Tuesday, July 15, 1997 • Volume 3, Number 34 Page 1of8 Larry Conrad, where THE have you ·gone? Is the ol'Hoosier stemwinder a thing of the past? Congressman Ray Madden and Larry Conrad were together one HOWEY day in Washington working on a project.It was a hot and sultry after­ noon, sapping their energy to the point where Madden nodded off. Conrad, too, began to get drowsy and soon he was sawing wood. POLITICAL But a bump somewhere on the premises woke both these Hoosier Democrats up. "There's a thief in the house!" Conrad blurted out Madden responded, "Larry, there might be a thief in the Senate, but not in the House." REPORT That was the way Conrad introduced Madden at the 1971 Democratic Jefferson-Jackson The Weekly Briefing On Politics Dinner in Indianapolis and it Special Report was one of those rare The Howey Political Report is published 40 times a year by moments where two of the finest orators in the state found them­ NewsLink,Inc.Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is selves together on the dais. an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political Madden, the crusty old rep from Lake County, took to the podi­ process in Indiana. It neither endorses candidates nor advocates positions of public policy. um and looked in Conrad's direction. "Larry, my God, that was the second finest introduction I ever had. The only better one occurred Brian A. Howey when the emcee took ill and I had to introduce myself." editor and publisher What followed was a Madden stemwinder in the old stump style The Howey Political Report Office: 317-926-1433 fashion - a dash of fire and brimstone that came in an era of Nixon & 2625 N.Meridian St,Suite 1125 Fax: 317-254-2405 Agnew, Vietnam, moratoriums, campus takeovers, and the SDS. Indianapolis,IN 46208 [email protected] The times seemed to call for the dramatic speaker. Daytimenumber:317-254-2400,Ext273 And the times have changed. NewsLink Home Page: http://www.inoffice.com/hpr TV and radio commentator remembered being sum­ moned to Keith Bulen's Southport "Bat Cave" prior to his first chal­ Subsaiption information: $250 annually for 40 lenge to Rep. Phil Sharp back in 1988. The dark, murky basement via or class mail. Call 317-926-1433. editions fax first office had walls full of memorabilia with only a desk lamp as the sole © 1997, The Howey Political Report. All rights reserved. point of illumination. It was enough, however, to· faintly light a Photocopying, faxing or reprodudng in any form, in whole or in framed front page of the New York Times with a picture of Ronald· part, is a violation offederal law and is ~prohibited without consent of the publisher. and Nancy Reagan at the '76 Republican national convention and a continued on page 2 ((QUOTE" OF THE WEEK INSIDE FEATURES

"Dan's shortfall is he's afraid to admit when he needs • Play of the Week: Lugar slugging nukes page2 help.If Dan cannot respond to these attacks, there is a • Ticker Tape: O'Bannon plays to the choir page3 chance he could lose the next election .. :" • Columnists: Marcus, Hammer, Schneider page 6 • Horse Race: Bayh dreams; Helmke's coming page 7 -State Rep. Woody Burt n, In a letter raising • Perhaps We Wander: Okeson on juvenile crime page 8 money for his brother, U.S. Rep. Dan Burt n. Tuesday,July 15, 199'. 1 Page 2 of 8

