Sunday, December 13, 2020

The University of Alaska Anchorage awards degrees and certificates in commencement ceremonies held each December and May as directed by the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska Statewide System of Higher Education. All degrees and certificates are conferred by the authority of the Board of Regents.

UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination.



Oh, say, can you see, By the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed At the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, Were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free And the home of the brave?

Francis Scott Key


Eight stars of gold on a field of blue, Alaska’s flag, may it mean to you; The blue of the sea, the evening sky, The mountain lakes and the flow’rs nearby; The gold of the early sourdough’s dreams, The precious gold of the hills and streams; The brilliant stars in the northern sky, The “Bear,” the “Dipper,” and, shining high, The great North Star with its steady light, O’er land and sea a beacon bright, Alaska’s flag to Alaskans dear, The simple flag of a last frontier.


Sheri Buretta, Chair Eagle River, 2015-2023 Karen Perdue, Vice Chair CONTENTS Fairbanks, 2017-2025 Dale Anderson, Secretary Juneau, 2012-2021 General Information ...... iii Lisa Parker, Treasurer Soldotna, 2015-2023 Order of Events...... iv

John Bania, Regent 2020 Emeritus, Honorary Degree Wrangell, 2019-2027 and Meritorious Service Awards ...... 1-4 John Davies, Regent Fairbanks, 2015-2023 Student Speaker ...... 5 Cachet Garrett, Regent Fairbanks, 2019-2021 Chancellor’s Greeting ...... 6 Darroll R. Hargraves, Regent Wasilla, 2019-2027 President’s Greeting...... 7

Mary K. Hughes, Regent Academic Traditions...... 8 Anchorage, 2002-2025 Gloria O’Neill, Regent Fall Class of 2020 ...... 9-20 Anchorage, 2013-2021 Andy Teuber, Regent College of Arts and Sciences ...... 9 Kodiak, 2015-2023 College of Business and Public Policy ...... 12

ADMINISTRATION College of Engineering ...... 14 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE College of Health ...... 15 Pat Pitney, Interim President University of Alaska Statewide System Community and Technical College...... 18 Cathy Sandeen, Chancellor Denise Runge, Provost University Honors College ...... 20 Bill Jacob, Interim Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Graduating with Honors ...... 21-27 Megan Olson, Vice Chancellor Acknowledgments ...... 28 for University Advancement Bruce Schultz, Vice Chancellor UAA Alma Mater...... 30 for Student Affairs Aaron Dotson, Associate Vice Chancellor, Congratulations from UAA Alumni Association Office of Research Christi Bell, Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of the Business Enterprise Institute Sara Childress, Director/Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Equity and Compliance Jennifer Booz, Chief Diversity Officer iii COMMENCEMENT I FALL 2020


Alaska Native Welcome...... Marcella Asicksik

The Star-Spangled Banner ...... Christabel Sosa

Alaska’s Flag Song ...... Dr. Mari Hahn, UAA Professor of Music and Dr. Jaunelle Celaire, UAF Professor of Music

Chancellor’s Welcome and Message to the Graduates ...... Chancellor Cathy Sandeen

Conferring and Presentation of Honorary Degree and Meritorious Service Awards ...... Chancellor Cathy Sandeen

Conferring of Emeritus Status ...... Provost Denise Runge

Student Speaker ...... Jamie Bagley B.S. Biological Sciences

Congratulations from the Faculty ...... Kelly Smith Faculty Senate President

Presentation of Candidates for Graduation

Congratulations from the Alumni Association ...... Jessica Jacobsen M.S. 2019

UAA Alma Mater ...... Grace Aubrey, Dr. Mari Hahn, Noah Hamre, Autumn Levy, Erika Masinde, Christabel Sosa

Conferring of Degrees and Certificates ...... UA Board of Regents


2020 EMERITUS The position of emeritus is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a full-time professor or staff member who has retired after a minimum of 10 years of faithful service to the University of Alaska.

Renee Carter-Chapman Sandra Pence Maureen O’Malley Senior Vice Provost Emerita Professor Emerita of Dental Hygiene, Professor Emerita of Nursing College of Health (posthumous award), College of Health

Patricia Moores Fannie Slaten Staff Emerita, College of Business Staff Emerita, College of Business and Public Policy and Public Policy



BILL SHEFFIELD Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters

In 1982, the battle for the governorship of Alaska was intense. Ultimately, Bill Sheffield won, but his path to governing the 49th state came from humble beginnings in Silverdale, Washington where he grew up and his lifelong “pro-job” philosophy was inspired by President Roosevelt’s fireside chats during the Great Depression.

After serving in the United States Airforce during World War II, Sheffield worked as a sales and service representative for Sears Roebuck. In 1953, he was transferred to Alaska where he earned the title of top salesman in the country for four years straight. Sheffield’s experience with the burgeoning Sears company allowed him, with his partner and friend Brad Phillips, to branch out into the hospitality industry. He and Phillips purchased their first property at 9th and D and established the Anchorage Inn. Eventually, Sheffield bought out his business partner, expanded his hotel holdings and grew his hotel empire to 19 properties in Alaska and the Yukon territories.

In 1975, recognized for his business acumen, Sheffield was elected to the Anchorage Charter Commission — his first foray into public service. In 1982, he decided to join the heated governor race.

As governor, Sheffield was a builder. During his tenure, he oversaw massive statewide projects investing in Alaska’s infrastructure from roadways to water systems. He consolidated the state’s four time zones into two and is responsible for creating Alaska Standard Time. Sheffield also helped facilitate the purchase of the Alaska Railroad from the federal government and commissioned the construction of Spring Creek Correctional Facility in Seward.

After leaving the governor’s office, Sheffield helmed the Alaska Railroad and became port director for the Municipality of Anchorage until retiring in January 2011. Recently celebrating his 90th birthday, Sheffield leaves his indelible legacy of leadership in Alaska.

It is the University of Alaska Anchorage’s honor and privilege to confer upon Bill Sheffield the title of Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters.



RENEE CARTER-CHAPMAN Meritorious Service Award

Throughout her over 40-year career at UAA, Renee Carter-Chapman has demonstrated excellence in each initiative she has undertaken. An extraordinary leader, Carter-Chapman was responsible for the creation of, and advocacy for, an astonishing array of integral programs that have increased the quality, recognition and prestige of the entire University of Alaska system.

Dating back to UAA’s earliest years during its merger with Anchorage Community College, Carter-Chapman was instrumental in the creation of the Community and Technical College and continued by heading the university’s first coordinated student success and retention strategies.

As a leader in Academic Affairs and on the Chancellor’s Cabinet, Carter-Chapman was a consistent and successful advocate of community engagement and partnerships. It was her and then-Provost Dan Johnson who first championed the idea of service-learning at UAA. Together, they established the Faculty Fellow in Community Engagement to conduct research, develop strategies and create opportunities for faculty to learn more about this powerful pedagogy. Additionally, in 1998 Carter-Chapman oversaw the establishment of UAA’s Center for Community Engagement and Learning, which has since become one of the university’s signature, nationally recognized programs.

Most recently, Carter-Chapman was the driving force behind UAA’s remarkable involvement and success in the Ford Foundation’s Difficult Dialogues initiative. She identified the opportunity, gathered the original team of faculty and staff together to develop a proposal, formed a groundbreaking partnership with Alaska Pacific University and served as co-principal investigator for the project. Her proposal was one of only 26 in the nation to receive a Ford Foundation grant, out of a pool of over 700 pre-proposals submitted by some of the most elite institutions of higher education in the nation.

It is the University of Alaska Anchorage’s honor and privilege to award Renee Carter-Chapman the Meritorious Service Award.



