













PREFACE. It will be allowed by all tbat a Directory fortfhe City of Buffalo is a work of absolute necessity, and that its hon appearance for a single year, would be attended with great inconvenience to citizens and strangers of all classes ; and yet all must admit, that a work of this kind has never as yet remunerated those who have been engaged in getting it up. Those who have been en­ gaged in it, have been certainly urged on by a hope of profit, as well as of adding to the conveniences of their fellow citizens,and yet that hope has proved delusive, as far as profit Has been concerned. Another attempt is now made, and although it does seem like hoping against hope, yet the subscriber will again try the public, under an assurance that if they will but consider the importance of his labors to all, they will yet make an effort to remunerate him and to en­ courage either him or another to continue a work of such great convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure correctness, and to obtain information, and it will be observed that the names of the colored portion of the community have been separated from the rest, as giving additional facil­ ity for discovering the residence of persons of the same name. Those who will take the trouble to compare the Direc­ tory of this year with that of the last, will observe that nearly two thirds of the population have changed their abodes, and that therefore like an Almanac, a Directory must expire upon the birth of its successor, it may be worth keeping for a reference, but not for a guide. Business is reviving in our city, and as it is calculated that although last year sent from the West 7,000,000 bushels oT wheat, with other articles in .proportion, yet this year will send 12,000,000, &c. and that of course the influx of strangers must be much greater. To those then who would wish to have it always in their power to direct friend or stranger, it is suggested that an early application for the Directory be made, as they will of course soon be disposed of. With these remarks we leave our book to its fate, conscious that we have done our duty, and under a firm impression that should not our attemr t meet with suc­ cess, another year will see our city without this con­ venience. We do not ask all to buy, but we feel con­ vinced that few will regret their purchase. C. W. GRAHAM, COMPILER. BOUNDARIES OF THE SEVERAL CITY WARDS. The City is divided into five wards, as follows, to w&j all that part of the City which lies south and eastof the following lines, to wit: Beginning at a point in the said Reservation, where a line drawn through the centre of Crow-street would strike said Reservation; thence along said line to the centre of Crow-street; thence proceeding westwardly along the centre of said street to Cazenovia Terrace ; thence to the centre of Cazenovia Terrace; thence west­ wardly and northerly along the centre of said Terrace to the centre of Erie-street; thence along the centre, of Erie-street to the centre of the Erie-canal; thence along the centre of the canal to the west bounds of York-street; thence down the west bounds of York-street to Lake Erie ; thence due west to the State Line, shall be deno­ minated the first ward of said city. All that part of said city which lies east of the centre of Main-street, and north of the centre of Crow-steeet, and north of a line drawn through the centre of Crow- street to the said Reservation, and south of the centre of Eagle-street, and south of a line to be drawn in con­ tinuation of the north line of Eagle-street to the Buffalo Creek Reservation, shall be denominated the second ward of said city. AU that part of said city, lying westerly of the centre of Main-street, and northeasterly of the bounds of the first ward, and southeasterly of the northwesterly bounds of said York-street, and southwesterly of the centre of Niagara street shall be denominated the third ward of said city. All the residue of said city lying east of the centre of Main-street, and noTth of the centre of Eagle-street, shall^be denominated the fourth ward of said city. All the residue of said city lying west of the centre of Main-street, and northeasterly. o£th»-centre of Niagara- street, shall be denominated the fifth ward of said city. 1* OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO, FOR 1841.

ISAAC R. HARRINGTON, Mayor. ALDEKMEN. First Ward.—Henry Lamb—Ephraim S. Havens. Second Ward.-—Edward Root—Noah H. Gardner. Third Ward.—Richard Sears-Elbridge G.Spaulding. Fourth Ward.—Philander Bennett—Oliver G.Steele. Fifth Ward.—John R.Lee—Henry Roop. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance.-^Aid. Spaulding, Bennett, Gardner. Fire and Water.—Aid. Steele, Lamb, Spaulding. Streets.—Aid. Bennett, Root, Sears, Havens, Roop. Wharves and Public Grounds.—Aid. Sears, Havens, Lee. Claims.—Aid. Lee, Root, Steele. Police.—Aid. Lamb, Bennett, Root, Markets.—Aid. Havens, Root, Lamb. Licences.—Aid. Roop, Root, Lamb. Common Schools.—Ald.Gardner, Steele, Lee, Spauld­ ing, Havens. OFFICERS OF CORPORATION. City Clerk.—John T. Lacy. City Treasurer.—William Williams. City Attorney.—G. W. Houghton. Street Commissioner and Surveyor.—HenryTbovejoy. CONSTABLES. John R. Prince, George B. Gates, Philip Wilber, John Fougeron, Nelson Adams, John Pierce, Robert H. Best, George W. Smith, Marshall W. Bottom, Joel W. Burton. Board of Health.—George Palmer, Fordyce W. At­ kins, Daniel Bowen. City Weighers.—Charles F. Miller and William Har­ ris. Superintendent of ^Common Schools.—Silas Kingsley. Overseers of Poor.—Lorin Pierce, Palmer Cleve­ land. Harbor Master.—Samuel Chase. Health Physician.—Austin Flint'. Scaler of Weights and Measures.—Foster Young. Captain of Watch.—Samuel Fursman. Wood Inspector, 1st District.—C. M. Woodward. " " * 2d do Frederick'!?. Bowen. City Sexton.—Lorin Pierce. Superintendent qf Chain Gang.—Samuel Parkhurst. City Porter.—James Clark. City Papers.—Daily Commercial Advertiser and. Journal and Buffalo Daily Republican. ASSESSORS. 1st Ward, Patrick Milton. 2nd " Henry Lovejoy fed " Samuel N. Callender. 4th " Isaac Wheeler. 5th " Abram Twitchell. Collector General Tax.—William Wells. " Local Tax.—William Wells. " County Tax 1st Ward.—S. W. B. Chester. " " " 2nd H. Cummings. | " « 3rd Silas Sawin. «« " " 4th Charles G. Irish. " •' | 5th John M. Bull.

MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. FOR ERIE COUNTY. Seth C. Hawley, Stephen Osborn, Carlos Emmons.

Hon. ^JLLARD FILLMORE, Member Congress. SENATOR FROM ERIE COUNTY. WM. A. MOSELY. PUBUC SCHOOLS This City is divided into 15 School Districts. In 11 of which Brick Edifices are erected exclusively for Schools. There are in all 16 Schools organized and in full opera­ tion The whole number of Scholars in attendance on the 1st day of May 1841, was 1329. The terms com­ mence on the first Monday in April, July, October and January. District No. 2—Water stieet, A. Mathieson, Teacher. " « 3—Perry " S. S. Guy, do " " do " Miss S.S. Parmelee do << <« 4—Louisiana st. John Drew, do " " 5—Seneca st. Seth G. Heacock, do " " 6—SouthDivision,D. P. Lee, do " " " " Mrs. L. P. Prescott do « (( 7—Washington, S. Ely, do do Miss L.L.Brayman do 8— Church, J. E. Pill^ury, do do Miss S. Bart, do 10-—Mohawk, A. Bean, do do Miss H. Ayers, do 11-—Vine, Hiram Chambers, do do Miss M. Hosford, do 12-—Spruce, J. M. Zahm, do 13-—Ellicott, David Galusha, do do Miss P. Paine, do 15-—GoodelL Wesley Brown, do African School—South Division, Sam?l H. Davis, do All the School Houses now built are in good repair, and the Teachers are selected with a due regard to their capacity and moral characters, and as such are recom­ mended to the favorable consideration of parents and guardians. Further information relative to the regula­ tions of the schools may be obtained of the Superinten­ dent, at his residence on Eagle Street, or to either of the Teachers. 1K*$

Inspectors of Steam Boats and Boilers—John Hebard Peter Hotaling. 9 OFFICERS OF ERIE COUNTY. Dictrict Attorney—Henry W. Rogers. Surrogate—Thos. C. Love. County Clerk—N. P. Sprague. Deputy do.—M. Colton. Sheriff—Lorenzo Brown. Deputies—Lester Brace, John W. Stewart, Samuel Fursman, S. V. R. Graves, William H.Bostwick, James McMillan, L. B. ToSsley. Supreme Court Commisioner—George R. Babcock. do do do ex-officio—Horatio J. Stow, N. K. Hall, Frederick P. Stevens. Examiners in Chancerv—Rollin Germain, Charles M. Cooper, C. R. Gold. Masters in Chancery—N. K. Hall, James Crocker, Jesse Walker, S. K. Kip. Public Notaries—John R. Lee, S. N. Callender, L. K. Haddock, Philander Hodge, James MeKnight, Eugene Vandeventer, John S. Stevenson, William A. Reming­ ton, John W. Beals, Orlanrin AJlen, Lucius F. Tiffany, James Jd. Rochester. Commissioners of Deeds—Hezekiah A. Salisbury, Cyrus Athearn, J. M. Hay den, William Galligan, Elias S. Hawley, Ira Hall, Jr., David C. Bailey. Commissioners of Loans—Benjamin O. Bivins, Clar­ ence ; Daniel Lee, Buffalo. Appraisers to Investigate Land Titles-Horace Clark, Jess© Walker. Coroners—Dr. F. L. Harris, Buffalo ; Urial Torry, Boston; Truman Dewey, Evans ; Urial Driggs, Tona- wanda. Crier of Courts—J. M. Crosier^ Inspector of Flour and Meal—Joshua G. Brainard. | Leather—William Tuthill. " Lumber—John E. Wright. " Beef and Pork—S. Ross. '• Spirits—John Prince. Superintendent of Poor—Noah P. Sprague. Keeper of the Poor House—Magin Taber. m Collector Canal Tolls—Thomas Farnrfem, Buffalo ; Absalom Bull, Black Rock. M£ Superintendent of Repairs—Moses Baker. Inspector of Boats—Nathaniel Wilgus. i o NAMES OF TOWNS IN ERIE COUNTY. Alden, Clarence, Hamburgh, Amherst, Colden, Holland, Aurora, Collins, Lancaster, Boston, Concord, Newstead, Black Rock, Cheektowaga, " Sardinia, Brant, Evans, Tonawanda, Buffalo, (City,) Eden, Wales. —o CUSTOM HOUSE—DISTRICT OF BUFFALO. GEORGE W. CLINTON, Collector Port of Buffalo, A. Q. Stebbins, Deputy " and Inspector Buffalo, Robert H. Best, } m T J Isaac W. Newkjik, I Temporary Inspectors, do H. P. Wilcox, Dep. Col. and Inspt. Cat. Creek, Ernest Mullett, " Dunkirk, C.W.Hehderson, " Portland Harbor, Silver Creek, T. C. Dwight, " Black Rock, O. F. Crary, *. Black Rock Dam, Joseph T. Bush," Tonawanda.

LAKE NAVIGATION. The following are the dates on jihich the first vessel has entered our harbor, at the commencement of the season, for the last 22 years : 1820, May 1 ; 1827, April 21 ; 1821, « 13 ; 1828, " 1 ; 1822, April 15 ; 1829, May 13 ; 1823, May 3 ; 1830, April 11; 1824, April 28 ; 1831, May 8 ; 1825, March 12 ; 1832, April 28 ; 1826, May 23 ; 1833, " 24; 11 1834, " 6; 18^8, April 1 ;* 1835, May 8 ; 1839, § 11; 1836, April 27 ; 1840, " 24 ; 1837, May 14; 1841, " 14. *This year the U.S. Revenue Cutter left the harbor on a cruise, on the 31st March, the day previous to any arrival. BUFFALO POST OFFICE. P. DORSHEIMJER P. M. H. CASE, Assistant P. M. CLERKS. George Walker, James Brass, S. H. Berry, F. J. Butler, John Saxton, Cyrus P. Lee, Horatio Gates. There are 74 Mails per week received at, made up, and despatched from this office. The amount ©f postages on letters received for distri­ bution at this office, is at this time, $41,000 per quarter The amount of letters received for this city, and deliv­ ered here, is $6,300 ; which together with the amount charged on letters mailed here by our own merchants, and other business men, &c. makes the amount of bu­ siness annually, over two hundred and twenty thou­ sand dollars. The following rates of postage are charged, conform­ ably to an act of Congress : On Single Letters. For any distance not exceeding 30 miles, 6 cts. over 30, and not over 80 miles, 10 «* over 80, and not over 150 miles, 12£ " over 150, and not over 400 miles, 181 " over 400 miles, 25 " Double Letters, or those composed of two pieces of paper, double those rates, and so on in proportion. Ship Letters, not carried by mail, are chargeable with 6 cts. Newspapers.—Each paper not carried over one hundred miles, 1 " 12 Over 100, and out of the state, 1£ cts. Periodical Magazines and Pamphlets, are rated by the sheet. Carried not over 100 miles, per sheet, .. 11 " over 100 miles, 2£ " Not Periodical,not over 100 miles, per sheet, 4 " over 100 miles, ;, 6 " N. B. By the regulations of the Post Office Depart­ ment, all Newspapers and Periodicals, that may have any written communication upon them, however trifling, will subject the same to letter postage, and the person sending the same, to a fine of $5. We are informed that the department have come to the conclusion to prosecute all violations of the law. Permission is how­ ever given, to write the word " from," with the initials 'of a person's name, thus : " From A. B." Adding the words " all well," for instance, would subject the same to letter postage. o STATISTICS OF NEW YORK. A compilation of the Statistics of the several Coun­ ties of this State, drawn from the Federal Census of 1840, has been made and published under the direction of the Assembly. Th^following aggregates are com­ piled therefrom. Number of Free White Persons. Males. Females. Under five years of age 186,553 180,689 Five and under ten 158,059 154,495 Ten and under fifteen lf9,653 135,144 Fifteen and under twenty 130,461 137,446 Twenty and under thirty 230,836 226,650 Thirty and under forty 158,251 143,809 Forty and under fifty 97,496 89,958 Fifty and under sixty 55,102 53,526 Sixty and under seventy 30,887 30,173 Seventy and undejr eighty 14,639 S*,292 Eighty and under ninety 3,961 4,165 13 Ninety and under one hundred 378 517 One hundred and Upwards 47 25 Number of Free Colored Persons Males. Females. Under ten years of age 5,990 6,160 Ten and under twenty-four 6,373 5,908 Twenty-four and under thirty-six 5,689 6,803 Thirty-six and under fifty-five 4,218 4,427 Fifty-five and under one hundred 1,463 1,892 One hundred and upwards 16 43 Total population of the State 2,429,476 Number of persons employed in Mining 1,830 Agriculture 456,475 Commerce 28,595 Manufactures and Trades 102,576 Navigation of the Ocean 5,560 Navigation of Canals, Lakes and Rivers 10,061 Learned professions and Engineers 14,231 Revoluntionary pensioners 4,029 Number of Deaf and Dumb, Blind and Insane. Deaf and Dumb, of all ages White 995 u «c a Colored 62 Blind White 891 a Colored 81 Insane and Idiots, at public charge White 702 c< u a ^t Colored 48 " " at private charge White 1,470 Colored 107 Schools, 8fc. Universities or Colleges 12 Number of Students 985 Academies and Gramraer Schools 501 Number of Scholars 34,653 Primary and Common Schools 10,874 Number of Scholars 501,156 Number of Scholars at public charge 26,266 Number of white persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and write 43,715 2 14 Mines and Mining. Number of furnaces 190 Tons of cast Iron produced 82,654 Number of bloomaries, forges, and rolling mills 116 Tons of bar Iron produced 58,275 Tons of fuel consumed 366,240 Number of men employed fywm Capital invested $2,113,818 Number of smelting houses for lead 9 Pounds of lead produced 570,050 Number of men employed 333 Capitol invested $131,000 Value of other metals produced $84,514 Number of bushels of domestic salt 2,867,884 Number of men employed 332 Capitol invested $5,601,000 Value of granite, marble, and $few stone produced 1,67^01© Numbe* of men employed 3,715 Capital invested $1,494,005 Agriculture. Number of horses and mules 476,115 Neat cattle 2,202,43$ Sheep 5,381,225 Swine 1,916,953 Poultry—estimated value $2,273,029 Number of bushels of wheat 11,853,507 Barley 2,298,170 Buckwheat , 2,244,438 Oats 20,728,738 Indian corn 11,085,142 Rye 2,984,913 Potatoes 30,000,508/ Pounds of Wool 14*073,134 Tobacco gathered 6,567 Hops 362,762 Silk Cocoons ,#& 2,103 Wu 184,821 15 Sugar, made 10,093,991 Cords of wood sold 1,085,048 Tons of Hay 3,160,916 Value of products of the Diary $10,497,082 Of the Orchard $1,732,357 Market Gardens 462,308 Home made goods 16,535,075 Nurseries, &c. 76,550 Gallons of Wine made 14,710 Commerce. Number of Commerical Houses in foreign trade 459 Number of Commission Houses £&&!£. L049 Capital invested $48,808,401 Retail dry goods, groceries, and other stores 12,063 Capital invested $41,481,551 Lumber yards and trade 707 Capital invested $2,495,077 Number of men employed 9,329 " " " Internal transportation 7,421 " " " Butchers, packers, &c. 804 " Barrels pickled fish • 22,214 | Gallons spermaceti oil 400,251 « " Whale and other fish oil 1,269,341 Value of whalebone, &c. $344,665 Number of men employed 1,223 Value of lumber produced $3,765,173 Barrels of tar, pitch, turpentine and rosin 25,924 Tons of pot and pearl ashes 6,504 Skins and furs, value produced $15,734 Ginseng and other productions of forest value 141,026 Manufactures, Value of machinery manufactured $2,794,569 Number of men employed 3,408 Value of hardware, cutlery, &c. manufactur­ ed $1,806,638 Number of men employed 968 Cannon cast 112 Small arms made 8,151 16 Men employed 201 Precious metals, value manufactured $1,002,903 Various melals .$2,614,092 Granite, marble 837,170 ' Bricks and Lime 1,213,326 Number fulling mills 893 Number woollen manufactures 328 Value of goods manufactured $8,419,224 Number of persons employed 4,664 Capital invested $3,546,499 Number of cotton manufactories 115 " Spindles . 253,649 Dyeing and printing establishments 12 Value of manufactured articles $3,561,437 Persons employed 7,436 Capital invested $4,834,852 Number pounds silk made 377 Value of same ^S' $2,415 Value of manufactures of flax 46,429 " Mixed manfactures $1,496,347 " Manufactured tobacco 831,571 " Hats and caps manufactured 2,919,741 " . Straw bonnets 156,598 Number of Tanneries 1,212 Sides of sole leather tanned 1,231,833 ™ upper " 949,830 Number of men employed 5,811 Capital invested $3,892,598 All other manufactories of leather, saddleries, 7,993 Value of manufactured articles $6,286,685 Capital invested 2,477,874 No. lbs. of soap, 10,706,97 Tallow candles 4,000,283 Sperm and wax do. 853,000 Number of breweries 86 Gallons produced 6,471,122 Capital invested $3,214,776 Men employed 491 Capital invested $619,275 17 Number of distilleries 206 Gallons produced . 2,7lO*W Powder mills 0 L| Powder made, lbs. 585,000 Men employed 41 Capital invested $81,500 Drugs, paints, dyes, &c.i*akie $893,791 Turpentine and varnish, value 434,467 Men employed 675 1 Capital invested $1,294,735 Glass houses 12 Glass cutting establishments 9 Men employed 417 Value of manufactured articles, including looking-glasses $367,870 Capital invested « 181,301 Potteries 47 Value of manufactured articles $132,990 Men employed 192 Capital invested $68,352 Sugar refineries 7 Value of produce $385,000 Value of chocolate manufactured 5,007 Value of confectionary made 386,140 Men employed 416 Capital invested $474,556 Paper manufactories 77 Value of produce $093,821 Do. of all other manufactures of paper, playing cards, &c. 89,637 Men employed 749 1 Capital invested $687,750 Printing offices 322 Binderies, 104 Daffy newspapers 106,614 Weekly do 146,914 Semi-weekly and tri-weekly do 41,105 Periodicals 12,588 Men employed 3,210 I Capital invested $1,882,540 2* 18 Rope-walks 86 Men employed 597 Capital invested $242,180 Musical instruments produced, value 334,130 Men employed 438 Capital invested $408,775 Carriages manufactured, value 2,464,511 Men employed 4790 Capital invested $1,527,413 Flouring mills 334 Barrels of flour manufactured 2,597,314 Grist mills 1,764 Saw mills 6,430 Other mills 79 Value of manufactures . $18,088,182 Men employed 10,797 Capital invested J&4,247,914 Ships and vessels built, value 797,317 Furniture, value 1,161,050 Men employed 3,675 Capital invested $1,615,700 Brick and stone houses built 1,269 Wooden houses " 5,221 Men employed 16,720 Value of buildings constructed $7,704,634 All other manufactures not enumerated 8,364,882 Capital invested 5,825,336 Total capital invested in manufactures $52,069,856

NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISH- ED IN BUFFALO. Buffalo Weekly and Daily Republican—Quartus Graves, Proprietor; J. C. Bunner Editor. Office 138 Main street, corner of the Terrace. Buffalo Patriot and Journal, weekly,—Jewett, Man­ chester & Co., Editors and Proprietors. Office Ex­ change Buildings. 19 Buffalo Commercial Advertiser and Journal, daily*— Jewett, Foote & Co*, proprietors; T. M. Foote, editor. Office Exchange Buildings. Bristol's Gazette,—C. C. Bristol, editor and proprie­ tor; Thomas & Co. printers. Der Weltburger, (German) weekly,—George Zahm, editor and proprietor. Office 290 Main street. Morning Times,—John S. Walker, editor and pro­ prietor. Office 194 Main street, 3d story. Western Presbyterian,—J. C. Lord, editor; Robert D. Foy, printer and publisher, 159 Main street.

BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Capital $200,000. Directors. Augustus Porter, David Burt, W. A. Bird, John Sweeney, I. T. Hatch, Charles Davis. Peter B. Porter, President. G. P. Stevenson, Superintendent, Secretary and Treasurer. COMMERCIAL BANK. Capital $400,000. Israel T. Hatch, Pres't. J. E. McKnight, Bookkee'r- David Burt, Vice do. Jas. H. Rochester, Notary. Spencer Daniels, Cashier. H. K. Smith, Attorney. B. C. Caryl, Teller. Inspectors.—James Hollister, C. Gardner, R. C. Pal­ mer. Directors. I. T. Hatch, H. K. Smith, D. Burt, W. Vandevoort, L. H. Pratt, William Williams, E. Sparrow, J. L. Kimberly, M, Kingman, T. T. Sherwood, Oliver Lee, J. Jackson. Spencer Daniels, 20 BANK OF BUFFALO. Capital $200,000. Orlando Allen, President. F. A. McKnight, 1st Teller. John R. Lee, Cashier. E. G. Pratt, 2nd Teller. A. A. Evstaphieve, AssH. John R. Lee, Notary. Saml. A. Lee, DisH. Clerk. O. H. Marshall, Attorney. E. P. Pickering, Bookkeeper.

Directors. John R. Lee, O. H. Marshall, Orlando Allen, A. A. Evstaphieve, A. Ray nor, H. B. Potter, E. C. Delavan, M. H. Birge, E. Marvin, L. F. Tiffany, A. Porter, J. Clary. Joseph Dart,

BUFFALO FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartered 1836. Capital $100,000. .jflQflice corner Main street and Terrace, (up staiBbfC'J Horatio Shumway, Pres't. Lucius Storrs, Secretary. Directors. Horatio Shumway, Ira A. Blossom, Ebenezer Walden, Peter Curtissj Russell H. Heywood, Stephen G. Austrh* Charles Townsend, Edward Root, William Hollister, Jr. John L. Kimberly. Joseph Dart, Jr. Walter Joy. V George Palmer,"

COLUMBUS FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, AT COLUMBUS, OHIO. Capital $300,000. W. B. Hubbard, PresH. Warren Jenkins, Se&retary. Joy & Webster, Agents, Buffalo. 21 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, AT HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Capital $200,000. E. Terry, President. James D. Bolles, Secretary. G. B. Webster, Agent, Buffalo. SARATOGA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1 Capital $200,000. Ransom Cook, President, T. J. Marvin, Secretary. G. M. Davison, Vice do. Hill & Beach, Attornies. W. Putnam, Treasurer. B. H. Austin, Agent, Buffalo. Office 174 Main street.

PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSUR­ ANCE CO. AT HARTFORD, CONN. E. Averill, President. William Conner, Secretary. J. W. Beals, Agent, Buffalo. Office 163 Main st. .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, AT HART­ FORD, CONN. Thomas K. Brace, PresH. S. L. Loomis, Secretary. J. W. Beals, Agent, 163 Main street, Buffalo. BUFFALO AND HAMBURGH TURNPIKE CO. Joseph Clary, President; John T. Lacy, Secretary; O. J. Dibble, Treasurer. BUFFALO AND WILLIAMSVILLE McADAM- IZED ROAD COMPANY. Capital paid in $53,600.-|-Shares $50 each. Thadius Weed, Presidenbt John R. Lee, Secretary and Treasurer. DlT&GzQVS Thadius Weed, $fclliam ft Milkp, Horace Clark, William Hodge, jr., L. K. Plimpton, Benjamin Hersley. H. B. Potter, 22

FREIGHT LINES ON THE ERIE CANAL. Names of Lines. Agents in Buffalo. Troy and Michigan, George Davis & Co. New York and Buffalo, do Hudson and Ohio, do New York and St Louis, do Rail Road, H. H. Treat. Erie Canal, do Telegraph, Gelston & EvansJ Commercial, do Transportation, do New York and Ohio, A. R. Cobb & Co. New York, do Troy and Ohio, do New York a,nd Western, do American Navigation Co. do Detroit, M. Kingman & Co. Ohio and Illinois, do Eagle, do Whitehall, do Buffalo, do United States, Coit, Kimberly & Co. Troy and Erig*_ do New York Transportation, John R. Evans & Co. New York Express, Wm. Ruxton & Co. Albany^tnd Michigan, do Buffalo and Ithaca, do Utica and Buffalo, do N. Y. and Buffalo Cake Boat, R. C. Palmer & Co. Merchants, Hunter, Palmer & Co Washington, do Clinton, 4 do Swiftsure Transportation Co. Beecher & Johnson. Merchants and Millers, do Swiftsure Navigation Co. Colson & Brace. Erie and Atlantic, E. Ruden. 23


Crane of Boat. T. | Masters. Agent in Buffalo. Constitution, 440 Wm. Brown M. Kingman & Co. Julia Palmer, 299 Robertson do Gen. Wayne, 390 Pratt do Com. Perry, 362 Wilkeson do United Statas, 366 Lundy do Cleveland 580 A. E. Hart Coit, Kimberly & Co. D. W. Clinton, 413 Squiers do Robt. Fulton, 368 R. Hart do Vermillion, 385 Ludlow Getoton & Evans. G. Western, 780 Walker do Wisconsin, 490 Randall do New England, 416 Cline A. R. Cobb & Co. Gen. Harrison, 150 Atwood do Columbus, 391 Shooks do James Madison, 633 McFadden George Davis & Co. Buffalo, 613 L. Allen do Erie, 497 Titus do Missouri, 650 Wilkins do Illinois, 755 Blake Hunter^Palmer & Co. Constellation, 483 Hazard do Rochester, 472 A. Allen do Lexington, 353 Jones do Michigan, 472 Norton do •Chesapeake, 464 Howe Beecher & Johnson. BANK COMMISSIONERS. John G. Forbes, Syracuse, Chandler Starr, New York; Trumbull Carey, Batavia; Bates Cook, Albany. 24 BUFFALO APPRENTICES' SOCIETY. This society was fijj^nded on the 23d of February, 1833. Its affairs are conducted entirely by apprentices, who by their perseverance and industry have set an ex­ ample which other societies, long since prostrate, might have followed to their advantage. They hold their meetings every week at their Hall, No. 175 Main street, fourth sljory, lately occupied as a lecture room by the Young Men's Association ; and as their object is, as their motto declares, 'To get wisdom,' it is hoped that every apprentice will give them his support. They possess a library containing eight hundred vol­ umes, and the society is at present in a flourishing con­ dition. Initiation fee 50 cents; regular fee $1 50 per year, payable monthly. The following aie the names of the officers : Harmon S. Cutting, President; Albert Hooker, Vice President; Owen A. Stafford, Corresponding Secretary; George A. Adams, Treasurer; W. N. Irish, Librarian*; W. W. Welch, Recording Secretary. OFFICERS OF THE ERIE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY, 1841. G. F. Pratt, President. H. N. Loomis, Treasurer. H. B. Camp, Vice Pres't. C. H. Raymond, Librarian. J. Barnes, Secretary. J. Trowbridge, C. Winne, J. B. Pride, E. Burwell, and C. H. Raymond, Censors.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. There are three lodges of this order in this city. The first and oldest is Niagara Lodge, No. 25, which was instituted November 6th, 1839; the next Buffalo Lodge, No. 37, instituted May 6th, 1840; the third is the Te- hoseroron Lodge, No. 48, instituted January, 1841.— Lodge Rooms South Division street, over Young Men's Association Rooms. 25 BUFFALO ORPHAN ASYLUM. Founded November 15,1835—Incorporated April, 1837. The object of this Institution is to provide an Asylum for orphan and destitute children. It was established by a few of our charitable and benevolent ladies. The number of children now at the Asylum is seventy-five. It is supported by voluntary contributions. The house formerly known as the 'Day' House, on Niagara street, has been fitted up in a suitable and convenient manner, and is well located for prospect and the health of the inmates. OFFICERS FOR 1841. S. G. Austin, President. James Crocker, Secretary. •C. Athearn, Vice do. H. R. Seymour, Treas'r. Trustees. Samuel N. Callender, Thomas Farnham Daniel Bowen, D. M. Vanderpool, James J. Baldwin, Nathan Lyman, Edward D. Holton, Peter Curtiss, Rev. C. S. Hawkes, Robert H. Maynard, Russel H. Heywood, Mrs. Peter Curtiss, First Directress. Mrs. Cyrus Athearn, Secretary. Miss Ann B. Edwards, Superintendent, Miss Flavia H. Field, Teacher. William Madison, Collector and Steward Directresses. Mrs. A. T. Hopkins, Mrs. James Crocker, i Peter Curtiss, " H. Norton, I S. Manville, " D. Lathrop, " N. H. Gardner, " M. P. Hunt, " G. W. Hosmer, " J. B. Macy, • " Jane Wickes, " H. Hamilton, " C. Athearn, i C. S. Hawkes, " B. Caryl, " R. H. Maynard, " H. L. Benjamin, " W. Madison, " P. Barton, " Wm. A. McKinney, " John Cameron, " N. Lyman. 26 BUFFALO TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. This Society,, composed of Journeymen Printers, of the city of Buffalo, was formed for benevolent objects, and for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an uniform scale of prices. Monthly meetings are held on the first Saturday eve­ ning in each month, for the transaction of business, and an annual meeting on the first Saturday in June, for the purpose of electing their officers. OFFICERS. Martin Thorp, President. I. P. Wheeler, Secretary. B. F. Salisbury, Vice do. C. M. Baldy, Treasurer. Q. Graves, R. Wheeler, W. Verrihder^ Standing Committee.

YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION. The object of this Association is for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a Library, Reading Rooms, Literary and Scientific Lectures, and other means of prompting moral and intellectual improvement. The library consists of 3500 volumes, has about 350 con­ tributing, and 64 life members. Rooms South Divi­ sion corner of Washington street. OFFICERS. Warren Bryant, President. Wm. A. Thomson, 1st Vice President. Henry K. Viele, 2nd Vice President. John T. Lacy, 3eZ .Wee President. John S. Brown, Corresponding Secretary. Thomas J. Sizer, Recording Secretary. Jabez B. Bull, Treasurer. Managers. Edward Burchard, Henry S. Seymour, Matthew Brown, Jr. Elias S. Hawley, JohnW. Davock, Chartes H. Raymond, RinaldoFair&jfa- Charles W. Harvey, James M. Newman, . William H. Greene* 27 BUFFALO DISPENSARY. This Institution was established in March, 1841, for the purpose of relieving such sick, poor and indigent persons as are unable to procure medical aid. The offi­ cers are as follows : William Hollister, Jr., Prest.; Geo. Palmer, Treas'r. ; John W. Beals, Secretary DIRECTORS. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. Daniel Bowen, Thomas J. Dudley, • 1st Ward. Dr. J. Barnes. Geo. E. Hayes, } 2d Ward. " Raymond. Jason Sexton, N. H. Gardner, Cens. George Coit, 2d Ward. " F\ L. Harris. Samuel N. Callender. Horatio Warren, Uh Ward. " A. Flint. Elijah Ford. Joseph Clary, 5th Ward. " H. N. Loomis Peter Curtiss. Doct's Trowbridge and Sprague, Consulting Physicians. Samuel J. Hinsdale, Apothecary to dispense medi­ cines, at No. 159 Main street. Any person wishing to become an associate, may be­ come so by making application to either of the officers, and paying the sum of one dollar annually, in advance.

SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY. The Saint Andrew's Society of the City of Buffalo was formed on the 4th of March, 1840. Officers for the present year Wm. Ruxton, Prest. Alex. Thorn, Treasurer. Mex. M. Ross, 1st V. do. Alex. Mathieson, Sec'y. Wm. A. Thomson, 2d do. Thos. Adams, Asst, do. MANAGERS. Donald Murray, Hugh McMillen, John Murray, James Smith. John McLeish, 28 BUFFALO BACHELOR CLUB. This Club was organized in August, 1840. It is com­ posed of one hundred and twenty-seven members.— Their By-Laws impose a fine upon any member who shall marry without the consent of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting. J. H. Jennings, Prest.; A. B. Catlin,* Vice Prest.; B. R. Smith,* Sec'y. DIRECTORS. DIRECTORS. V. Bidwell,* John H. Andrus, J. Martin,* L. D. Wilber, C. Millen, C. H. Smith,* A. S. Tyler, M. Clor,* J. O'Brien, jr.* Z. Eldridge, W. Myhers. W. H. Lawrence. All those marked thus * are married and expelled fEom the Club since 1840.

FIREMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO. Incorporated March 23, 1837. Thjs Association, composed of the Firemen, &c. of the City of Buffalo, were constituted a body corporate, for the purpose of accumulating a fund for the relief of indigent and disabled Firemen and their families, and for that purpose have power to purchase, hold or trans­ fer real or personal property to an amount not exceed­ ing twenty -thousand dollars. According to a report made by the Association, 11th May last, the amount of funds then on hand amounted to $2638 94. OFFICERS FOR 1841. Jacob A. Barker, President. Schuyler Ross, 1st Vice President. Oliver G. Steele, 2d " " Joseph H. Smith, Secretary. James Hollister, Treasurer. Edwin Hurlburt, Collector. i Trustees.—Chas. Taylor, Engine Co. No. 1; Charles 29 H. Allen, No. 2 ; Pearl L. Sternberg, N o. 3 ; Henry Colton, No. 4 ; Alexander M'Kay, No. 6 ; Francis H. Root, No. 7 ; George Jones, No. 8 ; William Gregory, Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1; Benjamin G. Irish, do. No. 2.

OFFICERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT^ Thomas Kip, Chief Engineer. Joseph H. Smithy 1st Assistant. Warren Bryant, 2d "t* ENGINES. Cataract No. 1—Charles Taylor, Foreman—Otis Vaughn, Assistant—Henry T. Gillett Secretary. Eagle No. 2—Charles H. Allen, Foreman—John Kip, Assistant—John S. Putnam, Secretary.- Fulton No. 3—E. Ruden, Foreman—Geo. W. Holt, Assistant—S. A. Lee, Sec'y and Treasurer. Buffalo No. 4—A- Hemstreet, Foreman—J. H. Sel­ kirk, Assistant—D. O. Baker, Secretary—H. Colton, Treasurer. Washington No. 5—Samuel Chase, Foreman—John Griffith, Assistant—W. E. Lyman, Secretary.

Red Jacket No. 6—O. G. Steele, Foreman—John Wv Beals, Jr. Assistant—J. E. McKnight, Secretary—A. McKay, Treasurer. 3* 30 Perry No. 7—F. H. Root, Foreman—N. W, Dough­ ty, Assistant—J. B, McGinnis, Sec'y and Treasurer. Clinton No. 8—Geo. Jones, Foreman—A. M. Clapp, Assistant—E. J. Baldwin, Secretary—D. W. Williams, Treasurer—G. W. Hequembourg, Collector. HOOK AND LADDER. Pioneer No,. 1—Edwin Hurlburt, Foreman—David Cooper, Assistant—Wm. Gregory, Sec'y and Treas. Rescue No. 2—T. Flagg, Foreman—W. F. Tucker, Assistant—McKibbin, Secretary and Treasurer.

MILITARY OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO. There are at present six Companies of Regulars, viz, A, C, D, G, H and K, of the 2d Regiment of the U. S. Artillery quartered at Poinsett Barracks, Buffalo, com­ posing 480 men, at a monthly expense of $10,000. Corps of Topo. Engineers, IT. S. A. Captain—W. G. Williams, 2d Lieut.—J. C. Woodruff. OFFICERS. James Bankhead—Colonel. R. C. Wood—Surgeon. W. W. Chapman—1st Lieut. Asst. Com. Sub. and Acting Asst. Qr. Master. E. D. Townsend—1st Lieut, and Adj. oftheRegt. G. S. Drane—Captain. First Lieutenants. James Duncan, H. C. Pratt, R. A. Luther, John Sedgwick, J.F.Roland, William Armstrong, M. L. Shackelford, W. B. Blair. Robert Allen, Second Lieutenants. Lueius Pitkin, A. A. Gibson, W. F. Barry, William Hays. L. H. Allen, H. A. Ogden, Sutler. 31 47th BRIGADE N. Y. S. INFANTRY. OFFICERS. Brigadier General—David Burt, Aid-de-Camp—George P. Stevenson, Brig. Major and Inspector—Isaac V. Vanderpool, Or. Master—J agon Sexton, Pay Master—Charles H. Allen, Judge Advocate—N. K. Hall, Surgeon—Henry R. Stagg. GRENADIER BATTALION OF BUFFALO—47th BRIGADE. FIELD AND STAFF. Major—George Zahm, Adjutant—Daniel Becker, Qr. Master—Peter Schmitt, Pay Master—George Voltz. COMPANIES. Steuben Guards—P. L. Bronner,Captain ; Jacob Do- medion, Lieutenant; N. Hellreigell, Ensign. Lafayette Guards—Daniel Devoring, Captain; Sam­ uel O'Berist, Lieutenant; Peter Pfanner, Ensign. Jefferson Guards—J. Hellreigell, Captain; M. Doll, Lieutenant; Phillip Miller, Ensign. Buffalo Plain Guards—F. Mochell, Captain; M. Friday, Lieutenant; Jacob Wells, Ensign. 208th REGIMENT. Colonel—William Tuthill, Lieut. Colonel—Samuel J. Holley, Major—Alfred Clemons, Adjutant—Orange J. Dibble, Qr. Master—O. H. P. Champlin, Pay Master—Wm. Galligan, Surgeon—James P. White. LIGHT INFANTRY. Washington Guards—A. H. Palmer, Captain; A. L. Clark, Lieutenant; Elias Pierson, Ensign. Lafayette Guards.—A? H. Ayer, Captain ; E. H. Bourman, Lieutenant. 32

INFANTRY. Company 1—John 0. Moore, Captain; Chas. A. Corn- stock, Lieutenant; Seneca Wright, Ensign. Company 2—C. T. Shattuck, Captain; Joel Stover, Lieutenant; J. G. Garland, Ensign. Company 3—Robert D. Foy, Cajatain; B. W. Thom­ as, Lieutenant; H. S. Cutting, Ensign. Company 4—D. Belden, Captain; S. Hard, Lieut.; J. Gould, Ensign. Company 5—A. S. Tyler, Captain; J. S. Allen, Lieu­ tenant; T. R. Sheppard, Ensign. Company 6, Black Rock—D. Zehner, Captain; J. Walker, Lieutenant; Seth F. Getchel, Ensign. Company 7, Williamsville—H. E. Allen, Captain; J. Koch, Jr. Lieutenant; D. Hoover, Ensign. CITY GUARDS. N. Y. S. ARTILLERY—8th BRIGADE. OFFICERS. Brigadier General—George P. Barker, Brigade Major and Inspector—John J. Fay, Quarter Master—Wm. Vandervoort, Pay Master—Philip Dorsheimer, Judge Advocate—Harlqjv S. Love, Surgeon—Isaac S. Youngs.

37th REGIMENT. Colonel—W. F. P. Taylor, Lieut. Colonel—Morgan L. Faulkner, Major— Adjutant—James W. Brown, Quarter Master—Loomis Lyman, Pay Master—John S. Stevenson, Surgeon—Charles Winne, Assistant Surgeon—Samuel K. Kip. Harrison Grenadiers—Charles Hornung, Captain; J. Krettner, Loeutenantr G. P. Ricard, Ensign. Company C—Cavalry—John R. Lee, Captain* A. McArthur, Lieutenant; H. D. Huff, Ensign. 33 Company D—S. Daniels, Captain; Henry K. Viele, Lieutenant; Otis Vaughn, Ensign* Company E—Flying Artillery—A. A. Evstaphieve, Captain; Samuel T. Atwater, Lieutenant; Chas. L.JHar- rington, Ensign. Company F—Montgomery Guards—L. Y. Conway, Captain; J. E. R. Abbott, Lieutenant; J. McKinney, Ensign. •0 SUPREME COURT. General Terms.—First Monday in January, May* July, and thfi'chMonday of October.

ERIE CIRCUIT COURT. Nathan Daytgn, Circuit Judge. N. P. Sprague, Clerk. Appointments for 1841 and 1842—In Erie, third Mondays in February, July and November, and the 3d Tuesday in April.

U. S. DISTRICT COURT. Hon. Alfred Conkling, of Auburn, Judge. Anson Little, 'of Utica, Cle^k. j Clark Robinson, o€ Buffalo, Maffhal. Horatio Gates, Crier. Term—Second Tuesday in October.

ERIE COMMON PLEAS. Hon. N. K. Hall, First Judge. F. P. Stevens, I. Humphrey, J. Freeman, B. H. Cfljegrove, Associate Judges. N. P. Sprague, Clerk. M. Colton, Deputy Clerk. J. M. Crozier, Crier. Terms—First Mondays in February, May, and Oc­ tober. 34 RECORDER'S COURT. Hon. H. J. Stow, Recorder. M. Cadwallader, Clerk. J. M. Crozier, Crier. Terms—Second Monday in July, August, September, November,yDecember, January, March, April and June.

POLICE OFFICE, AND POLICE COURTS. HORACE CLARK, ESQ. Justice. This office, for the transaction of criminal business, is located on the corner of Terrace and Pearl streets, directly over the west end of the Market. Justices of the Peace—John D. Harty, Selah Bar­ nard, Cyrus H. De Forest, Harry Slade.

RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES. Scotch Reformed, W. L. McKenney. Baptist, James N. Granger. Do (Colored) Bethel, Judson. First Presbyterian, A. T. Hopkins, Lutheran, F. H. Guenther. Methodist Episcopal, Fillmore. Methodist Protestant, Rice. Methodist African, George Weir. Pearl Street Presbyterian, J. C- Lord. Park Street do L. H. Angier. Reformed Dutch, John Beaty. Roman Catholic, (Dutch,) Alexander Pax. Do Do (Irish) Phalan. St. Paul's, Episcopalian, William Shelton, Trinity, do. Cicero S. Hawkes. Unitarian, George W. Hosmer. 35 LIST OF NAMES OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF BUFFALO) . Alabama Commercial Garden* Allen Cottage German Ash Court Girard Abell* Cross Griffin Aurora Dayton Grosvenor Batavia Delaware Hayward Beak Detroit Hamilton Bennett Dock Hanover Bowen* Eagle Hinckley Bowery Eleventh Hodge Beech* Elk Holland Blossom Ellicott Hydraulic Bristol Elm Hamburgh Burwell Place Erie Harbor Caroline* Evans Heacock China* Elizabeth Hickory Cogswell* Exchange High Cyprus Fenner Hospital Canal Franklin Place Hudson Carlton Fayette Huron Carolina Ferry Illinois Carpenter First Indiana Carroll Fifth Jackson "Cayuga* Fly Jefferson Cazenovia . Folsom Jersey Cedar Fourth Johnson Centre Franklin Kentucky Cherry Front La Fayette Chestnut JFulton Lake Chicago Galena Le Couteulx Chippewa Gay Leech Church Genesee Lemon Cincinnati Georgia Liberty Clinton Granger Lloyd Clifford Goodell Louisiana College Grape Lock Columbia Green Locust 36 Love Oak South Lacy Ohio South Division Louis Orange Seventh Mark Oregon Spring Monroe Otto Spruce Mott Ontario State Mackina Ottawa St. Clair Maiden Lane Pacific Steuben Main Palmer St. Joseph Maple Peach Swan Maria Pearl Sycamore Mariner's Peacock Tennessee Market Pennsylvania Tenth Martin Perry* Terrace Mary Pine Tecumseh Maryland Pollard Third Marvin Porter Tracy Miami Potter Tupper Michigan Prime Tuscarora Mill Pratt Twelfth Missisaugua Quay Union . Mississippi Red Jacket Vandalia Missouri River Van Rensselaer Moore Rock Van Buren McKay Ropewalk Vincennes Mohawk Randall Virginia Morgan Reed Wabash Mortimer Rose Walnut Mulberry Seth Walden Avenue Navarino Sandusky Warren Niagara Scott Washington Ninth Sarah Water North Second Waverly Place North William Seneca Western Turnpike North Division Sixth- William Norton Sizer York ADVERTISEMENTS

m§ 1841. Erie Canal Transportation. NEW-YORK TRANSPORTATION LINE.

PROPRIETORS. Sylvanus G. Chase, Albany, Frederick Reese, Mohawk, Samuel Morgan, Mohawk, Peter H. Dykeman, Michael Grants, " Lewis E. Evans, Buffalo, Abel G. Morgan, " James C. Adams, Fort Plain, Ira Griffith, " Robert Adams, « Abel Wood, " Andrew Shoemaker, Mohawk, Harvey Stewart, Syracuse, Frederick Bellinger, " Harrison Jacobs, Rome. Freight and passengers forwarded to Western New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Kentucky, with despatch. The public is respectfully informed that the proprietors 4 38 have associated themselves together, for the transac­ tion of (the Forwarding Business on the Erie Canal, un­ der the name and style of the New York Transporta­ tion Line, and that each Proprietor owns and commands his boat, and is willing and desirous at all times to do business on fair and moderate terms, and a share of the public patronage is solicited. ^P# The boats of this line being all new and well furnish­ ed, passengers will find it for their interest to take this Line, if they wish comfort and speed. A boat will leave Albany and Buffalo daily.

Ship by Swiftsure Line of Tow Boats, which leave the Foot of Broad street daily at 5 o'clock P. M. Con­ nected on the Lakes with Steam Freight and Passage Boats.

GREAT WESTERN, CONSTELLATION, CHESAPEAKE, CONSTITUTION, WISCONSIN, VERMILLION. Leaving the Wharf of John R. Evans & Brother,. Buffalo, Daily, for Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and. in­ termediate Ports, and connecting the New-York Trans­ portation with the Ohio Canal Lines, Ohio Canal.

WILLIAM RUXTON & Co. Forwarders & Commission Merchants, Agents for Albany & Michigan, New York Express, and Buffalo & Ithaca, and Utica & Buffalo Lines of Boats on the Erie Canal. Wm. Ruxton, T> ^ , E. S. Beach & Co. Buffal°' J. y. R. Schermerhorn, No. 17, South st. New York. Particular attention paid to property consigned for sale here, or at the East;, and advances made on the same if required. 39 BEECHER & JOHNSON,

Forwarding & Commission Merchants, BUFFALO. Agents for the Swiftsure Transportation Co. and Merchants' & Millers' Line on the Erie Canal. Swiftsure Transportation Co. Brown & DeWitt Agents, 5, Coenties Slip, N. Y. Merchants' & Millers' -Line, E. T. Pease, Agent No. 125 Broad street, N. Y. HUNTER, PALMER & Co,

Forwarding1 & Commission Merchants, On the Dock, foot of Washington street, Agents for Steamboats Illinois, Constellation, Rochester, Michigan. Lexington. Also on Erie -Canal, for Clinton Line, H. M'Collum, Ag% 113 Broad st. N. Y. Merchants' Transportation Co. WilMe & Dygert Ag'ts, 9 Coenties Slip, N, Y. New York & Chicago Line.. HENRY HAGAg4^ Co. DEALERS IN •WINES, LIQUORS & GROCERIES, AND RECTIFIED WHISKEY, Nos. 1 and 2 Webster Buildings, Buffalo. B. S. BIDWELL, WINES, LIQUORS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, No. 14 Ohio street, Buffalo.' JASON SEXTON, Grocery, Provision & Fruit Merchant, No. 225 Main st. Ellicott Square, Buffalo. 40 S. ROSS & Co. WINES, LIQUORS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, No. 3 Ohio Buildings, foot Main st. S. Ross, Buffalo. Wm. Wibert, DUDLEY & THOMPSON

MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Hatha way's Patent HOT AIR COOKING STO*VE, (Improved by Maynew & Dudley.) Also, all other kinds of Cooking, Box, Plate, Franklin and Parlor Stoves and Pipe, Potash Kettles and Hollow-Ware^ Grind Stones, &c. &c. -T. J. Dudley, ? No. LQ7 Main street. S. Thompson, 5 41 C. H. MUNROE BOOTS AND SHOES,

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, iiiiiiiil||||| At the Sign of the Big Shoe, No. 148

MAIN STREET, - Jijllljiiijlljlt ^Splillp^, BUFFALO. BUFFALO CONFECTIONARY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At New York Prices ! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the publiG, that he has constantly on hand, and contin­ ues to manufacture, a superior assortment of Confection- aiy, such as Candy of various sorts, Sugar Plums, Cakes and Toys of all kinds. The subscriber flatters himself that from his experi­ ence in the above business, he can furnish an article second to none in the Union. All orders will be thank­ fully received, promptly attended to, and packed up for transportation in the best style. Dealers in the above articles are solicited to call and^examine his assortment, before purchasing else­ where, at 139 Matn street, under the' Mansion House, opposite the Liberty Pole^ Syrups of all kinds. - J. T. ADAMS. DR. R. G. SNOW, . Dentist, Office on East Seneca, near Main street. DR. U, H. DUNNING & SON. Dentists, Corner Main & Seneca st; entrance first door from Main. •4* I M^ISkTC^-J^BL-^

J. W. ORFV DESIGNER & ENGRAVER ON WG®fc OFFICE West Swan St. 3 doors front Slain Street. BUFFALO. Large Job Type Cut to order. J. W. DAVOCK & Co. LOCK MANUFACTURERS,


And Maufactnrers of Patent Beer and Cider Pumps, And Finishers ©f all kinds of Plain and Ornamentai Brass Work. Lamps and old ornamental Brass work Repaired, Lacquered, and Bronzed to equal new. Locks repaired and Keys fitted. Shop on Swan street opposite Baptist Chfurch, Buffalo, ATKINS & CHAMBERLIN, General Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 238 Main street, Two doors below the Bank of Buffalo, Joel Atkins. ? Ansel Chamberlin. $ Buffalo. CALEB W. BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. (Exchange Buildings.) No. 160 Main Street, Buffalo. HALL & MOONEY, LITHOGRAPHERS AND ENGRAVERS, No. 206 Main street, Buffalo. Drawings, Maps, Cards, &c. Lithographed promptly to order. Visiting Cards, Door Plates and Seals of various kinds Engraved. CASTLE & MORRELL Have constantly on hand a general assortment of Sil­ ver Tea, Table, Salt, Mustard, Ice Cream and Cream Spoons. Also, Silver Soup and Gravy Ladles. Silver equal to dollars. Lettering done in the best of style, free of expence. ^ N. B. Old Gold arra Silver taken in exchange. RINGS! RINGS!! RINGS!!! Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Saph-; ire, Topaz, and Cornelian Stone finger Rings, for sale cheup. CASTLE & MORRELL. 191 Main street. CASTLE & MORRELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers (191 Main street,) in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pistols, Fine Cutlery, Hunting Knives,. Fishing tackling, &c. &c. CAREY & ROBERTS, Manufacturers of CLOCKS ; LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, No. 167 Main St. Buffalo. Gilding of every description executed in the best manner, on short notice. Gold and Silver Leaf, and Dentists' Gold for sale. "SHAKESPEARE RECESS. ; 201 Main Street. The subscriber having opened a recess on Main st. under the Farmers' Hotel, would suggest to the citizens of Buffalo that their comfort and convenience wquld be fully consulted by calling at his establishment. He will venture to promise every variety of game, poultry, pastry, &c. dressed according to any mode his custom­ ers may require, American, French or English. His wines and liquors are of the best brand and of the most approved variety. The best oysters are al­ ways to be found at his establishment, and his Segars possess a fragrance seldom to be found. Two excellent Ball Alleys are always open to benefit the health of his customers, to sharpen their appetites, and to brace their nerves. Remember that the Shakespeare is under the Farmers' Hotel. E. C. NIQUET. GOLD CHAINS Of various paterns, for sale cheap, 191 Main street. 45

T. PARSON, AJTADIA ST ORE, 304 Main street. * Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Buffalo. 46 SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, NOS. 157 & 302 MAIN STREET, Has constantly* on hand a superior assortment of selected FAMILY MEDICINES. FAMILY RECIPES AND

Prepared with accuracy and neatness. Medicines dispensed at all hours of the Night, FEVER AND AGUE.