sign in the background lam::i ooning :Bulen him­ ernors from Matt Vi'\: le l1 to Frank O'Bannon TICl<:]~R self. have be1en good at 1_:,o iLicking and foeling at "Why do you want to run for Congress?" home with their con~ t1tuents, but none of 1 A P E Bulen asked of Pence. them has been apa r:ti cillarly great speaker. ~l~~I i~J~ll:]CJ[] Pence began, "V1Tell, I'v1e won severcl :twards A classic exampli~ of the gubernatorial a for public speaking .... " appeal occurred at a Christmas party last PLAY OFTHE WEEK: tt~;.sen. Whereupon Bulen qukkly .snapped, "What December when Rex Early came fac:e to face Richard Lugar wo11 fu II fund­ the hell does public speaking have to do wiith with O'Bannon for tibie first time since the elec- ing for the 1998 Nati mnal winning elections?" tion. Early congratulated O'Banncm, who res­ Defense Autlhorizc:1ti1m·1 lbill. The It was an on-ltarget - a[ID ~it sad - r1emark. ponded with this simple remark: "Ii. come out bill would fully fund II hie Nunn­ Pence lost twice to Phil Sharp. '"Why give good." Lugar program thiat us; disman­ speeches when a 12-second s.ou.ndbite will do:' Noae of the la:;1 11 ire U.S. S1enawrs - Birch tling old Soviet m11dea1r war­ laments Pence, who is an exc1e]font communica­ Bayh, Va,nce Hartke, F.khard Lugar, heads and working t~ iinsure tor. or - has pmticularly distinguished safe storage of nucleair materi­ It used to be that on the Fourth of July, himself on the stump. There has been plenty of al from power plants" Since the communities across Indiana would have para­ substaneie among ithcse five men, but none of Nunn-Lugar program 5tarted, des and oratory. B·etween the Chril War and them h21s had the abi!i:y to electri~1 an audi­ the U.S.has helpei:I d :'«1ctivate Wodd War I, such spe·eclm. coU:ld last for hours. ence. Nor has the Ind 12 na legisfatun! been a 4,500 warheads, C!es!trny 99 Today, there is little or 1110 oratory on tl11e recent haven for gild!~:c! tongued orators, once l'!CBMs,eliminate 1~0 llCBM Fourth of July. New Harmony is the only you get beyond Ho11:s1:! Speaker John Gregg and missile silos, destr,oy .W Hoosier commurnity t11at has continued the tra­ Republican Rep. Bnic 1e Munson, who will soon t ombers, eliminate 61!! subma­ dition.In some Midwestern pl:Kes,like Green retire. rine-launched bal!is1tk missiles Bay, WIS., efforts have been ta.ken to mate sure In order to pres~ rve a bit of ou:r great ora­ and sealed 62 nucle~1r ·est that politicians don't speak there on ttllle Fourth torical heritage - Indi al1a raised the man who tunnels in the fonner ~1·oviet of July. gave the greatest spf:cch of all time,Abraham Union. And it isn't just the Fourth of July Jin ques­ Lincoln and his "Getl y:;burg Address" as well as tion. Good to gr1eat public speakers iru Indi~.111a Wendell Wtllkie who gave a helllava .stem-winder r. • 11 politics are few all1id far between. There hasn't in Elwood back in ll 4HO - HPR walks through Q Indiana State Police '.StJpt. been a Hoosier governor irJ :1!cmt memory who the best (and worst) ::mblic speaker:;, with the Melvin Carraway and! 1G1ov. was known for his oratoric;tl skills. Ind'.aCJa gov- mun- Continued mi page 3 continui:d on page 3 Page 3 of 8 Tuesday,July 15, 1997 dane thrown in between. of his ties with the family liquor store business. It prompted this classic quote from GOP pollster TICKER The Best Bob Teeter, who said, "People can have a martini p There are five who make this list including: in their hand and a cooler full of beer at their. T A E • Larry Conrad, the former Democratic side but they don't want their mayor in the secretary of state and political operative. He had liquor business." Frank O'Bannon attended a the unique combination of intellect, passion, • The late Congressman Ray Madden Sunday morning service historical perspective and humor that he for not only heading a Lake County political before the 76th Original brought together in a great extemporaneous machine for decades, but for his classic stump General Missionary Baptist style. Conrad could speak with almost evangeli­ style and capacity for the stemwinder. State Convention in Gary. cal fervor.Modern day reporters remember • Former Attorney General Pam Carter Carraway soloed on '10 God Be Conrad's nominating speech at the 1986 is an excellent public speaker. Her speeches are the Glory" and O'Bannon Indiana Democratic convention of Evan Bayh driven by a sturdy voice that beams with clarity, addressed the convention, for