W.A. (WILL) JACOBS Meritorious Service Award

W. A. (Will) Jacobs is a professor emeritus of history and political science at UAA. Born in South Carolina and raised in rural Wisconsin, he studied at Wisconsin State University-Eau Claire (B.S.), and the University of Oregon (M.A. and Ph.D.). After brief teaching stints at Eau Claire, Earlham College and Oregon, he was appointed in 1973 as an assistant professor of history in what was then the Senior College at UAA. He served in the history department until 1989, then in political science for a further 10 years. Over the course of his faculty appointment, Jacobs was an active leader in many faculty governance and service roles.

After leading UAA’s accreditation effort in 1999-2000, he was appointed associate vice provost for Academic Affairs in 2001. He retired in 2002. After retirement, he took up part-time service in the Office of Academic Affairs, working as an assistant to the provost on a variety of tasks with a focus on strategic planning. His service to UAA concluded with the publication of a survey history of UAA and its predecessor institutions: Becoming UAA, 1954-2014: The Origins and Development of the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Over the course of his time at UAA, Jacobs taught European History, International Relations, U.S. Foreign Policy, the History of Warfare and the History of the Second World War. His published primary research focused on British and American air force operations in that conflict.

In 2013, Jacobs and his wife, Mina, moved to the Midwest and now reside in St. Paul, Minnesota.

It is the University of Alaska Anchorage’s honor and privilege to award Will Jacobs the Meritorious Service Award.



During her junior year of high school, UAA fall 2020 commencement speaker Jamie Bagley shadowed a veterinarian as part of a class. After her experience in a veterinary clinic, she knew working with animals was a career she wanted to pursue. When it came to choosing her major at UAA, biological sciences was the obvious choice. However, charting the rest of her undergraduate career was a little less straightforward until a friend encouraged her to join USUAA Student Government.

Bagley said she wasn’t always confident in her leadership skills but that joining USUAA provided a foundational cornerstone of her college career allowing her to grow into the confident senior who decided last year to apply for commencement speaker in the fall.

“When I first started with USUAA I didn’t really think of myself as a leader but more of a doer,” said Bagley. “As time went on, skills I didn’t know I had emerged and I just grew into a confidence that allowed me to be not only in a supporting role as vice president but eventually in the role as student body president. I think USUAA helped me grow as a person, not just personally but professionally too. I’ve learned a lot about how to communicate with other people and how to mediate a conversation, especially when you don’t always agree with someone else’s opinion.”

Bagley knew acquiring a biological sciences degree was going to be challenging but enjoyed most of her classes, with a few exceptions and is happy to be heading toward graduation.

She hopes she can impart some of the advice and wisdom she’s gained over the last few years while attending UAA during a challenging time, from experiencing a 7.1 earthquake to major budget cuts to the COVID-19 pandemic reshaping the last two semesters of her undergraduate education experience.

“I want to inspire my classmates and to encourage them to be the best version of themselves and for them to know that they can accomplish whatever they set their minds to,” Bagley said. “My theme is focused on how UAA’s student body is resilient — especially for this graduating class. To be resilient is something everyone should strive for.”

Coached by Steve Johnson, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Communication



Dear Graduates,

Today is a special day, one that brings a smile to my face all day long.

This day is the culmination of hours of hard work, of reading, studying, writing, speaking, calculating, problem solving — and juggling your job (or jobs), your family and all the other things going on in your life. Across this country, hundreds of thousands of students will be graduating in the next couple of weeks, but I believe you deserve to celebrate more than others. I know how hard you have worked. You have earned this day.

Live in this moment. Celebrate your achievement.

We are here to honor you, to show our respect and to welcome you to another family. In addition to your primary family, you are now also among the family of educated citizens, the family of professionals, and, of course, the family of Seawolf alumni — more than 60,000 of you.

We are proud of you. We are honored to have been a part of your journey. We wish you all the best as you move forward. Please don’t forget us — your UAA family. We will never forget you.

Sincerely yours,

Cathy Sandeen, Chancellor University of Alaska Anchorage


Dear UAA Class of 2020,

Congratulations graduates! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Congratulations, too, to your parents and families who are celebrating with you today and who will always be there to cheer you on. With their support, and your hard work, you have reached a major milestone in your life and are now part of the University of Alaska Anchorage family forever. As an alum, I hope you will always stay connected to us.

You did it despite COVID. You did it despite being away from campus and your colleagues. You did it despite the challenges, the hard road and the moments you thought you might not get to this day. You did it. Bravo!

Now allow your experience and knowledge to pave your path forward. Your hard work has prepared you to write the next chapter in your personal story, and whatever you choose to do, you will carry it out with the great personal strength and the self-confidence you developed at UAA.

Although we cannot be together to celebrate your accomplishments on this very important day, we are all together as a community honoring your dedication to your education. Always be courageous in the midst of uncertainty, remain inquisitive, continue to grow intellectually and find ways throughout your career to give back to your community and to UAA.

Congratulations on this personal achievement and wherever life’s journey may take you. I hope it finds you here in Alaska helping to build the state we all want.

Please accept my very best wishes for your happiness and success.

Pat Pitney, Interim President University of Alaska



Robes, Mortarboards, Hoods

An academic legend tells of a wise old Greek who dressed his students in mason’s sackcloth robes with mortarboards because, “Their destiny is to build. Some will build cities, some will build lives — perhaps one of them will build an empire; but all will be builders on the solid foundation of knowledge.” Whether or not the ancient Greek dressed his students in sackcloth and mortarboard, the academic robes worn today by graduates and faculty trace their beginnings to the mid-12th century, when small groups studied under the tutelage of a scholar (often a monk or priest). These students chose to dress in a robe similar to that of their teacher. Through the centuries, this traditional scholarly dress did not change much. Each individual scholar donned special colors, fur and fabrics, as did the scholar's students. In contrast to those Old World customs, today’s academic robe has a basic organization that allows you to identify even more about the scholar. Today’s scholars are the university faculty. They wear academic robes with colorful hoods reminiscent of the medieval monk’s cowl. The size and colors of the hood tell the observer what discipline the scholar pursued and from which college or university he or she graduated. UAA master’s degree graduates will be wearing their hoods today, for they have gone beyond the bachelor’s degree to learn more and become scholars. The University of Alaska Anchorage’s colors are gold and green, hence these colors on the hood. The velvet trim on the hood signifies the scholar’s field. For example, a Master of Education recipient will have his gold and green hood trimmed in light blue; a Master of Science recipient will have his gold and green hood trimmed in golden yellow. Some colleges and universities use the soft beret, but the prevailing style of cap is the traditional square mortarboard, decorated with a long tassel. You may notice some faculty wearing a soft beret-style cap. It does not matter whether the tassel is worn on the left or right of the mortarboard, but it is often customary to change the tassel to the other side after receiving the diploma. While you may not be able to identify the origins of each specific academic robe and hood appearing in today’s commencement ceremony, you can reflect that from the certificate graduate in his black gown to the Doctor of Philosophy, students and professors alike are paying homage to more than 800 years of academic tradition.

University Mace The grand marshal carries the University of Alaska Anchorage mace in the commencement procession and places it in a stand on the stage during commencement ceremonies to signify the importance of the occasion. The UAA Alumni Association commissioned the mace in 1990 and two talented UAA employees created it. Dr. Vern Oremus, former dean of UAA’s previous College of Career and Vocational Education, used a lathe to create the wooden staff and head. Associate professor of art Mariano Gonzales designed and produced the sterling silver torch at the top of the mace. The mace symbolizes UAA as a university of distinction and is traditionally entrusted to the faculty in recognition of their critical role in the education of our students.



