aratory aratory p Pre High School 2014 Yearbook

Durban Preparatory High School 2014 . . O oss uca uca K & uke iam lyde rant usuf usuf orke yron ndile ndile alvin onna eary; eggie eggie .M. regor; regor; N icholas icholas oberts; oberts; shediso G ameron ameron ameron ameron lizabeth lizabeth ennedy; amboer; mbaram; dendorff; arth; R hris Kirby; olte; Mark uke Sacco; Sacco; uke hris Harris; hris eil & C rent Stiles; Stiles; rent hom;Jehiel onversano; ndrea Field; ott; Michael linton Scott; usuf Moosa; Moosa; usuf oss R T esesar; A utcher; Jason utcher; Jason ama; Keaton Keaton ama; eece Wilken; Wilken; eece ssack; Daniel ducational & & ducational orreia; Mehir Mehir orreia; all; Murray & irdwood; Kyle Kyle irdwood; ampiari; L ampiari; ouwer; Stuart lliott; Douglas lliott; Douglas uke Davidson; uke uke Hitchings; Hitchings; uke ruce Simpkins; Simpkins; ruce allum Harding; Harding; allum iam Kavanagh; ockhart; R hristianDeare; ourenco; Y ourenco; nnette & B orman;Husayn harlton; R harlton; untuMasango; L lark;Marc Sole; yrone Strydom; Strydom; yrone ostee; C ostee; anderee; C uye; Guye; Jack rout; rett & C van N enjamin Halfon; yron A yron namalay; Marco C B ameron Parsons; Parsons; ameron T oss; N ruce & E & ruce C ordhan; Hamilton Hamilton ordhan; ayson; Mohamed ryce B ryce hys Jackson; Johar hys B ynn & C & ynn amlal; L amlal; eed; R uke Macduff; Zack uke Fouche; I Fouche; uke an Druce; N Druce; an yan Killian; Daniel Daniel Killian; yan icholas Demetriou; iam Whitfield; Zaid obinson; Mohamed obinson; randon B rown; C arl T arl uke L uke eni; eegan Doyle; Joseph iancarlo Frigerio; Kyle Kyle Frigerio; iancarlo icholas Savage; Jadan Jadan Savage; icholas hetty; ichard G ichard radley B usuf R B ravis Hewitt; Michael ndrew E ndrew bdullah E aine Muirhead; C runskill E runskill vir G vir lsa & & lsa onald B ahya Moolla; Danyaal lbert; Hrishi A C ndrew N alebMcDonald; Harvey ole R E llse; Franco C rent R kin; R kin; ovind; B ibson; B uke Murgatroyd; Darren Darren Murgatroyd; uke uc du Preez; Muhammad du uc oux; L ibby; B ibby; C ergh; Mark Hunter; G odrigues; B L dabezinhle G dabezinhle yran Faber; Mikhail Jamal; oung; Zasha Zastron; Zastron; Zasha oung; dvik yan & Jarred Marsh; Duane amsahai; T amsahai; uke Scott; Hasan Suleman; Scott; Suleman; Hasan uke lexi & N onnor Staude; B Staude; onnor ecilia Hey; A oe; Matthewoe; B homson; homson; ikhil ikhil alum Jestin; Faizaan Joosab; Joosab; Jestin; Faizaan alum nte; U nte; A hristopher G hristopher roxon; Derek & A R raig, raig, hristison; I T vans;James land; John & E raig Matthews; Zen C hivell; R hivell; N inedell; Kade C Kade inedell; eeran & Sabina B dam Wesselink; Jared Whittal; Jared Wesselink; dam E C hornton; C hornton; ngus Herridge; L ngus ryce B ryce ameron& Damon ole Y ole yan Montocchio; Y Montocchio; yan A oppola; Zacharyoppola; C rent Hammond; C Hammond; rent hristopher B anderee; Y lashan; L lashan; homasMaddox; uke E uke dam; Divashan; A illett; Justin Stevenson; Mahomed illett; Justin Stevenson; eorge Stavrou; Keegan Mc Keegan Stavrou; eorge rshiv R rshiv oss; C oss; ebington; R oberto R raham & A iet; Jaryd & Joshua B yaloo; Zinedine Jaftha; Jake Jansen; G raeme & Darren Fox; Shaun Jacobs; T irav& anning; *Patrick G ryce Mitchell; B nas Moola; T utler; onnor Doig; K rust; Harry B rockart; T amduth; Hrthiqamduth; R uckley- elinda C N hristopher & A & hristopher B areth C areth ridget B obertson; R David icholas Dixon; A bdulla; Dylan A icholas Heron; T llis; L llis; regory B evi I homas Jackson; Jared Jacobsen; Saiuren Jackson; Saiuren Jacobsen; homas Jared zhar R acoob Paruk; Daniello & Matteo Peano; homson; Seth Westran; R Westran; Seth homson; eavan; B eavan; uttler; Kamal G iam T iam anzi Duma; N Duma; anzi aubenheimer; T rett Pretorius; C hristopher, A radley Hope; Muhammad Jhavary; Hope; Muhammad James radley dam B hetty; N & Michael ampbell; N onna van der Vyver; L areth van den B undy; rmaanManilall; van C radleyKeegan & E onneau; T onneau; L lijah Watt; Watt; lijah ikhil Prakaschandra; Shikar R Shikar Prakaschandra; ikhil ivek & A & ivek A yan & B E onnor Mc onnor keel A rent Wyatt; C rent heece& Dean tsika Mkize; Zuhayr Mohamed; Zia Motala; Motala; Mohamed; Zia Zuhayr Mkize; tsika eelan Henry; Sohum Hargoon; Josh K yan C opping; David & C enjamin Miller; Jarrod Myers; Michael Miller; Myers; Jarrod enjamin radley R radley ain C ackman; R haritable T haritable obert, Jean- & Daniel B rshad Mansoor; Jarred van Vuuren; Matthew & Matthew & Vuuren; Mansoor; van Jarred rshad B raig de Villiers; Justin & B homas Staniforth; C Staniforth; homas layne Wareham; C ennett; G yan Miles; A ouveia; T ouveia; obberts; Warwick liver Swart; G hys Malyon; G hornton; Meerten & Jua van Wyk; Declan-Stone Wyk; Declan-Stone van Meerten Jua hornton; & icky & Kyle C romham; Michael C romham; sokan C sokan ood; Dayle & Jennie Hacking; L Jennie & Dayle ood; homas R rown; G uyanga Mkhize; R Mkhize; uyanga alram; A icholas & Justin Harrison; Warren Prentis; A Prentis; Justin Harrison; Warren & icholas acus; Daniel Daniel acus; lyth; B Daniel hompson; Joshua T Joshua hompson; R homas lerk; Zakariya A ave; Matthew Wakeling; Murray-James Hall; L idboald; A C Kamdar; R irey; Jonathan & C B radfield; C T

radley Henderson; A radley aton; Peter & B eece Price; A ockcroft; Matteo C laine, than icholas Fletcher; Vaughan G abriel Dinkele; C Y heophilus; C orich; B orich; B obb; Darryn obb; Solimene; E oss Welfare; L Welfare; oss oskey; Dylan B Dylan oskey; yan Way; N Way; yan R icholas Forde; Michael Freeman; G Michael Freeman; Forde; icholas ndrew & I than Walker; I homas; Jordan T Jordan homas; ampbell; R ailey; R olaianni; K owan B owan icardo G icardo hristian Dales; B Dales; hristian azarus; Mahesh Pillay; Matthew & Michael Sutherland; uke & T osch; ameron Hohls; B Hohls; ameron arthy; L oberts; L Schwegmann; Jason irgit E L oss Mallett;oss C itai Pertab; Shrey Pillay; Shravan Premchand; Sahilkrishna Sahilkrishna Premchand; Pillay; Shravan Pertab; Shrey itai iannakopoulos; Jethro G Jethro iannakopoulos; C raeme, Jacqueline & G & Jacqueline raeme, ameron T ameron laric T an & Jeanine T ory West; C allum McDonald; Jake McDonald; Y yron Maher; Misselhorn Family; Matthew Pereira; Darshan Darshan Maher; Misselhorn Family;Matthew Pereira; yron lexander B lexander obert Menin; uke Wimbush; T uke havir Doolabh; R arrick; Josh B arrick; Josh hristides; N T rr;Mavrick homas R homas maanMahomedy; radley radley om & Scott B alvin & Stephen McManus; R Stephen & alvin B evi Dannewitz; Warren E Dannewitz;evi Warren A ushil Kalidas; Joshua Wilson; Scott Williamson; Darren T Williamson; Darren Wilson; Scott Joshua Kalidas; ushil O roy G roy obuschi Family; Morne Visagie; Zeller Family; C Visagie; Family; Morne Zeller obuschi yamatana; Scott Parry; Y dam Holdcroft; Jared Hook; Mohammed Joosab; L orbin Stiemens; R Stiemens; orbin riffith T rskine; N rskine; ristan ovan; Joshua Haynes; B yron & R & yron wandle Sosibo; T Sosibo; wandle ttree; Wesley & B regg & Dylan T radley R radley T onder; Karan Varyani; Varyani; onder; Karan ody Downham; Declan Dreyer; Muhammad Fakey; Declan Farland; eagas; R eagas; icholas, Jamie & Mark van der R handar; Michael T imol; L imol; opal; Dylan C Dylan opal; oovadia; C oovadia; ichard & B rooks; Kegan C rooks; Kegan eanneFoster; ajcomar; L L oldberg; James B hikha; A hikha; rendan, Damon & R iam Mickleburgh; A Mickleburgh; iam saac David Sandler C Sandler David saac T eeuw; B areth areth hmed Vanker; R Vanker; hmed ambert; drian Faure; R Faure; drian oux; C ama; T ama; icholas Veale; R Veale; icholas ich; B ich; L li Daykin; Matthew Dehrmann; N nri McManus; A G hester; Dylan C shepo N rjoon; Muhammad Muhammad rjoon; oothman; Maximilian Stainforth; Jordan Saunders; Stefan Swart; L ameron Heber Smith; O aylor; G illy B illy icholas E icholas homas Walker; E usuf usuf A yan Pender; R ana; Sasha B Sasha ana; Moorad Family: Joshua & Scott Smith; G Smith; Scott & Family: Joshua Moorad ramdaw; L ramdaw; arav R rust; I ikhil Mehta; R Mehta; ikhil Y azu; Mohammed Mujahid Hansa; N maan C maan had Verbeek; Matt B Von icholas Pio; T Pio; icholas orman- oetzer; C oordwyk;Sam Willis; ushar B ushar yno R yno oss; A oss; van & L & van brahim Haffejee;brahim Michael G ndrew Kerr; Marc L lake Springate; A ary Penn; G veritt; Kai Petty; I dalo G dalo lijah Symington; C Symington; lijah N hesney G icholas & Michael Simpson; R odd; Kyle & Damon B ronje; A ronje; mar Makanjee; C orrelli; Jarred Hayes-Hill; Dayne Jagga; Michael Jordan; R Hayes-Hill; Jarred Michael Jordan; orrelli; Jagga; Dayne aine R uke Maritz; Mc Guy uke oury; Mikhael & Danyal Vawda; Hugh B & okesh Penugonda; N Penugonda; okesh rackenbury; B hompson; N om Mileham; Keegan Milligan; N Milligan; Mileham; Keegan om thanKruger; randon van T van randon obillard; Damian Dicks; G rlich; N rlich; aidoo; T uveer uveer ahil B ahil entre; Jasheen Soni; Deon & Sally Delport; L Sally & Dragsund; Deon Killian Jasheen Soni; entre; E radley Hamilton; Jason Schenk; Jason A Hamilton; radley uca C Y ajah; Matthew & Matthew & ajah; ensburg; N ensburg; ook; A ergset; B e N win; Jim & I iz Woodcock; R icholas Harrison; A mihle G R brahim B brahim ntosh; N ntosh; rant & Kyle Hodnett;Fikile Qoboshiyane; DurbanHigh School;Sean & C radfield; S Haripersad; G S radfield; erm; A vans; Shaun & L ooyen; C ristan R ristan akley; E akley; ibbink;Jaryd Savic; Kyle Setzkorn; Joshua Stander; C I vans; N vans; E erblanche; Zaid T erblanche; Zaid aidoo; Jesse R Jesse aidoo; dam B dam regvan haritable T haritable dlovu; Jason Posnot; R Posnot; Jason dlovu; lake Merchant; B rady E rady reen; John & Matthew C & John reen; enjamin; T enjamin; sman; Jared Pearson; Shahzaad Perumal; N Perumal; Shahzaad Pearson; Jared sman; ussell, N el; Matthew Pender-Smith; Dipra Pillay; Kaelan R Pillay; Kaelan Dipra Matthew Pender-Smith; el; ormack; H A ormack; H ersbach; Kashmil G Kashmil ersbach; herry; Jevil & Prashil G efevre; Junaid Hamid; R Hamid; Junaid efevre; rnav Dasrath; E uc de R uy Joughin; Muzakkir Khan; Kwandile Khuzwayo; Jonathan le R G iam Stokes; Stokes; iam udwig; A aylor; Simon T aylor; Simon oly E itken; itken; urns; L C eardon; T obertson; B ameron Parle; Muhammad Patel; Sven Paton; B arritt; B tlas; Jason & R A hristoforos; Praneil Doolabh; R J & C J Hex; Moulder family; Kekeletso Mahlelebe; T eane Petzer; Y raining C raining haplin; Matthew Sargent; T uc Mc uc hmed Pandor & Family; Duncan C olin & L uaan L dam Miloszewski; Miloszewski; dam llan; James Hall; T icholas C icholas icholas B icholas amber; I hristopher Speirs; C ilson; Dario B Dario ilson; arreau; E icholas Hatton; Joshua Heath; Jordan Houston; Joshua Howse; C Howse; Joshua Houston; Heath; Jordan Hatton; Joshua icholas A rman Pema; L Pema; rman alvin G alvin areth B areth liver L evi Donjeany; Murray Finlay; Jack Firth; Finlay; Jack Murray Sebastian Donjeany; G evi orbin N orbin icholasKidd; enjamin R olm R ardyne Family; G hando N hando homas Hudson; James James Hudson; homas rizzo;Matt Hammond; Zachariah Howell; Jack Hughes; L B obertson; T raig & R wen; C ukhosi Zondi; Samuel C orman;Michael T N G mmaar O mmaar T ameron G ameron oetzer; A iley Hardwick; Daniel & Matthew Hayden; B Matthew Hayden; Hardwick; & Daniel iley lexander van R van lexander radley B radley uke Hansen; N liver B liver rust; Shaun O rust; Shaun udi R & slick; Joshua E slick; Joshua randon Mc randon rogan A regg G regg ashish Mandapati; L ashish omaine C amber; A khanyaMadiba; HamzaMahomed; unyan; N unyan; oannou; Fabrice & Sebastien de Marigny; Surav B revor& Steven urner; Joel R Van meer Jaggessar;meer C Guy rmaan Parekh; Muhammed Peer; Daniel Peter; R assa; G assa; sman; A sman; ducational & C & ducational azar; C azar; areth Walsh; Matthew E A allum Deeble; B allum ouw; O larty; N Darrian enjamin Jackson; Salmaan Jadwat; Ziyaad Jasat; Kade Johnson; Darragh Kidd; L Kidd; Darragh Johnson; Jasat; Kade Jackson; Jadwat; Ziyaad enjamin Salmaan ri-Pyramid T ristan Smith; L Smith; ristan asich; Deon & Jody L aytonStirling; aine O rien; A rien; ucas Peria; K nanth; Declan C hagat; James B uke Peinke; Marcel Marcel Peinke; uke C dwards; C dwards; L obert; C olepepper Family; G allum Pet; Jordan Phipson; N Phipson; Jordan Pet; allum L B harles N ony Savage; C ’ yron Dunwoody; R en Kelly; T Kelly; en C oodall; L nt & R uc N uc eline; Haydn & Kevin B Kevin & Haydn eline; ene de la Peyre; Keagan & C eece Wiggill; N Wiggill; eece eegan & Daniel Smith; Viraj Suparsad; Matthew Jones; Suparsad; Michael-Jon, Viraj Smith; Daniel C & eegan ania & Jared Demmer; N Jared Joshua & ania zim O zim uke L usuf Hassim; N Hassim; usuf autenbach; C eed; T eed; ndreas I jabulo Zikhali; Josh Josh Zikhali; jabulo dlovu; Shaylin Perumal; James Winter; Jason & Matthew C omlinson; A omlinson; uc O uc enaud E enaud ora; Matteo G gcobo; A ristan L annon; Mitchel G raig Pienaar; * uill; B braham; G braham; N rhaan A athoo; athoo; hristopher & C & hristopher anner Harwood; Wade Fraser; Jamie de L roshaw; C roshaw; yan C yan yron Smit; Shaiyur Somlal; Shivay Soodyall; L Soodyall; Shivay Somlal; Shaiyur Smit; yron yle Matthysen; Daniel & Matthew Murphy; Daniel & Jason A ampbell; G anderee; Kyle & Wade R N ronwright; T dam, Michael & Justin C ric N erry, T erry, oby R onnor; Warwick R Warwick onnor; aidoo; L aidoo; errish; Samuel Jordan; James Hansen; William Hodgett; William Hansen; James Jordan; C Samuel errish; mar; A mar; oppin; Simon& Daniel A icholas Haworth; icholas olton; Matthew C arter Steenkamp; Matthew T arter Steenkamp; C harratt; B ntosh; R ntosh; rasmus; Seth Howse; Howse; Seth rasmus; ecil R ecil arrington Family; Matthew A arrington hett T C I oah N enjamin G N C ’ E obertson; C ysele; A oodhun; Flynn B Flynn oodhun; ruickshank; Harshal Daya; L yathi; L yathi; hmed Motala; Javhar & Javashkaar N uke C uke vans; Zack Seaman; Shaylin Simadari; E Simadari; Shaylin Seaman; Zack vans; hmed G homas Hammond; R Hammond; homas dam A dam obert Y hristian, Jordan & O & hristian, Jordan icholas & James B boobaker; A khil Sitharam; T Sitharam; khil E onnor G ensburg; Stephen & B & Stephen ensburg; Prowse; Matthew & Michael Hands; R Michael Hands; Matthew & Prowse; indsay; T ane Woods; Mbaso & B reg & Viv R & reg yan & L ouzens; Kirin Dabideen; Michael-John du Plessis; Mitchell Dyer; N lrike N lrike indemann; Don, Michael & C richardt; Matthew T ogan & T than- erchowitz; Kunal B dam & Michael van Dam; Kurt Williamson; Douglas Wilson; Muhammad & A yler & Sheldon Da Silva, Dunn Family; Sean & Michael A ale Wells; C smaeel R lan & & lan hmed O hmed hater; Joshua Day-Perkins;hater; Joshua L ndrew Manson; Kyle Mertsch; L Kyle Manson; ndrew wigg; C wigg; randon & R & randon ook; L homas Pakendorf; L icholas C ppleton; A Solwa; Mohamed Suleman; Josh T Josh Mohamed Suleman; Solwa; A arnabas; Muhammed B arnabas; mar;Jack Piper; David Pohl; ipley- kshay B iley L enjamin T enjamin ivaan Pather; Steven Prinsloo; Murray Howard; R Howard; Murray Prinsloo; Steven Pather; ivaan smal; C smal; ailey; A ailey; allantyne; E otha; Sean Quinlan; Preston Mommsen; Muhammed C Mitha; Preston Quinlan; Sean otha; aylor; Dillan Valjee; Maxwell van der Werff; der Maxwell B van Valjee; aylor; Dillan ouffe; R uke C saiah Venkiah; Venkiah; saiah homas C arotam; N O oedeke; James Harris; James B oedeke; I onga Mathenjwa; Jordan Matthews; Jake & T & Matthews; Jake Jordan Mathenjwa; onga ox;Michael ys; A T ubitt; R oot; I ameron Philp; C Philp; ameron ayson; Matthew & L sch; Mitesh Patel; Shaahid Kharsany; Mohamed & E Kharsany; Mohamed & Shaahid Patel; Mitesh sch; C oodway; A sborne; Ziyaad Paruk; C Paruk; sborne; Ziyaad uke van der Vyver; der R van uke ovender; Dean Duchenne; A Dean ovender; oast; Joshua B esan; Kyle E rown; Jesse Jesse rown; liver C liver E liva; T B B ldworth; Kelvin, Peta, Jason & B & Jason ldworth; Peta, Kelvin, ameron T oss oss alvin A areth van R van areth yron & C ardner; R aidoo; A aidoo; eroux; A homas Fraser; B rydyn B eill Family; Shanal Family;Shanal eill usuf Jeewa; Jackson Jeffers; Hamza Joosab; G oss; Matthew Withers; R ance B ance L ovender; Michael Winson; had U aledi Mndaweni; T raig; T rett C lake Kruger; A Maganlal; Hrehan lake iccard; A iccard; arvar N N ooyen; ooyen; onyngham Family; T onyngham ina ina agessur; Jordan O agessur; Jordan G eesley; L ichard Moolman; C Moolman; ichard regory Stevens; Pierre Petit Family T Family Petit Pierre regory Stevens; hmad Seedat;hmad A kosi; Siyabonga N Siyabonga kosi; R than B T had Wybrow; Patrick Zietkiewicz; B elson- enjamin B enjamin shley G shley randon unde; Muhammed & Ziyaad Mansoor; Wade & B onnor O onnor twenhle Hadebe;twenhle T ythan Welgemoed; R ythan Welgemoed; orton Family; T ndrew May; JamesR llaway; C llaway; ansal; Samuel B aron N aron had L had ory & C arboni; O arboni; mra; B mra; lementz; C Jack audenberg; R riffiths; Y Hassim; Muhammad bdullah Seedat;bdullah E amjee; B ndrew Mackintosh; John Mamet; Keaton Heycocks; Dane T ontributors indicated in bold print bold in indicated ontributors ob & Silvia Havemann; Jean & Sue R icholas Farrant; Sean Mc Sean Farrant; icholas urner; C roy Steyn; Mikhail Maharaj; O alvin van Wieringen; N ibbons; Kent G Kent ibbons; uke Fouche; Drs M C Solwa & F Shaikh; R aron Drimmie; Damian du Plessis; Joshua E Joshua Plessis; du Damian Drimmie; aron arbeau & Family; & arbeau owan B hris & & hris yron Searle; Devin T Searle; Devin yron atan; A atan; aude; Max O owman; B umiso N umiso amlugaan; David R David amlugaan; B hengu; E ees; Jethro Jethro ees; randon Seyffert;randon N C radley Dunwoody; Matthew G Dunwoody; radley arry Singh; David B zuza; Mohammad homas L ehman; Kevin Maharaj; Martinovic; Kye T mran Fakroodeen; Dax & Scott C regory Dawber; Devon L sterhuizen; Jarrod Frost; C rmstrong; C rmstrong; eagle; R nirudh B eade; Waites Family; *Dr C Waites eade; aihaan Mansoor; B aihaan N upnarain; A upnarain; onnor G onnor renton C renton ndrew & Michael Murdoch; Wayne & Jason Kershaw; Scott L Kershaw; Scott Jason & Wayne Michael Murdoch; & ndrew ichol; R nthony C nthony icholas Hamilton; Jack Hampson; Mohammed Hassam; Mackenzie Haygarth; Dominic Hislop; Jonno Hugkulstone; Kean I Hugkulstone; Kean Jonno Hislop; Haygarth; Dominic Mackenzie Mohammed Hassam; Hampson; Jack Hamilton; icholas Millennium Foundation Members Foundation Millennium R athan T T S TRU UCATIONAL ED DPHS eill; T eill; than Venter; John Watkins; T igel Wood; David A David Wood; igel nthony Mandy & Morgan; Debbie Mathew; T eaz Moolla; Mc Moolla; eaz ayob; Matthew & C lcock; R rmstrong; Mohammedrmstrong; A ayne N homas G homas ichard Huber; R ichard ollins; ollins; uke & Warrick Shannon; N R ruorton; N N ambert; B Michael Maree; lowolagba; Dhirren Pillay; Jared Pillay; Kyle Mc Pillay; Pillay; Kyle Jared Dhirren lowolagba; ylward; Duncan B Duncan ylward; andile Mhlongo; N dam Stockenstrom; R Stockenstrom; dam C qubeko Mtoba; Jibran Mulla; U Mulla; Jibran Mtoba; qubeko icholas Koenig; Mike Sacks; B Mike Koenig; icholas ameron; Michael C iam iam ore; C ore; ristan Muller; Matthew N rthur R smal; A rogan E okal; John John okal; ameron Knight; C ameron hompson; T hompson; hristopher Ward; Matthew B lwande utter; A ould; N ould; raig; Muhammed Deedat; Sandiso Dhlomo; Dylan E Dylan Muhammed Deedat; Dhlomo; Sandiso raig; hor Knûtsen-Smith;hor B uchner; G ussell, Matthew & G Matthewussell, & ndrew Harrison; Fareeda & Ziyaad A lonzo Stainbank; E Stainbank; lonzo obertJames Prior; B G bdullah Joosab; Kevin R imothy & B uyMerril & B otze; Sebastian L zhar Paruk; B Paruk; zhar lliot; T lliot; ndre & Julie van Vuuren; G Vuuren; van Julie & ndre R owan Peterson; Hamish G abriel Sjouerman; Muhammad Y Muhammad Sjouerman; abriel zhaar T yanda & Sethu Jackson; Y nita, Michael & Kyle N Kyle Michael & nita, lakeway; B lakeway; ombe; * ombe; hambers; A owe; L owe; souris; Michael Hobson; Marc R zair A ilmour; L R iley Mallett;iley R entley; Wenzile B otsiou; N otsiou; ravis R ravis ashid; Karl Schaefer; A Karl ashid; ssack; B uke van Vuuren; Dean & C ravis G ravis llen; Mark A Mark llen; unan; A athan C athan ndrew T ndrew rayden Knoop; T emilekun O emilekun hiraag hiraag Shedlock; R hristopher B hristopher rbee; Jack A rbee; Jack ameron M Wilson; Don A Wilson; Don M ameron aughlin; Matthew & C uke Montgomery; N uke Darshan loyd B loyd raig & Matthew A & raig aine; A aine; lly; U laudio & Mickele L ryce Woolf; Muhammad A Muhammad Woolf; ryce C uke uke raig Schlemmer; Daniel & B Schlemmer; & Daniel raig urger; G L obertA & odiat; Max C obert Koenig; Keshan Padayachee; L Padayachee; obert Keshan Koenig; had & Shane Shane & had eagan T eagan hris C hris jabulo Mthethwa; Joshua Jankovich- endrum; T C anner Klue; C anner uke A uke ovender; Vishal Daya; Divarshan than Petersen; Pranam R Pranam Petersen; than uke Wilson itken; Matthew A ale; Dr & Mrs Deon Hoffman; N ashil Desia; R Desia; ashil arth; Mishaan & Kaveer R Kaveer arth; & Mishaan vishkar Prem; Kei Dawson; T yan Spring; A Spring; yan bhay N mla; L mla; arth Pearson, C ell; R homasFelix; gencies; Simon A gencies; Simon ameron Ferguson; Matthew Ferreira; T rish Pike; Mike & Jann N onrad & Jason B ndrew Wilkins; Darren Dunbar; Wilkins; C Darren ndrew ynn Farrar; Michael,Diana A & yron McKie; A yron A ilchrist; T T onda Mavimbela; Shukvir Mothilall; N ikhar Singh; G Singh; ikhar homson; L rro; James B aidoo; Joshua & Dylan N Dylan & Joshua aidoo; uke & C & uke ooysen Family; A opertz; L umede; Muhammad Habiya; N Habiya; Gumede; Muhammad mile brahim; Payton E Payton brahim; lendining; Matthewlendining; G alder; Mitchell C alder; Mitchell oit; C athan Kleyn; Joshua Maskell; Humzah Mohamed Sayeed; A aran; Y aran; rendan Mc liver Koch; L Koch; liver kshay Soni; A kshay Soni; aees A aees homas; N ndrew Hay; C ndrew alljee; Mongezi Machi; B eorge & Shirley Kirby; Joshua B mmanuel Mqingwana; Zwa Mpanza; A Mpanza; Zwa Mqingwana; mmanuel gwekazi; T gwekazi; homas A oy; N oy; ob & L ndreas & C & ndreas amsamy; Zaid R Zaid amsamy; ameron Peters; T Peters; ameron radshaw; Michael,radshaw; A uan van Jaarsveld; Jordan & E ruce T G T koob; Hamza A Hamza koob; uke Slogrove; Zak Smith; A Smith; Zak Slogrove; uke lbert & Sean B gwane; abeelJeewa; Weston Jelf; Slade Jewell; Muhammad Jhaveri; Dalair Fuzail& Khalil; lexander Swanepoel; I ehal N ehal ombleson; Matthew van Dongen; David van van David Dongen; Matthew van ombleson; ravis A alvin & B & alvin areth & Sean May; Mohammed & I len; A len; L uckle; David Finch & Family; Peter Jones; A xel Hayes; Simon Hill; A T N A riz L listair C listair aleb & Joshua Watson; R ssack; Muhammad E aird; A aird; rust; mod; R mod; aushaad Mahomed; R aushaad irav R irav oisen; Darren B Darren oisen; awson Dinsdale; Pradhisthra Doorsamy; A Doorsamy; Pradhisthra Dinsdale; awson abeel Jhazbhay; Hayden K harvik N listair Hargreaves; C Hargreaves; listair uke uke radley Pearson; E Pearson; radley odd Petterson; A B ifford Mortimer; ifford Majoor;Michael enjamin Mullins; Shivay Munien; T yola N lexander G lexander eave; Hank & T boobaker; Zaiem B aylor; Warren N ’Meara; Kevin & Kim Jarman; Santhiran Viranna; Mitch Prinsloo; G Prinsloo; Mitch Viranna; Santhiran Jarman; Kim & Kevin ’Meara; L icholas Kershaw; T icholas edder; B G ngerer; * hristopher & Jason L ravis B aidoo; N aidoo; vor B vor ongworth; B ntrobus; Hasan Jhatam; Kavir, Shamir & Mitesh R uke King; C King; uke othman; othman; oys llis; A llis; renhold; T maar E L R ullough; Mickey & A & Mickey ullough; ary Smith; A yan Dinkele;R yan O yan C ld B ewton; B eary; G David uy Kirby; Matthew Kruger; C ndrew T mbrose; Michael & Zachary C Michael & mbrose; dnaan Masood; Keegan & Jordan Mills; N Mills; Jordan & Masood; Keegan dnaan ayin van Wyk; E he A haritable T alvin Henry; Jordan Johnson; B ameron & Justin Donkin; *W A Justin Donkin; & ameron ampese; L radley; Jeremy B Jeremy radley; arry Wilson; G imothy; imothy; eatt; A Michael & riscoe; James,Matthew & David G rakspear; A yrneHowell; radley Stricker: Devon R Simpkins; Marc, James & L yan Hen- yan ichard N aseen A eid Sinnicks; Sheldon Vincent; Sinnicks; Sheldon N eid uvan Singh; Joshua Squires; James Sweeney; N eynolds; N eynolds; oodt; Matthew Pierce; G eddy; Family; L Vine usuf Dhai; Jaydon Dunkley; Matthew Fayers; Jack Foster; Damon G amdeyal; Jesse R Jesse amdeyal; obinson; Matthew R obinson; aylor; Matthew van Zyl; L ristan T endekayi Moto; E endekayi Moto; ls; A brahim; T amble; Holizwe N Holizwe amble; uke uke iam Johnson; C Johnson; iam O an & Marian Pace; Marc & Damian T & R & B E John Michael Smith; C B G R Jonathan Spanos; Wayne G & G Mc B A R Dr K A Padayachee; B R Daniel U E C Justin L B Mohamed A Moodley; B B Hargreaves; John Dand; Mohammed Kharsany; C G Darren Spiers; A R & R A Muhammad A Woodroffe; John & Judith G Khuzwayo; Mitchell Williams; C Mitchell Khuzwayo; Meiring Family; Dickinson; B Podmore; Miles Mowat A Mowat Miles Podmore; Massimo Di Paolo; Pranav Desai; Matthew Desai; Dicks; Pranav B Paolo; Di Massimo Khadija Kharsany; Peter & Kathy McMaster; A I ZakariyaParuk; Michael Paul; Darren Pearce; Storm Savage; Dean Smith; Joshua Spooner; N Kenny; N Seedat; Jacob Simmons; R Seedat; Simmons; Jacob Michael Hollick; A L Whittington; Wolins; Seth R Muhammed Joosub; Forno; Mahomed; Wandile & L R L A B Y C A Freitag; Mohamed Joosab; N L Mahomed; Justin T Kemp; Matthew Marshall; Joshua Morse; T Mgobhozi; C Family; James Harker; Dylan Hewitt; Dylan Family; Harker; James L Jarred T Hagemann; David Hopkins;Kidgell; Joel Matthew David Hagemann; L E Hakeem Dabideen; Davidson; Matt du T Paruk; T Sean A C O Heunis; Jonathan L Devan I Devan Maritz;Kriedemann; Stephen R Motala; B Peer; Stephenson; Sharad, Heena & Heena & Sharad, Stephenson; R ** 2014 additions to Millennium Foundation and 2014 C 2014 and Foundation Millennium to additions 2014 ** T * Joshua Wilmans; Muhammad A T C James Francke; Storm G Storm Francke; James T Smith; Morgan Sinclair; James Siljebrandt; Morgan Sherman; Fynn Shaik; Qaeed K Zia Janssen; A Jadwat; MahomedJeewa; Jamie King; Matthew King; James Kitto; Dean Macleod-Henderson; Kitto; Jarred T Jeewa; Mahomed Zaydan Howden; N Millard; A Y N Jadyn Ziya Hassim; A R E R C Maduray; N Y Wensley-Hill; Kade Wolhuter; B Wolhuter; Kade Wensley-Hill; T YEAR YEAR BOOK BOOK 2014 2014


What a stunning Special Headmaster’s Report 2 cover we have thanks, however, ACADEMICS this year. Grateful must go to the DPHS Governing Body 1 Grade One Contributions 44 thanks to following: Chairman’s Report 4 Jacques Naude/ Our enormously Grade Two Contributions 50 Deputy Headmaster’s Report 12 Independent generous parents Design Technology 20 Grade Three Contributions 56 Newspapers for who sponsored DPHS Association 17 Grade Four Contributions 62 allowing us to all the pages of use the image this edition and DPHS Educational Trust 14 Grade Five Contributions 68 Grade Six Contributions 74 which appeared our Bursar’s DPHS Educational Trust Golf Day 14 Assistant, Isabel Grade Seven Contributions 80 in The Mercury. It DPHS Vision 1 certainly captures Edouard-Betsy Final Word Inside Back Cover the enthusiasm, who co-ordinated Friends and Founders Function 15 SPORT exuberance and payments; resilience of the Teachers and Information Technology 21 Sport Report 88 boys of DPHS. all others who Junior Primary HOD’s Report 42 Representatives 90 The Yearbook submitted reports Junior Primary Concert 29 Athletics 93 is an indicator and contributions; Media Centre 22 Cricket 94 of how much Class teachers and section heads Millennium Board and Update Back Cover Cross Country 100 happens in a DPHS School who collected Mothers’ Committee 18 Golf 102 Year and the academic Performing Arts 23 Hockey 103 boys need energy and creative Prep Pals 87 JP Sports Day 92 and passion to contributions; Prize-giving Ceremony 7 Rugby 110 embrace all that Michael Dick Reception Unit 36 Surfing 89 is on offer. and the Sports today and to know that his legacy coaches for their records and reports Scholarships 128 And they rise to the challenge every Swimming 118 has indeed been enhanced. of the year in the DPHS Sports Staff News 11 step of the way. Tennis 123 The photograph above was Putting together the final sector; Staff Photograph 10 Water Polo 126 taken by Steve Yelseth and is touches to the Yearbook it is Annemarie Levine and Brenda The Victor Daitz Science Expo 87 another iconic Prep image with remarkable how comprehensive a Thatcher in the Art Studio for their Visual Art Report 3 confident Prep boys looking out over record we have of the year. As with colourful celebration of creativity; everything about this school, it is the Visual Art Gallery 30, 34 the Memorial Quad. This area in the Grateful thanks to Parents and heart of the school is used as a place product of the work of an amazing Colleagues for photographs; with of quiet during the school day and team of people. The DPHS Yearbook special appreciation to Prep staff the venue for significant ceremonies is a team effort for the entire school. member, Steve Yelseth; Thank you to everyone involved in like Flag-raising for Friends and Reeni Ramnath for all administrative the production of this edition. Founders. This was where the boys aspects of production in addition to gathered to pay a final tribute to much of the typing; Past Headmaster John Smith. Meticulous proofreading by Mr Smith’s final colleagues and by old friend of Headmaster’s entry, dated DPHS, Nirupa Jugmohan and the 4/12/1987, in the DPHS log book eagle-eyed Sally Perks; reads: ‘I wish Prep and all who Finally, as I look at the superb study & teach here in the future pages of the 2014 Yearbook, I – all good fortune and success. know the benchmark has again Cover photograph thanks to Jacues Naude – Independent Newspapers Hoping that Prep’s name is not been raised. For this I wish to merely upheld but enhanced.’ express my profound gratitude to creative designer, Rory Morrison. Durban Preparatory High School He would be pleased and Linda Horning 99 Gordon Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 proud to see the boys of Prep Tel: +27-31-3122154 • Fax: +27-31-3032361 [email protected] • YEAR BOOK 2014

Our Vision • Our Mission

Preparing our Boys for Life

To provide a unique, balanced education and fulfilling experience 1910 ~ 2014 within a nurturing environment, founded on the school’s guiding

principles of integrity and respect for self and others.