A WARRANTED CURE FOR FEVER AND AGUE. Thousands have been cured of this dreadful complaint by using this valuable remedy. The proprietors are so well convinced of its efficacy that they agree to refund the price of every bottle which istakem in accordance with the directions and has not effected a perfect cure of the Fever 8f Ague. For.sale by the groce, dozen or single bottle, at HINSDALE'S Family Medicine Store, 157 & 302 Main street. 47 IRA C. STONE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN HATS, CAPS AND FURS, No. 147 Mans street, (Opposite Mxchange Buildings.) N. B. Cash paid for Furs. Buffalo. JOHN CAMPBELL, TOBACCO, SNUFF, & CIGAR MANUFACTURER, No. 122 Main street, (Sign of the Carved Indian.) Buffalo. The dreary Winter's past and gone, Now comes the joyous Spring ; When every housewife, rich and poor, * Her dwelling ought to clean. Soon as the frost has left the walls, Vermin begin to lay their eggs ; Whitewash your rooms and stop the cracks, Then bugs can never bite your legs. Then now's the time to kiM the bugs, Shake your carpets, beat your rugs : - Whitewash kitchens, bed rooms, halls, And brush spiders from your walls. Rooms whitewashed, papered colored nice, R. HUDD wiliido it in a trice ; Patrons ! you'lHrot think it strange ! When work is done he wants the CHANGE ! ' R. HUDD. JOHN C. SIEFFERT, Manufacturer of FINE CUTLERY, CHIRURGICAL INSTRU­ MENTS & TRUSSES, East Swan-street, Between Main and Washington sts. Buffalo, N. Y. 48


METZGER'S LIVERY STABLE, Washington st., nearly opposite Post Office, Where he continues to keep, as usual, the best of Horses, Carriages, Buggies, dec. Saddle Horses, suitable for Ladies, always ready at a moment's notice, and on the most reasonable terms. GEORGE METZGER.

saa^.c&'tfS9 DEVENPOR^& CO. PEART, STREET LWERY STABLE, Rear of the American Hotel, Buffalo. Carriages ftrcpished by applying at the Bar of the American Hotel. CITY COOPERAGE, BY WILLIAM F. CLARK, Cistern, Barrels, Tubs, Pails, &c. Made to order at the shortest notice. Quay St. below the Mansion House, near Main, Buffalo. 49 MILLER'S LIVERY STABLE, Washington St., 5 doors above the Post Office. Most splendid collection of Horses, Carriages, Ba­ rouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sleighs and Cutters, &c. which for speed, Elegance and Comfort are. unsurpassed in the Union. Terms Moderate. The Establishment has been long conducted in such a manner, as to give general satisfaction, to a generous patronage.

CHEESMAN'S LIVERY STABLE, 309 Main street, HHgi Buffalo. » The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Buffalo, and its vicinity, that he has at all times oifjf hand the best of Horses,Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sleighs, &c. which he warrants will suit those that choose^to favor him with a call.' /** Horses can be furnished suitable for Ladies. WILLIAM CipESMAN. NEW LMUERY STABLE. 4' JAME^DON ALjgBONr " Respectfully informs the publle^that he^hjy&opened a Livery Stable on Pearl street, between Seneca street and the Terrace Market, where he is prepared to fur­ nish the best of Horses and Carriages at the shortest^ notice, to all that may favor him with a call. He hopes by moderate charges and an effort to please' all that may favor him with their custom, to merit ftp! reasonable share of the public patronage. GEORGE MOUNT, Agent. N. B. Horses and Carriages taken at Livery on reasonable terms, and the best of care given them. 5 50 MOUNT'S LIVERY STABLE. Corner of Ellicott and Clinton,streets. The subscriber still stops at his old stand, where he can accommodate the public with Horses,Carriages,Bug- gies and Saddle Horses, for Ladies and Gentlemen at shortest notice and most reasonable-terms. FOREMAN MOUNT.

WARM & COLD BATHS At all hours, Opposite American Hotel and Eagle Tavern. JOHN SAGg^

BUFFALO CITY OIL STORE. Pure, bleached and unbleached, Fall strained and WINTER PRESSED SPERM OIL, Bleached and unbleached Winter and Fall strained ^WHALE OIL. CURRIERS' AND OLIVE OILS. SPERM AND WAX CANDLES, & W1CKING, For sale, wholesale and retail, at N. Y. prices, (charges added.) West Swan, one door from Main. Buffalo. F. G. MACY, Agent. 51

EAGLE STREET THEATRE. Boxes 50 cts. Pit 25 cts. Gallery 25 cts. The public is respectfully informed, this splendid establishment was opened for the Season on Monday evening, May 3, with a full and efficient company. During the season, a continued variety of the most popular Dramas, Farces, &c. now playing in London and New York, will be produced in a style, the Man­ ager believes will ensure the approval of the patrons of the Drama. Two authors of acknowledged celebri­ ty, have been engaged to furnish entire new Dramas for this Theatre. C. LEHR, Esq. Artist, of the Bowery Theatre, New York, has been engaged for the Season, and will be actively employed in the production of a se­ ries of splendid spectacles. The Orchestra will be under the able direction ofWW. F. Le Brun, Esq. En­ gagements have been entered into with several of the most popular Stavs,- and the services of all perfeons of distinguished Theatrical reputation visiting this country during the summer, will be secured if possible. An entire new Drama and Farce, will be produced eversi Saturday night. The Manager feels the responsibility of his present position, and trusts by constant exertion and a liberal expenditure in the Theatre, to merit a continuance of the patronage hitherto so kindly extended to him. i D. MARBLE, Lessee and Proprietor. 52

YOUNG & BROTHER, Book Binders & Blank Book Manu­ facturers, No. 165 Main street. Deed and Mortgage Books printed and bound to order. Periodicals, Music Books and every doseription of old work, rebound in the best manner. Music Paper on hand or bound up to order. A supply of Blank Books on hand, or ruled and bound to any pattern. Blanks of every description, including bills of lading &c. ruled and printed.

FINE PRINTING. WILLIAM H. BRIDGES, PLAIN AND FANCY CARD & JOB PRINTING. No. 232 Main st. (up stairs,) Buffalo. N. B. Particular attention paid to Card Printing. 53 05^CHEAP PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT!^ Office Kremlin Block, over J. D. Sheppard's Music Store. No. 270 Main street, Buffalo. E. H. EASTABROOKS, Having recently fitted up his Printing Establishment, and made important additions in the way of Card and Fancy Job Type, Is now prepared to* execute at short notice, in good style, and at fair prices, all kinds of plain and orna­ mental BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. ffl** Particular pains will be taken in the neatness of execution and accuracy of CARD PRINTING. 05s* The proprietor, grateful to the citizens of Buffa­ lo, and the public, for past favors, most respectfully solicits a share of their patronage. Buffalo, June 1, 1841. RUMSEY & HOWARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LEATHER, HIDES, OIL CURRIER'S TOOLS, SHOE FINDINGS, &c. illi N°*i43 Mam stseet' Opposite City Bank. Buffalo. pf| Cash paid for Hides. CUTLER, WHITE & CO CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFACTURERS, No. 6 Ellicott Square, Main street, Buffalo. Have on hand, a large assortment of Cabinet Furni­ ture and Chairs, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Plank; Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Copal Varnish and Glue of the best quality, and every article used in the Cabinet business, will be kept constantly on hand. AlsoylFinishing Blocks, of the latest fashions. GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES For all ages, for sale cheap at 191 Main st. 5* 54 1841. HUFF'S HOTEL, 1841. (Late Traveller's Home.) 83 Main st. Buffalo. This well known establishment having undergone a thorough repair, with alteration and the addition of that large and spendid brick Block adjoining, makes this one of the most pleasant and convenient Hotels in Buf­ falo, it being near the Steamboat landing. H. D. HUFF, Proprietor.

In connection with the above is an Extensiv Livery Stable with the best of Horses and Carriages. H. D. H. FARMERS' HOTEL. HATCH & PRINGLE, 195 Main street, Buffalo. This old established House is now open for the recep­ tion of Travellers and Boarders. The Proprietors will spare no expense to furnish their Bar and Table with the best the city affords. The Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Sta­ ges, leave this House daily. (E?3' Travellers, with their baggage, carried to and from the different Canal and Steamboats, and Rail Roads, free of expense. B. L. & H. O. HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE GOLD AND COMMON JEWELRY, German Silver Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Spoons, Music Boxes, Accordions, Violins, and Fancy Goods of vari­ ous descriptions. Gold and Silver Spectacles for all ages, Gold and Silver Pencils, Watch Keys, Rings and Breast Pins of the lastest patterns, bought for cash very cheap and for sale at the eastern prices, from 10 to 50 per cent less than the Common prices in this section of the country. No. 26^Commercial st. Buffalo, next door to the Buffalo Exchange, formerly the City Hotel. 55

GENERAL AUCTION & COMMISSION HOUSE. SHUBAEL GALLUP, Auction and Commission Merchant, No. 190 Main street, opposite Farmers' Hotel, Buffalo. Merchandize of every description received at his Store, either for Auction or private sale. Out door sales of every description promptly attended to. Liberal ad­ vances made on consignments. KELLY & MARCY, Auction and Commission Merchants, MANUFACTURERS AGENTS, And Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN J1ND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 155 Main street, Hezekiah Kelly, ? Rnffaln D. G. Marcy. $ Surialo. B. CAMPBELL, Auction and Commission Merchant, Auction Room over Messrs. Post & Hunn's Grocery Store, 128 Main st. JOHN STARING, Auc'r. MARVIN & BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, No. 172 Main street, Buffalo. M. & B. would respectfully inform their friends and customers that they have removed their place of bu­ siness from 140 to 172 Main street; where may be found the most extensive, best selected and cheapest stock of Foreign and Demestic Dry Goods ever offered in this city. E. Marvin, P. Bennett. GEORGE D. TELLER, Looking Glass, Clock, Portrait and Picture Frame *Manitfacturer, No. 215 Main street, Buffalo. Looking Glasses of every variety of style, Brass and Wood Clocks, warranted for time. Old Frames neatly re-gilt and repaired. I. P. SEARS, General Dealer in GROCERIES ANDPRODUCE, [Liquors and Wines excepted.) Teas, Coffee, Sugars, Flour, Pork, Fish, and Salt,1 Wholesale and Retail, No. 129 Main street, Buffalo. MRS. BEAN, MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER, No. 201 Main street, Three doors above the Farmers' Hotel, Buffalo. MRS. M. BROWl^ ~ No. 197 Main street, Has just received the Spring Fashions of 1841, for Hats, Caps, Dresses, &c. Bonnets repaired and altered on the shortest notice. 57 FARMERS' EXCHANGE, (Late Commercial Coffee House.) No. 12 Commercial st. near Canal Bridge, Buffalo, BY P. T. M'COLLUM. This well known establishment, Having been newly fitted up in a superior style, for the accommodation of the travelling public, is now open for the reception of company. Important improvements have been made in the general arrangement of the House, and 100 persons can now be accommodated with Board and Lodging.— Warm Meals at all hours. GROCERIES h BAKERY ESTABLISHMENT. Connected with this House is an extensive Bakery, where Families, Boats, Public Houses, &c, may be supplied, at all times, with Bread, Crackers, Pies and Cake, of every description. Also, a general assortment of Family Groceries, fresh and in good condition. The Proprietor, grateful to the citizens of Buffalo, and a generous public, for former favors, most respect­ fully solicits a share of public patronage. FRANKLIN COFFEE HOUSE—BY J. WEL- DEN, who respectfully informs his friends and the .public in general, that he has completed the alter­ ations and improvements of his House, No. 294 Main street, 3 doors above Eagle street; which improvements are such as to render it one of the most comfortable in the city. The Larder will be stocked with all the varie­ ties of the season. The Bar will be supplied with Wines, Liquors, and Cigars of the best quality, (without regard to cost.) All the fancy drinks of the day got up in superior style, together with superior sparkling Ale, brewed expressly for this establishment. The House will be supplied with the leading papers of the day; in fact, every effort will be made to give satisfaction. All kinds of Watch repairing done in the most gen­ teel style, and warranted, at 191 Main street CASTLE & MORRELL. 58 TOBACCO MANUFACTORY,

Washington street, below the Post Office, directly in the rear of L. H. Pratt's. JOSEPH AUSTIN Offers for sale Fine Cut and Smoking Tobacco, of a superior quality.

J. E. BENNETT, BUFFALO CIGAR AND TOBACCO FACTORY, Manufactures Snuff, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. Extra Fine in Cans. ACCORDIONS. A general assortment of French, English and Ger­ man Accordions, for sale cheap, at 191 Main st. CASTLE & MORRELL. 59 WASHINGTON COFFEE HOUSE.—WIL­ LIAM STRATTON respectfully informs the citizens iliLof Buffalo, and the public generally, that he is les­ see of the above well known establishment, and is pre­ pared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, and hopes, by strict attention, and a desire to please, to receive a share of patronage. All the delicacies of the season will be served up in the various styles to suit his guests. Pastry of various kinds, and every article usually kept in such establishments, constantly on hand. A good assortment of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, of first quality. Yankee Flip and Tom and Jerry made to order. There are also attached to this house, five first rate Billiard Tables, and three Ball Alleys, which will be kept well warmed, and always ready for the reception of company. 184L SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. 1841. THEATRE RECESS & SALOON. The proprietors of the above establishment respect­ fully inform their friends and the public in general, that they are now open for the reception of company. Their Larder will be stocked with all the varieties of the season. The Bar will be supplied with Wines, Li­ quors and Cigars, together with Sparkling Ale, without regard to cost. An Ordinary or Lunch will be served up gratis every day at 11 o'clock A. M. Thomas Carr, Robert P. Kinyon. OLIVE BRANCH REFECTORY, No. 3 South Division street. FRESH OYSTERS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Mock Turtle, and other Soups every day at 11 o'clock. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the best quality. E. C. Blanchett, Propietor. 60 COMPETITION IN THE BACK GROUND.

Prescott in town !—Day Sf Martin Eclipsed/ ! The proprietors would inform merchants and others dealing in Blacking, that if they would avoid getting a stock of Blacking on hand that will become stale by age, the only remedy is to purchase PRESCOTT'S, which has obtained so much notoriety for its shining qualities, and is warranted to stand the test of age as well .as climate, unimpaired. Thousands have yet to learn that this ar­ ticle is just what it is erack'd up to be, unrivalled. Let all come and purchase who have riot before; Those that.have used it, their custom i s sure. . They also manufacture Water-Proof Blacking and Heel Ball; also, Harness preparation for coach tops, &c. Also, Water-Proof Polish Blacking, a new article WM. PRESCOTT & Co. 61 New York Advertisement. H. GILBERT & N. R. STIMSON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, No. 161 Pearl street, N. Y. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, suitable for the Wes­ tern market; which they will sell at the lowest market prices, for cash or approved paper. As their goods are all bought at Auction, Western merchants purchasing in New York are particularly in­ vited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Great Bargains! FRANCIS & GARRETT, MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 9 U. States BloGk* Pearl street,' Have just received a fiandsome assort­ ment of BROADCLOTHS CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c, which they will make up in the most fashionable style, and warranted to fit, at very reduced prices. All kinds of Ready Made Clothing and Fancy articles on hand cheap for Cash. Persons desirous of purchasing arti­ cles in this line of business will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. !§.**;?' CASTLE & MORRELL Have constantly on hand a general assortment of Gold and Silver, Patent Lever, Anchor, Duplex, Le- pine and vertical Watches, which will be warranted for time, and sold low for cash. Shaving and Clothes Brushes, at 26 Commercial street. - 6 62

STOCK MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH, 5 doors South of the American Hotel, American Block, No. 303 Main street, Buffalo. 63

BUFFALO DRY GOODS STORE. No. 232 Main street. This establishment is removed from 192 to 232 Main street, where there will be kept constantly on hand a well selected assortment of DOMESTIC 6o FOREIGN DRY GOODS, At the lowest cash prices. "SHIP CARVING. Every kind of Ship and Hoi:se Carvine. is executed by FREDERICK D. SPALDING, In the best style, at the corner of Chippewa and Main streets, Buffalo. Steamboat repairing done * at short notice. PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Sign of the Captured Arab.) JAMES A. FORR [STALL, House, Sign, ship, and Steamboat Painter, Gilder, Gla­ zier and Paper Hanger, No. 13 Ellicott Square, directly opposite the Bank of Buffalo. Transparent Window Curtains furnished at short notice All kinds of Wood, Marble, and Granite, "accu­ rately imitated. ROBINSON & Co. EXCHANGE BROKERS, 1024 Main street, Will purchase all kinds of Uncurrent money, sell Drafts on iBfew York, Albany, Cleveland and Detroit, and collect in all parts of the United States and Canada. 64 SELAH BARNARD, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner to take acknowl­ edgment of Deeds and Mortgages for the states of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, &c. Office No. 3 Terrace Block, opposite Market. S. CALDWELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, Exchange Buildings, No. 156 Main st. STEVENS & VANDERPOOL, COUNSELLORS AT LAW,' No. 190 Maip street. Frederick P. Stevens, Isaac V. Vanderpool. MISS R. HOPKINS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, No. 222h Main st. Buffalo. Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered at the shortest notice. MRS. A. WILLIAMS, No. 212 Main st. . Has just received the Spring Fashions of 1841, for HATS, CAPS, DRESSES, he. And a general assortment Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold very low for cash. MRS. BEAN^- MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER, No. 201 Main street, Three doors above the Farmers' Hotel, Buffalo. MRS. M. BROWN, No. 197 Main street, Has just received the Spring Fashions of 1841, for Hats, Caps, Dresses, &c. Bonnets repaired and altered on the shortest notice. A superior article of Silver and German Silver Butter Knives for sale at 26 Commercial street. 65 MURRAY & SOUTER, Exchange Brokers & Commission Agents AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, 162 Main St. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignment of Pro­ duce. Collections made and Drafts for sale on favorable terms, on Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Montreal and New York, and on Great Britain and Ireland. ORA L. HOLBROOK, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, No. 82 Main street, corner Cross st. opposite Huff's Hotel, Buffalo. FRICTION MATCH & STOUGHTON BITTERS. J. R. CRONK, Manufacturer, Seneca street, Hycjraulicks. FRICTION MATCH AND STOUGHTON BITTERS FACTORY. ENOS LEONARD, Hydraulics, near 5th District School House, Seneca st. Manufacturer. Orders from the country thankfully and promptly at- tended to. Fine Playing Cards, of difFerdat patterns for sale cheap at No. 26 Commercial street. Clocks and Watches for sale, at the lowest cash prices, at No. 26 Commercial street. Gum Elastic Suspenders, by the dozen or single pair, • for sale cheap, No. 26 Commercial street. Ladies' Fancy Dressing Cases for sale at No. 26 Com­ mercial street, 6* 66

TWO DAILY LINES, From Buffalo to New York in 45 hoursJ 12 hours ahead of any other route ! By Railroad Cars, Coaches and Steamboats. FIRST COACH leaves Buffalo at 8 A. M., arrives atBa- tavia at 2 P. M., Rochester (by Cars,) 5 P. M., Canan- daigua (by Cars,) 7 P. M., Auburn, 3 A. M., in time for the morning Cars for Albany, where they will arrive in time for the 5 o'clock evening Boat, which arrives in New York early next morning. SECOND COACH leaves Buffalo at 5 P. M., arrives at Batavia at 1 A. M., Rochester, (by Cars,) 4, Canandai- gua, 7, Auburn, by Coach, 2 P. M., in time for the after­ noon Cars for Albany, where they will arrive in time for the morning Boat which arrives in New York same evening. TELEGRAPH COACH, via. Batavia, Avon, Canandaigua to Auburn, leaves at 5 o?clock P. M. For Seats, apply at the Stage Office American Hotel, and Mansion House. W. OTTLEY & Co. MOORE & WARNER gj COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, TEAS, LIQUORS, PORK, SALT, FLOUR, &c. No. 91 Main street, 3 doors above Hurl's Hotel, John O. Moore, ? n a ^ Hervey Warner. J Buffala CHEAP & PLEASANT MODE OF TRAVELLING. New and well Furnished

!PA(DJ&MB SCDilQi a Leave Buffalo for Rochester Daily at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 7 P, M., to connect with a Line of Packet Boats for Syracuse, to intersect the Rail­ road for Albany-, through in 52 Hours. For passage, apply to the Captain on board, or at the office, Commercial street Dock. D. F. KIMBALL, Agent. 68 DENTAL SURGERY, Doctors GEORGE E. HAYES and CHARLES W. HAR­ VEY, (Office 211 Main street,) have had many years ex­ perience in the practice of DENTISTRY, and their present arrangements fire such as will enable them to devote their whole time to their professional duties. Every operation entrusted to their skill will receive the' most care ful attention, for either or both of the partners as may be desired. Thai* lacilities for inserting Arti­ ficial Teeth, from a single one to an entire set are pe­ culiar, as they not only manufacture the most beautiful Porcelain Teeth themselves, but keep from eight to ten thousand of Stockton's improved Porcelain Teeth, em­ bracing every variety of size, sharpe, color, &c. They also have some improvements of their own in the method of applying the principle of atmospheric pressure, whereby whole sets of teeth can be retained in place with the greatest facility. Operations for travellers, or persons residing out of the city, will be performed with as little delay as possi­ ble. For the benefit of strangers, they are permitted to re­ fer to the following gentlemen : Gen. Peter B. Porter, Niagara Falls. Hon. Albert H. Tracy, Geo. P. Barker, Esq., H. B. Potter, Esq., Rev. Mr. Choules, Col. Blossom, Rev. Dr. Shelton, R. B. Heacock, Esq., Hon. Millard Fillmore, H. R. Seymour, Esq., Dr. E. Johnson, Joseph Clary, Esq., Dr. Scott, Steph. Champlin, U. S. N. Dr. Flint, Lewis Easton, Esq-, Prest. City Bank of Buffalo. Pierre A. Barker, Esq. Prest U. S. Bank at Buffalo. I. T. Hatch, Esq. Prest. Commercial Bank of Buffalo. Rev. A. T. Hopkins. • FINE IMPORTED RAZORS, As good as any in the world, warranted, PatenfSteel Pens, Quills, Fine Jewelry,

DR. GLOVER'S PREPARATIONS For the cure of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stric- ures, Gravel, and all other diseases of the urinary and genital organs, do not, like the quack nostrums of the day, require a continuous string of puffing to recom- mend them—they only require to be used to recommend themselves ; they cure the above diseases in the least possible time, without endangering the health, or risk of exposure. Persons suffering from these diseases,or from charla­ tan practice, will do well to call at No. 4 Exchange st. under the Mansion House, 2 doors from Main st. where they will be attended to. The office is so constructed that patients do not come in contact with each other, and the strictest secresy is always observed. The Elixir is one dollar per bottte. Pills the same per box. Be particular to notice the number—4 Ex­ change st. 2 doors from Main street, under the Mansion House. No connection with any other office in the city. Attendance daily from 7 A. M. until 10 P. M. NO CURE NO PAY. An entire new pattern of Watch Safe Guards for sale at No. 26 Commercial street. 70

HUNTER'S MEDICAL OFFICE, Number 12 Exchange street, under the Mansion House, 6th door from Main street, Buffalo, N. Y, for the treatment of diseases of a private nature. • HUNTER'S RED DROP.—The high and envied celebrity which this pre-eminent medicine has acquired for its invariable efficacy, in the diseases which it pro­ fesses to cure, has rendered the usual practice of osten­ tatious puffing not only unnecessary but unworthy of it. It is known by its fruits; its good works testify for it in •all cases of V—1, whether recent or chronic, this medi­ cine has invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. A single trial will place the Red Drop beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. It makes a speedy and permanent cure, without the least regard to diet, exposure, or application to business. DR. HUNTER'S ANTI-MERCURIAL SYRUP and Health Restorative. To persons suffering from the abuse of mercury, and the effects of a certain disorder, imperfectly cured, with the remnant of the disease still lurking in the system, sapping the vitals and undermin­ ing the constitution, this medicine is indeed valuable.— This active alterative and purifier of the blood is par­ ticularly adapted to those afflicted with syphilitic and mercurial rheumatism, with pains in the bones, some­ times attended with lumps and indurations, tedious, in- 71 dolent and scrofulous, ulcers; sore throat, with pains in the head, discoloration and eruptions on the skin, with falling out of the hair, attended with general debility.— This medicine, while it cleanses "and purifies the blood, eradicating every particle of disease, at the same time promotes the secretions aids digestion, and imparts fresh tone and vigor to the whole system, renovating and re­ storing the broken constitution, when other remedies are of no avail. These are incontrovertibly the only medi­ cines on earth that can be depended on with the utmost confidence, to quickly, safely and permanently eradicate from the system the most destructive poison that ever afflicted offending man. This mighty conqueror has never been known to fail in a single instance, where the directions have been adhered to, to save an unfortunate sufferer from an unfortunate and disgraceful end, when all other powerful remedies have failed; even in the most desperate and inveterate cases. Cure confidently warranted in every case, and under all circumstances, in either sex. The genuine article caa be obtained at Hunter's Med­ ical Office, No. 12 Exehange st. 6 doors from Main st., under the Mansion House, Buffalo. And also at Hun­ ter's Medical Office, Stanwix Hall, Maiden Lane, Alba­ ny, N. Y. fXI*" All medicines sent to a distance will be packed secure from observation; and all letters addressed, post paid, will be confidentially attended to. A. GUTHRIE.