DOCTORATE DEGREES Scott T. Pantaleone Ashley M. Phillips* Kyle R. Wood* Frederick W. Transburg DOCTOR OF Timothy S. Williams Art International Studies PHILOSOPHY Sabrina M. Carlson* Kelsey E. Colligan Clinical-Community Biological Sciences Rebekah J. Coe* Mitchell A. Jones II Psychology Katie L. Anderson Alicia Figueroa** Sarah K. Skrocki Kierra Brecht Jacob J. Bozzini Susanna R. Lloyd Brionne V. Elkins Kelly S. Ireland awarded posthumously Journalism and Public Brittany N. Freitas Murrell Megan L. Keller Katherine L. Massong** Communications Steffi M. Kim Amy C. Klink Stefanie D. Matthew Nikolas A. V. Bevens Samantha L. Mack Ryan B. Lucas Bobby O. Ellis Alicia F. Marvin Timm W. Nawrocki English Leslie Meara D. Jordan D. Skan Hugo A. Villavicencio Chiu Shayne L. Ancheta Evangelista** Karla L. Brollier Lea Jackson MASTER’S DEGREES Clinical Psychology Thomas Brown Caleigh L. Jensen* Julie M. Denny Cody W. Coonjohn Jacob T. Lampkin MASTER OF ARTS Hannah A. Ferguson Leilani K. Curry Jennifer M. Lincoln Anthropology Elizabeth J. Mangini Kierra J. Hammons** John T. Novotny Kaare R. Erickson Robyn N. Mertz Halie A. Hoffman* Mary J. Ryan*** Nathan I. Harmston Luke B. Offord Pamela M. Hyland Krizelle I. B. Solidum Theodore H. Parsons Kathryne Ogin Evelyn J. F. Sharratt-Ash* Christina L. Swayney Holly A. Thorssin Grace P. Olrun Jared N. Vollstedt Shane A. Westmoreland Ervie G. Salao Jaina Willahan* English Samantha K. U. Skirko Languages Deborah M. Castillo Nicole Zegiestowsky History Brenna C. Bigelow Nancy L. Strahan Taylor C. Barcom Laura C. Gordon Robert K. Whiteley Interdisciplinary Studies Nathan T. Bradford Roger A. Guerrero Marie-Sophie Boggasch Deborah L. Bryner Jay Andrew V. Guzman MASTER OF FINE ARTS Jordan M. Couture Chloe L. Crapo Brittany J. Quales Creative Writing and Jillian C. Jablonski Jayde H. Eaton* John P. Wallace** Literary Arts Hannah R. Uher-Koch Sean S. E. Hoover Alexa G. Cherry Robert L. Jeffrey Jr.* Mathematics Dale B. Donaldson Jr. GRADUATE Matison H. Johnson Aimee N. Buzby Pamela A. Hays CERTIFICATES Buck W. Loporto Eric G. Johnson Ariel E. Murrills Philosophy Mohagani A. Magnetek Children’s Mental Health Ethan M. O'Brien Christian J. Alversado* Cameron A. Murray Sophia E. Branson Ryan J. OMara Solomon H. Shindler** Lisa L. Pachuta Margaret E. Herbert Emily N. Rosser Jenifer L. Ruckle Michael H. Schachle Political Science BACCALAUREATE Wyatt W. Slater Jenna N. Brister*** MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREES Amanda L. Sparks* Elliott Gilbert Applied Geological Dominic K. Springer* Alexander H. Jorgensen* Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS Briehton M. R. Stuart Amanda A. Stewlow Daniel M. Coffey Anthropology Michael Sweet Seth R. Nolan Takauto Kimura Emma C. Vorholt Psychology 9 COMMENCEMENT I FALL 2020

Alyssa M. Bolog Jannelle L. Trowbridge Ryan T. Palmer Delaney F. Glenn Vanessa E. Boyer* Astrud K. Watkins** James R. Peritz Crystal M. Gratrix Katrina L. Bragg Monica F. Pineda Benz Jaryl D. Guillermo Alexander L. Brown* Chemistry Lindsey D. Wilson Emily K. Hansen Shaunessy L. Burton Peter H. King Jaed L. Hansen Catherine G. Carroll Sociology Miranda R. Hansen Anna L. Darnell Environment and Society Marley A. Elconin* Adrian A. Hanson* Joseph D. Day Carmen R. Field Vaughndelee G. Hart Samantha A. Franklin Kody S. Frantz ASSOCIATE DEGREES Lynette K. H. Hepa Bret J. Gilmore Yemi Knight* Mor Her* Shereena C. Kenaston Nabgha A. Qureshi ASSOCIATE OF ARTS Connor D. Hosier Heidi W. King General Program Erika X. Huezo Un O. Lee Geological Sciences Eila K. Alatervo Reid L. Hull*** Alicia E. Luna* James C. Campione Reuven Amstislavski Christopher E. Isensee Melinda P. Martin Monika S. Fleming Sarah E. Andrews Victoria E. Jackson** Emily A. Mcgee Brittney A. Lenahan Joshua C. Antonio Alix Jean Charles Haley J. Minney Gemma A. Winston* Taj R. Augustus Hailey M. Jensen Zoryana S. Opanasevyech Cameron M. Baldwin Sareena R. C. Jimenez Nicholas O. Phillips* Interdisciplinary Studies Lauren J. Banachowicz Payton R. Johnson** Amphone Phoummany Monika S. Fleming Rachel R. Banks Samuel F. Judd Brittany E. Raj Ellis G. Barnett Joseph C. Jurasek Jorge Y. Sanchez Mathematics Zack D. Bauder Briday C. Knittle** Sierra R. Schnell Marshall J. Farris David J. Beaulieu* Mayuka Kobayashi Brittany R. Sutter Nathaniel J. Bennett Anna M. Koerber Hayden T. Trupp Natural Sciences Kavya V. Bhagawatula Olivia R. Larson Kayla Payge S. Verango Laura E. Aspelund* Brenna C. Bigelow Abigail L. Laugeness Phillip B. Verano Nicholas B. Beckage* Andru M. Botelho Emmanuella E. A. Lawal Karri A. Wiggers Seth E. Bodine* Aidan S. Brion Talia N. Leauanae Alicia J. Carson Julie T. Broughton Omen W. Leavitt Theatre Brook A. Cinocco Britt'Nee A. K. Brower Raquel V. Lehrmann Elizabeth T. Coggins** Stephanie A. Conlan Debra L. Burt Autumn N. Levy* Addoris J. Davis Sean Crafts Ashleigh Bywaters Joseph G. Linden Krisha Nicole S. Manuel Karsen L. Cullen* Melina Caletz Gary M. Lytle Matthew W. Meyer Eddie M. Edwards Sandra C. Canova** Carl C. Madson Joshuah R. Rutten Sara C. E. Faris Sarah K. Cardoza Cheyenne H. S. Maitland Eugene M. Vanni Taylor A. Gilmore Kaylee N. Carlson Rosalie B. Makar John M. Gregory** Abigail G. Carothers*** Mark Jhelo A. Manalili BACHELOR OF MUSIC James A. Guilas Jamie E. Chesnut Lillian L. Briana K. Glasionov* Anna L. Johannsen Edgar U. Cintron Mandregan-Burroughs* Philip W. Cheasebro* Mariah A. Johnson* Melissa S. Clark Tatianna M. M. Martinez Arianne Mae D. G. Maza Michelle L. Cooper Marvin R. McCall BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Daniel W. McBride Thomas W. Corscadden Shannon V. McConnell Anthropology Emilia R. Nagel Kayla C. Craft Asia Y. McKnight Ashton R. Freeman Francis M. Pacillo Merlin E. Danner Francisco Mendoza Alec V. Leighton River T. Richards Karah F. Daughtry** Melissa S. Mendoza Daniel J. Mackie Samantha V. N. Robertson Joseph R. Diaz Philip W. Miller Danner J. Shreve Jonnie A. Dolan Ashley N. Mizell Biological Sciences Alexus F. Tisega Aimee E. Dusenbery Danielle N. Neff Jamie R. Bagley Caleb D. VanBlankenstein* Cassia M. Earls Kureha Nishizawa** Jenna R. Barraza* Christopher L. Wilson Gabriel J. Egli*** Kylan R. Osborne Bailey N. Fuller** Kerri L. Erwin Kcie D. Owens Keith D. H. Ivy Psychology Cannon F. Fidler Brian M. Palmer* Killian J. McClure Aakash R. Bathija Donna K. Frantz*** Katherine E. Pattison Jada N. Nguyen Riley R. Burroughs Osmairis Fulgencio-Filpo Dorina Pellumbi** Adam R. Prewitt* Jennifer B. Griffin Ethan D. Gauntt James R. Peritz Kaysie C. Rich* Noelle W. Johnson Michael T. Giles William D. Picard Gabrielle E. Thompson** Ksenia Leshtaeva Jesse F. Gittlein Kacey L. Pittmann* 10 FAll 2020 I COMMENCEMENT