secretary of state. "If not him, then who?" history and vision. It comes with evangelistic earning a number ot°amens" Conrad bellowed. "If not now, then when?" It fervor placed perfectly in a political context.Her and applause as he called for was prophetic and dramatic.But Conrad's speech on the lawn of the Gary City Hall last more social spending.'1he career echoes Bulen's sentiments. He lost his summer in which she recounting marching with message was the song and the race for governor, albeit to the popular Doc Martin Luther l\ing was fabulous oratory. dance, 0 0'Bannon said. '1he Bowen. • John Gregg - It's hard to recall a time song is what comes out of the • Bill Hudnut is probably the top when the Speaker of the House has spoken and Bible. The dance is up to us. 0 Republican modern speaker. The 16-year mayor not left his audience amused.He is pure South­ of Indianapolis had the ability to fire up a crowd ern Indiana Butternut Hoosier, folksy, always O'Bannon stumped the state at any moment.He exuded overpowering confi­ talking about his tiny hometown of Sandborn, unveiling his plans for 500 dence, enthusiasm and emotion. He was force­ always nudging the funny bone.A classic exam­ new police officers in Indiana. ful, jolly (unafraid to march in a parade wearing ple was Bill Schreiber's funeral service, when he In Evansville, the governor a leprechaun suit over his 6-foot-5 frame) and recounting telling strategist on election night, said, "Hopefully we will be could whip up a crowd as quick as anyone. "We won. I'm going to be speaker of the House!" able to use some funds to take Hudnut lost a 1990 race for secretary of state in And Schreiber responded, "John, what you have officers off of desk jobs and what would have been a springboard for a 1992 to understand is with every herd of thorough­ allow them to focus on com­ gubernatorial run and has been in political breds, you're also going to get a few cows?' munity polidng. We could nowheresville ever since. replace those jobs with dvil­ • Ivan Lebamoff was the Democratic The Congressional Class ians to put more police on the mayorofFortWaynefrom 1971to1975.His • U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton gets top streets" (Dave Hqsick, Evans­ speaking signature was his ability to rally the marks from the Congressional delegation and ville Courier). crowd, hit the issues and demonize opponents those yearning for it. Hamilton comes off as a with passion and fervor. Lebamoff could turn a benevolent but strict college professor who has State Rep. Woody Burton sent phrase with the best of them. He was a contro­ an affinity for reaching his generally conserva­ afundraising letter out on versial mayor who by his nature made many tive audiences.His 1994 IDEA speech at French behalf of his brother, U.S. Rep. enemies. He once locked a Journal Gazette Lick was one of the best wake-up calls ever , saying the 6th reporter in a closet while conducting a meeting. made to a political party. District congressman is 0 under It was funny at first, but as those in the room • may be the best natural attack by liberal Democratic became more uncomfortable, Lebamoff did not speaker we've produced for the coming genera­ activists0 and the 0 1iberal flinch.Another time he talked a reporter into tion. His deep baritone voice and his thoughtful media. If Dan cannot respond taking a plane ride, then had the plane circle the connection of prose to the issues at hand always to these attacks, there is a city so the reporter missed an important meet­ make him interesting. He quoted Aristotle at chance he could lose the next ing. Lebamoff lost a bitter re-election battle to Schreiber's funeral. Has the capacity to wow a election.0 Burton~ district is former IU football player Robert Armstrong in a labor rally. described by the Almanac of donnybrook of an election because the Demo­ • Rep. Charlie Halleck was the former American Politics as the sec­ crat had alienated so many people and because ond most Republican district 4 continued on page continued on page 5 Page4 of 8 Tuesday, July 15, 199:1

