
Maja de santa maria wikipedia

Continue MATANAS -- When I read the comment Fragile Lifeline published by Ricardo Ronquillo Bello on Sunday, April 5, I assumed that if it happened in , it would be the end, even for the cougar that strolled through Santiago de Chile. I can't imagine a boar, a goat or an obedient rabbit walking around St. Louis Causeway, where I live, in the city of , because their seconds will be washed away. Aside from the jocosa anecdote, when I reread an excellent journalistic work, I was inundated with feelings of loneliness, and I remembered that just a month ago, when I was going to Varadero to cover measures to prevent a new coronavirus, on the shore of a fast track, near the village of Carbonera, we saw a deer in the bushes, perhaps trying to cross. Although I told a few friends, I then did not assume that this fact could be mentioned in writing, but when my neighbor Ariel Avila Barroso found Maya Santa Maria (Epicrates angulifer) crawling through the matansero viaduct, near the beach of El Tenis, I immediately remembered the text of Ronquillo and warned that in Cuba the same thing could happen. Although social isolation has not behaved on the island as in other countries because people are still behind the chicken, let's imagine that 90 percent of will stay at home for weeks or months, without raucous music or other discomfort to the ... Then yes on our streets you could see a rabbit, a lot more dogs or cats, and maybe sub-territory up to crocodiles, wild boars and deer, or juties that would come down from the bushes. My 30-year-old neighbor, two meters high, was surprised that the office was ten centimeters larger than him and took twelve pounds. I was on a motor on a viaduct, a few meters from the sea, when I saw something carmelite moving through the retainer, he tells us. I have never been afraid of these because I know they are harmless. That's why I caught his head and put the motorine in the trunk, because I realized that his life is in danger, if he crossed the avenue, he repairs. He took it to the house, and numerous neighbors wanted to take a picture of myself with the : I even thought I would leave it as a pet. Even some neighbors suggested that I should give me a beer in return, to eat it. No one understood what this Maya was doing in a residential area if he came down from a bush or escaped from the cage where someone was holding him locked up. Perhaps the decrease in road traffic and the fact that there is a little more silence in the areas, especially in the afternoon and at night, could be a run for this to be directed from its shelter. The truth is that the story of this major en segundos. Una vecina me sugiri' soltarlo donde nadie le hiciera da'o y eso fue lo que hice. Al otro de los volve metre en el bael et lo-lo para un orea rural cerca de las cuevas de Bellamar, en las afueras de la Ciudad, para que se reencontrara con su h'bitat natural, asiente, en medio del regocijo que genera una Maya de Santa Maria el Maya de Santa Maria es una espe de boa ke-habitat solamente en el archipelago of cubano y puede alcanzar los seis metro de largo. Sous h'bitos son nocturnos y suele vivir en cuevas o en los agujeros de las rocas. Mata sus presas por constricci'n (fundamental pemenas aves y roedores) para luego engullirlas empezando por la cabeza. Muchos peligros lo acechan usualmente: la p'rdida de su h'bitat natural y la caza indiscriminada para utilizar su piel, carne y grasa, son factores que conspiran contra su vida. angulifer Preservation status near threatened (IUCN 2.3) angulifer binomial name Chilabothrus angulifer (Cocteau and Bibron, 1840) Synonyms Epicates angulifer Cocteau and Bibron, 1840 Epicrats angulifer - Boulanger, 1893 Now Under unknown. It is also known as a Cuban boa constrictor or a Cuban boa constrictor. Species are distributed and inhabited in Cuba and the surrounding islands, including isla de la Juventus, the Canarreos archipelago (Caio Cantils), the Colorados archipelago off the northern coast of Pinar del Rio, and the Sabana Camaguey archipelago (Cayo Guajaba and Cayo Sant Maria). The type of terrain given is Cuba. The 's habitats include a tropical dry forest and a shrub forest. Hunting Behavior In May 2017, a University of Tennessee study was published indicating a joint hunt for fruit bats by this species - the first documented case of intentional hunting behavior in . The conservation status of this species was classified as Lower Risk (LR, now described as NT) in 1996. Links to the Commons are linked to the media associated with Chilabothrus angulifer. a b c Day, M. and Tolson,. (1996). Red list of threatened species by IUCN. 1996: e.T7815A12852846. doi:10.2305/IUCN. UK.1996.RLTS.T7815A12852846.en. Cite uses the faded last author-amper option - b McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Tour t. 1999. Snake species of the world: Taxonomic and geographical reference, vol. 1. League of herpetologists. 511 p. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume). - b Chilabothrus angulifer in the database Reptarium.cz . Access to January 1, 2019. Vladimir Dinets (May 26, 2017). hunting for Cuban boa constrictors (PDF). Animal behavior and cognition. 