Tyler B. Post ThanhTam N. Karasiewicz Oswaldo R. Quinoveva Jacklyn E. Larson Jennifer A. Reich Haas Tevya Robbins Christopher T. Revels John J. Sassman Rosemary A. Reynolds* Stephanie M. Seward Mason A. Saddler Abigail M. Watson Emani A. Secret Douglas P. Williams Jazmyn S. Shaw Katelynn N. Sheneman Special Education Olivia A. Siegel Danielle C. Are Jonathan R. Sindorf Rebecca A. S. Ingram Jeffrey A. Slaikeu* Danika K. Neuner Anayansi C. Stark-Powell Calista M. Pruitt Adrianne J. Takak Christina M. Sitz Marina Taylor Jordan S. Thibault Teaching and Learning Ryan G. Toney Olga S. Fontaine Gloria K. Tucker Pamela L. Gilden Sophia M. Tunguing Julie J. Gregory Sheridan F. Tupper Kristen L. Holmes-Ryder Hannah R. Turner Serap K. Johnson Ashley N. Valdivia* Lillian A. M. Olson Madison R. Viens Joshua W. Pheley Shannon M. Wallner Jessica M. Ross Jason M. Watkins Amy K. Samuel Irene S. Weisman* Brian J. Smith Ibionna M. Wemark Steffany R. Willhauck GRADUATE CERTIFICATES Brandon T. Williams Janee K. Wilson Special Education Janie R. Witthuhn Liviu M. Rizea Duane D. Wood* Sarah M. Wood POST-BACCALAUREATE Michelle A. Wrobel CERTIFICATES Pa Ying Xiong Isabella T. Zamora Speech Language Pathology Chelsey B. Zaukar** Valerie J. Arnold Francesca G. Williams SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ASSOCIATE DEGREES MASTER’S DEGREES ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE Early Childhood MASTER OF EDUCATION Development Early Childhood Special Ashley M. Barker Education Michelle E. Casey Beth T. Craig Heather N. Fuller Brittany M. Rush* Educational Leadership Vandalyn V. Saetern-Hudson Kate M. Cornell Jodi A. Darling Amy R. Eakin Nate C. Freeman Chelsea L. Garney Sarah D. Glaser Nicholas S. Hoy



MASTER’S DEGREES Brandon A. Nye Terri A. Helms Brandon M. Chicotel Mario R. Pagni Tou Her Madeline J. Friedl MASTER OF BUSINESS Stephen J. G. Sweet Kenneth M. O. Hoffman** Robespierre Howard ADMINISTRATION Alysa Wooden Peggy S. Huske Cy A. Two Elk General Management Skyler Kim Ronald C. Weafer Tamra L. Aguilar MASTER OF SCIENCE Jazzmin K. Krueger Aleksandr O. Altukhov Global Supply Chain Panulee Lee Management Brian P. Blessington Management Scott T. Marciniak* Fallon K. Arnott Gregory L. Bultron Najla J. Adlawan Luke E. Mazurak Stephanie L. Beltz Landon R. Chapman Thomas C. Boots Andre P. Meuleners* Kevin P. Bohan Adam J. Commandeur Lloyd M. Burton Mohamed Munye Anastasia E. Buretta* Gregory S. Dutson Edward M. Conner Jacob M. Paiz Cannen J. Burgess* Stephen J. Ferntheil Rujun Cui Annie J. Palagyi Stacey L. Byrd Tevin J. Gladden Loreen E. Davis Janna R. Scates** Mai Sharry La Chang Donald V. Gotchal Bradley J. Lipscomb Caleb B. Schneck Jessica M. Cox* Victoria M. Hofmann Joshua J. Lucca Ashley N. Souza Trey P. DeGraaf** Nicolette J. Holmes Sofia Maldonado Diaz Agnes B. Tobey Allison M. Devine Peter O. Ikewun Willie Moody Pang Vang* Christian J. Donelson Duo Ji Ryan L. Ruble Bruce T. Vincent** Derek W. Ellis Megan J. Mazurek Eva A. Ulukivaiola Jessica S. Whited Leslie Meara D. Evangelista** Jennifer A. McConnel Malia M. L. Wilson Vicki M. Finke Laurie A. Meyer BACCALAUREATE Mai G. Yang Madeline J. Friedl Craig Miller DEGREES Hanxiao Zhang Savannah S. M. Garrett Gavin M. Northey Kristina R. Gibson Martins Onskulis BACHELOR OF ARTS Economics Vave P. Graf Jonah Renouf Economics Nathan Robertson* Morgan L. Heber Nathan Renouf Clara C. Baldwin** Ethan Selmer Robespierre Howard Patrick J. Rider Nathan T. Bradford Kari M. Stubbert* Chloe A. Hunte Katie E. Rowell Courtney A. Kuhlmann* Chase T. James Emily J. Seidler Finance Jason C. Madden Gabrielle B. St Pierre BACHELOR OF BUSINESS Jerret T. Gervell Francine R. Moreno Jason Stevens ADMINISTRATION Eric J. Howatt Eileen E. Moring David C. Trinkberger Accounting Stefanie E. Isla Galvez* Cody D. O'Neal Farrah R. Weinert Osman H. Aden Lan V. Lam* Neil S. Pilaspilas Amanda M. Wooster Kelsey A. Allison* Jordann R. Lawrence Stephanie R. Sampson Carin N. Yeh Meghna V. Bathija*** Aaron K. McPheters* Corrine M. Schrank Anastasia E. Buretta* Andre P. Meuleners* Connor P. Sheppard MASTER OF PUBLIC Timothy D. J. Debord Nathan Robertson* Ashley N. Souza ADMINISTRATION Aaron M. DeBruhl Robert S. Spalding* Christine Takamoto Micah K. Chelimo Jian Guo Leilani A. Tennyson Alyssa M. Hartman Yeng Hang Global Logistics and Supply Kaylin Vang Alyssa N. Hutchins Anna A. Harris** Chain Management Benjamin T. Vincent* Florence M. Kargi Norhan Y. Hassan Sarah E. Carlson** Guillermo F. Castillo


Bruce T. Vincent** Breanna T. Gibbs Matthew T. Vincent* Aaron V. Hamilton Brandi N. Wheelehan Chloe A. Lindsey Alexander G. White Jena Miller Erin N. White Teigen C. Sorensen Zjacquilyn V. Williams Monica R. Wiehl Jill L. Williams Management Information Systems CERTIFICATES Courtney M. Baffrey Robert J. Canha Logistics and Supply Chain Lagi J. Salevi Operations Fe Elizabeth G. Amena Marketing Alexis C. Piscoya Allison I. Ackles Lauren E. Bradley Samantha R. Capps Allison M. Devine Leslie Meara D. Evangelista** Nou Her Cameron G. Johannes Annaleisa M. Kress Ashley A. McLaughlin-Smith Neil S. Pilaspilas Danille D. Robertson Leilani A. Tennyson Erin N. White


ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE Accounting Mathew H. Allen Joseph B. Araneta Annie M. Bieber Samantha L. Bruffett Sahar V. Combs Amanda R. Jankowski* Sheila M. Lowe Danielle Sadley Angela M. I. Sawyer* Candice C. Thomas

General Business Jimmy R. Varner***

Logistics and Supply Chain Operations Frank J. Bamberg Jr. Emily Harston Donna M. Judkins

Small Business Administration Natalie Barbosa** Johannah M. Dehoop 13 COMMENCEMENT I FALL 2020 CLASS OF 2020


MASTER’S DEGREES Allen M. Wilson Jr. Anthony A. Turner Connor S. Wright Isaac Valero MASTER OF SCIENCE Jonathan C. Y. Yoo Civil Engineering Computer Science Travis M. Bradshaw So Hee Bae* ASSOCIATE DEGREES Daniel J. Dahms Muhammad A. Bajwa** Medhat M. S. Elmorsy Chandra D. Boyle** ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED Kristopher R. Ford Colin R. Burgess SCIENCE Bryan P. Oakland Rafael R. Dos Reis Geomatics Michael A. Quinonez Pamela A. Myers Jordan M. Divis* John H. Street Da Wum Nam Cameron W. Wilson Joshua J. Putman Raul A. Reutov** Mechanical Engineering Christina F. Forbes Computer Systems Martin T. Henke Engineering Tanner B. Penrod Chandra D. Boyle** Hannah E. Crayton* Project Management Caiming Li Jason R. Barber Devin S. McFarlane Jessica L. Bornholdt Jack W. Carlson Electrical Engineering Edward M. Conner Ian S. Goddard Erin W. Else Kyle J. Lacy Ardrienna L. Everett Mariana Lugo Vazquez Virginia C. D. Groeschel Malachi M. Rhines Kristopher K. Hall Nicolas Villa-Fuerte Elinor M. Harrington Melissa L. Metzger Geomatics Leslie T. Stokes Rowdy J. Harnish

BACCALAUREATE Mechanical Engineering DEGREES Kirsten Alvarado* Aryan C. Azarsepandan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Morgan B. Bellman Civil Engineering Daniel D. Bray Aldrey Terence V. Antonio* Joshua B. Brown Jordan C. Cooper Drew R. Collins Jhon Gilbert V. Landicho Aaron D. L. De Francisca Sandy Otaegui Flores Riley A. Haynes* Owen T. Rohler** Nicholas R. Hoffer Caleb N. Shoulders Jacob D. Powell Chancy T. Rueda


COLLEGE OF HEALTH JEFF JESSEE, DEAN *Cum Laude, **Magna Cum Laude, ***Summa Cum Laude

MASTER’S DEGREES Mario A. Herrera Hali P. Young Physical Education Shawna L. Lee Hugo A. De La Cruz MASTER OF PUBLIC Maksim M. Mayer Health Sciences Sadie R. Fox* HEALTH Francisco Mendoza Steven A. Atuk Benjamin D. Griffith Public Health Practice Benjamin D. J. Ortez Javera D. Berry* Justin R. Hall Nicole D. Cabrera Alexandrea C. Otto Kara L. Boothby* Victoria R. Parsons Ashley E. Carrick Alexander L. Panter Celestina V. Castro Trevor J. Sporer Karen L. Conner Aaron D. Richwine Sage H. Corbett Amanda B. Wolverton** Kelsey L. Cusack Christian D. Crapo Karina S. Gonzales-Smith Legal Studies Katrina R. Crawford ASSOCIATE DEGREES Joanna V. Kanayurak Allaryce Agloinga Nikka A. Dirks Maka J. Monture Anne-Marie L. Droege Sean Goetz ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED Emily K. Ricci Healy M. Edwards Nykeara A. Hakeem SCIENCE Dyanne V. Rodriguez Ramadhani Greer Tristan W. Heil Dental Assisting Tara C. Schmidt Noah A. Hammett* Nicholas S. Kesling* Jayson A. Cristobal Aliassa L. Shane Carla M. Hanley Stephanie S. Kings Monica L. Lavallee By Thao Christopher M. Henegan** Han B. Lee Erica Cristine P. Porte Hannah E. Warren Breanna M. Jingco Lily L. Lo Barbara A. Van Horne Amanda M. Woody Kisung Kang Lauren D. Luchsinger** Cindy P. Y. Xiong* Alecis T. Kionisala Scott Nah Kayoua Xiong* MASTER OF SCIENCE Anna M. Koerber Dreanna R. Owens Pa H. Xiong Dietetics and Nutrition Amanda M. Magnusen* Christopher A. Renteria Audrey R. Anderson Ashley P. Maioriello Aanisah B. A. Robinson Diagnostic Medical Allison M. Hillen Gloria R. Miller*** Hannah J. Russell Sonography Kiana L. Holland Avery G. Parker Kailey S. Sayer** Sarah L. Halama Haley J. Salazar Levi W. Tressel Isabella Scalapino Rebecca A. M. Magro Kylie J. Viens Manal A. Sharife Heather B. Moore BACHELOR OF HUMAN Jennifer T. Smith POST-BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Hilary J. M. Stark* Fire and Emergency CERTIFICATES Margaret M. Grebb Keegan J. Tomaszewski* Services Technology Paula F. Jones Laura M. Valencia Luke E. Foster Paralegal Studies Ruvonne C. Parson Kiara L. Vicente Evan R. Johnston Darsha A. Squartsoff Kayla V. Stockdell Allison I. Wine Caroline R. Streff Anthony J. Wenzell* Kristopher Wolkoff** Human Services Richard Yeager* Kal L. Bacon* BACCALAUREATE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Virnessa Marie D. Baker DEGREES Dental Hygiene Medical Laboratory Science Carley R. Cotter*** Amber N. Bare* Katelyn M. Aragon Amanda J. Gonzalez BACHELOR OF ARTS Natasha Y. Harris** Angela S. Dickinson Benz Jaryl D. Guillermo* Justice Kortnie A. Lange* Ashton R. Freeman Taylor M. Hoffman Michael W. Belt Ashley N. Smock Marel John M. Melgar Tiffany T. Suthammavong Elena E. Cano Ty S. Miller* Summer A. Trefon Alexander H. Choi Dietetics Rodney R. Salvador** Jackson R. Gould Kathryn Y. Foster Bryanna R. Selders Medical Assisting Brady Hammond Kathy M. Nunez Gbenro P. Adetunji 15 COMMENCEMENT I FALL 2020

