Added 31 Jan 2000

"Hello, My name is Igor and I am a Russian by birth. I have read a lot about Islam, I have Arabic and Chechen friends and I read a lot about the Holy Koran and its teaching. I resent the drunkenness and stupidity of the Russian society and especially the gorrilla soldiers that are fighting against the noble Mujahideen in Chechnya. I would like to become a Muslim and in connection with this I would like to ask you to give me some guidance. Where do I go in Moscow for help in becoming a Muslim. Inshallah I can accomplish this with your help." [Igor, Moscow, Russia, 28 Jan 2000]

"May Allah help you brothers. I am from Kuwait. All Kuwaitis are with you. We hope for you to win this war, inshallah very soon. If you want me to do anything for you, please tell me. I really feel ashamed sitting in Kuwait and you brothers are fighting the kuffar (disbelievers). Please tell me if we can come there with you, can we come?" [Brothers R and R, Kuwait, 30 Jan 2000]

"Salam my Brave Mujahadeen who are fighting in Chechnya and the ones administrating this web site. Every day I come to this site several time just to catch a glimpse of the beautiful faces whom Allah has embraced shahadah and to get the latest news. I envy you O Mujahadeen, tears run into my eyes every time I hear any news and see any faces on this site. My beloved brothers, Allah has chosen you to reawaken Muslims around the world. Keep your spirits of Jihad high and Insha Allah the final victory will be yours. Salam from all the brothers of Pakistan and America." [Brother KA, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"Dear brave fighters, Here in Oman our prayers are with you all the time. May ALLAH (SWT) grant you victory against those devils (Russians). May they run out of dead body bags to pack their dead devils. May they burst in flames. May they suffer 24hrs a day, may they die in thousands daily. May they die burning!! They will suffer, Inshaalah. Alahu Akbar, Alahu, Akbar, Alahu Akbar." [Brother MS, Oman, 30 Jan 2000]

"To all the gallant people of Chechnya: I�m sending this e-mail from Argentina. I�m not a Muslim, I�m a Christian. But I understand your feelings and your spirit of fight. Don�t let the Russians put you out of your land. Don�t let these monsters destroy your country and people. Fight, and fight with all the courage that you have to take the victory. I pray for all the civilians, women and children who are there. God have mercy of them and give to you the victory against this arrogant "devils". Thank�s anyway and God bless all you people." [Mr EO, Argentina, 29 Jan 2000]


"To Commander Ibn-ul-Khattab, We love you, we pray for you and we pray for your victory. The Lord has charged you with our salvation. There are many of us here, wanting to help, ready to do whatever you need. Please write to us, tell us what we must do to help you." [GSM, New Zealand, 29 Jan 2000]

"Allahu Akbar the Russians. Allahu Akbar those who back and support the Russians. Allahu Akbar all of their weapons and rockets. Allahu Akbar all of their troops and armies. Allahu Akbar all the fears and tears that affect Chechnya's kids and women. Allahu Akbar all of the sadness and griefs that affects true Muslims all over the world. Allahu Akbar all the of the betraying cowards in the Muslims World. Allahu Akbar all of the wickedness and enviness that Kuffar bear in their hearts to Islam. My dear beloved brothers ....You will win. Be Patient. Be Patient." [Dr AM, Egypt, 30 Jan 2000]


"First of all I would like to extend the happiness of all the Muslims in the UK. There is no doubt that one billion Muslims world wide rejoice in every success the Mujahideen make. Secondly, we Muslims are in no way stupid. We are not just fighting the Russians but also their supporters, for it is obvious that other countries in the world that are against Muslims are also funding the Russians, for Russia could never afford this war on its own.

But we don't care one bit. The Mujahideen are proving that the Soldiers of Allah could be on one side and all the enemies on the other. No matter how powerful they might seem, they are nothing but pathetic dirt against the Mujahideen and their Faith in Allah." [Brother AM, UK, 30 Jan 2000]

"All the Mujahideen and all our brothers and sisters that are suffering under this cowardly Russian opression are in our thoughts and duas all the time. We beg Allah (SWT) to forgive our sins and bless you and all the mujahideen in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine and everywhere else, with a magnicent victory. The Mujahid is a mercy from Allah (SWT) to the Ummah. May Allah (SWT) send humiliation, destruction, disease and cowardly death upon those Russians that are fighting Islam." [Brother AA, USA, 30 Jan 2000]

"It's with pride and increasing faith in the Almighty that we watch your Jihad against the mafia-led Russian Army. Their weapons are deadly, but you are invincible with the support of Allah SWT, and the supplication of hundred of millions of muslims around the world eager to join you, and to bleed on the land of Chechnya, to defend our brothers and sisters..." [Brother AB, 30 Jan 2000]

"May our duas, collective & individual, be accepted by Allah for you to quickly defeat the enemies of Islam and that you attain Jannat-al-Firdaus, inshaAllah. For the only reason any soul would want to return to this world is to fight and die as a shaheed, for a second, third and fourth time. We cannot imagine your reward." [Sister S, USA, 30 Jan 2000]

"Insha-Allah once again Russia will eat the dust, like it did in Afghanistan. You have re- ignited the fire of Jihad among the muslims all over the world." [Brother FJ, New Delhi, India, 30 Jan 2000]

"Hey guys ! My telephone bill is roaring ! Since this war began , I stand by your web sites almost all day long. WIN THE WAR, and kick bloody Putin -and his acolites- in the ****. Throw them out, and show the Russians that NOBODY can try to genocide a whole country and its people without getting the right medicine : Death , death, and more death. And leave those stupid European politicians in the place they deserve: They are the mockery for the world. Ridiculous fat Nazis, that would play a good role in Stalin's, or Hiltler's club. Those criminals in the European Human Rights Comission ! What do they play about ? Do they think they will escape without punishment ? They mean to wait till April so the Russian guys can 'finish' their job ?" [AFB, 30 Jan 2000]

"May Allah SWT grant us inspiration from the mujahideen, and may he make them an example to all of us who have WAHN (love of this duniya) in our hearts...JazakaAllah khairun to all the Mujahideen for fighting on our behalf, and may Allah SWT shake the earth beneath the Russian disbelievers, and may he cause their hearts and ranks to be disunited." [Sister Aaliya, 30 Jan 2000]


"We are fully behind your heroic battle for freedom from the Russian invaders. You are the leaders of the oppressed Muslims all around the world. May Allah the Almighty give you complete victory. Your sacrifices will not be in vain." [Brother J, 30 Jan 2000]

"Thank you for this great site. I am a Doctor training in the United States...You proved that Muslims in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait did not need the American soldiers to kick Saddam out of Kuwait. We have great fighters that are able to kick Saddam out of Iraq too. We do not need nobody except Allah. This war is proving to Muslims all around the world how powerful they are. If a few thousand fighters are able to destroy Russia, then what can millions more do. A lot of Christians here in America are supporting the Mujahideen. Continue your great work." [Dr MA, USA, 30 Jan 2000]

"Among these all these messages, I couldn't see very many from Turkey. However, I know there are many people in Turkey praying for your victory every moment. So, I am writing on their behalf." [Brother AC, Turkey, 30 Jan 2000]

"To Our Brave and Beautiful Mujahideen, Our prayers are with you dear brothers. The victory will reach you soon and a severe defeat will reach the enemies of Islam. May Allah help us all. Aameen! Remember, our prayers are with you; this is the least we can do." [Abdullah and Sara, Canada, 30 Jan 2000]

"Your sacrifice in your noble struggle for independence against the Russian barbarians is a sacrifice for the freedom of the whole world. While it may seem that you are fighting alone, believe me, the hearts of a great part of humanity are with you, regardless of religion. The struggle for freedom and the kingdom of God on earth is universal. The great Jamaican singer Robert Nesta Marley, in defiance of oppressors everywhere, sang: 'If you are a big tree, we are the sharp axe, waiting to cut you down.' You, the Chechen people, are the sharp axe of liberty. One way or another, you will be victorious in your battle to cut off the head of the ugly beast, and he will fall, crashing to the ground, as he is a nation that has lost its soul." [Erkin Nasar, Virginia, USA, 30 Jan 2000]

"To the Soldiers of Allah. You brothers are amazingly brave, I ask Allah[SWT] to make you even stronger and may you never stumble. You brothers need to know that you are not fighting alone, millions of Muslims are fighting with you by heart and by dua's. I follow your everystep at qoqaz and Mash-allah every news makes us more happy, cuz either we hear how victorious you guys are over the cowards of Russia or we receive the news of the shaheeds who die in the cause of ALLAH [SWT]" [Sister DA, 30 Jan 2000]

"Remember that no matter how many men, bombs, tanks that the Russians can muster in their fight with you, they can never win because you have the support of Allah. If it weren't for Allah's Will, it would never have been possible for a few thousand men with hardly any weapon to withstand an army 30 times more in number and a million times in weapons. So my dear Mujahideens, just march forward and fight, our duas are always with you." [Brother NAK, Saudi Arabia, 30 Jan 2000]

"Dear Gallant brothers First of all I'm saluting you from Australia. Walaahi as one brother said earlier " YOU DON'T ONLY DEFEAT THE STRONGEST ARMY AFTER USA BUT YOU ALSO WAKE MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS UP FROM THEIR DEEP SLEEP. SO, MAKE THE NOISE ECHOING TO ALL OVER THE WORLD TERRORIZING HIS ENEMY. Who knows now USA has to worry a lot for seeing such small numbers of Mujahideen (Soldiers of Allah) defeat and bring Russia to its knees and they are the next, JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT.. My greetings to Heroes Shamil, Khattab, and all other brothers and operators of this site. When I see Khattab and Shamil I remember the heroes of the Muslims like Khalid, Qaa'qaa, Salahuddeen ayuubi, Hamza, Abu Dujanah and so on." [Brother AU, Australia, 30 Jan 2000]

"I just want to assure you guys that all the Muslims in Pakistan are extremely proud of your everlasting courage and are backing you 24/7 with duas to grant you victory over the evil enemies of Allah." [Farrukh, Karachi, Pakistan, 30 Jan 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen, Tears always come to my eyes when I see you guys fighting in the name of Allah the Most High. It is good to know that there are some people who are firm in their Deen...Remember that the Russians are fighting for Evil and you are fighting for Allah, and if Allah is with you who can defeat you?" [Sister DA, 30 Jan 2000]

"This is a message to tell you that you are not alone I am a brother from Kashmir, and even though the so-called Islamic countries don't give you support, your Muslim family around the world love you and so many would fight given the chance. I was in Russia on the Christian New year and I made dua for you in Red square I was also arrested for being a suspected Chechen and thrown in jail with some Chechen brothers and a Sister I saw how much Russians fear Muslims and also how many ordinary Russians (including Soldiers ) hate what is happening and even support the Chechen Mujahideen. Nobody believes the lies about the bombings, they all know that it was Yeltsin and Putin's plot. They will be finished by March so victory insh' allah is yours." [Brother MK, 30 Jan 2000]

"I am a Muslim from India and working in Dubai, UAE. Although my Government in India supports the ugly Russians, I am with the Chechen people. I admire their courage and the strength that Allah has instilled in them. I hope they will triumph and drive out the infidel Russians who only know to take comfort from alcohol, pornography and prostitution and other business being only to bully around." [Brother KR, UAE, 30 Jan 2000]

Added 30 Jan 2000

"Dear Chechen Rebels and All involved Helping Them: I have been closely following your truggle against Russia since the apartment blasts in Russia last year. I WANT YOU TO WIN YOUR INDEPENDENCE WITH ALL MY HEART! If you wish to be apart from Russia you should be! They seem so greedy to me, the Russians. They still have a vast, vast country and they still want more! After reading of the russian army atrocities against the civilians of your region, the russians lawlessness and violence, I am utterly disgusted by Russia. They are evil, heartless wretches. I want you to know this is one Yank who is behind you all the way. You are all so brave, it is evident to anyone who has followed this conflict. I am amazed at your courage in the face of such a huge army, you guys are incredible. I sure hope you get your independence! May all success be yours, I hope you win! May independence, peace and eventual prosperity be yours." [Yankee Steve, USA, 28 Jan 2000]

"This new 'e-mails of support' section you have added is a great idea. Every time I read it, and the new about the war, it makes me stronger in my Deen (religion) and see how lucky I am to be a Muslim (alhamdullilah). Our dua's are always always always with you, whether in Ramadan, Eid, or Friday prayer. To the MUJAHIDEEN your sacrifices will never be forgotten by the Muslims around the world and most importantly by Allah (SWT)." [Brother SA, Canada, 26 Jan 2000]

"Oh our brothers we love you and we will continue to support you with supplication all the time until Allah by His power annihilate the enemy of Islam completely where ever they are on the earth surface. Russia is fighting you because you are muslims.This means that they are fighting Islam, the religion of Allah and no forces can defeat you Insha'Allah since you are fighting to defend Islam, your faith and your homeland.You have a genuine cause to fight for, so continue to defend it while the enemy have no course to fight for, they will therefore continue to sustain heavy losses both in men and weapons,and their morale will continue to decline. My greetings to commander Shamil and Ibn Khattab and all our brothers Mujahideen in Chechnya and also to qoqaz website operators." [Brother KIN, KADUNA, NIGERIA, 27 Jan 2000"

"May Allah (SWT) have you endure the fight in Chechnya. With Allah's will you shall be victorious, I pray for you every day I hear the news, and every time I hear the defeat of the Russians in the battle front. I of happiness. Allah help you all, and every Moslem that fight for the cause of Allah (SWT)." [SAH, Lebanon, 26 Jan 2000]

"Tears flow from my eyes when I see you fighting against the enemies of Allah. In my village, believe me, all the Muslims were praying for your success while tears were in their eyes. I think all the day about you. Victory is yours, it is Allah's Promise, Inshallah." [Brother NA, Islamabad, Pakistan, 27 Jan 2000]

"Please believe me when I say that not all Christians and Americans are supporting your enemy Russia. While not of your faith, what the Russians are doing is wrong and they should be chased from your borders. In the name of my Lord, I pray that you are victorious!" [GCZ, 26 Jan 2000]

"On behalf of all Muslims in Japan, I send you- all our beloved brothers in the sake of Allah- sallam. InshaAllah with His bless and grace Russia will be defeated. We feel shame for staying here and not join you. Your Jihad, InshaAllah, will be a giant stride towards the coming back of Caliphate. Allah Akber, Allah Akber, and the victory for Allah's soldiers." [Brothers in Japan, 26 Jan 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen, It is absolutely amazing, better yet a Miracle that a very small number of people armed with faith are blocking and destroying a great army such as the Russian army who think that with the heavy arms and large numbers they can do whatever they want. Wrong! They forgot that God exists and that he helps who believes in him! Their government gave so many direct and indirect hints that they need to exterminate the muslims whom they labeled as terrorists but they are the terrorists themselves! They have terrorized so many countries in the past that had to fight to gain back for their independence, and now it's your turn brothers and sisters. They're killing no one but civilians and destroying nothing but homes and civilian buildings. This shows how desperate they are and how close our Victory is. The ironic thing is the silence of the US and the other NATO or the self-claimed "peace keeping" countries that pretend to be humanitarian! It is unbelievable how hypocrite these governments can be: if the situation is to their benefit then they find a reason to enter the war (or they even create a war needing their involvement) to "help the supressed"! but it doesn't seem that they have any benefit to enter this war or to put sanctions on Russia so they stay silent. Oh well, God is the Greatest - The truth shall shine very soon and all those hypocrites and human devils are going to face their creator soon, and they're going to be judged just like they judged others." [EY, California, USA, 28 Jan 2000]

"Assalaamu-alaykum Dear Warriors of Islam, We greet you from South Africa and salute you on your Bravery.To see your fearless and smiling faces is the greatest inspiration for a fellow Muslim. We here in South Africa can only but envy and admire your true Islamic Jihad courage and Bravery." [Brother RS, South Africa, 27 Jan 2000]


"The Muslem community in Ottawa, Canada are with you. In our daily prayers we are seeking from Almighty Allah to prevail Islam over Kuffar. Your victory is our medicine. Allah has promised to support the oppressed moslems when they fight against injustices and infidals. The martyrs are the chosen people who are dying defending Islam. As we are congratulating you to all the successes you scored by the grace of Allah , we are proud to have brave mujahideen who will never kneel down to the enemies of Islam. We wish you all the best and we have no doubt in our mind Chechnya will once more become free." [Brother AO, Ottawa, Canada, 27 Jan 2000]

"Remember, there are 1.6 billion Muslims around the world supporting you." [Brother AA, 27 Jan 2000]

"Dear brothers ! I really love all of you in the name of Allah, SWT ! Actually, I am from Bosnia and I know what is happening overthere, maybe not exactly, but ... I know you have very hard time, much harder then we had in Bosnia ... so I make du'as after every salat, every day, for you ! My dear brothers, I am reading, watching and listening a news about Chechnya, every single day ... and loud saying "Allahu akbar" every time I see your wins, dead russians and destroyed armored vehicles ! One more thing, as I can see, you have made good job with video recording of your action, ... I saw that on CNN, few nights ago, .. it made big change on picture of you in the world, ... my dear heroes, let Allah The Most High, gives a courage and faith into your hearts. p.s. we have sent you some money with somebody we can trust." [Brother D, Bosnia, 27 Jan 2000] "I am amused and shocked by the childish attempts of even some "reputable" newspapers such the London Times in their attempt to create divisions amongst Muslims by disseminating false news as that appearing in the internet news section on January 26, regarding a possible rift between Brother Khattab and Brother Basayev. Our hearts, our prayers and our thoughts are with you, May Allah move all Muslims all over the world, by your brave example to shake off the yoke of all oppressive governments and abandon communist, capitalist, secularist and socialist ideologies and embrace Islam completely. I proclaim to all Muslims, Wake up brothers and sisters in Islam and if nothing at all at least say a prayer in support of our Chechnyan brothers." [Brother TMG, USA, 27 Jan 2000]

"My name is A*** and I am 15 years old. My uncle told me about this web page and I think it is excellent. I just wanted to tell you this is the first time I have ever thought about the Mujahideen fighting for our religion in so much depth. It has really opened my eyes. Keep the good work up." [Brother A, UK, 27 Jan 2000]

"To all Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya: May Allah reward and bless all of you out there for your efforts in this world or the after world.We will always pray and support all of you until the day the Russian army is being defeated.May Allah befalls them with all sorts of problems and difficulties in this war and make Islam the ruler of this world , Insya-allah. We will always keep in touch with the latest news in Chechnya so that we can spread the news around. Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!Allahuakbar!" [Brother Hanzalah, Thailand, 28 Jan 2000]

"We the brothers here are prepared to give the fullest support in the battlefield if needed.We are prepared to die in the name of ALLAH the ALMIGHTY. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [Brother M.A.R , Singapore, 27 Jan 2000]

Added 27 Jan 2000

"Assalamu Alaikum, To the gallant of Chechnya, your resourceful fighting skill and survival has become the envy of the entire world. With Allah's grace and mercy, may you receive haste in your complete and total annihilation of the Russian swine and his companions, who slither and hide in darkness. Tears flow from my eyes when I see you on TV and in the newspapers; smiling, laughing, jubilant and thankful in victory. You have made an imprint upon my heart which shall never be erased; I shall carry the memory of your valiant struggle to all whom I meet until I'm called forth by Allah's command. I salute you my gallant brothers, I salute you. Ma'as Salaam." [Brother DH, USA, 26 Jan 2000] "We, a group of women from Turkey ,always ask Allah to help you and make you the winner side in this right conflict.We are trying to send some money that we will get by selling the things we made with our own hands. In many Kuran courses students pray.We also tell your cihad to everybody to draw their attention to the subject. Don't worry I'm sure that Allah won't let you feel shame for you trust Him. May Allah be with you." [Sister S, Turkey, 26 Jan 2000]

"Muslims in Britain salute you! We pray for your victory against the Indian Hindu & the Russian Christian terrorists/ fundamentalists/ extremists/ warlords/ barbarians/ rebels/ bandits,etc (words normally associated with Islam by the West,Russians & Hindus)." [Brother AA, UK, 26 Jan 2000]

"Hi brothers, I am an Indonesian in Australia. I follow your news everyday anxiously. Your site is very nice in balancing the information from Western. Please keep us informed every minute if you can do that. After watching photos of what Russians do in your country, I really really get more hate with them. Kill them all until the last soldier there! They are cowards at all -- they genocide civilians using long range altillery and aviations. May Allah protect and help you all in the battlefield, and may Allah let Russian empire falls down after their sins of aggresing Chechnya. Aameen, aameen, aameen! Good luck brothers! Please, say salaam to Br. Khattab & Br. Basayev! I always pray for you and all brothers in battlefield." [Brother HH, Australia, 26 Jan 2000]

"On behalf of the many Muslims here in Singapore, I strongly believe that Allah(swt) will always be with all the Mujahideen in Chechnya and Inshaallah with the help of Allah(swt) Russia will be severely defeated . Please do inform me through my email address; ************* in any way how I could contribute myself to help my brothers and sisters in Islam there in Chechnya against Russian Brutality. I will always Pray to Allah(swt) to grant victory to Chechnya. Allahuakbar!!!!!" [Sister Mariam, Singapore, 26 Jan 2000]

"I am sending to you from the town of the Friend of Allah, Prophet Ibrahim (AS), Hebron in Palestine. All the population's hearts are with you. Whenver they hear you got a victory, they became happy for you and when otherwise they pray to allah to give you patience. We know you are fighting the strongest army after the USA Army." [Brother AA, Palestine, 25 Jan 2000]

"You are fighting a decisive battle my brothers. One that will help in changing the wourld. The battle for Chechnia as was the battle for Afghanistan is one in the same, these strugles are the struggles that have brought Islam back to life. It is a new era for mankind, an era in wiche before the world's eyes Islam will begin to rise. And none can make us fail if Allah as ordained victory. So fight in the cause of Allah and insha Allah you victory will be swift and complete." [Brother YH, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 25 Jan 2000] "INSHALLAH,ALLAH WILL SMITE & WIPE OUT THE "KUFFAR ACCURSED RUSSIANS"& LET THEM SUFFER THE SAME DEFEAT THEY SUFFERED IN AFGHANISTAN!" [Brother AS, Maldives, 25 Jan 2000]

"Never before have I encountered such bravery, gallantry or sacrifice as I have from the Mujahideen. Please be assured that every single brave warrior killed in battle will awaken insha-Allah in a Paradise like nothing ever seen before. My heart hurts at the pictures of young dead Mujahideen. I too have lost dear friends, brothers, in battle and I know the pain that never heals until you too have joined them. May you inflict great pains on filthy Russia and may the world know your dedication, your bravery and your good-heartedness. May victory find you soon, brothers and may you be reunited with your fallen comrades in Paradise.Stay strong O gallant people, know that Allah is with you and know that you have put average men to shame by facing death willingly. You are special people and Allah will not forget you. I am Muslim only by name and I must confess that I do not practise islam but I weep for every one of you as if you were my brothers. Please take advantage of Russia's weaknesses, they are demoralized and unorganized with no direction. Show no mercy and I look forward to embracing you in the Paradise of Milk and Honey. May god be with you and peace finally find you." [25 Jan 2000]

"TO THE HEROES OF CHECHENYA, Wallahi there are no words to describe my feelings towards you. I urge you to put the contact address of the charity you talked about in your site, be assured that me and hundred of thousands of muslims like me are waiting for this address to be on your website. PLEASE POST IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE NOT FIGHTING ALONE, INSHALLAH ANGELS FROM ALLAH (SWT) ARE FIGHTING WITH YOU, AND THE HEARTS OF ONE BILLION MUSLIMS AROUND THIS WORLD ARE PRAYING FOR ALLAH (SWT) TO HELP YOU WITHSTAND THE DIFFICULT TIMES. MAY ALLAH (SWT) HELP THE MUSLIMS AND WAKE THEM UP ALL OVER THE WORLD SO THEY SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THEM." [Brother AR, Syria, 25 Jan 2000]

"My deepest admiration and all my prayers for the "real men" who fought for the truth in the land of Chechenya. They are a model and inspiration for all mankind." [Mr VC, Canada, 25 Jan 2000]

"To Shamil and Khattab and the brave Mujahideen, you are truly like the warriors in the days of the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wassallaam." [Brother HI, Singapore, 25 Jan 2000] "JazakAllah khair for putting up such a great website where we can all learn the truth instead of relying on the distorted image the Russians are giving to the media." [Sister QM, USA, 25 Jan 2000]

"I have so many feelings right now which can't be expressed by words. All I can say now is that I feel sorry for myself and for us (all Moslems in the CIVILISED , QUIET Islamic countries) going to bed each night waiting for the end of my life without having the honor of Jihad in Allah's way the way you do. Be sure my brothers that you're THE ONLY WINNERS in this situation, whether you defeat the enemies of Allah (the Russians) or end up as Shohada'a (martyrs), you win. You're sending a message to all the cowards all over the world that no power in the universe can defeat the faith of the soldiers of Allah." [Brother HD, Egypt, 25 Jan 2000]

Added 25 Jan 2000:

"I am curious to know if any foreigners are fighting for Chechnya? Are non-Muslims allowed to fight against the Russian invasion?" [Mike, Texas, USA, 21 Jan 2000]

"Hi my name is ****, I am a 16 year old Catholic and am from Louisiana in the United States. I have been following the war in Chechnya and I have decided to write you and tell you how much I admire the Mujahideen's effort to crush the Russian Invasion. Against all odds the Muslim Freedom Fighters are suceeding against the Russian Imperialist through God(Allah). Although I am Catholic and not a Muslim, I must say this, the Mujahideen are extremely inspirational, your people's constant faith in Allah is incredible. Your people will suceed through The Lord(Allah) in this war, it is only a matter of time. I will be honest if I could fight among side the Muslim Mujahideen against the russians I would do so in a second. I would love to take part in this war and fight against the Russian Oppressors and help defend the Muslim people of Chechnya and abroad, but I am only 16, untrained, no military experience, and have no money to travel to Chechnya but I will save my money and send a donation as soon as information how to is posted on your site. I as a Christian will defend the Catholic religion and let you know my people DO NOT STAND BY THE Russian Orthodox Christians that continually persecute your good people. But further more my people condemn the evil actions of the Russian Christians. I promise you not all Christians are like the Russian Imperalist you face. I have the upmost respect for your relgion and people, and honestly I think the Catholic religion would be stronger as a whole if my people could practice more the dedication and faith your people daily practice." [BG, USA, 24 Jan 2000] "Also all the news reports and any person I've talk with or heard say anything about your fight for freedom against Russian has been a 100% on your side not to mention the envy of your fighting sprit. The Chechen rebel fighter will go down in history as one of the toughest fighting men in the world. Good luck in your Fight for freebom and kick a Russian in the ass for me and if I find one over here I will kick him in the ass for you!" [Dennis from Detroit, USA, 12 Jan 2000]

"I want to ask you to never say: 'We will fight to the last man!', but you better say 'We fight to last Russian soldier, with the help of Allah!'. Allah is with you and He never let you down!" [Sister GA, Norway, 24 Jan 2000]

"I will do anything possible to stir the U.S. goverment for the Russians in Chechnya. You are all evil. LONG LIVE ISRAEL. GOD AND I MEAN GOD! BLESS AMERICA. SEE YOU ON THE FINAL BATTLEFIELD YOU SCUM." [Kevin Buchanan, [email protected], USA, 24 Jan 2000]

"It is with great regret that I continue to gather information on the war in Chechnya - "War" is a situation where mainly those to weak to fight suffer the most. However, being a citizen of Poland, a country that for hundreds of years has had to endure (and still endures) the consequences of being a neighbour of Russia, I must inform of my deep felt admiration for and closely felt kinship with the Chechens, who - although small in number - continue to successfully resist the barbaric onslaught of the Russian forces. I pray for their success and the smallest possible loss of life amongst this gallant people." [Mr MZ, Poland, 21 Jan 2000]

"I just want to say that I'm always praying to Allah to help all mujahideens on the whole world. We are proud of you." [Brother IE, Germany, 24 Jan 2000]

"To Islamic terrorists: Do you know how stupid you are?" "Do not complain about living in city without the heat. When you die, you will go directly to Allah (Allah lives underground). There is plenty of heat there. God says in Bible that he will put Allah in the lake of fire." [Wieslaw Kapa, [email protected], Canada, 18 Jan 2000]

"I am Polish and can tell you that Polish press and people strongly support the heroic fight of the Chechens against the Russians. Russia has been occupying Poland for one hundred years so we know what kind of people they are. They want to control everything and everybody. They lie and they are ruthless killers. The Polish Goverment is afraid of Russia and hence does not openly support the Chechens, but it supports you in any unofficial way it can. Poland cannot go to war with Rusia since it is much smaller than Russia. We are not Muslim, but we know the good from bad and we believe that the Muslims in this conflict are in the right and Russians are the invaders trying to steal your country. I have talked to some Americans about Chechnyaa and all of them support Chechen fighters and hope for your victory." [Mr LW, Poland, 11 Jan 2000]

"While I am not a Moslem my thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Chechen Republic as they struggle for freedom." [Mr PA, Long Beach, NY, USA, 15 Jan 2000]

"I am an Australian journalist - R** C*** - and I want to send my support to the brave muhajideen still defending Grozny against the Russians. In Australia the only we news we see on the TV is Russian propaganda. I like visiting your website because it tells me what is REALLY happening in Chechnya and Grozny. Although I am not a Muslim I respect your beliefs and your faith. Many of friends are are Muslim, from Turkish people to my good friend *** who is an Afghan. I try to tell all my friends not to believe the Russian propaganda that we see ... I try to tell them that the Chechen people are brave fighters who only want independence from the Russian imperialists so they can practise Islam without any interference. I would really like (if I had the money!) to come to Chechnya and report on the war from a Chechen angle for the people in Australia. That way they may begin to understand the true horror of what the Russians are doing to your beautiful country and cities. Please e-mail me back to say you got the message - and I hope ... inshi-Allah ... that the Russians do not advance one more metre in your nation! Victory for the Mujahideen!!!!" [Mr RC, Australia, 21 Jan 2000]

"I am the reporter of the JoongAng Daily, one of the Korean leading newspaper. My coverage is foreign affair. I was very impressed by your effort to protect your country and religion. I became to known your situation by internet. I want to interview the Chechnya military leader, Shamil Basayev or Ibn-ul-Khattab by e-mail. Please tell me the way to contact them. If possible, the interview is very impressive and moving to Korean people, who has the experience of fighting to imperialist Japan 50 years ago. Waiting for your reply." [Mr **, Korea, 20 Jan 2000]

"GREETINGS FROM BAHRAIN You are not forgotten. WE LOVE YOU, DEAR BROTHERS. Keep smiling. We remember you always. You are in all our dua's in all the mosques and in our personal dua's. Although our heart breaks to see you in this state, inside we know that, you have a direct path to Jannat-ul-Firdous.(Insha'allah). If I was a man, I would join you and fight in the front row for the sake of Allah (SWT) alone. May Allah (SWT) give us victory, a victory that will terrify the kaafirs. May He turn the weapons of the enemies against themselves. May He fill their hearts with terror and may He blind them so that they see their own people as the opposition. Ameen. Ya Rabb-il Al'almeen.. Dear Brothers, we are with you always." [Sister NM, Bahrain, 04 Jan 2000]

"We here in Cuiab�-MT, Brazil, ask Allah Subhanu Ua Tallah, to make all of you every day stronger." [Brother VV, Brazil, 24 Jan 2000]

"Let the world know that a country like Chechnya can fight on its own without any help from the 'west.' Inshallah We will win because Allah subhanuwataala is with the Muslims. Allahuakbar. Islam will win no matter whatever the evil designs of Allah's enemy be." [Brother SMK, USA, 24 Jan 2000]

"May the duas of a mother call upon you all the protection and the benevolence of Allah. He sees the fire of justice burning inside the heart of men, He will judge us all Russians included. The powerful of this world invent wars and genocides to deflect public attention from their crimes but not everybody is seduced by their lies nor share their corruption. We are working to make your battle known and understood. We are watching you with distraught love, and tenderness and affection. Please do not feel alone. Allahu Akbar." [Sister Piera, Italy, 23 Dec 1999]

"I would greatly wish that I could have been there with you and fight the evil kafirs. We are many Muslim brothers here that are following the news and your beautiful website carefully day by day." [Brother S, Denmark, 04 Jan 2000]

"Seen some photo's of new Russians armor going threw the Adler check point more proof that you are winning! good luck and fight hard your goal is near..." [Dennis from Detroit, USA, 24 Jan 2000]

"Selam Alejkum from Bosnia (Europe) to brothers in JIHAD country." [Brother B, Bosnia, 05 Jan 2000]

"I am a sister and wish to go to Jihad but the likeliness of this is almost zero. As I am Egyptian and living here, the government censors any information on this subject, leaving its citizens relatively ignorant... Please, I have asked many others about how to help and no one can answer me - it is every Muslim's duty to help fight in the cause of Allah in some way and I do not feel comfortable being warm and content in my home while there are Mujahideen risking their lives all over the world for Allah - I want to help..." [Sister N, Egypt, 05 Jan 2000] "Salam brave soldiers of Allah, May the grace of Allah be with you all the time. Representing a lot of people here, we are 100% behind you and we pray to Allah that He keeps His soldiers safe." [TA, Malaysia, 24 Jan 2000]

"I am not a Muslim, but I am a free man and an admirer of the men and women fighting Russian aggression in Chechnya. As an Estonian I know what this means. This is part of a long story that repeats itself over and over again over the decades and actually over the centuries in Finland and Estonia and Latvia and Lithuania and Budapest and Prague and Kabul. To see what is being done to the Chechens again - it has happened so many times in your history - is deeply deeply tragic. The spirit of your fighters is wonderful. I know they are tired, but I admire your fighters and their supporters enormously. You are not alone in your fight. Try to be good in your effort to communicate what is happening. As time has shown, the publicity side is no less important than the combat. I am deeply saddened, but I also feel enormous admiration." [Mr JE, Estonia, 19 Jan 2000]

"Now I know, now I admit it. Although you all may belong to a religious branch which is capable of doing ANYTHING ( and I mean this ) for Allah's name, you are corageous, more than others you've got guts. Who could have waged this kind of resistance against the Russian army ? It takes sacrifice and more to do so." [Mr MN, Brazil, 23 Jan 2000]

"From Britain we send you the message.Your god is not ours. Yours is a lie and we support Russia. You wanted war "we shall wipe Russia of the face of the earth", and you got war! As I sleep in my safe bed I sleep knowing a Muslim is dying!" [M, UK, 18 Jan 2000]

"Please tell me how I can make a journey from Perth, Australia, to Chechnya, without also being spotted by Russians. At the present moment I have no beard, which is an advantage because it would not make me an obvious Muslim. I am 18 years old. My phone number is **********, with the international code of your own country before it. If you cannot provide me with the info I require, please direct me to somebody who can." [Brother YM, Australia, 22 Jan 2000]

"I live in the United States, and I would like to thank you for your English version website "Jihad in Chechnya." It's nice to see the other side of the story, especially when the sorry Russians lie about their losses. I'm not Muslim but I would like to give all of the brave Chechen Warriors my best wishes and my hopes that fate will smile upon them. I just wanted someone to know that all Americans are not the same and many of us disagree with the games that our leaders play. Slaughter the Russian Invader!!" [J, USA, 19 Jan 2000]

Added 24 Jan 2000:

"I am not a Muslim, nor am do I follow any religion. I am a normal person in England in 'the West' and I and many people speak to condemn this war. We wish you the best and I only ask that you place less enphasis on the Muslim connection because it is not true that non Muslims support the Russian action. Please do what you can for the civilians of every demonination in this conflict because we do watch and care." [Mr TP, UK, 23 Jan 2000]

"I am writing you this letter because I think you should be aware that many Christians in the United States and Canada support the Mujahideen in Chechnya. I for one feel that regardless of Religious beliefs people have a right to self government. I have followed the situation in Chechnya since the 1992 and firmly back Shamil Basayev. I plan to give donations to the cause as soon as I can find a viable method of doing so. For what ever it is worth I pray each night for the solders defending Chechnya. May god go with them." [Mr AB, UK, 22 Jan 2000]

"I want you to know that the Americans do not support Russia in the war against the Chechen people, we here in the West have been fooled by the Russians into believing that the Russian communist system was changing. That is why the funding was sent to Russia initially. The funding that was sent to Russia was to be used for rebuilding their system into a "democratic" system, which they did not do. And (the Russians) have no intention of doing." [Mr TW, UK, 23 Jan 2000]

"This terrible war, the violation of Chechnya's sovereign rights to independence, brought me to Islam. In simple words, the courage of the fighters, the faith of the Muslims who know without any doubt that this is jihad and that victory is truly with Allah, Great and Just ... I put together this page in response to a question from a young Sister ... it is a personal page ... but I thought I would share it with you ... this war that has torn apart the beautiful city of Grozny, destroyed the infrastructure of Chechnya and displaces hundreds of thousands of people and killed countless others, leaving behind children without fathers and mothers, mothers and fathers without children ... wives without husbands and husbands without wives ... brothers without sisters ... is a terrible crime comitted not only by Russia but also all the world powers / communities who have by our silence ... stood by and watched ! And that is how I came to Islam ... from the fires of this terrible war ... thus my page ... As a very new convert, January 17, 2000, my prayers are not eloquent, but I pray for all the fighters and for the nurses and for those who help them win this war, Insha Allah." [Sister Maryam, Canada, 22 Jan 2000]


"To all the warriors and soldiers of Islam. We are always with you in our prayer... May Allah grant us martyrdom or victory. Allahu Akbar!!" [Sister W, Malaysia, 24 Jan 2000] "Hi I'm in the United States in Texas and would like to give my support to the Chechen rebels in their fight. Good luck and kill the Russians, Chechens! Signed a fan of the Chechens." [GMG, USA, 22 Jan 2000]

"To Azzam. Please inform the comanders Basayev & Khattab... that their cause have woken many young muslims from their deep sleep, and they have become our idols & heros insteads of the disbelivers such 'Michael Jackson' ,'Madonna' and the misguided pop stars of the Arab world such as 'Omar Diab' and others.....all your frontline battles on videos have reached us...and have been receiving your online news with azzam web constantly and we are gathering a lot of mony, some girls & women have sold their gold for this cause..." [Sister NM, UAE, 20 Jan 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum warahamatullahi wabarakatahu from The Islamic Centre of Bermuda and the few Muslims who live here. Please convey salaams to the Mujahideen and beg them to continue the fighting FESABILLILAH! Then victory is assured them. May Allah, The Sublime grant them victory in the big Jihad of the heart and the small Jihad on the battlefields and may He cause them to overcome the oppressors and cause Islam to spread into the middle of Moscow, insha Allah." [Islamic Center of Bermuda, Bermuda, 22 Jan 2000]

"Thanks for the excellent website, please pass my salaams on the the Mujahideen in Chechnya and I pray for their success, and I pray for the absolute defeat of the Rusky forces who are massacring our people in Chechnya." [Mr IS, 22 Jan 2000]

"May Allah(SWT) shower you with endless blessings and grant all my mujahideen brothers in Chechnya, fighting the evil and filth of Russia. I pray as much as I can and try to keep your thought in my mind all the time during the day. I try to get up for the Tahajjud prayer at night so that I can pray for my best brothers success. You are not alone in this war, I ask you to add my name also in this war. I am from Pakistani origin, and I am ashamed at seeing my country's powerful military just watching and doing nothing. I does not matter though, because if Allah The Almighty King wills, my brothers in Chechnya will send the Russian cowards back where they came from. In-shallah, victory is from Allah. May Allah grant all of you the best of Al-Firdaus." [Brother HWC, UK, 22 Jan 2000]

"With all humility we submit to you, our dearest brothers, and send you the best of Salams and Dua' (if my Dua works any!!). Congratulation to you in the Paradise atmosphere you are living there.. under the shells.. facing the fire .. facing the bullets of the infidels. .. Whether martyred or waiting for it.. May Allah bless you all. We are longing for the day when we join you.. to see that which you see.. smell that which you smell and enhale the air you do.. You will find in me an older man with little to offer in the field.. But much more than what a reluctant like me.. a hesitant like me..would deserve of honor or status is to just clean your shoes.. clean your barthrooms or serve your meals..Or if in the evening I stood up guarding around you and holding firm to the position you put me in until a blessing from the Almighty comes to me in the forehead like the outstanding Shamil Alouri Al Dagestani who went to carry his wounded brother or in the chest into a quick transfer. It is a dream.. who knows when it comes true?. With all humility I send to the brothers in field; Shamil Basayev, Khattab,..and all others..this letter on my behalf and on behalf of each and every Muslim in the world this letter to say that we used to teach our children the stories of Umair Ibnul Himam, Musa'b Ibn Umair, Jafar Ibn Abi Talib.. and AlhamduliLah now we start with their stories again but we sure end the session with your stories.. the stories of Shamil Alouri.. Abu Hafs and the likes of your ranks.. How close is today from yesterday?! How beautiful was the day yesterday?! And how beautiful is the day today in your place... Rest assured that throughout the world every Muslim heart is beating with you." [Brother FJ, USA, 19 Jan 2000]

"I just wanted to congratulate you on a very nice website. it is refreshing to know that in this day and age when the western media cannot be trusted and relied upon to let the truth be known, the muslims have an outlet for dispersing the truth. the daily updated news is a sakinah (peace) for my family and myself who are all making dua for our mujahideen brothers." [Brother KR, 22 Jan 2000]

"I pray ALLAH that He sends a plague on the Russians and the Serbs everyday and that He the Merciful grant you victory in Chechnya as He granted us with his mercy victory in Bosnia, may ALLAH grant you the will and health and strength to fight His enemies and grant you victory insha Allah soon." [KR, 22 Jan 2000]

"We here in Nairobi-Kenya after every prayer we say due to Allah to help Mujahideen in Chechyna and inshallah you will win. Though physically we are very far apart but spiritually we are together. Please keep this site up todate since it is the only source of information we depend on. I have ceased to see to follow BBC and CNN because of their frank support for the Russian. Shame to Putin and all the enemies of Muslims. Once again I salute you Shamil and Khattab for the work you are doing." [Brother AI, Kenya, 22 Jan 2000]

"May ALLAH make it easy for all the MUSLIMS in CHECHNYA & grant them VICTORY over the kufaar, and may all your duas be answered by ALLAH. Our duas in South Africa are all with you.. aameen." [Brother R, South Africa, 22 Jan 2000] "Dear brother in Islam I am please to hear that our brothers in chechneya are doing well and feeling strong with the grace of Allah. We are supporting you all the way until victory is achevied. We feel your pain and distress because if one part of the body aches , fever and agony overcomes the rest of the body. Russia will not contain the flame of islam, neither capitalism will. Victory will only be achieved by being a mu'min . May the peace and blessing of the creator be with you." [Sister FB, 22 Jan 2000]

"I find your Jihad in Chechnia sight to be very informative. As an American, it is good to have a variety of news sources to get a true picture of the situation. How do you get your information so quickly? Are you in contact with the soldiers? If so How? As a non- muslim, I wanted you to know that a lot of the American people support your cause and think that Russia is in the wrong. Keep this in mind as part of your views of my country. We did help in Afghanastan afterall. Although the US govt does help Russia economically, it is basically a payoff to keep the current less extreme regeme in power. If the comunists or other right wingers take power, it will be much worse for Muslim and Non-Muslim alike. Good luck, and thank you for your informative site... " [Mr JJ, USA, 21 Jan 2000]

"We are here and you are there on the battlefield, we feel cowardice in our veins since we are not there with you." [Brother M, Lebanon, 21 Jan 2000]

"Our prayers are for your victory and success not only in this world, more importantly in the hereafter. Insha Allah, all the mujahiddin in Chechnia will be rewarded handsomely by Allah for the courage you have shown in this jihad. The whole Muslim world look up to your selfless struggle in the name Allah the Almighty. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AZI, Malaysia]


"Peace be with you My prayers go out to you all! May the Lord keep and protect you all!" [Mr DS, 21 Jan 2000]

"We have heard of stories of a few thousands of muslim army bravely fought and defeated an army of hundred thousands in the Anatolias. The question that had often wheeled in my mind has been the authenticity of this report. But having seen the ability of our chechen brother to withold the onslaught of the kufar russians, Subhanallah you remind me of them. How true it was and it is and it will be. If the help of Allah is with us, nothing is impossible in this world." [Brother AD, Malaysia, 21 Jan 2000]

"I would like to express my stiff support to those brave men and women resisting the inhuman agression of russian imperialists. I wish you to withstand the aggression and get back to peacefull life very soon. Also I wish you not to forget being human and not to forget that russian boys despite their inhuman behavior still remain being human too." [Mr IJ, Lithuania, 21 Jan 2000]


"God be with you all." [GS, New Zealand, 21 Jan 2000]

"Greetings from Canada!! Everyday we watch your situation in Chechnya in the news. Its inspirational to see how your troops withstand such overwhelming odds. The media here is simpathetic to the Chechen cause and with just reason. I wish you luck and may God be with you in your stuggle. You will be victorious. With great respect." [Mr CMK, Canada, 20 Jan 2000]

"I would like to congratulate you, the Mujahiddin, on a brave and gallant effort against a numerically superior russian infidel army. I will pray to Allah to make your Great effort easy and defeat to the oppressing russian army. Insha-Allah Here in the west your efforts and successes are downplayed and I was very pleased to come across your site which gives me the news i want to hear. Insha-Allah all true muslims are with you in their feeling of goodwill. Wassalam-u-Allaikum. PS well done on capturing the russian general." [MZ, UK, 21 Jan 2000]

"With regard to item four of Shamil Basayev and Ibn-ul-Khattab's statement on Wednesday 19th January about the western media, I think you will find that the media supports the Mujahideen efforts in Chechnya. It seems to portray the Mujahideen as spirited fighters defending their own territory from an oppressive aggressor. I hope you chaps someday find peace in your country." [Mr AB, New Zealand, 21 Jan 2000]

"You are so so brave. Whilst we prepare to sleep in comfortable beds you are in the midst of a war. There is so much suffering in your land. Please I implore you not to give up. So many muslims are looking at your example and your courage. You are truly brave men. May Allah bless you, your families. May Allah crush your enemies." [Brother HV, Kenya, 20 Jan 2000]

"I personally support your present stuggle, but wish to make a comment on the interview with Field Commander Ibn-ul-Khattab. I do not agree with his assessment that this conflict is one of Christianity vs Islam. The gangsters in Moscow are as secular as the gangsters in Washington. An evil religion controls them both. There are good Christian people that consider this conflict a terrible genocide. P.S. I forwarded your website address to several journalists here (Canada) so that they may be able to have balanced information. Best regards." [Mr AP, Canada, 20 Jan 2000]

"I envy those of you who are currently enjoying the fruit and the sweet taste of Jihad the smell of Paradise. My dua is always with you." [Brother HH, 20 Jan 2000]

"I wish the Chechen mujahhideen al the succes they can achieve incha allah and incha allah the victory is for the mujahideen AMIN" [Brother SH, Netherlands, 20 Jan 2000]

"I wish i wasn't a student right now and instead had a job as then I would have been able to help my Muslim mujahideen in Kashmir and Chechnya. But one day, I will be capable of doing that. I just want to tell you something that you guys fighting in Kashmir and Chechnya are incredible. I would salute you a thousand times but still it won't be enough. I dont understand that how are you guys able to fight the mighty strength of the enemy with all the odds against you. God is with you." [Brother HM, Pakistan, 20 Jan 2000]

"May Allah give you strength in the fight against the agrressors, the cowards, the dogs of Russia." [Brother NB, Australia, 21 Jan 2000]

"We are Muslims from all over the world want to join you in this battle but unfortunately our regimes prevent us to do so. The weakest Iman we do now the DUAA. May Allah accept it. Allah Akber, Allah Akber, The soldiers of Allah no one know them but Allah. Allah Akber and for his (SWT) all the praise. Dear brothers I love all of you in the sake of Allah." [Dr MS, Japan, 20 Jan 2000]

"Many brothers across the world are computer experts, encourage them to send viruses to Russian sites and hack into their computer networks, Once again may Allah reward you for your efforts and grant you victory over the Russian dogs." [Brother MA, UK, 20 Jan 2000]


"May Allah reward and bless you for your efforts. Yours is an amazing site ( It is truly a source for much needed TRUE information for the Muslim Ummah. I love you and love what you are doing in spreading this information. I only ask that you make Dua for me that I may join the ranks of the Hizbullah in Chechnya." [Brother IH, 19 Jan 2000]

Added 29 Feb 2000

"If you feel the following 'ad' is appropriate, you are welcome to put it on your web site:

JOB TITLE: Mujahid fi sabeelillah (fighter in the path of Allah). EMPLOYER: Allah (SWT). LOCATION: The lofty mountains and beautiful scenery of Chechnya. QUALIFICATIONS: Muslim male, able-bodied, and preferrably with military training. POTENTIAL RISKS INVOLVED: Nothing more than what is involved in our present situation. The Qur'an, our faith in destiny, and tons of experience tells us that if it is written for us to be injured or killed, we will be, even if we never left our home. NUMBER OF POSITIONS: Unlimited -- Limited only by our own laziness, baseless fears, and love of the dunya (and physical handicaps in some genuine cases). BENEFITS: Numerous. Some listed below. Refer to the book of Allah (swt) and Hadith for a complete listing. 1. The love of Allah. 2. An unmatched reward from Allah. 3. Safety from a painful punishment. 4. Forgiveness of sins. 5. Gardens underneath which rivers flow. 6. Victory. **SPECIAL BONUSES!! : If you are chosen for the exalted position of a "shaheed", you get the following seven exclusive favors immediately: 1. Forgiveness on the first spurt of blood. 2. Seeing your place in Heaven. 3. Being clothed with the "Garment of Faith". 4. 72 wives from the beautiful maidens of Paradise. 5. Protection from the "Great Fear" (the terror of the day of judgement). 6. A crown of dignity placed on your head, a jewel of which is better than the world and all it contains. 7. Intercession for 70 people of your household. (per the saying of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - ref. Masnad Ahmad). And the following exemptions: 1. Exemption from being "dead". 2. Exemption from grave punishment. 3. Exemption from being questioned in the grave. 4. Exemption from being reckoned with at the judgement day. 5. Exemption from Hell fire (per the Qur'an and authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad - pbuh). FOR MORE INFO:

Important Note: TIME IS LIMITED. The above career opportunity expires upon visibility of the angel of death, who could appear any minute! Applicants are, therefore, strongly advised to visit without any delay. Also, we would like to warn you of a certain 'Iblees', who has been trying for over 1,400 years to discredit this career. Unfortunately, due to the numerous weaknesses of Muslims, he is gaining much success lately. We advise you to be careful of this 'Iblees' and his allies, and RUSH to grab this opportunity WITHOUT DELAY. " [Sister A, Massachusetts, USA]

"I pray for your victory and I have been praying to Allah to give me a chance to be among the Mujahideen since the Afganistan war. Keep fighting my dear brothers until the last evil Russian. And finally on behalf of all the Indonesian Muslims forgive our goverment who dont care about your struggle." [Brother TS, Balikpapan, Indonesia, 28 Feb 2000]

"Please warn the Mujahideen that the Russians are thinking of deploying a fuel air bomb. This explosion from this device is akin to a small nuclear device . It kills by fall out and winds which are strong enough to break ribs. What the Mujahideen can do is keep some ear plugs handy with which to protect their ears. If there are other Muslims, especially from the armed forces, please advise our brothers how they can protect themselves from this weapon. Also, know that Allah is the Greatest and Bigger than any bomb. May Allah protect and bless our Mujahideen and let the Russian bomb destroy the immoral, cheap, lowest of low animals who call themselves Russians. Even a pig has more dignity than a Russian aggressor." [Brother AD, Canada, 28 Feb 2000]

"Insha-Allah the War in Chechnya will be the end of Russia ,as the war in Afghanistan was the end of USSR." [Brother JA, New Delhi, India, 28 Feb 2000]

"We all have to die one day and there is no better way of dying than in the battlefield in the cause of Allah (SWT). One message for all Muslims all around the world: 'O Muslim nation when you listen to news about Chechnya, Kashmir, kosovo, Palestine and other Muslim lands where Muslims are being killed and you say this is not happening in my city and my town. Wallahi, Wallahi soon this war will happen in your town and your country if you don't stop the crusaders and infidels in other Muslim lands they will come to your lands and towns and cities where you live. I live in Canada and I feel well secured and protected and so were the people of Sarajevo 20 years ago but the whole world saw what happened to them. If the Pakistanis did not stop the Russians in Afghanistan with the help of afghan brothers, Russians would have next invaded Pakistan. Nations who don't learn from history, those nations become history themselves...O Muslim nation wake up and support the army of Allah fighting in His name in Chechnya. I will pray for you brothers and you pray for me to join you soon in the battlefield in the cause of Allah....Wallahi I have nothing against Russian people, they have an equal right to live on the land of Allah but those who committed atrocities toward innocent Muslims in Chechnya would be punished without mercy exactly as the Quranic teaches. When a cat attacks a pigeon, the pigeon closes its eyes and thinks it is hidden from the cat. Guess what? The pigeon becomes the food of cat and dies...oh Muslim nation don't be a these brothers with dua ..funds ..actions and more... " [Brother S, Toronto, Canada, 27 Feb 2000]

"To the people of Chechnya and the Chechen soldiers: I support your fight for freedom in Chechnya and I am totally against what the Russians are doing. I supported the NATO effort to return the Kosovo Albanians to their land after they were pushed out by Melosovic. Now, it seems the Russian government is doing the same thing that Serbia did with the Kosovo population: Forcing the Chechens to leave their land (or be killed and tortured). It is so obvious to the world and it is unthinkable that such a big country as Russia would support this kind of genocide. Any good feelings that I had about Russia have now gone down the drain. I'm sure many Americans think the same as I do. I wish you well in your fight against the Russians. May God be with you. I am not a politician so I have very little power to help you directly. But I will write to my senator and Presidient Clinton to pressure Russia to leave Chechnya. You will also be in my prayers." [Mr Joseph B, Michigan, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"I'm sending you my email in front of all people to show my 100% support and I'm not fearing any one except Allah (SWT). OK I m arab guy and I have read what brother Shammel said about Arabs, I'm so sorry but I want him to know that most of Arabs in the street is with Chechens. I'm asking him to believe that only our leaders who are slaves to west. Sorry about Arabs position. I'm thanking our brothers who allow us to show our feelings to our brothers Insha Allah. Brothers, as long as I'm alive I will send supporting prayers and emails till Allah gives me chance to reach the jihad battle field, and Insha Allah you will meet me with Shammel and Khattab." [Brother IJ, Palestine, 26 Feb 2000]

"To the wonderful people who give us this site, words can't describe how much your effort is appreciated. Only Allah, The Most High, will reward you. The Chechen Mujahideen brothers and sisters will be our role models, your story will be told to our children along with the stories of Salahuddin and Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed. Victory will be yours." [Sister NY, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 Feb 2000]

"I am greatly moved by the courage displayed by the Mujahideen in Chechnya. May Allah (SWT) grant us victory against the non - believers. Our brothers and Sisters in Chechnya, don't be discouraged by the non support of fellow muslim countries. We here, always remember you and make Du'a for you. May Allah accept our Dua's and grant us victory against the non - believers ( Insha Allah). Many Muslims want to help the Mujahideen in anyway they can, i.e. financially, physically, or by making Du'a. I myself am an Aerospace engineer, and offer my help anyway I can. This gesture, by me, should be a slap on the face of all Muslim countries, who are hiding like cowards, at a time when fellow Muslims are in dire need of our help. The Mujahideen of Chechnya, please inform us, on how to get to the front, and assist you in defeating our common enemy, 'the kuffar' (rejectors of Faith)." [Brother SA, USA, 24 Feb 2000]

"Your Jihad is Mubarak Insha Allah. Like in Afghanistan and other countries, the Russians invaders are shedding blood again. It�s with our blood that we are writing the History and this blood will be the musk (perfume) for us in Heaven. Chechnya will be a second Afghanistan, but now the muslim world is more awake. May Allah give you patience, reduce your pains, and send down His Barakat (Blessings) and Rahmat (Mercy) on you." [Brother S, France, 24 Feb 2000]

Added 28 Feb 2000

"We support you with all our souls. Our nation has been tortured and murdered by Russians in 1918-1920, in 1940-1945 and the years after the war, escpecially in 1949. We know what that kind of war means and we know too well the Russian ways to fight it." [Brother KS, Estonia Tartu, 27 Feb 2000]

"I'm from the Netherlands. I wish to congratulate my brothers in Islam, the Mujahedeen. You are truly Mujahedeen. Stay put! The russians got vodka, you've got Islam. They can't kill the mujaheddeen, they try so hard, but there second war will be a defeat. For certain, there moral is low, there self-esteem is low. They know that they can't fight us! My brothers, I think of you every day, and pray for you! We'll meet one day! ALLAH AKBAR! For Russia, this is the beginning of guerilla warfare in the whole region. You know it, history will repeat itself!" [Brother BW, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 27 Feb 2000]

"Superb website. Superb reporting. Superb pictures. Pictures of dead russian soldiers, burning choppers and destroyed russian military vehicles tell us SOMETHING terrible is happening to the 'new world order'... SOMETHING utterly unforseen, unexpected and unplanned..... That BEAST lying chained on the ground for several hundered years has been prodded too many times - palestine, algeria, kashmir, iraq, bosnia, kosovo,... enough is enough...with every falling shaheed, the sleeping muslim giant is AWAKENING... Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!! PAX ISLAMICA!!" [ Brother BC, USA, 27 Feb 2000]

"...I love my two litttle boys and I know the mujahadeen in Chechnya feel the same way about their families. I have immense respect for the courage and devotion the mujahadeen have for their cause that they would willingly die in a foreign land under miserable conditions against a strong and merciless army. If it is OK for a Christian to help a muslim family financially I would like to do so, to honor the memory of those brave men who died fighting for what they believed in and to help their families." [Angie & Kevin, USA, 27 Feb 2000]

"Though we are far away, our thoughts and duas are with you. I find difficult to find words to express how I feel for you in my heart, but this: "If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. If He abandons you, who than can help you? Therefore, in Allah let the faithfull put their trust". Allah is with you." [Brother AM, Stavaner, Norway, 27 Feb 2000]

"I write to you from Austria the land which the brave Islamic army conquered some 350 years ago. Now the Moslems come here in order to sell newspapers on the street or clean the toilets of these kuffar. Subhanallah how the times change. What about Al-andalus, Islam came there 1250 years ago to stay, but the Moslems then forgot the real Jihad and were beaten out by the kuffar, only to come back again in this centuy as cheap workers ,How can such a humilaiting thing happen?? Only you my brave brothers and sisters in the Iislamic land of the qoqaz are saying no to the enemies of Allah(swt), but where is Al- Mu'atasim who will hear the cying of the raped widows???? Insha Allah the brave Mujahideen will be the spark that relights the fire of the Islamic state, which will burn the Kuffar and protect the Moslems." [Brother AK, Graz, Austria, 26 Feb 2000]

"A last word to my brothers Shamel, Khatab and every Mujahid on this earth go aead because you are doing the top job in Islam.You are the Islamic army and you will get one of the best two things: Victory or Martyrdom." [Brother NA, Yemen, 26 Feb 2000]

"May Allah destroy the Russian vermin. I prayer that every Russian in your land leaves in a bag...." [Brother AR, London, England, 26 Feb 2000]

"...And for those who preach about false peace and prosperity and like to think that Jihad brings devastation and suffering and it produces no results (and they like to give false statements about Afghanistan) should worry about their own fate. I ask, how much more evidence these Muslim leaders want before they even pass a single resolution in OIC. For God sake now even CNN is showing footage of Russian aggressions against the Chechens that is beyond any human rights violations. If it was a JEW dragged behind the truck then Yasir Arafat would be the first one giving statements against it. But No! he just arrested several muslims who were protesting in support of Chechnya and has given them to Israelis for alleged terrorist links. SHAME ON HIM. I pray to Allah (SWT) to give victory to Chechen mujahideen (Ameen). Allahoakbar." [Brother K, Ohio, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"I can't tell you how happy and how sad I feel .I am happy because you have awoken something that our enemies thought had died which is jihad and with it our dignity.You have proven to us Muslims first and then to our enemies second that our ummah is one no matter what they try to do to divide us. I am sad because the only thing I can do is to pray for you.. " [Sister K, Ohio, USA, 26 Feb 2000]

"You are already vitorious and Insha-Allah you wil attain the highest levels of paradise. I have two things to say. 1) Where are the regular soldiers of the Muslim World? So called Muslim nations have so many soldiers under arms why are they not volunteering to fight? The Muslim world is the most highly militarized in the world! Surely there are individual brothers out there who can go to Chechnya immediately without needing training in Afghanistan or elsewhere. 2) A note to all brothers out there! Think! Many years from now when your are dying on your death bed (whether in hospital, at your home or surrounded by family) and you life flashes in front of you and you say what have I lived for? Wouldn't you prefer fighting and dying for Allah's cause so that at least you lived and died for freedom and not lived on your knees for this world!" [Brother ZM, Wellington, New Zealand, 25 Feb 2000]

"Thank you to the Mujahideen and the administrators of Qoqaz for providing the Muslim youth of this Ummah with role models. Up until now the only Muslim role models that we have had are those of the Sahabah. It gives me great pleasure to see that this Ummah has produced some role models for our youth to look towards." [Brother FD, Boston, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for performing the Jihad on the net with full force.... Within less than a year Chechan Mujahideen with the help of or Azzam publication have started pulling the Muslims from all around the world toward Allah and of course toward each other. This is called Islamic revolution and Inshallah Muslim Ummah will soon unite under one Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS)" [Brother AP, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"You are the best of the best , no matter what I do I feel ashamed because I cannot even do .00001% of the good you are doing in Chechnya.You are fighting in the Name of Allah Almighty , even if things look hard ,LailahaillAllah, Allah will guide you , InshaAllah every bullet will hit a Russian , InshaAllah every Russian plot will be unsuccessful , and InshaAllah more and more human rights groups will expose the evil which we Muslims viewing have already seen." [Brother MH, Maryland, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

Added 27 Feb 2000

"I was given the link to your web page from a friend this morning. Great Job!! I could not stop until I had read nearly every word. I know you consider most Americans to be unsympathetic to your cause, but this is not so. I read the papers every morning, savoring the prospect of new Russian defeats at the hands of the Mujahideen. While I will concede that the American government acts in the interests of the American government only, many American citizens have become quite dissolusioned with them. Americans themselves have a deep distrust of the Russians and have for many years. The Federal government of the USA destroyed a place of worship in Waco, Texas, using tanks and helicopters. This has troubled me deeply. The fact that there has been no outcry, troubles me even more deeply. Perhaps we are not too far away, here in America, from what the Mujahideen are experiencing in Chechnya." [Mr SBC, Data Consultant, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

"I try to cover your website ( every day, which gives me sorrow and tears to my heart. Before two days, as I tried to enter your website, I was miserable and shocked. Unintentionally inside of mine said �God damn those pigs� (I uttered this to those pigs who were trying to shutdown this site). I even tried It also gave misfortune. At that moment my wife was with me, and she too felt sorry. On that night, I want to bed to sleep. But unfortunately that piteous moment was in my brain.When I fell asleep, I saw a dream that I was able to enter the website. After the fajr prayer, again I tried and ALHAMDHU LILLAH I was connected. Earlier I thought that the website was SHUTDOWN but insha allah this will never happen. And insha allah they would be destroyed before they do that." [Brother AA, Maldives, 24 Feb 2000]

"InshaAllah tomorrow after Jumaah prayer, the Malaysian brothers will be conductiong a special hajat prayer for the Mujahideen in Chechnya." [Brother A, Malaysia, 24 Feb 2000]

"The best email I read was that asking you not to trust any press people and journalists who may be spies and have modern hidden equipments that can tell about your positions." [Brother YG, Cairo, Egypt, 24 Feb 2000] "CHECHNYA AND KASHMIR Chechnya and Kashmir, home of the brave, no occupied force will dig your grave, for your sake of Iman makes you greater than all, as Allah as your witness your enemies fall.

Never have I seen such a bravery command, such skills and tactics like the Kashmiri and Chechen hand, with Muslim�s pride the Jihad makers, will capture the Russians and Indians and be their takers.

Together they stand and divided they fall, as the bullets echo the adhan calls, no sleep for the men- soldiers of him, our creator and master who brings light where there�s dim.

To turn the other cheek is not the Muslim way, more an eye for an eye and an enemy to slay, for what fruits fall from the tree of Jihad, as courage rewarded exalts and makes glad.

The death knell sounds and never cheats, as the bodies lie on the corpse strewn streets, let�s hope for the Muslim guerrilla war, as munitions they save for insurgency raw.

Blood is a life face and blood has been shed, many have died and many have bled, like a sea of crimson shed for the cause, in constant battles without a pause.

Where will it end they say it�s just begun, with no place to hide and nowhere to run, but to face raining bullets sounding so fierce, that the strength of Iman nothing will pierce." [Brother MZ, Pakistan, 23 Feb 2000]

"Well the diary of the norweigan is heart rendering.. it really brings home the fact that ordinary muslims are sacrificing so much in this brutal war..may allah take all our rewards for our virtues and bestow it onto the mujahiddeen .That is the least we can do to pray to allah to send the mujahiddeen to Paradise. I find this site is amazing and it has started a revolution among the muslims and yes even if we can recruit a hundred mujahideen from this site every year it will be fantastic...brothers go for training , the whole of afghanistan is waiting for you. All my friends have done is catch a flight to pakistan and then by road without any visa cross into afghanistan and there on a bus you can go to kabul or kandhar..inshallah training will begin even before you expect it!!!!!" [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 23 Feb 2000]

"Muslims all over the world are thinking of you,are making dua to ALLAH (SWT) that He grants you victory,that He destroy our enemies,that He send His Sakinaah on you,and that He joins us with you on the battlefield. Truly you are the most valiant of this Ummah at this time." [Brother AE, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 22 Feb 2000]

"In your difficult struggle to fight for Islam and the oppressed ummah in Chechnya do not despair because you have not heard the big names in the Muslim world calling for your help in the United Nations or in the hopeless and useless IOC. Do not despair because the presidents and the prime ministers in the Muslim world have not openly and strongly condemned or even tried to stop another well-planned attempt to liquidate the Muslim people of Chechnya. Forget about Mubarak, forget about Gaddafi, don't even think about Saddam Hussein or the other Muslim leaders - from amongst the so-called 'champions of the Third World Countries' in Southeast Asia. They are too comfortable to be able to understand, let alone emphatize with your fate, hardship and misery. They are too busy perhaps to even pray for your victory in your struggle against the Russian kuffars. Instead, just call for help from the ordinary, but faithful Muslims all over the world; for they are forever watching and following the events in Chechnya. They may not be rich, without power, but they are concerned and faithful to your struggle. They will always remember you in their hearts and most of all in their prayers and give their dua so that the warriors and the people of Chechnya will be forever protected by Allah the Almighty and granted by Allah the ultimate victory on earth and in heaven. As a Muslim I have requested every member of my family, from the eldest to the youngest, to pray for Allah's protection and victory for the warriors and the people of Chechnya. Your jihad is the jihad of all true Muslims all over the world." [Brother AW, Japan, 24 Feb 2000]

"I am not surprised by the support of the media and W. gov't have given to the Russia, because they have always shown their hatred towards muslims by labelling us as terrorist,extremist etc. Also, opposing sanction against Islamic countries with the slightest excuse, and yet supporting the massacre of muslims in Chechnya. The raising of Islam creates fear in the hearts of the kafirs and that is one of the reasons why they are misleading the people. They should have known that they can't fool all the people all the times, by the help of Allah(SWT) and the incredible task of azzam pub. the truth will prevail (insha-Allah). My beloved brothers you have brought all the muslims around the world together, and proved that a small number of Mujahidin can withstand and inflict heavy losses among one ofthe strongest army in the world with the help of the western gov't. This jihad should be a lesson not only for kafirs but also the muslim leaders who fear Russia and the western gov't, insha-Allah the mujahidin will free them from this fear and remind them there's none to be feared but Allah(SWT). I truly admire you for showing a great deal of confidence, patience and with the brightest smile in such a hard time. I encourage all my muslim brothers and sisters to protest, spread the word and let the truth be known." [Brother MS, USA, 24 Feb 2000]

"I have been following your website ever since I came across more than a month ago. Mashallah, great job, and may you be rewarded for your efforts. It is unfortunate for us Muslims that we have as yet to establish clear channels of communication to the masses about all the atrocities and struggles taking place in Muslim teritories across the globe. Unfortunately, most of the media people in the Muslim-Majority-States (note: Muslim- Majority doesn't imply Islamic) get their news from biased sources like Interfax." [Brother TH, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

"I am a fourteen year old brother living in Canada. When I read the news on, my heart wells up with pride and my eyes fill up with tears. Every time I read the real news, I want to leave all my worldly possessions and join the Mujahideen at the front lines, the guilt in my heart that I cannot increases, and indeed I pray every night to Allah that I die fighting for Him, that I die a Mujahid, a Muslim. Do the Russians, Jews, and Western (and Eastern) ignoramuses think that by killing Commander Basayev or Khattab they will stop the Jihad? That they will put an end to Islam in Chechnya and Caucus? No! As long as there is even one Muslim in Chechnya with a gun in one hand and the Qur'an in the other, the Jihad will never stop, Insha- Allah." [Brother NA, Canada, 23 Feb 2000]

"O brave Chechens, Strike � Strike at their helicopters. Strike and strike at the heart of your enemy. Hit them as mercilessly as they hit you. Pulverize them as they itched to pulverize you. Drive them into oblivion as your counterparts the great Afghans drove the USSR into oblivion. O Chechens, O Mujahideen, our hearts are pulsating, reverberating rigorously with supplications for your worthy victory. Your enemy is an infidel. A born coward. Victory is close. Technology however hi-tech is no match to human endurance and bravery. O Mujahideen sustain the pressure, the enemy is crumbling and Insha�Allah victory is yours. " [Brother FK, Saudi Arabia, 23 Feb 2000]

"While you, fighters holding the banner of La Ilaha Illa Allah, are spending every minute under the inhumane shelling of the Pork-fed Russians, we, supposedely "fellow Muslims" are enjoying the comfort of our homes. I swear that I envy you every day, and in my 5 prayers, I ask the Almighty (SWT) to grant me the blessing and honour of joining you, and soon... Please don't think that the Umma is unaware of what you're going through. The Muslims feel what you feel, and suffer with your suffering; as for the Leaders, no comment.... Assalam aleikum, and Jaza Allah Khairan those who are handling the media aspect of the Jihad, for theirs is also crucial in this fight against CNN, BBC, TV5, ITN, and other "unbiased" networks." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 23 Feb 2000]

Added 26 Feb 2000

"Dear Brothers, I always wondered what the Companions of Rasulullah (SAWS) would look like face to face. I always wondered how does a person who sees "Heaven and Hell in front of his eyes" look like. Wallaahi, now I know what such a person looks like. I am seeing that in you. If Rasulullah (SAWS) wanted some companions by his side in this day and age to spread Islam, he would ask for you to Allah (SWT). He couldn't get any better person than you. I don't know how we will face Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgement. Forgive us brothers for not being with you yet, fighting shoulder to shoulder. May Allah(SWT) bring victory for my Brave Brothers, for our religion, ISLAM." [Brother RZ, Toronto, Canada, 25 Feb 2000]

"Now that the World has come to know of the massacres through your sites, the Western media is trying to show some of the horrible pictures just to show some symathy to the Muslims and shifting the blame away from them.We know they are the ones (media etc.) who helped the Russians to kill as many as possible at the start without showing it. Secondly, they want to keep themselves going on for the future as the sole source of news for the world. Otherwise, nobody would ever believe their news in the future as you have stripped them naked completely with your true news." [Brother HZK, Doha, Qatar, 25 Feb 2000]


"The enemies are trying to shut down this site. All Muslim computer experts, help Azzam Publications, with your expertise, mirror sites, etc. Let us Muslims all over the world join hands with our computers. We are one, we are not divided by race, or borders, or class. We are all servants of Allah, and we are hurting because part of our body in Chechnya is hurting." [Brother AD, Canada, 25 Feb 2000]

"May Allah reward you with his blessing and mercy for all your hard effort and work. Until recently I had lost all hope of this war being a victory for the believers this was until I came across your web page. I know now that no matter how much the kuffar fight us the final victory is with the believers, and whilst they have bombs and tanks, we have Allah (SWT) and who better to take as a Guardian then Allah? My heart, tears and du'aas are with you. May Allah strengthen your imaan and either give you victory of mytardom in his way. (Ameen)" [Sister H, London, UK, 25 Feb 2000]

"It is beyond any doubts that this genocide campaign in Chechnya has the support of the World Community: 1- Robin Cook shares his priorities with the War Criminal Putin 2- Not only that, he assures the Georgians in the south that he will send 100-250 monitors to help patroling the borders{a typical British] 3- NATO is playing double standard here, it is not OK when it comes to Kosovo, but it is ok to have 200,000 refugees in the Caucasus 4- You are not allowed to send even a dua from any masjid in some Muslim countries 5- I won't be surprised that the surge in the oil prices is only a game from the international communities to help the Russians to pay for this War 6- Loans to Russia from the world banks are still pouring in 7- Pakistan [WHAT A JOKE} asks the Chechen representative to leave because they don't have food for an extra person on their land,despite the fact that this person said that I am here as a private citizen. 8- It is election year in the USA and nobody wants to bother, the NASDAQ and the DOW JONES are in record high Alhamdulillah, and most importantly it is for the National Security of Israel that Vodka prevail. 9- American Jewish leaders would not miss this opportunity for the World. They were all in Moscow several weeks ago to tell the pig what a great job he is doing forgetting that they ended up in the USA because of a pig like him called HITLER. The list goes on and on, brother and sisters. I am asking the ultimate power [ALLAH SWT] to strengthen your faith and patience in the battlefield. Don't give up, rely on Allah only. You are doing a wonderful job and we are very proud of you." [Brother AR, Ohio, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"To all the brothers "Mujahideen" Asslam wa Alaikum: I don`t know what to say,but I feel so ashamed that I couldn`t join you right now in the holy Jihad aganst the scumbags,the unbelieving Russians, but INSHALLAH I will join you soon. Everynight and after each pray I make DUA to all of you. I know that this is not enough but till God`s wants I will join you there. May Allah mearge you victorious and crush all the Russians soon." [Brother M.M.N, Ohio, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

"Oh my brothers! You are the light for the Muslims all over the World. May ALLAH BLESS YOU!!!....YOU sacrifice your life FOR ISLAM. This is the highest level of iman...We will absolutely win...Maybe tomorrow or nearer than tomorrow... " [Brother MD, Turkey, 25 Feb 2000]

"I everyday pray for your success in the war against Russian Kuffar in my prayers.I feel guilty that I can not be with you but my heart is always with you.Please let us know how can we help you." [Dr TS, Republic of Ireland, 24 Feb 2000] "I have already wrote to you but I find the idea of our brother OK from San Francisco to organize a world wide protest at same day as extremely good one. That will show inshallah how resolute we are, regardless to munafiqs (hypocrites) like King Fahad, Mubarak, Ben Ziyya, Bouteflika,etc. At the same time we will see how sincere we are about Jihad in Chechnya and also how united we are. Please pass this idea by to every Islamic organization world wide and consider it as mine too. You can do this and do not hesitate to send a call. We are hardly waiting for someone who will call us to rise and say: "That is enough"!" [Brother MH, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 25 Feb 2000]

"I cried and made an ardent Duaa' for those brave dear brothers martyred in Chechenya- as I read their biographies.I pray that Allah SWT makes all mothers and all fathers prepare their children to dedicate their lives in a similar manner for the cause of Islam.I pray that we do not get entrenched in the love of this Dunya. May Allah SWT bless the parents and families of those martyred.Our Duaa' wiil always be there for you.You will always be in thoughts." [Brother MK, USA, 25 Feb 2000]

Added 25 Feb 2000


"May Allah give the brothers/sisters in Chechnya and those working on the Qoqaz website the Highest Place in Paradise. People have been asking on how they can help and support in the effort and Chechnya, and Alhamdulillah this website has brought together many Muslims from all over the World. Unfortunately, the voice of the Chechnyan people is not being heard everywhere and especially in an organized way, except on this website. My proposal is to use and create more of these local websites that organize people in having world wide protests in the same day, passing newsletter in masjids, and getting their specific communities involved. These websites should just have specific action items that people can take in their communities to help the Chechnya effort. For news and general information they can go to, but for specific actions in their communities they can go to these specific websites to see what they can do. Plus, Qoqaz can instruct these websites to do any specific actions around the world all at the same time. You can have an area in your website that says, 'What can you do in your community to help the Chechnya effort?' Then that person would click on the page that they are from and see what they can do. If there is no page for their area then, there can be maybe some general instructions on how they can start a homepage in their area. I am willing to start one for San Francisco. I would also ask you guys on some general guidelines what each website can and can not publish." [Brother OK, San Francisco, USA, 24 Feb 2000]

"To be honest, I don't know where to start or what to say. But regardless, I want to be here on e-mail, even though it means staring at the the computer screen and having thoughts and ideas go through my mind. I feel like breaking down into tears every time I read our Brother from Norway write about how the fight is intensifying and how it may end up in all-out offesnive and how they are constantly going through those gruesome attacks from the forces of evil. I feel like smiling everytime I read about the specific accounts of Mujahideen who have been martyred and how they will Insha-allah be in Paradise right now. I feel like packing my bags and coming now to join my brothers in this Jihad. I feel guilty for not being there. The truth is I am feeling so many things right now that I'm confused. I don't know what to say or how to say it although I have so much to say. All I know is that I am going to continue doing dua in my prayers for our brothers out there. For if Allah wishes, our Mujahadeen will crush the Russians in a matter of seconds. "Kun-Faya-Koon" between the letters Kaf (in Arabic) and Noon (in Arabic) Allah's wills will come true. Doesn't need more time then that. Please please, tell me how I can help from Bahrain other than prayers. Are there any other means of help? There are several groups or Islamic charities who have been collecting money for Chechnya here. We have given them alot of money. I don't know for sure though if this reaches you or our brother and sister civilians in Chechniya. The organisations claim they do. Are any of these Funds reaching you? This is a question we all ask out here, everytime we donate. We want to make sure it reaches you. Finally, I would like to just say how proud I am of the brothers and sisters who are helping in maintaining this site. As it lets us live at least a small portion, a minute portion, of your (Mujahideen) experiences with you. Because no matter what we do, it's nothing compared to you fighters out there. You brave fighters. Stick in there my Norweigan brother (who wrote the Diary of Foreign Mujahadeen) for you and our remaining brothers will win this war - Insha-Allah!" [Brother SA, Bahrain, 24 Feb 2000]

"To all the brave heroes in Chechnya. The Victory is for you insha-Allah, because Allah is with you." [Sister AAA, Dubai, UAE, 24 Feb 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers maintaining the web site as well as Mujahideen on the battlefield...We believe that a day will come soon Insha Allah when the flag of Islam will be hosted around the World. We pray for you in almost every supplication towards ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) that He may give you the courage and patience to stand against the cowards and give us the victory. The holy month of Zul Hijjah 'will be starting soon and the millions of animals (Halal) will be slaughter all around the world. May ALLAH (Subhana'Wu Ta'ala) give you courage to slaughter the Russian enemy (worst than animals). We request all the Muslim going for Hajj pilgrimage to supplicate towards ALLAH (Subhana'Wu Ta'ala) in the Holy place of Mecca & Medinah that He may give patience to Muslims of Chechnya against the atrocities of the enemy and May He give victory to Mujahideen all over the world." [Brother MY, UAE, 24 Feb 2000]

"Dear people of Chechnya, I read today the report of the Foreign Mujahideen at your web site. Your bravery and tenacity in the face of this vicious Russian invading Army is amazing , yet you do not give up. Unlike the Russians, Chechnya is your homeland and you see it and fight for it in a way that the Russian invaders never will. Because of that you will eventually overcome them be it this year or later just like before when you forced them out. Good always triumphs over evil-I pray that you will make that so. My thoughts are with the fighters and people of Chechnya every day." [Mr DJP, Imperial College, London, UK, 23 Feb 2000]

"You are, INSHALLAH, victorious whatever the result is.We Muslims in Ethiopia are proud of you. You are the evidence against every sleeping Muslim like me all over the World; we hope Allah will forgive us for doing nothing. Revival of the Muslim's trust in Allah and only on Allah has been started by you which is a victory in itself. Allah's promise is true you will get Paradise and we hope your intercession by our little love for you.We wiil not forget you, at least by our weak dua, ever." [Brother AH, Ethiopia, 24 Feb 2000]

"Hello, First I want to congratulate you with your informative site. I'm Belgian and follow the news every day. My heart is with the Chechen Mujahedeen. I pray that they will prevail in this ordeal. I would like to make a suggestion about your site, if I may: I think you should add a section to your site on human rights abuses by the Russian troops with, for example, links to Human Rights Watch reports. The whole world should know what the Russians are doing in your country: I already know: it's a genocide. Recent wars aren't fought only on the battle field, media organisations (such as you are) are as important as soldiers. Look at the Kosovo war; the only way Nato got away with it was through media manipulation and by using this tool to stress the 'humanitarian' aspect of its mission. In the Kosovo case however allegations of human rights abuses were used to conceal the true mission of the war. Everybody swallowed it.Your war is just and it is only logic that you play the same card. This time the genocide is real but nobody wants to know it. Make sure everybody knows what is going on in your country so there can be no denial afterwards." [Mr PV, Belgium, 23 Feb 2000]

"I wanted to let you know how thankful and grateful we are for having true Muslim leaders leading the Jihad for the sake of Islam and the Muslim world. This website helps prove the truth at another level which most of the World and Muslim communities are in need of. I don't know how much more obvious can it get or needs to get before Muslims around the World realize that there only strength lies in their unity and until that they will be suffering. I pray and hope that the crisis in Chechnya awaken all those who are still blinded by the Truth. And I pray for those brothers and sisters who are suffering to make others realize the truth. MAY ALLAH BE WITH ALL OF YOU! If there is anything I could help with, please do count me in. I have emailed this site to others for awareness. But if there is any additional help needed, please let me know. May Allah be with you!" [Sister S, California, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ---There is only one truth, my dear brothers and that is the truth that Mohamed (SAWS) tought us, the Truth of Allah. I want to make it clear that there is no hope for Muslim nations if everytime that innocent muslim kids and women are violated and deported from their home, even raped, young Muslims executed in any corner of the World and we turn our naive eyes to the Americans and Europeans to protect us. Allah is the only Protector. Unless that we stand and turn our faith to Allah and decide to change our condition, nothing will change for us, for our children and for the future Muslim generations. It is time that we stand all together and raise from the darkness. To my my brothers and sisters, ask yourself: after Bosnia, Kosova , and now Chechnya. What is next? Indonesia? Nigeria? Don`t you see? Are we going to wait again to see. I believe in Allah The Supreme and I pray that one day will be able to decide for ourselves and protect our children in our lands. I pray for the day that we will build the Great Ummah where we will live by our laws and our values. May Allah protect us from the evil and give us the courage to decide righteously. To my beloved heroes, brothers in Chechnya, you will always be in my heart and my prayers will be always for you, nights and days as I stand in front of Allah. You are our heroes." [Brother A, Djibouti, 24 Feb 2000]

"May Allah rest the souls of those who have been martyred in His cause...many Mujahideen and Chechens have been killed, but what they dedicated their lives to will never die. Ameen." [Sister NYB, Melbourne, Australia, 24 Feb 2000]

"Tears roll down my face as I write this - tears of love, envy and hate. Love for my Mujahideen brothers, envy for the rewards that are due to them from Allah SWT and hate for the 'Muslim' governments that unbelievably are placing a ban on Duas in masajid for the Mujahideen. Your brother here is making duas for help to the Mujahideen from Allah SWT that He blesses them with His mercy as He blesses those most beloved to Him." [Brother AH, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

"May Allah bless all of you for providing us with true source of Jihad news." [Ibn Al-Hassan, 24 Feb 2000]

"Never in a million years I would have thought that so many Muslims from all around the world would be making dua and keeping in touch with our brother Mujahideen in Chachnya. Alhamdullilah, brothers this is slap on the faces of the all the cowered Muslim leaders who not only turn the blind eye on the suffering of Muslims of Chechnya but also stop those who encourage Jihad. Shame on King Fahad and how dare he can stop people making duas in the mosque (through his Royal Decree) and how dare Chief Executive of Pakistan, General Parvez Musharraf ask the former Chechen President to leave Pakistan. These people are more afraid of Israel, Russsia and America than ALLAH(SWT). I hope Allah burns the fat of 'Servant of Jews' King Fahad in Hell fire. Salam to my beloved Mujahideen in Chachnya. We will do any thing to help you." [Brother KA, Ohio, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

"Every day I read your news to note your progress against the Russian invaders. My question is Why is Russia determined to rule a people who are all for their independence from Russia? The fight for independence is a constant struggle. Keep fighting. By the Grace of Allah you will succeed." [Brother SS, USA, 23 Feb 2000]

Added 23 Feb 2000

"The whole Muslim world, in fact the whole world is indebted to you for providing us with this site. Before coming upon this site I was against Jihad in this day and age. I always said this was not the time for it and I now regret ever having said that. Being female I am unable to go to Jihad but am trying to do my bit anyway. It is mentioned in your site that there is only one trusted group that actually sends donations to the Mujahideen. Please send me their account details asap so that I can send because I want to be sure the money gets to the Mujahideen not anyone else. My heart goes out to all those that must fight to enjoy the freedom we take for granted - the freedom to live in peace practising our blessed religion with few major interruptions. After reading the Mujahid's diary and the news and seeing photos and videos, these men deserve the highest position in Paradise. The hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) and the Holy Quran never lie - they do indeed deserve what Allah has set aside for them when they are martyed and the Help of Allah is always with the oppressed person, alive or dead, Allah will forever be pleased with them. May Allah grant us the same favours as he has ensured the Mujahideen." [Sister, Sydney, Australia, 22 Feb 2000]

"Whenever I pray for brothers in Chechnya and for Mujahideen I feel the guilt within me that will Allah forgive me for not being with you. Is it not obligatory for each and every muslim to fight Jihad, light or heavy, by wealth and by lives. Brothers who are experts can let us know as to how we could spoil the plans of those people who would like to take off this web site from the Internet. Let each one of do his best to do something so that a combined effort could keep the site going on. In my every salaah and whenever I pray tahajjud my only dua is for Chechen brothers and brothers of other regions where they are oppressed by Kuffar and mulhideen (atheists)." [Brother SZH, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 22 Feb 2000] "Insha-Allah victory will be yours. I make dua for Mujahideen all over the world, may Allah grant you all victory. I am disgusted to watch the silence amongst many muslim leaders about this war. It is true that there are still many muslims contributing to Russian oppressors by paying Russian prostitutes around the world, especially here in the UAE." [Sister HS, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 21 Feb 2000]