Governing Body

Ian Bamber (Chairman) Hank Pike (Headmaster) Moira Campbell* Michael Dick* Carolyn Gilroy Dion Hatton Meryl Holloway Alistair Naidu Richard Neave* Grant Phipson* Lesley Phipson* Gavin Price Michelle Roberts* Muhammad Seedat Craig Simpkins Clive Thornton Denise Tsouris*

(*Invited Members)

This page was sponsored by Jordan and Ethan Venter 1 YEAR BOOK 2014

Headmaster’s report

headmaster’s Speech Day and Prize-Giving Address Thursday 4 December 2014

Good morning and welcome, boys, staff handled. We at DPHS are most fortunate members, colleagues, family of our boys to enjoy the depth of knowledge, skill, and friends of the school. A special word experience, and great passion, evident in of welcome to our invited guests. Thank our parent body on which to draw to en- you for your attendance this morning. sure effective governance of the school. Your presence is much appreciated Elections for a new School Govern- by the school. Having been fortunate ing Body must be held early in March enough to have been present at some 2015 and we know that, once again, the of her presentations in the past, I am parents of DPHS will come forth in their looking forward to that which our Guest numbers to support the school in the of Honour, Dr Gcina Mhlope, will share election of proud and suitable represent- with us today. atives of our school constituency. I cannot quite come to terms with The DPHS Mothers’ Committee the fact that a year has flown by since continues to do excellent work in their our Speech Day of last year. Someone primary role of community building at once said: “Time flies when you’re having DPHS, gathering supportive Prep-Folk fun!” and such is the nature of life during together in so many innovative and the DPHS school year. A case of holding enjoyable ways. The financing of pro- on to your hat, watching out for a few jects, achieved as a result of this team’s low-hanging branches, and enjoying the These parents are always there, very fundraising as a by-product of their exhilarating ride! many quietly and inconspicuously, team-building work, continues to be of The boys’, and the schools’, achieve- supporting their sons and the school. significant benefit to the boys and the ments reflect the energy that exists in Whenever the rallying call has gone out school. Thank you to the Mothers’ Com- our school. No load-shedding at DPHS! to stand up, shoulder-to-shoulder, to mittee of 2014, with Moira Campbell in Your attention is drawn to the Annexure promote the best interests of the school, the Chair, for their work in support of the to this Address, folded in to your pro- these parents have been there. In more boys, the staff and the school. I direct a gramme. It suitably records these myriad recent times it has been the motivation special word of thanks to Yasiera Suli- achievements. Please take it home, pe- for the demolition of houses to create the man, who has supported the activities of ruse it at your leisure, and celebrate with ground now known as the John Smith the Mothers’ Committee for something us the good news of our boys and the Field; the building partnership of the like nine years, for her strong contribu- school. The content of the Addendum DPHS Jubilee Pool at Gordon Road; the tion as her youngest son now prepares to will give you an indication that, in order founding of the DPHS Educational Trust leave DPHS. to pay proper tribute to the boys, sup- in 1985 (we will celebrate 30 years of To all the passionate and commit- ported by their parents, the staff and the the Trust’s existence in 2015); the launch ted members of the DPHS staff team; school, Speech Day proceedings would of the fundraising initiative originally teachers, administrative and support have to be significantly extended! And I known as “Prep Beyond 2000”, which staff, carers at Preppy’s Place, general know that some of the staff are already has brought some 10 million rand in to assistants and all serving the school checking their stopwatches! the benefit of the boys and the school; as members of the many outsourced Let’s take a minute or two to pay and so much in between and since. services: Thank you for your outstanding, credit where it is due, before getting Thank you to the members of the committed and loyal service in support of back to paying tribute to our DPHS boys, School Governing Body, Ian Bamber as boys, parents and school. particularly our Grade 7 Leaders. Chairperson, for the manner in which I was fortunate to have been in The passing of John Spencer Smith, they have steadfastly represented the an audience addressed by Dr Tony 9th Headmaster of DPHS earlier this very best interests of the school and Humphreys, Irish educator and author, year, reminds us of the contributions of our parent constituency. Governance at a conference some years ago. Dur- those who have gone before to secure of schools in the present educational ing the course of a riveting address, the good name of the school. A bitter- environment is not for the faint-hearted. Humphreys said something to the effect sweet time; a time of mourning and Since their election in 2012, the present that, in order for a boy to grow to be celebration; a time for reflection and Governing Body has had significant a well-rounded person, he “needs just thanksgiving. challenges with which to deal. The lack one person, a champion, in his life to be And we give thanks for the contribu- of impact that these challenges have had absolutely passionate about him.” I am tion of all our parents, past and present, on the school is an indication of the ef- confident that every DPHS boy has, in to the enduring success of the school. fective manner in which they have been his family at home and here at school,

This page was sponsored by Caleb French 2 YEAR BOOK 2014

Headmaster’s report just that ‘champion’ who is absolutely today by our prize winners, the Grade your dress and appearance. Well done; passionate about him. That passion for 6 year group and, more especially, to you have made, and will continue to the boys, boys’ education and the DPHS Prep boys attending their final Speech make, DPHS proud. Experience, is infectious and reveals itself Day at DPHS, our Grade 7 Leaders and While preparing for this address, and in the many achievements of our boys Class of 2014. You have been offered a in an age when ‘Superheroes’ have been, and the school. One can only imagine broad curriculum, academic, cultural and once again, popularised by the entertain- the heights to which our nation could sporting, of which to take advantage. ment industry, I found this definition: rise, were all schools and their learners The content of this curriculum is there for “In modern popular fiction, a to be blessed with the services of a staff all to see in your subject offering, in the superhero is a type of hero character team such as ours. school cultural and sporting arenas, and possessing extraordinary talents and At this time, I make special mention in all the information about the school is dedicated to protecting the public”. of two of our team who will be retiring and its activities that goes out to the Thank you for the example that you from service to DPHS at the end of this wider community in its many forms. This have set as Leaders of DPHS, and in the year: Val Cotterell will leave the Recep- is the overt curriculum, the curriculum role of head of your respective Prep Pal tion Unit after 14 years of exemplary that is easy to notice. But it is the less Families. To many of the boys in your service. Val, I know, has been a ‘cham- obvious curriculum, the unwritten cur- Families and in the school, I have no pion’ for so many Prep boys as they have riculum content of DPHS, which assists doubt, you have been a “Superhero” in flourished under her care, setting them all involved in your education, at home your own way. The manner in which you up for ‘better fortune’ in later years. Her and at school, to “Educate our Boys have served the needs of the members particular brand of contribution to school for Life”. It is this unwritten element, of your Family group, and the manner will form part of the wonderful legacy forming an integral part of the unique in which you have served, supported that has been left the school by those DPHS Experience, which provides you and represented the school, has given who have gone before. Angel Shezi one with the opportunity to experience the other boys a vision for themselves. As of the many often-unsung contributors challenges, in a nurturing environment, the School has benefitted from your to the spirit of DPHS. Angel has been of life. It is these experiences that assist contribution, so will it continue to benefit a member of the Team of General As- you to develop strength of character and from the efforts of those for whom you sistants for nearly 16 years. These team resilience, able to make the most of the have provided the good example. To members are so often at the heart of all opportunities that may lie ahead. those of you who may feel that you that is happening at Prep, contributing in A measure of how well so many have not always taken full advantage of their own way to the sense of camarade- of you have responded to the DPHS opportunities presented: It is never too rie, and service to the benefit of others, Experience is the compliments that the late, learn from your experiences, both that is often so tangible in our boys’ school is very happy to receive, from the good and bad. You have your whole life schooling environment. high schools to which you will be going in ahead of you in which to make a positive Val and Angel, thank you for all 2015. There are indications that many of contribution in the lives of others, to your that you have done for our boys and the you have already made a great impres- family and your community. school. We wish you well as you look sion on those who have met you, or who At this time of great anticipation forward to the next phase of your respec- have shown you and your family around and excitement, please spare a thought tive lives. their respective schools. The compli- for those who have been there for you on Possibly a little more than two min- ments received include references to your journey through our great school, utes to go but Now, as indicated earlier, the way in which you engage with your and through life thus far. Remember to a word to the boys of DPHS represented hosts, your confidence, your manners, thank them all, especially your parents, for all the seemingly ‘little things’, often unnoticed and ‘unthanked’, that they have done for you over the years. As they have been there for you up until now, so they will be there for you into the future. May you ring the Leavers’ Bell with pride next Wednesday, happy that you have left a bright path to be followed by Prep Boys after you. To the traditional wish, recorded in our Grade 7 Leavers’ Books of the past: “Go forth with the School’s blessings and good wishes. You will forever be part of DPHS, and DPHS will forever remain part of you.” Thank you. Hank Pike Headmaster

This page was sponsored by Ntokozo Dlamini 3 YEAR BOOK 2014


Chairman’s Speech Day and Prize-Giving Address Thursday 4 December 2014

Good morning Dr Gcina Mhlope, how we parents support our boys. our honoured guest, Mr Pike, Head- Our promise to the High Schools master, members of the school gov- of KZN is that DPHS will con- erning body, teachers, parents and tinue to prepare our boys for High boys. Speech Day is a special day in School and will continue to present our lives and especially special for courteous, considerate, respectful, our Grade 7 boys. It is a day that determined and driven young men, allows us all to look back and reflect all with the heart of a lion. It is not a on our years at DPHS. It is an hon- surprise that yet again, many DPHS our for me to address you as your boys from the class of 2010 who are governing body chairman and as an next year entering Grade 12, have old boy of this school; but this year been awarded with leadership roles is different for me because for the in various schools ranging from first time, I am addressing a Grade 7 head boys, to prefects, to heads of parent body that I am part of. houses, to name a few. I have no Boys, Wednesday 16th January doubt that come 2019; there will be 2008: that is the day that the major- many of you boys sitting here who ity of you made your way through such wonderful choices of High will be asked to perform leadership the gates of 99 Gordon Road and Schools to attend. We are spoilt for roles when you are in Grade 12. entered ‘big school’. When I look at choice by the high standards that But boys, this promise does not the Grade Ones now, I can’t believe you have all set. Whilst each High go without responsibility. You may that our boys were ever that small; School is different in its own way, it be leaving DPHS next week, but where has the time gone? goes without saying that whichever wherever you go, you will always It is now December 2014 and school our boys go to, our boys be known as DPHS boys and you our boys are nearing the end of will receive a top class education have a responsibility to be true to their DPHS journey, a journey that and an enriching experience. It is yourselves and to uphold the good has been filled with fun, adventure, interesting to note that our Grade name of the school. camaraderie and challenges. During 7 boys will be going to 15 different It would be remiss of me not to these seven years and in line with High Schools next year. This is not, thank the staff and management of our school motto ‘preparing boys however, a one way street and I DPHS for their immense contribu- for life’ our boys have been prepared don’t have to tell you High School tion to our boys and particularly the for High School. folk that by getting a DPHS boy, role that they have played in the On this note, I would like to your High School is benefitting shaping of our boys, making them take this opportunity to welcome immensely. You are getting a boy so ready for High School. It has the many headmasters and staff who is well-rounded and will add been said before that a school never of various High Schools in KZN. great value to your school. This is rises above the level of its common You are most welcome here and we true of the boy’s family too; DPHS room and staff of DPHS, we are so absolutely value the support that parents know what is expected of grateful for the high levels that you you give to both DPHS and to the their boys and what is needed to continue to set year in and year out. boys of DPHS. Around March/April make their High School experience a Thank you also to my fellow of each Grade 7 year; the touchline memorable one and what is needed governing body members to whom talk is not so much of the rugby to make a memorable contribution the running of the school has been team selections (yes there is a lot to your school. Our parents love entrusted. One of the measures of of that too) but much of the talk is and support our boys – where else the success of a school lies in the around which High School the boys do over 150 parents accompany number of admissions made for are going to. We at DPHS are most their boys on a rugby tour to Cape places, and more importantly the fortunate that our families have Town? This is just one example of calibre of the admissions. We are

This page was sponsored by Dean Macleod-Henderson 4 YEAR BOOK 2014

PRIZE-GIVING most fortunate that we remain in a the year. Coupled with continued that something special that only situation where parents are clam- progress in creative arts, music and Prep boys seem to have – that inner ouring to get their boys into DPHS. design and technology, this aspect strength to never give up, to fight to We continue to get applications of life at DPHS continues to flourish. the end. Nowhere more is this Prep made within weeks of a boy being Sport is always a cornerstone of the spirit better displayed than on the born, and we have waiting lists for Prep experience and 2014 was no sports field. almost every grade. We are most different. On a competitive level, In conclusion, my message to fortunate too, that the calibre of across all sports and across all age the boys of Grade 7: Your journey the families applying for a place at groups, DPHS continues to lead the at DPHS is nearly at an end. You DPHS is in line with what we want way in KZN; but it is not so much leave here with all you need to take to achieve. the results as it is the way that the on the challenges at High School. The DPHS Educational Trust boys conduct themselves that is the You are at an advantage over most and its Trustees play a significant most impressive factor. Never count of the other boys because of your role in supporting our school to a Prep team as beaten until the grounding at this school. It is now achieve all our objectives. Kevin, you final whistle has blown, or runs hit up to you to make full use of this and your team make an outstand- or goals scored. I was fortunate to advantage and embrace the chal- ing contribution to this school watch the mighty thirds win a crick- lenges that lie ahead. Remember year-in and year-out and for that we et game recently off the last ball of always that as you move along in are forever grateful. Thanks must the game – a game where opposi- your school career, no matter where also go to the Mothers’ Committee tion parents had begun packing up you go, you will always be known who continue to bring together the their deck chairs some overs before, as a DPHS boy. You have a respon- moms of DPHS, have loads of fun assuming success. Who could forget sibility to conduct yourself as such. and in so doing contribute too to the the first hockey side holding on for a Thank you for being the wonderful wellbeing of the school. The DPHS draw against Grey PE, the undisput- group of boys that you have been. I Association continues to grow and ed best hockey side in SA – it was have got to know many of you and gain support: the gains made in only the second hockey match in 22 your parents personally and you the short space of time that the games that Grey had not won; and leave here having set an incredible Association has been operational those who were up at a cold and example for the boys who will follow have been remarkable. Thank you rainy witnessed in your footsteps. As one chapter in Richard for your energy and enthusi- the first XV, minus 8 players to your book closes, the other opens. asm in getting the Association to injury, come from behind to beat a Go ahead and make your mark. where it is today. highly rated Merchiston. We do not Remember, when you ring that bell DPHS has had another busy succeed on the fields solely because next week, you may be leaving Prep, year. It was a year where we saw we have more talented players than but Prep never leaves you. the dramatic arts step up to the other schools; we succeed because From small beginnings... next level with the Performing Arts our boys are better coached but Ian Bamber Evening being one of the events of mainly because our boys just have Chairman: Governing Body

This page was sponsored by Kade Wolhuter 5 YEAR BOOK 2014


GUEST SPEAKER’S Address Dr Gcina Mhlope

How privileged we at Prep were to guided her in her life as she left her poet S E K Mqhayi. Mr Mandela welcome Gcina Mhlophe, actor, home to seek her destiny. Her father was a schoolboy at the time, and he writer, activist, celebrated storyteller warned against idleness. ‘You will and his friends eagerly awaited the and one of ’s 21 Icons never own a cow while you are arrival of this great writer. When the as guest of honour and speaker at sleeping.’ ‘Lady Luck does not visit headmaster finally arrived with the our 2014 Speech Day Ceremony. Dr Lazybones.’ Baba Mlhope reminded guest of honour, the children were Mhlophe is internationally revered his daughter to take respect with disappointed to see an unassum- and locally beloved, a living treasure her on her life’s journey: respect ing, small man before them; not at of our nation. Her melodious and all the great literary hero they had deeply resonating voice captivates anticipated. However, as the poet her audience, and all are drawn began to recite his work, the chil- into the poetry and symbols of her dren were in awe of his talent and address. Mandela told that ‘he grew in stat-

Dr Mhlophe’s stories are her ure before our eyes’. Dr Mhlophe expression of love for her country, addressed the Grade 7 leavers: Take her respect for her culture and her heart from this story. You may arrive belief in the transforming and unify- at your High School appearing small ing power of literacy. She is a true and insignificant, but know you are servant-leader, and seeks to em- well prepared for the challenge. power others, especially young peo- You will become known for your ple. Her literacy programme called for self, for others, respect for achievements and the contribution Nozincwadi, which she started in one’s family and one’s community. you will make: ‘From small Begin- 2001, sees her travelling the length Remember also to be thankful said nings, Better Fortune Follows.’ and breadth of South Africa, visiting her father. Be grateful for everything Dr Mhlophe herself has truly poor communities to inspire children which is done for you, no matter lived our ‘old city’s’ motto. ‘From to develop a love for reading. Books how small; appreciate all you have, humble beginnings she has risen are donated to each school she vis- and remember to say ‘Thank you,’ as one of the guardians of South its. Her literacy project is a tribute to small but significant words in any Africa’s heritage…recognized across her grandmother, who although she language. the world’ (quote from ‘21 Icons’). herself could not read or write, told Dr Mhlophe told us also of We thank Dr Mhlophe for her the most engaging stories, gather- her respect and love for the great address, her warm and enthusiastic ing the neighbourhood children into Nelson Mandela, who always ad- presence at our Prize-Giving, but the magic circle of her tales. dressed her as ‘sister’ and recog- most importantly for the example of Dr Mhlophe told us of her own nized her as an active custodian of her inspirational approach to life. beginnings as the last born daugh- oral language tradition. At his book ter of her family and the wise words launch, Mr Mandela told the story Report written by of her father, Baba Mhlophe , which of his first meeting with the great Annemarie Levine

This page was sponsored by Devon Bibb 6 YEAR BOOK 2014


The following awards were made at our Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony on Thursday 4 December

Top Five positions in class in order of merit


Mrs Fletcher 5A: Mrs Huber 6A: Mr Phillips 7A: Mr Bedford Dillan Valjee Suraav Ramlugaan Yusuf Mahomed Naail Suliman Brandon van Tonder Luke Hitchings Payton Elliot Bhavik Singh Matthew Gore Oliver Simpkins Chad Nandh Kade Wolhuter Sheldon Govender Waseem Simjee Oliver Bamber Gareth Beavan Keenan Mcleod Duncan Biccard Luke Lourenco Tyler Grant

Mrs Johnston Mr Ferreira Mrs Armstrong Mr Aucamp Javashkaar Naidoo Josh Kennedy Benjamin Jackson Joshua Bennett Joshua Maskell Ethan Reeves Jake Mileham Ibrahim Vorajee Matthew Coetzer Taine Roothman Gabriel Sjouerman Tristan Elam Aaryan Bhatta Elijah Watt Mohamed Yusuf Suleman Jamie Deeble Mohammed Omar Akshay Boodhun Scott Cliff Liam Ross

Mrs Miloszewski Miss Laatz Mr Yelseth Mr Davis Adam Wesselink Ahmed Motala Muhammad Solwa Timothy Koch Javhar Naidoo Joshua Neill Fuzail Khalil Taine Owen Anirudh Bansal Connor Versfeld Muhammad Zeyad Minty Azhar Bana Matthew Bott Nicholas Cook Yusuf Paruk Muhammad Bhabha Muhammad Fakey Luke Robertson Thomas Gibbons Bradley John

Subject Prizes

GRADE 4 GRADE 6 English Adam Wesselink English Payton Elliott Afrikaans Kean Ikin Afrikaans Meerten van Wyk Zulu Wenzile Bhengu Zulu Mpendulo Simamane Mathematics Lucas McIntosh Mathematics Yusuf Mahomed Natural Sciences Javashkaar Naidoo Natural Sciences Chad Nandh Social Sciences Javhar Naidoo Social Sciences Yusuf Mahomed

GRADE 5 GRADE 7 English Duncan Biccard English Kade Wolhuter Afrikaans Luca Botha Afrikaans Kade Wolhuter Zulu Nqubeko Nyembezi Zulu Londa Mavimbela Mathematics Waseem Simjee Mathematics Naail Suliman Natural Sciences Chad Uys Economic & Management Sciences Bhavik Singh Social Sciences Muhammad Azhar Akoob Natural Sciences Bhavik Singh Social Sciences Naail Suliman

This page was sponsored by Josh Muller 7 YEAR BOOK 2014


The Lyn Kleynhans Trophy for the top pupil in Grade 5 : Suraav Ramlugaan The Miss L Konigkramer Trophy for the top pupil in Grade 6 : Yusuf Mahomed Paterson Cup for General Knowledge : Tyler Grant Best Actor in the House Plays : Claudio Lehman The Eva Wilson Award for Art : Sven Paton Information Technology Award : Sven Paton The Music Award : Taine Owen Physical Education Award : Kade Wolhuter The Speech and Drama Award : Cameron Parle The Victor Daitz Technology Award : Joshua Bennett The first XI Cricket Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Jordan Bamber & Gareth Beavan The Hockey Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Grant Pio The Christopher Cubitt Memorial Rugby Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Mark Armstrong The Swimming Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Joshua Bennett The Tennis Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Tyler Grant The Water Polo Trophy for Sportsmanship and Achievement : Josh Muller The Hester Parsons Shield for House Spirit : Stubbs The Keith Millar Trophy for House Games : Evans The Beanland Cup for Academic Achievement : Evans Centenary Award for Courage and Determination : Timothy Koch The Connor Bell Sports Award : Jordan Bamber The Sportsman of the Year Achievement : Mark Armstrong The Feed the Babies Good Fellowship Trophy : Matt Du Toit Maurice Wilkinson Pro Meritis Shield for Unselfish Service to School : Benjamin Goodall Proxime Accessit : Bhavik Singh Dux of the School : Naail Suliman The Headmaster’s Trophy for Outstanding Contribution to School : Mark Armstrong The Haysom Trophy for the Complete Prep Boy : Jordan Bamber

This page was sponsored by Grant Pio 8 YEAR BOOK 2014


TOP Awards

The Haysom Trophy for The Connor Bell Sports Award: The Headmaster’s Trophy for the Complete Prep Boy: Jordan Bamber Outstanding Contribution Jordan Bamber to School: Mark Armstrong

Dux of the School: The Centenary Award for Proxime Accessit: Naail Suliman Courage and Determination: Bhavik Singh Timothy Koch

Maurice Wilkinson Pro Meritis Shield for The Feed the Babies The Sportsman Unselfish Service to School: Good Fellowship Trophy: of the Year Achievement: Benjamin Goodall Matt Du Toit Mark Armstrong

This page was sponsored by Matt von Blerk – Class of 2014 9 YEAR BOOK 2014

STAFF PHOTOGRAPH insdale, Glynn Harker, Sue D insdale, Glynn Harker, Melanie Fletcher, eerasamy, al Cotterell, Marinda Tournier, Kirstin Twaddle, Xenia Greensill, Trish Miloszewski, Miloszewski, Trish Xenia Greensill, Kirstin Twaddle, Marinda Tournier, al Cotterell, Jacqui Everitt, D awn Bragin Everitt, Jacqui Annette Briscoe, Michelle Roberts Annette Briscoe, icole Taylor N icole D ebbie iana, Kate Smith, elene Langley, Bridget Bland, Liz Elliott, Glenda Marklew, Mbongeni Z ulu Bridget Bland, Liz Elliott, Glenda Marklew, esiree V Karyn Bruorton, D esiree D enise Tsouris, awda, olca Lushaba Maria Machi, N olca Stentiford, N omthandazo Hadebe, Tracey ivienne Reed, Eleanor Sanders, Mathuluzi Tenza, Brenda Thatcher, Colleen Thomson, Russell Sadler Thatcher, Brenda V ivienne Reed, Eleanor Sanders, Mathuluzi Tenza, Lungisani N tshangase, Sally Perks, Angel Shezi, Shahnaz V 2nd Row: ola Mazwi, Anne Smith, Manorgari Muthusamy, Janine Huber, Samantha Oosthuis, Carol Heard, Caroline McCarthy, McCarthy, Caroline Heard, Samantha Oosthuis, Carol Janine Huber, Muthusamy, Reeni Ramnath, Z ola Mazwi, Anne Smith, Manorgari 4th Row: Phipson, Alistair N aidu, Lesley Gilroy, Carolyn Phipson, Hank Pike, Grant Aucamp, Linda Horning, Steve Seated: Michael D ick, Annemarie Levine, eave, Buyi N ondaba, N eave, Richard N eave, Mngomezulu, Lyn Agrippa Magwaza, AJ Logan, Hlelizwe Jean Grant, Absent: Heather Campbell, Cheryl Ferreira, Jean Armstrong, Amber Sadler, Phillips, Ross Bedford, Malcolm Johnston, Shaun Ferreira, Bartlett, Bev Casey Elizabeth McGregor, May, Sandra 5th Row: tshangase, Lydia Bush, Meryl Holloway, V Bush, Meryl Holloway, Justine Smit, Amos N tshangase, Lydia Row: 3rd sabel Edouard-Betsy, Fa-eez Jaffar Fa-eez Jaffar Gavin Goodwin, Helen Laatz, I sabel Edouard-Betsy, D avis, Samantha Parry, Stratton Jali, Gilbert Edouard-Betsy, Mthokozisi Yelseth, Back: Steven

This page was sponsored by Dr Faisal, Yasiera, Muhammed and Naail Suliman 10 YEAR BOOK 2014


Welcome FAREWELL & CONGRATULATIONS This year we welcomed new THANKYOU Congratulations to Steve arrivals on the staff team: Thank you to Sandy Fennell Aucamp on his official Two JP teachers – who was Grade 2 locum teacher appointment as Head of Kirstin Twaddle (Grade 1) and while Sam Oosthuis was on Department Kate Smith (Grade 3) accouchement leave. Casey Bartlett joined the Boys and staff of Durban Prep Reception Unit as teacher At the end of the third term, we wished our DPHS staff member assistant to the Red group. were sad to bid Caitlin Perkins a and DPHS Old Boy Malcolm Dawn Bragin joined us in the fond farewell. She left us in order Phillips everything of the very Front Office in the fourth term. to broaden her life experience best as he and Elizabeth Ahern and investigate a different path were married at St James Church We are confident that they in education. We have much for on Saturday, 23 August 2014. will come to enjoy a most which to thank Caitlin; We wish Malcolm rewarding time as members of she certainly brought so much and Liz happiness in their the DPHS staff team. added value to the boys’ future together. Performing Arts experience in the relatively short time that she has been with us.

At the end of the year we said farewell to Val Cotterell and Nicole Taylor of the Reception Unit and also to our long-serving General Assistant Angel Shezi.

This page was sponsored by Mark and Greg Armstrong 11 YEAR BOOK 2014

DEPUTY Headmaster’s report

It is always a great pleasure, as the learning needs. The learning support 2014 year draws to an end, to look department at DPHS is dedicated back on the achievements of the to engaging students and assisting year. This Yearbook certainly show- them in reaching their academic cases many of the DPHS activities. goals. After in-depth research, it Of course the whole is always was decided that iPad technology greater than the sum of the parts in the classroom can be a powerful and a DPHS year is much more than tool for learning and comprehen- sets of dates and results. There is sion. The Victor Daitz Foundation, little doubt that the boys’ experi- after whom the Learning Support ence of the year is expanded and wing of our school is named, contin- enriched by so many factors. The ued their investment in this aspect sense of belonging which begins of the curriculum by the donation of in each Prep Pal family and within numerous iPads during the course the houses leaves the boys feeling of the year. This has been another affirmed and enriched by their Prep significant move forward for the Experience. DPHS Learning Support programme

‘A Celebration of Liberty’s Learning Support continues to and DPHS continues to be grateful Leaders’ seemed a most apt set- develop at DPHS. Selected boys for the support. ting for the DPHS flag to be seen. from Grades 1-7 attend learning We continually encourage our Preparing our boys for leadership is support lessons each week for Boys to think beyond themselves integral to the Prep experience. The language and mathematics assis- and to contribute to the many understanding that leadership is not tance. Bearing in mind that today’s Outreach Programmes at Prep. confined to being president of the students are born into a digital Once again, our boys and their United States of America but that world, technology can play a key families are to be commended for leadership is something which hap- role in removing barriers, differen- their involvement in all the outreach pens every day within every sphere tiating instruction and providing initiatives in 2014. These initiatives of influence. tools to accommodate individual vary from a large contribution of

This page was sponsored by Ross Roberts 12 YEAR BOOK 2014

DEPUTY Headmaster’s report

R17 000 to our annual ‘Feed the part of our Outreach Programme. 2015 will present its own challenges, Babies’ drive to more modest, but Members of our staff undertook however, I am confident that we will nevertheless meaningful activities workshops with the visiting Grade again be equipped to lead the way, such as the Grade 7 visit to the Em- 7 pupils to extend their learning and and retain our rightful place, as one merson House for the Aged. experience in certain fields. Whilst of the leading Boys’ Preparatory Emang is a school based in they were in Durban they also vis- Schools in South Africa. Thaba Nchu in the Free State. The ited the board, the Umgeni We certainly do have much to school encompasses Primary and River Bird Park and enjoyed a day at be grateful for at DPHS. High school learners. There are 1500 uShaka. Thank you to Gem School Thank you to all the Prep Staff, pupils in total, with a group of 120 Wear for the generous sponsorship the Prep Parent Body and the Boys Grade 7 learners who come to Dur- of the t-shirts for all the visiting for working so hard to make 2014 ban on tour. This tour is undertaken learners. They were so appreciative such a successful and rewarding in the learner’s final year at Primary of the gesture and happy to return year. School and is hugely anticipated, as home with a souvenir and reminder it is the only tour that takes place of their first trip to see Durban and Grant Phipson outside of their province. DPHS has the Indian Ocean. Deputy Headmaster embraced this tour from Emang as Members of the Governing Body, DPHS Educational Trust and the extended Prep Staff, under the guidance of Dominique Nass, revisited and refreshed the DPHS Strategic Plan-“Beyond 2014”. After numerous meetings, a SWOT Analysis and a Staff Development afternoon to discuss our findings and set our priorities, we emerged with a clear understanding of the way forward for Prep. The following quote best describes Prep’s attitude to our future endeavours:

“Make no little plans, They have no magic to stir men’s blood And probably in themselves will not be realised. Make big plans, deep into the future: aim high in hope and work. Have faith, remembering that a noble plan, once recorded will never die; and long after we have gone will still be a lining thing” (Source unknown)

This page was sponsored by Freddo Ice Cream 13 YEAR BOOK 2014


2014 Note from Chairman The DPHS Educational Trust recog- nises the contributions to the Trust of the The DPHS Educational Trust celebrates Parents, through their pledges, as well as its 30th anniversary in 2015, and this those generously received from Seabrooke milestone affords the School community Sabvest, the Isaac David Sandler Charita- the opportunity to reflect on the successes, ble Trust and the Victor Daitz Foundation. development and growth that has been We gratefully recognise the dedicated and achieved through the dedication of the invaluable support received from Richard loyal Trustees, over these three decades. Neave and the DPHS Association. The Trust continues to manage funds in The Trustees congratulate the School the interest of the School, its Learners and Management and Staff on another year of Staff. It provides financial assistance to the excellence and thank them for their efforts school in the form of bursaries, and owns in all matters PREP. We too thank Liz Elliott a number of properties adjacent to the for her ongoing care in the management of Trustees 2014 school, which, apart from the Pre-School Kevin Bingham the Trust. and After-Care Centre, are leased to staff, (Chairperman) In conclusion, I thank my fellow Trustees, or are used for specialist tuition e.g. Music. Ian Bamber Clive Thornton, Colin Woodcock, Ian Bam- Mike Nichol The Trust has proudly purchased ber, Mike Nichol, Andrew Parsons, Richard Andrew Parsons another apartment in the Lothian Court Vine and Ron Tamboer for their generosity Ron Tamboer Annex in 2014 and is still in marathon of time and spirit in this voluntary pursuit Clive Thornton negotiations with the Municipality regard- of maintaining PREP’s high standards and Richard Vine ing the closure of the lane between the affording the School every opportunity in Colin Woodcock Pre-School and the sports fields. We trust achieving their goals. that this will be achieved within our an- Kevin Bingham niversary year. Chairperson: DPHS Educational Trust

Golf Day Friday 12 September 2014

The annual golf day was held at Royal Durban and we were pleased to announce that Photo- Note had renewed their sponsorship and will once again be the title sponsor for the next three years. Thank you to Phillip Kershaw, Managing Member, and Kevin Phillips, Sales & Marketing Manager, for their contribution in this partner- ship which is greatly appreciated by the Trust. The golf day was well planned and executed under the leadership of Mia Venter as Golf Day Convenor. The large field of golfers enjoyed an outstandingly organized day of golf. Thanks to Mia and her team of helpers for their hard work and drive. An event such as this would not be possible without the generous donations of prizes and sponsorships of tees and greens. Sin- cere thanks, appreciation and congratulations to everyone in making this fundraising event for the Trust such a great success. We look forward to celebrating the Trust’s 30th anniversary in 2015. Liz Elliott DPHS Educational Trust

This page was sponsored by Andrew and Bridget Macduff 14 YEAR BOOK 2014




This is always a special occasion in the school year with the day commencing with the flag-raising ceremony. It was especially pleasing to have many old boys currently attending high school at the event. The JP Sports Day commenced after the flag-raising tea with the SP Sports Day in the afternoon. At the cocktail party in the evening, Ron Tamboer (Trustee) welcomed Old Boys, friends of Prep and Parents. It was heart-warming to see so many Old Boys from the Class of 2004 for their 10 year reunion and Class of 1994 for their 20 year reunion. Fond memo- ries of school days and many good stories were regaled by the old Boys who enjoyed the get-together. Thanks, as always, to the DPHS Mothers Committee for the excellent organization of the evening


This page was sponsored by Daniel Buckley-Roe 15 YEAR BOOK 2014


SYMPATHY NOTICE from the newspapers

JOHN SPENCER SMITH 5 November 1927 – 23 October 2014

Jane, Ruth, Joanne and all the family – Our heartfelt sympathy to you on the passing of John.

‘Smithy’ arrived in South Africa in 1955 when he joined the DPHS staff and became the School’s ninth Headmaster from 1976 to 1987. DPHS remains forever grateful for his significant contribution to the school and his love for Prep. We give thanks for the time that he spent at DPHS and for his devoted support of the school over the years. He will always be remembered with fondness and gratitude.

John Spencer Smith arrived in South Headmaster in 1976. From the Headmaster, Staff, Africa from Yorkshire in the United His enormous contribution to the Governing Body, DPHS Kingdom on 23 August 1955 with school cannot be overstated and his Association, Trustees and Boys of his beloved wife Celia and 11 month love for the school comes through DPHS. old baby Jane, who learned to walk in the school’s 75th anniversary on the ship over to South Africa. His brochure written by Krystyna Mr Smith is one made by a very other daughters, Ruth and Joanne Haliburton, who describes ‘his caring small boy who after his ‘new-boy’ Philippa (Pip) were born in South and concerned approach, his love interview (which he had awaited Africa. Mr Smith joined the DPHS of sports and his total dedication to with great trepidation) turned to staff in August 1955 and in 1968 Prep and his boys’. his mother and said ‘It’ll be nice at was promoted to Vice Principal She goes on to write: ‘Perhaps school. Mr Smith is not like other before becoming the school’s ninth the most telling comment about grown-ups. He really listens to you.’

John Smith’s enormous contribution to Prep was recognized in 2001 when the bottom field was named the John Smith Field. In this photograph he is pictured with his daughter Joanne and grandsons Liam and Evan. At the time Liam was a pupil at Prep and Evan was aged 15 and attended Glenwood High School. Fittingly in remembrance of Mr Smith, a special assembly was held and the flag, which had been flying at half-mast, was raised. The 11th headmaster, accompanied by two Grade 7 boys then placed a wreath beneath the dedication plaque on the Smith Field.

This page was sponsored by Yusuf Randeree 16 YEAR BOOK 2014

Established 2013 In March 2014 I asked a rhe- integrity and a needle sharp focus torical question in my first News on what is best for DPHS boys in the Letter to members of the DPHS Association. school environment. What is it that DPHS is famous for in South The newly established DPHS Association Africa? I have heard many different answers is very proud to be an integral part of the to this question since I arrived at DPHS in ‘oneness’ DPHS is so famous for. The pas- 1982. Teachers and parents from Associate sionate and active support of the Members schools; Old Boys; DPHS staff members and of DPHS Association will play an important parents have all voiced their thoughts and part in keeping this humble little patch of provided accurate insights and important perceptions as to why DPHS is such a highly school on the Durban Berea, called Durban reputable school. In all these answers a com- Prep, fighting successfully for first place mon theme or overriding impression was amongst the many great South African the ‘oneness’ or collective strength and spirit Boys’ Prep Schools. The DPHS Associa- of the DPHS family which recognised and served first tion is very grateful to all the Founding Members; Old and foremost and above all else the needs of the DPHS Boys; Parents; Grandparents; Staff Members; Boys and boys. This uniquely strong DPHS spirit is defined by the Friends for their kind; generous and very willing support. highest levels of cohesiveness; collaboration and shared Richard Neave Director The DPHS Association with the sponsored support of Independent Wealth Managers proudly hosted a well-attended and highly successful evening talk and discussion by internationally renowned relationship Guru, Rod Smith (Mercury - Difficult Relationships column) to DPHS parents, staff members and guests. Rod lives in Indianapolis, USA.

Very happy and proud members of the DPHS Association gathered outside the new DPHS Association Office (Old School Tuck Shop) for a Founders Photograph on the occasion of the epic DPHS vs Merchiston home game rugby fixture. Winning supporters smile belongs to Bruce Bamber!

