Glossary of Astrological Terms
Glossary of Astrological Terms Accidental Dignity: A planet or celestial body’s strength in an astrological chart, augmented because of its angles, e.g., it’s on the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, or imum coeli, is direct and swift in motion, or is positively aspected, e.g., a trine, to a beneficent planet. An accidental dignity gives that planet more leverage to the native, and will have a greater impact on the native’s life path. Compare: Essential Dignity. Active Element: Active elements correspond with an extroverted nature, are creators, pioneers, and demonstrate more will and force. They correspond with yang energy. Fire and Air are active elements. See Fire (Element) and Air (Element). Aesculapia (Asteroid): Aesculapia 1027 relates to health, healing, and is often associated with healers, physicians, or those in the health and medical professions. Thus, Aesculapia rising in a birth chart can indicate one with a destiny to become a healer, medical doctor, or to serve in the health, nursing, and healing professions. Affliction: If a planet is afflicted by or in affliction with another planet, there is an unfavorable aspect between the two, e.g., opposition or square. See also Aspect; Opposition; Square. Air (Element): An active element that corresponds with intellectualism, analysis, logic, philosophy, objectivity, and a desire to make social change. Air relates to politics, government, the external sphere of the self, communication, public relations, thought, and rational skepticism. Air can also be indecisive, capricious, unreliable, aloof, detached, or frenetic. The Air signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. Air signs are intelligent, more likely to pursue higher education, humane, and exhibit refined taste.
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