"I felt relieved when I read Commander Basayev's Q&A, and I'm sure a lot of fellow brothers felt that too. Once again, you prove that the Hand of God (SWT) is with the group, as shown in the pictures of Commander Khattab's operation to meet the Grozny heroes. Alhamdulillah, and may the Almighty grant you victory over the blood thirsty, godless, pathetic, cruel, vodka drinking nation of pigs and monkeys. Insha'Allah, the day will come when the banner of La Ilaha Illa Allah will rise high in Chechnya at first, then all over the world. Finally, I would like to add that it really eased my suffering to read all these emails of support from brothers all over the world from South Africa to Singapore and from the USA to France. Alhamdulillah, regardless of the cost, insha'Allah to Hell the leaders of the Muslim countries, Islam will reign." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon ( the country teaching the Jews how much it costs to mess with Muslims), 21 Feb 2000]

"Assalaamu-alaikum my beloved, brave Mujahideen. I am a brother from the Netherlands and there is nothing more I would like to do then come and fight, bleed and pray beside you, until the time ALLAH(SWT) unites us." My prayers and my thoughts for you my brave brothers and sisters" [Brother Jamal, the Netherlands, 22 Feb 2000]

"Your Jihad is very pure, committed to the Sunna of Prophet Mohamad (SAWS). Your Jihad is one of uprising factors in the Muslim Ummah, which will lead not only to the liberation of Chechnya insha-ALLAH but change the history of the Muslim world. Brother Shamil in his interview was an example of a Muslim leader renewing Salahuddin who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders. Your Jihad is the path for the liberation of the whole Muslim World and the heart of it (Jerusalem) insha-Allah." [Abu Muhammad, UAE, 22 Feb 2000]

"My dear brothers, our prayers are always for you.We didn`t forget you. Please, like one brother suggested, if you can give any information about the people who are trying to shut down the site, please make it public. Those cowards who are afraid of the truth, however they are, can`t stop the light you brought in the consciousness of all the Muslims all around the world. May Allah grant you courage and strength." [Brother A, Djibouti, East Africa, 21 Feb 2000]

"Perhaps Muslims worldwide could carry the Jihaad to the Russians worldwide, wherever they might be? Perhaps they might, after completion of a suitable action against a Russian, leave a piece of paper with the letter "C" upon it? Perhaps the way to fight the Russian is not with armies?" [Mr JM, USA, 22 Feb 2000] "I am deeply concerned about the situation in Chechnya. Not so much for the Mujahidin who can protect and care for themselves, inshallah, but for the civilian population that is now undergoing horrible retribution at the hands of the Russians. I am also deeply upset at the support the media and governments of the United States, my country of origin, and other western countries have given to the Russians. I am writing to ask you how I can help, aside from passing your website along to others. Are there any protests or campaigns planned in major U.S. cities? Please let me know what can be done to voice our disaproval with the imperialist Russian army. My thoughts and prayers remain with the people of Chechnya. Thank you for providing honest news during this time." [Sister EK, USA, 22 Feb 2000]

"May ALLAH(SWT) make this Jihad worthwhile the lives of the Martyrs. This war has lit some fire in each Muslim with some fear in his heart from ALLAH(SWT). We do not have to wait for the pseudo-leaders to get the reward of ALLAH(SWT) there is no intermediary between a Muslim and his creator, likewise for the reward it is personal. All the Mujahideen are winners insha'a ALLAH, either they are Shuhadaa, or still winning. Do not feel sorry for those in the front line, we need to feel sorry for ourselves, I remember we use to say Dua'a at every sala'a in our masjid, since the Brothers left Grozny it has stopped. It is very hard for me to keep on going with this discussion, but it is truth that hurts. Yes it does. May ALLAH(SWT) strengthen the Mujahideen with other Mujahideen either from earth or from his angels, and ALLAH(SWT) will if the intentions are for his sake and only for his sake." [Brother A, Columbia, MO, USA, 22 Feb 2000]

I sometimes find it hard to find the words to describe the pride I feel in your exemplary behavior of the ideal Muslim. I believe you represent the best of what the true spirit of Islam has to offer. Your efforts have increased my faith in our deen. The hardships you suffer remind me of those endured by our prophet and his followers during the early days of Islam. And I ardently pray that the final outcome from this struggle will be similar to that granted to our Prophet(by the Grace of Allah). I plan to tell the story of the brave Chechen Muslims' jihad against the russians to my young children. I include you in my Duas every day. I pray that Allah causes the russian to suffer massive loses at the hands of the mujahadeen. Lastly, I also suffer from an extreme sense of guilt. As I sit comfortably in my home enjoying meals with my family, I can barely imagine the enormous suffering of my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. The little money I give to the charities to help the Chechens hardly addresses the impotence I feel. I feel compelled to do/give more! [Brother GL, Manassas, USA, 22 Feb 2000]

"I feel powerless at this time of Jihad because I live in Canada, I was born and raised in Canada and I do not know what it is to live in a hard environment." [Brother MA, Canada, 22 Feb 2000]

"Your website is the only source that tell the truth about what is happening at the Jihad frontline. The western news reports cannot be believed as they normally potray the Muslims as the aggressors. So please keep the web site open. Our dua is always that Allah will assist those who fight for the Islamic cause. Insha-Allah. Allah Akbar." [Brother A, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 22 Feb 2000]

"It has become unbearibly evident that the vast majority of the leaders of Muslim countries do not deserve to hold their positions. Anyone who still believes that these leaders do anything honorable for Islam is disillusioned and Chechnya is the the wake up call. They hold their offices because they tacitly support a Western agenda and are too coward to step out of line. Its a grave silence we see from the leaders of the Ummah and I would not like to be in their shoes when Allah asks them why they cower before the hypocrites, while Muslim people are being exterminated. By Allah, it is a grievous offence the world is doing, turning a blind eye to this barbarism. How can anyone turn a blind eye to these atrocities and claim to be civilised ? Indeed it is a low civilisation and let people now see that the West only hides behind a facade of morality, concealing behind it a beastly nature. My beloved brothers in Chechnya, may Allah hasten your victory, hold you steadfast and alleviate your suffering. I would like to share this Hadith: "A man said: �O Messenger of God, tell me of an act that equals ihad in the way of God.� He answered: �You will not be capable of it.� The man said: �Tell me anyway.� The Messenger of God said: �Can you, when a jihad warrior has gone out on expedition, fast without interruption and spend the night in continuous prayer?� The man said: �No.� Then the Messenger of God said: �This then is what equals jihad.� May the Almighty be with you in every step you take. Assalamu-alaikum." [Brother TA, Canada, 21 Feb 2000]

"Allahu-akbar. Fight the Russian kafirs and their satan brothers. Rally all Muslims to Jihad against the kafirs. The kafirs Russians,US and Jews are all cowards. They have no guts to fight with equal weapons and even ground. They used cowardly tactics, planes, long artillery, rockets, all their strength...but inshaallah Allah will destroy them. Fight them, defend Chechnya. The Mujahideen will win the War and liberate the country from invaders. Keep on fighting Jihad in the Name of Allah and the great Prophet Muuhammad (SAWS)" [Brother AHS, Singapore, 22 Feb 2000]

"I'm from Malaysia. You all are very lucky for you have been chosen to fight in the Path of Allah. So, don't waste this opportunity. Fight until the last drop of your blood. May Allah reserve for the Mujahedeen highest Heaven in Paradise. As for Malaysian Muslims here, even though we are so far away but news about your fight are here in almost every Friday's sermons at some of the mosques and we pray for Allah to give you all His blessing in our dua. May Allah forgive us for not being there with you." [Brother AAA, Pekan, Malaysia, 21 Feb 2000]

"I am an 18-year old Muslim sister in New York City. I dislike all of the disgusting and horrible things I hear and see in the news about Muslims. I read just read the Islamic email " We watched", and I felt like one of them. I hate this and I want to put an end to oppression of woman in "Islamic countries" and stop the hate between Muslim Brothers and Sisters in this world. I don't know too much Islamic knowledge, but I am no dummy when it comes to knowing that there is supposed to be only One Muslim Ummah. I want to stop the lies of Islam and the fighting between Muslims and we should come together and stop quarreling over stupid stuff such as nationality, racism, and other dumb stuff that doesn't matter. I want to desperately want to stop the pollution of lies that Islam harbors itself as of today. I don't where to start but I am going to start going to my MSA(Muslim Student Association), at school and brings this up. It hurts to see my fellow Muslims hurting,and all I could say is "too bad". I know there is more to that and I would like your advice." [Sister H, New York, USA, 20 Feb 2000]

"O Soldiers of Allah! Though I never met most of you but I love all of you for the sake of Allah SWT; for fulfilling the Jihad obligation to defend the Muslims land and the innocent Muslims against the Kuffar. May Allah SWT give me strength to remember you all in my dua through the day. To brothers, Commander Ibn Khattab, his deputies Ya�qub Al Ghamidi, Abu Waleed Al Ghamidi and Abu Ja�far Al Yemeni, may Allah help you all in leading the Mujahideen to defend Islam and Muslims. To friends, Abu ***** and Abu Masood Al-Benini, may Allah SWT accept your good deeds. If Allah SWT wishes, I am sure you will live to testify the supremacy of Islam when the Kuffar are defeated just as when the Kuffar were expelled in 1996. And if not, may Allah SWT accept your syaheed and have your souls in the green birds of Jannah. O Allah! Help Islam and Muslims. O Allah! Help Muslims and Mujahideen in Caucasus. O Allah! Give me means to be in Jihad." [Ibn Adam, South East Asia, 21 Feb 2000]

Added 22 Feb 2000

"Subhanallah I can not understand what's wrong with our leaders, why are they suporting the kuffar? Tell me why????? Where is Qadaffi ?? Where is King Fahd?? Did he not say that he is the King of all the Muslim ummah? Where is Saddam?? He also said that with his army he can help the Muslims all over the world. Where is Mubarak?? Did he not say that he is the leader of all the Arabs and Muslims?? So if all these leaders represent themselves as kings and leaders of the Muslim Ummah, why are they not helping our brothers in Chechnya?? So my dear brothers on the field, you are my best friends. You are the best in this whole world. Today I attacked the Russian Vodka Dogs on the internet, insha-Allah the damage on their websites is big. I will continue to atack them, that's all I can do at this moment. My dear Muslim brothers around the world. I know that there are plenty of Muslim computer specialists around the world. Use your computers to attack the Vodka Dogs, that's the smallest we can do for our brothers and sisters in Chechnya. P.S. Your qoqaz website is the best site on the internet, it's a good job what you are doing my brothers. I thank all the brothers and sisters who are working on this site. May Allah help you all." [Brother SA, **, 21 Feb 2000]

"I'm not a brother for I'm not a Muslim but I'am a brother in combat and have look up from the trenches and with my eyes filled with the blood, mud, sweat, tears of my brothers and with my soul filled with pain I prayed to the Almighty Lord above to guide my bullet threw the chest of my enemy and deliver me from these trenches of madness and give me victory! and he did and now I pray for you and that he the Almighty Lord give you the same." [Dennis, Detroit, USA, 21 Feb 2000]

"Hi I'd like to support you in your fight with Russians , I know what does it mean - Russian aggression. For centuries my country had problems with Russians. I'm a Catholic but I don't think that is important. I know one thing , this killing in Chechnya must be stopped and EU countries should stop giving money for this cruel thing." [DOMINIK, Poland, 21 Feb 2000]

"I am a sixteen year old Muslimah and I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your excellent site and to add my prayers and duas for the Mujahideen in Chechnya. The cause they are fighting for is a truly great one. Their losses are infact their gains and I am so proud and happy for all the shaheed (martyrs) for Allah's cause. I realise that all the wrongs in the world can not be corrected but I do think that that thought should not stop us from doing our best to change what is in our power. And we can never understimate the power of prayer. I would encourage every young and strong muslim man out there to join this (and other) fights for Allah's cause with the aim to attain Allah's Pleasure and Paradise." [Sister SW, USA, 19 Feb 2000]

"As you are no doubt well aware, the filthy Russians are planning to use all sorts of biological weapons, nerve agents and deadly gasses against you in the mountains.They are even planning to contaminate the rivers and streams with disease and even the soil itself. Please prepare for this as best you know how.You all (Mujahideen) put average men to shame with your bravery. Please outsmart the filthy Russian homosexuals. May this life be a mere memory as you traverse the halls of Paradise." [Brother RM, USA, 21 Feb 2000]

"Assalam-alaikum to all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters. The Azzam website is the only site that tells the truth. That's why those who want to shut it down want to mislead us with their lies and bogus information. Who are these people? We really want to know them so that we can take action. By the Power of The Almighty Allah they will not succeed and the website will remain. I need to know how can I go to Afghanistan so that I can be trained and fight for Jihad. The only person who can tell me how I can reach there and promised me he will tell me, left me and I may not see him again. But I do pray always for him and all the Mujahideen. I still have this feeling that one-day I will be a fighter like my Muslim brothers. I also pray for Chechnya's Mujahideen. I also would like the Mujahideen to know that they have my support and with Allah's mercy they will be victorious. Once again, I do congratulate you for the work you do and may Allah reward you. Ameen, Ameen, Ameen." [Brother D, Maryland, USA, 20 Feb 2000]

"Dear brothers. We want to tell you a lot, but we are bad in English. And we want to say everybody who reads this to pray for you. We would like to be Mujahideen and be with you against Russians in the Battle for Chechnya. We have one suggestion for you. It will be Very good that everybody who worked on these sites stay in contact with all of you. You don't know who is next: Bosnia, Indonesia, Sudan or any other Muslim country. " [Brothers ZB and BB, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 19 Feb 2000]

"Oh fearless brothers, we pray that Allah grants US victory or martyrdom in OUR Jihad. I implore you all to hold on and be patient, and know that, Insha'Allah, there are many brothers who are making preparations to join you in the fight for our beloved deen. There are brothers from all parts of the world who are with you spiritually and emotionally, yet YEARN to be with you physically. By Allah's grace and mercy, the spirit of Jihad has been revived in the Muslim Ummah. Insha'Allah we plan to send food and water very shortly, and we pray that Allah (SWT) allows us to arrive not long afterwards. Hold on, Hold on, Hold on! To my Muslim brothers, young and old... ITS TIME!!! (May Allah reward those who maintain this website)" [Brother AA, USA, 20 Feb 2000]

"May the Grace and Blessings be upon you all. I would like to know the extent of Women's participation in the Jihad and if women are needed." [Sister K, UAE, 20 Feb 2000]

"To the beloved, suffering Chechen people: I offer you my prayers (in whatever religion, but not in the doggish, hypocrite religion of the Western murderers-complices). Stand firm against these sub-human beings that kill, and rape, and torture in such cold blood. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU. ... WE'LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM !! I swear, NEVER AGAIN to believe any of the aforementioned, when they mutter words like peace, freedom, equality, democracy, or love !!! They are murderers, or murderer-complices, -which is tantamount." [Antoni F, Barcelona, Spain, 20 Feb 2000]

"Dearest Believers, Amongst others, there are three major ways to help the Muslims in the Land of Jihad; 1. By giving them food, clothing and shelter in the refugee camps. 2. By doing Dawah. That is teaching them the principles of Islaam and more. 3. By doing Jihad for the sake of Allah's religion. As for point number one, with the grace of Allah alone, even the Kuffaar and the Munafiqeen are doing this. We thank Allah alone for this and ask Allah to increase the Imaan and comfort of the dissolute refugees. As for point number two and three, the Kuffar and the Munafiqeen would never do it for the Muslims and Islaam. So we have to do it. As for Dawah, thanks to Allah alone, some groups are doing it. May Allah accept it from them and increase their blessings. As for Jihad, very few from the sincere Muslims are engaged in it. They are being attacked by all. By the Kuffar and even by the governments set up in countries where the Muslims are a clear majority, 90% and more. To understand the value of Jihad my dear brothers and sisters, I ask you all to make time and read the ayahs in the Quraan and the Authentic Hadith of our Beloved Prophet, Mohammad, Blessing and peace be upon him. We must support the Mujahideen, then give it priority over the rest. Give more of your support to the Mujahideen and the pious scholars, who are supporting them honestly. Support them with your dua, time and effort. In sha Allah, Allah alone will give us victory soon and make the world realize the truth and the beauty of Islaam. Support them in any which way you can. Allah protects the protectors of religion." [Brother Affan, Madinah, the City of the Beloved Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, 21 Feb 2000]

"O Mujahideen.You all are an inspiration to us Muslims in other parts of the world. May the Almighty Allah grant you a speedy victory over the munafiq's and grant you all the highest abode in Jannah. Allah forgive me for not being at your side to raise the flag of Islam!!" [Brother HW, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 Feb 2000]

"This site was shown to me by my cousin who regularly reads up on the latest atrocities that are occuring to you by the kufr. I am deeply surprised after reading your report's that I was so easily fooled by the all the media, as to what was going on. As I read through the text I realised what an easy life I am living compared to you, my brothers and sisters. No more shall I complain about anything in life as today my eyes have been opened with the truth.I am currently a student at a young age of 17.With the Will of Allah I will be successful in my ambition to become a fighter pilot. Even though I will be trained by the kufr, my intentions are clear and that is to fight for islam if ever required.In my heart I know that one day man will be tested by "ALMIGHTY ALLAH" to either fight for kufr or islam, and I know my own answer." [Brother SM, USA, 21 Feb 2000]

"Be on the look out: there are journalists and news media who are spies (such as CNN, BBC,PBS,CBS,ABC,etc...). Their cameras, recorders, cloths, or other articles carry a homing device (transmitter) linked to satellites. These devices will send signals to satellites to give the Russian enemy your exact position. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. These people might look innocent and talk kindly to you, but they are also your enemy. Avoid all of them. The homing devices could be concealed in cameras, radios, pens, clothing, even inside their bodies. The Americans are supporting the Russian by giving them advanced armaments. BE ON THE LOOK OUT. TRUST NO ONE. At no time you should allow these journalist to travel with you or show your pictures. Have a trusted brother give your press releases to these infidels. The homing devices or transmitters could be hidden or attached to cameras, videos, radios, pens, cloths, or other articles. May Allah Almighty be with you. And victory is on our side. The Russians will be defeated. It is a matter of time." [Brother SM, USA, 21 Feb 2000]

Added 19 Feb 2000

"The azzam site has grown phenomenally! Congratulations. Who are the cowards that dare to shut down your sites? Name them so that we may hack their sites. I'm sure there are enough Muslims with enough expertise around the World who can teach these people. Please we would like it if you can name these miserable people. I pray for you and congratulate you on your success in Duba-yurt. You have indeed turned it into a fortress." [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 19 Feb 2000]

"I am disgusted by people who want to shut down this site! This site which tells all the truth by which the Great Allah speaks for Himelf! No matter what happens, still Chechnya will always be in the Hands of Allah! You are the best site on the Net!" [Brother KB, 19 Feb 2000]

"Assalamo Alalkum to all who have worked so hard to keep this site running in the face of the cowards who are trying to shut this site down, may Allah reward you all. I am a Muslim from a town called Slough in England and along with many other brothers we have been made aware of this site, and we visit it as often as possible. The courage of our victorious Mujahideen has put all the coward so-called Muslim heads of state to shame, all the Muslims I speak to about the Jihad around the world all agree that the flag of Islam should unite all the Muslims around the world. We need to understand that the Anti-Islamic Governments of the West do not want the Mujahideen to be victorious. That is why they plot against us, but they forget that Allah(SWT) is the best of planners which is shown on the battlefields in Chechnya. Insha Allah myself and many other brothers will prepare ourselves with Islam and physically to help in the Jihad Insha-Allah. May Allah give victory to all the brave Mujahideen around the world." [Brother AS, Slough, UK, 19 Feb 2000]

"With the Grace Of Allah, I'm sharing with you my feelings and emotions about this Web site since you launched. Actually this is my only, the only source that I always depend on which I share with the other Muslims. My hearts are linked to the Mujahideen. And Allah the Most High is the One who taught the Mankind whatever he never learnt before. Brothers, this is the first time I ever benefited like this great opportunities through modern technology. I was so amazed how the small effort you brothers have made with the Help of Allah is so successful so far, and may Allah reward you. May Allah, the most powerful bless the Mujahideen." [Brother AA, Minneapolis, USA, 19 Feb 2000]

"How can I get to Afghanistan to undertake training to defend Muslim settlements? Alhamdullilah The Jihad in Chechnya site is a valuable informative site which needs to be kept updated." [Brother IM, **, 19 Feb 2000]

"I am a young man wants to train and go to Jihad with some other friends inshallah. Can you please on your website write some information about this matter please? We are all making dua for the brave heroes of Islam." [Brother**, **, 19 Feb 2000]

"I'm a Muslim brother from North Africa (Morocco) and would like to tell you the following: Why are you asking just for financial help? Why not create a special organization to help Muslim brothers from around the world train and go for Jihad to help muslims there? You stated in your FAQ that you are only an informative site BUT STILL you should be able to connect Muslims with Chechen people in order to reach Chechnya or at least give e-mail address or websites of people that may help in this operation. You noticed that in recent e-mails sent to you, there are many brothers that asked you how they can go for Jihad, so please do something. We cannot send only e- mails of support. It is not enough. We are praying for the Chechens but we need to act and GO FOR JIHAD." [Brother OK, Morocco, 19 Feb 2000]

"You are in our hearts and thought and may Allah give sweet victory against the savages and murderous Russians. May the poor and defenceless be protected from these animals. Their behaviour shows their real colours and centuries old hatred against Muslims and Islam.It is a pity and disgrace that the rest of the Muslim world have not recognised Chechnya and broken off diplomatic ties with the Russain kafirs." [Dr Z, Birmingham UK, 19 Feb 2000]

"I wish to train for Jihad, or if possible go out to Jihad. Who can I talk to in Jordan who has information on how I can do this? Or who might I contact on the net who can help me? Your site recommends to go to Afghanistan, but who and what do I do once I get there... Please akhi help me we this, for I believe I am, Inshaa'Allah, serious and sincere in these efforts." [Brother JE, **, 19 Feb 2000]

"In the battlefield, in the cold trenches, in your periods of hunger or thirst, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Each morsel of food and each drop of water I swallow I do so with guilt because sitting so far away I do not deserve this comfort. You my brave Brothers do, and inshallah you will get that which is the highest of rewards from Allah and it will be permanent. I may not be able to wring a Russian neck, but I can pray ..and pray I do every single day. Our thoughts, our prayers are with you always, you suffer and we suffer with you, when your hearts are elated with victory, our hearts are joyous too. My brothers either which way, victory is life you will be a Mujahid, in Shahaadah (Martyrdom) you will live the life that is only reserved for those loved by Allah. May Allah be with you every waking and sleeping moment." [Brother TN, New York, USA, 18 Feb 2000] "No matter how long it takes and how hard it seems to be, the Muslim fighters will erradicate with the help of ALLAH, the organized terrorism of the Russian military. That's ALLAH's promise to the oppressed Muslim in Chechnya. Just remember where is Stalin now? He perished and so will his fellow communist pigs. May ALLAH bless you." [Brother HS, USA, 14 Feb 2000]

"To the gallant Mujahideen of Chechnya, you are the pearls of Islam, your bravery and self sacrifice goes without parallel, and may Allah, His most High, grant you the serenity to withstand the heart wrenching news of the events which have befallen your immediate loved ones left in the villages. May our God with His Mercy and Grace provide a place in the far reaches of Paradise, for those who suffered the misfortune and indignity of death, at the hands of the Russian swine, and his lowly companions." [Brother DH, USA, 18 Feb 2000]

"I have been following the Chechen Jihad very keenly and am greatly pained when I see entire villages being bombed but I fail to understand why the Chechen Mujahids do not conduct operations deep inside the Russian territory so as to take the fight inside Russia and hit the Russians where it hurts. This can be done very easily using martyrdom squads as small as 4-5 Mujahids who can penetrate beyond enemy lines and even places as far as Moscow shouldn't be beyond their reach. Trust me this tactic has been very sucessful here in Kashmir and 2-3 Mujahids have been able to devastate entire Indian army camps. Chechens have some of the best military commanders and I am sure we will have such operations very soon. Let us put a ring around the Russian bear's nose." [Dr.***, Srinagar, Kashmir, 16 Feb 2000]

"My dear brother Mujahideen, you are doing a great work for the Muslim Ummah and also for yourselves. Your place is directly in Paradise. Please do not worry; kill as much as possible the Russian Army; they are cruel dogs that canot stand against Allah's army. From your Jihad many Muslim have learnt a lesson. Insha-Allah if Allah ever gives me a son I will keep him in Afghanistan to make him brave and to fight and die for the Religion or I will keep him in America so he could become good engineer or doctor or a person who have can do somthing for the mankind but not among hypocrite Muslims. All the hypocrite Muslim countries' leaders are silent. They cannot do anything since their father, America, is not in Mujahideen's support. Trust in Allah. One day when America comes to Saudi Arabia, we'll kill them also. I am very happy that many emails are coming from the people who are living in non-muslim countries." [Brother SN, Saudi Arabia, 16 Feb 2000]

"Wallahi brothers, I really love you all, in the name of Islam. When I look at your smiling faces, I realise how great and universal Islam is. And Inshallah, the Muslims will win this Jihad against the kuffar." [Brother MB, Denmark, 18 Feb 2000] "I feel sad at the conditions and suffering of the Chechens. but on the other hand, I feel more sad about the function of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Countries). What are they doing? Are they just a name to be proud of ? Why are the so called Muslim countries keeping so openly quiet. Why are there still Muslim countries seeking help from Russia, UN...etc. I pray everyday for the Mujahideen's patience and victory and inshaAllah I will reach the Holy Lands (Mecca & Medina) next month for my Hajj and I shall not stop dua." [Brother HBI, Singapore, 17 Feb 2000]

"I like to tell you that there is not a day passes that I don't think of you. I am worried about you all. I like to know how can I be of any help to you. How can I voice my opinion on this issue? To whom can I write to make a effective compalint. I have written two letters to President Clinton about this. I have not received any response from him." [Brother SAM, USA, 18 Feb 2000]

"My Dear beautiful brothers in Islam, I am in Canada, my hair is almost white, I am 54 years old, and yet I crave to be by your side, to fight, to win, or to die in the Name of Allah. What a privelege, there cannot be a better living or dying. I am sure that just like in the Battle of Badr, Allah has sent many of His Angels to be by your side. What a Power you are, what a glory!" [Brother AA, Canada, 17 Feb 2000]

"May Allah help you in your Jihad which we pothethic muslims can only admire. May Allah made your Jihad a cause to spark the Muslim Ummah into figthing with our own souls and then with every evildoer regardless of them calling themselves kings, rulers or governors. I am not feeling 'very sad' about your situation as I know you will get rewarded unproportionately for every suffering in the Hearafter and your Jihad has already produced an awakening among the Muslim Ummah bi iznillah. May Allah bestow you the best patience. May Allah show us the ways to help you. May Allah make the ground a blazing Hell for the aggressors in Chechnya. May Allah protect you Mujahideen from any evil plot and action against you. I wish I had the level of Iman to disregard everything right now try my best to join you in your Jihad. But I am one of those pothethic Muslims." [Brother AK, PA, USA, 16 Feb 2000]

"Indeed you are truly Mujahideen! You have made a fool of the former Red Army. The conquest of Grozny is just the beginning, and Putin knows it. Truly, he will fail again just like his former boss, Yeltsin the Vodka Monkey. Stay put my brothers. You are winning!! Even the Governments in the Islamic world knows that it a sign from above. This time we must react! For the sake of all Muslims. They betrayed us in Bosnia, this time and in the end of all times they are the kuffar! The Russians fight with Vodka, the Mujahideen fight with Islam!!" [Brother BW, 18 Feb 2000] Added 18 Feb 2000

"I am a Muslim from *** and I would like to inform you all that your fighting has brought many Muslims to their knees again infront of ALLAH (SWT). I would like to let you know that my friend and I have begun our training and plan on joining you soon inshallah. We plan to leave for Afghanistan shortly. Inshallah we will be united on the battle field. Either way we are the winners, standing united in the way of ALLAH fighting to the death or the establishment of a true ISLAMIC STATE." [Brother **, **, 17 Feb 2000]

"I am a young brother from the heartland of America and still thanks to you guys I recieve the real news and ways to help my brothers. For this I thank you. Also I was wondering if you could help me find a way to go, or know someone that can, to the Mujahideen and help. I noticed brother TI from Jordan said he was going so if you could help me get in contact with them. So if you could help Muslims like me to find a way it would just be even more miraculous and wonderful to the great Jihad you are doing for us. P.S. I am trained in weapons and in good health." [Brother M, USA, 16 Feb 2000]

"Since the beginning of February 2000, I have been running 5km every day. I live in a cold part of Canada and even though I am not there with my beloved brothers in Chechnya, every morning, as I sweat and tire, I feel that I am feeling a fraction of what they are going through. Insha-Allah I have made a vow that I will continue running every day until either I go to Chechnya or this War is over, even if it takes ten years." [Brother GR, Alberta, Canada, 17 Feb 2000]

"What justification did they give for forcing you to move from That is blatant censorship. As far as, I have tried numerous times, and received the error message "There was no response. The server could be down or is not responding... etc." I still can't believe the Brits shut you down. I can't imagine any legitimate justification for that. I hope you're able to reestablish it with a different domain name." [Mike, USA, 17 Feb 2000]

"I'm a non-Muslim in Glasgow, Scotland which has a large Muslim community who we respect. I find the bravery of the Mujahideen in Chechnya incredible and inspirational to me. True Scots also yearn for independence but are no longer persecuted for religious/political reasons such as the Chechens but we have faced many similar battles in the (distant) past. Stay Strong." [James, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 Feb 2000]

"Jihaad in Chechnya has only increased the faith of many Muslims across the globe. Not long time ago, many Muslims like myself were ignorant of the benefits of Jihaad. By the Grace of Allaah your effort will awaken the sleeping Muslims and light up the spirit of Jihaad among our youths. In Allaah's Sake, I love you and I envy you my Mujahideen brethren. [Brother AA, Malaysia, 17 Feb 2000]

"I would like to use this opportunity to salute the Chechen people for the courage and self-sacrifice they have shown in defending their homeland. Many Hungarians/Magyars have much respect and admiration for your people. The media tell us that you are Muslim terrorists. However, we fought against the Russians before, too, and know them for the murderous, lying b*** that they are. We don't believe the Russian propaganda. We know you are fighting for freedom. Know that most ordinary Hungarians sympathize with your cause and are on your side even if our government doesn't have the courage to speak up for you. We wish you success defending your country and may God give you strength to keep fighting until your country is free." [Gyorgy, Budapest, Hungary, 17 Feb 2000]

"One cannot do anything else but admire what you freedom fighters are doing . You are providing to U.S. Intelligence the capabilities of the Russian Army. The Russians are the enemy of free people every where.For years they have been always saying how they will rain rockets on the U.S. and then they come begging for money. Fight them at night they fear it. Put the prisoners on video and let the World see how they will kill thier own kind to fatten thier pockets with more aid money. Don't present a big target, spread out!" [Mr RS, New York, USA, 17 Feb 2000]

"I am sending this mail from Malaysia. Although our country has not made any official stand on supporting the Mujahideen in Chechnya, but the people especially the Muslims are with the Chenchen brothers in fighting for the Islamic cause. It is good that you have displayed the pictures of field commander Shamil Basayev. We pray to Allah that He bestow good health and speedy recovery to the beloved Field Commander. Insha-Allah, the field commander will be rewarded not only in this world but more importantly in the Hereafter for the contribution in the jihad. It serves as the eye opener to other Muslims all over the world that there is still living some courageous Mujahideen ready to sacrifice their lives in the Way of Allah. These are the people who are not afraid to fight against the largest army in the world. From afar we will continue to ask Allah to grant you victory soon and raise the spirit of the Islamic struggle for the rest of the world to appreciate. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AZ, Malaysia, 17 Feb 2000]

"May Allah Almighty crush the Russian Army as soon as possible and strengthen our Mujahideen in their drive for a speedy victory. I can't wait to joint you. Please have these bullets loaded in your machine guns and send them through the heart of every scumbag Russian soldier. I hope I will not wait that long to join you inshallah." [Brother M, New Jersey, U.S.A, 17 Feb 2000]

"Insha'Allah, the victory will be for the Mujahideen. Subhan'Allah, the Mujahideen are so blessed by Allah Azzawajjal to have an opportunity to become martyrs in the path of Allah Subhana'Wa Ta'Aala. This is an eye-opener for all of us who are capable of doing Jihaad but are lying in our homes enveloped in this dunya. We will all be responsible on Yaum al-Qiyamah for not responding to the call of our beloved Mujahideen. May Allah Azzawajjal give us all the courage to ignore this temporary dunya and bestow upon us the confident to go and fight for the sake of Allah. May Allah Azzawajjal give the parents, children, brothers and sisters tawfeeq to not only allow, but also to encourage one another towards Jihaad. I beg Allah Azzawajjal to bless us with an honorable death of a martyr. Subhan'Allah, what more do we want??? May Allah Azzawajjal forgive our sins, guide us towards what is right and make us abstain from what is evil. Finally, may Allah Azzawajjal reward all of you who are involved in maintaining this site. Ameen. Wasalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh "Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle array as if they were a solid, (cemented) structure." (Quran 61:4)" [Sister HS, Los Angeles, California, USA]

"Al salam alaikom from your muslim brothers. The thing that you are doing makes all Muslims happy. We hope that you continue and that you will never quit until you all win the war. We all hope and pray for you to win and give pride to all Muslims. Allah akbar!" [Brother FAB, Saudi Arabia, 17 Feb 2000]

"We will wake up.. and yes I agree with my brother who said that some sort of a revolution is occuring among Muslims.. but sadly it is the educated ones which read the websites.. waht about the teeming millions of Asia that do not know how to read and write.. let us propagate the message to them too.. inform everybody you meet.. hang letters in all mosques that you go to. Explain to everyone the situation in Chechnya and that it is an Islamic problem. My brothers, those of you with courage in your hearts, I exhort you to go to Chechnya for the Jihad. Find the courage and leave behind all these materialistic things. Inshallah we will all come!!! Allah give us strength!" [Brother SR, USA, 17 Feb 2000]

"Assalaamu-Alaikum beloved Mujahideen I want to tell you that I love you all. You are the true Muslims. May Allah grant you victory over the infidels, and inshallah He will. Most of my day is spent thinking about you, and I pray for you in every Salat and everytime I think of you, you Mujahideen are more beloved to me than my own brothers and sisters and family. Don't be sad, by the Grace of Allah inshallah victory will be yours, and there are so many Muslim people who are praying for you brothers.You brothers are the one I look up to, Once again I love you the most and pray for you the most.You are not alone; Allah is with you and people in New York are praying for you." [Brother A, New York, USA, 16 Feb 2000]

"Keep going and get the job done. Those pork eating alchol drinking godless dogs are no match for you real men. We are always with you." [Brother FH, Canada, 17 Feb 2000]

"I feel deep sorrow and my eyes fill with tears when I saw how these dogs massacred the defenceless innocent civilian people in Chechnya. O dear muslims wherever you are please help your brothers by any means. Where are the rich arabs with their oil? Oh Somali people stop killing each other, go and fight against the enemy of allah, indeed we will be asked by Allah if we do not act now. The truth will prevail, the lie will vanish and the Word of Allah will be above anything else in Chechnya no matter how insha allah.The Victory from Allah will be coming soon insha allah, be patient dear brothers!" [Brother T, Sweden, 17 Feb 2000]

"NATO and the UN are not going to help us Muslims, in fact they are complicit in the massacres of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo, for standing by silently and permitting their mayhem and dessimation, which the Swine Serbs so willingly and easily perpetrated on Muslims..again and again...But why should we ask for UN or NATO help ? Their recent jesture to re-establish relations with Moscow and to forgive their massive loans are a glaring example of the fact that both NATO and the UN would rather there were no Muslims left. We have no friends in them...we only have Allah and each other." [Brother TN, New York, USA, 17 Feb 2000]

"Keep up the good work. My prayers are with you." [Alison, Zimbabwe, Africa, 17 Feb 2000]

"I pray to Allaah for forgiveness for not being there with you. My duas and the duas from the rest of the brothers in Bedfordshire are with you. May Allaah aid you and protect you. Ameen !!" [Brother SN, Luton, UK, 17 Feb 2000]

"Since I was told about your website, I am constantly checking the site for update news. By the way, the news on the teletext, newspapers & radio I do not & never will believe because it is all a pack of lies. It is against the Mujahideen and in favour of the WOMEN RAPING- BLOOD SUCKING- COWARD RUSSIANS." [Brother AW, Huddersfield, UK, 17 Feb 2000]

"Afghan Mujahideen (with Allah Help) destroyed USSR. You will destroy Russia insha- Allah." [Brother N, Paris, France, 17 Feb 2000]

"Asalaamu-Alaikum to the brave Mujahedeen of Chechnya, Bosnia, Kashmir etc. We bring you greetings from the southern most tip of Africa. Your sacrifices and suffering is not going unnoticed. For centuries true Islam has always been threatened by Munafiqs (hypocrites) and Crusader inspired nations. It is the very example that the brothers in Chechnya are setting that will keep the banner of Islam flying high across the mountains and seas of this world, reaching every corner of the globe to root out corruption, oppression, exploitation and the untold suffering that millions of our fellow human beings are expriencing especially here on the continent of Africa, the dumping ground of western capitalismn and imperialism. May the Almighty grant you patience and victory in your efforts insha-allah, for verily Islam is now on the march." [Brother MF, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 Feb 2000]

Added 17 Feb 2000

"As a woman, French and Catholic I feel ashamed that the World is looking quietly at your people being murdered. I can only pray for you all. May the future bring you freedom, victory and happiness. God is our last hope." [Miss **, Prime Minister's Office, Paris, France, 16 Feb 2000]


"Hoping the best for the Mujahideen. Bosnia, Kosova and Chechnya has opened eyes in the USA. Not enough eyes have opened and our leaders give double talk. With respect!" [Miss CK, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"I just want to say, as I read these e-mails on a daily basis, tear drops from my eyes to see that my brothers and sisters are finally in the process of having unity in their thinking. I thank whoever is responsible for this site to make this possible." [Brother Y, New York City, USA, 16 Feb 2000]

"Dear, brothers in Islam You are doing the things which is not imagineable by any logic but you did it with the Grace of Allah. Your Web site is doing the wonderful Jihad by informing the truth. Otherwise it was very difficult to find truth through bias western media. Turn Your Computer & Printer into a Weapon Against Killer Russians'. Print some news from and distribute in your down town if possible infront of Russian Embassy. Show the website address on your flyer so other people can go to web site. In the end I will say please do not forget to inform the Muslims directly or indirectly how they can send you the financial help. May Allah help you at each turn, peak and valley of the mountain where Russians are trying to chase you and turn those turns, peaks and valleys of the mountain into a Giant Russian Graveyard. Ameen!" [Brother S, Chicago, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"To all Muslims in all the world. In Chechnya your mothers and sisters are raped, your sons and daughters are being slaughtered. To Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula in the Sacred Land- unbelievers in Russia do not respect any morality or religion. It is obligatory to support our brothers, our Mujahideen in the Cause of Allah. The right of Muslims in Chechnya is to receive the moral, financial support from all Muslims throughout the world. No words can convey my sadness; just I remind you all Muslims of the time when we all will stand before Allah on the Day of Judgment? O Muslims do not fear the death. It is coming surely but it is better to die with true Iman than anything else." [Brother M, Arabian Peninsula, 16 Feb 2000] "I so much want to say something to give you comfort, I found this hadith from the Prophet (May the Pease and Blessings of Allah be up him): Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives (from Allah)." Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba: Our Prophet told us about the message of our Lord that "Whoever amongst us is killed will go to Paradise." Umar asked the Prophet, "Is it not true that our men who are killed will go to Paradise and their's (i.e. those of the Pagan's) will go to the (Hell) fire?" The Prophet said, "Yes." I do believe every word is true. Make dua that my son (21 months) will be a Mujahid too Insha Allah. Love you all." [Feriel, Toronto, Canada, 16 Feb 2000]

"I'm a Muslim sister from France I want to encourage the Chechens Even if we are not fighting with you, our hearts are with you. I salute all the Chechens who fought for their homeland against the Russian aggresors. MAY ALLAH GIVE VICTORY TO THE MUSLIM WARRIORS. May HE PROTECT THE MUSLIM women and children. All Muslims in France are supporting you. GOOD LUCK. Puisse ALLAH vous accorder SA protection. Je vous soutiens de tout mon coeur." [Sister BM, Paris, France, 16 Feb 2000]

"Dear Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world who are praying daily for the Mujahideen, try to fast on Mondays and Thrusdays as Prophet Muhammed PBUH used to do, this way your duas will be more stronger. We should also pray to Allah that we are guided to serve Him in Chechnya. Inshaallah the Mujahideen will be victorious." [Brother AJ, Pittsburgh, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"Dear people of Chechnya, I read about your fate in the British newspapers especially The Times (Jannine Di Giovanni was behind the lines for a while ) and The Daily Telegraph. I think the Russian Government are acting like arrogant bullies who need a army of 100000 to subdue a nation of 1 million. Yet too many Western politicians are being very quiet about what Russia is doing and so are human rights organisations. I enclose a letter (letter not included in this section) I sent to the Daily Telegraph after what a Russian Colonel said about Grozny- his barbaric comment should have been challenged but it wasn't so I wrote in protest about that and the disgraceful western lack of concern of your plight and I am not even a Muslim. The Russian Church should be ashamed over their silence too. Good luck for the future- I shall write again soon." [Mr DP, UK, 16 Feb 2000]

"Salaam to every Mujahid in Chechnya. We are coming to your aid soon Insha-Allah." [Brother TI, Jordan, 15 Feb 2000]

"My good fellow Muslims, when you are driving to work in the comfort of your cars or the ease of public transport today, and when you are eating and drinking your fill today, and when you come back to your loving families and hug your little children, remember that your brothers in Chechnya have none of that which you enjoy and take for granted. Your brothers and sisters in Chechnya are willingly giving away and sacrificing the one thing we all cherish above all - LIFE. They are doing so with the intent of upholding Islam not just in Chechnya but for every Muslim in the world, so that a thousand years from now, a Muslim in any part of the world will be able to practice his faith Inshallah, and a Kafir will think a hundred times before he raises a hand on you or tries to take your rights away as a Muslim because he will remember what the Muslims are capable of as in the case of the great Chechen Muslims." [Brother TN, New York, USA, 16 Feb 2000]

"Assalamu-ailaikum Dear Muslim brothers, I'm a 18 year old Indian Muslim living in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and I'm proud to be named Mujahid by my parents.I often visit this web site and always visit the "E-mails of Support" section. I congratulate all the people working for the support of the Mujahideen in Chechnya through this web site.You people at Qoqaz are doing a very great job by informing the Sleeping Muslim Giant on what is happenning in Chechnya and the rest of the world! Keep up the good work!" [Brother Mujahid, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 16 Feb 2000]

"I have been coming to your brilliant site for many months now and often compare the news from Western sites to your own and realise the lies being spewed by the ignorant on those Western sites. All my duas are with my Chechen brothers and sisters. Every Salah I pray that Allah gives you vistory over these Russian dogs. I feel my hands are tied sometimes but I know that even if one ounce of my prayer is accepted by the Almighty I hope it is the dua for my brothers and sisters. Inshallah the Russians will be defeated and then the Muslims will rejoice like the great Muslims of the past and the many Mujahideen in the present. May Allah bless all of you and your commanders like Shamil and Khattab and inshallah we will all pray for you at the least!!" [Brother MAC, UK, 16 Feb 2000]

Added 16 Feb 2000

"We are experiencing a World revolution in the Muslim Ummah never before experienced last century! I never thought that I would live to see such a day like this, when Muslims from every corner of the Globe are joining their hands to support their Muslim fighters in one unknown part of the World. Let the World witness this great historical event and the awakening of the 'Sleeping Muslim Giant'. This time it is the Muslim's turn to hit back! We're coming home insha- Allah and no-one is going to stop us now!!!" [Brother NP, Washington DC, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"Brothers and sisters around the world get ready for the time for Jihad has come. I acknowledge that the spark for Jihad in 21st century has been ignited by the brave CHECHENS." [Brother SMK, Louisiana, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum ... TO Shamil, to Khattab, to all Mujahedeen ... This a voice coming to you through the mountains and over the seas from a Muslim woman yelling (ALLAH AKBAR) and telling you that we heard your call, telling you that my kids and a lot of Muslim kids are wearing white head bands written on it (La illaha illa allah mohammad rasool allah) as a support to all Mujahedeen.We are wearing bracelets with ALLAH's name on it made from beads to keep remembering to do dua for you all the time. I made the bracelets and gave them to Muslims in two mosques and I'm not going to stop until it reach the 1.5 billion Muslims insha-Allah, so hang-on because ALLAH is with you and we are all with you." [Sister Dana, Sunrise, Florida, USA, 15 Feb 2000]


"Shame to every Munafiq (Hypocrite) leader of every Muslim country who stood silent and meek in the face of such extraordinary strife of their Chechen brothers. Someday when this is all over Inshallah, what will we the shameless Muslims who prefer to live the lives of sheep, tell our sons ? And upon facing Allah after our deaths, what excuse will we give Allah for having looked the other way while our brothers and sisters in Chechnya were being massacred ? We bend over backwards to please the Western nations who would rather see us enslaved or destroyed, but we do nothing to please Allah who could end our happy days in the blinking of an eye. Like sheepish servants the hypocrite leaders of Muslim countries keep mute while our Chechen mothers and sisters are being raped and children are being slaughtered. For shame on those of us who can not even move our tongues to even utter a word of prayer. Allah be with you my brothers. Allah is on your side, you do not need any of these hypocrites. On the Day of Judgement, when life will be eternal, you will enjoy the bliss that we can not even dream of. My prayers and my thoughts for you always my brothers always." [Brother TN, 15 Feb 2000]

"My brothers have faith.. you will win inshallah and defeat this Zionist inspired plot against us. Do not lose hope as there are all my friends and family members with you. I'm in a medical college right now and all the Muslims here support you to the hilt. Of course the real help that you need is medical help and am ashamed to read the diary of the Norweigen Mujahid complaining of the poor medical facilities available for our wounded comrades. I wish I was in a position to help you. I'm in my final year and as soon as I get some emergency training, I willl be with you inshallah. I will try to persuade as many as my fellow doctors to come with me when I come. I hope Allah gives me and them the courage to do so inshaallah." [Brother S, New Delhi, India, 15 Feb 2000]

"We have not forgotten our brothers and sisters in Chechnya. I make du`a daily for Allah, subhaanahu wa ta`ala, to give us victory over the kuffar. There are a few of us here, and there are more elsewhere, inshaAllah, who want to do more to help, but we don't know where to go to train. We get lectures about how to point our fingers and how to use miswak, but we don't hear anything in our masjids about Chechnya. Why are the Muslims sleeping??? What will it take to awaken us??? Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya... we are being killed, and we are still in deep, deep sleep! But some of us are stirring..." [Brother AH, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 15 Feb 2000]

"Oh Soldiers of Truth, don't fear and don't be desperate when you're out on a mission against the enemies of peace, because Allah's soldiers descend from the sky to rip their souls out. So when you think you walk alone up in the mountains , then realise you're not alone , my dear brothers...." [Brother A, Utrecht, Netherlands, 15 Feb 2000]

"I am a Muslim, and frankly I don't see the need to go to Makkah while the Russian Army is destroying every single thing on its path, humans, animals and vegetation. We are committing a serious sin just by turning a blind eye about the incredible suffering of the Chechen people. I am disgusted by all those Arab/Muslim leaders who roll the red carpet for the Russian foreign minister whether in Cairo or Tehran. Those whom we call infidels are the ones that are making more noise than we are. It is obvious that tents, band-aids and medicine is needed for the refugees and freedom fighters as well, but unfortunately they don't stop bullets at all! When you see how Lebanon has been spanked by the Israeli Air Force, you wonder how those "Brotherly Arab states" are going to do anything to help the Chechen freedom fighters. If the Chechen fighters were Jews instead of Muslims, Israel would have done every single thing she could to give Russia something to remember and pressure every American or European country to force Russia to put an end! That is something that we don't have, we are are own enemy. Allah bless you Chechen people and freedom fighters, He is the only one who can help because you are on your own. Don't expect anything from those rotten North African and Middle Eastern states." [Brother MH, Japan, 15 Feb 2000]

"O Allah, O Powerful, O Destroyer of our enemies, O Avenger, I make sincere dua to you to help my Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. O Allah, grant them victory soon and give them strength to uphold the banner of La ilaha illallah. O Allah, Your Help in the most useful and weapon to the Mujahideen and faith in You in the most powerful force in Jihad. O Allah, O Lord of the Mujahideen, give them strength to fight the oppressors, torturers, rapists and the dogs of Hell! O Allah, cause the mountains in Chechnya to fall on top of them and crush them and reduce them to nothing-indeed they are nothing! O Allah, shower the Mujahideen with spoils of war and crown the chosen ones with the Crown of Honour.-Ameen. Special salaams to my brother's Ibn Khattab and Shamil Baseyav-The Swords Of Allah!" [Sister MA, Blackburn, UK, 15 Feb 2000]

"It's shame that all we can do is wait. We are the so call 1.5 billion Muslims who just sit, wait and pray. May ALLAH SWT guide us the same way he guided you and those before us. You, my dearest brothers, don't need any one but ALLAH SWT." [Brother FH, Canada, 15 Feb 2000]

Added 15 Feb 2000

"O Lions of Allah, it is true that SOME PEOPLE MAKE THE HISTORY and the rest just read it. You have indeed made it alive. You have proved it undoubtedly in the 21st Century that the spirit of Islam will never be extinguished. Islam that made those special heroes of the early generations is and will be capable of reproducing many of them with same calibre until Allah Almighty inherits this land and whoever is on it. I read those 'golden words' of the brave man Shamil Basayev -may Allah protect him- when he said on the day of the withdrawal from Grozny 'Women usually tell us you left our sons to get killed and you are alive. Well, let us do it first (i.e. marching over the mine fields and making a save path for the rest of the Mujahideen to pass through.' This action can not come from an ordinary leader but rather from a person that Allah has chosen for a special task. May Allah protect you all and bestow his mercy on those who have left us and met their Lord." [Brother AA, Ohio, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"I have read Islamic history, since your Jihad began. I now realise you are the same type of Muslims who spread right across half the world in less than a decade - brave in fighting but kind and loving, honest and sincere. You can't control a big empire by force, so the early Muslims must have been very loving to the people they conquered. Allah will indeed give you victory over these Russian dogs. Just kill the dogs now, love them later." [Brother Z, Sydney, Australia, 12 Feb 2000]

"I am extremly grateful for you guys hosting this site, I would always rely on the kuffar news system but know I have it 'straight from the horse's mouth'." [Brother D, 10 Feb 2000]

"I pray for the Chechnya's Mujahedeen. Their victory is victory for Islam. Our hearts are with you. You braved the Russians during Ramadan and you did not celebrate Eid. But Allah has in store for you greater rewards and celebration. Our eyes are filled with tears for you. But our hearts are hopeful that your efforts your blood will not be in vain." [Brother TK, Kenya, 11 Feb 2000] "I loved your web site and I am proud of your work. May Allah bless Chechens and bring them victory." [Brother AS, USA, 10 Feb 2000]

"You are already victorious and your steadfastness and submission to the cause of Allah and your fearless heroism put fear in the hearts of all unbelievers and hypocrites. You have shown to the world that this unjust and uneven war will not make you submit to the evil empire of Russia and their blind hypocrites around the world. Dear beloved brothers Allah is with you and no one on the face of the earth will have the ability to overcome you. The whole righteous Muslim World is behind you and prays for you day and night. You have shown the Russians your heroism during 1994-96 war. But these stupid and ruthless people do not learn. YOUR ARE THE SOLDIERS OF ALLAH AND HE WILL LEAD YOU TO VICTORY, INSHA ALLAH." [Brother AW, California, USA, 10 Feb 2000]

"As you have proven many times to the world especially in last eight years, the people of Chechnya will never bow down to the enemies of Allah. I am quite more than certain by the Will of Allah you will eventually be victorious. Muslims around the world are on your side. In our daily "duaa" we are seeking from Allh to free Chechnya from the invaders." [Brother AO, Canada, 10 Feb 2000]

"I'm a 13 year old muslim boy who always prays for you. Be patient, every hardship is follwed by a success. Allah almighty will give you a victory over the barbaric Russian soldiers. I would love to fight alongside you against these babaric infidels and make the Word of Allah above anything else in Chechnya." [Brother MA, 10 Feb 2000]

"It is such a shame that such biased people are allowed to write articles in the western press. My blood boils everytime I read it in .. even the articles in the arab press are such nonsense. It seems that the entire print industry including the BBC are totally against you and want you to lose this war with the least possible dignity left. Have no fear, Allah is with you and us and together we can make a difference." [Brother S, New Delhi, India, 10 Feb 2000]

Added 14 Feb 2000

"There's no pride in living as a coward. It is better to die standing up than to live on your knees." [Brother IT, Madrid, Spain, 11 Feb 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum my blessed brothers and the true heroes. Following the news of your daily activities has become one of the most important part of my family's daily study. We believe staying connected with you and making du'a for you is part of our worship. When we don't hear from you for more than a day, we are all at loss, and it is as if the world has become blackened. Oh, how we wish for you to be back in your homes with your families and enjoy life like we are. But, instead, you have chosen the hardest life possible only to please THE LORD OF THE WORLDS, by liberating your country from the stinking, animalistic, Godless, barbaric kuffar. There is no doubt that the victory is yours. All Muslims around the world know that and pray for your quick success. But, sometimes it is with patience that success follows. O, LIONS OF ALLAH KEEP UP YOUR COURAGE AND FIGHT THE ENEMY WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT. THE VICTORY IS YOURS WITH NO DOUBT INSHA- ALLAH." [Sister UM, California, USA, 10 Feb 2000]

"I am a journalist for a small TV station at the very bottom of New Zealand. I must say how helpful your web site is in keeping us informed of events so far away. This form of communication breaks through our reliance on CNN, Time and BBC which can not be relied on to deliver details that are so important in a conflict such as this. I'm not Muslim nor Christian but I have studied the conduct of Russia both presently and in the past and I stand behind your decision to oppose Russian occupation. My sympathies also lie with the young Russian conscripts drafted into a war they have no interest in. I hope, for the sake of everyone on both sides who has suffered because of the Russian Governments actions, that it will be over soon. Has there not been enough suffering in that part of the world in the last few centuries? So I bid you fear well from Invercargill, New Zealand and may your conflict end to your satisfaction in the shortest possible time with the minimum loss of life on both sides." [Mr HA, Invercargill, New Zealand, 11 Feb 2000]

"We in Kashmir understand the aspirations and sufferings of our Chechen brothers a lot better than others as we are also locked in a struggle against the enemies of islam . The day is inshallah not far when all Muslims will fight against our enemies under a single flag as a united Islamic army. We consider the Chechens as our heroes as they have rewritten history by their unmatched valour against the Russians. May Allah grant you success. Allah is on our side and we need not fear anyone." [Dr. **, Srinagar, Kashmir, 12 Feb 2000]

"On every TV channel, in every newspaper, always the same things. LIES about the Jihad in Chechnya. I'm sure that most of Muslims all round the world are convinced that the Mujahideen are not terrorists, and that the only terrorist in this affair is Russia. I'm sure that most of Muslims all around the world are disappointed by the inaction of their governments, and that if they had the possibility, they would have done anything to help their brothers in Chechnya. I'm sure that most of Muslims all around the world pray for their brothers so as to have enough strength to get rid of enemies of Islam. A great tribute to all the Mujahideen who have chosen to sacrifice their lives in the path of Allah. A great tribute to all the ones who have been martyred . A great tribute to all the ones who are still fighting against Putin and his coalition. A great tribute to all the ones who are giving aid to the Mujahideen. A great tribute to all the ones who have strong faith in Allah, and who are able to do anything to preserve their dignity and their beliefs. For all the mujahideen in Chechnya, you are the superiors because Allah is with you. We will always make duaa for you, and ask Allah to give you faith and strength." [Sister BH, Morocco, 11 Feb 2000]

"Just by glancing at your infinite efforts to vanish the enemies of Allah makes us proud of being called Muslims." [Brother MS, Puerto Rico, 11 Feb 2000]

"I am a brother from California, USA. I love reading your latest updates and other related articles regarding the ongoing Jihad in Chechnya. Alhamdulillah for your help in reviving the spirit of Jihad in Muslims all over the world..Allahu Akbar! The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) was reported to have said :"Jihad will continue until the Day of Judgement." Allah is truly Merciful, because Jihad brings with it so much blessing to the Muslim Ummah. I remind myself and all the Muslims in the world to get ready to make Jihad. Do not sit and watch. Do something now, be prepared to perform Jihad." [Brother MB, California, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"Subhanullah! (Glorified be Allah) The Jihad in which you are fighting seems to have hit an unusual chord within the Muslim Ummah. Perhaps it is because of the deep sincerity of cause, your uncompromising approach to the Batil (falsehood) which we don't see elsewhere. The Jihad in Chechnya has a goal which has, at least this past century, not been truly felt. That goal being the physical implementation of a true Islamic State. May Allah, through the Jihad in the Caucasus, continue to awaken the 'sleeping giant' and also shed light on every single 'leader' of every single Muslim land in existence today which shares its sick love between Russia and America, and which also causes pain without exception to its own sincere Muslim inhabitants. Allah promises victory. May you be the vehicle through which the resumption of Islam, the only acceptable system of living for Muslim and Non-muslims, manifests itself in its totality. All of the sincere scholars should be prepared to run to Chechnya to aid in the great task of implementing the Islamic Constitution and setting up house for the rest of us. WE WANT TO COME HOME!!! By the will of Allah!" [Sister MV, Texas, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"When I see you, I remenber the past of the lost Andalusia (I write this sad and cowardly letter because I don't go forth with you, from Madrid in Spain, the only European capital with an Arabic name). Eight centuries of Islamic presence were erased, the Muslims were killed and sold as slaves. Another time again we history repeating itself. When you bury the Mujahideen, you are not burying corpses, but you are sowing seeds of a new era for the Muslim Ummah. Kill the enemy of Allah!, Kill the enemy of the human being! There's no pride in living as a coward. It is better to die standing up than to live on your knees." [Brother IT, Madrid, Spain, 11 Feb 2000] "Isn't it true that we are all one body (this ummah), and when one part is cut off or hurts, the whole body feels the absence and pain?? I am so heartsick...but I know ALLAH SWT will give you victory inshallah. First I see a 6mths baby's head blown apart by Jews in Palestine...then I see a Chechen baby's foot blown off and side torn out (in your documentary). I wish I could give more physical effort to our Jihad but I will beg Dua everyday and inshallah learn medicine with which to help . Inshallah Allah will hear all our cries." [Sister AAK, Texas, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"This site tore my heart out! Subhan Allah ! When will this killing stop!!! I hate it, and I've been crying for days after I saw your site on Chechnya. I hate living here under the American flag! For what? If I could leave and live across the world I would! Allah knows my family has tried to leave the U.S. for many years now. Anyway, I thought that I'd let you know that I have children too, so those pictures of the five Muslim children dead really hit me hard! But I know my feelings were not as hurt as the women and men who do lose their children, or the children who have to listen to all of the frightening bombs and guns going off! Where are the MUSLIMS?????????? Where are all the "MUSLIM KINGS" and their armies? Asleep? Praying? Would Allah (SWT) accept a prayer of the so called "Leaders" who turn their backs and rest comfortably in their palaces in between their soft comforters?!!!!! SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!!!!! While they themselves seek protection from the KAFIR COUNTRIES!!!!!! Insha Allah, I pray that Allah (SWT) grants Victory to these Muslims and puts a HUMILIATING WRATH on EVERY COUNTRY AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE HEADS OF STATE AND PERSONS INVOLVED INTO THE HELL-FIRE - THROWN ON THEIR FACES!!!" [Sister, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"What else can we ask for but Allah's help? What else is greater but His Help? If we rely on Allah (SWT) we need nothing else to rely on, not even the most advance of machine guns and bombs. Allah's anger and hatred for the kuffar is our most powerful bomb and His, Almighty's, help is the best war machine! Insha'Allah, I'm desperate to join you in this beautiful struggle. I want to get my hands on those blood thirsty, women raping, human torturing, pig faced whimps! I want to wring their necks!- My hands are ready! O Allah, take me there-Ameen. I pray that my brother Shamil is in good condition- I heard the news about his foot. May Allah (SWT) heal it. Even if Allah does heal it, we should still continue to feel pain. Only when all our Muslim lands are liberated and when WE, the best of creation stand above every kafir, and when our sisters stop getting raped and our brothers stop getting tortured and our children stop being mutilated, then we will Insha'Allah be healed FOREVER! JIHAD is the only medicine to cure all these diseases." [Sister, Blackburn, UK, 11 Feb 2000]

"People who are making excuses for not fighting in the way of Allah are mocking and ridiculing the religion of Allah and we are ordered to avoid them leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement." Surah Al-Anaam (6), Verse 70. Anyone reading this message please let me know how to join the on going Jihad in Chechnya, email me. Even if you know somebody in USA who has been to any Jihad please let me know his email so that I can at least start my training and get ready as soon as possible. I am young and eager to die in the way of Allah SWT Inshallah. If you are reading this and know someone but are not informing me then I will hold you on the Day of Judgement in front of Allah(SWT) for not guiding me in this holy cause. May Allah give strength to all the Mujahideen and patience to their mothers and families. May Allah accept the Martyrdom of all the Shuhadaa. I'd like to express my appreciation for maintaining this site and for all the hard work by the crew of Azzam Publications. May Allah bless you all with good in this world and in the Hereafter." [Brother ABA, Arlington, Texas, USA, 11 Feb 2000]

"I e-mail from the United States. I am a Christian and wish there was something I could do to help all of you. I only look at what is wrong and what is right. Religion to me is not an issue. You are being pushed from your land, for what reason? Oil, greed, religion, profit. Don't think that all of us Christians are against you, this is surely not the case. The majority of people in our country are so busy with themselves they choose to ignore what is happening in the real world. As your rights are taken away, it is another step towards goverments taking away all of the free people's rights, no matter who are what they are. The press in the US does not lean in favour of the Russians or the Chechens openly. But, by their inaction to support your side, and show what is really happening over there, they are in essence supporting the Russians. Without your website, I would have no access to information in your region. Don't give up, there are those of us out there who have no attachment to you who support you. The longer you hold out, the more pressure you put on PUTIN. The more Russian soldiers that are sent home dead, the more public sentiment will go against him." [Mr BM, USA, 12 Feb 2000]

Added 11 Feb 2000

'Why shed these tears of sorrow? Why shed these tears of grief? Ya nafsy how soon you forget, After trials come sweet relief

Why turn you from Ar-Rahman? Why yearn for a listening friend? Ya nafsy, do you not remember, On ALLAH, you must depend? Read you not those stories, Of the trials in days gone by, Of the Sahabah beloved byAllah, Who for Allah's cause did strive?

Why loosen your hold upon Him? Why fling away, His outstretched Hand? Ya nafsy, do you not remember, Bilal's sabr on the blazing sand? "Ahad! Ahad!" He cried, While his flesh did drip and burn. "Ahad! Ahad!" He cried, To Allah alone he turned.

Forget you the firmness of Hamza, As the gleaming swords did fall? With Sabr he turned to Allah, As the Quraysh did slice and maul.

Why drown in salty teardrops? How can you dare compare your pain? To that of Yasir and Summayah, As the lay tortured on the scorching plain?

Forget you the charring of Khabbab, As on burning coals he lay? Ya nafsy how meager your suffering, Wherefore do you lose your way?

Why befriend you not Al-Wali? Why not in Salat to Him complain? Like Job who only to Allah, Turned in all his grief and pain?

Forget you those trials in this life, Cleanse your heart and make it clean? Ya nafsy, why all this sadness? Do you not wish your heart to gleam?

Be patient in all your hardships, Allah hears your cries of woe. So trust Him and His hikma (Wisdom), For He knows best and you don't know.

So tighten your hold upon him, Lest He withdraw His outstretched Hand! And remember the example of Bilal, As he lay anchored on the blazing sand.

"Ahad! Ahad!" he cried, While his flesh did drip and burn. "Ahad! Ahad!" he cried, To Allah alone he turned.' [Sister SN, UK, 06 Feb 2000]

"Well! All I can do is just sit there with my mouth hanging open. Your victories are a miracle. I've always wanted to see one and here it is in front of my eyes. After your pleas for our duas I made sure everyone was making dua for you. At all the prayers the Imam makes a special prayer for you after ruk'oo (bowing) and we are all aware of your situation. Please tell the Mujaheidin we are all watching them with pride and awe, and give them the Salaams of the Muslims all around the world." [Sister AJ, USA, 06 Feb 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum to our Muhahideen Brothers in Chechnya and also to the brothers who are updating this web site on a regular basis. May Allah give quick recovery to Commander Basayev and also give the ultimate victory to our brothers. You are always in our prayers here at New York City area. Many brothers in various mosques are continuously monitoring the activities through the web site and Alhamdulillah, the brothers who are updating this site with latest information are doing a great job. May Allah give you the strength and courage to carry out this great work. May Allah make Chechnya a true Islamic State and an example for the rest of the Muslim nations." [Your Brothers from New York City, USA, 01 Feb 2000]

"Last week, while I was busy with my household chores, my daughter Zahra (5 yrs) started pulling my dress and said "Mom, come, let's read the Quran". I didn't want to miss the opportunity, because, now-a-days she enjoys playing outside with her friends and by the time she comes inside she is dead tired. We both took a Quran each, I started reading and she was repeating with me, in fact we were reading in chorus. She doesn't know how to read yet, but loves to hear my recitation and knows which line is coming next. After a while, when we finished one 'juz' she told me "Mom, please stop now, I am sleepy." I stopped, it was night time and getting really late. Then she said "I will pray to Allah now and ask Him to give the reward for this Quran recitation to the Chechen people" and that's what she did. From that day on we are praying this way for you guys every day." [Sister IM, Al Khor, Qatar, 07 Feb 2000]

"I would like to give my support to all the Chechen women and children--everyday I read the news with a heavy heart--I have many Chechen friends because my husband was born in Grozny (he is Ingush). I want to go to Nazran but my husband won't agree because we have a 6 month-old son--everyday I feel more hatred towards the Russian people even though I know that not all are guilty of this war. I am not Muslim but I hope the Chechens kill 50 soldiers for every child killed in this war." [Sarah, USA, 10 Feb 2000]

"The Muslims in Holland support you 110% and our hearts are with you all the time. Brother of, jaza kumulahu khayran for this informative site. We follow the news of our hereos and the Soldiers of Allah in your site every day and it is very inspiring." [Brother MN, Netherlands, 01 Feb 2000]

"I am a sister here, currently residing in New Mexico, United States of Shaitan, and I make dua'a for you, my dearest brothers in Islam for the work you are doing for fi- sabeelillah! May Allah reward you with the highest stations in al-Jannah! Indeed the heart is filled with grief, and regret, that I am unable to do an atom's weight of what you all are doing. Had I been a brother, I would have fought by your side, and you would have found me the first to do so. But since Allah has made me a sister, I will do my duty to encourage my husband, my sons, my father, my brother, all who are near to fight in His Cause and to join you! Subhan'Allah... there are those who sit in their mosques, worshipping Allah with tears dripping down their cheeks, but the Mujahideen worship Allah with blood dripping down their necks, Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" [Sister UM, New Mexico, USA, 05 Feb 2000]

"Inshallah the Russian Devil will lose this game. Inshallah the Russian Devil in the end will flee from the Chechen land. Inshallah the lives of the brave men and women in the fight will get their reward on Judgement Day. Inshallah the children who died before their lives had begun, will then play and laugh on Judgement Day!" [Sister AS, Denmark, 07 Feb 2000]

"The one lesson that we must all take is that the only time our honour, dignity and deen will be protected is when we take them into our own hands and rule by the Quran and Sunnah of Allah SWT. Salaam to the brothers who keep the light of Islam burning and who will hopefully awaken the slumbering nation and rouse it into action. Your victories fill us with strength, your taqwah and sacrifice put us to shame. May this blessed nation have a million more sons like you." [Brother N, UK, 10 Feb 2000]

"I have been following your struggle for quite some time. However there has been a systematic blackout and distortion of news from the area by Pro-Russian-Western Media coupled with spread of lies like "invasion of Dagestan ", "kidnappings" etc. By Allah, we never believed it, these fools should know that a Muslim would never believe that a Mujahid would do such a thing. It is apparent now that such a blackout was done to prevent Muslim brothers from other places to join your struggle in defeating taghoot. Now your website has given us true information. 'They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Isl�m, this Qur'�n, and Prophet Muhammad SAW) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it).' [Quran 61:8 ]. A Muslim is not supposed to envy another Muslim but it is allowed to envy those who strive in the Cause of Allah. Therefore I envy you my brothers because you are the chosen people for such a Cause. Allah knows best, but I think you would be the envy of even those who may live for hundreds or thousands of years doing worship but deprived of Jihad. Success in the Hereafter is only through Allah's Mercy and Forgiveness. And Allah, All Praise be to Him has given you that gurantee. SubhanAllah! You are the wisest people alive along with other Mujahideen all over the world who have chosen to strive in the Cause of Allah, and your intention being clean, Allah has rewarded you with the best trade that any Muslim can ask for. I pray to Allah for myself and for every other Muslim to give us the knowledge, courage and to open ways for us to be able to join the ranks of helpers in the Cause of Allah." [Brother ZR, USA, 05 Feb 2000]

"Jordanian people are not but a part of this Islamic nation spreading worldwide, because of which they feel the burden lying on their shoulders to support their Mujahideen brothers. I personally check your site every day to feel the remaining pride in myself. I have emailed your site address to many friends and groups to let them see and hear the voice of truth rather than being attracted to western or Russian Media that either lies or suppprt the Russian enemy. I love you as my Muslim brothers, and as persons so loyal to their faith that they refused to live as the remaining cattle, but rather preferred the life of honour. I ask ALLAH Most High to bless your fight, and reward you better than you've given. I ask ALLAH Most High to help us break all barriers that prevent us from being faithful to our religion, and make us good examples to others as our Mujahideen brothers are. Finally, I say that your morals, truth of speech, human respect, strong faith, futuristic view, and practical thinking are gathering people around your issue from all over the world. May ALLAH Most High bless your work." [Brother Ibrahim, Amman, Jordan, 10 Feb 2000]

"I feel ashamed of myelf not to join your Jihad in the Path of Allah, but am still with the rest of the brothers here in Australia. May Allah SWT give you the victory and do not forget (( If you feel hurt, they feel hurt like your hurt but you hope from Allah what they don't)) and we ask Allah to give you the power and the near victory. Amin." [Brother MA, Australia, 10 Feb 2000]

"I really think that you are encouraging young Muslims to wake up and realise that this life is a life full of trials." [Brother AI, Australia, 06 Feb 2000]

Added 10 Feb 2000

"As I am an American, and proud to be, I cannot stomach the lack of any support for you from my government and country. The American Government has no problem getting involved when our oil supply is in jeopardy, or when an economic or political situation is threatened. The American Government has no problem bombing empty buildings for months or attacking countries we know cannot fight back with any authority to flex our military muscle. The American Government says it stands for world peace and to be the advocates of the world fight against evil. Then why, I ask my government, would we not put an end to what the evil Russia is attempting to do to you. The American Government has the power and military capability to end this in one day. Yet they stand idle by and watch as several thousand of you fight hundreds of thousands. I have never been more saddened and angered at my own country and government. I try to live my life the best I can and try to be the best person I can be with out claiming any religion and believe that God, Allah, Buddha or what ever anyone chooses to call the higher power, will appreciate that and accept me for that. But I feel as though it is time to make a stand and say this is wrong. I truly wish I could fight with you and have faith that you will prevail. I think of you all as I would my own family and friends. Don't quit, fight hard and I truly believe you will win." [Mr PV, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 09 Feb 2000]

"I thank our brothers at Azzam Publications by giving us such a remarkable opportunity and we ask Allah to give you a reward. There are many people who don`t know your web- site and they listen lies from kufaar media ,but insha allah we will spread this information as much as we can see. Let the Muslims around the world know the truth about thier brothers and sisters who are killed in the Name of Allah, and remember, no matter how hard kufaar try to shut down this site, they can`t turn off the Light of Allah. May Allah protect all Muslims around the world especially the noble Mujahidin around the world. A LITTLE ADVICE TO OUR SISTERS AROUND THE WORLD : If you can`t go to Jihad in Chechnya then start fundraising to help our brothers and in the mean time try to study medicine or nursing so we can treat our wounded brothers. Do everything in your power to help our brothers and sisters in need , and don`t just sit with your family and say what can I do. You can do a lot of things by starting with encouraging your husband to get trained and go to the Jihad. Also I want to advise all Muslims to go training and learn karate, because we have to protect our lives. There aren`t any excuses for this noble Jihad. We are all responsible infront of Allah. Even the old ones and children have to throw the stones to the kufaar if they cannot do anything else." [Sister ZAW, Norway, 09 Feb 2000]

"O'Mujahideen, just want to let you know that the entire Muslim community in Arlington, Texas have not forgotten you. You are always in our Dua's. Inshallah Victory is near." [Mr AK, Arlington, Texas, USA, 09 Feb 2000]

"Never has an event in my life as a Muslim had such a profound impact on my heart and emotions as has the struggle in Chechnya! By the way, may Allah award you also for the updates on the excellent Qoqaz site. The Mujahideen have shown all the world how having faith in Allah can destroy and bring to its knees a kuffar "Super Power" - Subahana�Allah. My sincere wish is to join your struggle against the Russian Army in the Path of Allah but only feeble excuses stop me from doing so." [Brother FZ, City of London, UK, 09 Feb 2000]

"Here in Paranagu, Brasil we are making Duas for the Mujahedin in Chechya and all of the world. We are very far from you and don't speak the same language but we all speak the language of the islam." LA ILHA ILLA LAH MOHAMAD RASSULU LAH" Allah give victory to the Mujahidin of Allah." [Brother ARC, Paranagu, Brasil, 08 Feb 2000]

"I have been on your web site for almost every single day. All I can do is making Duaa and cry that I am not with you in Jihad.I swear by Allah (SWT) I never sleep until I read your web site and tell my brothers and friends in New York about what is going on in Chechnya and tell them what they see in the NY Times or any other news in America or the west are all a lie and not the truth." [Brother F, New York, USA, 08 Feb 2000]

"To all Mujahideen all over the world..We hope we can join you all in fighting the kuffars..bear in mind that Muslim students from Malaya University in Malaysia supporting the Mujahideen." [Brother ZR, Malaysia, 10 Feb 2000]

"In Turkey, I and all of my friends; also I hope all muslims living in Turkey are praying for Allah to end of this Jihad with your success in beating Russians. In our apartment building every Friday we come together with friends reading Quran and making dua for you and other Muslims fighting around the world. I also cut out the Mujahideen's pictures from newspapers and put them in my home, so that remember your Jihad all the time, during the day and make dua for you. Allah help you, insha-Allah, and forgive us that we are here, at our home just watching you from TV." [Sister HH, Turkey, 09 Feb 2000]

"Asalaamu Alaikum wa rahmutallahi wa barakato to my dear respected brothers and sisters in Chechnya and Azzam (qoqaz)! May Allah aza wa jal, show our brothers the sweet taste of victory over the deluded, misguided monsters, who claim to the public they are the heroes, when in fact they go against Allah and His servants, what a grievous punishment for torturing the innocent!" [Sister BM, Alberta, Canada, 09 Feb 2000]

"One superpower helping the other to defeat a small band of people! How lucky we are. How low they can get." [Brother HZK, Doha, Qatar, 09 Feb 2000]

"Assalaamualaikuum, Dear Chechen Warriors! I'm from Ukraine, not a Muslim, but my heart is with You. You are the Heroes! God bless You! Many people in Ukraine are supporting You, because we know what Russia is. My people and brave people of Chechnya have the same history - 300 years of fighting for independence from Russian evil (even devils) Empire. We remember the methods of Russian agressors - to dress KGB agents like Mujahedeens (or other warriors - differs from country to country Russia occupied), to kill civilian people and to say that it was done by Mujahedeens. Russians did this in Ukraine in 1940- 1950th and then do this in Chechnya nowadays - KGB agents kidnepped people and says that Chechen soldiers do this. Stupid governments of Europe and America believes Russians and don't want to stop this brutal war with children and women of Chechnya. But all people of good will all over the world supports Your Struggle with Russian dogs. Let God of Universe help You in Your Jihad!" [Mr E, Christian from Ukraine, 08 Feb 2000]

"I am really one of those people who admire this kind of person who offered his body and blood to enhance the Islamic position over the world. and also I would like to thank every one working in this site and the ones who never forget Sheikh Abdullah Azzam. I hope we will find many people who will follow the way of Jihad and I will ask Allah to help them." [Mr G, UAE, 08 Feb 2000]

"My dear Mujahedeen, I wanted to let all of you know that I have never met you but By Allah, I love you for the Sake of Allah and I love in you the Jihad and what you do for Islam and the Muslims. By Allah's Help and Support you have revived the feel for the Jihad in the Muslims' hearts...I pray to Allah SWT to revive the Jihad in the hearts of all the Muslims all over the world to return to the Muslims what has been lost or taken by force and that can only be accomplished by the Jihad." [Brother FD, Charlotte, USA, 09 Feb 2000]

Added 09 Feb 2000

"I am a Christian and I believe that what the Russians are doing to you is terrible. Especially if they are claiming that they are using their attacks as a defence against Islamic extremism. There are many similarities between Islam and Christianity, most of all the spiritual one which believes in a monotheistic God, who is a God of love. I just wanted to let you know that Jesus would never want your people killed just because they believe differently in the same God. I come from a peaceful country (Australia). I think I am very lucky. I hope your suffering will end soon." [Mr PM, Australia, 07 Feb 2000]

"Assalamu Alaykum. May Allah reward our brothers on the front lines in Chechnya and may Allah reward our brothers at Azzam Publications. May Allah reward the Mujahideen for reviving a spirit that has been gone since the days of Afghanistan. As an Imam of a Masjid in the US I can see and feel this spirit among the Muslims. I and all the Muslims here are with you. We are constantly following your news.We will not forget you in our dua. This is the least we could do for ourselves and for you. Secondly, I would like to thank the brothers who are covering the media aspect of the conflict. May you know that what your doing is nothing less than Jihad. You are no different from the Mujahid in the trench. You are the eyes and ears of the Mujahideen. You are the Hassan bin Thabit of this war. May Allah bless you all." [Brother AA, San Diego, California, USA, 05 Feb 2000]

"Dear Brave Chechen Fighters! Although I am not Chechen nor Russian I think that what Russia is doing in Chechnya is nothing but pure FACISM. I hope you have enough force and faith to defeat these moronic Russians and liberate your motherland from the Russian occupation. What is going on in Russia now is very clear: KGB seized power, then it blasted several buildings in it's own country to make people FEAR (a usual KGB policy) and now Putin and his KGB colligues want to revive former Russia, a KGB-governed superpower. I will not happen -- times have changed. And I hope that you, Chechens will show Putin that Russia is not a superpower but an alcoholic and stinking beggar. Remember, millions of people around the world are watching your fight and greatly wish you success in beating Russians." [Mr BH, Dallas, USA, 04 Feb 2000]

"We, Muslims in Turkey, have been supporting the Chechen struggle since 1994 (actually since 400 years). Now we have established some aid associations in Turkey and we have been collecting both money and medicine etc. Otherwise we give information to the Turkish people of the Chechens' struggle by TV and other media. WE BELIEVE THAT THERE ALLAH SO NO PROBLEM !!!!!!!" [Brothers, Adana, Turkey, 07 Feb 2000]

"The Mujahedeen who die in battle go to Paradise, and that is the ultimate goal of every Muslim. I wonder where the Russians go? The Jews and the Christians ask me: "Why do you worry about Chechenya?, You are not a Chechen." I say to them: "I am a Chechen. I am a citizen of the Nation of Islam, the same Nation that the Chechens belong to. The Nation of Islam is one big Nation, no borders. We belong to the universal brotherhood of Muslims." I also add: "If you kill my brother, I will kill you." [Brother Z, Australia, 07 Feb 2000]

"I write this to tell you how I admire your strength and your resistence, and what is more admirable for me is that gladness which never leaves your faces, as I saw in several T.V.transmissions.On the other hand I would express my support and admiration towards your wives, who are also fighting, giving you all kind of support in this hard times.To all them I say: dear sisters, go ahead , and keep strong, and do never let your children see you crying. It's to us to cry. We, who aren't giving any thing useful to this cause except our tears, when we see some videos or transmissions of the battles. There in the Hereafter you'll have all what you're being deprived from in this Life insha-Allah." [Sister FA, Spain, 06 Feb 2000]

"This is a wake up call to the Muslims that the only thing that will save us from being killed by the kuffar enemies of Islam is the Quran and the Kalashnikov. So get your miltary training and prepare to defend your Religion Islam and your Muslim sisters who are being raped and killed and to defend the honour of the legacy of the prophet Muhammed (saw). In Afghanistan we started and now my brave muslim warriors the Chechens are continuing the struggle as are the Mujahadeen in Kashmir.So support the Jihad with your wealth and your body." [Afghani, London, UK, 05 Feb 2000]

Added 07 Feb 2000

" Assalmo alaykom brothers and sisters all over Allah's earth and especially in the blessed land of JIHAD, Chechnya!!! The great Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) says: "If you see in a dream something you like, then share it with those you love..." or as he says. Indeed, I did see a beautiful dream just before the FAJR of 2/2/2000 and Allah is my witness! I saw the Chechen Mujahidin hugging and congratulaing one another with tears of joy in everyone's eyes (including mine), after they reopened Grozny and liberated Chechnya from the enemy of Allah!!! Subhana-Allah, the picture was so clear. I even saw the face of brother Shamil with a smile on it!!! I cannot tell how sad I was when I read the Mujahidin's report of withdraw from Grozny, as I cannot tell you how happy I've become after seeing this dream!!! I just hope that the Mujahidin brothers get the chance to read this good news. Yes, it is a great news what I saw, because the prophet (pbuh) says that good dreams are from Allah!!! My brothers in Chechnya, "ABSHIROO, ABSHIROO, ABSHIROO" (Rejoice). " [Brother AK, Washington DC, USA, 03 Feb 2000]

" Alhamdoulilah, it's good too see those brave mujahideen in Chechnya making victory, after victory the capital Grozny was and still is a graveyard for the Russian bandit dogs. When I see you fighting O soldiers and lions of ALLAH SWT, I just want one thing, and that is too join you on the battelfield INSHALLAH it will come. The whole western media is against us, but we dont need them or a western army ALLAH IS ENOUGH and i wanted too say also one thing too our ARABIAN and [ISLAMIC] leaders. SHAME ON YOU! NOW WE KNOW WHICH KIND OF COWARDS YOU ARE. YOU ALL ARE JUST THIEFS ,THERE IS ONLY ONE THING YOU KNOW GOOD AND THAT IS KILLING OF THE ONE PEOPLE. MAY ALLAH THROW YOU ALL DOWN AMIN AMIN AMIN. 54 ISLAMIC COUNTRIES IN THIS WORLD not ONE is helping our brothers the mujahideen in the land of Chechnya! " [Brother S, Morocco, 03 Feb 2000]

" Honestly, I don't know what to say but this is the Islam which I hear of in history. It is sad that our brothers and sisters have forgotten the true meaning of Islam and it's true teachings and it is also sad to see all these oppressing regimes in power holding back the most beloved creations of Allah SWT to Worship Him in every aspect of their lives. Because of the man-made divisions in our homelands (ie The Islamic World), people are dying everyday by our enemies along with what is going on in OUR land of Chechnya. May Allah SWT Make you victorious (ameen) and may you be the ones put down in history as the "Wolves" who destroyed the Evil Empire, (ameen). " [Brother N, 03 Feb 2000]

" I salute all Chechens who fought for their homeland and the Russian aggressors. You people are the bravest nation in the world. Name me one nation in the history who has fought a enemy that is one thousand times superior in arms, ammunition and number and inflicated heavy losses as the Chechens did. Good Job, My prayers are with you." [Brother , South Carolina, USA, 03 Feb 2000]

" Brothers keep up the good work. I wish to fight one day fee sabeelillah (in the path of Allah). As we say here in America "I got your back", which means I am in full support of what you are doin. Now go Kill some Damn Russians and show them what us Muslims are made out of. I love your website. The videos are awesome. " [Brother AY, Toledo, Ohio, 03 Feb 2000]

" May Allah give victory to the Muslim warriors. May He renew their Iman (faith), and make them fight only for His sake. May He protect the Muslim women and children... May He destroy the Russian fools, and continue to humiliate them. May Allah guide the captured Russians to Islam, and make them partake in this wonderful Jihad. You brothers who are maintaining this web-site are doing an excellent job. I ask Allah to reward you with much good... I did find it humourous that you included the e-mails of those who left negative comments. Salamu Alaikum." [Brother RO, Staten Island, NY, USA, 03 Feb 2000]

" Salaams to the brave fighters and defenders of Islaam. I write to you from Guyana, South America, so far away from the battlefield but so close in my heart. The Muslim community here makes du'a for the Mujahideen numerous times per day. I check this website at least once per day and spread the news to everyone around. What we have seen in Chechnya is heartbreaking for me, and I look everynight to the news for news of the struggle. Be steadfast brothers and Insha-Allah, you will be victorious. May Allah easy you of your pain and sufferring, accept your Jihad and grant you success over the kaffirs. " [Brother AJY, Georgetown, Guyana, South America, 04 Feb 2000]

" Assalamalaikum Warriors of Islam. It is such an overwhelming experience to read the love, affection and support from the muslims around the world. This transcends barriers of any kind and brings the muslims to unity. Forget any differences, they are nothing. We are one. I know, Inshallah, the Mujahideen shall have success both in this world and in the hereafter. Oh Mujahideen, you are the brave ones. You are there in the battlefield facing the enemy of Allah everyday. You are the ones surrounded by constant danger. You are the ones who have taken up arms to defend your muslim brother and sister. You are not worried about what happens to you, but what happens to a single muslim. You are going down the road taken by the successful. I ask Allah to give me courage to overcome my own weakness, to help remove the obstacles in my path and to join my dear brothers and fight by their sides in the battlefield. I pray to Allah SWT, to give me sincerety that I go for the sake of Allah alone. I pray to Allah, that when I die on the battlefield, I die for the sake of Allah alone. I pray this for myself, for the Mujahideen and for all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. I can't express my thanks and gratitude enough to Allah for making me a muslim and giving me the honor to call you my brothers. From your eternally grateful and admiring brother. " [Brother K, UK, 04 Feb 2000]