DPHS Association Members Sam Abrahams ’51; Zakariya Adam ’13; Zain Akoob; Don Allaway ’59; Divashan Anamalay ’13; Greg Armstrong ’16; Guy Armstrong; Mark Armstrong ’14; Hylton Aylward; Andrew Aitken ’65; Bruce Bamber ’63; Christian Bamber ’11; Cliff Bamber ’74; Ian Bamber ’80; Janine Bamber; Jordan Bamber ’14; Oliver Bamber ’15; Steve Bamber ’66; Riaz Bana; David Bartlett ’95; Len Baumann ’35; Gary Beavan; Michael Bechet ’68; Gregory Benjamin; David Bennett ’63; Grant Bennett; Keith Bentley; Solly Berchowitz; Muhammad Bhabha ’14; Kevin Bingham; Dean Bolton; Chris Brown; Colin Burness ’49; Howard Buttery ’59; Taine Buys ’13; Graeme Campbell ’67; Moira Campbell; Tom Carey; George Carter; Daniel Cherry ’12; Declan Cherry ’09; Richard Cluver ’50; Peter Coates ’36; Ivan Crockart ’09; Michael Dick; Matthew Dicks ’11; Ntokoso Dlamini ’14; Paula Dreyer; Kevin Dunkley ’63; Brett du Toit ’83; Tristan Elam ’14; Sean Everitt; Zahid Fakey; Mike Fennell; Matthew Ferreira ’14; Shaun Ferreira; Arthur Field ’64; Carolyn Gilroy; Udo Goedeke; Cameron Goodwin ’12; Sebastian Gonneau ’13; Rodney Gould; Simon Grout; Greg Guye; Brad Hamilton ’01; Luke Hansen ’14;Tim Hargreaves ’94; Dion Hatton; Don Hatton; Kay Hatton; Ingrid Hatton; Matthew Heard’08; Ross Henderson; Dave Henry ’56; Grant Hill; Saskia Hill; Mark Hislop; Jeremy Hook ’83; Bradley Hope ’12; Linda Horning; Brett Howell ’93; Warren Howell ’90; Bruce Hughes ’89; Muaaz Ismail ’14; Akshay Issoor ’11; Byron Jeffers ‘95; Dean Joseph ’81; Jason Kershaw ’04; Nicholas Kershaw ’12; Phillip Kershaw; Wayne Kershaw ’01; Trevor Kershaw ’70; Muzakkir Khan ’20; Alistair King ’51; Guy Kirby ’14; Jo Kirby ’74; Gareth Kitto; Lyn Kleynhans; Joe Klue; Tanner Klue ’14; Jack Koch’13; Tim Koch ’14; Oliver Koch ’09; Claudio Lehman ’14; Peter Lehman; Annemarie Levine; Geoffrey Levine ’06; Vincent Lourenco; Jethro Leroux ’11; Harry Ling ’38 Andrew MacDuff; Bruce Maclachlan ’76; Bruce MacLennan ’97; Hamish MacLennan ’67; Brad Macleod-Henderson; Julie Macleod Henderson; Rishaad Mahomed ’18; Alistair Martyn ’61; Bruce Mc Donald ’87; Alan Matthews; Bronwyn Matthews; Shaun Matthews; Zola Mazwi; Rob McCann; Luke McCarthy ’13; Rory McCarthy ’11; Graham Meise ’73; Yahya Moola ’21(GR O); John Moshal ’53; Muhammed Moosa ’15; Grayson Nandh; Lyn Neave; Richard Neave; Faisal Paruk; Daniello Peano ’13; Grant Phipson; Hank Pike; Cole Poovan ’13; Gavin Price; Pranam Ramlugaan ’13; Reeni Ramnath; Shikar Rampiari ’19; Rakesh Ramulgaan; Brandon Ribbink ’84; Paul Rowe; Craig Robertson; Mark Robinson; Wenzel Rupnarain; Derek Ross; Deon Saunders; Ahmad Seedat ’19; Muhammed Seedat; Marc Siljebrandt ’95; Craig Simpkins; Paul Shapland ’50; Brian Smith; Craig Smith ’90; Dawn Smith; Murray Smith; Richard Smith ’86; Claire Stewart; Clive Stewart; Matthew Stewart ’18; Rae Stewart; Bhavik Singh ’14; Lindsay Stops ’48; Naail Suliman ’14; Ron Tamboer ’72; Joshua Taylor ’15; Miles Taylor; Caren Thornton; Clive Thornton ’73; Joshua Thornton ’13; Julien Thornton ’48; Michael Thornton ’18; Steve Thornton’79; Tasha Thornton; Mohammed Timol; Mohammed Thandar; Rudolf Ungerer; Lauren Uys; Terry Uys; Matt von Blerk ’14; Daniel Watson ’07; Tony Wilmans; Barry Wilson ’72; Alex van der Werff; Joel van Rooyen ’14; Athol Wesselink; Dean Wolhuter ’83; Kade Wolhuter ’14

This page was sponsored by Naushaad Mahomed 17 YEAR BOOK 2014


This has been a very active and profitable year for the DPHS Mothers’ Committee. Functions and Events the Mothers’ Committee have been involved with this year include: • Teas: Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Open Day, Grandparents’ Tea, JP Gala ‘Tea’, New Boys Visit ...... • New Parents’ Cocktail Party ...... • Cake Sale and Pizza Day

• Ladies’ Evening and Dinner/Dance ...... • Café Prep, Prep Carnival and Campout ...... • Friends and Founders Tea and Cocktail Party ...... • Recipe Book

• Collect-a-coin ..... • Recycled Clothing Sales ...... Whilst we have raised a sufficient As always, Café Prep (this year an all-night vigil and making sure all amount of money, the sense of convened by Yasiera Suliman) and the boys were well-behaved. community related to each event Campout have become almost part We have provided a service to has been inspiring. A new event on of the Prep tradition and something the school in the form of many teas the calendar this year, Prep Carnival, the boys enjoy immensely. The over the year – Open Day, Mothers’ created a wonderful ambience of junior boys look forward to Grade Day, Fathers’ Day, Grandparents’ Prep Community. Families came to 4 to be allowed to camp ‘alone’. Day, Senior Citizens, Friends and enjoy an evening of fun and games, Campout remains a highlight for the Founders to name some of them. food and a little bit of shopping. I boys. And our philosophy – if the Thanks must go to Sue Matthysen am eternally grateful to Mitcham boys love it, we’ll do it! Huge thanks who oversaw all the teas once again Wilmans who assisted me in the to Maria Vidal and Bron Matthews and there was never a shortage of planning and preparation for this for organising a large part of this helping hands to assist with plating maiden event at DPHS. Hopefully event and to Zola Mazwi for run- of eats and pouring of teas. there will be many more carnivals ning the whole soccer programme. Although a fundraiser, the awe- to come. Thanks Sue and Maria for keeping some Cake Sale organised by Cath

This page was sponsored by Greg Armstrong and Alustar 18 YEAR BOOK 2014



Haygarth may well be a very impor- Thanks to Bron Matthews and new blenders for Café Prep and new tant service to the school – the boys Sandy Kleyn who carried the bulk tablecloths. loved the homemade treats – and of the workload. Thanks to Yasiera The portfolio of class moms is we provided the service of making Suliman for assisting with the so vital to us and we appreciate the sure their sweet tooth needs were breakfast launch and media expo- role Louise Sweeney played in get- met. This is no ordinary cake sale - sure. To date we have sold in excess ting messages to all the class moms. this is really special with prescribed of 400 books. The moms in turn relayed messages goodies on sale. The last term saw us counting to the classes advising them of MC The moms enjoyed a Ladies coins for Africa. Literally! Thank functions and very often appeal- Evening earlier this year; this even- you to all the moms who helped ing for assistance at our various ing is always fun and full of laughs. count coins – all R17 000 worth of functions. As always, we were never Huge thanks go to Maria Vidal who mostly copper coins. That week of short of volunteering hands – so a convened this event. The two-yearly smelly hands, broken fingernails, huge thank you to all the moms of DPHS Dinner/Dance (this year sore backs and tired eyes was defi- DPHS for being willing to offer help themed Denim and Diamonds) was nitely worth it. The Collect-a-Coin when needed. held at the Gateway Hotel. This re- fundraiser is certainly well worth all Thank you again for all the sup- ally fun evening was well-supported; the effort. port given to the Mothers’ Commit- it was an evening of great com- So many ‘behind the scenes’ tee. And thank you for entrusting pany, fantastic food and brilliant activities take place throughout the Mothers’ Committee to me for music. These two evenings are not the year and the massive task of the last two years. We could never fundraisers as such. They are fun keeping the Lost Property room or- have achieved what we did without evenings - once again promoting ganised was expertly run by Fen van the support of an active and vibrant community. Thanks to Mitcham Tonder and Lauren Uys. They made Mothers’ Committee, a loyal leader- Wilmans and Bron Matthews in as- sure that any marked items were re- ship team and of course the support sisting me with the organisation of turned to the boys and tried to find of Mr Pike and the school commu- the dinner/dance. the rightful owners of unmarked lost nity. Thank you to each and every The Recycled Clothing Sales property. member of the Mothers’ Commit- under the leadership of Deedee For two years Kaye Rothman tee for all your help and assistance Hammond remain well-supported has made sure that our valued staff and special thanks to the Exco and again, another great service members got beautiful, person- consisting of Maria, Sue, Yasiera, to the school. We also introduced alised Birthday Cards on their Louise and Bron. I now hand back POPS buttons – no more excuses birthdays. We have had many ap- this vital part of the DPHS fabric for missing blazers – we have preciative letters of thanks for these and wish the Mothers’ Committee plenty of stock for 2015! stunning cards. for 2015, under the leadership of Our Recipe Book has been met We did acquire some much- Sue Matthysen, every success. with great applause. We have had needed MC assets too this year Moira Campbell lots of positive feedback and are which will assist many of the func- DPHS Mothers’ Committee incredibly proud of the end result. tions we organise – microwave, Chairlady 2014

This page was sponsored by Chanlett Industrial CC 19 YEAR BOOK 2014


and watched them grow – wa- tered by a solar-powered pump connected to a Jojo bin. They used compost and ‘worm wee’ from our worm composter to supersize our veggies. They also did some baking (carrot cake and banana bread) and made some exploding ginger beer. In the second half of the year they The Victor Daitz Design Technology got crafty with beads and wire and having fun playing around with Laboratory once again proved to be made bugs and jewellery and flow- perspective, and then using editing a popular place to be in 2014. The ers and earrings and beads. software to further explore their creative energy and problem solving Grade Five boys investigated creativity. We end off the year with that takes place is always inspiring. Structure, specifically pertaining a fun look into the world of anima- The boys always enjoy the noise, tion, using software installed on the mess and practical hands-on ap- DPHS is now fortunate to have a Lego Robotics Club, which Design Technology computers. proach to learning in this classroom. is sponsored by The Victor Daitz Association. Learners Grade Seven boys are entrusted From Grade Three the boys learn to from Prep and Clarence Primary school meet for an hour with more dangerous tools and work with the Design Process; this a week to learn how to effectively construct and program equipment. They begin their year involves Investigation, Designing, a Lego robot. For the first time in 2014 we participated in designing and constructing basic Making, Evaluating and Commu- the FLL (First Lego League). For the competition we were go-karts. These are designed in nicating. Built into the curriculum is required to investigate the many ways which we can learn. 3D on Google Sketch Up. They an emphasis on understanding the The learners had to do a PowerPoint presentation to the are taught some basic woodwork impact that technology has on our judges, as well as compete in a Lego Robotics challenge before construction begins. Once environment and places high empha- where we had to build a robot within specifications that they are finished they are spray- sis on recycling and ‘Going Green’. could lift, turn, pick up and carry items, use colour sensors painted and sealed and donated The Grade Three boys investi- and sound sensors and motion sensors. They also had to to rural pre-primary schools up the gated Flight and designed and built make their table informative and interesting, and answer North Coast. The pinnacle of their their own kites and were thrilled at questions. DPHS was one of only three primary schools that Design Technology experience is their excellent results. In the second participated in this competition. The learners thoroughly half of the year they built Bottle doing some electronic work, learn- enjoyed the experience, and we look forward to building on ing how to solder and build circuits Jet racing cars. They designed their our knowledge for next year’s competition. own spray-painting stencils and we for burglar alarms and even small pumped these colourful creations up electronic organs. with the compressor and watched to housing. They constructed their Design Technology is a continu- some of them travel up to 16m.They own houses using Junior Trades- ally evolving subject and we look also made wind-up gunda-gundas man House kits. Afterwards, they forward to working closely with and built challenging 4x4 courses explored the world of gearing using some engineers and designers from for them. the Lego kits. They discovered the the Maker Space next year, where The Grade Four boys tried their relationship between speed and we will have access to 3D printers hands at Food Production. They power and learned how to construct and laser cutters and other new, planted non-GMO seeds into our gear chains and work out gear exciting technology. monkey-proof vegetable garden ratios and applications for different Sam Parry types of gears. The Grade Six boys began by investigating hydraulics and pneumatics, moving from syringes and tubing to the Lego kits where they built ever more complicated machines including sliding doors and Jaws of Life. Later in the year they explored Digital Photography

This page was sponsored by the Butcher Family 20 YEAR BOOK 2014


At Prep we are well into MS Excel and MS Power the process of integrating Point. Digital photography technology into the school and Windows Movie Maker curriculum. Rather than have become an exciting seeing it merely as an add and fun task in the Com- on or an event in teaching, puter Lab and is integrated we feel that to make best into the particular IT task. use of the technology avail- Together with vital research able there needs to be a these programmes are used fundamental emphasis on to extend tasks covered in teacher upskilling so that the classroom. the process can take place The Grade 7 boys successfully. In so doing enjoy creating a music slide the DPHS Staff all took show in MS Power Point part in training sessions a class to access educational games as well as working in MS based on technology at hand in and to research information/data. Excel and Word to design charts and each classroom. The Staff was also They are able to access the Address workbooks using a variety of com- trained on the integration of the Bar and type a relevant address puter skills. These boys were also interactive software within each which is linked to topics covered in able to design a simple Flappy Bird classroom. Further courses and the classroom. They are also taught game using the basics of coding. training will become an ongoing important keyboard skills and The reading programme, Read- process. project based learning takes place ers are Leaders, is accessed weekly The Remedial Classrooms continuously. and is used to improve the pupil’s received iPads to assist with lessons Pupils from Grade 2 to 6 are reading speed, memory, word and enhance learner development. involved in research and editing recognition, comprehension and Reception Unit lessons take specific information relating to the grammar. place once a week and the emphasis classroom and thereafter using this The Computer Club on Monday is on correct handling of the mouse, in a meaningful way to encompass and Tuesday afternoons remains technology terminology and vital the ICT curriculum. a hive of activity where boys can hand/eye coordination skills. In the SP Phase the learners relax, play games and complete ICT Grades 1 to 3 are actively extend the skills taught in the foun- tasks. encouraged to work in teams or as dation phase with the emphasis on Steve Aucamp

This page was sponsored by James Kershaw 21 YEAR BOOK 2014


Our primary goal is to turn all book collection drive for all grades boys first into readers and then from Reception Unit to Grade 7. into good, discerning readers. It is This yielded boxes of beautiful important that the boys find books books from our generous Prep that interest them. Once hooked boys and their families. The recipi- they can then venture out and ents were so grateful for the haul explore the different genres and of treasure. wide variety of reading material In keeping with the idea of that are available. We thus aim to enriching the lives of others, the stock books that cater for varying Grade 6 boys participated in the interests. To this end we hosted Santa Shoebox Drive. Six Santa our popular Book Time Book Fair shoeboxes were donated to reg- which offered a range of books istered under-privileged children. at discounted prices. This encour- beautifully illustrated book was We thank the boys and their aged boys to build a collection well received, stirring much inter- parents for their kindness. The that satisfies their interests. The est in African folklore. Grade 7 boys spent some quality Hooked on Books Show which vis- International Literacy week time reading and interacting with ited in April was much anticipated was celebrated by focusing on the elderly folk at Emerson House, as it always brings the stories to those less fortunate. Hundreds of thus brightening their day. life in such a colourful, energetic children in disadvantaged schools It is heart-warming to watch way. The boys are ‘hooked’ to fol- are hungry for books. The Media boys immerse themselves in low the story in print. Centre sought to appease a little books. A leader is truly a reader Award winning local author of that hunger by partnering with whose roots lie in books. Niki Daly promoted his book ‘The the non-governmental organisa- Herd Boy’ to grades 3 to 5. The tion, LEARN. We ran a pre-loved Manorgari Muthusamy

This page was sponsored by James Bentley 22 YEAR BOOK 2014


CHOIR Back: E Bush 6th Row: L Mavimbela, T Koch, N Roy, T Owen, B Van Noordwyk, C Nandh, A Swanepoel, T Grant 5th Row: G Sjouerman, C Lehman, J Bamber (Captain), S Paton, A Jack, O Bamber, B Pearson, T Larche, C Parle, F Bunyan 4th Row: J Taylor, N Dlamini, M Peano, H Ramlal, M Pender-Smith, M Lehman, C Nel, B Pearson, D Peter, Z Correia, D Wilson, M Simamane 3rd Row: A Dasrath, C Shillaw, M Mountford, A Bhatta, Y Hassim, S Matthysen, N Kidd, S Spooner, J Saunders, MZ Fakey, C Jestin, J Bentley, K Varyani 2nd Row: T Jili, J Heath, J Goodwin, B van Tonder, J Ribbink, M Coetzer, W Bengu, C Arenhold, T Hammond, J Mileham, J Bolton, E Watt , A Briscoe Front Row: H Pike M Van Wyk, M Gore, B Mhlongy, L Rothman, M Bergset, A Madiba, L Wilson, L Slogrove, M Chapman, N Bergset, S Klue Absent: S Perks, M Tzankova

CHOIR The commitment and dedication of the Grade 7 singers to main- tain vocal skills and continue to develop their vocal technique as they completed their Senior Primary phase provided our school with a mature choir in 2014. Many senior singers carried out a va- riety of senior responsibilities during the year whilst fulfilling their roles in the school choir. Jordan Bamber led the choir. The boys proudly sang at concerts and other events in the course of the year, the highlight being the wedding ceremony of Prep old boy and current staff member Malcolm Phillips and Elizabeth Ahern at St James’ Church on 23 August. Choir performances were well received at the following functions: Maris Stella Choir Evening - 13 March Westville Senior Primary School Choir Evening - 23 April Performing Arts Evening - 4 June The choir led the singing of favourite hymns at St Thomas Church at the Memorial Service for John Smith, former teacher and DPHS Headmaster - 29 October New Boys’ Visit - 26 November Speech Day and Prizegiving - 4 December - The choir sang ‘The Rhythm of Life’ (Fields & Coleman ) and ‘Pompeii’ (Bastille)

This page was sponsored by Mitchel Garreau 23 YEAR BOOK 2014


DPHS INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAMME The first Music Progress Concert of the year was held on Monday 24 March. These young performers made their debut at this concert: Luca Robinson - Drum kit; Matthew Ropertz, Aaron Drimmie- Piano; Hamza Mahomed, Tiago Robinson, Matthew Coetzer – Violin. Inspiring performances were delivered by: Jake Mileham, Che Arenhold, Douglas Wilson, Flynn Bunyan & Jedd Poovan. Family and friends enjoyed the presentations at the second Music Progress Concert of 2014 on Monday 2 June and at the Final Music Progress Concert Monday 3 November. Congratulations to these Prep musicians who passed music exams in 2014: Trinity Guildhall Chahile Singh Piano Grade 1 Claudio Lehman Piano Grade 1 (with merit) Flynn Bunyan Piano Grade 1 (with merit) Matthew Coetzer Violin Grade 1 (with merit) Jedd Poovan Violin Grade 2 Trinity Rock School Cameron Parle Guitar Grade 1 (with distinction) ABRSM Aaryan Dev Bhatta Piano Grade 1 (with merit)

CLASS OPEN ASSEMBLIES 2014 Morals, lessons and universal truths were shared by every class in their open assembly. Term 1 7 Feb Grade 5 Laatz – Winter Olympics 14 Feb Grade 5 Huber - Valentine’s Day Term 2 9 May Grade 4 – Mothers’ Day 16 May Grade 6 Armstrong – Helping Others 30 May Grade 5 Ferreira – Soccer 6 June Grade 1 – Fathers’ Day Term 3 8 Aug Grade 6 Phillips - Life Lessons from Sport 5 Sept Grade 2 – Grandparents’ Day 12 Sept Grade 6 Yelseth – Sweet Dilemma Term 4 24 Oct Grade 7 Davis – Remembering Mandela 7 Nov Grade 7 Bedford - Remembrance Day Assembly 28 Nov Grade 7 Aucamp - Thanksgiving Assembly

This page was sponsored by the Paton Family 24 YEAR BOOK 2014


GUMBOOT DANCERS Back: J Bennett, M Ferreira, E Bush, D Bibb, C Griffiths5th Row: H Pike, T Koch, A Swanepoel, K Charlton, R Van Rooyen, S Mothilall, N Hadebe, G Binedell, C Lehman, A Briscoe, N Roy 4th Row: J Bamber, B Jackson, L Kavanagh, M Simamane, R Wilken, Z Correia, M Peano, O Bamber, T Elam, S Jadwat 3rd Row: B Goodall, N Dlamini, H Ramlal, N Mtoba, M Moosa, A Parekh, H Ebrahim, B Howell 2nd Row: J Miller, N Jeewa, Y Paruk, A Makhathini, N Ngcobo, Y Paruk, N Ngcobo Seated: J Lourens, C Parle, T Owen (Captain), R Davidson (Vice Captain), S Vato, L Mavimbela

MARIMBA BAND AND GUMBOOT DANCE Gumboot Dance team. A highlight for the 2014 Gumboot Taine Owen was the Captain of the the SP Small Band Section of the Dance team was the filming of a Gumboot Dance Team in 2014.He Marimba Festival. Their hours of rehearsal by the producers of SABC was supported by Reggie Davidson practice were rewarded when they YO TV in September. Dance Cap- Vice Captain. received a 3 ½ Octave Marimba, tain Taine Owen was interviewed The third tour to Gauteng in August courtesy of Marimba Workshop. for the programme. 2014 gave Gumboot Dancers and This instrument has been added to Taine was the recipient of the DPHS the Marimba Band opportunities the marimba orchestra for use by MUSIC PRIZE, awarded to the to perform and present workshops our Prep learners. Grade 7 boy who shows commit- at the International Marimba and Mixed groups of attendees, many ment and dedication to school mu- Steel Pan Festival, hosted by Educa- returning for a second or third time, sic activities and utilises these skills tion Africa. Our friends at St Stith- learned Gumboot Dance skills in to make a valuable contribution to ians kindly hosted Prep team mem- the workshops presented by the the music program. bers. On arrival in the Gumboot Dance team presented a workshop to the St Stithians Senior Primary learners and enjoyed a final rehearsal presentation by the St Stithians Marimba Band. The Ma- rimba band presented a polished, sensitive and interesting arrange- ment of ‘Million Voices’ in

This page was sponsored by Michael Thornton 25 YEAR BOOK 2014


MARIMBA BAND Back: S Vato, E Bush, L Mavimbela, N Roy, Mrs C Perkins, Mr H Pike Front: M Peano, J Miller, C Parle, N Dlamini, B Jackson, H Ebrahim, N Ngcobo, A Makhathini

GUMBOOT DANCE AND MARIMBA BAND PERFORMANCES AND WORKSHOPS Marimba Workshop for Emang learners - 9 April Gumboot Dance Workshop for learners from Emang - 10 April Performing Arts Evening - 4 June The Touring Team presented workshops and performed at the third International Marimba and Steelpan Festival hosted by EDUCATION AFRICA in Gauteng from 1-3 August The Team performed the Piece ‘Million Voices’ in the Primary School category of the Marimba and Steelpan Festival. Filming of Gumboot Dance Rehearsal for SABC YO TV. Dance Captain Taine Owen interviewed by Jeremy from YO TV. Sunflower Fund Bandana Day Fun Run 15 September VEGA College Branding presentations for ‘Surfers not Street Children’ marketing and branding project - 18 September and 20 October.

This page was sponsored by Mr and Mrs Bhagat 26 YEAR BOOK 2014


DRAMA The first opportunity Prep boys have to share their dramatic skills with a wider audience each year is the Annual Speech and Drama Festival. Poems, mimes, Show and Tell presentations as well as Public Speeches and class Choral verses or Theme Programmes were presented to adjudicator Helana Olivier during May. Our adjudicator kindly adjudicated Open Assemblies presented by Grade groups as Theme Programmes at appropriate celebrations during the year. A selection of these items as well as Break Dance, Gumboot Dance, Choir and Marimba Band pieces were showcased in the Annual Performing Arts Evening on 4 June. Recipients of prestigious Speech and Drama presenta- tions in 2014 were made to: Shaun Matthysen – Speech and Drama Festival Bursary to attend lessons at a studio in 2015, and Cameron Parle - Speech and Drama Prize for being the Grade 7 boy who displayed outstand- ing achievement in dramatic arts and showed a commitment to dramatic activities during his tenure at Prep. Merit Certificates, presented to boys for Outstanding Performance, were awarded to: BULLIMORE HAYSOM STUBBS EVANS Nirav Roy Reggie Davidson Jordan Bamber Zachary Correia Ayanda Makhathini Brett van Noordwyk Devon Bibb Gregory Binedell Esethu Qwalela Cameron Parle Matt du Toit Daniel Peter Yahshiv Moodley Tre Donjeany Sven Paton Alex Swanepoel Nicholas Kidd Matteo Peano Timothy Koch Shaun Matthysen

Best Dance Number was awarded to: EVANS for ‘Selfie’ Most Memorable Character was awarded to: Ethan Bush, for his role as the Queen of England Most Promising Performer was awarded to: Ndumiso Ngcobo, for his role as Drongo Most Enthusiastic Performer was awarded to: Spencer Klue, for his role as Professor Thyme Best Actor was awarded to: Claudio Lehman, for his role as Dr Doofus After the award and participation points were tallied, the winner of the house play award for 2014 was awarded to BULLIMORE

This page was sponsored by Qaeed Shaik 27 YEAR BOOK 2014



The 2014 Interhouse Drama competition followed the same format as last year, in which each house was responsible for one scene in the combined school play ‘Thyme Travels!’ Two evenings of superb entertainment transported audiences around the globe in a time capsule to experience Professor Thyme’s unique invention. Drama teacher and responsible playwright, Caitlin Perkins, adapted the play to give Prep actors, singers and dancers an opportunity to perform in a relevant contemporary production. Points were awarded to boys based on their individual performances, by guest adjudicator Katie-Lee Wisdom.

This page was sponsored by the Howden Family 28 YEAR BOOK 2014


‘The North Pole goes Rock and Roll’

• Directed by Grade 3 Section Head Desiree Veerasamy, assisted by Grade 3 teachers and all JP staff members • Presented for Senior Citizens on Wednesday 12 November and Parents and Family on Thursday 13 November • Congratulations to the STARS of the show – our Grade 3 boys

This page was sponsored by Capital Logistics 29 YEAR BOOK 2014


Jordan Saunders Grant Pio Jordan Mills Joshua Phipson

Matt du Toit Azhar Bana Josh Muller Luke Hansen

Joshua Bennett Devon Bibb Liam Kavanagh

Chad Verbeek Tristan Elam Sven Paton

This page was sponsored by Shivay Munien 30 YEAR BOOK 2014


Nirav Roy Yusuf Paruk Ziyaa Moosa

Conna Reynolds Brett van Noordwyk

Matteo Peano Weston Jelf Shravan Premchand

Umar Vanker Max Davidson

This page was sponsored by Nqubeko Nyembezi 31 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: D Pillay, B Goodall, A Jack, S Vato, B John, M Bott, R Taylor 3rd Row: Mrs B Thatcher, N Zikhali, J Goder, M Fakey, W Jelf, C Nel, A Bhatta, J Saunders, S Matthysen, Mrs A Levine 2nd Row: K Wilken, E Boast, A Bansal, M Coetzer, L Nazar, E Dreyer, K Ikin, T Erskine, L Mdletshe Seated: C French, C Streak, S Paton, B Singh, R Davidson, J van Rooyen

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett We are constantly uplifted and projects, and have learnt to exploit studio. We were encouraged that delighted by the artistic effort made the 3-dimensional properties of this many of our boys took advantage of by our boys in the school studio. medium to full advantage. Grade our ‘open breaks’ where the studio is This year new display surfaces in the 6 boys have had good success active during lunch break for those studio space have made the display with their lino printing projects: an boys wishing to catch up or continue of art throughout the year more activity requiring concentration and on their projects out of class time. dynamic and inclusive. Boys enjoy perseverance through its various The afternoon art clubs were also seeing the efforts of their peers, and stages. The Grade 7 learners have well attended; especially the junior art from the higher grades is much focused on a celebration of Africa club (Grade 4 and 5), which is al- admired by our juniors. in their final project of the year, and ways jam-packed with eager artists. Our Grade 3 boys have re- each boy has designed and deco- Many of our staff members have ally made the most of the varied rated his own interpretation on an also joined the adult art classes on projects on offer, and have coped Africa continent cut-out. offer with Brenda Thatcher in the with large formats, and detailed Working in the studio confronts studio, and the discovery of their colouring. All our Grade 3 boys boys with many incidental op- artistic potential has been very decorated a ceramic tile for the new portunities to develop life skills in rewarding. JP toilet facility upgrade. These have real situations: sharing materials, This year our annual art been used to brighten the look of persevering with projects, overcom- exhibition was a well-attended this room. ing practical obstacles in design, celebration of the achievements of The Grade 4 boys have enjoyed making creative decisions, working our boys, where the Prep djembe making new paper mobile designs, within a set time frame, respecting drummers, gumboot dancers and as well as the other textile activities the work of others, and working marimba players added to the fes- in their curriculum. Grade 5 boys co-operatively in a shared space tive atmosphere of the evening. have made very varied clay-work are aspects of each session in the Annemarie Levine

This page was sponsored by Mahomed Jeewa – Foot Focus 32 YEAR BOOK 2014


This page was sponsored by Matthew Hayes 33 YEAR BOOK 2014


Arnav Dasrath Mohammed Joosab Tyrelle Kasaval Chad Nandh

Nqubeko Nyembezi Luke du Toit Oliver Simpkins

Christopher Kruger Reggie Davidson Shaun Matthysen Mackenzie Haygarth

This page was sponsored by Joshua and Samuel Heath 34 YEAR BOOK 2014


Cody Downham Bandile Mhlongo James Burns

Joshua Maskell Ethan Dreyer Nicholas Dixon

Cael van der Vyver Corbin Nel Ross Taylor Bradley Henderson

Dipra Pillay Nqubeko Nyembezi James Sweeney and Jibran Mulla Vuyisile Kheswa and Wassim Simjee Kurt Williamson

This page was sponsored by Ayush Sewpaul 35 YEAR BOOK 2014


This page was sponsored by Mahomed Builders Supply cc (031) 4651101 36 YEAR BOOK 2014


BLUE GROUP Back Row: Z Ngcobo, E Aitken, T Foster, A Essack, N Heron, C Doig, O Ludwig, E Gazu, M Howden 2nd Row: Mrs L Phipson, S Laudenberg, S Heath, T Aylward, J McDonald, M Oliva, T Francke, Miss J Smit Front Row: Y Rajcomar, Y Aboobaker, T Naude, L Raubenheimer, M Hansa with ‘Mr Bo’ (class mascot), D Motala, B Cook, J Sinclair, O Dreyer Absent: S Soodyall “You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw With a solid foundation set by its every corner and especially in our Show by Peter Warby; a ‘Survivor’ founding staff members, the DPHS newly renovated outdoor area. The activity morning and a ‘Hooked Educational Trust Reception Unit boys are encouraged to learn and on Books’ presentation. Our main has grown from strength to strength develop their skills in an informal, school integration programme since it first opened in 1995. Many activity based environment with included: weekly music, computer new developments have happened the guidance and support of their and drama lessons with specialist over the years, which would not teachers. teachers from the Main Campus; be possible without the unfailing The daily School Readiness and a visit to Café Prep where the support of our DPHS Headmaster Literacy programmes (introducing boys enjoyed choosing their treats and Management Team, the both Letterland and Thrass), in and ‘dining’ with their friends in School Governing Body and The addition to our fortnightly themes, the ‘PREP restaurant’; attending DPHS Educational Trust. We now form the basic foundations from Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day have an enrolment of 75 boys, which most learning opportunities Assembly dress rehearsals; a much all turning 6 years old during the arise. As an extension to these anticipated shopping experience course of their Grade R year. These programmes the boys enjoyed the at the Prep Tuck Shop; visiting the pupils are carefully placed into 3 following events and entertainment: Grade 4 ‘Countries and Cultures classes which are headed up by an outing to the Natural Science Day’ to sample the cuisine offered professionally qualified Foundation Museum; a talk on dental hygiene at the various stalls; shopping at the Phase teachers, with the support of by Dr Darby-Wade; a visit from the Grade 6 ‘Market Day’; attending the a designated teacher aide in each ‘The Menagerie’; a baby bathing Grade 3 Concert dress rehearsal and group. School is a busy, happy place demonstration for each group; a participating in House Dress Days with a guaranteed buzz of activity Puppet World presentation entitled with the main school. Fun sporting happening in each room, around ‘Dinosaur Attack’; a comedy Magic activities included our Sponsored

This page was sponsored by Lucas McIntosh and Family 37 YEAR BOOK 2014


GREEN GROUP Back Row: M Craig, J Aitken, T Pakendorf, A Jhaveri, B Mullins, Y Moosa, F Sherman, J Els, M Essack, L Taylor 2nd Row: Mrs L Phipson, Mrs N Taylor, E Venter, Z Zastron, K Petzer, S Somlal, T Moodley, C Staude, Mrs C Cotterell Front Row: J Joughin, T Rayson, M. Shuaib Bacus, J Frost with ‘Hearty’ (class mascot), R Port, T Smit, S Perumal, K Doyle, M Cameron

Winter Walk with Gordon Road Nicci Raubenheimer and hearing held in the first and third terms, Girls’ Grade R and participation screening by Heidi Allan and which are always most beneficial in a fun relay race at the Junior Associates. Community outreach to both parties. Our Parents’ Primary Sports’ Day. Our pupils also activities included: the ‘Reach Activity Evening was a wonderful attended weekly swimming lessons for your Slippers’ Campaign; our opportunity for parents to meet in the first and fourth terms, under weekly charity collection for SPCA one another in a less formal and the guidance and close supervision and the ‘Bread Tags’ Project. To more social manner. Parents worked of our DPHS swimming coaches date we have collected almost hard at creating items for their Heather, AJ and Russell. This year, 200kgs of bread tags and we are sons and the looks on their boy’s the inclusion of a third coach, determined to reach our end goal faces the following morning as they enabled the boys to have more time which will provide a wheelchair discovered these creations were in the pool, whilst being instructed in for a carefully selected, deserving well worth all the effort. Clearly we smaller groups. Parents were invited recipient. Grateful thanks to Justine have a group of very talented Moms to attend an open swimming lesson Smit, our Blue Group teacher, for her and Dads! Despite the inclement in the first and fourth terms to have perseverance in driving this project weather for our Family Fun Day, we a glimpse of how these lessons are and the greater DPHS community had phenomenal support on the structured and to see their boys in for their ongoing support. day. The morning kicked off to a action. During the second and third At the start of the year, great start with mini soccer house terms, GARVZ coaches facilitated our parents were invited to an matches, followed by fun games weekly balls skills sessions during Information Evening and a New stalls and an opportunity to sample the school morning, using Main Parents’ Cocktail Party. Later in the delicious snacks at our well-stocked Campus’ lower field. Additional term they attended presentations tea garden. Grateful thanks to our school activities included individual made by Ingrid Kuhn and Heidi Allan parents who assisted on the day as and class photographs, eye- at our School Readiness Evening. well as those who donated prizes screening by Leanne Fenwick and Parent/Teacher meetings were and eats for this event. Our raffle

This page was sponsored by Zahid and Zahida Fakey 38 YEAR BOOK 2014


This page was sponsored by Cody and Jordy Downham 39 YEAR BOOK 2014


RED GROUP Back Row: M Smith, S Hargoon, L Kitto, C Chikuruwo, C Gannon, L Thom, D Dicks, Z Janssen, S Chester, T Cruickshank 2nd Row: Mrs L Phipson, Miss C Bartlett, G Dinkele, T Staniforth, N Jhazbhay, D Chrystal, J Watkins, T Woods, Mrs K Bruorton Front Row: E van Jaarsveld, H Kotze, K Chetty, M Mkhize, Y Moolla with ‘Care Bear’ (class mascot), A Lalljee, Q Shaik, L de Robillard, T Louw Absent: H Daya proved to be very popular and spontaneously to a hall packed Mothers’ Committee for assisting each Grade R pupil also left with with incredibly supportive family with events as well as our ‘Class a lucky draw prize at the end of members. Grateful thanks to Sally Moms’ who proved to be vital their activity packed morning. Our Perks and our colleagues at the tools of informal communication local community also assisted with Main Campus for their contribution amongst parents. many sponsorships and vouchers in making our annual end of year Despite the many highlights on the day, for which we were most concert such a resounding success. already mentioned, we were sad to appreciative. A unanimous decision As has become customary over learn that two of our valued staff was taken to produce a new concert the years, Father Christmas paid members would be leaving us at the for 2014. A ‘Hullabaloo at the Zoo’ us a friendly visit on the last day of end of the year. Nicole Taylor joined began as an idea and developed school, bringing the 2014 year to a our team in July 2007 working as a into a fun, vibrant production close in true festive spirit much to teacher’s aide in all classes but more thanks to the commitment and the delight of our boys. recently as Green Group teacher resourcefulness of the Reception Parent involvement plays an assistant. She has been offered a Unit teachers. Special mention important role in ensuring the career opportunity which will enable must also be made to Bridget Bland, smooth running of our school and her to follow her passion and we who worked her magic by assisting grateful thanks are extended to have no doubt that she will be an with creating quirky rhymes and everyone who assisted in one way asset to her new school. She has re-writing familiar songs to bring or another during the course of close ties to PREP, not only as a staff the script to life. After much the year. Our heartfelt thanks to member, but also as a past parent. time and effort spent sourcing Kim Foster and Farhana Perumal, Val Cotterell joined the Reception material, choreographing dances together with their core group of Unit staff as Green Group teacher and designing costumes, the end Moms, who ran the weekly Puzzle in January 2000 and in the 15 years result was superb! The boys sang, Library so efficiently each week. that she has been with us, she has danced and recited their poems Thanks also to members of our made an indelible mark on the

This page was sponsored by Olo Sopotela 40 YEAR BOOK 2014


STAFF Back Row: Nicholas Biyela, Bridget Bland, Val Cotterell, Justine Smit, Nolca Lushaba, Karyn Bruorton and Mr Mfeka Seated: Nicole Taylor, Les Phipson and Casey Bartlett growth and success of our school. one of them most sincerely for their invaluable part in ensuring the She has had a considerable impact their role in assisting to provide efficient running of our school. As on the lives of many little boys who each child with a solid foundation 2014 draws to a close and the boys have passed through the Reception on which to build. Special thanks anticipate their move to Grade One, Unit, benefitting from her wealth to Val Cotterell, Karyn Bruorton, we reflect upon their achievements of experience and amazing insight Justine Smit, Bridget Bland, Nicole with a great sense of pride and look into nurturing and assisting them in Taylor and Casey Bartlett for forward to following their progress their developmental needs. We wish another memorable year. Grateful as they continue on their unique Val all the best as she looks forward thanks also to Nolca Lushaba, journey through PREP. to her well-deserved retirement and Nicholas Biyela and Mr Mfeka for Les Phipson Head Teacher have no doubt that her boundless energy and enthusiasm will be re-directed towards her doting grandchildren. Both of these ladies will be sorely missed by pupils (both past and present), parents and staff but we know that they will forever remain close friends of Prep. Our 2014 year would not be complete without paying tribute to all of our loyal and hard-working Reception Unit staff who have played such a vital role in guiding and preparing the boys for their move to ‘BIG School’. Their dedication and commitment is clearly evident and I thank every

This page was sponsored by Mongezi Machi 41 YEAR BOOK 2014


It is always a great privilege and the teachers use a variety of themes joy to look back over a successful and outings. year and 2014 has been just that! The Grade One themes this year The milestone 25th birthday year in were Me and My Friends, Ani- 2013 gave us the perfect oppor- mals, Kings and Queens, Food and tunity to review the first quarter Money. Letterland Day and the visit century. It was with much anticipa- to the Flag Farm are annual high- tion and a great sense of responsi- lights. In addition the boys travelled bility that we set out into this year, to Greensleeves where they were having both the assurance that the enthralled by the castle setting and foundation of the JP Department is gained firsthand experience of what facilities have made a huge differ- sound as well as the awareness that life was like in medieval times. The ence to this area. The room was this year was the beginning of an then given a special Prep finish with Grade Two themes were Myself and exciting new phase. the addition of unique border tiles. My Environment, Giants, Birds and The long anticipated JP Adven- These tiles were painted by the African Tales. Two popular excur- ture Area has now become an inher- Grade 3 boys and the JP staff and sions which were enjoyed again this ent part of the daily programme. It the abstract theme and blended year were visits to the Pinetown is greatly enjoyed by the boys for colours make a wonderful feature. Gymnastics Club as well as the Sav- free play during breaks and a new Sincere thanks to Estates Manager age Jungle. A new outing saw them PE programme for the Grade One Gilbert Edouard-Betsy and Visual visiting the Umgeni Bird Park where and Two boys was introduced. This Arts teacher Brenda Thatcher for they were fascinated by the variety was developed in consultation with driving this project and to the JP of birds and had the opportunity to Occupational Therapist Ingrid Kuhn artists who can look forward to their walk through cages and enjoy an and implemented by Mthokozisi work being displayed for years to educational bird show. The Grade Jali who added his passion for sport come. Three themes included Rock Pool and knowledge of physical educa- The JP curriculum provides a Creatures, Space, Continents and tion and fitness. The activities utilize wealth of experiences for the boys Natural Disasters and All About the the jungle gym for specific skills in the key areas of academics, Body. Meeting author and illustra- development, obstacle courses and sports and culture. The boys’ pro- tor Niki Daly gave the boys valuable a range of other apparatus. The gress is monitored carefully in order insight into the process of creat- boys’ comments and enthusiastic to provide the appropriate assis- ing a book. They enjoyed a visit to participation were testament to tance they need in order to achieve uShaka Marine World and a picnic the popularity of this new initiative. their potential. Supporting this in Mitchell Park. A new outing saw The extensive sports programme crucial process, hearing screening the boys visiting Growthpoint Kings continued this year to be as popular, was provided and feedback given to Park where they watched part of busy and successful as always. the parents. The core subjects in the the Sharks practice, participated A project from which every JP JP grades are covered thoroughly in some skills practice on the outer boy will benefit is the revamp of the through activity-based learn- fields and had the opportunity to JP Boys’ Toilet. The new paint work, ing experiences. To enhance the meet a coach and players before improved lighting and upgraded relevance and enjoyment of these, receiving a Sharkie Activity Book.