Stacy A. Chance* Nursing Science Alec J. Goulet Ellen R. Trainor* Dwayne Jr. Jonathan R. Beatty Angela Mae H. Gozun Janee E. Vasquez** Durga P. Rizal Sean T. Farley Jeremy L. Grice* Bryan Q. Villegas* Carrie K. Root Kelly E. Mitchell Micaela Y. Guintu Neulysis N. Villegas Jamaila M. Santiago Nasra A. Hajir Janessa Jane R. Vinas** Elizabeth A. Smith MASTER’S DEGREES Melvin T. Hines Raynee M. Wallis Mara J. Hoyle* Rachel A. Weight Medical Laboratory MASTER OF SCIENCE Heidi B. Jerrils* Ronnie A. Whaley Technology Nursing Science Chelsea A. Johns Oluwakemi N. Wolfe Ciara L. Lewis* Kaveri Bharti Lucas D. Johnson* Stephanie H. Won Cody A. McHendry* Molly A. Duffy Mariko E. Kays Nickolas J. Wrobel Cheryl L. George Mary E. Keele Paralegal Studies Sarah E. Hines Youngyun D. Kim ASSOCIATE DEGREES Anastasia A. Lungu Sara M. Krokos Alyzza Larra T. Lacaste* Grace A. Mulipola China K. Larson Kisun Lee ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED Haley R. Wehrheim Melanie R. Lott Soo H. Lee SCIENCE Bryan S. Wentz Christine M. Michel McKinsey N. Loan Nursing Allison M. P. Moe Jordan D. Loewe Jennifer A. Allen Physical Therapist Assistant Kelly N. Moore Adam L. Looney Kailyn R. Anvil Brianne N. Henderson Rosa L. Niemi Julia C. Lovering Amanda R. Black Rachel A. Klancher Ellen L. Reeder Ryan M. Lynn Brittney M. Boney Kristen L. Peters* Sarah E. Madril** Karen A. Boyer BACCALAUREATE Mikaela F. Magbanua Faith Brink Radiologic Technology DEGREES Sabrina D. Meredith* Shawnna R. Cape Ariana N. Estelle Tayna N. Miller* Dorothy E. Chapman* Annie S. Hearson* BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kristen Moat Amanda M. Coleman Emily R. Lindley Nursing Science Alysia M. Morace Danielle S. N. Dallmann Sage R. Allen Aase N. Morin Jessica N. Denslinger Surgical Technology Christa V. Almario Valery C. Myers** Maria J. Eells Michael Angelo S. Baello Sheryl A. I. Almario Brittani L. Nelson Mercy C. Emperador Krishna L. Dhakal* Mikayla D. Almeroth* Lawrie L. Newbern Fabiola P. Garassino Belinda R. Hopkins Michelle L. Anderson Tommy P. Nguyen* Jolene M. Geerhart Joseph N. Lindquist Isabella L. Andreini Courtney C. Niemi* Erin L. George Carolyn D. Rudzinski Kimberly D. Aregood Linnea T. Ogawa** Alixanne M. Goodman Nathan G. Austin* Holly C. Olson** Deonna L. Graham CERTIFICATES Jieun J. Baldwin Charlene A. Parks Jennifer M. Grant Jacklyn M. Barbaza* Monica F. Pineda Lumin Guo Dental Assisting Lilly A. Bee Elizabeth C. Randall Karin A. Hagen Jayson A. Cristobal Alisa M. Beske Michael J. B. Remolino Daniel P. Hobbs Lorenzo De Jesus Martinez Kristan E. Boyce Bailey L. Rogers** Nicolette M. Johnson Monica L. Lavallee Miriah N. Breglia* Leslie G. Rosario Andrea N. Jones Sophia I. Romero Jones Riley R. Burroughs Roman N. Rubio-Savoie Renee N. Keenan Alina Shen Maylie Calhoun Jessica R. Rumbold Brieshan D. Kenoyer Barbara A. Van Horne Steven G. Campbell* Triva G. Sargeant Taylor Kight Cindy P. Y. Xiong Molly M. Carver Sarah L. Shuman Sharon K. Kim Kayoua Xiong Wade B. Clauson Marcus Sinchuk* Kallie C. King Pa H. Xiong Marina W. Cozby Ashley L. Smith Don S. Lambert Jason D. Crowther Sun Y. So Cassidy R. Larson SCHOOL OF Marilynn T. Davis Nicole M. Spinner Leisa K. Leininger Nathan R. Edwards** Maureen L. Stage Shanda M. Luce NURSING Zoya M. Elder Cecily G. Stepp Rebecca L. S. Mason DOCTORATE DEGREES Crystal A. Farrales Kristin M. Steward Ryan Meeks Rachel E. Frederickson** Jessica M. Sullivan* Lolita R. Mercier Adora Rhia D. Gibbons Taylor N. Tipton Brooke E. Mickel DOCTOR OF NURSING Paige S. Gieck Catherine A. Tomaszewski Alyse N. Morris PRACTICE Jayme N. Gongliewski* Tyler N. Torrey Katya M. Nicholson


Shavaun B. Norris Catherine C. Stallings Narda S. Oteo Emma Steinzeig Kristine A. Paeth Maliko Ubl Jasmine R. Pattison Cimmie L. White Lana B. Perry* Patrick R. Richards BACCALAUREATE Ivy L. Riste DEGREES Caila N. Rodriguez Ronda A. Rosier BACHELOR OF SOCIAL Lucas D. Salzbrun WORK Veronica E. Sanderlin Taj R. Augustus Sarah L. Shuman Ashleigh E. Mora Rose M. Stalkfleet Nereyda G. Shelton* Kimberly H. Stohr Vanessa E. Thalhofer Marie Francoise T. Tobey Eva M. Velarde Mai C. Vue Monika E. Walker Kaitlynd A. Ward Kelly B. Whitworth* Danielle Williams Paul E. Williams Michelle Wilson


MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Mazio C. Anderson Naidene S. F. Baechler Sophia E. Branson Tawny L. Brooks Jonathan J. Dahlberg Jacob A. Farber Ian J. Foster Michael L. Gray Stacy M. Johnson Keeli N. Joiner Tiana J. Kraus Matthew J. Leonard Kelly L. Marre Shelly A. Matherne awarded posthumously Emily G. McClelland Erin C. Neubauer David J. Pantaleone Danielle M. Penaranda Rowena M. Queja Kathrine A. Quelland Vanessa R. Salmon Kristen Smith Katelyne P. Sonido 17 COMMENCEMENT I FALL 2020 CLASS OF 2020


BACCALAUREATE Erik R. Dexter Phillip P. Francisco Heavy Duty Transportation DEGREES Christopher F. Dojka Jr. Chris D. Hoepfner Richard A. Willard Mason C. Evans Philip M. Huntley BACHELOR OF ARTS Thomas T. McCormack George E. Matulich Occupational Safety and Hospitality Administration Elizabeth M. Chad A. Yore Health Adam S. Comer McJannet-Bratton Aaron M. Greene Sarah R. Cook Joshua J. Peterson** Aviation Administration Kumiko K. Hayes Michelle R. Eliassen** John M. Phillips Darren M. Fish Kyle L. Larson Kyle T. Furuuchi Cody D. Reed Charlie E. Herman Angelica S. Nolden* Jessica R. Raby Rachel N. Richardson** Trenton E. Meyer John G. Stevens Rhiannon M. Routh Ryan M. Rieser Shaun S. Poirot* Senjaya Young*** Jeraldo M. Ruiz Lucas J. Wito Professional Piloting Ashley N. Souza Eric L. Allison Hospitality and Restaurant Tyler A. Spatz Aviation Maintenance Luke G. Jackson Management Technology Crystal R. Hornig* Construction Management Ryan M. Ledonne Welding and Daniel J. Applin Anthony Miller Nondestructive Testing BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kyle M. Dehart Technology Applied Technologies Russel T. Dudley Computer and Networking Cameron B. Blevins Leadership Audrey A. Hume Technology Justin F. Shoup JoNathan Aguon Martin J. Meenaghan Darnel J. Divina Jurden Y. Ballard Aaron C. Miller Oziel Duran* CERTIFICATES James D. Brown Michel G. Ramirez Wyatt F. Kennedy* Ian J. S. Bushell Brett A. Smith Jerimiah B. C. Ramos Automotive Technology James Delaney Cortez Villasenor Walter T. Bugden Isaac E. Fox Occupational Safety and John R. Glen Health Construction Management Aviation Maintenance Julian A. Harder William F. Hessert David C. Arnell Technology, Airframe JesusAngel D. R. Hernandez Michael R. Hupe* Robin E. Dilley Ali A. Karief Christopher R. Madrid* Culinary Arts Ryan M. Ledonne Justin M. Mora Michael Vincent M. Fernandez Anthony Miller Daniel Elijah A. Pankratz ASSOCIATE DEGREES Ansley R. Fray James C. O'Connor IV Lynsey R. Rich Kyle T. Furuuchi Farris A. Rajab Daniel R. Roberts** ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED Tatiana R. Stark** James J. Stelling SCIENCE Ian J. Walker* Aviation Maintenance Peyton M. Tankersley* Air Traffic Control Technology, Powerplant Aaron P. S. Edwards* Diesel Power Technology Robin E. Dilley Aviation Technology Chris D. Hoepfner Johnathan Y. Dyer Sasha M. Baird Architectural and Levi B. Mattfield Larry D. Jones Justin K. Boynton Engineering Technology Joshua Northrop*** Ryan M. Ledonne Jodi L. Cook Alejandro Lozano Gonzalez Charles B. Sperling Dalton J. Mason Rendon D. Corbin Wayne R. McClure Cody R. Davidson* Automotive Technology Anthony Miller Walter T. Bugden James C. O'Connor IV Ray A. Rush 18 FAll 2020 I COMMENCEMENT CLASS OF 2020