" My dear brothers, I want to tell you all, that almost all muslims here in Denmark are supporting you and that we feel ashame, that we arent in Chechan right now, fighting for the revival of the Islamic state, the khilafah. I hope, Insh Allah, that the Islamic state will have its beginning in Qoqaz, and that the muslims world wide, the sleeping giant, will wake up and realise that the only solution for all problems in this life and the herafter, is the re-establishment off the Khilafah. Finally, I hope that you will win this war, against the kuffar and that (insha-Allah) the people of Russia also will realise that the truth with this life is Islam. " [Brother SK, Denmark, 04 Feb 2000]

" I've been following the Jihad against the enemy, while the world can now see that the Mujahdeen are willing to die for their faith, its good to see how proficient they have become at making the Russians die for their lack of a faith. Your courage and faith are an inspiration to your brothers around the world, and renew in us the spirit of our brotherhood. Allahu Akbar!! May Allah guide your eye and steady your aim. We in the UK are with you in our hearts. " [Muslim, UK, 04 Feb 2000]

" From Argentina, I wish good luck to all Chechnya people, and I hope that all the people of the world help you." [Mr HPC, Argentina, 04 Feb 2000]

" I want to say first that I am a Christian and that I deplore what the Godless Communists are doing to the people of Chechnya. Do not be fooled by those who claim to be Christians, most of those in the United States who make this claim are liars and are deceived. The United States Government is the enemy of true Christians as it is of Islam and of the truth, it lies when it claims to be "Christian". It is corrupt and of the devil as is the government of Russia. I am also a former soldier, a paratrooper who once commanded brave men, and as such I must commend the muhajadeen for their courage, their tenacity, their bravery and for their skill. I am completely amazed that an outnumbered and outgunned force of men, without aircraft, armor or heavy artillery have ground one of the most powerful military forces in the world to dust. I know what it takes to stop a tank or an APC with only a shoulder fired weapon and the number of tanks I have seen knocked out by your heroic fighters is a tribute to their valor. When I look at the sad pictures of the dead women and children, I cannot help but think that the Russian soldiers are worse than dogs. What kind of man makes war on women and children? Anyone who supports this brutal and inhuman war against the people of Chechnya and Grozny and claims to be a Christian is a liar and the truth is not in him. Most sincerely, a true Christian. " [Mr AL, USA, 04 Feb 2000] " A note to the editor: I have seen many in the world believe that the press of our nation somehow represent the remainder of us. The fact is that the majority of them are wicked and evil liars. The majority of them are homosexual or support this wickedness, they support killing the unborn children, the women dress like whores, the men are fornicators and drunkards. Somehow though, they are considered representative of a "Christian" nation. I have also seen many in the world believe that our government, because it was elected by a "majority" of the people. The actual number of people who vote in an election is less than 20% on average because the remainder believe the system is corrupt and crooked. We are never given good or godly men to choose from, we must always choose from the lesser of two evils. That is why our government is the great Satan (yes, I agree and I am a Christian), but our country is not. There are many good people in this country who are doing all they can to fight against it's evil, but we have seen at Waco and at Oklahoma City how the government lies and distorts and blames it's enemies (Christians and Muslims) for the evil which it performs. " [Mr AL, USA, 04 Feb 2000]


" I love you in Allah. I love you in Allah. I love you in Allah. My tears roll as i write to you to tell you of my love for you and for my fear of Allah for not standing with you and dying with you and suffering with you. Plase pass my salams to all the brothers, and kiss brother Shamil for me and tell him I love him in Allah and inshaAllah his wound will only increase his iman and hence the fight in him. And finally I conclude with my resolution to strive to become a better muslim. May allah help me acheive that. Salam aleikum Wa-rahmatul-lah wa-barakatuh." [Brother MA, USA, 02 Feb 2000]

" Oh, my dear brothers and sisters in Sheshaan, you do not know how much I yearn and pray Allah azza-wajaal bestows me with the gift and honor to fight as you in his cause against these kaafir pigs! You surely are the lucky ones! With the help of Allah azza- wajaal alone can you defeat these munaafiq, alcohol chugging, child killing, women rapping, dirt sucking murderers and insh�Allah the truth and glory of Allah azza-wajaal will be apparent. `O you who believe! Do not take as bosom friends those besides you (the Muslims). They (the Kufaar) will not spare in harming you. They love that which distresses mouths (but) what their hearts conceal is even greater...`- Holy Quran. Ya Allah! Keep us steadfast and strong in our deen. Ya Allah! Protect us from the evils of Satan, for you are the most powerful of protectors. Ya Allah! Let us live as Muslims and die as Mu�mins. Ya Allah! Give victory to all those struggling for your sake. Ya Allah! Bestow us with the gift of martyrdom. Forgive us of all our wrongdoings and guide us to the straight path. You are our Master, Creator, and Protector and only you can assist us against the kaafir nations, Ya Allah! Keep up the good work. Fi amanillah. P.S. You guys are kicking butt with the awesome multi-lingual web sites. Jazaakum Allahu Khairan Katheer." [Sister Z, Texas, USA, 05 Feb 2000]

Added 06 Feb 2000

" All the people of New Zealand (Aotearoa) are watching and praying for your victory. Your heroism and self sacrifice overshadows all history, ancient and modern. You are the Angels of the universe whom the Lord has sent to defend and protect HIS people. Even as Christians we crowd into our churches and sing and pray for your victory. You are never alone. Your sacred names are spoken in reverence and in hope and in faith and our homes are always open to welcome you and to love you. You have immortalized Chechnya which is now a place of pilgrimage to all freedom loving people of the earth. Please send us a picture of our HEROES, we are a small school outside of Auckland New Zealand and have started a campaign of awareness for the Chechnya struggle of liberation. We have not been able to get photos of Shamil Basayev and Ibn-ul-Khattab. even though we have prepared a place for them in our assembly hall. We have distributed your news to all our schools through the network and for those who have no access, we have printed and distributed your news and information as it came. May the GOD of OUR UNIVERSE protect you always." [Mr/Ms GSM, New Zealand, 02 Feb 2000]

" Assalaamualaikuum .. o'mujahideen I shall be delighted to introduce my country, Indonesia, one of largest muslim countries in this world. Almost 3 times a day i visit your web site to follow the progress of your greatest battle against those Russian kufr. And every time i visit, i feel tears fall down on my cheeks, imagining how hard you've been through to stand up with your very right faith to ALLAH, admiring the soldiers of ALLAH fighting against His enemy and hoping that i can also through the experience of fighting to please ALLAH. During my five obligation of praying, i don't want to forget of supplicating you o'mujahideen to always win the fight. You are holding the correct deeds and faith. You all deserve that PARADISE. May ALLAH always hear our du'a for the victory of ISLAM, forever in this whole world. " [Brother A, Indonesia, 02 Feb 2000] " I FEEL VERY PROUD AND REALLY DIGNIFIED BY OUR BROTHERS IN CHECHNYA , THE WAY IN WHICH YOU ALL DEMONSTRATED THE JIHAD SPIRIT AND UNIFIED THE FEELINGS OF ALL THE MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD AS ONE FAMILY. INSHA ALLAH THE VICTORY IS FOR ISLAM AND THE SPIRIT OF JIHAD REKINDLED BY YOU BRAVE BROTHERS AND SISTERS WILL GIVE THIS SLEEPING UMMAH TO RAISE TO THEIR TASK. MAY ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY ACCEPT YOUR GREAT SACRIFICES AND REWARD HERE AND HEREAFTER WITH THE BEST REWARD - AMEEN. WE ALWAYS REMEMBER IN OUR DUA AND ASSURE YOU THAT OUR HEARTS ARE WITH YOU AND READY TO DO THE BEST WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM US." [Brother ZAB, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, 02 Feb 2000]

" We have witnessed, through you, the rebirth of a spirit the west thought was gone, an undefeatable faith in Allah swt which has has spelled disaster and disgrace for one of the mightiest powers of modern times. You have brought into life, and into the soul of the ummah the truth that a heart entrenched in faith in Allah cannot be defeated. You have proven beyond any doubt that the true spirit of Jihad is alive and well and soaring high. The Islamic Ummah is forever indebted to you, for showing the path of dignity in times of defeat, the road to glory in times of weakness. You have reignited a spark that will shine in the Ummah for ever insha'llah, and set examples of heroism for the cause of Allah that will be a school for the generations of mujahideen to come. Stay true for that is all that matters, and victory is up to Allah. " [Brother AH, Canada, 02 Feb 2000]

" God bless you! I am a Romanian guy living in the USA and my soul is with your brave nation who has to endure so much from the evil Russian Empire. I admire your bravery and courage. I wish you good luck and God help you in your fight for a just cause! " [Mr PB, USA, 02 Feb 2000]

" I am an Egyptian and announce that the majority of Egyptian people are supporting the Mujahideen in our Holy war against kufur. You, our beloved brothers, have become a good example of struggling in the cause of Allah. You become a spark light guiding Muslim Ummah in the darkness of ignorance in this time. Be sure that Allah will grant you the victory. Your striving imprint on our hearts one fact that real Imaan is still exist in this Ummah. Our Duaa is always for you. InsaAllah, the dawn of reality is coming. " [Brother Dr. FMA, Egypt, 02 Feb 2000]

" My dearest respected brothers, soldiers of Allah The Supreme Commander of the Universe, Asslamu-alaikum. I do not know what to write, but I thing I can tell that your courage and love of Allah awaken the general muslim all around the world and also non- muslim will be encourage to embrace Islam the most divine way of life. We never bow to anybody but to Allah. I pray to Al-Mighty Allah that we will win the war against injustice. Allah Hafiz. " [Brother MTR, Bangladesh, 02 Feb 2000] " To all my Muslim Brothers that are fighting for cause of Islam may Allah's blessings be upon you, and may he help you in your efforts to save another one of our muslim countries, Allah see's what is being done and I believe with all my heart that it will all come back one day, Inshallah. The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: " A single endeavour (of fighting) in Allah's cause in the forenoon or in the afternoon is better than the world and whatever is in it" narated by Bukhari. MAY ALLAH GIVE VICTORY TO THE MUSLIMS! (Ameen) " [Sister NA,Victoria, Australia, 02 Feb 2000]

" To all Brothers and Sisters in Humanity and specially to azzam publication. I am very happy to see this work you are doing for the sake of saving innocent people just killed and separated from their families because of their faith.We are here beside them standing and giving them a full support for defending their faith and land, we will pray everytime for them to get rid of this invaders who destroy everything and dont differentiate between civilian and non-civilians, between old and young, between woman and man, between buildings and animals. Actually they are animals themselves but worse than animals.May the Allmaighty God save the people and Land of Chechnya from the infidels. Peace, peace, peace for Chechnya. Save them O GOD. " [Brother MS, 02 Feb 2000]

" Dear brothers, We did not forget you ever, as you live inside our hearts and as you live with ALLAH's care... I hope to meet you soon in the land of Jihad, to go together all of us to meet ALLAH from the holy land of Jihad, SHUHADAA (martyrs) inshaaALLAH... If we cannot help you today, or cannot join you; we are sure that ALLAH will call us to join you one day, fighting for Islam, and in to way to ALLAH... We will meet inshaaALLAH in the high FIRDOUS.. We will meet inshaaALLAH in paradises of ADEN.. We will meet inshaaALLAH.. We will meet inshaaALLAH.. " [Brother YAF, 02 Feb 2000]

Added 05 Feb 2000

" Dear Defenders of Chechnya, You are Heroes and brave people the Europe did not know since the time of Thirteen Spartans. Despite all the blaming and pro-Russian propaganda you are fighting for, your freedom and for your religious and human values. May the Most High help you in your struggle. I have been following your fight since 1995 and I was very much disappointed by the way the Western mainstream media has been presenting you. I know Russia and I know Russians. For me there are no doubts the Truth is on your side. Beat Russian military and the Moscow-Kremlin stealing & killing authorities everywhere you can and many will praise you. May the All Mighty you believe be on your side. No words can describe my sympathy to you and my bitterness when I hear about your losses. Keep high spirits, brave defenders of Chechnya, despite your pain and suffering, despite Russian cruelty and the injustice of Western politicians. All honest people are on your side. I will be trying to help you, and I believe others will also try to find their ways to help you. You are not alone. I hope and pray that your losses after withdrawing from Grozny are not too high, although the news I read make my soul crying to the Heavens asking to punish and destroy the Evil Empire: the country of KGB, lies, state tyranny, vodka, and spiritual and moral degeneracy. I dream about seeing your country free and prosperous. Win your country for you and many will come to help you to rebuilt it. God bless Chechens and those helping them. " [Mr KI, Poland, 03 Feb 2000]

" To my beloved Mujahidden brothers. May Allah guide you and let your nerves, hopes and resolve stay strong. For those of us not with you, we will at least make dua, raise funds and raise consciousness amongst our brothers and sisters all over the world until the kuffar (disbelievers) are vanquished. InshaAllah. I pray the day will come when I enjoin with you in jihad. " [Brother A, Zimbabwe, 03 Feb 2000]

" We the Muslims from a small Jamaat in the countryside of Trinidad (a small Caribbean Island) have been following the activities of the Mujahideen for almost two years on the internet since they had established Shariah (Islamic Law) in the two villages in Dagestan to the Present time. We love you all for the sake of Allah. We love your fighting spirit and resolve. We admire your determination, courage and steadfastness. We have been praying for victory and martyrdom for the Mujahideen constantly! We make dua for you all constantly in our five time daily prayer in Jamaat! You all are a Source of motivation for our Youth. Your women are a source of motivation for our sisters. Allah has raised the Mujahideen to raise his Word high(Quran). Your Jihad is our jihad. We wish we could be with you on the battlefield! We are people of Salah and Bayah (oath of allegiance). How can jihad be fought without the two? There must be a people to fight jihad even before the coming of the Mahdi. He- the Mahdi, will be with the people who fight jihad. May the Mujahideen be in the army of the Mahdi who will march with the Black Flag from the corner of Khorosan to Palestine (Ameen). May Allah give you all the courage and Strength to Establish the Khilafa State along with our brothers in Afghanistan and all the Mujahideen wherever they may be in the world.(Ameen) " [Brothers in Trinidad, 03 Feb 2000]

" Assalaam Walykum Dear Mujaheedin in Islam, and our Chechen Brother and sister, This is a unfair war. Everyone in the world know that. But western are playing like blind. And they gave the green signal for the killing of Chechen innocent people. But Allah is great great and greatest. May Allah SWT will with you. Insaallah. Go ahead. Jihad is our first choice. Wish of Allah aggressor Russia will defeat soon Insaallah. May Allah help our Mujaheedin. Ameen. " [Brother YA, Zurich-Switzerland, 03 Feb 2000]

" It is so sad how the world has not reacted more strongly against the Russian massacre. It is a shame that world leaders can not be more supportive to the cause and suffering of the people of Chechnya. I expected at least economic sanctions. It seems that they prefer the masacre to continue instead of defend what is right: the muslims right to live in their homes, no matter if that is against Russia's interest. It seems that the main "sin" of Chechens is to live in a place full of oil, and withing the range of Russia's interest. I was not aware of what happened under Stalin's regime until I started to read about it. It is a tragedy that cruelty against Chechens has not fade since those days. Nevertheless, it is proven that those who fail to remember, will suffer again from their forgotten mistakes in the past, hopefully as in the previous 1994-1996 war. The mujahideen have proven many times how wonderful knights they are against a numerically superior and far better equiped army. In the long-term, reason should prevail, and might stop the killings. I'm telling anyone that I know of that tragedy that is happening in your country, giving your links (I noticed that you also have a Spanish link). I just wanted to let you know that many people are supportive of your cause, and that stupidity and cruelty can not last forever. " [Mr FSS, Mexico City, Mexico, 03 Feb 2000]

" I am thrilled to learn that your murderous crimimal terrorist bandits are being mauled by Russian forces at this very moment. That you are the most savage terrorists in the world today , is underscored by the fear your own people have of you. As an American, I fully sympathize and support the Russian efforts to eliminate the scourge of terrorism and criminal activity carried out in the name of Islam. Your murderous criminal activities have certainly given Islam a very bad name and brought untold misery and suffering to thousands of your people in the interests of a few dedicated criminal bandits. Hopefully, Chechnya will soon be cleansed of this poison so that peaceful normal life can resume. " [Mr/Ms [email protected], USA, 03 Feb 2000]

" In our very small community, the sisters are very active in fundraising for our brothers in the battlefield. One of the very active sisters happens to be a Russian, formerly a Jew, who ran away from Azerbaijan to get away from Muslims and Islam. Allah brought her to a Muslim husband. She converted a few years ago, and last week she gave all the jewellery she had even from her grand mother to raise funds for our brothers. She wishes that all the Russians, who blindly reject Islam and Muslims, open their hearts and eyes and see that there is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is His prophet. The victory belongs to Islam, and The Muslims around the world are waking up to support one another. No man made force will stop us. HEAR YE THE ENEMIS OF ISLAM, JOIN THE RELIGION OF TRUTH BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU!!! " [Sister RS, California, 03 Feb 2000]

" To the dear brothers of chechnya: You put us to shame. Be strong, all our duas are with you. Insha allah, you will be victorious. " [Sister JB, London, UK, 03 Feb 2000]

" I have been following passionately your news daily. Your steadfastness and faith have inspired me to understand the beauty of my religion further. Let it be known that our hearts and dua have always been with the mujahideen and the muslims. God has raised you to be the khalifah on earth. Not only the Muslims, but also the non-Muslims are beginning to understand Islam through your sincere devotion to your faith. You are not only fighting the injustices imposed against you but also in the process opening the beauty of Islam to millions of people across the world whether Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Insya,Allah , He will grant you victory that you deserved. Remember that your victory is the victory of the the whole Muslim world. May Allah always be with you. " [Brother AK, Singapore, 03 Feb 2000]

" Dear Sisters & Brothers We are very sorry to know about events in your country in last a few days. We pray for you! May Allah save all of you. Islam and Muslims has to stay and live in Chechnya. You are originals citizens on that area. Please, never give up! We wish to help you, but as you know we also, live in bad conditions of life after bad war. We have the same enemies. Please, be brave and wise. If you think we can help you, please let know us! We'll try to help you. We are trying to invite all Muslims around the world to be united with title: MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD LET'S UNITE AND HELP EACH OTHER! It is our duty to help each other. So, you have to know Bosnian people understand your suffering. We think about you and you are in all our prayers! Be brave and endure this even we know how bad it is. Allah will help you!!! " [A Group of Citizens from Sarajevo - Bosnia, 03 Feb 2000]


" Mujahideen I am soo proud of you people as you are defeating Russians with the help of Allah (Almighty) and I pray for your success in all my prayers by heart. You are the lions to me, you are the people who are the true muslims and the lions of Allah. I am so happy to see you winning day by day, my prayers are with you and I ask Allah (Almighty) to make you win in every battle field and I espacially pay tribute to the commanders KHATTAB AND SHAMIL for their bravery and all the mujahideens and the shaheeds who fought bravely. You people have made us motivated to carry out jihad, inshallah after a year or two you will find me doing jihad in some other place or with you. Few days ago i saw interviews of commanders khattab and shamil and there was so much noor (light) on their face, this is from Allah because they have sacrificed their lives for Allah. ALLAH-U-AKBAR they are fighting for Allah and Islam, may Allah help and succeed them. " [Brother FH, Pakistan, 03 Feb 2000]

" This is a great gift from Allah for brothers and sisters who are fighting kofar in way of Allah for religion, freedom, and to bring peace. I remember when the kafer soviet army invaded my country Afghanistan, they were trying to change way of our life "Islam", and to replace it with their own way of life "Marxism", and to make us their slaves. Brothers and sisters from different countries helped us physically and financially and we got our freedom. Now these kafer Russians are trying to invade our lands, if we don't stop them today in Chechnya, tomorrow they'll be where that we never think the Russians be there. Allah is with us, we should never give up hopes. This is the time for all of us to wake up and do best we can to help our selves physically, financially, if we are not able to do so at least we can pray for blessings, and victory of Allah be upon Muslimeen, for all brothers and sisters around the world especially in Chechnya. Chechnya is Muslim's land, and it should be ruled by Muslims. Congratulations to the brothers and sisters in Chechnya who received the gift of Shohada in the way of Allah. To Allah we belong and to him we return. Insha Allah victory is with us. " [Brother WR, California, USA, 03 Feb 2000]

"I would like to thank Allah first for his blessing that showered our brothers and sisters in Chechnya. Allah clearly explained in the holy Quran that mu'mins (believers) are always the winners and they have the upper hand. All Moslem around the world are so proud by the courage and deep understanding of the true Islamic knowledge and conviction that you showed in this war. You are the living Qura'n in our time to show the kuffar that what happen in the time of prophet Mohammed(saw) in the battle Badr. We are always with you with our du'a. May Allah ease the difficulty your are facing in the land of jihad. May Allah accept the martyrs as shuhada and give them the janat al ferdous. Ameen Nassrakum Allah, Hafzekum Allah, Ayedekum Allah, Rahimukum Allah From the land of Jihad Eritrea. All Moslems in Eritrea are feeling your pain and remembering you in their dua." [Brother AA, Eritrea, 03 Feb 2000]

Added 04 Feb 2000

" Please remember you are not alone in your fight. We the people of the tiny small island of Mauritius situated near Madagascar in the indian ocean are behind you. Most of us muslims and non-muslims are remembering you in our prayers. Please do not despair even for one second, convey my salaam to the mujahideen if i cannot meet them in chechnya inshaAllah we will meet in paradise. Many people are not sleeping easily because of your plight. The russians are the enemies of the whole world. Invite the russian to the justice of islam. Do not worry a bit about the leaders of Arab countries. They are usurpers of power. You are not just fighting for Chechnya,. you are fighting for your Creator and that he should be recognised by all creatures deriving benefits from his bounties. Salaams from all of us in Mauritius. " [Brother M, Mauritius, 03 Feb 2000]

" Dears Brothers; forces of Islam in Chechnya, I feel shameful from you, I eat while you are starving, I sleep while are defending our religion, I feel warm while you are consistantly shivering, I have dollars in the bank while you have none. But let me tell you one thing you are much happier and peaceful with yourself than me. Everything hurt you hurt me. I love you more than I love my family and myself. You are the hope for Islam and humankind. " [Brother MA, 02 Feb 2000]

" Dear Mujahideens in Chechnya...May all the bless and peace of Allah are always with you....tears running on my face everytime I read your sacrifices and hardship in the cause of Allah....I feel so guilt for not be able to fight along with you but you are always in my du'a ....May Allah give an opportunity for me to fight along with my brothers in Chechnya...Please do remember that million of Muslims in Malaysia are always remembering and supporting your jihad in their du'a....May Allah Most High bestow victory upon Mujahideens and place all the martyrs into the highest paradise...Ameen." [Brother A, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 03 Feb 2000]

" Insha Allah, Insha Allah and Insha Allah that every Muslim knows that one day every country and its people would be like Chechnya and like the Chechens and be ready to fight against those enemies of Allah. For once let us wake up and say enough is enough and let us be the best of people. Let us speak up for the unjust of this inhumane action of Russian gov't and let us start from unfortunate governments of the Muslim World or otherwise. Condemn all the companies, that support Russia, doing business in the Muslim world, be it American company or not. Indeed supplication or Duu'a is needed and the Mujahdeen will be victorious Insha Allah. BR Khettab, BR Basayev and the rest of mujahdeen are fighting so courageously and let us fight the war Economically wherever we are and support the brave mujahdeen. If we have to eat only dates or even fast let us do so. 1 billion Muslims should start taking action against any action that benefits Russia. Make an impact to let the kuffars know that without moving or even opening our mouths we can make this world shake, but if we start moving there is no way to stop us. So Putin Putin Putin and the rest Munafiquin like him who are watching silently think and think very carefully guys. " [Brother SB, Alberta, Canada, 02 Feb 2000]

" Words can not explain our feelings about your examplary behavior. For all of the Muslims around the world, you are a constant reminder about our potential, that is if we do come together and believe in our task. You are a symbol of what we can do with Allah(swt)'s help in pursuit of the goals set forth by Allah Almighty for the mankind. My wife and I like 1 billion Muslims around the world are proud of you. We are also expecting a Mumin soon insha' Allah. If I have a son, I would like to name him after the Mujahedeen so that he can have your level of Iman, determination and bravery. I feel like a coward doing nothing here and just reading the news. I am ashamed of my poor behavior in comparison to your honorable example. You are in our prayers that we say at the silent of the night with tears in our eyes. May Allah (SWT) lead you to victory and give your courage to rest of the Ummah. Please also make dua for the rest of Muslims so that Allah(SWT) gives us more kamilat (completion) in our iman. I think we need your dua a lot more than you need ours, as you are the ones that Allah(SWT) blessed with the strongest of Imans (faith) and also you are setting the example of a true Mujaheed. In deepest respect and admiration. " [Brother MC, Memphis,TN, USA, 02 Feb 2000]

" Your jehad against these Russian barbarians have awakened the sleeping muslims. This Jehad would only stop after these barbarians have been driven back or every muslim in this world is annihilated. We are all saving money to send to you all and millions of muslims around the world are ready to join the ranks of martyrs, including us. In our heart and soul me and my family have become Chechens. Insha-Allah the world will see an end to Russia like the Soviet Union ended in Afghanistan. Zindabad Islam! Zindabad Chechnya! " [Brother K, 03 Feb 2000]

" I Thank Allah SubHana Wa Ta'ala for showing me the truth, and making my heart feel closer to my brothers who are fighting...I cannot express the joy I felt the first day that I woke up and thought about the plight of this ummah rather than not thinking about them at all. May Allah reward U all with Jannath Al Firdous for your efforts to bring the Ummah together in our time of hardship. My Mujahideen brothers who are fighting, may Allah Grant them and all our brothers and sisters sufferring with the very best in dunya and Akirah...Ameen U are always in our du'as. Please make du'a for me that Allah SubHana Wa ta'ala softens my heart towards the truth." [Sister FK, London, UK, 03 Feb 2000]

" This is from The Christian Science Monitor. The Chechens are leaving Grozny because it has served its purpose for them as a useful battlefield for inflicting casualties on the Russians. Now they will head for the mountains to regroup and plan a new offensive. The West has accused Russia of using excessive force and called for a negotiated end to the conflict. Now I know the UN or the USA are doing next to nothing to help you but I know a lot of people support you and it is just a matter of time tell they help you. Again sorry for the lack of help from our goverment, but there are many good things being said about your fight for freedom SO keep your faith high and your head low because ALLAH does not want to see you till your jihad is done. FIGHT HARD AND LIVE FREE. " [Mr ND, 02 Feb 2000]


" I am a non muslim person but I still support from the other side of the world . And I hope you brake some russians necks until they surrender and admit their defeat for it was them who attacked you and no ones attack chechnya with out receiving a punishment. Keep the fight up and insha allah you will defeat the russians because victory is on the fair people`s side. Basayev you are one of my heroes along with Rommel any help I can give you I would be honoured to help you. Try hit and run attacks and as for helicopters allow them to get very low and then fire them in an ambush sort of formation. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD FIGHT " [Mr AG, Bogota, Colombia, 01 Feb 2000]

Added 02 Feb 2000

"How does one begin to thank the Mujahedeen for keeping the Flag of Islam high above the heads of the kuffar in a time where many Muslims are embarassed of islam!!! You are the elite of the Muslim Ummah in this World and the Hereafter because of your sacrifices. This religion was built on sacrifices and without them it dies. That is why Allah has made for you a special Paradise that even Jibrael (AS) couldn't enter and Allah said I have made it for them myself and it is only for their eyes - or words to that effect. May Allah give you the patience, strength and nusrah (divine help) as he gave the sahaba in Badr when they were also fighting the kuffar. You are never far from our thoughts and always in our dua. May you either see the victory of Islam over the kuffar or the fruits and pleasures of Paradise." [Sister, Australia, 02 Feb 2000]

"It is unfortunate and tragic what is happening to Grozny and Chechnya. After Afghanistan the Russians should have known better. I am a Major in the US Marine Corps and have followed events in your country with great interest. Russian Generals said they would take Grozny in 10 days and the country in a couple of months; now they say a year. It is terrible what suffering has been inflicted on both the innocent Chechens, the Chechen fighers and the young Russian conscripts who for misguided political reasons are put in a fight they are unprepared for and have no hope of final victory, similar to the US in Vietnam. For the sake of all my hope is that the Russians realize that unless they kill every Chechen and every Mujahadeen from around the world they will only lose more men and more resources they cannot afford and stop this insane war." [Major K.D.K, North Carolina, USA, 01 Feb 2000]

"May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala shower you with His mercy, His protection, and His victory. May He reward you for your strivings in His cause with Jannat al-Ala. May He give you strength and courage and patience to continue in the face of such severe difficulty. He has chosen you from among the peoples of the earth as an example of Iman and Sabr and Shukr and courage. He has raised through you the dignity and pride of this defeated Ummah. He has made you examples of dignity for all of us. Your last report on the reasons for your withdrawal from Grozny made me cry - your concern for human life over your own goals and pride is an amazing testimony to your understanding of Islam and your strong faith. May Allah bring you the best victory in this life and the best reward in the Next." [Sister AJ, Berkeley, California, U.S.A, 01 Feb 2000]

"I am a Turk from Australia writing to gladly announce that the spirit of Shaykh Shamil is alive and well in Chechnya. Despite support from the Turkish gov't and the Kemalist hypocrites to the Russian onslaught, the majority of Turkish people are with the Mujahadeen in their successful quest to once again annihilate the Russian cowards. For every Mujahadeen martyred, there are another hundred willing to take his place so here is a bit of advice for u Putin and co., keep those supply of body bags coming, the Russian Army is going to need it. Our dua's are with the Mujahadeen in Chechnya and also with Muslims around the world fighting against injustices, especially in my country of Turkey." [Brother MT, Australia, 02 Feb 2000]

"You are an inspiration to Muslims (and non-Muslims, apparently) around the world. My young sons see me watching the news and say that when they grow up, they will fight the Russians and bad people and help the Muslims. Sadly, they are used to seeing the same pictures of women and children being forced out of their homes, living in tents, etc. - recently in Kosovo, and now again in Chechnya. Whenever they see them, they ask, "Are those the Muslims? Why did the bad people take their homes?..." Anyway, keep fighting for the sake of Allah and you will be in our prayers, insha'allah." [Umm Abdullah, Kuwait, 01 Feb 2000]

"I've read about your plight and like many others in Singapore, are touched by your spirit of Jihad. You remind me of the mujahids of the Battle of Badr. It hurts me to see you fighting like this while we here are living a life of luxury but are sadly unable to participate in Jihad for Allah's pleasure. May Allah Ta'ala grant you success in this world and in the hereafter and may Allah Ta'ala open the doors of Jihad for people like me to partake in this honour. Let the world hear our cry: "Allahu Akbar!!" We love you, knights of Islam.... " [Brother HM, Singapore, 02 Feb 2000]

"May ALLAHS Peace be on you, O Brave Warriors Of ISLAM. You have rekindled the flame of Jihad in our Hearts - Forward to Victory our precious Muhjahideen." [Brother R, Johannesburg, South Africa, 01 Feb 2000]

"I just wanted the Muslim brothers in Chechnya to know that they have my support in their cause. I am a female, masha'allah, and if I could do Jihad I would join them! My heart and my prayers are with each and every one of the Mujahideen and Chechnyan civilians and wheresoever they are hurting I AM HURTING!" [Sister Tara, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 01 Feb 2000]

"I would like to tell you that like me their are thousands of Muslims who due to the lack of courage are not able to join you there but we want you to know that we are with you everyday with our Du'as. Please you also don't forget us in your Du'a and ask Allah SWT to give us courage to come and join you on the battlefield. Insha Allah SWT victory will be on the side of the Muslims becuse the promise of Allah SWT remain true." [Brother JM, Port Louis, Mauritius, 01 Feb 2000]

"We consider you currently to be the most fortunate people amongst the Muslims who have the noble opportunity of fighting for Jihaad, so make sure the cause for Jihaad is to uphold the word of Almighty Allaah." [Brother AA, USA, 01 Feb 2000]

Added 01 Feb 2000

"Allah (SWT), the Master of the Day of Judgment has chosen the Mujahideen as an example for the WHOLE WORLD to see , kafirs and Muslims alike of His Power and Greatness.Iman is enough is conquer anything. This is exactly what our Mujahideen brothers are showing, proving and telling us that prayers and dua is bigger than any weapon mankind has ever and will invent. My father and mother are with you on the frontline everyday, my whole family is you and all the Muslims from the Island of FIJI in the South Pacific are with you. May Allah (swt) bless you all and may he give you the strength and the courage so that you may bring these Russian pigs to their knees and bring them shame. ALLAH HU AKBAR!" [Brother SK, Sink Labasa, Fiji, 01 Feb 2000]

"I am writing you from Colombia in South America with a heartfelt salute to the Mujahedin as well as the administrators of your web site and all those who assist in one way or another in the struggle for justice and truth in the fight against Russian arch imperialists Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Ras-putin and the rest of the vodka-addled successors to Czarist-Stalinist genocidal policies. While the photos and news accounts bring tears to my eyes when I see the pain, suffering and injustice, the look of faith and determination apparent on the faces of Islam's warriors and martyrs causes my heart to soar with the realization that there is still purity, commitment and sacrifice in a world so corrupted by materialism and lack of basic values. I have been showing your new Spanish language web site to many different people that I know to help counter the mainstream media message that the Struggle in Chechnya is just another "internal matter" for the Russians." [Mr GMW, Cartagena, Colombia, 31 Jan 2000]

"Putin !!! Putin !!! Putin !!! You promised to finish wiping out the rebels by November but it never happened... You promised to seize Grozny by New Year and it never happened either, then you begged for 2 more weeks... Now you say another fortnight.. Putin !!! When will you learn to keep your promise? Putin !!! Learn how to keep promises from Khattab and Basayev... They promised to defend Grozny and Chechnya and they are true to their word (by Allah's Will)..." [Brother NK, India, 31 Jan 2000]


When the wealth and lusts of this world are no allurement From the renouncement of it all for God's pleasure and contentment

When the comfort of soft beds and cosy homes is no deterrent From striving in the chilly snow and terror of bombings imminent

When the opinion of world leaders just does not matter at all And the satisfaction of the Lord of the Universe is the only goal

When they are determined to sacrifice everything for the Lord of Truth, Because they know that His kingdom is infinitely vast, eternal and plain truth

O Russian soldiers, to save your world and lives you fight, or just try How can you defeat the soldiers of God, who came here to die?

For the Fragrance of Paradise on the battlefield they can smell And therein they feel close to God and His justice, far from Hell

Indeed, THIS IS CALLED FAITH, which explains of ours this state And what about finding other definitions for the false faiths that others revindicate? Those faiths that can niche indifference and lethargy; Those faiths that have place for exploitation, injustice, lies, and hypocrisy;

Distinguish between race, colour and status those faiths still can; Those faiths that produce cowards rather than brave men.....

Dedicated to the heroes who defend Chechnya," [Brother Nadeem, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"It is not possible to pass a day without thinking about the situation in Chechnya, making supplication to ALLAH to give the Mujahideen victory over the enemy of all Muslims. It is very discouraging to see the Arab media so low. May ALLAH demolish all of the rulers in the Arab world and unite our word. I am not able to access the website that is in Arabic. The word is spreading like wildfire about your site in this community and In Shaa ALLAH all over the world. The Mujahideen will be victorious In Shaa ALLAH!!!!" [Brother MS, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"I'm not a Muslim; but I'm sure that the imperialist Russia, now fully controlled by his Mafia, will be broken by the courageous chechen figthers. The Russians have bombs, planes and bullets, while the Mujahideens have their God beside them, thence, they are already victorious." [Mr VC, Canada, 31 Jan 2000]

"There are no word to describe our feelings and admiration to you the Mujahedeen. The only thing I could say is that we are grateful to Allah and to you for bringing honor and dignity to us Muslims. May Allah bring you the final Victory. [Brother SM, California, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"Although I am not a Muslim (nor am I a Christian, I do not have any religious affiliation), I fully support Chechen independence. After reading your website, I still support your cause, but I believe that you would be able to gain wider support by not emphasizing so much the Muslim vs. Christian aspect. I am from the United States, and there are plenty of people here who are not Muslims who believe that what Russia is doing is wrong. However, by making the issue into Muslims vs. Christians (or Jews, etc.), and demeaning all non-Muslim religions, I believe you may offend some of those who would otherwise support you. That being said, I can also understand your position, seeing the way many Christians behave toward Muslims. Although I have no religious affiliation and nor do I have strong religious beliefs, I admire the Muslim way of life and would like to see more Americans behave in the Muslim way of no alcohol, drugs, etc. This would probably make the U.S. a much better! place to live. Without considering the religious issue, it seems to me that anyone would be able to see that Russia is wrong. Their soldiers loot, kill civilians, and rape women. This should not be allowed to go on, and I sincerely hope that the U.S. government will take more decisive action to stop the atrocities being committed by Russia in Chechnya, and that Chechnya gains true independence." [Michael Boston, Massachusettes, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"My name is *******, I'm an Indonesian Muslim. Every day, the first news I read when I get my newspaper is the news about my brothers Mujahideen in Chechnya and Molucca(Ambon), a part of my country where muslims are also being driven out and massacred by many Christian extremists. I envy you, all Mujahideen, for Allah has granted you the shortest way to paradise (syahadah). May Allah help & strengthen all the mujahideen in Chechnya, Ambon, Mindanao, Pattani, Xinjiang and all over the world." [Brother DF, Indonesia, 31 Jan 2000]

"I'm a Muslim sister from Morocco, and I want to encourage all the Mujahideen in Chechnya. Even if we are not fighting with you, our hearts are with you." [Sister, Morocco, 31 Jan 2000]

"Your daring brave Jihad against Russian aggressors has brought a live image of the companions of our Prophet Mohammed (SAWS)...O Swords of Allah, your sacrifices have awaken Muslims all over the world and will remain a never failing inspiration to all oppressed people now and forever." [Dr AM, Cairo, Egypt, 31 Jan 2000]

"Although I am not a Muslim I respect your faith and wish you all success in your Jihad against the evil Russians. Last night I had a dream in which a hand reached through the clouds and tore the black, shrivelled heart out of the soil of "Mother Russia". I take this as a sign that you will be victorious in your struggle against the godless invader. I greatly wish to come to Chechnya to learn more about Islam and to fight Jihad against the Russians." [Mary C, USA, 31 Jan 2000]

"Peace be upon you bravest worriers of Allah SWT. We all have no doubt that Allah SWT will punish the Russians by the hands of Mujahideen even after a while. I am sorry for the deep sleep of the Arabs who should sell everything to go and fight with our brothers in Caucasus nevertheless, we promise the Mujahideen prayers in the freed Masjid Al- Aqsa in Jerusalem INSHALLAH." [Brother KT, Lebanon, 31 Jan 2000]

"My whole family feels ashamed that our country doesn't supply the fight of the Chechen people for their freedom against the unfaithful Russians (Allah knows what is waiting for them). You should know that in our country, most of us are supporting you and would even fight in Chechnya." [Brother BBA, Tunisia, 31 Jan 2000] Added 31 March 2000

"Allah has said it in the Quran and it is proven each day again. Kuffar is one unity! Unfortunately, Muslims seem not to be in unity. If there would be unity, Chechnya would not suffer such a big tragedy, the Chechen refugees would have been welcomed by "Islamic" countries, the (incredible) Mujahideen would have received more help, eventually even military help! But instead of these, Interpol is seeking Shamil Basayev and others, and now Khattab! And for what? For defending a innocent country against the evil, against the aggressor, against the imperialistic Russia. For defending his religion, for helping his brothers and sisters! Therefore he is blamed of terrorism! But like the USSR disappeared after fighting against the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, Russia will not be the same after fighting against the Mujahideen in Chechnya. Where is the USSR now? The Mujahideen are still there! In a few years we will ask: where is Russia? The Mujahideen are still there! The Kuffar shall be in unity against the Mujahideen, but they will achieve nothing Insha Allah. With the help and grace of Allah, Islam will wipe out all of them. And I want to say, that each man who has a little bit of honour and conscience in himself must admire and appreciate the efforts of the Mujahideen, each man must envy them for their courage, their efforts, their victories, their achievements, for all they have done till now! And I know, deep inside, everyone (Muslim or Non-Muslim) does! I also want to express my admiration to the demonstrators in Moscow, for their demonstration, for their banners and their statements. It took belief and courage to do this in Moscow!" [Brother MAY, Germany, 29 March 2000]

"I am not a Muslim but I can tell you you're right. The Russians should get out of Chechnya. One day Chechnya will be free!" [Mr PN, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 30 March 2000]

"He has commanded the believers to fight His enemies and exalt, elevate and establish His Word to restore peace and order on the Earth. Whenever the Muslims set out for Jihad with firmness of faith, singleness of purpose and righteousness of action, they were, with the Help of Allah, able to overwhelm and dominate the disbelievers. And whenever the Muslims abandoned the way of Jihad, they met with disgrace and were enslaved by the disbelievers. How ironical is the fact that the Muslims, to a great extent were forgetful of this lesson of history but the disbelievers capitalized on it. They hatched many conspiracies against the Muslims. A very significant one among them was that they tried to create doubts and misgivings in the hearts of the Muslims about Jihad. So powerful was their propaganda against Jihad that even today.. we cannot but feel its impact on the Muslim Ummah. Even more regrettable is the fact that even many Muslim scholars and intellectuals who should have put their energies in motivating and stimulating the Muslims to Jihad and who should have been instrumental in restoring the past glory of the Ummah, are, consciously or unconsciously, involved in weaving doubts around this very important duty of Islam i.e. Jihad." [Brother ASI, Malaysia, 29 March 2000] "I want to say that if there ever was a need for Jihad this would be the time. I support my brothers and sisters who have been suffering and fighting in the way of Allah. Win or lose this is an important fight for our Ummah. My prayers are many for the Mujahideen. I pray that Allah will bring you victory and will admit the martyrs into Paradise. I pray for support from the rest of the Ummah, especially those Muslim nations who are close to the conflict. May Allah grant you victory and plant fear and uncertainty into the hearts of the Russians." [Brother I, Vancouver Island, Canada, 29 March 2000]

"It seems to me that declaring Khattab an international terrorist was almost inevitable. The Russians have found that they are unable to do their own dirty work effectively because of a combination of incompetence, mistreatment of their own troops, and the bravery and ingenuity of the Chechen resistance. Since they can't get it done themselves, then maybe the international community whom they deceive on a daily basis will get it done for them. I'm sure this trend will continue as long as Chechnya continues to resist, because the Russians are becoming more and more desperate- even from the United States it's obvious. However, the constant lies are somewhat understandable, because if they honestly reported the military situation, there would be no support from ordinary Russians, who have been deceived the most of anyone. It is interesting to read some of the news reports from state-controlled Russian media- by their account, this war has been just a mopping- up action against a ragged band of international terrorists. What they can't explain is, if the military has all of the constant successes with few if any defeats, why haven't they won yet? One positive trend is that the Western media seems to be aligned more and more against the Russians, with a few notable exceptions such as CNN, which regularly posts stories from ITAR-TASS or other state-controlled media. I hope the resistance is able to continue as long as it takes." [Mr M, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 29 March 2000]

"Unfortunately we are not doing anything to help your Jihad, only we can pray for your success. I have to say sorry for the behavior and words of our government. As you very well know The public of Turkey does not share the opinions of government." [Brother EMO, Turkey, 29 March 2000]

"Brothers I would like to tell a story that happened during the last Jihad in Chechnya. My best friends brother, who is now a Shaheed, was a commander of Mujahideen of the presidential guard. They were defending Grozny, and in one of the rich Chechen houses, they came upon a large amount of (t was common to keep wealth in gold and diamonds). The Mujahideen told their commander that they should take this jewelry, because the city was to fall soon and Russians would get it for sure. Moreover, all weapons that Mujahideen fight with are bought with their own money, so it would be needed in the future. The commander said that if anyone wants to take this jewelry, they should first leave his unit. So the jewelry was left and probably got into Russian hands. My best friends brother fought the Russians for another year, and then became a Shaheed Insha Allah, but I think people should know what kind of people their Ummah has. I hope that his deed will not only be beneficial for him in front of Allah, but also will be an example to Muslims, because such people are leaving this Earth and Ummah needs someone to take their place." [Brother AO, USA, 29 March 2000]

"On behalf of the brothers and sisters in my locality I would like to say how pleased we are with the successes that Allah has bestowed upon the Mujahideen in Chechnya. The Jihad in Chechnya has served to unify the hearts of Muslims in my country through the mercy of Allah. We are very proud of the efforts of our brothers, and we thank you for maintaining the true spirit of Islam that the contemporary Ummah has long forgotten." [Brother ND, East , USA, 29 March 2000]

"O Mujahideen, you are teaching the whole world lessons in endless sacrificing, legendary bravery, strong determination and firm faith, while the Russian aggressors are showing the whole world how a human being could descend to animalism.

O Mujahideen, you are extraordinary, fearless fighters, while the aggressors are extraordinary cowards and bloody criminals.

O Mujahideen, you love and aim for martyrdom while the aggressors aim the cheap living.

O Mujahideen, your martyrs are in the paradise, while the aggressors� are in the hell.

O Mujahideen, you are fighting for the sake of ALLAH (SWT) and defending the Religion, the land and the honor, while the aggressors are fighting for the sake of the devil.

O Mujahideen, you want to fight to the end (Victory or martyrdom), while the aggressors are cowards and want to go home now.

O Mujahideen, you have brave leaders like the Islamic Lion (Shamil Basayev), the Arabian knight (Khattab) and ....., while the aggressors have a sadist butcher (Putin)." [Brother AET, Saudi Arabia, 28 March 2000]

"I really wish you all the best in doing this fantastic site, please keep it up, we need such information and gathering to grow. I wish to deliver a message to all Mujahideen in Chechnya: 'we are so proud of you and we pray to Allah to support you in your war against Islam enemies, I and so many like me from Egypt wish to join you & we are desperately dreaming for a chance." [Brother OG, Egypt, 29 March 2000]

"The time has come for anyone, any self respecting person, Muslim or Christian, who cherishes freedom and detests oppression and who had any doubts or diffidence about the threat which the Russians and their cronies in the West pose, to set them aside and look at the facts which are as stark and as brilliantly clear as the sun. Russia, NATO and the UN will do anything and every thing to ensure that Chechnya remains subjugated to Russian control. They will use the weapons of war and mass destruction, they will use the economic weapon in the form of sanctions, when faced with massacre, torture and wanton destruction of human life by their geopolitical friends they will look the other way if it suits them. And when the horrible results of their devious ways becomes painfully apparent and impossible to ignore, as in the case of the massacres in Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya, they try and turn the worlds attention away from the carnage they created by trying to make the world focus on insignificant issues such as the rights of homosexuals and the laughably obvious lies regarding the "annihilation" of women in Afghanistan, all the while never mentioning that all the rubbish they report has not one ounce of truth. This of course creates public distaste of Muslims and Islam and influences public opinion to keep the leaders or monsters in office, who remain then empowered to continue their oppression of not just Muslims, but any nation or people who seek to get away from the lies, the filth, the oppression and the murder and live in peace. Who else would love to see such carnage of humans, and by the use of weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of all life, horrible pollution, disease, misery and death - only the devil. So for all of those who think that the word of the Western media is God's word and the acts of the Western oppressors are the acts of wise, leaders who love justice, honour and peace..think again - we my friends are dealing with the devil and his minions. We Muslims do have a weapon - oil, but unfortunately that commodity is controlled by those who have sold their souls for a pittance and dance to the tune of their Western masters, the same oppressors, the same ones who are the minions of the blighted one- the devil. Wake up Muslims , wake up and live and die with honour not like pigs and sheep, then at least you will have some hope when you are brought before the real Master - God, the All-Mighty, the All-powerful, the All-Knowing, the Creator, the Compassionate, the Great, the Merciful and the Just - whom Putin now wants to challenge as is evident by his recent statements. " [Brother TN, NY, USA, 30 March 2000]

Added 28 March 2000

"My dearest brother Mujahideen and the brothers and sisters who aid in making this website what it is: may Allah bless you with the best of rewards. It makes me sick to here on the Arab news TV stations about the Pope every single minute day in day out. What must it take to make these Muslim leaders realise that they are not coming for our benefit. For god's sake these same Kuffar are planning and perpetrating the killing of our innocent brothers and sisters around the world and our own Muslim leaders are giving them red carpet treatment. Muslim world get real before the Trumpet is blown and it would be too late to ask for forgiveness. Wake up!!!!!" [Brother AF, London, UK, 26 March 2000] "I am a non-Muslim but after having seen how much suffering your brothers in Chechnya are going through, surely their faith in God is strong, and this faith gives me strength in my fight against the evils of the western world. I truly mean this when I say that the heroic struggle being undertaken by your brothers will not go unrewarded. Their actions give me a healthy respect for their beliefs and struggle and I will now always have a place in my heart for Chechnya and its people. I will tell my children of their struggle and what they have to endure as a test of faith -blessed be Allah-and will tell my children how ferocious and determined they-the fighters-are. Please tell your brothers in Chechnya that we in the West are not all being silent and that their actions will never be forgotten, in fact I envy their strength and faith in God. I have been reading the writings of Basayev and others and wish I could be there to help your brothers in person. When they are cold in the snow at night and hungry while waiting to surprise the enemy my thoughts are with them and as such I hope it makes the struggle a little more bearable. They will not be forgotten and will not go gently into the night." [Mr ZD, Australia, 26 March 2000]

"The Russians Generals did not learn from the previous lessons: the Afghani lesson and the first Chechnya war were not enough to teach them that they have no chance to defeat those Fearless Islamic fighters. And now they are happy for the arresting of Salman Raduyev. Did they forget that the independence hero Dzhokar Dudayev (may Allah (SWT) forgive and have mercy on him) has been killed during the last war? However his martyrdom did not effect the Chechen's brave resistance. Any way the Chechen Falcon Salman is arrested now (may Allah (SWT) help him) , he has chosen this path , he expected the martyrdom every moment , and he knows that the war against the criminals will not be stopped . Your sacrifices effected me very much as I started praying the Fajr in the mosque to make dua� for you. Please send my warm compliments to our beloved Mujahideen and tell them to finish the job there quickly because Jerusalem is waiting for them impatiently to clean it from the Jews." [Brother AH, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 26 March 2000]

"O Allah, instill the blessings of the valour of patience learned from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in working for the Deen in the hearts of my beloved Mujahideen, to grow their Influence and Power in the lives of the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) and to be steadfast in their perfected Deen. O Allah, instill Your unlimited enlightenment in the hearts of today's people to come to Your Deen, to better their lives in spiritual growth, and to achieve true success in this World and more importantly, in the Hereafter. O Allah, make this century one to be remembered for the renaissance of Your Word, and one to be regretted by Satan and Evil for their downfall. AMEEN !" [Brother AHM, Ottawa, Canada, 26 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, Jihad has been revived by the Mujahideen in more areas now. The main problem with the Muslims in the world is Tarkul Jihad (Leaving Jihad). Jihad is the only way that Allah (SWT) can give Izzah (Honor) to Muslimeen wherever they are." [Brother FAB, Asia, 26 March 2000] "O Mujahideen, stand up firm, Allah will not humiliate you. Purify your intentions and pray for the future of the Russian children to be Muslim; as the Prophet (PBUH) prayed for the children of Taif to be Muslim. We are not relenting in our Du'a, Insha Allah we Muslims shall be victorious. People are more aware of the propaganda of the disbelievers. May Allah make us all one nation." [Brother LA, UK, 27 March 2000]

"It was with great joy that I reviewed the news of the rally Worldwide, and even though the numbers in some countries were not great, this still shows that Muslims worldwide are fully aware and supportive of our proud Mujahideen. Now Putin has made it to the Kremlin, but I'm sure his honeymoon is over, for now, all the promises made have to be fulfilled. If his economic reforms are to follow the trend of the Chechen war, Insha Allah, Russia will finish the year with a famine. Brothers, hold on, the Russians are tired from this war whose toll is too much to bear for money-attracted mercenaries... Insha Allah, all this will be over soon, and we shall Insha Allah all help in the rebuilding of the Islamic Chechnya." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 27 March 2000]

"My brothers and sisters in Chechnya may Allah (SWT) bless you for your determination and sacrifice. My heart fills with sadness to see the crimes of Russia against the people of Chechnya but I also feel the happiness after your continuous victories against this Kafir Nation. The Muslim Ummah is behind you and will continue pray for your victory. You are our modern day Muslim heroes and we will never forget you. I hope one day that I can join you on that battlefield and hope one day that our Muslim Ummah unites and shows the world what Islam and being a Muslim is all about. May the blessings and mercy of Allah (SWT) always be with you." [Brother KM, Toronto, Canada, 27 March 2000]

"I am *** from Sydney, Australia. I wish to say that the response from Muslims to the protest of March 17 was just pathetic. We certainly have plenty of hot air, judged from the emotional emails we read. But empty emotions is all we can offer our Mujahideen brothers and sisters. Shame on those who send emails of support!!! And they sit on their bottoms before their PC monitors in the comfort of their rooms writing one email after another. Actions speak a million words. Don't we now understand how it is so easy for our enemies to just walk in and usurp our countries? Do we have a right to complain?" [Brother M, Sydney, Australia, 28 Feb 2000]

Added 26 March 2000

"May Allah (SWT) crush the enemy and make Islam the Deen to which we all live by. The Ummah is one body and if an arm aches the whole body aches, and whoever is a supporter or taking part in hurting a section of the Muslims they are waging war on the whole Ummah. This is not a war between Chechnya and Russia, but a war between the Muslim Ummah and whoever supports any activity in harming a Muslim. May Allah grant us victory and establish an Islamic state just like the one the Prophet (PBUH) established. I pray and ask Allah that when the Muslims in Chechnya are victorious, Insha Allah, that a Khilafah is established so that all Muslims can live there in accordance to Allah's laws." [Brother MA, Sydney, Australia, 26 March 2000]

"May Allah help us in these trying times. Victory to the brothers of Chechnya.!! Allahu Akbar!!! You are the bravest I've seen in my lifetime. Allah be with you always. Here in Trinidad & Tobago we have it easy. We may be far from paradise...may Allah guide us, help us get the strength of a true Mujahid..Allah's mercy & victory to you!" [Sister FWA, Trinidad & Tobago, 25 March 2000]

"'The Lions of Islam': Mujahideen brothers, I was very amazed to hear your news yesterday, that you have killed 54 Russian soldiers and ambushed 5 of their tanks and you captured artillery. Alhamdulillah there were no casualties on Mujahideen side. Putin the low life coward will Insha Allah lose on the day of his elections. I hope that the Mujahideen brothers send Putin his soldiers in plastic bags on the day of his election, as they did in 1994/1996 war. Russians never learn their lesson and now is the best time to teach them never to mess with Chechen Mujahideen. Insha Allah, Mujahideen from all around the world will unite with the Mujahideen of Chechnya and vanquish evil from Chechnya. Allah has given Mujahideen the strength of lions and Insha Allah they will never be defeated. I would like to thank the people who make this site possible, it has spread Islam more, and now more people want to go to Jihad, because of what their hear on this site about the Chechen Mujahideen. May Allah (SWT) the creator of the universe give Mujahideen brothers the victory and vanish evil. May Allah (SWT) give Jannah Al Firdous to those Mujahideen brothers that have been Shaheed in this Jihad." [Brother MA, USA, 24 March 2000]

"Ya ikhwaan, jazakallah for a brilliant site! To our brothers and sisters in Chechnya, soon Insha Allah victory will be yours! To the Mujahideen, you are our role models, keep in there and stay firm! We here in South Africa recognise your noble effort and make dua for you." [Brother BI, Natal, South Africa, 25 March 2000]

"May Allah bring Victory quickly to the Mujahideen and ease the suffering of the Muslims in Chechnya. I am very disappointed to hear from fellow muslims that they are confused why the West is silent, that it is not stopping the slaughter. WAKE UP! These Western leaders are the chief planners of this war. They are the one helping their fellow Kuffar Russia, financially, technically and in media propaganda in killing Muslims. Their objective is to wipe out Muslims from Europe. Also, Russia has not reduced its army, It was numbering around 250,000 troops at the height of the conflict. It may be still be around that figure." [Brother I, UK, 25 March 2000] "Jazakallah for all the updates you are giving us on the state of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya. By the power of Allah, I know we will defeat the enemy. Allahu Akbar." [Sister SAK, Nairobi, Kenya, 25 March 2000]

"I am glad you put the article describing the falsehood of rumors about division among Chechens. Since the early 1900's the enemies of Sirat Al Mustaqim have devised a plan to separate believers using the Wahhabi / Sufi and miscellaneous labels. When they are trained to fight us, they are taught skills of division (similar to that used by Lawrence of Arabia). More importantly the cunning among them know that they cannot win over us using weapons or wit. They try to divide us or make us do things that would make our du'as unaccepted when we raise our hands towards the sky. Please make sure you inform the millions of readers on this website to ignore similar falsehoods in the future. After the war of Chechnya, the enemies of Islam will try to use similar tactics to make other Muslims indifferent to the persecuted Muslims. This is a opportune moment (Millions of Muslims visiting every day) to educate them. They should be reminded that such falsehoods will be a recurring theme. Please try to release similar statements about the fallacy of division among Muslim ranks at least once a month. You are well aware of a recent string of events where the enemies of Islam kill their own innocent civilians and blame it on Muslims (Algeria, New York, Moscow, Egypt, and now Kashmir). But they make a plan and Allah makes a plan, and Allah is the better planner. Please keep up the good work. I hope you realize how valuable your work is. The Cold War was created to keep up the millions in defense spending that made corporations and a few people rich after WWII. Russia was never a Superpower and Insha Allah the Caucus mountains will be the last bragging rights for this bully. I will pray that you and those whose feet have touched the dust of the battlefield will be near the Kauthar on the Day." [Brother RUI, SD, USA, 24 March 2000]

"We ask God to give you the power and grow more powerful. I am from Lebanon and I really respect your work and all what you are trying to do next. To the Mujahideen in Chechnya ....please send our salam to all of them and I ask them to pray for us because they are more close to God than us. And I want to help them if I can and I really want to be with them by any way." [Brother MAS, Lebanon, 25 March 2000]

"From the Mountain of Arafah, where on 9 Dhul-Hijja, we stood to beg the Almighty for his forgiveness, we also supplicated Allah (SWT) to grant you victory, to support the Mujahideen with soldiers from the skies, and to send his Wrath on the Pork-fed Mafia-led Russians. The elections are soon, but soon the Russians will also witness how much Putin has fooled them, when the actual casualty figures start pouring in. Patience, my brothers, for soon Insha Allah it will be Spring, and the muddy land that is entrapping them now will swallow their rotten corpses. May the Almighty allow His soldiers to win." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 25 March 2000] "Even though I did not want to make an issue of it I couldn�t hold it any longer and felt that I had to at least share it with my brothers and sisters in Qoqaz. Unfortunately, Muslims in Britain are far from showing support for their brothers and sisters. It is sad to say that despite many Islamic organisations there are lack of awareness and enthusiasm. From personal experience I can tell you that when I related the event to some muslims who claim to be �striving� for the sake of Allah they seemed reluctant to answer the call SubhanAllah. As a sister I could not do much e.g organise demonstration. After letting the main masjid know, they had stuck up the poster. Alhamdullilah some of us sisters sent e-mails. I felt useless as the morale is VERY low here. Ya Allah please guide us. What has happenend to the Muslims in Britain? Do they need reminders like their brothers and sisters in Bosnia and Kosovo? They were �European� countries, not a country in the East. Sometimes I think we need such an awakening than maybe, when one calls for �action� in this �unity� that some of us like to shout about but not put into practice, realise. What a shame upon the Muslims of this country. You always hear the lovely slogans of �Khilafa� and people doing rallies for it, SubhanAllah even though we know that the blood of a Muslim is more sacred than the Ka�ba!!!! Please make du�a for us as bodily harm is no way worse than the harm we cause to our nafs by being ignorant. I would like to let the Mujahideen brothers, and our brothers and sisters in Chechnya and everywhere, being oppressed, know that there are a good number of Muslims in Britain that do care." [Sister FK, London, UK, 25 March 2000]

Added 25 March 2000

"I have written to you guys many times supporting your effort and I appreciate that you publish email from non-Muslims ... there are plenty of people of all religions who are disgusted by the Russian brutality, especially in destroying Grozny - cultural vandalism! I have only one question though - seeing as Putin the Dog flew into Grozny in a Su-27, couldn't Field Commander Khattab have put one of those Stingers we see him with on this site to good use, and blown Putin out of the sky? Easier said than done I know! I get the feeling the Mujahideen are planning some nice surprises for Putin as the elections heat up. Body bags have never been vote winners in my experience! Keep fighting, keep reporting the real news here and remember that millions of people around the world, non-Muslims too, support you!" [Mr. RC, Melbourne, Australia, 24 March 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum! I want to say that here in the Western World are people who don't forget our brothers in Chechnya. My brothers of Chechnya , every time I pray to Allah I'm praying for you victory against your enemies. Don't be sad or worry because Allah is with you, and all the Muslims ( brothers and sisters ) are with you , and the good and honest people who are not Muslim are with you too." [Brother SK, Barcelona, Catalonia, 21 March 2000] "I am an American citizen and not Muslim, but I would like to express my support for your Chechen cause. May God be with you and all your brothers on the field of battle. I condemn Russia for sending untrained children into battle and for the killing of innocents. The pictures on your site are very eye opening, I only wish the rest of the world could/would see them. Perhaps then you would get the help you deserve. May you victory be swift and with little loss." [Mr. DT, NY, USA, 24 March 2000]

"Why isn't Russia's genocidal campaign in Chechnya being seriously criticized in the West? Don't you think that the Russian ultimatum to the innocent civilians in Grozny to "flee or die" is a barbaric act that violates all human rights and all norms of civilized behavior? Why is it that the IMF, the World Bank, and Western nations are continuing to give billions of dollars in aid to Russia when it is indiscriminately killing babies and innocent civilians? Why are they financing genocide? Why are they giving aid to Russia despite its money laundering? Why is the US government not taking any (serious) action against Russia when, in fact, several agents of the "KGB" (or FSB), which still governs it, have been caught red-handed spying against the US? When will Western nations stop being gullible about the KGB-governed Russia's sinister intentions? When will they realize that what President Regan branded as the "Evil Empire" is still alive and deadly? Didn't Russia put on a "democracy" mask nine years ago to veil its hideous designs, so that it could secure advanced Western technology and money? Didn't the Russians put on that mask simply to pacify the West?" [Brother TS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 21 March 2000]

"My prayers to all my beloved brothers and sisters fighting for Chechnya. The first time I checked your homepage, I cried almost half the night. It was an eye-opener, a reminder of what is substantial in this temporary life and what is not, a reminder that most of the time I have been worried about such trivialities in life. I am extremely proud to be a Muslim seeing your holy Jihad! I am so proud of the brothers who are Shaheed fighting for the Deen of Allah! My assistance to you in the mean time is through my du'a and supplication that Allah help you to win the war!" [Sister UD, USA, 23 March 2000]

"What excellent news that the murdering and raping OMON troops have been massacred yet again. They are the so-called elite troops of Russia and that they are invincible as the propaganda about them seems to suggest. Well done! Allah's warriors are indeed guided with divine intent. 4000 Mujahideen against 110,000 Russians that is almost 1:40 ratio. An unheard of ratio. The Germans lost Stalingrad with a ratio of 1:20 and they were the best soldiers ever. So all we can see is that indeed Allah is guiding them and it is a sign for those who believe..Allahu Akbar!" [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 22 March 2000]

"My prayers and my thoughts, waking and sleeping for you. May Allah bless and guide you all towards victory for all of Islam. Muslims all over the world rise, rise against these cruel oppressors who take many forms, of which the worst and most deceptive is that of an apparent friend. Time and time again by their actions and by their words leaders from the US, UK and France have made it blatantly clear that the ultimate goal is the prevention or destruction of any Islamic state, and to a large degree they have succeeded. They had done well as in Turkey, where though the people are good Muslims, the Government with its devilish military pursues the dream of a pure secular state - and in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Pakistan where to be a Muslim is considered unfashionable. But all of a sudden there is a sense of panic amongst these "world powers" as is evident from the suppression of factual news in these countries which are the bastions of "truth and free press" and the bolstering of rubbish propagated by their newly found friends, the professional liars - the Russians. No dirty trick is left untried. Recently they tried to sow seeds of hate by falsely reporting that the Mujahid brothers were at war with each other - Astughfirullah. They are hoping upon hope that Russia will be their instrument for achieving world domination - too bad though, for Allah through the brave Muslims of Chechnya and the brother Mujahids from all over who fight alongside them, Inshallah will prove to them even they are completely at His mercy." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 21 March 2000]

"I am deeply moved by reading your site and Insha-Allah I will support our cause. I am your every day Western Muslim who resides in slumber. When my eyes do open, I close them to shield me from my duties. Oh brave warriors of our Lord, please pray that the Allah broadens the chest of Muslims like myself all over the world. May Allah grant you success in this life and the hereafter, Ameen." [Brother IH, UK, 24 March 2000]

" O Allah, unite the the word of Your perfected Deen to enlighten the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) to wake up to the truth. O Allah, bless the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) to keep on being the ones known for " Ta'murun Bil Ma'ruf, Wa Tanhawna An Al Munkar", i.e, the ones to command the good and disallow the wicked. O Allah, bless the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) to share its treasure of this perfected Deen with the rest of their fellow humans. O Allah, unite the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) to stand up for the truth in this war in Chechnya, so that they save the lives of their fellow Muslims, and they save the existence of Your perfected Deen in this Caucuses' land. O Allah, unite the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) to stand 100% behind their best example in Jihad for Islam by supporting my beloved Mujahideen to gain victory." [Brother AHM, Ottawa, Canada, 24 March 2000]

"I have just read the news about our Muslim brothers fighting a Jihad war in Chechnya from your website. The way our brothers fought the war is unbelievable especially in facing one of the modern armies of the world, but yet they did not give up. Actually I've been following the war in Chechnya from the Western media, which of course do not portray the real coverage concerning our Muslim brothers. Even as a champion in human rights, the western media failed to highlight the matter convincingly especially the way the Russian army are treating and abusing the rights of our Chechen brothers and sisters. They treated this lightly and in a very different manner compared to the one in East Timor. Why? Because the Chechens are Muslims. But one thing which is a concern to me is, why are Muslim countries not doing anything to help the Muslim Chechens?" [Brother WSH, Malaysia, 22 March 2000]

"It is sad to witness what has been happening to you and see the silence from the rest of the world. What is more devastating is to see the leaders of the Muslim world saying nothing about what the Russian government is doing against the entire population of Chechnya. I would like to assure you that regular Muslims are standing behind you. They are sorry about what is happening to you and they remember you in their prayers. Muslims of Toronto, Canada are organizing a mass demonstration on Saturday, March 25 to protest against the oppression and genocide and to show their support to Chechens. I would like to encourage you all to have patience. You are indeed in a difficult test." [Brother ABK, Toronto, Canada, 22 March 2000]

Added 22 March 2000

"Assalamu Alaikum and Eid Mubarak...I'm sorry to see that there was an extremely small show of true Muslims , protesting on the 17th. I guess all the Muslims were out having a feast at some Eid party. And only some 2500 total were man enough to stand up in the name of Allah. You guys get tons of email from people saying this and that about "I wish I could be there" blah blah , but if you wish to give up your life, and you can't, then for what reason can't you give your time to a simple day's protest...its the least you can do. Your brothers are being slaughtered and tortured. Are you going to tell Allah you had to go out with friends on Eid and do Allah knows what. Anyway , I also wanted to say I'm outraged about something 'excite' wrote, in the caption under those pictures of the protest they stated 3 times, that "radical" Muslims were protesting for their "brothers" and they did the quotes , in Chechnya. Hmm, so now if you stand up to protest mass murder, you're radical. Maybe I just didn't know. Once again I'd like to send my salaams and Eid Mubarak to the Chechens fighting for the cause of Allah, may Allah protect you from evil, may Allah make the Russians bullets go astray, and may Allah once again scatter the fire of the Russians and disorient their soldiers and give the Mujahideen another victory. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother M, Maryland, USA, 20 March 2000]

"I am a United States citizen, a Christian, but I cannot but feel heartfelt pain and pride for the Muslims fighting against the forces of darkness in Chechnya. I support your cause and have had my eyes opened to the power that gives victory to your warriors in battle. May God be with your son, your brother, your husband, your father. I have written my political representatives in support of the Chechen cause and I have written Russia's leader, Putin, telling him that I think he is intentionally murdering Chechens and his own Russian soldiers in Chechnya. May God grant an overwhelming victory to the Chechens and their allies!!" [Mr. DB, Idaho, USA, 18 March 2000] "O my brothers and brave soldiers of Allah (SWT), Assalaamu Alaikum. I just heard from the CBC news (Canadian national TV news) that last year's Bombings in Moscow buildings was the act of Russian secret police. This is a proof that Chechen Mujahideen were not behind this act as you always claimed to be innocent. Allah is teaching them but they are blind and cannot see. May Allah (SWT) teach the Russians and their supporters the final lesson. Ameen!! May Allah (SWT) destroy those who call you terrorists. Shame on British Prime Minister who called Mujahideen terrorists and praised the infidel Putin for his killing of innocent people. You are always in my prayers and be sure that Allah (SWT) very soon will bless you with victory Insha'Allah." [Brother S, Canada, 19 March 2000]

"With all my heart and soul I completely trust the judgement and recommendation of Azzam Publication about ORF. Any common mind can understand that the recommendation by Azzam Publication is NOT worthy of any investigation. Azzam Publication is the first and ONLY news agency which has brought "Islamic Revolution" among the Muslim community of the internet. There is nothing wrong to investigate about sending the donation for the Muslims of Chechnya. We Muslims must keep in mind that the intention of donation for the Muslim victims is ONLY to please Allah(SWT) the Most High who has enabled us to be able to help others. Therefore, my dear Muslim brothers and sisters please do not delay because the brothers and sisters in Chechnya are in bad need of help and they can not wait for our investigation about ORF. May Allah (SWT) help me and rest of the Ummah to donate as much as we can to please the Lord the Most High, Owner of our wealth. O' Allah (SWT) please accept our donation for the help of our brothers and sisters in Chechnya and bring them out of hardship. O' Allah (SWT) you know that our donation is nothing compared to the sacrifice and efforts of the Mujahideen who are fighting to raise your Words. O' Allah (SWT) we are very week and coward Muslims who cannot go and help our brothers and sisters in Chechnya so we are going to use Omega Relief Foundation. But still we love you and fear you O' Allah (SWT), and beg you to give us strength and make us strong Muslims like our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya." [Brother AP, USA, 18 March 2000]

"Would YOU please get your facts straight? There are now between 1.5 and 1.6 BILLION people in the world TODAY who profess belief in the religion of Islam. NOT 800 million, as Agence France Presse says (AFP is a virulently anti-Muslim and anti-Islam "news" agency, the most vicious of them all), NOT 900 million as the BBC states, NOT 1 billion as Associated Press (AP) says, NOT 1.2 billion as Reuters says, but 1.5 BILLION AT LEAST, as Madeleine Albright, the US Secretary of State herself recently stated. She gets her news NOT from news agencies but the CIA and MORE IMPORTANTLY, the census of Muslim nations themselves. 1.5 billion out of a world population of 6 billion makes one- fourth, or one-quarter, or 25%, of the total world population, or one out of every 4 people on the earth." [Mr. TR, Chief Asia Correspondence, The PC-Postal Metropolitan E-Zine, Montreal, Canada, 20 March 2000] "May Allah (SWT) give you strength and solidarity and may He support you with His angels as He did in Badr, may Allah give myself and the Ummah the strength and courage to recognise and fulfill our duties and responsibilities to you, for Allah knows best that we are more in need of helping you and than you are in need of our help. If we only knew." [Brother AS, USA, 21 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, the Mujahideen are still doing very good. The Russian pigs are taking a beating everyday. This is what they called the captured commander, (Animal), even though he fell in their hands by his own people betrayal and not in the battle field, they still called him (Hayawan). Imagine when a bunch of pigs attacking your own home and raping women, men, killing kids, women and old people and torturing them every possible way they can and still call the humans by animal names. If that pig who calls the Mujahideen animals have any sense of human behavior, he would not atleast call them that, it is a word he should be punished for just only saying it. The Mujahideen Insha Allah will show him who is the animal, and show him that he is fighting Allah through the Mujahideen and Al-mala'ekah and he will never win." [Brother A, USA, 19 March 2000]

"May Allah make the soil warm with the blood of the Russian Kuffar. Ameen. May they never rest in peace and reside in the hellfire forever. Ameen. May Allah give the Chechen Mujahideen victory over Kufr Insha-Allah. Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar!" [Brother BJ, USA, 19 March 2000]

"We are Malaysian Muslims celebrating Eid full of joys, but how about our brothers and sisters in Chechnya??? When I look at each face of the Muslims here in Malaysia, I wonder how about us if we are facing the situation like our brothers and sisters do in Chechnya??? I think maybe not so many of us will have the bravery to stand together against such a strong (in the eyes of human beings) opponent like Russia. What I regret is the Muslims here are flopped under the convenience and peace of the country . However, the war in Chechnya has awakened the 'chosen Muslims' here, to fight together with Chechen brothers and sisters similar to what had happened in Afghanistan. Insha Allah, our representatives for the Jihad are there with all of you or will come to fight the Russians sooner or later. We, the Muslims of Malaysia pray for the victory of Chechen Mujahideen, for both, to achieve the victory of war and to achieve the victory of grabbing the Jannah (Allah's promise for Shaheeds), Insha Allah. Your fight will surely help Islam, the religion of Allah. Allahu Akbar..." [Brother ZC, Pahang, Malaysia, 19 March 2000]

"I would like to tell you that I always make dua when I pray. I only wish that I could assist my fellow brothers in Chechnya but I am told that I would not make it in alive. Every day, I get more and more frustrated with the way the world treats Muslims, but as Islam teaches, we must be patient and keep praying to Allah to help us in these times of hardship. I am only 19 years old, and still am learning about my religion, and I will always pray for you and all the Muslims in the world. May Allah grant victory for my Muslims brothers in Chechnya, and cause havoc on the Russian oppressors so that this victory may be decisive, AMEEN!!!!" [Brother OZ, Alberta, Canada, 20 March 2000]

Added 19 March 2000

"I greet you for the strong efforts you are making for the sake of Allah in your and our combat against the forces of human evil on the soil of Dagestan, Chechnya, and elsewhere. May Allah give you the strength to continue till the promised victory accorded by Him (SWT) to those who fight for His glorious sake, and have dedicated their precious lives to the law of the sword according to the righteous precepts of Jihad in Islam. May you climb high, climb far, your goal the sky of Jihad, your aim the stars of Islam." [Brother AJ, USA, 17 March 2000]

"On your solidarity day I wish to express my support for your Country in its fight against State tyranny orchestrated by Putin's government. Your bravery against such overwhelming odds is remarkable. Today we hear via the BBC that despite Russian claims, Komsomolskoye is still under your control. The devastation of Chechnya by the Russians is a war crime in itself. Your cause is just even if British politicians like our Prime minister prefer not to say anything out of fear of upsetting Putin. Too many western leaders are being quiet over Chechnya for the same reason and Putin makes the most of that silence to pursue his imperialistic aims. Your cause is just and in the end the Russians will be forced out again as before. May your country and its people one day be free." [Mr DP, Imperial College, London, UK, 17 March 2000]

"May the brothers who at Jihad right now, as we are here celebrating Eid, feel our remorse and our pain as they fight for Allah. We must constantly remember these soldiers, because they are fighting for Islam. We must help them, financially, physically, verbally, mentally...anyway possible. May Allah bless them. Because they cannot go to Hajj, may Allah reward them even more because they are at Jihad. Insha Allah, one day we will all stand together as one Nation and fight the Kuffar, all enemies of Islam. I love you all, my Muslim people worldwide. Stand Together Please. This is the only way. May Allah bless the people who are involved in the making of this site." [Brother JI, Saudi Arabia, 18 March 2000]

"The Russian liars first said that they will pursue and eliminate the Mujahideen in days, then it became months, and now they say it will take them years. They are also saying that they will assassinate the amirs of the Mujahideen. I guess they forgot what happened when they murdered Br. Dzokhar Dudayev (may Allah give him Jannah) in the last war, the Russian's humiliation even surpassed American experience in Vietnam. Brothers don't lose hope. The light of Islam is inextinguishable, in fact with every Shaheed this light grows brighter. Jazakumallahu khairan brothers at Azzam publication for providing us the true picture." [Brother SMK, Louisiana, USA, 16 March 2000]

"When one reads about such great Shuhada as brother Shaheed Sheikh Saleh Bin Muhammad Al Dheishi, not only is one awed with the greatness of this brother but upon reading the tremendous bravery of his family and their spirit of sacrifice and faith, one can only say, Allahu Akbar. One also sees the futility of the world armies against the Chechen Muslims, when they are fighting a force of people whose movements and actions are dictated and propelled by only one motive, their love for and devotion to only Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Allah, the One one to whom we all bow and to Whom we must return. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah. Masallam my brothers, may Allah be with you always, give you great Iman and great health." [Brother TN, USA, 16 March 2000]

"A Little word to the Soldiers of Islam: These Ghazis, these devoted Souls of Your Lordship Whom You have blessed with zeal of Your worship, Their Legions overcome deserts and rivers, And trample mountains to dust with their fervor, They care not for the world's pleasures, The love of the Lord are their treasures, The mission and aim of the Mo'min is martyrdom, Not the booty of war, nor craving for a kingdom." [Brother F, Canada, 17 March 2000]

"We have been following the news, etc. on the site and have found this very useful in verifying the position in Chechnya. We don't believe a word the Western press report on the war in Chechnya. Please keep up the good work you are doing." [Brother A, USA, 17 March 2000]

"On the Eid Day, we the Pakistanis are all praying for an early success of Chechen Jihad against Russia. Although we are facing the same situation from India in Kashmir, yet our blood, our wishes are all for our Chechen Brothers. May Allah Bless our Chechen Muslims with the same support and success as He gave to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for war against the enemies of Islam. We are not celebrating the Eid as our Muslims in Chechnya are not celebrating. We are always praying for the success of our Chechen Brothers. May Allah Bless the Mujahideen leaders of Chechnya with all wise and able guidance for winning the Jihad against cruel Russia." [Brother JB, Pakistan, 17 March 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum and Eid Mubarak. May Allah (SWT) help all our Mujahideen in Chechnya gain a speedy victory, Insha Allah. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your excellent website Insha Allah. Please make note that there will be a MASSIVE Rally for Chechnya in Toronto, Canada, on Saturday, March 25th, 2000 at 1:30 at the City Hall. We are expecting a Huge Turnout Insha Allah and we have many keynote speakers. Canadian Muslims want to show their Chechen Brothers and Sisters we support them!" [Brother T, Canada, 17 March 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum and Eid Mubarak my friends. Eid ul Adha has been very productive and I have been able to have prayers for the Chechen fighters announced in more than 2 mosques today with more than 50,000 Muslims attending. Our brother Muslims have gladly prayed for you and 50,000 more Muslims are now aware. It is wonderful how we can educate people with such simple moves. The glory of Islam. We are all behind you and Insha Allah more will be done. Glory to the Chechen brothers. They will go down in history as the best fighters in Europe, and of course Asia too. News is good from Saudi Arabia too, hundreds of thousands have prayed for our brothers . Insha Allah we are becoming stronger by the passing moment. Glory be to God!" [Brother SR, Bangalore, India, 17 March 2000]

"To the Mujahideen in Chechnya and around the world. May Allah make the path of Jihad a path of victory for you all , in this life and the Hereafter. May Allah bless you all with the greatest of blessings, Jannathul Firdous." [Sister MA, Wales, UK, 10 March 2000]

Added 17 March 2000

"I wanted to wish all of my brothers and sisters at qoqaz, in Chechnya and around the world a very blessed Eid!! May Allah give victory, prosperity and success to His believers, and may your forces be strengthened my beloved Mujahids!" [Brother RK, Calgary, Canada, 15 March 2000]

"I am a very weak Muslim and trying my best to be like the Chosen Ones in Chechnya. I called the Chechen Mujahideen "Chosen Ones" because my gut feeling is that they are the ones that Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said in his hadith that people from East will come forward to fight for Islam and save the Islamic world from aggressors. (Apologies for not remembering the exact words of hadith). For some reason I woke up last night (which I have hardly done in my life) and performed 2 rakats of Tahajjud and cried in front of Allah (SWT) to send victory for the Chosen Ones before the day of Arafat this year, Inshallah. I begged Allah (SWT) for the victory and to make the Iman of the Mujahideen stronger than before and keep them strong and steadfast in their lines. These Russian barbarians and their partners do not understand that for Allah (SWT) it is No Big Deal, all He has to say is "Kun" and VICTORY will happen. Inshallah, The Lord of the Worlds (SWT) will show the friends of Shaitan the punishment of fighting against His soldiers. I pray to Allah (SWT) every day for you, my brother Mujahideen and my heart cries and bring tears in my eyes that why the rulers of the Muslim Ummah are still sleeping." [Brother AP, USA, 14 March 2000] "How can we as one part of the body (Muslims around the world) celebrate Eid when the another part of the body (Our Muslim brothers and sisters, and Mujahideen in Chechnya ) cannot ??? They could not go for Hajj because of conditions in their land. Let us not forget our brothers and sisters and Mujahideen in Chechnya when we celebrate Eid. Let us be less happy on this Eid, so as to share our concern for our MUSLIM brothers and sisters and Mujahideen. May ALLAH in his infinite mercy relieve them of their suffering, for ALLAH is Most-Merciful of those who show mercy. And may ALLAH ALL-MIGHTY send in His undefeatable army to destroy Russia and its allies, never to rise again - INSHA-ALLAH. As for the shameful so-called Islamic governments, where is your concern for the Ummah of Islam ??? Do you think that you are safe in your havens ??? No !!! Not with the Knowledge which Allah has for your inaction !!!" [Brother M, South Africa, 15 March 2000]

"A million words have been through my mind and I could not even put two of them together to help mend your wounds or your heart. But I will pray that you will be reunited in paradise." [Mr. DN, USA, 14 March 2000]

"All praise is do to Allah. There is no power and might except from Allah. After reading various reports it is apparent that public support in Russia is declining rapidly for this war. The morale is extremely low and it seems as if the Russian people have had enough body bags to look at and can't take no more. The word is spreading fast. Keep supplying the body bags O brave Mujahideen. Putin's election is just under two weeks away and it seems their own propaganda techniques cannot shield the truth anymore. They are now starting to question whether it was the right decision to even fight. They are worried and you are starting to crack them into pieces. Keep doing what your doing, O brave Mujahideen. All Muslims of the world are with you in this noble cause." [Brother KQ, London, UK, 16 March 2000]

"EID MUBARAK to all my fellow Mujahideen in Chechnya and Azzam Publications." [Brother SR, Texas, USA, 16 March 2000]

"Do not trouble yourselves with the futile attempts of the doers of evil, and their lowly companions, in their hapless efforts in conveying to the outside world of Russian successes, and Russian concerns for the care of the Mujahideen. Also, disregard the lowly attempts of the British officials in their trying to link you braves ones to acts of war crimes and atrocities. They are in a state of disarray, and are relying on the only means by which they can remove themselves from the eventual reality of total defeat, at the hands of the Glorious Mujahideen of Chechnya. Admonish those who are Muslim, and exhort them to take heed, and be mindful of the only weapon that the evil Jew, Slav and Saxon have save weapons of total destruction, which they can use against the Mighty Mujahideen. They publish visual falsehoods of captured Mujahideen and Russians caring for Mujahideen: utter falsehood. Yet, they fail to release the images of our brothers and sisters who are trapped in death camps, being viciously mutilated. May our Most High have mercy upon our brethren, who are detained. Be mindful O brave ones, as we continue to beseech our Allah for His grace, mercy and bounty." [Brother AA & Mr DH, USA, 14 March 2000]

"I am writing to register my utter disgust at the way Tony Blair has expressed "implicit Support" for the War Criminal Putin. Our Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Tony Blair, has visited the Putin and praised him. One can not help but wonder, what is left of honor or righteousness? I regularly visit your great site to know the TRUE news of these GREAT MEN OF COMBAT. The way our Western "leaders" have shown their ugly hypocrisy is extremely annoying. Finally, I must add that I am surprised that all I read on your site is message after message of support for the brave fighters. Not a single person has asked you to actually support the Chechens by writing to the rulers of the Western World, Human Rights Organizations, Newspapers, TV stations in your countries. This is real support that Chechens will appreciate. By simply telling that "our hearts are with Shamil + Khattab + All Fighters" is not enough! I urge every reader to send a letter to Tony Blair at the following address:- Rt. Hon Tony Blair MP Prime Minister's Office 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA Let him know that he is a liar and a hypocrite. I wonder what happened to his "Ethical Foreign Policy". Mr Blair: The man you shook hands with and said that you have a lot in common with is a TERRORIST who has terrorized a whole nation. Putin, the War Criminal, not only his hands are soaked in blood, he is completely covered by it. Mr. Blair: You have disgraced Great Britain." [Ms LC, , UK, 15 March 2000]

"O my beloved Mujahideen, may Allah reward you with His unmatched Power and Wisdom always, so that you cope with these worldly adversities like cold weather, hunger, etc. May Allah bestow on you His never-ending bounties which is better than any help you can get from a mortal human. O Allah, implant the seeds of your favorite deed, Patience, in the hearts of my embattled brothers in Chechnya. O Allah, make those seeds grow in their hearts as long as this war lasts until victory for your soldiers materializes. O Allah, make those newborn trees firm in their hearts as imposing as a rainforest tree. O Allah, make those trees as leafy wet with Your Taqwa and fruitful with Your Guidance as some of the best rainforest trees in the world. Happy Eid Ul Adha, my beloved Mujahideen. This particular one I know you won't regret when you go to Al-Firdous one day, and reflect back on how you spent your Eid in the worst conditions the world had to offer: cold winter, shortage of food, bombs and destruction everywhere. It does not get any better than that for a Mujahid. May Allah, The One Who Sees Everything, reward you deservedly." [Brother AHM, Ottawa, Canada, 16 March 2000] "What can I say to you. You are fighting in the battle field. And we are writing e-mail browsing different sites. I believe your fight against Russia is not limited to your region, Insha-Allah. May Allah give you the victory, courage, help from Him as He helped Muhammad (PBUH) at Badr and Uhud." [Brother M, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15 March 2000]

"Eid Mubarak to you and your families. You are always the first and last things I pray for in my Du'a. Inshallah the Du'a of the Muslims during Hajj and Eid al Adha will bring you Victory Soon." [Brother OK, AZ, USA, 15 March 2000]