This page was sponsored by Caleb Saks 42 YEAR BOOK 2014


The highlight of all the JP outings Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and is the overnight excursion for the Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Grade Three boys and this year they general behaviour and anxiety man- travelled to Roselands Outdoor agement. Each of these provided Centre. It proved to be a wonderful the staff with invaluable insights adventure – the tasks were exciting and practical guidelines. New and challenging and the two days developments in the staff team saw saw a lovely camaraderie develop Desiree Veerasamy being appointed amongst the four classes. as Grade Three Section Head, Liz Cultural experiences are pro- McGregor moving to the Grade vided during specialist lessons and Two section, Sam Oosthuis being superb tribute to the Prep grandpar- theme work, with special activities welcomed back and Kate Smith and ents, with both performances being being organized over and above given an A+ and high accolades by Kirstin Twaddle being welcomed these. Visiting companies bring an the adjudicator. The Grade Three onto the staff. On a more personal exposure to professional presenta- boys have the honour of presenting level we were delighted to congratu- tions as well as educational mes- the JP Concert and this year’s ‘The late Sam Oosthuis on the birth of sages. This year Puppet World did North Pole goes Rock and Roll’ was her second daughter Tori and Liz two shows: ‘Nelson Mandela’ which an outstanding production which McGregor on her engagement to told the life story of this icon and the showcased the enormous talent, Prep old boy Mitchell Murphy. We lessons we can learn from him and dedication and creativity of the were very sad to say farewell to lo- ‘Dinosaur Attack’ which carried the boys and staff. cum tenens Sandy Fennell who had message of ‘Make Bullying Extinct’. The JP staff is an exceptional made an outstanding contribution Hooked on Books was superb and team and each teacher’s commit- during her year with us but she went certainly inspired the boys to want ment to providing the best for the with our grateful thanks. to read. The prize for a competition boys is most appreciated. Each year As we reflect on the success won by a Grade One boy was a visit they attend a variety of workshops of this past year, sincere thanks by the Nickelodeon Team. They to remain informed on develop- are extended to the staff for their presented a show with the anti-bul- ments in education. This year these exemplary dedication and contribu- lying message of ‘See Something, included the THRASS Certificate tion, the parents for their invaluable Say Something’ and left the boys Course as well as workshops on support and the boys for their com- with the exciting prospect of clips successful Maths teaching and sup- mitment and enthusiastic response. from the filmed visit being aired on porting children with ADHD. DPHS When the Grade Ones were asked TV. The boys themselves also have Staff Development courses covered which was their favourite part of the opportunities to be presenters and the implementation of information programme, one boy without hesi- the highlights for each grade were technology in the classroom as well tation replied “I can safely say that outstanding productions. Grade as presentations by Speech and we love everything about our school One presented the wonderful ‘Hats Language Therapist and Audiolo- day”. What a wonderful testament Off’ tribute to the Prep dads for gist Heidi Allan on Listening Skills to the Prep Experience! Fathers’ Day and the Grade Two and Counselling Psychologist Kerry Carolyn Gilroy journey back through time was a Salvesen on aspects of Autistic Junior Primary HOD

This page was sponsored by the Veitch Family 43 YEAR BOOK 2014


Outing to Greensleeves Castle Yesterday we went to a castle. We went on a bus. We first saw a lady and her name was Lady Ann. The castle was in Hillcrest and we had a feast. She told us stories. I loved the stories and my favourite was pulling out the sword. Christopher Grout Yesterday we went to the castle. I saw a morning star. I saw an execution and I saw a cross bow. I had a feast. Ryan Carey We went on a bus and we had dessert and ice-cream and we pulled the sword and I moved it just a little bit! Amar Makanjee We went to a castle far away on a bus. It was cosy. There was a lady and her name was Lady Ann and she showed us lots of stuff and we ate soup with bread. Jordy Downham

I have a bunk bed and my JACK AND THE BEANSTALK sister can sleep on top. My When Jack reached the top of the beanstalk he could not believe his eyes! He saw a sister snores sometimes huge house with a rocket pack on the side of the house. Then Jack walked into the and I couldn’t sleep. I went house and he saw some people. Jack saw a cow in their garden. But oh no it wasn’t just to my mum and said mum any cow. It was a cow who gave golden milk. And then the people told him to go home. she’s snoring again! And while the people weren’t looking he stole the cow and he ran down the bean stalk Ntsika Mkize with the cow. And then Jack said to his mum, Mum, mum I have golden milk! This cow I went to my grannies gave us golden milk. And then they lived happily ever after. Azim Osman house and we had Waka- berry with my brother. He Rapunzel is quite annoying.

NEWS Sanga Mkhize Once upon a time there was a princess called Rapunzel. Now Rapunzel lived in a NEWS wicked witch’s tower. When she was 12 years old she had the longest hair in the world. Her hair was so long that it touched the witch’s garden. After a few moments the witch saw the prince climbing the tower. The witch got furious. She also climbed up Rapunzels hair and then she cut it off. Lokesh Penugonda Once upon a time there was a Mom and a Dad. There was also a witch. The witch had a nice tomato plant. The Mom needed a tomato so badly. She said I need a tomato from that garden otherwise I will die, but I want a baby first. One day the Mom had a baby and they were so happy. But the Mom had made a promise to the witch. She said if I can have a tomato you can have my baby. So the witch took the baby to her tower. In the tower Rapunzel’s hair grew. A prince went by and he heard Rapunzel singing. I will finish this story another time.Fynn Arenhold

This page was sponsored by Morgan Siljebrandt 44 YEAR BOOK 2014


ADVICE FOR THE NEW Flag Animal Farm GRADE ONE BOYS Yesterday we went to the Flag Welcome to Grade 1. There are Farm and saw a fat pig and after that some things you should know. You we fed some animals. I fed a goat but must never run. When you see a when I gave the goat some food he teacher you must lift your cap. It’s grabbed the packet out of my hands. good manners. You must never talk Jaiden Prakaschandra on the carpet. On the jungle gym you must not play rough games. Yesterday I went to the animal flag Now fun things you can do. If you farm. My best part of the day was finish your work quickly and neatly when I saw the goat standing on the you can play games. And if you tortoise. Mbuso Zondi want a star you mustn’t rush your Yesterday we went to the Flag farm. work. Thomas Taylor My best part of the day was when Here are some things you should I touched a crocodile and a snake. know about Grade One. Try to I milked a cow. I touched two baby finish your star chart because if you sheep and I touched a mom too. do you will get a tuck-shop treat. Cameron Braidwood You can also bring your own tuck We woke up early and went off to the money. When Miss Twaddle says farm. My best part of the day was take off your shoes and socks and cuddling a calf. Wasim Mulla tie it means that it’s your jungle gym I really liked feeding the animals but day. I hope you are looking forward the goat was so naughty! He ate my to this. Muzakkir Khan packet. Dylan Buck At the Flag Farm I saw a rabbit. I was scared of the rabbit but when I fed him I wasn’t scared anymore. He was fluffy. I milked a cow. It felt funny. Cohen Naidoo Dragons, Kings & Knights Once upon a time there was a king Once upon a time there was a king. fought the dragon. They put chains and a knight. They lived in a castle. He wanted to be rich. The king on the dragon. Lots of knights got One day a dragon came to the cas- ordered all the people to give him all hurt. Jonathan Wilmans tle and the dragon blew the castle their money. One day on the 19th When I first met a dragon on the down. Then the king made friends August he found lots of gold. One 7th August 1958 the dragon blew with the dragon. The dragon took day he got a wife. The wife had a fire at me. I dodged the fire. The him for a ride on his back to go find baby. The baby was called Alex. dragon missed me. I did not give up. a new castle. Joshua Eslick James Kershaw I finally cut off the dragon’s head. Once upon a time there was a little Once upon a time some people The dragon died. I said “Hurray!” boy at school. He was named Jack- lived in a castle. The king told the Alex Wesselink son. He was reading a book about knights a dragon is coming soon. It Once upon a time there was a a knight. He fell asleep. He dreamt is going to threaten the people. The king. His name was Arthur. He about himself. He was a knight. king was very wise. They told them was a good king. He fought lots of There was a dragon. The knight that the dragon has three heads. To dragons. His knight was brave. They went to fight the dragon. He found defeat the dragon he said the weak took the dragons teeth and they the dragon. He got his sword and part was the heart. So the knight made a sharp sword with it. killed the dragon. Jackson Jeffers went off to fight the dragon. They Travis Hewitt

This page was sponsored by the Hatton Family 45 YEAR BOOK 2014

GRADE ONE King for a Day If I were king for the day I would give the people lots of food and make the country better. If the people dropped one bit of dirt I would send them to my dungeon. Zia Motala If I were king for a day I would be a very good king. I will give the poor people jobs and some food. I would have a hot tub.Thomas Taylor If I were king for a day there will be a party at 8 o’clock and my guards will keep you safe. We will have so much fun! James Pohl If I were king for the day I would be sensible and I would teach the peo- ple to be good! I would be rich and be with my knights. Trent Wyatt IF I HAD ONE WISH If I had one wish I would wish to be on a cruise ship having a party with my friends and spraying my mom with a water gun while she is sun tanning. It would be fun. Trent Wyatt I would wish to fly because then I could see perfectly!Sanga Mkhize If I had one wish I would wish that world would be made kind and happy because then there won’t be so many break-ins. Alexander Blyth If I could have one wish I would wish that I was Turbo. I love Turbo because he wins the race and his shell breaks but he never gives up. That’s why I love Turbo. Christopher Grout It would be to have more wishes and to have a healthy family and to be safe. Dylan Buck It would be that poachers would stop poaching the Rhinos. Riley Mallett It would be to have a brother. Jason Campese If I had one wish I would wish for three more wishes. I would then wish for money for the poor people. Then my next wish is to be a Super Hero so I can protect the people. My last wish is to have a pet. Shavay Perumal

WHEN THE PRINCESS SAW THE FROG SHE SAID: WHAT DO KINGS AND QUEENS EAT FOR DINNER? Hello said the princess to the frog. Are you a They would go to a very old restaurant and eat magic frog? Yes said the frog. Will you grant snails. Tushar Bhika my wishes? I wish for pizza. Brent Stiles They would go to Spur and order a burger. The When the princess saw the frog she said queen will have a coke and the king will have a hello little frog. What are you doing here cappuccino. Ismaeel Tar Mahomed near my castle? Just then she kissed the frog. The king and queen would go to the club for Then she turned into a frog. She lived happily dinner. He would have beer and prawns and she ever after. The end. Daniel Buckley-Roe would have wine and calamari. Mitchel Garreau

This page was sponsored by Matthew Wellbeloved 46 YEAR BOOK 2014


I remember when I went to DPHS orientation day. I was very, very nerv- FIRST DAY ous. I was scared when I left my mom OF GRADE and dad. I liked the stationery. I liked Miss Twaddle. I learned the rules. I love ONE DPHS. Zachary Ungerer I was a little bit shy but then I met my teacher and I was fine. Zaid Rashid I was happy to see my teacher. I found some friends and I looked smart in my uniform. Cole Young I remember when I came to Grade One. When I met Miss Twaddle my whole day became the best day of my life. Yusuf Mohamedy My first day of Grade One I felt fantastic. I had one friend. I felt good because my brother is also at the same school. It was so easy. Ryan Spooner My first day of Grade One was the hardest day of my life. When it was the third term the work came to be easy and all the days were good work days. Naushaad Mahomed My first day of Grade One I was very scared. I came with a humun- gous box. Inside the box there was stationery but I did not have a red bag so I used a file. I was a slow worker.Aaron Naidoo On my first day of Grade One I was nervous because I came late but I never got shouted at. That is how I knew that Mrs Everitt was the kindest teacher. Yousuf Fakey GRANDPARENTS My granny’s name is Barbra. Her favourite shop is Spar. She loves to cook. Jordan Matthews I have two grandpas. One grandpa likes rugby and one likes race cars. I love them from my heart. Brent Styles I love my grandpa because he lets me ride on his tractor. Mbuso Zondi My gran’s name is Sushie. She lives in Dur- ban. Her favourite food is bunny chow and she likes to shop at Pick and Pay. Tushar Bhikha My grandpa likes to play baseball and he likes to do gardening. Sahil Ramdeyal My granny is the best in the universe. She likes to shop and she lives in Durban. Keegan Milligan My granny looks like an angel. Her favourite thing is knitting and eating bacon. Her fa- vourite place to go shopping is Woolworths. She lives in Palm Springs Village. Jack Guye Dear Grandpa, Thank-you for looking after me when granny was sick. I really appreciate it. Luke Wimbush

This page was sponsored by Abhay Nunan 47 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: Z Motala, S Perumal 3rd Row: J Eslick, T Wyatt, A Wesselink, L Wimbush, R Mansoor, J Wilmans 2nd Row: Z Mohamed, Y Fakey, Z Bodiat, J Kershaw, J Prakaschandra, E Robinson, D Anamalay, Mrs J Everitt Seated: T Hewitt, N Mkize, J Jeffers,S Mkhize, H Ally, C McDonald, M Terblanche

Back: Y Deedat, R Mallett 3rd Row: T Bhikha, W Mulla, D Buck, J Pohl, E Steenkamp, Z Rashid 2nd Row: B Zondi, A Seedat, D van Tonder, J Campese, L Peria, S Ramdeyal, J Downham, Mrs X Greensill Seated: A Pema, A Hayes, T Robinson, Z Mpanza, A Makanjee, C Young, Y Jeewa

This page was sponsored by the Pohl Family 48 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: J Ribbink, M Siljebrandt 3rd Row: K Khuzwayo, F Arenhold, C Naidoo, A Naidoo, N Mahomed, Z Motala, A Drimmie 2nd Row: L Dinsdale, N Pertab, R Spooner, J Guye, M Garreau, J Tar Mohammed, T Uys, Ms D Langley Seated: K Milligan, T Moto, L Penugonda, I Omar, Z Hassim, R Lindsay, M Habiya

Back: M Khan, S Hill, D Buckley-Roe, L Sosibo, T Taylor, M Butcher, L Macduff 2nd Row: C Grout, J Matthews, A Osman, A Blyth, B Stiles, C Braidwood, Y Mahomedy, Miss K Twaddle Seated: Z Maduray, K van Wyk, R Carey, Z Ungerer, S Munien, M Zondi, E Zungu Absent: Z Timol

This page was sponsored by the Pearson Family 49 YEAR BOOK 2014



PINETOWN GYM UMGENI BIRD PARK My favourite excursion was to My favourite excursion was the Pinetown Gymnastics Club. to the Umgeni Bird Park. We There were such fun activities. all enjoyed ourselves. We got I loved the foam pit. The foam to see the National Bird - the was shaped like cubes. You held Blue Crane. There were also on to two rings attached to two Toco Toucans, budgies, owls, pieces of rope and then would hornbills and cockatoos. swing and jump onto the foam. There was also a very long There were also birds of prey. trampoline. Ahmed Omar The crow in the Bird Show could pick up litter and the I loved the Pinetown Gym. The pelican didn’t want to go part I loved was the trampoline. off the stage. Then we went It made me bounce so high! Boing, boing! I also loved the back to school. Shazhaad bouncy sponges. When I fell Perumal in them it was so soft. Brogan I loved the Bird Park. My Esterhuizen favourite part was the Bird The best was going to Pine- Show. The eagle flew right town Gym. We learnt all sorts over me and I screamed. Af- of exercises and my favourite ter that we saw all the birds. part was swinging on the rope Jared spotted the owl first. and jumping into the sponges. Gareth Benjamin Pradhisthra Doorsamy

SAVAGE JUNGLE On Thursday the 16th we went to the Savage Jungle. There was a maze and we went into it. It was lots and lots of fun! I loved Poison Pathway. In the Obstacle Course there was a Tarzan Swing and a tree house. It was awesome and chal- lenging. Then we had lunch. I had a chicken sandwich Muhammad Cassim My favourite excursion was to the Savage Jungle. We had so much fun. We went in the maze. We used a map in the maze. The maze had scary things. We also did an obsta- cle course. There was a big ladder and we went high up the stairs. We went on the rope and through the tyres. And we had a lunch break. Yusuf Moosa

This page was sponsored by Amar Makanjee in loving memory of his Dad Dr Ajay Makanjee 50 YEAR BOOK 2014


The best part of Grade Two The things I enjoyed in Grade 2 was learning how to do the best art. The life lessons we learnt were no punching, no looking at the other persons work. When it’s my classes turn to go on the jungle Gym it is so fun. The best excursion was when we all went to the bird park. We saw so many birds of all different colours. I loved mini cricket because my dad was coaching and I did make some runs. I am looking forward to Grade 3 because I want to do projects. Damon Goodway The best part of Grade 2 was when we went on our outing to the Gymnastics club and got to swing on the equipment. My best lesson I learnt in Grade 2 was not to copy someone’s work as if you copy them they might be wrong. I am looking forward to Grade 3 as we go on an overnight outing. Ahmad Seedat I love what I do in Maths and in the Progress Book. I like doing sport too. I love learning and doing work. I like improving work that I do. I love learning new languages. I love drama and music. I loved this year. Zinedine Jaftha I loved Grade Two because I enjoyed making new friends. Also I learned how to do better in Maths. I like ball skills, break and PE. I like Fridays the best because we do Art. I like Grade Two the best! Joshua Snyman I loved learning times and divide. I loved listening to News and learning new things like joining letters. I loved doing art and spending times with my friends at break. Jared Pearson I loved my teacher. I loved it when the teachers helped us do our Grandparents Assembly. I liked doing art. My teacher said there are no mistakes in art. I liked Assembly. It reminds us of right and wrong. Thank you Moms in the tuck shop for helping us with the money. Shazhaad Perumal My favourite subject was Maths. But most importantly you all know my best thing was Tuck, Jungle Gym and playing on the field. My best friends were Dawood, Shayden, Thor and Shazhaad but the best was my teacher. Akhil Sitharam I loved getting to know my funny, creative teacher and the fun work that we did. I loved the cool comments that Mrs May would write in my book and that she taught us what is right and wrong. Luke Davidson My best part of Grade Two is doing art and other work. I love the Prep Pal meetings and all the sports. I like going to see the art exhibition. I love the friends that we meet and the Grandparents assembly. I loved all the outings we went on to the Bird Park and the Pinetown Gym and the Savage Jungle. I like Drama and Music too. I have really enjoyed Grade Two. Daniel Sweeney My favourite part of Grade 2 is my teacher. She always helps me and teaches me, and is so kind to me. And she’s the best teacher of all the Grade 2 teachers. I also like writing and drawing and art. I also love to learn to make stuff and listen to my teacher. I love playing on the field and working in my language book and I also like market day. Grade 2 is fun. Hamza Joosab

This page was sponsored by Attorneys Fathima Karodia for Aryan Diplall 51 YEAR BOOK 2014


How the leopard got his spots How the zebra got his stripes Long ago Leopard had no spots. Warthog Once upon a time the zebra had was always coming to roll in the mud. The a beautiful white coat. One day a mud was by leopard’s house. One day leopard tried to eat warthog. Leopard was zebra left without permission and running fast. He chased him into the dark after a long run he stopped at the wood. Leopard could not see warthog river to have a drink. But before he because he was camouflaged. Leopard could, some poachers wanted to kill also wanted to be camouflaged to he rolled in the mud. It started to rain. He ran him. He ran faster and faster and inside his house. Some of the mud was still they shot him with a flame thrower there. They were little spots and they did and it burnt him until he was burnt not come off. From that day have all over. He jumped into the river but spots. Jarred Kitto from that day on his skin had black One day leopard was hunting in the jungle. He had hunted all day and he was tired. stripes all over it for the rest of his He sat down under a fruit tree and he fell life. Emmanuel Mqingwana asleep. There were monkeys in the tree and A long, long time ago zebras were they started throwing fruit at the leopard. The leopard woke up and looked at his skin. white. One day a hunter was hunt- There were spots all over his skin from the ing Jerry the zebra. The hunter shot fruit. Now all leopards have spots. and Jerry the zebra fell off a cliff Sebastian Hind into a big bucket of black paint. He One day leopard saw a porcupine. He asked ran to the lake to get it off. Some of porcupine if he could come for tea. But leop- ard sneaked up behind porcupine. Porcupine the paint came off and some didn’t. got a fright and shot his quills at leopard. Then the zebra had lots of black There were big sores all over leopard’s body. stripes. He was very lucky because it That’s how he got his spots. Ahmed Gora looked very nice. Shikar Rampiari Why the elephant loves his trunk Long ago zebra was pure white. One day she was out walking. The elephant can pick up to 350kgs! He can use his trunk as a snorkel. They suck up She knocked on zebra’s door but water and spray themselves. Their trunks he wasn’t there. She then went to are so useful! Jake Jansen leopard’s door but he wasn’t there. Elephant loves long trunks because he Then she saw a fire. All the animals can do cool things. He can bath, drink and were having a braai. She asked if things like that. He can dig if there is no water. He can also trumpet and pick up his she could join them. They said yes. It babies. Luca Robinson was a very windy day and the wind then blew very hard and it blew the When the going gets tough... Let sleeping dogs... braai over onto zebra and then she PROVERBS you have to get rough Ahmed Omar sleep for a while. Joshua Southwood was on fire. She quickly ran to the When in Rome… call for help. Luyanga Mkhize sleep away. Munashe Masuka water and jumped in. When she drive a fiat. Yuveer Arjoon don’t sulk. Ammaar Osman snore. Gareth Benjamin came out she had black stripes all have lots of pizza. Muhammad Bassa you need to get stronger Jarred Kitto sleep or they will bark. Noah Jackson get another life. Brydyn Barnabas over her body. Now all zebras have stripes. Dawood Akoob

This page was sponsored by Luke Rothman 52 YEAR BOOK 2014


how to strip a car and fix engines.Gareth Benjamin how to work in a hospital. Shahzaad Perumal I would like to be a good dad when I grow up. Dylan Neill my dad to how to shave. Karl Schaefer teach me... to be manly. Ntobeko Dlamini how to be an accountant and play golf. Ahmad Seedat to do a backflip.Jackson Horn hairstyle. It’s cool. Brogan Esterhuizen soccer skills. Jadyn Naidoo I think that I have inherited muscles. Yuveer Arjoon my dad’s... looks. Akhil Sitharam sportsmanship and jokes. Luke Davidson tallness. Ayanda Jackson

I love to make my mom happy by... cleaning my bedroom. Matthew van Zyl helping her cook. Zolani Ndokweni hugging her. Sebastian Hind drawing her pictures. Munashe Masuka making her a fruit salad with ice-cream. Matthew Ropertz doing my homework when she asks me. Dawood Akoob

What do teachers do after school? Go home and have a family dinner. Tom Mileham. They drive home and sleep. Ndalo Gama. They sit and relax and have a cup of tea and talk and talk and talk. Muhammed Amra. They go home and cook food for their family then go to sleep. Jaydon Dunkley. Work, eat, check, clean, correct and go home. Aashish Mandapati. They sign work and then sleep. Kristian Bunyan. They go on their phones. Guy Joughin

Ms Gilroy spends many hours... Making our school look beautiful. Pradhisthra Doorsamy. Making the school a happy place. Matthew van Straten. Thinking hard. Guy Mc Carthy. Talking in Assembly. Jack Hughes My mom often says... Jared can you do me a big favour? Jared Pearson. Go to bed Thor. Thor Knûtsen-Smith. You are such a good boy. Blake Kruger. Luke pick up your towel. Luke Davidson. Tidy your room while I go to the shops. Jethro Goss. Get up sleepy head. Liam Stokes I am so proud of you.Luca Robinson. Wash your hands with soap. Ismail Bana. I love you my boy. Luke Maritz. Come here Bryce. Bryce Woolf. I love you lots like jelly tots. Troy Giannakopoulos

This page was sponsored by Ahmed Limalia 53 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: A Mandapati, J Naidoo 3rd Row: M Bassa, D Goodway, L Iyaloo, Y Arjoon, J Evans, T Giannakopoulos 2nd Row: A Seedat, M Grizzo, D du Plessis, J Hughes, K Dlamini, M Ropertz, N Dlamini, Mrs L Bush Seated: G Benjamin, Z Joosab, M van Zyl, L Maritz, S Nyathi, K Schaefer, J Dunkley

Back: D Akoob, A Omar 3rd Row: M Masuka, M Fayers, T Mileham, B Kruger, L Davidson, S Hind 2nd Row: P Doorsamy, Z Ndokweni, M van Straten, J Pearson, J Southwood, Y Moosa, D-S Wensley-Hill, Mrs S May Seated: A Gora, S Perumal, M Amra, T Knûtsen-Smith, A Sitharam, J Aitken, S Naidu

This page was sponsored by Waseem, Ziyaad and Imraan Simjee 54 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: D Sweeney, K Bunyan 3rd Row: S Phewa, J Horn, H Joosab, A Jackson, G Joughin, B Barnabas 2nd Row: J Le Roux, L Nel, J Goss, S Rampiari, X Saraiva, D Neill, M Stainforth, Miss L McGregor Seated: Y Dhai, T Raubenheimer, U Mohamed Sayeed, N Gama, H Maganlal, D Butler, E Mqingwana

Back: B Woolf, N Naidoo 3rd Row: L Stokes, G McCarthy, J Jansen, J Snyman, L Rupnarain, D Naidoo, M Cassim 2nd Row: Mrs S Oosthuis, A Osman, J Ramsamy, N Jackson, L Mkhize, L O’ Brien, Z Jaftha, Mrs S Fennell Seated: B Esterhuizen, T Smith, J Foster, L Robinson, I Bana, J Kitto, B Mathenjwa

This page was sponsored by Jack, Ben and Thomas Aylward and Family 55 YEAR BOOK 2014


Last week on Thursday we went on an outing to . We left in the morning on the bus. When we got there we went to watch the Sharks practise and Pat Lambie walked past while we were watching. After that we went to our own practise on another field. Later we went to the change rooms and watched a DVD. Next we went to the Media Centre and the Trophy room. We saw a jersey that went to space and we went to the presidential suite. Then we went to where the TMO sits and the coaches sit. We went in the tunnel and Sharkie was there. We ran out of the tunnel onto the field.Zachariah Howell In the morning I was so happy because I was going to Kings Park. We packed our lunch and got onto the bus. When we got to Kings Park Outing to Kings Park I went to see the Sharks train. Then I went to play. We played ball tag and we kicked the ball. Next we got to eat. They gave us a book to do a test before we took a photo. They said that rugby players eat healthy food. Next we went to see a video. When we were watching the video we saw Sharkie. We watched the video in the locker room. Then we went under the tunnel. We saw a jersey that went to space. We saw trophies. We went to the gym. Kobus Reinhardt had a 10kg weight on his bac Yaaseen Mahomed Sports Day In the morning I was so happy because it was Sports Day. My morning was scary; I had butterflies in my tummy! When we were lined up I could hold the Haysom flag because I was vice captain. I was in the A race for nearly all of them. I did not come first, second or third but I was still proud. It was so much fun. I was shouting so loud I think I lost my voice. I did the ladder relay with lots of people. I had to run quickly to do the tug of war. We came first because we did it as a team. I got to hold the trophy. Jaryd Savic I felt so happy that it was sports day. The morning was nice and sunny, calm and amazing. I was captain for Evans. My heart was beating about to burst. Sports day was fun. Evans won. We have won for many years in a row. I was in four races. I won all of my races. I stood in front of the stands leading songs. Benjamin Ribbink

My Best Sport for this Year Rugby. I scored 27 tries and I was in the C team. Hamza Mahomed Hockey because it is a fun and active sport. David van Rooyen Rugby as it is all about teamwork. Christopher Kruger Cricket. I would like to be a cricketer one day Caleb Saks Rugby. It was fun and I had the best coach. Stefan Swart Hockey because I was the top scorer in my team Johar Jadwat Cricket and Rugby because I made the B Team. Caleb McDonald

This page was sponsored by Funky Fairy – A Fashion Xtravaganza 56 YEAR BOOK 2014


Excursion to uShaka On the 18 March 2014 the Grade 3s went for an excursion to uShaka. When we got there we went into a room where there was a big screen and we met a lady called Dudu there. She gave us the talk about the fish under the sea. We saw slide shows of sharks, penguins, eels, stingrays, octopus and other sea animals. I learnt that the female sea-horse lays eggs in the male’s pouch and the male carries the baby. We had a lovely educational talk and Dudu showed us more pictures of interesting sea animals. Dudu taught us about lots of things. After the talk we sat down to eat our lunch. We went to the aquarium with our guide. She took us around to see all kinds of fish like the clown fish and parrot fish. The guide spoke to us about the fish in the big tanks. After the aquarium the guide took us to watch the dolphin show which was so amazing. I was so lucky because I was chosen to go in front and was splashed with water by the dolphin. The first dolphin’s name was Gambit and he is 43 years old. All the other girl dolphins were so good too. I really had a great time at uShaka. Olo Sopotela When I got to school I was so excited I didn’t know what to do. We got on the bus and off we went. When we got there we were a bit early so we had to wait. Finally it was time to go inside. We sat in chairs and a lady came in. Her name was Dudu and she put on a projector and showed us some pictures of the animals in the aquarium. Then she told us who was going to take us around. Her name was Sdu. We went to lots of places and saw lots of animals. My best part was when we saw the sharks. There were three sharks. After that we went to the dolphin show and I got to be on the big screen. The dolphins were awesome. Dominic Hislop

The nicest thing anyone has done for me When I was in hospital and was really sick and my sister bought me a bear. I was so happy. Jack Hampson When my uncle allowed me to sneak up on an impala on his Game farm. Luke Rowe When my brother taught me how to play cricket and rugby. Now I am very good at it. Chad Croshaw When I was sick my little sister made me a sandwich and brought it on a tray for me. Mackenzie Haygarth When my mum gives me a hug when I’m sad. It gives me a warm feeling inside. Dean Macleod-Henderson

This page was sponsored by Sahil Ramdeyal 57 YEAR BOOK 2014


Roselands is such a great place. Uzair Asmal. Roselands was Chahile Singh. I liked going full of fun things to do. Michael to bed without a shower. Ben Thornton. Roselands was the Aylward. The obstacle course ROSELANDS best. I think that the dam was was the best. Muhammad nice. Yaaseen Mahomed. My Shahid. At Roselands I liked the mud. Jude Bunyan. favourite thing was going backwards on the zipline. It At Roselands my favourite thing was jumping off the was amazing. James Kitto. At Roselands I had the best jetty. Naeem Motala. At Roseland I had fun with my time of my life! Cody Downham. I love Roselands. It friend; it was the best. Jack Piper. Roselands was great had lots of activities. Jordan Venter. I loved playing because they taught us how to swim in the dam. Ayola soccer there. Ahmed Limalia. Roselands is awesome Ngwane. I loved Roselands because of the funny songs. because of the dam and the soccer. Dominic Hislop

If I could be invisible, I would... I would pinch people on the ear just to see the expression on their faces. Angus Arro I would make my brother scared because he can be annoying at times. Keelan Henry I would help people because I’m a nice boy. Alwande Nzuza I would scare people because it would be funny to watch. Dylan Bush I would steal marshmallows from my granny because I’m always hungry for marshmallows. Jude Sjouerman

This page was sponsored by Yahshiv and Teshaan Moodley 58 YEAR BOOK 2014


Hurricane Hurricane Stormy, windy, terrifying Hurricane Pushing, hitting, covering, misting Hurricane As windy as a hairdryer Hurricane Why is the eye so calm? Ayola Ngwane Bushfire Bushfire Scary, crackling, sparking Bushfire Spreading, flowing, burning, My special moment: Earthquake Report leaping Bushfire When I got my puppies. Breaking news! A fault line has As loud as a jet Jua van Wyk been discovered in Africa. It is highly Bushfire When I swam 17 lengths at the pool. active and Durban may be on the How hot are you really? Matthew van Dongen brink of an earthquake! Jehiel Timothy When I went up to collect the trophy This is James Burns reporting live. for winning the interhouse gala. I am flying over Durban right now Jedd Poovan and it is not a pretty sight. One of When I scored a goal at rugby. the biggest earthquakes on earth Christopher Kruger has shaken the city of Durban. It When I received my end of Grade 3 looks like the big buildings in the certificate from the Headmaster. city centre have all fallen down and David van Rooyen killed many people. Moses Mabida When I scored 24 runs against Stadium has fallen down and it Glenwood Prep. looks like there won’t be any soccer Harvey Millard matches for a while. The rugby field When I was chosen to be the child in has split in half but the stadium the concert. looks ok. There is devastation eve- Connor Gabriel rywhere, what a disaster! It is going When I scored the winning try to take months to fix this all. I think for the U9 team in rugby against that sums it up for today. Good day Merchison. to you all. James Burns Olo Sopotela

This page was sponsored by Lokesh Penugonda 59 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: Z Howell, D Hislop, J Timothy, M Thornton, B Ribbink, M Jeewa, J Savic 2nd Row: J Venter, J Bunyan, A Ngwane, J Kitto, M King, C Downham, A Limalia, Mrs G Marklew Seated: Y Mahomed, M Watts, R Jackson, N Prakaschandra, J Piper, N Motala, U Asmal Absent: B Pretorius

Back: W Veitch, L Coetzer 3rd Row: S McKay, S van der Werff, J Stander, U Vanker, J Lawrence, B Chester 2nd Row: L Freitag, T Nkosi, C Reardon, K Koloko, D Pohl, J Burns, N Schulte, Miss K Smith Seated: A Manilall, C Good, L Tombleson, C Hunter, N Hamilton, H Badat, MY Bacus

This page was sponsored by Luca and Tiago Robinson 60 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: C McDonald, J Jadwat, M Hassam, J Chetty, S Swart, K Bhagat, D van Rooyen 2nd Row: J King, O Sopotela, C Gabriel, K Setzkorn, H Mahomed, J Poovan, J van Wyk, Mrs S Vawda Seated: M van Dongen, L Williams, C Saks, D Dreyer, T Gould, H Millard, C Kruger

Back: D Macleod-Henderson, C Singh, M Stewart, C Everitt, N Chetty, J Hampson, A Nzuza 2nd Row: D Bush, B Aylward, M Machi, J Francke, L Rowe, M Shahid, M Haygarth, Mrs D Veerasamy Seated: A Arro, J Sjouerman, Y Thandar, A Nunan, M Ally, K Henry, C Croshaw Absent: S Gilchrist

This page was sponsored by Simon Taylor and Family 61 YEAR BOOK 2014


GRADE FOUR REPORT Grade Four is an exciting year. The and score that try. The annual boys say goodbye to the environ- DPHS Rugby Festival in June was a ment that was their Junior Primary much-awaited fixture on the U10’s experience and enter the first year sporting calendar - a first for them Dogzcool Agility Show of their Senior Primary phase - a and never to be forgotten. The boys The three Border Collies were my significant milestone in their Prep excelled in their individual and class favourite. Tip Top was my most school career. Many new challenges poems for the Speech & Drama favourite. He did lots of tricks. My awaited the 87 ‘new’ boys, in the Festival as well as in their Mothers’ favourite trick was when he went classroom, on the sports field and in Day Assembly receiving an A+ from over the pole, through the tunnel, the cultural arena. the adjudicator! back over the pole and into Lloyd’s In the classroom, the boys sit at Preparing for the eagerly-an- arms. Wow! It was quick. their own desks (keeping them tidy ticipated Countries & Cultures Day Matthew Bott is another challenge in itself); learn took up the greater part of the third I was really looking forward to the to write with pen and are awarded term. The boys spent four intense show. There was a very strong their ‘pen licence’; cope with the weeks, during their Social Science chance that there was not going pressures of continuous assess- lessons, preparing their individual to be a dog show because it was ments, marks, positions in class and country posters to be used as ‘back- raining like crazy! The first dog was points for the Beanland Cup and are drops’ to their table display. Moms Tip Top. He was a Border Collie. He introduced to many new specialist and Dads all got involved on the day could entertain us with his tricks. subjects. Looking back over the past transforming the hall into a global Tip Top caught a Frisbee, ran in a zig 11 months they have done them- spectacle. Everyone enjoyed their zag hole and sniffed out where the selves proud. trip ‘abroad’ tasting and drinking ball was. Dazzler was my favourite. On the sports field the U10s all that was on offer. The boys also She could drive a toy car and kick a now practised and played on a had to find time to participate in ball. She is a toy poodle. Everyone more competitive level. Water polo Athletics, Hockey and the School was allowed to play with the dogs was now on offer too. Cricket was Play ‘Thyme Travels’ – another busy on the field. I really enjoyed the dog the highlight of the first term with term to say the least. show. Javhar Naidoo almost the entire grade participat- And finally the fourth term and ing in as many as seven teams, all what the Grade Four boys had been hoping to make it onto the Head- waiting patiently for all year - their master’s Top 10 Batting & Bowling two night excursion to Giants ladder. The Dogzcool Incredible Dog Castle/Greystone Adventure Camp Show presented by Lloyd Bristow in the beautiful Drakensberg. Here and his team of highly intelligent the boys enjoyed many challeng- dogs was well-received by the boys ing physical activities including a together with Gordon Road Girls hike to the San caves to study their and Embury College. paintings and culture – a fitting end Rugby dominated in the second to a fast, fulfilling and fun year for term much to the delight of most of both the Grade Four boys and their the boys. They could not wait to don teachers. their scrum caps and gum guards Trish Miloszewski Section Head