4 (1): 24–29. doi:10.12966/abc.02.02.2017. Received on May 26, 2017. This article by is a stub. Вы можете помочь Википедии, расширяя it.vte извлечены из Майя де Санта-Мария: Chilabothrus angulifer Эпикулифер в Праге Зооре угрозы случае (МСОП 2.3)ТаксономияРейно: AnimaliaFilo: ChordataSubfilo: VertebrataКласс: SauropsidaOrden: SquamataSuborden: SerpentesFamilia: BoidaeSubfamilia: BereteGenero: ChilabothrusEspecie: C. angulifer (Биброн, 1840)Синонимия Эпикараты ингулифер - Биброн Ин-де-ла-Сагра, 1840 Эпикараты ингулифер - Буленгер, 1893 г. (редактировать данные о Викидате) Маджа-де-Санта-Мария, кубинский удав или кубинский древесный удав (Chilabothrus angulifer) — это удав, эндемичный для Кубы большого размера, который носит прозвище майя, будучи названным на Кубе любым удавом, а также местом, где он специально обитает в этом виде. The subspecies is unrecognizable. The conservation status of species classified as NT (Low Risk) but close to qualification for the vulnerable (VU) closes the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (v2.3, 1994). Adjustment year: 1996. It is a huge animal up to 6 m long, making it the largest bioid in the Antilles. It has a round head and a long, thick, brown body with some spots. It's not poisonous. Food, like other boa constrictors is a magnificent hunter. He suffocates his victim with his powerful, typical muscles. Then he swallows it, disassembling his jaw and not chewing it. It is digested after a long time. See also Mother waters (Cuban legend) Links McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Toure T. 1999. Snake species of the world: Taxonomic and geographical reference, vol. 1. League of herpetologists. 511 p. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume). b Epicrat angulifer closes the IUCN Red Book. August 17, 2007. Uetz. And Jire Josek, 2014, in a . Integrated taxonomic information system. 'Epicrates angulifer' (TSN 202185)' 1994 Category and Criteria (version 2.3)Red IUCN List, August 17, 2007. Data: No372853 Multimedia: Chilabothrus angulifer Species: Chilabothrus angulifer Received from Maya de Santa MariaOtros Names: Cuban Boa Scientific Title: Epicrats angulifer Kingdom: Animals Filoia: Chordata Class: Sauropsida Order: Family: Genus: Epicrats Species: Epicrats Ingulifer El Maye de Santa Maria (Epicrates angulifer) is the largest offering in Cuba and represents endemic diversity Island. Belonging to the family of boa constrictors, it has a golden-yellow color, jaspery with dark gray. Maya Santa Maria reaches up to five meters in length, not poisonous, harmless. The teeth of the anterior jaw are very large, the ventricular plates of the tail are not separated. It is a large predator of rats and mice, so it is useful for the Cuban peasant and the rural economy. Popular legends about various aspects of their aggression and eating habits have no scientific basis. It spreads throughout the country and in coastal areas, mainly in the kayyas of the central provinces. Maya de Santa Maria. State of conservation. Species are classified as NT (Low Risk) but are close to qualifying for the Vulnerable (VU), on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Maya de Santa Maria. Alimentación.Al, like other boa constrictors magnificent hunter. He suffocates his victim with his powerful, typical muscles. Then he swallows it, disassembling his jaw and not chewing it. It is digested after a long time. Cuban boa constrictor is an ovviparous species, so it does not lay eggs, and stops perfectly formed offspring, copies of adults. Maya de Santa Maria. Curiosity.On January 4, 2007 Cuban newspaper Juventud Rebelde published an article. The unique discovery of a specimen of the Maya de Santa Maria with two vital heads that broke the harmony in Bathey Harmony, in Bolognondon, , found by Alipio Reyes, agricultural worker of CPA Monc Heroesad. According to this newspaper, Dr. Tomas Ramon Escobar Herrera, then director of the National zoological park, is an animal with one chloracule and, apparently, a single digestive system. At that time he was less than a year old and apparently fed and survived in the wild during the most critical period (the first weeks of life). It's about 60 centimeters long. Although both heads work independently, the right has a marked domain in the behavior of reptiles. It has great vitality and moves with agility. According to the farmer, he fed frogs and egg yolk, drinks water with one head and eats both. Popular legend says that this snake takes breast milk, and also says that it has an addiction to this smell and taste, but in fact the Maya does not drink milk at all and eats only live prey. His mouth doesn't want to be sucked in, even for chewing. Another legend says that the Maya of Santa Maria has the supposed ability to hypnotize, but the Maya has no reason. This belief is associated with the absence of a century and such a myth is based on this expression. Another legend has it that the Mayans of Santa Maria have the property of being able to join parts of his body by being completely closed by machetazo. Maya, like any other animal, has a bone skeleton, the structure of which cannot be broken forcibly. Other myths suggest that many paleros, direct descendants of the ethnic groups of the Manicongo kingdom, as well as natives of Arare, work with the Maya - the Cuban snake replacement - in their deals. Maya de Santa Maria. Threats.In addition to the loss of its natural habitat, it is its indiscriminate hunting, which is done partly to use your skin, meat and fat. He also conspires against his life waiver, which exists before these species and the damage it can cause to poultry, often exaggeratedly attributed to the Maya Santa Maria itself, when it may be the work of other animals such as the mongoose (poorly called ferret) or habaro dogs. Maya de Santa Maria. Advantages. The Maje de Santa Maria and the Cuban jubo report the greatest eradication of Roedores and other harmful species far exceeding the damage they can cause to poultry. Corral.

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