven, siiell fish commissioners. It was In th is firial action som e­ er. Orchestra. . . ancient rivals were varied. "Sbrry ■nry departmeht today lor the .^c-, M ilitary-style note: m em bers of the M^arlne C ^ p s W omen’s-Reserve where In the distant Pacific that ognizing the Frehch tradition that a four-game ddries just completed Jessup supporters' hopes breaking ranks. William'G. Newton of New Ha­ will be wearing these uniforms this sufrimey'^. Fashioned alike with over the action,” commented cess, of the newly completed Regarded by Senate leaders only the .officer rode the conning tow:er Jajts Claim 7,300 the military /Commander-in-chief in Brooklyn, wlflnlng a tight, ten- their idol would stop the craitjr ond War Loan drive for $13,000,- ven, Lewis H- Warner, pf West short sleeves, turned down -collars and fl:^d skirts, the dress uni­ Howie Odell, the Yale hetul coach. vetefsgii in short order. <8 hours ago as sirtually certain of/Jiis submerging submarine to his should b‘e- subordinate to the cen- Girl gymnanUi djT' their stuff in the National A. A. U. championshiDs at New York Tn inning tussle yesterday 3-2. John OChkOOO and said final .figures Haven, and wilUam D. Scranton of. form is blade of White edtton gabardin^with brass buttons while Chinese Killed tr power,. Giraud expressed the "But it #ron’t affect us at all. We Podgajny held the Dodger* to five of'spassage, the bill suddenly be­ New Haven. Board of Hsrbdi- ueath rather than expose the craft I don’t expect any trouble filling the Since'Jeasup became a profese showed sales ot $18,300,000,()00 in the work uniform is of green ant) wJWte striped seersucker w ith / or crew to enemy gunfire. By Thy Associated Press opinioadha. under th, present cir­ \Shorter■ Time ■ on . Radio . On'^tL rivhru of Philadelphia, champion woman tui^bler, Tn q/back flip hits and in the tenth Stewart slonal a , year ago last February, came the ta rg e t of an opi>OBition commissioners for' .New Haven date.” a hfi*rk fl ^ * Perkins Nightingale of Philadelphia, all-around women’s chait|plon, doing ' b m d a . bloc headed by Minority Leader bone b u tt He had been wounded a few mo­ Japane^ Imperial headquarters cumstances it would -he necessary tripled and came, home "with the he has suffered but two setbacks. He Informed a preks conference harbor, for the commander to share the | Asa Bushnell, acting director of M corner, awaiting their turn to comTCte are, left winning run on a fly. McNary (Rii,,Ore:V -who reported ments before and knew that , the announc^ An a communique todgy athletics at Princeton, saidf "Plans to right. Anna Hoog. New > ork city: Laddie Hniz, New York citv" Mrs Niahtinc-nle- FiJi^ Ron Early in his career he was knock­ •that in approxinjAtely two ycals Russell "B. Afwater of'New Ha- that Japanese'forces in Shansi and power. X- \ When Symphony Returns lile, PhUadelphia; and aara M. Scroth, Philadelphia -W'gfltlngale. Elsie Rau Car- Their victim was Buck Newsom, ed out in the first round by Jimmy that he and some other senators ven. director of the Confieclicut ! time required to get him safelj' in­ for continuing football at Prince­ over glO,OOO.OQ0;OOO has been put had- changed their .minds after All Dofonsc Services Honaiyprovinces of China had kllf.- . Among the chief obstacles to I who previously had won two with­ Pierce of Vancouver. The follow*; reforniatory. to the submarine might , mean the ton ' have not been abandoned.” into 'the “E”^type war bonds and "thinking the mattef-oveK" Reds Drive Must RepOTt Tonight sub's destruction. ed '7.300 Chinese troops of the I8 th union between the two French out a setback. „ He. pitched six-hit Ing weeTi, however, Jessup flat­ 60,000,000 Americans have sub­ No Debate On Re^rvf Funds . factions reportedly, have been De- New York. May, Oon-'la. m. Saturday as the climax of Dartmouth's W. H. McCarter re­ hall and fanned nine, but it wasn't McNary. who, earlier had pre­ divi^on between April 29 anfi/May ported that sufficient detailed in­ tened Pierce in the saeond round. scribed #6 them. Awarded Medal of Honor Gaulle's insistajice' that military bctiual arrangements which are its dramatization of' bis career. good enough. The Phillies how dicted prompt approval of tjje bill, Without debate, the Senate ap­ xliito -Vxis Defe -All of the'^^er\'ices of the 3 apd taken 2,5()0 prisoner#. Th'e bring the New York Pbiihar- formation upon Which to base a About a year ago, Caniiine Fatta ieptiring that a grand job had j For this sacrifice. .Comdi . How­ communique, broadcast by the authority be subordinated to the have won four of 11 gamea. Last of New York, gained a three-round obtained Senate aanction . after proved a bill permittijig pignici- Manche.sl/ Defense council nic Symphony back to CBS Dialing tonight: NBC CBS BLU filial decision was lacking, but that Lots of Practice ri done by the ii'easufey • and ard \V. Gilmore. <0. of New O r- ^rlin radio and , recorded by The civil authority and that provision I year they won only three of their three houra of debate yeaterdayHp palitles to set up reserve funds for will renoM. a t thg Old Golf Lots ter only a few weeks' absence ■—10:45 Elmer Davia. Dartmouth hoped to maintain technical knockout verdict ' over public, the chief executive (Cobtinnoil Irotii I’agc- One) I leana. La., haa been awarded Associated Press, said 169 Jap- be madc'to