Peregrine Nations 2.3, October 2002
VOLUME TWO, NUMBER THREE / OCTOBER 2002 In This Ish: Silent eLOCutions (Art by Trinlay Khadro & Ye Editor) Smoke & Mirrors by Alan White (Art by Alan White) State of the Art: Graphic Novel Writers -- Coda by Will Allan Hogarth Saints by E. B. Frohvet (Art by William Rotsler) The Faned Article Pool by J. G. Stinson (art by my rubber stamp collection) Will the Real Swamp Thing Please Stand Up? (editorial) (Art by Alan White) Free Book Deal Update Pub Crawl: Zine Reviews by J.G. Stinson Additional Art: Alan White / cover, masthead No page numbers again, still haven't figured out how to make Word do that without futzing the thing... peregrination, n., L., A traveling, roaming, or wandering about; a journey. (The New Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, Avenel Books, New York: 1980). "As Perrottet explains...the Pax the first two centuries of the Christian era...made possible for the first time the concept of tourism...and with it all the accoutrements still known in the travel industry: peregrinatores, the tourists themselves; mystagogi...guides; periegesis, ...guidebooks..." // From "On Tour with the Ancients" by Louis Werner, Archaeology Magazine, Nov./Dec. 2002, p. 57. Well, now, ain't that a hoot. This issue of Peregrine Nations is a © 2002 J9 Press Publication edited and published by J. G. Stinson, P.O. Box 430314, Big Pine Key, FL 33043-0314 USA. Copies available for $1 or the Usual. A quarterly pubbing sked is intended. All material in this publication was contributed for one-time use only, and the copyrights belong to the contributors.
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