Ahmed Koubaa*{ Professor Canada Research Chair on Wood Development, Characterization and Processing Universite´ Du Que´Bec En Abitibi-Te´Miscamingue 445 Boul

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Ahmed Koubaa*{ Professor Canada Research Chair on Wood Development, Characterization and Processing Universite´ Du Que´Bec En Abitibi-Te´Miscamingue 445 Boul BINDERLESS FIBERBOARD MADE FROM PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PULP AND PAPER SLUDGE Se´bastien Migneault PhD Candidate Centre de Recherche sur le Bois De´partement des Sciences du Bois et de la Foreˆt Universite´ Laval 2425 rue de la Terrasse Que´bec, QC Canada G1V 0A6 Ahmed Koubaa*{ Professor Canada Research Chair on Wood Development, Characterization and Processing Universite´ du Que´bec en Abitibi-Te´miscamingue 445 boul. de l’Universite´ Rouyn-Noranda, QC Canada J9X 5E4 Bernard Riedl Professor Hamid Nadji Postdoctoral Fellow Centre de Recherche sur le Bois De´partement des Sciences du Bois et de la Foreˆt Universite´ Laval 2425 rue de la Terrasse Que´bec, QC Canada G1V 0A6 James Deng Research Scientist FPInnovations–Forintek Division 319 rue Franquet Que´bec, QC Canada G1P 4R4 S. Y. (Tony) Zhang{ Senior Scientist and Group Leader FPInnovations–Forintek Division 2665 East Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1W5 (Received October 2010) Abstract. Pulp and paper sludge is valuable in fiberboard manufacturing because primary sludge (PS) contains fibers and secondary sludge (SS) has adhesive properties. We evaluated properties of binderless fiberboard made from conventional pulp and paper mill sludge sources using a factorial design in which the factors were SS:PS ratio (1:9, 2:8, and 3:7) and pulping process (thermomechanical [TMP], chemical– thermomechanical [CTMP], and kraft). Sludge was collected, refined, dried, and characterized for chem- ical composition and fiber length. Internal bond strength of CTMP panels increased 90% and thickness * Corresponding author: [email protected] { SWST member Wood and Fiber Science, 43(2), 2011, pp. 180-193 # 2011 by the Society of Wood Science and Technology Migneault et al—BINDERLESS SLUDGE PANELS 181 swell of TMP panels improved 92% with increasing SS content from 10-30%. IR Fourier transform and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses were conducted to better understand these results. Increased bonding was attributed to presence of proteins and lignin on the sludge fiber surface, which enhanced adhesion during hot pressing, whereas surface contamination decreased bonding efficiency. The TMP formulation at SS:PS ratio 3:7 met the ANSI requirement for basic hardboard. All other formulations were not dimensionally stable enough to meet the standard. The CTMP source resulted in the highest mechan- ical properties, and thickness swell was similar for the TMP and CTMP pulping processes. The kraft source produced low-integrity and dimensionally unstable panels. Keywords: Fiberboard, industrial waste, adhesion, material characterization, recycling. INTRODUCTION ical pulping (TMP) is roughly similar to that of nonprocessed wood. Low-yield pulping proc- Water treatment processes in pulp and paper esses such as the chemical kraft process remove mills generate solid residues called pulp and most of the lignin from the fiber cell wall. Che- paper sludge. The most common sludge disposal mical composition and properties of fibers from methods are landfilling, incineration for power intermediate-yield pulping processes such as production, and land application for soil amend- chemicothermomechanical pulping (CTMP) lie ment (Amberg 1984; Smook 2002; Mahmood between those of TMP and kraft fibers. Because and Elliott 2006; Ochoa de Alda 2008). Current sludge contains fibers, its chemical composition disposal alternatives are affected by shrinking also varies with pulping process (Zerhouni et al space, public opposition, increasing regulatory 2009; Migneault et al 2010). pressure, and, above all, poor economics (Amberg 1984; Mahmood and Elliott 2006). Geng et al (2006) studied the effect of hot-press- Valuing sludge as a commercial product would ing parameters on properties of fiberboard made be a beneficial way to recycle this residue. from paper mill sludge. Dry-formed binderless fiberboard panels were hot-pressed at different A typical pulp and paper mill water treatment densities, temperatures, and pressing times. process comprises primary treatment followed Optimal parameters were 1100 kg/m3, 210C, by secondary treatment (Smook 2002). Primary and 8 min. Properties of medium-density fiber- treatment removes suspended solids from waste- board (MDF) and particleboard made from waters. The solid residue obtained after thicken- pulp and paper sludge have been investigated ing is called primary sludge (PS). Wastewaters (Davis et al 2003; Taramian et al 2007; Geng from primary treatment go to secondary treat- et al 2007a; Migneault et al 2010). These studies ment, also called biological treatment. The solid concluded that inorganic content of sludge residue