House Minority Leader who 1enchanted Capitol being "boring" and Lill~, ar ,artfully r_es~»onded ,, Hill v.rith his weekly assawt on the English lan­ that the White Ho~se" lsn ~ entertamment hour. Q guage and the funny bone via the "Ev and But sadly, senator, It reaUy Is. Charlie Show" with Sen. Everdt Dirksen. I THE caught him in Warsaw not lcng before he dif'd Vice Presidlentfal di.ass and at one time he declared, "'We ran more 1et­ Dm Quayle wn_. 1 disaster in. ''88 arid HOvVEY tuce up the Hill than you'd believe" and toli hE pretty good in '92. Need!· a good speech writer :POLITIC}~~ audience, "I'd do Emything short of murder for to blend his thought; better. Gets bad marlks Turkey Creek Township:' when trying to explai r Bobby Knight's offense is REPORT • U.S. Rep. David Mie~J:1to.:ih is learn ng defense (or was that dd~nse is offense?), but that less is more.He is not a natural speak,er but gets generational points for igniting ijhe "family can speak adroitly to the choir. He has found values" debate, a term now firmly imhedded in his stride not trying to be an orator, but to kt our polit1cal lexicon. H~'s the one Ho~sier who his cutting-edge conservatism carry him Lo 1is can get on Larry King or the Today Show when audience. In his ] 994 race ag c:nst Joe Hogsett, he writes a book. he came up with a classic stmr1per: "You just pulled a Bill Clinton'' that car::-1e·d his mesrnf e The gubematori;~l dass with devastating results to tl1e Democrat. Ill Gov. Bob Ou may be the best of the • Peter Rusthovetn waiS a political class with a good extemporaneous style, conver­ unlknown prior to hitting th~ Lincoln Day cir­ sational and philosophical.He could use humor cuit in search of a Sena:te nomination and has effectively, was comfortable at the rostrum. immediately made a reputation in GOP circ'les llll Gov. Fl'8llll.~i: O'Bannon was born on for being articulate, intellec :u .11 with a dash of the sunny side of the 1) 1io River. Wbfile he caus- humor, compassion and wit. :1fore Hoosiers will es nightmares for his ~;trategists andl sometimesO be discovering him in the near future. seems shaky, O'Banno:n is downhome folksy, llll Former G:>n.gres.:111 m Andy fmcol:i: unpretentious, and u11 imately,effective.Sur- always delivered a thoughtful, albeit wry loc 1k at vived debates with Goldsmith better tharn any- America and the issues at harnd. one dreamed. We lik.f: when he talks about "my • Former Ccm.griei.iiJm m rohn Myer:!, good fr ien, d, Evan B.aa 'hl-1...1...»Lum. » • was a pretty good stump speaker with an at ti­ mlt Gov. Joe Kernan s !l'eputauon as a tude. Wasn't afraid to sling darts at his detrac­ speaker could be the 1.liamond in the rou~ in tors and evolved passion. Indiana politics. Not many know about his Ill U.S. Sem~ Dmn Cc1 rl:s ns a forcetiJ, sub­ effectiveness. His two biggest speech.es, at the stantive and logical speaker, but always seems Indiana Democratic convention and at the inau­ so businesslike.Meet him nn person and 1:ht! gural, were excellent i~1 both styl,e and content. that's when you find the cornpa1ssion. HPR still []]Gov. Doie n11 1111en was th1e voice of thinks he could have beaten Evan Bayh. moral authority and common sense, but always Ill Former Conm:ess:m.a.n. John Bmdl1~ ·:I delivered in a bland, professorial style. was very articulatie, but always spoke on a high !TI! Candidat,~ Jf~::x Early is arnother capa­ plane. That's a Rhodes Scholar for you, although ble of cow..mitting '- ~.