LOOK SHARP, INVALIDS. We are again under the necessity of cautioning the afflicted against to Harpies, one in this city and another in Rochester, who pretend to sell Hunter's Red Drop. It is a pitiful imitation, to deceive and entrap • the unwa­ ry. The genuine medicine is sold only at the old estab­ lished offices No. 5, Stanwix Hall, Maiden Lane, Alba­ ny, and No. 12 Exchange Itreet, Buffalo. 05s" Office open from 6 A. M. until 9 P. M. daily.— Private rooms attached. From June 1, 1841^ to June 1, 1842. CRARY'SDIRECTORY.

For the 65th year of American Independence-

EXPLANATIONS, The peculiarity and manner of spelling names are va­ rious; and in seeking for a name, care should be taken to know the correct spelling of the name, for example— in looking for Neilson do not look Nelson—Bogart, Bo- gert—Curtis, Curtiss—Downes, Downs, Dounes—Fa- gan, Fagen—Pearson, Pierson—Pearse, Pierce—West- cott, Wescott, &e. By a little 'attention to the above remarks, the Compiler thinks that but few inaccuracies will be found. N. B. Any person who actually finds, or thinks he finds an error or omission, is most earnestly requested to give notice to the Compiler. The words street, store, office, and the prepositions of, at, with, &c. are not expressed but understood—the place of business is placed first. Abbreviations.-—h. stands for house—c. corner—bd. board or boards—ab. above—bl. below—bt. between—e. east—w. west—n. north—s. south—op. opposite—lab. laborer—cab. cabinet—wid. widow, &c. By a reference to the list of streets, on the 35th page, the abreviations of their names will be understood. NAMES AND RESIDENCE OF THE HEADS OF FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDERS, IN THE CITY OP BUFFALO, ONF1RST OFJUNEl'8 41. Abbott Charbs F. clerfcl48 main Abbott Thomas, barkeeper Lovejoy House Abbott Jos. tailor h franklin n chippewa Abbott Samuel M. M D off over p o h south div c oak Ackley Chas. clerk 192 main Adams John, lab elm n syc Adams Daniel P. printer at A W Wilgus h clinton c oak Adams Orrin, building mover h blossom n coon's al Adams Hiram, grocer 1 e seneca Adams James T. confec 139 and 360 main (see adv) Adams Peter, stone cutter h terrace c mechanic Adams Peter mrs. h genesee n ter Adams Thos, firm Cameron A & co bd mrs. Taylor's Adams Milan, constable Black Rock h main n high Adriance John V. S. lafayette coffee house 277 main h eagle e elm Adler Jacob, cordwainer h pearl c chip Adler John, lab bataefia c michigan Aims Joseph, sash-maker h main ab chip Aird Thos. carpenter at S G Walker Aiffes Dennis, lab h genesee square Aiken Warren L. tobac 239 main Ainsworth Jos, mason h court w morgan Akerton Anna, wid h moh s genesee Albright butcher h eagle bl pine Albery Robt. harness maker 149 main 7 74 Albro Stephen, h n div c mich Albro Wm. H. at Stephen Albro Allard Jas. waiter American h pearl n eagle Allen Christian, cordwainer main h oak n huron Allen Chas. assistant keeper poor h Allen J. S. cab maker 231 main Allen Carlisle T. h seneca e ell Allen Chas H. bd mrs P Hall Allen Dennis, cab maker h n div e oak Allen Geo W. firm G W Allen & co h oak n swan Allen Phillip, Jr.for. mer off Geo Davis & co bd at mrs Hayward %A.llen Andrew, wagon maker sen opp Hick's tavern Allen Lewis D. for & com mer long wharf h eagle e Washington Allen Orlando, v pres bank buffalo h swan c pratt Allen Zadock G. hydraulicks saw mills bd J Dodge Allen John, M D bd mrs Watson's Allen Rathbun, clerk 15 webster block bd M Rathbun Allen Homer M. buffalo exchange Allen John R. capt canal, boat h exchange w mich Allen Wm. truckman at Jacob Lyons Allen Wm R. atty at Jaw off 272 main Allenbrand Aiicius, cab maker elm n gen Allen G W & co. clothing store main c cross Allyn Wm G. h ter n gen Almy Chauncy C. seneca st house Almy Benj D. mer h chip n wash Altenstein Peter W. joiner gen w mich Altschuh Johnson, lab gen c elm Allshook Francis, lab elm n gen Alvord P G. watchmaker and Jeweller 161 main bd man­ sion house Amann J D. musician syc w elm Amberg John, cord main opp high school Amehein George, cord at Christian Kelly's Anderson Alex S. bookeeper at Hagar & co Anderson Cyrus K. dry goods store 196 main h green e Washington 75 Anderson John, grocer n div c oak Anderson Robt. D. recess main c dock Andrews Wm. R. law student Barker & Sill h hickory op sycamore Andrews Thos. cord h Pearl s chip Andrews Geo. lab at phoenix hotel Andrews John H. grocer dock w main Andrews Henry, blacksmith seneca e mich Andrew Wm. grocercom c prime Angel John, lab h elm c tupper Angier rev Luther H. bds at Mrs Grosbecks Ann Nicholas, lab gen w elm Appleby Gilman, cap h jackson w eagle Arbour Wm. piano forte mak h german w delaware Arcole Iron Co. warehouse ohio n main Arlain Christian A. main n phoenix Armour James, sail maker h oak n batavia Armstrong Lamberton, saddler hAtnion ab eagle Armstrong Luzene, bookbinder 203 main Armstrong Bartholomew, h n div n chesnut Armstrong John, blacksmith van rensselaer Armbruster Anthony, cordwainer com s rock Arnold Jacob, cordwainer h«xch e Washington Arnold John T; exchange broker 259 main • Arnold Rich'd H. cab mak h eagle c cedar Arnold John D. med stud at W Hills Arust Albert, teamster h pearl s huron Asban John, lab h pearl n court Ashfield John, gunsmith h louisiana n fulton Association S. B. off prime at Joy & Websters Athearn Cyrus,tobacco factory 193 main h wash n sen­ eca Atkins Fordyce W. h franklin n church Atkins Joel, firm A & Chamberlain h pine s eagle Atkins & Chamberlain, dry goods 238 main Atwater Albert T. elk Coit, K & Co Atwater Henry C. firm A & Williams h seneca n mich Atwater Sam'l T. at A R Cobb & Co h seneca opp elli- cott 70 Atwater & Williams, grocer prime st c Lloyd Atwood Thos. lab h pearl n court Austin Benj. H. firm A & Thompson h del c huron Austin Joseph, snuff and tob fac Washington bet seneca and exchange (see adv) Austin Seth, grocer 90 mai» h pearl c court Austin Stephen G. att off 240 main h niagara square Austin Robt. bd Walter Porter Austin & Thompson, attys and counsellors off 174 main Auchinrolle John, elk 161 main j Avery John, med stud at W Hfil Avis John, lab syc c elm . Ayres Levi D. firm Bayette, A & Co Ayres George, stew sbg western Ayres Anna, wid of Sylvanus h del n chip Aykroyd Geo. h ter w pearl Aykroyd Hiram, do do Aykroyd Henry* h rftiv e chestnut Babcock Geo. R. atty at law off 268,main Babcock Anna Maria, h elm n s div Bacon Henry,auction and com store 17J main h s div e 'j£jjB^". oak' Badger H. G. 200 main h n div e elm Baersch George, oak c tupper Bagley A. G. jeweller 377 main h franklin n^chip Bailey David, law stud at Fillmore & Havens Bailey Saml. G. firm Brown &B8s div Baird A. H. firm A H B'& Co Baird Jos. mason h franklin n chip Baird A. H. & Co keeper U S Hotel Baker Chas. joiner h Virginia n franklin Baker Ephraim, cab mak at Staats h niag w Carolina Baker Henry, lab h pearl n chip Baker Jas. S. atty at law bds at Ann Clemens Baker Wm. printer 206 main Baker Wm. recess erie c peacock Baker Edraond A. bd at Moses Bakers Baker Christian, sen h elm n scyamore Baker Christian, jr elk with ADA Miller 77 Baker Danl. teamster^n genesse n jeff Baker Darius O. elk at Moses Baker Baker Gaines, h spruce n batavia Baker Jos. lab h tupper c elm Baker Moses, super e canal at store genesee square h main n genessee Baker Christian, boarding h and grocery com s rock Baker John, joiner h ell n huron Balcolm Philo A. brickyard elm ab goodell Baldensberger Philip, cab mak at Staats Baldwin Elihu, law stud at Marshals bds at J J B Baldwin J. J. surveyor and agent off 162£ main h gene­ see n pearl Baldwin Eliza, wid John B h mich n syc Baldy C. M. printer 158 main h terrace e eagle Baldy Wm. baggage master h chestnut bet n and s div Ball Charles, mason h german w del Ball Philip, teamster h german n 12th Ball Jonathan, machinist goodell c oak Baltzly Geo. cordwainer gen w jeff Bancasser Geo. furnace man h tupper w delaware Bangerter John, lab oak'ab eagle Bannister N. H. comedian bd Farmers' H Banta Jacob, firm Bidwell & B h elk w alab Barber Daniel, milkman h s div e chestnut Barber David, cooper h alb n pearl and eagle Barber Asa, firm Weller & B 98 main Barden Orien E.,coffin warehouse niagara n pearl h hur w franklin Barkhan Frederick, lab oak s syc Barker Geo. P. atty firm B & Sill h niag square Barker William, grocer packet dock h swan n wash Barker & Sill, attys & counsellor at law over 318 main Barker Pierre A. h hudson n niag Barker Jacob A. bds at mrs Kimberlys Barker Robert R. law stud at Burwell & Hougtons bds Cutler & Hudson's Bar more Nat. h oak s genesee Barnard James, tailor h seneca n miehigan 7* 78 Barnard Selah, justice off 3 terrace h Franklin bt sene­ ca and Swan Barnard Albert, h seneca e ell Barnes John, butcher h seneca e Hicks tavern Barnes Joshua, h swab n spring Barnes Morris O. h swan w elm JSG&X Barnes Maria, wid h sen e ell Barnes Bradford, carpenter eagle c mich Barnes Epraim, at John B Barnum Austin, comb maker exch e wash Barnum E. P. ship carpenter hoaiag c court Barnum Theodore, at E P B Barrett Henry L. elk 228 main Barrett Wm. lloyd n prime Barrett George, 263 main Barrow —•.,, M D mich n eagle Barrows Ira F. coach maker bd miss Roath's Barthel Marcus, cardwainer mort n gen Bartell John P. main opp high school cab warer/m main opp park Bartell Victory h main opp catholic church BaTthauer Chas. tailor mich n syc Barthauer Chas F. barber com n water Bartholomew Peter, shoe store 313 main h court c frank Bartley Casper, h n div e mich Barton Hiram, atty & counsellor 161 main bds Mansion House Barton James H. elk at L H Pratts bds at Jas L B Barton Jas. L. elk s b off Joy & Webster h del c church Barton John, draper and tailor 165 main bds J Guilds Barton Phineasy £ niag square Barwise Matthew, oak s syc Bassett Gustavus,hat and cap store 181 main h ellicott n eagle Bassett John A. elk 181 main Bassett Deforest, capj; h sen c ell Bastian Chas T. main n tupper Bastian Robt. C joiner & boarding h main c n div Bate Thomas, grocer 24 pratt blk com 79 Bates John, brickmaker oak n good Bates John, mariner h jackson n gen Bates Henry, brickmaker mich n gen Bates Jonathan L. recess and boarding h canal dock Bath Richard, rope maker h niag n clock factory Bath Thos. painter and glazier h swan c wash Bathelou Etienne, lab elm ab bata Baumann Regina, wid of Henry B h wash n good Baumann Peter, mason h elm ab gen Battey D. S. mer tailer 308 main Baylis Chas. butcher terrace mark bds C B Rice Bayette Jos. firm B Ayres & Co Bayette, Ayres & Co tobacco cigar and snuff manufact 239 main (see adv) Baytoinger John, blachsmith elm n vine Beace Wm B. blacksmith at T S Rainey Beach Benj F. law stud at Smith & Viele Beach Chas G. grocer 270 main h huron n del Beals John, lab bds R Beal Beal Richd, lab h eagle n franklin Beals Saml, elk 5 webster block Beals Edward, elk 222 main Beals John W. agent for protection ins and atna ins off 163 main h wash c s div Beals John W. jr elk Geo Davis & Co bd at J W B Beals Jos R. book keeper at Geo Davis & Co bd at J WB Beamsley John, cordwainer at O H P Williams h swan nr main Bean A H. broker 183 main bd American Bean Aaron, school teacher h del n tup * Bean Luke, painter with Kemp & Shadrake h ell s clin Bean Milo, 201 main Bean Milo, mrs milliner and dress maker 201 (see adv) Beard Danl C. elk at H Havens & Co h frank n swan j Beard Eliza, wM <9f David B h main n tup Beard Wm. gentleman sportsman h ten of diamonds Beardsley Josiah, chair maker h frank s sen Beardsley Ann, E wid of Erastus sup of h industry h wash 2 doors from p o f%! 80 Beaser Margaret, wid of John h niag e'court Beattey Geo T. cordwainer at Vayghans Beebe A. P. bar keeper at Lackays Beebe Erastus, boarding h mech nr rail road Beebe W. H. Bedford John, truckman h gay e mich Bedford Maria, wid h lloyd c rock Beebuse Geo W. weaver elm n gen Beecher Hiram S. forwarder &e h erie w main Beecher Saml. P. firm Potter & B Beers Henry R. elk Wearing, Kelley & Co Behringer Adam, lab h cherry n hick Beier Geo. tailor h mich ab gen Beier Michael, joiner mich ab gen Beilmann Chas. lab elm c tup Beil Jacob, carpenter mich s gen Bekle Geo. cab mak gen c hick Bekle Jacob, do do do Bekle Michael, dodo do Belden Dexter, marble cutter erie w r r h terrace c gen Belden John W. elk G W Allen & Co Bell Wm E. join bd ell n clin Bemis Asaph S. capt s b Star bd wid Bemis Bemis Aurelia, wid of Asaph h sen cmich Benedict Joel, blacksmith at Williamson, Clark & Co Benjamin Henry L. M D off and h swan c wash Bennett Edw. W. capt watch h oak n gen Bennett Jas. lumber dealer h sen e hamb Bennett Jas. E. cigar, snuff and tob fac 195 m ain h oak n swan (see adv) Bennett Margaret, wid of Jeremiah h ell n gen Bennett Nathaniel, firm Cook & B bd mrs Reese Bennett Jas. S. elk 11 main Bennett Jas H. elk 223 main Bennett Edward, elk 140 main Bennett Philander,ald 4th ward firm Marvin & B grocer 5 terrace Jfceagle bet pine and cedar Benson John, elk Yaw, Palmer & Co bd temperance h Benson Michael, brewer on canal c church 81 Benson Samuel, h pearl c chip Benson Silas, saddler h pearl c chip Bensonhoper Michael, finisher at Williamson, Clark &Co Bengasser Geo. at do Bentz John E. lab bat e mich Bentz Xaver, musician.main op high school Benyard Richard, porter at American h pearl c court Berry John D. builder.h pearl s tupper Bersh Jos.tailor on dock c canal slip h bt oak and elliooli n genesee Bergtold Jacob, grocer 380 main Best Rob't H. ins of customs and constable h moh w frank Best, Wm. F. firm W F B & co grocers 290 main Bethel Church, perry e Washington Betts Albert, barkeeper at J. Loring Betts Hiram, clothing store 32 main h pearl n sen Betts Richd Jr. atRumsey & Howards Bettis John, with*. Stephen Betts Bettis Stephen, builder h eagle e del Bettis Wm. joiner h franklin n huron Betz Jacob, porter at Rumsey & Howard Betts Michael, mason h spruce G bat Beverly Daniel, keeper of Farmers' Inm main n canal Beyer Jacob, cfk- with Philip B Beyer Philip, grocery and h main c chip Biard Oliver, eng s b Wisconsin h sen & mich Bidwell Benj. S. grocer ohio n Illinois h elk ab mich Bidwell Benjamin, firm B & Banta h black rock Bidwell D. D. law stud 161 main Bidwell Vincent, firm B & Banta Bidwell & Banta, ship builderselk junction ohio Bidwell John, ship joiner h elk w alab Biesinger Jos* butcher h gen n jeff Bigden Robt. grocer main nr chip Bigelow Elijah A. dentist h pratt n ger church Bigelow Saml. A. off ohio nr main h niag ab huron Bignell Orville B. h sidway buildings 82 Billings Theodore D. h swan e mich Bilz John, lab gen nr oak Binder Jacob, at Greenwood & Co Bindigan Lena, wid h gen e morti Bird Isaac, tailor 9 main Birge Martin H. dry goods 234 main h niag w moh Birge Danl O. dry goods 218 main bd mrs Halls Bissell Henry H. M D off main c s-div h main ab huron Bivins William, keeper phoenix hotel 359 main Bmns Frederick A. watchman bd A Carnel Bivins Frederick, hackman for A Nobles Blair Alex, lab h del nrgen Blair John, portrait painter bd Wm Crookers Blake Electa, wid of Adam D h ell nr gen Blake Geo. carriage maker h s div nrches Blakely Robt. stone cutter h ger w del Blakely Russel L. med stud H N Loomis Blakely Geo. bd Lackays Blanchette Edward C. keeper ol branch Blanchard Timothy, foreman Hawes & Co Bla^ehke Jos. locksmith h moh e main Blasker Jos. locksmith at Taylors Blatchford Danl. h sen e Hicks Tavern Bleiler Casper, shoe shop prime e canal h main opp cath church Bliss Judah, M D w sen bet main and pearl Blodgett Elizabeth* bding h terrace w pearl Bloker Martin, ostler h palmer n caro Bloker Thos. wood dealer h pearl n court Bloss Truman, elk J Elliott Blossom Ira A. agent holland co off wash c clin h frank c erie and terr Blossom Ira H. elk Colson & Brace Blossom Thos. bds Cutler & Hudsons Blosier Cornelius, hackman Mansion h 4 green e wash Bock Fred, cordwainer court w main Bodge Henry, chair maker. 231 main h mich n eagle Bodemar John, tailor wash n chip Bodemar Frederick, blksmith do 83 Bogardus Saml. elk 5 Webster Block h oak n eagle Bolz John, lab sen w hyd canal Bond Ephraim T. grocer 223 main h eagle w del Bonet Francis, lab h ash n syc Bonney Z. firm D & Z B wholesale grocers 11 Webster buildings,,. Boocher John, ostler Jacob S Millers Boothroy George, trackman gay e mich Borck William*, lab elm c gen Born Philip, brewer gen c jeff Borst John, painter main c gen h goodell c elm Borst John, lab h pearl n chippewa Bost Nicholas, lab mich n bat Bostwick Jas. H. clerk Yaw, Palmer & co Botsford Jerome, boat agent h 121 main Botsford -1 , carpenter Bottom Marshall W. constable h mich n eagle Botholomy P. cordwainer 317 main Bouchamp Samuel, jeweller at W G Oliver Bo wen Dennis, law student at Hall's bd Cutler & Hud'n Bowen Fred'k F. wood insp rear of eagle tavern alley Bowen Geo. W. h n division e mich Bowles Jerome, h rear eagle tavern in alley Bowman Henry, tailor 88 main Boyce Isaac, tailor h s div c pine Boyce Martha, wid h n div c elm Boyd David, potash man h del bel huron Boyd James, with David B Boyd Thos, do Boyd Jas. lab h del n moh Boyd Danl. moh bet main and wash Boyle Ellen, wid h niag n maryl Boynton Chas. joiner h pearl nr huron Boynton Calvin R. joiner bd Chas B Boynton Theodore N. bd C B Brace Lester, und sheriff h wash c bat Brace Curtis L. firm Colson & B Brace Elisha W. joiner h pine nr swan Bradley Elias A. h eagle bel frank 84 Brady Danl. bd at Conways com Braak Philip, lab h mor c gen Brakman Henry, lab h n div e main Brainard Joshua G. flour inspec bd C B Brainard Cornelia, bding h elk n eagle Branner Sylvester, porter at gen Barker Brandt Jos. lab h mor c gen Brandt T. W. potter h eagle e chest Brass Jas. elk at P O Bray Pat. lab h green e wash Brazil Michael, mason h carr w hamb Brechtel John, h hick nr Lutheran C Beitwasser Michael, lab syc c ash Breininger Joseph, carpenter gen nr jeff Bengle George, lab at G Heisers Brettsel Moses, lab syc w elm Brick Nicholas, tanner tup e elm Bricks Jacob, lab h main nr Cath C Brickett Irad, off 3 ter h frank bet sen and swan Bridges Wm. H. printer 232 main (see adv) Bridson Thomas, lab h green opp beak Brindle Joseph, shoe shop court w main Bright Lewis, blacksmith at Williamson, Clark & Co Bristol Dan, h del e moh Bristol Erasmus D. bd at Dan B Bristol Moses, M D off and h swan c pearl Bristol Harrison, elk at Witts Bristol C. C. druggist and chemical laboratory 207 main h del s moh OCT Proprietor of Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla for purify­ ing the blood The following is sufficient testimony to satisfy the most incredu­ lous :— M This is to certify, that I, Jane Demee, aged 32 years, residing at No. 20 Main street, in the city of Utica, was attacked about five years since, with scrofula, which terminated in scrofulous cancer. For] the first four years I was attended by several physicians, and took during the time - 14 bottles Phenix Bitters 20 boxes Life Pills 100 " Brandreth's (genuine) do 85 3 bottles Phelp's Arcanum 4 " SnuWB Anti-Mercurial Syrup 5 " Swain's Panacea 3 " Indian do 6 dollars worth of Conway's (Boston) Medicine, a large quantity of Fowler's Solution^of arsnic ; different prepara* tions of Mercury, and other medicines prescribed during that time by my physicians. After having exhausted all the remedies my husband could hear of, that would be likely iotprolong my wretched life, I was reduced to my bed, where I lay for two years perfectly helpless, and a greater portion of the third year in the same situation, an object of pity ; abandoned by the doctors as incurable. At this period, my mouth, throat, palate and nose were greatly ulcerated; my palate nearly destroyed; the roof of my mouth entirely eaten away ; tilse* wings of the nose with the lower portion all gone, leaving only a small hole instead of the-nostrils. My head and face considerably swollen, my flesh nearly gone from my bones, with a continued fever. ' In this situation, I commenced taking Bristol's Fluid Ex­ tract of Sarsaparilla. Before I had used up the whole of one bottle 1 got ontof my bed without help, and could walk about. I have taken eight bottles in all,, and am so perfectly cured that I can go out to work and labor fcough the day. My general health is good, although' my mouth is closed up so as to leave but a small round hole, whteh prevents my ^eating except in very small quantities. Since I commenced using the Sarsaparilla my appetite has been good, and I can now eat any thing that I can get into my mouth. While I was using the Sarsaparilla, I paid no particular attention to diet, but ate all kinds of food that my appetite -craved. I am satisfied that my life has been preserved and health toy en­ tirely restored by the blessing of God and the use of Bristol's Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, and that alone, without the use of any other medicine, and after all others had failed to effect a cure. JANE DEMEE. Utica, Aug. 1. 1840. State of New York, City of Utica ss. On the first of Aug. 1840, came before me the above named Jane Demee, to me personallyknown, who being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement made by her is just and true. IRA CHASE, Justice of the Peace of Oneida county. I, Lodowick Demee, residing at No. 29 Main st. in the city of Utica, have read the foregoing statement made by my wife Jane, and know the same to be correct, and do further state that no other medicine that she has taken for the last five years, has ever done her any good, except Bristol's Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, which has effected a miracle, and snatched my poor wife (although dreadfully disfigured,) from an early grave. Utica, Aug. 1, 1840. LODOWICK DEMEE. 86 We- the undersigned, residing in the city of Utica, acquainted with Jane andtLodowick Demee, and believe their statement to be correct in every particular, JOHN PARSONS, Justice of the Peace. IRA CASE, do do .FANNY SKINNER. ABBY BACON, wife of Hon. Ezekil Bacon. THOMAS SKINNER. JAMES DEAN, County Clerk, Oneida county. State of New York, County of Oneida, ss. I, James Dean, Clerk of the said county of Oneida do certify, that Ira Chase and John Parsons, Esars. whose names are sub­ scribed to the certificate of the proof or acknowledgment of the annexed instrument in writing, and endorsed thereon, were at the time of taking such proof or ^acknowledgment, Justices of the Peace in and for the said county, dwelling in the said county, and duly authorised to take the same; and that I am well acquainted with the hand writing of such Justices, and verily believe that the signatures to the said certificate, of proof or aeknowledment are genuine^ In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, the fourth day of August, 1840. r_ JAMES DEAN, Clerk. By JAMES EDGAR, Deputy Clerk* . [EP An engraving of the above case is published in Bristols Ga­ zette, in hands of agents, and the original portrait, certified by the artist as a correct representation, can be seen at the proprietor's store ; also, large lithographic copies done in Hall & Money's best style,'may be inspected at any of the agencies for sale of Bristol's Medicines. [CF You will be deceived unless you ask for Bristol's Sarsapa­ rilla, and see that a RED stamp is over the cork of the bottle, on which is his written signature. Britton Nicholos, tinsmith 66 main h beak s exch Brodbak George, sausage maker gen e wash Biodhead William W. elk N G Mastens h wash nr moh Brodbeck John G. butcher syc w hick Brogh Paul, lab wash ab good Bronner Christian, cab maker at Staats h oak nr huron Bronner Philip L. grocer syc e elm Brooks Sylvester, lab oak s gen Brooks Samuel, barkeeper at Elysian Saloon Brosseau Anthony, lab sen junc swan Brossert Charles, tanner at N H Gardner h steu e van ren Brower Peter A. boot maker 98 main 87 Brown Alexander H. printer h clin e oak Brown Alva, bd Farmers Hall* Brown Caleb W. dry goods 160 main bd U S Hotel Brown Charles R. Clk at Q S Pierce Brown C. W. cab maker 2B1 main h do Brown Charlotte, h eagle nr wash Brown Duncan, printer mich s clin Brown Ddmund, M D h eagle e wasli Browsr. Emanuel, barkeeper at Buffalo Exchange Brown George, firm Hollister & B Brown George S. book keeper h s dive fihest Brown Jacob W. elk 180 main Brown James, lab h fuls e c mich Brown James W. firm M Kingman & Co bd Mansion h Brown John, lab 57 Frenc^rWock Brown John S. teacher eagle e- mich Brown Joseph W. starch fac jer nr -niag h 11th c jer Brown John G. elk 160 main Brown Leonard W. brickmaker oak c good Brown Lorenzo, sher erie co h wash nr eagle Brown Matthew, firm Coit, Kimberly & co Brown Michael, carpenter oak nr gen Brown Ovid,' elk 234 main Brown Orrin F. lead pipe maker swan junc sen h sen c van Brown Philip, tanner syc nr mich Brown Philip, lab wash ab good Brown Phebe P. bding h 7 Harrington block pearl Brown Samuel, keeper Buffalo Exchange Brown Samuel C. Buffalo Exchange Brown Simeon, firm B & Bailey Brown Ruth, recess peacock ab erie Brown Elisha L. cordwainer at J Lawson Brown William, Buffalo Exchange Brown Wesley, teacher bd Ed B Brown Russell S. firm Starkwether & B off 164 main Brown Eliza, wid of William h wash s swan Brown —, elk Geo Davis tailor with Samuel Colie Isaac W. builder mich nr clin h clin c mich Colie Oliver S. hatter h sen c ham Colie Samuel, farmer h clin w mich Collard John, saddler 123 main Collector U. S. Revenue, off Sydway bl comm Collector Canal Tolls, off 24 pratt bl comm Collette Lambert, silversmith and grocer niag n pearl 97 Collette Mrs. seamstress niag n pearl Collins Dennis, lab h niag nr hudson Collins John P. waggon maker junc sen and swan Collis Michael, lab h swan nr louis Colson Augustin, firm Colson & Brace h swan opp elm Colson & Brace, prov and com mer c dock and prime Colton Henry, wholesale grocer, c main and gen Colton Manly, dep county elk h main c tupper Commercial Advertiser and Journal Office, 158 main exch buildings Commercial Bank of Buffalo, 261 mam Compart Peter, lock maker cyprus c mich Compton Ann, wid of John h n div e chesnut Comstock Charles A. bd-mrs Jackson 6 e sen' Comstock A. Mrs. with S W.B Chester Comstock Frederick, baker at J. House's Comstock Ghauncy, lab bd O Weaver Comstock George, stew s b Julia Palmer Comstock Chester, elk R Farr & Co Coman Rollin, elk 144 main Congdon Harriet M. h wash c carroll Conk Frances, wid of Henry boarding h pearl n ter Connett John W. agent Detroit line off M. Kingman &c co bd Ann Clemons Connolly Patrick, goldsmith 161 main h ell nr bat Conrad John, Jab h gen w pearl Conrod Simon, lab for R Evans Convers Staring, at J R Cronks Conway Lackey Y. grocer comm s ter Cook Charles L. butcher h green e beak Cook Eli, firm Cook & Bennett h swan opp pine Cook John, firm Vosburg & Cook, h eagle e ell Cook John L. engineer s b Bunker Hill h n div w pine Cook Lyman, joiner h vine nr oak Cook Peter, grocer gen square Cook William, mason, h chip w pearl Cook & Bennett, att & coun off 138 main Cooke P. G. teacher bd S. Kingsley Cooley Harlow, mariner, h rock n erie 9 98 Cooley Alanson, cab maker 111 main h carr nr mich ' Coon William, moulder at Williamson, Clark & co Coon Harvey, M. D. h eagle bet mich* and elm. Coon Jacob, lab Cyprus e mich Cooper Charles M. att firm Love & C 150 main r Cooper Charles, musician eagle c cedar ( Cooper's Labyrinth, eagle c cedar Cooper David jr. bd Stilwell's Cooper George D. brickmaker, h gen e spruce Cooper James, mariner h jackson n gen Cooper Joseph, joiner h clinton e oah Cooper Nathaniel, harness maker 298 mai$i h ell bet eagle and clinton Cooper William, farmer north c 11th -^ Cooper S. B. painter ell nr, gen Coots William A»„teiljoT 211 main Copper John, tanner at Rumsey & Howard's h niag n pearl i&slii Coppock W. R. prof of music h 7th w Caroline Corbett William G. stew s b Gen Harrison,. Corbin Peter, h mich s clinton Cordukes William, New York bakery 315 main. Gorbetto Philip, moulder at Eagle furn h pine n s div Cornish J. C. firm O J & J C Amer Star Cornish O. J. M. Mrs. boarding h beak s exch Cornish O, J. M. firm O J M & J C beak s exch Cornish O. J. M. & J. C. keepers Am Star and Union coffee house Comnell Pierre B. elk 129 main Cory John, recess uock w erie Cotter Thomas, elk J L Bates Cotton Charles C. elk 290 main Cotton George W. farmer h ell s gen Courter Ralph, grocer coram c prime h niag ab moh Coveney Robert, grocer 120 main Coudery William, joiner h ell c coon's all Cowing Estes H. elk Curtiss, Root & Cowing Cowing Harrison 0. firm Curtiss, Root & C. h church w pearl «j*f*j 99 Cowles John, elk 92 main bd Huff's Cowan Sidney G. printer over 272 maia. Coyne James, soap boiler aj Erovoost's h morg c niag Craft Francis, eordwainer bd Miss Howard's Craig Alexander, gardener, ell c high Craig Robert, do do Craig Thomas, do do Crain John, painter h german all nr gen Cratt Eekel, lab h morg nr gen Cramer John A. mason h wash n chip Cramer Peter," mason builder h ell nr moh "Cramer Sophia, h rock nr erie Crandall George B. h frank* n moh Crane Thomas, jr. dk 70 main bd wid Crane Cranj Ruth, wid of Thomas h s div e elm Crary Oscar F. deputy custom officer blk rock dam Crawford Marens, h elk nr alab Crawford Albert, recess rock nr erie Crawford Peter, builder h frank n chip Crawford William, h chip bet main and pearl Crawford Maria, dress maker 209 main Crego Francis, joiner h pearl s huron Crego Francis, lab h sen e hamb Crisben Jacob, h gen «-mortimer • Criston Joseph, lab hsyc e mich Crocker James, att and COUH off 136 main h swan n oak Cronk John R. hyd friction match factory sen opp hea- cock (see adv) Crooker Erastus, tavern sen c kinney's all Crooker George, do do Crooker Matthew, ship carpenter, h s dive mich Crooker Moses, teamster h n div c pine Crooker William jr. boarding h clinton c main-. Cross Charles, tanner at Rumsey & Howard's Cross Daniel, h beak s exch Crozier John M.