"S' . V tmmSDAT.KATI^ / Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation I Bar toe Moato of April, 1S4S / ■ T /^ke W eathdr. Me. JuoM ■on of 8,190 .Vtoeqms e< O. a. weetoev Botraa WMr. end—T- Mrik »A. ...W. Blgi List^ngageinent Berry Outloc^ Engaged to Marry Trade School About T< BontoB otroot, bao completed Member of toe Audit ^ /.SKiattoied Hght .alMiwere aad hia training at Camp Slbmrt, thunder showere this eventeg ead Buieaa ef 'Clwteltoae shiowen again Saturday mdrataxi AUl, and baa been aeleofed to at­ Seems Gloomy Honor Pupil^ -A warmer toaighU y He. u tend a achool of chemical engi­ Manchester-^A o f ViUagfi Charm I t tooior* neering tor further training. A K Mfbt e^elook tor graduate of Manebejiter Migtay Ivopul Growers Declare Director Echmalian An­ ..^ C ls w l^ Advertteteg bmtome MMlon. AU achool he studied for two and a V0L.LXn.,N0.186 MANCHESTER, (X)NN., FRIDAY, MAY T, 1943 I wqiwted to bo preo- half lyeari at Trinity College And Prices of Crates and nounces the Nanies of Gifts (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S* entetod the aurvlce FebiuaiT^ 2S. /■Jt Baskets Too High. Ranking Students, x Loyal Circle of Klng’*i Daugh- } . I — / , Cannon “Daisy” / ,xX _ j «M bora loot aigbt ot fead of Tax 'M other Held in Clhild Slaying m itard, Ooon., boo]^Ul. to tera will hold Iti spring rummage strawberry grower* In thl* area Difector John O. Echmalian, of House Passfe^Bill -■ Ond M ra MIebaol SlbrlsB of aale on Thuradayj May 18, In the may decide not to cultivate aa ^e Manchester State Trade Center parish houie, with Mrs. \ toira. U n . atbrino w u tbo many acre* this summer a* in the School today, announced the honor TURKISH T O W ^ Dir Mloi Clara Dtokoan of Arvld seabufg serving as chair­ past and may even decide to plow Staff Raps man. Friends who are willing to under some of the berrie* that tuey students fp/the months of March Bath Size • 79e contribute to the sale and desire and April,'^1943 in the four depart­ Goveriug D^icit! had flgured on marketing., this ments of the school. Carpentry, artlclos collected, should ..contact summer. In another month ^rrie* Bill Passed Mrs. Frimb Falrweather. '8144, or ^af^'g . Electric and Machine. ^rucst Size ..a........ a.«•••,, 33e 'will be coming in^the Manches- -’Tbe honor students for this Mre. Marold Belriier, 4571. feTs Auction Market\Thie la the x a i4> o k d a m period, by departments, are: Face Cloth . .y. X • ...... /. 15« / Iftrgeat strawberry raXkct in yie ^rpentry, Robert King; Draft­ Faced by Bi^ge Hous^Apprbved Meas­ Precincts 5 and 6 wlU hold state, selling over oMe^tolrd of all, ing, John Sudoliy Charles Steppe; Beautiful colored towelfi^Y^ith white floral patterns. BINGO gaa mask drill Tuesday evemi the berrie* ^rown. ■- ure Is Seen Likely to at 7:80 at the Hollister stt^t Burton Schaefer, Norbert Ctinfie- A t o m o r r o i^ n ig h t Costs Of Crates and Biksketa lewski; Electric, Joseph Svirk, Cause Resentment school. There will also be ^ shoV The decision io make the ^hnge Robert Arendt, Ranald Orimason, Concura' With^/ Senate fon \ ORANGE HALL Ing of motion pictures from the has been decided upon by several Maxwell L am ^ rt and Clifford New Borrowing from Gen­ Army.Orde N Among Big Taxpayers. office «rf Civilian Defen^. ...ft/ of the growers because of the^Jn- Huitgren; Machine, WilUam creased cost in crates and basket^. "7* Sm yth,. Michael Swetz, Gaoifge eral Fund Despite Washington, May 7.—(jP)/— Mhw Helen Harrington There was a time when crates Dorie L Ste\«nSon England, William Simpson, Ed­ n Quitting were piircbatod for 10 cent* each. ward Beraenskl, Samuel McAIUa- CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Effort” by Clarie to n F. Stem, ^chief of the ^on- Americans Capture Ft Mr*. Martha Harrington, of 15 Now ths price la 50 cent*. The Mr. and Mra LesHe A. Steven­ ter and Charles McCarthy. bnal tax toaff, teatilted to­ l^ket* are selling for |lh a 1,000, son of 4fi Wadswdrth street an­ Gorgeous pastel multi-color floral O Q Get Money from Reds Drive Wedge ry vill^ Supply and Mill atreet,'announcM tha •ngage- Defied day-tl^ th* House-approved rev­ G. E^ILLIS & SO^, INC. 'or a oent each. Add to this three nounce the engagement of their pattern on white grounds. sp\Je^O m«nt of her daughter, MIm Helen Highway Department. enue .bllDfailed to put all taxpay­ pair Depot pn~I^e$ cent* for. picking and It is going eldest dsughteir, Doris Irene Stev­ f’ ... I- of All Kinds Irene Harrington, to Private to make the price excessive. The enson, to Charles A. Robbins, Jr,, ers on a My-ss-you-go basis and Heavy Fighting Re­ Hrwln n. Davie, eon of Mr. and local grower* pack berri** 84 soil, of Mr. and ;:Mr*. Charlss A. 