~,a ult and battery on the Bill Ointon figured out how to connect. King's English. But ~outh of U.S.40 and at any • Former U.S. Sen. Ilirch Ba}h per· Hog Nuts party, he11 have people in stitches and formed the "aw shucks" Shir :de ville shuffle with saying "amen" or sorn ed1ing like t11at. sleev,es rolled up, coat over his shoulder on a ~Ill Sitephen G1c~ldsmith has incredible finger with the best of them lBut he could ram­ intellect and always ~,as something interesting ble on to eternity.Might md:e a good spokes­ to say. But it comes out ... binary. He always man for Ben & Jerry's. seems to be in a hurry and he even tells peopleQ • U.S. Sen. Ridbiard Llllj§&ll', cmother so. Slow down, mayor. Give us 45 milnutes some Rhodes Scholar, is classic Slll:stance over st rle. time, and try using the pause for emphasis. Was derided on presidential campaign trai! for continued on page 5 Page 5of8 Tuesday, July 15, 1997 • Gov. Evan Bayh, when he appeared an excellent lieutenant governor candidate. before the House Democrats to quell an insur­ rection over prevailing wage in 1995, used spi­ Party people TICKER cy language that one party member said, . GOP Chairman Milce McDaniel and T A. P E "Looked like he had practiced in front of a mrr­ Democrat Chairman Joe Andrew are both good ror?' Common adjective used by friends and foes public speakers.McDaniel is more easy-going alike is "plastic:'Bayh's emphatic speech points and is great with a quip. His joke at last in the nation. Indiana always reminded HPR of Otter defending Delta November's Bob Dole rally ("Two Huangs don't Democratic Party Executive House before Dean Wormer's kangeroo court in make a right") was funny.McDaniel said in all Director Mike Harmless called 0 the movie "Animal House": "We're not going candor a few seconds later, "I've been waiting all the Burton letter an embar­ stand for criticism on the of week to use thaf'Democratic Chairman Joe rassment for every Hoosier." America!" Democratic convention keynote was Andrew has been more of a "rah-rah" kind of viewed as a dud, but speech he gave with Presi­ speaker, but we get that impression mostl~ Former Vice President Dan dent Clinton in Michigan City 24 hours before because we've seen him in more rally settmgs Quayle spoke at an Ohio ("He is an honest president'') could cause him where he uses volume and excitement to fire up Senate Republican Caucus agony in '98. Undefeated and hugely popular. crowds, which he usually does. fundraiser last week and said, • Gov. Matt Welch, wooden. 0 1probably shouldn't say this, • Gov. Roger Branigan, awful. Worst Speakers because it'll probably get me • Gov. Edgar Whitcomb, nice to look at, in a little bit of trouble, but it but once he spoke, you questioned his literacy. • Former Bloomington mayor and appears that the only person Congressman Frank McOoskey, the father of today that's willing to stand the 723-word sentence delivered in monotone. up to Bill Ointon is Paula Statehouse Class Won at least eight general elections. • State Rep. Bruce Munson, the Jones" (Associated Press). • U.S. Rep. , the nice Quayle also said he would Republican from Muncie, is one of the most young man who speaks like an empty suit until make a dedsion on running entertaining speakers in the state. Period. He you get him under a church tent.Author of the for president in 1999. performed along with Ann DeLaney at a roast 23-word sentence. Won two general elections. for Rex Early in the Spring of 1996 and had the • U.S. Rep. tried volume State Sen.Rose Ann Antich audience rolling.Munson said he and Early for emphasis in his 1990 campaign, prompting won a lawsuit that holds the were on the campaign trail at one point and one Democrat to ask, "Why is this man yelling City of Gary responsible for the Early mentioned something about coming from at me?" Has won three general elections. "Bumf**k, Egypt."When Munson reminded 1994 death of her husband, • KeithBulen, who lived up to his ques­ Joseph, who died of a heart Early that the phrase might not be appropriate, tion for the need to communicate with a ram­ attack.Four calls were placed