-erier courts, h ell n bat Crozier Joseph, elk 818 main Cruttenden Edward, sash and blind mak h oak n eagle Culbertson James, tailor h swan e mieh 100 Culp Simon, blacksmith h green e wash Culver John, whitesmith h sen junc swan Culver Franklin, cab mak 111 main. Cummings Haffield, mason collector 2d ward h swan c chestnut Cummings James, firm Williamson, Clark & co Cummings James, blacksmith 15 main Cummings Samuel, do do Cummings, John, do do Cunningham Harvey, milkman h swan e Kinney's all Cunningham Samuel, well borer eagle c elm Cunningham Ann, wid of James h chip w morg Cuns William, moulder h elk-n mich Cutler Abner, firm C White & co h s div c ell Cutler Hector, turner 231 main Cutler Thomas, finisher at Williamson, Clark & co h c Chicago and miami Cutler Clarinda, firm C & Hudson Cutler Timothy, joiner h wash nr.moh Cutler, White & Co. cabinet and chair ware rooms, 231 main (see adv) Cutler & Hudson, boarding h s div bet ell and wash Cure Lyman, bd 7 main Curson Josiah, waterman h pearl n court Curtiss Peter, firm C. Root & Cowing, h main fi chip Curtiss, Root & Cowing, wholesale grocers, 70 main Curtis Thomas, mariner, h gay nr mich Cutting Harmon S. painter 113 main bd H. G. White's Cutting. Thomas, cab maker, h front s huron Dale Peter, lab syc e mich D'Auberville Ferdinand G. musician bd 16 main Dale Crossley, coppersmith, 107 main Dale Richard, wheelwright, swan n alab Daley MartiBYh pearl bet sen and ter Dana William K. off 288 main 3d story Daniels Spencer, cash comm bank h niag nr pearl Daniels Warren jr. elk P L Parsons & co Daniels Mary, h ell n sen Danner Michael, truckman, h gen w mich • 101 Darby William, blacksmith, h ter c mechanic-f Darcy Daniel, plasterer, h eagle e cedar Darrow Charles, elk 186 main Darrow Noyes, h 3 darrow bl wash Darrow Edward S. h frank n swan Dart Joseph jr. hswane ell Daugherty John, h sen c daugherty's all Davenport Ira, painter eagle bet mich and pine Davis J. C. elk s b Davis George, firm G. D. &; co h niag nr main Davis Horace, elk J G Dodge Davis Jacob, tailor h spruce nr bat Davis Jacob, jr tailor h pine n s div Davis Jarvis, gunsmith with Pat Smith Daris Saul, auction & com mer 10 and 11 ell sq main Davis John, mason h spruce nr bat Davis Noah, on s b New England h good e oak Davis Peter, tailor h spruce nr bat Davis Thomas, mariner h ful e mich Davis William, joiner bd F James ©avis William, joiner bd D Burton Davis George & co, for and com mer long wharf Davis Laura, wid of Luther bding h swan c oak Davis Mary, wid of Henry h court w niag Davis Sarah J. teacher bd wid L Davis Davis Sophia, wid of G W h eagle e chest *' Davis Prudence, wid of L D h good c oak Davison Andrew J. cordwainer at Merlin Camps Davidson John, capt schr h sdiv c pine Davidson David, elk 162 main Davison William, cajpt schr reindier h terr nr eagle Davock John W. firm D & Good h wash c swan Davock Ford E. & N. att and coun off 290 main Forly John jr. waggon makerat T S Raneys Forriste.ll James A. houseand sign painter 13 ell square (see adv) Forster David, cab maker 231 main Forster Richard, cab maker h s div e elm Fo'rsyth James, gilder at G D Tellers h swan e chesnut Foster David, cab maker 111 naainbd E Bebee Foster Thomas, coffee and spice factory 263 main Fosdick Clemont, elk 168 main Fougerori Jacob, grocer gen cell - Fougeson Kennoth, elk M Cherrys Fowler Benjamin, h niag c frank Fowler Stephen, shoe store e swan nrmain h ell s s div Fowler Trueworthy, grocer long wharf h 8th w swan Fowler William, blacksmith h frank nr niag Fox Joseph, milkman h gerw del Fox Simeon, capt s b Chautauque h gen e mor Fox Watson, elk Daw & De Long Fox Peter, lab h peacock w evens Foy Robert D. book and job printer 159 main h gen bet pearl and main Frame John, ship carpenter h ell c high Francis Abner H. firm of F & Garrett h swan e mich Francis Daniel, brittannia ware factory 4 U S blk h s div e chest Francis Julius, with Daniel Francis Thomas, bd J Guild Francis & Garrett, clothing mer 7 U S blk Francisco Henry T. tailor with R Tate Frank John, musician h oak s gen Frank John, lab wash n good Franklin Edmond, elk H Adams Franklin John, grocer 14 com Franklin Coffee HouseJ 294 main (see adv) 112 Franklin Danforth, with H Moss Franklin William, baker h alb s sen Fraser Charles, elk 190 main Frazer James, maohinest at Theatre h ell c coons ally Frazer John, prijjler 206 main h efi. c coons alley Frazer Mary, wid ell c coons ally Frechette Paul firm F & Scheffer bd Ann Clemons Frechette & Scheffer, job printers and publishers morn- Times (see adv) Freeman George, brickmaker nr niag c mar Freeman George T. brick ya£i ©beery nr mor Fremy Francis, niag c mar • French Fisher A. blacksmith bd phenix French Harlow, blacksmith gen nr maiii-h wash bel hur Friday George, driver with J Eldridge Friday Michael, lab h gen e mor Treedman Ingnatius, brewery oak nr tup Frierson Angus, firm Yaw, Palmer & co h pearl rear of churches Fries Johannes, lab h gen w jeff Fuller William O. painter Kemp & Shadrake Fulmer Casper, lab Paterson. Brothers h ell s swan Fulsom Benjamin, building mover mechanic h-eagle n del Fulsom William H. building mover machanic h frank n huron Furlong Michael, cordwainer h chip c elm Fursman Samuel, dept sheriff h ndive.mich Gage George, h exch e wash : Gage George, jr bank coffee room 146 main Gage William, bding h 1 door n post office Galbuth John, soap and candle maker at Pratts Galligan John, cabinet maker with William h alley nr '-•* pearl and eagle Galligan William, cabinet ware rooms 111 main h beak s ofexch Galligan Mary, wid h tow path e erie Gallaway Alexander R. boat agent h court c niag sq Galloway James, driver at Devenport & co Galusha David, teacher h ell s tup 118 Gallup Shubeal, auc & com mer 190 main h court w del (see adv)., < Garber Christian, tanner h ell s clin Garber Martus, sausage maker h carr e wash h Garbut P. dry goods 208 main Gardner Anthony, lab h wash n good Gardner Charles, firm G & Patterson h pearl n court Gardner —, gen c oak Gardner Noah H. leather manufac hyd tannery aid 2d ward h sen nr hyd tannery Gardner Vblkert, hose dealer h court w morg Gardner & Patterson, crockery dealers 168 main Garland John G. piano forte maker swan e chest ) Garland Samuel, tailor 80 main Garrett Cyler, diy goods 216 main bd Henry Garrett Charles, brickmaker h junc sen and swan Garret Henry, dry goods 216 main h frank c church *» Garrett James, firm Francis & G Garvin Isaac W. med stud at H H Bissell Gestell George, shoemaker pearl s tup Gates Horatio, elk post office h oak s bat Gates George B. constable h s div e mich Gates Mary Ann, wid Nicholas h ger w del Garver John, tailor h moh w main Gebhart Lawrence, teamster h elm nr tupper Gelston Samuel F. firm G & Evans h black rock Gelston & Evans, forwarders long wharf and ship can Germain Charles, carpenter h syc e mich Germain RoUin, att and coun off 148 main German John, tailor ell n gen German Evangelical Church, gen c hickory German Lutheran Church, hickory bet eagle and bat German Methodist Church, goodell nr hickory Germany Philip, porter 8 Webster build Germony Philip, lab h 344 main Germer Martin, lab h steub c pollard Genesee House, main c gen Genor Augustus, ship carpenter elm nr gen George Jonathan W. joiner h 9th c georgia 10* 114 George Henry, turner with F ©arhart George Michael jr. stone cutter h german nr 19th George Michael, lab h german nr I2th Gass George, basket maker gen w jeff G'erbish George, lab gen nr jeff Gehring George, lab nr lutheran church Gehring Mhtf?,' carpenter cherry c hickory Geib Frederick, lab mich nr gen n^-f Geier Andrew, lab wash n good Geier Christian, grocer gen w mich Geyer Christian, joiner h german w del Giauque Julian, joiner h Cyprus nr mich Gibbs Aaron, M D and dentist 286 main Gibbs Francis L. at eagle st theat bd lafayette coffee h Gibson James, elk s b De Witt-'Clinton h oak n eagle Giddings Alfred H. joiner h frank n chip Giesz Anthony, brewer, cooper, etc. under Eagle tstv h pearl ab chip Gifford Alden, milkman h elm n clinton Gifford W. P. mariner h elm c clinton \ Gikkely Francis, lab syc e mich r^Sfft\ Gilbert Alvfn D. elk David Burt Gilbert Elijah, wheelwright junc swan and sen Gilbert William A. elk 234 main Gill Marin, wid of Thomas h court w morg Gillett Caleb, lab h huron c ell Gillett Henry T. elk Drake & Doughty h swan e wash Gillett Israel, bar keeper S B hotel Gillett John, statibn keeper bd Farmer's hotel Gillett Almira, at S L Halls Gillespie Robert, h frank ab huron Gillman John T. mason h sen w pollard Gilpatrick John T. baker ter w pearl h n div e oak Gimer Peter, fruit stand prime c canal e frank n chip Gittere Florence, joiner, h tupper e elm Gittery Jacob, mason h syc e oak Gittery Joseph, morocco dresser syc e oak Gittery Joseph jr. % do do Glasser William, lab' H'iblrn nr syc 115 Glazier Simeon R. tanner chip c elm Glass Adam, h goodell e wash Glassey Daniel, cab mak h green e wash Gleason George B. firm H R Seymour & Co h sen c franklin Gleason WiHiam, chair maker h eagle w main Glenny William H. crockery store 192 main Goehring Godfry, cordwainer court w main Goetz Charles, cordwainer gen e mich Goetz Daniel, truckman h hich nr lutharian church Goetz Micheal, cordwainer h huron c wash Goff James, carpenter h n div e oak Gold Charles R. atty and coun at law and master in chancery off 180 main up stairs Goleis Joseph, h nr mtharian church Good Adam, sen baker com ab water Good Adam, jr firm Davock & G Goodell Jabez farmer h good c oak Goodin Joseph, joiner h gay c mich Gooding Rodney, jailor h basement court house Goodrich Erastus H. jeweler and watch maker com ft pearl h swan e mich Goodrich Ansel, baker h s div e mich Goodrich J. H. elk 202 main Goodrich Guy H. bspiain c high Goodwine Christian, barber com c water h gen c morg Goold Agustus G. firm of Williams & G h chip w frank Gorham Benjamin, nrtson h n div c chest Gorham Rawson, builder h mich n eagle Goss Clark S. elk 190 main Gosher Philip, lab h Cyprus nr mich Gotzinger Joseph, tailor h court n main Gorone Lorentz, lab h gen c elm Gould Sylvanus O. atty at law off 178 main bd Perkins i Gould Jonas, joiner h ell n gen 1 Gouans Peter, firm Wheeler 6s G h 7th nr caro ' Grabaus rev August, lutharian church h syc w hick Graff John, lab at Dudley & Thompson Graham James H. atty at law off 138 main bd Sen st h 116 Graham Charles W. bd mrs Jacksons 6 sen Graham Phillip, blacksmith H D Huffs h scott nr wash Gram William, tailor h n div e oak Grandison JLansey, brass founder at D & Good Granger Polly, bding h wash n s div Granger rev James, pastor baptist church bd mrs Burts Grant Unice, wid of Orin h virg nr palmer Grant Jonathan E. mason h ill nr ohio Gray Clara, wid of John h pearl s tup Graser Christian, lab h gen e mor Graves Quartus, Publisher Buffalo Daily and Weekly Republican, firm of Faxon & Graves Book and' Job printers 138 main, h eagle e wash Gray Milton, cabinet maker 231 main Gray Joseph, truckman h pearl n gen Gray William, elk ft com h sen e mich Gregory William, foreman at Otis Vaughans Gregory Spencer, firm G Washborn & co h eagle c del Gregory, Washburn & Co. exchange brokers under mansion house Greiner John jr. elk with ADA Miller Grey Ernest^ grocer 370 main Green —, mariner, h chip n morg Green Charles E. elk 140 main Green Thomas, tailor 320 main h eagle e elm Green Dyer, miller h swan nr hamb Green Elias, h pearl nr huron Green Morris, joiner h mich n elk Green James, oakum fact junc sen and swan h sen e heacock Green Charles, caulker nr c elk and mich Green Joseph, elk Jesse Merritt Greenman William B. warehouse nr Sears & Salters Greenshield John, tailor h swan c pine Greenwood John, firm G & Clark cab mak bd 311 main Greenwood John, farmer perry nr alabama Greenwood & Clark, cab makers 311 main Griesbaum Joseph, lab syc e mich Griest Mathias K. cooper h huron c del brieve Hannah, wid of James-h s div e mich Griffin Hiram, elk 340 main Griffin Harman, grocer 340 main bd B Sherwood Griffith John, eagle e elm Grim Philip, teamster h elm bel tupper Grim John, waiter at American Grissim John, leux c fly h sen e mteh-. Grissam John, joiner at D Peck sen Grisham JefferSQn, lab h swan e chestnut Grindell William, cab mak at Statts bd E Lockwood i Groesbeck Elizabeth, boarding h senepp ell : Groom Alfred J. sign painter 24 comm h 7th ab hqspit Grpshans Gottfried, tanner h-bat e mich . Gross George, tailor 9 maM Grosvenpr Abel M. bd peari s swan Grosvenor Seth H. h pearl ab sen Grosvenor Stephen K. Mrs. h pearl ab sen Grotkee Frederick, Jab h n gen e raortimsr Gruse Frederick, lab at S F Pratts h n div e elm Guenther Barbara, wid h cherry nr mich Guenther Henry, mason ft cherry nr mich-' Guenther John, lab gen e spruce Guenther John G. elk with Hough & Sawyer Guenther Francis H. pastor ger luth ch h hick n chur Guild Harrison, foreman woolfea fac hyd h mill Guild Joseph, boarding h swan c ell Guiterman A. jeweller c comm and pearl bd Farmers \f hotel iGumbell Joseph M. pastor ger evan ch h good e oak 1 Gustine Fenner, h fulsom e mich Guth Adam, grocer and boarding h comm s rock Guy Patrick, lab h court w morg Gygle Franz, h syc w ash Haas Ludwig, h tupper e elm Haas Jacob, h'tuppereelm Haas Nicolas, lab cyprus emich Haack George, tailor elm bel tupper Haak Joseph, tailor gen e elm Haberkorn George, lab cher*y nr mortimer 118 Haberkorn Michael, h main abchip Haberstro Francis, gunsmith with Joseph H Haberstro Joseph, gunsmith 145 main Hackett Peter, at Williamson, Clark & Co Hackett William, bootmaker 94 main Hackmann William, carpenter h cherry n hick Haddock Benjamin F* h del w moh Haddock Charles C. h wash c park Haddock Loreago K. law stud 190; main bd Benjamin Haddock Joseph E. elk bd MaJtilda Dickinson Hagarty John, captiwig Rocky Mountains h syc c oak Hagar Henry, firm H & Co h exch e wash Hagar Henry & Co. wholesale grocers 1 and 2 Web­ ster blk (see adv) Hagermann Norman, axe maker tiwan junc sen Hahm Christian, lab 369 main Haight Francis bd 7 main Haines Samuel, firm Miller & H 372 main h frank nr genesee Haitzman Caspar, lab 158 main Haitzman John, lab do Halbeg John,.shoeshop com nr water h gen w frank Haldane James, lab at H K Smith Hale Erastus Otis, bd B Fowler Hall Andrew A. hat store 136 main h 8 Harrington blk pearl Hall David W. tailor bd n div c main Hall E. B. hat store 136 main Hall George, truckman h pearl n gen Hall Charles, forwarding mer bel Mansion h Hall Ira, jr elk holland land off com of deeds h moh w ell Hall Joel, firm H & Gamp h del n tupper Hall John P. firm H & Mooney h elm n clin Hall Nathan K. judge erie co courts atty master in chan off 158 main h frank s huron Hall Orrin, joiner bd J Peltsons - Hall John W. with Burr & Waters Hall Samuel L. joiner h rrank nr tup , Hall Panthea, wid of Noles bding h 12th w swan 119 ;Ha!l Richard, hat store 136 main Hall & Camp, grocer and lumber dealers main c chip Hall & Mooney, lith and copper plate printers 206 main Haller Frederick, Shoemaker h mich n syc Holler Jacob F. cordwainer h mich n syc Haller George, shoemaker h mich n syc Hallenbeck Charles R. bd G S H Hallenbeck Edward, elk s b chautauque bd G S H Halfe-nbeck Garrett S. foreman N Randell h pearl n chip Halsey S. B. elk s b Illinois bd Polly Granger Hamlin George B. firm H & Webster \$W-- Hamlin Henry, elk 9 sen Hamlin John S. exch broker 250 main Hamlin & Webster, grocers 9 e sen Hamilton Henry, h court c frank Hamilton Johnson H. lab h frank n chip Hambleton Volney, lab steu w van ren Hammond Joseph, tobacconist 122 main bd Sen st h Hammond Julia, wid of Edward h gen e elm Hammond William S. grocery s div n mich Hancock Dudley, shoemaker 94 main h sen e mich Hancock William T. firm Boison & Hancock bd Farm­ ers Hotel Hanauer Joseph, basket maker gen e mor Handel Francis J. grocery main s gen Hanes William H. truckman h elk e lous Hanigann John, cordwainer h pearl c chip Hannes John, lab h frank n chip Hannovan Bernhard, tailor com s rock Hanschke Joseph, cordwainer main s gen Hansel John G. lab mich n good Hansel Frederick, lab main ab chip Hansle Michael, tailor h peacock e erie Hansmann Augustus, tobacconist gen e spruce Hanson Henry, elk L Wilson Happ Barth, tailor elm s gen Hard Samuel, joiner h eagle e oak Harmon Christpher, lab h oak ab good Harmon Judson, firm Smith & H h sen e wash 120 Harper JosephB. joiner h del n huron Harris Albert, engineer s b Cheasepeak bd S Vary Harris Alfred, engineer s b Julia Palmer h swan e pine Harris Francis L. M D off and h pearl 3d s church • Harris John, lab h chip w del Harris Charles, recess on canal dock j Harris Bubb engineer s b J Palmer bd Huffs Hotel Harris. Joseph, inn keeper main c perry Harris H. H. bd W HKej^hs', Harris R. W. with W Harris jr Harris-Wilhamj jr keeper elk st h and city weigher h elk c mich Harris Sluman, lab h pearl c court Harris Thompson S. atty and coun at law chief Seneca Indians bd frank h •Harris Peyton, wood dealer, elm n clin Harrison Henry G. mason bd wid Emily Harrison James C. elk at C M Reed bd U S hotel Harrison James F. h del n tup Harrison John E. mason h frank n chip Harrison Isaac, mason h del n chip Harrison Emily, wid Edmond H h frank n chip Harrington Gardner T. truckman h elk op van ren Harrington Isaac R. mayor h 3 Harrington blk court Harrington Timothy, lab 7 tow path w mechanic Harrington Harriet, h peacock w evans Harsen John, hatter bd E Bebee Hart William, cab mak h huron w oak Hart Columbus, h jack w eagle Hart John L. fisherman at fish market Hart William A. garden pearl bk of churches (see adv) Hart William B. joiner firm Wells & H h s div e ches Harter Henry, elk T B Tilden h 6th bel hospital Hartibiz Clement, painter h blossom n bat Hartman Conrad, lab h steub e hamb Hartmann Joseph, cab mak h wash n goodeij Hartwig C. F. lab spring s gen Harty John D. justice of peace off 5 ter h frank n church 121 Harvey William, lab eagle c elm Harvey Charles W. dentist firm Hayes & H 211 main Harvey Thomas, truckman h fulsome mich Haskell R. bd 41 main Haskell William M. ship carpenter Chicago n fulton j Haskins Roswell W. A M h elm n clinton Haskins William P. capt brig Toledo h huron w pearl Hasset Matthew, cordwainer h del nr mich Hastings Barnard, joiner h pearl n chip Hasting Thomas B. joiner do do Hasting Truman, att and eoun 288 main Hatch Eliaier P. firm H & Pringle keeper Farmer's hotel Hatch Israel T. president com bank, h cottage st. Hatch Stephen, lab h court-court w morg Hatch & Pringle, keepers Earmer's hotel Hathaway Erastus, keeper Mansion House Hathaway Isaac T. super buff and niag falls railroad h pearl s tupper Hatwell George, waiter h elm n syc Have Hausle Mathias, grocer gen e elm Hau sler Michael, tailor h wash n goodell Havens Ephraim S. firm H & Co alderman 1st w Havens Hiram firm H & Co Havens Miram & Co. wholesale grocers, 19 main Haven James M. law stud Fillmore & Haven Haven Solomon G. att and coun firm Fillmore & H h gen nr niag square Hawes Samuel W. firm H & Co h main ab chip Hawes & Co. spermaceti oil and candle man 10 Web­ ster blk Hawkins B. F. elk 10 Webster blk Hawkins George D. C. driver at Metzger's liv3ry Hawks Cicero S. rev rector trinity ch h eagle w oak Hawks Thomas S. printer bd Farmers hotel HaWley EHas S. law stud and com of deeds off 148 main h 4 Darrow blk ell Hawley John, tailor 92 main h green op beak Hawley Newman, cooper church nr canal 11 122 Hawley Lucian, law stud Fillmore & Haven Hawley M. S. produce dealer long wharf bd mrs Davis Hay John, stone cutter yard erie. nr canal h gen nr te r Hayden Albert, firm Walbridge & H. bd L Brace Hayden Richard N. off 1 Sidway blk com h moh c pearl Hayden Samuel,: dk 28 main Hayes George E, firm H osTiacvey h wash s swan Hayes Orange, wholesale fruit dealer com nr water Hayes James, with Orange Hayes • Hayes William H. barkeeper U S hotel Hayes Robert, cab mak h oak c gen Hayes & Harvey, surgeon dentists off 211 main (see adv) Hay ward Calvin, mason h oak SL huron Hayward Elisha, burr mill stone man 89 main, Hayward Deborah, boarding h wash n sen Hayward William,, elk 189 raaia bd C E Ford's Hazard Morris, capt s b Constellation h eagle w del Haze ton Leonard, carriage mak h wash n s div Hazen Frederick, lab h c oak and huron Heacock Abel M. elk R B •Heacock Mason B. ship earpenter mich bet ohio and elk Heacock Reuben B. h grosvenor place sen Heacock Seth G. teacher 5th district bd R B H Heath Nathan B„ cooper h frank n church Hebard John, inspec steamboats -h frank c niag Hecox William, firm Seymour & H h oak n s div Hedge George, watch maker und Mansion h h oak n s division Heeley Patrick W. stew s b buffalo h mich c gen Heffard John, firm T & J H h n div e oak Heffard Thomas, firm T & J H h n div e oak Heffard T. & J. builders ell n n div Heid Jacob, lab h gen c mortimer Heim Catharine, widh wash ab goodell Heimlich Philip J. teamster h gen w jeff Heimberb Henrich, lab h gen w elm Heinemann J. F. joiner h elm n syc Heines John, lab h c William and spring 128 Heins Jacob, lab h elm c topper Heinrich Christian, h main op cath church Heiser Godfrey, stone ware fact sen c mich Heiser Jacob, brewer morgan n moh Heist Mathias, lab h morton n gen Heitzhouse Henry, blacksmith h elm s gen Heitzman Conrad, milkman h gen c jeff Heitzman Casper, lab h gen e morti Held Christian, lab h mich s gen Heldt John M. barber h wash n good Hell William, lab h elm s gen Helbig John, shoe -shop com n water Hellan Jacob, waggon maker h morg c gen HeHenbragh Henry, lab h pearl s tup Hellriegle Conrad, grocer main op cath church Hellriegle Jacob, grocery 362 main Hellriegle John, boot shoe and grocery store 371 main Hellriegle Nicholas, baker and grocer gen c oak Hellriegle Philip, do do do Hemert John, tailor h wash nr gen Heminway Silas, stage agent 318 main h pearl c gen Heminway Thomas, soap and candle maker del nr hur'n Hemstreet Abraham, carp and joiner h pearl ab gen Henderson Edward, brewer h Caroline e niag Henry Michael tailor at J C Vaughans Henry Widow, h gen c terr Hensher John, carp h wash nehip Hepburn James, joiner bd M Teetzel Hequembourg Charles, h 4 Darrow blk ell Hequembourg Theodore, watch repairer 3 e sen bd C H Hequembourg George W. bd Charles H Hergert Fredrick, lab elm bel tup Hern D. lab h court w morgan Herold Adams, carp h ash e syc Herr Christian, lab 392 main Hersh John, blacksmith at Rainey h mor n gen Hersh John, jr do do do Hersh John, main ab chip Hersee & Tiramerman, cabinet ware rooms 307 main 124 Hersee Thompson, firm H & Timmerman h good e wash Hertzig George, lab h gen e morti Hess Franz J. lab mich n good Hess George, lab h wash nr moh Hess George, jr lab h Wash nr moh Haywood Russell H. h sen bel ell Henson William, carriage maker at Raineys .. Hibbard George B. law stud Barker & Sill Hibbard Lester D. foreman at Efner & Kennett h swan c ches Hibbard William, carp h nr ndiv c chest Hibbard William, jr do do do Hickcox Elisha C. h main ab tup Hickcox Samuel, cabinet maker 231 main Hickmott Martha, wid Edward h pine n s div Hicks Harry, elk S Leuis Hicks Corintha, wid of J B h frank n church Higgins Caleb, capt liste boat Wave h frank s church Higgins Edward, millstone maker h steu nr hamb Higgins Henry, waggon maker at J Pinkneys Higgins Patrick, tobacconist h 10 terr Higgins Zenas, millstone maker h alab s sen High School, main bet virg and tup Highmes John, locksmith at Taylors Highmes Thomas, recess peacock nr norton Hill Charles F. tinner h eagle e mich Hill Edward R. at N Randalls Hill Henry, h pearl s chip Hill Henry, corn popper h moh w main Hill Henry M. elk R Germain Hill James, sexton park church h basement Hill Milo W. botanic dr store 213 main h s div e oak Hill William H. chair maker at 307 main grocery frank n chip Hill —, teamster h ell n sen Hills James M. painter Bates blk Hiller Nicolas, lab h elm c tup Hines William, mason h 12 tow path w mech 125 Hinsdale John, h frank n church Hindsale Samuel J. druggist 150 & 302 main h frank n church Hinson George, soap boiler with J S Provoost Hinson Robert, h rear sen nr wash - Hinson William, soap boiler J S Provoost h do do do Hirte —, teamster h gen nr jeff Hirte Carl, h good e oak Hitchcock Manny, with Rumsey & Howard Hodge Philander, not pub h del c chip Hodge Benjamin, buffalo nursery main ab high Hodge Valores, joiner h main c chip Hodges John T. elk 278 main Hodges Louis L. firm H & Osborn keeper American Hodges & Osborn, keepers American hotel Hoffer Frederick, butcher h elm s bat Hoffer Frederick, tin and coppersmith h pearl n huron Hoffer John G. grocer 348 main Hoffmann Augustus, porter h pearl s tupper Hoffmann Samuel, mariner h union n eagle Hoffmann Nicolas, lab h syc nr elm Hoffmann Peter, grocery main c moh Hofford Jacob, grocer, frank c tupper Hogaman Christopher, lab h frank n chip Hogan Samuel, cigar maker 239 main Holbrook John, cooper h frank n church Holbrook Ora L. grocer 82 main (see adv) Holland Land Office, wash c clinton Hollister James, firm H & Brown h sen e ell Hollister John J. elk 179 main Hollister Robert, firm H & Co h wash s sen Hollister William jr. h main c goodell Hollister & Brown, dry goods 174 main Hollister & Co. drugs and groceries 177 & 179 main Holloway William B. grocery packet dock Hood Benjamin L. firm B L & O H h wash c sen Hood Harry O. firm B L & H O H h wash c sen Hood B. L. & H. O. wholesale jewellers 26 com (see adv) 11* 126 Hooker Albert, at Rumsey & Howard's Hooker Azel, agent canal lines off" at Sears & Saitars Hooper James, cooper h frank n moh Hope John, baker at Corduke's Hopkins A. T. pastor 1st presb church h 12 Harrington blk pearl Hopkins Charles M. h sen bel wash • Hopkins Nathaniel, joiner, h del s tupper Hopkins Otis B. elk L H Pratt Hopkins William, joiner h oak s eagle Hopkins Rebecca, milliner 222$ main Hopkins Rachel M. h elm n vine Hormel Christian, tailor h sen c hamb Horn James, lab h green opp beak Hornburg Jacobr tanner at Rumsey & Howards Horning Charles, paver, h main nr gen Hornlein Jacob, joiner h tupper e mich Horse Samuel, h main ab-chip Hosford Roswell, h del n.chip Hosmer George W. pastor unit church h moh w del Hotaling Peter, insp steam boat boilers hrniag n moh Hotchkiss Nijah, stove dealer h frank n moh Hotchkiss —-, sexton 1st presb church h basement Hough B. C. firm H & Sawyer Hough Thomas H. bd Mrs. Groesbeck Hough & Sawyer, wholesale grocers 4 com Houghton Emory, keeper billiard table at sen house Houghton George W. firm Burwell 6s H h 2 harrington blk pearl Houston Joel, blacksmith h 3 green How Michael, cordwainer at N Randalls Howard Eddy, joiner and grocer sen opp heacock - Howard E. H. elk 138 mainbd Fitohs Howard George, firm Jlumsey & H h carroll e wash Howard E. Miss, boarding h wash c swan Howe Robert, painter bd Phenix hotel Howell R. h elm n eagle Howell James, grocer gen c oak Howells Ebenezer C." cigar maker 122 main 127 J> Ho wells Thomas, farmer h gen e oak Howells William, bd Thomas H Howland Charles, grocer foot dayton h hiag c Caroline Hoyt Gilbert, wheelwright h del n moh Hoyt Peter W. cordwainer, at S Fowlers i ^ Hoyt William C. att at law 280 main R Jffl/9l*Y0lrz&**6 Hoyt Polly, wid of Joseph D h. wash s sen Hubbard Elias, bd sen e mich Hubbard George, tinsmith h del n chip Hubbard George L, bd George Hubbard Justice, grocer, sen w pollard Hubbard Linas P. firm H & Hulbert h s div e oak Hubbard & Hulbert, tin shop 4 ell square HubsshJaeob, lab h cherry nr hickory Hubsch Michael, lab h cherry nx hickory Hubsch Julia, do do Hudson John T. att at law 212 main Hudson Sarah, firm Cutler &• H boarding h s div nr ell Hueck Jacob, joiner h oak ab gen Huener John, tailor h elm s syc Huff Faidin, blacksmith h moh w main Huff Henry D. keeper Huff's hotel 83 main (see adv) i Huff William W. farrier rear of Huff's hotel h wash c scott Huff John G. on s b De Witt Clinton Huff Silas, mariner bd H D Huff Alonzo, med stud at M W Hills # Huff Mark, h s div bet oak and mich Huff Richard, gentleman Huff's Hotel, 83 main- Hughs John, rum shop water c state Hughs John, stone cutter h elm c clinton Hull David B. builder h clinton e oak Hull Lucy, wid Horace h beak s exch Hulbert Hart, firm Hubbard & H h s div e oak Humason Gamaliel, firm Clapp & H bd J Guild Humphrey Joseph, firm Pidehngton & H Hunn Edmund, firm Post & H Hunn WalterS. firm H & Freeman h 113 main 128 Hunn & Freeman, grocers 44 main Hunt Nathaniel A. elk Sears & Saltars bd R Sears Hunter Robert, firm Hunter, Palmer & Co Hunter John, waiter B. D Coe Hunter Willi^m^, elk 127 main bd HufFs hotel HuvnJej^^Mw/ & Co. com and forw merch c dock and ohio e main (see adv) Huntington Jacob G marble sco Phenix hotel h frank n court Huntington Warren Weaver, printer 158 main Hursch Nicholas, jr locksmith at Taylors Hurd Cornelia, h doughertyS ally c fulsom Hurlbut Edwin, build h sen e ell Hursey O. F. bar keeper Clinton House canal dock Huson Sarah, wife of William h sen e Hicks tavern . Huson Jacob, baker main ab chip Hussy Stephen, farmer-sen e Hicks tavern Hussy William C. cordwainer M Camps h s buff creek . Husted Giles H. carriage maker with Stephen Husted Stephen, carriage maker ell n s div h eagle c pine Husted —, truckman h pine nr eagle Hutchens Noah, with Silas W Hutchens Silas W. grocer eagle c elm Hutchins John, boiler maker at Newmans - Hutchins Mercy, wid Jonathan h exch w mich Hutchinson John M. firm of H & Terry Hutchinson Mathew, blacksmith with William Hutchinson William, blacksmith h wash n ohio « Hyatt Gilbert, buffalo dry goods store 232 main (see adv) Hyatt Henry E. elk Canadian store 304 main Hyde Jeremiah, lab main nr high Hy ve C. tailor oak s gen Ide John S. agent canal boat lines at Coit, Kimberly & Co lllig Bernard, lab h gen w spruce Ingalls Albert, carp h ell ab gen Ingalls Jerome B. painter bd Sally I Ingalls Sally, wid Otis h chip c ell Ingalls Levi G. chip c ejl 129 Ingalls Parker, milkman elk e mich Ingraham Nathaniel, at G D Teller h 9 swan w# main Ingramm Jacob, cooper h elm c clin lnman Henry, cordwainer main h eagle c oak Inmann Isaiah, h del n chip Irish Benjamin G. joiner bd C G Irish Charles G. col local taxes 4th ward h oak n eagle Irish Charles G. jr manufac fire works oak n eagle Irish William N. baker with J Gilpatrick bd C G Ives Edmond, elk S Dole Ives William, elk 194 main Irvine H. A. wid Thomas ell n gen Jacob Frederick, shoe maker h gen nr ger ally Jackson John, boot maker oak bel clin Jackson James, exch broker main c ohio - Jackson Harry, joiner h oak e gen Jackson Hannah, bding h 7 e sen Jaeger Henry, waggon maker at D S Rice h moh c main Jaeger Christian, teamster h eagle e pine James James, chandler h mich s clin James John, grocer gen e ell James Nelson, grocer moh c morg James Freeman, packet off h del c church Jamison Ruben M. elk 176 main Jamison George, mason h s div e pine Jaques Henry, elk 224 main h chip w frank Jenkins James S. tailor with C Wormwood Jenkins Samuel, cooper h quay nr main Jenkins Clarette, wid Josiah h elk June abbott road Jewett Elam R. firm Jewett, Foot & Co and Jewett, Manchester & Co h elm nr s div Jewett Sherman S. store warehouse 33 main Jewett, Foote & Co publisher Com Adv & Journal 158 main exch building Jewett, Manchester & Co publishers Buff Pat & Jour 158 main exch build Jockel Henry, lab elm ab tup John Philip, lab h mich n syc 130 Johnson Cortland L. cordwainer at S Fowlers Johnson Ebenezer, M D cottage del ab chip Johnson Henry, gunsmith at 145 main h mich n sye Johnson H. W. h s div w pine Johnson John J. firm Beecher & Johnson h s div e mich Johnson Norman B. tailor 272 main h court w frank Johnson Lemuel, gardner h s div e elm Johnson Robert W. lab h court w morg Johnson Peter,- tailor shop gen c main Johnson Jonathan, joiner h gen c elm Johnson A. R. elk Gelston & Evafis Johnson Hiram, Robinson & Co 162h main Johnson William, cookh frank nr chip Jones George, backsmith ell n swan h s div e ell Jones Henry B. bar keeper Mansion h Jones H. P. 108 main bd U S hotel Jones Humphrey P. firm Southerland & Co Jones John, pedler h spring nr gen Jones John, agent s b &c h church w frank Jones Miles, s b Hotel keeper lloyd nr prime Jones Jeremiah, paver h steu w heaceek Jones Joseph, mariner h green w beak Jones Samuel, atUtley & Burdett Jones Nathaniel S. builder h div e chest Jones Thomas, soap boiler-K oak s huron Jordan Matilda, wid Richard bd S Gibsons Jordan Samuel, joiner h ell neagle Joslyn Orville, blacksmith June swan and sen Joslyn Orville, jr blacksmith h junc swan & sen Josslyn Alanson, mason h morg w gen Jost Philip, cordwainer h oak ab huron Joy Walter, firm Joy & Webster h del n church Joy & Webster, forw and com mer ft lloyd on dock Jud George, lab eherry bel mort and hick Judd Ashley B. farmer h elk e Chicago Judevine Henry, h mich n eagle Judevine Henry, jr bd with Henry Judson L. P. pastor Bethel chapel bd wid Bemis Juliard Augustina, wid of Louis h court w main 131 Kaggan Patrick, truckman h gen e mich Kaemmerle Jacob, butcher elm nr bat Kane Peter, mariner h exch nr hamb Kas4 Jacob, mason h elm bel syc Kautse. Charles, h pearl c chip Kautsft Christian, lab at Dr Johnsons Keech Charles C. hat fac sen e alab Keech George, joiner h sen opp heacocks Keel James, gardener h wash nr high Keith William H. painter and cab mak h wash s clinton Kelderhouse Jeremiah, wood dealer h 6th s georgia Keeler A. L. mariner h blossom nr bat Keller Charles, tanner with Rumsey & Howard Keller Christian, shoe shop h moh c pearl Kellogg Elijah'painter h green e beak Kellogg Julius C. painter h frank n chip Kelley Chauncey R. firm Waring, K & Co Kelly Hezekiah, firm K & Marcy Kelly John, gardener prospect hill at Pratts cottage Kelly John, grocer com Kelly William, cordwainer hick n eagle Kelly & Marcy, auc and com merch 155 main (see adv Kelsey Joseph, tavern 11 main Kelso Joseph, joiner h good e oak Kemp William, firm K & Shadrake h 5 ell square Kemp & Shadrake, painters 223 main Kendall Luther F. grocer main c gen h frank ab huron Kendall Warren, grocer sen c ell Kendrick Andrew, joiner h chip w del Kenedy George, elk 210 main Kennedy Thomas, capt c b Fulton h niag w moh Kenner Joseph, butcher ter mark h n div c pine Kennett Thomas, firm Efner & K bd Cutler & Hudson Kenny Daniel, tailor main c sen up stairs h eagle e ell Kerlin Michael, lab h mich nr goodell Kern John, lab gen w elm Kerney James, lab h oak n gen Kerr John, stone cutter h niag bel huron Kerr Silas H. lab h chip c pearl 132 Kester George, bakery main nr chip Ketchum William, hatter, 202 main h sen e ell Ketchum William F. h huron w pearl Ketchum Zebulon, bd James Keel _ Ketchum L. A. watchmaker and jeweller main c ter Keyes Milton, capt c b h exch w mich Kibbe Isaac Mrs. h pearl bet sen and swan Kibler Peter, joiner h ell n goodejl Kies Charles H. boot mak sen w main bd McCredies Kilgore William, grocer sen w main Kimball Augustus A. elk 280 main bd C Hequembourg Kimball B. W. coffee house long wharf h n div e oak Kimball B. L. firm Bayette, Ayres & Co Kimball Daniel F. agent packets off canal dock h pearl c huron Kimberly John L. firm Coit, K & Co h sen nr mich Kimberly Mary wid of Liberty h wash c exch Kimberly Eliza & Susan, milliners and fancy store 209 main King Jacob, tanner with Rumsay & Howard King James H. mariner h n div e oak King Nicolas, lab h tupper nr 12th King Peter, tanner with Rumsay & Howard h tupper nr 12th Kingscott William, grocer sen e Hicks tavern Kingman G. G, h main ab chip Kingman Mahlon, firm M K &> Co and G. Davenport & Co h ter nr gen Kingman M. & Co. forw and com merch foot com c long wharf and ship canal KingskyGeorge, mason h frank n chip Kingsley A. S. joiner h niag w moh Kingsley Silas, superintendent com schools h eagle w franklin Kinnane John, truckman h ell nr eagle Kinne Henry M. firm K & Co h swan c mich Kinne & Co grocers 4 and 5 main Kinney Carn, lab h court w morg Kinney Elizabeth, h chip bet frank and del 133 Kinsley Alphonzo, type found at Lymans h vine e oak Kinsley William, bd Phebe Brown Kinsskie Balser, stone cutter h ger w del Kinyon Robert, theatre saloon bd Thos Carr Kinzy John, joiner h oak n gen Kip Henry j r. bd A H Caryl Kip Samuel K. att and coun 238 main bd P Grangers Kip Thomas, chief engineer fire department h oak fit s div Kirby Thomas, cordwainer h Illinois n omo Kirkner Franz, lab elm s gen Kirr George, $ia$ter oak c bat Klaus Jacob, mariner gen w jeff" Klein Charles, painter h syc c spruce Klein Daniel, lab h gen c mich - Klein* Stephen, lab Cyprus e mich Klein George, fanner at Rumsey & Howards h mich n gen Klein Philip J. cordwainer court w main Klein Philip, grocer gen ce^ Klein Polly, wid of Matthew h 6th w hospital Klene John Peter, cordwainer main c moh Kless Jacob, lab h gen w elm Kless Jacob jr. lab do Kless Peter, lab do Klingel Mathias, gunsmith oak s syc Knapp Joseph, lab h elm s gen Knapp Frederick, saddler 133 main Knapp Lyman, at H Hagar & Co h sen e ell Knecht Adam, lab h rear gen e german Kneeland Mary, h wash n eagle Knight