Molisi P. Tai Kevin M. Wagenfehr

Diesel Power Technology Matthew R. Bollinger Andrew L. Fitzwater Rylan C. Scearce



Honors Graduates are students who have completed all of the requirements of their disciplinary college and of the University Honors academic program, including a senior thesis or project, with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher. University Honors Scholars have completed all of their respective requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. University Honors Scholars are wearing a green and gold fourragère (shoulder cord) along with a gold honor cord signifying traditional Latin honors.


COLLEGE OF ARTS AND BACHELOR OF ARTS SCIENCES Economics Clara C. Baldwin** BACHELOR OF ARTS English BACHELOR OF BUSINESS Halie A. Hoffman* ADMINISTRATION Accounting Journalism and Public Meghna V. Bathija*** Communications Caleigh L. Jensen* COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

Philosophy BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Solomon H. Shindler** Electrical Engineering Mariana Lugo Vazquez Political Science Alexander H. Jorgensen* COLLEGE OF HEALTH

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF ARTS Biological Sciences Legal Studies Bailey N. Fuller** Amanda M. Magnusen* Gloria R. Miller***




Associate and baccalaureate degree students who graduated with honors in August 2020 and those students graduating with honors in December 2020 receive a gold honor cord. Throughout the program, they are recognized by the stars next to their names. Honors are indicated as follows:

Cum Laude* Magna Cum Laude** Summa Cum Laude***

To be eligible to graduate with honors, associate and baccalaureate degree-seeking students must first earn a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above in all college work attempted at UAA. A transfer student who is earning an associate degree must complete a minimum of 15 resident credits with academic letter grades to be eligible to graduate with honors. A transfer student who is earning a baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 resident credits with academic letter grades to be eligible to graduate with honors. All transfer students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above in all college work attempted both at UAA and at all other accredited institutions attended and for all courses used to fulfill the degree program in order to graduate with honors. At UAA, graduation with honors represents a student’s entire academic history. All grades and credits earned will be included in determining eligibility to graduate with honors (Ds, Fs, retaken courses, courses lost in academic bankruptcy, etc.). In addition, a student transferring coursework and grades must have a minimum of 70% of their credits submitted with letter grades to be eligible to graduate with honors. Honors are awarded to associate and baccalaureate degree students with cumulative GPAs as follows:

* Cum Laude……………………....…….…3.50 to 3.79 ** Magna Cum Laude……………………3.80 to 3.99 *** Summa Cum Laude…………………..4.00



To graduate with Departmental Honors in Biological Sciences, students must be a declared biological sciences major. In addition, students must meet the requirements for graduation with honors as published in the UAA catalog, meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences in Biological Sciences and earn a GPA of 3.50 or above in major requirements. During the senior year of their academic program, students must complete BIOL A499 Senior Thesis with a minimum grade of B. This includes completion of a thesis research project. Biological sciences faculty members must approve the project proposal and final written report.

Bailey N. Fuller**



To graduate with Departmental Honors in Computer Science, students must be a declared computer science major, meet the requirements for graduation with honors as published in the UAA catalog, satisfy all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above in their major requirements. In addition, students must complete 12 upper-division credits required for the major in residence.

So Hee Bae* Muhammad A. Bajwa** Chandra D. Boyle**

Raul A. Reutov**


To graduate with Departmental Honors in Computer Systems Engineering, students must be a declared computer systems engineering major and complete all program requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering. In addition, students must maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in all courses applicable to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering, and gain approval for, complete and present a design/research project prior to applying for graduation.

Hannah E. Crayton*


To graduate with Departmental Honors in Electrical Engineering, students must be a declared electrical engineering major and complete all program requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. In addition, students must be an active member of both a national and an on-campus student chapter of a professional engineering society, maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in all courses applicable to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and gain approval for, complete and present a design/ research project prior to applying for graduation.

Mariana Lugo Vazquez



To graduate with Departmental Honors in English, students must be a declared English major, meet the requirements for graduation with honors as published in the UAA catalog, satisfy all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in English (literature, rhetoric or education option) and maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in all courses in the English major. In addition, students must complete six credits of specific 400-level topics courses with a grade of A and complete ENGL A499 English Honors with a grade of A in the judgment of two faculty readers. Halie A. Hoffman*


To graduate with Departmental Honors in History, students must be a declared history major. In addition, students must meet the major requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in History, meet the requirements for graduation with honors as published in the UAA catalog, maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in courses specific to the History major, complete HIST A377 Historiography with a grade of A and complete the senior seminar paper in HIST A477 with a grade of A.

Jayde H. Eaton* Dominic K. Springer*


To graduate with Departmental Honors in Journalism and Public Communications, students must be a declared journalism and public communications major and complete the major requirements. In addition, students must maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in courses applicable to the major and complete JPC A403 Communications and Media Research, or JPC A492 Capstone Seminar with a grade of A or B.

Leslie Meara D. Evangelista** Caleigh L. Jensen* Mary J. Ryan***

Christina L. Swayney



The Justice Center awards Departmental Honors for outstanding achievement in the study of justice. To graduate with Justice Honors, students must meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Justice. In addition, students must earn a 3.20 or above cumulative GPA (including a minimum 3.50 GPA in courses applicable to the major), complete a Justice GER integrated capstone (e.g., JUST A460 or JUST A463) with an honor grade (A) and notify the Justice Undergraduate Program Coordinator of their intent to graduate with Justice Honors in writing on or before the date they file their Application for Graduation with the Office of the Registrar.

Michael W. Belt


To graduate with Departmental Honors in Mechanical Engineering, students must be a declared mechanical engineering major and complete all program requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. In addition, students must maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in all courses applicable to the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and gain approval for, complete and present a design/ research project prior to applying for graduation.

Kirsten Alvarado* Riley A. Haynes*


To graduate with Departmental Honors in Philosophy, students must be a declared philosophy major. In addition, students must meet the requirements for graduation with honors as published in the UAA catalog, earn a GPA of 3.75 or above in courses specific to the Philosophy major, complete PHIL A498 Senior Research Project with a grade of A and receive a recommendation for departmental honors from the student’s faculty committee for that course. Students must also notify the department chair in writing, on or before the date in which the Application for Graduation is filed with the Office of the Registrar, of the intention to graduate with departmental honors.

Solomon H. Shindler**



To graduate with Departmental Honors in Political Science, students must be a declared political science major. In addition, students must successfully satisfy all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, maintain a GPA of 3.50 or above in courses applicable to the major, complete PS A492 Senior Seminar in Politics with an honor grade of A or B and receive an honors score (based upon criteria established by the department) on a comprehensive examination for majors.