Early responded, "Don't worry. We don't have bling, weird speech at a roast for former Allen to the Gary 911 system made any Egyptians here:' County GOP Chairman Orvas Beers.It followed from the campaign office of • Seaetary of State Sue Anne Gilroy, a speech given by Lebamoff for utter contrast. Lake Copnty Sheriff John like Rusthoven, was warmly received on the Helped begin the 20-year Hoosier Republican. Bundch.A private amublan~e GOP Lincoln Day circuit this past winter and political dynasty and was The Great Commuru­ was finally summoned an hour spring. Gilroy has an affinity for personally con­ cator's political director. necting with her audiences, and relies on life after the first call was made • Rob Bowen, Bayh's first victim, was and Antich died shortly after­ experiences to accent her points.She has also mercifully kept on his Marshall County bench. ward at The Methodist successfully attempted to become a "voice" for • Linley Pearson, didn't have a bad Hospitals in Merrillville.Tapes the Republican Party. voice; brain was in neutral. • Clerk of Court John Okeson is per­ of the 911 calls could not be haps the most underrated public speaker and 1•..... • I al found. The dty argued that it hasn't had a lot of exposure outside of bar asso­ liii-·au~r111 had immunity for using an ciation and Rotary Club meetings. But whenever emergency communications HPR has heard him speak, such as the 1996 system (MunsterTimes). Allen County Lincoln Day dinner, Okeson has shone. He is clever, to the point, has a good voice Evansville Mayor Frank and gets directly at issues. He would have made ' continued on page 6 Tuesday, July 15, 1997 Page 6 of 8 0 TICKER COLlJ1vi1\fISTS 0 N ~NID~ANA T A p E 1IT.m111il1lffffil11il]f Ii1H li-rnlf1uri][]]]• Morton Marcus, Indianapolis Business that has 5.5 million re1lidents. In California, with ~~··· 11~!::::!.- 30 million residents, the state Democratic Party Journal- Indiana makes 1110 attempt to antici­ McDonaid will not ·1m 11 arse an pate growth or to reduce the costs growth raised $6.6 million. In New York, with its 26 mil­ anti-poverty strategy ·that imposes on us.Hoosiers do not widen roads lion residents, the state Democratic Party raised social workers spent th11ee before they become congested. 'We construct $7 million. Did he get il1 gold watch for this years dievelop1ing (lerm schools after the need becones a crisis in ore fund-raising bonanza!' "No: Andrew says."Nor Kramer, Evansville (omier). 0 1 district while we close schools. in areas where have I gotten a subpoena."In fact, the campaign didn't think it was .a d·~oument young middle class families no longer choose to finance report that dl0i::uments the Diemocrats' 1 that was written fairl 1.' live.And we fear tlllat any atterr:pt to guide success also prompt•ed me to ask Andrew if McDonald said.0 lt wa•) written development is buit another step on the sbpe of Democrnts were monf'JI laundering.The report with a 1treme111dous bl as limiting liberty, cultivating coUectivism an.cl shows Indiana Democ rnts gave $50,000 to their agai11st what has be~n 1ap­ hastening the dissolution of capitalism. The Colorado counterpa:rt:;, 1.vho gave tht'm pening, what the city l 11. us been urban sprawl of Lafayette anc 3loomington are $100,000; $25,000 to th1! !Democrats, doing."The strategy eru11~ed matched by the continuing suburbanization of who con1tributed $50,IJCIO to the Hoosiers; and with this statement: ''llle $30,000 to !the Iowa parity, which sen1t $60,000 Frankfort and Gosh.en. Mar· :1n's concern for its largest obstade to m1~1!1ting downtown is similar to Llfie unr·esolved problems here.Andrew describe:s it as a perfectly legal tit­ such needs is the ladt ,Jlf will to of ~ 1luncie and Almderson. But nci effort is made for-tat. apply the funds whei~ ·1they to recognize that vre !have a statewide issue to are most needed."M( l:t·mald address. Perhaps