"Today pagans, Jews and Christians all over the world are having headaches, stomachaches, and all sorts of body and soul aches when they hear the crushing and amazing victories of Mujahideen in Chechnya. Alhamdulillah, the same news is a source of unprecedented joy and tranquillity to the Muslim world. O Mujahideen brothers, Allah is surely with you, just like He was with the Mujahideen at Badr. He is painting the same picture again, and listening to your and our prayers. Insha-Allah Russia will face an eternal defeat at the hands of Mujahideen who have no comparison in number and arsenal with the huge Russian army. This Jihad will Insha- Allah break Russia into further small pieces." [Brother SY, Karachi, Pakistan, 14 March 2000]

"I will die, maybe today or tomorrow or someday. I don't know but I will die 100%. O brother Mujahideen, please make dua for me. I want to die in the land of Jihad. As conditions permit me I will be with you, Inshallah in Chechnya." [Brother AB, Thailand, 15 March 2000]

"Here in Turkey we fully support the Jihad in Chechnya. Except our government, Turkish people are on the Chechen side. But there are some other facts that should be known by the Muslims in the world: that two major enemies of Islam are the Jews and English. Second fact is human rights are not for us but for the non-Muslim elite. Last one is USA pretends to be on Chechen side but is actually supporting Russia because they did not do anything (Unlike in East Timor) to stop the war so far." [Brother HH, Turkey, 15 March 2000]

"It's hard to believe that while "non-Muslims" are calling Putin a war criminal, some Religious Muslim leaders and Chechens on top of it are actually giving him a "Buddy" hug!....that's like blessing him for exterminating whoever is unfortunate to be a Chechen...What the hell is happening to us? are we born traitors..can't we see the difference between right and wrong?...So what now Mr Kadyrov and Mr Gainutdin? are you going to take up arms against those who are spilling their guts so that the next generation can be proud of itself and live in peace? You know people die are their names are forgotten, but the names of traitors and of those involved in genocide against their own people will remain. I dare you to explain yourself to a refugee child or an orphan!..Good Luck!" [Brother MH, Tokyo, Japan, 15 March 2000] "This has been a week in which Allah the Almighty has bestowed the honor of Shahadah on some of his best soldiers. I just finished reading about Shaheed Abu Thabit and though I had tears in my eyes. I felt a sense of pride deep inside me to think that we Muslims have such truly great men amongst us. We in Kashmir this week saw the Shahadah of one of our our greatest Mujahids, Shaheed Abdul Hameed Bhat and I somehow felt that in the blessed period, Allah's greatest soldiers are getting the ultimate reward of Shahadah from Him." [Dr ***, Kashmir, 15 March 2000]

"To everyone who thinks life is forever, for those who say it's not true, for those who don't care, for every human alive and mature today, I got news for you. Your time is very close so prepare your defense for soon you will stand in front of your Creator. For the Mujahideen and all other brothers and sisters in Chechnya, Allah is with you so don't worry. In this life you did what others only dream of doing, in the Akhira, Jannah waits for you Insha Allah. For Putana and Blaira [I don't think they are men] I pray you suffer great deal in this life and rot in Hell forever after. For those big ugly so-called leaders of the Muslim world I say to you eat as much as you can now because your time is up and I hope you join your friends Putana and Blaira in hell." [Brother FH, USA, 15 March 2000]

"I have just gone through your web site about Chechnya ( I must congratulate you on this excellent effort made from your side because I think that at the present moment it is a must for us Muslims, so as to counteract the propaganda of the entire world-media which is of course united against Islam. It is our duty now to convey the correct news to all of our brothers who don't know the real situation until now." [Dr. SZW, USA, 16 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, it gives us great pleasure to see the obligation of Jihad being awakened among the Ummah which for centuries had been forgotten and sometimes even denied upon. Now we have these warriors of Allah to combat the evil desires of Kufr. The Ummah should now realize that to attain supremacy of Allah's Law on Allah 's earth , Jihad is the only way ! .....Its an obligation equally important as Salah, Zakat, Hajj etc. In the present state we are at war with Kuffar everywhere: Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Burma, Philippines and Above All, they have even occupied our Holy places. See them all over middle east and Hijaz. Is it justified for us to sit in homes and indulge in our self-centered lives?" [Brother IK, Pakistan, 10 March 2000]

Added 15 March 2000

"All praise be to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). Brothers I want you know however small it is I will try what I can to participate in the Jihad by distributing the every day news from your site in the masjids, schools and as e-mails. I am from Somalia. Insha Allah I will join you in the front. But one advice for all of us: let's learn from our past mistakes." [Brother MS, USA, 13 March 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, to the bravest people on planet earth: the Mujahideen in Chechnya. Thank you to the Mujahideen who are fighting the Jihad in Chechnya in particular and the rest of the world in general. You are our pride. Don't mind the deafening silence of the so-called "Islamic leaders" in Muslim countries. Except the Taliban government, most of them are so old and so sick, a few playboys and they don't count so much anyway. Thanks to the Afghanistan government too, for showing us the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood. The people on the street, the faqirs, the poor are with you, praying for you always. To the Mujahideen you are our leaders now, we look up to you. Not those sick old men and certainly not those playboys." [Brother NY, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 March 2000]

"Do not forget me. I am the one with the empty looking eyes; war torn; speechless; hard like steel, but inside, like glass, I am shattered. I have witnessed death. It revealed its horrid face in the form of my mother, father, sister and brother. And with death, came destruction. It left me a portrait of grief. Where are you? Can't you hear me? My whole village represents loss; filled with still-framed memories of the less fortunate ones, whose spirits walk about aimlessly, waiting for a resting-place. I am alive; yet I stand alone in the middle of these makeshift graves, amongst these mounting bones: am I not also less fortunate? Nevertheless, it is each man for himself; remember me. I am just a child. If I depress you, please do not turn away. Do not forget me; note my haunting stare. Let it pierce through your heart, reminding you it could be your child. Imagine. When you look into your child's eyes, see my eyes of emptiness staring back at you. When you hear his or her cries, hear my silence, ringing louder and louder in your mind. Cry me oceans, lakes and streams and may your salty tears attempt to heal my eternal wounds; provide me nourishment, with your overburdening emotion. I lost my voice when I lost everything. Your endless determination speaks for me now. All that I feel remains, is a skeleton of who I was and who I am. And if by chance I die tomorrow, please do not forget me. I am too, a (little) martyr. I am the one with empty looking eyes; war torn; speechless; hard like steel, but inside, like glass, I am shattered." [Sister HA, Toronto, Canada, 13 March 2000]

"I am a Muslim brother from the Netherlands. I would like to thank the ones who are making the news on this site possible. The ones who are making everyone proud to be a Muslim when reading the news that our brothers in Chechnya are killing the Russians. There are thousands of du'as by the people who are reading this site. All the people who work on this site: Thank you for this great work and keep this site running . I want to wish everybody a happy Eid ul Adha, especially the Mujahideen and the Chechen people." [Brother L, Netherlands, 13 March 2000] "My brothers in Islam, we are very proud of you because you cause Muslim people all over the world to wake up from their deep sleep. I am sure that there are lots of way we can help you. For example, at least we can help the Chechen families who come to our countries as refugees and also the families of Shaheeds from our countries. I invite all Muslim people to help Chechnya at least in these ways. May Allah give you a glorious victory." [Brother N, USA, 14 March 2000]

"My Chechen Mujahideen brothers: Your blessed struggle against the communist and Zionist alliance is Jihad in the way of Allah (SWT). God almighty will guide you faithful, brave, steadfast warriors to victory in this life and to Al-Firdaus in the hereafter Insha Allah. The Lord has entrusted you with a great mission of awakening the Muslims to shape the future of the Muslim Ummah therefore, our brothers and sisters running this site with the grace of Allah (SWT) are among the ranks of Chechen Mujahideen. May Allah accept my du'a in every prayer to protect you all, to grant you His mercy and the aid of His infinite might in the heavens and earth." [Brother AM, Cairo, Egypt, 13 March 2000]

"My dear brothers and sisters, every time I face the Ka'ba and bow myself in front of Almighty Allah (SWT), I pray that I Inshallah, at one point of my life, have even an ounce of the faith that you brothers and sisters have. Nevertheless I pray that Almighty Allah helps you in your struggle with this evil. But you must know that the victory is already yours. You have already won. The moment you declared your submission to Allah (SWT) you obtained the greatest victory. You obtained the love and support of The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Allah(SWT) says "that he who declares war against My servant, I shall declare war on him". My dear brothers and sisters, the victory and the Heavens are yours Insha Allah. May Allah Almighty give the rest of this Ummah the same strength, faith, love and devotion to Allah (SWT) & His Messenger (PBUH) as you brothers and sisters have and may Allah be with us all in this struggle for the truth." [Sister M, CA, USA, 13 March 2000]

"I do not envy anyone for their wealth, beauty or power except you (the Mujahideen). You remind me of the Quranic verse (Was-sabiqun as-sabiqun, `ula `ikal-muqarrabun). You are like the Sahabas (RA) from Badr. You participated in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine and now Chechnya when I was doing nothing in comparison. I am not worthy of washing your toilets. Insha Allah, I will be joining you soon." [Brother RI, USA, 13 March 2000]

"The Muslims had never carried out any of the crimes on others and they never will Insha Allah e.g.: mutilation of dead bodies, raping, gang raping, and forcing people to watch as one Serb prison guard had confessed in Bosnia and Kosovo, stripping people in front of others, forcing people to rape their own people at gun point, using heavy weapons on civilians, carrying out experiments on the prisoners bodies etc. All animalistic in nature. And they call us Muslims barbaric, inhuman, terrorists, and with so many other ugly names. And they show themselves as soft, soooo nice people etc. What a strange idea !! ...And we are believing them." [Brother HZK, Qatar, 13 March 2000]

"With tears falling and anger in my heart, I would like to call upon my Muslim brothers that WE should reach Chechnya (land of Jihad) to help our brothers. Sending emails is not enough, while our brothers are being killed each day, while our sisters are being raped and mutilated, IT IS A SHAME ON US who enjoy life and forget about the Day of Judgment. Where are you brothers? Where are Ummathul Islam? Where is your pride and dignity? We all have beloved family, we may all have a job and a bright future, but what does bring happiness is to fight the way Allah asked to do, to raise Islam's flag and fight Kuffar. Please wake up. Remember that we all are responsible for what is happening. May Allah help us overcome our Dunya Love and strengthen us enough to raise arms against our enemies." [Brother AM, USA, 13 March 2000]

"To Chechen Mujahideen, never give up fighting the terrorists and never surrender to the so-called world body UN or NATO funded and manipulated by the West in order to crush other civilizations, mainly Islam. UN or NATO and the like will never guarantee a peaceful and fair nation as required in Islam. By contrast, such world bodies will show belated and fake concerns over Chechen Muslims and intervene in the Russian-Chechen war in favor of the devil Russia. They would hand over Chechnya to 'good' Russian leadership (after Putin goes to Hell Insha Allah in the near future) in order to stealthily stifle the Muslim Chechens and assassinate one Chechen leader after another. Believe in Allah as He says "How, many small groups have overcome big ones". Fight in the way of Allah as you do right now, then you will find Chechnya become second Afghanistan and humiliated Putin degenerate to be the second egg-headed Gorbachov. Believe that Allah will always provide you with invisible troops who will crush Russian fighters in the air and tanks on earth. Russians troops will be seeing second Ahzab and Badr wars Insha Allah." [Brother ZBM, Malaysia, 14 March 2000]

"Brothers and sisters. I believe what I wanted to say has already been said. But nonetheless, I will say it. I cannot sleep in the night when I see pictures of my Muslim brothers and sisters being massacred on Television every night. I feel pain in my chest. I ask myself questions. What is going on among the Muslim Ummah? Where did we go wrong? Is there anything positive we can learn from this genocide going on? Let's not forget that genocide against Muslims has and is still continuing going in many parts of the world -- including Kashmir, Palestine, China, Philippines, and many other places. One major lesson is that as Muslims we failed to unite. Let's remember that without unity, we are nothing. United We Stand, Divided We Fall!" [Brother Y, Toronto, Canada, 14 March 2000]

"Dear Muslim leaders, this is a plea from all the Muslims of the world to unite and join forces to help our brothers in Chechnya. Do we really want to be under the western influence whose lives are only in this world and whose main aim is to cleanse this world of Muslims? Can't we be much better and more powerful by our own Muslim unity? Doesn't our heart ache with every suffering of our beloved brothers and sisters in Chechnya. While the Kuffar regime is torturing our Muslim brothers, isn't it our duty to do something? Let your concerns be heard and thus bring peace and comfort to millions of Muslims. The western nations are afraid of the Muslims. We are the real superpower and they know it. This is why they are killing the Muslims by their new world order. Let us not hide any more. Let us show them what our unity can do and who is the real superpower. Dear Muslim leaders, isn't Chechnya our concern? Aren't they our brothers and sisters? Even if we leave Islam aside, don't they deserve humane help? By Allah, He is watching us day and night. What if a serious punishment falls upon us and we face the same dilemma? Our fear of Him is in us. Allah (SWT) is ever-watching. Whatever we have is only because of Him and not our own doing. So dear Muslim leaders, show us what you can do, show us and let us be proud of you as we are proud of our Chechen brothers who are fighting for their rights with nothing except the love of Allah (SWT) and fighting only to seek His pleasure. And as you know Allah's reward is immeasurable. We, the Muslims from around the world, plead our case once again. Please let us unite and join forces. Let us be heard. Let us stand for our rights. We are not asking for a war. War is not the only solution. If the west can sanction us we can do the same for them. We are not dependent on them. Our voices are small and may be unheard and our pleas may be lost in the wind but Allah is the witness that we have asked what we want from our Muslim leaders. Out of the 50+ Islamic nations, at least one or two will stand up bravely and do us proud. They will be the ones whom Allah will choose for his limitless blessings. Insha Allah. May Allah (SWT) help us all." [Brother IF, USA, 14 March 2000]

"We know that Kuffar are helping each other with everything (money, weapons, media etc.). We Muslims, we send only Du'a to Chechnya and that is not enough. We must send to Chechnya: trained personnel, money, weapons, medicine, doctors, artificial legs and arms etc. Chechnya is awaiting us- We are people of peace We are people of war (Jihad)" [Brother S, Somalia, 14 March 2000]

"I am a Malaysian. In my country almost 50% of the population are Muslim but I am very sad and disappointed, because here the Muslim are unlike the Chechen Muslim; we are born and named like Muslims, but our acts are like the Kuffar, we are Muslim just in our birth certificate. We can't feel the spirit of being Muslim, unlike the Chechens. They fight and sacrifice to stand as a Muslim, to feel the Iman. The Chechens fight in Jihad, kill or being killed to get reward and recognition as a Mu'min from Allah (SWT). Victory Chechnya! Victory Islam! I really hope one day I will be able to join as a Mujahideen somewhere in this world." [Brother S, Malaysia, 14 March 2000]

Added 14 March 2000

"I refer to the British Prime Minister who chooses to call our Mujahideen as "terrorists" and that the Russians should respond "proportionately". This word means that the UK, supports a campaign that destroys and annihilates the so-called rebels, war lords and drug traffickers. Prime Minister, you are sadly mistaken, these brave Mujahideen you refer to are the chosen, they have the most impeccable manners, discipline, mercy and respect for fellow human beings. They do not loot, murder, bribe, extort, kill or torture civilians or deal in drugs. They fight only against evil, injustice and aggression. They harbour love for their Lord with total and absolute reverence and obey the commands of his Holy Book. Unlike the "real" terrorists whom you support, who are in violation of normal civilised conduct, looting, bribery, raping, torture, indiscriminate bombing against civilians. I put to him , what about democracy, what about self expression and determination. Is that why when Lord Judd visited a Russian Refugee concentration camp the Chechen women and children shouted anti-Putin sentiments? Why will the Russians not allow foreign journalists, independent observers to come in? Have they something to hide? In a nutshell, it is a war about extermination, it is a holocaust, it is anti Muslim. This round Chechnya, next round YOU. Take note, speak out in support of your brethren in Chechnya. Forget sending your athletes to Sydney, forget about your football matches. Wake up. I hope all you so called Islamic leaders read this. It is not too late...." [Brother AD, Canada, 13 March 2000]

"I have sat today watching all the videos on this site. I saw the beautiful faces of the Mujahids, with noor (light) on their faces. I was envious that I was not on the mountains with them, in brotherhood, unity and the love of the All-mighty shared between all of us. I saw the footage of the baby crying, its leg blown away and just a stump, I cried from my heart. I know in my heart that to fight evil needs sacrifice, or else evil succumbs us all." [Brother AD, Canada, 11 March 2000]

"I am from Trinidad, an island in the Caribbean .Our hearts are with our brothers and sisters in Chechnya . May Allah, the all powerful give victory and comfort to the Muslims and a crushing defeat to the Kuffar. We look forward to news on Chechnya on your site." [Brother QM, Trinidad, 13 March 2000]

"Tony Blair was proud to be the first Western leader to visit Putin, I hope they become friends and meet at the same spot in hell. The Muslims in Makkah and all over the world know the stand of this Little island (that they still call Great Britain). His press release states that he wanted to downplay the Chechen issues (he did not want to embarrass the low Putin). The gentleman still think that he is a super power, Mr Blair we really don't need your help, we have your God to help us, go back home and take care of your 15- 20% unemployment rate and create real jobs for your people." [Brother LR, Ohio, USA, 11 March 2000] "I'm once again raising a voice to condemn what is happening in Chechnya and, even more so, at the criminal indifference of the West and the shameful unconcern of the Muslim world. Chechnya is no more an internal affair of Russia. Chechens have every right to try and break the shackles of slavery, as other territories subjected to the colonial and imperial domination have done all over the world. For America to stand by and allow the butchery and devastation of Chechens and to say it's an internal matter of Russia, is a clear case of hypocrisy, especially in the face of the USA's "righteous indignation" against Iraq for its invasion of Kuwait, which has been followed by crippling sanctions that have caused, and are causing starvation and death of thousands, especially the children. No one is fooled, no one believes that it was done on any ethical or moral basis, but those who pretend that this was so are doing it to justify their behavior. Hence, an occasional tepid remark of condemnation by Clinton is just not enough. But it is the complete lack of concern of the Muslim countries, all 56 of them, their utter and complete disregard is shocking and incomprehensible. Why is it, that the report of utter devastation in Chechnya does not arouse our ire? There has been virtual genocide, a whole people have been exterminated, a whole city destroyed, Grozny is a graveyard. We see pictures of it on TV everyday but our hearts don't ache?" [Sister BSI, Pakistan, 12 March 2000]

"You are fighting for the sake of Almighty Allah, you are winners no matter what, in this life you are the soldiers of Allah and in martyrdom yo have Jannah. It is the so called "Muslim governments" that are the losers. By cowering to the Western and Russian governments they have become the lowest of the low and have made Muslim blood cheap. Everybody is slaughtering Muslims with impunity, it is the law of Allah that if a people do not stand up for themselves, they will be exterminated. Allah made Jihad an obligation so that we may have life. May Allah return the Ummah of Mohammed (SAWS) to its rightful place; May Allah bring from among us leaders that will restore "La Ilaaha Il Allah", and therefore restore human dignity, peace and justice on earth." [Brother BA, Florida, USA, 11 March 2000]

"I'm living in Turkey and I want to say this about Turkish government. In Chechnya our Muslim brothers are still killed by savage Russian soldiers, but Turkish government is still sleeping or wants to be like that, and trying to take tanks that are killing our brothers, from Russia. I will never accept such a government: leaving alone Chechen Muslim brothers. I want Turkish people to pray all time and help brothers. One day we can face the same situation and feeling alone is the worst thing under the same situation." [Brother KZG, Turkey, 12 March 2000]

"Where's so called 55 something Muslim Countries when their brothers, sisters and children are slaughtered? Where are the rulers of any of those countries to help their brothers when they need it most? Where are those (puppet) rulers when Israel flies Russian wounded soldiers to Israel to help Kafirun?? Why any Arab country won't do the same and transport the wounded Mujahideen to their facilities? Are they scared of their bosses or haven't gotten OKs from their masters to even to make humanitarian help (forget about the military help)? Where are the richest people among Muslim Ummah to support their brothers' Jihad, while UN and the World Bank keeps backing Russian atrocities financially? And the whole Muslim Ummah is supposed to celebrate Eid in a few days. Do we really deserve this Eid while our Muslim brothers are getting martyred in Chechnya in a same day? Shouldn't we say no happiness until our suffering brothers are happy, no Eid until our tyrannized brothers and sisters and children celebrate Eid with us? ... Insha Allah this Jihad will wake all of us up soon and Unite us under only one flag and we'll start to live with our Islamic Dignity again." [Brother A, Texas, USA, 12 March 2000]

"I am really impressed by your bravery and love for Allah and pray to Allah that he would reward us Muslims in this war against Russian criminals. One thing I have learned in my whole life very clearly and this is: 'Unity Is Power'. No matter how much disagreements we have but when it comes to Islam and survival of Muslims we should all be united, and this is, I think is missing among us Muslims, and that is the reason why other Muslim countries with all this power and weapons are not able to help each other against anti-Islamic aggression. This much genocide of Muslims in Chechnya should be enough for the rulers of the Muslim world to openly start helping Chechen Muslims both morally and militarily. I am very much disappointed by the Pakistani rulers' attitude towards Muslims of Chechnya." [Brother N, Pakistan, 12 March 2000]

" To: The Believers in Allah

They say that our Deen should be modernized They look at Islam through modern eyes As the ozone is depleted via modern skies They inject our religion with modern lies

They dishonor the BEST of any human And the Ahadeeth from his noble companions Talkin' 'bout, "We must keep up with civilization." Though it's running downhill to deprivation!?

Can you better "the best example" by imitation? Can you better Islam through innovation? Can you do better than He who "perfected your religion"? Or be better than "the best generation"?!

Technology is not a gauge of civility to me Islam ain't broke, so just let it be! What's warped is "desires", but take a warning please: Hell is hotter than fire by more than seventy (70) degrees! Don't try to bend Islam around your brain Doctor don't be hurt by the mental strain If there's something you don't understand: refrain "Ask those who KNOW" over and over again.

Instead of trying to turn our Deen upside-down ADHERE to Qur'aan and Sunnah and turn YOURSELF around!" [Brother AM, USA, 12 March 2000]

"Truly Muslim brothers all over the world, why wait? Death is coming to you sooner or later, whether you like it or not death will come to you. That does not mean if you go to Jihad you will be killed. The companion of Prophet (PBUH) Abu Ayub Al Ansari, who is known because our Prophet (PBUH) stayed in his house for 7 months and later he became neighbor to our Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah and yet he went to wars after wars. Khalid ibn Waleed never died in the wars and yet his life was devoted to wars. Truly Muslim brothers, whether you are teachers, students, young and old go to Jihad in Chechnya. You are buying time in this world, don't be cheated by this world. To the young brothers, don't wait until your eyesight is weak, your legs are soft and your hair turns white. Go....go....go....go.....go....go.....go.....Paradise is waiting." [Brother KM, Malaysia, 13 March 2000]

"I am an ordinary muslim brother very much worried about the future of Muslim world.....and dream about the victory of Islam. In my dream I see a new Islamic empire, an empire where people will be ruled under the noble and just umbrella of Islamic Shariah. From Chechnya to Russia, Russia to Afghanistan, Pakistan to India....and perhaps Iran if they are willing to correct themselves..... certainly it is possible by the help of Allah if only Muslims are steadfast and fear only ALLAH (SWT)...I believe commander Arabi from Chechnya was able to realize the same dream ....which is possible only by true Jihad for the love of Allah. The whole Muslim world must join in this Jihad of Chechnya and Afghanistan....or the future of Muslims will be worse than ever...... " [Brother K, USA, 11 March 2000]

"I am sure glad that you to are able to fight for your freedom. Just as we have here in the United States many times in the past and probably the future. There is nothing like your freedom and being able to decide for yourself what your homeland and your people will be able to do in the future. I hope and pray to our God above that this matter will be solved peacefully and the dying will stop. I think highly of you and your countrymen and women for fighting for the basic need to be free. You are in my prayers daily and I wish I could be their to help." [Mr D, USA, 11 March 2000]

Added 13 March 2000

"Here, in the United Arab Emirates, we are really proud of what you are doing. You have really done us, the Muslims, proud. The Islamic world has been asleep for too long, and it needed a group of brave soldiers of Islam to wake it up. Insha Allah you will defeat those atheist Russian soldiers and bring shame and disgrace to that cowardly midget, Putin! This attack on the Chechen Muslims is the latest in the trend of oppression practiced by the evil bloodsuckers in Moscow. The Muslims in the ex-Soviet Union had been forcibly subjected to communist rule for over 70 years. Ever since the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the Muslim World has been in a state of decline. Insha Allah your victory over the Russians will reverse all this and give much needed hope to the other Mujahideen of the Islamic World. I will be performing the Haj this year, Insha Allah. I will pray for Allah to give you victory and allow you to humiliate the Russian soldiers and for the other Muslims of the region to wake up and start to fight the Russians. I will also pray for the safety of the Chechen civilians, Insha Allah. I will also pray for the disgrace of the Russian leaders Putin and Yeltsin." [Brother AK, Dubai, UAE, 12 March 2000]

"May Allah (SWT) reward all those brothers who are fighting on the frontline and may he reward all those who are maintaining this site and all those who support the Jihad financially, verbally, politically and physically. May Allah (SWT) make the task of destroying the enemies of Islam easier for the Mujahideen and may he make it easy for the rest of us Brothers and Sisters to train and make Jihad in the way of Allah (SWT), just as the way those before us did in Afghanistan, Burma, Bosnia etc and just like the Greatest of warriors and commanders, Sayyiddina Muhammed Mustafa (SAW) did in Badr and Uhud. May the peace and blessings of Allah (SWT) be upon the Prophet (SAW)and his family and his companions." [Brother MN, USA, 11 March 2000]

"O Mujahideen, verily Allah is with those who fear Him. Day by day you are destroying the morale and sapping the confidence of the disbelieving Russian army. When will the Kuffar learn their lesson that people who truly fear Allah will always be victorious in the end. Just before the Afghan war Breshnev the acting president of Russia at the time made a statement that the war would be over in 4 weeks. By the grace of Allah that war lasted for just over 10 years and Islam emerged victorious. That war bankrupted Russia. Similarly, this war is also going to have an inevitable outcome, the only difference being it will finally wrap up and destroy Russia off for good together with its allies. So fear not Mujahideen for Allah is with you and go in and destroy every kuffar soldier that has set foot in Chechnya, Inshallah. You are always in my Prayers." [Brother FSQ, London, UK, 10 March 2000]

" 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) saying: (in his letter to the Commander S'ad bin Abi Waqqas (RA), when he sent him for the conquest of Persia): "...Then after, I order you and all that troops that are along with you to be obedient to Allah in all circumstances as this (being obedient to Allah (SWT)) is better than the weapons against the enemy and a strong stratagem (device) in the war. I order you and the soldiers who are with you to be more cautious and afraid of your own crimes and sins (and not to commit them) than your enemy, as the crimes and sins of the soldiers are more dangerous to them than their enemy. The Muslims are victorious only because their enemies are disobedient to Allah, and had it not been so, we have no power over them, because neither our number is equal to their number, nor our weapons are like theirs. If we commit crimes and sins as they do, then they (our enemies) will have superiority over us in power. And if we will not gain victory over them by our merits, we do not overpower them by our strength. And you should also know that in this marching of yours (for Allah's Cause) there are guards (angels) upon you from Allah (SWT) (to watch you), and they know all what you do. So be shy from them and do not commit Allah's disobedience (crimes and sins) while you are going in Allah's Cause and do not say: 'Our enemy is worse than us, so they will not overpower us.' Perhaps some people who are worse than the others may overpower the others as the (disbelievers) Magians overpowered the Children of Israel when they (the latter) involved themselves with Allah's disobedience (crimes and sins). So they (disbelievers, Magians) entered the very innermost parts of their homes and it was a promise (completely) fulfilled. And ask Allah (SWT) the assistance over your ownselves, (to save you from crimes and sins) just as you ask Allah for the victory over your enemies... I ask Allah (SWT) for that, both for you and for us." May Allah (SWT) reward the Mujahideen. And increase them in Faith and may we remember them in all our prayers. And may Allah reward those who are spending time gathering the important, essential information, news." [Brother AM, London, UK, 10 March 2000]

"Everyday I pray to Allah the Almighty in tears for the not only the brave Mujahideen in Chechnya but for all those innocent MUSLIM civilians that are being killed each day. Please make dua to Allah to send me to fight and die gloriously on the battle field. I cannot think of any other more glorious way of ending my life than to end it side by side with the bravest of all Allah's creatures. Insha Allah I will see you on the field of battle." [Brother HK, USA, 11 March 2000]

"Please make dua for me that I join you in Chechnya to fight the Kuffar for the path of Allah. Everytime I read the news from your website, I cry and cry and I hope that one day I catch the wagon of the Shuhadaa. It is surely a blessing from Allah to fight in His path and get Shahaada. I ask Allah that He does not prohibit me from getting this great reward. Money and degrees don't get you happeness, Living and dying for Allah does. I love you for the sake of Allah and I am always making dua for you and remember you in every moment of my life. I would like to tell you that every night I have a dream that I am in the battlefield; one day I had a dream that I was fighting in Chechnya and that I knocked down two helicopters, one was completly destroyed and the other was severely damaged. By the Mercy of Allah, when I checked the site the next day, I got the great news that two helicopters where down. I am always dreaming of fighting, however, dreams are not enough and what counts is the real Jihad. It is your great work, by the blessing from Allah, that kills the enemy of Allah and inspires us to fight in the Path of Allah." [Brother AB, USA, 11 March 2000] "I'm young Muslim man from Somalia now living in New Zealand, I regularly visit the qoqaz site and today I had a very deep and emotional feeling when I saw the shaheed Khallad (may Allah (SWT) make him rest in peace and reward him with Paradise). I hope that he'll be a very good example to us all that are not right now in Jihad and hope that he'll be the example that enlightens our hearts to go to Jihad one day." [Brother WT, New Zealand, 11 March 2000]

"The Western world has spoken. Encouraging words from the French, the "virtuous" Bill Clinton and supporting statements from Tony Blair and Madeline Albright to Putin the Butcher and by their visits to pay him tribute, is a blatant confirmation of the "Superpower" support for the atrocities and mayhem being perpetrated on the Muslims of Chechnya. All of a sudden from their pseudo show of belated compassion in Bosnia and Kosovo, their true colours and intentions are blindingly apparent even to the most dense and mentally benign of us, in their conciliatory tones and actions towards Russia. No longer the sly wink and nod, rather an open anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim policy is the now the norm. But many of us "Muslims" are beyond using our God given mental faculties and cruelly look the other way, accepting the answers and solutions provided by those who have fought our forefathers since the inception of Islam. These are those who would never rest until we become like them. The West, with all its lust for lewed acts, drink, barbarism, oppression, cruelty and filth- yet all, under the hypocritical facade of "care" and "compassion" and "human rights" and "womens rights" - such noble designs of course only being evoked and effected and brought to play when making skillful use and manipulation of such terms via their all powerful news media to criminalize and dehumanize Muslims and make those of us with already tottering and weak faiths, to feel ashamed of being Muslims and to become self- deprecating and apologetic of Islam. The many faithless "Secular Western Muslims" seek comfort in enjoying the soft life, the money, the drink, the gambling, the women - their reward for turning traitors to their own, to Allah and to Islam. But when death calls, early or late, and they are dragged to face Allah and then off to that most painful and permanent life in eternal Hell, they would then with screams beg to be allowed to go back to mend their ways or exchange their misery in hell for any punishment on earth - but all for naught - it will be too late. It will be then that the likes of the lions, the Shuhada (the Martyred) as the brothers in Cechnya and Afghanistan will peer at them from the heights of heavens and see the final reward of those Munafiqs (Hypocrites) and their Western friends languishing below in hell. That day will be the day of the most incredible remorse and regret for these traitors and their butcher friends. Such "Muslims" whether common-folk or leaders, must ask themselves now, �are we ready to accept the pain and misery which awaits us in this world and the next or are we going to use what ever time we have to make amends and bow to the will of Allah ?' May Allah always be with you my brave brothers, may Allah strengthen your faith and never let you waver, May Allah protect you all, give you good health and make you victorious in this world and the next." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 11 March 2000] "Oh my brothers fighting like Lions, know that all the Muslims in the UK are praying for your success. Paradise lies under the shades of swords for every true Muslim. Do not lose heart in your Rabb, for he has said that he will test us as those before us were tested, and we will cry out " Where is our Allah?" Know that he is closer to you than your jugular vein. Allah will always make you victorious. So fear not my brothers My dua goes out to you in every prayer that I offer May allah grant you Al Firdous. Please even in this time of conflict give dawaa to all the civilians you meet in Chechnya." [Brother NH, London, UK, 10 March 2000]

"I just wanted you to know that many parents are now using your web site for their daily schooling of their children, specially the email site. My college teens' first assignment is reading your site. We are growing like lions for Allah." [Sister RS, CA, USA, 11 March 2000]

"A Message to the Ummah of Mohammad (SAWS), from Salahudin Ayyubi - The Liberator of Jerusalem: We hope in Allah Most High, to Whom we Praise, Who leads the hearts of Muslims to calm, from what torments them and ruins their prosperity. Where is the sense of honor of the Muslims? The pride of the Believers? The Zeal of the faithful? We shall never cease to be amazed at how the disbelievers for their part have shown trusts, and it is the Muslims who have been lacking in zeal. Not one of them has responded to the call. Not one intervenes to straighten what is distorted; but observe how far the Franks have gone. What unity they have achieved. What aims they pursue. What help they have given. What sums of money they have borrowed and spent. What wealth they have collected and distributed and divided amongst themselves. There is not a King left in their lands or islands, not a lord or a rich man who has not competed with his neighbors to produce more support and rival his peers in strenuous military efforts. In defense of their religion they consider it a small thing to spend life and soul; and they have kept their infidel brothers supplied with arms and champions of war; and all they have done and all their generosity has been purely out of zeal for him they worship in jealous defense of their faith. The Muslims on the other hand are weak and demoralized; they have become negligent and lazy, the victims of unproductive stupefaction and completely lacking in enthusiasm. If, Allah forbid, Islam should draw rein, obscure her splendor, blunt her sword, there would be no one east or west, far or near who would blaze the zeal for Allah's Religion, or choose to come to the aid of truth against error. This is the moment to cast off laziness, to summon from far and near all those men who have blood in their veins; but we are confident; but we are confident, thanks to Allah - Alhamdolillah - in the help that will come from Him and entrust ourselves to him in sincerity of purpose and deepest devotion. Insha'allah, the disbelievers shall perish and the faithful have a sure deliverance. Salahudin Ayyubi, 12 CE Abu Shamma, Kitab Ar-Rawadatayn" [Brother TR, Texas, USA, 10 March 2000] "O Allah, protect Your soldiers in the heat of the battles in Chechnya just like You protected Your Khalil Abraham when the idolaters threw him in the fire. O Allah, I unhesitatingly know that You suffice in their need. O Allah, protect those innocent bystanders who face torture and indiscriminate bombing everyday from these godless war criminals lead by Putin. O Allah, check these evil aggressors by means of Your vast resources on earth and from heaven." [Brother AHM, Ottawa, Canada, 11 March 2000]

Added 11 March 2000

"There is no doubt in my mind that you are winning the war no matter what the hypocrites say. Even the Russians admit that they are losing the war, if they only listen to what they are saying. In the beginning of this war Putin said anything less than the total defeat of the rebels is a defeat for Russia, and recently they said they have everything but the defeat of the rebels. I think they have lied so much they can't even keep track of what they have said. May Allah (SWT) grant you victory as He knows the right time. Keep up the good work brothers. Please pray for me as I pray for you so that Allah (SWT) can help me make up may mind about the most important decision in my life (which has lots of risks), and I am certain that I will be far better place to help my muslim brothers and sisters." [Brother MS, USA, 10 March 2000]

"My brothers in Islam, I am a mother of three daughters and 6 months pregnant with the fourth child. I have been following the news and visiting your website till late at night. I cry for you and ask Allah to raise the Kalimah "Laa ilaaha ill Allah" and "Rayatul Islam" (flag of Islam) in all the caucuses. The du'as of a pregnant woman are accepted even at birth when Insha Allah I shall be making du'as for your success. I perform 2 rakaats of nafil after each salaah and make du'as for you. We also copy the news from your website and give to brothers and sisters in our mosques. May Allah give you success in dunya and akhira." [Sister ND, London, UK, 9 March 2000]

"Please accept my sincere thanks for igniting the flame of Jihad in my heart, and in many others Insha Allah. Praise Allah, it could not be any clearer--while the brave commanders of the Mujahideen race ahead of their junior brothers to clear mine fields, while they give us practical lessons in courage, the enemies of Allah Most High work the worst kind of corruption and terror across the land." [Brother T, USA, 9 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah The Most High be upon His Messenger. Firstly, We would like to thank you all for this excellent web site to keep us informed. May Allah bestow on you all the best reward. Also we want to say to our Brothers in Chechnya that you are very close to our heart in every du'a, prayer and supplication, may Allah bestow His Mercy and Victory upon us. Today Spanish government has authorized us to make demonstration on 17 March 2000." [Brother P, Spain, 10 March 2000]

"I have been following the conflict in Chechnya since the war began and just want you to know that I am all for the Mujahideen. My heart aches when I see and read the horrors that are described. I have never thought much of Russians and now know that they are the scions of the devil, and Putin the devil himself. My prayers go out to the Mujahideen and I sincerely hope that someday the Chechen and Mujahid are victorious. I am also sorry that the other World governments, including my own, do not have the guts to challenge the Russians on their abuses towards your people. I suppose their decisions are motivated by some political consideration, but their inaction itself is shameful and I am personally embarrassed. Is the US afraid of another Cold War ? I am not a Muslim and do not know much of the ways of Islam, but this I do know: God, is looking down on the sons of Russia and will punish them on Judgment Day, because what they are doing to you is the most abominable thing. I will be thinking of you on Solidarity day." [Mr. C. Burton, USA, 9 March 2000]

"I would like you to know that I�m always praying for our Mujahideen in Chechnya in particular and the Mujahideen in general. And that May Allah keep firm the Mujahideen�s foot on the ground and that He aims their targets on His Enemies and the Mujahideen�s enemies, and May He grant the Mujahideen in Chechnya victory in this world and in the Hereafter - Ameen. It is not surprising that we read that the enemies of Allah are killing each other. Insha Allah the victory is for Islamic Chechnya. O Allah! We ask you to grant them victory! O Allah, Most Exalted are You, we ask that You turn the plots of our enemies against themselves and that You turn their conniving into their self-destruction - Ameen" [Brother AA, Kenya, 10 March 2000]

"Praise be to Allah for a web site that provides us everywhere around the world with authentic information on the Chechen war. The western media are trying their best to portray an image that this war is over, and to many Muslims in western countries this is what they understand. But all praises be to Allah (SWT), the lord of the worlds, the Creator of everything that is in the heaven and earth, He(SWT) will give the Chechen Mujahideen victory. He(SWT) is taking out Shuhadah from our brothers fighting in the land against the Russian Kuffar who are lower than pigs. What an opportunity my brothers in Islam, who are fighting against one of the so called greatest military powers, only through Allah's help have you found victory. The Chechens will win the war. Oh Allah give victory to those who believe, shatter the ranks of the unbelievers who dared to fight Your soldiers, make them confused in their own ranks, make them fight each other and let them be destroyed. I urge my brothers and sisters in Islam all around the world to make the most supplications during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, the best of days." [Brother SA, USA, 10 March 2000] "May Allah (SWT) guide you swiftly to victory. May you remain as steadfast in your cause as the day you began. Alhamdulillah, you are doing a tremendous thing for the Muslim Ummah, though they may not recognize it. May Allah (SWT) be quick with His mercy on you Mujahideen brothers, and impose his wrath on those Muslim countries, impotent they are in inaction and indifference to the atrocities going on in Chechnya. Hypocrisy is a plague in this world, committed most significantly by these so called "Muslim" countries....quite unaware that the Day of Judgment is just around the corner. May Allah (SWT) be pleased with you, Brothers, and with the brave Shaheed in paradise, Insha Allah. I have been praying for your safety everyday, Insha Allah I will continue praying. Your website has made me more acute to the injustices I was unaware of in the past. Thank you for your inspiration. God-willing, Islam will persevere." [Sister N, USA, 9 March 2000]

"I only wish the Iman of the brothers and sisters around the world was as strong as yours. Allah will grant you victory, unfortunately it is the Ummah that needs dua. Russian lies are worse than the Americans and may Allah grant you victory over those devils. They think they have all the power but it is Allah who is the most powerful. In the Quran, Allah says what happened to Abraha, the owner of the elephants when he went to destroy the Ka'baa. Allah is the mightiest, when they attack, Allah will guide you to victory. There are some brothers here that are paying attention to what is happening. When we return to our Religion, Allah will help the entire Ummah. You brothers are fighting in the name of Allah and to you, Insha Allah, He will grant you victory." [Brother WM, Edmonton, Canada, 10 March 2000]

"Praise be to Allah(SWT) for giving the Mujahideen victory over the Kuffar Russians. The day isn't far when the Russians will taste dust as they did in the last Chechen war. Rest assured, O you brave soldiers of Allah, that the common muslim people all over the world are with you and make du'a for your victory. And shame on the so-called Muslim countries who are trading with perverted Russians whose hands are soaked with the blood of Chechen Muslims." [Brother N, Atlanta, USA, 10 March 2000]

"I am very pleased to see this site up and running smoothly, so far. I pray for all the people who had anything to do with the making of this site. May Allah Bless you and your families. I am very hurt at what this world has become. Muslims versus the world is what we - Muslims - face everyday of our lives. Whether it is out in the open, or if it is behind our backs, either way, we will never be accepted as followers of the religion of God. The West sees us and tries to label us (in the media's eyes) as Islamic Rebels or Terrorists, or Murderers, or killers...etc. etc. For too long our people have just stood by to watch the enemy move in and destroy our lives, our houses, our families, our culture. We must unite and fight against any enemy of Islam. By the Power of Allah, we will never die. We all have problems within ourselves. We must learn to live, survive, grow and die together as one nation of Muslims from all over the world. The West loves to separate Islam. Adapt Islam and the Qu'ran to the lives of today. Take the Qu'ran and follow it, and do your absolute best to understand Islam. May all Muslim Jihad soldiers be rewarded by Allah forever. This site is Truth. Russians want the Truth to be buried away, like the rest of the world (Non-Muslims). But the truth will shine no matter who or what tries to hide it. I pray for a better world. I pray for all Muslims worldwide. I pray for them to become better Muslims, better human beings. I pray for our religion to become better. May Allah have mercy on us all." [Brother JI, Saudi Arabia, 10 March 2000]

"The pictures you added on March 10 show exactly who is the terrorist, Allahu Akbar!!" [Brother M, Ohio, USA, 10 March 2000]

"I was first introduced to see qoqaz website by my brother and Alhamdulillah, I could see and read all the great articles in which all these stories , especially on the Shuhadaa who braved themselves for the Chechen war. I must say that I really admire and salute their bravery, leaving their beloved family & loved ones, seeking the Path of Allah, The Almighty. The photo shots that were taken, really widened my eyes & I couldn't stop tears from flowing, to see the innocent Chechen Muslims (kids & adults) killed brutally by the coward Russians. To the Mujahideen brothers out there in Chechnya, May Allah bless you with a great state of Iman, Taqwa & Health for you to carry on with this Jihad. You are always in our du'as and may you be granted the victories you've dreamt of. Allahu Akbar!!!" [Sister SSF, Singapore, 10 March 2000]

Added 10 March 2000

"Congratulations on your victories. Be warned that a number of western nations are assisting the coward Russians by using their spy satellites to pin point your locations. But they do not realize that Allah will only allow them to see what he wants to. Alhamdulillah I am thrilled every day to read of your victories, and yet it I am also amazed at the highly polarized states of two kinds of Muslims. On one hand you have the Brave fearless Mujahideen Muslims from Chechnya and Afghanistan giving their lives and every thing they have under the banner of only Al-Islam, with the sole intention of promoting Islam and who beg and beseech only Allah. On the other hand we have "Muslim Leaders" of "Muslim Countries" who are begging and squirming like lowly frothing dogs for a bare recognition from Western Nations whom they have made their Gods, or for pathetic token visits by their scandalous leaders. When?....When will Muslims open their eyes to the stark cold truth that neither NATO, nor the UN nor the US nor the UK , and most certainly not the French, are at all interested in seeing a single stable Muslim country? Do they not remember that only a few centuries ago they were the conquerors of the world under Islam, but now, under nationalism and their love of this world and fear of death and they have lost everything, even their very dignity and self respect. They are made a spectacle of in movies and books, laughed at and derided. But I swear by Allah, death is sure to come early or late, and before Allah we must all appear to answer for our misdeeds and our lowly cowardly ways which benefited those who opposed Allah. After all Allah even provides for those who would see his servants slaughtered. May Allah be with you always. All my prayers and my thoughts are for you incredible Muslims of Chechnya, and those Muslim brothers who join them, always." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 8 March 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum my brothers, I must tell that when I watch on TV how my brothers and sisters are suffering around the world I cannot stop my tears. And I know that in Allah's (SWT) name we will win this war (Insha Allah very soon) in Chechnya and every where around the world Insha Allah. I and my friends are making du'a every day for our brothers and sisters in Chechnya . Thanks to Allah (SWT) for this website, through which we are closer to our brothers in Chechnya." [Brother JM, Skopje, Macedonia, 9 March 2000]

"To all those whom Allah has honored above the rest of the Muslim Ummah in fighting in His cause. You are all truly closer to Jannah than the blessed ones going for Hajj but may Allah accept your deeds and let the blood of the Shuhadaa make grow more Mujahideen. In this hope I prepare myself and sit every night reading your website and when I can let my 2 year old son see your pictures. He already recognizes Uncle Shamil and Uncle Khattab! May Allah make us and our children Mujahideen for truly your fight continues from now until the Day of Reckoning." [Brother AI, USA, 9 March 2000]

"With the Mujahideen having changed their tactics from a conventional to a more proactive guerilla warfare, the Russians are finding the Mujahideen too hot to handle. Thirteen Mujahids were able to destroy an entire Russian convoy shows that, when it comes to actual direct combat, numbers don't matter. Faith in Allah, rock solid determination and fighting skill separates the followers of Satan from the soldiers of Allah. Muslims the world over are with you and let us pray one day Muslims join together under a single flag to fight for the truth whether in Europe, Chechnya, Kashmir , Philippines or more recently in Nigeria. Ignorant Anti-Muslims never hesitate to label Muslims as terrorists out to create trouble but I challenge them to show one instance on the face of this earth where Muslims are fighting for a wrong cause." [Dr ***, Kashmir, 9 March 2000]

"Praise be to Allah (SWT) , who does not let down His faithful ones, those who choose to fight and die in His way instead of enjoying earthly pleasures. Alhamdulillah, the news coming from the front announces great blessings from Allah (SWT), in this holy month of Hajj. I, Insha Allah, and hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, will on Mount Arafah supplicate to Allah (SWT) all day long to grant our brave Mujahideen in Chechnya and elsewhere (in Mindanao, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Occupied Palestine, Turkey, Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc...) victory on all fronts, and to send His Wrath on all those who cause harm to Islam and Muslims worldwide. Patience, my brothers, patience..." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 9 March 2000] "There was a brief period where you did not update your site. I have to admit I was getting a little apprehensive because I check your site on a regular basis for the latest information on the Chechen war. The recent defeats of the Russian forces at the hands of the Mujahideen just goes to show that they are no match for Allah's warriors. I pray to Allah that you continue to knock the evil forces off their heels so the whole of Russia and the enemies of Islam fall flat on their faces and Insha Allah victory will be from Allah and Allah alone." [Brother KQ, London, UK, 9 March 2000]

"I just like to say how happy I am to be able to get true and fresh news on the web about our brothers in Chechnya. My wife and I have the satellite channels on almost all day to get some news of what is happening. We are always flicking from one channel to another just to find out what is happening to the Vodka swigging clowns of the Bolshoy ballet & circus (Russian army). It makes us laugh when after we had heard the truth from this web site to hear all the lies that RasPutin has been telling and it makes us laugh even more at how they (the West) are falling for it hook, line and sinker. My Mujahideen brothers, let them have it, because the bigger they are the harder they fall. May Allah shower his blessings down on you and the families you are leaving behind." [Brother AF, London, UK, 8 March 2000]

"My dear Mujahideen, I know that you people are fighting for Islam and witnessing the renaissance of Islamic rule in the world. My brave Muslim Mujahideen, you often inquire about the careless attitude of the Muslim rulers in your internet site, and it seems that there is no answer, but let me answer you as to why this is happening. If you think that we Muslims are independent and are free nations in different Islamic countries then this is not true, we are still ruled by the colonial remnants of the past, who are just mental slaves of the Western world. Also we Muslims are economically and scientifically still slaves of the West and dependent on their 'help'. Otherwise, if you want to know about common Muslims, then they are with you with their prayers and want you people to be victorious. May Allah give you the success in your efforts and glory of freedom and may Allah reward us Muslims with the real freedom and may Allah defeat the Russians and Western powers." [Brother SN, Pakistan, 8 March 2000]

Added 09 March 2000

"Alhamdulillah, I am thrilled every day to read of your victories, and yet I am also amazed at the highly polarized states of two kinds of Muslims. On one hand you have the brave, fearless Mujahideen from Chechnya and Afghanistan giving their lives and every thing they have under the banner of Al-Islam, with the sole intention of promoting Islam, begging and besieging only Allah. On the other hand we have 'Muslim Leaders' of 'Muslim Countries' who are begging and squirming like lowly frothing dogs for a bare recognition from Western Nations whom they have made their Gods, or for pathetic token visits by their scandalous leaders such as Clinton.

When will Muslims open their eyes to the stark cold truth that neither NATO, nor the UN nor the US, or UK or Clinton, and most certainly not the French, are at all interested in seeing a single stable Muslim country. The slaughter in Bosnia was only brought about because NATO urged by France and US placed an arms embargo on Bosnia, while allowing the pig Serbs an open season on Bosnian Muslims. It was only after many were slaughtered that they decided to lightly smack the hands of the Serb swines who got away with perfect outright murder. Boutris Ghali of the UN kept denying that the Muslims were being slaughtered, in spite of the stark carnage. To this day Western nations would still rather believe the Russian or Serb version of events.

Muslims of many countries would rather supplicate to Allah fervently for victory in some miserable cricket or football match with another country and spend their time focusing on getting fatter, than rally each other against the threat of the Anti-Islamic nations, which include certain 'Muslim' countries, and pray to Allah for our Brothers and Sisters in Chechnya. Like pitiful servants they await a nod of recognition or a few scraps off the tables of their Masters, the European Union or NATO. Do they not remember that only a few centuries ago they were the conquerors of the world under Islam, but now, under nationalism and their love of this world and fear of death they have lost every thing, even their very dignity and self respect. They are made a spectacle of in movies and books, laughed at and derided. But I swear by Allah, death is sure to come, early or late, and before Allah we must all appear to answer for our misdeeds and our lowly cowardly ways which benefited those who opposed Allah. May Allah be with you always, all my prayers and my thoughts for the incredible Muslims of Chechnya, and those Muslim Brothers who join them." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 8 March 2000]

"Thank you for showing us that there are indeed brave people on this Earth (besides the millions who are the slaves of Zionism and Imperialism). I have decided to myself if this war is not over when I have passed my high school exams, I will fight with you in Chechnya. Because meeting you brave people is the most glorious thing I can imagine." [Brother SG, **, 7 March 2000]

"Brothers it is so moving to read the stories of the Shuhadaa (Martyrs), keep them coming, it boosts the Imaan. It is like reading 'Hayaatus- Sahaabah' (The stories of the Companions of the Prophet (SAW)). Please make dua that Allah hastens my journey to join you. I am making preparations and Insha Allah will be with you soon. Your message to the Ummah about the Kuffar using nuclear power was received loud and clear. May Allah barbecue them with their vodkas in their stomach - alcohol burns well, doesn't it ?" [Brother JD, USA, 7 March 2000]

"I wake and first thing I do is check this web site for any updates, I dream and feel the pain my Brother and Sisters are facing . . . I'm a networking professional, please let me know if I can help out in any way I can." [Brother SAA, California, USA, 7 March 2000]

"To our heroes in the Land of Honour, to those who are a light in the darkness, to those who are fighting in the Way of Allah, I love you all in Allah. I can't express what I want to say to you except that I am praying for you every day and I wish to be with you." [Brother **, Egypt, 7 March 2000]

"This is THE best website. I have no words left to describe this website. May Allah (SWT) hasten the recovery of the injured Mujahideen and bestow Paradise to the Martyrs. And May Allah (SWT) destroy the Mujahideen's enemies." [Brother IP, USA, 9 March 2000]

"Our dead are in Paradise, their dead are in Hell fire" [Brother BB, Canberra, Australia, 07 March 2000]

"Verily Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in ranks as if they were a solid structure" [61:4]. O Mujahideen, indeed the Kuffars and their associates hate you, but Allah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem - LOVES you! Whose loves is better than Allah's love? Because your structure is solid, the Russians cannot destroy you, Insha Allah. [Brother AK, , UK, 8 March 2000]

"My 7, and 10 year olds saved their lunch money for Chechnya and put into the Chechnya box ($40.00). I feel great when my 4 year old boy shouts, 'Chechnya Mujahid, Allahu Akbar!'. Our prayers are with you and our deepest salaam to brother Shamil, Khattab and all the Mujahideen." [Brother MH, USA, 7 March 2000]

"I want to tell you that all of us here in India really pray for your success and Insha Allah you guys will surely succeed. After reading 'A call to all Believers' I was really out of words. I made a copy and gave it to all my friends and Brothers. [SK, Bombay, India, 7 March 2000]

"Your sincere Brothers all over the world are with you all the time, believe me even if we are away from you, our hearts always with you and never forget you. We pray for you day and night. We are proud of you all, and keep up with your reliance on Allah. Soon Insha Allah you will kick those cowards out of Muslim Chechnya. May Allah keep you safe all the time." [Brother AM, Saudi Arabia, 7 March 2000]

"My dear brothers, this is great work that you are doing. Upon reading the news of the death of 90 Russian soldiers, in one attack, Muslims all over the world have become happy. You can imagine how the Chechen people feel as they are the real victims and suffering at the hands of Russian barbarism." [Brother NM, Saudi Arabia, 8 March 2000] "It is a pity that while a whole Muslim people are put under a grand plan of annihilation, hardly a single Muslim public or religious figures has shown the guts to tell the begging Russians to get the hell out of their Land." [Brother AR, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 8 March 2000]

"Any Muslim country worth its salt would have announced its boycott of the coming Sydney Olympics because Muslims must not participate in sports with countries that are engaged in killing and terrorising Muslims. Not one Muslim country has refused trade with Russia or ordered closure of Russian Embassy or recalled its Ambassador from Russia. In fact right now Turkey is negotiating a billion dollar deal with Russia for the purchase of military helicopters made in Russia!!!"

"Australian media continuously refers to Muslims as Islamic terrorists in its news headlines such as "Australian police ready to track and apprehend Islamic terrorists during the Sydney Olympics", or "Australian security forces on full alert, ready to deal with Islamic terrorist attacks during the Olympics" How insulting it is for us to be referred to as terrorists, but unfortunately all Muslims countries will send their teams to the Olympics. How low our countries have sunk. This is the disgusting state of our so called leaders. Our real leaders are the Mujahideen of Chechnya who have shown us the way and for them we pray, day and night. Insha Allah today Chechnya, tomorrow the World - all through the sacrifices of these brave and righteous Mujahideen, so the Muslims and the rest of the world can live in peace free from the tyranny of Man. May Allah, Almighty, grant Victory after Victory to our Mujahideen Brothers and Sisters during this powerful month of Dhul Hijah, and give the most humiliating and severe punishment to the Russians and the countries that support them in this genocidal war." [Brother HAK, Sydney, Australia, 7 March 2000]

Added 08 March 2000

"I check this site every day for news of further Russian defeats and I would like to congratulate both the Mujahideen on their stunning successes against the better armed Russians and the operators of for their brilliant reporting. As Field Commander Khattab says in his profile, wars must be fought by media these days. Putin is relying on his control of the media to stop the Russian people learning the truth of what is happening in Chechnya and it is up to reporters like to inform the world of the truth. How can the Russians deny something if you guys have live video of it? As a journalism student I am impressed with the speed at which is updated. The Mujahideen are fighting in some of the most unforgiving territory in the world but still the news comes through with astonishing speed. Even though you will probably think I am a Western spy I would love to come to Chechnya when the snows melt and report on the fighting. It seems Westerners will only believe something if told by another Westerner! Keep fighting, you are fighting the war of the just and the brave. Allah will ensure victory!" [Mr RC, Melbourne, Australia, 6 March 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, I am a seventeen year old Italian who became Muslim three years ago. Here in Italy, we can't learn a lot about the Chechen war from the Italian news, therefore I am so happy to see the news on your site. I make du'a for you in all my prayers and I am near you with all my heart. The victory will come with the help of Allah." [Sister K, Italy, 5 March 2000]

"We pray to Allah (SWT) to make our brothers victorious in Chechnya and destroy the Barbaric Cowardly Invaders, the Russians, soon Insha Allah. And we sincere Muslims should leave aside all of our differences with each other and should Unite to cure our problems caused by the Kafeerun. We should be as a human body; when any part of our body becomes sick or wounded, all other parts should do their part to heal that wound. Today's Muslim Ummah is like a body without any nerves. We don't feel the pain of other Muslims until we suffer. But all Kafeerun help each other; even the longtime enemies help each other (Russia / US) to exterminate sincere Muslims. We should do the very same thing to be able to defeat our enemies and become one Muslim Ummah Insha Allah. Salaam to all Mujahideen brothers who struggle for their beliefs. And Salaam to all Shuhadaa who sold their lives back to Allah (SWT) for Jannah. Yaa Rabb! Help our Mujahideen brothers very soon to wipe out the Barbaric invaders from the Islamic Caucasus Region and destroy the infidel Russian Army." [Brother AS, USA, 6 March 2000]

"No matter how hard the infidels try to annihilate the Muslims worldwide, The Word of Allah will prevail on His glorious earth Insha Allah. With so much Islamic history in the Caucasus region, we know what they are planning to achieve,but the biggest planner is Allah. Your Jihad is the Muslims Jihad. Do not let the enemy disunite us by nationalizing us, because conflict with the West is inevitable as it is bound to defend it's global hegemony. Let you, O Mujahideen not be the prisoners of history but rather the shapers of history." [Brother MS, South Africa, 6 March 2000]

"I wake up in the middle of the night to perform salaatul tahajjut and my special request to Allah is that the Kuffars' army will use their sophisticated weapons to kill each other. Alhamdullilah, nothing pleased me more than when I read about how they kill each other in 'friendly fire'. O Mujahid brothers , my family and I will back you with our prayers. We will pray for more 'friendly fires' Insha Allah. To the brothers who give us this site, I can't thank you enough" [Sister N, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 March 2000]

"To all the brave Mujahideen of Islam, it is you by the Will of Allah who will bring this Religion back to its glory. And I would like to call upon all Muslims around the world to keep making du'a always and know that it is a very very powerful weapon. Even if we don't see the results from thousands of miles away, rest assured that by the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen are seeing and experiencing the results of many prayers. Also a call to all Muslim media news agencies and reporters; where is your voice? Why can't you get your stories and sources from this site instead of the untruthful Russian media? Or do you believe the Kuffar over the Mujahideen who are fighting for you and for all the Muslim Ummah." [Brother HN, Kansas City, USA, 6 March 2000]

"Now that the Chechens will bring true partisan guerrilla war to the Russians, the invaders will find that no amount of vacuum bombs or savage oppression of civilians can win them anything. Alhamdulillah, may they get beaten, just as they did in Afghanistan, just as the army of my country did in Vietnam, years ago. Like the Afghanis and the Vietnamese, the Chechens too deserve independence from foreign oppression, the right to live in their own way, under their own faith. After centuries of Russian oppression, may the bleeding and enslavement of the people and the land come to an end." [Brother JW, Arizona, USA, 7 March 2000]

"May the Lord bless all your endeavors and keep you strong. I personally come to this site frequently in any one day to read the news, see the photos, read the emails of support and spend some time with my brothers and sisters on the web. March 17th, 2000 will be a double special day for me as it marks the day I made my shahaada and the beginning of living in the light of Islam, and it was by way of this war, Jihad in Chechnya that I came to know the Lord and it was Chechens who chose my name. Long live Chechnya and may God keep us all on the straight path. Allahu Akbar!" [Sister M, British Columbia, Canada, 6 March 2000]

"O my dear brothers and sisters, Assalamu alaikum. What are we waiting for? Have we become the test pieces of the Kuffars' weapons, missiles, and tanks? When they make new weapons, are we the first nation that they test on? O Muslim Ummah, wake up. Enough is enough. O Muslims ! do you prefer Dunya (the present life) to the Akhira (hereafter) ? I will make du'a until the Mujahideen get victory. May Allah (SWT) show the light to all Muslims and make all one nation instead of division." [Brother AYI, UK, 6 March 2000]

"I say you are an example of how Muslims should be conducting themselves when they are attacked. I am saying that, not because there are no Muslims struggling against the enemy of Allah, but because you are the only nation that stood up and fought an enemy 300 times bigger than you are, in terms of man power. And when it comes to fire arms, it is even more astonishing .The Russians are supported by countries like USA and Europe financially, and there experts who work round the clock to finish off the nation so small, but with a heart LARGER THAN the whole world combined. " [Brother AMO, Nebraska, USA, 6 March 2000]

"Lions of Islam, fighting to raise the true religion of Allah, may you have success. Destroy the enemies of Allah who have dared to challenge Islam. Destroy the enemies of Allah who have killed Muslims. Destroy the enemies of Allah who have supported evil. You are the pillars of Islam. On your shoulder does Islam lie and with your courage it will spread. I pray in my every prayer that Allah grants you Success, brothers. I was shocked that the Russia, who is losing the war may use Weapons of Mass destruction because its existence is going to be finished. May Allah help you in such difficulties and provide you His divine help." [Brother MFA, Welland, Canada, 7 March 2000]

"First of all, I love my brothers in Islam. I have been here in America for past 12 years and I have to tell you, if it was up to fundamentalist Christians, they would wipe out Islam and Muslims. Fortunately, Islam has been growing in America and there are good hearted honest people here who do not support this war. Second, do not trust American Foreign Minister Madeline Albright, she is probably meeting Russia to exchange aerial photographs of Mujahideen positions or tactics, so be cautious. America wants this war to be over because it is making her look like a coward and she probably is assisting Russia to end this conflict fast. I am positive that CIA (Who's head recently called Muslims a threat against America) is providing eyes from the above. Trust Allah and fight hard and fight just. If I have a million lives, I will give every life for Allah and fight against Kufr." [Brother M, USA, 7 March 2000]

"I cannot stop being amazed at how stupid and stubborn the Russians are. They try to be masters of propaganda, but even that they cannot do well. They always report to the world that 'the war is over', that 'it is a matter of cleaning up Chechnya from the rebels' and so on and so forth. Amazingly enough, the war has been raging more fiercely than ever, with the cheap bodies of the dead Russian soldiers scattered all over Chechnya. Amazingly enough, the so called rebels are still demonstrating their courage and relentless resistance to the Russian mercenaries. Typically, the Russian government is quick to deny any type of losses on their part, and when they cannot hide it any longer they only report 1% or less of the real figures. When they cannot hide their continuous defeats and humiliation they start to use the Stalin-era propaganda system and report lies of all kinds. In spite of the fact that the West knows Russians probably more than Russians themselves, Western media still deals with the Russian sources as if they were credible sources. Fine, the truth will eventually find its way out, and the Whole World will Insha Allah see the brave Chechen Mujahideen attain a victory as their brothers did in Afghanistan. Hold on tight, for only Allah can bestow victory on whom he wants. May Allah's Victory be near!" [Brother AMA, Massachusetts, USA, 7 March 2000]

"You are the true heroes for the Muslims all over the world. Young children ask for the news from Chechnya, and ask to hear the stories of the Shuhadaa and to hear about the commanders in this war, again and again. The hit and run tactics, are the Russians worst fear. Most of them say they can't wait to get back home, you on the other hand look forward to attacking the Russians. Keep it up brothers, strike fear in their hearts, cause confusion among their ranks; panic-stricken, they'll run back. I pray that they shall never have a moments peace in their pitiful lives. "O Prophet (SAW)! Urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast persons amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there be a hundred steadfast persons they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are people who do not understand." (8:65). I pray that Allah will cause you to crush their army. They say that they are better equipped than you and therefore will wipe you out 'soon', but Alhamdulillah, you are far better equipped than them. You have Taqwa, and Insha Allah, it is all you need to overcome them. They think that their problems will be solved if they wipe you out, Insha Allah, that will never be, as long as there is at least one person making du'a for you. As long as there is one Muslim alive on this earth, the fight will go on until there is one person striving to make Allah's word supreme. If Russia does not meet its end now, Insha Allah, there will be a new generation of Muslims who will rise up and take place of those before them. May Allah make you successful, and grant you victory. May He help you crush the Russians, and teach them a lesson so that they may never harm or oppress a Muslim ever again." [Brother QAM, USA, 6 March 2000]

Added 07 March 2000

"I'm a 14 year old supporter who is following up on each and every detail of your Jihad. I feel so angry at the so-called Muslim leaders who do practically nothing to help you. But, even if those puppet-leaders don't do anything for you, please remember that your REAL Muslim brothers and sisters are with you. No matter how advanced the Russians' technology is or how big their army is, nothing can match your courage and faith in Allah. I know I'm a small voice speaking out like this and there's not a lot in my power that I can do to help you. But,I just wanted you to know it is my wish that I will be fighting with you and Mujahideen everywhere and die as a Shaheed." [Sister SAA, ***, 5 March 2000]

"My dear Soldiers of Allah (SWT), I Thank Allah (SWT) for granting you the victory in the skirmish of Grozny. We in the US, saw the video broadcast by BBC. It was a blood warming scene. Watching the miracle of Allah (SWT) happening in front of our eyes was astonishing and a wake-up call for many Muslims in the world. The video was a slap from left and right on the face of Kafir Putin that he or his infidel army CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to fight with the Soldiers of Allah (SWT). The Kafir Putin challenged Allah (SWT) and now is the time he will see the wrath of Allah upon him and his Kafir army. May Allah (SWT) destroy the enemies of Islam and grant victory to Mujahideen like the one in Battle of Badr and the victory to Ummah like Fath Makkah." [Brother AP, USA, 5 March 2000]

"I live in shame seeing and hearing about you struggle every minute of your life for Allah's Deen while I come nowhere near to what you are doing. May Allah reward you highly and protect you immensely and strengthen you greatly. May Allah reward you, O managers of the Jihad sites, for your great efforts in helping the world and especially the Muslims see the truth of current age: The age of true darkness we are in. I wanted to ask my dear Muslim brothers and sisters all over Allah's earth, to add in their prayers that Allah (SWT) make each du'a we make against the Kuffar like a nuclear bomb in the hearts of the Kuffar and their silent supporters (i.e. most of the rest of the world). May Allah wake all the people up in this age and direct them to where the Light is. And may Allah (SWT) accept each du'a we make for our Mujahideen brothers, strengthen them and all the oppressed people on the earth. May these du'as of ours hasten the day when help arrives to all the oppressed people on the earth. Help from Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. And finally, may the people who bring this help to the oppressed be ourselves, the Muslimeen, so that we too are not deprived of Allah's rewards and His beautiful Paradises." [Brother AT, Oxford, UK, 5 March 2000]

"I am a Pakistani Muslim. I am a regular visitor of this site and am very ambitious about the happenings in Chechnya. I do not have much to say...except that you have my prayers with you. You are the soldiers of Islam. You will be honored and rewarded for your bravery, whether you live or get martyred. Do not hesitate and do us all proud. Insha Allah, by the grace of Almighty God, you will be victorious. Never run away but make the enemy flee. I am very proud and excited by the news that my brothers have killed about more than 300 Russians in three attacks: two on the Russian bases near Shatoi and one on the Russian convoy. Continue your Surprises and Insha Allah this war will be ours." [Brother HZ, Pakistan, 5 March 2000]

"First, I want to thank you for showing the details of the world-solidarity day for Chechnya on 17 March. May Allah give you the best rewards. I also wish to congratulate the Mujahideen for their successful Grozny ambush! Does Putin think he can tell all these lies? He knows if the people in Russia hear the true number of losses, they will quick end his rule! So he just tries to hide the truth so that he can stay longer in his comfortable seat. The Grozny ambush was a slap on the Russian�s face! Only 13 mujahideen annihilate a whole Russian convoy! Allah-u-Akbar!!! I hope this was just one of many other similar operations as the Mujahideen have promised to Putin (as an election present!!). Insha Allah, this will be the start of something very big (as one brother emailed: the start of Chechnya being the centre of Jihad, Jihad-training and the centre of the Ummah!). I pray, to Allah, the rest of the Muslims all over the world will awaken soon and help our brothers and sisters in Chechnya as best as they can! Ameen!! I pray to Allah, trained Mujahideen will flow from all directions into Chechnya to kick- out the Russians from the Caucasus! Ameen!! Insha Allah we will hear more of these good news in future! Insha Allah we will hear very soon, Russians begging for peace with the Chechens! Insha Allah we will here very soon, that Russians have been beaten a second time and this time finally by the Brave Chechens! Insha Allah we will here very soon the recognition of the Chechen Islamic Republic by the rest of the world and the establishment of Shariah in all muslim countries as a first step! I pray each day to Allah for the Mujahideen. I�m crying every night, when I lie down to sleep, because I�m thinking about the Mujahideen in the cold mountains, the Chechen people arrested and tortured by the Russians, the helpless Chechen children left alone by the whole world, including the so-called Muslim countries. I pray to Allah to make the Muslims aware of their situation, to awaken them from their stupid life without sense! But I know, there are some who are trying to help their brothers and sisters; they are trying to establish the words of Allah on earth!" [Brother MAY, Salzgitter, Germany, 6 March 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum O Mujahideen, may Allah (SWT) reward you the best Jannah (Paradise) in the hereafter. Show the truth to the Muslims and non-Muslims using the camera. Let the people know that the western media is full of lies. The soldiers of truth, keep fighting for your land and for your Deen. Don't accept slavery! You are the Slaves of Allah (SWT) not slaves of humans. I will make du'a until you get victory!" [Brother AYI, UK, 5 March 2000]

"To my Brothers and Sisters who created this website: may Allah reward you handsomely in this world and the hereafter for the excellent job you are doing. To the Corrupt Muslim leaders: Do you fear the Kuffars' Nuclear Bombs , their high-tech weapons and their economic sanctions more than the wrath of Allah? Why do you turn a blind eye to the cruelty and suffering of our Ummah ? You are nothing but helpers of the Kuffar. To the Mujahideen in Chechnya: I pray that Allah increases you in strength and numbers and in the heat of the battle replace your tiredness with abundance of peace, calm and courage. May Allah destroy all of the Russian attempts to overcome you. May Allah make them shake with fear and run away at the sound of your weapons. Fight them and never stop fighting them until they leave the Muslim land of Chechnya. To All the Kuffar: Allah's Deen (Islam) will prevail on Allah's earth whether you like it or not, it is the promise of Allah." [Brother AK, Toronto, Canada, 5 March 2000]

"My dear brothers, what a great task you have done. Reading the news of killing 90 Russian army men in one attack on your website and also confirmed from the lying western media, makes Muslim all over the world become happy. You can imagine how much the Chechen people feel satisfaction because they are the real victims and suffering the Russian barbarism. This type of attack will quickly make the vodka-donkey, enemy of God and the humanity, and the killer of innocent Chechen people, Putin, from hero to zero. And Insha Allah the Russian people will kick him out quickly and the hypocrite America which is helping Russia from behind will quickly change." [Brother NM, Saudi Arabia, 5 March 2000]

"Congratulations, for killing 70 of the Russian troops. We want to hear this news everyday. Kill them and don�t let them stay long in Chechnya. Insha Allah, Paradise will be for those want to rise the flag of Allah and say La Ilaha Il Allah." [Brother AA, Toronto, Canada, 5 March 2000] "May Allah grant you victory O' Chechen fighters, Lions of Islam and defenders of the faithful and keepers of the honor of the whole Islamic world. You have proven to the world that you are the bravest of gods soldiers. Paradise is yours." [Brother BA, LA, USA, 5 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah! The news of Mujahideen's successful ambush of the Kuffar Pigs is so relieving. I cannot feel happier than hearing these kind of exciting news. Particularly that there was not even 1 Mujahid lost. May Allah (SWT) be glorified. Allahu Akbar..Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar. Insha Allah today > 175 died, tomorrow > 1750, and the day after > 17500 and so on. Dearest brothers, warriors & the actual leaders of Islam, I pray for your victory at least 5 times everyday. May Allah The Most High give you victory here and Jannat-ul Firdaus in the hereafter. I wish I was 10 years younger so that I can join you, soldiers of Allah. I envy you. Put Putin in the bin!" [Brother AM, Muscat, Oman, 6 March 2000]

"Congratulations my brothers, for this wonderful victory...... only 13 mujahideen against a whole detachment of OMON troops. Well done indeed. This is nothing short of military genius! The tactics and fearlessness among the Mujahideen are sure signs that the Russians are fighting with the finest soldiers in the world. Insha Allah I will write a book on the Chechens and their glittering victories so the whole world may know the finest details about the entire account of the Mujahideen and at the same time expose the Russians as to how shamefully they lied. And to show the world the strength of the Mujahideen. Right now, Dubai is gearing up for the lucrative shopping festival. Only a tenth of the money they will spend and earn would have gone a long way for our brothers in Chechnya." [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 6 March 2000]

Added 06 March 2000

"Congratulations, for killing those Russian troops. We want to hear this news everyday, kill them and don�t let them stay long in Chechnya. Inshallah, paradise will be for those want to rise the flag of Allah. Islam is coming!" [Brother A, Toronto, Canada, 4 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, victory has once again been granted from Allah (SWT) to the brave Mujahideen The sight of the 'Pork-fed Russians' bodies lying breathless was the sight I needed to feel that my supplication, and that of hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide had been answered ... Only Allah (SWT) knows how much I envy you... I will, Insha Allah, go to Hajj this year, and will pray while on Mount Arafah for the Almighty to speed your Victory, and to send His Wrath on the 'Vodka-bred, Pork-fed, Mafia-led Russians'. I will ask Allah (SWT) to grant me the honour and privilege to join you. Please, don't give up. I know that asking you that from where I am is far-fetched, but I think that not only will you be granted the prize of the Mujahideen by Allah (SWT), but also that of waking the long hibernating Muslim pride. Please, brothers, join me in praying that today begins the Jihad in Chechnya, and later we'll make it to Jerusalem." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 4 March 2000]

"Think about who the victors are. The Russians have received millions in aid from the West recently. Their debt has been cancelled, because the West, though they hate the Russians are too afraid of another cold war. The war in Chechnya has cost the Russians, literally a "bomb". Their daily expenses to fund the operations must run into millions every day. All the money they have received in aid has been squandered in this futile, ill conceived war of theirs. It is depleting them, soon the West will tire of giving them any more money. The Russians are losing face, will lose the war and will only be remembered for their merciless atrocities, raping, bribery, extortion, vodka swilling scum bags that they are...

...But the Mujahid, look at the blessings of Allah, Subhanallah (All Glory to Allah). They fight with minimum resources at their disposal. 3000 Mujahideen against a well equipped army of 100,000 soldiers. They hold them at bay for over two months, and then they escape right through the Russians. They occupy the mountain ranges and effect terrible losses on the Russians in both manpower and equipment. They change tactics from defensive to offensive. Summer is on its way, the Russian PR machine has been a shambles, no one believes them. Muslim enemies will believe only what they want to believe anyway, we all know how the west hates the Muslims. Do you know now who the victors are...??

...But the bigger victory is yet to come. Russia will be humiliated. Grozy and Chechnya will be the capital and headquarters for the training of Mujahideen internationally. Muslims from all over the world will pour into Chechnya, young men, young women professionals in all fields, they will group and prepare every Muslim mentally and physically. And all because of this present war. Allah knows best, to the Russians I say this, thank you, you lowest of the low animals, thank you for awakening the Muslim Ummah, thank you for uniting us, our thanks will soon descend upon you when we crush you." [Brother AD, Canada, 5 March 2000]

"First and foremost, excellent Islamic website! I try to read this website several times every day. May Allah reward you for this great effort. I'm from Somalia and am currently residing in Denmark. I wish to congratulate my brothers in Islam, the Mujahideen. They are true Mujahideen A real model for us. I want to tell them that we Muslims in Denmark support them in their Jihad against the the enemy of Islam. We pray for you. May Allah (SWT) grant us victory against the non-believers. And for the Russians, they believe in vodka, and we believe in Allah. We'll see who's stronger! PS: Insha'Allah I'm on my way to Hajj, and I'll pray for the Mujahideen and the people of Chechnya. I'll recommend this to every Muslim who is on his way to Hajj do the same. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!!" [ Brother SI, Denmark, 5 March 2000] "History. "When I was young they planted the seed of ignorance in my brain. They taught me with thick, heavy, crisp books and surreal pictures. I believed; facts not fiction. Or so I thought. Now I believe it was all lies. I heard about Hitler's grisly holocaust during World War II and gasped that people could be treated in such a way. But Hitler was not the only tyrant during World War II. While the world was saying 'Never again', I believe it was happening again. This was the history that was never taught. Stalin's Holocaust - Silent was the world: Silence, which spoke volumes. Yeltsin's holocaust- Silent was the world: Silence, which spoke volumes. Putin's holocaust- Silent is The World: Silence, again speaking volumes. One holocaust was never forgotten; another holocaust, never acknowledged, would continue to repeat itself. 1937-1944, 1994-1996, 1999-2000. Looking at those thick, heavy, crisp books that I had once worshipped, I feel shamed by my innocence. And though I still keep them on the shelf dusty and neglected, I continue reminding myself that hypocrisy come in all forms. Just like the truth that remains absent within those wrinkled pages. [Sister HA, Toronto,Canada, 4 March 2000]

"If it wasn't for this site I would never have been this close with our brothers in Chechnya. We, here in Australia and around the world, are with you in our Dua and our prayers and we will ask Allah (SWT) to help us in defeating His enemies and the enemies of Islam. Keep your heads high Brothers, always remember Allah is watching every move we make and Allah will never let His Believers go with no reward." [Brother SA, Australia, 5 March 2000]

"With tears gushing from my eyes. With sincere prayer uttered by my tongue day and night. With genuine and sincere wishes of victory from the depth of my heart. I write these few words to express how proud I am, as is the Muslim community in the Philadelphia area, of the on-going heroic struggle and Jihad of our Chechen brothers against the Satanic forces of Russia and the powers behind them. O Chechen Mujahideen brothers. How proud we are of you. You ALONE are fighting one of the mightiest powers of the world supported by the West and the East, yet not a single one of the so-called Muslim countries even raises the slightest protest against the aggression of Russia against you. You indeed have restored meaning to the verse in the Qur'an saying "...Those who if men said to them: 'A great army is gathering against you, so fear them', their faith will even increase and they will say: 'For us God suffices, and He is the Best whom we put our trust with.'" ( The Qur'an 3:173)." [Brother AS, Philadelphia, USA, 4 March 2000]

"Just a quick note to wish you luck on your missions. I believe victory is your destiny, and that once again you will be free, and have what is rightfully yours." [US Citizen, USA, 4 March 2000] "I'm shamed with our 'Islamic' countries that are still having partnerships with Russia, the open enemy of not just Chechnya but of all the Muslims in the World. Because, whoever is the enemy of one single Muslim should be the enemy of the entire Muslim Ummah. But today we don't find much sympathy from our Brothers in world. Indeed, the Prophet (SAW) said: "The people will soon summon one another to attack you, as people when eating invite others to share their dish!" Someone asked: "Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?" He replied: "No, you will be numerous at that time but you will be like the scum carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take the fear from the breasts of your enemy and enter 'Wahn' into your hearts." Someone asked: "What is Wahn." The Apostle of Allah (SAW) replied: "Love of the world and dislike of death." (Sunan of Abu-Dawood)" [Brother SS, Bosnia, 4 March 2000]

"We are deeply concerned about you and are following your news and praying to Allah to lead you to victory." [Brother YB, Tunisia, 4 March 2000]

"All the people in Turkey are sad for you and praying to Allah for you. But only a little part of our people are helping you in fact. It is like the people are dead and do not hear anything, so they can not begin to do anything for you. We are making Dua for you and we will continue to our Dua until the victory comes to you." [Brother AD, Turkey, 4 March 2000]

Added 05 March 2000

"I believe in your fight and what you do. I too am a soldier and have seen the face of death and misery. It does my heart proud to see those who know right, stand and face the world, as one voice, one people and one belief, and speak from the heart in support of their right to be what they are. I read your words as a Christian, but feel the truth in them. See the joy in your God and the righteousness in your plight. Strike hard and deep. Make their hearts shudder in fear, as the ground shudders under their feet from your righteous fire. Let your prayers tear them asunder" [SGT. RS, USA, 4 March 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to the Lion's of Allah and their helpers at May Allah continue his blessings upon you all. I was just thinking about how there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and yet we are such a sad lot. If we say that 50% of us are females, that leaves about 750 million male Muslims. If we say that 50% of the males are children and elderly, that leaves about 375 million shabaab (young men). If only ONE out of every 100 men was devoted to Jihad, we would have a standing army of about 3,750,000 Mujahideen. Compare that to the less than about 100,000 we have now, world wide! Can't we do better than that? I pray that Allah will bless us with the courage to reach this number." [Brother WN, Edmonton, Canada, 3 March 2000]

"May Allah help you to run this excellent website further. May Allah help the Mujahideen to run their incredible and glorious fight against the Kuffar and for the Ummah! Insha Allah this will just be the start of the unstoppable awakening of all the Muslims in the world. The awakening of the spirit of Jihad! If you are ready to die for your belief, then you are ready to do everything needed for your belief ! The pronunciation of the world- solidarity day with Chechnya is a very excellent act. I congratulate you for the proclamation of this day. I have read today on German teletext the Russians suffered 20 losses and 30 injured in a so called elite-unit by a heavy grenade-attack near Grozny which was made by the Mujahideen. Allahu-Akbar! They will pronounce more losses Insha Allah in future!! The "mothers of Russian soldiers" declared 3500 dead and 6500 injured till now! Two different Islamic Organizations here in this region declared to send the meat of next Eid to Chechnya! Insha Allah this help will get to those who really need it " [Brother MAY, Salzgitter, Germany, 4 March 2000]

"Dear brothers, I am a brother from a small island near Madagascar called Mauritius. I want to encourage all of you who are giving away their lives for true justice. The whole world is aware of the Russians� human rights records. The United States only apply justice when it suits their interests. Put your faith in the justice of Allah. I have been following the events in Chechnya for quite a long time. What the Mujahideen have done and demonstrated is beyond our understanding. No government of Muslim states have done or can do what they did. They have awakened in the Ummah the spirit of Jihad, which had completely vanished from the hearts of the Muslims. If today the Chechen Mujahideen wants to mobilize an army of 1 million soldiers around the world they can do so within hours. Many Muslims are waiting for this call. Chechnya is only the headquarters for this army. There are people who are prepared to spend their own money and their lives for the sake of Islam. We must thank Allah for using the Russians to awaken us from our sleep. No army in the world can beat the Mujahideen because they do not fight for money or lands. They are not afraid to die. They are fighting for the liberation of mankind from the injustice of governments and to bring them under the justice of Allah Subhana wa Taala. Please do not forget that the prisoners should also be taught Islam. The Russians are acting like animals because they have been deprived of the bounty of Islam. O brothers do not despair even for one second of the Rahmat (mercy) of your Lord. Your victory is assured." [Brother M, Mauritius, 4 March 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, may Allah increase the faith and power of Mujahideen. I have seen yesterday that 96 Russians killed and many captured live and large ammunitions as well. Still the Russians want to fool the world with false propaganda, with no proof behind it. I tell the Russians that thousands of Muslims are on their way to join with their brothers in Chechnya. I tell the enemies of Islam, you are just leading the world to 'War'." [Brother SA, Canada, 3 March 2000]

"Words cannot describe the hurt and anger we Muslims feel at the pictures of our Mujahideen brothers tied to the backs of trucks , dragged across town and dumped in mass graves. Words cannot describe the pain we Muslims feel at the news of our sisters being repeatedly raped, beaten and tortured. But, the pain of all pain, the anger of all anger, is the unbelievable silence of the "Islamic" nations. And yet, we capture their soldiers and treat them humanely. We do not molest their soldiers, we do not abuse their soldiers, we do not harm their soldiers. We feed them, we clothe them, we even give them food at the expense of us going hungry. O Allah, you are witness to all this. O Allah, hasten victory for our Mujahideen brothers. O Allah, remove the evil that has descended on our sisters in Chechnya. O Allah, never again let the Islamic world stay silent. O Allah, never again let the Islamic world watch our sisters get raped." [Brother AZ, London, UK, 3 March 2000]

"All praises are due to Allah (SWT), the Lord of the Mujahideen and the Shuhadah and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammed (SAW), the greatest Mujahid! I heard of your latest success over our enemy. May Allah (SWT) give you strength to continue this beautiful cause. Whenever I hear of your success I cry "Allahu-akbar, Allahu-akbar". I am filled with happiness because I know that on this day some of my Mujahideen brothers were killed fi Sabeelillah, and that they are now with their LORD, rejoicing and full of contentment. They are sitting amongst Righteous company in the highest stations of Jannah. Subhana'Allah, how much I yearn to be them! But I also feel pain because of the destruction and the devastation the Russian dogs caused. I realise that it can be saddening for you all to see your surroundings in ruins, covered with the dirty, filthy paw prints of the Russian dogs. But remember, and I leave you with this, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: 'And don't be weak in the pursuit of the enemy; if you are suffering (hardships) then surely (too) they are suffering (hardships) as you are suffering, but you have a hope from Allah (for the Reward i.e. Jannah), that for which they hope not; and Allah is Ever All- Knowing, All-Wise.' (Surah 4: Ayah 104)" [Sister MA, UK, 3 March 2000]

"My dear brothers, glad tidings to you, because you have been supported by Allah (SWT) and the entire muslim nation, except those in whose heart there is a disease for Jihad. This blessed word is now called 'Terrorism'. What a joke. Even some Muslims are joining the bandwagon. But what we know about such people is that they are like the kuffars and nothings better is expected of them anyway. The disbelievers are planning to destroy Islam but Allah is the best of planners. I remember you brothers all the time and hope for your victory from Allah (SWT). Dear brothers, do not give up hope in Allah (SWT) and hold fast to the Book and Sunnah and the way of the Salaf (pious predecessors)." [Brother EH, USA, 3 March 2000] "To the Glorious Mujahideen, you are the marvels of Islam, your resolute skill and cunning is a harbinger of things to come to this world, by Allah's decree. Allah the Most High has made you kings and princes, who tread on the grounds of ordinary men. Your military exploits and trials, have made the entire community of true believers, beholden to you as a result of your sheer bravery and dutiful self sacrifice. I, my honorable ones, am beholden to you. Masha Allah. Your efforts are being exalted daily, O brave ones, in the face of all the outlandish lies and deceptions by the hands of the lowly and unworthy Russian swine, and his ungrateful and deceitful Jew companion. Your efforts are and will continue to be exalted, for our Most High, Allah, is the best of planners. Stay warm, rested and be patient my brothers, for the planet, will be ours, by Allah's command." [Mr. DH and Brother AA, USA, 2 March 2000]

"May Allah give my sick and injured brothers speedy recovery. We in the US continue our prayers and supplications to Allah to protect you and grant you victory. However many "Muslim" individuals and "Muslim" leaders continue their sweet sleep and intentionally ignore the tremendous sacrifices you are making. Lured by the seductions of wealth and a soft life, they are dreaming of a "Secular" state where Islam is nonexistent, and they are free to live like the devils you fight so bravely. But have they not seen the remains of these devils and their States? This life is just a temporary stage. The permanent life is that after death and it is coming for sure. Your sacrifices, O brave Chechen Mujahideen and the brave Chechen Shuhadaa` (martyrs) will ensure you eternal Heaven while the rest of the "Secularist fun-loving Muslims" will see that all their power and wealth was for naught and they will feed the fires of Hell forever, only to be brought back to life again and become fodder for the roaring fires all over again. All these "scared and shivering" leaders of Muslim states who perpetuate the misery of innocent brothers and sisters who are being maimed, raped and murdered everyday by the coward Russian swines, do not realize that they soon will leave the world naturally or unnaturally and when they face Allah do they feel that Allah will forgive them ?" [Brother TN, USA, 2 March 2000]

"Here's a little poem for my brothers :

Don't give up your righteous fight, For the Russian Army with all its might, Cannot imagine the wonderful sight, The Mujahid witnesses each dark night...