obtained after thickening is called sec- negatively affected panel properties. Deinked ondary sludge (SS). The main organic compo- sludge produced lower quality panels than com- nents are microbial extracellular polymeric bined sludge (Geng et al 2007a). Industry qual- substances (EPS), nonbiodegraded materials, ity standards were met at 25% sludge content and microbial cell biomass (Bitton 2005). In (Migneault et al 2010), although properties most mills, PS and SS are mixed to form a com- decreased with increasing sludge content (Geng bined sludge. SS:PS ratio varies among mills et al 2007a; Migneault et al 2010). and within the same mill (Amberg 1984; Smook 2002). The wood industry benefited from the advent of protein glues in the early 1900s (Pizzi and Mittal The pulping process impacts the pulp’s chemi- 2003; Rowell 2005), but these natural adhesives cal composition and consequently fiber proper- were replaced by higher-performance, lower- ties (Clark 1985; Smook 2002). For example, cost petroleum-based adhesives such as urea– the chemical composition of fibers from high- formaldehyde and phenol–formaldehyde resins. yield pulping processes such as thermomechan- In recent years, interest in biobased adhesives 182 WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, APRIL 2011, V. 43(2) has increased because of stricter regulations for Canada) produces commercial bleached pulp. All synthetic adhesives and growing environmental mills process softwood chips from commercial concerns. Biobased adhesives are derived from eastern softwood species (mainly spruce and bal- natural materials such as proteins, carbohy- sam fir and, to a lesser extent, pine). PS and SS drates, and lignin. SS contains some of these were collected from each mill and combined in substances and shows good bonding properties three SS:PS mass ratios of 1:9, 2:8, and 3:7 corre- (Geng et al 2007b; Zerhouni et al 2009). Polar sponding to 10, 20, and 30% SS content, referred groups of proteins and carbohydrate molecules to as low, medium, and high SS content, respec- can interbond and possibly bond with the high tively. Combined sludge was refined in an Andritz energy surface of wood (Pizzi 1989). However, (Graz, Austria) 0.56-m single disk refiner at for effective adhesion, the native protein struc- the FPInnovations–Forintek Division MDF pilot ture generally has to be denatured to expose plan (Que´bec, Canada). Material was preheated polar groups (Pizzi 1989). PS and SS were used for 1.5 min at vapor pressure of 750 kPa in a as filler in phenol–formaldehyde resin formula- cooking screw (digestor) and then refined at disk tions for plywood (Geng et al 2007b), resulting plate speed of 2000 rpm. Refined sludge was in higher shear strength compared with a control discharged through a blowline, dried by a flash resin formulation made with a commercial filler. tube dryer to 15 Æ 5% MC, and dried to 3 Æ 1% Use of SS alone, without synthetic resin, re- MC in a rotary dryer. sulted in reasonably good shear strength. This suggests that SS has bonding properties. Zerhouni et al (2009) formed paper handsheets Sludge Characterization using combined pulp and paper sludge and Samples were characterized for chemical com- found increased bonding strength with increas- position (Table 1) as described in Migneault ing SS content. et al (2010). Briefly, cellulose content was Pulp and paper sludge could be recycled for determined by Ku¨rschner and Hoffer’s nitric fiberboard manufacturing because it contains acid method. Pentosan content was obtained wood fibers and has adhesive properties. Be- according to TAPPI T 223 cm-84. Lignin con- fore attempting industrial application, common tent was determined according to TAPPI T 222 sources of industry-generated sludge must be om-98 and TAPPI useful method UM-250. evaluated. The adhesive ability of sludge has Extractive content was determined according been demonstrated but not understood. There- to TAPPI T 204 cm-97 and T 207 om-93. Ash fore, objectives of this study were to 1) charac- content was determined according to TAPPI T terize and compare PS and SS from different 211 om-93. Nitrogen content was determined pulping processes; and 2) study adhesive prop- using a Perkin Elmer (Waltham, MA) 2410 erties of SS. Series II nitrogen analyzer. Pulp from each mill was characterized for comparison, and two rep- etitions were conducted for chemical analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fiber length distribution was measured using Sludge Collection and Refining an OpTest Equipment (Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada) Fiber Quality Analyzer. Pulp and paper sludge samples were collected from three pulp processes: TMP, CTMP, and kraft. Diffuse reflectance IR Fourier transform spec- The TMP mill (White Birch Paper Stadacona troscopy (FTIR-DRIFTS) and X-ray photoelec- Division, Que´bec, Canada) produces newsprint tron spectroscopy (XPS) were performed to and directory-grade papers. The CTMP mill obtain information on
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