with Paul Helmke, ma}~O r of Mike Smiili.,Assoc1a.red Press - A happy resp 1onded that he ha!. 1to meet fam-o Fort Wayne, servimg as president of the U.S. ily or a caucus in turmoil? It was simply a fami- the needs of the enti~1~ city, Confer-ence of Ma1yors, Indiana might be made ly affair, like a little sqmabble over politics at the n lt just poverty, a11d t 11 at the aware of its urban nature.But I believe that Joth dinner table. That wa.11 the word from many city is already dire1:tiiui federal Bill Hudnut and Dick Lugar of Indianapolis hdd Indiana House Republkans after th1e apparent block grants to poor 11eighbor­ that position earlier withouit any beneficial coup attempt on leader Paul Mannweiler was ~oods. effect on our deluded state. Or am I dduded? squashed during a piiivate,four-homr meeting Despite the economic and soda!! importance of last week. The fact i.s, 1"1 annweiler and Bosma tfosciusko County ?rn sE' rutor our cities, Hoosiers continue to neglect them. were put on the spot in an unprecedented fash- IDave Kolbe has intro1Ju1ced a Maybe our citizens believe ijhat the era of ci [ies ion, forced in a non-el ei:tion year to defend their f.iOlicy where third tim1· DUI is over.If they are right, then should we be~ ;ek­ leadership posts. Man nweiler put on a happy lilffenders will have tlu~r cars ing less costly ways to speed their demise! face after he was overwhelmingly afifirmed as §eized. "I know thi;; is "J·~ing to leader, calling the incident a "blip." Ill other (1e controversial,but w~ plan Ham1100L1e.IL, NUVO l1.-fwsweekry - =t'~ words, no harm, no fo •LI l. No hard feelings. It's ~o do this under the ~.~«1te's Steve not that simple. R1ep . .krry Bales, a maverick sieizure law,"said lfol~e time the media gave Mike 1)'son a brea<. lt'~ Republican from Bfo omington who rarely (Stacey Creasy, South ff!end time they shut up about the !biting incident. The attends 1:aucus meetings, said he did so last 1f ribune)."What could t e more media have had it in for Tyson ever since h1~ week at Mannweiler's request It was mor·e than clos.ely connected than a went to prison, and i~s time they give it a rE>st. an "issmes" meeting, lh ·~ said. "They tried to kill drunk driver and Ms m. We It's getting tiresome.A chunk of Holyfiek's ~ar the king and they didn't get the job done;' said have people who ha·,r~· ~ost is gone. Big deal. Other boxers have suffered Bales."There is goi11;5 to be resentment until ~lleir licenses for 10 y~~.m or ai much worse.In the grand scheme of thirgs, two probably after the ne 11:1 election when everyone ~ifetime and still get b1~hind inches of a millionaire's ear wm~t count for comes up for a vote .1,~. iin." ine wheel and drink .a11d much. drive." Mary Beth Sclmelider Ind:ianapolis Star - 0 More than 100 lnclian.3 busi- (Indiana Democratic Chair::-:nan Joe) Andrew continued on page 7 notes his party raised ifs $4.8 million in a .: tate Page7 of 8 Tuesday,July 15, 1997

Bayh pondering FOB and the toll road? HORSE RA c E. TICKER Helmke to file soon T A P E

TRBNDIJNE: The Senate candidacy of Paul Helmke is missing in action. nesses, representing 1,500 available jobs, were set to be at U.S.Rep.David Mdntosh'sJob • INDIANA SENATE: Imagine Evan••• Bayh's head lying on his pillow late into the Fair on Monday.Mdntosh had night, pondering the events of this past week: "The espionage element is added to the sent letters of personal invita­ Fundraising Scandal. But! Nobody seems to give a dang! And what is going on with that Indiana tion to workers of Borg-Warner Toll Road thing? That is my mental millstone. Highway scandals really killed George Craig." in Munde,Jay Garment of Meanwhile on the Republican side, Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke said he was going Portland, Brooks Foods in Mt to announce his candidacy after the Fourth of July. His brother,Mark,said on Monday that the Summit