John, butcher moh market Knight William, auction store com c ter h sen w pearl Knight William P. butcher moh market Knodel Gottleib, joiner h moh e main Knoll Pierre, lab elm ab bat Knowles Nancy, wid of Enoch h frank nr gen Koch Johannis, lab elm ab green Koch J. blacksmith at T S Raneys 12 134 Kock Conrad, lab h frank n chip Koenig Charles, lab h gen e mortimer Koenig John, lab h cherry e mich Kolamout John, hatter h court c frank Kolb Anthony, tailor h rear oak n gen Kolb George, saddler and harness maker 123 main h wash n goodell Kolb George N. saddler at 123 Main bd Jacob Kolb Jacob, saddler & harness maker 123 main h wash n goodeU ., Koon Philip, canal capt h blossom e bat Koons Jacob H. variety store main nr gen Kortz William, dry goods 278 main h moh w del Kosmer Peter, tanner at Rumsey & Howards Koughler Adam, mason h wash n goodell Koughler Michael, do do £3 ibis Kraft Francis, boot maker h chip e wash Kraft Victor, cordwainer ell s huron Kraig Arnest, cab mak h back eagle in alley Krause Gottleib, lab h 369 main Krettener Jacob, cab finisher at Staats' h rear niag w Caroline Kreip John, lab h eagle e chestnut Kreutz Jacob, h syc w elm Krick Nicolas, blacksmith gen w mich Krine Christian, lab h frank n chip Krinhole Ferdinand, brickmaker h oak n goodell Krous John tailor h main opp high school Krous John, jr h wash n goodell Kruege August, lab h goodell e oak Krug John, cooper h mich nr gen Kuble Andrew, tailor h wash n moh Kuehnemund Frederick, lab h elm s gen Kutcheson John, water John h frank c court Kyle William, capt sch Maj Oliver h eagle e mich Lackey Abraham, keeper Stranger's home com s rock Lacy John T. city clerk h sen nr ell Lacy Margaret, recess peacock nr evans Lafevre Robert h elm nr syc 135 Laflam Joseph, ship carpenter h elk e mich Laing Daniel, firm J & D L Laing Jacob, do Laing J. & D. keepers clinton house 3 main Laing Abraham, bd J & D Lake James S. agent for Dr Glover off 4 exch under mansion house (see adv) Lake Erie House, com bel water Lake Erie House, long wharf Lamb Henry, alderman 1st ward butcher 1 ter mar h green s beak Lamb John, butcher 3 ter mar h swan nr pine Lamb Thomas, butcher h swan nr pine Lamb Joseph, teamster h wash n eagle Lampman Warren elk Coit Clark &Mh frank s eagle Langbrecht Lorentz, mason h elm'ab tupper Langdon George, tanner at Rumsey & Efcowards Langdon John, fa niag 1 door w main Lange Charles W. cordwainer h gen c elm Langen Patrick, lab red jacket nr mill Langley William, cordwainer nr toll bridge Langmayer Francis, at Efner & Kennett Lapp Christian, att off and h main n moh Lapp Jacob elk ADA Miller $ Lapp Martha, printer 138 main bd C Lapp S. & B. dress makers main n moh Larkin John, looking glass maker 167 main h niag w huron Larkin Levi H. blacksmith h oak s tupper Larkin John, h n dive mich Lash Peter, mason h syc w elm Lathrop Denison, h frank bet moh and huron Lathrop Joseph B. att and coun off main exch build h chip w main Lathrop Samuel, with Joseph B Lathrop P B bd U S hotel Laverack Wm. jr. firm Hollister & Co bd Jas. Sheldon Law Prentiss, drover h sen e mich Lawlar Timothy, joiner h n div e oak 136 Lawrence Peter, grocer long wharf Lawrence H. harness maker at T S Raneys Lawrence George D. elk 172 main Lawson James, cordwainer h 7th e georgia Lay Charles, elk 234 main h swan w pine Lay John jr. h eagle bet mich and union Lacock Thomas, butcher ter mar h van rens Leavitt James S. bookbinder at 206 main h maple nr high Le Brun T. F. leader orchesJheat h frank n swan Le Couteulx William B. h pearl nr tupper Lee Andrew F. h church w pearl Lee Cyrus P elk P O Lee Daniel, M D assteditor com adv oommis of loans h huron w pearl Lee Daniel P. teacher Lee John H. bd green c beak Lee John R. alderman 5th w&rd not pub and cashier bank of buffalo h frank n court Lee George, bd 5 main Lee Royal, elk 14 com h frank ab moh Lee Samuel 'A. elk bank buffalo bd John R. Legler Frederick, harness maker 299 main Legler Valentine, lab h jersey c 11th Leidley James, keeper sen st house 5 e sen Leiser Henry, mason h n div c elm Lempert Michael, sash maker main opp high school Lenheart John, shoe shop foot com Lenahan Peter, lab h del bet moh and huron Lenka John, joiner h n div c elm Lenker Andrew, tailor with H G Stambach Leonard Harvey, buckskin fac h wash next p o Leonard John, recess water st Leper Martin, painter hmichn syc Leper Samuel, joiner gen square Leshear Lewis, burr mill stone maker at 89 main Levake Thomas, elk h carroll w mich Levey Michael, lab h york prospect hill Lewis Franklin, joiner h vir nr frank 137 Lewis Samuel, grocer und ter market h sen e wash Ley James, mason h clinton e ell Lichtenstein Barnard, hat and cap mak 262 main Lieke Henry, tailor, h elm c tupper Lighton John, elk 9 Webster blk Lindsay John A. boot maker h bat e ell Linton James, elk 282 main Lippe Martin, painter h elm bl syc Little John, lab h 1 moh w main Lezars Henry, h clin e ell Lock John, mason hwash n chip Lockwood Daniel", atty & couns 161 main h sen Lock- wood's blk Lockwood Edwin, cab maker h moh c hospital Lockwood Caroline C. wid of B F h eagle w del Lockwood William, hole in the wall Logan Stacy B. coach trimmer at T S Raneys Londy Thomas, locksmith bd Phoenix Long A. cabinet maker at Cutler & Whites Long Daniel, cabinet maker h eagle w pine Long John, h chip w del Long Frederick, mason h gen e ell Long Mecall, grocer sen c wash h frank nr gen Longemeyer Francis, tailor h oak s syc Longhurst John, at Mansion h pearl c court Longley P. W. dry goods main 190 h gen e wash Longley John, porter American Hotel h pearl n eagle Loomis Erastus, joiner h court c morgan Loomis Horatio N. M D off 292 main c eagle h frank rear Harts Garden Lord Charles B. atty & couns 190 main h park avenue nr Dr JohnSons Lord James J. firm J J L & Eaton h pearl rear church Lord John C. pastor pearl st church h del ab north Lord Thomas S. law stud 150 main Lord J. J. & Eaton, wholesale grocers 1 & 2 Sidway block Lorens John, lab h gett ilf jeff Lorentz George P. waggon maker h gen e mort 12* 138 Lorentz Philip H? waggon maker with George P Lorentz George, lab at Joseph Clary Loring James, grocer long wharf h church w frank Loth Philip, joiner h hick c good Louis Mary, wid Dan L h oak n gen Love Harlow S. atty & couns at law off 148 main h frank ab moh Lovejoy Henry, city surveyer h sen e mich Lovejoy Sarah, wid of Joshua h sen e mich Loveridge Austin A. elk 60 main bd mrs Howards Love ridge Edwin D. elk Hough & Sawyer Lovering William, h eagle s side bet ell & oak Lowe John, cordwainer h fols e mich x-tHfV Lewe Nicholas, cordwainer h pearLc moh Lowe William, h eagle nr chest Lowell Joseph, cooper at Haines & Co Lowery George, h ell e hamb Luckter August, lab h tup w pearl Luder George*- cordwainer h n div e oak Ludiam John L. firm Walker & L Ludlow Charles S. capt s b Vermillion h oak n"fcwan Ludtke Frederick, cordwainer court back eagle Ludtke August,.lab h elm s gen Lundy Eli, elk A Clark wash e swan Lundy Thomas, locksmith at Davoek bd Phoenix . Lux Nicholas, farmer h elm c gen Lux Adam, lab helm n gen h Lyman Nathan, firm N. L & Co h ell s eagle Lyman Loomis, lumber dealer h sen .bel wash Lyman William E. type founder h mich n eagle Lyman N. & Co type founders 17 Webster blk Lyman Nathan R. fa clin e oak Lyon Enos, mason & grocer terrace w pearl Lyon Robert, gilder, 167 main Lytle John S. firm J S L & Co fa sen e wash Lytle J. S. & Co saddler & harness maker 149 main M'Allister William A. with Burr & Waters M'Arthur Arthur & John confect 1st door bel Bank Buffalo . ££ s 4 tjaoj 139 M'Bride Clark, mariner fa sen e pollard M'Cabe James, grocer 96 main M'Carty Mary, wife of John h 98 main M'Cardy Jane, wid of John h terr wchurch M'Clanan Niel, lab h moh c niag M'Clannan John, bding h pearl nr sen M'Cleve James, elk 1 & 2 Webster blk M'ColIom P. T. bding h com c rock (see adv) M'Combs Elizabeth, wid of Robert h 360 main M'Cormiek Thomas, elk 66 main M'Court James, joiner h frank nr niag M'Court Peter, tailor 194 main M'Court Thomas, jrjtdner..h court w main M'Crackin Joseph, joiner fa morg ab gen M'Credie James, bding house pearl nr terr ; M'Credie James, jr tobacconist 195 main bd C G Irish M'Credie William, printer Thomas & Clapp M'Crog William, painter h pearl n eagle M'Cullocfa Alexander, h porter nr van ren* M'CuIloch Alexander, jr brewery hyd mill M'Culloch James H. carp h porter nr van rens M'Cullocfa John H. brewer hyd mill M'Dearmon —, meel stud M W Hills M'Donald Alexander, brush maker h spring nr eagle M'Donald Alexander, lab fa court w morg M'Donald John, cordwainer h gen w terr M'Donald rn^Ss, dress maker eagle w mich M'Donald F. chair maker h back of 317 main M'Donald Alexander, h chip w frank M'Donald Angus, grocer chip w frank M'Ewen John B. elk 216 main M'Farlan James, tailor 233 main h n div e oak M'Gowan Andrew, teamster h green e wash M'Hard John, truckman h huron c pearl M'Henry James, joiner h sen e louisiana M'Hugh Margaret, wid of Tarrell h ell n gen M'Intire Duncan, tailor h wash nr park M'Kay A. firm Cameron & M'K h s div e oak M'Karnen Thomas, pedler h carr e wash 140 M'Kay Donald, malter h virg e niag>. M'Kenzie William, lab h'Sth nr niag M'Kenzie James R. stone cutter h morg w gen M'Kibben Hugh, produce store h hairington blk pearl M'Knight Frederick A. -teller Bk Buffalo M'Knight George, fa swan e-pihe M'Knight George S,-oik Hollister & Co 179 mak - M'Kinght James, notary pub dry goods 144 main h sen bel ell M'Knight James E. book keeper com bank h sen bel ell M'Knight T. W. elk 144 main M'Knight Alfred ex justice h n div e has M'Lane Henry, saddler h frank n moh M'Master Hugh L. h blossom nr syc M'Masters James, firm W & J M'M bd mrs Sheldons M'Master William, firm W & J M'M bd mrs Sheldons M'Masters W. & J. dry goods 204 main M'Masters James, mason h beak s exch M'Mecken James, at woolen fact mill st M'Millen Hugh, joiner h chip nr frank M'Mullen John, mason h oak s gen M'Murry Thomas, tailor main cchip h pearls chip M'Pherson John, butcher h sen nr louisiana M'Pherson Jahn, bd Dr Flint M' William Francis, cordwainer h frank s tup Mabbett James, blksmith S S Jewett Machette Thomas, tailor at J D Dubois bd H Fitch Mack William G. elk 82 main Mackarey Adam, lock maker at Taylors Mackay John H. joiner h fol w Kinneys alley Macy John B. bd mrs Sheldons Macy Samuel H. h huson bel pearl Madgett Samuel, umbrella maker under 4 U S blk Madison William, keeper Temperance h 90 main Mailot John, cab maker at W Galligan h hick nr William Mailaven Michael, lab h 10th ab virg Mallon Daniel, carp h spruce s gen Mallon Ross, waiter bd Daniel Maltby Isaac F. oak c vine 141 Mallon James, cloth store 8 U S blk Manchester Bradford A. firm Jewett, M & Co h church w pearl Mann William, miller h sen e heacock Mann Levi, pedler Mann George, miller h sen e heacock- Mann W illiam B. milter h sen e heacock Mann Charles, lab gen c hick Manser George H,'grocer 280 mainh oak bel bat Manser Thomas, joiner T S Raney Mantz William, joiner h ge&'w hick Marble Danford, manager Theartre h moh w ell (see adv) Marburger George, blacksmith h mich s gen March Henry, lab h n div e oak Marcy Sarah h swan op elm Marcy Daniel G. firm Kelly & Marcy bd S Marcy Marcy James L. h swan op elm Marcy Oliver M. elk 155 main Mark John, lab h palmer nr Carolina Maroney Dennis, h niag rear Staats cab shop Maroney Patrick, lab 9 towpath w mechanic Marsh Joseph, stage agent bd E Beebe Marsh Pfaineas, stave merch off B S Bid wells Marsh Edwin A. watch maker h chip bel frank Mashall O. H. atty & couns at law off over bk Buffale h pearl c church Marston Nelson E. firm Wolcott & Marston bd Hiram Botts Martin Aaron, elk 42 main Martin Jacob, tailor 9 main Hartin Guy, currier at Rumsey & Howards Martin Elijah-H. elk 172 main bd C & Hudsbns Martin John, tailor h Cyprus e mk£h' Martin John, lab h court n main Martin John* tailor 4 e bethel Martin Joseph, pedler ,h lock nr canal Martin William*-joiner h oak ab huron Martling J. W. mason clin e oak Martyn William T. elk W Ruxton h pearl W moh 142 Marvin Eurotas, firm M & Bennett h swan e oak Marvin George L. atty & couns off 170 main h huron n frank Marvin Le Gran4,, atty & couns off over 170 main Marvin Sylvanus, elk Sears & Salteiss-;- Marvin & Bennett, dry goods 172 mai» (seeadv) Marvin Le Grand & George L. attys & coun off 170 Marlow Daniel, cabinet maker 231 main Mason Daniel, painterxh huron n eagle Mason William W joiner h eagle e mich Mason Alta, bding h elk ei&r1; Mast en Joseph G. atty and couns off over 138 main h swan bel oak Masury Joel, h ell bel mich Mathews Kinyon, firm M & Simmons ^ syc e oak Mathews ^Sylvester b frank c niag Mathews & Simmons, bakers,ayo*©veatk. ' Mathewson Charles, with Rumsey & Howard Mathieson Alexander, school teacher Maurer John, mason h elm s syc Maurer Joseph, lab h ger alley s gen Maul John, lab h tup e elm May Henry, lab h gen e morti Mayer Ernest, lab n gen Mayer John, blacksmith h syc c mich Mayhew Jonathan, off Dudley & Thompson h niag c frank Mayhew Thomas C. elk 160 main bd Jonathan Mayhew William C. elk 107 main' Maynard Elisha A. h sen e ell Maynard Robert H. h sen e ell Maynard William S. h painter s div e pine • Mead Charles H. bd Mansion House Mead Andrew, h state ab water Mead Hiram F. member of the bar Lafayette Coffee h h mich n eagle Mead Matthew W. elk 150 main bd Jesse Smith Mead William, lumber yard n div bet maiii and wash h clinton e oak M-'W 143 Mead John, carpenter and joiner bd Mrs E Browns Meech Samuel L. forwarding mer h moh w frank Mensch Valentine, sen. h elm w gen Mensch Valentine, jr. blacksmith gen c elm Merkle Frederick, lab germ all s gen Merlincamp Conrad, lab h n div c elm Merrill Albert S. elk h cedar n eagle Merrill Curtiss R. elk M. Kingmans Merrill Henry W. elk do Merrill—hatter bd wid Conk Merrill George W. firm Coit, Clark & M Merrill Willard, cooper h clinton e ell Merritt Gilbert K. painter h union n eagle Merritt Jesse, M D. grocery main c huron Merritt Jesse A. elk Jesse Messmer Joseph, teamster h gen w pearl Messmer Michael, gardener h eagle c cedar Messmer Vincez, well digger h gen e mortimer Methodist Episcopal Church niag bet frank and pearl Methodist German Church, mortimer s gen Methodist Protestant Church at academy e main Metzger John, lab pearl nr court Metzger George, livery stable wash nearly opp p offbd Mansion h (see adv) Metzing Andrew, lab h wash ab goodell Michael Anton, shoe shop main c chip h pearl c chip Milay Ambrose, shop prime nr canal Miles Rebecca, wid of Peter E h huran w pearl Milleman John, butcher 14 ter market h eagle bel pine Miller A. D. A. grocer com c rock and clin c oak Miller Barnard H. tailor cherry nr hjekory Miller C. G. elk 172 main Miller Charles F. city hay scales ell nr sen Miller Charles, oil store 137 main bd American Miller Catharine, wid of Andrew h gen nr jeff Miller Conrad, joiner h cherry c mich Miller Catharine, wid of William bd John Taylors Miller Edward, butcher h fulsom nr Kinneys all Miller Frederick, lab h n div c oak 144 Miller James, firm M , atty and couns at law president Buff fire and marine Ins Co off swan c main h frank s church Shoe Anthony, cordwainer h wash n good Shoop Daniel, cabinet maker, h hick n eagle Short Patrick, clothing store 118 main Sid way Jonathan vh wash n moh Sidway John, with Jona Sieffert John, cutler and surg instrument maker swan e makr(see adv) Sieffert Lewis, tailor h 9 main Sill Seth E. firm Barker & Sill h tup hd pearl Simcoe Hannah, wid George L h sen e Hicks tavern Simmons Edward B. lab h clin w elm Simmons Elliott, currier at Rumsey & Howards Simmons George, cab maker at Staats Simmons Isaac, carp and joiner h good e oak Simmons William M. keeper Farmers Home sen Simmons York, h daughertys- alfa Simons W. H. firm Mathews & S h 350 main Simpson Joseph, painter T S Raneys Simpson William, bd 5 main Simpson Susan, wid of Cyrus h elm n eagle Singer J. H. waggon maker h good e wash Singer Frederick, mason h pearl s tup 167 Sirret G. file maker and grocer gen c ell Sizer Henry H. exch broker under bk Buff h niag sq c del Sizer Thomas J. atty at law off 286 main Skelding John, blacksmith h green e wash Skelly Peter, h cedar n eagle Skelly Mrs. with Peter Skillen Robert, firm Williamson, Clark & Co h ohio w indiana Skinner George, milkman h heel path w churhe Slade Harry, justice of peace off 13 elLsd h wash c moh Slaght Jeremiah carp h oak ab bat Slater John, cordwainer h com s rock Sleeper Hiram, cooper oak s clin Sloan James, elk William Sloan Alexander, with W Knight Sloan William, grocer terr nr main Slote Ludwig, cordwainer h syc nr elm Slote William, cab maker 231 main Slotzer Jacob, tanner at Rumsey & Howard h sen e tan Sly Betsey, wid of Henry h mich s clin Slyter Abraham, tailor 211 main h oak c bat Slyter Richard with A Stubbs Smedley J. D. bd William W Larrabee Smith Albert, firm S & Harmon h n div e oak Smith Archilles, firm Taylor & Smith Smith Anton, printer h eagle e chest Smith Albert, baker h gen w ell Smith Benjamin R. grocer 3 terr h green e beak Smith Bernard, tailor h court w main Smith Charles W. elk 188 main Smith Darius, ship joiner prime c hanover h Virginia ab niag Smith David, firm D S & Co h eagle c ell Smith David, painter 113 main Smith Emery W. tailor shop 11 U S blk Smith Edmond, lab bd O Waver Smith E. Fitch, atty firm S &Viele h pearl s swan Smith Edwin, firm Perry & S bd M Howard 168 Smith Edward B. joiner h eagle e mich Smith Erastus E. school Sidway blk Smith Frederick, blacksmith h elm n syc Smith Francis, lab h cyprus e mich Stoith George I. firm S & Thomas h frank ab moh Smith George W. carpenter h sen w faamb Smith George W. constable h eagle w del Smith George R. bd Wm Crooker jr Smith Henry K. firm S & Warren h cottage w del Smith Horace, truckman h ter nr Pearl ' Smith 'Isaac S. off C Howlands bd Jas Sheldons Smith John, stock manufactory 302 main (see adv) Smith Jacob, potter h 12th nr german Smith James, firm White & S'fa 193 main •Smith James M att and counoff 278 main firm Rogers & Smith Smith John B. lab h frank ab moh Smith Jesse, elk 171 main h carrolle wash Smith John A. tobacconist h alb s sen Smith J. P. elk 181 main Smith Joseph, plough maker mech h del c church Smith Lysander, mason h ell ab gen Smith Owen, cordwainer rear eagle tav in alley Smith Patrick, gunsmith 116 main n swan e wash Smith Patrick, saddler h sen e wash Smith Peter, blacksmith and grocer gen c jeff Smith Philip A. grocer 173 main Smith Philip, elk h 6th w hospital Smith Philo, stone cutter h ell n clinton Smith Samuel, elk 160 main Smith Samuel, firm Tweedy & S Smith Samuel C. coach trimmer h washs eagle Smith Samuel, lab h ell n gen Smith Seymour elk 175 main Smith Thomas, firm Peckard & S Smith Thomas, 142 main Smith Thomas, straw hat shop swan nr wash Smitn William W. elk 171 main Smith William, mariner h niag w court 169 Smith William, miller h steub c red jacket Smith William, firm Peckard & S Smith William, brewer h lecouteulx ab water Smith William, firm S & Rathbone Smith William C. sail maker h n div e mich Smith William L. G. att firm Tillinghast & S h swan opp pratt Smith William W. dry goods 188 main h alien w main Smith Anna Miss, h eagle e mich Smith Johanna Miss, dress maker chip c ell (> Smith David & Co. produce and com merch 68 main Smith & Harmon, prod and com merch 5 com buildings Smith & Rathbone, grocers 142 main $¥^ Smith & Thomas, turners in wood & ivory niag c pearl Smith & Viele, att and coun off 148 main Smyring Henry, teamster h eagle n hickory Snowr Peter, tanner at Rumsey & Howards Snow R. G. m. d. dentist offe sen nr main (see card) Snyder Alexander, lab h wash ab goodell Spger Conrad, lab h syc*w hickory Soggs Nelson, blacksmith bd wid Conks Sohm Jacob, morocco dress h exch e beak Soner Conrad, elk 220 main h elm c gen Sodon John, finisher at eagle furn h mich n s div Soph Christopher, cooper with N Hawley Souter Daniel, firm Murray & S h jacksba nr eagle Souve John, mariner h niag nr rnaryland Spalding Frederick D. Garver c main and chip h tupper w del Spaulding Elbridge G. aid 3d ward firm Potter & S h gen bel niag square Spaulding George, recess rock w erie Spaulding Jajnes D. joiner h pearl s chip Spaulding Rebecca A. wid of A H bd John Taylors Spealman W. lab h gen e mich Speck Jacob S. wood sawyer h elm s gen Spell William, grocer eagle c ell Spencer Abel B. barkeeper hole in the wall Spencer James, firm Taylor & S 15 170 Spencer William H. elk Hunn & Freemans bd 41 main Spencer Thomas, carriage maker gen e main h church w pearl Spencer Lava, wid of Elifaa, h sea e wash. - Spicer Cebe, wid of William h sdiv e mich Spicer Maria, wid h elm c tupper Spier James, well digger h oak nr gen SpinnenharU Gotdeib, cordwainer h gen c. hickory Sprague Alden S. m. d. off 306 main h court w pearl Sprague Hiram N. cooper alley nr pearl and. eagle Sprague Noah P. county clerk off wash nr clinton fa moh e> Wash Sprague William, elk 39 main Squibb G. W. printer 158 main bdmrs Morrows Squier Abiram, capt s b De Witt Clinton h black rock Staats Jeremiah, cab ware rooms 317 main bd wid S Staats Parmelia, wid of B J h niag w frank Stable Henry, lab h syc c oak Stabler George, cab maker at Staats h frank c gen Stacy Francis, tin and copper smith 33 main h exch e wash Stacsel Wendel, mason h oak ab goodell Staffen Michael, grocer main opp high school Staffea Joseph, lab bd Michael Stafford Isaac, ship carpenter h elk nr Chicago Stage Desire, wid h alabama s sen Stage Office, 316 main Stagg Henry R. m. d. h niag nr del Stamthorp George, firm J & G S Stainthorp John do Stainthorp William, elk J & G Stainthorp J. & G. chandlers scott e wash Stambach Francis, tailor main c sen h mich n goodell Stambach Henry G. clothing store long wharf h frank n swan Stambach William P. elk Henry G Standish Samuel P. waggon maker bd G W Bowen Stanford Joseph, coppersmith at 127 main h n div e elm Stanitzky Frederick, h gen n jeff 171 Stanley Julia A. F. wid of Fred G bd41 maia Starr A. J. at N D Carharts 214 main Staring John A. auctioneer with B Campbell Staring Sylvanus, engineer, h s div e pine Starkweather Rodman firm S & Brown h wash n sen Starkweather & Brown, off 164 main - State Workshops, towpath w com Stauch Deobold, tailor com s rock Stauch Jacob, lab h elm nr gen Staue Josepfa, shoe shop gen c main i Steamboat Hotel, lloyd nr c prime Stearns Samuel, cab maker firm Cutler, White &c Co Stebbins Augustus Q. dep col h frank c moh Stefabins Francis R. cab maker at Wm Galfigans Stebbins Mary E. wid of William tailoress h gen c frank Sted Joseph, tailor with Efner & Kennett Stedman Joseph D. stoughton bitters fac junc swan and sen h steub w vanrensselaer (see adv) Steele Austin L. h oak n gen Steele Oliver G. aid 4th ward bookb & printer 206 main h mich opp clinton Steele William, 4ab h niag nr jersey Steinmetz John, lab h mich s gen Stemin John, engineer at Williamson, Clark & Co Stephan Joseph, lab h 10 elm n gen Stephan Joseph, lab h oak n gen Stephenson Thomas, firm S & Co h pearl nr tupper Stephenson Thomas & Co. jewellers and watch makers 200 main Sterling Ambrose S. coal dealer yard water nr snip ca­ nal off 3 sidway blk com 3d floor bd cxoh c Washington Sternberg Pearl L. h mich n s div Steven Hobe, joiner h elm c bat Stevens Andrew, cab maker at Staats bd E Lockwood Stevens Barnard, milkman falls rail road n Caroline Stevens Charles, boat builder ship canal h frank ab moh Stevens Frederick P. firm S & Vanderpoel atty & coun judge erie co courts off 190 main bd P Dorshei- . mers 172 Stevens Edwin, cooper h oak ab bat Stevens Horatio h frank archip Stevens Joseph, labh elm n gen Stevens Milo, elk 137 main Stevens M. W. elk 180 main Stevenson Edward L. stage off American blk h terr nr gen Stevenson George P. agent niag falls r r cars off depot on terr h terr nr gen Stevenson H. C. tobacco mercht 117 main (see adv) Stevenson James T. with Edward L-off 316 main Stevenson John S. nota pub elk Buff & niag fall r r off Stewart Mary, wid h frank back high school Stewart John, joiner h sen nr mich Stewart John W. dep sheriff bd D Kenny Stickley John, tailor h tup nr elm Stickney James, grocer 382 main Stickney Leonard, clerk 382 main Stimer August, h oak n huron St. John Margarett, wid of Gamaliel h sea e mich Stillman Horace, firm Stillman & Ransom bd mrs Groes- becks Stillman & Ransom, hat & cap store 169 main(see adv) Stiliwell Cornelius, tavern keeper main c huron Farm­ ers Hall Stock Martin, lab h good e oak Stocking Jared, jr elk 221 main Stocking Thomas R. hat &c fur store main c swan h swan op oak Stocking Sarah B. wid of Joseph h ell n sen Stockton John, firm J S & Co h 3 Darrow blk ell st Stockton John & Co. forw & com mer wharf ft wash Stoddard Goodwin, elk 186 main bd Ann Clemons Stoddard Moses, bd S G Walkers Stoolmiller John B. lab h niag bel huron Stomich John, lab h pennsyl c 12th Stone Charles, lab h del nr ger Stone Ira C. hatter 147 main (see adv) ^§ . Stone Samuel, carp h gen sq c maia 173 Stonisky —, lab 369 main Storms John, lab h van ren s stou Storrs Lucius, sec Buff fire & marine ins co off 138 main c terr up stairs h sen e ell Story Asa, lab h sen w tannery Stover Joel, firm S & Re id fols nr mich Stover & Reid, builders swan c mich Stow George, h alley nr moh & frank Stow Horatio, judge recorders courts off 280 main h pearl ab huron Stow Nicholas, tailor com h court w main Stranfaarber Henry, lab h palm ab Caroline Strickland Van Renssalaer, joiner h del e moh Strobe William, joiner h elm bel syc Strohazer Jacob, lab h frank n chip Stropel Joseph, fric match fac h French blk Strong Bushnell, tavern 7 main Strong D. A. tinsmith 127 main Strong John M. bd 7 main Strong Daniel W. bar keeper Franklin Coffee h Strong William H. barkeeper 7 main Strong Sarah, wid of Joseph h ell c clin Strow Betsey, wid of John h sen w mich Stubbs Abner, grocer elk c mich Stucki J. S. & Co tinners 344 Srudwell Augustus,boot and'shoe stors 2J.7 rnainh s div c elm Studwell George, elk 217 main Stumpt William, brewer with J Roos Stumpt G. A. tailor wash n moh Stutts Henry, lab h sen e mich Sjutzman Frederick, lab h gen e elm Stutzman Frederick, jr h gen c elm Subrook Anthony, lab h bet main and wash nr clin Sullivaa Jarrles, mason h mill c alb Sullivan John, baker h perry nr beth church Sullivan William, groeet water w com Sullivan Peggy, wid of Timothy h niag ab huron Sutherland William firm S & Jones bd Mansion fa 15* 174 Sutherland & J ones, mer tailors 160 main Exehiwlildg s Sutton Joseph, lab h oak n eagle Sutton William A. mason h 2 chip w frank Sutton N. E. shoe shop wash c swan h pearl ab moh Swartz Abraham, joiner h tup w frank Swartz George, carp h mich n goodell Swartz Jacob, ship joiner h spruce n bat Swartz John, joiner with V Ream SwartJf Jttfc», joiner La Cauteulx h frank ab huron ~ Swartz Joseph, joiner h oak c bat Swartzen Jacob, mason h frank nr tup Swartzenburg Jacob, at D Taylors h eagle w del Swegles William M. boatman ft church nr canal Swegles William, h terr w church -* Sweeney Edward h fly nr Le Couteulx Sweeney James, cordwaiffle* h oak s huron Sweet Anthony, builder mechanic h cotrrt c morg Sweet James, shoe shop main c chip h pearl c chip Sweetland Joel, cab maker, h Dougherty alley c fulsom Swift Asa R. h heel path w mechanic "' Swift Patrick, wiih Peter Kaine Taber Martin, keeper poor house Taber William D. bd C Howland Taff Manuel, block maker fa 6 th bel georgia Taff Richard, ship carp h clin e oak Taff Samuel S. pump and block maker fly c le couteulx h georgia w niag Talbot George, elk Lord & Eatbns bd Ann Clemons Talbot James, elk S DaW Talcott John L. atty and^oewns off Exchange hidings bd N Rossiter Talcott Andrew, lumber deader 'bd Franklin house Tannahill John, firm T & Clark h 13 Harrington block pearl Tannahill & Clarke, rectifiers and dealers in produce 22 main • Tanner Abraham, recess &c rock e erie • Tanner David, barkeeper^trafth A T Tanner Henry, h moh w frank 175 Tannoch —, shoe mafeer bd wid Brainard Tate Robert, tailor 4 terr h exch e wash Tate William, rope maker h wash nr swan Tate William, jr tailor with R Tate Taunt Emery, furniture auction store 237 main h wat3i n moh Taylor Calvin, firm T & Smith h sen w main Taylor Charles, elk 189 main bdwid-Day Taylor Dennis, lock maker silver plating swan e main h moh e main Taylor John, joiner" h del n chip Taylor John J. elk s b N England h 6th c hospital Taylor Robert, firm T & Spencer baker Taylor Stephen, grocery h chip c frank Taylor William F. P. off cazenovia terrace bd Cutler & Hudsons Taylor Elizabeth, dress maker 271 main Taylor Ellen, wid of Stephen h gen c pearl Taylor & Smith, grocers 92 main Taylor & Spencer, bakery lloyd nr primes- Tefft Willia*» H. elk S Shepard bd Huffs Hotel Teetzel Mathias, carp h chip nr pearl Teller George D. looking glass stoker 215 main(see adv) Teller Jacob, blacksmith' with D Bowen Teobold Joseph, lab h niag c york Terch Godleib, lab h terr c court Terry Lucian B. elk O Terry h eagle w frank Terry Orrin, wnoi^sale grocer 4 Sidway blk com and firm T & Hutchinson h eagle c del Terry & Hutchinson", leather dealers 3 Sidway blk com Thayer Edward S. with J T 87 main Thayer Hiram P. miller b rockh moh bet main & wash Thayer Joel, grocer and com house 87 main h church c frank Thayer O. P. bd 7 mam T Theobold Abraham, blacksmith gen c spring Theobold George, tailor h bat e mich Theobold Peter, gardner h frank nr tup Theobold Peter, jr Wo h frank nr tup 176 Thom Alexander, tailor firm G W Alien & Co 80 main Thomas Alanson S. with Horace Thomas Benjamin W. turner firm T & Sauer h gen w main Thomas Calvin F. S. firm T & Clapp h s div e oak Thomas Daniel, mason h quay Thomas Giles G. firm Smith &Th 7th nr georgia Thomas Hiram, elk 191 main Thomas Horace;* recess main c w sen h s div w mich Thomas John T. carp h ell n gen Thomas William, teamster h sen e mich Thomas William R. cab maker with Greenwood & Cl'k Thomas & Clapp, fancy book & job printers 158 main Thomas & Sauer,.garners mech c r road Thomas Ana, wid of Isaac h gen w main Thompson Alexander C. elk 164 main bd M L Faulk- ners Thompson Benoni, atty firm Austin & T h chip head morg Thompson Edward, rum shop 16 main Thompson Hugh, truckman fa pearl s huron Thompson William, truckman bd Hugh Thompson James, truckman h ell n gen Thompson John, truckman h fauron c pearl Thompson John, truckman h pearl s huron Thompson Sheldon, firm Dudley & T bd E S Warren Thompson Thomas, elk 70 main Thompson Perry, shoe maker at A W Moore Thompson Sarah, wid of Andrew h chip w frank Thomson Robert H. elk 9 Webster blk Thomson Thomas, 9 Webster blk Thomson William A. hardware and cutlery 9 Webster biuldings Thorp Martin, printer Repub offbd Q Graves Thornton Charles, firm H & C Thornton bd W Galli- gans Thornton Henry, firm H & C Thornton bd J M'Credie Thornton H. & C. hat & cap store 2 terr Thurber Edward E. h chip bet frank & del 177 Thurston John M. sen st saw mill bd J Dodge Tibbits Charles, broker bd Mansion Tibbits Nelson, silversmith at J S Putnams Tiebold Christian, joiner h elm n bat Tiffany Augustus J. agent for steamboats & ohio stages h n div e mich Tiffany Lucius F. exch broker and not pub off 238 bd American Tilden Thomas B. grocer and builder s div bet main & wash h 5th nr court Tillinghast Dyre, atty firm T & Smith h black rock Tillinghast & Smith, atty and couns 1621 main over Robinson & Co Tillotson Sylvester H. joiner bd B Timmerman Timmerman Benjamin, firm Hersee & T h good e wash Tiney Michael, cooper h green e wash Titus Orrin B. dry goods 140 main bd Mansion h Titus Thomas J. capt s b Eriebd P W Sawin Todd Augustus, capt schr Rufus King Todd Justice B. silver plater 4 U S blk Townsend Alexander C. mason h mieh e gen Townsend Charles, firm T & Coit h mainc tup Townsend David T. joiner bd J B jr Townsend E. J. at Robinson & Co 162£ main Townsend Joel B. elk Gelston & Evans Townsend George C. elk 1 w swan Townsend Hosea W. stave and lumber yard ohio w mieh Townsend Joshua B. jr builder h sen c mich Townsend Robert G. butcher gen e mich Townsend & Coit, off 1 w swan Trabert Mathias, tailor h wash n good Trace Nicholas, lab h tup e mich Tracy Albert H. Hon h 2 Darrow blk Tracy Arzee, on s b Madison Tracy George H. firm Geo Davis & Co h wash nr moh Tracy Michael, truckman ter w gen Travellers Home, [now Huffs Hotel] 83 main Trier Nicholas, tailor h 13 French blk elm 178 Treat Henry H. agent for J Nottingham & Co fe-wash bet n and s div Trilley Michael, on s b Madison - Tripp Joseph, painter h sen e Hicks tavern Tripp Lett, lab h ell n gen Tripp P. T. frut'. store com s rock Trurably John, carp and joines h perry e bethel Truscott George, exch broker 250 main h wash n moh Trutnine William, tanner h June swah and sen Trowbridge Benjamin H. grocer 13 ell sq Trowbridge Benjamin^" bd Josiah Trowbridge E. B. comb maker h ell n good Trowbridge Josiah, M. D., firm T & Winne/h frank w eagle & church Trowbridge George, watch -maker 191 main h corner gen & frank Trowbridge William, bd Josiafa Trowbridge & Winne, M. D.'s off 288 main up stairs Tucker John, cab maker Staats bd H Colton Tucker William, tailor 12 com Tucker William, mill stone cutter h green op beak Turneliff Ephram, h main ab moh Tucker Caleb, oil cloth maker h frank s tupper Tucker William F. joiner h eagle under unitarian ehurch Turner C. P. pump & block maker h tt div e pine Turner Thomas, butcher forJCj