This page was sponsored by Anesh, Sue and Nitai Pertab 62 YEAR BOOK 2014


MyICE ice cream CREAM slips smoothly down COUNTRIES & my throat. It leaves an oh-so lovely note. Lovely, luscious, loving flavour So much better than a boring wafer. CULTURES DAY Then BRAIN FREEZE Now my pain is hard to ease Today is Countries and Cultures Day. We picked out No, not another please. of a hat to see which country we were in out of Matthew Coetzer nine. It is a Grade 4 Social Science event and only grade fours do this auspicious and wonderful event. I was in Mozambique,the country of fish. So we TORNADOIt twirls, it swirls dressed up in our costumes we made. We wore a It’s Dangerous shirt with Mozambiques’s flag on it and baggies. The The most harmful thing on earth seven people in my group were Nathan Kleyn, Luke Wrecking, breaking Rothman, Joshua Maskell, Daniel Hammond, Matt Destroying everywhere it goes Bott, Jordan Saunders, Deyaan Naidoo and me. We You can’t stop it at all served fish, donuts, pineapple, smakeroons, peri peri It searches for its victims burgers, marshmallows and to drink we had shoot- Destruction! ers. The food looked delicious. I was unlucky because Aaryan Bhatta I was eating veg so I couldn’t eat anything on the table in Mozambique except donuts, pineapples and RUGBY marshmallows. The other countries were Poland, Rough and tough Ugly to watch England, Switzerland, Thailand, Brazil, Turkey, Italy Gigantic forwards and France. Italy had ice-cream and Thailand had the Beasts that bounce most food. All the countries foods looked delicious. You get beaten up The one I liked the most was Switzerland. They Travis Arro had a chocolate fountain with strawberries and marshmallows. It was my best day of my Grade Four year so far. When we finished we packed up and TEACHERTough and doesn’t take left to go home. It was fantastic. We had such fun. insubordination Sheldon Govender Emperor of the class Countries and cultures day was a Social Science Amiable project. What we did was we picked out of a hat to Concurs with the headmaster get a country and you would have to dress like that Heightened intelligence Enduring marker country and get food that represents the country Report writer that you are in. I got Thailand but I wanted Italy. It’s Callum Shillaw really fun dressing up and seeing what other people look like. I didn’t really like what I was wearing but at least it was traditional. Countries and cultures day Delightful,DOLPHINS delicate, dependable was nice because we learnt about other countries. Observant We had ice cream, pineapple juice, fruit salad, Loyal and laidback noodles and rats on a stick (we just had sweets). Pleasing to the eye The Grade Rs ate all the sweets. I am happy that Happy all the time our coconut ice cream got finished. I had a great Intelligent and interesting and tiring day. I wonder what Thailand will be like National treasure next year. I am looking forward to eating their food. Matthew Coetzer Dillan Valjee

This page was sponsored by Luke Lourenco 63 YEAR BOOK 2014


GREYSTONE, GIANTS CASTLE EXCURSION It took forever just to get there. Nicholas Dixon Glamosa was very interesting and I enjoyed seeing the glass being made. Adam Wesselink I loved watching glass being made at Glamosa and that we got free earplugs. Anirudh Bansal I think it was a 5 star accommodation. Matthew Bergset It was truly a very awesome experience Ross Taylor My favourite thing was the Giant Castle hike and the San Thank you for making my excursion so special. I was in painting were so the group Rainbow Nation. I was in rondavel number four. interesting. My favourite part of the trip was getting all muddy. My Mark Maree worst part was on the bus and of course PT. The food The obstacle course was really nice. I liked the apple crumble the best. I was too scared to jump off the cliff. I also loved sleeping. Our was very challenging. group went to bed at about eleven or twelve o’ clock the Isaiah Venkiah first night. The next night I was so tired I went to bed at I have to say those about eight. I also loved the glass factory! The furnace ladies really know looked like it had LAVA in it! how to cook. Thank you very much for having me. I had such fun. I Aidan Jack hope I can come again soon. Kind Regards Max Chapman Thank you for having me to stay at your camp. I was in the long dorm. My name is Ntuthuko Zulu. I didn’t like the PT although some people said it stands for Play Time. I loved the food. Please tell the cooks that they are amazing at what they do. The swimming pool was like the Antarctic. I was almost a human popsicle. I was brave to jump off the cliff. Thank you again. I had a great time besides the PT and I think it stands for Physical Torture. Kind regards Ntuthuko Zulu

This page was sponsored by the Klue Family 64 YEAR BOOK 2014


The Sports Car The Dodge Viper pulled up in our driveway with the roar of a lion, then the purr of a panther. Its bodywork was as blue as the ocean. It has cloud–white racing strips. Its wheels were as black as coal and its seats bark brown. Joshua Maskell

My Exciting Holiday It was break-up day, everybody was excited that school was over and that there were three weeks of holiday. At the end of the day we had cakes be- cause it was Ethan’s birthday. Then the home bell rang, I was so happy that school was over. In the holidays I went to Umfolozi Game Reserve with my sister, my dad and my mom. It took three hours to get there. On the way I watched a movie. When we got there we drove around in the game reserve and looked at the animals. We saw fourteen impala, three black rhino, two elephants and a buffalo. After that we stayed in a place near Hluhluwe. The next morning my sister and my dad went to the SPCA and I went to look at the cheetah. My tour guide let me touch a full grown cheetah. On the last day of the holidays I was happy and sad. I was sad because My Grade 4 Year the holidays were over but I was happy because school would start again. I was surprised when... Bandile Mhlongo I was placed first in class. I was the happiest boy in the world. I felt like I could do anything. My Grade 4 Experience Javashkaar Naidoo On my first day of this year I was so nervous because I wanted to know whose class I was in. I was split up with most of my best friends. I was in Mrs Fletcher’s class. I was so excited to see what my teacher was like. Actu- ally my teacher was very kind and exceptional at everything. I have had a fantastic year so far. It was enjoyable and fun. The thing I particularly liked in grade 3 was playing on the jungle gym. In grade 4 my favourite thing was playing cricket at break. The assemblies are on Mondays now. The excursions are completely different to last a year. You can also come in the top 5. In grade 3 you have to play 10 man hockey and this year we play 6 man hockey. The best thing for me this year was going on the rugby tour to Johannesburg. In grade 4 there are many different subjects like S.S and N.S. we can write in pen. In the first term I came 6th in class. In the 3rd term I came 3rd. I was very grateful to be part of the S.P. I was looking forward to Grade 5 next year. I hope I am in the A Class next year. This year it was my best experience ever in my entire schooling. I loved this year. Sheldon Govender

This page was sponsored by the Wesselink Family 65 YEAR BOOK 2014


Mrs Fletcher Merry, merry oh so nice CAFÉ PREP Really neat writing The Pancakes are out of this world. Aidan Jack We could not have had this event without the Mothers’ So brilliant at marking Committee and all their hard work! Ross Taylor our work I love it because the atmosphere there is so warm and Friendly person welcoming. Mohammad Omar Lovely as well We should have Café Prep more often because our moms Easy to talk to don’t have to pack us lunch. Nathan Kleyn I have never tasted something so amazing. People were Teacher of the year waiting in line for the pancakes. Joshua Phipson Can’t stop thinking of us To buy the food you don’t pay with money, you pay Hilarious person with disks. Matthew Bott Excellent teacher Café Prep is as busy as a good restaurant. Right at every thing Matthew Campbell We should definitely have Café Prep more often. It’s probably Keenan McLeod the best week of the whole year! Adam Wesselink I love Café Prep because you can sit with your friends and eat together and you can watch some rugby. Javhar Naidoo Café Prep is the best thing on earth. It means that you can eat like a king and feast for a few days. Café Prep’s amazing treats reminds me of my mother’s amazing food. Isaiah Venkiah Every day I hear my mom sigh and say Oh no it is Café Prep again but to me it means something else.. Shaun Matthysen

Back: C Jestin, H Howell, A Diplall, N Zulu, J Chetty, M Mansoor 3rd Row: J Heath, M Vawda, B van Tonder, D Valjee, M Moolla, D Naidoo, A Mahomedy 2nd Row: E Boast, J Warkus, S Govender, T Melo, J Bolton, M Wellbeloved, M Gore, J Ribbink Seated: K McLeod, C Thom, B Mhlongo, Mrs M Fletcher, W Bhengu, M Chapman, L Slogrove Front: D Hammond Absent: S Ramdhani

This page was sponsored by Ulrike Naidoo 66 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: N Zikhali, L McIntosh, S Parry, C Shillaw, A Litvinenko, J Maskell 3rd Row: A Dasrath, T Arro, M Davidson, J Houston, J Bentley, K Varyani, A Bhatta 2nd Row: S Berchowitz, H Sayeed Mohamed, Che Arenhold, J Naidoo, T Jili, U Sarkhot, M Joosab, M Coetzer Seated: L Wilson, L Rothman, K Wilken, Mrs B Johnston, T Erskine, M Omar, L Mdletshe Front: K Ikin, M Mountford, D Farland

Back: J Phipson, J Saunders, Y Hassim, S Matthysen, H Comins, N Kleyn 3rd Row: J Goder, R Taylor, M Bott, J Howse, A Jack, A Wesselink, M Campbell 2nd Row: M Maree, J Wilmans, M Hassim, E Dreyer, N Dixon, M Omar, A Bansal, J Naidoo Seated: I Venkiah, A Madiba, K Moodley, Mrs T Miloszewski, A Peer, S Mjoli, M Bergset Absent: M Fakey

This page was sponsored by the Drimmie Family 67 YEAR BOOK 2014


Our DPHS Rugby Festival Café Prep is finally here Hip hip hooray give it a cheer Here are the boys, visitors and teams Everyone comes out and screams There are the boys This is no time for toys Take pictures of the players and the lovely game Then at the end put it in a frame The best part is it takes off school Everyone admits this is pretty cool GRADE FIVE REPORT We sit on the stands watching our team An enthusiastic group of 10 year achieved bear testament to the And trust me these matches are not as easy olds soon learnt that Grade Five is effort the boys put into the prepara- as they seem a step up from their previous grade. tion of this event. Class assemblies Slade Jewell As it is the boys’ second year in the are another area where the boys senior primary, they are expected once again display their acting skills. Café Prep is the best to be more organised and to apply All three classes presented assem- When I eat too much I have a rest themselves diligently to the busy- blies: Mrs Huber’s class educated The rugby is very exciting ness of the school programme. the school on the origins of love and I hope there won’t be too much fighting This is the first year that boys delighted in giving the lady teach- When Café Prep is open are streamed into ability groups ers a special home-picked posy for You’ll need a token based on their achievement in Valentine’s Day; Ms Laatz’s class Prep is playing here English and Mathematics from consolidated our grade theme by And I’m cheering loud and clear their Grade Four year. This is done presenting an exciting assembly on The festival is really fun in order to create an environment the Winter Olympics which were Under the very hot sun which is comfortable for all boys to held in Sochi this year; and Mr Fer- The teams are really good work to their maximum capability. reira’s class continued with the sport Something else that is nice is the food. Mrs Sadler, the learning support theme and presented the Soccer Sebastian Schefermann teacher, worked with smaller groups World Cup. of boys from the two mixed ability The end of the year saw boys groups during lesson time as well as enjoying some ‘fun’ activities: a during afternoon sessions in order pantomime, Alladin, was attended to consolidate new concepts. at the Elizabeth Sneddon theatre; The annual overnight excur- practical Mathematics lessons sion is a highlight for many boys. whereby boys learnt to work care- This year boys were transported by fully and precisely to make boxes; bus to Camp Sweetdale, which is a designing, making and racing their banana farm on the South Coast. own cars from recycled material Here boys spent two nights, accom- during Natural Science; as well as modated in tent-style dormitories the completion of beadwork and with their friends. Boys were faced origami crafts. with solving many challenging This has been a busy and suc- activities, which are designed to test cessful year for Grade Five which their ability to work as a team, using has helped us prepare the journey thinking skills. for developing ‘well-rounded Prep The annual Speech and Drama boys’. Festival was well supported by the Janine Huber boys. The many gold certificates Section Head

This page was sponsored by Muzakkir Khan 68 YEAR BOOK 2014


The Trip of a Life Time The wonderful journey started on the meandering road. All the boys were very excited, including me. When we arrived at the Sweetdale Camp, everyone looked around at the lush vegetation and the white tents. The instructors addressed us and put us into groups. We went to our tents and got ready for the activities planned ahead. The activity that I enjoyed the most was the High-Rope. I thought that it was dangerous, because the thin rope was 15 metres high. On the ground there were green and brown leaves. I went off on the thin rope. I was very scared! The challenges were very difficult, but in the end I completed them. I was relieved and my friends clapped, as I got down. The meals were very tasty, especially the burgers and the thin crisp chips. The tuck-shop had a variety of junk food, which I enjoyed. When the trip of the life-time came to an end, I was sad. We learnt five principles. They were safety, commitment, respect, critical thinking and fun. I enjoyed my wonderful stay at the Sweetdale Camp! Suraav Ramlugaan

Long Walk to Fundom We arrived at Sweetdale on Monday, Packed our bags on a tractor, Dragged them along in the warm, sticky air. There was lush vegetation, And a lyrical canopy, With a little stream. Going down the gravel-type road, There were trees, With the most beautiful fresh green leaves, Cracks of sunlight, Shone through the leaves of the canopy, It was a long walk, To the fun activities. Everyone was high- spirited, When we arrived. We went in groups to our tents, Which had huge concrete floors, With bunk beds. The food was delicious and mouth-watering. The activities were fun, scary, And sometimes thrilling - Especially the one hundred metre long slide. We were sad when we left on Wednesday! Connor Carey

This page was sponsored by Nathan Kleyn 69 YEAR BOOK 2014


A friend is a person, You like, and they like you, They help you, Through thick and thin, They are like cement, And you are the bricks, They hold you together, They always have your back. You can share your thoughts, And they will listen, They give you advice, When you are feeling down. Friends are like family, When you are feeling, As if everybody hates you, You can go to your friend, He will comfort you. Samuel Spooner He picks me up, When I’m feeling down, Makes me feel like a Superhero. He plays the games I like, I play the games he likes, We never bully each other, The Snowboard Race Or scream or shout at each other. It is the most freezing day, His name is Chad, My whole body is shaking, He is good at everything, Today’s the day…. The day I have been waiting And makes me feel like I am too! for my whole life. I’m ready to go, He is my best friend, Five opponents are alongside me, To the very end! I’m focused now, Jack Aylward Crowds are cheering, A friend’s a gift. Ready, set, go! You can only earn a friend, There goes the gun, I’m off, I’m focused on the ramps and jumps, By being friendly. Ahead of me, A friend is there, I’m gliding through the thick snow, To make you happy, I knock into another opponent, And to make you feel comfortable, I fall, I’m out, I’m out of the race! When you’re feeling blue. Now I’m buried in the thick snow, A friend is someone, I’m really feeling the cold in my bones, You can trust, I finish last, I blew my chance! And tell stories or secrets to. Luckily I shall have another chance, A friend is someone you can love. In four years’ time! Oliver Simpkins Luca Botha

This page was sponsored by Jake Jansen and Family 70 YEAR BOOK 2014


Living life on the edge Today is a big day, it’s also cold, I can feel the crisp air, It’s seeping through my bones, I feel the elephants shuffling around in my tummy, I’m oblivious to every noise, Adrenalin has replaced the blood in my body, All I hear is my heart beating, I’m about to race, It’s the snowboarding finals, I’m in Vancouver- for the games, The slope is treacherous, But so am I! The siren goes, I go without hesitation, Speeding off at an amazing speed, I take a sharp turn, One wrong move and I’ve lost, I’m tense, I’m full of fear and excitement, Here comes the mother of all jumps, I’m up and over, I’ve landed it, The results come through… I’ve drawn for first place, I love living life on the edge, But more, I love snowboarding! Nicholas Kidd DPHS vs Rondebosch: COLLECTIVE They ran on the field with great pride. The referee blew his whistle, NOUNS The game was on. a broom of witches We scored the first try in a matter of minutes. Riley Hardwick Every time we scored, a lunar of stars The boys watching the game, Muhammad Jhaveri Would stomp their feet on the stand. a burst of balloons It sounded like a train bashing its way through. Jack Aylward Every time Rondebosch scored Selborne would chant, a float of boats Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! Douglas Wilson With six minutes to go to the end of the game, a freeze of ice Yahshiv Moodley We needed one more try to win, It was 21-24 to them. a volley of racquets Duncan Biccard Then Kade made a break through, a faint of heat He dived over the line and scored. Nqubeko Nyembezi The crowd went crazy. a clink of keys That was the end of the game, Waseem Simjee 26-24 to us!

The Game Asher Knox-Davies

This page was sponsored by the Southwood Family 71 YEAR BOOK 2014


Mischievous Monkeys Versatile Vervets Here they are, They don’t come alone. Big troops of them, They’ve travelled all over, Trotting around, But...They chose here. Their heads held high, Why? That devilish smile, When the monkeys come The box… We know too well. When all is quiet, The mighty, mighty… As cunning as foxes, They come! Coolerbox! They pounce! Grab! Nab! Snatch! They sit on the rooftop, Filled with treats.. And just like that they’re gone! Watching the school. Succulent, savoury… On the roof they eat, Waiting... Sweets! Their treasures laden for all to see, Waiting for the right moment They have the perfect strategy… In their arrogant manner, to strike. Hardwired into their brains… They saunter around, Then, Evolution, patience and… Searching for their next target. When the coast is clear, Opening Miss Laatz’s window Duncan Biccard They attack! Sethu Jackson They dart towards the lunch boxes, Without hesitation. They rummage through the coolers, Not looking for fruit…. But for treats. When they get what they want, They spring back onto the roof. Eating like kings, Their prize earned! Waseem Simjee

Back: D Pillay, M Pender-Smith, C Uys, L Hitchings, Y Moodley, M Akoob 3rd Row: O Simpkins, J Moodley, C Carey, J Mulla, N Hatton, A Knox-Davies, J Aylward, D Wilson, D Biccard 2nd Row: Mr M Jali, A Masood, W Simjee, S Spooner, N Nyembezi, S Jackson, W Jelf, M Jhaveri, N Kidd, Mrs J Huber Seated: S Ramlugaan, L Botha, R Hardwick, L Nazar, J Goodwin, K Williamson, J Sweeney

This page was sponsored by Shreyan Naidoo 72 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: C Nel, M Lehman, F Joosab, A Hodgett, A Boodhun 3rd Row: Y Paruk, T Lundy, T Larche, M Jonson, M Xego, B Henderson, W Christensen, H Ambaram, S Blunt 2nd Row: H Arbee, M Habiya, E Watt, E Reeves, T Visser, R Moosa, L Du Toit, T Roothman Seated: M Laudenberg, M Govender, J Kennedy, Mr S Ferreira, N Gama, K Geary, A Gumede

Back: L Robertson, A Motala, F Bunyan, M van der Werff, U Solwa, I Paruk 3rd Row: J Ismail, C van der Vyver, G Armstrong, S Pretorius, S Schefermann, J Squires, B Pearson 2nd Row: N Cook, Y Singh, J Miguel, K Ramduth, U Naidoo, J Paton, C Versfeld, S Sibisi Seated: T Rautenbach, J Neill, P Dube, Miss H Laatz, S Jewell, E Robinson, T Hammond

This page was sponsored by Hamilton Attorneys 73 YEAR BOOK 2014


LIMERICK POEMS My Brother I have an older brother Ty Who loved to hurt me and make me cry I planned to vindicate So that I could indicate That he messed with the wrong guy Chad Nandh There was once a guy named Tan Who wasn’t a very big man He was my brother GRADE SIX REPORT And loved by my mother And was a very big Chelsea fan. The Grade Six section had a happy donate some of their profits to the Spencer Klue and rewarding year. The boys em- SPCA. We thank Mr Phillips for his There once was a girl called Ally braced the challenges on offer and leadership and guidance at this Her best friends name is Sally achieved successfully. event. She was very smart Grade Six is the first year that Grade Six enjoyed their excur- And loved throwing darts the boys write formal examinations. sion to Greystone in the Drakens- And she always took part in a rally Although they were initially appre- berg. The boys participated in many Kegan Cockcroft hensive, they rose to the challenge activities, leadership programmes and on the whole did very well. and team building exercises. Market Day was a great suc- We congratulate Mr Phillips on cess this year. The boys prepare for his marriage to Elizabeth Ahern on this event in their Social Sciences 23 August this year. May they have lessons. They are required to devise a very happy life together. a business plan in groups, prepare We have enjoyed a happy, pur- handmade goods, provide a float, poseful and rewarding year with the set up their stall, sell their goods and Grade Six Boys. We wish them every total their products at the end. Each success as they enter Grade Seven group pays a fee to rent their space at DPHS. and are offered an opportunity to Jean Armstrong Section Head

The Horrible Bus Every day after school I have to go on that rusty old white bus. The worst part of my day is getting on that bus that smells like smoke, because the bus driver smokes every day in the bus. There is gum under the seats and every time I sit down it creeks. I’m scared every time I get on that bus because it sounds like it is about to fall over. The way the bus driver drives so recklessly scares me every time. I hate to get on that smelly, scary white bus. Noah Ngcobo

This page was sponsored by Tushar Bhikha 74 YEAR BOOK 2014


HAIKU POEMS Reef Under the ocean Bright with different creatures Peaceful and silent Tristan Trollip Fire Red, orange, yellow Melting anything in path So hot so scary Yusuf Randeree Fire Blistering fire! The crackling, burning, falling New beginning …. Spring The break bell rings, a piercing sound to end play. All the children Josh Hook scatter like mice to their classrooms. The playground is silent, like a grave. A lone swing sways back and forth. A chilly breeze ruffles the leaves on the old oak tree. It is hard to believe that, only a few mo- t er b re ak ments ago the playground was alive with laughter. The only evidence that the children were there, are the few blue coolers left on the field. The rickety old jungle gym stands tall, guarding the playground until

o u n d a f the children return once more. Thomas Gibbons The playground that was buzzing lively with laughter and screaming now looked like an abandoned rusty old car in a junk-yard. I could see the wind breeze through the grass just like waves on the ocean. The clouds’ shadows fell on the empty field searching for the boys that Tornado teased it. The stands were scattered with bread crumbs that pigeons Twisting and turning began to peck at. Some boys were in such a hurry that they forgot Destruction, mayhem above r The Em p ty Playg their coolers. Someone had even forgotten their shoes. Nirav Roy Finally it ends … Rowan van Rooyen Volcano Erupting huge hole Lava, red, hot and bubbling Violently roars Banzi Duma The Beach HOUSE I walk across sand And find myself blistering PLAY In the hot, hot heat Noah Ngcobo Trees Big and tall things Beautiful colours Shelter for all life Gabriel Sjouerman

This page was sponsored by the Jackson Family 75 YEAR BOOK 2014


The Old Man A few years ago there was an old man who lived in our neighbourhood. He had a white long, grizzly beard and red cracked skin with bright blue eyes and long ridged toe nails. When he talked he had a deep voice and a dry laugh. He was coughing continuously. He couldn’t walk. He sat in a blue electrical wheelchair and wore ragged clothing. He had the smell of onions, garlic and a powerful strong peanut butter smell. Mpendulo Simamane

The Delicious Boerewors Roll The delicious boerewors roll’s aroma wafts in the air, wherever the breeze takes it. The sizzling hot sausage in the greasy grill on top of the braai. The fresh white roll, Soft as a babies bottom, cut open and buttered. Slide the cut, open, hot boerewors into the soft roll, melting the butter into the bread. The tastes mixing when a bite is taken. The different flavours and textures, blending together all to make the delicious dish they call the boerewors roll. Gabriel Sjouerman A piece of Cake Once when I went to a restaurant I had a piece of cake. It had a vanilla base with strawberry filling in the middle and on top. It had a strawberry soaked in chocolate sauce laid on top. When you ate it, it was fresh and delicious. MARKET DAY The strawberry explodes like a rainbow in your mouth when you eat them. It smells fresh and yummy. I loved my fresh, delicious, rainbow cake. Jake Mileham My Grandpa’s Surfboard I found my grandpa’s surfboard in the shed. My grandpa’s surfboard was white and blue with an or- ange border. The surfboard is a longboard. It was dirty and felt like an old road. My grandpa’s surfboard croaked like a frog as you climbed on it. Every time you move it squeaks like a mouse. When you caught a wave it would wobble like jelly. I love catching waves on my grandpa’s surfboard. Benjamin Jackson My Brothers Fish When we go to the beach my brother always fishes. I love the one fish he caught. The fish was the size of a school ruler. The fish was brown and yellow and it had blue spots on its head. It had big scales on its body. When the fish jumped it made a splash, flap and a bang sound on the water. The fish smelt like salt water and wet dog. I love going fishing with my brother and smelling the sea air and the fish flopping in the water. Mark Ten Bokkel-Huinink

This page was sponsored by DSG Security 031 3128852 76 YEAR BOOK 2014


Extracts from Reports on Greystone Excursion We had a leadership lesson with a guy named David. The lesson was three hours long but he taught us an amazing amount of lessons. The first lesson was just take five minutes of your time to help others. The second was to appreciate everything you’ve got and don’t take everything for granted. The third, don’t criticize someone before you’ve tried it. The fourth, before you make a decision always think of the worst thing that could happen not the best. He also did a bunch of amazing magic tricks in between. Payton Elliot My most enjoyable activity was the snake pit. We had to crawl into a pit full of wet mud. The other activities were also very fun. The hardest activity was the Chinese Wall. It felt like it took an hour! The tyre stacking took some thinking and we did it in MARKET DAY MARKET DAY thirteen minutes. The night activities were very fun! Kent Goedeke Everyone went to the hall for a leadership lesson with a man named Dave. We did a lot of things. We were taught that leaders have to make the first decisions. We were taught how to explain things properly and to see things through other people’s eyes. We were also taught how to convince other people into doing things for you. Michael van Dam On Wednesday we sadly came to the end of our adventurous excursion. We did a few activities before we all had to get on the bus and drive back to school. I was happy to be back in Durban. There’s no place like home. Hrthiq Ramlal On Wednesday everyone was filled with sorrow as we were about to leave, but we were also happy that we were going to see our families. I’m absolutely sure that everyone enjoyed their excursion. Chad Nandh

This page was sponsored by the Berchowitz Family 77 YEAR BOOK 2014


My role model is Dale Steyn or as player. He always plays his his nickname is The Phalaborwa My Role Model best and he plays fair rugby Express. He plays for South Africa and he is not a rough player. and The Nashua Cape Cobras. He is the opening bowler The Springboks are very good at lineouts, and Eben is for both teams and bats no 9, 10 or 11. Dale Steyn is South Africa’s 1st jumper. In games he runs really hard also the 2nd best bowler in the world. He is an all-round and is never shy to tackle. He made his debut in 2012 person and likes to be outdoors. His favourite hobby against England. He had a fantastic game. Eben is a besides cricket is fishing. I admired him because he is very talented player and he has a very bright future. always focused. When I grow up I want to be just like He plays number four for the Springboks and Western him. At my school I play cricket for the 5th team at Prep Province. During the 2013 he played in all and my goal is to move up to a higher team. Dale Steyn the games including the final vs the Sharks. I watched is a great player and one day I the final on TV and it was want to be like him. one of the best Currie Cups Dale Steyn is my role model I have ever seen. Eben plays because he never gives up and with black and yellow Adidas boots. The Springboks are he always tries to scare the sponsored by Canterbury and player without being mean, but Western Province is sponsored he scares the player by bowling by Adidas. fast! Joshua Taylor I really wish that Eben My role model is Eben Etzebeth. Etzebeth could play for the I admire him because he is an Sharks with Peter-Steph-Du outstanding lock for Western Toit. I really would like to play Province and the Springboks. good rugby just like Eben. Eben Etzebeth is young, tall, Eben Etzebeth is my all-time skilful, and he’s an outstanding favourite. Luke Lourenco

Back: Y Mahomed, J Taylor, B Pearson, M van Dam, N Narotam, Z Correia 3rd Row: Z Jasat, B Howell, S Mothilall, C Nandh, L Lourenco, K Cockcroft, R Price, K Goedeke, O Bamber 2nd Row: P Elliot, C Reynolds, D Thom, I Motala, R Wilken, H Ramlal, M Peer, M Moosa Seated: N Bergset, N Jeewa, B Brooks, Mr M Phillips, M van Wyk, S Klue, Y Paruk

This page was sponsored by Josh Maskell and Family 78 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: B Jackson, M Simamane, C Steadman, V Kheswa 3rd Row: N Singh, S Jadwat, R van Rooyen, M Ten-Bokkel Huinink, B van Noordwyk, G Sjouerman, S Taylor 2nd Row: M Suleman, A Myeni, H Ebrahim, Y Randeree, S Cliff, B Duma, K Johnson, J Hook Seated: M Govender, N Ngcobo, N Ngcobo, Mrs J Armstrong, J Miller, J Mileham, M Dabideen Absent: T Trollip, P Mehta

Back: S Premchand, S Mazwi, 3rd Row: A van Dam, B Masango, N Hadebe, N Roy, F Khalil, N Bhagwan, N Mndaweni 2nd Row: C Hayes, M Shoba, A Parekh, M Joyce, G Thomas, N Mtoba, T Losch, D Peter Seated: A Makhathini, Y Paruk, Z Moosa, Mr S Yelseth, K Bolton, T Gibbons, D Kidd Absent: M Peano, M Solwa, P Mehta, MZ Minty,

This page was sponsored by Bryce, Joshua and Matthew Bott 79 YEAR BOOK 2014


GRADE SEVEN REPORT CINQUAIN Rugby It is often under the most trying and mental limits. The success of Dangerous game conditions that the true spirit of a such a camp rests largely on the Running, Tackling, passing man is revealed and this is certainly enthusiasm and commitment of Not a game for the weak true for the Grade Seven year. With those taking part and the 2014 Rough the pressures of performing in the excursion was hailed a success by Mark Armstrong classroom, on the stage and out all involved; many saying it was the Dirty play on the sports fields, immense, it is best grade excursion that they had Kicking, tackling, scrumming wonderful to see the resilience of ever been on. Tackling all the opposition the Prep boys. As an extension of the cur- War The excitement on the first day riculum, the Grade Seven boys Siseko Vato of school is palpable as the hype are taken off-campus on various Winter around the Grade Seven year is a ‘Blokes’ Days’. These activities are Cold weather culmination of years of waiting. planned to extend the boys and give Rain, hail, storms Most old boys will tell you that their them a bit of ‘away time’ while still I get goosebumps everywhere fondest memories of their time at growing them as individuals. Time Freezing Prep are from their Grade Seven was spent at DHS, to give the boys Muhammad Ismail years. a perspective of what high school The leadership programme, life would be like for them. They Party at DPHS, is run in such a way that spent time interacting with the Exciting, rowdy each boy is given an opportunity to, staff and pupils and got an insider’s Fun, presents, games not only, grow as a leader but also view of the running of a high school. I’m jumping with anticipation be a role model and mentor for the The trip to Durban harbour for the Joyful younger boys in the school. These sailing adventure made a welcome Tyrelle Kasaval positions of leadership and respon- return to our programme and the Gift sibility are bestowed on the entire boys took much delight in being Looks fancy Grade Seven group and every boy given the chance to navigate and Surprising, awesome, cool has a role to play in the success of sail their way around the harbour, I’m filled with excitement the school. The class of 2014 took to under the watchful eye of the Sail Amazing their roles and responsibilities with Africa team. The snorkel lagoon Michael Maharaj pride and passion and many have experience at uShaka is always a shown that they will develop in to much anticipated event and was fine leaders of the future. thoroughly enjoyed by all that at- The grade excursion to Spirit of tended the fun day. Adventure was a fine example of 2014 will always hold a special how the boys reacted to pressure. place in the hearts of the boys and The idea of putting them out of the mark they have left on the their comfort zone was applied school will forever be a part of the liberally with many of the activities history of DPHS. pushing the boys to their physical Ross Bedford Section Head

This page was sponsored by the Arenhold Family 80 YEAR BOOK 2014


On Monday 8 December the boys were treated to an experience of heroic proportions. The hall was transformed into a city-scape fitting of a super hero storyboard for the Grade 7 Valedictory Dinner. Drawing on all that we try to instil in our boys during their time at Prep, the dinner was about celebrating the ‘heroes’ these boys have become and what they can achieve when they move on to high school and the years after. Ross Bedford

This page was sponsored by Luke Wilson 81 YEAR BOOK 2014


Spirit of Adventure My TV My TV is my greatest pleasure Excerpt from ‘Spirit of Adventure Report Back’ With all my favourite shows It’s quite a majestic moment when The days were filled with activities that I find my fantastic show pushed our bodies and minds to the limit. I remember the snake-pit, long walk and, best No one will ever take my TV away of all, the dam wall jump. Except for when my mom says After what seemed like hours (It was It’s time for homework my boy. probably only a few minutes) it was my turn to jump. Before I could talk myself out of THE MOTORBIKE jumping, I leapt off of the wall and plummeted My way of transport toward the water with thoughts of the My way of life impact, landing awkwardly and breaking Takes me to places something running through my head. But when eternity came to an end and I I want to see. finally hit the water, there was no pain. The sound of The final evening was filled with sadness The engine puts as we realised that our adventure was nearly Me in heavan over. However, we knew it had been a truly Kade Charlton unforgettable journey and learning and we all knew that the Grade 7 excursion was one we would never forget. Claudio Lehman

This page was sponsored by Garlicke and Bousfield Inc 82 YEAR BOOK 2014


Excerpt from ‘My Dream Come True’ The time had come. The World Cup had started and the opening match was The Springboks vs All Blacks. Our squad was ready and focussed. I suddenly realised that my greatest dream was about to come true; to represent the Springboks. Only a few minutes remained before I ran out onto the field, with my team mates, to represent my country. I was tingling all over and my stomach was in knots. The clock ticked away the seconds. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it would burst out of my chest. Our coach popped his head through the door- way and gave us the nod. It was time. We all took a slow, focussed walk through the door which turned into a sprint out of the tunnel and onto the field. As we streamed out, the fans brought the stadium to life and inspired the Boks. It was the best day of my life. Ross Roberts

Excerpt from ‘What it means to be friends’ The dictionary defines a friend as someone you like and know well… But a friend is much more than that. A friend is someone who will always stick up for you, no matter whether you did the right or wrong thing. They won’t criticise your ways, or you as a person. They won’t laugh at you when you’re in pain. A friend will always be there for you, they’ll always be able to help through tough times because that’s what friends do. So the dictionary got it slightly wrong. A friend is someone that you not only like, but someone that is just like you. Matt du Toit

Excerpt from ‘Winning isn’t everything’ ‘Winning isn’t everything’; this may sound like a lame expression that parents use to make their kids feel better about themselves, but there is some truth behind this old saying. Yes it is nice to win all the time but sometimes you just can’t win, no matter how hard you try. One must always remember that there is always someone stronger, faster, bigger or even smarter than you and there is always someone trying to beat you. I am not saying that you should give up and never try. I am telling you to get up and try again and that failing is just a way of learning so you will be better prepared, next time. Just remember to give whatever you do, your all and to have fun doing it! Ahmed Jajbhay

This page was sponsored by Duncan Biccard and Family 83 YEAR BOOK 2014


Sun It provides energy for you and me That’s quite simple and plain to see, It rises in the morning Yippee! When it stops in the sky and gives the earth a glare, It makes me stop to smile and stare If you stay in it for too long Your body will go very wrong. It won’t just be like any tan, It will make you into a hot headed man. If you get to the suns angry side, You might just want to run and hide. For he is known to be a ball of death, It surely will take away your breath. Azhar Bana

My Desk This behemoth is such a sight; I’m sure one look would give you a fright! ‘Class, take out your books.’ Oh no, you monster, you crook, you’ve devoured my maths book! I search all about, I hope Sir doesn’t shout! ‘Sir…I…Can’t find it.’ When the teacher comes, the book will be on top and Sir will become a nasty, horrible cop. He opens my desk and there it is, right there! He gives me a cold, deathly stare. I know the shouting is imminent, yet, my desk acts so innocent. Bhavik Singh

Back: N Suliman, M Dhooma, G Beavan, D Spiers, T Grant, A Jajbhay 3rd Row: S Rabilall, O Kenny, J Muller, E Bush, D Bibb, Z Patel, M Bennett 2nd Row: C Parle, M Du Toit, G Binedell, A Swanepoel, G Pio, K Wolhuter, C Lehman, L Allen Seated: B Singh, R Roberts, S Paton, Mr R Bedford, J Mills, J Bamber, L Kavanagh

This page was sponsored by Javashkaar and Javhar Naidoo 84 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: M Craig, J Bennett, J Deeble, R Davidson 3rd Row: N Randeree, A Maharaj, C French, M Joosab, C Griffiths, M Ferreira, R Koekemoer 2nd Row: C Streak, T Elam, S Ruggeri, G Mbonambi, G Kirby, L Ross, K Moodley, B Goodall Seated: J Hook, N Dlamini, J Mbonambi, Mr S Aucamp, K Steen, M Kruger, I Vorajee

Back: J Lourens, M Maharaj, T Kasaval, J van Rooyen 3rd Row: L Mavimbela, M Ismail, M Armstrong, E Qwalela, L Hansen, S Vato 2nd Row: K Charlton, C Ferguson, T Donjeany, U Lockhat, B John, M Ismail, T Koch, N Harrison Seated: M Bhabha, C Verbeek, A Bana, Mr S Davis, T Owen, M von Blerk, B Pretorius

This page was sponsored by A.N.A. Insurance Brokers cc 85 YEAR BOOK 2014


The DPHS Prep Pal programme is a unique one which is adapted to suit each and every boy at Prep. There is always a feeling of excitement in the build up to the meeting dates. The system, however, is not merely about the eight meet- ings that each family has the opportunity to sit down and discuss throughout the year. The programme runs far deeper than that. The val- ues held in high esteem by DPHS are reinforced through the bonds that the Prep boys form with each other. The meetings are not the glue that holds that together - rather it is the super- glue of the Prep Experience that bonds each Prep boy and family firmly together. We are proud of the Prep motto ‘Preparing our Boys for Life’ and through being a Prep Pal each and every boy has the opportunity to lead confidently, follow helpfully, guide perceptively, care for those around them and realise that stepping out of their comfort zone by just being themselves is acceptable. The Grade Sevens fulfilled their roles as the ‘father’ of their families by leading with enthusiasm and a great deal of empathy. The initial meeting allowed the boys to get to know each other in an informal manner. Some of the various interactive and fun activi- ties that each Prep Pal group tackled included: • A Sports and Hobbies meeting focussed around the DPHS Cross Country event, during which participation, teamwork and displaying positive support were discussed. • Being a ‘SuperPal’ in which the values of friendship were discussed. • Using the motto of ‘Be Prepared’ the groups forged forward into the final quar- ter of the year planning how to be success- ful in their endeavours. At the final meeting the Grade Seven Leader awarded each member of his Prep Pal group with a personalised certificate, validating each boy in his family by acknowledging his strengths and interests. The Grade Sevens of 2014 are commend- ed for the fine example that they have set for their Pal families. They have been positive role models for the entire school, especially the Grade Six boys, who are looking forward to taking on this exciting responsibility in the New Year.