and Swayne Robinson mayor will be "proceeding with filing a candidacy within the next couple of weeks."Helmke did in Richmond to come to the fair release an extremely slick production of the 1996 City of Fort Wayne Annual Report. Its theme to seek jobs from other compa­ is "Fort Wayne Doors Open Through Citizen Participation." By a picture of a confident Paul nies in the 2nd CD.0 l'm proud of Helmke is the headline, "It takes strong leadership to build a healthy city and keep it that waf. the entire east-central Indiana Other things: the housing market is the seventh most affordable in the U.S.; retaining 5,000 community for coming togeth­ jobs and creating 409 new ones; citizen participation in neighborhoods; the seventh lowest er to help our neighbors," said crime rate in the nation; and a 30-year low in property taxes.All wo.uld be themes in a Helmke Mdntosh. senatorial candidacy. leter ~~sthoven hfought.~-0.p~OOO by the June 30 FEC report Rusthoven has The AFL-CIO has launched ano­ brought on State Rep.Matt Whetstbne t


I INDIANAPOUS - Those interested in Republican dogma f" I·~ ( ad my lips, no new The East Chicago riverb11J.at both the bottom line and Indiana's beacon cf taxes") have come bade home in Indiana to casino that has plent]ir c,f roots the future - our ch 1dren - should get a copy of roost.And for whom? Scores of Republican in the Lake County De nnoaatic the Hudson Institute's "Indiana Juvenile Crime county and city officia ~ who are trying to cope organization as well air. friends Forum Proceedings"by Clerk of Courts Johili with the wave of juve11 il:e delinquents stumbling of Gov. Bayh (like Miki: Okeson,Edmund McGarreH and Gregory out of the tens of thou sands of dysfunctional Pan111os} has had tc la~1r off 100 Brinker. families. Indiana is faili 1g to change its institu­ of its 1,500 emplo)rees."All the Throughout a series of hearings, Hoosier tions to deal with the modern realities of today's boats are doing very wfU. city and county leaders from all parts of the families. Indianapolis can get stadiums built; its 011erall the numbe~s :~ 14' up," state said the same thing: they lack resource3 to key philant:-opists a1··~· 1JLrowing tens of millions said Thomas McDen1Mtt, presi­ pursue juvenile justice solutions."Many local of dollars at the arts, a!l while the city is going dent of the Northwest Indiana officials seemed resigned to ithe fact that while through a crack epidemic and scores of vulnera­ forum."The tra(fic con1i 1estion more money would be helpful, additiontl local ble kids are aimlessly wandering the streets or on the roads !eadi~1g wthe revenue may not he availabl1e;'·wrnte Okeson in cowering in their hot,.~:teamy living rooms. boats is hm1ing ev1el'JJ''01ne and the report's foreward. "This is because resid~mts · Okeson and ith~ Hudson authors recom- in the summer month:,, rev­ in many communiti 1es are siopily unwilling to n{end increasing the us1~ of aftercare programs, ~nues are down beca1.1·; ethere spend more money on locC!-1 government reasoning that a 10-dair stay iri a hospital can't are more entities c1Dm~J1~ting (whether it is juvenile justice, pic:king up reverse ~4 or 16 years of bad parenting. Now, the - ; fo 1r the leisure dollar"(,~, mi!nda garbage, or opening pulbli~wnmming pools:' kids sinipljrgQ pack~tc1 their dingbat parents. Beel1er and Robin E.ieH·11, Two things leap out of this report.Sc ne Family values .. Jive ~ears and counting ('\, Munster Times}. of the young chicks from the post-Bush· ..il!a:IEl:'me grewrsfa1<1!"1::i:~·::;:--=-...~ ~,, ·~·"· .. -~-·,.,...... - ·- -~ ------·----·------~i;...... ,l"llr_-_ """',-+--_...,.:~~:,=~:-::~ ?:~~> - ~ . ~---· -~ JUL 15 -· ...... ~-. · "' - ; .. m1 . -. THE •P··· . , .._,. ._...,,·=··· . .::ir 1411 .. - - '~.:i Wgiiiik Iii~ 'j~~ REP~::~RT

The Weekly Briefut1~ On Indiana Politics

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