Local Control and Accountability Plan The instructions for completing the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) follow the template. Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name Contact Name and Title Email and Phone Dr. Brandi Ball
[email protected] Kern High School District Supervising Administrator 661-827-3100 (ext. 53627) Plan Summary LCAP 2020-2021 General Information A description of the LEA, its schools, and its students. Serving 42,370 students (5.6% African American, 0.6% American Indian or Alaska Native, 2.9% Asian, 1.2% Filipino, 69.0% Hispanic or Latino, 0.3% Pacific Islander, 18.5% White, 1.1% two or more races, and 0.8% not reported) and encompassing approximately 3,500 square miles, the Kern High School District (KHSD) remains the largest 9-12 high school district in the State of California. It is comprised of 18 comprehensive high schools, 5 alternative education schools, 5 Special Education centers, 2 Career and Technical Education (CTE) sites, a blended learning program (Kern Learn), the Bakersfield Adult School, and 1 charter school (Kern Workforce 2000 Academy). The Bakersfield Adult School serves 9,000 annually; over 18,000 students participate in the district’s CTE programs; and 492 students are served in the district’s charter school. While neither the adult school nor the charter school are represented in this Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), both show the district’s steadfast commitment to serving all its students and fully supporting its community. Following are KHSD percentages of the three “high need” student groups, as designated by the state: ✓ English Learners (8.5%) ✓ Foster Youth (0.7%) ✓ Socioeconomically Disadvantaged (73.6%) Counting each student once, even if the student meets more than one of these criteria, forms the “unduplicated count.” The KHSD unduplicated count is 73.6%.