Steve Aucamp

This page was sponsored by Luke Robertson 86 YEAR BOOK 2014


Congratulations to our Grade 6 and Grade 7 boys on the success of their Natural Science Exhibition. We had a total of 79 exhibits and all groups can be proud of the work that they produced. The Grade 6 experiments were fun and exciting to watch. It was very clear that they enjoyed doing them but what was more impressive was the explanation that followed. The Grade 7 investigative studies were conducted at a level beyond the class- room and we were particularly pleased with the boys’ interest in renewable and sustainable energy resources. We will all agree that there are definitely scientists in the making at DPHS. Well done boys.Alistair Naidu

Grade 6 and 7 Science Expo Results GRADE 6 Most Catchy Title: Payton Elliot and Spencer Klue ‘Generation of Levitation’ Best Poster: Benjamin Jackson and Gabriel Sjouerman ‘Bright or Not So Bright’ Best Interview: Hrthiq Ramlal and Nabeel Jeewa ‘Hydrophobic Sand’ Most Impressive Demonstration: Zach Correia and Ziyaad Jasat ‘Tornado Trouble’ Best Support Material: Hrthiq Ramlal and Nabeel Jeewa ‘Hydrophobic Sand’ GRADE 7 Most Catchy Title: Ibrahim Vorajee and Umar Lockhat ‘Peppermin C’ Best Poster: Jordan Bamber and Claudio Lehman ‘A Solution to Water Pollution’ Best Interview: Jared Hook and Matthew Kruger ‘Go With the Flow’ Most Promising Project: Joshua Bennett and Reggie Davidson ‘Feel the Attraction’ Best Support Material: Naail Suliman and Muaaz Ismail ‘Fryer to Fuel’

This page was sponsored by Jedd Poovan 87 YEAR BOOK 2014


Once again the Durban Prep boys stood tall in the various areas of DPHS House Captains 2014 sporting life during 2014. Each and Captain Vice Captain: every challenge was met with deter- mination and resilience. The Grade Bullimore: Claudio Lehman Tristan Elam 7 boys, as the leaders in the school, Evans: Timothy Koch Ross Roberts made a remarkable impact on the Haysom: Josh Muller Grant Pio sporting programme. They were Stubbs: Mark Armstrong Ethan Bush well supported and encouraged by the rest of the school. The boys took advantage of the many opportuni- ties that were presented to them and did so in true Prep fashion. TOURS/FESTIVALS Once again the school was able to February DPHS Cricket Festival: DPHS, KZN Development, Northlands, afford boys the opportunity to test Virginia, Lynwood () King Edward Preparatory School and measure themselves against (Gauteng), Trinityhouse (Gauteng) and Grey (Bloem) the very best on offer in our week to June DPHS Rugby Festival: DPHS, Merchiston, Pelham, Westville, week fixtures. The numerous tours Cowan House, Northlands and Durban Development, and hosting of festivals provided the Bishops, Wynberg, SACS and Rondebosch from , opportunities to measure ourselves Trinityhouse from Gauteng, Selborne from East London. Over against the very best. The success 500 boys participated in the festival that individuals and teams achieved September SA Prep Schools Hockey Festival: DPHS 1st team took part in was celebrated and enjoyed by all annual Prep Schools festival hosted by Northlands involved. There was participation Kingsmead Mynahs U11 Festival across each and every code and at Our U11A team took part and won the Kingsmead Mynahs every level. Once again the house festival at Kearsney. competition provided such a good TOURS – AWAY contest between the boys and the March Water Polo: 1st Team participated in Grey Junior (PE) houses. The spirit and pride was evi- tournament dent in all of the competitions. Well Rugby: 1st and 2nd team participated in Glenwood High done to all involved in what was School Festival another successful and memorable April The Junior A and B tennis teams took part in the Truida Kestell year of DPHS sport. tournament in Bethlehem. May Rugby: U10A, B and C teams toured Gauteng and played Acknowledgements: against Trinityhouse, Jan Cilliers, Helderkruin, Fontainebleu and • The Grounds Staff for making Randhart. sure the boys enjoyed the very July Rugby: 164 boys travelled to Cape Town to play against best possible facilities and fields; Wynberg, Bishops and SACS. • The coaches for their tireless August Hockey: 1st team took part in Festival. efforts and passionate guidance; The Senior A and B tennis teams took part in the Truida Kestell • The parents for ensuring that the tournament in Bethlehem boys were transported to numer- October Water Polo: 1st team took part in SACS tournament in Cape ous venues for matches; town. • DHSOB, Collegians and eThek- wini Centec Campus for the use VISITING TEAMS of their facilities; February Cricket, Golf, Water Polo and Tennis boys hosted St Stithians • Our major sponsor PHOTO- from Gauteng NOTE for their kind and valued June Rugby: Trinityhouse played against our 11A, 11B, 10A and support. 10B teams as part of the DPHS Rugby festival. Cowan House (PMB) also took part in the festival Michael Dick October Cricket: St Benedicts (Gauteng) played our 11A and 10A teams. Director of Sport Dainfern from Gauteng played against our 1st XI

This page was sponsored by Flynn, Jude and Kristian Bunyan 88 YEAR BOOK 2014


HOUSE COMPETITIONS Points Allocated for each event for the Keith Millar Trophy for House Games: 1st - 4, 2nd -3, 3rd - 2, 4th – 1 Bullimore Evans Haysom Stubbs Athletics Junior 3rd 1st 4th 2nd Athletics Senior 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Bodyboarding 4th 2nd 1st 3rd Chess 4th 2nd 3rd 1st Cricket Junior 2nd 1st 4th 3rd Cricket Senior 2nd 4th 3rd 1st Cross Country 4th 2nd 3rd 1st Golf Senior 1st 4th 3rd 2nd Hockey Junior 3rd 2nd 4th 1st Hockey Senior 3rd 2nd 4th 1st House Plays 1st 2nd 4th 3rd Rugby Junior 2nd 1st 4th 3rd Rugby Senior Not contested in 2014 Swimming Junior 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Swimming Senior 4th 1st 2nd 3rd Tennis Junior 4th 1st 2nd 3rd Tennis Senior 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Water Polo Junior 4th 1st 2nd 3rd Water Polo Senior 4th 2nd 3rd 1st


The Interhouse Surfing and Bodyboarding competition for 2014 was held on Friday 28 November. The surf conditions were small to start and improved as the competition progressed. Best Senior Surfer Karl Steen Best Senior Body Boarder Liam Kavanagh Best Junior Surfer James Ribbink Best Junior Body Boarder Jake Goder

This page was sponsored by Bo’s Plant and Tool Hire 89 YEAR BOOK 2014

REPRESENTATIVES Seated: Absent: Row: 3rd 6th Row: 5th Row: 4th Row: 2nd Row: Back Row: T Robinson, E Qwalela, D Wilson T Robinson, E Qwalela, N Hatton, M Xego, C Griffiths, T Trollip, Z Patel Z Trollip, N Hatton, M Xego, C Griffiths, T K Steen, T Elam, R Price, G Pio, T Grant, C Lehman, K Goedeke, S Taylor S Taylor C Lehman, K Goedeke, G Pio, T Grant, K Steen, T Elam, R Price, S Klue, N Ngcobo, K Geary, R Hardwick, P Elliot, D Valjee, K Bolton, E Watt, J Ribbink, B Brooks, N Jeewa N Jeewa J Ribbink, B Brooks, K Bolton, E Watt, P Elliot, D Valjee, R Hardwick, K Geary, S Klue, N Ngcobo, L McIntosh, S Jewell, T Losch, S Cliff, H Ramlal, M Davidson, D Peter, C Hayes, MA Akoob, M Fakey, L du Toit, C Jestin L du Toit, M Fakey, MA Akoob, C Hayes, H Ramlal, M Davidson, D Peter, T Losch, S Cliff, L McIntosh, S Jewell, L Hansen , K Wolhuter, G Beavan, J Muller, Mr H Pike, M Armstrong, Mr M Dick, E Bush, Bennett, J Bamber M Armstrong, Mr H Pike, J Muller, G Beavan, L Hansen , K Wolhuter, Y Fakey, D Butler, L Nel, L O’Brien, S Ramlugaan, N Bergset, D Bush, J Jansen, H Millard, M Bergset, M Garreau, L Robinson M Garreau, M Bergset, D Bush, J Jansen, H Millard, S Ramlugaan, N Bergset, L Nel, O’Brien, D Butler, Y Fakey, L Kavanagh, L Allen, J Squires, J Taylor, S Pretorius, C Steadman, N Mndaweni, S Schefermann, D Biccard, C Uys, M Lehman D Biccard, S Schefermann, C Steadman, N Mndaweni, S Pretorius, J Taylor, L Allen, J Squires, L Kavanagh,

This page was sponsored by Guy and James Joughin 90 YEAR BOOK 2014


Congratulations to the following boys who were chosen for National, Provincial and Zonal Representation in 2014.

SPORT NAME LEVEL SPORT NAME LEVEL Athletics Dylan Bush Provincial Hrthiq Ramlal Provincial Ethan Bush Provincial Motor Cross Jake Jansen Provincial Tristan Trollip Provincial Harvey Millard Provincial Baseball Keaton Geary Provincial Road Racing Jake Jansen Provincial BMX Jake Jansen Provincial Rugby Mark Armstrong Provincial Liam Nel Provincial Jordan Bamber Provincial Luke O’Brien Provincial Esethu Qwalela Provincial Body Boarding Liam Kavanagh Provincial Tristan Trollip Provincial Cricket Muhammad Azhar Akoob Provincial Kade Wolhuter Provincial Jordan Bamber Provincial Mpumelelo Xego Provincial Gareth Beavan Provincial Gareth Beavan Zonal Duncan Biccard Provincial Nicholas Bergset Zonal Tristan Elam Provincial Scott Cliff Zonal Nicholas Hatton Provincial Payton Elliot Zonal Luke Allen Zonal Kent Goedeke Zonal Mark Armstrong Zonal Tyler Grant Zonal Luke du Toit Zonal Connor Griffiths Zonal Kent Goedeke Zonal Nabeel Jeewa Zonal Nabeel Jeewa Zonal Naledi Mndaweni Zonal Steven Pretorius Zonal Reece Price Zonal Suraav Ramlugaan Zonal Conna Steadman Zonal Sebastian Schefermann Zonal Rugby 7s Kade Wolhuter Provincial Joshua Squires Zonal Soccer Keagan Bolton Zonal Chad Uys Zonal Billy Brooks Zonal Kade Wolhuter Zonal Max Davidson Zonal Cricket – Indoor Callum Hayes Provincial Slade Jewell Zonal Spencer Klue Provincial Mickele Lehman Zonal Cross Country Luke Allen Zonal Noah Ngcobo Zonal Duncan Biccard Zonal Nicholas Hatton Zonal Sebastian Schefermann Zonal Claudio Lehman Zonal Dillan Valjee Zonal Lucas McIntosh Zonal Surfing Benjamin Ribbink National Sebastian Schefermann Zonal Karl Steen Provincial Elijah Watt Zonal Surf Lifesaving Ethan Bush Provincial Douglas Wilson Zonal Josh Muller Provincial Go-Karting Tristan Losch National James Ribbink Provincial Golf Matthew Bergset Provincial Swimming Joshua Bennett Provincial Gymnastics Daniel Butler Provincial Ethan Bush Zonal Luca Robinson Provincial Luke Hansen Zonal Tiago Robinson Provincial Joshua Taylor Zonal Hockey Jordan Bamber Provincial Simon Taylor Zonal Michael Bennett Provincial Sebastian Schefermann Zonal Grant Pio Provincial Chad Uys Zonal Kade Wolhuter Provincial Tennis Tyler Grant Provincial Luke Allen Zonal Callum Hayes Zonal Spencer Klue Zonal Callum Jestin Zonal Hockey Indoor Riley Hardwick Provincial Zaid Patel Zonal Spencer Klue Provincial Water Polo Mark Armstrong Provincial Judo Muhammad Fakey National Joshua Bennett Provincial Yousuf Fakey Provincial Michael Bennett Provincial Mitchel Garreau Provincia Luke Hansen Provincial Daniel Peter Provincial Josh Muller Provincial

This page was sponsored by Brogan Esterhuizen and Family 91 YEAR BOOK 2014


Our Junior Primary Sports Day is a glorious inter-house competition and forms part of the Friends and Founders Day celebrations. It was held on the 28 August 2014. Our Chairlady of the Mothers’ Committee, Moira Campbell, was our special guest. There were a number of outstanding achievements throughout the programme and great enthusiasm shown by our boys. It was a very successful day with parents and grandparents attending with excellent crowd participation. All TROPHY WINNERS boys were involved in the sports Slater Trophy U7 Boys Relay Evans programme and all competed and Mylrea Trophy U8 Boys Relay Haysom represented their respective houses. Evans House was the champion Howell Trophy U9 Boys Relay Evans house and the DPHS JP Athletics Joyce Broadhead Trophy Baton Ladder Relay Evans Trophy was presented to the house captains, Ben Ribbink and Connor Fitchet Trophy Gr 3 Tug of War Haysom Gabriel. Henry Family Trophy U7 100m Sprint Tristan Smith Desiree Veerasamy Wood Trophy U7 Outstanding Athlete Tristan Smith Final Points Standings: Joel Peterson Memorial U8 Outstanding Athlete Jarred Kitto 1st Evans 212 Broughton Trophy U9 Outstanding Athlete Benjamin Ribbink 2nd Stubbs 145 Everest Trophy U9 800m Ben Aylward DPHS JP Athletics Trophy Winning House Evans 3rd Bullimore 129 4th Haysom 122

This page was sponsored by Miles, Maryanne and Joshua Taylor Family 92 YEAR BOOK 2014


SENIOR PRIMARY SPORTS DAY – 28 AUGUST Trophy Winners Headmaster’s Centenary Trophy Tug-of War Haysom Shaun Broughton Memorial Trophy U10 150m Lucas McIntosh Browning Cup U11 150m Oliver Simpkins Bullimore Cup U12 150m Scott Cliff Stubbs Memorial Cup U13 150m Ethan Bush E I Wilson Cup U13 100m Ethan Bush Walshaw-Thornton Trophy U12 800m Scott Cliff Lovell Shippey Brothers Trophy U13 800m Ethan Bush Coronation Cup U10 Relay Evans Centenary Cup U11 Relay Evans Torguis Cup U12 Relay Stubbs Geshen Cup U13 Relay Stubbs Martine Cup Ladder Relay Stubbs The Townsend “25” (1925) Standard Points Bullimore Headmaster’s Trophy (1915) Interhouse Champs Stubbs

OUTSTANDING ATHLETES 2014 U10 75th Anniversary Cup Lucas McIntosh U11 McKeurtan Trophy Elijah Watt U12 Hogan Cup Scott Cliff U13 Denis Bullimore Trophy Ethan Bush

Final Points Standings

1st Stubbs 262

2nd Haysom 220

3rd Evans 195

4th Bullimore 147

This page was sponsored by Humzah and Uzayr Mohamed Sayeed 93 YEAR BOOK 2014


CRICKET 1ST XI Back: C Hayes, T Elam, M du Toit, L Allen 2nd Row: K Goedeke, K Wolhuter, M Armstrong, R Koekemoer, J Deeble, L Ross Seated: J Bamber, Mr M Dick, G Beavan (Captain), Mr H Pike, G Pio

School Captain: Gareth Beavan hard during their practices and to- gether with their coaches they had Cricket Report fun. The house matches were tightly The open age group enjoyed consid- contested and it was great to watch erable success during 2014. It was the boys compete against each wonderful to see how many of the other. There were some really close senior boys featured so prominently games but in the end Stubbs were in the results from week to week. too strong for the rest. Well done to A good number of boys managed all the boys on a good year. to remain on the Headmaster’s list of U13 Age Group Results top 10 batting and bowling achieve- Team Played Won Lost Drew No Result ments. We were 1st 16 7 6 1 2 blessed to enjoy such 2nd 12 7 4 0 1 good cricket pitches for our matches and 3rd 12 11 0 1 0 occasionally for our 4th 12 8 3 0 1 practices too. A Tues- 5th 9 6 2 0 1 day afternoon was always an interesting 6th 10 6 3 0 1 exercise with every 7th 8 7 1 0 0 open cricket player jammed into our nets. 8th 8 4 3 0 1 The boys worked Total 87 56 22 2 7

This page was sponsored by Zwangenkosi Mpanza 94 YEAR BOOK 2014


1st Team 2014 The 2014 1st XI continued to build on what other 1st teams achieved in recent years. The first team started off the term well and although the team didn’t show total domi- nance, they showed some good all-round qualities. It was a team that required everybody to pull their weight in order for success to be achieved. The first term presented some tough challenges especially over the DPHS festival. It was a tough challenge for the boys to score at more than five runs per over. Just as we looked set to develop a big partnership we would lose a wicket. This pattern seemed DPHS !st X1 vs Maritzburg College 14A with some DPHS Old Boys to be a problem during the first term. Two games that highlighted fourth term. This put the team in a some very good partnerships. Kade this area were our matches against very strong position and the bowlers Wolhuter and Kent Goedeke played Highbury and Grey. On both occa- were able to do their job with less exceptionally well to get us out of a sions we went from being in very pressure than in the first term. We tough situation against Merchiston. strong positon to falling short of the had some very strong performances Mark Armstrong and Tristan Elam required total. On a positive note, against Merchiston, Highbury and also played some good cricket and we did learn from our mistakes and Westville in particular. It was great contributed to the team’s total. there were a number of occasions to see the team play such positive Grant Pio, Luke Allen, Liam Ross, where we managed to maintain a cricket. In the batting department Jamie Deeble and Matt du Toit good start and post an excellent Jordan Bamber, Gareth Beavan and provided most of the team’s bowl- total. On the bowling and fielding Ryan Koekmoer scored a bulk of ing. At any stage we were able to front we showed some good control the team’s runs during the term. bowl any two bowlers as a partner- and ability. It was always good to They batted with such dominance see good bowling being well sup- ship and create some pressure for and control. They were involved in ported by good fielding. the opposition. The bowlers were The fourth term was a different Results backed up by some good fielding story and we played cricket with a Term 1 and brilliant catching. Just as the lot more intent and purpose. There Westville won by 91 runs team was reaching some great were no less than eleven scores of Clifton match drawn heights, the season came to an end. over 50 by individuals during the St Stithians lost by 4 wickets Michael Dick Highbury lost by 24 runs Glenwood rain stopped play Grey lost by 7 runs Trinityhouse won by 6 wickets Term 4 DHS 14A lost by 9 wickets Virginia rain stopped play Dainferm won by 45 runs Northlands won by 38 runs Highbury won by 6 wickets College U14 Invit won by 4 wickets Merchiston won by 58 runs Westville won by 91 runs

This page was sponsored by the Thandar Family 95 YEAR BOOK 2014


2014 Headmaster’s List of Top 10 Batting Scores and Bowling Performances BATTING Score Name Team Opposition 1. 139 no Jordan Bamber 1st Westville 2. 102 Jordan Bamber 1st Glenwood Prep 3. 101no Samuel Spooner 11C Clifton 4. 95no Londa Mavimbela 5th Westville 5. 93no Gareth Beavan 1st Northlands 6. 90 Guy Kirby 2nd Clifton 7. 87no Jordan Bamber 1st Highbury 8. 87 Ryan Koekemoer 1st Maritzburg College U14A 9. 86no Samuel Spooner 11C Clifton 10. 85 Duncan Biccard 11A Northlands BOWLING Score Name Team Opposition 1. 6 for 10 Cael van der Vyver 11C Westville 2. 6 for 5 Mickele Lehman 11B Highbury 3. 5 for 7 Lucas McIntosh 10B Glenwood Prep 4. 5 for 8 Jens Paton 11D Virginia 5 for 9 Gareth Beavan Dbn Cent North Coast 5. 5 for 9 Tristan Elam 1st Dainfern 6. 5 for 11 Travis Arro 10c Clifton 7. 5 for 13 Nabeel Randeree 4th Clifton 8. 5 for 22 Keaton Geary 11B St Stithians 9. 5 for 25 Luke Rothman 10A Clifton 10. 4 for 2 Amile Gumede 11D Westville

This page was sponsored by the Bacus Family 96 YEAR BOOK 2014


CRICKET U11A Back: O Simpkins 2nd Row: S Ramlugaan, C Uys, J Squires, S Schefermann, M Akoob, L du Toit Seated: S Pretorius, D Biccard (Captain), Mr R Bedford, N Hatton, G Armstrong

Under 11 Cricket Sebastian Schefermann, U11 Age Group Results Packed with an abundance of Joshua Squires and Chad talent, this age group is defi- Team Played Won Lost Drew No Result Uys all represented Durban nitely one to watch for the 11A 21 19 0 1 1 Central. Duncan, Nicholas future. With over 60 boys at- 11B 11 11 0 0 0 and Muhammad all went tending regular practices and on to represent KZN at the most getting games against 11C 10 10 0 0 0 Northern Provinces Primary regular opposition, 2014 was 11D 7 7 0 0 0 School U11 Interprovincial a very successful year for this 11E/F 1 1 0 0 0 Cricket festival. group of cricketers. The ‘A’ All the other age group Total 50 48 0 1 1 team was a pleasure to coach teams had very positive and the ease with which seasons and produced some they dominated opposition was excellent cricket. The U 11C team re- very entertaining to watch. Having corded the performance of the year said that, though, I do not believe that they have yet played their best by bowling out Westville for 4 runs, cricket and I think there is still a lot with Cael van der Vyver producing to come. The ‘A’ team enjoyed an an excellent set of bowling figures unbeaten year, recording sound of 6 for 0. victories over all their local opposi- All in all it was a very successful tion as well as St Stithians from year for the under 11 age group and Johannesburg. we wait with anticipation to see Team success cannot come going on to represent their province. how these boys grow and improve without the efforts of certain Duncan Biccard, Nicholas Hatton, as they pass through the age individuals and several boys made Muhammad Akoob, Suraav Ramlu- groups. district representation with three gaan, Luke du Toit, Steven Pretorius, Ross Bedford

This page was sponsored by Matthew Watts and Family 97 YEAR BOOK 2014


CRICKET U10A Back: J Wilmans 2nd Row: M Bergset, K Mcleod, L McIntosh, M Wellbeloved, M Gore, L Slogrove Seated: C Jestin, J Heath (Captain), Mr M Phillips, R Taylor, J Bentley

The highlight of the year for the A team will definitely be the victory over traditional rivals Clifton in the 4th term. A game we should never have won. Defending 109, the boys dug deep and put on a superb display of bowling and fielding. Luke Rothman was given the new ball for the first time and spun the team to victory with figures of 5 for 25. Another highlight that must be Under 10 Cricket mentioned is Brandon van Tonder’s ing just been promoted to the C This was a challenging year for the hat-trick against Merchiston. Hav- team, Brandon took his and the age under 10 cricket teams, but as group’s first hat-trick of the per the norm, Prep boys did U10 Age Group Results year. not back down. With around Team Played Won Lost Drew No Result I wish the boys in this age 70 boys showing up to prac- 10A 14 9 5 0 0 tice every week, the major- group all the best for their ity of the boys participated 10B 9 8 0 0 1 future cricketing endeavours in competitive interschool 10C 9 7 0 0 2 at Prep. It is certainly an age fixtures. The boys have grown 10D 7 5 2 0 0 group that shows commit- and improved week after ment and enthusiasm and week, and special thanks must 10E 3 1 2 0 0 will go on to record more go to the coaches who have 10F/G 1 0 1 0 0 guided the boys throughout exceptional performances. the year. Total 43 30 10 0 3 Malcolm Phillips

This page was sponsored by Lenmed Health Shifa Hospital 98 YEAR BOOK 2014


CRICKET U9A Back: H Millard, B Aylward, C Croshaw 2nd Row: N Prakaschandra, W Veitch, L Rowe, H Badat Seated: C Everitt, D Hislop, Mr Z Mazwi, M Thornton, M Stewart

Mini Cricket Under 9 Cricket U9 Age Group Results We fielded nine Mini cricket proved to be a very U9 cricket teams Team Played Won Lost Drew No Result popular sport in the first and fourth this year. The boys 9A 8 8 0 0 0 terms. Records reflect that 99 % of Grade one and two boys signed were very enthu- 9B 5 4 1 0 0 siastic throughout up for this extra mural activity. This 9C 4 2 2 0 0 year Friday evening sessions under cricket seasons. We the spot lights were introduced and had great results 9D 2 2 0 0 0 the same support was given by both with some teams 9E 1 1 0 0 0 coaches and parents on the stands. remaining unbeaten. Total 20 17 3 0 0 Intermittent rain and at times The boys were very dubious weather conditions did not competitive and oozing with poten- deter enthusiastic boys from devel- tial. Thank you to the coaches who oping their social and cricket skills. worked hard in making the boys’ The boys and teachers involved first year of competitive cricket extend a sincere thanks to the many enjoyable. Thank you also to the fathers who so willingly spend their Friday evenings and Saturday morn- parents for all the support shown ings coaching their teams and to to your boys and school. I would Zola Mazwi who guided the coaches like to wish the boys all the best for in the skills training each week. U10 cricket in 2015 and beyond. I do It is always most rewarding believe we have laid a good founda- to observe the young cricketers tion at U9 level for the future. From development as well as their good small beginnings. sportsmanship on the sports field. Zola Mazwi Delene Langley

This page was sponsored by the Doig Family 99 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: B Aylward, M Wellbeloved, M Lehman, L Botha, K Williamson, S Ramlugaan 3rd Row: J Taylor, J Aylward, B Goodall, A Knox-Davies, C Parle, D Wilson, J Squires 2nd Row: R Hardwick, J Goder, H Ramlal, C Uys, J Paton, S Cliff, B Brooks, L McIntosh Seated: E Watt, D Biccard, L Allen, Ms S Parry, C Lehman (Captain), S Schefermann, N Hatton Front: I Venkiah, S Paton Absent: Y Paruk, J Maskell

Following League runs and our In- terhouse Cross Country Event held at Crusaders on Thursday 7 August, a team was selected to compete in the Durban Central Cross Country Trials. The following boys achieved Zonal colours : Claudio Lehman (Captain) Luke Al- len (Vice Captain) Duncan Biccard, Nicholas Hatton, Lucas McIntosh, Sebastian Scheffermann, Elijah Watt and Douglas Wilson. Congrat- ulations on another successful Cross Country season... keep running! Sam Parry

This page was sponsored by Luke Rowe and Family 100 YEAR BOOK 2014


Individual Results School Cross Country held at Crusaders Sports Club 7 August

U9 1st Ben Aylward 2nd Dylan Bush 3rd Benjamin Ribbink 4th Colm Reardon U10 1st Lucas McIntosh 2nd Matthew Wellbeloved 3rd Cameron Thom 4th Matthew Coetzer U11 1st Elijah Watt 2nd Douglas Wilson 3rd Nicholas Hatton 4th Jack Aylward U12 1st Scott Cliff 2nd Payton Elliot 3rd Matteo Peano 4th Shoba Mqobi U13 1st Ethan Bush 2nd Josh Muller 3rd Luke Allen 4th Michael Bennett

Interhouse Results 1st Stubbs 115 2nd Evans 108 3rd Haysom 108 4th Bullimore 88

This page was sponsored by the Carey Clan, Caylan, Connor and Ryan 101 YEAR BOOK 2014


Back: J Sweeney, A Masood 2nd Row: K Bolton, S Taylor, A Swanepoel, J Bamber, M Kruger, S Ramlugaan Seated: J Deeble, Mr H Pike, L Ross (Captain), Mr M Dick, R Koekemoer

School Captain: Liam Ross term. The day was very enjoyable Results from School Championship and the format of playing scramble and Interhouse Competition : The school golfers turned out dur- worked well once again. ing the year despite the very busy U9 Michael Thornton 113 strokes Our thanks to Royal Durban U10 Matthew Bergset 98 strokes school and sporting programme. for accommodating our golfers and Once again we were able to offer U11 Adnaan Masood 99 strokes we look forward to the number of *U12 Keagan Bolton 115 strokes the boys some afternoon golf at golfers growing in the near future. It Royal Durban under the watchful *U13 Ryan Koekemoer 91 stokes is such a wonderful game that offers *Played off men’s tees eye of Mr Neave who continued to so many valuable lessons. drive the school golfers to better Michael Dick Senior Golf Champion: and bigger things. We hosted St Sti- Ryan Koekemoer thans at the start of the year once again. The contest proved to be a Junior Golf Champion: very challenging one and the boys Matthew Bergset did well despite going down by four strokes. Hopefully we will be able to Winning House: turn the table on our rivals from JHB Bullimore (Liam Ross 97, in the near future. Matthew Bergset 98, The school champs was well Adnaan Masood 99) supported once again. The condi- Dads/Moms and Lads tions were excellent and the boys managed to play some really good 1st Scott (Grd 3) 44pts golf. There were a number of juniors & Russell McKay who joined the field this year and 2nd Luke Rothman (Grd 4) 43pts this certainly looks good for the fu- & Malcolm Phillips ture. The Dads/Moms and Lads day 3rd Ryan (Grd 7) 39pts also took place during the fourth & Ross Koekemoer

This page was sponsored by by Matthew Kruger 102 YEAR BOOK 2014


HOCKEY FIRST TEAM Back: L Kavanagh, R Roberts, K Wolhuter, L Allen 2nd Row: S Klue, G Beavan, M Armstrong, J Muller, M Bennett, B Jackson Seated: J Bamber, Mr H Pike, G Pio, Mr G Goodwin, M Peano

School Captain: Grant Pio Interhouse Hockey Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Hockey Report Hockey continues to be a popu- U9 Bullimore Stubbs Haysom Evans lar sport at DPHS with 195 boys U10 Evans Stubbs Haysom Bullimore participating this year. Our parents U11 Stubbs Evans Bullimore Haysom and boys are to be commended for U13 Stubbs Bullimore Haysom Evans their enthusiasm towards the sport regardless of the ‘inconvenience’ of Thanks must go to all the following an off-site facility and odd practice people: times. We continue to find the best • All the boys for their enthusiasm student coaches to facilitate at and dedication to the hockey these practice sessions for the boys, program at DPHS. in order to prepare them for their • All the DPHS teaching staff that fixtures as best we possibly can. assisted as coaches and admin Looking at the results across the co-ordinators for all the teams. age groups, we can be very pleased • The parents for encouraging your with how the boys have achieved. boys to play hockey and ensuring Overall Results This is due to their hard work and that they are at their match and determination which was displayed Position Seniors Juniors practice venues on time. at all times. The best performing 1st Stubbs Stubbs • To the student coaches for all group, according to win percent- 2nd Bullimore Evans your time and effort with our ages, was the U11 group. Complete boys. 3rd Haysom Bullimore stats can be viewed with the ac- companying reports tables. 4th Evans Haysom Gavin Goodwin

This page was sponsored by the Thornton Family 103 YEAR BOOK 2014


2014 RESULTS FOR THE SEASON U13 RESULTS Team Clifton Highbury Merchiston Virginia Penzance Highbury N/Lands Clifton Merchiston Glenwood U13 1st D 2-2 L 1-0 L 1-0 D 1-1 W 2-0 W 3-0 W 3-0 W 7-0 2nd L 4-0 L 1-0 D 0-0 D 2-2 D 1-1 W 2-0 L 3-0 D 1-1 W 2-0 3rd D 1-1 L 1-0 D 1-1 D 1-1 W 4-0 L 3-1 W 1-0 W 1-0 D 0-0 W 1-0 4th L 1-0 L 4-1 L 3-1 W 1-0 W 4-0 D1-1 D 1-1 L 1-0 W 4-2 5th D 2-2 L 1-0 D 2-2 W 5-1 W 1-0 W 5-0 L 2-1 W 3-1 W 1-0

U13 HOCKEY vice-captain, Jordan Bamber. There loss to Virginia and a ‘good’ draw 1st Team Hockey was a base of five players remaining with Penzance. We then attended As per every other year, the Zonal from the 2013 team around which the Maritzburg College Hockey and provincial trials all take place we built the team. Work began in Festival where we had a good 7-0 in the 2nd term prior to our season the 2nd term, ending with a hockey victory over Laddsworth, a hard actually starting. (Zonal and Provin- camp for 26 boys, at Northwood fought 2-1 victory over Umvoti and cial representatives may be viewed Boys High, on the last weekend of a good comeback to win 3-1 against in the Representatives list.) the July holidays. The season began Chelsea Prep. The 2014 Team was captained with an ‘unlucky’ draw to Highbury; The National Prep Schools by Grant Pio, ably assisted by his a ‘lucky’ loss to Merchiston; a ‘good’ Festival continues to be the premier

This page was sponsored by 3PM Investments (PTY) Ltd 104 YEAR BOOK 2014


primary school hockey festival in the managed to tame Grey to a 0-0 team. The boys brought their cour- country. The calibre of the partici- draw. We managed victories against age, determination, tenacity and pating schools is outstanding and the Ridge (4-1) and KEPS (1-0). Our new found confidence to this game one can always be guaranteed of final match was against a very good and pulled off an outstanding 3-0 some stiff opposition. This year, the Rondebosch team where we were victory. We are fortunate enough festival was hosted by Northlands unlucky to be held to a 0-0 draw. to have a second fixture against at Riverside. We were drawn to play The team remained unbeaten for Merchiston where the boys were three of the ‘big guns’ in Selborne, the weekend and this brought a new desperate to atone for their poor Grey Junior from PE and Ronde- confidence into our game. showing in the first round. Merchis- bosch as well as The Ridge and Our next fixture was against ton encountered a completely dif- KEPS from Johannesburg. Our first a strong and much fancied Clifton ferent team and were out played to game was against Selborne. Always the tune of 3-1. The final fixture of tough opposition, our boys had to the season was against Glenwood fight hard to win the match 2-1. The Prep where the DPHS team proved next fixture was against a nation- to be too strong and won 7-0. ally undefeated Grey Junior team. Gavin Goodwin The boys defended like Trojans and First Team PMB College Festival Team Played Won Lost Drew Laddsworth W 7 – 0 1st 16 10 2 4 Umvoti W 2 – 1 2nd 9 2 3 4 Chelsea W 3 – 1 3rd 10 4 2 4 First Team at National Prep 4th 9 3 4 2 Schools Festival 5th 9 5 2 2 Selborne W 2 – 1 Total 53 24 13 16 Grey P E D 0 - 0 The Ridge W 4 - 1 Grand 213 129 54 30 KEPS W 1 - 0 Total Rondebosch D 0 - 0

This page was sponsored by Damon Goodway 105 YEAR BOOK 2014


HOCKEY U11A Back: R Hardwick 2nd Row: S Pretorius, G Armstrong, N Hatton, J Aylward Seated: S Spooner, D Biccard, Mr M Phillips, S Schefermann, B Henderson

U11 HOCKEY the keeper kit and worked tirelessly protect the goals; they all did a fine In 2014 the A-E U11 hockey sides with our specialist keeper coach to job. A big thank you to the coaching played a total of 44 competitive staff and to all the parents for the matches against seven of our local positive support displayed towards and traditional opponents. The Prep hockey. I wish the boys the best eight weeks of hockey flew past in as they progress to U13 full field a blink of an eye and it is commend- hockey next year. able how well the boys gelled and Steve Aucamp improved on their individual and team skills. It is always a fulfilling Team Played Won Lost Drew experience to watch the progression U11A 10 5 4 1 of the DPHS boys as they eagerly take on the challenges of a rigorous U11B 8 5 0 3 hockey season. I must make special U11C 10 9 0 1 mention of the players in the ‘last U11D 8 8 0 0 line’ of defence, those padded war- U11E 8 7 1 0 riors, who for the first time donned Total 44 34 5 5

U11 RESULTS Team Clifton Highbury Merchiston Virginia Penzance Highbury N/Lands Clifton Merchiston Glenwood U11A L 1-0 W 4-1 D 1-1 L 3-1 W 6-0 W 8-1 W 4-0 W 3-1 L 2-1 L 2-1 U11B W 10-0 W 7-1 W 3-2 D 1-1 D 4-4 W 7-1 D 3-3 W 6-2 U11C W 3-1 W 4-2 W 2-0 D 2-2 W 12-0 W 4-3 W 3-0 W 9-1 W 1-0 W 7-1 U11D W 9-0 W 8-1 W 2-0 W 5-0 W 6-1 W 6-1 W 2-1 W 13-0 U11E W 9-0 W 5-0 W 6-2 W 5-0 W 11-0 W 11-0 W 11-0 L 2-1