Rockets, bombs, fire and steel, Sleepless nights, no decent meal, You have chosen the best deal, To die here, to answer Chechnya's appeal...

Land and cities the pork eaters may invade, But the light of Islam will never fade, In Grozny, Shatoi, the Jihad they made, Like Lions, like heroes, the Kuffar troops they raid..." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 2 March 2000]

"I thank the brothers and sisters working at Azzam Publications for such a great effort, may Allah reward all of you. The message I send the Ummah in the US and UK is that you must bombard the government with phone calls in protest of what is actually happening in Chechnya. They do not care much but still our voices must be heard, our letters must be sent. It is incumbent upon us to make our voices heard all the time. Do not let the devil keep you from the phone. If your belief in Allah is strong, you will make the call, send the letter, make flyers, do whatever you can to show your disapproval of aggression and oppression. Let them know Muslims exist and care about this issue at heart. To my brothers and sisters in Chechnya, this war will not end until the Banner of Islam has been raised. Insha Allah, each of us will do whatever is possible." [Brother MS, Iowa, USA, 2 March 2000]

Added 04 March 2000

"Allahu Akbar!!!!!! Comrades, a job well done. Congratulations. Russian admitted that 27 persons of their crack vodka troops were slaughtered by the Mujahideen. Let us teach the satanic Russians a very bitter lesson. Let Chechnya be their transit point to hell. I really hope to hear more news of this kind. To the fighters: you are always in my pray." [Brother A, Malaysia, 4 March 2000]

"Unfortunately, today I may not have any power in my hands except making dua for all of you, but Insha Allah (if Allah wills) and He gives me the power, one day I will certainly be able to do more beside keep making du'a for all of you. I know that I could be in your place and go through what you are going through now, but for some reason (known only to Allah) it is not my turn yet . I also know that you are getting more reward than me in keeping the Faith in Allah and patience in what you're being tested with. Therefore, I really envy you. Insha Allah, you all will get an unending reward from Allah for your patience and Faith in him and on what he is testing you with." [Sister SA, MA, USA, 3 March 2000]

"Thank you very much for your great work on this web page and for giving us the latest news on our brothers. On TV, I don't think every thing they say is true, and I don't trust every thing they say! I wish I was with these great warriors who will Insha Allah crush these stupid enemies." [Brother MQ, USA, 3 March 2000]

"Good luck to all of you involved in this terrible war for independence. Don't worry, we here in the west can see right through the propaganda that the Russians try to disseminate about this war. The Russian war machine has absolutely no right to rape and pillage as they have done in your Country. May you eventually gain the freedom and independence that your shattered country so rightly deserves." [Jeff, USA, 3 March 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, I just wanted to write and say how amazed and shocked I was at seeing your web site and your answers to the questions. I just want to say I have total respect for all of you Mujahideen and Insha Allah, He will give you victory in your war. The reason why I am writing is because I don't know what I can do and it is driving me mad that here I am, doing nothing for the sake of Allah. So I thought writing this letter will show you that I respect you and this is more for me than for anyone else, because I feel unable to share my views about this with anyone else. Thank you." [Sister AK, USA, 3 March 2000]

"Brothers and sisters in the land of Jihad, may Allah bless your souls and reward you the Paradise that every one dreams of. Be sure that thousands of people are watching you, even though they do not find the words to say so." [Brothers NH, Lebanon, 3 March 2000]

"My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jazakum Allahu Khairan from the bottom of our hearts for the gift of this web site. May Allah reward you for the time and effort you have dedicated for this site. I was reading one of the emails on your site, and the brother who sent the email had made a dua' that Allah may strike fear in the hearts of the Russians. This reminded me of an audio tape I had, about the Jihad in Afghanistan. The narrator was a Mujahid during the Afghani war. This brother said that a Russian General had been interviewed about the Afghani war and about the Mujahideen. The pig General said that the thing the Russian soldiers were most terrified of was hearing Allahu Akbar. He said when the Russians heard this, they were inflicted with such fear that they urinated on themselves before fleeing. May Allah strike this type of fear in the hearts of the Russian army. Ameen." [Sister DF, VA, USA, 3 March 2000]

"It is indeed a shame what the news media are doing to the minds of millions of people around the world. People are now actually believing that the conflict might be drawing to a close. But they're mistaken and will soon find out that Russian casualties are on the rise and show no signs of abating. And it is through Azzam Publications that the people will find out what exactly is happening. It is indeed shocking to see some of the firepower that the Russians are using against the Mujahideen and how much hate the Russians have for the Chechen people. The world is standing by while an erstwhile superpower is trying to squeeze the life out of a tiny nation. The Russians are bullies, but we will not give up and we will devote our energies so that the Russians are defeated one day, Insha Allah!! An appeal to the readers of, please try to make the world take notice of THE WORLD CHECHNYA SOLIDARITY DAY, march 17." [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 3 March 2000]

"Let it be known, I was raised from death when I heard about your Jihad (May Allah make each bullet you fire like a Rocket and send fear to those infidels around the globe and in Russia in particular). Hell to Russia. The true Iraqi people are sending their prayers and love and support to you! May Allah protect you. Let the wrath of Allah rain on the Russians with no mercy to them at all. Go my brothers, with Allah's help victory shall be yours no matter what. You are winning every step of the way. Just remember the Battle of Badr!!!!!!!!!! You have raised our heads high in the past and in the present. You are closer to our hearts more than ever. Go my brothers go, and be steadfast like solid rock. May all of your enemies die with shame!" [Brother HTR, Iraq, 3 March 2000]

"Dear brothers, Please make dua for me so that Allah will make it easy for me to perform Jihad. I long to be with you. I long to fight alongside chosen believers like you. Please make dua for me so that Allah increases me in Iman, strength, patience and courage to endure hardship like you. Truly, while you are at the front line, other believers are in waiting behind you. Never will true believers forsake their brethren." [Brother FK, Malaysia, 2 March 2000]

"All glory and praise to Allah, peace and blessings on our beloved Prophet, on his blessed family and companions. I pray that you brothers are able to continue your website and accurate information on the war. This is so difficult to obtain due to the war on the other front that is waged by CNN and Sky News. The dua of the brothers and sisters in the UK, and I am sure I speak for them all, are with you my brave brothers. Your sacrifices in Allah's way Insha Allah are an inspiration for the Ummah. In the words of the great Sheikh Abdullah Azzam : 'the Jihad needs money but the men need the Jihad.'" [Brother WR, UK, 2 March 2000]

"We are all proud of you. We are far away in Bangalore, India and yet we try to catch up with the BBC & CNN for whatever little news they have to offer about you. Please fight for us also. Insha Allah, victory will be yours. Be steadfast, persevere and pray to Allah for a victory. I will also pray for you from here." [Sister NA, Bangalore, India, 3 March 2000]

"Russian Media reported a Mujahideen attack on Russian Swine in Gronzy itself. The Murderous Russians were reported to have taken heavy casualties! My Congratulations dear brothers, you and your families are in my dua." [Brother JK, USA, 3 March 2000]

"I love you for sake of Allah. My heart knows how much I love you and envy you. I am coming soon, if Allah wishes. Please make dua for me that I get to join your ranks soon and be amongst the Shuhada. Do not loose hope and fight hard." [Brother M, Texas, USA, 2 March 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters, I pray that for every bullet shot by the Mujahideen,a Russian infidel is sent to Hell. For every rocket, every grenade, every missile and every mortar, a Russian armored vehicle, helicopter or warplane is doomed to be destroyed into millions of particles, killing every Russian infidel inside." [Brother MIF, South East Asia, 2 March 2000]

Added 03 March 2000

"Your rockets just killed my son, my daughter, and my wife � and you want me to cry in silence. Your soldiers are raping my daughter � and you want me to sit and watch. Your tanks are destroying my Mosques � and you want me to walk away. You are starving my children � and you want me to smile at you. Your hand is dripping my blood � and you want me to shake it. You might NOT be my jailer � but all what he knows and owns are yours. When I try to raise my head � your boots come falling on my neck. When I say stop � your hand slaps my face. When I prostrate in prayer � you empty your gun in my back. When I run away from your wrath � you hunt me down and destroy me. You are the shining light of freedom and democracy? You are the protector of human (and animal) rights and dignity? You are the symbol of justice and equality? [Brother ., WA, USA, 1 March 2000]

"May Allah help you out and guide and protect you. You have raised our heads. May Allah destroy the evil Russian army and its backers. What you are doing is unmatched. I wish you were closer, Allah knows, I would jump right in to help you to the end. You raised my kids' awareness and have proven to the world that Muslims are no terrorists. Please hit them hard and break them apart and be assured that I will do what I can to help the people of Chechnya. Your fight for freedom has never been matched. Please Allah help our Brothers and Sisters." [Brother SD, USA, 29 Feb 2000]

"I would just like to say to the brothers in Chechnya that all my life I've heard people talking about Islam including myself, but the only Mu'mins (Faithful Ones) that I know of today are without a shadow of doubt the Mujahideen. Alhamdulillah, our Master Allah (SWT) has Accepted the world's Mujahids with special reference to the Chechen Mujahids who are an inspiration to all Muslims in the world. We will suffer hunger, pain and we will miss our families but in the end, with the Grace Of Allah (SWT) we shall once more rule this world with Allah's Name being implemented all over. And our dear mothers, sisters and children will again be able to live a life of happiness- InshaAllah" [Brother MS, USA, 29 Feb 2000] "Why was I born Muslim? My heroes are called terrorists, The cowards are regarded as moderate.

Why was I born Muslim? Every news headline spits at me, Every politician shouts at me.

Why was I born Muslim? Cheap is the blood of our children, Warmongers are our scholars.

Why was I born Muslim? Our countries are in sanctions, The oppressors go unchecked.

Why was I born Muslim? I was born Muslim to overcome criticism, I was born Muslim to "enjoy" my sufferings.

Why was I born Muslim? Yes, I was born a fighter in the path of Allah, Otherwise, I was never born Muslim." [Brother SS, USA, 29 Feb 2000]

"I am a Muslim brother from Somalia. I was very pleased to get this site, which I was looking for many months. Fortunately I got it and it gave me the real situation in which Mujahideen are. It is good news that the Mujahideen are winning in this war with the help of Allah. I am with you, my dear Brothers and Sisters and I send you my dua every time. May Allah give you great reward in this World and in the next World. Woe to Russians who destroyed peace, and denied mercy to the Chechens, who destroyed the once called "Second-Most Powerful Country in the World" [Brother MJ, Somalia, 1 March 2000]

"When I look at the faces of the Russian captives, I wander what is going through their minds. Look at how they are treated like human beings, when at the same time the Russians are killing and raping Chechen women. I would imagine how suprised they are, because as far as they are concerned, these Muslims are terrorists. But little do they know that Mujahideen act according to the Quran and the Sunnah while the Russians act according to Putin and his generals. Dear Brothers, show these people what Islam is all about and give them Da'wah. Maybe Allah will guide some of them as he did in the past and victory is only from Allah." [Brother EH, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Since I did not get any news from Azzam publication for the last couple of days, I was desperate and worried about my Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. But after reading today's news, the first thought that came in my mind was this: 'Alhamdulillah my prayers were accepted by Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) accept the Shahaadah of the Martyrs, Ameen. May Allah (SWT) hasten the recovery of the wounded brothers. May Allah (SWT) save the Mujahideen from making unintentional mistakes and may Allah (SWT) keep up the unity and Brotherhood among His Soldiers.'

O you 'Lions of the Den', may Allah (SWT) show you the Victory just like the Battle of Badr, Ameen. By the Grace of Allah the Most High, I pray for you everyday in my thoughts and during my prayers." [Brother AP, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Allahu Akbar ! Hearing about the news of Chechnya was very astonishing. I was very amazed when I read that the Mujahideen had killed 135 Russians. Masha Allah, during the Russian war in Afghanistan against the Mujahideen, they never succeeded, and they're definitely not going to succeed in Chechnya. When the Russians were too afraid to fight the Mujahideen soldiers of Allah, then they started to kill innocent men, women, kids and even animals. Now that's what they're doing in Chechnya. My Mujahideen brothers prepare a special gift for President Putin on his election day. May Allah give the Martyred Mujahideen brothers the highest level in Jannah and may Allah give you all the victory." [Sister ZA, CA, USA, 1 March 2000]

"Every morning when am traveling, I always think of you all and question myself: who in this world is doing the most wonderful JOB, in my heart I know it is the Mujahideen all over the world. Because I travel using public transport, it takes me one hour going to work and one hour coming back from work. In that time I recite the Holy Quran and I ask Allah to remove all the calamities and obstacles from the way and grant the Mujahideen success, and amongst the most important dua, include me in the group of the Mujahideen. Make dua that Allah makes it easy for me, I am a lost sheep from the group." [Brother IK, UK, 1 March 2000]

"Here we are watching with our hands tight and can't do any thing except making Du'aa from the bottom of our hearts. Oh Allah aid our brothers in Chechnya and unify their rows and aim their firing and strengthen their determination. Oh Allah aid them with an army from yourself. Oh Allah, cure the injured and bless the Shuhadaah (Martyrs). Oh Allah scatter the Russian firing and shake the earth beneath them and strike fear and confusion in their hearts and souls and minds. Oh Allah, make their plans works against them. Oh Allah, show us your Amazing Power in them today before tomorrow. Make them a lesson for others." [Brother AA, USA, 1 March 2000]

Added 02 March 2000

"Those Muslim Soldiers who left the Dunyah behind in search of only an Akhirah.

Those who answered lonesome cries whilst the rest of the Ummah slept.

Those who answered the verses of the Quran and fully adhered to the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW).

Those who regarded the adornment of the Dunyah as superficial and futile.

Those who exerted themselves to their up most capacities in order submit to the Deen.

Those who sacrificed precious lives for the Sake of Allah alone.

Those who rejected the cries of weeping families and answered the cries of the oppressed.

Those who fought till the last breath and till the last drop of blood in their bodies.

Those who stand tall, as beacons of proud Muslim faith.

Those who write History with their beautiful blood.

Those who slept restlessly at night, knowing that the only life they knew was on the battlefield, fighting the Mushriqeen.

Those who fought amongst themselves to stand up in guard duty.

Those who persevered with sabr not knowing when they would get to the front-line.

Those who wept incessantly, Begging Allah alone to be granted a status amongst the Shuhaadah.

Those who were content in being left behind, not knowing if they'd ever be called up.

Those who's anger about the state of the Ummah was not restricted to vain rhetoric.

Those who left the homes in which they were reared as chickens and stood up for the Deen of Allah.

Those resisted the potent grasp of Shaitaan and his Vile Dunyah, and ran towards the musk of Firdous.

Those who got up from the gatherings and actually did something about the pillage and humiliation and suffering of those who's only crime was to bear a Muslim name. Those who would stand on Yawm-ul-Qiyaamah, dignified and Upright. Mutilated, limbless and bloody they may be, but they will always remain, The Soldiers of Allah. The Mujahideen.

How Do We Compare?" [Sister SN, UK, 28 Feb 2000]

"We all realise that the fighting is intense at the moment and has been this past week. The Russians are claiming victory and claim that Shatoi has been flushed of Mujahids, (Do the Russians know that thousands of new Mujahideen from all over the world will soon swell the ranks of those already fighting). Praise be to Allah, our brave Mujahideen have yet again proved elusive and diligent soldiers. Know in your hearts that these brave soldiers of Allah are not easily repulsed or beaten, how can they be when they fight for truth and what is good. Evil will never triumph. Never lose faith. The Russians are exasperated, bewildered and desperate. Their headache is set to get worse, for them to think of subduing and obliterating a nation has indeed been a folly. Russians will soon realise that they are not fighting Chechens, they are fighting one billion awakened Muslims, and this time, Muslim memories will not be short. Muslims all over the world are sickened by this thoughtless and evil Russian regime. Chechnya has brought the Muslim brotherhood closer and more united than ever before. The Russians will soon reckon with the Muslims. They will wish they had never heard of Chechnya. I say to the Russian people, Russian soldiers and conscripts, know what is good for you, embrace Islam now and seek forgiveness for your sins. Allah, alone, knows best and may he give you Eeman (ie. Islam). [Brother AD, Canada, 01 March, 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, to my Brothers and all Fighters in Chechnya and all Mujahideen in the world. I'm a young Muslim student from Macedonia. With my body I'm in Macedonia but with my heart I'm in Chechnya. We will win the war because God is with us and we started this in His Name. I didn't want to waste your time except to convey salaam from all Muslims from Macedonia." [Brother MM, Macedonia, 01 March 2000]

"Dear brothers of all faiths, the world over, who believe in true justice and liberty. Who do these Russian monsters think they are? Monsters is what they are. No other word can describe what these inhuman beasts are doing to defenseless women and children. They are Cowards because of all the atrocities. Only heartless, inhuman beasts devoid of all morals and decency in their lust for destruction and mayhem could cause all this human suffering. May the God of the heavens hear your prayers, O Chechen Brothers, and bring justice to you and may he give you the victory because evil will ultimately be defeated. Just as you defeated the Russian monster despite the negative odds, God must aid you in your hour of need. I am a Mexican man of American Indian heritage and we too in our past history were subjected to the evil of ethnic cleansing and genocide just like you are experiencing now. We had no one to aid us. Just like you. The world turned a blind eye. We must not allow this to happen again wherever there is unjust human suffering...... Unfortunately I am unable to go due to economic and health reasons. But I will help you by making people aware of your plight. To all the cowardly Muslim leaders. Stand up like men! Don't you see that you may be next if you do not aid your Muslim brothers! Is the fear of the Russians greater than your fear of God...! [Armand Rangel, USA, March 01 2000]

Alhamdulillah, because of your website I am awake to the reality, the importance of Jihad to raise the Flag of Islam in this world for the sake of Allah alone. We in Southern Philippines decades ago suffered the atrocities of the Kuffar armies. That time, majority of us did not know the importance of Jihad so there were few who joined the Mujahideen that time. Because of your website my heart yearns to be a Mujahid and die for it. I could hardly hold my tears to roll down on my face everytime I read your website. I feel so sorry about some of our Arabs brothers because they are too busy for "football" spending too much money and effort just to become a famous "ball kicker" and and not a fighter for Allah forgetting their role being a part of the Muslim Ummah. May Allah guide us all. [Brother BA, Philippines, March 01 2000]

"Now I am determined... Everyday I would lay awake and imagine that I was brave enough to go to battle; stand on the front lines, but fear would set in, and then I would remember that I was just a woman. Relieved I knew I was saved, my life was spared each time I heard of the heroes; martyrs who sacrificed themselves for their religious identity, it brought me to tears I felt sadness, admiration at the same time. I felt like a coward at the way I hid behind my weaknesses yesterday, I had a voice, but I was silent. I had a brain, but I was ignorant, my eyes were closed. I walked around oblivious to what was happening around me it was so convenient. The truth depressed me today, I heard the call, I felt the strength inside myself. I lived the pictures, I envisioned the cries, death told a story. I listened, it made me angry, I wanted to take action today. I did not stand paralysed by fear, instead I uncovered my blindfold. I looked beyond my backyard into yours today. I did not stand silent I spoke for the oppressed, loud and clear God gave me a voice and I used it. Today I told a history that was once ignored, deleted out of the books. I told of a past that has become the present. I spoke with such strength, it surprised even me today. I said I had enough, that we have had enough and I really meant it. Today I acknowledged to myself and to the world that though I may have been unsure yesterday, now I am determined" [Sister HA, Canada, Feb 29 2000]

"I am asking our brothers and sisters in Chechnya to pray for me and many of my friends to be among the Mujahideen" [Moroccan Brother, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Imam Shamil, Chechnya September 1838, to the brave people of Chechnya: 'Say to him (the Russian Tsar) That I will fight until the belief in victory of these brave people is vanished from their hearts, That I will fight until the last bullet, until the last arm of these people, Although you killed all my family, although you killed all my follower,s I would fight on my own, until my last breath, Say to him that this is my final answer !!!'" [Brother SG, **, 29 Feb 2000]

"I have been reading this site for quite some time and always wanted to share my thoughts with you all. I felt very low of myself, laughed and cried at my hypocrisy and begged Allah to forgive me for all my wrong doings and ignore my ungratefulness for smallest of things in daily life. The past few months have been quite refining for my soul and I feel that even though I was not a part of this Jihad physically, it has indeed left a profound affect over my soul. I feel more spiritually refined by Allah's grace and see things in life, I used to be too blind to see otherwise. I am sure that this site has opened the eyes of many Muslims all over the world by Allah's will. At least the revolution has started within our hearts and minds which have been so corrupted by the pleasures of this Dunya. When I see the brother at the front page of your site, I go crazy. I cry and feel jealous and happy at the same time for what they have achieved with Allah (Inshallah). This is something I haven't even prepared for. They have taken the lead!! Looking at their smiling and peaceful faces have given me hopes and confidence to leave everything behind in order to please my Lord. I have never seen such peaceful and happy faces of those who knew that they were going to die soon. I never knew that I could fall in love with my brothers so much without even knowing them from before. If this is how one is supposed to feel, then may Allah (SWT) grant His favors upon me..Ameen!" [Brother SAA, Maryland, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Never in history has people fought with such bravery as the Chechens. It is the Faith in Allah (SWT) that has let them stand to a enemy that is one thousand times stronger. The Russians should be ashamed of themselves. I also hail their move to leave Grozny and now Shatoi when it is not feasible to defend it. Otherwise it is suicide. It is practically a defeat for the Russians. Keep up the good work. May Allah reward you with it" [Brother SKA, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"Assalam 'alaikum, Great Fighters of Almighty Allah (SWT), recently I joined a "gym" to prepare myself to take part in Jihad. However I got into an accident and I got admitted to hospital. When the doctor was treating me, I was in a great deal of pain but when I thought of the Mujahideen and thought of how they are struggling, how they are fighting only for the sake of Allah (SWT). How they are sleeping in freezing weather, then I stopped screaming. BELIEVE ME I DID NOT FEEL THE PAIN AT ALL..... ALLAHU AKBAR." [Brother MK, LA, USA, Feb 29 2000]

"As a brother of an Afghan-Shaheed, I feel sorrow and pain whenever I see how the cruel and the evil army of Russia are bombing our Muslim brothers and children, and how the Muslim world are helpless and silent and how the Western Governments are conniving, congratulating Russia about their aggression and cruelty" [Brother AK, Cardiff, UK, Feb 29 2000]

Added 01 March 2000

"The Tears Didn't Stop...

I thought about Yawm ul Qiyaamah, and the tears began to fall,

I thought about the terrible Reckoning, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the rape of the Ummah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we had failed to fulfil the obligations central to this Deen of Allah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we slept at night, while they were butchered, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the Mujahid, tortured to death for attempting to escape Kufr captivity, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the Hundreds and thousands of Mujahideen in torturous captivity, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those of my sincere Brothers, who had to stay behind patiently, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about limbless orphans, the worst victims of war, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the baby girl who had been dehumanised while we watched, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about young Mujahid boys competing to be allowed into training camps, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how we cried tears while they fought till the last drop of blood, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how I would manage on the bridge of Siraat on Qiyaamah, and yet the tears didn't stop. I thought about wanting my Sons to be born Soldiers Of Allah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the Mujahids who waited patiently for Firdous, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those who were Shaheed in merely attempting to reach the battlefield, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about what atrocities it would take to get my Brothers to Jihad, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about how our Fathers and Brothers of the Ummah had failed to protect us, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about the man, who had answered the lone cry of one girl in Afghanistaan, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about him who smiled upon being martyred with his index finger raised, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about Muslims engaging in vain rhetoric about the need for Jihad, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about those who had never had the dust of the battlefield enter their nostrils, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about what excuses such 'Brothers' would shamelessly offer on Qiyaamah, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about my desire to see the beautiful and Noble face of the beloved Rasoolallah (SAW), and yet the tears didn't stop.

I thought about Jahannam and burning fires of hell we were to be fuel for, and yet the tears didn't stop.

I turned to my Creator in Forgiveness, and in a state of helplessness and utter dependency, I Cried and I Cried and I Cried...

"Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah Allhummar-Zuqni Shuhaadah" And yet the tears didn't stop... I begged Allah to bestow his Mercy on Me, and My Brothers, and He Mercifully answered My prayers.

He Granted me Sleep.

But then I awoke and the tears within never did stop." [Sister SN, UK, 28 Feb 2000]

"Only Allah knows here in Munich, Germany in every Salat, especially in Jumuaa, our Prayers are with you out there. Our daily discussions are about you. Allahu Akbar, you are the pride of Islam nowadays. You are awakening The Muslim Umma, Alhamdulillah (All Praise be to Allah)." [Brother MM, Munich, Germany, 29 Feb 2000]

"Today at present I am bombarded with information that Muslims are all terrorists, from the media. I am seeing through the lying eyes of CNN how 'Russians' are 'successfully' taking over Grozny. But I know through the true eyes of you,, that my Muslim brothers are succeeding with Allah's help. May Allah reward you, I am proud of being a Muslim and will always be a Muslim. I make dua for my brothers in Chechnya and the rest of the Muslims across the world for Allah's help against this manipulative western system. And I make dua for you for revealing the truth of what really is happening in Chechnya. I know that Insha Allah we, Muslims, will succeed and we should never give up even until the last Muslim remains on this earth." [Brother S, UK, 29 Feb 2000]

"Wherever we look Muslims are being killed - the Hindu's are killing them in Kashmir - the Buddhists are killing them in Burma - the Jews are killing them in Palestine - the Christians are killing them in Russia - and we are too busy making money that we are going to leave behind. It's funny how if someone on the street swears at our mothers or sisters we end up beating them up so badly, but when our mothers and sisters are being raped we keep quiet. Do those mothers and sisters who are related to us by Islam have no value? Or is it that we are cowards and we love this life too much to even make dua for them ? Its better for us to live one day like a lion than the rest of our lives like lambs waiting to be slaughtered." [Brother KM, London, UK, 28 Feb 2000]

"I want you to know that as a Palestinian I sympathize with my fellow Muslims living and fighting in Chechnya. I make dua every day to the glorious men fighting under the banner of Allah. I am extremely disappointed that the Islamic world has not done anything to support their fellow Muslims in the field. I know that their army is poorly led and trained and it is only a matter of time until we find their jugular vein." [Brother RH, Texas, USA, 28 Feb 2000]

"My heart goes out to you brothers who are sincere in your cause to publish the truth about this Jihad in Chechnya. I constantly remember my fellow brothers who are fighting this battle against the enemies of Allah. Reading your coverage, I became closer to Islam and feel more love and feel more hatred for the Kuffar and their schemes." [Brother NK, Coventry, UK, 29 Feb 2000]

"I am sure that Allah (SWT) will give you the strength and the ability to flatten and destroy the Russian kuffar even though you are small in number, just as Allah (SWT) allowed the Companions [RA] to destroy the kufaar even though they were few in number." [Brother SN, Luton, UK, 29 Feb 2000]

"The Ultimate Victory has to come from Allah, the Maker and Destroyer of all things in the World. It is you brothers who are keeping Islam alive among all these dead Muslim Governments, impotent Muslim think tanks, and money and power driven Muslim Organisations. The Freedom Fighters for Chechnya, those who stand united against the dirtiest enemy in the world are the real representatives of this Fastest Growing Religion. You may be denounced or taken hostage by the so called peaceful representatives of Islam, but remember brothers, Allah will teach the idle Muslim World that all the most respected and worthy Mujahideen are in the Heaven, History, and near to the Our most beloved Prophet of Islam , Muhammed (PBUH)." [Brother AA, Doha, Qatar, 29 Feb 2000]

"I am a mother of a four month old, and Mujahideen like Khattab and the rest of the brothers inspire me to send my son off to Jihad, especially after reading about a fourteen year old mujahid. Here is a poem:

"O worshippers of the two holy mosques, if you only could see us, you would know that you are merely playing in your worship, Whoever is dyeing his neck with tears out of fear of Allah, Should know that our throats are being dyed with our blood, Or he who tires his horse in falsehood, Should realise that our horses are fatigued on the day of adversity, The scent of perfume is for you, but for us is our perfume, Which is the dust of our horses' hooves and the more pleasant dust. From our Prophet came a statement, That is true and cannot be denied. The dust from a horse in the path of Allah that enters The nose of it's rider, cannot come together with the smoke of the Blazing (hell) fire. This is the Book of Allah which speaks the truth before us, THE MARTYR IS NOT DEAD, AND THIS CANNOT BE DENIED" [Sister EK, Australia, 29 Feb 2000]

"I would like to express my undying support for the Chechen Mujahideen fighting the Russian aggressors. Our present history has proven that the Ummah cannot rely on our leaders at times of need. To all my brothers and sisters : We have to take the initiative. Even though we are miles away from the mountains of Chechnya we can be there in spirit by making supplications to Allah and supporting them with humanitarian aid. I urge all true Muslims to support any welfare initiative directed towards the Jihad in Chechnya." [Brother S, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Feb 2000]

"I am a Muslim brother from Somalia. Every moment that I view this authentic page I really cry and cry. One reason that makes me cry is my Muslim brothers and sisters, in Beloved Chechnya, who are dying countlessly every day and not one single so called Muslim trash countries are talking about it or even concerned with it. Another reason is that their is not one country or Muslim organisation that organizes a rally or demonstration against the Cancer Russians who are committing inhuman acts which are even against so-called International Law and human rights." [Brother JO, Somalia, 27 Feb 2000]

Added 29 April 2000

"Assalaamu Aleykoum. It is strange that at this time when the fresh and hot blood of our beloved Mujahideen brothers is flowing, some of our own brethren are still in the deep sleep. On reading the printouts from your Website (posted on a mosque's wall) about joining Jihad in Chechnya, one brother remarked that it is stupid since if he goes fighting and when the war will be over he will be told to to leave Chechnya. In other words he will not be granted a Chechen citizenship. From his talking I realized that he is not a fighter since he is thinking of something like a Greencard. The poor man! If he is thinking of some material benefit in this affair he is better off at home where he can stay forever among the women, the old, and the children. It is time that we remind ourselves, the fighters at home, that some of the Mujahideen who are in active combat at this very moment in Chechnya were also there in the previous Jihads (Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc.). We did not have opportunity for the previous privileges but now....To the fighters at home: Allah the Greatest is giving us a chance in our very lifetime to attain martyrdom if He wishes or victory if He wishes." [Brother SS, USA, 28 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum Mujahideen, I'm very proud of you. You are the true defenders of Islam. Alhamdulillah for having you amongst us. I can't wait till I join your ranks my brothers, that would be the best day of my life. Insha Allah, I will see you soon." [Brother A, Alaska, USA, 24 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. I would like to say dear brothers and sisters in Islam that we are praying for you and continue what you are doing Insha Allah, may Allah be with you and help you. All of us would give anything to be there with you as your position is so close to Allah (SWT). May you receive great rewards from Allah (SWT) Insha Allah. We all pray for you and love you for the sake of Allah." [Sister HH, USA, 28 April 2000] "Whenever I sit down here in the University's computer lab, I feel eyes behind me trying to find out what it is that I am reading so intently and copying (I email extracts of the news to various other Muslims). Rather than try to minimize the window or block the screen with my face, I scroll down to a headline like 'Mujahideen Crush OMON troops' or 'Russian Offensive Falters Before It starts'... My Brothers the Mujahideen, after the horror of Bosnia and Kosova, the world thought that the Muslims will be wiped off the face of the earth - but because of your strength of Faith ...we Muslims around the World can hold our heads high once more and look forward to a bright future." [Brother MA, Dunedin, New Zealand, 27 April 2000]

"I am student from a Muslim country studying in India. I came across your site on the net, I really do pray for you and ask Allah to save you and give you the best reward on the Day of Resurrection. May Allah make me join you and support your effort to free your and our lands." [Brother KA, India, 28 April 2000]

"Salam to all of you in Chechnya and all the others!! I'm a Somalian in Sweden, I'm 16 years old Alhamdulillah and I just wanted to say maybe there are not many teenagers who care about Islam and Jihad but there are some; here is one for example!!!! And I pray for you all the time that you will win Insha Allah!!! You can only get 2 things 1: that you win 2: you will be Shaheed!!! and they both are good!!! May Allah protect you and may you win and I will pray for you until you win Insha Allah!!!" [Sister FQ, Sweden, 27 April 2000]

"Praise be to Allah (SWT) for granting you with many victories over the aggressors. I pray to Allah for my brothers in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Kosovo and the rest of the world who are suffering under Kuffar's oppression. PLEASE don't be disheartened by the behavior of Muslim leaders who have kept their mouth shut. Insha Allah they will be questioned on Yawm Al Qiyamah about what they did to help the oppressed Muslims. As for the 23 armored vehicles that you destroyed the other day, remember that there are 1000's more to go, but with Allah's help it will be done Insha Allah. Please pray for me because Allah will accept a pious persons du'a (if he wishes). We (The rest of the Muslim Ummah) believe that it wouldn't be long before Russians are kicked out of Grozny again like 1996." [Brother AT, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27 April 2000]

"Assalam alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. I always pray in my salats for your victory and Insha Allah we will get victory." [Brother FS, India, 28 April 2000]

"I promise to all of you that the blood of Masood Al-Benin and other Shuhadaa will not go in vain whether it be in Chechnya, Kashmir, Philisteen, Philippines, or anywhere. I call upon all Indian Muslims, come out of the Kafir regime and make Jihaad for the sake of Allah. I know how hard it is getting day by day in India to even speak in favor of Mujahideen. O Indian Muslims, do you know that you are the second largest Muslim population and largest minority in the whole world. Now is the time to perform the haq' which your brothers in Islam have over you. The world has forgotten your Might, your Power, your Bravery. Show them (the Kuffar) that you are still there and lead the way for the Muslims. Allah is our protector, He and only He can save us. Join the Jihaad and I will meet you there." [Brother SMK, USA, 27 April 2000]

"We the Kashmiris are praying to ALLAH for your victory and also proud of you. Muslim Ummah should pray for the victory of KASHMIRIS also." [Brothers, Kashmir, 28 April 2000]

"As I'm writing these words, I'm watching the news, and Alhamdulillah, the word is out: a Western TV called this week a bad one for the Russians, where they have lost at least 50 of their pigs. We are all impatiently waiting for the interview with Commander Khattab, the modern symbol of the Mujahid. May the Almighty Allah speed your victory, and bring destruction, pain, agony, and suffering to all who wish to bring you harm... Patience, and Insha Allah victory will be ours." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 28 April 2000]

"When I read of the destruction of the Russian devils by Allah through the hands of my brave Muslim Mujahids in Chechnya I could only go on praising Allah and yet still could not help but wonder why the hypocrites (Munafiqs) leading Muslims in the various countries still do not see the warning that Allah is giving them. It warms the heart to read of the pure bravery and valour of the brave Muslim Chechen at war and other Muslim brothers fighting alongside them against such overwhelming odds. Yet the heart grows cold as ice when one reads of news such as that which appeared in today's BBC report on Turkish men competing to become belly dancers. Is it not embarrassing enough that the Munafiq leaders of Turkey, indeed these devils in disguise have reduced Turkey to a servile nation of beggar, responding to every beck and call of any Western country and even bowing before India, a Godless nation of idol worshippers, that they must now inflict further humiliation on their people in promoting these shameless acts? On the other hand you see news on Chechnya and the lion-like Muslim brothers fighting to establish Allah's of Al-Islam law in the land. We Muslims absolutely must learn now from what is happening before our eyes in Chechnya, before its too late and we all die like filthy Munafiqs. We must learn from our fearless Shaheed and Mujahid Chechen brothers and those other Muslim brothers who fight alongside them as Ghazis or Shaheeds, that we can only rely on Allah for help and guidance and not NATO, UN, Clinton, Blair or Putin. We must wake up and take back the leadership from the devils who lead us, or all will be lost. Muslims do not let your children fall as have so many self deprecating Muslims, or nothing will match the regret you will experience on the Day of Judgment, but then it will be all too late and before Allah you must then appear. My Prayers and thoughts with you always my dear brothers. Masalaam." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 26 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, I visit very frequently and find it a great source to boost my Imaan. It brings tears to my eyes to hear about the stories of Mujahids who struggle in the path of Allah. This is an excellent site, well done to the brothers who strive in the way of Allah to bring us news through this site. The Western media do not show any news from Chechnya any more, this is my only link to events in Chechnya at the moment. May Allah grant the Mujahideen victory and a great reward in the hereafter." [Brother CR, UK, 25 April 2000]

"Each time that I check the news on my Iman raises up to levels a Kafir would see as 'fanatical'. I feel like abandoning my job and joining my brothers in Chechnya, sacrificing everything for Allah. After all Allah has said that a drop of Muslim blood is more holy than the Ka'baa . I recently had the pleasure of meeting the roving ambassador of Chechnya, B* D* I* B* Shishani, and was pleasantly surprised in his total faith in Allah that your victory against the Kuffar Russians is just a matter of time. We were amazed with the manner in which Allah granted you the retake of Grozny in the last war. Please make dua that I will join you in Jihad and that all Muslims will forget the pleasures of this Dunya. It is left to Muslims in the West to take up arms and heed the call of Jihad the world over as our Arab brothers are being captured, imprisoned and killed in the so called 'Muslim countries' for their 'crime' of fighting in Allah's path. May Allah grant you victory and grant all Muslims unity. May Allah grant us victory in Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir and all oppressed lands." [Brother FHR, Durban, South Africa, 27 April 2000]

Added 27 April 2000

"I am praying to Allah to give you victory upon victory....may the world and the so called Muslim Ummah see the power of Allah in the example that you bring by fighting for the Deen with your soul. You have really made me think about my life...subhanAllah you are all blessed to be chosen to be where you are. Remember to make shukur to Allah my brothers. There are many who may like to be where you are, for one reason or another Allah has not willed it or they have ultimately made the choice not to take this step....Allah is the best of judges. I pray Allah protects your intentions from the corruption of Shaitan and grants you success in this life and the deserve the best my brothers...I am praying for you as your Sister in Islam ...that is all I see my self doing at this stage. I want you to know my brothers, I am proud of you so much so that I feel protected because I know there are brothers in this Ummah who are doing there duty to protect their women, children and elderly. Be strong my brothers there cannot be a nobler job than yours...I pray Allah keeps me amongst those whom He loves." [Sister MDA, UK, 26 April 2000]

"This year (1421 hijra) will be the complete victory of Mujahideen in Chechnya against the evil empire of Russia and the disintegration of the remaining empire." [Brother AAE, Toronto, Canada, 26 April 2000] "I always follow stories of Chechnya, I see it both in BBC and in CNN. When I see the pictures of Chechen people suffering from the hands of Kafirs, although they have wounds of war but I feel pain, I literally cried when I heard that Shamil Basayev was injured, he is a real life hero for me. The Chechen fighters are real heroes for every Muslim student in India. Although the Kafir regime in India always support the Russian terrorists, all 180 million Muslims in India heartily support the Mujahideen in Chechnya. ....Pray for me to perform my duties towards my parents and join the Holy War with you. To not only liberate Chechnya but every part of Muslim land from the Kafirs and Munafiqs. Islam is my soul without which I am dead and I want to remain alive among the dead." [Brother WC, India, 26 April 2000]

"We pray for you every day, that Allah the mighty will give you all the support and help you need, and will strengthen your powers against the Russians. We pray for you and We make my Du'a, on every prayer that Allah will bring you victory, all our hearts are with you, you are the pride of the Islamic nation, you are the people that our prophet Mohammed (PBUH) promised heaven, you make us proud, Allah help you. Special respects to Commander Basayev and Commander Khattab, and all the Mujahideen brothers, and all the Shuhadaa with Allah." [Brothers A & A, Egypt, 25 April 2000]

"I m writing from India and we all pray in our salats for our Mujahideen brothers fighting the Holy War in Chechnya. I too want to fight this Holy War and gain Shahadat but due to the Kafir government of India I'm not getting a chance to leave India and go for a training. But I'm always with the Mujahideen brothers and support the army of Allah." [Brother FS, India, 26 April 2000]

"I pray for Al Mujahideen every where. I pray too that one day I join all you Muslims ...... Insha ALLAH, I will come one day if ALLAH give the strength in my Iman. I pray for your victory. I am Muslim who is living in foreign country too. Islam is rare...sometime I don't feel good about that, so I just go to the mosque and then I become happy again. I was in the military of this foreign country for two years as a soldier (only a private). I just quit 2 weeks ago. I am studying business in college. Just starting but I am 23 years old. I hope I can finish my studies fast and join you. I am saying that because I have pressure from my parents; they are Muslims but just take Islam as a second priority. By the way, I can speak French like our brother Masood Al-Benin RahimahuALLAH. I speak English and Arabic and some Spanish. I pray ALLAH to help use this against el Kuffar. Salam!" [Brother HR, USA, 25 April 2000]

"I'm writing you from Turkey. I'm a student in *. I'm learning the news about your country. I'm very angry for this war. I'm very angry at the Russians. I'm very sad, because we can't do anything for you. Please don't think the Turkish people aren't sad for you. I want do something for Chechnya. Because of our government we can only pray for you. * is intelligent about Chechnya war. Russians will understand Chechnya is Muslim' land." [Sister RY, Turkey, 25 April 2000]

"My dear brother Mujahideen, you are the great people in the Muslim society in this twenty-century. I am proud of you. We are living in a peaceful country and by the grace of ALLAH getting everything but still we do not forget you. Since you are fighting for the cause of Allah so you become the hero in this world and Insha Allah after martyred you will be in Paradise. Please do not come back home without victory. The sacrifice of Chechen people and the other valuable life of the martyred should not be waste. I realize that it is easy to say that we are Muslim but it is difficult to become a real Muslim. I read all the Quran and unto my understanding I feel that the Muslims who are not ready to use their money and life in the path of Allah and are just busy in this life's enjoyment, how they are liars. " [Brother NM, USA, 25 April 2000]

"Everyday in every prayer, I and my friends pray for ALLAH to grant you victory against the Kuffar (Russian soldiers). We will spread the news of your struggle to all our friends and pray that support for the Mujahideen of Islam will grow bigger and bigger everyday in spiritual and in material. ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR." [Brother JA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 April 2000]

"O the warriors of Allah, you have nothing to fear for the number of the enemies, nor their weapons. Allah has unknown number of angels to help you. Could Abraha and his mighty army save themselves from the ABABIL, the bird Allah sent to them? Surely no. The Russians will also not survive from the Mujahideen, as Allah is with you. The hearts of all Muslims in the world are with you except the puppet leaders. Thousands of Muslims are seeking ways to join you. O Allah, save my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters from the enemies, give the Mujahideen a quick victory over the enemies, help the Mujahideen by sending your angels as you did in the past. O Allah, you are the only helper for the Mujahideen. We beg only your help. O Allah, forgive us for our wrong deeds and grant our appeal to help the Mujahideen. Ameen." [Brother MAM, Saga, Japan, 23 April 2000]

"Victory is yours already yet the world perceives it not. You have not only earned a place in Allah's paradise but you have re-ignited the torch of Islam all over the world. I can't describe to you the emotions you have stirred in Muslims all over. I weep when I read about your battles, but tears of happiness because your courage reminds us all of Allah (SWT)'s Mercy and Compassion for those who strive in his way. You've humbled us too, as we cannot be there to fight with you, and pray that Allah (SWT) accepts our duas to grant you victory in this life and the hereafter. Ameen." [Brother A, Toronto, Canada, 24 April 2000]

"Assalamu Aleykum my brothers, we Turkish people are all praying for you day in day out. The same for the Turkish people in Holland and elsewhere in Europe. Please never give up because keep remembering that in the end the victory is ours." [Brother SS, Breda, The Netherlands, 24 April 2000]

Added 25 April 2000

"When the two mighty hosts face each other. When some hearts are filled with dread and others filled with a longing Longing to return to their ancient fields of happiness Homesick for Jannah.

When the angels draw near When the swords are drawn When Ak-47's face forward. And men wait patiently for the order

When the Shahada is affirmed When the mighty earthshaking battle cry of Allahu-Akbar rolls across the horizon When the hearts of the enemy palpitate in fear The order is given.

When the path of direct access to Paradise is made clear And the Muslims charge forward When the Hur al'Ayn pray for the Mujahideen When Allah's Nasr and Sakeenah are sent down. The angels storm through the enemy sowing fear and death in their ranks

When the advance flank of the Believers drives deep into the enemy Cutting off the cavalry from infantry And then the full force of the Mujahideen army slams into the Unbelieving horde. And the two armies lock together in a deadly grip of life and death. One is destined for al-Firdaus eternal, the other one, for Jahannam eternal.

A time when dua's made in the thick of battle, are never turned away. A time when the Believers stand firm and never turn their backs till they fall Shaheed, Their sins forgiven at the first drop of blood. Their precious souls tenderly lifted upwards by the angels to enter Jannah To join the Blessed ranks of the Supreme Communion.

A time when Paradise opens up under the shades of swords At the time when Paradise gushes forth under a rain of killer bullets. At a time when the sons of Islam stand firm at their finest hour. A time when they conclude a magnificent transaction with Allah

For verily, He has bought the Believers' souls at the price of Jannatul Firdaus. And verily, the Word of Allah is Truth itself." [Brother T, USA, 24 April 2000]

"As a Christian I hate what the Russians are doing in Chechnya. I pray that Allah (God) destroy them as quickly as possible & I myself will preach against them everywhere & for the West not to send Russia any more money!" [Mr. JS, USA, 20 April 2000]

"It seems the International media has given up on providing any information on the situation in Chechnya even though the fighting has not stopped yet... Everytime I enjoy the comfort of any of life's luxuries, I think of the Mujahideen waiting in their bunkers for who knows what kind of weapon to fall on their heads, and feel guilty... Patience, brothers; that's what we have been asking you to arm yourselves with, because of our lack of proper support... May the Almighty Allah speed your victory and bless your path..." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 20 April 2000]

"I am praying to Allah everyday to help you. I pray to Allah to grant you all the best in this life and the hereafter. Subhanallah after reading about the Shaheeds, I have realized that the people that were around the Prophet (PBUH); who had excellent qualities of a true believer, ( i.e. the Sahabas ), this spirit of Islam still survives in you my brothers as it did in the the lives of the companions. The Sahabas sacrificed all that they had for the sake of Allah and you my brothers remind me of the spirit of the Sahabas, I pray Allah increases that spirit in you always and helps you to be patient and firm in your Iman. I cannot begin to say just how much you my brothers have made me realise about my duty as a Muslim. As a sister, I really do not know what much to do, of course I firmly believe in the power of Supplication....I still feel so much more could be done on sisters behalf, as the women companions in the past have done. Please pray to Allah for those of us who want to help as much as possible, pray that Allah guides us to help the cause of Islam in the best way. Insha Allah victory is near." [Sister MA, Wales, UK, 22 April 2000]

"Dear people of Chechnya, In London this week we had the Putin the loser and Blair the dumb lapdog, saying the same things that they have said over and over again about Chechnya and totally ignoring the devastation and occupation of your homeland by Russian troops. Tony Blairs so-called pragmatism towards Putin is a disgrace to Britain. If he was brave enough he would tell Putin that his war in Chechnya is a hopeless cause because the people and fighters of Chechnya will never rest until the last invader leaves your country no matter how long it takes. The arrogant way that the Russian troops have treated Chechnya and its people is an appalling indictment of their blind brutality -if they really cared for Chechnya and its people as they claim, then they would not of devastated it so ruthlessly. Instead they act as conquerors and will lose. I wish you success in your battles with the Russian invaders. May you triumph over the evil that has been let lose in Chechnya by Putin and his not so great army!" [Mr. DP, London, UK, 20 April 2000] "Assalamu alaikum You are amongst those who I wish to be amongst. May Allah accept me the way he accepted you. Lastly may Allah raise other Muslims like you to fight in His path." [Sister IL, UK, 23 April 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen Brothers, Keep on fighting. Many Muslims just want to shut their eyes and close their ears when hearing the suffering of the Ummah. They want to live their luxurious life like the Kuffar going to work everyday and getting a lucrative salary every month. Allah had said in Quran those who fight for Allah's way is the real winner. Jannah is waiting for the believers. Jannah is nothing to compare of anything in this world." [Brother ASI, Malaysia, 21 April 2000]

"Dearest Mujahideen, May Allah help you against His enemies! And indeed we are the winners if we are true believers. I pray to Allah for granting you the courage and steadfastness in the path of Allah. In fact you are lucky, to become Shuhada' the rank Allah loves the most. 'Indeed He loves those who fight in the cause of Allah' (Sura Saff)." [Brother PAS, India, 21 April 2000]

"Jazakum Allahu khairun for providing the excellent info on this site which I started visiting in January and I haven't missed a day since then. My suggestion is that if you could provide copies of your videotapes for sale as watching them on the net can be a slow & painful process on an analog modem. The proceeds could go to supporting your site, charity the Mujahideen, whatever. I send dua everyday for the Mujahideen and thank them for waking us all up from the slumber of secularism and materialism. We know that Allah ta'aala will grant them success in this life and in the hereafter as he did to Salahuddin, Khalid Ibn Walid, Uthman dan Fodio to name a few." [Brother AK, Sierra Leone, 21 April 2000]

"I pray for Allah to place Masood and others of His soldiers in the highest places in Heaven. I noticed that lately the news from Chechnya are been delayed and I don't know if it is because of the Istish'had some ones like Masood "may Allah place him in heaven " or it is other problems ....! I pray to Allah to help his soldiers and make them win on his and there enemy . You don't know how much you are doing for those who are so eager to hear there brothers news in this Islamic spot . May Allah accept your efforts and reward you for what you are doing ." [Brother AM, USA, 23 April 2000]

"May Allah shower His mercy on you and assist you in every step of the Jihaad against the enemy of Allah, the Russians and all those hypocrites who support and aid them. If "brilliant" western leaders like Blair, and Clinton do not see the blatant contradictions in these statements and the terribly obvious ploy to get more money in their request for funds to destroy their chemical weapons stock piles, then they are either utter fools, or accepting such rubbish Russian explanations, they too are brutally complicit along with the rest of the Western countries in the "UN and NATO sanctioned" massacre of Muslims in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosova and the World over. In writing off the billions of dollars of loans by the IMF and in the recent political and economic overtures to Russia by NATO and EU members, only establishes the fact that Western leaders believe that they must prop up Russia at all costs in order to eliminate the "Muslim" threat to the West as Putin has conveniently labeled Muslim Nations. Come what may, as much as the enemies of Allah plan and scheme, Allah has plans for them too, and if they do not see a small example of Allah's plan in the miracle of a small band of brave Muslims putting up not just a resistance, but indeed wiping out the great Russian might, then they are quite blind. For all their bombs and plans in the end they too must return to Allah. Insha Allah our Muslim brothers fighting the filthy Russians in Chechnya, and earlier as in Afghanistan, will dispatch these drunken lunatics to Allah. These Muslims of Chechnya and all those Muslims who fight alongside them are the true Muslims and true Men who would rather be Shaheed then live an eternity in servility and humiliation as pets of the Western Masters, which is what almost all Muslim countries have been reduced to. I pray not only for you my brothers and sisters in Chechnya but for all Muslims of our Prophet's (PBUH) Ummah, and that I may live to see the day when some brave soul will stand up finally and say, no more and take these hypocrite leaders to task. May you remain united, may Allah be with you always and may your Iman remain stronger than steel." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 21 April 2000]

"Dear Brother Mujahideen. I am a regular visit your site since January and can honestly say that my Imaan gets stronger each time I visit you. May Allah grant you victory against the Kuffar. Amin. Wassalaam." [Brother M, Milton Keynes, UK, 21 April 2000]

"Bismillahirahmanirahim. Peace be upon the Mu'minun. May Allah bless you for the great work you have done and Insha Allah we will meet in Al-firdaus, May all the prayers and blessings be on the Messenger (PBUH) and his family and his companions, and may Allah give us victory over the disbelieving people. AMIN. PEACE BE WITH YOU, BROTHERS." [Brother AR and MH, USA, 23 April 2000]

Added 21 April 2000

"Assalaamu alykum honored Mujahideen, since the start of the War my life has changed. I follow and read events every single day on your website. I try and picture or visualize what conditions are like on the front-lines and what goes through the minds of the Mujahideen. What logistics are involved, food, warmth, sanitation, water, sewerage, medication, etc, etc. Is there a rotation system for the Mujahideen to rest and take breaks, are they able to contact their families, etc, etc. I can try to imagine how tough and difficult conditions must be, May ALLAH make it easy for you all and Grant you Sabr and Victory over the Russians and enemies of Islam. Be Brave and Steadfast O Mujahideen, and please be careful about infiltrators to your ranks. The Russians might be sending in spies and infiltrators to assassinate the Commanders. Please also explain what are OMON units, Spetznaz units, BMP's, Ural Trucks, BTR's, etc. It pleases my heart when I read about the Russians loosing all this military hardware. The photos and videos are the best, if possible post more photos and info of the lives of the Mujahideen. We only read about foreign Mujahideen, why not inform us more about the Chechen Mujahideen without giving too much away. Hold Fast onto the Rope of ALLAH O honored Warriors of ISLAM !!!!!!!" [Brother RS, Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 April 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum, I am nine years old, from Ottawa, Canada, Insha Allah you will defeat the Russian Kufar. When I grow up Insha Allah I want to be like you. May Allah give you VICTORY soon. I pray to Allah to help you all and keep you safe." [Brother FH, Ottawa, Canada, 19 April 2000]

"Salam alaikum. I am very happy to write you this letter because I love you very much for Allah, and also I want to know the news about my brothers al Mujahideen, how are they? I hope deeply that Allah help them to win this war because recently we don't know anything (news) about them. Wa Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wabarakatuh." [Sister KB, USA, 19 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers, Insha Allah you will make it through. Besides the hypocrites the Muslim world is behind you 100%, but most important Allah is behind you, no matter how numerous their numbers are. Insha Allah this time Russia will crumble, if it takes them so long to quell a rebellion against their occupation with this "mighty" Army, what'll happen when other states rebel? Goes to show how much Muslims can achieve if they only stick to their faith. The belief in THE ONE Allah - Islam." [Brother KS, USA, 19 April 2000]

"I really don't know how to start this letter but I am really happy and proud with you. I am Albanian from Skopje, Macedonia. You have salam from all brothers and sisters from Skopje. I hope to meet all of you Mujahideen in some other Jihad Insha-Allah. If not Insha-Allah, ya Rab fil-Jannah. Make DUA for us because we are making DUA for you." [Brother FS, Macedonia, 19 April 2000]

"Dear Chechen brothers and sisters, I am a regular visitor to your site. I never believed I could see in this modern era people who reminds me of the companions of the Prophet (SAW). They were people who were not afraid of death. Khalid bin Walid used to say to the enemies: "I have with me people who love death as much as you love wine". I can see these qualities in the Chechens. They love to die for the sake of Allah as much as the Russians love vodka. What about those foreign Mujahideen who have left their homes in order to help their Muslim brothers in Chechnya? What a wonderful people they are! The Prophet (SAW) will be proud of you on the Day of Judgment. Where are those Turks who used to be the Glory of Islam? They used to be so strong that there is even a proverb in French, which says: "as strong as a Turk" They used to be so strong that the unbelievers used to believe that they never die. They used to believe that when you killed a Turk he just rises up from the dead , once you turn your back and he starts fighting you again. There used to be an elite group among the Turks called the "Janissaar" (those who have promised to give their lives in the battlefield and not to come back alive). Whenever the Crusaders used to hear that the Janissaar have joined the war they would turn back on their heels and run away from the battlefield. When the Turks were fighting for Islam Allah Taala had given them Honour, Dignity, Respect, Fame and an Empire which no other Muslim nation ever had. Where are those Turks who have produced man like Salahuddin the magnanimous, and Soleiman the magnificent? They were the pride and glory of Islam. Today we are seeking honour and fame in the same field as the Kuffar. Umar R.A used to say "We are a people whom Allah Taala has given us honour through Islam." Today we are mimicking the Kuffar by seeking honour on the football field chasing a leather ball instead of chasing the Kuffar on the battlefield. May Allah wake us up all from our slumber. You ,our Chechen brothers and sisters we thank you for having taught us a lesson we have long forgotten i.e. the purpose of our lives . We have been born in order to elevate the Deen of Allah and to liberate mankind from the injustice of man-made laws and to bring them under the justice of Allah's Laws even if it be at the cost of our lives." [Brother MM, Mauritius, 20 April 2000]

"Dear Chechen Brothers, I am asking Allah each day to support you as He did to Muhammed Rasoulullah (PBUH) and to kill the aggressive Kuffar Russians. Your victory is coming soon." [Brother OAB, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 April 2000]

"Asalaamu alaikum, may Allah (SWT) grant us victory! May Allah guide and bless us all, and deliver us from the despair we are in. May we rise up to Your call, and give us strength to overcome hardships. Let us worship You in peace and security. May we become the strong Ummah we once were. Help us to destroy the oppressors, and those who mock You. Grant us forgiveness for our wrongdoing, as we are only human. Let us see the light of the gardens of Paradise, and shelter us from the torment of Hell. Open our hearts and minds to the true path, the path of enlightenment and understanding. O Lord, the Most Gracious, show us the way to gain your Mercy." [Brother OT, USA, 20 April 2000]

"Dear Brothers, I followed Chechen crisis since last war and fairly feel the International community is fully responsible for ongoing genocide and extinction of a whole nation. I have recently built a web site on Chechen Freedom Struggle named (This site gives best result in Internet Explorer. I am finding some problems with Netscape). This is an humble effort to pay tribute to those whose blood would decide the course of history not this shamelessly silent world. I request you to include this site in your link list and tell maximum of people by advertising it. Please do advise to open the site in Internet Explorer. I am also planning to work on a page highlighting Shamil Basayev and other leaders." [Brother SA, Pakistan, 20 April 2000]

Added 19 April 2000

"Assalamou alaykom wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuhu I ask Allah All Mighty to accept from you your doings in establishing the site and issuing the true news about what is really happening in Chechnya...Thank you for taking off of our sights the fog of fake and dramatic news released by secular (corrupt) Arab official news media, which itself plagiarizes news from Jewish and Christian Western media. Please keep it up and know very well that your news issued via makes great difference in making Muslims (and non-Muslims as well) all over the world know really what is happening in Chechnya, and know the "sacredness" of Jihad by revealing the "painful" and doomed fate of the Russian Orthodox forces operating (or in other words being crushed) in Chechnya." [Brother HA, USA, 17 April 2000]

"Brothers in Islam Assalammu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. This to let you know that we here in South Africa are always making du`aa that may Allah Subhanahu wa-ta`aalaa grant you victory. " [Brother ME, South Africa, 16 April 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, before I begin, could I request the organizers who look after qoqaz to include a web page hit counter. I know that you must be receiving thousands of hits to an hour. It just allows brothers and sisters to have an idea of the sheer volume of people who visit the qoqaz site. The counter should also be included for the other languages. My support. Currently I am in my final year of a medical course, Insha Allah I am becoming a Muslim doctor. Although I cannot join the Mujahideen at present, I pray that I am able to as soon as possible. Even if the war ends, with the Victory for the Mujahideen, I am determined to allocate some time of my life to the people of Chechnya. I do this because I have made a promise to Allah (SWT). To all my Muslim brothers who are qualified doctors and experienced, for once you have the opportunity to stand in front of Allah on the Day of Judgment and at least be proud that the profession you held was of great benefit in the precious jewel of life. So head to Chechnya and achieve the meaning of life that we all search for." [Brother ZA, Otago, 17 April 2000]

"Assalamo Alaikum, This is a truly excellent and informative site. We have previously been depending on relatively inaccurate news about The Chechen Jihad. I will email a link to your site to all the other brothers out there that we know. You have inspired us and we thank you and give you our full support." [Brother RM, USA, 16 April 2000]

"Salamu-Aleikum, to all the Mujahideen in Chechnya. My brothers in Islam, myself and all my family making du'a at every salaah for you. That Allah help us, and give us the victory. I always follow the news of Chechnya on the Internet. Only ALLAH can give us the victory against the nonbelievers. My brother, we all making du'a, if were not participating in the Jihad, at least we making du'a and Allah accept are du'a. Amin. Amin. Amin." [Brother AH, USA, 16 April 2000]

"Salamu aleykum, may Allah Almighty give you a speedy victory over the Kuffar of Russia. Fight and have patience, Allah is with those who show perseverance & patience. You will be victorious undoubtedly, but this is test for the so-called Muslim leaders of today, like there was for many before them. Brothers, Muslim masses are with you and soon you will find them in the front lines fighting against vicious Russian animals, as soon as we get our way in, we will be there, because that is the only place to be this time." [Brother BS, Somalia, 18 April 2000]

"I'm from the Turkish people and all Turkish people are crying for you. All the people want you to win the war. Maybe you think that the Turkish people are so helpless and they don't care about you but we think about you and we are praying and we cry (dua) to ALLAH. The Turkish ministers are so bad. They don't care about you. But the Turkish people are with you with their hearts. Please make dua for us and for all Muslims." [Brother AK, Turkey, 17 April 2000]

"Salaam. Insha Allah the Muslims will have victory....I pray for them each day! ma- salaam." [Brother R, USA, 16 April 2000]

"Bismillah walhumdulillah wa salaatu wa salaam ala rasulullah, my dear brothers and sisters in this Deen. My heart is with you in your struggle for our Deen. Know that although many of us are not presently with you, WE HAVE NOT ABANDONED YOU. This website is truly a ni'maa from Allah ta'ala because if a day or two goes by without any recent news then we have a tendency to think about Dunya. But when I read this site, wallahi, all I think about is Ahkira. To my brothers who have sent emails stating their desire to join our brothers in their struggle, 'May the Lord and Creator of the Heavens and the earth give us the ability to act instead of giving lip service (although it may be sincere). Verily, I love you all." [Brother UA, VA, USA, 17 April 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, I would like to take this opportunity to say Masha Allah to the Mujahideen for their courage and bravery. May Allah strengthen us all in our strength and Iman and accept the dead as Shaheed. I would also like to say what a good job Azzam are doing and should keep on doing it for the sake of Allah. Wassalam" [Brother SC, UK, 18 April 2000]

"Dear friends: We all pray for God to help you in your struggle for independence from the Russians. The atrocities committed by the Russians in the beginning of the 21st century and the indifference of the so-called " Western democracies " underscores the hypocrisy of the US and Europe. I believe that these countries and the UN organization and all the financial groups giving loans to Russia should be held partly responsible for the crimes in Chechnya. A pro-Chechnya camp should be staging daily protests and demonstrations in major Western cities and create media and public outcry to stop the genocide. Also it would be appropriate if contacts can be made with humanitarian groups to sponsor treatment of injured Chechen civilians in European countries such as Sweden, France, Germany and Britain. I and many of my friends would like to contribute but we don't know how and we are also afraid that it may end up in the wrong hands. So hopefully you would be able to come up with a solution. Finally , you are getting frequent hits on your sites. Is there a way we can help?" [Brother ARS, USA, 18 April 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, May Allah accept Shahaadah of all Muslims who died in the battle field of Chechnya including Br. Khallad, Ameen. Maassalam" [Brother BA, Surrey, UK, 18 April 2000]

"Dear Brothers, Assalamu alaikum. I would like to say how the whole Muslim Ummah looks up to you people in praise. Truly, by Allah(SWT) will you have gained many victories over the enemy. Keep in mind that every Kafir Russian you kill goes through extreme pain and torture from our Lord. A Kafir has three punishments: Punishment of death, punishment of grave and the fire of Hell. All the Kafir Russians that have died are screaming in agony!! I want to ask you to hand over the nine OMON troops to Russia as soon as possible, so they may be put under ground. That is when they (the prisoners) receive their second punishment. 1 billion people are anxious to feel that the enemy is being punished for Kufr and war crimes by our just Lord. MAY ALLAH GRANT YOU VICTORY SOON, AAMIN." [Brother AT, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 April 2000]

"May the peace and the blessing be upon all those Mujahideen who are fighting for the cause. I hope that Allah grants all the Mujahideen the highest level in Paradise. Assalamu alaykum" [Brother MD, USA, 18 April 2000]

Added 16 April 2000

"Dear brothers, it is indeed heartening to hear of the wonderful victories of the Mujahideen. May their numbers swell...they are indeed the only people that have elevated and kept the self respect of Muslims high.. all around the world Muslims are under attack and Chechnya is the place where Muslims have convincingly demonstrated that they are not people to be trifled with..Islam will surely survive whatever the infidels throw ...Insha Allah victory is ours... the December video of Russian hell was fantastic and I am proud to be a Muslim." [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 14 April 2000]

"We all remember you in our Duas and hope that we get the encouragement also to fight like you in the cause of Allah and His Messenger. We are the losers! You have already won. You are the true inheritors of Paradise. May Allah give us the guidance to strive in His cause and not be weak. Your Brother in Islam who cries not for you but for himself that he is not amongst you..." [Brother SG, USA, 14 April 2000]

"Oh me! I am in a "peaceful" country, but I remember not when was the last time I prayed Fajr with a Jamaat. While my brothers and sisters are kept awake and bombed all the night by the Russian aircraft, my sleep is so deep that I even miss Fajr Salat. When I wake up it is almost time for dhuhr prayer. At the age of 18, I was in the zenith of my boyish dreams. At the same age Al-Khattab set his foot on the Jihad front-line. Twelve years more and I am still dreaming, no dream comes true, and realize that dreams are merely dreams. Twelve years after dust from a battlefield proudly stuck to the face of Al- Khattab for the first time, he is now an Ameer (call him Commander\ Commando\ Captain\ Terrorist\ Bandit\ Rebel\ Extremist\ whatever) teaching the Kuffars lessons through the only language they understand. Bills will soon be due I have no time for Islam, well after all I tell myself: one should first light the lamp at home before minding the neighbor's darkness. But I forget that at this very moment my Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya are going around with empty stomachs but proudly raising the banner of Islam and driving the impure disbelievers from Muslim lands. It is time I ask myself who is in a real peace. Is it me in the "easiness" of life but in constant worries of Dunya and with almost no a'maals, or the brave and bold brothers in the icy mountains of Chechnya who hold their blood cheap in defending the honor of Islam and Muslims?" [Brother S, USA, 13 April 2000]

"Praise be on Allah and His Messenger..... I am a Kashmiri youth Working in *** in North Carolina in USA ...Recently saw your Website...... May God give you Victory and in the same way Victory for Kashmiri Mujahideen...... I had a heated argument with one of my Colleagues who happens to be from Russia about the situation in Chechnya.....I did give all the persons working in my company your website address...... Everybody does not talk to this Russian guy no more...." [Brother WSC, NC, USA, 15 April 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, O Mujahideen, guard yourselves against the current seemingly endless activity of the evil ones from America, Western Europe and hypocrites within the Islamic community, regarding attempts at talks of peace. For be wary brave ones, they are attempting to give the Russian a much needed pause from battle; they see that his attempts are getting closer and closer to naught; thus, they are trying to prevent his total vanquish, as do to the onset of spring, and summer. Keep vigilant, for they are now attempting to sow new seeds of dissension amongst the ranks of the Glorious and undaunted brave ones of the Chechen Mujahideen, stay mindful of this. For this is now, save weapons of total destruction, the only means by which they have a chance against you; by Allah Most High, it too shall continually come to naught." [Brother AJAA, USA, 13 April 2000]

"In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent and Merciful. O Mujahids! Fight, fight until the Kuffar give up and go to defeat. I pray day and night for the Mujahids in Chechnya. I say O' Allah, help the ones that are fighting for Islam and You. For the Shaheed to go to the highest of all Heaven's. Day and night people in the Muslim community in San Diego are praying and making duaa's for the ones who froze in the winter and saw there fellow Mujahids die in front of them. For all the Muslims, pray for them and do not forget the ones who save Islam." [Brother JH, CA, USA, 12 April 2000]

"(From Reuters-APR 13) 'Malaysia recognizes that Chechnya is an integral part of Russia, but it is concerned over the level of force being applied to a large section of the population there...' Fuzi Razak, deputy secretary general in the Foreign Ministry, said. "integral part of Russia..??" FYI this is what my government(Malaysia) official said to the Russian vice- premier who is in the capital for trade talk. They have stoop so low. To the bravest people on planet earth, the Mujahideen , the defenders of Faith in Chechnya, Masha Allah my family, my friends and I have disassociate ourselves from those so called "elected leaders" (the election was heavily rigged) long before now and when we stand in front of Allah the Most High in Judgement Day. I cc this mail to the ruling party youth wing, so that they know why they no longer get the country's youth support. Hishammudin, it's the like of Basayev and Khattab that command our respect not you. To Allah's warriors keep fighting until heaven or independence. You are backed by all over the World's people on the street (millions of us) prayers for your victory." [Sister NY, KL, Malaysia, 14 April 2000]

"Mujahideen, My heart and feeling is with you anywhere you are. May Allah Most Merciful bear you to the Right path. You have chosen a path that, wallah, is the victory path in this world and the day after. I ask Allah that he gives you victory where ever you are. As for Khallad Al-Madany Family, patient (Saber), I love Khallad in the sake of Allah, wallah, I do. I wish that one of my family is a Shaheed in the sake of Allah. If you need any help please don't feel neglected I would help you with what ever I can." [Brother YY, USA, 15 April 2000]

"There are some who like palaces in Dunya, made of concrete and bricks. While there are others who prefer palaces in Jannah, made of pearls. There are some who like gardens of this world, not so beautiful & bright. While there are others who prefer gardens, under which rivers flow, never been in sight. There are some who like maids and servants, ten to the dozen. While there are others who prefer the maidens of heaven, HOOROONAIN. There are some who like the illusions of today. While there are others who prefer the truth of the hereafter, The ultimate day. There are some who like the promise of the disbelievers, the Muslims they slay. While there are others who prefer the promises of Allah, in every possible way. There are some. There are some. There are some" [Brother JD, USA, 13 April 2000]

"Dear Brothers in Chechnya , Assalamo Aleikom. This is a letter of support from your brothers in Brazil. We make dua' to Allah, Subhanahu wa Taala, that you be victorious and you will be, by His grace, as you have been when we see the good news at your web site. Keep in this path, you are the best and brave example of how Muslims should act against the enemies of Allah and His religion." [Brothers MKO & MSH, Cuiaba, Brazil, 13 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, Oh Warriors of Islam, You are our pride and joy. When all the so called "Muslim leaders" of the Muslim world are kissing the boots of the Kuffar, you, few, yet brave and faithful men and women are standing up to the dirty, unclean, vicious criminal Russians. You are the ones we look to for courage and inspiration. Do not be merciful with the Russians! Take no prisoners! They are merciless with women and children and you should be so too with their troops. Strike fear and terror into their hearts and if you surround them as you did in Grozny in the previous war, Kill them All! Because they are liars and will come back again to shed more blood. They no longer deserve another chance. They had their chance in '94-'96 and reneged. May Allah empower you to decimate them once and for all! p.s. PLEASE! Post more photos! This makes us feel more confident and happy." [Brother B, MI, USA, 15 April 2000]

Added 13 April 2000

"May Allah (SWT) grant brother Khallad Al-Madani the highest place in Paradise. We here in New Zealand, the youth brothers make dua and supplicate to Allah (SWT) to assist the Mujahideen in Chechnya. Allah Azza wajal, Insha Allah will give you patience. My heart cries for the brothers and sisters in Chechnya. We are in Jihad, all Muslims around the world, with our money, supplications and self. Those who are there in person have victory and only victory. It is Allah's promise and Allah (SWT) knows best. Wassalam" [Brother M, New Zealand, 11 April 2000]

"Dear brothers in Chechnya: They call you 'terrorists' If they consider terrorism to be defending the land and religion of Islam against filthy, greedy cowardly Kuffar, then I consider you to be the greatest terrorists in the world. They call what the b*** Russians are doing to the Chechen women and children with napalm bombs and SCUD missiles 'human rights abuses', well then, the so-called "Holocaust" pales in comparison to this, because it was committed in secrecy and within the confines of a concentration camp. To call the brutal bombing of civilian villages and towns 'human rights abuses' is enough to show that the only thing all of the Kuffar can agree about is how they can slaughter the Muslims and conceal these crimes. The Israeli-occupied territory known as the United States is doing a good job of supplying the Russians with arms while simultaneously claiming to be 'horrified' at their 'irresponsible' actions!!! They have their cowardly, suicidal, drug addicted, drunk communist Kuffar on their side, and you have Allah the Most High, the Creator and Sustainer of All on yours. Never give up, our blessings are with you constantly." [Brother TM, MA, USA, 10 April 2000]

"Oh! Soldiers of Allah...will the fear in your heart be your greatest shield against Shaitan and all the evil forces that have tried to stop us from following the word of the Most High? Endure..outdo..ambush and exterminate the enemy, till the fields are green, green by the grace of the Most Merciful...ALLAHU AKBAR" [Brother OGT, USA, 10 April 2000]

"The Mujahideen in Chechnya have done a wonderful job in fighting off the colonial Superpowers. They are not only fighting the Russians but also scum and immoral nations like the USA, UK, France, Italy, NATO and the UN who are all backing the scum Russians by giving moral support as well as supplying them with arms and media propaganda. The Mujahideen have cut down, battered, humiliated and torn apart the so called "mighty Russian army". Here in England the Mujahideen have the full support of all Muslims, young, old, women, children, weak, strong, rich and the poor, and Insha Allah the Kafir superpower shall once again be torn apart by the Muslims, the warriors of Allah." [Brother NI, Coventry, England, 11 April 2000]

"I am writing on behalf of many of my sisters in Islam who feel the same way as I do. We are very proud of our Mujahid brothers, our TRUE brothers in Islam, for taking seriously a brutal rape-murder of one of our sisters in Chechnya, and for pledging to hunt down and bring to justice to the criminal Yuri Budanov and the likes of him, AND for taking concrete action to this end. This echoes of great men in Islamic history such as Muhammad bin Qasim and Mu'tasim - who conquered entire nations just on account of abuse of a Muslim woman! May Allah (SWT) be with you and may He (SWT) make the rest of the sleeping Ummah wake up to their duties to Allah, and also to realize who the TRUE champions of Muslim womens' rights really are! Wassalam alaikum," [Sister UA, USA, 11 April 2000]

"The Christians cannot and will not accept that the Muslims unite all over the world. Since the fall of 'The Soviet Empire', they returned against all the Muslims over the world. Each Muslim country that is trying to develop itself, by gaining knowledge is stopped. We have several examples: Chechnya, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan...But why is it that the Muslims still aren't united? We posses everything: petrol, strategic locations, natural resources ..and most of all ..we know that Islam is the future ! But the West knows that it cannot stop Islam.. one day there will come others that will vanquish these infidels (on the verge of this new millennium Insha Allah) ! It pains me to see that the Chechen people are suffering.. and that nobody on this planet is willing to help them. The pervert Jews keep talking about their so called 'holocaust' (at least they have a word for it)... but what is being perpetrated against the Chechen people ? There's no word to describe it. Victory will be upon the Chechen Muslims, they proved to the whole world that they can win any war!! Insha -Allah" [Brother BG, Belgium, 11 April 2000]


A nation fighting for their Deen, A Faith which before has never been seen. A people who are being tortured, Men, women and children being butchered.

Fighting alone in the Caucasus, Verily, they've risen for Allah's Cause. A nation so brave, Has become like a deserted grave.

A nation who stood for Islam, Who took the Halal and rejected the Haraam Aren't they our brothers in belief? So why don't we offer them any relief?

Being tormented are they for they had Clearly and without any fear said, "Verily, there is none worthy of worship except Allah; And that Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah."

Against this accursed state of tyranny they have fought and will fight, How many a small nation Allah has blessed with might. And has raised them to a lofty height. Those were the ones who distinguished between the Wrong & the Right. In the recent pages of history, There has been many a Muslim country, Tormented by the Kuffar in the East and the West Bosnia, Kosova, Kashmir, Palestine and the rest

Have we forgotten the sayings of the Seal of Prophethood (S), That verily the Muslims are one united brotherhood. So what has caused us to be deaf and blind, While the Chechens are besieged and others of their kind.

Who, and again who in this Ummah has against Kufr raised a voice? Who, and again who has rejected this world's pleasure and choice? Except for a handful, there is almost none, Who has truly obeyed the Creator of the moon and the sun.

Muslims, your brothers, being slaughtered and slain, Yet you look at them in disdain. Who has the spirit to fight for the sake of the All-Powerful? Who has the courage to raise the banner of Islam?

