1841. CRARY'S DIRECTORY CITY OF BUFFALO. THE 65TH YEAR OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. CONTAINING A LIST OF BANKS, INSURANCE OFFICES, ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, Sec. &c. WITH THE NAMES, RESIDENCE AND OCCUPATION OF THE HEADS OF FAMILIES, HOUSEHOLDERS, &c. ON THE FIRST OF JUNE, 1841. FAXON St READ, PUBLISHERS C. W. GRAHAM, COMPILER. BUFFALO: FAXON & GRAVES, PRINTERS. 1841. PREFACE. It will be allowed by all tbat a Directory fortfhe City of Buffalo is a work of absolute necessity, and that its hon appearance for a single year, would be attended with great inconvenience to citizens and strangers of all classes ; and yet all must admit, that a work of this kind has never as yet remunerated those who have been engaged in getting it up. Those who have been en­ gaged in it, have been certainly urged on by a hope of profit, as well as of adding to the conveniences of their fellow citizens,and yet that hope has proved delusive, as far as profit Has been concerned. Another attempt is now made, and although it does seem like hoping against hope, yet the subscriber will again try the public, under an assurance that if they will but consider the importance of his labors to all, they will yet make an effort to remunerate him and to en­ courage either him or another to continue a work of such great convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure correctness, and to obtain information, and it will be observed that the names of the colored portion of the community have been separated from the rest, as giving additional facil­ ity for discovering the residence of persons of the same name. Those who will take the trouble to compare the Direc­ tory of this year with that of the last, will observe that nearly two thirds of the population have changed their abodes, and that therefore like an Almanac, a Directory must expire upon the birth of its successor, it may be worth keeping for a reference, but not for a guide. Business is reviving in our city, and as it is calculated that although last year sent from the West 7,000,000 bushels oT wheat, with other articles in .proportion, yet this year will send 12,000,000, &c. and that of course the influx of strangers must be much greater. To those then who would wish to have it always in their power to direct friend or stranger, it is suggested that an early application for the Directory be made, as they will of course soon be disposed of. With these remarks we leave our book to its fate, conscious that we have done our duty, and under a firm impression that should not our attemr t meet with suc­ cess, another year will see our city without this con­ venience. We do not ask all to buy, but we feel con­ vinced that few will regret their purchase. C. W. GRAHAM, COMPILER. BOUNDARIES OF THE SEVERAL CITY WARDS. The City is divided into five wards, as follows, to w&j all that part of the City which lies south and eastof the following lines, to wit: Beginning at a point in the said Reservation, where a line drawn through the centre of Crow-street would strike said Reservation; thence along said line to the centre of Crow-street; thence proceeding westwardly along the centre of said street to Cazenovia Terrace ; thence to the centre of Cazenovia Terrace; thence west­ wardly and northerly along the centre of said Terrace to the centre of Erie-street; thence along the centre, of Erie-street to the centre of the Erie-canal; thence along the centre of the canal to the west bounds of York-street; thence down the west bounds of York-street to Lake Erie ; thence due west to the State Line, shall be deno­ minated the first ward of said city. All that part of said city which lies east of the centre of Main-street, and north of the centre of Crow-steeet, and north of a line drawn through the centre of Crow- street to the said Reservation, and south of the centre of Eagle-street, and south of a line to be drawn in con­ tinuation of the north line of Eagle-street to the Buffalo Creek Reservation, shall be denominated the second ward of said city. AU that part of said city, lying westerly of the centre of Main-street, and northeasterly of the bounds of the first ward, and southeasterly of the northwesterly bounds of said York-street, and southwesterly of the centre of Niagara street shall be denominated the third ward of said city. All the residue of said city lying east of the centre of Main-street, and noTth of the centre of Eagle-street, shall^be denominated the fourth ward of said city. All the residue of said city lying west of the centre of Main-street, and northeasterly. o£th»-centre of Niagara- street, shall be denominated the fifth ward of said city. 1* OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO, FOR 1841. ISAAC R. HARRINGTON, Mayor. ALDEKMEN. First Ward.