Augustus Francis, elk 184 main B rower Abram A. 85 main Busteed William H. printer bd F. Conks Cressman Charles, tobacconist 239 main Croyn Abraham, elk Geo Davis & Co Croyn Edward F. elk Hunter, Palmer & Co Coffey Patrick, 86 main Bivins Francis A. watchman bd Phoenix fa Drury Robert, elk Witts log cabin store Demire Henry, blacksmith at Williamson, Clarke & Co Dennison H. H. elk 218 main Deubald George B. tobacconist 239 main Farr R. & Co. forw and com merch dock and prime foot of day ton (see adv) , Harrdick William, tobacconist 122 main Hatch Franklin, elk C. Howlands h pearl ab chip Heth James, confectioner 131 main. Heth Harrison, do do Hertzer William, elk 176 main Larrabee William P. plane maker rail road foot swan fa wash s sen Meyer A. h franklin cniag Pugh Casper, lab h hickory n eagle Timmerman George, carpenter h ell nr gen Tisdale Silas, m. d. h oak s syc Topf George, glazier 67 french blk Toey Carl, lab gen e mortimer Toles Benjamin, builder main c chip h frank n huron Trott Anthony, saddler 149 main Troges Thomas, teamster h s div e mich ALTERATIONS, CORRECTIONS AND OMIS­ SIONS. Abbott J. E. R. atty and couns at law bd 16 main Alberger Job, butcher 3 ter market h Black Rock Anderson Robert D. Detroit ale and porter house main c eagle Andrews William, clerk 6 Marvin block Bailey Gordon, h cor swan and hickory Barnes Josiah, M. D. off and h ex op mansion house Baughman John, tobacconist 195 main. Billings F. P. watchman h elk w alabama Bird John, confectioner union n eagle Boorom Cornelius, butcher 3 ter mark bd Ann Clemons Bloomfield N. J. barkeeper farmers' hotel Bush Baron S. clerk 190 main Christie Edwin P. keeper rialto rock st Clark Joseph W. h wash c clinton Coleman John H. 220 main Cronyn Edward F. clerk Hunter, Palmer & co Dart Benjamin, h jackson n genesee Dayton M. W. clerk s b constellation Dunlap Horace, h s div bel hickory Eldredge Zoeth, clerk Hunter, Palmer & co Ellison N. B. forwarder off Wm Ruxton's - Farnham Walter R. clerk canal collector's off Farwell W. W. law stud Potter & Spaulcbng's Hudd Richard, whitewasher bd Hudson's Ex Humphrey David, clerk Geo Davis & co Gardner A M. law stud Smith & Warren's Greene Wm. H. atty at law firm Sherwood & G bd Mrs Sheldon Johnson Nehemiah, bd Buffalo Exchange Johnson Nathaniel, agent lower lake s boats bd amer* Ladd Stephen, pavilion coffee room Lyons Jacob, joiner h wash bet scott and perry Mather C. L. clerk Hunter, Palmer & co Moore T. W. clerk 6 Marvin block Moulton Orrin, h jackson nr genesee McBride William, moulder eagle furaace McClevey Richard, grocer 7 Marvin block McGianiss James B. desk. Arcole iron co McCready A. cooperage mech st and long wharf h main n tupper Pierce G. Li-clerk R* 0*. Palmer 6c co Post Oliver R. firm P & Hunn bd 121 main Pratt Sophia, widow of Samuel, h swan bel mich Prince John, rectifier dist spirits 7 ohio block RadcUff Charles, eng s b new england ReeaTLuman R. bd L D Weyburn's Rice J. B. stage manager eagle st theatre bd P Marble's Robinson Clark, u s marshal off Sidway block bd man- sion house Selfridge C. G. nasal architect bd L D Weyburn's Sharp A. P. pattern maker eagle furnace Shelton Wm. pastor epis church h main cor n div Sherman J. D. dry goods 214 main merman R. J. do do Shepard J. G. tailor bd L D Weyburn's Short James, grocer com ab water Simmons J. J. gentleman bd L D Weyburn's Smith & Warren, attys at law off 160 main Sour Conrad, porter 220 main Stanard Walter W. pattern maker eagle fuipace hJulton near louisiana Stearns J. Hascall, at Coit, Clark & Merrill's Strong Satau^l, grocer 7JMfarvin block Styker David, h elm ab genesee Taber Benjamin, prop'r N Y & Buffalo line-off R C Palmer & co h eagle cor wash Tiphaine Victor & Co. French grocers 187 main Wise E. D. upholsterer 125 main bd L D Weyburn's Wyman E. tinsmith bd L D Weyburn's LIST OF COLORED RESIDENTS OF BUFFALO.