May Allah (Glory be to Him Alone) hasten the victory of the Mujahideen against the accursed and barbaric Russian forces which shall burn in Hell Insha Allah, and may the Muslim Ummah (Insha Allah) get to see the new Islamic state of Chechnya, and may Allah bless and reward all those who have sacrificed themselves and their belongings in the Cause of Allah against the accursed Kuffar." [Brother AZS, Pakistan, 11 April 2000]

"Be brave and lethal as you can be. 'Cleanse' Chechnya from the Kuffar and munafiq. Don't let anyone make you divert from the path of Allah. I'm ashamed as I'm not there to help. Here in malaysia, we are not well informed and many are not aware of the sufferings and also victories you achived from Jihad against Russia. As compensations, I will tell all my friends about your web site... May Allah give swift victories to you all" [Brother LS, Malaysia, 12 April 2000]

"My dear Muslim brothers do not stop now. Keep on going with the good work. Thousands and thousands are making dua every day. You are in our hearts. I am ** from morocco" [Brother K, Morocco, 12 April 2000]

"I wish to say something about the news that the Russians are building up forces at the border with Dagestan and Georgia. I am sure Allah will give the Mujahideen the power to overcome them. We need to take note of this build-up and counter-attack the enemy. Allah's blessings and guidance to the all the Muslims who are contributing in all forms. Salams" [Brother AA, Norway, 12 April 2000] "I often read emails of surprise from people who do not understand why the West has not intervened in Chechnya based on moral considerations, or why the Arabic governments do not do more about this problem. I would like to refer the readers to a scholarly work which exposes Western hypocrisy and its godless plotting. The books I would like to mention are: 1. "Secrets, lies and democracy" by Noam Chomsky. 2. "What Uncle Sam really wants" by Noam Chomsky. 2. "Necessary Illusions" by Noam Chomsky. The author makes a clear cut case against Western hegemony. For those who doubt the evil machinations of Western governments, then the above provides more evidence. This ultimately lends more support to why the Quran has to be taken by faith, because it is secular knowledge that will never catch up with the consummate wisdom of the Quran. My dear Chechen brothers may Allah hasten your victory and disgrace all those who plot against you. May Allah protect you and be with you with every step you take." [Brother TA, MI, USA, 12 April 2000]

Added 11 April 2000

"If there is one thing that a casual observer records from the attitude of US, UK and other NATO leaders and the Western media in their scrutiny and treatment of news and facts reported by the AZZAM and other Chechen support media, is a display of either an incredibly short memory or a deliberate penchant to believe only what they want to believe, when considering that the Russians of the cold war era had as much credibility as a bold face liar and a thief -however now the same nefarious murderers and cutthroats, liars and thieves who made up the motley crowd formerly known as the "Communists" and the "KGB" are now given credibility when they report news as a "New Russia". Call them what you like but the Russians are the same vile creatures as before, as is so openly obvious from all the massacre and mayhem in Chechnya of innocent defenseless women and children and also from the overt Russian complicity in the massacre of Albanian Muslims by their brothers the Serb butchers. Cowards always make cruel tyrants and despots. It looks like the Russians and Serbs can only show their "gallantry" when killing defenseless women and children, however they scatter like the rats they are when faced with prospect of a fight with our brave Muslim Mujahideen. My brothers you are in each and every one of my prayers, every Mujahid and every Shaheed. May Allah bless and guide you to victory so great that it would obliterate the very name of the "Evil Soviet Empire" as appropriately named by the former US president, Ronald Reagan Allah is with you my brothers, not an ounce of your blood is shed in vain. Our hearts and minds with you always, sleeping and waking." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 10 April 2000]

"I dedicate this e-mail to all the Mujahideen all over the world, especially to those brothers in Chechnya. Allah most High says "But those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and believe in that which is sent down to Muhammad (PBUH) -for it is the truth from their Lord- He will expiate from them their sins, and make good their state". To all Mujahideen, may He hasten victory for you and send a severe punishment to the disbelievers and hypocrites everywhere (especially the Russians). We all here pray for you O brothers that Allah makes you victorious, and grants us the chance to be fighting by your side in the land of Jihad. May Allah make Jannah our dwelling place." [Brother AIM, London, UK, 10 April 2000]

"You are doing a great job of providing authentic information to the Muslim Ummah and others. May Allah reward you for this, ameen. I think you are not only helping the Muslim Ummah from all over the world unite but you are sort of doing dawah to the non Muslims who believe in peace, equality, and most of all truth. Since you have done such a great job in showing the world and Muslims alike what really is going on in Chechnya through your website. I suggest you have a website on "Jihad in Kashmir", the Muslims around the world really need to know about the suffering our Muslim brothers and sisters are facing from the idol worshippers. They need our support. Please convey my salaam to my loving brothers and sisters in Chechnya. Insha Allah they will be victorious, ameen." [Brother AK, USA, 10 April 2000]

"I was reading the Holy Quran, and I came across this amazing ayah that I felt it describing the Mujahideen, and I thought about sharing it with you if you don't mind! In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 'O ye who believe if any from among you turn back from his faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him - Lowly with the believers, Mighty against the rejecters, Fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of reproaches of such as find fault. That is the Grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things.' Al Maidah ( ayah 54)." [Sister SA, MA, USA, 10 April 2000]

"I'm observing your struggle for freedom and I pray to Allah to bestow upon you Mercy and give you Sabr , and also I'm observing every political movement of Western hypocrites countries and also Muslim countries which they are seeing clear unjust and barbaric war against humanity worse then those we saw in Bosnia, Kosova and East Timor and they pretend that nothing is happening. You see so clear my dear brothers, the hate they conceal, so it's upon us obligatory to fight this unjust world until the Shariah of Allah is ruling with its perfect justice . May Allah (SWT) unite our hearts and make us the dwellers of Paradise. Ameen." [Brother AN, Toronto, Canada, 10 April 2000]

"Dear Chechen Mujahideen Keep fighting in the cause of Allah till you achieve your GOAL, most of the Muslims in this World are Praying for your success, I say most, not all because some of the Muslims have sought PROTECTION from the JEWS and the CHRISTIANS besides Allah, they think (USA Insurance Policy) will save their governments, i.e. Gulf States, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and Algeria. They don't know that Shah of Iran was the most powerful ruler in the middle east, and even he could not save his throne with American help, not only this, when he had to run for his life these so called protectors of Democracy did not even give him refuge in their country. Jews and Christians pretend to be your friends when you are in power, and once you are out of power they search for new friends. O Mujahid of Allah, you know your friends and foes better than anyone else so fight till the Glory of Islam is reinstated in this world." [Brother FJ, New Delhi, India, 10 April 2000]

"O brothers and sisters: please do not compare the Russian bacteria, scum, murders and ALL of whom support them with animals. The worst animals do not come close in their actions to those of the filthy, cowardly, child raping and civilian murdering Russian military. The life of one worshiper of ALLAH (SWT) is more precious then all the Russian military. It would be wonderful (and socially acceptable by Western standards) if we would do nothing more then ask the Russians in a polite way to please stop destroying, killing and raping. If that 'polite' language would be effective I would be the first to submit a 'polite' request. The West wants us to roll over, be raped and then die quietly. Do not fool yourselves if you think the West is not directly supporting the murder of Muslim civilians, then why do you think that the USA recently gave so much money to and also forgave huge loans for Russia ??? The West is in for many big surprises, we are not going to take it any more !!!" [Brother HS, USA, 09 April 2000]

"Upon reading the statement made by Commanders Basayev and Khattab, I remembered the cry that one Muslim woman made in the days of the Muatassim, which led to a war that taught the Crusaders a lesson... This is what should have happened in Bosnia, Kosovo, and elsewhere... Insha'Allah, the problems of the Russians have just started, and they will suffer, in addition to the daily toll, inner conflict among their different institutions, just like any vulgar gang fighting over territory... Brothers, every time the enemy claims victory, the brave lions come up with a daring operation, thus leading to more body bag shipments to Moscow... Alhamdulillah. Brothers, you are always in our prayers..." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 07 April 2000]

"The BBC's main story on April 1 was that the chief of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, Ms Mary Robinson, had arrived in Russia to investigate human rights violations like torture and rape of the Chechens during the crackdown on the breakaway republic. Perhaps the UN was waiting all this time for the city of Grozny and the rest of Chechnya to be reduced to rubble in order to give full support to its HR high commissioner to hold investigations. But the UN and its western mentors were not the only silent spectators. The most criminal silence has come from the Muslim countries from Africa in the west to the near and far east in Asia. The Muslim Ummah, said the Holy Prophet (PBUH,) is like a body so that when one part aches, the whole body is disturbed. But no formal protest was lodged, no word of encouragement for the battered Chechens came from any quarter. Has the Ummah lost its faculties to think and feel? And does our own government believe that by calling the Chechen soldiers jaanbaz and giving mechanical coverage of the conflict in the news bulletins on state-run television, it is absolved of all human and moral responsibilities?" [Brother FC, Pakistan, 08 April 2000]

"I pray to Allah most high to grant our unbelievable brothers and sisters in Chechnya peace in this year (very soon). May He protect our tough and brave Mujahideen brothers and grant them a soon, quick, final and clear victory. May the Russians be beaten in such a matter, that they never even think of rising their evil hands even in Moscow towards a proud man from the Caucasus. I�ve read the news, which say that German BND gave help to the dirty Russian government. They give support in giving material about "Islamic extremists" and "international terrorism". When a Muslim does more for his religion than to pray five times a day, he develops in their eyes to a "fundamentalist" and "Islamic terrorist". And when a Muslim possesses the unbelievable desire to found or create a Shariah ruled country, this Muslim "must be stopped in any way". This is their way of looking to Muslims. But thanks to Allah their are brothers and sisters, who want to live their religion not in the way of the Kufr, but in the way of Allah. Insha Allah the number of Muslims who see it that way will grow steadily!" [Brother MAY, Germany, 08 April 2000]

"For your information please let it be known that the Kuffar (disbelievers) are described in the Quran as a group who will not cease to fight us till we become like them. They may denounce the war to gain votes or to sound politically correct. Behind the scenes they continue their plots to destroy an atom's weight of the Nur of Islam (In this case the possibility of an Islamic state in the Caucasus). This is reverberated in history when the Quraish feared the Muslims in Medina as a thorn to their prosperity (The Meccan caravans had to pass nearby to go to Syria for trade). Similarly to get oil, Russia has to pass pipelines in or around the Caucasus." [Brother RUI, CA, USA, 08 April 2000]


Added 09 April 2000

"May the curse of Allah be upon the Kuffaar who have been killed, all of them, Ameen. May the brother Mujahideen be protected and may they get a speedy victory, Ameen. In addition to the Islamic ruling, can you indicate to the world that these people deserved to be killed anyway, it is from the Sunnah of the Most Noble and forgiving Prophet of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him.. This is to convey to the readers that these Russian criminals deserved to die and were not innocent victims of another man's crime. May Allah protect you all and send tranquility into your hearts and strengthen your decisiveness, Ameen." [Brother MA, USA, 06 April 2000]

"I am very grieved to hear about the 18 year old girl. And I am with you in the action of executing the Russians for their dirty work. They deserve it. May Allah guide your hands. I am working on getting up the money to send to you. $2000 is a bit difficult for me to send alone so I have asked my family to help out. The march in Toronto was good, but could have been better. There is a lot more than 2000 Muslims in TO. May Allah guide and bless you all in your effort to establish an Islamic State, Ameen." [Brother FA, Toronto, Canada, 06 April 2000]

"A voice From North Africa ( Morocco) Is Crying loudly : Long live to Jihad & Moujahidine in every place & mainly Chechnya now ! ! That Allah guides you & bless you, brothers & sisters ! To fulfil the Order of Allah in this earth ! We are praying for you, Real Fighters!" [Brother SAO, Morocco, 08 April 2000]

"May Allah may accept my humble prayers for my brave brothers and sisters, may Allah bless and protect you all. Insha Allah, the Russians will be destroyed. Brothers, do not worry, Allah has cursed the Kuffar: their men are drunks and thieves. Insha Allah, their damned country will be doomed. Do not waste the time to care about the West and their yahud media. Help comes from Allah, not from them, and we all know that. Insha Allah, more of their mothers will weep on their sons coffins. As far as our hypocrisy as your brothers living in comfort, may Allah help us. We are dead and you are alive! Insha Allah, I will join your ranks soon, with tears in my eyes and my heart with you, my dear brothers." [Brother JO, USA, 06 April 2000]

"I would like you to post this hadith in your email support section. The prophet (SAW) said : "the nations summon each other upon you as one calls guests to eat from a plate of food", they said, "will we be few in number on that day O Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "no rather you will be many on that day, but you will be like the foam on the ocean. And Allaah will remove the fear in the hearts of your enemies and place in your hearts al-Wahn". They said, "what is al-Wahn O Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "love of this world and hatred of death."[Sahih]" [Brother AM, USA, 07 April 2000]

"I'm French brother who prays for brothers who fight in the way of ALLAH. I want to help you with du'a but also by telling people what happens in Tchetchenie. I PRAY TO ALLAH to make our hearts only one heart, our soul only one soul, our voice only one voice; the voice of truth. We are living in comfortable position but this comfort makes us forget that Muslim people are suffering, Muslims people are getting killed... YA RABB AL ALAMIN, wake our community up. May ALLAH give the victory to his servants." [Brother AM, France, 07 April 2000] "This is a very good site about the war in Chechnya . Much respect to all the Mujahideen . We are not Muslims here in Poland, but we do support the Mujahideen in their fight with Russia, because it is our ENEMY too. We believe too , that all people should be free !!! We hope that the WEST will burn in hell together with RUSSIA, because of their hypocrisy ! FREEDOM FOR THE CAUCASUS !!! Keep doing your work !" [Mr. MC, Opole, Poland, 07 April 2000]

"When I saw the offer of a honest man of Finland to fight for Chechnya against the Russians I was surprised and I said " Allahu Akbar! Even the non-Muslims are with us in our Jihad!". May Allah make it that more non-Muslims could see the truth and will help our brothers in Chechnya. And may Allah make it that the Kafir who raped and killed a Muslim sister will be executed for his terrible crime! My brothers and sisters of Chechnya don`t be sad, Allah is with you every day and every moment. And we are with you too!!" [Brother SK, Barcelona, Catalonia, 07 April 2000]

"Your service to Islam and sacrifice in the Path of Allah can not be verbalized. Our prayers are always with you and may Allah, in His Wisdom and Compassion, grant you freedom or the honour of Martyrdom for Islam. While it gives us some satisfaction to learn that 9 Russian dogs had been executed, I would like to suggest that the next batch of captives to be punished should have their limbs on opposite sides amputated. This will create a longer anguish for the Russian society than death. The amputees should be released back to the Russians immediately in order to maximize the drain to their resources in caring for them. Should all marauding Russians captured be dealt with in this way, we would create hundreds or even thousands of nonproductive cripples that would drain the Russian economy for years to come, leaving them too impoverished or too scared to venture into Muslim lands again. Please consider this seriously." [Brother AH, USA, 06 April 2000]

"This e-mail is from brothers from Travnik, Bosnia-Herzegovina. We are very happy to hear about your victories. You are in our du'a" [Brother G, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 06 April 2000]

"Months ago I said you adopt the tactics of the Viet Cong, you have done so with good success. All your statements about the Russian government and people are true. You forgot to mention one thing to me used in the form of psychological warfare. Leaflets should be placed where the Russian baby-killers will find them. These leaflets should tell the bandits that while they are being hunted, their fellow Russians are leaving and going to NY, where thousands of them are opening Jewelry stores with the money that should have gone to their families to pay pensions. Give them a way out, let them come to you with a leaflet to give up their weapons and then leave unharmed through your lines and out of the country. Tell them how they have never won a war without US aid." [Mr. RS, NY, USA, 07 April 2000]

"I am a 53 year old Iranian sister. I read your site and pray for you daily, and my heart, soul and mind is so much with you that I cannot concentrate on much else. Wallahi, my blood is boiling, and I want so much to leave everything and come to you to help with anything I can. Yet I am weak, and I am taking care of my 87 year old mother in her death bed and two teenage children. How could it be possible for any MAN to be aware of your needs, and still ignore this honorable call? Insha'Allah, after your victory, and expelling the Russian pigs, many Muslim families including myself may be very willing to move to Chechnya and bring all we have of our wealth and resources to help rebuild your/our country, and live in the only true Islamic country run by Islamic Shariah. All the rest of the Muslim countries of the world have sold their religion with a small price, including my country, and have decided that financial support from the West is much more valuable than helping their own people. I feel your country will be the start of an awakening, and Insha'Allah others will follow. WE WANT TO BE WITH YOU." [Sister RS, Iran, 06 April 2000]

"By the grace of Allah, I sense that the Russians are on their knees and face complete defeat again as an unusually silent Putin attended another funeral (Tuesday 4th April) for the "elite" OMON troops, the humiliated Putin left the funeral without even addressing the mourners! Just a quick suggestion, it may be a good idea if all the Brothers and Sisters who have access to printers to print the news from the Qoqaz site and leave/distribute them at their local Mosques as it is pleasing to see so many people take interest in the Mujahideen's victories on the battlefield. Jazak Allah to everyone at Azzam Publication for providing authentic news on the Qoqaz site as by the grace of Allah I have come closer to Islam then I have ever been before by taking a very keen interest in the Mujahideen's progress." [Brother FG, London, UK, 05 April 2000]

"Seeing the pictures of the executed soldiers, proves once again that the Mujahideen are not just bluffing. They are dead serious... I only wish there was a way these pictures and the true news about the situation on the front could reach the Russian public, for I assume they still think that the Russian pigs have "cleared Chechnya from the terrorists"... Strange how after all these years, the Russian government still uses the Soviet propaganda tools... Brothers, it seems that Almighty Allah (SWT) is answering our prayers ... Alhamdulillah." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 05 April 2000]

Added 07 April 2000

"That day I had a chat about your Jihad with one of my friends, he said the Mujahideen are poor in Arabic (masakeen), all the world is against them. I told him wallahi, we are the poor (masakeen), the Mujahideen are rich, winners, and have all the dignity that no other Muslim has. How? They are rich because they ask Allah the most Generous and Malik, not the human being. Winners because Allah promised them either the Victory or Al-shahada. They have all the dignity because the rape and killing of one MUSLIM GIRL will cost the Russians a lot of lives. Therefore, the dignity is all to the Mujahideen whom Allah, the Almighty, granted it to them. Dear Mujahideen, I remember you in all of my prayers. I ask Allah to grant you the great victory and to destroy your enemy whenever and wherever they may be." [Brother RAA, Canada, 04 April 2000]

"I Muslim student in Indonesia. I want give the support to my brothers in Islam, Allah 'Sabr' And Insha Allah the win is for Mujahideen and Allah's Army." [Brother HR, Indonesia, 05 April 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, you have been given another victory by Allah (SWT). You have proven to the world that no power can fight with the Soldiers of Allah (SWT). The so-called Muslim leaders should be ashamed of themselves on their cowardly behavior. May Allah (SWT) save these Munafiqeen leaders from His punishment in this world and hereafter. At the same time I pray to Allah (SWT) to give patience and strength to the Mujahid brother whose little sister was tortured and crushed under the Kaffir tank. Dear Mujahid brother, Insha Allah, Allah (SWT) will keep your sister in Paradise for her sacrifice. She was tortured and killed only because she was a Muslim. Insha Allah, her killers will be punished by Allah (SWT) Whose punishment is unbearable even after death. Russians soldiers have proved that they are not only barbarians but also savages who do not deserve any mercy. The criminal leaders of Russia must drown themselves in the sewers of Moscow, whose mercenaries have no guts to fight with Mujahideen, instead they aim at innocent civilians by torturing and murdering them for being Muslims. Inshallah, your end is coming you barbarians. No Dialogue, No negotiations with the barbarians who are an insult to humanity and must be removed like puss from a human body." [Brother AP, India, 04 April 2000]

"After reading of your plans to deal with one of the rapists (Russian soldiers), I would like to suggest that you film the event, or at least take pictures of the corpses, and post it/them for viewing on the qoqaz site. Let the world see how Muslims will deal with those who transgress beyond bounds. Put fear into the hearts of the disbelievers in Allah. If words can be like daggers, and if a picture is worth a thousand words, put nine thousand daggers into the eyes of the Kuffar and their allies." [Brother AM, USA, 03 April 2000]

"Your determination to uphold our beliefs in the face of brutal Russian oppression is a source of constant inspiration. I celebrate every victory over them with you. I pray for you everyday and am thankful that there are brave, magnificent warriors such as yourselves to avenge any violation of Muslim women and children." [Brother RBHS, Perth, Australia, 05 April 2000]

"FSB compiled more lies as you can see in the reports. They claim that the Mujahideen already executed the POWs Last Sunday. It is very clear that such a report from their side is nothing but a way out to convince the mass that handing over their war criminal to the Chechens is nonsense because the Chechens are "playing" and have already killed the POW's. I am extremely shocked as to how low human beings can get. First to the committing of all those horrible war crimes in Chechnya by the Russian Soldiers, and second, to the absolutely continuous shattering lies that Putin, his government, his media and his generals produce. It is getting to the point that everything they say is lies. It is getting so out of hand that they can't keep track of what they say anymore, and that's why we always see conflicting news and reports generated from the different offices in their government. We know of their lies and un-credibility, but it gets really annoying to hear them echoed in the Western media. As they say, even the biggest lies become accepted if repeated over and over, and that's what the Russian demons try to do, but Insha Allah the Truth shall defeat their shallow plans. I feel bad for the Russian people, they have been brainwashed and deceived and more to come down the road. Putin mocks his people and the world openly with his lies and deceptions and the bad thing is that he's not shy about it at all. Just a couple of days before his bloodstained election, he told some news agency that running for elections is a "dishonest business", one has to give promises over and over more than the other candidates do in order to win votes. He bluntly tells his people that his promises are empty and nothing but lies, and they still follow him. And one last comment on their lies, it's interesting how according to their published statistics most Chechen voters voted for Putin, their slaughterer, and the votes coming from Chechnya relevant to Putin were far more higher in percentage than those of the Russians. The Chechens 'admire' this man very much... sigh!! Allah almighty bless you all, and may He reward you and add to your power, the power of truth. May He heal the hearts and the wounds of the Chechen people, strengthen their Mujahideen in faith and power and give them another Victory to be recorded in history, and I pray that the Islamic Media becomes more powerful, to reach and educate humans about the Truth." [Brother R, USA, 05 April 2000]

"Everyday I run to the computer to read how my brothers in the mountains of Chechnya are faring. From what is being reported, the warriors of Allah seem to be holding their own against the Russian monster! It is my hope that Allah grants either victory or martyrdom to these brave few that CONTINUE TO RESIST OPPRESSION AND RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION... let us not forget that it is Islam being persecuted and so very few Muslims dare to fight, these are truly the best of Allah's people !" [Brother AA, Vancouver, Canada, 05 April 2000]

"We know that Allah (SWT) is enough for you and that our email is merely symbolical, since He is the one that has been granting and rewarding you with victory after victory over the clumsy and ill-fated Russians. However, please accept our message of support, from us who are not within "hell's smell" of the level of Iman and Taqwa at which you are; from us who can imagine ourselves participating in Jihad but do not have the vigilance to actually do the act of getting on the plane and traveling to Chechnya and joining the struggle; from us who come up with the lamest excuses not to join Jihad and from us who ask forgiveness for this and pray that as soon as possible Allah (SWT) bestows His mercy upon us and His blessing, that we may wake up, repent, and correct ourselves, and then have the honour of joining you all in defeating the enemy of the Deen chosen by Allah (SWT) for all mankind. For those of us who do not wish to join, and who do not have a legitimate excuse, neither you nor Islam needs them, for once again, Allah (SWT) is sufficient as your Protector and Sustainer. Indeed while we pray for you, please utter a quick word or two for us, who have not yet been chosen to fight in Allah's cause, not yet been chosen to join you exalted servants of the Creator, Mujahideen, so that we may rise to the level required to then be given the opportunity for fight for Islam, against the oppression, torture and genocide, committed against a people, simply because of their beliefs. In any case, it does seem that Allah (SWT) has in store for you all a great victory over the Russian Military, so long as you do not become complacent and continue as you have been, with an indescribable passion, possible only for those who fight for Islam. May Allah continue to bless and help you and may your victory loom in the midst of continuous Russian destruction." [Brother AR, Auckland, New Zealand, 06 April 2000]

"A short message to the Chechens and other warriors fighting the Russian hordes: you are the world's best example of courage under immense odds since the Afghan heroes of the 80's...... I therefore have the highest esteem for the Chechen fighters and have the full confidence that their will and belief in almighty Allah will grant them a great victory." [Mr RL, Australia, 05 April 2000]

"Brothers in Islam, after reading the message about Mosa , we here felt very sad and our eyes were filled with tears. I know it will not help but these were our feelings. I know that you feel upset that Muslims are not doing anything about it, but if you looked at us what we can do? I am a girl so I can't go for jihad, but even my brother who wishes to be with you, he can't as he is still studying and my family will not allow it. It is very difficult for us here seeing our brothers and sisters treated in this way and we are standing here unable to do anything. We make Du'a but still feeling it is not enough. So please don't think that Muslims don't think of you, it is just that we are unable to do something which we find it so distressing more than anything else." [Sister S, USA, 06 April 2000]

"To all Mujahideen in Chechnya, may Allah bless you, keep your spirit, and I will try to help with prayers or money. I have also Jihad here in Ambon against Kuffar of Christians, so we need your prayers." [Brother S, Indonesia, 05 April 2000]

"I am a very unable and weak brother of thine writing from Bangladesh. O SOLDIERS OF ALLAH! I have nothing to give to you but my earnest du'a from the deepest core of my heart so that ALLAH THE MOST HIGH may grant victory to my brethren in the Caucasus against the heinous enemies of ISLAM, HUMANITY and ALLAH. O DEFENDERS OF ALLAH! fight the enemies down with all your strength, courage and IMAN. For IMAN BILLAH is the best of all our weapons. O THE CUSTODIANS OF ISLAM! the whole Ummah is praying for your victory against the Russian bandits and those aggressive dogs and those of the Western governments who have supported them in their shameful crime from the backdoor and thus have proved themselves as enemies of Islam. O MUJAHIDEEN, let not one bandit go back, let not one criminal aircraft return unharmed, let not one enemy vehicle remain safe. O FRIENDS OF ALLAH! FIGHT IN THE WAY OF ALLAH WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT AND DRIVE THE INVADERS AWAY IN SUCH HUMILIATION THAT NO ENEMY OF ISLAM EVER DARES TO EVEN LOOK INTO ANY MUSLIM LAND. ALLAH ALWAYS WITH YOU." [Dr. AC, Bangladesh, 05 April 2000]

"The UN is an obvious tool used by the Kuffar to create excuses to send in "mischief making troops" to an area where they consider human rights have been violated. The are beating their drums now... read CNN today. They will try to send them to Chechnya... they will try to disarm the Mujahideen to keep peace on both sides... What will the Mujahideen do when these "mischief makers" arrive? I hope the Mujahideen fight EVERYONE who opposes Allah's laws. I hope the Mujahideen establish Islam in Chechnya and don't fall for the simpleton tricks designed by the Kuffar for their own interests." [Brother PW, USA, 05 April 2000]

Added 05 April 2000

"After reading the message of Mr LT, Finland, 31 March 2000, I feel sad and touched, touched for a non-muslim offered himself to fight the Russians in Chechnya and sad for my other Muslim brothers all over the world who failed to do so. There were actually a few brothers from Malaysia who went to Afghanistan in the Afghan war against the Russians and one Shaheed there. His story has inspired me lots. Then I hope, I can be in Chechnya and also hope there are brothers from here who are taking part in the Jihad there. At least, there are representatives from here who care." [Brother ZC, Malaysia, 02 April 2000]

"I think Putin -and his accomplices- should be allowed to live for a thousand years. ... So that they could sometime suffer in their flesh the atrocities inflicted on the innocent Chechen people. My daily thoughts are with you, with your brave men and women in Chechnya. I think it would help if smaller quantities were allowed as contributions to the Chechen cause. You see, in the Western countries there is no such thing as a broad social consensus about the nature and causes of this conflict (that's what the media intoxication is about!), and it is difficult for so many people to gather the minimal amount of money necessary to make contributions, or to speak openly with other people to do so. I think that lowering a little that minimum could help a lot." [Mr. AFB, USA, 02 April 2000]

"Oh, my brothers in Chechnya don't worry about the situation you're in because Allah is on your side. You will not perish and be thrown into Hell fire like those (Russians) who are killing civilians and raping innocent females. As Allah tells us you will directly go to the Paradise. I can say you are very lucky because you get your Paradise in your hands. Because you are in a real Jihad. I wish I was in Chechnya. Beware Russians are trying to change your country into desert, "no-man's land". If this isn't true they wouldn't bombard the cities, villages and counties when there is not even one Chechen fighter. They want to destroy every single house in your country, not only they want to kill you, but also to make land unlivable. I am very optimistic that you will sweep them out like garbage or dust. We pray for your victory." [Brother AY, Minnesota, USA, 03 April 2000]

"To the soldiers of ALLAH (SWT). Muslims in Australia salute you. We pray for your victory against the Russian TERRORIST, BARBARIANS..We also tell your Jihad to everybody to draw their attention to the subject. You are special people, there are no words to describe you and Allah (SWT) will not forget you. May Allah (SWT) reward and bless you for your efforts, and peace finally find you.." [Brother K, Australia, 03 April 2000]

"Recently we heard the Russian Interior Minister General complaining that the unit that was destroyed (39 soldiers, nine captured) failed to follow orders. I.E.- that they went into the village without air support and proper command. What the General failed to point out was they didn't follow proper orders because they went to the village for the purposes of looting and raping the remaining villagers. It was Allah's will that they were caught by 5 Mujahideen who called in reinforcements and quickly destroyed the entire Russian group of pillagers. May I suggest that people that are following news on qoqaz try to pray 2 ra'kas of thanks to Allah (SWT) after every Mujahideen victory that they hear of." [Brother AOK, USA, 03 April 2000]

"More bodies, more grief, and more agony for the likes of the OMON troops... Did Putin think that tears will only roll on Muslim women's cheeks in Chechnya ? Did he think that the Lions' Den can be taken with mercenaries ? Insha Allah, no house in Russia will be spared from wearing black, and the earth will be crowded with the rotten corpses of the so-called Russian troops, but which could be more adequately designated as criminals... Patience my brothers, and Insha Allah, you will be granted victory from the Almighty." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 01 April 2000]

"Our beloved Mujahideen, you are the true men, and the whole world adores your magnificent bravery , your Jihad flame will keep burning till the final victory. My eyes drop tears every time I watch your bright faces shining with faith and happiness. Your Jihad showed all the Muslims that �Al-Jihad is our way�." [Brother AMT, Saudi Arabia, 03 April 2000]

"Alhamdulillah, O brave and great Mujahideen upon your successful efforts against the Russian swine, and his Jew and Saxon companions. Your bone-crushing & backbreaking destruction upon the evil armies of the aggressors, is mystifying those of the evil Western press. The evil ones are unable to withstand the relentless onslaught of Allah's wrath, and the ground swell for a cease in hostilities from those of the enemies most affected (mothers and husbands of the dead Russians) is starting to build. Masha Allah, for it is due to your dutiful self sacrifice that the ground of Ichkeriya will forever be a Muslim hand, and in Muslim lore. Alhamdulillah." [Brother AJAA, USA, 03 April 2000]

"Allah has again glorified his soldiers, the Chechen Mujahideen, in their latest operations against the enemies in the last few days. Allah also has set Hell Fire in the heart of the Russians. The Russian Defense Minister is planning to investigate the defective plan of the Generals for their defeat and to punish them. O' foolish Defense Minister, you will find that there was no fault of your generals in the plan. They planned with their best capability and the soldiers fought with their utmost effort. But you don't know that Allah is the best of all PLANNERS and His soldiers are the most capable and the best of all soldiers. Only command that Allah needs to use is "BE". May Allah give full safety of my beloved Chechen Muslims and quick victory over the enemies of Islam. Ameen." [Brother AM, Japan, 03 April 2000]

"My dear brothers may Allah shower his blessings upon you. Ever since I discovered about your site, near the end of last year I have been accessing your site all the time even if to just check for news that I print & give to the people of the Masjid. I have to say that now that RasPutin is officially the Gremlin of the Kremlin & he has made his intentions about Sheeshan clear, I am sure he would soon regret ever taking such a decision. My dear brothers who are reading this site this is my direct call to you all. Summer is coming the mountain roads will be clear lets head towards Sheeshan. As the Sahaaba at the time of Jihaad said "they could smell the aroma of Jannah when the call to Jihaad was made". Well what has gone wrong with our sense of smell ?" [Brother AF, UK, 03 April 2000]

"Chechen Jihad is an eye opener for all Muslims to accept this universal truth "The survival of the fittest". I completely agree with Shaheed Abdullah Azzam's verdict in this regard that "only Rifle alone no negotiation ..". The rich "Civilized Western nations" are spreading the terror by inventing and selling the weapons of mass destruction but not declared Terrorist by the champions of Human Rights. I was reading in Newspaper other day that Sweden and France have agreed to supply India the heavy Guns. (And I am sure these guns will not be used to kill the flies) Whereas small groups of Muslims heavily outnumbered in term of arms and weapons fighting against the aggressor and merely defending their land either in Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine Kosova or Bosnia are termed as Terrorists." [Brother MM, Pakistan, 03 April 2000]

Added 03 April 2000 "The Sword The scent of you I shan�t forget, it lives forever more. My heart will carry you, and yet, it cries the aching sore. I can�t let go, though painfully like gripping fire coal, I fail to gather energy. It�s slipping from my soul. The more the days go by, goodbye to heart..surrender. The only hope that I survive, and keep my lonely heart alive, is finding a heartmender. Whom shall I find to mend my heart? 'Tis you my love, for you�re my heart!! Then how shall I brush death away when we are both apart? Behold, at last, a messenger that brings me stabbing news. Be still my heart, my heart is hurt and wrongfully abused. How can this be my heart I ask? Your beauty covered with a mask, and honor made a feast! Not long ago I held the sword, the rightly guided by the Lord, and kept away the beast. Twinkle, twinkle in the night. They weren�t the stars that shined so bright, But in my eyes you were the light that dimmed the ashy moon. Now, every now and then I get the scent I can�t forget. I miss, reminisce; the day we met -JIHAAD- I�ll see you soon!" [Brother YAS, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 31 March 2000]

"My beloved Chechen Brothers; Do not despair. Victory is at hand. Remember that you are not alone in your struggle. Brothers from all over the world are with you and most important of all ALLAH IS WITH YOU,INSHA-ALLAH." [Brother HM, South Africa, 02 April 2000]

"From the Devils Mouth ! 'As Russian officials defended their actions in Chechnya, however, Chief of General Staff Anatoly Kvashnin said that a tank regiment Commander had been accused of raping and killing a Chechen woman. Kvashnin identified the Commander as Col. Budanov, whom he called a "scoundrel" and a "bandit". Russian officials had apologized to the woman's family and attended her funeral, he said.' Source CNN. How many Scoundrels & Bandits go undetected ?" [Brother GH, Toronto, Canada, 01 April 2000]

"I am a 15 year old Muslim girl and visit your website often. The Muslim community in Guyana has been supporting your efforts to destroy the Russian forces and every night after prayers my family and I make Dua for your victory. I don't know what else to say but soon Insha Allah victory will be given to the Muslims." [Sister FY, Guyana, 02 April 2000]

"Regardless of what some perceive us as, many are beginning to see the benefits of Islam. I was a person not prone to believing conspiracy theories, but am now a believer. How else can I rationally explain to myself the unnecessary and completely inhuman treatment of my extended family? Muslims everywhere are being tormented it seems. For years the Muslims in Kosovo were being mercilessly wiped out and nothing was done. Now some slight pangs of guilt, and a report later, the same is being done in Chechnya. Meanwhile, our �civilized nations'� leaders are �accentuating the positive�, and have barely slapped Russia on the wrist for their crimes. All the incriminating information in the world it seems will not change their minds on what should happen. I am deeply saddened.

I pray all the time that I may be able to help, and that my Brothers in Chechnya remain vigilant and strong, that they may win the war, and make a point that we are fighting for the Love of our Lord, and our fellow Muslims; that we win by staying alive to help and we win by Martyrdom, whereas the Russians fight merely out of lack of choice, or low and late wages, if any. We want to fight in the Name of our Lord, and our Lord's blessings are worth more than any amount we can be given, and our Lord's fury is more than any man can take away from us.

Islam has taught me to be thankful in the best of times, and also in the worst. You can never think that you are in as much peril in any sense of the word as compared to millions of people suffering all over the world. Please give whatever you can and make yourself proud to give in the name of God, and the name of truth, honesty and above all, humanity." [Brother AH, Pakistan, 01 April 2000]

"The western world knows each and everything about Islam or about the Chechens and that they are not terrorists. I know millions of them are reading this site. Yet they act as if they don't know anything and still depict the Chechens as terrorists and so on in their newspapers and other media and making people believe that they are losing this war. Why don't they be somewhat straightforward and say that they don't like the Muslims or they are worried that Islam may take over the world?" [Brother HZK, Doha, Qatar, 01 April 2000]

"Your Jihad is a reminder to all Muslims that AL-AQEEDAH AL-ISLAMIAH will always prevail despite the odds...despite the might of a military machine...despite the collaboration of Muslim's enemies. This is the talk all over the Muslim World nowadays, especially during the last Hajj. One thing to worry about however, is to maintain the satisfaction of Allah in every thing we do. I ask Allah to give your Jihad the outcome of the Jihad of Saa�d ibn Abi Waqqas, Abu Ubaida ibn Al Jarrah and Khalid ibn Al Waleed." [Brother ER, USA, 02 April 2000]

"Allah (SWT) will never give them the nasr (victory) over the Muslim. That is Allah's (SWT) rule, but Allah (SWT) has asked Muslims to have SABR (Patience). And as I believe in Allah alone, Allah will never forget his promise, but brothers again SABR, the morning is very near.

The Kuffar and Murtaddeen they never give the good news for us. They only propagate that they have destroyed the terrorist in one corner in the world. Allah (SWT) has told us, that if the Muslim gets some good news, the Kuffar they will be very sad, but if something bad happened to us, they will be very glad.

Brother Mujahideen, make dua for Ulama Al Ummah and the whole Ummah to turn us to His right way. Alhamdulillah, we always hear only khair ( good news ) from you. Brothers, continue to be many men with one heart. At the last I ask Allah (SWT) to give our Ummah a nasr (victory) karib (quick). Brothers YOU are in our hearts, in our minds, we will never forget you as long you believe in Allah and obey Him as He asked us to do. I ask you takwa and SABR, SABR, SABR." [Brother K, USA, 02 April 2000]

"Jazak Allahu Khairan for your diligence in reporting the happenings in the Islamic Republic. Jazak Allahu Khairan for the Dua, I'll pass it out and have my family keeping this Dua. Please keep up the excellent work may Allah, Bless you, and Help our Mujahideen." [Brother R, USA, 01 April 2000]

"The whole idea of these emails is to strengthen our keeping of the path of success that Allah, The Gracious and The Merciful, had devised for us, His children of Adam, here in this world; And more importanty, to strengthen our keeping the path of real lasting success in the hereafter. The idea is NOT to gain any profit or fame from these messages. The idea is NOT to create division and confusion among the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH). This Jihad for Allah whether it is in Chechnya or somewhere else is to remind us of the Word of The Most High, so that we get our acts together, to get our acts together to join in uniting for our perfect Deen of Islam, to join in uniting to establish this perfect Deen in the hearts of our fellow children of Adam here on earth, to join in uniting our voice in truth and justice, to join in uniting in patience in deeds." [Brother AHM, Canada, 01 April 2000]

Added 01 April 2000

"Alhamdulillah, the news from the front are good: more body bags going back to Moscow. And all this is due to Allah's (SWT) blessings first, and to the courage of the Chechen lions... I also checked the Interpol site, and was angry when I saw Commanders Khattab and Basayev's pictures posted, instead of the pictures of the likes of Putin, Yeltsin, and the whole Russian Duma. We shouldn't expect more from the people who have miserably declared war on the Almighty, by attempting to flag Islam as a religion of terrorism, and kill Muslims. Fear not, brothers, for on Judgment Day, they will face Allah (SWT) with their sins, and be cursed Insha Allah into the lowest section of the hell-fire, along with the Muslims who stood watching while their fellow Muslim brothers were being slaughtered in Palestine, Mindanao, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, and finally in the Land of Honour, Chechnya... Allah be with you. You are in our every single prayer." [Brother AB, Beirut, Lebanon, 30 March 2000]

"It is very painful to see Muslims of Chechnya in misery & rest of the Muslim world noticing & doing nothing for their brothers, but their are some lions of Islam who do not believe in geographical boundaries & are fighting with their brothers against the enemy of Islam." [Brother KF, USA, 31 March 2000]

"News of your victories in recent weeks is reaching the Western Newspapers! Will the Russian POW's that were captured be traded for our Mujahideen brothers? Insha Allah, although one Russian Swine (Soldier) is worthless, I pray our Mujahideen brothers are released from their captivity. Congratulations and JazakAllahu Khairan." [Brother OK, Tucson, Arizona, 30 March 2000]

"Forgive Me Not! Gloomy glows in rain and snow, as every eye can see. �BOOM� echoes with horror shows, entertainment on TV Black, long, brown, beards dyed in red, lay peacefully in slumber. Black long nights, knights died and bled from Satan�s army�s thunder. Softly spoken innocence now cries aloud in pain. O� woe to whom the ignorance brings forth the hellish rain. Calmly sleep in heaven deep, the wound is far not seen. Awaken sun; day has begun with colors on the screen. Calmly eat, and have a seat, the night is sound and warm. Watch and do not shed a tear as �KAFIR� solders swarm. I cannot, shall not, tell a lie, a gloomy glow is in my eye, reflecting that which cast the flat scene from the one eyed beast. Forgive me not, I love you not, I care about my brothers not. My sisters raped by savage apes, not one heart beats from west or east. Too full I am to do a thing. I sit here like a lazy King. I dance and sing and have no goal. The best of effort I can do, I shamefully confess, is shake my head and go to bed, which helps no living soul. �I object. I protest� as I picket down the street. I feel so good, I�ve done my job, oh my poor achy feet. Give a dollar to the cause? No, this time I�ll give ten. I can�t go there myself and fight, for they need real men. Chechnya is calling me and you and all for one. O� go to Hell Shakespearic spell, farewell, for I am done. My drunken heart is weakened by battles I never won. I call myself a Muslim yet there�s nothing I can do. This is me, I point no fingers, but do I remind you of you?" [Brother YAS, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 31 March 2000] "What is everybody doing?...just sitting and watching? Get up you men and fight for Jihad . Ladies, please give donations. This life is short. It is not worth it. Please ...... Anybody...... After being at this site I can no longer just sit and watch, I can no longer accept the hypocritical smiles given to me by the Kuffar, the non believers...... " [Brother CC, USA, 30 March 2000]

"I�m a 18 year old student from Finland and I have been very interested about this conflict in Chechnya. In WW2 Finland fought against Russians and since that Finns have hated Russians like their worst enemies. If it is possible for non- Muslims to join your Jihad against those filthy Russians I�d be glad to join my soul brothers in Chechnya" [Mr LT, Finland, 31 March 2000]

"My Chechen brothers and sisters are as my own soul. From the beginning of this 2nd war I cannot eat and sleep normally. I always pray to Allah for the absolute victory of the Mujahideen and ultimate destruction of the enemies. My boy is now five and a half years old. He has memorised some verses of Quran. He stands with me during salah. He makes dua with me and appeals to Allah. Dear Mujahideen brothers, remember you are not alone, the supreme power of the universe is with you, also small boy like ******* is with you. Verily, Allah will make you victorious and the most dignified." [Brother MAM, Japan, 23 March 2000]

"Russia is losing this war since summer has began. I would like to request our brother (Chechen President) not to enter into dialogue with Putin for peaceful solution to end this war. Give putin and his Vodka Army another month. Muslim should not be fooled by Russia and West over ending this." [Brother K, Nairobi, Kenya, 31 March 2000]

"To be honest with you all I cannot find the words to describe my feelings towards Al- Sheeshan, but brothers do not give up and no matter how long the night is the Fajr will appear again, Insha Allah. Wallaahi, I feel so relaxed and very optimistic , about the future and it is for the Real Muslims not the false ones. May Allah reward you all and make Jihad easy upon our brothers in Al-Sheeshan. You are all in my heart even though I am not there but I will not forget you or any oppressed Muslim country in Palestine, Kashmir, Kosova, Bosnia, China, Philippine, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and there are more, wala howla wala qowata illa billah." [Brother AA, USA, 27 March 2000]

Added 26 May 2000

"I was wondering how someone in the Russian army gets promoted to General. I know it isn't coming from battle field victories. I guess they have a vodka drinking contest and the last person standing gets the promotion." [Mr. RS, NY, USA, 20 May 2000] "My mother was raped, my father was killed, with a machine gun, my brother was drilled.

My country was invaded, and houses were destroyed, no food, no shelter, in misery we are employed.

So Allah sent His soldiers to protect our land, and they fought for each other hand in hand.

They brought Islam some dignity, as they fought for an Islamic unity.

So terrorists is what they were named and for all the destruction they were blamed.

Is it wrong to defend your right? to stand your ground and not take to flight?

To pick up a weapon and start to fight, and defend Islam with all your might?

Hell no, it's what you call Islamic pride, Dishonoured the first time a Muslim woman cried!

But Insha Allah when my turn will come, I would be sure to pick up my gun.

So please little sister do not cry, you still have Allah when I die!!!!" [Brother AK, Sydney, Australia, 25 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. I've been following the Mujahideen battles in Chechnya (through the qoqaz page) since late last year. Although there is no war in the place that I live, neither is it peaceful for the Muslims. We are fighting an oppressive dictator (even though M'sia claims it is a democratic country). Even this region on this side of the world is in turmoil for the Muslims, Mindanao in Philippines and Ambon in Indonesia. Your stories are a motivation and an inspiration for myself in undergoing this fight against the tyrannical ruler - nothing compared to yours. To me, qoqaz webpage is an excellent initiative that is not only telling the news of our Mujahideen in Chechnya, but a source of motivation as well. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother AE, Malaysia, 25 May 2000]

"I'm an Egyptian brother from Al-azhar university in Egypt. Here in the University we have the highest support for you and your cause. Islam is being loved here in this country. The recent protest by the youth in Egypt have showed that ALLAH will make the regime in Egypt unpopular until they submit to Islam. Remember all the time your fighting that ALLAH put his greatest secrets in guys such as you. We are all praying for a complete Independence from Russia and a punishing defeat of Russia in revenge for the crimes they did. May ALLAH Bless you and protect you from Russia." [Brother T, Egypt, 21 May 2000]

"Asalaamu alaykum dear brothers, Allahu Akbar! The enemies of Islam are surely biting their tongues reading about the continued Russian failures and defeats on the battlefields of Chechnya! May Allah reward you for your efforts to free our Muslim brothers and sisters and raise the flag of Islam over all Muslim lands. Ameen." [Brother OK, AZ, USA, 21 May 2000]

"Dear Chechen Mujahideen and brothers, Assalaamoo alaikoom. Russia is acting like the most stupid student who does not learn from past mistakes. It has forgotten its lessons in Afghanistan, unlike the United States, which seems to have well digested its lessons in Vietnam, Lebanon, Somalia etc. By the grace of Allah, Russia will not win. They need a few lessons like the United States to understand that they can never fight people who are not afraid of death. Dear brothers, turn to Allah. Victory is at the corner of the road. The Russians have already been defeated. They are only looking for an honourable way to get out of this quagmire but they do not know how to go about it. Being an �ex superpower�, they are too proud to admit it. They do not know that Allah is the sole Possessor of power." [Brother M, Mauritius, 23 May 2000]

"Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, assalamu alaikum. You will never lose in Jihad. Only two ways to win, win the fight or Shaheed (martyr). We in Malaysia always supporting you and pray to Allah to help you. I hope I can be like you, my dear brothers and sisters and have an opportunity to become Shaheed." [Brother AH, Malaysia, 21 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatuh Allah, It appears that Allah is answering the call to our dua'. Allahu Akbar!!" [Brother AA, USA, 22 May 2000]

"I hope that Mujahideen of Chechnya will provide some useful lessons to the brothers fighting in Palestine. Every time any struggle took place between the Muslims and the non-believers, there always existed substantial number of HYPOCRITES in the Ranks of Muslims, but as the days passed, people could identify them and their designs, and they had to flee or face the wrath of their people before the Muslims achieved Victory against their enemy. In Palestine the Arab/ Israeli conflict is turning into an unending SAGA, due to some foolish reasons. Firstly because the Israeli agents like Yasir Arafat and company still enjoy some sort of support among the Palestinians and continue to lead them towards the DITCH and there is no sign that they will get rid of him in near future. Secondly the Arabs gave this conflict an image of Arab-Israel dispute instead of JIHAD between the Muslims and the Jews. Allah forgives the mistakes committed by individuals but He does not forgive easily the crimes committed by Nations. When the Jews refused to fight for the Land of Palestine at the time of Prophet Moosa (AS), Allah and His Messenger deserted them for forty years until they came back to their senses and conquered Palestine. In contrast more than fifty years have passed and this Arab-Israeli saga has no end to it. But the Chechens have shown a different example to the Muslims all over the world that the Russian atheists could not destroy the zeal of Islam from the land of Chechnya in their seventy year rule and they could make the Mighty Russians eat the dust for the second time. Surely Allah helps those who strive in His path." [Brother FJ, New Delhi, India, 22 May 2000]

Added 22 May 2000

"My brothers, I am in the USA. I am trying to get into University, finish it, and then get back to the ravaged Kosova, and help to develop it, if Allah wills, through pure Islamic ways. Even if I am over here, I never stop wandering, how the soldiers of Allah are doing in their efforts to protect their homes, lives of civilians, and most important the Truth, which Allah has blessed on Us, and the unbelievers are not aware of. When I read the news, that you brothers provide for the world, I recognize the tactics of the Russians, because they are the same ones that Serbs used against Albanians in Kosova. But, in Chechnya there is one difference. The fighters are pure Islamic once, while in Kosova, they were of everything, but thanks to Allah's Grace and Mercy, the war stopped there, and Kosova is calmed down right now. Therefore, since there are such soldiers, fighting for Chechnya's freedom, I strongly believe in Allah that His blessing of the victory is going to reach you brothers, which will mean a whole lot to the Islamic world, and to the world overall. I think that we Muslims, after these centuries of shame, and defeat are entering a new era, an era of renewing those real Islamic values, hence getting to the place where we belong. May Allah, give a speedy victory to you Chechen Brothers." [Brother II, USA, 18 May 2000]

"My dearest brothers, I love the freedom fighters of Chechnya and pray for them everyday. May ALLAH grant them swift victory...Ameen! The recent successful offensives of the Mujahideen must have filled every believing heart with joy. It has been reported that the Russians are withdrawing from Southern Chechnya. That is super, but, please be careful as the enemy may be about to employ weapons of mass destruction. Please remain mobile in small groups and remain dispersed. I wish my Salaam could be conveyed to Shamil Basayev and Khattab. May ALLAH keep them and all the brave fighters in his protection." [Brother MZU, USA, 14 May 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen Brothers, Assalamu alaikum. I just want to convey you all how pathetic is the situation of the Muslims today. They really like to live like seculars. Like our Mujahideen brother from Bosnia said is very true. Most of the Muslims are in deep coma. Just imagine how they feel that the act of a person going to Jihad is foolish. They feel that talking about the religion is a waste of time. They love Dunya and working hard for non-eternal things day and night. They never bother about the condition of their oppressed brothers." [Brother ASI, Malaysia, 10 May 2000]

"A nation fighting for their Deen, A faith which before has never been seen. A people who are being tortured, Men, women and children being butchered. Alone in the Caucasus, Attacked for challenging Russia's Laws. A tiny Republic so brave, Has become like a deserted grave. A nation who stood for Islam, Who took the Halal and rejected the Haram. Aren't they our brothers in belief? So why don't we offer them any relief? Being tormented are they for they had, Clearly and without any fear said, Verily, there is no God worthy of worship except Allah; And that Muhammad (SAWS) is the Messenger of Allah. Against this accursed state of tyranny they have fought and will fight, How many a small nation Allah has blessed with might, And has raised them to a lofty height. Those were the ones who distinguished between the Wrong & the Right. Day after day, newspapers are filled with sad, Tales of Horror and Terror aimed to wipe out Jihad. In the recent pages of history, There has been many a Muslim country, Tormented by the Kuffar in the East and the West, Bosnia, Kosova, Kashmir, Palestine and the rest. Have we forgotten the sayings of the Seal of Prophethood (SAWS), That verily the Muslims are one united brotherhood. So what has caused us to be deaf and blind, While the Chechens are besieged and others of their kind. Who, and again who in this Ummah has against Kufr raised a voice? Who, and again who has rejected this world's pleasure and choice? Except for a handful, there is almost none, Who has truly obeyed the Creator of the moon and the sun. Muslims, your brothers, being slaughtered and slain, Yet you look at them in disdain. Who has the spirit to fight for the sake of the All-Powerful? Who has the courage to raise the banner of Islam?" [Brother SZA, Pakistan, 18 May 2000] "Dear Brothers and Sisters In Islam Assalamu alykum, may Allah Bless and Reward you for the fine job you are doing in keeping us informed about what's going on in Chechnya. Salaam." [Brother MA, USA, 15 May 2000]

"All praises be to Allah, the most High. The recent achievements of the Mujahideen over the enemies are the reflections of Allah's Will. When we see the photographs of a destroyed fighter plane or a Helicopter gunship or a burning Tank or disfigured dead bodies of the Russian soldiers, the Russian media and their western allies report that one plane or helicopter is missing due to bad weather, one tank was hit but returned to the base safely, five (or so) soldiers are missing. How nice are these! The enemies do know the fact but cannot tell the truth to their people. What a big frustration is in their heart! At the same time they want to demoralize the Muslims through this false information. But the enemies do not know that we interpret their reports correctly in a reverse direction. As long as a single Mujahid is alive the war will continue and Allah will give the Absolute VICTORY. O Allah, keep all Muslims of Chechnya safe from the enemies, give absolute victory of the Mujahideen over the enemies and give Exemplary punishment to the enemies of the Islam. O Allah, accept our appeal for your mercy - Ameen." [Brother MAM, Japan, 17 May 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum my dear brothers ! I want to congratulate you for the great job you are doing , I'm visiting your web site for about 5 months. May Allah reward you for the energy you are spending to gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT) ..." [Brother AN, Toronto, Canada, 18 May 2000]

"To all leaders of the fight against Russia. To all the leaders of the freedom fighters. Please take this advice, the Spanish in the early years of the 1500s always approached the leaders of the Indian tribes and invited them to peace talks. When these Indian chiefs attended these meetings they were either taken prisoner or killed. Most of the time they were killed. The Spanish always knew they could not defeat their overwhelming numbers and being leaderless the tribes were easily defeated. This was done time after time and this is how the Spanish conquered the Americas. Beware of trickery do not trust them at all ." [Mr RS, NY, USA, 18 May 2000]

"I have written to you many times expressing my admiration for both the Mujahideen and the astounding correspondents of I work in the Western media and am amazed every day when I read of new Russian losses and humiliations in Chechnya on qoqaz that never make it into our papers, or our TV shows. When the Americans do anything (like allegedly supporting Muslims in Kosova) we get endless propaganda but when the worlds second largest army is routinely defeated by outnumbered and outgunned guerillas, we don't hear of it. When I showed the "Russian Hell in 2000" video to my colleagues they were shocked. Not by the blood and violence, but by the incontrovertible proof that the Russians are losing in Chechnya. They had believed the lies ... and these are trained journalists!...... Thanks again and victory will be yours," [Mr RC, Melbourne, Australia, 19 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya!!! Best praise to be Allah, Who guided us - Muslims to Iman, Islam and by them, to Jannah (Insha Allah). Recently, I became more realized that, all happiness comes from nothing but true Islam. And I knew instinctively that you're really doing something . I became very proud of being a Muslim when, the best kind of people, like you, are living and dying only for Allah. Insha Allah, I'll be a true Muslim. I pray to Allah to give you the best grades." [Brother A, USA, 19 May 2000]

Added 18 May 2000

"Standing among the Kuffar... a conversation about our plans... questions of our aspirations... how much money we plan to make... in the corner I stand... "What is your dream M------?", they ask... Should I tell them medical school this time... How about an engineer... Politician... Slave of the Kuffar ...... "The golden sunset over the land of Jihad, where the sounds of takbeers, prayers, and gunfire echo through the night till the morning sun... A presence of bravery and nobility so thick I do not breath air, I breath a presence of Allah ... Being so close to my Lord I can feel the compassion as He gives martyrdom and victory... Never being so ready to die... Never being so brave... The flag of my Lord and Creator and His messenger held by Angels at our side, soaring through the air... the most beautiful thing I have seen... The most beautiful men, my brothers, who seek the greatest reward Allah bestows... A people who love to look impossible odds in the eye and march forward ... The trenches... Praying to Allah to guide my bullet through the heart of the enemy and the soul of the disbelievers... my brother's blood on me... and the enemy of my Lord's blood under my boot." ... As I look at the faces around me... I know it's time to go home." [An anonymous brother of the Ummah, 13 May 2000]

"Assalam aleikum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh. Greetings to the holders of the torch of Islamic Jihad, to the ones who have proven that no matter what the earthly odds are, with Allah (SWT) on your side, you can never lose... Brothers, the news are as encouraging as ever, and just like here in Lebanon, the damned Israelis are suffering on a daily basis under the continuous strikes, the Russian pork in Chechnya are battered daily, and suffering more and more losses... Putin (his name in French suits him better), is still bluffing the Russian people, who think that Chechnya is under Russian control; but the time will come when he'll have to face the truth he has been trying to hide behind all these lies... Patience, and La Ilaha illa Allah... Fi aman Allah." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 12 May 2000] "I'm a Muslim from Albania. Now I live in USA I read the life of brother Masood ibn Benin and I pray to Allah to accept him and all the brothers who died fee sabilillah. The Muslim all over the world pray for the Mujahideen and for the triumph of Islam. May Allah forgive all of us" [Brother ID, USA, 08 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. Congratulations on the series of victories Allah grants you over the Russians. Remember that what the Russians are doing to the civilian population is nothing new....even at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) the Quraish used to perform war crimes against the Muslims. But in the end Allah disgraced and humiliated the Kuffar of that time so much that they were kicked out of that land. Insha Allah you will also gain a full victory over the future dwellers of Hell!" [Brother AT, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 May 2000]

"I am Muslim in Indonesia. I am supporting your struggle in Chechnya. Allahu Akbar." [Brother UH, Indonesia, 10 May 2000]

"Dear Muslim Brothers, We are two Turkish students in Holland, and we follow the news about the war in Chechnya almost every day. We just want to say that we are with you with all our hearts and prayers. We hope that this war will end soon so the people of Chechnya will find peace and freedom. May Allah help the warriors in their Jihad against the Russian aggressor!" [Brothers AG and KB, Holland, 11 May 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my brave & beloved Mujahid Brothers of Chechnya : May Allah keep you united, healthy and safe and may He keep your faith in Him stronger than iron and steel, Insha Allah. As suspected the predictions of Muslims who are well acquainted with the two faced policies and outright hypocrisy of all of the members of the European Council on Human Rights came true. The devilish members showed their true colours in neither criticizing Russia for its massacre and slaughter of innocent women, children and old men nor not going forward with their threat to suspend Russia from the Council in their recent meeting in Strasbourg, as reported in the BBC today. Indeed they applauded Russia. The council's foreign ministers made no mention of any possible sanctions against Moscow and welcomed Russia's efforts to respond to Western criticism of its war in Chechnya. What makes The European Council ministers ruling all the more incredible and deserving of contempt is that The Council is supposed to be a group independent of the European Union and which was organized for the sole purpose of addressing human rights and democracy issues - but instead their conclusion was that measures have been taken by Russia which respond to the worries of the Council of Europe ...what utter rubbish. Was there ever a doubt that the European Council members who comprise of the main body of NATO countries ever had plans divergent from the Russians and the Serbs ? Given the facts the battle lines are drawn - its Muslims against the whole world, Inshallah with Allah on our side. So come what may, and let them deal, and plan and conspire and lie and smirk, ...Allah has plans for them too. " [Brother TN, NY, USA, 11 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers as you have advised I will keep this short. Can I just say my dua's and sympathies are with your cause, may Allah free the Muslim state of Chechnya from the evil claws of the Kufr." [Brother MK, UK, 12 May 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum, I pray that Allah grant my Chechen brethren success in their Jihad against Russia. To all my brothers and sisters in Chechnya: May Allah ease your difficulties and bless you with victory. The Chechen War has definitely rejuvenated my Iman. I pray that the Muslim world too stands up to the enemies of Allah with the courage displayed by the Chechen Mujahideen." [Brother NM, UK, 12 May 2000]

"May the All mighty Allah grant him (Masood Al-Benin) Jannatul Firdous for the supreme sacrifice that he has made in the path of Islam. And may Allah grant the Chechen people their freedom to practice Islam." [Brother HS, Sri Lanka, 24 April 2000]

"Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Alhamdulillahi Rabbiil Aalamin, Wa Ba'ad, My beloved Muslim Brothers and sisters, I send you my salaams hoping that you are in the best health and spirit. I am sending this mail as an inspiration to the Muslim Brothers in the Front-line in Chechnya, letting them know that they are not the only one in this war. I am with you, though not in combat but in my daily supplications. May Almighty Allah reward you with speedy victory over the Kuffar, enrich you with his abundant blessings and guidance and may he cast terror into their hearts as he did in the battles of Afghanistan." [Brother AAS, USA, 12 May 2000]

"Esselamu alleikum my brothers. I am from Bosnia-Herzegovina and I just wanted to tell you that you are all making me proud to be a Muslim and every night I'm praying to ALLAH almighty, to support you in Jihad." [Brother EBD, Bosnia, 12 May 2000]

Added 10 May 2000

"I hope that this e-mail reaches you in the highest level of Imaan and in best of health. I am very sorry but have been unable to gain access on to the qoqaz site for a while. Anyway, Alhamdulillah, your victories bring tears to my eyes-I just wish that I was part of that Blessed Victory. May Allah (SW), the Lord of the Mujahideen and Shuhada, shower this Beautiful Jihad with Continuous Victory and may your Victory never cease. May He grant you with the power of the Lions of the past, and may you be successful in driving terror into the hearts of the dirtiest pigs! -Ameen. I read the Chechnya protest. Alhamdulillah, there was a good response outside the Georgian Embassy in London but Wallahi, my dear Mujahideen Brothers and Sisters, most Muslims in Britain do not care! It is very heartbreaking to say that but for the past week or so, voting protests have been at their peak. So-called Muslims with a few hair on their chins, and clad in a suit and tie, protest in loud speakers driving around areas heavily populated with Muslims. These Muslims beg people to vote for people like Tony Blair! Astagfirullah! How can they when he dined with Putin? How can they when he shook hand with Putin in London? How can they when he smiled and joked and talked about how they were going to wipe out every single Muslim from the blessed land of Chechnya? Anyway, whilst the Muslims were protesting outside I came across a prayer that our Beloved Rasool (SAW) used to say when confronting the army. When I read it I thought of you - my dear Mujahideen Brothers and Sisters. The du'a is: 'O my Allah, You are my upper-arm, and You are my triumphant One. By You I move, by You I assault and by You I Fight.' Allahu-akbar! May Allah (SW) bless you in your Beautiful Cause. Wasalaam" [Sister MA, UK, 04 May 2000]

"Prayers for you all. USA and Europe do not have their values where they belong. Thanks for your example in the eyes of evil oppression. Only the righteous can walk the path the Mujahideen are walking in Chechnya." [Mr GK, USA, 04 May 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, O Glorious Mujahids, may the Most High continue to shelter you from, and sustain you against, the evil and doomed Russian swine, and the evil ones amongst the Jew and Saxon. May our Most High grant you haste in your complete and total humiliation and defeat of your lowly and unworthy Slavic adversary, for he is forever in loss, blindly and drunkenly stumbling on. His has no rhyme nor reason, and the ceaseless tortures of hell, will be the abode of him, and his lot. Yours, is as the budding kernel, breaking through the barrier of the fertile soil, making its way skyward, until it reaches its ultimate maturity, from a seed planted firmly in the ground. Do not despair of that which you must be patient of, for Allah IS The Best of Planners. " [Brother AJAA, USA, 04 May 2000]

"Please pray a lot for those of us who are not fighting for the cause of Islam. Pray that Allah removes the cowardice, selfishness, and hypocrisy from our hearts, and makes us strong and fearless believers. Please pray for our guidance, and for a unity among Muslims based on nothing but the truth. May Allah make us among those who dedicate our lives to Him 100% and guide us to the best ways to serve His Cause. O Mujahideen, please pray for us, please pray that we join your ranks soon. Please pray that Allah guides us to correct knowledge about Islam and true faith in Allah, and that we don't spend our lives fooling ourselves. I believe that we need your du'a more than you need ours, and may Allah help us all. I pray that I will be blessed to meet you all, along with the Prophets and pious believers, under the shade of Allah's Throne on the Day of Judgment. May that day come soon! Jazakum Allahu khairan, w'assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh." [Sister RA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 05 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, my dear brothers in Islam, I cannot do anything but pray for you...may Allah (SWT) be with you all...... I can only say one thing... please don't forget this... always remember that the Prophet (SAW) - one man changed the entire Arabia - he had no technology but the one thing that really counts - he had Allah (SWT). He had Allah (SWT) in his heart and the impossible was made possible...... please help us, help our Religion... please don't let go of Allah (SWT), of Islam. You know more than me that success comes through Islam only. And you are aware that this situation has been made possible by the many Muslims' weak Islam. My brothers I love you for nothing but your Religion and I cry thinking about you....your efforts show me that their still some true Muslims in this dark world....May Allah (SWT)'s help and support be with you...always." [Sister M, Australia, 08 May 2000]

"Hello I have been watching your website throughout the duration of this most recent war in Chechnya, and I believe it to be the single best source of information on the war, in the West we are not privy to news that has not been filtered through the Russian military censors. In fact the Russians have completely banned foreign journalists from reporting so yours is the only news we can receive. I have the utmost respect for the Islamic people, (I am Irish Catholic myself so I share some of your views on morality), particularly your ability to defy major powers through sheer force of will and determination." [Mr. TR, USA, 09 May 2000]

"Assalamu-alaikum I just visited your website and I must say its very impressive, especially the profiles. I always follow the war in Chechnya on television and in the newspaper, but I'm not sure what to believe. Now I know where to go for true information. Here in South Africa we are always thinking about the Mujahideen and always making dua for you people. Insha Allah you will be victors. In Jihad you win both ways, you either die a martyr or win the war." [Brother HS, Cape Town, South Africa, 08 May 2000]

"I have read on your website your call to the world, also to the Islamic world. Well it is simple: the world thinks economical, the world sees Putin as a stabilizing factor, and you are the sacrifice. This is for me an inhuman horror. But you have your own country on your side: it's impossible to control mountains completely. You will win, like the Vietnamese people kicked out the Americans. I am not a Muslim, but I respect your demand for your own country, your own identity. I don't understand why the people in Holland, which is my country, think so negative about you, while 200 years ago we fought the Spanish for 80 years, and at the end with success. We were, like you, a small country that seemed to have no chance at all. So I send you my warm greetings." [Mr GK, Holland, 08 May 2000] "Dear Brothers, I just want tell you that we are all making for you Doaa and supplications and God bless" [Brother HMK, Egypt, 04 May 2000]

"My Dear Muslim Brothers of Chechnya: Salaam alaikum, and may Allah keep your faith stronger than steel and may you remain united and healthy, Inshallah Ameen. If ever anybody ever wanted to hear pure blatant contradictions and utter rubbish and nonsensical prattle one should have heard Butcher Putin's inaugural speech. Its one thing to exaggerate but to dole out such colossal lies and such utter rot in the face of such stark realities which every soul in the world is aware of - whom is he fooling ?? In a reference to the massacre in Chechnya, Mr. 'Funny' Putin also said the military spirit on display was a warning to those who use terrorism ?? was he talking about the Russian terrorism and the dead rotting Russian murderers whose corpses were the warning to other Russians ?? [Brother TN, USA, 09 May 2000]

"To my fellow Muslims in Chechnya, My heart goes out to you, brothers and sisters out there. Ever since I came across this website, I never fail to visit it to find out more of the victories of the Mujahideen. I will join other Muslims from now on to keep praying for you Warriors of Allah (SWT). It pains me not to be able to help you physically but I will definitely do my best to contribute to your cause financially later on." [Brother ZH, Singapore, 04 May 2000]

Added 03 May 2000

"As a Western journalist I can only admire the effectiveness and resourcefulness of correspondents. Your cameramen (insha-Allah they will be rewarded for the bravery!) put us Westerners to shame ... filming under fire without fear. ...Please keep up the great reporting. Journalists in Australia do not listen to Putin 'the dog' for information, we read VICTORY WILL BE YOURS!" [Mr RC, Australia, 02 May 2000]

"Assalamu 'alaikum, I'm a Moroccan 25 year-old and I want to be with you. I HATE THE RUSSIAN DISBELIEVERS and there are many brothers like me in Morocco but there is no way to come there! I wish Allah support you, give you victory." [Brother BZ, Morocco, 03 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum! My dear respected brothers in ISLAM! I my eyes became wet by tears, reading the articles on your website. I know that these tears are not the solution for this, unless I actually do something to stop these tears. My brothers, I would like to participate in JIHAD so I can show ALLAH that, there are still people. Also to show other people to leave their homes and fight in the way of ALLAH! I am NOT doing all this just to show off, but to make other people feel the same way as I do. My brothers, please send me more information about JIHAD. Ma'Salaam" [Brother SQ, USA, 02 May 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, I have been visiting your site almost everyday and I am very proud of you. Keep on fighting my brothers. Chechnya is your land and a Muslim land. Clearly we can see the double standards practiced by the West. They act so fast on East Timor but do nothing about Chechnya just because you are Muslims. This is a sign that all Muslim in the world must see. We must unite and work together to achieve greater heights in all aspects of our life. Wake up and start building a stronger Ummah from now. Learn everything ! It is your responsibility to make a safer world for all future Muslim generations. To all my brothers, the greatest fighters in Chechnya, hold on and keep on giving the aggressors surprise attacks. No matter how long it will take, the victory is yours." [Brother NS, Malaysia, 01 May 2000]

"Assalaam alaikum brothers & sisters: I have never understood how could people be really ignorant of what is happening around them or worldwide until I met a young Russian man in the US. It seems to me that he has believed all the propaganda that Putin the coward has offered to the Russians. The worst thing about this, is that he actually voted for Putin and he regurgitated all the propaganda the Russian government has come up, no matter how obvious and stupid it sounds... It is worth mentioning that even he acknowledged that the Russian government is playing down its losses." [Brother AAS, USA, 01 May 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen Brothers, When I heard about the torture in the concentration camps...I could not stand it any more. O Allah, my heart is in such tremendous pain. I cannot sleep at night without crying in front of ALLAH until I run out of tears. O Muslim Ummah, what's wrong with you. Is it not that your Sisters have been raped, your Mothers and Fathers have been beaten?? Are you so afraid that you are willing to beg the Kuffar for your lives, for your provision. It is Allah who give you provision, who gives you life. How can I sleep when I know my brothers and sisters in Kalimah are being tortured and killed. How can I go to work when my Mujahideen brothers are racing towards ALLAH's Jannah. O, what a fool I am, waiting here and stuck with the kind of life suited to the disbelievers. Let us swear that we will defend this religion until the last drop of our blood. I cannot take it anymore. O Allah, help the Muslim Ummah O Allah, help the Muslim Ummah O Allah, help the Muslim Ummah." [Brother ASI, Malaysia, 02 May 2000]

"As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, I am so sad to hear of the brutality of Russia towards even civilians." [Brother H, USA, 02 May 2000]

"Assalama'alaikum, my dear Mujahideen brothers, I am a student in Canada. Despite the efforts of the Jewish backed media to use propaganda and hide the real picture of what is going on in Chechnya, many Muslims here wholeheartedly support you. Islam can never be subjugated to the materialistic ways and ideals of the West. Indeed Allah (SWT) tests the Believers before giving them victory. The Russian dogs and the non-Muslim West are under the illusion of victory but Allah will reveal the truth to them soon, Inshallah. It is only a matter of time before the duas of the Ummah are answered by Allah(SWT). May Allah give you and all Mujahideen around the world, rapid victory in this world and everlasting paradise in the next. Wassalaam." [Brother SS, Canada, 02 May 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. We (Hong Kong Muslims) pay our greetings to the brothers, whom God selected from His beloved people." [Brothers, Hong Kong, 02 May 2000]

"My beloved Muslims of Chechnya, Salaam alikum : On April 26 it was reported in The Guardian that The UN Commission on Human Rights yesterday passed a resolution calling on Russia to investigate alleged mass killings in Chechnya. What a joke, its like asking the the Murderer to investigate his own crime and state if it had murdered or not - or asking a killer to maintain a systems of self-checks and balances, to ensure that it would behave in the future - what a farce and what an insult to the Muslim Chechens and indeed any Muslim with any sense and foresight. The resolution, presented by the European Union, also urged UN special investigators to go on fact-finding missions to Chechnya. Undoubtedly as before this will be another 'outing' for the media and yet another chance for 'pictures' and a feather in the cap of politicians of the NATO and UN countries.

However were the victims of any other religion, the UN and NATO troops would have been there with their guns blazing in an instant, as in East Timor. It must be noted that the countries which are currently in US favour, Russia, and India, and the usual filthy rogues, cutthroats and hypocrites, dissented to this UN resolution. But notwithstanding all this farce and utter rubbish doled out by the UN Commission on Human Rights an the NATO and the Amnesty International, the burning question remains, What are Muslim Countries Doing About the Slaughter of their Brothers and Sisters in Chechnya ?? Has any self respecting Muslim asked why must we Muslims be governed and pitied by the same organizations whose interest is to destroy Islam ? Why is there not talk and action on the organization of a Unity of Islamic Nations ?? The Answer is the selfish, useless, worthless Munafiqs (Hypocrites) 'Leaders' are enjoying the soft life of luxury and are happy in the assumption that this could never happen to them. They call themselves "Secularists". When Muslims were being slaughtered in Bosnia, did the Bosnians ever imagine that these 'friends' would turn on them ?? When Muslims have degenerated to a level where they are Muslims only in name, then they should begin preparations for Allah's wrath. Allah has made mention of Munafiks such as these, as Allah will keep on giving them slack and let them fall deeper into their shameless ways, until, Allah will then pull and make them taste in hell, which they have earned. I swear by Allah their time is coming. May Allah protect and guide each one of you, my Brothers, and may he keep you united in your struggle for truth and Islam. Masalaam," [Brother TN, NY, USA, 02 May 2000] "I am at your side! Be strong and show Russia your strength! I hate Russia! I am from Latvia." [Brother L, Latvia, 01 May 2000]

Added 01 May 2000

"Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Allahu Akbar.....Allahu Akbar.....Alahu Akbar Brothers you don't know how lucky you are. You are either victorious or the dwellers of Jannat Al-firdaws. Tears fall down my eyes as I read the biography of the Shuhada. I wish I was there with you brothers but, subhannallah, Allah has not chosen me to take part in this Noble task (Jihad) but only for the time being Insha Allah. He (Allah) however has chosen you; so be patient; so do not become weak (against your enemy); nor be sad; and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allah may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allah likes not the Z�lim�n (polytheists and wrong�doers). And that Allah may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers. Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-S�birin (the patient ones, etc.) ? You did indeed wish for death (Ash�Shah�dah - martyrdom) before you met it. Now you have seen it openly with your own eyes. Interpretation of meaning of Surah Aala Imran 139-143. Bear in mind brothers that there are thousands of Muslims waiting to take part in this Noble task (Jihad), make dua'a that Allah may select me next time Insha'Allah." [Brother AA, Australia, 29 April 2000]

"I'm a 25 years old from Sweden, all my life I have been guided by my lust, my ignorance has been my leader, and I did not worship Allah the way he commands, my heart has been ill for a long time....but now it's enough... when I read about you my brothers it gives me enough strength to fight my "nafs" to the better. And Insha Allah brothers as soon as I'm ready I'll come and put my neck under the same sword you are under. May Allah give us victory. Amin." [Brother AA, Sweden, 30 April 2000]

"Assalamu Aleykum, I can see that Muslims around the world including me are praying to Allah to give Chechen fighters a victory. All eyes are on you Mujahideen in Chechnya just like 150 years ago when black warflags of Islam was in hands of Imam Shamil and his Murids As for support of Muslim leaders and governments it seams to be the same like then. But times have changed. Small donation over the Internet multiplied by millions of Muslims who support you means a lot. One voice of protest against the regime in Russia multiplied by millions of Muslim brother and sister voices around the world means a lot. O people of Islam around the world, only united we stand." [Brother MB, Sydney, Australia, 29 April 2000]

"Dear Brothers, Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuh. Once again, it has been proven that those who put their trust in the Almighty alone, can only succeed. Thus, the vodka-bred pork, with their satanic tendencies, are dying by the tens, while you, Brave Mujahideen, are not only inflicting this severe punishment on them, but also granted Shahada, for the lucky ones... Praise be to Allah (SWT), the One and Only. Patience, brothers, for the recompense is victory then Heaven Insha Allah... Fi aman Allah." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 29 April 2000]

"I have been following all the news about Chechnya and its very heart wrecking. I feel depressed as I couldn't do much when I see innocent people were being killed daily by the barbaric Russian terrorists and the whole world is just watching. They liberated E. Timor within 48 hours and they quietly see as Russian terrorist bombs flattening Chechnya and killing of thousands of innocent people. The most hurting thing is how the world is quiet on the rapes of women and girls as young as 13 years. Where is Human rights group? they just making statements, shame on you. Where are aid organizations? everyone gives out stupid comments and keeps quiet. But despite of all this Chechens are fighting for freedom, security, against oppression and genocide, bravo!!!! Chechnya, you people are the real heroes, may Allah bless you with so much of strength Insha Allah the enemy should never ever think of coming back again. May Allah put so much fear in the hearts of Russian terrorists that they shiver in their spines. You have prevailed last time and Insha Allah you will prevail again. The whole world thinks Chechnya is an integral part of Russia but they failed to report that it was an independent country until 1820. I remember during the genocide of Kosovo all the major papers kept on repeating the same lies and justification of killings in Kosovo that since Serbia lost war with Turks in 1700's so they have the right of killing, raping and mass exodus of the whole nation what a shame, to all those journalists and media people. If there is one incident some corner of the world where some maniac who happens to be a bad Muslim kills someone then you see so many runs everyday in the media talking and branding quickly as Islamic terrorist (same as saying peaceful terrorist - Islam means peace), which is kind of stupid to hear from such highly educated people. Now Russian Terrorists for political gain are bombing, using gas, torture, looting, raping and violating all international laws they still are being funded by the West and abetting the Russian Criminals. O brave people of Chechnya fight on, truth always wins (Chechens are setting example to whole humanity) and the most important is Allah is on your side. All the righteous people of the world are with you. Our prayers are with you." [Brother MA, USA, 29 April 2000]

"Assalam Alaikum my brave volunteers of Islam, I know that the thorough faith in Allah is giving you the never ending courage to fight against Satanic Russian forces. I am ashamed to sit comfortably on chair and type this letter you, because you are on the path of practical Jihad. You have the courage and circumstances prompted you to endorse a war upon your enemies, the enemies who killed the innocent children, attacked our sisters and daughters and murdered the weak old people. May Allah sustain the undiminished faith in Him, and Insha Allah may you win. All Muslims are with you." [Brother A, USA, 29 April 2000]

"Asalaamu alaykum Brothers, Allah hu Akbar! The Russian scoundrels are lamenting the day they invaded Chechnya. I have read numerous WESTERN articles in the past few days regarding the continued demoralization of the Russian soldiers in Chechnya who are contradicting Kremlin claims of "no casualties" being sustained in recent Mujahideen Ambushes. Keep up the work my Dear Brothers, you and your families are always in my Du'a Insha' Allah. Salaam." [Brother OK, AZ, USA, 29 April 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatuh. The prophet (SAWS) said: " First, their will be prophethood with you until Allah wishes it to end, then will be a true caliphate according to the way of the Messenger of Allah until Allah wishes it to end, then will be a successive rule with heredity until Allah wishes it to end, then will be dictatorships until Allah wishes them to end, then will be a true caliphate that will reach the entire Earth." (Translation). Sooner or later, with the grace of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, He will make you, the Mujahideen, the one who starts this rule that will raise His word high: La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasoolul Allah. By peace or by force, this will happen, and all the so- called Muslim countries, whether their leaders want to or not, will be part of this caliphate, Insha Allah. My brothers who are fighting in Chechnya, may Allah be with you wherever you are, and keep the guidance and patience in your hearts, with which you will defeat the enemies of Islam. Our hearts are always with you, and our hands are always open with du'a to Allah subhanahu wata'ala to grant you and the Muslim Ummah the guidance and victory with His grace. May peace and blessings be upon our Messenger, Muhammad, his family, companions and all Muslims who follow him on the true Path, Ameen." [Brother M, Ohio, USA, 29 April 2000]

"Assalamu 'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Congratulations to all Mujahideen in Chechnya. May Allah protect us from the Kuffar. We're also struggling against the Kuffar in the new land of Jihad, Ambon. Many Mujahideen are now Shaheed. Just keep our deep faith and Allah will soon give very much help. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother YM, Indonesia, 29 April 2000]

"Salam aleykum . There is a big sign of the glory of Allah seen for those who do monitor the events in Chechnya . And all the Muslims may take it as a sample of Allah's help and grace upon those who strive on for the sake of Allah. Really, we should believe that Allah will help those who help His religion ,and the Chechen Mujahideen proved that in the practice. I just sit and ask myself ,why the Chechen Mujahideen can stand the Russian attacks using all possible modern allowed and non-allowed weapons, unlike the other parts of Muslim states, where the Muslims were supposed to do the same ? I'm sure some one would intelligently reply to this question , but the fact which stands before me, is that all the Muslims must learn from Chechens and use them as an exclusive sample. May Allah bless our brothers in Chechnya and may He help us to stand beside them! Ameen!" [Brother R, Pakistan, 30 April 2000]

"Assalamu'alaikum. I'm a student from Malaysia. I really respect the Mujahideen that fight the satan Russia. I always pray to Allah SWT to give the Mujahideen power to defeat the Kuffar Russians. Don't you worry my brothers, we here in Malaysia always pray for you and we tried to give all the information about your Jihad to other Muslims here that don't know yet about your Jihad. May Allah Bless all of us. Amen. Salam." [Brother AF, Malaysia, 30 April 2000]

Added 30 July 2000

"Salam aleikum to all my brothers and sisters who are striving with their lives and their properties for the Pleasure of Allah, in Chechnya. You are among the most excellent and beautiful people on earth today. May Allah give you a glorious victory over the Russian Kuffar. May you force the Russians out of Chechnya soon, very soon. And may Allah provide you with plenty of food, clothing, medicines and other necessities and bless you all with strong health, endurance and unity amongst you, Ameen. My dearest Mujahideen, we try to pray much for you, day and night. Even my 3 year old son prays for you every night before he goes to sleep, "that Mujahideen will Throw the Russians out of Chechnya and establish Sharia Law there, Amin." It is extremely inspiring for us to follow the news from Chechnya through qoqaz, Subhanallah you bring hope to the Ummah of today. To all my brothers around the world I say start to prepare yourselves for Jihad for the sake of Allah. Remember the Prophet's (SAWS) words: "Whoever dies neither having fought (in Jihad) nor having made up his mind to do so, dies on a branch of hypocrisy." (Muslim). And to all my sisters around the world please don't hold your men back from going out in the Path of Allah. Support them,encourage them to seek the Pleasure of Allah." [Sister M, Australia, 27 July 2000]

"They (Russians) recognize more than 10,000 casualties? And how many more that are coming? I think that justifies clearly setting up of a new message box, or even a Forum especially dedicated to the victims and their families. Let us give those poor people the relief that the Russian authorities cannot give them. They could address their demands to the Western authorities, if their nationals don't hear them. And may be we eventually come to a better understanding of the reason that underlies the genocide that's being committed in Chechnya." [Mr. AB, Barcelona, Spain, 28 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum brothers of this holy war. I must say that you are all in my dua's. May Almighty Allah be with you throughout this Jihad. You are all amongst the true believers, fighting so willingly for the sake of Allah (SWT). And for this, may Allah most High grant you the highest level of Jannah. Indeed Allah will not turn down His warriors, we Muslims will gain victory and defeat our enemies, it is just a matter of time. Hopefully that day will come very soon. Allahu Akbar!" [Sister AK, Ontario, Canada, 28 July 2000]

"I just visited your website today date - 28/7/00. Thanks to all those workers who put hard work into telling the World the real truth out there. May god bless all those Muslim brothers and sisters who are fighting for Islam not only in Chechnya but all around the World. May God give us the will and the opportunity to fight in His cause, and be worthy enough to enter Paradise." [Brother OA, Scotland, UK, 28 July 2000]

"To the Mujahideen, the chosen people of Heaven, the true Muslims: I wish I was with you. It will be so good to be with the people of Heaven and to see them on earth, whatever I call you, you're still even better. I feel so bad when our Arab countries don't support you. I don't mean the people, I mean the rulers, but you don't need their support. It is enough with the support of Allah. I don't know what to say brothers, you are better than any of us. I love you brothers with all my heart." [Brother Z, UK, 28 July 2000]

Added 29 July 2000

"Salam aleikum to my brothers in Islam, You remind me so much of the stories of the Sahaabah that I used to read and still read. Our Muslim nation has almost completely collapsed but out of these ashes, Insha Allah the Mujahideen of Chechnya will lead to the rebirth of Islam, maybe not today, or tomorrow or during my lifetime. But when it happens, the Muslims Insha Allah will remember the Mujahideen of Chechnya and their major contribution to waking up the Muslim Ummah. Most certainly have the righteous Mujahideen made a wonderful bargain with their Lord. A bargain, that those who have faith, cannot lose." [Brother FK, NY, USA, 27 July 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. These last few weeks, with the ongoing attacks by the Lions of Islam on the Russian army, our faith in the efforts and tactics of the Mujahideen has been amplified. Further, all the rumors about the problems among the different military leaders in the Chechen resistance have proven to be lies, a thing that the Russians excel at, even to their own people." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 27 July 2000]

"Assalamu Aleykum dear brothers. This is your poor brother from London who looks every night at your news. May Allah protect you and your families. What a beautiful thing to be Mujahid. I would like to be in your place or just with you at least 10 minutes. Subhanallah! Allah chose you! If all Muslims knew the value of the Jihad, the Kuffar would be humiliated but...nevertheless the day is coming Insha Allah! I love you all for sake of Allah." [Brother AA, UK, 27 July 2000]

"Salam alaikum, O my dear Mujahideen brothers. Truly the evil empire of Russia is experiencing the wrath of Allah (SWT) through your hands. We pray that the lowest level of Jihad in the hearts of Muslims who could not join with you brothers in Jihad, will be to pray and supplicate day and night in the most sincere manner, which will not be too small to be denied by Allah (SWT)." [Brother KH, NC, USA, 27 July 2000]

"Salamu aleikum Mujahideen. I always remember you in my prayers & ask Allah to always be with you & help your Jihad against the Kuffar. Allah will always be with you. Allah must be proud of you in front of His angles. May Allah reward you for what you do for Islam & Muslims." [Sister RA, USA, 26 July 2000]

"Salaam Aleykum! I must express my gratitude to the maintainers of the Qoqaz site. Their efforts help to spread the light of the Jihad in Chechnya to the rest of the world. This light continues to emanate from the web site, uplifting my Iman every time I read it (daily)! It awakens in my weak heart the desire to one day join my brothers in their efforts to make the Word of Allah highest. You brothers fighting the Kafir tyrants in Chechnya are an inspiration to the whole Ummah, may Allah reward you with the best, and may He guide us all to flee from the Dunya towards His reward in the Hereafter!" [Brother H, Calgary, Canada, 23 July 2000]

"Dear brothers, I support you with all my heart for this very great cause you are fighting for. May Allah (SWT) bring you victory and defeat the criminal. And Allah gives Victory to whomever he wants." [Brother KE, USA, 27 July 2000]

Added 27 July 2000

"I use to think that the ideal successful life is to find a good stable job, a comfortable home, then get married and raise a family. Give your children a good education so that they can have a bright future. When you retire, you could relax comfortably at your home. Do some Quranic reading and dhikr and that's it. How wrong was I!!! Because in the clear verses of the Quran, Allah the Mighty, says "Those believers who sit back are not equal to those who perform Jihad with their wealth and their selves. Allah has favored those who perform Jihad with wealth and their selves by degrees over those who sit back" [4:95-96]. The ideal successful life is that of a Mujahid. He leaves behind his beloved family, his wealth, his work and the worldly matters to go to Jihad for the sake of Allah. I hope, Allah willing, to be one of those to join the Mujahideen. To all Mujahideen expect two things- Victory or Martyrdom. Either way you are the biggest winner!!! " [Brother FA, USA, 26 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers, God blesses you and He is helping you. You are fighting in the path of Allah. It is great work. Allah chooses for His work only those He loves. And you are the lucky people. The barbaric crimes done against the innocent unarmed Bosnian Muslims make the Kuffar all over the world think that Muslims cannot do anything. But very soon by the grace of Allah, brave Muslims like you will come forward for the sake of Islam and the protection of Muslims. Good Muslims from all over the world, please continue with all the duas and prayers. You are the heroes of this Century as the brave Sahaaba Saad Bin Abi Waqqas (RA), Khalid Bin Walid (RA) and others were the heroes of that Century. Allahu Akbar." [Brother NM, Saudi Arabia, 26 July 2000]

"Salaam brothers, a short message to let you know that all the Muslims are with you in my area.....constantly they remember you all in their duas. Well done and keep it up. Even in Jumm'a prayers the Imam makes dua for you. So many youths are motivated by your efforts. You have our full support." [Brother AB, Yorkshire, UK, 25 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers in Islam, I always laugh about the lies the Russian media creates to show the world that they are in Control of Chechnya. We hear that the Mujahideen number to be around 2500. Every day, the Russians claim that they killed 30 Mujahideen on. Sometimes they say that they killed more than 100 in a single day. Well, if we do very simple math and take the average of how many Mujahideen the Russians claim that they kill everyday we will get something around 27 Mujahideen (just to be fair with the Russians, you will know what I mean). Then if we multiply this number by the number of days this that war has been taking place then we will get 27 * 307 days = a minimum of 8,289 Mujahideen that the Russians have claimed that they killed; then I would've said that the war would've ended long long time ago. But we always hear that the number of Mujahideen is always around 2,500!!!" [Brother H, Canada, 25 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum O brothers and sisters, I wish I could be with you to have a chance to be martyred in the sake of Allah. I hope that Allah grants you victory and the highest of honours in Jannah. I pray for the victory of the Mujahideen everyday and I hope that you can bring the torch of Islam to this corner of the world." [Brother AR, New Zealand, 25 July 2000]

"All praise to Allah the Almighty and Merciful ! Greeting to the warriors of courage and dedication who, with their soul, blood and self-sacrifice once again face rats that are crawling up from the infested territory of Russia. My brothers once again face destruction and it will not be the last time that the Russian traitors will be punished by the power of Islam. Allah's holy fighters will win this war, but your struggle will be far from being over. The next leader is just waiting around the corner for his chance to inherit Putin's herd of brutal sadist servants. My heart is with my brothers, the holy fighters of Allah. Muslims of the world: United you are strong! May Allah have mercy, accept my prayers and bring all Muslims together." [Brother TP, Germany, 25 July 2000]

"Dearest Mujahideen, assalamu alaykum. May Allah grant you victory over the cowards that fight you. Perhaps one day we will join you all in Palestine. May Allah free all Muslims from their oppressors. Please keep us in your dua." [Sister RRA, CA, USA, 24 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my brothers not just in Chechnya but to all the brothers in Islam. I don't know how to word the desperate state that we Muslims are in. Your sisters and mothers and fathers and grandfathers are being in every way abused, oppressed, attacked. Don't just sit there feeling that you're escaping their genocide....but keep in mind that this minute they are raping your sisters and mothers in Islam and keep in mind also that they are plotting and plotting to entirely wipe out the Muslim Ummah. Have you all forgotten the crusades? Or the fact that they are bombarding your sisters and brothers everywhere with their morals and Kufr filth. We all are being attacked from all fronts. Please, we need an Islamic State...please help us. I may be some times be able to fight my Satan.....but I end up losing my strength to fight the physical verbal Kufr-Satan. Why do you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter?" [Sister M, Australia, 24 July 2000]

Added 25 July 2000

"Assalamu alaikum. my friend and I are totally supporting your Jihad against the Kafir Russains. I always pray for your safety and your victory." [Brother WC, India, 24 July 2000]

"Bismillahi Ar Rahmaani Ar Raheem. My dear brothers in Islam, assalaamu alaikum. I pray that Allah (SWT) may grant you all the ultimate victory of Jannat ul Firdaus. My thoughts and my du'ahs are with you." [Brother HM, USA, 23 July 2000]

"Asalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, I am a regular reader and viewer of your site. May Allah give success and victory to all Mujahideen in Chechnya and all over the world, in this life and the hereafter, aameen. My dua and prayers are always with them." [Brother MM, Australia, 23 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum.. I don't know why I'm sending this letter, but the thing that I'm sure about, is that someone who has a faith and principals, and beliefs is going to read it. I thank Allah day and night that He left on this earth a number of people who really care to defend and fight for there brother's rights. They are saying " me is not only me, me is me and my brothers"." [Brother MR, USA, 22 July 2000]

Added 24 July 2000

"Dear brothers, assalamu alaykum. Allahu Akbar! The news about the infighting between the Munafiqeen is confirmation of the promise of Allah: When the disbelievers ask them to fight against the soldiers of Allah, they turn their backs and refuse to assist. The grey- matter-lacking Russians think that they are protecting their soldiers and at the same time securing Chechnya by asking their 'allies' to do the dirty work for them, but by Allah the Most Powerful, they will fail on both counts, for the Munafiqeen obviously do not need much encouragement to wipe each other out, and at the same time, Allah will strike terror in the hearts of the Russian soldiers, and will help the Mujahideen reach them, no matter where they go and no matter how safe they think they are. This Jihad will not stop as long as there are Muslims who have been true to their covenant with Allah Most High, and as long as we, the weaker Muslims, raise our hands in sincere Dua every night and every day asking Allah the Most Able to speed the imminent destruction of the Russian army and the cleansing of the Blessed Land of Chechnya." [Brother MA, Dunedin, New Zealand, 22 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, my dearest brothers and sisters ....especially my Mujahideen brothers. You are constantly in my dua. As a weak servant of Allah that is all I do: pray for you. Although at times, my heart and soul desires to be where you are... my Mujahideen brothers ... you are trading your soul for Allah. As I read qoqaz...I realise how Allah has favored you and I pray that Allah favours me. Be patient my brothers, victory is yours and remember always to renew your intention for the greatest enemy than the Russian is Iblis (Satan). I pray Allah protects you all from the evil whispers of Shaitan, ameen. May Allah make Chechnya an example to the world and be the wake up call for this sleeping Ummah!! Ameen." [Sister MDA, UK, 21 July 2000]

"I'm not a Muslim, but a Christian. However, I've been watching both sides of the media. The Russians speak of only lies and half truths. I feel that peace will only come only when the Russians are driven out of Chechnya by the Mujahideen. You have my support."