—Henry Lamb—Ephraim S. Havens. Second Ward.-—Edward Root—Noah H. Gardner. Third Ward.—Richard Sears-Elbridge G.Spaulding. Fourth Ward.—Philander Bennett—Oliver G.Steele. Fifth Ward.—John R.Lee—Henry Roop. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance.-^Aid. Spaulding, Bennett, Gardner. Fire and Water.—Aid. Steele, Lamb, Spaulding. Streets.—Aid. Bennett, Root, Sears, Havens, Roop. Wharves and Public Grounds.—Aid. Sears, Havens, Lee. Claims.—Aid. Lee, Root, Steele. Police.—Aid. Lamb, Bennett, Root, Markets.—Aid. Havens, Root, Lamb. Licences.—Aid. Roop, Root, Lamb. Common Schools.—Ald.Gardner, Steele, Lee, Spauld­ ing, Havens. OFFICERS OF CORPORATION. City Clerk.—John T. Lacy. City Treasurer.—William Williams. City Attorney.—G. W. Houghton. Street Commissioner and Surveyor.—HenryTbovejoy. CONSTABLES. John R. Prince, George B. Gates, Philip Wilber, John Fougeron, Nelson Adams, John Pierce, Robert H. Best, George W. Smith, Marshall W. Bottom, Joel W. Burton. Board of Health.—George Palmer, Fordyce W. At­ kins, Daniel Bowen. City Weighers.—Charles F. Miller and William Har­ ris. Superintendent of ^Common Schools.—Silas Kingsley. Overseers of Poor.—Lorin Pierce, Palmer Cleve­ land. Harbor Master.—Samuel Chase. Health Physician.—Austin Flint'. Scaler of Weights and Measures.—Foster Young. Captain of Watch.—Samuel Fursman. Wood Inspector, 1st District.—C. M. Woodward. " " * 2d do Frederick'!?. Bowen. City Sexton.—Lorin Pierce. Superintendent qf Chain Gang.—Samuel Parkhurst. City Porter.—James Clark. City Papers.—Daily Commercial Advertiser and. Journal and Buffalo Daily Republican. ASSESSORS. 1st Ward, Patrick Milton. 2nd " Henry Lovejoy fed " Samuel N. Callender. 4th " Isaac Wheeler. 5th " Abram Twitchell. Collector General Tax.—William Wells. " Local Tax.—William Wells. " County Tax 1st Ward.—S. W. B. Chester. " " " 2nd H. Cummings. | " « 3rd Silas Sawin. «« " " 4th Charles G. Irish. " •' | 5th John M. Bull. MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. FOR ERIE COUNTY. Seth C. Hawley, Stephen Osborn, Carlos Emmons. Hon. ^JLLARD FILLMORE, Member Congress. SENATOR FROM ERIE COUNTY. WM. A. MOSELY. PUBUC SCHOOLS This City is divided into 15 School Districts. In 11 of which Brick Edifices are erected exclusively for Schools. There are in all 16 Schools organized and in full opera­ tion The whole number of Scholars in attendance on the 1st day of May 1841, was 1329. The terms com­ mence on the first Monday in April, July, October and January. District No. 2—Water stieet, A. Mathieson, Teacher. " « 3—Perry " S. S. Guy, do " " do " Miss S.S. Parmelee do << <« 4—Louisiana st. John Drew, do " " 5—Seneca st. Seth G. Heacock, do " " 6—SouthDivision,D. P. Lee, do " " " " Mrs. L. P. Prescott do « (( 7—Washington, S. Ely, do do Miss L.L.Brayman do 8— Church, J. E. Pill^ury, do do Miss S. Bart, do 10-—Mohawk, A. Bean, do do Miss H. Ayers, do 11-—Vine, Hiram Chambers, do do Miss M. Hosford, do 12-—Spruce, J. M. Zahm, do 13-—Ellicott, David Galusha, do do Miss P. Paine, do 15-—GoodelL Wesley Brown, do African School—South Division, Sam?l H. Davis, do All the School Houses now built are in good repair, and the Teachers are selected with a due regard to their capacity and moral characters, and as such are recom­ mended to the favorable consideration of parents and guardians. Further information relative to the regula­ tions of the schools may be obtained of the Superinten­ dent, at his residence on Eagle Street, or to either of the Teachers. 1K*$ Inspectors of Steam Boats and Boilers—John Hebard Peter Hotaling. 9 OFFICERS OF ERIE COUNTY. Dictrict Attorney—Henry W. Rogers. Surrogate—Thos. C. Love. County Clerk—N. P. Sprague. Deputy do.—M. Colton. Sheriff—Lorenzo Brown. Deputies—Lester Brace, John W. Stewart, Samuel Fursman, S. V. R. Graves, William H.Bostwick, James McMillan, L. B. ToSsley. Supreme Court Commisioner—George R. Babcock. do do do ex-officio—Horatio J. Stow, N. K. Hall, Frederick P. Stevens. Examiners in Chancerv—Rollin Germain, Charles M. Cooper, C. R. Gold. Masters in Chancery—N. K. Hall, James Crocker, Jesse Walker, S. K. Kip. Public Notaries—John R. Lee, S. N. Callender, L. K. Haddock, Philander Hodge, James MeKnight, Eugene Vandeventer, John S. Stevenson, William A. Reming­ ton, John W. Beals, Orlanrin AJlen, Lucius F. Tiffany, James Jd. Rochester. Commissioners of Deeds—Hezekiah A. Salisbury, Cyrus Athearn, J. M. Hay den, William Galligan, Elias S. Hawley, Ira Hall, Jr., David C. Bailey. Commissioners of Loans—Benjamin O. Bivins, Clar­ ence ; Daniel Lee, Buffalo. Appraisers to Investigate Land Titles-Horace Clark, Jess© Walker. Coroners—Dr. F. L. Harris, Buffalo ; Urial Torry, Boston; Truman Dewey, Evans ; Urial Driggs, Tona- wanda.
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