Adams Joseph, barber 310 main h ell nr bat Anderson Charles, barber h ell n huron Banks Robert, joiner h niag w Caroline Brown David, mariner bet main and wash nr clinton Bludsaw John, cook s b De Witt Clinton Brown Amster, whitewasher h 9 viae Bryant John, waiter h 8 vine- Burton Moses, h cherry nr hickory Brown William, cook h n div e mich Bardolph ^Villiam B. looking glass maker at Carey & Roberts Brokenborough Alexander, tailor 2 sen h wash nr swan Burr John, barber under buffalo bank Cezar Randall, barber 185 main h oak s gen Curtiss Anthon, barber com Curtiss Anthony, barber U S blk .Class Jacob, barber eagle blk Cousby Alfred E. firm C & Hickens Cousby & Jenkins, tailors 2 com Carey John, lab h cedar nr eagle Caswell William, mariner h wash rear Webster blk Day Jonathan,, cook h mich n clinton Dove George, h mich s bat Dedford Eliza, h tupper w frank Dandridge John, h swan e mich Day John, whitewasher h 9th w Caroline Elebeck Junius H. barber exch und Mansion h Francisco Francis, alley bet main and wash nr clinton Francis Abner H. firm F & Garrett h swan e mich Field Henry, cook h vine 17 194 Fuller Walter, teacher h eagle w ell Francis Paschal, cook h fulsom e mich Foster Benjamin, lab h frank c tupper Francis & Garrett, clothing store 10 U S blk Givens Green, lab h clinton e oak "-Thomas, mariner h 1 vine nr oak Griffin William, grocery 40 main Holland Frederick, over 272"main Henderson John, lab h virg e niag Hall Williamy tmeknian h folsom e mich Hawkins L. H. h n div nr chest«n£i , Handerson George,mason h steub e alabama* HaKris«Thomas, barber- with tL^MiliefBv. Harrison James, city-crier off main nr prime Hix Samuel, musician h wash s clinton Howell Jphn, cook h mich n clinton Holden Eli, joiner h gen c-spmee'1'•"- Hughs Thomas, coofeih wasfa ab gen Johosoa Archibald, lab. fa oakc huron Johnson John, h wash ab chip Johnson Henry, lab with Wm Williams & Cofansdiv c elm Johnson Carlis, farmer h marylaiwkw niag Johnson John, fruit stand com ab. water Jones William, lab h eagle e oak Jones Robert, cook s b Illinois h eagle bel hiokory Jones Richard, whitewasher h n dwrie elm Jenkins Frederick, firm of J &; Elebeck Jenkins & Elebeck, barbers exath under Mansion h Jenkins Frederick, fir^jifiousby & J Louis John, h eagle w ell Lansing Phoenix,, barber unde» Huffs hotel !j} Lawson Benjamin, h mich n-dinton Linchcum Bazil, barberiSi&anain fa n div e elm JLurehcum James, barber rock or main h ell ar huron ^ivinger Samuel, lab fa frank a chip Miller-George H. F. bauber with Joseph Adams Morell Joseph H. barber main fe terrace Moulton Daniel, whitewasher doughertye alley- nr sen 195 Moxley Henry, barber c e sen and main h ell s clinton Malvin Ely, h clinton e ell Miller George, cook at Brown & Bailey h ell s clinton Moore James E. blacksmith h clinton e ell Miller Linus, barber eagle nA main M'Intire Christian, whitewasher h elm n eagle M'Intire James, teamster h-e»eh nr louisiana Neil Harvey, h ell s moh Patterson William, w^faitewasheT''fa ell nf huron Patterson William, baiter h syc c oak Quails William, firm Chew & Qh clint w oak Ross Rachael, laundress h oak rear n div Ross William, cook h nr wash and scott Ross William, cook fa eagle e oak Simpson Jobn»-'-lrifeifeftr'fa n div e oak Smith Thomas, lab fa 'vane e oak Sweet William, keeper^riaing sun tav lloyd c rock Swaitworck Betsey, h gay nr mich Tatem Thomas T. barber 190 main fa ells clinton Thomas James L. cook s b vermillion h gen e hickory Taylor Isaac, cook h gen c spruce Wade John A. barber sen h eU& gen Whitfield James W. barber foot com Washington Alexander, porter at J J Lord & Eaton Washington Jesse, lab h tupper nr frank Washington James, h scott nr wash Wilson Henry, barber com ab water Wright Richard, barber 18 main Ward John A. barber 3 e sen h ell n gen Walker William, truckman fa s dw e chest White Lewis, lab h folsom e mich Weir George, joiner h s div e chest White Robert, truckman h oak e mich ADVERTISEMENT.

THE Compiler of this work has been obliged to delay its appearance for a few days, in order to deliver it to the public free from all except inevitable errors. The compilation of such a work is one of great la­ bor, particularly in a city where the houses are not numbered,.a neglect which it is hoped will be repaired during the present year. It would also be of great convenience to both citizens and strangers, if guide boards were placed at the corners of all the streets. If there are errors, they have been unavoidabkwas every house has been called at, and every effort made to procure a correct account of both names and residences. If the compiler meets with due encouragement, it will be continued another year, and much more, and more valuable statistical information will be prepared during the whole of the present year. With these observations the compiler takes his leave of the public for the present, hoping that he has de­ served the confidence of the public and will meet with' encouragement for the future. C. W. GRAHAM. Buffalo, June, 1841, ADVERTISEMENTS HANDED IN TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN THEIR PROPER PLACE.


MERCHANT, 117 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y.

BUFFALO OIL STORE, Swan st. one door west of Main st. PURE SUMMER & WINTER STRAINED SPERM $IL, BLEACHED OIL FOR GLASS LAMPS, Of the very best quality direct from the manufacturers, and warranted good. Also, &r sale as above, Sperm Candles, Lamps of various kinds, Lamp Glasses, Wicking, Circular Wicks, Oil cans, Fillers, &c. flj53 Purchasers may depend upon the quality of arti­ cles bought at this establishment, and the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. S. N. CALLENDER, Agent. 1841. " JR^FARR & CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse on Prime street and the dock, Buffalo. 198 1841. ALE AND PORTER VAULT. BURR & WATERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN PORTER, ALE AND CIDER, EAST SENECA ST. [OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE,] BUFFALO. LONDON AND PHILADELPHIA PORTER, BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, BOTTLED GHAMPsfclGBT CIDER, REFUND CIPS^IUifD: dDER VINEGAR, In qu&n4ities*?¥fa'G9)££^ purchasers. O^* B. & W.^fill" keep constantly on hand a trail jsu'pply of the above articles, which they warrant of the first quality, and wilt sell cheaper than can be bought of any other establishment. BLACK ROCK HOUSE, OR THE WILLOW TREE. Mr, J: JL SCOTT, would inform the public that he Has taken the*!louse known as the Willow Tree House, on the Wiftiamsville turnpike five miles from the city, where he will be at all times ready to accommodate "tra­ vellers or parties. This being just a pleasant«de frcpi thq^cfty, the sub­ scriber has made arrangements to accommodate all who may call upon him, and for^hat purpose has furnished his house with every convenience and luxury that can be desired. He only asks one call to insure a second. 199 1841. J. NOTTINGHAM & CO. Forwarding and Produce Commission Merchants, Buffalo. Agents for the Rail Road Line, and other Lines of Canal Boats on the Erie Canal. Office in C. M. Reed^s Northwest Warehouse, on Buf­ falo Creek, near the Ship Canal. Liberal Advances" made on produce for sale at this place or any eastern market. H. H. TREAT, Aggat. STILLMAN & RANSOM, Manfac-turers of HATS, CAIpAND FURS, No. 169 Main street, Buffalo. O^r* Cash paid for shipping Furs BROWN & BAILEY, Coijner of South Division and Washington sts. JlDealers in •GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE, Of all kinds, suitable and selected, for'Tamily use. Also all kinds of wooden, earthen and stone ware. Terms —the very best. HART'S GARDEN, Pearl, rear of the Churches, Open* every day and evening for PROMENADE da REFRESHMENTS, | Also for GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, And Sunday evening for promenade, &c. &c. &c. W. TICKETS of admission 12 £ cent including Gym­ nastic Exercises?r jfrhicn Tickets are good at the Bar for Refreshments.

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