LCAP Year 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 Local Control Addendum: General instructions & regulatory requirements. Appendix A: Priorities 5 and 6 Rate Calculations Accountability Plan Appendix B: Guiding Questions: Use as prompts (not limits) LCFF Evaluation Rubrics [Note: this text will be hyperlinked to and Annual Update the LCFF Evaluation Rubric web page when it becomes available.]: Essential data to support completion of this LCAP. Please analyze the LEA’s full data set; specific links to the (LCAP) Template rubrics are also provided within the template. LEA Name Kern High School District Contact Kenny Seals, Ed.D. Email
[email protected] Name and Supervising Administrator, Local and (661) 827-3100 ext. 53627 Title Control Accountability Plan Phone 2017-20 Plan Summary THE STORY Briefly describe the students and community and how the LEA serves them. Serving nearly 39,000 students (5.9% African American, 2.7% Asian, 64.1% Hispanic or Latino, and 22.9% White) and encompassing approximately 3,500 square miles, the Kern High School District remains the largest high school district in the state of California. It is comprised of 18 comprehensive high schools, 8 alternative education schools, 4 Special Education centers, 3 Career and Technical Education (CTE) sites, the Bakersfield Adult School, and 1 charter school. The Bakersfield Adult School serves 15,000 students daily, over 19,000 students participate in the district’s CTE programs, and 458 students are served in the district’s charter school. While neither the adult school nor the charter school is represented in this Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), both show the district’s steadfast commitment to serving all its students and fully supporting its community.