Jenna N. Brister*** Amanda A. Stewlow


The Justice Center awards Pro Bono Service Honors to those Legal Studies students who work toward improving access to justice by contributing significant volunteer service to approved Alaska legal aid agencies. Students graduating with Pro Bono Service Honors may be recognized by their purple honor cord.

Gloria R. Miller***



Alpha Phi Sigma is the National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Its purpose is the recognition of scholastic excellence by undergraduate and graduate students in the criminal justice sciences and related fields. To be eligible for Alpha Phi Sigma at UAA, undergraduates must maintain a 3.20 or above cumulative GPA, a 3.20 or above GPA in their Justice or Legal Studies courses and major or minor in either Justice or Legal Studies at the UAA Justice Center. Alpha Phi Sigma was founded in 1942 at Washington State University. Since 1975 it has had affiliate status with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) and has held its national convention in conjunction with the annual ACJS meeting. The Omega Xi Chapter, chartered in 1980, is the oldest nationally affiliated student honor society on the UAA campus. Students in Alpha Phi Sigma may be recognized by a royal blue and gold honor cord.

Michael W. Belt Brady Hammond Christopher M. Henegan**

Alecis T. Kionisala Gloria R. Miller***



The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi, is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. It is the nation's largest leadership honor society and offers high-quality, in-person leadership development and peer-to-peer networking. The NSLS Chapter at University of Alaska Anchorage is the largest student-run organization in the state of Alaska, engaging both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as full-time and part-time students. Students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Mat-Su College, the University of Alaska Southeast, as well as students participating in online courses are also able to interact with the society through our online chapter. The society offers a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed in current and future goals. It provides students with tools to identify their passions, set and achieve goals, and ultimately affect positive change in their community.

Brenna C. Bigelow Kristina R. Gibson Ashley N. Valdivia*


The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 at the state universities of Maine, Tennessee and Pennsylvania to recognize and encourage superior scholarship in all academic disciplines. The UAA chapter of Phi Kappa Phi was chartered in 1990. The society was named Phi Kappa Phi from the initial letter of the Greek words forming its adopted motto: Philosophia Krateito Photon, “Let the love of learning rule humanity.” Nomination to membership in Phi Kappa Phi is very selective, and is based upon academic achievement and good character. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is limited to students with a GPA of 3.8 and above. A medallion on a blue ribbon recognizes students in Phi Kappa Phi.

Holly C. Olson**

26 A




Leadership Honors are awarded to recognize and honor the effort of an individual who has maintained academic excellence and whose leadership has significantly contributed to the University of Alaska Anchorage. The leadership contributions of these honorees have advanced the educational mission of UAA and promoted individual and collective growth, thereby enhancing student life at UAA. Recipients of UAA Leadership Honors may be recognized by a crimson honor cord.

Jamie R. Bagley Gloria R. Miller***



Graduating Student-Athletes on our basketball, cross country, gymnastics, hockey, skiing, track & field, and volleyball teams are recognized for using their talents and gifts to excel – academically, athletically and socially. They engage the university and local community to be a part of their competition and success with a goal of enriching the lives of those they touch.

Nikolas A. V. Bevens Vanessa E. Boyer* Gloria R. Miller***

Elena E. Cano Micah K. Chelimo Anna L. Darnell

Trey P. DeGraaf** Ardrienna L. Everett Jacob T. Lampkin

Kian A. McNair Speech Aaron K. McPheters* Jorge Y. Sanchez



Special thanks to those whose hard work and dedication made this celebration possible

Bridgett Dyson*, Chair ...... Special Events Manager, University Advancement Marcella Asicksik ...... LGG Group Leader Chelsey Avichayil ...... Alumni Outreach Specialist, Alumni Relations Megan Bladow ...... Events Manager, Conference Services Marian Bruce* ...... Director, Faculty Services Ryan Buen ...... Technician, Wendy Williamson Auditorium Zac Clark* ...... Associate Director, Student Life and Leadership Grant Cochran* ...... Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Music Cedar Cussins* ...... Videography and Technical Support Specialist, College of Arts and Sciences Melanie Donhauser* ...... Degree Completion Specialist, Office of the Registrar Kelly Smith* ...... President, Faculty Senate James Evans ...... Chief Photographer/Videographer, University Advancement Chris Huston ...... Web/Graphic Design Engineer, Information Technology Services Matt Jardin ...... Communications Specialist, University Advancement Steve Johnson* ...... Associate Professor of Communication and Discourse Studies, Director of Seawolf Debate Program Raegan Kelliher* ...... Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Anne Lazenby* ...... Interim Director, Disability Support Services Elisa Mattison ...... Director, Graduate School Catalina Myers ...... Communications Specialist, University Advancement Isabel Mead ...... Manager, Bookstore Shane Mitchell* ...... Manager, Wendy Williamson Auditorium Wayne Mitchell ...... Technician, Wendy Williamson Auditorium Kara Monroe* ...... Grounds Supervisor, UAA Horticulture Joe Nedland ...... Art Director, University Advancement Kirstin Olmstead* ...... Director of Public Relations, University Advancement Megan Olson ...... Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Austin Osborne ...... Public Relations and Marketing Manager, University Advancement Mariah DeJesus Remaklus* ...... Social Media Specialist, University Advancement Brett Rewalt ...... Graphic Designer, University Advancement Michelle Saport ...... Digital Communications Specialist, University Advancement


Chad Solberg...... Lead Web/Application Engineer, Information Technology Services Tanya Pont*...... Director of Alumni Engagement, Alumni Advancement Heidi Tilicki* ...... Governance Coordinator, Governance Office Jennifer Wisel*...... Senior Alumni Relations Specialist, University Advancement, commencement committee member




Dear UAA Graduates,

Congratulations, and welcome to the UAA Alumni Association! Your time as a student is only the beginning of what will be a lifelong relationship with UAA. You are now joining an alumni network that is more than 60,000 strong, and includes corporate leaders, scientists, attorneys, educators, police officers, entrepreneurs and policymakers. All alumni are members of the UAA Alumni Association and I invite you to use this resource as you navigate life’s successes, challenges and opportunities. We are all here to serve each other and to support UAA.

We all know that the past year has been unexpected to say the least. The fact that you did not let a global pandemic hold you back from completing your degree is an inspiration. Be proud of your hard work and let that dedication move you forward in your next steps.

Don’t let graduation be an end to your connection with UAA. Please know that your involvement and voice matter. The UAA Alumni Association encourages you to stay in touch with the university by sharing your stories and remaining connected with fellow alumni through social media and by attending alumni events.

In your first year as an alumnus or alumna, we suggest a few things to try:

• Get social. Stay up-to-date on #SeawolfNation news and events by following us on Facebook and joining our LinkedIn community. • Be heard. Join an alumni chapter to share your perspective, ideas, energy and voice. • Network. Attend Homecoming Breakfast, Nine in the Spine and other campus events. • Membership perks. Get your Alumni WolfCard and take advantage of alumni discounts. • Add swag. Grow your wardrobe by adding UAA alumni apparel from the Bookstore. • Find your connection. Support Seawolf athletics by attending an alumni game, volunteer on campus and join fellow alumni on campus for lunch. • Meet your team. Stop by the Alumni Center in the Consortium Library to meet your Alumni Relations team. Ask about career services, networking events and continuing education opportunities available after graduation.

This is your moment! Display your diploma with pride. As you embark on this next journey, remember that you have a dedicated team ready to help and serve YOU along the way.

Be the positive force by staying involved. If you do, we believe you will find UAA is not only an amazing university to attend, but an exceptional alma mater.

We look forward to seeing you soon at an alumni event.


Lea Bouton, M.A.T. 2010 UAA Alumni Association President Connect with UAA during the commencement ceremony on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using #UAAGrad