'OLD Other Chenille Spreifids ........... .................. $3.29 to $12.95 State Capitol, Hartford, German Rorn Womanf would cau * ^ resentment among Robbins cf Pro^denc*, R. L, those who ported in y^rogreMyrn Milsop SrippBM-—Painl“—Hardware Mr*. Bdgar DavU of 17 Sprue* quart* to th* oral*. Thl* mean* May 7.—</P)—With the Dem­ Citizen Since 1920^ of taxes. that they, hav* 73 cents Invested formerly of Manchester. In Both atreet, Roclcvlll*. Miss Stevenson la a graduate RECORDS ocratic minority leader un­ Stem appear*d\before the Sen­ in picking, 50 cents In the orate Mast be toned la for sal­ Remains Behind Phila­ ate-Finance comn^iee in a brief Smash^ Forward in Mia* Harrington la a gradtiata and 24 .cents for the baskets, or of Manchester High school and successfully urging adoption / of Mancheeter High achool, claa* vage If yoD want to keep public meeUng. prectotoS • closed Armies ^Capitalize''^ dl 51.45 before there i* any return on will graduate from the' tlniver- playlag the aew one*. CORK PLACE MATS of a. recommendation by Re- delphia Counter^Today cr$dsingl^yFiolentingtyXiolent Bat-Bat ^ S l l i p S COAL COKE OIL of 1940B, and 1* employed by the sity of Connecticut on June 1. session at which adv^ates hoped D ee j* Penetrations. ;U. 8. Envelope company la Rock- the berriee. 8</]e each pah) for old rao- I publican Governor Baldwin, to fore* A showdown on\tee ques­ Pickers Are N ^ A\-allaMa Mr. Robbins la also a graduate I the House concurred today ■ Philadelphia, May 7— dP)— A cAAiina Germans gunk by JapS V vUla. of Manchester High school amt <^rd* Irrespective of qnaatlty. tion of substituting 4 'Vci’^on of SHalnSL \ TeL 5125 Prlvatn Davis le statlonad at The outlook 1* not too bright 4 f®'" $1.00 >i with the Senate on a bill pror 53-year-old woman, Oerman-born tha Ruml-Carlson "skip avyear" Allied Headquarters, NoriJi to r plokere. The boy* ahd girl^ of the University of CohnectlcuL Camp Edward*. Mbm. No dat* He 1* now employed aa a metal- Tiding for the payment of ex­ but a United States citisen sine* plan f«w current taxation foi\ the Afrita, May —Allied \ . hM b**n set for th* wedding. Who have' been employed In the House-apiproved -bUI. liirglst In the United Aircraft - KEMP'S "^Colorful printed cork mats that will save laundering pected deficit* in the operation of 1930, stayed behind the counter of /Moscow, May 7.-—(/P)—The Off Australia trOops have 'penetrated into past oan now get more money In company. lac. linens. Four patterns. , the Charter Oak bridge over the ”0 ^ Almost as Much” different lines of employment and 768 Mate BL TeL 86M her) restaurant today despite an ITia congressional tax expert Red Army, smashing forward '/ the outskirts of both Bizerta will not have to get out of bed The wedding wlH take place Connecticut river between Ekwt Army order to leaye the Etestern in the increasingly violent and Tunis, it ' was ' officially AUOB OOFBAM - late in June. I Hartford aisd Hartford. told tha committee that the House early In tha nnornlng to go to Defense command. bill, which would excuse the first Huge Flow of Men add IMPINGTHESHELYES FILLED fUiiowB Aa (pMMi Alice) li)ia Tliaine* Measure “I have never done knythlng un- battles which have cost the announced at Gen. Dwight D. SPnUTDAL MEUIDM work. EveiTthlng,, la reacting 6 per cent normal tax and th* 13 Supplipg for Fpiure Eisenhower’s headquarters against the grower*. - - ^ Large Size The measure, similar to one American," protested Mr*. Olga Germans nearly 10,000 dead, b« that tha U|^4dm hi operating^ sua- ■Hb llaoghter of a Seventb Son Schueller, mother of four children, per oent first bracket surtax iq today. Americans captured It With a VeU. Many of the grower* hr* likely [adopted for the new bridge over putting into effect a 20 per cent has driven a wedge between Drives (Zontinuek ‘Vir­ tora was to k^p^goods moving oif\ths Beading* Dany, ladndlng Sonday, to follow the .idea used in other [the Thame* between Groton and one of whom is In the U. S. Navy. withholding leyy on wages and the German and Rumanian Ferryville, supply and repair year* when bertie* In the field (New London, provide* that l^toU The order, signed by Lieut. Gen. tually Un^minished'. depot on Lake Bizerte eigtat miles S A. M. to B'P. M. Or By Appolnt- Retail Salesroom BATES SHOPPING H. A. Drum, chief of the Eastein salaries, would "cost .almost as forces operating north ahd I how tfa^have changed I Woakhi*t It bo woik meoA.
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