This page was sponsored by Hamza Mahomed 106 YEAR BOOK 2014


HOCKEY U10A Back: M Bergset 2nd Row: J Wilmans, L Rothman Seated: J Heath, M Gore, Mr R Bedford, M Wellbeloved, A Wesselink

U10 HOCKEY Team Played Won Lost Drew we have some bright stars coming Term 3, once again, heralded the through the age groups. The rest much anticipated hockey season. U10A 10 4 5 1 of the teams fared very well with The 2014 season, for the U10 age U10B 8 5 2 1 most teams enjoying good seasons group, was by all accounts suc- U10C 10 7 2 1 with some very good results against cessful. 48 boys attended regular strong opposition. practices with most getting games U10D 8 8 0 0 What was most pleasing was the against our traditional rivals, as well U10E 10 6 3 1 vast improvement in the skills of as a few new opponents. many boys in the lower teams and U10F 8 4 4 0 Although the ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams had this bodes well for the future of a few blemishes on their season U10G 8 3 5 0 hockey at Prep. I look forward to records, the effort, commitment U10H 2 0 1 1 watching the progress of these boys and spirit show by the boys was im- in the years to come. mense and with further hard work Total 64 37 22 5 Ross Bedford U10 RESULTS Team Clifton Highbury Merchiston Virginia Penzance Highbury N/Lands Clifton Merchiston Glenwood U10A L 7-2 L 4-2 W 3-1 W 4-2 D 3-3 L 4-2 W 1-0 L 5-2 W 4-0 L 3-2 U10B W 9-0 L 3-1 W 7-2 W 7-2 L 5-3 W 2-0 W 5-3 D 4-4 U10C W 3-2 W 3-0 L 4-2 W 2-1 L 2-1 W 3-2 W 9-1 W 4-1 D 3-3 W 4-3 U10D W 6-1 W 6-0 W 5-1 W 5-1 W 3-1 W 4-0 W 3-1 W 4-0 U10E W 7-2 L 5-3 W 6-0 W 2-1 W 10-0 D 3-3 W 8-1 L 3-2 L 3-2 W 8-0 U10F L 4-2 W 1-0 L 8-0 L 9-7 L 3-1 W 3-2 W 3-2 W 3-0 U10G L2-0 L 1-0 L 3-2 W 6-0 W 7-1 W 3-2 L 2-0 L 2-1 U10H D 2-2 L 2-0

This page was sponsored by Aidan Jack 107 YEAR BOOK 2014


HOCKEY U9A & B Back: D Hislop, W Veitch, L Rowe, L Coetzer, C Reardon 2nd Row: C Croshaw, K Henry, J Poovan, O Sopotela, J Sjouerman, M Watts Seated: M Thornton, Miss L McGregor, B Aylward, Miss H Laatz, B Ribbink

U9 HOCKEY talented boys progress in their years In the third term of 2014, we once to come at Prep. A big thank you to again took to the astro for an excit- our organized manager, excellent ing hockey season. All eight teams coaches and the parents for their thoroughly enjoyed schoolboy hard work and support. Well done to hockey in a competitive environ- the U9 boys of 2014! Helen Laatz ment. The boys showed great im- Team Played Won Lost Drew provement throughout the season, U11A 10 5 4 1 showing off their learnt skills and U11B 8 5 0 3 sportsmanship in various matches. U11C 10 9 0 1 The determination and commit- U11D 8 8 0 0 ment from every boy was what made our 2014 season a successful U11E 8 7 1 0 one. It will be exciting to see these Total 44 34 5 5 U9 RESULTS Team Clifton Highbury Merchiston Penzance Highbury Clifton Merchiston Glenwood 9A L 3-1 W 4-1 W 6-4 D 2-2 L 4-2 L 6-3 L 5-1 W 10-2 9B W 4-3 L 3-2 D 2-2 W 3-2 L 1-0 W 12-0 W 7-1 9C W 5-1 W 5-1 W 5-3 W 4-0 L 3-0 W 5-0 W 4-0 9D W 5-4 W 7-0 W 8-0 W 8-0 W 9-0 W 1-0 W 5-2 W 13-0 9E W 3-2 L 3-2 W 4-0 W 3-2 W 3-0 W 2-1 W 4-3 9F W 2-0 W 3-0 D 2-2 W 5-1 W 5-1 L 3-2 W 3-1 L 3-2 9G W 3-2 L 3-2 W 9-0 W 6-0 9H L 4-0 L 6-0 L 10-0 D 1-1

This page was sponsored by the Stainforth Family 108 YEAR BOOK 2014


Mini Hockey The 2014 Grade 1 and 2 Mini Hockey season was once again a great success. In no small part due to the dedication of the parents who volunteered to help with the coaching. Eight sessions were held at the Riverside Astro Turf. Six of these sessions took the format of a skills drill followed by mini games were the boys were encouraged to practise what they had learnt. The parent coaches and boys where ably instructed in the drills by Russell Whittaker and Chiara Benati .The boys approached the games with great enthusiasm and vigour. The last two sessions took the format of mini tournaments. Fifteen minute games were organized al- lowing all the players to consolidate the skills learnt this season. Thank you to the coaches for all your hard work. We would not have been able to hold such a successful season without you. Glenda Marklew

This page was sponsored by the Howell Family 109 YEAR BOOK 2014


RUGBY 1ST TEAM Back: C Lehman, T Koch, G Kirby, G Pio, L Ross, G Binedell 3rd Row: M Xego, C French, D Bibb, E Bush, C Griffiths, J Muller, T Grant 2nd Row: P Elliot, L Allen, T Elam, M du Toit, J Bamber, R Price, R Roberts, S Mazwi Seated: G Beavan, Mr Z Mazwi, M Armstrong (Captain), Mr H Pike, K Wolhuter, Mr M Dick, E Qwalela

School Captain: Mark Armstrong The boys love to represent their 1st XV team at either the festival or while U13 RUGBY REPORT on rugby tour. They all set such a It wasn’t long after the cricket kit The senior rugby age group set a good example and it was always was packed away that the rugby great example for the rest of the a pleasure to pull up a stool on poles were erected. The excitement school during 2014. There were the functions room verandah and of another rugby season was upon seven teams that regularly played watch any one of the open teams us as we commenced with the busy fixtures and these teams were play. Well done to the boys and the schedule. The first team boys made coached by incredibly passionate coaches on another super season. a good start to the season and and enthusiastic coaches. It was before long started to grow into a great to see how the U12 and U13 hard-working group. The prospect boys worked together and brought of the 2014 season was certainly the best out in each other. The team a very hectic one that presented spirit in each and every senior team a good few challenges. The early was clear to see. The teams applied part of the season was severely some simple but effective strategies hampered by injuries and this was and these were well executed. The something that we had not really coaches also applied a similar pat- experienced in the past. There were tern of play across the age group so a good number of boys that were it was easy for a boy to move from forced to miss out on a large part of one team to another as the coaches the season due to a broken bone or were doing things on a similar level. a similar misfortune. This, however, The rugby festival and the Cape did open up the door for other boys Town tour continued to offer the to take their opportunity which they senior boys a wonderful incentive. did willingly.

This page was sponsored by Universal Water Solutions 110 YEAR BOOK 2014


The Midlands tourna- went to right to the 1st team Results ment was a first taste end. The result went of contact rugby and Sat 22-Mar Midlands Tournament P5 W3 L1 D1 our way and given the in a very hot Pieterma- circumstances of the Fri 28-Mar KZN Dev Won 24 5 ritzburg; the boys got match, it really was one some rugby under their Umhlali Lost 7 17 of the more significant Sat 29-Mar belt. A slightly depleted Richards Bay Won 19 5 results during the team arrived at the season. Our first trip to Glenwood High School Elarduspark Won 6 0 Cape Town for the Wet Sun 30-Mar festival for our par- Penzance Won 14 5 Pups Centenary festival ticipation in this annual was always going to event. We came across Fri 11-Apr Northlands Tournament P8 W 7 L 1 be tough. Selborne and some tough opponents Sat 12-Apr Pelham Lost 3 29 Grey were enjoying but managed to record one of their bet- some good victories Wed 16-Apr Merchiston Won 12 10 ter years with really and play some inspiring Sat 26-Apr Wynberg Won 19 14 dominant teams. The rugby in the process. Prep 1st team stood up The start of the second Sun 27-Apr Selborne Lost 13 47 beyond belief in every term was a bit disap- Mon 28-Apr Grey PE Lost 17 57 aspect against these pointing as we tackled Sat 10-May Glenwood Lost 3 6 two hugely effective the Northlands Festival teams. In the end we and Pelham away with- Wed 14-May Clifton Won 34 5 were comprehensively in twelve hours of each Sat 17-May Highbury Won 52 0 beaten by some superb other. This was a big athletes. Our reputa- mistake and one that Fri 30-May Merchiston Won 33 10 tion for being fighters will not happen again. Sat 07-Jun Westville Won 36 12 and playing with a Although we had bitten ‘never give up’ attitude off a huge chunk over Fri 13-Jun Pelham Lost 12 15 was once again high- the weekend, there Thur 19-Jun Rondebosch Won 26 24 lighted and appreci- were still many posi- ated by so many who tives that came from Fri 20-Jun Selborne Lost 3 39 watch. We managed the rugby that the boys Sat 21-Jun SACS Won 17 15 to record a victory over played. We were back Wynberg during the Wed 23-Jul Wynberg Won 31 8 in PMB a few days later same festival. to face a much talked Thur 24-Jul Bishops Won 38 12 Our match vs about Merchiston Sat 26-Jul SACS No result – Rain Glenwood Prep was team. It was a game a disappointing result that was tough and in what was a hard

This page was sponsored by Michael Joyce 111 YEAR BOOK 2014

RUGBY fought match. Some really good the end it was a fitting victory for performances against Clifton, the visitors and was a result that re- Highbury, Merchiston and Westville tiring Headmaster and coach Louis followed. We played some excellent Botha, had long been searching rugby and managed to win those for. The Prep Festival was another matches. The return Pelham match wonderful event and although we produced another great battle didn’t play our best rugby against between the two teams. The match Rondebosch in the opening match, was another example of the healthy we recovered well against the same competition that is displayed when Selborne team and really put in an- the boys take the field. The match other good effort against them. The could have gone either way but in match against SACS which was the

RESULTS FOR THE U13 TEAMS IN THE SCHOOL FIXTURES Date Opponents 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 22-Mar Midlands Tournament P4 W3 D1 P4 L3 D1 P3 W1 L2 P3W3 P3 W2 D1 28-Mar Richards Bay 1st L 7-5 29 Mar Scottburgh 1st W 29-0 Penzance 1st L 41-0 Pelham 2nds W 12-0 30 Mar Amanzimtoti 1st W 15-5 11-Apr Northlands Festival P7 W 3 L3 D1 12-Apr Pelham L 31-14 W 5-3 W 12-7 W 32-0 W 12-0 16-Apr Merchiston L 24-14 W 12-0 W 31-10 W 19-5 W 30-5 D 15-15 23-Apr Chelsea W 10-5 (1st) W 27-21 (2nd) L 12-15 (3rd) D 15-15 Glenwood Prep W 10-0 (2nd) W 10-5 (3rd) W 19-10 (4th) 10-May Northlands L 42-17 (1st) W 48-0 (2nd) W 45-14 (3rd) 14-May Clifton W 34-5 W 24-22 W 24-22 W 22-5 W 27-0 17-May Highbury L 14-7 L 8-7 W 24-0 W 35-0 (4th) 30-May Merchiston L 21-7 W 29-5 W 36-5 L 10-5 W 27-7 W 39-10 07-Jun Westville W 38-0 W 64-0 W 48-0 W 72-0 13-Jun Pelham W 17-5 W 10-5 W 24-7 W 48-0 W 22-7 W 39-10 Development W 24-14 19-Jun Eqinisweni L 34-0 Cowan House W 15-7 (1st) W 12-0 (2nd) 20-Jun Pelham D 17-17 (5th) W 57-10 (6th) 21-Jun SACS W 31-22 W 32-12 W 30-14 W 36-32 Wynberg W 31-7 W 22-5 W 24-5 D 17-17 L 37-25 23-Jul Rondebosch W 20-10 24-Jul Bishops W 22-14 L 12-10 W 27-0 W 12-7 L 40-10 W 34-10 26-Jul SACS L 19-12 L 45-17 L 24-15 L 22-10 L 33-5 L 40-5

This page was sponsored by Jake McDonald 112 YEAR BOOK 2014

RUGBY last one of the festival went down to the last minute. A successful pen- alty by DPHS gave them a narrow victory to end an astonishing game of rugby against a highly spirited and committed SACS team. There is very little that can compare to the exhilaration of representing the first team while on ‘The Cape Town Tour’ The tour once again started off against Wynberg and we managed to put in a really clinical and powerful second half to beat our opponents pretty com- fortably. After a solid start against Bishops the following day, we made some mistakes which allowed them back into the game. It was a really tough second half which ended

The Cape Town Rugby Tour the final whistle, the staff, boys and parents enjoyed the warm Bishops There is always an excited feeling hospitality. about returning to school at the Our day off was spent at the start of the third term and that has Waterfront and the boys were able with a comfortable victory thanks a lot to do with the Cape Town Rug- to take in and experience the culture to the good rugby played in the first by tour which awaits the boys two and spirit of Cape Town. It was a half. Our final game of the rugby days into the term. A very eager and day where some rest was most season was always going to be a excited group of 184 Prep boys and welcomed by the boys. ‘humdinger’ especially given what staff took off from Durban early on A strong wind and the threat of had taken place against SACS in Wednesday 23 July bound for Cape heavy rain was on the cards for our Durban at our festival. Both teams Town. A beautiful day in Cape Town final day of matches against SACS. came out extremely determined in greeted us as we made our way to There were some extremely tough conditions that were very unsuit- Wynberg, with a short stop over contests and fierce battles on the able for running rugby. A typical wet for some lunch at SACS. The DPHS SACS fields during the morning. winter’s day only got worse and de- supporters were on hand to greet As the wind picked up during the spite every player on the field giving us and ensure that each and every course of the morning, so too did their best, the match was called off team were cheered on to the final the rain. Most of the games took shortly after half time as the condi- whistle. It was a most enjoyable place in muddy and wet conditions, tions were simply unsafe to play and exciting afternoon of rugby. weather that is synonymous with a rugby. It was a great pity to have The following day the boys enjoyed Cape Town winter. The final match ended the year in such a way, but the morning at Hout Bay and were was brought to an end shortly after the conditions certainly didn’t affect treated to traditional fish and chips half time as everybody scrambled the positive attitude of the boys. for lunch. Our arrival at Bishops co- for cover in an attempt to stay out The boys finished off with a spirited incided with a strong wind that had of the disastrous conditions. The war cry from under the poles as the picked up and was creating havoc. warm and ever so friendly hospi- torrential rain and strong wind kept The conditions during the afternoon tality from SACS was on offer to going. Long will that moment and gradually got worse. The rugby ensure that we were dry and well the 2014 season be remembered by however, continued in great spirit looked after. Soon after the boys the boys, staff and parents. and the boys were forced to adapt made their way back to end another Michael Dick to the challenging conditions. After fantastic rugby tour.

This page was sponsored by the Bamber Family 113 YEAR BOOK 2014


RUGBY U11A Back: C Uys, O Simpkins, J Squires, S Pretorius, S Schefermann, J Miguel, D Biccard 2nd Row: E Watt, L du Toit, C van der Vyver, M Lehman, J Paton, L Hitchings, T Visser, P Dube Seated: B Henderson, L Robertson, Mr G Phipson, N Hatton (Captain), Mr D Symmonds, G Armstrong, J Aylward Absent: D Hayden

U11 RUGBY however, their strongest attribute was undoubtedly their tenacious The rugby season finally arrived defence. There were many highs for the 52 boys who were eagerly and some lows in the season: the anticipating their second full season comprehensive victories over all the of fifteen-man rugby. After numer- KZN opposition and the ‘15 man’ ous trial matches and many posi- driving maul that resulted in the tional changes, we finally settled on winning try against Bishops were squads to represent DPHS at the particularly rewarding memories. Howick Rugby Festival. It was clear The final ‘mud wrestle’ against from the start that competition for SACS ended our unbeaten run but places would be fierce amongst the left the boys determined to reverse U11 boys. a unit and the backs often displayed the result when they next meet The U11C squad developed into skills that the opposition simply did SACS as the DPHS 1st XV in 2016. a very competitive outfit and almost not have an answer to. I am sure that all the boys en- always had to play against other The Prep U11A side always in- joyed their rugby and look forward schools’ ‘B’ teams. They seemed herits a proud history from the boys to watching them play as a team to enjoy the challenge of playing that have gone before. The U11A again in 2016 – the future of Prep against a more fancied team and al- team of 2014 were determined to Rugby looks to be in very good ways did DPHS proud, both in KZN continue this legacy and quickly hands. and on tour to Cape Town. developed a ‘killer instinct’ and a de- Finally, thank you to all the staff, The U11B team quickly found its termination to play their hardest for student coaches and parents for stride and played a most entertain- the full forty minutes. The U11A side all that you did to make the season ing brand of rugby right from the was a very well balanced team that both enjoyable and successful. start. The forwards worked well as possessed both strength and pace; Grant Phipson

This page was sponsored by Jeremy Lawrence 114 YEAR BOOK 2014


Results for the U11 teams in the School Fixtures Date Opponents 11A 11B 11C 16-Mar Howick Tournament P4 W4 P4 W4 P4 W2 D2 12-Apr Pelham W 62-0 W 65-0 W 62-0 16-Apr Merchiston W 12-5 L 15-10 L 10-5 23-Apr Chelsea W 27-0 W 21-7 (B) Glenwood Prep W 34-0 W 12-10 (B) 10-May Northlands D 10-10 (A) 14-May Clifton W 35-17 W 19-7 (B) 17-May Highbury W 36-0 W 37-0 W 38-5 30-May Merchiston W 6-5 L 12-0 L 5-0 07-Jun Westville W 22-0 W 34-5 W 30-5 13-Jun Pelham W 62-0 W 86-0 W 70-0 Trinityhouse W 26-0 W 40-7 (B) 20-Jun Equinisweni W 24-0 21-Jun SACS 23-Jul Wynberg W 5-0 W 25-5 W 31-10 Rondebosch 24-Jul Bishops W 12-7 W 17-5 W 12-5 26-Jul SACS L 7-5 W 10-5 L 19-5

Results for the U10 teams in the School Fixtures Date Opponents 10A 10B 10C 16-Mar Cordwalles Tournament P3 W1 D1 L1 P3 L3 P3 L3 12-Apr Pelham D 10-10 W 20-0 W 29-5 16-Apr Merchiston D 10-10 W 21-5 W 32-0 23-Apr Chelsea W 15-10 W 29-5 (B) Glenwood Prep W 19-12 L 5-15 (B) 10-May Northlands W 15-5 (B) Rooihuiskral L 14-22 W 5-0 22-May Delmondere L 52-0 (A) 23-May Trinityhouse D 12-12 W 35-0 L 42-0 (9A) Randfontein W 26-0 W 26-0 24-May Trinityhouse W 12-5 (B) 30-May Merchiston W 27-0 W 19-0 W 58-0 07-Jun Westville W 24-7 W 41-0 W 50-0 13-Jun Pelham W 14-5 W 29-0 W 50-0 20-Jun Trinityhouse L 19-10 D 17-17 (B)

This page was sponsored by Jared Moodley 115 YEAR BOOK 2014


RUGBY U10A Back: M Campbell, M Davidson, 3rd Row: W Bhengu, A Wesselink, J Howse, N Zulu, R Taylor, M Gore 2nd Row: J Ribbink, M Wellbeloved, T Arro, J Goder, L McIntosh, S Berchowitz Seated: M Bergset, C Thom, J Heath (Captain), Mr S Ferreira, J Bentley, K Wilken, L Rothman

U10 RUGBY fixture against any of our local KZN the tour up to Gauteng, where we schools. There were a few close were hosted by Trinityhouse. We The U10 rugby season started off fought victories but our never say were fortunate enough to take three with a festival up at Cordwalles. die attitude often was the difference teams on tour. It was a successful This would be our boys first oppor- between the teams. tour and our results were: Played 9, tunity to break away from playing The U10B team went through the Won 5, Drawn 1 and Lost 3. 10-man mini rugby, to a 15-man, full season undefeated often playing Thank you to all the coaches for field rugby game. against tough opposition, includ- their many hours spent teaching our With quite a few boys playing in ing certain schools’ A teams. The boys this great sport. new positions for the first time, it is U10C team played a positive brand We look forward to watching the clearly evident that the boys kept of rugby and a lot of fun was had boys’ progress over the next few improving as the season went on. by all. years at DPHS. The U10A team did not lose a The highlight of the season was Shaun Ferreira

This page was sponsored by Kegan Cockcroft 116 YEAR BOOK 2014


RUGBY U9A Back: B Aylward, C Croshaw 2nd Row: D Pohl, D Hislop, B Ribbink, L Rowe, J Francke, C Reardon Seated: C Everitt, M Thornton, Mr G Goodwin, S Swart, M Stewart

U9 RUGBY great DPHS teams that have graced MINI RUGBY the rugby fields over the last 104 The season began with the usual years. Keen and eager are but a few words enthusiasm of a group of boys play- The coaches would like to thank the that can be used to describe the ing in their first year of formal rugby, parents for their enthusiastic sup- Grade 1 and 2 boys participation in which includes inter-school fixtures. port of all that we do at Prep, and the 2014 mini-rugby sessions. DPHS is always fortunate in that in particular, for this rugby season. The practices on Friday evenings we always have some seriously Long may this last! under floodlights and Saturday morn- talented boys in every age group, Gavin Goodwin ings were well supported by friends, but seldom have I come across an siblings and parents of the boys. age group with such depth in talent. The success of this programme This group of boys has been able to is due to the support and commit- digest, understand and implement ment of the coaches. We had a very all the coaching aspects presented positive response from the dads to them this season. They have who so willingly gave of their time embraced the concept of the team to become involved in coaching. being better than any individual, They were briefed before each ses- and this has led to all our teams be- sion and after boys completed their ing highly successful. initial warm-up and skills training, The boys will be excited at the pros- they had the opportunity to play 2 pect of playing 15-man rugby next games against opposing teams. year. If their enthusiasm, skill and These boys can be justly proud application levels can be maintained of the good sportsmanship they over the next few years, they have exhibited throughout the season! the potential to become one of the Xenia Greensill

This page was sponsored by Tristan Smith 117 YEAR BOOK 2014


SWIMMING A TEAM Back: S Taylor, C Steadman, K Cockcroft, M Ten-Bokkel Huinink, L Lourenco, N Hatton, K Wolhuter 3rd Row: E Bush, L Hitchings, D Biccard, J Taylor, J Aylward, S Schefermann, C Uys, S Cliff, L Hansen 2nd Row: J Poovan, M Gore, N Kleyn, J Bentley, C van der Vyver, T Melo, T Roothman, J Ribbink Seated: M Armstrong, Mr R Sadler, J Muller (Captain), Mr H Pike, J Bennett, Mrs J Armstrong, R Roberts

School Captain: Josh Muller fine achievement indeed. DPHS B came 10th in the Boys ‘A’ Gala and DPHS enjoyed another very will compete in the Co-Ed ‘B’ League successful swimming season in Gala next year. DPHS C came 1st in 2014. Our swimming teams were the Co-Ed ‘D’ League Gala and will very committed and turned out at compete in the Co-Ed ‘C’ League their training sessions in a dedicated Gala next year. DPHS D came 3rd manner. in the Co-Ed ‘F’ League Gala. We DPHS hosted two friendly are very proud of all our swimmers invitation Galas. The first was held and the positive manner in which on 11 October at the new Durban they acquitted themselves in these Girls’ College Aquatics centre and Galas. We congratulate our school we hosted Trinityhouse and many swimming captain, Josh Muller local schools. The second invitation for his fine leadership over the Gala was held on 6 November swimming season. at our Jubilee Pool. Both galas Congratulations to the following were most enjoyable and friendly boys for their selection to the Umlazi competition prevailed. District Swimming team: Sebastian DPHS entered four teams in the Scheffermann, Chad Uys, Joshua Durban and Districts Relay League Taylor, Simon Taylor, Joshua Bennett, Galas. Our A and B teams swam Luke Hansen and Ethan Bush. in the Boys ‘A’ Gala. DPHS A came Further congratulations are 1st for the 16th consecutive year; a extended to Joshua Bennett who

This page was sponsored by Nehal Naidoo 118 YEAR BOOK 2014


was selected to the KZN Swimming team to compete in The National Schools Swimming Championships which took place in Pretoria from 10 – 15 December 2014. Our Top Ten Champion Gala was held on Tuesday 4 February at Kings Park Pool (outside pool). The standard of swimming was very high. We congratulate our swimmers who participated in the Midmar Mile this year. The Senior Primary Interhouse Gala was held on Thursday 13 March. Congratulations to Evans House on winning this event this year and for winning the Turnbull Trophy. Our sincere thanks are extended to our swimming coaches, Russell Sadler, Heather Campbell and AJ Logan for their hard work and commitment to the swimmers CHAMPIONSHIP GALA TROPHY WINNERS at DPHS. We also thank Gavin Goodwin, our Director of Physical Melton Trophy (Best U7 swimmer) Tristan Uys & Mitchel Garreau Education and Michael Dick, our DPHS Trophy (Best U8 swimmer) Luc O’ Brien Director of Sport for their guidance and input. The school is most John Ellis Trophy (Best U9 swimmer) Jedd Poovan grateful to all who contribute to the Millennium Trophy (Best U10 swimmer) Matthew Gore success of swimming at DPHS. Jean Armstrong Robertson Trophy (Best U11 swimmer) Chad Uys DPHS Trophy (Best U12 swimmer) Simon Taylor Senior Primary Interhouse Gala Results Singleton Trophy (Best U13 swimmer) Joshua Bennett 1st Evans 589 points Singleton Trophy (Individual Medley U13) Joshua Bennett 2nd Haysom 559 points Brewer Trophy (100M Freestyle Open) Joshua Bennett 3rd Stubbs 557 points The Headmasters Centenary Trophy Sebastian Schefermann 4th Bullimore 498 points (100m Freestyle U11)

This page was sponsored by Michael Cornelis van Dam in loving memory of my Grandpa – Cornelis van Dam 119 YEAR BOOK 2014


CHAMPIONSHIP GALA MEDAL WINNERS Tristan Uys & Gold Under 7 Mitchel Garreau Bronze Tristan Smith Gold Luc O’ Brien Under 8 Silver Daniel Sweeney Bronze Jarred Kitto Gold Jedd Poovan Under 9 Silver Dominic Hislop Bronze Benjamin Ribbink Gold Matthew Gore Under 10 Silver James Ribbink Bronze Nathan Kleyn Gold Chad Uys Under 11 Jack Aylward & Silver Sebastian Schefermann Gold Simon Taylor Under 12 Silver Luke Lourenco Bronze Conna Steadman Gold Joshua Bennett Under 13 Silver Ethan Bush Bronze Mark Armstrong

This page was sponsored by Adam Cornelis van Dam in loving memory of my Grandpa – Cornelis van Dam 120 YEAR BOOK 2014


SWIMMING SQUAD Back: J Kitto, J Hampson 3rd Row: B Aylward, S Swart, M Thornton, S Gilchrist, C Everitt, M Haygarth 2nd Row: M Watts, J Poovan, J Savic, H Mahomed, C Hunter, A Arro Seated: C McDonald, J Francke, D van Rooyen, Mrs J Everitt, L Rowe, B Ribbink, D Hislop

Our swimming season began the spectators and swimmers grew with the Top Ten Championship as first place was closely contested Gala in February. This was a most by Evans and Bullimore and the final exciting event, which highlighted position of the four houses changed. the strength of many of the A huge congratulations to Bullimore Junior Primary swimmers. The U7 who managed to change their last swimmers this year were most position from the previous year to impressive with their ability to swim first place this year. Close behind the different strokes with ease. was Evans, followed by Haysom Grade 3 boys who showed promise and then Stubbs. Well done to every were selected to join the swimming Junior Primary boy who participated squad on a Thursday afternoon and in this event with a competitive were coached by Russell Sadler. spirit and eagerness to do well. In the first term we hosted It has been a most successful an Invitation Gala. The friendly swimming year. A special thank-you gala was supported by both boys’ Our second swimming season must go to Heather Campbell , AJ and girls’ schools in the Durban began early in preparation for our Logan and Russell Sadler whose area and proved to be a fun-filled Interhouse Gala which was held expertise as swimming coaches afternoon enjoyed by both parents in the 4th term. It is always most has inspired each and every boy to and participants. A special thank rewarding to witness the stands participate with enthusiasm and you to the parents who once again and swimming pool area filled to confidence during class lessons and supplied an abundance of delicious capacity with supporters cheering gala. refreshments, organised by Sam the participants. This year in Oosthuis and her team of mums. particular the excitement of both Jacqui Everitt

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Back: C Hayes, S Klue 2nd Row: K Goedeke, G Pio, G Beavan, Z Patel, G Kirby, C Parle Seated: Mr A Neal (Coach), T Grant (Captain), Mr H Pike, C Streak, Mrs A Smith

Every year Tennis starts off with Zaid Patel and Callum Hayes travelled to play in the Inter- an impressive number of boys were selected to play in the Provincial Tournament held in participating. Coach Alf Neal Durban Central Zone B Team. from 28 March to 2 encourages groups of Grade 4 and These teams participated in the April 2014. Grade 5 boys on Tuesdays and KZN Primary Schools’ Invitation On 7 February we hosted 20 Thursdays, while the seniors play Inter-Districts Tennis Tournament St Stithians Tennis players. Many on Mondays and Wednesdays. in Pietermaritzburg from 28 boys remembered St Stithians On 27 January we were February – 1 March 2014. Once boys from previous Cricket Tours. very proud that Tyler Grant was again Tyler Grant did us proud We played as 10 doubles couples selected to play for the Durban to be selected as the No 1 player and the final score was 57 – 41 to Central Zone A Team, while of the KZN Tennis B team which DPHS.

This page was sponsored by the John Smit Foundation 123 YEAR BOOK 2014


During the first term we also played a round-robin with the During the second term, as always, we played 14 most advanced Junior players to select the team which in a friendly tennis league against local schools. travelled to the invitation tournament in Bethlehem from Many more boys were given the opportunity to 9 to 12 April. A sincere thank you for the amazing parent play matches as we entered 4 teams to play. The support. results were: U11 Tour to Bethlehem Team members were: RESULTS U11A Team: Calum Jestin, Joshua Heath, Duncan Biccard, Nicholas Hatton Date Opposition Team Result U11B Team: Sethu Jackson, Matthew Bergset, Oliver Simpkins, DPHS A Team Karan Varyani DPHS A Team Results: Won Lost 12 May Virginia A L 24 -39 DPHS A vs Fairland A (JHB) 40 - 33 26 May Clifton A L 31 -32 02 June Highbury A L 21 -42 DPHS A vs Eikestad A 11 - 48 DPHS A vs Reitz 48 - 14 DPHS B Team DPHS A vs Newton A (Kimberley) 3 - 13 12 May Virginia B W 30 - 15 DPHS A vs Wilma Postma (Bloem 11 - 5 26 May Clifton B W 41 - 22 DPHS A vs Senekal 48 - 18 02 June Glenwood Prep A W 40 - 23 DPHS A vs De Aar 9 - 8 DPHS C Team Final Result for the A Team: 6th out of 16 schools. 12 May Manor Gardens A L 27 - 36 (Eikenstad lost to Stellenbosch in final. Cornwall Hill came 3rd, 26 May St Henry’s Marist Bros A L 24 - 33 Louw Geldenhuys 4th and Newton A 5th). 02 June Bye DPHS B Team Results: Won Lost DPHS D Team DPHS B vs Newton B (Kimberley) 48 - 18 DPHS B vs Fairland B 45 - 33 12 May Port Natal A L 28 - 35 26 May Penzance A W 30 - 21 DPHS B vs Tygerpoort (JHB) 33 - 43 02 June Glenmore Primary A W 42 - 3 DPHS B vs Senekal 48 - 18 DPHS B vs Truida Kestell A 23 - 37 The C and D Teams played especially Final Result for the B team: 4th out of 10 schools. (Eikenstad B well as they competed against the came 1st, Tygerpoort 2nd and Truida Kestell 3rd). A Teams of other schools.

This page was sponsored by Murray Smith (ENT Surgeon) 124 YEAR BOOK 2014


Tennis is only played for the last 4 weeks during the third term because so many boys compete in Athletics and the House Plays. We do, however, compete in the Senior Bethlehem Tournament at the begin- ning of Term 3. Team members who travelled were: A Team: Tyler Grant, Callum Hayes, Zaid Patel, Grant Pio B Team: Chad Streak, Gareth Beavan, Cameron Parle, Spencer Klue, Kent Goedeke, Guy Kirby Once again Durban Prep (as we are known in Bethlehem – they also have Durbanville teams) have done themselves proud.

A Team In the A Section there were 24 B Team In the B Section there were 12 teams, playing in 4 groups of 6. We played teams – 2 groups of 6. We played in the in the John McEnroe Group. Kevin Anderson Group. Results Results A Team Result B Team Result DPHS vs Stellenbosch A L 31 - 45 DPHS vs Stellenbosch B L 27-45 DPHS vs De Aar A W 39 - 27 DPHS vs Eureka B (Kimberley) W 47-27 DPHS vs Louw Geldenhuys A L 20 - 48 DPHS vs Louw Geldenhuys B L 20-42 DPHS vs Cornwall Hill A W 41 - 32 DPHS vs Highbury B L 31-43 DPHS vs Fontainebleau A L 20 - 47 DPHS vs Frankfort A L 37-39 We came 4th in our group and played off We could not play off as the last day was against: rained out. Results We could never do this tour without the A Team Result amazing parent support – transport, DPHS vs Tygerpoort A L 6 - 9 providing water and juices and just being DPHS vs Hennopspark A W 9 - 6 there. Thank you to all these special Well done to come 15th out of 24 teams. people.

During the last term we played our TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 House Matches. Great Fun was Senior Championships had as many boys love to compete Senior Singles Champion Tyler Grant for their House! Singles Runner up Callum Hayes House Matches Results Senior Doubles Champion Callum Hayes & Tyler Grant Doubles Runners up Zaid Patel & Chad Streak Juniors Junior Championships 1st Evans 36 games Junior Singles Champion Calum Jestin 2nd Haysom 33 games Singles Runner up Joshua Heath 3rd Stubbs 29 games Junior Doubles Champions Joshua Heath & Calum Jestin 4th Bullimore 16 games Doubles Runners up Jack Aylward & Oliver Simpkins Seniors And finally, the Tennis Champi- this is a knock out competition, 1st Haysom 39 games onships were played. There were the tennis played was intense 2nd Stubbs 38 games 24 junior singles entries as well and especially the finals, of an 3rd Bullimore 34 games as 12 doubles couples while in amazing standard! Well done to the seniors we had 12 doubles all tennis players in 2014. 4th Evans 12 games couples and 19 singles entries. As Anne Smith

This page was sponsored by M Azhar Akoob and Dawood Akoob 125 YEAR BOOK 2014

water polo

Back: S Taylor, R Roberts, M Du Toit, K Steen 2nd Row: T Koch, O Kenny, M Armstrong, L Hansen, M Bennett, J Bennett Seated: Mr S Ferreira, Mr H Pike, J Muller (Captain), Mr M Samuel, Mrs J Huber

Captain: Josh Muller the country. The team fared well games against some of the top and were placed 5th overall. water polo-playing high schools The highlight of this year’s water The squad worked hard in order revealed that our boys had the polo calendar was the first team to prepare for tournaments. These determination and skills to do well winning the annual KZN Top 10 efforts came to a peak during the under pressure. The first team was tournament. The exciting final was third term when the boys had to also invited to play in the Peter Bees against Clifton, which saw DPHS carefully manage their time and U14 Water Polo festival at Westville. win 3 - 1. The second team also took commitments to all school activities; Once again the team played well part in this tournament and thus attending practices at DHS in the and did their school proud. The gained valuable experience playing evenings and on Sundays. Regular passion and determination from in a big tournament. the boys and their parents; as well Practices were once again held as the coaches, Mike Samuel and at the FET College during the 1st Shaun Ferreira saw an improvement and 2nd terms. This year a bus in the standard of play at the SACS was organized to transport boys tournament in the fourth term. Here to the venue. Two age groups, the team showed that they were namely a senior and a junior group, a force to be reckoned with and held practices on separate days, were unluckily knocked out of the with games being held as often as tournament in the quarter finals. possible. Annual house matches were The annual tour to Port contested, with fierce competition Elizabeth to participate in the Grey between Evans and Haysom in the Festival during the first term was junior age group. Evans was the also a highlight. This tournament victors in this age group. The final served as an important learning in the senior section was between curve for the team as here the boys Stubbs and Evans, with Stubbs played against the best schools in winning this section.

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water polo

Match Statistics for 2014 Goals Match Played Won Lost Drew Goals for Against 1st 43 29 11 3 289 116 2nd 13 8 5 0 89 41 3rd 7 4 2 1 34 21 U11A 2 2 0 0 15 3 U11B 3 0 3 0 4 11 U10 3 0 3 0 7 17

Congratulations to the in the province, has decided to following boys who gained ‘retire’ from coaching water polo provincial selection: Mark at Prep at the end of this year. His Armstrong, Joshua Bennett, passion and patience in ensuring Michael Bennett, Luke Hansen and that boys have the correct basic Josh Muller. Matt du Toit and Oliver skills is evident in all our players’ Kenny were the non-travelling development. Mr Samuel’s presence reserves. at our training will be sorely missed These boys were selected to – but we have no doubt that as an compete in the South African ardent water polo player/coach we Schools Championship Water Polo shall still have his support around Tournament, which took place in the pool. We are very grateful for Gauteng during the December the vital input that he has had in holidays. growing water polo as a sport at Mike Samuel, who has Prep over the years and wish him dedicated 12 years of his expertise well for the future. in coaching our boys into becoming some of the best water polo players Janine Huber

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Back: T Grant, Z Patel, L Hansen, M Bennett, G Beavan, J Bennett 3rd Row: R Roberts, N Suliman, A Swanepoel, G Pio, K Wolhuter, G Kirby 2nd Row: L Allen, T Elam, M Du Toit, T Koch, G Binedell, J Bamber, C Lehman, K Steen Seated: Mr R Bedford, M Armstrong, Mr G Phipson, E Bush, Mr H Pike, J Muller, Mr M Dick Absent: E Qwalela, C Streak

Congratulations to our Grade Seven boys who have been awarded Scholarships and Bursaries at High Schools of their choice.