[Mr. MP, USA, 20 July 2000]

"After watching the Russian Hell video through your site, I am strongly convinced that the Mujahideen brothers are able to conduct many more similar operations to those recorded in the video. The operations were very effective, and I am very proud of it. I pray for all of the brothers in the field to carry out similar military operations to crush the invaders of the Muslim lands. Now imagine if Muslims have a "peacekeeping force" similar to the Mujahideen to protect our brothers and sisters everywhere in the world from hostility, such as in Palestine, Kashmir, Maluku, and any other part of the world. May Allah help us to achieve it!" [Brother HS, Sydney, Australia, 22 July 2000]

"The Blessed Mothers of Shuhadaa

Most mothers who suckle and nurture with loving care, Share hopes of offspring with strong Imaan, Sound constitution, intelligence, and refined adaab, Mothers of Shuhadaa wish for more.

O fortunate ones, whose sons and daughters answered the call, Went forth fearlessly, selflessly, accepting the invitation, Glad tiding of great joy, a monument to your Love of Allah, With acceptance of heartfelt longings for reunion with the Beloved.

What greater honour of your dedication to them is there? Than that mirrored in the tears of rejoicing that flow, From eyes made bright at the news of happy flight. Who would have guessed that you were nurturing birds?

How honoured you are to have brought forth such, Hawks that fly so high, in Celestial Splendor, What better company, such lofty assemblies, in which to drink and sup? Precious drops never spilling from lips full of praise.

Your sacrifice is mirrored in the willingness to sacrifice, Found in the hearts of your babies, Pure sons, daughters of Islam. How could they not by like you, such dedication, love, selfless sacrifice? Never turning away, chest to the front, standing tall, always marching forward.

Others stand in awe, doubly blessed you are, believing child, Shaheed no less. To come through you, blood of your blood, hair of your hair, how happy you must be, To have carried very closely, The Victors, the Witnesses, Lovers, Friends of Allah. Allah only knows your strivings for Deen's sake, lips tight never a complaint.

Congratulations are in order, as we wish it had been our offspring, Honoured for sticking so close to home never missing the mark. Obediently following the sound instructions, the tarbiyyah, For the Mujahidah raising Mujahideen hopes for nothing less than Shuhadaa.

Fathers take pride in their sons and daughters who go forth in obedience to the Call, But we all know that the ranks of Nations are formed behind the command of, Strong Muslim Ladies, who command our respect, utmost love and affection, We hold you up as examples and pray that our offspring too make the mark." [Brother D, USA, 20 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. When I read about the struggle of my brothers and sisters in Chechnya, my heart never ceases to cry for them. All brothers and sisters in the world who are struggling for their Deen are the true hope and light of Islam. May Allah grant them the eternal Paradise and crush those who wish to destroy the Noor of Islam. Ameen. Our prayers are with our struggling Muslims!" [Brother SMS, USA, 21 July 2000]

Added 23 July 2000

"Respected brothers, I have become addicted to your website. I don't even want to tell you how many times I check it each day in the hope of finding something new! Alhamdulillah, everything is so uplifting for my Iman - but three things I have especially found to be extremely useful and touching, and I would encourage all other Muslims - brothers and sisters, who are serious about Jihad, to read them and act accordingly: 1. Diary of a foreign Mujahid, 2. How I can train myself for Jihad, 3. The profile of Shaheedah Hawaa' Barayev. May Allah (SWT) reward you abundantly for this service. Please keep it up and keep your intentions sincere at all times. May Allah grant you a quick and permanent victory and increase your ability to work fi sabeelillah (aameen). " [Brother AM, USA, 19 July 2000]

"The wave of the new type of Jihad style; the martyrdom bombers; have and will in the future turn the table against the enemies of Islam. The war against the Kuffar will never be the same again. Despite the suicide claims of many Islamic secularists on the fate of these bombers....the fatwa of Sheikh Al-Qardhawi is very clear, martyrdom bombers are not suicide bombers...Islam will win..the end is near..." [Brother SS, Malaysia, 19 July 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, assalamu alaikum! I am a regular visitor to this site. May Allah give victory to Mujahideen just like He gave it in Afghanistan. I pray to Allah for the liberation of Chechnya and for humiliating defeat for Russians. I also request people to make dua for the Mujahideen of Kashmir. Please remember in your dua's the people of my home- Kashmir." [Brother FC, USA, 20 July 2000]

"All Estonian people are with you! We know damn well what it means to be occupied by Russian army! We had only hope and brave men, but you have the All-Mighty Allah guiding your shells and bullets! You can drown the Russian bear in his own blood! May Allah show no mercy to the Russian invaders!" [Mr. LL, Estonia, 20 July 2000] "All praise is for Allah. A few days ago I found this website accidentally. Now I am a regular viewer, I love Islam and I want to die for Islam Insha Allah. I am proud of my Chechen brothers, I pray to Allah for the Chechens. The hearts of Pakistani Muslims are with the Chechens and all the fighters." [Brother IA, Pakistan, 20 July 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, I'm sending you this e-mail to try to express my feelings, although I know that there is no language in this world that has enough words to describe your courage. Brothers, what you already did can be given as lessons on how to defend your country and your Religion till the Judgment Day. I always knew that I was lucky to be born as a Muslim but I never felt as proud as when I started hearing about the Mujahideen in Chechnya. On the Judgment Day I will feel so shy, and I feel that today, because I did not help you in any way except with my heart and my tears that comes down everyday in front of the TV or in front of the Computer Screen while I'm reading or hearing about you. I want also to apologise that the Arabs are in long sleep and not supporting you and fighting with you." [Brother MM, Canada, 19 July 2000]

"My dear brave brother Mujahideen, your Jihad Insha Allah brings a lot of changes in the Ummah. Many who didn't support Jihad, like me, also now supporting because it is Jihad purely on the basis of Islam and in the method of Sunnah and with correct and clear heart. My dear brothers, it is no doubt that you are the final winner as the Creator of the earth and sky, the Supreme Power Allah is with you; against whom neither Russia can stand nor America and nor any power." [Brother DAN, Saudi Arabia, 20 July 2000]

"Dear Chechen Mujahideen, assalamu alaikum. Faithfully to all Mujahideen: I only hear and watch but I can't do anything but pray & make dua. I hope Allah will destroy all Kafir Russian soldiers and help Allah's Soldiers and give them good place in Paradise." [Brother YS, Japan, 20 July 2000]

"Dear brother Mujahideen, assalaamu alaikum. Allah says in the Quran, if you do this .. this and this .. then you will be raised in ranks to those of Siddiqeen, Shuhada and Saliheen. And by this Jihad you are aspiring to be among the leaders of this group. Strive hard, stay steadfast as you have done before. The martyrdom missions and the 500 volunteers is nothing but a repetition of history. Ikramah Abu Jahal (RA) did the same and 400 fighters had joined him and he attained Shahada. The Prophet (SAWS) was happy about him and so was Allah. This time too Allah will be happy for you again. I pray to Allah to help me join you in Jihad." [Brother MS, USA, 19 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum.... I hope Mujahideen of Chechnya will be victorious in the Jihad. You are a group of Muslims who do Jihad in the way of Allah. A lot of people fight but not for Allah. What a waste .... You perform only for Allah that is the best Jihad and you will not lose anything." [Brother ISM, Malaysia, 19 July 2000]

Added 22 July 2000

"Congratulations on making a site where detailed and accurate reports of the Chechen war are given on a daily basis. Here in the USA, the only news the media reports about the Chechen war is the occasional one or two paragraph article pushed in the back of the newspaper or a footnote in an article about missile treaties, and they are only reprinting the lies that the Russian media fabricates after blocking all other news sources from Chechnya. I send my best wishes to all the brave fighters standing up to the Russian criminals, and I will celebrate the day when the Mujahideen permanently expel Russian forces from Chechnya." [Mr. CNL, VA, USA, 18 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, to the greatest among the Ummah today. From all points of the world those who remember what real Islam is, have come for the united purpose of fighting for the sake of Allah. Always remember that this life is nothing compared to eternity so fight with all your might so that Allah may crush the Russians by your hands. I was overjoyed today when I heard about a squabble between pro-Moscow men in which the Russian military was told to open fire if necessary. Insha Allah may that become necessary, and may Allah cause hate between them. Allah knows best how to accomplish goals." [Brother M, USA, 19 July 2000]

"Truly you have started the moment the Muslims have been waiting for: you are the true Mu'mins in the face of the Muslims because you have pursued the path of Islam, to liberate and restore the much deserved dignity for our beloved brothers and sister in Chechnya and in doing so have opened the eyes of many Muslims. And you did it seriously and honestly. One only learns from your examples- now there is no turning back. For many years, and decades we have been subjugated, killed, destroyed, ridiculed, our Muslim sisters/ mothers/ daughters raped and killed. The wound inflicted on the Ummah has gone so deep it has concentrated within us. Our faces look happy but inside it is full of pain of the happenings to Ummah around. Its starting to show out now. Our Deen and our Iman has been usurped by the materialists and secularist and the communists. These culprits have gone unchallenged in challenging the believers. They challenged our Deen and our belief; they have abused the Muslims and belied about our Deen in their literature and media deliberately; they have shown no respect to us and have given us labels which is full of arrogance and hatred, our Prophet (SAWS) the dearest of all and the most loved person to the Muslims was not spared, he is bashed and insulted everytime without the slightest guilt, and as though these are not enough they have openly come to attack the Muslims with their military and intelligence- all this because we have declared ourselves MUSLIMS. All these have been contained within the Muslims. The weight of these insults and pains has reached it's limit and as it starts to erupt it will know no boundaries. O Russians and unbelievers there would be defeat for you and know that for a Muslim who has been immersed in all this pain to him is only victory or martyrdom, death is no pain unlike the pains already inflicted. You plan, but remember, Allah is the best of the planners. I pray for you at all times my beloved Muslims in Chechnya, you are always in my heart, it continues to pain hard to read of your oppressions. You have already won the battle and soon the Islamic Khilafa would be established." [Brother SDA, New Zealand, 19 July 2000]

"There is one thing that really annoys me from Western media. They always say that "both sides always exaggerate their enemy's loss while downplaying their own loss". In my view, this statement is only true for the Russians NOT for the Mujahideen. If one trust the Western media that the Mujahideen always "downplaying their loss" which implies the actual loss could be greater, then the Mujahideen would have never been able to continue this war, because the number of Mujahideen is not that great, and this number would have become zero now. In fact, by carefully following what Russians said about their troops, when they lost a lot of soldiers such as in Shatoi, then it is true that the Russians themselves always downplay their casualties. Therefore, if the Russian officials say that their loss is only 5 people, then the true number MUST be at least 5 people times 10 or 50 people. The multiplier of 10 on that figures can be named as "Russian Liar Multiplier". In other words, the Russians lie 10 times less than the facts." [Brother HS, Australia, 19 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, Shukran for an excellent web site!! Reading and listening to some of the Western newspapers and so called news channels/programs regarding Chechnya is a joke with all the lies and deceit!! How the West will do anything to disgrace Islam (may Allah Almighty punish those involved, most severely). May Allah (The Most Great) grant all at Jannah for their efforts and may He make the task of destroying the Kuffar easy for the Mujahideen. Victory will soon be yours O beloved Mujahideen!!!" [Brother HW, Johannesburg, South Africa, 18 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers in Islam. Today, where the leaders of all Muslim countries lead by their puppet governments have failed to eradicate the curse of Satan from our lands, it is you, O brothers, who have stood steadfast and battled against the enemies of Allah. May Allah grant you, my brothers, every success over the Russians, may Allah liberate the land of Chechnya from the enemies of Islam. May Allah give you, my Chechen brothers, more patience, Iman, stamina, strength and courage with each passing day." [Brother WM, UK, 18 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum. May Allah accept all of the martyrs and may He make us among them soon. Please inform the Mujahideen to always keep the rest of us Muslims in their du'a, so that one day we have the strength of Iman to join them. May Allah help you keep up the good work of providing us with news of the war. I can not express how happy it makes me to read about the Mujahideen!" [Sister RRA, CA, USA, 18 July 2000] "Dear Mujahideen brothers, assalamu alaikum. By the grace of Allah you got the best job in the world, so I want to congratulate you. Your job is tough but also the best. The salary is Jannah and Allah's love and happiness. Every year a new Fitna is coming in the world so I fear much how to escape from this fitna. You are lucky that you are escaping from this fitna. Please pray for the all Muslims in the world. You are in the path of Allah. God will accept your prayers very soon. So don't leave a single cruel Russian army soldier who has destroyed all of Chechnya and the Chechen Muslims, on Chechen soil. The future of the children is destroyed without education and without medical facilities how they are living." [Brother NM, USA, 18 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum! May Allah bless all of you for fighting and protecting the people of Chechnya. I have been following this war and I try and read both sides, but the US media doesn't care so I stopped reading there newspapers. The day Putin the Loser backs out of the war will be the day I will never forget. Fight onward to that day brothers! Allahu- akbar!" [Brother MZK, CA, USA, 18 July 2000]

Added 19 July 2000

"Assalamu alaikum respected brothers, I just wanted to convey my salams to my Mujahideen brothers. Lately, I am faced with some tests in my life - Alhamdulillah always - I have not forgotten my sisters who are suffering at the hands of the barbarians, and my brothers who are fighting to liberate them! It is their courage and faith in Allah, that when I think of it, makes me feel that whatever I am tested with is NOTHING, nothing at all, compared to what my brothers and sisters are going through! And yet I complain?! May Allah forgive and guide me -- my brothers, you don't know how much your struggle has meant and what a new dimension this has added in life for Muslims like myself, who are full of all sorts of weaknesses. I hope I can learn something of benefit from your steadfastness, which comes only from Allah. May Allah (SWT) help and protect you and grant you a complete and permanent victory (aameen). And if I may ask, please remember this poor sister in your dua. May Allah reward you." [Sister AI, USA, 15 July 2000]

"Salaam alaykum dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya and everywhere else. I would really like to make a point and that is -just like a brother said before- the Chechens and their fellow brethren Mujahideen are writing history and marking it as a start for the restoration of the Caliphate. So let's pray all and make sincere dua that Allah may restore the Caliphate. Let's all work and invest in Chechnya and REBUILD it! Money, Scholars, Business, Technicians, Doctors, Teachers, Media, etc." [Brother KB, The Netherlands, 16 July 2000] "O Mujahideen of Chechnya, you are the brave of the braves. You are the stuff that legends are made of. Your courage and tenacity have no bounds. I salute you! I implore The Almighty to bestow upon you the victory that is rightfully yours. Shame and disgrace on the Russians for they have learnt nothing from history (you cannot beat the unbeatable). Always, wishing the victory of the oppressed over their oppressors." [Brother AO, UK, 15 July 2000]

"Everyday, I never fail to enter this website which gives me inspiration to be a better Muslim. What is heartwarming is that I know there are also a lot of brothers from USA who are Muslims and are supporting the Jihad. May Allah always bless the Mujahideen and Muslims all over the world." [Brother Z, Singapore, 16 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum respected brothers, I have been closely watching the news from both sides. First, I just read the news that Kremlin has given Amnesty to 13,000 criminals and my suspicions are that they will be sending them into Chechnya to spread more terrorism. Also beware, they will be using more Chemical weapons as they are desperate to win the war!!! May Allah(SWT) protect, unify, strengthen and give complete victories to the armies of Islam - Ameen." [Brother MA, TX, USA, 08 July 2000]

Added 16 July 2000

"You are the lions of Islam in this day and age when Muslims are more kittens than lions, you are the brightest beacon in the sea of Islam today. Destroy the invaders and hit them everywhere you can. The Caucasus is indebted to you my beloved brothers. Although I am a Kabardan Circassian, I feel special kinship and brotherly feelings towards you, the bravest people on the planet. You raised the name of Islam high when all other Muslim countries in the world are run by puppets interested only in worldly pleasures. What are yours are the gardens of Paradise where you will be most honoured, even up in Heaven clearly distinguished as the soldiers of Allah, fearing no one but Allah. God willing you will liberate Chechnya and tomorrow Insha Allah the whole Caucasus. May god bless you and grant you martyrdom." [Brother BA, Jordan, 15 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. The Chechen struggle doesn't evaporate just because it's no longer in the (non-Muslim) news. To all the brothers and sisters reading this, please continue to spread the word about our brave Mujahideen brothers, continue to be informed through reliable sources like "Qoqaz" and most importantly continue making du'a for the people of Chechnya. Don't forget them, or our fellow Muslims in Kashmir, or Maluku. Remember that apathy is the beginning of the disunity that plagues today's Ummah." [Sister NB, Melbourne, Australia, 14 July 2000] "Long live the free, brave, Muslim Chechen people! It seems to me that for the first time, living in Chechnya is becoming at least as dangerous for a Russian soldier, official or mercenary as it used to be for ordinary Chechen men and women. Try to keep us informed please, as you have been doing with true, up- to-date news, since many people in the world are eager to confirm these relieving long awaited feelings ! In the meanwhile, our politicians follow their terror agenda, they hit and hide, and "their left hand doesn't know whom has their right hand shot to death". An ashamed catholic admirer of yours." [Mr. AFB, USA, 13 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaykum, to all brave and fearless Mujahideen. I want you to know that not all Americans are against Islam. Speaking to you is one from a very small minority, supporting your cause. My only regret is that I cannot be with you and and experience jihad. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" [Brother JS, USA, 15 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahideen brothers. The whole of the Muslim Ummah is proud and praying for all of you brave Chechen Mujahideen. We pray that Victory will come to you all, and that the Savage and Barbaric Bear will be pulverized and defeated. May Allah give you a good life in this world and also in the hereafter" [Sister RK, UK, 14 July 2000]

"Allah loves those who fight for His cause, who stand aright and firm in rows. Brothers keep up the good work and may Allah grant every one of you His mercy." [Brother MM, USA, 14 July 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen, assalamu alaikum! I have been following your Jihad since it began and I've always prayed for your success. People in Pakistan have always prayed for your success. Your brave deeds have shown that you Mujahideen have inherited the fearlessness and courage of the great Muslim fighters Khalid bin Walid, Tariq bin Ziyad and Salahuddin Ayubi. May Allah help you gain back your country once again!" [Sister SG, Karachi, Pakistan, 14 July 2000]

"Assalamu aleikum. From the beginning of the Jihad in Chechnya, our heart was with you brothers and we hope Allah will destroy the Kafir enemies of Islam. We make dua for you brothers and let us tell you brothers that we will always be with you. Salams to all our brother Mujahideen and Muslims all over the world." [2 Brothers, Macedonia, 14 July 2000]

Added 15 July 2000 "I first stumbled across your website when searching for news on the Russian/Chechen conflict. I first became aware of the conflict while reading an April 2000 edition of a local news paper. They had indicated that the Russian government had been lying about its casualties of war. This was very confusing and disturbing to me. I immediately went to the nearest computer and went searching for any articles about the war. Once I discovered your website, I was unable to stop myself from returning to it. I think that what you guys are doing is great. I believe that the world has the right to know the truth about the atrocities taking place around the world. Keep up the good work. You are some of the bravest men I have ever seen in action." [Mr. TM, USA, 11 July 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum, my beloved Mujahideen brothers. May the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you all. I pray and make dua so that Allah may grant you victory over the Kuffar and above all, may Allah help you establish the law of Sharia and the Sunnah of Muhammad (SAWS) upon the land. Ameen." [Brother MOU, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 July 2000]

"My Mujahid brothers and sisters in Chechnya, assalamu alaikum. I want say something to you: I am very sorry that the Arab countries is not supporting you the good support. Insha Allah soon, the Shari'a will come again. I remember the story of Al-Mo'tasem the Khalifa of the Muslims when the Islamic army moved because of a women's crying. Where are we now from those days. All the Muslim citizens are supporting you with du'a and there are many Arab Muslims who want to be with Mujahideen but they don't know how to come and how to travel to Chechnya. Allah be with you all my brothers and sisters in Chechnya." [Brother SW, Egypt, 13 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, my dearest beloved brothers and sisters. May Allah (SWT) shower His mercy and bounties on you, and by your hands may Allah make His Word uppermost in the land. May Allah protect you, and may your and our mothers, fathers and children look to you as role models. I am saddened because I'm not from amongst you, but I ask Allah to make a way for me and my sons to be with you in Jihad. O Allah give the Mujahideen the victory, O Allah make us not a people who have left Jihad, O Allaah give us the tawfeeq in this live and the next. Ameen." [Brother JAC, USA, 13 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Brothers, you know, it's really hilarious how the coward Putin sometimes tries to talk tough and declare that he and his demoralised cowardly troops like him (who by the way shiver with horror when the Mujahideen are mentioned to them or when they even think about them) are going to win the battle in the Islamic Republic of Chechnya. You know, I really don't know how people like him think. Is this guy blind or what? Doesn't he learn from history? Look what happened to them in Afghanistan, in Chechnya in '94 and in Chechnya now. What is this guy waiting for? Is he waiting for the last Russian troop to be sent to his mother in a bodybag? Does this coward think that he can defeat the Promise of Allah to the Mujahideen which is " Victory or Martyrdom"? All I can say to such people like Putin is, stop dreaming, and it would be better for you to save your troops, before all the mothers of Russia start mourning the death of their sons."

[Brother MS, Germany, 13 July 2000]

"My dear brother Mujahideen, I am very happy with you and your Jihad and fully support it. It this century, Fitna is everywhere and the normal Muslim is too confused and feeling unsafe in the non-Muslim governments, but Insha Allah your Jihad has opened the eyes of Muslims as well the enemies of Islam. My dear brothers, with Jihad you must be continue Da'wah also, which is the base of Jihad. Otherwise if all of you brave people with strong Iman are martyred, then who will fight against the enemies of Islam? So you must be leave behind good people like you. Islam needs good and quality Muslims not large quantity of Munafiq type Muslims. Trust in Allah: final victory is written for Allah's army and believers of Allah." [Brother NM, Saudi Arabia, 13 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, brothers loved by Allah (SWT)! I would like to say to all the Muslim brothers and sisters, worldwide that all of us should thank Allah - Most Merciful, for He has put fear in the hearts of the Russians against the Mujahideen. Also, the Mujahideen now dominate most of Chechnya, all thanks to Allah Most High. Brothers of this Jihad, I must commend you all for your bravery and faith towards Allah (SWT). You are amongst the high servants towards Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) be pleased with the brothers in this holy war and may they be granted the highest level of Paradise, Ameen." [Sister AK, Ontario, Canada, 13 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, to my dearest brothers and sisters in Chechnya, it brings me great joy when I read about your crushing victories over the cowardly pigs in the Russian military. We will continue to make supplication to Allah for your victories and for the well-being of the civilians in Chechnya. To the rest of the world, your financial outpouring, media propaganda, secret meetings and your plain outright disregard for Muslim lives and well being in Chechnya IS IN VAIN. The cowardly Russian military shiver in fear at the thought of our Mujahids." [Brother X, USA, 11 July 2000]

Added 13 July 2000

"It makes me very proud to hear and see the slaughter that the Russians are experiencing in Chechnya. The Mujahideen have proven themselves as a lethal and extremely effective fighting force, fighting for what they believe in. God bless them all, and help them send the occupying Russian thugs to their miserable places in a blaze of fire and melted iron." [Brother TN, Jordan, 12 July 2000] "Dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya, I pray to god that the Chechens will prevail in this long fought struggle against these Russian Devils. The Russians know nothing but how to kill and mistreat other religions. How dare they come into Chechnya and try to destroy these good people. Shamil, Khattab, Arbi and all the other commanders and fighters that are fighting the aggressors in Chechnya: may Allah be with you in all your struggle for Freedom!" [Brother NJ, USA, 11 July 2000]

"In The Name of Allah, The Greatest, The Most High! My dear Mujahideen! I love you for the sake of Allah. Just letting you know that I am continuing to make dua for you and Insha'Allah will continue to do so until, and even after, Allah (SWT) grants you a complete, clear, and lasting victory over the Kuffar! and until I am alive to do so! I pray that Allah makes me steadfast upon the above. May Allah (SWT) shower His choicest blessings upon you, my dear beloved Mujahideen (aameen)." [Sister AI, USA, 11 July 2000]

"Dear brothers, May Allah bless you all who are fighting in anyway possible in the name of Islam to uphold the Will of Allah. Brothers and sisters in Chechnya are fighting in the worst of all conditions and need all kinds of support from Muslims all across the world. May Allah give them the will and courage to overcome this challenge all over again. May Allah Almighty be with them. Chechens are fighting not just for their country but also for all the Muslims all across the globe and they deserve great dua. They deserve our support, they are the true Muslims. I pray for them, and pray that Allah may give us wisdom and courage to help our brothers. All praise for Allah, He loves the ones who fight and die in His cause. All my love and prayers for Mujahideen of the world. May Allah be with them." [Brother A, Pakistan, 11 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to brothers participating in the Jihad, I must commend you for fighting under one organized, systematic, strong and unified group. Your photographs depict all this. The men fighting to make the Words of Allah high are the best fighting force ever to walk on the face of the earth. Persevere, my Brothers. Allah will grant you victory." [Brother FA, Malaysia, 11 July 2000]

Added 11 July 2000

"Assalamu alaikum everyone. Thanks so much for adding (July 10) the English translation of Commander Khattab's talk from the interview. I love his statement when he said "This is a question that should be asked to the Russian forces? For how long can they withstand the attrition suffered by their forces at the hands of the Mujahideen?" We pray to Allah most High to keep the spirits up & there is good news of "doom & gloom" for the Russian oppression. All praise be to God alone." [Brother S, USA, 10 July 2000]

"Assalaamu my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. Like many other Muslims I applaud your great courage in showing the rest of the world including the so- called Muslim World that you ask for help from Allah alone and lack of help or sympathy from any hypocrite state will not prevent you from carrying out what is right. Please understand that what you are doing is creating a new phase in the history of Islam. It is waking us up!! It may be slow but your sacrifices are not going in vain. I am sure and I pray that you will win. What matters is not what the World governments do or do not do. Your courage and sacrifices guided by the Quran will lead you to victory. May Allah reward you for your great leadership in Islam." [Dr. MG, UK, 08 July 2000]

"Millions of Russians have been "educated" (brainwashed) to think that Chukchis, Czechs and Chechens all wish to be Russian subjects. Russians still claim territory which they have usurped from Germany, Japan, Finland, Romania and Ichkeria. Only the Chechens have the courage to claim their homeland." [Mr. PJ, USA, 07 July 2000]

"This is actually to my brothers and sisters who write emails of support to the Mujahideen: It is so encouraging to know that there are so many people who love and support the Mujahideen and could care less about our enemies' propaganda. May Allah (SWT) bless and reward you all for your encouraging words to the Mujahideen. These emails also serve to encourage those who read your emails (like myself). Just a short, but important naseeha, if I may: please, when you make dua for victory, don't say, "may Allah give you victory Insha'Allah" - You can tell the Mujahideen they will be victorious Insha'Allah, but my dear sisters and brothers, the etiquettes of dua include that we don't say "Insha'Allah" when making a dua - especially an important dua like victory for Mujahideen. Of course Allah will only do what He(SWT) has willed, but our stating such in our dua will water down the dua a bit. This is what I have been taught by scholars of aqeedah and it makes sense. We need the strongest possible duas for our brother Mujahideen - so let's beg, implore, cry, and beseech Allah - and hope that He will grant our prayers. May Allah (SWT) guide us all and give a speedy and permanent victory to our brothers (aameen)! " [Brother AM, USA, 09 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, O my most loved brothers in Islam, I love you for the sake of Allah. I cry for you in Happiness. O Allah make the Iman more stronger in the hearts of the Mujahideen. O Allah fill the Kuffars' hearts with fear of Mujahideen, as you have promised in the Quran, "I cast fear into their hearts". Make them stronger with angels as you have done in Battle of Badr. O Allah keep the Mujahideen's mind steady, so they do not get confused in decision making. O parents of the martyred, you obviously love Allah more than your sons. May Allah bestow you and your sons and daughters the best place in Jannatul Firdous." [Brother J, TX, USA, 10 July 2000] "Asalaamu alaikum. My generation has never seen the victory of any Muslim nation. We live in a world where the Iman in our Ummah is low. We the youth have no role models--- until now. The Mujahideen's resistance in the Islamic Republic of Chechnya is not only inspirational to us, but is what shattered all the misconceptions that we are defeated. Nay! The battle, the Jihad has just begun!" [Brother HM, MD, USA, 07 July 2000]

"Dearest Brothers, Shamil Basayev and Ibn al Khattab and all the brothers involved in defending Allah's Faith, Please make dua for us who are not present with you physically, that Allah (SWT) uses all of us to further His Truth in the way that is acceptable to Him." [Brother MMA, New Zealand, 10 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum. This is just an e-mail to say that all the Believers here are making du'a for you. Masha Allah you are really lucky because you have Allah's full support and you are sure that Allah loves you. Allah never lets His soldiers down. We continue making du'a for your victory. May the dogs of Jahannam who are going to go to Jahannam anyway, have a taste of hell from now. Show them what Jihad really means. May Allah, the Lord of the Mujahideen and Shuhadah, bless you all and make your plans successful-Ameen." [Sister MA, UK, 10 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, may Allah gives you sharpness & accuracy in shooting, strength & courage to silence & defeat those Russian forces. Your unity is an example to Muslims." [Brother Z, Singapore, 11 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! May Allah give victory to my beloved brothers/sisters in Islam in Chechnya. Russian army will loose, and will be humiliated in front of all the World. These criminals do not have a good memory. May Allah's help be with you O Mujahideen, may Allah give you victory, and make you a Ghazi, like Ghazi Salahuddin." [Brother TA, USA, 09 July 2000]

"To all Mujahideen brothers, my heart is always with you Insha Allah and I'm always making dua for you to destroy the Russians and destroy the dream of Putin. Allah protect you all and give you all Sabr (patience)." [Brother Z, UK, 08 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brother Mujahideen, congratulations for killing 1500 criminals in a day. All the world media and even Muslim media do not seem to accept this figure, and all are writing just 60. No problem, Allah knows how many were killed and after some days the Russians will also know the truth. We trust only the Mujahideen news. It is one of the true news people are getting on-line. Please do your best, the good Muslims of the entire world are with you. We are praying for you everyday. May final victory will be yours." [Brother NZ, Saudi Arabia, 08 July 2000] "The news of the bombings generated in me an indescribable feeling of pride and relief. Pride for the enormous damages incurred by the enemy of Almighty Allah, and relief for avenging the women and children of brave Chechnya, especially the innocent girl who was raped then run over with a tank (this barbaric incident always moves me whenever I remember it). Brothers in faith, I hope you'll continue this wave until the enemies of Allah stop flexing their muscles on helpless women and children." [Brother AS, USA, 07 July 2000]

Added 10 July 2000

"Dear brave Chechen fighters and brothers: your Jihad against the cowardly Russian army is a tribute to the human spirit and its unquenchable thirst for liberty. In the United States we receive only the lies fed to us by the media, but thanks to your website I have been able to spread the truth about your liberation struggle to others. Ever onward to victory! I wish you all success, Insha Allah." [Dr. JCP, OH, USA, 07 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum most Beloved Brothers. Today I felt so happy when I saw the pictures of Mujahideen Council Meeting, and seeing all those Mujahideen so united I can't tell you the feeling that I have. I wish I could see you and be in your company, what a pleasure that would be. May Allah Give you the Victory, Insha Allah. My prayers are for you brothers. May Allah keep your spirits high, and keep you united. I love you brothers, and you are people that I think of the most, and not a single prayers go by when I don't pray for you, Insha Allah there are many more that praise you. Insha Allah, Allah will make you victorious. Long Live Islam, and the Word of Allah be supreme." [Brother A, NY, USA, 09 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum! Just a note to say that, Masha' Allah, you are amazing people with true IZZA from Allah, Insha Allah. It is so encouraging and so inspiring to see this many Muslims on the Right Path, who care to meticulously follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (SAWS). Best of all is your Iman and Izza which shines through your words and faces for the whole World to see. Please keep making those threats to those cowardly Russian soldiers and keep following through each and every threat! Let them learn the hard way that true Muslims are true to their word. May Allah grant you victory and help you establish a 100% Islamic state. I love you all for the sake of Allah." [Sister RRA, CA, USA, 08 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, may Allah (SWT) bless and protect the innocent people against Russian barbarians. May Allah give complete victories to the Army of Islam over Russian terrorism - Ameen. Chechens have set an example for the whole mankind, not only for the Muslims. Keep on fighting, O brave Mujahideen and clear the land from the criminals and rapists. May Allah (SWT) strengthen and unify the whole Ummah in this right cause. You are always in our prayers and thoughts. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! (God is great!)" [Brother BA, OH, USA, 08 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum. By the Mercy of Allah (SWT) you have been defeating these hated Russians. May Allah (SWT) continue showering His Mercy and Blessings upon you. Ameen. We all love you for the sake of Allah (SWT)! Is there anything greater than fighting for the sake of Allah (SWT) and achieving martyrdom, Insha'Allah?" [Sister NR, USA, 07 July 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen, we think of you in every moment. May God help you. We pray that you will win the war against those Russians, Insha Allah. Please ask Allah to help us too. You are doing the best thing in your life. You are writing new history to the modern generations of Islam, Jazakum Allahu khairan." [Brother AH, USA, 08 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters. I hope you continue to keep up-to-date, accurate news on your website. Believe me, thousands of Muslims here in Chicago love this site, and we all support you 100%. May Allah reward all of you on an excellent job with this website. Don't let anyone discourage you in any way from the great job you are doing. They will call you terrorist, bandits, and ruthless barbarians...but Allah and the true Muslims know who you really are, and you will ALWAYS do what is required of you according to the glorious Quran. Allahu-Akbar!" [Brother HF, USA, 07 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum, brothers of the holy war. I saw the recent pictures of our Mujahideen army in action. I must say, it truly brings tears to my eyes when I hear and see our Muslim brothers dedicating their lives towards our Lord. You are truly the lucky ones, my brothers. You have all been blessed by participating in this Jihad. Take this opportunity, for there are several other Muslim brothers desperate for your position. You are true men, fighting in the name of Allah so willingly. You are brave, faithful, and most importantly you are loved by Allah (SWT) Insha Allah. You will soon be victorious from this battle Insha Allah, and you will Inshallah be granted the highest level of Jannah, Ameen." [Sister AK, Canada, 08 July 2000]

"I can't believe that one billion so called Muslims sit and see without doing anything! I really hope that you will emerge victorious in this war, Insha Allah. I pray that it will end soon and that the suffering of Chechen Muslims will end for good. The Mujahideen are winning this battle! Allahu-Akbar!!! I hope that Allah, will reunite the Muslims." [Sister SG, USA, 08 July 2000]

Added 08 July 2000

"Assalaamu my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. Knowing the fact that Jihad has not left the Muslim Ummah gives to one's heart the hope of having a true Islamic state with absolutely no Kuffar rubbish within it's doors. I think all the Muslims of the world are desperate for this and it should be about time. We should not let this century be lost without regaining our Caliphate. Allah (SWT) says He will not change a society until they change themselves... what is going on brothers, why isn't Islam the centre of your lives. What is stopping you my brothers from not joining your brothers in Chechnya. Trust in Allah (SWT) and leave your families in His hands because no matter what, ultimately it is Allah who protects. My brothers, death is never far from your doorstep.....but the best death is that of a Shaheed. Please I urge you to leave this illusionary empty world and fight for establishing your CREATOR'S wishes. Allah knows that if I was a man I would not have sat here typing but would have been with my brothers dying for Allah. Make your only hope and dream to die for the One who gave you this life, this trust....and would it not be the best to have him receive this trust the way it pleases Him the Most High. My brothers stop, stop this moment leading life the Kuffar's way, but be a true slave, submit to Allah (SWT). Please, to all Muslims: MAKE ISLAM THE CENTRE OF YOUR LIVES." [Sister M, Australia, 07 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, thanks for the photos of yourselves O brave ones; you all look well, alhamdulillah, for it is indeed a pleasure, to gaze in awe upon the faces of truly strong and brave young men. You have reawakened the sleeping giant, and none could have foreseen the crushing blows that you have inflicted upon the Loser Putin these past few days, Masha Allah. Remember the cold and harsh days of this passed winter, remember the cold, harsh days. The Russian mind, body and soul are as a barren waste land, to be used as he who leads them sees fit. They worship might and force, if they but knew that none is mightier than the Most High, Who created the ground upon which they walk, pillage and die. And now, the Loser Putin is pleading for aid from the Church in an attempt to save his wretched skin, yet does he know that none can avert Allah's wrath when it is ordained for him, and does he (Putin) not know that none can prevent the recipient of Allah's grace and mercy from receiving those blessings, if Allah ordained them for one? A final lesson for he who never learns lessons; alas, bring forth all that is within the means of the evil ones from amongst the Americans, Europeans, Jews, Christians and their helpers, for they are by no means a match for the strength and force of the Beneficent, who created them, and those whose powers were more than greater than theirs." [Brother AJAA, USA, 07 July 2000]

"Thank you for all your efforts putting together the qoqaz websites and maintaining it regularly. I browse through them daily and sometimes could not help tears coming to my eyes upon reading some of the articles. I am truly PROUD PROUD PROUD of the Mujahideen. May Allah give them victory soon Insha Allah." [Brother JM, Yorkshire, UK, 07 July 2000] "Assalaamu 'Alaikum. May Allah grant you and your mothers the best reward. Masha Allah, you are an inspiration to us. I hope to raise sons who will follow in the footsteps of the Mujahideen." [Sister SS, USA, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, Praise be to Allah on your victory over the 1,500 troops. It really makes Putin's claims about controlling all of Chechnya look very fake. KEEP THESE VICTORIES GOING, THOUSANDS MORE RUSSIANS ARE AWAITING THERE TURN TO DIE!!!" [Brother A, USA, 06 July 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalaamu alaikum! I am Algerian muslim. We in Algeria are praying for your victory, the victory of Islam, Insha Allah. I know very well, through my presence in Ukraine and Russia (more than ten years), that the Russian soldiers are cowards and poltroons. The Mujahideen are always winners, that is the tradition of Allah (SWT). Dear brothers you are the honor of Islam. Allahu Akbar!!!" [Brother MA, Algeria, 06 July 2000]

"My dear beloved soldiers of Allah, The world will now know that Islam is not a Religion to be trifled with. No forces on Earth can achieve what you had just done to the Russian forces. With Allah's help, the Mujahideen are really the Most Powerful Force on Earth. May you always receive the Protection of Allah (SWT)." [Brother Z, Singapore, 06 July 2000]

Added 07 July 2000

"Dear brothers - the Mujahideen in the way of Allah defending the Muslim land and Muslims against the beastly attacks of the Russian army. I have read all the emails of support which have been, and are still being sent to you in an expression of support and admiration with your heroic victories and brave stand. May Allah be with you! Keep confident in Islam and in Allah's help! Keep together and do not give up whatever the cost and however long the battle lasts! For you are the Islamic voice which is repressed in both in the Muslims world and the non-Muslim world. Do not, and you do not, expect much or anything from the Arab rulers and governments. For they are traitors and against Muslims and Islam. They are fighting any Muslims who would like to give help to you, simply because your victory against the aggressive Russian army is a victory against all the Arab and Muslim tyrants. May Allah be with you." [Brother CD, USA, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaykum dear brothers. I have just been watching the former Chechen President on al-Jazeera channel, and the great Mujahid Khattab was also speaking in the program. I felt very proud that there are still people like you in this world, and at the same time, I felt very small and insignificant seeing the dear Mujahideen sacrificing everything in the sake of Allah & their country. I wish I could join you, but the only thing I could do is dua and prayers, and Insha Allah you will defeat the Kafir Russians soon, and Islam will prevail at the end and for ever. Keep on going and don't give any attention to those who oppose Jihad and try to show you as terrorists. These are the feelings of many people here in Palestine, and I hope we could together liberate Jerusalem from the Jews." [Brother AT, Palestine, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum all of you, this is from Yemen and on behalf of the Yemeni people we would like to express our support to your right issue, and are looking forward to see a Russian stampede from the Islamic land for the 2nd time Insha Allah." [Brother TAD, Yemen, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum, lions of Allah's (SWT); Allahu Akbar! I always thought that our Muslim women had stopped giving birth to Mujahids like you. I have a high regard for these Muslimahs and the mothers of reverted Muslims. O my dear beloved brothers and sisters, Allah (SWT) is so Merciful that He is still sending His warriors, the likes of Umar, Khalid bin Waleed, Ali, Hamza, Hussain, etc., may Allah (SWT) be pleased with them all. Insha Allah, honest historians will add your names along with them. My dear brothers and sisters, you all are remembered in all my prayers. I am very happy with your effort and success in fighting fiercely for Allah (SWT). However, I am also sad and cry about the fact that the rest of the Muslims in the world are sleeping and I wonder when they are going to wake up. I request the armies of all Muslim countries to please wake up and help my brothers and sisters in Chechnya and elsewhere. Your military training and expertise is greatly needed in the Way of Allah. May Allah (SWT) help you in whichever way He wills it. Ameen." [Brother MSD, IL, USA, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum dear brothers. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar. Congratulations on your operations of massive killing of the Kuffar (the enemies of Allah). Dear brothers, may Allah protect you, feed you and help your families." [Brother OD, USA, 06 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers of this Jihad. I would like for all of you to know not a day goes by without a dua for the Chechens. Masha Allah I must say that you are true men, fighting for their lord. May Almighty Allah grant you the highest Paradise for this tremendous deed. Also, to our Muslim commanders, reading your interviews and hearing the words you speak, Masha Allah you have such faith in Allah, you speak with such power, Allah (SWT) is bound to be with you in this battle. (Insha Allah) I check your site out almost five or six times a day, hoping to read that this Jihad is now over, and the Muslims have won this battle. Insha Allah that day shall come very soon. Brothers and sisters, please remember the Mujahideen in you dua's, pray that victory becomes ours tomorrow. May Almighty Allah be with you throughout this Jihad and may he show His love, ameen." [Sister AK, Ontario, Canada, 06 July 2000] "Dear Brothers, you got the honor and acceptance from people and I pray to Allah that this is a sign that Allah loves you. May Allah help to very soon end your mission at Chechnya and we pray that Muslims around the world learn this lesson you exemplified."

[Brother AA, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 July 2000]

"Dear Brothers and Sisters in Chechnya, you are our pride, our hope and the torch that lights the darkened nights of our Ummah. May the blessings and mercy of the Almighty be on the souls of our martyrs, may the Lord of all creation guide your every step in reconstructing the Ummah, may Allah grant you the victory you so deserve. You have begun a big task that extends beyond the borders of Chechnya. Let the road to freedom for the enslaved Ummah begin in Chechnya and may you be the bearers of the banners behind which, millions of Muslims, around the world are yearning to march. Our honored Mujahideen, keep up the struggle, keep up the fight, for Allah has promised you the ultimate victory and His promise is already fulfilled. I also second my brother AK, from Sierra Leone, to request that the memoirs and also, battle stories to be collected in books and offered for sale. The benefits are multifaceted. It motivates other Muslims to share the responsibility of Jihad, it raises money to support the Mujahideen and it transports us to the battlefield through your eyes. May Allah, the Lord of the worlds, be with you." [Brother S, Ottawa, Canada, 05 July 2000]

Added 06 July 2000

"Dear brothers in Islam, Assalamu alaykum. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, congratulations for your operations of massive destruction against the enemy of Allah. Dear brothers may Allah give you everything you want, protect you, your family and give you His help. Dear brothers you are the pride and honour of Islam. Allahu Akbar." [Brother SM, USA, 05 July 2000]

"Dear Muslim brothers assalamu alaikum. Just day before yesterday I received news regarding your latest attack on the Russians. I always pray to Allah to make you the ultimate victors. I am an Indian Muslim and every Muslim in India supports you. After every Friday Salah the Imam prays for your safety and your victory. We are very much proud of you. Islam is strong because of Muslims like you, you are the hope for all Muslims who are suffering from the hands of Kuffar and Munafiqs. We Indian Muslims too are suffering from the hands of Kafir regime and their cruel acts. You are the hope to establish an Islamic Khilafa around the world." [Brother WC, India, 05 July 2000]

"Salaam alaikum noble brothers, Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! The news of the martyrdom operation was fantastic. May Allah grant the Shuhada the highest levels of Al-Jannah. It was alhamdulillah, a great relief to hear from the Norwegian Mujahid again. I'd thought Allah had granted him martyrdom, please let him know that his letters are of great benefit to us even though he may not think so, and that my Family & I make dua everyday for their success in this life and in the hereafter. It would also be a great idea to compile his memoirs into a book which would make excellent reading, Insha Allah. Once again Jazakamallahu Khairan for your excellent work." [Brother AK, Sierra Leone, 05 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum we make du'a that this e-mail reaches you in the highest level of Imaan - what level amongst all levels can be compared to the level of Jihad? You are surely people of the Aakhirah, to say that it is not really your injury and that it is really the Ummah's injury. Subhana'Allah. Allah has blessed you with the qualities to be leaders. Allah has given you the power to be a lion, like He gave Umar al Khattab (RA), Khalid bin Waleed (RA), etc. Allah (SWT) has instilled in your heart love for Him and His beloved Prophet (SAW). Allah (SWT) has instilled in your heart a burning desire to die in His Path and utter desperation to meet Him in the highest level of Jannah. May He bless you all with the sweetness of Shahaadah. Man is only temporary, Allah is forever! Allah will always be there. He will never desert you. The Believers are waiting to see Russia fall once again under the banner of al-Jihad! You, the army of Allah, will 'bite' them once again, and teach them another lesson, like the Mujahideen in Afghanistan taught them. Insha Allah, this will be successful. The army of Allah is always successful. Nothing and no-one can harm the Army of Allah! We continue making du'a - the whole world awaits!" [Sisters RA and MA, UK, 04 July 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers of Chechnya, you are the bravest and most courageous fighters I have ever witnessed. You will triumph over the frightened and unprincipled Russian Bear. You will soon have your homeland and your peoples dignity returned to you by Allah, Most High. I will find a way to help you rebuild the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria after you have it back again." [Brother BD, USA, 05 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum O Mujahideen in the path of Allah! O, how much the news of the 1500 who were sent to the everlasting hellfire was soothing news to all of your brothers and sisters! O Mujahideen, keep up the excellent work and show the barbaric cowardly Russians who is in charge!" [Brother ZA, Germany, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers in Islam, the Mujahideen. Congratulations for your victory so far, specially the 3rd of July 2000, Alhamdulillah. May Allah's help be with you in this World and in the forthcoming World." [Brothers AO and AK, Ethiopia, 05 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my wonderful, lionhearted Chechen brothers. We love you and ask Allah to gift us with sons like you. How brave and true you men are. You have earn the respect of millions of good Muslims. Again, we love you." [Sister ER, Australia, 05 July 2000]

"May Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, bless you with quick victory over those who disbelieve in Him, and the highest Jannah in the Aakhira (hereafter). I would like to remind us all the morning after the night of Isra'a wal mi'raaj, the Kuffar of that time asked Abu Bakr (RA) what he thought of what the Prophet (SAWS) said and if he believed it. Abu Bakr (RA) said if the Prophet said it, then it's true. If you are a true Muslim there is no reason for you to doubt what the Mujahideen are saying. Because lying is Haram and if you can't make up a story like that for fear of Allah (SWT) how can you think of the Mujahideen who are millions of times better then all of us are lying? Subhanallah, fear Allah ,O' Muslims of the world, can't we at least support our soldiers for the sake of Allah?" [Brother FH, Canada, 04 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum brothers & sisters, I have been following your website since the beginning of this Battle. I am a former US Marine and a Muslim and not a day goes by I don't cry in my heart and my eyes for the shame I feel because I am not there with you. Insha Allah, one day I will fight among such brave brothers that are showing the world and the so called kings and Queens of the Muslim countries what Muslim leaders should truly be like and what they can do if they follow Allah alone and not their desires. Praying always." [Brother MN, USA, 05 July 2000]

"Every night and day I make dua for the Chechens and the Mujahids. Let the Kuffar know that Allah and the angels are with the Mujahids. And the only thing with them is Shaitan and the heat of hell fire. May Allah guide them to His light Insha Allah." [Brother AH, CA, USA, 05 July 2000]

"It is my family's passion to read the news of our brothers in Chechnya. Our beloved brothers are taking steps that should awaken our senses. Indeed you deserve to warn the infidels and attack them in any way possible. We can't wait to see the destruction of the so called 'Red force'." [Brother MH, NC, USA, 05 July 2000]

Added 05 July 2000

"Assalamu Alaikum, I just came back from performing the sunset prayers at the mosque and one brother there stood up after we finished praying and told us about the latest news from Chechnya where 1500 Russian soldiers were doomed last night. Alhamdulillah on your victories, I hope it teaches the stubborn humiliated Russian Government a lesson. Afterwards the Imam led us all to make supplications for you, thank Allah. On the other hand, you're doing a good job by changing the layout of your homepage. Information is easier to access on it now and it looks more efficient. You are doing Jihad and Dawah through this website on the internet, it is very important to remain credible Insha Allah and to be very efficient and accurate in delivering information." [Brother R, USA, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers, You have just posted the news (3rd of July) about the death of 1500 Russians. Allah is great! It in not surprising at all considering the Example of Battle of Badr. 'O Allah, The Creator of the Day and the Night, and the One who brings out the Sun and the Moon without fail, Give us (The Mujahideen of Chechnya in particular) the Strength to do Jihad in Your Way'. Ameen." [Brother N, Kuwait, 04 July 2000]

"My dear Mujahideen, thank you very much�I am very happy today reading the news that 1500 Russian were killed in one hour only by the grace of Allah. I am, and like me millions of Muslim all over the world are praying for your success. My dear brothers stand strongly against the cruel Russian army. They are the filth, which you are cleaning from the Allah's earth. When Allah helps then there is no need of any other help. My dear brothers please take care of innocent Chechen people. Since so many Russians have been killed, these mad dogs may kill more innocent civilians." [Brother N, Saudi Arabia, 04 July 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu alaikum. I am a sister of yours from Pakistan and like all other Muslim mothers and sisters I am proud of my Chechen brothers fighting in the name of Allah. Insha-Allah, Allah Almighty will make you successful like He made the Mujahids of Badr and Khandaq. I won't make this very long. I just wanted to say that if I can be of any use to my brothers there, I will be more than happy to do so, because this will be beneficial for me in this World and the Hereafter. Always remember that like all the Muslims around the world, your Pakistani brothers and sisters are praying for you and many of us are also performing our duty in different ways and playing our role in this great cause. May Allah Almighty always be with you." [Sister SQ, Pakistan, 04 July 2000]

"ALLAHU AKBAR! By Allah nothing makes me happier than seeing how many of Allah's enemy's He has destroyed with your hands. May their destruction be complete all over the world. Ameen. Let us not forget the brothers and sisters who are fulfilling their duty to Allah in other oppressed lands. Ameen." [Brother A, USA, 04 July 2000]

"O beloved brothers of Chechnya, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. It was exciting and very very good news to read about the killings of 1500 Russian soldiers (enemies of Islam). I pray to Allah (SWT) to give more strength, patience and a perfect target to the weapons of Mujahideen in Chechnya and across the world, so that our Mujahideen will be victorious by killing the Russian soldiers everyday in thousands. From the depth of my heart, I believe the Mujahideen of Chechnya and Afghanistan made all the Muslims of this World awake and to know their responsibility for Religion, instead of becoming the slaves to the Western media. May Allah (SWT) accept all the Mujahideen to the highest levels in Paradise." [Brother MAF, India, 04 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum my beloved brothers and sisters of Chechnya. Not a day or prayer goes by when we here in New York don't pray for you. May Allah Give you a speedy Victory. I almost visit your site twice a day, I want to tell you that I love you Mujahideen, You are the Best Muslims on earth. Fight for the sake of Allah and defeat the enemy of Islam, Insha Allah Victory is for Muslims." [Brother A, NY, USA, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum, may Allah grant you more victories over the Russian Pagans Insha Allah. We always make supplications to Allah to make your steps firm in the battle against the Kuffar." [Brothers AA and C, USA, 04 July 2000]

"Salam alaikum my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters: Insha Allah, may Allah keep you united as one and firm as a mountain of steel against the murderous drunken Russians. Allahu Akbar, our hearts race with the news of your victories, entire communities here in the US resound with cry of Allahu Akbar. I can not express to you how much we all love and support you and pray for you every moment. Putin the drunken clown appears to his supporters both here and in Europe as the vile coward rat he is, as news of the atrocities by the Russian troops are beginning to find their way here. What lowly form of humans these filthy Russians are who take out their frustrations against the women, children and old men when they do not have the courage of an ant to face our fearless lions, the Mujahids from all over the world fighting in Chechnya. Allah is with you brothers and sisters. We do not eat or drink water without the regret that somewhere out there my brothers and sisters and the children of Chechnya are starving or suffering the torture of the Russian devils. My brothers, you drove out the pigs from Afghanistan and Insha Allah you shall drive them out of Chechnya. May Allah be with you every moment. Our prayers are with you every moment." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum. May Allah Ar-Raheem bestow His mercy unto the believers and Place His punishment on the Kafireen in this world and in the hereafter. My name is K**, I am from Australia and I would like to tell all the Mujahideen that myself and all my Brothers love them for everything they do. May Allah grant them victory and place his heaviest punishment on the oppressors (Russian Losers)... ALLAHUMMA AMEEN. Our love, charity and du'a is for the Mujahideen and the civilian brothers and sisters in Chechnya." [Brother KWS, Australia, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum, Allah promised that He would help those who help His Deen. We can see that every day. May Allah give you great victory that will wake the Muslim world up. May Allah give you victory or Shahaada. May Allah give that I and my son become His soldiers and martyrs." [Brother VI, Bosnia, 04 July 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, Assalaamu alaikum. I have just received the news of the Russians killed in the latest bombings. I must tell you frankly that nobody would like to be in the shoes of a Russian soldier in Chechnya right now. The Russians are in a death trap. Can you imagine the fear in the heart of every Russian soldier right now in Chechnya? The Russian politicians do not want to swallow their pride to accept defeat. How long can the soldiers accept to be the scapegoats and pawns for the politician power game. Assuming the remote possibility that the Russians win the war; what objectives would they have achieved? They will never be able to walk in the streets of Chechnya. Already now they cannot leave their barracks. Even in these barracks they are not safe. As a Muslim we have the advantage. We know we are born to die whereas the unbelievers believe that they are born to live and to us death is the gateway to the start of Life whereas to them death is an end to life. How can you fight such a people who love death as much as the unbelievers love vodka? The Mujahideen are always winners, they can never lose. May Allah help you with His Angels. I am sure in a war like yours there has been a lot of help from Angels." [Brother MM, Mauritius, 04 July 2000]

"I'm from Greece. My dua is with the Chechen Mujahideen. Insha Allah you are going to destroy the Russian bear. All the Muslim people are celebrating and waiting for your victory. Insha Allah, its coming very soon" [Brother WT, Greece, 04 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, I was about to start my Isha Salah on the night of 3 July 2000 when I heard this dramatic announcement by the BBC TV news that Russians suffered a huge loss or a number of casualties caused by a martyr's (English word used was 'suicidal') attack by one of the Muslim warriors in Chechnya. I was so happy to hear this big success achieved by our Muslim brothers in Chechnya and straight away expressed my gratitude (shukr) to Allah for answering my daily and hourly prayers that Allah grant victory and success to our Muslim brothers and warriors in Chechnya. I remain loyal to your call for all Muslims in the world to pray (dua) for your success. And I always pray to Allah that Allah instill a tremendous and overpowering sense of fear among all Russian forces, their boastful generals and most of all their arrogant and inhumane president RasPutin that they dare not confront the Muslim warriors in Chechnya. May the victory come soon to the Muslims in Chechnya!" [Brother AW, Japan, 04 July 2000]

Added 04 July 2000 "Assalamu Alaikum, brothers of the holy war. I would like to commend all the Muslim brothers that eliminated 1,500 Russian soldiers, in one hour! This is such amazing news, it is quite evident that our enemies should not mess with Almighty Allah and his warriors. May Allah (SWT) hold a place in the highest level of Jannah for all who are participants in this Jihad. May Allah (SWT) also help the Muslims win this battle, AMEEN." [Sister AK, Ontario, Canada, 03 July 2000]

"Only massive casualty like 1,000 a day, will force the Russians to rethink, and pull out of Chechnya. The Mujahideen needs to do the massive bombings every day." [Concerned Citizen, 03 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, dear freedom fighters of Chechnya. I have only now come to the grips of what it was like during the last ten days of Ramadhan and especially during the 27th night. We were in Tahajjud prayer and the Imam of our local mosque raised his hands to supplicate to Allah for Chechnya. Every brother in the World should feel and relate to what I say next. As the Imam asked Allah (SWT) for victory to the Mujahideen he began to weep. Then what followed, to an outsider (or an observer) would have looked extraordinary. Rows and rows of young men weeping, breaking down and feeling the pain and anguish of not being in Gronzy with the Mujahideen. It was to me a feeling that cannot be described in words nor imagined, you just have to experience it. Never think this war is bad for Islam or tragic. No indeed this war has awakened far more Muslims then ever before. For every martyr of Islam, Insha Allah there will be one hundred to replace him (Remember that one Muslim brother has a hundred Muslim friends, relatives, cousins, uncles, grandsons who will be awakened forever by his death and sacrifice). I pray to Allah, who is the Lord of the Universe, to give victory and peace to the Mujahideen and people of Chechnya and finally to make us be with those fighting for freedom for Islam." [Brother ZA, New Zealand, 02 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers. You have just posted the news (3rd of July) about the death of 1500 Russians. Allah is great! May Allah most High grant you, the Mujahideen, victory upon victory until there is no more oppression." [Brother SJ, USA, 03 July 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaikum, I have seen many times that the Western media are completely against the independence of the Chechens. They always report as if the Russians are justified in their actions. Label the Chechens as Islamic militants and I am sick of it! Can you alert the Muslims using your site to constantly write to these media outlets to stop being selective in their reporting and highlight the Russian human rights violations? You may even do it yourselves and send them authentic news from your website." [Brother OI, USA, 03 July 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, assalaamu alaikum. I am a Muslim sister living in France and on behalf of all Muslims in France, I would like to say that we feel deeply concerned about your critical situation and our du'as are the only guns against them. May Allah grant you victory over those Kuffar. May Allah defeat them the way He defeated 'Ad and Thamud. May Allah grant you enough strength and patience to achieve success in this life and in the hereafter." [Sister MZ, France, 03 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers, If this means anything to my dear Mujahideen, I want to tell them that an insignificant sister has a lot of sisterly love for all her brothers-in- Islam who are fighting fi sabeelillah. She cries thinking of them almost every day, and prays that Allah makes her husband, her brothers, her sons, her nephews, and all her male Muslim relatives among the blessed Mujahideen, and that He make the sisters supporters of the Mujahideen. May Allah be with you my brothers and may He shower His choicest blessings upon you and grant you a complete and quick and permanent victory (Ameen). Keep trust in Allah and He will be enough for you." [Sister AM, USA, 02 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. Mujahideen are the best Muslims in the World and I wish to be a Mujahid too. I pray every day in Salah for the victory of the Mujahideen in Chechnya." [Brother GA, USA, 02 July 2000]

Added 02 July 2000

"Dear beloved brothers: assalaamu alaikum, I do not know what to write or say because your actions are above all words. Indeed, you are the men at a time in which Muslim women are no longer able to give birth to true men. You are the pride of this Ummah after it turned its back to its Deen and went into deep sleep, seeking the dignity from the West and the East. Throughout this war, I could not understand the ignorance of the Muslim media, Imams and organizations toward your issue. However, I understand that you are under aggression for no reason but choosing to live in dignity. Therefore Allah will never put you down and nothing will hurt you. By Allah, you are like the companions in your courage and perseverance. May Allah grant you victory like that He granted to his Prophet (PBUH) in the day of Badr. Finally, I apologize to Allah and to you for our shortcomings toward you, O BELOVED Muslims of Chechnya." [Brother MM, USA, 01 July 2000]

"I am not a Muslim, but I support the right of the Chechen people to have Independence from Russia. If what the Mujahideen state about the crimes of Russia towards the civilian population is true, then Russia must be held responsible. No civilised nation should torture innocent civilians. The way things are going, the Mujahideen may have the upper hand in the war, but they are losing the backbone and the seeds of their Nation, for the Russians are systematically carrying out genocide against the Chechens." [Concerned Citizen, 01 July 2000] "Asaalaamu alaikum dear Brothers, Allahu Akbar! The successful attacks on the Russian Invaders in Chechnya by the Mujahideen are being reported daily in the Western Newspapers. May Allah continue to grant you victory after victory, Insha Allah. You are my heroes and my prayers are always with you. JazakumAllahu Khayr and Victory to the Wolves of Chechnya." [Brother OK, AZ, USA, 01 July 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, yes, your condition is that of which none who sleeps in a warm bed can imagine. You have forsaken all of this world, which is the reason for being for most others. They toil about with their daily rituals of fruitless sport and play, fooling themselves about that which they owe their allegiance to; nay, theirs is but a brief moment. And it will be as if their lifetime of sport and play lasted for only a single day, when they have reached their appointed term in this world's life. Woe to those who mock Allah's commandments, to aid and supplement he who is Muslim, when that which he is afflicted by is averted for a time by some. Yet lo, do they truly believe that their easy lives will avail them in Allah's judgement upon them; nay. Theirs (Muslims who turn a blind eye to what's occurring in Chechnya) is as he who finds himself trapped in the perfect storm, begging to Allah for salvation and dry earth, but yet when he is brought to dry land, he gives credit for his salvation, to himself. Nay, Allah is beyond need of he who fears those other than the Beneficent, for they will be left at the mercy of those whom they fear. And as for he who fears his Lord in public and in secret, alhamdulillah, for he is on a straight path back to his Lord, and will sit at the feet of He Who Is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is between, for all eternity." [Brother AAA, USA, 30 June 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalaamu alaikum. May Allah help you in your struggle. Although I cannot be by your side but your worry is ever present in my mind. All the time I am thinking of ways and strategies how to make you achieve victory over the Russian atheists through Allah's Help. The Russians are liars .They are lying to the world and to their own people. It is important that we inform the Russian people about the true situation. Otherwise they will be sending their children to the Russian Death Factory which is Chechnya. Remind the Russian people how their children have been killed in Afghanistan. We should also encourage Russians to desert the army by making them ask for political Asylum in European countries. Normally most European countries and USA accept defectors especially if they are going to be court marshaled for desertion from their army which is fighting an unjust war." [Brother MM, Mauritius, 30 June 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, brothers of the Holy war. I am Muslim sister, constantly updating myself on the latest news of the Jihad. I would like to congratulate our Muslim brothers on the victory of the elimination of the Russian Desant paratroopers in the southern region of Kurcheloy, on Wednesday. Insha Allah, with Allah's help, as well as supplication by our Muslim brothers and sisters worldwide, we can defeat our enemies, Insha Allah, May Almighty Allah hold a place in the highest level in Jannah, for our Muslim brothers who are in this Jihad." [Sister AK, Canada, 29 June 2000] "Assalamu alaikum, peace to all the brothers and sisters who are fighting for the cause of Islam. We in the USA are praying for your victory; the victory that will, Insha Allah, be granted to you by our Creator, Allah. Allah (SWT) has blessed you with the opportunity to fight for Jihad. Please pray for all of us who are weak in our faith to be given a chance to participate in Jihad. Tears sometimes linger in our eyes when we hear of the atrocities that are committed against our brothers and sisters. We sometimes feel helpless. Unfortunately, our lack of faith has put us in this position. Insha Allah, Allah (SWT) will give us an opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in need of help. Please pray for us and Insha Allah, Allah (SWT) will allow you to defeat that loser, Putin." [Brother TL, USA, 29 June 2000]

Added 31 August 2000

"Assalaamu alaikum. Even here in the lowest corner of Africa (South Africa), our brave Brothers in Chechnya are remembered in our dua's. Our hearts and prayers are with you even though our weak bodies are here. May Allah grant our Mujahideen throughout the world victory against the oppressors or martyrdom in the effort. May Allah bless us all with a place in Jannatul Firdous. We ask of those who are out in the path of Allah to remember us in their dua's. May Allah bless your endeavours, guide you, protect you, and send his Malaaikah to assist you against our enemies. Ameen!!" [Brother AH, South Africa, 30 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers, just read the posted news "Monday 28 August 2000 Four Helicopters downed and 66 Russians Killed in a Fierce Battle." All praise is for Allah alone Who is making the life miserable for these Russian criminals at the hands of our brethren. One can only imagine the difficulties in the forest faced by the brethren. If we cannot be with you for now, our hearts are with the brethren & our supplications are for you. May the Russians perish at your hands. O Lord let it be so, Ameen." [Brother SB, USA, 28 August 2000]

"My dear brothers & sisters in Chechnya, don't you worry , your tormentor, Putin is now running out of money. He couldn't pay the sundry salary of $50 to those 'martyrs' in the submarine. That ill fated sub cost him $ 1 billion. Now the TV tower 'The Pride of Communism' took away possibly another hundred million or more. What's next? Let Allah decide. This criminal Putin has already used some billions to try and kill you all. These were done under the blessings of the Western governments. But for us Allah will suffice. We have already won the war. Its only a matter of time when the Russians will leave Chechnya under humiliation." [Brother MN, Kuwait, 28 August 2000]

"O leaders of the Muslim world�O Mujahideen of Chechnya, of all the people God Almighty has chosen you to take the lead in the Ummatul Muslimeen. Don't look behind ... for who is coming ... and who is not. You are on the path to meet the acceptance of your deed...from One and Only One...Allah (SWT). Who else can reward you But Allah. Who can Honor you better than Allah. Who can listen to you better than Allah. You are on the path to paradise. Why Bother looking...the leaders are not those kings...they ate and have lust for this world so they can't even walk on their two feet...and think with their own little minds...they want to be left behind...they think... they will live for ever. Don't even count on those Generals and so called leaders of the Muslim world...they are puppets...afraid of lightning, afraid of winds, and afraid of darkness. How can one expect them to lead with the wisdom and fight with the strength...against those who have fallen for lust, power, and greed...they behave worst than animals...the very elements that are impressing upon people everywhere in this world. Look at your enemy, they have nothing...but holding on to lies and deception...they are lying among themselves...they are cheating among themselves...they are killing among themselves...they are lost... and in the end will sure be the losers...does anyone think they can take the full wrath of God Almighty. should pity them...they have fallen to the depth of doesn't really matter how tall they stand...they still look so little...and still going to live in the Hell. Once give a Call for Islam...still they don't listen...O Mujahideen hit them hard...hit them very hard. Hit them from right...hit them from left...hit them from behind...they are agents of Satan...have no mercy on them. This Battle is not is in beginning's lightning in Kashmeer, it's lightning in Philippines and it's lightning in Palestine. Everywhere you see...a new horizon is in sight. A new world order is in making. O my innocent little sisters...O my innocent little brothers...O my helpless elders...bear the pain with the Sabr. We are asking with our cries in every Dua after the prayers to Allah (SWT) to give you the strength...give you the Sabr...give you the Taqwa...... and unlimited courage to Mujahideen." [Brother MQ, USA, 28 August 2000]

"Assalamu Aleikum dear warriors of Allah. May Allah Almighty be with you every second you take, our dua is with you too. May Allah bless you. May Allah bless you with unspeakable joy, not only in the world to come, but in this world also. May your path be bright and full of light everywhere you go. May Allah tell darkness that it must flee at your command. And, I pray your feet will never stumble out of Allah's plan. May the desires of your heart come true, And may you experience Peace in everything you do. May Goodness, Kindness, and Mercy come your way. Ameen. The Prophet (SAWS) said Knowledge of God is my Capital, Reason is the Root of my Faith, Love is my Foundation, Enthusiasm is my House, Remembrance of God is my Friend, Firmness is my Treasure, Sorrow is my Companion, Science is my Weapon, Patience is my Mantle, Contentment is my Booty, Poverty is my Pride, Devotion is my Art, Conviction is my Power, Truth is my Redeemer, Obedience is my Sufficiency, Struggle is my Manner, And My Pleasure is in my Prayer." [Sister LM, USA, 28 August 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. Over and over again, I watch the clips and pictures of the Mujahideen engaged in action, and envy these lions again and again ... I know that facing the Russian might is not easy, and I can imagine what you are exposed to, keeping in mind that the Russian swines won't stop at anything ... Nevertheless, I still envy you, and hope to join you one day, Insha Allah." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 27 August 2000] "Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, in Chechnya and elsewhere. I am reiterating the message from our brother in Macedonia (Brother BS, Macedonia, 25 August 2000) to serve as a reminder to us all. The Jihad led by our Islamic forces in Chechnya should serve as an awakening to the Ummah's collective consciousness. The reason I am reiterating our Macedonian brother's message is a warning to what is being prepared for the Muslims in Macedonia and elsewhere in the Balkans. Never again should we permit the slaughter of innocent children, women and man of any Muslim country. To my brother in Macedonia I say, you have a job on hand. It is to raise the Islamic awareness where you are. Experience has taught that no matter how much Muslims imitate the life style of others, they will always be targeted, simply because they are Muslims. The color of their hair, skin and outlook is irrelevant. My brother, make sure that you, in Macedonia remain in contact with other Muslims so that when your turn comes, you are not caught off- guard. May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon our Beloved Leader and Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and may the peace be upon all Mujahideen in the path of the Almighty ." [Brother S, USA, 27 August 2000]

Added 28 August 2000

"Assalamu alaikum. Dear brothers, I'm from Indonesia. Here I always search & follow for news in Chechnya every time. I'm very respectful to Shamil Basayev & Ibnul Khattab. Brothers, you know all of the Muslim in Indonesia always support you all for Jihad Fi Sabeelillah. I'm sure Allah always saves us, and will give glory to you. Salam for all Mujahideen. You Must pray to Allah only and hope Only in Allah. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AX, Indonesia, 27 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum My brothers. Wallahi my brothers I am really shy because you are in the front line of the Hereafter but I am in the back line of this Dunya . Insha Allah I will try to move from my back line to your front line by Allah's Will." [Brother LR, Yemen, 25 August 2000]

"By Allah sister UH has put what's in my heart into words. Everyday I cry to Allah to make me a Shaheed (amongst you), the best of times to make dua I make it, begging Allah to allow me to fight with you...this Jihad has made me realise that I don't desire this world but I desire what's with my Lord, and may Allah grant me it. May Allah grant you the highest levels of Paradise, ameen." [Sister S, UK, 27 August 2000]

"No one can understand the Chechen Jihad more than the Kashmiris. We are up against the same forces of evil who have joined hands against Muslims. But by the grace of Allah the final Victory will be ours." [Brother AK, Kashmir, 26 August 2000] "Assalaamu alaikum O you Lions of Allah, I am your brother from India, here the situation in Kashmir is much the same, but the difference is the majority of Muslim brothers are not fully aware of the situation, hence instead of supporting, they blame Mujahideen as terrorists. I am proud that my brave brothers are fighting with a superpower. Verily no one is powerful than Allah (SWT). Surely Allah will grant you Jannatul-Firdous." [Brother KM, India, 26 August 2000]

"Salaam alaikum My dear Muslim brothers and sisters of Chechnya: May Allah bless you and keep you all united and healthy and give you a greater victory with each new day, ameen. It is high time that this Russian Government be destroyed and brought to justice for crimes of murder, torture and rape of not only all the various ethnicity's in the Caucuses but also of its own people. The sensible Russians, if there are any left would do well to throw out these cruel devils, starting with Putin and the entire line of murderers. My brothers you are the chosen ones and Insha Allah you will be the ones to crush the snakes head, while the rest of the useless Ummah sit around wallowing in their miserable effeminate ways. May Allah bless and guide you always and keep you all united. All my prayers are for you." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 25 August 2000]

Added 27 August 2000

"Selam Aleykum brothers from Chechnya. I am writing to all of you from Macedonia. Brother Muslims, the war you are fighting in Chechnya is always in my heart and all the time I pray to Allah for your souls in the next life to be graded to the highest level of Paradise. May Allah be with you all the time and may Allah awaken the Muslims in Macedonia. Ameen." [Brother BS, Macedonia, 25 August 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum I pray this reaches you in the strongest of Imaan. I am a sister from the UK, who has been following your website and the stories and news of the Mujahideen for just over a year now. Subhaanallah, may Allah increase you in good and reward you for all the work you do seeking His Face. You are all, especially the Mujahideen, in my du'aa, be in it my sujood or in the last third of the night, and your work has been such an inspiration to me. There have been many times when I have felt despair as a result of problems in my own life, and not only have the products and stories of the Shuhadaa from your sites reminded me of the triviality and the minor nature of the trials that I face, but it has put things in perspective, reminding me of the suffering of my brothers and sisters and of how much I have to be grateful for. They have reminded me of what is most important: what I am here for and what I am seeking, and inspired me to keep away from any whisperings of Shaytaan. Inspired me to follow in the footsteps of my brothers, if Allah wills that for me. By Allah, my heart yearns to be there or to help this cause in any capacity that I can. My heart yearns for the same thing my brothers' do, and I ask Allah to grant me this, even if I die in my bed." [Sister UH, UK, 24 August 2000]

"Assalamu Aleikum dear brothers and sisters of the Jihad, I pray that you are in a safe place and I pray that you are in good health. I do promise you I will be with you every second of the way, I will be with you in every move you do make, because I pray to Allah Almighty to make us all the warriors that you are now. Living for Allah is the best thing, the only thing in this life, because we are Allah's servants. I did worry when I was younger what I will do that night, where I will go the next day, but today, my only worry is that will you be OK? I pray that brothers and sisters who are not in this situation, that they do help you with dua. O Allah, Most Graceful, Most High, help us defeat our enemies and give us victory tomorrow, cast fear in the hearts of the Russians, and make the Word of Islam spread, and the Truth of Islam live. Ameen! I pray that Allah Almighty has a special place in Jannah for all the brave warriors. In my heart you are admired, and I pray that one day there will be one country, one Nation." [Sister LM, USA, 25 August 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum! Once again I must say, nothing makes me happier than to see how many Kuffar soldiers Allah has destroyed by your hands. I am waiting for the day that Allah grants me the chance to join the Jihad, anywhere, and fight the enemies of Islam. May Allah's Word reign supreme." [Brother SA, CA, USA, 24 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum to all the Mujahideen of the world and to the rest of the Muslim Ummah everywhere. Alhamdulillah, today I was listening to the news, they said the Russians were afraid of sending their boys to Chechnya, because they knew they won't come back, now they are afraid of sending them to the Navy, because they are afraid of their ships sinking. That tells you that Allah (SWT) is sending His angels to help you and you will soon humiliate the Kuffar and defeat them like never before and bring the justice of Allah's Deen to all Muslims and non-Muslims. O Muslims of the world, please keep praying for our Mujahideen everywhere." [Sister BM, Ottawa, Canada, 23 August 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. The brave Lions of Chechnya are doing the right thing by "closing down" the so-called election centres established by the Russian government. The Almighty has disgraced Putin, and I hope that now the Russian people can realize that, statistically speaking, ever since Putin has taken over the Kremlin, more than 15,000 soldiers have been killed on different fronts. I think that this criminal's mission is to render Russia a destroyed, divided, and doomed nation, not that I personally mind, after seeing what they're doing to my brothers and sisters in Chechnya, the Land of Jihad." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 24 August 2000]

Added 24 August 2000

"Assalamu alaikum O Mujahideen. May Allah's Might be with you. Ameen. Victory is yours. Kuffar Russians will be humiliated and theirs faces darkened in this world and the hereafter. Ameen. You have awakened many a soul from the darkness of this world and may many more be awakened. Ameen. This is the beginning of a New World Order. O Lions of Allah, Victory is yours. I appeal to all my fellow Muslims to wake up in the middle of the night and give up your comforts and pray to Allah to grant victory to the Mujahideen and awaken the Muslim Ummah from its deep slumber. Ameen." [Brother HK, Toronto, Canada, 21 August 2000]

"Dearest brothers in the front lines of Jihad for the sake of Allah (SWT), Assalaamu Alaikum. May Allah grant you victory in your struggle against the Kuffar in every corner of this world. You are the heroes of Islam in this 21st century. You will be an important cause that will bring all the Muslims closer to Allah (SWT) and ignite the passion we all have deep inside for our Deen. As I read the news of your accomplishments, I pray to Allah (SWT) to help you in your endeavors and protect you from His enemies." [Brother AJ, TX, USA, 21 August 2000]

"Peace to you brothers. May Allah grant us patience and make the destruction of the Russians army complete. We should all make dua and pray for our Mujahid brothers.....and most importantly people must spread the word about Chechnya. The dua appeal on the website is most useful, as in most Arab countries the dua is printed out and pasted on the walls of the mosques. People are responding and there is growing awareness in a lot of places. I do believe that this website qoqaz is one of the best in creating awareness about our Chechen brothers. Insha Allah a lot more will be done for the Chechens. After the Chechens win the war, with the grace of God we will make Chechnya a fortress of Islam....and it will be a testimony to Muslim resilience against all odds. That day is not far." [Brother SR, New Delhi, India, 23 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers, Praise be to Allah that He made people like you brothers, to make the Word of Allah the most high. Dear brothers, you are all striving in the way of Allah. Congratulations. Allah is with you brothers. Brothers, we will pray for you, make dua for you, talk everywhere about you and Insha Allah very soon be with you there." [Brother MS, United Arab Emirates, 22 August 2000]

"All Praise be to Allah, for it is His will that a section of the Ummah has risen in this age to be the torchbearer to lead the rest from this darkness. You are the chosen ones my brothers and sisters of Chechnya and truly we are inspired ever more in our resolve to carry the banner of Islam, which you are holding across every field for Truth and Justice to prevail and bringing back the face of humanity that we know. May Allah include us all amongst the righteous. Ameen." [Brother FS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 August 2000]

"My dear brothers of Chechnya, do not be disheartened that no Muslim leader says anything about your cause. They are more scared of Russia than Allah. And remember no harm will come to all of you because Allah is protecting you. The Muslim leaders are the pawns of the West. May Allah protect you and look after you." [Brother FD, Australia, 23 August 2000]

Added 22 August 2000

"Hello all you brave freedom fighters in Chechnya. I am very sad and angry because Russia ignores all humanitarian rights in Chechnya. I see many similarities in this war and Finland's Winter War with Russia in 1939-40, only this war is much more brutal and uglier. I wish all Chechen people will keep their courage and faith, fighting the Russians, like we did 60 years ago. Russia has always been hostile nation to it's neighbours, but I am sure that Chechnya will gain her righteous independence and victory in this battle." [Mr. JS, Finland, 21 August 2000]

"Your brothers and sisters at the NY Islamic Centre of North America continue to pray for you, we have not forgotten you and we never will. May Allah (SWT) guide and keep you united and healthy. May He keep you protected and may He make your war on the Russian army, His war, and may He make every one of your attacks on the Russian army, His attacks, Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 20 August 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaykum. I am writing to you today to share how your struggle has affected me. Since discovering your website I look at things from a whole different perspective. Whenever I am in a comfortable atmosphere I think of how hard it is for you, and whenever I am going through rough times I think of you, and knowing the fact that you are in a worst situation lessens my pain. Whenever I see the mountains and the forest I just imagine how tough it is fighting in there day and night, and wonder if I could make it. In other words you are constantly on my mind. May Allah (SWT) strengthen your faith, make you patient and grant you victory, ameen. May Allah (SWT) make the Russian destruction a lesson for those who oppose Islam and the Muslims." [Brother MS, USA, 20 August 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. It's been a few days since you last updated your sites, but I suppose it's because of the intensity of the operations. The Almighty Allah has doomed the submarine, and I hope that all the Russian Military troops will follow. May the Almighty release on them His wrath and Anger." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 19 August 2000] "My dear Mujahid brothers, please accept my hearty congratulations for killing 1500 Russians in one attempt. I often watch your site and pray to Allah to destroy the Russian army and give victory to Mujahideen. Insha Allah victory is for you. Don't forget that Martyrs never die, as Allah(SWT) said in Quran. I wish I could reach you and fight with Kuffar. May Allah bless you with strong courage." [Brother WK, Saudi Arabia, 19 August 2000]

Added 19 August 2000

"Assalamu aleykum. Peace be upon you dear beloved brothers . I hope that you are all alright with your families and that you fighting always the enemies of Allah. I pray to Allah to give you Sabr and that He helps you, protects you all and your families and that He destroys and kills all the Kuffar fighting you. Ameen! I look everyday in your site and when there is no news this is as a part of me that is empty. May Allah give victory to the Mujahideen. Ameen." [Brother AA, USA, 18 August 2000]

"When I was a boy, like most children, I felt invulnerable, as if I would never die; as I grew older I realized that I was not invulnerable. When I embraced Islam, I began to understand about death. Now, I wonder when (if ever) the 'Western rulers' will realize that they are digging their own graves; by their sanctions, by their aggressions, by their attacks, by their tortures, by their murders, by their raping and by their financial support of these crimes. By the grace of Allah, they are creating a new, world wide force of Muslims, who now realize that they must become fighters. Muslims are learning, from the crimes committed against their fellow Muslims, world wide, that they and there families cannot be safe without fighting in Jihad. For many of these Western powermongers, their arrogance will last a very short time; for the rest of them their arrogance will last no longer then the duration their lives on this earth. The few intelligent ones who realize their mistakes and change their policies of aggression will be securing their lives (in this world). Those Chosen ones, whom Allah (SWT) opens their heart to receive the gift of Islam, will be the only winners in both this life and the next." [Brother BS, UAE, 18 August 2000]

"Salaam Alaikum my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters of Chechnya: May Allah bless and protect each and every one of you. Russian refusal to international offers of assistance to rescue their miserable sailors from the submarine junk heap, only further betrays the Russian governments devil-may-care attitude towards the lives of anyone including its own civilians and military personal. If any one doubts that, then let them count the number of body bags heading home from Chechnya. When will the Russian people realize that they are being governed by the same corrupt, cruel, vulgar, murderous, hard-nosed communists who have driven the country to the ground and is surviving solely on European and American handouts. How many more generations of Russians will continue to live on Vodka and stale mouldy bread. Why don't the Russian people wake up??" [Brother TN, NY, USA, 17 August 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum my brothers in Chechnya, may Allah grant you swift victory over the Russian disbelievers. Those of you who are killed will be in Paradise, while those who are not are heroes who make Muslims all over world proud. Keep up the good work. Punish the disbelievers." [Brother A, Australia, 18 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. May Allah grant you and all my Mujahideen brothers and sisters all over the world, victory over the Kuffar. Insha Allah my martyred brothers and sisters have the highest assembly in Jannah and we see the Kuffar who are torturing, killing and raping our brothers and sisters in the deepest pits of Jahannam. One brother in England summed up my feeling with one sentence - "we cry because we are not with you". I feel helpless for not doing anything and ashamed that I get upset when I get verbally harassed because of my wearing the hijab when so much worse is happening to my brothers and sisters all over the world. You are always in my prayers and supplications. May Allah grant us all victory over the disbelieving people." [Sister SH, Australia, 17 August 2000]

"Assalamu Alaykum, my Brothers and sisters in the faith may Allah support you and assist you in the heavy task on which you are doing for more than a year. I could not stay tranquil as long as I do not send this message. May Allah weaken your enemies and those that support them there whatever they are. " [Brother IG, Senegal, 17 August 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya, Assalaamu Alaykum! May God give victory to Mujahideen in Chechnya. We all pray for your victory. When we see Mujahids like Khattab, Khaldun our faith in God and His word becomes more concrete. Please remember in your Dua's the people of my home Kashmir where everyday Indian Forces are murdering innocent people." [Brother FSC, USA, 17 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum, dear brothers and sisters fighting against the Russian murderers, I pray for my dua and Zakat to reach you. You are not alone! You are not alone! Your sisters and brothers in Europe are trying to wake up the people everyday so that they see what is going on!" [Sister PV, Switzerland, 16 August 2000]

Added 16 August 2000 "Assalamu alaykum my dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya, I am from England but my family is of Indian origin. I would like to tell you that your sacrifices are not being ignored by the Muslims in England and all around. Each time we hear of your hardships, our hearts cry for you, may Allah reward your patience with a swift and total victory over the Kuffar. You will always have our support and we will remember you always in our dua's." [Brother EN, UK, 14 August 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my dear Muslims of Chechnya: With the exception of the US News media, whenever we in the US, both Muslims and non-Muslim ordinary people, hear of any ill to you my brothers and sisters we wring our hands with anxiety and anger. When we read of your victories by Allah's grace, Subhanallah ! our hearts leap with joy. You will be surprised at the support you have even in the US forces, from men and women who have seen the barbarism, deception, lies and brutality the Russians have perpetrated on not just our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan and Kosova and now in Chechnya but on their own people. The innocent children whom I consider my children, who were slaughtered by the cowardly Russian and Serb filth, will Insha Allah on the Day of Judgement see these disgusting monsters pay for what they did to the innocent. I pray for these innocents that Allah may grant them the best Paradise, ameen. And that Allah (SWT) may make these vile evil Russians and Serbs feel the pain in this world and the next, ameen. My dear brothers all I can do is pray, and pray I do for each and every one of you in each and every one of my prayers. I pray that Allah keeps you all united and healthy and that He may make your Imaan (faith) stronger than steel, and that each day brings you a victory greater than the day before. I pray that He accepts and sends to Jannatul Firdaus, the great Shuhada (martyrs) among you. I pray to Allah that we Muslims wake up from the sleep and shameful state of inaction that we are in, as we have abandoned Islam and our Muslims brothers in preference to a life of comfort and pleasure." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 13 August 2000]

"This may be the first e-mail from Puerto Rico, a US colony near Cuba. Our position is very strange and complicated, that's why I've studied the Chechen resistance for years and I wish we can learn from your courage. Try anything to keep your race, culture and Islam from disappearing, ." [Mr. LR, Puerto Rico, 13 August 2000]

"Dear brothers of Jihad, assalamo alaikum, thank you for all you are doing for the Muslims of the world and the Muslims of Chechnya. You are the people who belong in Paradise. How long can the Russians deny Muslims the power when we have the support of Allah and mighty warriors like you." [Brother MH, Canada, 13 August 2000]

"Surely, the British people must be outraged by the latest in a long and communistic stream of lies by the highly trained, OMON murder and rape team. To link Lady Diana's charitable organization, created to reduce unjust human mutilation by Russian land minds, is a complete mockery of all that is good in the world. What will the foolish Russian government think of next? Who will it be next week? The Queen? The Pope? The terrorist fish in the sea? Everyone and everything except Putin the Liar. Right???" [Mr. B, USA, 13 August 2000]