Include in the govern-1 first 15. Jessup. - have a vote deferred until Mon­ capital and non-recurring expcndl- this erening at 6:30 sharp. The ill have the effect of ahortentng NBC—8 Lucille Manners Con­ modified intercollegiate schedule.s '^laaalysed some of the figures from day. rehearsal will be under the di- j posthumously the Congressional -'ancse soldiers w;ere killed in this ihent "underground leaders in| in all sports. in the only other National tlireg.. Medal of Honor by President, be seventeenth season of Sunday cert: 8:30 All-Time Hit Parade: Tonight's affair will be Ha the latest campaign and said its The Republican chieftain said he , and piir.suetl,, another /force , down rw.'tion of Chief Air Raid War. fighting in the,#ama period. F rance. - League game'yesterday the SL merin' Henry’s 20th comeback tey Senator C. Raymond Brock (R» Roosevelt. ‘ Consultatire Bodies Suggest^ fternoon concerts by the CBS 0 W altz Tim e; 9:30 People Are.. ■ubcess bad deferred, from July was ungertait; how much opposi­ of Hamden, chairman of the Fi­ I the oppos‘te side of the river. den Thomas Weir, Everything The .commitnique said the 18th Louis Cardinals were cuffed again and about the ,150th bout in hte' The consultative bodies'suggest-1 Symphony to three weeks.‘^How- Funny; 10 Tommy Riggs. Betty ert on Bars by the Chicago Cub*. 5-1. and lost imtU late September or early Q,c- The occupation .pf tho villages of- The story was told by the Navy tion would develop oyer the week­ nance comn^ittee, told the Senate will be in readine.ss this eve­ divi.sion.of about 13.000 men was Barlow and Bernard Hermann Lou. spectacular career in three divi­ tober a third money drive and had end but said he believed It would the measure, already approved b-ly : Sadovoy, MelkhovSjy and ning so that there will be no ; today,, partly in a communique and encircled and was being annihila ed by Giraud. the news SgOncyl their exclusive hold on second sions. Most of the Boston experts, said, would be a national consulta-'l Jteniate qs conductors. CBS—7:16 Our Secret Weapon; "B> (Jilp Royal place. Hiram .Blthorn, scoring his leaaened to some extent the need pe "an uphill fight" to defeat^the the House, would-.piake it possible j darny. all north of delay tomorrow afternoon at partly in an accompanying acedunt ted. The capture of a quantity of who know nothing but hearsay tive committee of 60 or 80 mem-l :,ysually the Philharmonic, drops 8 Kate Smith: 8:30 Thin Man •AI^ F^turea .Sporta Writer third victory against one defeat, for enforced savings. (Treasury proposal. for communities to finance capital ! vidcd .still aiuilhcr laCg K P the big rallv. f of the final fight. war material also was announced about Jessup, expect Armstronc. tMficlals earlier in the day report Germans and Rumaninh&,.. it was hers, as representative aa possiblel III in And does not re tu rn drama; 9 Vera Zorina In "I Mar­ New Yrtrk. May 7.—If you want pitched seven-hit ball and had a Part^4-*"** Drawn ^ improvements on a "pay-as-you- I The communique, which also re­ jn the communique. Intil fall, with the CBS Sym- to weather the latter's furioua ed the third drive might' be said. ; but necessarily under the circum-l ried an Angel".: 9:30 Brewster Heads Field to see a sport that is "even more shutout uil the ninth. Parly lines Ix^re drawn today g(i" basis rather than bonding ported American air'raids against ny taking over the S to'4:30 Boy: 10 Hollywood C aravan. S td iid in g s early efforts and then glva him a launched in August.) stances -withGut the full, authorityl spectapular than the cirrqs," and The New York Yankees sent the for a rough and tihfWe House bat- 1I themselves. Push Tovv^fti Strait I Japanese positions in the central |m*. . This arrangement sbas thorough boxing lesson. $ Docreaaea Need DeAnitely of the people; a Supreme legisla-l BLU—'7;().5 Nothing Serious, has "all U)e thrill.a of th e 'Mg tu p Boston Red Sox away from Yan­ tie on a^Repkihlic^ propo.sal to 1 He estimated that the cost of The Soviet'.tfoops pushed west, j Solomon islands, listed the three een in effect since th e. PhUfeiar- That bout, which is expected ta Aaked whether the 35,000,000,-1 Hogpital'INoteg tlve councU on the lines of the pre-| 'variety: 8:15 Parker Family; 8:30 Vincentivc Moves In to except spangles and tighU.’*'then kee Stadium bruised and groggy subject Prt^dent Roosevelt to !j financing improvements through ward, toward the Kerch slrail and la st ships attack ed succCs-Mrflly by [lonic sta rte d on th e a ir in 1930. Meet Your Navy; 9 Gangbusters: attract a 12,000 crowd, will ' ba 600 over-subscriptioiT made any. I bonds often cost muniripnlitlc.s war Council of States; a commltT you'll hurry to the next gymnas­ Vesteislayai Results Standings from four consecutive one-rim de­ congressional 'veto powVra -which | the. S e a X f AZov aflof l apturm g ■the submarine under Gilmore’s jrowever, the CBS Symphony -Jha* 9:30 Spotlight Parade; 10:30 Mu­ Second- . Clioicc S p o t tics, exhibition. ' , . E astern feats. ,The American League lead­ supported by an eight-round semi- difference In his ppdgram of $16.-. from 50 to, TOO per cent of then- ’ preventing Ine command.as a medium^ Cargo ship, tee composed of representatives ofl E astern fin al.be tween Kelley Jeasup, Tom­ D em ocratic lekm'*'” contended ha.sic/hints and prcventln Admlttod

' d.