Clifton College Hilton College All Round Scholarship Michael Bennett Sports Scholarship Mark Armstrong Gregory Binedell Guy Kirby Maritzburg College Timothy Koch Cricket & Rugby Scholarship Tristan Elam Claudio Lehman DPHS Closed Scholarship Grant Pio Ross Roberts Rugby Scholarship Esethu Qwalela Sports Scholarship Karl Steen Luke Hansen Academic Scholarship Naail Suliman All-rounder Scholarship Tyler Grant

Kearsney College Westville Boys’ High School Foundation Scholarship Josh Muller All Round Scholarship Zaid Patel KC Comins Maths Scholarship Alex Swanepoel Headmaster’s Full Scholarship Gareth Beavan Lady Usher Scholarship Matt du Toit Joshua Bennett Major Scholarship Jordan Bamber Ethan Bush CURRO HCA Major Scholarship Luke Allen Sport Scholarship Chad Streak

This page was sponsored by Mehir Dabideen and Family 128 YEAR YEAR BOOK BOOK 2014 2014


What a stunning Special Headmaster’s Report 2 cover we have thanks, however, ACADEMICS this year. Grateful must go to the DPHS Governing Body 1 Grade One Contributions 44 thanks to following: Chairman’s Report 4 Jacques Naude/ Our enormously Grade Two Contributions 50 Deputy Headmaster’s Report 12 Independent generous parents Design Technology 20 Grade Three Contributions 56 Newspapers for who sponsored DPHS Association 17 Grade Four Contributions 62 allowing us to all the pages of use the image this edition and DPHS Educational Trust 14 Grade Five Contributions 68 Grade Six Contributions 74 which appeared our Bursar’s DPHS Educational Trust Golf Day 14 Assistant, Isabel Grade Seven Contributions 80 in The Mercury. It DPHS Vision 1 certainly captures Edouard-Betsy Final Word Inside Back Cover the enthusiasm, who co-ordinated Friends and Founders Function 15 SPORT exuberance and payments; resilience of the Teachers and Information Technology 21 Sport Report 88 boys of DPHS. all others who Junior Primary HOD’s Report 42 Representatives 90 The Yearbook submitted reports Junior Primary Concert 29 Athletics 93 is an indicator and contributions; Media Centre 22 Cricket 94 of how much Class teachers and section heads Millennium Board and Update Back Cover Cross Country 100 happens in a DPHS School who collected Mothers’ Committee 18 Golf 102 Year and the academic Performing Arts 23 Hockey 103 boys need energy and creative Prep Pals 87 JP Sports Day 92 and passion to contributions; Prize-giving Ceremony 7 Rugby 110 embrace all that Michael Dick Reception Unit 36 Surfing 89 is on offer. and the Sports today and to know that his legacy coaches for their records and reports Scholarships 128 And they rise to the challenge every Swimming 118 has indeed been enhanced. of the year in the DPHS Sports Staff News 11 step of the way. Tennis 123 The photograph above was Putting together the final sector; Staff Photograph 10 Water Polo 126 taken by Steve Yelseth and is touches to the Yearbook it is Annemarie Levine and Brenda The Victor Daitz Science Expo 87 another iconic Prep image with remarkable how comprehensive a Thatcher in the Art Studio for their Visual Art Report 3 confident Prep boys looking out over record we have of the year. As with colourful celebration of creativity; everything about this school, it is the Visual Art Gallery 30, 34 the Memorial Quad. This area in the Grateful thanks to Parents and heart of the school is used as a place product of the work of an amazing Colleagues for photographs; with of quiet during the school day and team of people. The DPHS Yearbook special appreciation to Prep staff the venue for significant ceremonies is a team effort for the entire school. member, Steve Yelseth; Thank you to everyone involved in like Flag-raising for Friends and Reeni Ramnath for all administrative the production of this edition. Founders. This was where the boys aspects of production in addition to gathered to pay a final tribute to much of the typing; Past Headmaster John Smith. Meticulous proofreading by Mr Smith’s final colleagues and by old friend of Headmaster’s entry, dated DPHS, Nirupa Jugmohan and the 4/12/1987, in the DPHS log book eagle-eyed Sally Perks; reads: ‘I wish Prep and all who Finally, as I look at the superb study & teach here in the future pages of the 2014 Yearbook, I – all good fortune and success. know the benchmark has again Cover photograph thanks to Jacues Naude – Independent Newspapers Hoping that Prep’s name is not been raised. For this I wish to merely upheld but enhanced.’ express my profound gratitude to creative designer, Rory Morrison. Durban Preparatory High School He would be pleased and Linda Horning 99 Gordon Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 proud to see the boys of Prep Tel: +27-31-3122154 • Fax: +27-31-3032361 [email protected] • aratory aratory p Durban Pre High School 2014 Yearbook

Durban Preparatory High School 2014 . . O oss uca uca K & uke iam lyde rant usuf usuf orke yron ndile ndile alvin onna eary; eggie eggie .M. regor; regor; N icholas icholas oberts; oberts; shediso G ameron ameron ameron ameron lizabeth lizabeth ennedy; amboer; mbaram; dendorff; arth; R hris Kirby; olte; Mark uke Sacco; Sacco; uke hris Harris; hris eil & C rent Stiles; Stiles; rent hom;Jehiel onversano; ndrea Field; ott; Michael linton Scott; usuf Moosa; Moosa; usuf oss R T esesar; A utcher; Jason utcher; Jason ama; Keaton Keaton ama; eece Wilken; Wilken; eece ssack; Daniel ducational & & ducational orreia; Mehir Mehir orreia; all; Murray & irdwood; Kyle Kyle irdwood; ampiari; L ampiari; ouwer; Stuart lliott; Douglas lliott; Douglas uke Davidson; uke uke Hitchings; Hitchings; uke ruce Simpkins; Simpkins; ruce allum Harding; Harding; allum iam Kavanagh; ockhart; R hristianDeare; ourenco; Y ourenco; nnette & B orman;Husayn harlton; R harlton; untuMasango; L lark;Marc Sole; yrone Strydom; Strydom; yrone ostee; C ostee; anderee; C uye; Guye; Jack rout; rett & C van N enjamin Halfon; yron A yron namalay; Marco C B ameron Parsons; Parsons; ameron T oss; N ruce & E & ruce C ordhan; Hamilton Hamilton ordhan; ayson; Mohamed ryce B ryce hys Jackson; Johar hys B ynn & C & ynn amlal; L amlal; eed; R uke Macduff; Zack uke Fouche; I Fouche; uke an Druce; N Druce; an yan Killian; Daniel Daniel Killian; yan icholas Demetriou; iam Whitfield; Zaid obinson; Mohamed obinson; randon B rown; C arl T arl uke L uke eni; eegan Doyle; Joseph iancarlo Frigerio; Kyle Kyle Frigerio; iancarlo icholas Savage; Jadan Jadan Savage; icholas hetty; ichard G ichard radley B usuf R B ravis Hewitt; Michael ndrew E ndrew bdullah E aine Muirhead; C runskill E runskill vir G vir lsa & & lsa onald B ahya Moolla; Danyaal lbert; Hrishi A C ndrew N alebMcDonald; Harvey ole R E llse; Franco C rent R kin; R kin; ovind; B ibson; B uke Murgatroyd; Darren Darren Murgatroyd; uke uc du Preez; Muhammad du uc oux; L ibby; B ibby; C ergh; Mark Hunter; G odrigues; B L dabezinhle G dabezinhle yran Faber; Mikhail Jamal; oung; Zasha Zastron; Zastron; Zasha oung; dvik yan & Jarred Marsh; Duane amsahai; T amsahai; uke Scott; Hasan Suleman; Scott; Suleman; Hasan uke lexi & N onnor Staude; B Staude; onnor ecilia Hey; A oe; Matthewoe; B homson; homson; ikhil ikhil alum Jestin; Faizaan Joosab; Joosab; Jestin; Faizaan alum nte; U nte; A hristopher G hristopher roxon; Derek & A R raig, raig, hristison; I T vans;James land; John & E raig Matthews; Zen C hivell; R hivell; N inedell; Kade C Kade inedell; eeran & Sabina B dam Wesselink; Jared Whittal; Jared Wesselink; dam E C hornton; C hornton; ngus Herridge; L ngus ryce B ryce ameron& Damon ole Y ole yan Montocchio; Y Montocchio; yan A oppola; Zacharyoppola; C rent Hammond; C Hammond; rent hristopher B anderee; Y lashan; L lashan; homasMaddox; uke E uke dam; Divashan; A illett; Justin Stevenson; Mahomed illett; Justin Stevenson; eorge Stavrou; Keegan Mc Keegan Stavrou; eorge rshiv R rshiv oss; C oss; ebington; R oberto R raham & A iet; Jaryd & Joshua B yaloo; Zinedine Jaftha; Jake Jansen; G raeme & Darren Fox; Shaun Jacobs; T irav& anning; *Patrick G ryce Mitchell; B nas Moola; T utler; onnor Doig; K rust; Harry B rockart; T amduth; Hrthiqamduth; R uckley- elinda C N hristopher & A & hristopher B areth C areth ridget B obertson; R David icholas Dixon; A bdulla; Dylan A icholas Heron; T llis; L llis; regory B evi I homas Jackson; Jared Jacobsen; Saiuren Jackson; Saiuren Jacobsen; homas Jared zhar R acoob Paruk; Daniello & Matteo Peano; homson; Seth Westran; R Westran; Seth homson; eavan; B eavan; uttler; Kamal G iam T iam anzi Duma; N Duma; anzi aubenheimer; T rett Pretorius; C hristopher, A radley Hope; Muhammad Jhavary; Hope; Muhammad James radley dam B hetty; N & Michael ampbell; N onna van der Vyver; L areth van den B undy; rmaanManilall; van C radleyKeegan & E onneau; T onneau; L lijah Watt; Watt; lijah ikhil Prakaschandra; Shikar R Shikar Prakaschandra; ikhil ivek & A & ivek A yan & B E onnor Mc onnor keel A rent Wyatt; C rent heece& Dean tsika Mkize; Zuhayr Mohamed; Zia Motala; Motala; Mohamed; Zia Zuhayr Mkize; tsika eelan Henry; Sohum Hargoon; Josh K yan C opping; David & C enjamin Miller; Jarrod Myers; Michael Miller; Myers; Jarrod enjamin radley R radley ain C ackman; R haritable T haritable obert, Jean- & Daniel B rshad Mansoor; Jarred van Vuuren; Matthew & Matthew & Vuuren; Mansoor; van Jarred rshad B raig de Villiers; Justin & B homas Staniforth; C Staniforth; homas layne Wareham; C ennett; G yan Miles; A ouveia; T ouveia; obberts; Warwick liver Swart; G hys Malyon; G hornton; Meerten & Jua van Wyk; Declan-Stone Wyk; Declan-Stone van Meerten Jua hornton; & icky & Kyle C romham; Michael C romham; sokan C sokan ood; Dayle & Jennie Hacking; L Jennie & Dayle ood; homas R rown; G uyanga Mkhize; R Mkhize; uyanga alram; A icholas & Justin Harrison; Warren Prentis; A Prentis; Justin Harrison; Warren & icholas acus; Daniel Daniel acus; lyth; B Daniel hompson; Joshua T Joshua hompson; R homas lerk; Zakariya A ave; Matthew Wakeling; Murray-James Hall; L idboald; A C Kamdar; R irey; Jonathan & C B radfield; C T

radley Henderson; A radley aton; Peter & B eece Price; A ockcroft; Matteo C laine, than icholas Fletcher; Vaughan G abriel Dinkele; C Y heophilus; C orich; B orich; B obb; Darryn obb; Solimene; E oss Welfare; L Welfare; oss oskey; Dylan B Dylan oskey; yan Way; N Way; yan R icholas Forde; Michael Freeman; G Michael Freeman; Forde; icholas ndrew & I than Walker; I homas; Jordan T Jordan homas; ampbell; R ailey; R olaianni; K owan B owan icardo G icardo hristian Dales; B Dales; hristian azarus; Mahesh Pillay; Matthew & Michael Sutherland; uke & T osch; ameron Hohls; B Hohls; ameron arthy; L oberts; L Schwegmann; Jason irgit E L oss Mallett;oss C itai Pertab; Shrey Pillay; Shravan Premchand; Sahilkrishna Sahilkrishna Premchand; Pillay; Shravan Pertab; Shrey itai iannakopoulos; Jethro G Jethro iannakopoulos; C raeme, Jacqueline & G & Jacqueline raeme, ameron T ameron laric T an & Jeanine T ory West; C allum McDonald; Jake McDonald; Y yron Maher; Misselhorn Family; Matthew Pereira; Darshan Darshan Maher; Misselhorn Family;Matthew Pereira; yron lexander B lexander obert Menin; uke Wimbush; T uke havir Doolabh; R arrick; Josh B arrick; Josh hristides; N T rr;Mavrick homas R homas maanMahomedy; radley radley om & Scott B alvin & Stephen McManus; R Stephen & alvin B evi Dannewitz; Warren E Dannewitz;evi Warren A ushil Kalidas; Joshua Wilson; Scott Williamson; Darren T Williamson; Darren Wilson; Scott Joshua Kalidas; ushil O roy G roy obuschi Family; Morne Visagie; Zeller Family; C Visagie; Family; Morne Zeller obuschi yamatana; Scott Parry; Y dam Holdcroft; Jared Hook; Mohammed Joosab; L orbin Stiemens; R Stiemens; orbin riffith T rskine; N rskine; ristan ovan; Joshua Haynes; B yron & R & yron wandle Sosibo; T Sosibo; wandle ttree; Wesley & B regg & Dylan T radley R radley T onder; Karan Varyani; Varyani; onder; Karan ody Downham; Declan Dreyer; Muhammad Fakey; Declan Farland; eagas; R eagas; icholas, Jamie & Mark van der R handar; Michael T imol; L imol; opal; Dylan C Dylan opal; oovadia; C oovadia; ichard & B rooks; Kegan C rooks; Kegan eanneFoster; ajcomar; L L oldberg; James B hikha; A hikha; rendan, Damon & R iam Mickleburgh; A Mickleburgh; iam saac David Sandler C Sandler David saac T eeuw; B areth areth hmed Vanker; R Vanker; hmed ambert; drian Faure; R Faure; drian oux; C ama; T ama; icholas Veale; R Veale; icholas ich; B ich; L li Daykin; Matthew Dehrmann; N nri McManus; A G hester; Dylan C shepo N rjoon; Muhammad Muhammad rjoon; oothman; Maximilian Stainforth; Jordan Saunders; Stefan Swart; L ameron Heber Smith; O aylor; G illy B illy icholas E icholas homas Walker; E usuf usuf A yan Pender; R ana; Sasha B Sasha ana; Moorad Family: Joshua & Scott Smith; G Smith; Scott & Family: Joshua Moorad ramdaw; L ramdaw; arav R rust; I ikhil Mehta; R Mehta; ikhil Y azu; Mohammed Mujahid Hansa; N maan C maan had Verbeek; Matt B Von icholas Pio; T Pio; icholas orman- oetzer; C oordwyk;Sam Willis; ushar B ushar yno R yno oss; A oss; van & L & van brahim Haffejee;brahim Michael G ndrew Kerr; Marc L lake Springate; A ary Penn; G veritt; Kai Petty; I dalo G dalo lijah Symington; C Symington; lijah N hesney G icholas & Michael Simpson; R odd; Kyle & Damon B ronje; A ronje; mar Makanjee; C orrelli; Jarred Hayes-Hill; Dayne Jagga; Michael Jordan; R Hayes-Hill; Jarred Michael Jordan; orrelli; Jagga; Dayne aine R uke Maritz; Mc Guy uke oury; Mikhael & Danyal Vawda; Hugh B & okesh Penugonda; N Penugonda; okesh rackenbury; B hompson; N om Mileham; Keegan Milligan; N Milligan; Mileham; Keegan om thanKruger; randon van T van randon obillard; Damian Dicks; G rlich; N rlich; aidoo; T uveer uveer ahil B ahil entre; Jasheen Soni; Deon & Sally Delport; L Sally & Dragsund; Deon Killian Jasheen Soni; entre; E radley Hamilton; Jason Schenk; Jason A Hamilton; radley uca C Y ajah; Matthew & Matthew & ajah; ensburg; N ensburg; ook; A ergset; B e N win; Jim & I iz Woodcock; R icholas Harrison; A mihle G R brahim B brahim ntosh; N ntosh; rant & Kyle Hodnett;Fikile Qoboshiyane; DurbanHigh School;Sean & C radfield; S Haripersad; G S radfield; erm; A vans; Shaun & L ooyen; C ristan R ristan akley; E akley; ibbink;Jaryd Savic; Kyle Setzkorn; Joshua Stander; C I vans; N vans; E erblanche; Zaid T erblanche; Zaid aidoo; Jesse R Jesse aidoo; dam B dam regvan haritable T haritable dlovu; Jason Posnot; R Posnot; Jason dlovu; lake Merchant; B rady E rady reen; John & Matthew C & John reen; enjamin; T enjamin; sman; Jared Pearson; Shahzaad Perumal; N Perumal; Shahzaad Pearson; Jared sman; ussell, N el; Matthew Pender-Smith; Dipra Pillay; Kaelan R Pillay; Kaelan Dipra Matthew Pender-Smith; el; ormack; H A ormack; H ersbach; Kashmil G Kashmil ersbach; herry; Jevil & Prashil G efevre; Junaid Hamid; R Hamid; Junaid efevre; rnav Dasrath; E uc de R uy Joughin; Muzakkir Khan; Kwandile Khuzwayo; Jonathan le R G iam Stokes; Stokes; iam udwig; A aylor; Simon T aylor; Simon oly E itken; itken; urns; L C eardon; T obertson; B ameron Parle; Muhammad Patel; Sven Paton; B arritt; B tlas; Jason & R A hristoforos; Praneil Doolabh; R J & C J Hex; Moulder family; Kekeletso Mahlelebe; T eane Petzer; Y raining C raining haplin; Matthew Sargent; T uc Mc uc hmed Pandor & Family; Duncan C olin & L uaan L dam Miloszewski; Miloszewski; dam llan; James Hall; T icholas C icholas icholas B icholas amber; I hristopher Speirs; C ilson; Dario B Dario ilson; arreau; E icholas Hatton; Joshua Heath; Jordan Houston; Joshua Howse; C Howse; Joshua Houston; Heath; Jordan Hatton; Joshua icholas A rman Pema; L Pema; rman alvin G alvin areth B areth liver L evi Donjeany; Murray Finlay; Jack Firth; Finlay; Jack Murray Sebastian Donjeany; G evi orbin N orbin icholasKidd; enjamin R olm R ardyne Family; G hando N hando homas Hudson; James James Hudson; homas rizzo;Matt Hammond; Zachariah Howell; Jack Hughes; L B obertson; T raig & R wen; C ukhosi Zondi; Samuel C orman;Michael T N G mmaar O mmaar T ameron G ameron oetzer; A iley Hardwick; Daniel & Matthew Hayden; B Matthew Hayden; Hardwick; & Daniel iley lexander van R van lexander radley B radley uke Hansen; N liver B liver rust; Shaun O rust; Shaun udi R & slick; Joshua E slick; Joshua randon Mc randon rogan A regg G regg ashish Mandapati; L ashish omaine C amber; A khanyaMadiba; HamzaMahomed; unyan; N unyan; oannou; Fabrice & Sebastien de Marigny; Surav B revor& Steven urner; Joel R Van meer Jaggessar;meer C Guy rmaan Parekh; Muhammed Peer; Daniel Peter; R assa; G assa; sman; A sman; ducational & C & ducational azar; C azar; areth Walsh; Matthew E A allum Deeble; B allum ouw; O larty; N Darrian enjamin Jackson; Salmaan Jadwat; Ziyaad Jasat; Kade Johnson; Darragh Kidd; L Kidd; Darragh Johnson; Jasat; Kade Jackson; Jadwat; Ziyaad enjamin Salmaan ri-Pyramid T ristan Smith; L Smith; ristan asich; Deon & Jody L aytonStirling; aine O rien; A rien; ucas Peria; K nanth; Declan C hagat; James B uke Peinke; Marcel Marcel Peinke; uke C dwards; C dwards; L obert; C olepepper Family; G allum Pet; Jordan Phipson; N Phipson; Jordan Pet; allum L B harles N ony Savage; C ’ yron Dunwoody; R en Kelly; T Kelly; en C oodall; L nt & R uc N uc eline; Haydn & Kevin B Kevin & Haydn eline; ene de la Peyre; Keagan & C eece Wiggill; N Wiggill; eece eegan & Daniel Smith; Viraj Suparsad; Matthew Jones; Suparsad; Michael-Jon, Viraj Smith; Daniel C & eegan ania & Jared Demmer; N Jared Joshua & ania zim O zim uke L usuf Hassim; N Hassim; usuf autenbach; C eed; T eed; ndreas I jabulo Zikhali; Josh Josh Zikhali; jabulo dlovu; Shaylin Perumal; James Winter; Jason & Matthew C omlinson; A omlinson; uc O uc enaud E enaud ora; Matteo G gcobo; A ristan L annon; Mitchel G raig Pienaar; * uill; B braham; G braham; N rhaan A athoo; athoo; hristopher & C & hristopher anner Harwood; Wade Fraser; Jamie de L roshaw; C roshaw; yan C yan yron Smit; Shaiyur Somlal; Shivay Soodyall; L Soodyall; Shivay Somlal; Shaiyur Smit; yron yle Matthysen; Daniel & Matthew Murphy; Daniel & Jason A ampbell; G anderee; Kyle & Wade R N ronwright; T dam, Michael & Justin C ric N erry, T erry, oby R onnor; Warwick R Warwick onnor; aidoo; L aidoo; errish; Samuel Jordan; James Hansen; William Hodgett; William Hansen; James Jordan; C Samuel errish; mar; A mar; oppin; Simon& Daniel A icholas Haworth; icholas olton; Matthew C arter Steenkamp; Matthew T arter Steenkamp; C harratt; B ntosh; R ntosh; rasmus; Seth Howse; Howse; Seth rasmus; ecil R ecil arrington Family; Matthew A arrington hett T C I oah N enjamin G N C ’ E obertson; C ysele; A oodhun; Flynn B Flynn oodhun; ruickshank; Harshal Daya; L yathi; L yathi; hmed Motala; Javhar & Javashkaar N uke C uke vans; Zack Seaman; Shaylin Simadari; E Simadari; Shaylin Seaman; Zack vans; hmed G homas Hammond; R Hammond; homas dam A dam obert Y hristian, Jordan & O & hristian, Jordan icholas & James B boobaker; A khil Sitharam; T Sitharam; khil E onnor G ensburg; Stephen & B & Stephen ensburg; Prowse; Matthew & Michael Hands; R Michael Hands; Matthew & Prowse; indsay; T ane Woods; Mbaso & B reg & Viv R & reg yan & L ouzens; Kirin Dabideen; Michael-John du Plessis; Mitchell Dyer; N lrike N lrike indemann; Don, Michael & C richardt; Matthew T ogan & T than- erchowitz; Kunal B dam & Michael van Dam; Kurt Williamson; Douglas Wilson; Muhammad & A yler & Sheldon Da Silva, Dunn Family; Sean & Michael A ale Wells; C smaeel R lan & & lan hmed O hmed hater; Joshua Day-Perkins;hater; Joshua L ndrew Manson; Kyle Mertsch; L Kyle Manson; ndrew wigg; C wigg; randon & R & randon ook; L homas Pakendorf; L icholas C ppleton; A Solwa; Mohamed Suleman; Josh T Josh Mohamed Suleman; Solwa; A arnabas; Muhammed B arnabas; mar;Jack Piper; David Pohl; ipley- kshay B iley L enjamin T enjamin ivaan Pather; Steven Prinsloo; Murray Howard; R Howard; Murray Prinsloo; Steven Pather; ivaan smal; C smal; ailey; A ailey; allantyne; E otha; Sean Quinlan; Preston Mommsen; Muhammed C Mitha; Preston Quinlan; Sean otha; aylor; Dillan Valjee; Maxwell van der Werff; der Maxwell B van Valjee; aylor; Dillan ouffe; R uke C saiah Venkiah; Venkiah; saiah homas C arotam; N O oedeke; James Harris; James B oedeke; I onga Mathenjwa; Jordan Matthews; Jake & T & Matthews; Jake Jordan Mathenjwa; onga ox;Michael ys; A T ubitt; R oot; I ameron Philp; C Philp; ameron ayson; Matthew & L sch; Mitesh Patel; Shaahid Kharsany; Mohamed & E Kharsany; Mohamed & Shaahid Patel; Mitesh sch; C oodway; A sborne; Ziyaad Paruk; C Paruk; sborne; Ziyaad uke van der Vyver; der R van uke ovender; Dean Duchenne; A Dean ovender; oast; Joshua B esan; Kyle E rown; Jesse Jesse rown; liver C liver E liva; T B B ldworth; Kelvin, Peta, Jason & B & Jason ldworth; Peta, Kelvin, ameron T oss oss alvin A areth van R van areth yron & C ardner; R aidoo; A aidoo; eroux; A homas Fraser; B rydyn B eill Family; Shanal Family;Shanal eill usuf Jeewa; Jackson Jeffers; Hamza Joosab; G oss; Matthew Withers; R ance B ance L ovender; Michael Winson; had U aledi Mndaweni; T raig; T rett C lake Kruger; A Maganlal; Hrehan lake iccard; A iccard; arvar N N ooyen; ooyen; onyngham Family; T onyngham ina ina agessur; Jordan O agessur; Jordan G eesley; L ichard Moolman; C Moolman; ichard regory Stevens; Pierre Petit Family T Family Petit Pierre regory Stevens; hmad Seedat;hmad A kosi; Siyabonga N Siyabonga kosi; R than B T had Wybrow; Patrick Zietkiewicz; B elson- enjamin B enjamin shley G shley randon unde; Muhammed & Ziyaad Mansoor; Wade & B onnor O onnor twenhle Hadebe;twenhle T ythan Welgemoed; R ythan Welgemoed; orton Family; T ndrew May; JamesR llaway; C llaway; ansal; Samuel B aron N aron had L had ory & C arboni; O arboni; mra; B mra; lementz; C Jack audenberg; R riffiths; Y Hassim; Muhammad bdullah Seedat;bdullah E amjee; B ndrew Mackintosh; John Mamet; Keaton Heycocks; Dane T ontributors indicated in bold print bold in indicated ontributors ob & Silvia Havemann; Jean & Sue R icholas Farrant; Sean Mc Sean Farrant; icholas urner; C roy Steyn; Mikhail Maharaj; O alvin van Wieringen; N ibbons; Kent G Kent ibbons; uke Fouche; Drs M C Solwa & F Shaikh; R aron Drimmie; Damian du Plessis; Joshua E Joshua Plessis; du Damian Drimmie; aron arbeau & Family; & arbeau owan B hris & & hris yron Searle; Devin T Searle; Devin yron atan; A atan; aude; Max O owman; B umiso N umiso amlugaan; David R David amlugaan; B hengu; E ees; Jethro Jethro ees; randon Seyffert;randon N C radley Dunwoody; Matthew G Dunwoody; radley arry Singh; David B zuza; Mohammad homas L ehman; Kevin Maharaj; Martinovic; Kye T mran Fakroodeen; Dax & Scott C regory Dawber; Devon L sterhuizen; Jarrod Frost; C rmstrong; C rmstrong; eagle; R nirudh B eade; Waites Family; *Dr C Waites eade; aihaan Mansoor; B aihaan N upnarain; A upnarain; onnor G onnor renton C renton ndrew & Michael Murdoch; Wayne & Jason Kershaw; Scott L Kershaw; Scott Jason & Wayne Michael Murdoch; & ndrew ichol; R nthony C nthony icholas Hamilton; Jack Hampson; Mohammed Hassam; Mackenzie Haygarth; Dominic Hislop; Jonno Hugkulstone; Kean I Hugkulstone; Kean Jonno Hislop; Haygarth; Dominic Mackenzie Mohammed Hassam; Hampson; Jack Hamilton; icholas Millennium Foundation Members Foundation Millennium R athan T T S TRU UCATIONAL ED DPHS eill; T eill; than Venter; John Watkins; T igel Wood; David A David Wood; igel nthony Mandy & Morgan; Debbie Mathew; T eaz Moolla; Mc Moolla; eaz ayob; Matthew & C lcock; R rmstrong; Mohammedrmstrong; A ayne N homas G homas ichard Huber; R ichard ollins; ollins; uke & Warrick Shannon; N R ruorton; N N ambert; B Michael Maree; lowolagba; Dhirren Pillay; Jared Pillay; Kyle Mc Pillay; Pillay; Kyle Jared Dhirren lowolagba; ylward; Duncan B Duncan ylward; andile Mhlongo; N dam Stockenstrom; R Stockenstrom; dam C qubeko Mtoba; Jibran Mulla; U Mulla; Jibran Mtoba; qubeko icholas Koenig; Mike Sacks; B Mike Koenig; icholas ameron; Michael C iam iam ore; C ore; ristan Muller; Matthew N rthur R smal; A rogan E okal; John John okal; ameron Knight; C ameron hompson; T hompson; hristopher Ward; Matthew B lwande utter; A ould; N ould; raig; Muhammed Deedat; Sandiso Dhlomo; Dylan E Dylan Muhammed Deedat; Dhlomo; Sandiso raig; hor Knûtsen-Smith;hor B uchner; G ussell, Matthew & G Matthewussell, & ndrew Harrison; Fareeda & Ziyaad A lonzo Stainbank; E Stainbank; lonzo obertJames Prior; B G bdullah Joosab; Kevin R imothy & B uyMerril & B otze; Sebastian L zhar Paruk; B Paruk; zhar lliot; T lliot; ndre & Julie van Vuuren; G Vuuren; van Julie & ndre R owan Peterson; Hamish G abriel Sjouerman; Muhammad Y Muhammad Sjouerman; abriel zhaar T yanda & Sethu Jackson; Y nita, Michael & Kyle N Kyle Michael & nita, lakeway; B lakeway; ombe; * ombe; hambers; A owe; L owe; souris; Michael Hobson; Marc R zair A ilmour; L R iley Mallett;iley R entley; Wenzile B otsiou; N otsiou; ravis R ravis ashid; Karl Schaefer; A Karl ashid; ssack; B uke van Vuuren; Dean & C ravis G ravis llen; Mark A Mark llen; unan; A athan C athan ndrew T ndrew rayden Knoop; T emilekun O emilekun hiraag hiraag Shedlock; R hristopher B hristopher rbee; Jack A rbee; Jack ameron M Wilson; Don A Wilson; Don M ameron aughlin; Matthew & C uke Montgomery; N uke Darshan loyd B loyd raig & Matthew A & raig aine; A aine; lly; U laudio & Mickele L ryce Woolf; Muhammad A Muhammad Woolf; ryce C uke uke raig Schlemmer; Daniel & B Schlemmer; & Daniel raig urger; G L obertA & odiat; Max C obert Koenig; Keshan Padayachee; L Padayachee; obert Keshan Koenig; had & Shane Shane & had eagan T eagan hris C hris jabulo Mthethwa; Joshua Jankovich- endrum; T C anner Klue; C anner uke A uke ovender; Vishal Daya; Divarshan than Petersen; Pranam R Pranam Petersen; than uke Wilson itken; Matthew A ale; Dr & Mrs Deon Hoffman; N ashil Desia; R Desia; ashil arth; Mishaan & Kaveer R Kaveer arth; & Mishaan vishkar Prem; Kei Dawson; T yan Spring; A Spring; yan bhay N mla; L mla; arth Pearson, C ell; R homasFelix; gencies; Simon A gencies; Simon ameron Ferguson; Matthew Ferreira; T rish Pike; Mike & Jann N onrad & Jason B ndrew Wilkins; Darren Dunbar; Wilkins; C Darren ndrew ynn Farrar; Michael,Diana A & yron McKie; A yron A ilchrist; T T onda Mavimbela; Shukvir Mothilall; N ikhar Singh; G Singh; ikhar homson; L rro; James B aidoo; Joshua & Dylan N Dylan & Joshua aidoo; uke & C & uke ooysen Family; A opertz; L umede; Muhammad Habiya; N Habiya; Gumede; Muhammad mile brahim; Payton E Payton brahim; lendining; Matthewlendining; G alder; Mitchell C alder; Mitchell oit; C athan Kleyn; Joshua Maskell; Humzah Mohamed Sayeed; A aran; Y aran; rendan Mc liver Koch; L Koch; liver kshay Soni; A kshay Soni; aees A aees homas; N ndrew Hay; C ndrew alljee; Mongezi Machi; B eorge & Shirley Kirby; Joshua B mmanuel Mqingwana; Zwa Mpanza; A Mpanza; Zwa Mqingwana; mmanuel gwekazi; T gwekazi; homas A oy; N oy; ob & L ndreas & C & ndreas amsamy; Zaid R Zaid amsamy; ameron Peters; T Peters; ameron radshaw; Michael,radshaw; A uan van Jaarsveld; Jordan & E ruce T G T koob; Hamza A Hamza koob; uke Slogrove; Zak Smith; A Smith; Zak Slogrove; uke lbert & Sean B gwane; abeelJeewa; Weston Jelf; Slade Jewell; Muhammad Jhaveri; Dalair Fuzail& Khalil; lexander Swanepoel; I ehal N ehal ombleson; Matthew van Dongen; David van van David Dongen; Matthew van ombleson; ravis A alvin & B & alvin areth & Sean May; Mohammed & I len; A len; L uckle; David Finch & Family; Peter Jones; A xel Hayes; Simon Hill; A T N A riz L listair C listair aleb & Joshua Watson; R ssack; Muhammad E aird; A aird; rust; mod; R mod; aushaad Mahomed; R aushaad irav R irav oisen; Darren B Darren oisen; awson Dinsdale; Pradhisthra Doorsamy; A Doorsamy; Pradhisthra Dinsdale; awson abeel Jhazbhay; Hayden K harvik N listair Hargreaves; C Hargreaves; listair uke uke radley Pearson; E Pearson; radley odd Petterson; A B ifford Mortimer; ifford Majoor;Michael enjamin Mullins; Shivay Munien; T yola N lexander G lexander eave; Hank & T boobaker; Zaiem B aylor; Warren N ’Meara; Kevin & Kim Jarman; Santhiran Viranna; Mitch Prinsloo; G Prinsloo; Mitch Viranna; Santhiran Jarman; Kim & Kevin ’Meara; L icholas Kershaw; T icholas edder; B G ngerer; * hristopher & Jason L ravis B aidoo; N aidoo; vor B vor ongworth; B ntrobus; Hasan Jhatam; Kavir, Shamir & Mitesh R uke King; C King; uke othman; othman; oys llis; A llis; renhold; T maar E L R ullough; Mickey & A & Mickey ullough; ary Smith; A yan Dinkele;R yan O yan C ld B ewton; B eary; G David uy Kirby; Matthew Kruger; C ndrew T mbrose; Michael & Zachary C Michael & mbrose; dnaan Masood; Keegan & Jordan Mills; N Mills; Jordan & Masood; Keegan dnaan ayin van Wyk; E he A haritable T alvin Henry; Jordan Johnson; B ameron & Justin Donkin; *W A Justin Donkin; & ameron ampese; L radley; Jeremy B Jeremy radley; arry Wilson; G imothy; imothy; eatt; A Michael & riscoe; James,Matthew & David G rakspear; A yrneHowell; radley Stricker: Devon R Simpkins; Marc, James & L yan Hen- yan ichard N aseen A eid Sinnicks; Sheldon Vincent; Sinnicks; Sheldon N eid uvan Singh; Joshua Squires; James Sweeney; N eynolds; N eynolds; oodt; Matthew Pierce; G eddy; Family; L Vine usuf Dhai; Jaydon Dunkley; Matthew Fayers; Jack Foster; Damon G amdeyal; Jesse R Jesse amdeyal; obinson; Matthew R obinson; aylor; Matthew van Zyl; L ristan T endekayi Moto; E endekayi Moto; ls; A brahim; T amble; Holizwe N Holizwe amble; uke uke iam Johnson; C Johnson; iam O an & Marian Pace; Marc & Damian T & R & B E John Michael Smith; C B G R Jonathan Spanos; Wayne G & G Mc B A R Dr K A Padayachee; B R Daniel U E C Justin L B Mohamed A Moodley; B B Hargreaves; John Dand; Mohammed Kharsany; C G Darren Spiers; A R & R A Muhammad A Woodroffe; John & Judith G Khuzwayo; Mitchell Williams; C Mitchell Khuzwayo; Meiring Family; Dickinson; B Podmore; Miles Mowat A Mowat Miles Podmore; Massimo Di Paolo; Pranav Desai; Matthew Desai; Dicks; Pranav B Paolo; Di Massimo Khadija Kharsany; Peter & Kathy McMaster; A I ZakariyaParuk; Michael Paul; Darren Pearce; Storm Savage; Dean Smith; Joshua Spooner; N Kenny; N Seedat; Jacob Simmons; R Seedat; Simmons; Jacob Michael Hollick; A L Whittington; Wolins; Seth R Muhammed Joosub; Forno; Mahomed; Wandile & L R L A B Y C A Freitag; Mohamed Joosab; N L Mahomed; Justin T Kemp; Matthew Marshall; Joshua Morse; T Mgobhozi; C Family; James Harker; Dylan Hewitt; Dylan Family; Harker; James L Jarred T Hagemann; David Hopkins;Kidgell; Joel Matthew David Hagemann; L E Hakeem Dabideen; Davidson; Matt du T Paruk; T Sean A C O Heunis; Jonathan L Devan I Devan Maritz;Kriedemann; Stephen R Motala; B Peer; Stephenson; Sharad, Heena & Heena & Sharad, Stephenson; R ** 2014 additions to Millennium Foundation and 2014 C 2014 and Foundation Millennium to additions 2014 ** T * Joshua Wilmans; Muhammad A T C James Francke; Storm G Storm Francke; James T Smith; Morgan Sinclair; James Siljebrandt; Morgan Sherman; Fynn Shaik; Qaeed K Zia Janssen; A Jadwat; MahomedJeewa; Jamie King; Matthew King; James Kitto; Dean Macleod-Henderson; Kitto; Jarred T Jeewa; Mahomed Zaydan Howden; N Millard; A Y N Jadyn Ziya Hassim; A R E R C Maduray; N Y Wensley-Hill; Kade Wolhuter; B Wolhuter; Kade Wensley-Hill; T