"I'm very happy to contact you. I wish I could be with you at the especially critical moment. I'm sure you are the superior, no one can defeat you for one reason: God is with you! Go ahead, though we cannot get frequently your news, I'm sure the battle is going in your favor. With my best salaams and those of the Moroccans. God will sustain you!" [Brother N, Morocco, 12 August 2000]

"Assalamu 'alaikum brothers, The valiant Mujahideen bring shame to those of us who do not have the courage to risk their lives for the sake of Allah (SWT). You are an example to all of us. You produced an excellent study on the permissibility of the execution of prisoners. May Allah(SWT) bring victory to the Muslims." [Brother F, Bahrain, 07 August 2000]

Added 14 August 2000

"Asalaamu alaikom, my brother's & Sister's. Yesterday while working at the Mall of America Guest Service Desk a Russian man came up to me where I work and was looking for his mobile phone. He was from Moscow and works for their Internet service, he was here with his family on vacation. In that time we started to talk and he noticed my name, that is M*****. He left for a while and when he came back I had his mobile phone. He seem like a really nice man. The whole time I could tell he wanted to tell me something. And at the last moment when I gave him his phone he looked at me as if he had tears holding back in his eyes and he said to me "I want you to know that most Russian's don't support the war in Chechnya, its something started 200 years ago and its all hatred". He also said something to the effect that "We hate our government for what they do to Chechen people" and after that he left. May Allah Give Victory to you my bothers and sister of Chechnya for victory of Allah is 100%." [Brother MN, USA, 11 August 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, assalamu alaikum! I was born and raised in Canada, but I'm of Palestinian descent and we Palestinians understand the Jihad you are going through. May Allah make us strong and defeat the Kuffar in Chechnya and Palestine and in all Muslim lands. I wish I can be with you and fight and die as a martyr for the sake of Allah (SWT)!!! Peace be upon all of you my brothers and sisters and may Allah (SWT) grant you victory over the mischief makers!!!" [Brother AR, Canada, 10 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum from Peru, South America. Your brothers in Peru make Dua for you�May Allah gives us the chance to fight with you against the enemies of Islam. Our hearts, our arms, our wealth, our tears, our bodies are with you. Islam will win in all the world." [Brothers K, M, T, B & AQ, Peru, South America, 12 August 2000]

"It is my view that the systematic legal violation of human rights that we can witness almost 'live' occurring in Chechnya, resembles more and more the atrocious genocide perpetrated by Nazis in vast regions of Europe, not so long ago. The details are being unveiled to the public and don't cease to raise outrage and shameful thoughts. But the question remains, as yet unanswered: How is it possible that it ever happened? How could large groups of 'normal' people participate or tolerate knowingly in the atrocities? There is now enough evidence for an answer: The Nazi genocide was possible -- and is still possible--, not because of social instability, nor as a consequence of ill-arranged peace conditions for World War I, nor because of proliferation of fascist ideas in Europe at the time (though they all helped), BUT because too many of us were not determined to uncompromisingly identify our hearts with those of the suffering and oppressed. Economy and world affairs will continue to provide good occasions for crime, and reason will continue to find good grounds to justify it. So, the ONLY way out of the ignominy of becoming accomplices is the uncompromising, unconditional, repulsion of violence wherever it takes place. Any price, any risks, shall be paid. Even arms might be proved necessary, even if we could become guilty of the same offense. Safety and well- being shall sometimes be endangered and even the so called 'enemies' of our country and Religion might benefit from our efforts!" [Mr. ABF, USA, 10 August 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters: May Allah bless and guide you and keep you safe from all harm, Ameen. In connection with the bombing in Moscow, Putin stated yesterday that his massacre and slaughter of Chechens is a "free service to the Europeans". And as he sheds crocodile tears for all the 'poor' Russian civilians killed, his compassion would make a thinking man sick at the realization that these civilians who died were just fodder to feed the propaganda engines and Mr. Putin's unquenchable lust for power. Just how valuable is the life of an ordinary Russian to his government is well illustrated by not just the canon fodder that Russia makes of its soldiers by sending them to certain death in Chechnya but in October 1993 the Russian government's Alpha and Vympel units displayed their courage and camaraderie with their fellow Russians by gunning down unarmed Russian civilians on the streets of Moscow on orders of the former Russian president Yeltsin, who had issued such an order for the massacre of civilians who came to rally in defense of the parliament he had disbanded in violation of the Constitution. As a result, up to 800 innocent people died. So much for Russian compassion. Are the Russian people so dumb that they can not see through Putin's and the Russian government's tricks and smoke screens? Are there no intelligent thinking people left in Russia?" [Brother TN, NY, USA, 10 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum everyone. All praise be to God alone. I read the headlines posted "Thursday 10 August 2000 The Mujahideen Deny any Relation to the Explosion in Moscow." I knew beforehand that Muslims are innocent. The same thing happened here in Oklahoma City, USA many years ago until the case was solved. As for the Russian government, they perhaps planned it to lure the docile Russians into more attacks on poor Muslims in Chechnya. May they perish in their own plans, Amin." [Brother S, USA, 10 August 2000]

"Salam alaykum, first of all the Jihad in Chechnya is great inspiration for all Muslims around the world. May Allah increase the Iman of Mujahideen and lead give them the final victory. Very briefly I want to mention about the explosions that took place in Moscow few days back. When Putin the loser started the war last August, and I am quoting this from Western media, his support was around 80% from Russian people. Now just few days back the same Western media reported support of 20%. These last explosions in Moscow is a mere last minute attempt by Putin the loser to increase support. I am living in a city bordering Georgia and we hear lots of genuine stories about savage Russian soldiers (who can only attack civilians and elderly) told by Chechen refugees who unfortunately flee the savages. Western media and even Turkish media never mention this. Surely the Victory is for believers." [Brother TIA, Turkey, 10 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers, may Allah (SWT) be with you all. You deserve Paradise more than any Muslim of today, for your action truly shows your submission. To sisters and brothers of this site, may Allah bless you with the best, Jazakallah khayr, for giving us a means of seeing true Muslims, serving solely Allah (SWT). Allah has given you Paradise on earth - it may not seem so most of the time, but the precious peace that a true believer experiences is blessing and Paradise in itself." [Sister M, Australia, 10 August 2000]

Added 13 August 2000

"Dear brothers and sisters, peace be on you all. I have been following the war from last year but today was the first time I came across this particular site. Praise be to God, it has increased my Faith, Allahu Akbar. To the Chechen Mujahideen, Allah is with you, and so are our thoughts and prayers. May your efforts inspire the rest of us in our efforts to become better Muslims." [Brother ASV, South Africa, 10 August 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen of Chechnya, even though we cannot reach you in person, Wallahi, we feel the pain in our veins. Your struggle against the Imperialistic Russians is a just cause and may Allah (SWT) give you complete victory over Putin and his lackeys. Insha Allah two victories await you in this world and hereafter." [Brother MAD, UK, 10 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum dear brothers in arms, may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you and your families. May you lift this Ummah out of the darkness and the misery it is in, Ameen." [Brother UA, Melbourne, Australia, 10 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. To all my brothers and sisters, I would like to point out that the war in Chechnya is a physical war for our brothers and sisters over there. For us it is a spiritual war ... a lesson ... an inspiration for us to change for the better ... to learn from what is happening over there and to prepare ourselves by coming back to Allah. Ever since the war started late last year I have repented and came back to Allah ... because knowing that I couldn't be a soldier in Chechnya, I decided to make myself a soldier of Allah in my own country ... and there is no better weapon than the Words of Allah and to learn the Deen of Allah." [Brother AK, Australia, 09 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, my most beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, the Mujahideen in Chechnya. I pray that Allah grant you victory and reward you for bringing back to the Ummah, the lives of the Sahaba. They were few and you are few but Allah granted them victory and He will grant you victory soon because both you and the Sahaba have the same purpose of life and that is to raise the name of Allah above all. I can't help thinking if part of the Ummah has woken up to their mission in Chechnya and how they managed to defeat the Russians what would happen if all the Ummah wakes up?? I pray that Allah wakes the Ummah up from its deep sleep and increase the number of people who are like you. Ameen." [Sister RA, UK, 10 August 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. Again and again, the Russians plant bombs in their own capital, and accuse the Chechen Lions. Haven't they understood yet after one year of fighting and not less than 10,000 bodies shipped back to Russia, that these Lions don't commit such acts, and would rather meet in the open field, with the only wish of being granted the benediction of Shahada? I really pity the Russian people, apparently worth nothing for their own leaders. Victory is ours." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 09 August 2000]

"I am a student at a University in USA. I fully support victory for Muslims in Chechnya. It makes me happy to hear of your victories against Russian troops in your homeland. I have visited your site regularly since the beginning of the war. May victory be yours." [Mr. BT, USA, 07 August 2000]

"I am not a Muslim, but I do believe in your cause! Your action's are just! My thoughts and prayers are always on you! From what I have gathered about the Jihad in the Caucasus, is that the Mujahideen are outnumbered 40 to 1 and have the Russians in fear and disarray! That should be a great honor in itself! That a Colonial Power of some 100,000 men can not stop the hearts of your brave fighters! May whatever you seek come true!" [Mr. T, USA, 10 July 2000] Added 10 August 2000

"Assalaamu alaykum, I sometimes fill up with tears when I read your appeals, news. I think Subhanallah! these are the people who will gain Paradise nearest to Allah ( this is my wish and eternal goal). Even though I read, I cannot even begin to imagine clearly the reality of what you are going through. If I was allowed and had the money I would love to be there fighting for Allah's cause. All I can do is pray to Him in Whose Hand everything is in, that He gives you success. May Allah strengthen your Imaan. And surely Allah will give victory to the believers." [Sister S, UK, 09 August 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, Mujahideen. Your commitment to the Deen of Allah and bravery are an inspiration to all observing Muslims around the world. May Allah increase your Imaan and keep you striving hard to protect Islam in the Caucasus. My dua is with you." [Brother D, MD, USA, 08 August 2000]

"Dear fearless Warriors: it is a never-ceasing amazement how the publicly- acknowledged, corrupt government of Russia still attempts to blame all atrocities against the Islamic Warriors fighting (and defeating) the raping, lowlife troops of Putin, the KGB Liar. Doubtless, OMON troops set the bombs in place to kill their own people in a desperate attempt to sway the rapid decrease in Russian public support for the murder and sodomy of innocent citizens in Chechnya. Carry on, brave Soldiers of Allah." [Mr. B, LA, USA, 08 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, brothers of this holy war. I have just finished reading the latest news about the war. I must say the Russians are truly pathetic! Because they cannot fight like true men, or simply face the powerful Mujahideen, they decided to poison the river. The Russians are full of lies and are cowards. My brothers of this holy war, have strong Faith in Allah and you shall receive strength from Almighty Allah to fight our enemies. Brothers, you are the most admired men in our time, May Allah Most High grant you the highest level of Jannah for this courageous act, Ameen." [Sister AK, Ontario, Canada, 08 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to Allah's Army in Chechnya. I am proud of you. I pray to Allah every day to get Russians out of Chechnya. I am confident, brothers, you are going to be successful. Russians has NO cause to fight for. Recently there has been explosions in Moscow which have been blamed on Chechen Mujahideen. These are Propaganda of Russia and western countries. Saudi Arabia or any other country like Saudi, if they stop trading with Russia, honestly, Russia will leave Chechnya tomorrow. O Mujahideen of Chechnya, Allah is on your side. The Whole World cannot defeat you." [Brother RH, UK, 09 August 2000]

"Salaam aleikum dear brothers in Islam, I pray that victory is soon! As for the rest of the Muslims in this world, to what extreme must they be pushed to understand that unification and re-establishment of the Khaliphate is the only way out ? Don't they hear, can't they see ? Insha Allah they will soon know! This Chechen Jihad is reinforcing the Iman of the believers, it is opening the eyes of some of our brothers, our Muslim Ummah shall soon awake!! Allahu Akbar!!!" [Brother BG, Belgium, 08 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum our beloved brothers and sisters in Chechnya!!! May Allah reward you for the gift of Iman that so many Muslims around the world are receiving from your struggle with the Kuffar. I love you my brothers and sisters in Chechnya (much more than myself)!!! I wish I could be with you. May Allah grant you speedy victory." [Brother KC, USA, 08 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, As I go through your website, looking at all those martyred brothers, tears started to swell up my eyes. My heart and soul are with all the Mujahideen in Chechnya. Insha Allah, one day I will join the rest of you there in Chechnya. We here in Sydney, Australia, support the fight and condemn the Russians." [Brother DLN, Sydney, Australia, 07 August 2000]

Added 08 August 2000

"Assalamu alaikum brothers. Keep fighting until the Russians leave. Despite what they say (about not leaving) they will not keep troops in Chechnya forever. You say the thing which hurts you most is the fact that no Arab or Islamic countries are condemning the actions of Russians. Please don't be disheartened by the fact that some Muslim leaders seem to have a big inferiority complex. Remember that Allah is with those that fight in his way and Insha Allah victory will be yours." [Brother AT, USA, 07 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. As one of your brothers that happen to live in South East Asia...even though we are separated by a great distance...I also felt the pain that all of us, Muslim Ummah has suffered. The only thing that I can do as of now is to pray for you. May Allah accept all your good amal and help in the Jihad. Ameen!" [Brother B, Indonesia, 07 August 2000]

"Your righteous struggle amazes me. You are so strong, so courageous and so spiritual. I have seen photos of your warfare and wish you luck and the best in your fight. Please God allow your soldiers to fight successfully against the Russian armies and their killing machines. I am so ashamed about their campaign of terror against your noble warriors. I remain a supporter in America, and peace be with you as you seek and destroy the Infidels." [Mr. J, WN, USA, 06 August 2000]

"My dearest Chechen Mujahideen brothers, Assalamu alaikum. I am reading your news everyday punctually and really it strengthens my Iman. Although, the media is supporting the enemy Russians and our so-called Islamic media is also not supporting our own cause, but this is most encouraging that you don't care about this situation and are going ahead with your cherished mission. We are regularly praying to Almighty Allah to make you successful in this holy mission and guide the whole Ummah to wake up and recognize their moral duty." [Brother MN, Saudi Arabia, 07 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brother Mujahideen, behold the curtains of success are just within your reach. The Kaafirun (Russians) seem to be disgraced, dismantled, divided and fearful. Certainly it is Allah (SWT) who made them reach this fate. O dear Mujahideen brothers, remember the battle of Badr, where the army of believers was a mere 300 plus and the enemies were around thousand, yet Allah (SWT) has given the victory to believers. Yes Insha Allah, the Mujahideen might be a few in number but enough to handle the clusters of Russians which outnumbers the Mujahideen, as you have the Power of Iman. We pray for you O Mujahideen, May Allah (SWT) unite your hearts and disperse the Russian clusters, may Allah (SWT) provide you the unseen help which He provided to the believers in the battle of Badr, may Allah (SWT) provide the security to the women, children and elderly Muslims of Chechnya and else where in the world, Ameen." [Brother MAF, India, 07 August 2000]

"Dear brothers in Islam, asalamu alaikum. I read your home page everyday and I wish I was with you in person so I could earn the blessing of Allah too. My prayers are all with you and may Allah break the Russians and Kuffar in pieces and may Allah unite all the Muslims around the world. Insha Allah the victory is near and Allah will bring victory to the people who are fighting for His cause. May Allah forgive us for our sins and give victory to Muslims all over the world." [Brother HJ, USA, 06 August 2000]

"Salams to the lions of Allah. No other Muslim country or group of people in living a real Freedom except you. O! have stronger believers and made us see Allah's power in our time and age...strive, strive and strive. If the way is easy for Muslims to join your Jihad, the Russians will have no ground to stand on because of the young Muslims who are crying to be next to you." [Brother N, Libya, 07 August 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum!! I'm a Moroccan young man and I'm always ( like any other Muslim on this earth ) concerned of the Jihad that is taking place on what will be Insha Allah the Russian graveyard,and the victory of the Mujahideen. I'd like you to know that many many other young Muslims here in Morocco are praying to the Almighty Allah to help them as well as all other Muslims in countries where the Islam is fought by the Kuffars." [Brother H, Morocco, 04 August 2000]

Added 05 August 2000

"Dear brothers, assalamu Alaykum. The use of human shields has throughout history always had just one meaning: the army is desperate. Not desperate to win that is, but desperate to save their filthy hides before they get blown to Hell. The Russians failed when they used the army, they failed when they used the Special Forces, they failed when they used the traitors, and By Allah Most Powerful this last-ditch attempt will fail. Allah (SWT) promised in the Quran that He will save the sincere Muslims no matter what - so, my dear brothers, do not let this stop your attacks. March on Mujahideen under the Guidance and Light of the Quran and the Sunnah, for indeed there is only victory and triumph ahead." [Brother MA, New Zealand, 05 August 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. It's with great pleasure that I read the news you publish on your site, and learn about the lesson in faith and honour you're giving to the Russian swines. The fact that you're still asking for the criminal who raped the Chechen sister to be delivered to you, shows that unlike "others", you don't forget easily. May Allah Almighty accept your deeds, and reinforce your Jihad with His Angels." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 04 August 2000]

"O Allah Help them, O Allah only You can bring us triumph, give us many more Mujahids. Help our brothers and sisters in Chechnya, Philippines, Kashmir, help them Allah because only You can. Allah be with them. Ameen! I place my trust in Allah! O Allah, I seek refuge in You from being made stumble, from straying and from being made to stray, from doing wrong to others and from being wronged by others, and from misunderstanding and from being misunderstood. Ameen." [Sister L, USA, 04 August 2000]

"Assalamu aleykum, my dearest brothers in Islam. You have shown us the beauty and the value of the Faith, and you have taught the enemy the humility and the severe pain of the war. I have nothing to say but admire you and praise you. I have no doubt that Kafir forces including Munafiqs will leave the land of Muslim Chechens very soon. May Allah (SWA) always be with you on your most noble struggle against Kafirun." [Brother S, UK, 04 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum. May Allah be with you to defeat the Russian army & the unbelievers. I ask Allah with all His might to help you make His Word the higher one. May Allah provide you with strength & steadfastness." [Brother K, USA, 04 August 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaykum, All praise is due to Allah and in Him lies victory. I would just like to say thanks to the Mujahideen for standing up to the Kafir Russians and that the victory of Allah and His forces will come soon. May Allah bless you all in your efforts and may you be an inspiration for Muslims everywhere." [Brother AR, CA, USA, 03 August 2000]

Added 03 August 2000

"Assalamo alaikum my brothers in Chechnya, I wish to salute you with the most noble of salutes, fitting only for the soldiers of Allah. I sit at my computer and cry as I read of your struggle, not tears of sadness though, but tears of humility and joy. With Allah's permission you bring faith to the deprived like me, your dedication to Allah and His Cause bring to life the essence of Islam, you convince so many of us that indeed we must meet Allah one day, and you make us cry because unlike you we have nothing to offer to Him in exchange for His paradise. O Mujahideen, we pray everyday that Allah gives you victory and accepts your offering, please pray for us to that if we cannot be honoured as you have that you may intercede for us on the day when we will all be questioned as why we chose the comfortable life, safely sitting behind our computer screens while you fought for the dignity of Islam and offered your souls for Allah's paradise." [Brother A, Toronto, Canada, 01 August 2000]

"My dear brothers in Islam. I have been following your Jihad from the day it was started by the Russians, on a daily basis. You are amazing and wonderful, you are really true believers which Allah (SWT) describes in his holy book. You give us hope and inspiration to our life. Here in our Islamic Center we make a supplication and dua in every morning prayer, that Allah grant you a glorious victory. Our hearts and minds are with you. God bless you all." [Brother ARS, Wellington, New Zealand, 02 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, dear brothers & sisters, may Allah help you and reward you for the struggle you are going through. The truth will succeed and falsehood will vanish." [Brother PS, USA, 01 August 2000]

"What would the Muslims think in the future when the Khilafah state is re-established and they look back to our time. Two billion Muslims exist and yet we are fighting a guerilla war in Chechnya. Subhanallah. May Allah (SWT) grant victory to the Mujahideen." [Brother MA, Sydney, Australia, 01 August 2000]

"Dearest brothers in Islam, assalamu alaikum, I've no words to express my feelings, yet our dua always for you. Allah is Great. Your fight reminds us of the Sahaaba who fought with Rasool (SAWS). Allah bless you always, Allah bless you with Shahaada. Ameen." [Brother F, India, 01 August 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my dear Muslim brothers and sisters of Chechnya: I pray for you to Allah as I pray for my own children and and my parents. Not one prayer is said when you my Mujahid brothers and sisters and all those who attained Martyrdom (Shahaada), are not remembered. May Allah be with you always, may He keep you united, healthy and may He keep your Imaan (faith) strong." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 31 July 2000]

Added 01 August 2000

"Salam Aleikum to my brothers in Islam. Our Muslim Nation has almost completely collapsed. There is not a single Muslim nation that is willing to help the Muslims in Chechnya. They're more afraid of the West while they should be afraid of the Unique Creator of the Worlds! Today the World is being ruled and decided without the Muslims. Insha Allah, the Mujahideen of Chechnya will lead to the rebirth of Islam, maybe not today, or tomorrow or during my lifetime. But when it happens, the Muslims, Insha Allah, will remember the Mujahideen of Chechnya and their major contribution to waking up the Muslim Ummah. Most certainly have the righteous Mujahideen made a wonderful bargain with their Lord. A bargain, that those who have faith, cannot lose. They will serve as an example to future generations, as we haven't forgotten the first Muslims at the beginning of Islam, who were also being persecuted and strove hard. I thank Allah for having united and supported them. I thank Allah for having created us, and I hope He will awake the Muslim Ummah soon because a lot of wrong has been inflicted upon us. What is happening now is a lesson to the Muslims and a sign to the worlds; remain united, fear only Allah, the unique Creator of the worlds and in Allah let the believers put their trust. To those of the website... keep up the good work! I'm sure you're realising that through this website you're giving back hope to the Muslim Ummah and its influence it might have in the future." [Brother SG, Belgium, 30 July 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum everyone. I Just love these headlines, the words themselves: "29 July 2000 Special Ambush for an Ultra-Special Russian Battalion", this sort of thing is highly commendable, especially to intimidate those pro-Russians let alone Russians and to get them to question their government's reports. Our supplications at least 5 times a day are for all who directly or indirectly are involved with this Jihad against the Russian oppression." [Brother S, USA, 29 July 2000]

"Dear brothers in Jihad, I'm writing to you from Turkey and wanting you all to be glad and honoured by the work you do. We and you must know that all the Muslims are supporting you. I hope all the Muslim Nations will be united and become under one control (Khilafa). This is our Faith: to be one heart and one voice. Every Muslim must pray for you." [Brother BE, Turkey, 29 July 2000]

"Assalamu Alaikum. I have just finished reading "Foreign Mujahideen", on your website. It was the diary of a Muslim soldier. I must say of the ones that I had read, these soldiers are truly amazing, Masha Allah. Even though they went through such hardship, they speak as if it was almost nothing. Masha Allah! Reading what our Muslim brothers go through night and day, is incredibly hard to believe. Worrying about grenades being thrown, being captured. Muslim brothers and sisters worldwide, analyze what it is we worry about each day, what we're going to have for dinner? Please brothers and sisters make dua for our brothers in this Jihad, only they and Allah truly know what it is they are going through everyday. O Allah, Most High, help us to defeat our enemies and give us victory tomorrow, cast fear in the hearts of the Russians, and make the word of Islam spread, Ameen. May Almighty Allah hold the highest level of Jannah for all the Jihad warriors. You are truly admired, I wish that there was more I can do for this Jihad other than to supplicate. We shall win this battle, Ameen." [Sister AK, Canada, 29 July 2000]

Added 30 September 2000

"May Allah bless, guide, protect and unite all Muslims fighting in His name in Chechnya and the world over. It is incomprehensible why the "civilized" world remains quiet and only raises its condemnation on paltry and insignificant issues. Even the usually vocal western "Women Rights Groups" have turned a blind eye to the slaughter, murder and rape of Muslim women in Chechnya by the Russian devils. It seems that only when women's rights to debauchery, nudity and abortion as a self-expression is challenged by a Muslim government, then these human rights and women's rights groups declare a Western media war on that country. The world and the Munafiq countries have already forgotten the slaughter and mayhem inflicted upon the Muslims of Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo by the filthy, murderous and cowardly Russians and their mangy filthy partners, the Serbs, and they now turn a blind eye to the horrific annihilation of the Muslims of Chechnya. But will I forget, the scenes of pieces of Muslim flesh and blood plastered on the walls of the basements in Grozny, after the coward Russians threw hand grenades at those seeking shelter there, or the raped, mutilated and torn body of the sister after the Russians tore her apart with tanks, or the headless body of the 2 year old whose head was cut off in front of his father and mother by a Russian mercenary in Bosnia or the burnt and charred remains of young Muslim boys and old men burnt alive to death by the Russians and Serbs in Bosnia , Kosova, Afghanistan and Chechnya ? - NEVER. Never ever will I forget and never, ever will I forgive for as long as I live and I will make sure that my generations to come never forget the complicity of the UN and the European Union in the outright murder and slaughter of my Muslim brothers and sisters by these monsters and devils known as Russians and Serbs. I ask all Muslims of the world now, will you forget and forgive ? will you go on sleeping ? will you enjoy your comfort knowing what our Muslim brothers and sisters are going through in Chechnya ? how can you, if you have even an iota of decency and a conscience ? May Allah keep you all protected and united and may He inflict upon the Russians, the Serbs and all those complicit in the murder and torture of Muslims anywhere in the world by sheer acts or silence, the worst punishment in this world and the hereafter. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 28 September 2000] "Dear brothers & sisters in Islam, I pray you are well. Please keep up the good work. This webpage is a gift from Allah alone for those of us isolated here in the South Pacific, where the media relay very little information about the plight of our courageous, valiant Chechen brothers and their brave sisters, struggling against such adversity and international apathy. We are keen to draw the attention of the wider, non-Muslim New Zealand public to this crisis but are limited by our means & resources. All we can give is dua and unlimited moral support to the Mujahideen and their families. Please let them know that even here in the furthest corner of the southern oceans, our prayers are with them daily. May Allah (SWT) reward them for their sacrifices. Please also tell us how we can help otherwise." [Brother AAD, New Zealand, 28 September 2000]

"Dear my Chechen brothers. I love you all and I ask Allah to help you with everything. I pray to Allah to join me with you and fight with you. I am from former Soviet Union republic of Uzbekistan and my country is also full of Kuffar. I hope you will come to my country also and help us to fight against them. May Allah be with you all the time. Verily He is closer than the heart of yours." [Brother M, Uzbekistan, 28 September 2000]

"My dear respected Mujahideen brothers all over the world: Remember Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir, Kosova, Mindanao, Eritrea, Algeria and the other such countries! The Muslim Ummah is being attacked at many different places around the world these days. It is vital that we remain steadfast to Allah (SWT) and His ways, and that we remain united in the face of adversity and adversaries. So long as we remember the above places and events, we shall continue to be imbued by Allah (SWT) in the ways of the Mujahid: our material lives are not worth even a fraction of what Allah's heavenly blessings await for those of us that fight in Allah's ways. This is His eternal Promise and Blessing, as appears in the Holy Qu'ran! What and how will you answer to Him at the Day of Judgement? He will be seeking from you the obvious answers to very simple questions (e.g.: What did you do for Me?). Those answers that you should have led and experienced during your worldly existence! This planet earth was created entirely by Allah (SWT) and it belongs wholly Him, not to us; Allah (SWT) in His infinite wisdom put each and every one of us on this earth for a reason: we are to to be in awe of Him, to worship Him, to behold His magnificence, and to fight for Him, and only Him...and we have only 80 years or so to see and understand and appreciate Allah's magnificence. For the Mujahid and the Shuhada (whose personal sacrifices far outweigh their worldly gains and physical entrapments), 80 years is more than twice what they really need! The vast majority of us, even most people who live many years over 80, still remain blind. May Allah (SWT) have mercy upon these people. We all can see who is the wrong party and who is the right party in this great war being fought in the Caucasus. The Russians are the aggressors against Chechnya, they want to establish an empire at the close of the 20th Century, they have the world's largest country yet they are astonishingly and disgustingly greedy and want to strangle the life out of a country and a nation which is hundreds of times smaller than Russia. My message goes out to all peoples, everywhere, who value freedom over tyranny, oppression, repression, and suppression, and liberty over slavery, serfdom and servitude. It's better to have lived the life of free men than to die in the clutches of bondage and colonisation and oppression. It's better to die fighting in the ways of God than to live under the fake lordship of an oppressive power. Please pray to God that the freedom fighters of Chechnya are victorious in their undertaking. Long Live Free Chechnya!" [Brother TR, Montreal, Canada, 28 September 2000]

Added 29 September 2000

"Assalaamu alaykum my brothers. My heart wept when I saw your site, even though you have been victorious and I know the Almighty will grant you ultimate victory, I cannot help but imagine what sacrifices you have made and what pains and strife you have gone through. My father once told me that there are 3 ways of making Jihad. With the body, the way you have done so well over these years. With the tongue, like many great Imams and Shuyoukh who speak up against the Kuffar. And also with the mind, in your duas and asking Allah to make each day comes closer to victory. I will make dua for all you in my heart so that Allah may grant you each one Jannatul-Firdous and that each and every one of the Ulamah become a Mujahideen in some form or other and may they all be bestowed with the great honor of martyrdom. My father also says that the only man who will want to die again when resurrected on the day of Kiyaama, is the martyr. I myself feel really bad now about the life I live. The "Western" life. But know this, my heart will from this day on always be with you and my spirit will fight by your side in your struggle. The Islamic Armies across history were and always will be the most fearsome fighting machine the world has ever seen and we will be victorious." [Brother N, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 September 2000]

"For My Beloved Mujahideen:

I love you my brothers, I hold you so dear, For you are glad tidings, so lend me an ear, And hear the good news of a blessing so clear, Of the help from Allah, and a victory near.

For you is no grief, nor there any fear, So keep up your spirits, and fight O my dear, For the best of the rewards is for you, so let's cheer, At the help from Allah, and a victory near.

Allah has loved you, so why shouldn't we? Love you and cherish you and be ready, To help and support you from far and from near, O the help from Allah, and a victory near! So fight O Mujahid, do not turn your back, For you have the blessings your enemies lack, The Pleasure of Allah you're holding so dear, And the help from Allah, and a victory near.

So fight O Mujahid, until you subdue, Your enemies and their supporters too, While Believers pray for you and enemies jeer, Comes the help from Allah and a victory near.

Allah is your Lord and Islam is your way, Only for this you are slain and you slay, These are the principles you must adhere, For the help from Allah and a victory near.

So come let us call on our Lord, O Allah, Please help and protect our brothers, Allah! Accept their sacrifice and prayers, Allah! And grant them a victory - complete and clear, And let them be thankful to You when they hear, Of the help from Allah and a victory near. O the help from Allah, and a victory near! " [Brother AM, USA, 28 September 2000]

"To all my brothers in Chechnya, first of all I'd like to tell you that I love you for Allah and if I had today a way to come to you I would. My brothers, God has given you the blessing and duty of Jihad in a time that the Muslim world has forgotten it. Wallahi, I try find Chechnya news everyday to know the situation of the my brothers and sisters in the Jihad. I have faith that Allah will help us through your hands and will save the Muslim Ummah because of your giant Iman. I promise to make du'a for you every time and please make dua for us since your du'a is likely to be accepted by God because you're risking your lives in His path." [Brother YA, CA, USA, 26 September 2000]

"My dear brothers in Jihad, assalamu alaikum. All Muslim brethren are suppressed and branded as fundamentalists, terrorists and whatnot in this modern civilized age by these Christian and Jew Kuffar. O Muslims of the world, where are we ? Are we still sleeping, until we become a test of the Kuffar's weapons ? Americans tested their mighty weapons against Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Iraq etc. Serbia against innocent Muslims within Bosnia & Kosovo. Jews against Palestinian Muslims, Fundamentalist Hindu government against civilian Kashmiris. In the past Russia against Afghanistan (from where they received a stunning and humiliating defeat) and now against Chechens. My heart bleeds when I read daily the worst atrocities committed against Chechen Muslim mothers and sisters. May Allah (SWT) show us the Light. Brothers and sisters I will make dua for all Mujahideen throughout the world. May Allah give you a swift success with a lesson to Islam's bitter enemies. Fight on my brethren as Allah is with you. Victory be yours, Ameen." [Brother ST, India, 26 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers, Allahu Akbar!!!!! Your actions are the best of actions, your endeavours are the best of endeavours. May Allah reward you all with the highest positions in Paradise. I pray that Allah rewards you with new and marvelous victories each and every day. May He (SWT) help you in all your actions and bring utter destruction to the enemies of Islam and their collaborators. May He grant you a most supreme Victory and reward you handsomely both in this life and in the hereafter. My prayers are for you and your families, may Allah reward you and them for carrying the banner of Islam so courageously and giving inspiration to those like myself the hope that one day, Insha-Allah, we will have the courage in our hearts and the ability to serve in the path of Islam in an equally fitting manner. You have my utmost respect and I pray to Allah to grant you soon a most glorious Victory. Ameen!" [Brother SHF, Birmingham, UK, 26 September 2000]

Added 27 September 2000

"Assalamu alaikum. Dear Chechen brothers and sisters who are fighting the enemies of Allah and the Muslims, I wish you well in your fight and may Allah bring you victory soon. The whole world of Muslims and non- Muslims are watching while the coward Russians kill the Muslim civilians and no one is saying anything." [Brother CK, NY, USA, 26 September 2000]

"My brothers in Islam, I thank you for waking me and other brothers on this continent for Jihad. Wallahi, I cannot go to sleep unless I go to this great website to see how many Kuffar have been killed each day in our land, the land of Chechnya. My brothers in Jihad all the Islamic countries have forgotten about you, but do not forget that Allah never forgets about you. I will continue to make dua for all of you and the Ummah. I pray that He eases the path for Jihad so I can join you." [Brother AA, NY, USA, 25 September 2000]

"I hope all the Chechen Mujahideen are successful in their Jihad against Russia. They must continue to be patient, humble, and very intelligent. May the Creator grant them victory and true peace." [Brother MAH, GA, USA, 25 September 2000]

"Asalaamu alaikum. May Allah's Mercy and Protection be upon all that fight for His (SWT) cause. I am a recent revert of almost three months, and only today (9/23) did I receive any information into what the entire conflict is about with Bosnia and Chechnya. I knew that there was a war going on over there but I didn't know why or what had happened for it to all start. I felt so ashamed when I asked a brother and sister about the issue and asked them to explain it to me. Here I am...crying over the fact that I am "facing Jihad" with my non-Muslim mother and a non-Muslim society, when across the globe there are brothers and sisters that are dying everyday. My heart, tears and my deepest prayers are with those that pave the way of Allah (SWT) with their blood, sweat, tears. May the gates of Jannah open willingly for those that fall upon Fitrah....Ameen." [Sister MM, USA, 23 September 2000]

"Dear Brothers, assalamu aleikum. I watched some time back, a documentary about the genocide committed in Bosnia Herzegovina, under the nose of the so-called "advanced, democratic" nations, and felt extremely frustrated; after all these years, I just can't get over the fact that brothers there were resisting the might of the Ex-Yugoslav army with hunting rifles.... I keep seeing the faces of these courageous brothers, under fire just because they refused to give up their Faith. At this time, I said never again, Insha Allah, will I be a spectator of the genocide of any Muslim brothers worldwide; and you have helped me, along with millions around the world, feel involved. Yes, we are doing one of the weakest degree of Faith, just expressing orally our despair, but at least, we are granted this opportunity." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 25 September 2000]

"I am from Indonesia. For my beloved brothers, I send my dua to you all and pray that you never give up in Allah's way. Be a good Muslim or die as Shuhada. Destroy all enemies give them terror everywhere. Someday I will join you if Allah permits me and He give His guidance to me." [Brother BA, Indonesia, 24 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum to my dear Muslim brothers and sisters. I am a Muslimah from the US and I am 14 years old. Here in America my Islamic private school is praying for you always and now we keep calling the US congressmen and senators to tell them to help you. Allah is the Most Merciful and even right now Allah has sent down angels that are standing side by side with the brave Mujahideen. I know I am not there helping, but my heart and tongue that are in Chechnya & are in constant dua. I feel terrible about what's going on in Chechnya. One day my teacher from my Islamic school was reading some of the things that were going on there and I was horrified! I mean why can't all the Muslim countries get together as one Ummah? Why wont no one help? I truly want to help... My heart is crying out for the Muslims that are suffering. They are my brothers and sisters! I can't help physically so I will do Jihad of the heart and tongue. I will pray every moment Insha Allah and remind others of what's happening. But one thing we Muslims must remember is Allah is always testing us. We must face everything with the intention and goal of passing the test. May Allah (SWT) bless the Muslims in Chechnya and may He increase our patience." [Sister, FZ, VA, USA, 23 September 2000]

Added 25 September 2000

"Dear Mujahideen, assalamu alaykum. You are fighting with Russian troopers to establish the rule of Allah on Allah's land. All the persons of the world who are unbelievers are the terrorists. But in today's world the unbelievers are propagating that the Mujahideen are doing terror, and creating much confusion among the Muslims. But you are fighting in the Cause of Allah. I am praying for you to win the war against communists. Thanks to the qoqaz site which has given the real information about Chechen Mujahideen. If this was not available then confusion would have been created among the Muslims." [Brother ES, Mumbai, India, 21 September 2000]

"Praise be to Allah. May your victory be swift and your demands met by your enemies. Thy lord Allah is with you in your battle against your enemy. Although I am only one, my prayers are for you to defeat the oppressors who dares to try and take your land from you. Fight on my brethren as Allah is with you. May your loses be small but your enemies great." [Brother MI, NSW, Australia, 22 September 2000]

"Heartfelt support to Islamic Chechnya from Alberta, Canada to repel the Russian satans who cannot even rule their own nation according to law but seek to destroy others. This evil is not possible." [Mr. LS, Alberta, Canada, 21 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum to the true Muslims. Even if the whole world forgot you, Insha Allah I will not. I make du'a for you in my prayers, not only for winning but for Allah's acceptance in the hereafter is the one to count. I can't imagine what you have gone through and I cried to Allah to accept your suffering and sacrifices." [Brother FB, USA, 21 September 2000]

"Assalaamu Alaykum. Hardly was I halfway through the study posted on your website and I was convinced of the permissibility of the Martyrdom Operations. The stories provided to support the idea (and the action) were so familiar to me that I keep asking myself why I never thought of them before in connection to these brave operations. As to the people who emailed you against the Martyrdom Operations, I am not surprised. Didn't some people do the same when our beloved Mujahideen executed the Russian POWs? Perhaps they thought the guns the Russians (from the OMON police) were carrying were meant for cockroaches. Never mind brothers and sisters you are doing a great work. My prayers are with you. May Allah the Greatest humiliate the Russians in the hand of Mujahideen. Ameen." [Brother SS, USA, 20 September 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu alaikum. When I first checked your site, I promised myself that not a day would pass, without sending you a message of support, thinking that we were only a few interested in the Jihad going on in Chechnya. 3 million hits later on your Arabic site, I'm proud, really proud of my fellow Muslims, from all over the World, who try their best to show their interest, support, and enthusiasm. This is Insha Allah a good sign, and may the Almighty unite the Nation of Faith and Belief on the right track, the Sirat El Mustakeem." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 20 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum brothers. The conditions that our dear brothers face in Chechnya are indeed severe and tormenting. We pray for all of you and make du'aa that Allah grants you with victory, both in this life and the next. The amazing heroic feats of these brothers makes any test of ours seem feeble in comparison. Our duaa's are always with you. My dear little daughter who is two and a half also remembers her suffering brothers and sisters, and we all pray for your victory and acceptance of your deeds. May Allah bless you all with the best of this Dunya and the Hereafter." [Sister UH, USA, 20 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my brothers! Congratulations for humiliating our worst enemy. Surely, Allah will help us in our struggle to create an Islamic world. Insha Allah, I shall one day join you all in this Jihad. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother AMK, Malaysia, 20 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum I am from Indonesia. I really support your struggle even though by my heart only. Your Jihad to defend our Faith is so difficult since you fight with strong Kuffar. Be sure that Allah helps those who protect Islam. If I were in Chechnya, I would be with you. My brothers and sisters, we Indonesian Muslims are deeply sympathetic for the Chechen Mujahideen. I condemn the Russians. I pray for your victory, our victory." [Brother NS, Indonesia, 20 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. My dearest brothers and sisters in Chechnya, may Allah give a speedy victory, and guide us during and after this Jihad. Please remember, you are always in our dua's and hearts." [Sister TN, USA, 19 September 2000]

"Dear brothers, May Allah help you in your Jihad and Insha Allah you will free all the Muslims all over the world from the Kuffar's rule. All my prayers go to my brothers and sisters in Chechnya and I hope from the bottom of my heart that they will win their Jihad against the enemy of the Ummah and Islam." [Brother RB, Belgium, 19 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my fellow Mujahideen, victory is yours now and in the Aakhira as well, as Allah has promised. I pray to Allah that He gifts the Mujahideen with effective strategic planning and well maneuvered operations in order to hasten the destruction of this cruel and unjust nation. Let there be a lesson to the oppressors and enemies of Islam - Islam is a force never to be messed with, Allahu Akbar!" [Brother IM, UK, 19 September 2000] "Esselamu aleykum dear brothers! We pray for you and all our brothers and sisters in Chechnya. Allah helps you. From your brothers in Albania" [Brothers, , Albania, 19 September 2000]

"Assalamu aleikum, dear brothers, may Allah (SWT) give you additional patience, strength, resources, and keep your foothold sure, make your weapons even more accurate, and cast fear into the hearts of the Russian swines!!! Alhamdulillah, the hypocrite of Fon Yurt was arrested and liquidated. Your website is credible!!! We hear all sorts of nasty news from the Kuffar (media outlets), they are all liars. Of course, Allah (SWT) has revealed that to us in the holy Quran. When the Kuffar come out of the woodworks and flat-out describe your website as "astonishing," "professional," "slick," "credible," and "must see," it is a credit. At my place of work the people are curious, wanting to know how a small group of Muslims are keeping the 'mighty Russians' out of a land area, the size of Connecticut??? Please whatever you do, pray for the rest of us to be able to join you. Most of us 100,000 Muslims in Houston area are praying for you. Hang in there, Allah (SWT) will give you victory soon." [Brother AY, TX, USA, 18 September 2000]

Added 22 September 2000

"It was great to hear that my (previous) message was read and appreciated: as for the Russian Federation, as you said, a so-called 'civilised nation', it is rapidly draining away any and all decent-minded western inclination to regard it as civilised. You might have read, or heard of, Daniel Goldhagen's book on (subtitle) 'Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust': his thesis is very relevant to Russia today. That is, the few and insignificant numbers of German citizens willing to counter or even verbally condemn the Nazi genocide simply pointed to a an awful malaise in the entire nation itself. I myself am ashamed, as an Australian, that Russia is represented in Sydney's Olympic Games. I can recall the howls of anguish and outrage in this country when debate erupted over attendance at the Moscow Games in 1980: Afghanistan was pitied for it's sufferings, and Chechnya receives not a word. I have written to the Minister of Foreign Affairs demanding a written explanation of official Australian policy on occupied Chechnya (or, rather, the apparent lack of one at all) and I will not accept silence as a reply from our Government. For what it's worth, I hope that the little assistance I can offer as an advocate for Chechen freedom here can do something to combat the disgusting lack of broad concern with Russian genocide in this country. God be with you." [Mr. MW, Australia, 19 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum, I was very disturbed to read your recent news (September 17, 2000) about Russian tyranny toward Chechen civilians. May Allah punish them to the full extent. I understand this has been the case with the Russians all along that they spread fear toward the civilians, rather than the Mujahideen. However, as I read along the western side of the story, this has become a fact to all of us. In the story, the Russians admit that they can't defeat the Mujahideen. Therefore, they turn to the civilians as the target to avenge the loss and eliminate future Mujahideen born from the Chechen civilians. I just wish to share the news so that you can also share it with other Muslims around the world. I pray that Allah will guide and help the Mujahideen for their actions and defeat the enemy of Islam." [Brother A, USA, 18 September 2000]

"Dear brother Mujahideen, assalamu alaykum. Whenever I look at the sorry situation of the Muslim Ummah today, I start wondering about how the Muslim Empire is supposed to spread the world of Islam before the Last Day, and I start thinking about how many people will be prepared to support and fight with the Mahdi when he comes. Then I remember the Mujahideen in Chechnya, those who were gallant enough to leave their jobs, homes and families to answer the call of Jihad, those who were believers enough to take up arms against the Kuffar and those who were brave enough to throw their very lives against the odds. O brother Mujahideen, in your sacrifice and solidarity lies the future of this Faith, so strive forward across difficulty and hardship, for after the assured victory in Chechnya and Russia, the rest of the world is waiting to be freed from the shackles of slavery and Disbelief, waiting for sincere Muslims to raise once more the flag upon which is inscribed La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah." [Brother MA, Dunedin, New Zealand, 17 September 2000]

"Salaam aleikum dear brothers in Islam, Insha Allah, Allah (SWT) will keep the Mujahideen and the Chechen people firm and patient. May Allah preserve you all. New conflicts are lurking in Central Asia which involves; Tajikistan, Kyrgistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, XinJiang (north west China). Regions where the Muslims are rediscovering their roots. War is being waged everywhere against the Muslims: the Philippines, the Balkans, Kashmir, Indonesia, etc. These are signs that the Muslims are regaining conscious from their deep sleep. We should all unite and fight the unbelievers with every weapon that exits! As they are fighting us right now, with everything that is at their disposal. To my younger brothers: "Work hard, study hard!!" As one day when the Ummah will be reunited, you will work hard for future generations. As Brother Basayev put it in an interview: "I would say to all young men, particularly young men who are not well trained, that Jihad will not end over a day and a night; Jihad (as stated in the Prophetic saying) will continue until the Day of Judgment; Jihad will continue until Muslims liberate their land and re-establish the Khilafah (Caliphate Islamic state). I say to these young men that they must prepare themselves well and insha-Allah, there will be relief for the Muslims." What is happening to us is a lesson." [Brother G, USA, 18 September 2000]

"Assalamu 'alaikum, Allahu Akbar !!! Allahu Akbar !!! Allahu Akbar!!! I am from Indonesia. I was so sad when I read from an Islamic magazine about your Jihad. I'm terrible sorry I can't help my own brothers in Chechnya. I waiting for my chance to go there, to do Jihad Fi sabilillah. But I'm just a poor college student. Maybe sometime Allah (SWT) may give that chance. I always ask Allah after my prayers, to give my brothers in Chechnya, Iman and Islam and also Bravery for doing Jihad." [Brother DR, Indonesia, 18 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum everyone: Each time we read such exhilarating news as "....sun rises on Grozny, signaling a new day, it spreads nothing but terror in the hearts of the Russian soldiers", we can't help except saying "All praise is for God alone". We beseech God to make the Mujahideen stronger, establish them in the land & instill terror in the hearts of this weak & docile nation, the Russians. Misfortunate are the Muslim countries still in business with Russia, may God grant them forgiveness & guidance, Ameen! Our hearts are with the Mujahideen even from across the Pacific. May God grant you the Success." [Brother S, USA, 17 September 2000]

"Dear Chechen brothers & sisters, assalamu aleikum. I congratulate you on your persistence on achieving freedom from Russian savages. I pray to God everyday for your success. My heart goes out for every Chechen who is suffering at the hands of these gutless butchers and I am ravaged when I hear about the Muslim bloodshed. I salute you for your struggle and keeping the sprit of Islam alive by fighting for your freedom with a much giant enemy and with much limited resources. If every Muslim nation today was as brave as you, nobody would have dared pointing fingers at Islam." [Brother AS, CA, USA, 16 September 2000]

Added 19 September 2000

"Assalamu Alaikum dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters, I have to tell you, I feel that Allah's promised victory to His warriors is nearing. I wish you the quickest victory from Allah (SWT). I would like to say though, that we should learn a lesson from what happened in Afghanistan after the war with the Kuffar Russians was over. We should start to plan how to run things after control is turned over to us. We cannot fight each other (that is what the enemies of Islam want). We must be united and do all for the sake of Allah's Pleasure and His Paradise (for Allah has purchased from you your lives, wealth...for the price of Jannah). May Allah Protect you all and compound your enemies' fears...Ameen." [Brother RE, NJ, USA, 16 September 2000]

"Salaam to all involved in the struggle in Chechnya. I would like to remind my Mujahid brothers that they are doing a fine job of putting the name 'Mujahid' in the highest of ranks. Forget all the military special units of the world - the most feared are the Mujahideen." [Brother AM, UK, 15 September 2000]

"Assalaamu 'alaikum O beloved Mujahideen. I read the news tonight that Bukhari, the head of the hypocrites, who was also the local governor' has been executed/ liquidated. What a spectacular piece of news! Even though it is very difficult for me to sleep at nights in the comfort of my home, while constantly thinking and praying for my dear, dear Mujahideen brothers in all of their difficulties and hardships, it will be a little easier to sleep tonight knowing that the traitor is finally where he belongs: six feet deep!! O Mujahideen! You are in a position of favour with your Lord and therefore He will listen and accept your prayers ... Please pray to Allah for this weak slave to join your ranks as soon as possible!!!" [Brother IH, Alberta, Canada, 15 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum! May Allah grant you victory and grant you the true Islamic state we have been waiting for. May Allah accept all of your Martyrs and unite them with their families in the highest heaven Al-Firdaus. You are such an inspiration for the rest of us Muslims, you show us what happens when we are True to Allah and His Deen. May Allah make the rest of us like you. Please send my salaams to the Mujahideen in Chechnya, and please ask them to make lots of dua for us. Allah knows we really need it. Jazakum Allahu khairan to the Mujahideen and everyone at qoqaz." [Sister RA, LA, USA, 15 September 2000]

"Dear believers in Islam I am from Germany and I am congratulating you on your new victory as I read on your website that the Mujahideen arrested and executed the local governor from Fon Yurt. Our first enemy is a Traitor and Hypocrite. God will be with you." [Brother TF, Germany, 15 September 2000]

Added 17 September 2000

"Assalamu 'alaikum, my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam and all the Mujahids. I ask Allah to bless you and bestow the best of His mercy upon you and love you. May Allah enshroud us all in His rahma and wrap us in His noor and guide us. O brothers, please know that I love you all and may Allah increase us in the best of love through our love for Him. Brothers, I was reminded to thank Allah and I was reminded that there is no where else to go but to Allah. Maybe this will benefit you and me. May Allah forgive you and me. May He guide us all." [Brother AK, USA, 15 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum, my brothers in Chechnya, be merciless to the Kuffar and Munafiqeen. Your victories come from Allah, and Alhamdulillah, you've been blessed with many of them. While the Russian disbelievers are busy drinking and using narcotics, you are busy sending them on a one way trip to the Eternal Hellfire, which Allah (SWT) has prepared especially for their kind. Insha Allah, we will all laugh at them from Paradise while they are burning in Hell." [Brother T, USA, 15 September 2000] "Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters. It's the right time I write to you and say what has been in my heart for a long time. While I write this letter I long to be with you, not only in prayers but to strive with you and show my love for Allah (SWT), and yes I'm not the only one who wishes to be among you. We are many and only Allah (SWT) knows His army. Indeed you have been given victory by Allah (SWT) so make dua to Him to give us victory by making us among you and awake us from this long and deep sleep." [Brother AQ, Denmark, 15 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear beloved Muslim brothers I would like to thank you all for the extended bravery that all the Mujahideen brothers are showing at a time of a constant uphill battle. But just remember in your hearts that we have someone much more powerful than the Russians in this war and that is ALLAH (SWT) and He will help us Muslims at this time of need. I have been praying for the success of the Mujahideen in all the five prayers. My hopes are that over the next years Allah increases the financial and political burdens on Russia so that they will bring it to ruins." [Brother AA, Birmingham, UK, 15 September 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum, may victory be yours soon. May all our Muslim brothers throughout the world open their hearts to your sacrifices and make sincere intention for joining your Jihad . May Allah grant you all a most goodly reward in both this world and the next." [Brother AR, USA, 15 September 2000]

"Most respected brothers, the Mujahideen! Assalamu alaikum! You remain in my duas that Allah grants you victory over His enemies. Your struggle is giving us great inspiration to continue with the program of Allah and to stop the evil perpetrated by His enemies. Your brilliant struggle confirms the Truth of the Quran that the ways of the minions of Satan (Russia and the confederates) are feeble and extremely futile. May Allah protect your families back home and may He protect you in the battle field and may He give us all martyrdom." [Brother AM, USA, 14 September 2000]

Added 15 September 2000

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. Sometimes, I don't find new words to add to the previous emails I sent, but I always end up typing at least a few ... By the Grace of the Almighty, ambushes and attacks made by the Mujahideen are all accurate, and realizing their purpose ... I watch the Russian RTR channel (or PTP in Russian), and laugh when I watch a particular show which always depicts Chechens are rascals, gangsters, and terrorists. They however fail to convince anyone, because of the truth that you, Lions, are exposing day after day. Victory will be ours. It's with great pleasure that I daily check your site, and thank the Almighty for guiding the brothers to start this site, which is serving as a link among the Muslim brothers worldwide; thus, we read emails of support from the US, UK, France, Holland, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, etc. The news of the Mujahids' victories are a major morale boost, in the midst of the news received from CNN, Itar-Tass, and the rest of the "unbiased" media." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 13 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear beloved Muslim brothers. Brothers in Islam, I pray to Allah to give you more strength, courage and resources to fight this Battle of Truth against the Kuffar. My dear brothers, our support and thoughts are always with you and by the grace of Allah (SWT) we Muslims will succeed. I pray to the Almighty Allah (SWT) for the safety and well being of all my Muslim brothers, sisters and respected elders in Chechnya at these difficult times. I also pray to the Almighty for all the Muslims in the world to wake up from the false ideologies of this world set by the Kuffar and to unite and help our Muslim brothers in any way possible. My dearest and most admired Mujahideen brothers of Islam, you all have my love, support and duas. Allahu Akbar." [Brother SI, USA, 13 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum all my brother Mujahideen in Chechnya. May Allah bless you all in this Jihad against the Russians. Allah will help those who help His religion, I'll pray for you all everyday in my Salat, may He give you strength and patience through all these hard times. I am so sorry that our Government doesn't seem to care at all. Keep on fighting brothers, Allahu Akbar�..Allahu Akbar�Allahu Akbar." [Sister HV, Indonesia, 13 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers, may Allah grant you victory after victory. And grant you all patience required in this long Mubarak Jihad. The enemy has already shown signs of despair. They do not have what you possess to keep them going; you have Faith and Reliance in Allah (SWT). Remember the Battle of Khandaq, Allah sent the enemy back defeated and disgraced." [Brother AA, London, UK, 13 September 2000]

"Assalamu aleykum. Dear brother Mujahideen. I love you all for Allah. I am writing this message to show my support to all Mujahideen of Chechnya fighting the Russians. We'll win the war with the help of Allah. May Allah protect you all and your families. I would like to say salaam to brother Shamil Basayev and brother Ibnul Khattab. May Allah will be with you." [Brother MK, Turkey, 13 September 2000]

"Assalaamu 'alaikum dear brothers, please keep up the struggle and never give up. Don't pay any attention to the e-mails that try and knock you down or say that what you are doing is wrong. What you are doing is right and I hope that your actions can inspire all Muslims to do right. Be patient and your victory will come" [Brother T, USA, 12 September 2000]

"Asslamu alaikum. Dear Chechen brothers and sisters who are fighting the evil empire, I and all my family and friends are all with you 100%. We think, talk and pray for your victory over the evil empire all the time. May Allah bring you and all the Muslims who are living now under the slavery of the evil empire, Victory. All of you will be free and be the servants and slaves of Allah." [Brother HO, NY, USA, 12 September 2000]

Added 14 September 2000

"Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, may Allah be with you all the time. Allah is giving help to the Mujahideen soldiers but you cannot see them just like Allah said in the holy Quran. Wallahi, I feel that the Angels are fighting with you brothers. Everyday I read your news on the net and Wallahi I'm in my country now but my heart is with you brothers in Chechnya. Brothers, Allah shakes the earth under the feet of Kuffar. Insha Allah by the end of the war, Russia will be on your hands, brothers, like the Roman empire." [Brother AR, Saudi Arabia, 12 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum dear brothers in Jihad. I'm with you all during this hard time for both of us and harder for you who are in front line. I pray to our Lord to grant you victory. We have been promised victory by Allah as long as we strive to His course. Yes! We Muslims are going to win! O Allah make this Jihad a lesson to all Kaafiroon. I ask Allah to shatter the unit of Kaafiroon and strengthen the hearts of Mujahids. O Allah grant all our brothers who died in your path, martyrdom and Firdaus. My brothers in the front line you are in a position for your prays to be answered, so please pray for us to be able to join you physically." [Brother M, Tanzania, 12 September 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers, assalamu alaikum. I'm writing this mail to show all my support to Mujahideen all over the world. May Allah give you victory and success. May Allah destroy all the enemies of Islam. Long live the Mujahideen. Keep fighting my Brothers, fight with all means possible, fight with every resource you have." [Brother MJ, India, 12 September 2000]

"To all my Mujahideen brothers in Islam, assalaamu alaikum. Dear brothers I am praying for you that Allah increases your Iman and strengthens your heart and mind. My heart is always with you. Even though, I am miles away from you, my heart is always with you. Dear brothers, as Allah has promised us, the Muslims, that the victory lies with those who are trying to spread the Word of Allah and the Deen of Islam, therefor the victory is for Islam. The Word of Allah is much stronger than the power of tanks and planes. Therefore be steadfast and victory is ours. At the end, I pray to Allah to increase our Iman so we can be beside you in body and in soul." [Brother HJ, USA, 11 September 2000] "Dear brothers, if a day or two passes by and I have not checked the news about the Chechen Jihad, it feels as if a part of me is empty and I'm uneasy until I log in and check the news. It is like a craving, a passion, or more so, an addiction - that I think will not be satisfied until I can actually present my life and everything I have in the path of Allah. I just pray that Allah (SWT) keeps me and my family true to this and accepts our humble offering from all of us. Please, dear brothers and sisters if any read this message, please make dua that Allah accepts us in His noble path like He has accepted the Shuhadaa that He is well-pleased with (aameen). May Allah bless, protect, preserve, and grant victory to the Mujahideen everywhere!" [Brother AM, USA, 11 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum Mujahideen, I am from Afghanistan and I would like to share my love and respect for all those brothers and sisters who are fighting for the sake of Islam and freedom for people of Chechnya. There is no need for proof of Russian killing of people, women, children, old men. Then Afghanistan, now they are doing the same things against our brothers over there (Chechnya) too. This will stop and we will help with all we have and, Allah willing, Muslims will win with the help of Allah (SWT)." [Brother HA, USA, 11 September 2000]

Added 12 September 2000

"To those regarding whom Allah says that He has preferred some above others, and also that he who fights in the path of Allah with his wealth and soul, never are they equal to those who sit comfortably free of all harm and difficulty. Everyday my heart is in total grief and agony in not being able to be besides you. Everytime that I read the news of the Mujahideen I am convinced that I am the greatest hypocrite in the world, claiming to love Allah and His Rasool (SAWS), yet a total failure in sacrificing to uplift the Deen of my Allah. My entire body is screaming for Jihaad yet I am caught up in this life of deceivement and temporary enjoyment. Pray fervently for me for your duas are accepted at this stage, that Allah fulfills my wishes and the wishes of my family for martyrdom. May Allah grant you patience, steadfastness, victory and Martyrdom. Aameen." [Brother N, South Africa, 11 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers, I love you all for the sake of Allah, may He give you victory and success, may Allah destroy all the enemies of Islam, and the ones who jail our scholars and the Mujahideen and worship the Kuffaar. May Allah curse them and give victory to the the Religion of Allah and the Religion of Rasool (SAWS). When will the Muslims wake up to what is going on around the world?" [Brother YS, UK, 11 September 2000]

"I am from writing this message to show my support to all Mujahideen of Chechnya fighting the Russians. I know how many bad things Russian troops have done to my country (Afghanistan) and now they are doing the same to our brothers over there. We 'll win the war with help of Allah. I would like to say salaam to brother Shamil Basayev and brother Khattab. May Allah will be with you." [Brother NF, USA, 11 September 2000]

"Assalamu aleykum. Dear brother Mujahideen, I love you all for Allah. I'm very happy to read all the time your news. May Allah protect you all and your families. Alhamdullilah that all the brothers who were surrounded are safe, this is a great victory. I am always with you dear brothers beloved by Allah." [Brother AA, USA, 10 September 2000]

"Salaam Alaikum true Muslims. You are suffering in Chechnya because other Muslims including myself are cowards and we do not have Guts. We all make excuses about our Muslim Leaders in our Muslim countries (Basically leaders are the reflections of the people whom they rule) and all the conspiracies facing the Muslim Ummah at large. The fact is we as a global Muslim nation are corrupt and away from the teaching of Islam. Time and again we are proving, Muslims as a Ummah do nothing for the Ummah. Shame on Muslim Ummah. Long live Chechen Muslims. Keep fighting my Brothers, fight with all means possible, fight with every resource you have, fight till you Conquer Russia and Convert Kremlin (Russian Barbarians' Den) to a Mosque and give Adhere (Call for prayer 5 times a day) from top of the Kremlin." [Brother UK, USA, 09 September 2000]

"My brothers, I am one of those many people supporting and praying for you. I know that your work is very difficult and although I am not with you but I understand ( a little) your feeling and your great effort and be sure that I am mentally with you. I always follow your news daily since November 1999 and I m very happy because of your victories." [Brother AS, Oman, 09 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum, I hear about you a lot and I ask Allah to make you superior. I ask Allah to give us the light of Faith in our hearts, souls and minds. I dream of a heart for Islam, a country from where the real Islam radiates again to cover all the land and the water, and I will be happy if this country is Chechnya." [Brother MA, USA, 09 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters. I want to tell you that I ask Allah (SWT) everyday to hasten your victory and make you the leaders of the Muslims all over the world. All your Muslim brothers in the USA are with you and make dua for you. I wish to thank the brothers who make the website available for us, for it is the only true source I trust when it comes to news about dear Chechnya, Jazakum Allah Khairan. May Allah be with you and unite you under His flag, may Allah punish the Kuffar Russians at your hands and instill fear into their hearts and make the ground shake under their feet...Ameen." [Brother RE, NJ, USA, 08 September 2000] "Assalaamu alaikum may Allah (SWT) help you and reward you abundantly in your efforts and struggle - ameen. And may Allah (SWT) help the rest of the Muslim Ummah to wake up and rise to the call and struggle for Jihaad everywhere. May Allah (SWT) have mercy on all Muslims who are in constant struggle to establish Truth and eliminate falsehood and oppression; and may Allah (SWT) make the Muslims victorious in the battles - ameen." [Sister SG, UK, 08 September 2000]

Added 10 September 2000

"Dear Brothers, assalam aleikum. One year has gone by, and the Russians haven't been able to control Chechnya, the 21st Century Land of Jihad. The bravery of the Chechen Lions, along with the assistance of the foreign Mujahideen, lead by Commander Khattab, supported by the supplication of millions of Muslims worldwide, have defeated Mass destruction weapons, Sokhoi planes, and the evil machinery of the Mafia-led Kremlin. We are all behind you, and await impatiently your request for us to join you." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 08 September 2000]

"Dear beloved brothers, assalamu alaikum. I thank Allah (SWT) for all His help and assistance to the Chechen brothers to be steadfast against the devil and the enemy of Allah, the Russian aggressors. I would like to ask the brothers to keep up their fight, and struggle until the last minute, the victory of Allah will come soon. I envy you brothers in your situation, God chose you to be Martyrs and victors, but we live and eat like animals, we don't know what will happen next. I would like to tell you that I always keep you in my prayer, even though I don't write to you that often, But I check your news day by day, and I ask Allah (SWT) to make me meet you in the hereafter if I don't have a chance to meet you in this Dunya. I pray to Allah (SWT) to give victory soon." [Brother AB, USA, 08 September 2000]

"This is one of the most astonishing sites I have ever seen. Professional, slick and very convincing. A must-see site! " [Mr. MJ, USA, 05 September 2000]

"My brave Mujahid brothers, assalamu alaikum. I pray to Allah day and night for your complete victory over the cowardly and drunken Russian soldiers. We all know that our dear brothers and sisters are in a very harsh and difficult situation in Chechnya but I can assure you that our prayers are with you at all time. I pray to Allah "O Allah; There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your will." I ask Allah to make this difficult struggle easy for you all and for all Muslim Ummah." [Brother AW, CA, USA, 07 September 2000] "For my dear Mujahideen,

In your pain is my pain In your gain is my gain In your success, My happiness, As your success, Islam's success, May Allah be with you, May He grant you victory, You are making history! Only 'cause Allah is with you, May He always stay with you, And continue to bless you, And protect you and help you, O I love you for Allah's sake, May Allah increase this love And guide it so it stays above, All worldly things that people crave Worthless are these for you, O brave, And faithful servants of Allah. Keep your duty to Allah, Keep it only for Allah! " [Brother AM, USA, 07 September 2000]

"We fail to understand why the Muslim world is silent over the criminal activities of Putin. Our brothers, sisters and children are being tortured ,maimed, raped and killed but we don't have even words of Sympathy for them. Muslim countries dare not speak against Russia. Possibly we are not aware of the history. Chechnya was an independent Country and shall remain so despite all sorts of atrocities being perpetrated against the civilians. I know what sort of treatments are meted out to the prisoners in the camp and inquisition center. You may have read and I see every day here. At times blood gets boiled when you see the atrocities in the name of investigation. I can't imagine what all these Russian must be doing with the Chechens in the concentration camp. Believe me a self- respecting man will prefer to die rather than subjected to inhuman treatment. We are free people so we don't realize their pain and anguish. I pray to Allah for victory of Chechen and early restoration of peace tranquility and establishment of Islamic state." [Brother M, Indonesia, 08 September 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters: Our prayers continue and will never stop. I feel most heavy for my 13 brothers in Suti-Yurt who are no longer with us, but then I feel better when I realize that Allah has said that the Shuhadaa are not to be regarded as dead because they are not. Alhamdulillah, they are at such a lofty place and have attained such an incredible state that we can only try to imagine. I only hope that we miserable, weak, useless, soft bellied, lazy, Muslims who remain in our comfortable homes like little girls are at least given a chance to gaze at their wondrous state on the Day of Judgment and feel the incredible pang of regret that we did not even raise our hands in supplication when we had the chance, which was the least we could do. That will be the day of regrets for us when these wonderful Shuhadaa will recline in the comfort of the Heavens. May Allah forgive and enlighten us, and may He stir our hearts enough to enable us to break out of the shell of shame we have created for ourselves. May Allah give my Shaheed brothers Jannat-ul-Firdaus and may He keep you all, healthy, united and safe." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 07 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to the the brave Mujahideen. I would like to remind you that Islam has spread to the four corners of the earth and now grows daily by the ignition of the belief, bravery, and dedication of one great man (SAWS). Every true Muslim is proud of you and prays for you. All I have are my prayers for you but I promise you that they are yours at least five times a day. I pray to Allah to give you faith, endurance, strength, peace, and victory in the Dunya and the Akhira. You are true Muslims and I believe that if you pray for the Muslim Ummah, Allah (SWT) will grant your prayers." [Sister YH, Egypt, 06 September 2000]

Added 08 September 2000

"O Muslims of the world, assalamu alaykum. Are we still sleeping, until we become a test of the Kuffar's weapons? When will we wake up: today, tomorrow, or after all Muslims are killed by Godless people? One time, Americans tested their weapons on Libya, another time in Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. Then Serbia started a new test on the Bosnian Muslims. Again Serbs in Kosovo, Jews against Lebanese civilians, godless Hindus against the Kashmiri civilians, and Vodka Russians against Chechen Muslims. Are all these Muslims terrorists? May Allah (SWT) show us the Light. Brothers and sisters I will make dua to all Mujahideen throughout the world, east to west, south to north. May Allah give you a fast victory and make you among the highest ranks of Shuhadaa." [Brother AYI, Somalia, 06 September 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum my dear brothers in Islam, it's always great to read about my brother Mujahideen in Chechnya. I pray to Allah (SWT) to give you victory over the Kuffar Russians. Especially I ask Allah (SWT) to be with the brothers who are under tremendous pressure by Russian soldiers. May Allah give them patience and steadfast on this trial. Remember the hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) which says that the souls of the Martyrs are in the heart of green birds that reside in lamps suspended from the Throne of Allah. I pray to Allah (SWT) to grant all the Martyred brothers the highest Jannah." [Brother AA, USA, 05 September 2000] "To the Chechen Mujahideen, the foreign Mujahideen in Chechnya and all of your families - assalaamu alaikum! You inspire us all, we look up to the Muslim brothers in Chechnya and pray that you continue your holy work through the terrible winter months ahead as if the weather was bright for you in your killing. We pray to Allah that He preserves the Mujahideen to fight on into Dagestan and into Russia. We pray to join the Martyrs in their heavenly abode. May Allah ease any suffering on you and I curse the enemy and our traitors. May Allah keep you strong in Iman and strong in the field and may the enemy fear you. And know that there are people in the UK who are pleased with your work and love you all as if you are part of our own family." [Brothers MS & BS, UK, 06 September 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to all brothers and sisters in Chechnya and all around the world. I looked over the pictures and videos on this site, and many things came over my mind. I felt sad because so many Muslims were killed for political reasons. I mean, most people don't know what kind of sick games are played over places like Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and many other places. The world lets the Muslims in Bosnia die, then in Kosovo they stop it when its already half way through, and then in Chechnya they quietly cheer for the death of the Muslims and act as if nothing important is happening. I get so mad at all these people, but then remember that that everybody will get what they deserve. If anybody from Chechnya reads this letter, I want you to know that you have my full support. And if I could I would come fight with you. May Allah bless you." [Sister JS, NC, USA, 04 September 2000]

"Salaam aleikum to all my brothers in Islam. I hope that my brothers in Chechnya will all see the day when the Khaliphate is re-established. I can't describe in words what goes in my mind. May Allah (SWT) preserve you all! My Prayers and thoughts are with you. Allahu Akbar!!" [Brother SG, Belgium, 05 September 2000]

"All the Muslim brothers and sisters and even children here in NY are praying for our beloved Mujahid brothers who are briefly surrounded in the village of Sis-Yurt. Either way victory is yours my beloved brothers, either in this world or the next. Evidence that Putin the murderer of women and children is running scared is abound in the news media. He has increased his usual appeal for European support by fervently claiming that he is protecting the West from the Muslims. I guess he knows that his time is up because he has placed restrictions on the entry of all former Soviet-bloc states and increased border patrols in anticipation of attack on Russia itself. I pray to Allah for the destruction and punishment of every Munafiq and every Kafir who stands in the way of Allah. Ameen. May Allah protect and guide you and keep you all united forever." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 05 September 2000]

"Assalamu aleikum. May Allah reward the Mujahideen fighting the Kuffar and their allies. We here in Kenya pray that Allah gives them victory over His and their enemies. We ask all brothers and sisters worldwide to pray for Mujahideen in Chechnya, especially in the last third of the night. May Allah have mercy on you and us all." [Brother DA, Nairobi, Kenya, 05 September 2000] "Dear brothers in Islam: assalamu alaikum, I hope my email will reach you while all of you are in the best of health and spirit. I would like to thank you for your website. It has been an inspiration for myself and my family. I also would like to send a special thanks to the editors of the website for their proper english and choice of words. May Allah reward you and we will continue to make dua and support in any way we can." [Sister FK, USA, 04 September 2000]

"You are in our thoughts and constant prayers. May the Almighty give the Chechens, especially, the innocent women and children, the strength to endure the unjust criminal weapons-of-mass-destruction sent against them. The cowardly evildoers who sent these will find a permanent home in Hell . I pray the Mujahideen are bestowed all keenness if mind and limb in their Jihad." [Brother FK, Cambridge, UK, 05 September 2000]

"My dear, dear brothers in Islam, I am ashamed to say that although I pray for you all every day, it's been months since I've actually written to the qoqaz site. The recent news of victories, by Allah's Grace, coupled with the urgent requests for duas have compelled me to send this email. By Him in whose hands my soul is in, my heart has an enormous hole in it. And by Allah the Most High, Jihad for the sake of Allah is the only thing that will fill the void in my heart. As we pray for you all, please supplicate to Allah the Most High, that He makes it easy for us to fight with you." [Brother IK, USA, 04 September 2000]

Added 05 September 2000

"Assalamu alaikum to all my Chechen brothers fighting against the Russians. There is always heartache to see Chechnya devastated so badly, sisters violated and innocent civilians killed. But it feels great to see the losses of the 'great' Russian army. Their tanks torn apart and their soldiers lying dead like stray dogs. I am extremely proud of the Chechen lions who are so less in number, have so little ammunition and arguably have no transport system but are showing hell to the Russians. Go on Mujahideen, you are Allah's army and you will be never defeated. There is no power born on earth to defeat the "Army of Allah." Show the dirty Russians that Islam can never be suppressed. Defeat the Russian forces and take over the pious soil of Grozny. And why only Grozny take over Moscow itself. Show the world what Mujahideen are made up of. I have undying love for every Mujahideen fighting in Chechnya, Commander Shamil Basayev and Commander Khattab. I cannot join you, but have a special place for you and all my Mujahideen brothers in my heart and I always pray to Allah for your safety and victory." [Brother SH, India, 03 September 2000]

"Selam aleikum. God is with you. Destroy completely the inferior Russian army, aamin. You will never loose, but always win Alhamdulillah. Insha Allah, God will give me strength to fight someday in His name." [Brother AK, Macedonia, 03 September 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen in Chechnya and brothers at we in Palestine pray to Allah to help you, every day we want to know the latest news about Mujahideen, we are with you all the time." [Brother JI, Palestine, 04 September 2000]

"Peace be upon you, brothers in Chechnya. The glad tidings you release are always a crucial means of adding comfort to our injured hearts. We are always pending and on the alert to meet your requests. Holy warriors of Chechnya, we you offer our corporeal, sentimental and material support; just show us your needs and the means of their fulfillment. Allah, the Almighty is on your side. Your case is just and your indefatigable efforts are appreciated. You are seeking the best of two things; either ultimate victory or martyrdom. You are on the front lines very close to Paradise, while we are far away awaiting our bright chance. We never forget to pray for your just cause. Our supplications are, for the time being our only resort and kind of help, but we never reverse our offer. Allah reward you, and victory, by the leave of Allah, is your crucial end." [Brother M, United Arab Emirates, 03 September 2000]

"May Allah (SWT) give you all istiqamah in fighting for His (SWT) sake. We Muslims in Kenya are making dua for your success and establishment of Khilafa on this earth. Salaams to all the Mujahideen." [Brother MH, Nairobi, Kenya, 02 September 2000]

Added 03 September 2000

"Assalamu alaikum. May Allah bless all the soldiers fighting in Chechnya. I wish all the best for the Muslim brothers fighting. They are clearly some of the best Muslims in the world. The Muslim situation in the world is not too good at the moment, and what these men are doing is very courageous. They should be reminded that they are in a win-win situation. Victorious they will be in the end against the stupid Russians. We pray for those innocent Muslim women and children who have suffered in this war. We sympathise with the Chechen people. We are from Afghanistan and know what's its like to lose a loved one. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AH, USA, 03 September 2000]

"My dearest Muslim brothers and Sisters of Chechnya: Allahu Akbar, and Allah be praised, congratulations on the victories Allah has bestowed on you. Viewing the video clips of my marvelous and brave Muslim brothers annihilate the Russian filth made my day. Our hearts beat with yours, all our prayers are for you. May Allah in His grace and mercy bring to you all a greater victory with the dawn of each new day. May Allah keep you healthy, united and strong. May Allah welcome the Shuhada (Martyrs) amongst you into Jannatul Firdaus. May Allah bless you all with each new day, and bring the Russian army to face the desperate painful darkness of their deaths and what follows after their deaths for the crimes they have committed." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 01 September 2000]

"Salaam Aleikum dear brothers in Islam, four helicopters downed, and 66 Russians killed. It's clear that an encounter with the Mujahideen has lethal consequences for Russians. I hope that Allah(SWT) will preserve you all." [Brother SG, Belgium, 31 August 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam, (whoever and wherever you are in the world). May Allah give you peace and security. To those who are fighting Jihad in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine - take heart - there are many Muslims who are at this moment getting ready so that Insha Allah we can join you and defeat the forces of Shaitan. Make dua that Allah makes it easy for those who are willing, to come and join you and to fight and die by your side. Allahu Akbar !!!" [Brother KM, UK, 31 August 2000]

"The world looks on as mother Russia circles the "drain" lurching from one crisis and calamity to another. Soon she will go down the drain to the cesspool that Shaitan has prepared for her and all will be well for her neighbors! While the Herods (kings and dictators) of the Islamic world sit in "The Lap of Luxury", the True Islamic knights are rising up to challenge the evil and corruption that afflicts all nations of the former Soviet Union! If God is with you, then who can stand against you? My thoughts and my prayers are with you! March on in the name of Allah and in the name of all those who are oppressed by The Evil and the Corrupt!" [Brother R, USA, 30 August 2000]

Added 24 December 2000

"Salam wa aleikoum dear brothers and sisters. First, i want you to know that i love you, and please, make du'a for me to be with you to die with u in the path of Allah swt to be with our messenger al amin, al habib, khatimou al anbiyya wa sayyidou al mursaline (Amin ya rabbi al 'alamin). I'm really happy to read letters from all over the world. I thanks all brothers and sisters who think about our brothers and sisters who are fighting all over the world to make Allah's words the highest. May Allah count us amongst them (Amin). Iask Allah soubhanah wa ta'ala to free you from the devil russia, to give you the victory over al kaffiroun and to accept your shuhada (Amin). I ask Al Rahman Al Rahim to kill all enemies of islam, and to forgive to all sincere muslim, and to give us happiness here and in the hereafter (Amin). My dear brothers i'm so confused, i really don't know what to say, you are so expensive for us. Please dear brothers and sisters don't forget me in your du'a, and my family, and my muslim brothers and sisters. Jazakoumou Allah khair for all what u do. I thank Allah to have permitted me to know such a site. Alhamdu lil Allah. May Allah forgive me for all. Salam wa alekeikoum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu."

[Brother KL, France, 18 December 2000]

"Dear, Mujahidin in Chechnya - Assalamualaikum wr. wb Allah has decided that Islam is the only religion in the side of Allah SWT. Allah will help the ummah who help the deen of Allah. The help of Allah is far beyond the power of human beings. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!"

[Brother AM, 18 December 2000]

"I am an American but I believe what Russia is doing to your country is a way for them to forget their troubles at home by having this war against the Chechen people. It should stop now with Russia having to pay billions in retribution for your country to rebuild and the Russian military should have to go on trial for crimes against the Chechen people. The United States should hold up money for Russia till they get out of Chechen state and start to repair the damage they have done and give your country its freedom. Russia should not try to force themelves on any other nation just as the United States should not do. I feel we as the United States should be backing you in this fight for you country. I hope soon all this will be over and you will be able to go home and rebuild your life's. Keep your powder dry and your head down low and kick their asses right back to Moscow."

[Mr. MK, USA, 18 December 2000]

"BismillahirRahmanirRahim - Assalamu Aleikum dear Mujahadeens, i hope u are inshaa Allah in best helthy & eman, deen. I pray that u are having victory on Ramadan, i pray that Allah (Swt) is taking good care of you. And i pray that u are safe, warm, and have food. May Allah (Swt) protect you and give u the strongest strength... My Lord! Help me and help not (my enemies) against me. Give me victory and give not victory against me. Plan for me, and plan not against me. Guide me (to the right path) and make (right) guidance easy for me. And help me against him who oppresses me. My Lord! Cause me to thank you, to remember you, to fear you, to obey you, to humble myself before you; to turn towards you tearfully and pentient. My Lord! Accept me pentinence. Wash away my sins. Respond to my prayer. Make my conviction steadfast, guide my heart aright, and direct my tongue to say the right things, and dispel ill-will from my chest. La ilaha il-lal lahu wahdahu la sharike lahu lahu al mulku wa lahu al hamdu wa huwa ala kul-li shay- in qadeer. Assalamu Aleikum and you take care dear onez, and know u are in our minds , hearts, dua's."

[Sister in Islam, 17 December 2000]

"I would like thank the Mujahideen for fighting against the russian terrorists. And I would like every muslim in the world to spread the news out about Chechnya. People must know, the russian terrorists are hiding the truth and raping our muslim sisters in their torture camps! And how can the muslim countries let this happen! If i was a leader of a country, I would of started a war with russian barbarians. I dont care if their army is larger. Like every muslim should, We fight to death agianst the enemies of Allah. I am only 16 years old, and I know everything, what the zionists are doing by supporting russian terrorists. As soon as I can, I will come to Chechnya and become a Mujahid and fight the enemies of Allah, To the Death! There is no god but Allah There is no god but Allah There is no god but Allah. Fight to death!"

[Mr. H, Canada, 17 December 2000]

"AssalamuAlaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. In this blessed month of Ramadhan we look to you for much inspiration. This is the last ten days of Ramadhan and Laylatil Qadar. We make dua' for you our brave Mujahids fighting for the sake of Allah. May Allah give you the strength of 1,000 men And remember that your final goal is to be in Jannah with Allah. May Allah make it easy to send my husband and many of your American brethren to help with this Jihad. And may Allah all reunite us in Jannah. Please do not lose hope and you are our big aspiration her in the west. Oh Allah make it easy for our Chechyn brethren to fight the Russian Kafirs and give our Brothers the Final Victory. Ameen "

[Brother D, 16 December 2000]

"I wish all the mujahid brothers in chechnya a very happy and prosperous ramadan . May Allah give victory to all the mujahideen all over the world . We are always praying in our duas for the victory of islam . I am sending this greetings of ramadan to my brothers in chechnya. Allahhafiz."

[Brother FS, USA, 15 December 2000]

"Bismillahir_Rahmanir_Raheem. Assalamu alaikum, My beloved Mujahideen! I have not written in a while, but I want to let you know that you are always in my mind. Whenever I have a break from work, thoughts of you automatically fill my mind and my heart. O my brothers, what can I say?! I don't know. I just wish I can be a part of your noble cause and that Allah, The Greatest, Most Kind, raises me up to be in your ranks and guides me and my family to whatever is Most pleasing to Him (ameen). Please pray that Allah Ta'ala guides us all and gives us the strength for Jihad fi sabeelillah and the patience to always remain steadfast, and His Ultimate protection from all kinds of evils (ameen)."

[Brother AM, 15 December 2000]

Added 18 December 2000 "Salam alaykum brothers. We pray that Allah (SWT) blesses the Mujahideen with victory and martyrdom and pray that Allah makes a place for them in the highest heaven. We also pray that Allah protects the families of the Mujahideen and Allah brings a severe punishment on their enemies and the people who curse and torture the Mujahideen. May Allah give the whole Ummah the strength and Imaan to join these brothers and to help them in any way possible. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the brothers responsible for bringing us this information." [Brother SM, Birmingham, UK, 15 December 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, What you have done to inform the public about the Taliban is a very good thing. Many people here in the West have always been hearing negative things about them and it is about time someone helped broadcast their cause in true form to all the Muslims and people throughout the world. It has lots of useful information which is good for the people to know and read about and not the negative publicity they hear from these Western news fronts. We should all try to support the Taliban Insha Allah. May Allah preserve the Mujahideen in Chechnya and in Afghanistan and all over the world. Also our brothers and sisters at Qoqaz and Azzam." [Brother SR, USA, 11 December 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. We are close to the nights of Tahajjod prayers and supplications, our version of the Atomic weapons. For if they are answered, they will be armed by the Almighty. The Russians shall Insha Allah suffer and pay the price of continuously infesting the air of the Land of Jihad: Chechnya. I can't wait for us to start this phase, for it's the closest that we'll get to supporting you on the field. May victory will be ours." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 14 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers. I recently came across an online news page from Middle East with lots of negative propaganda against the Taliban government. It is really sad to see the Muslims hurting other Muslims one way or another. If somehow these Muslims would back off, stop hurting one-another, we can be that "best-nation" God refers to in Quran. Masha Allah you are putting lots of effort in exposing the Truth about Taliban. I know that those Muslims are tough brothers and sisters, they can survive on one bread & a cup of tea for an entire day. Not many people/ Muslims know about Taliban here in USA, so if more Taliban information is added, perhaps this could help. May God reward you & make your work easy." [Brother S, USA, 12 December 2000]

"I appreciate all the efforts that have gone into your Internet sites. I have been a daily visitor for about a year. I am not a Muslim, or presently deeply affiliated with any religious movement. Mankind is capable of such extremes...creativity and beauty in art, and science on one hand....torture, killing, inflicting pain and suffering on the other. You wouldn't know, at times, that we are talking about the same species. How odd. I think that one of the pleasures of Heaven is that none of this horrible stuff exists there. Anyhow, thank you for your Website." [Mr. REB, TX, USA, 13 December 2000] "Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya. May Allah (SWT) help you in your fighting and grant you victory in this holy month of Ramadan. May Allah (SWT) protect you from the devils of Russia and may Allah (SWT) reward you with Jannatul Firdaus for what your are doing for the cause of Islam. Insha Allah the victory is very soon. Be strong and destroy our enemies, Allahu Akbar!" [Sister HMA, Ethiopia, 14 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum! Dear Muslims in Chechnya, I love you for the sake of Allah! I seek Allah's protection for you and me from the trials and tribulations of this world and the hereafter. May Allah reward you excellently for all your sufferings. Please be patient just a little more, Insha Allah, and you will taste the sweetness of your patience. Do not forget that the Almighty is with the patient ones. Remember, this Worldly life is not for long, you never know who will be gone by tomorrow; but the life after death is the everlasting. Please remember me in your supplications (Duas) as I am remembering you. In conclusion, to those who read this message of mine, a small reminder: always be sure and certain that Allah (The Most-Generous, The Most-Kind, The Most-Merciful) will accept & fulfill your supplications (duas) if you pay attention and are sincere to Him." [Brother AAN, USA, 13 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the brothers and sisters of Islam. I Wish you a very happy Ramadan. May this month bring prosperity to Islam and all the Mujahideen of Islam. We are all praying to Allah to grant victory to Islam in Chechnya as well as Kashmir and all parts of the world where there is war for the victory of Islam. We also pray to Allah the Almighty to give us the precious martyrdom in the way of Islam and accept our sacrifices." [Brother FSS, India, 13 December 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum sisters and brothers in Islam! I make Du'a for our Ummah who is fighting against the Kuffar and the Munafikeen and I hope you will do the same every day during Ramadan so we can change the order of command, and give it back to those who are virtuous and are following Allah's laws. Ameen!!!!" [Brother JAL, Sweden, 13 December 2000]

Added 13 December 2000

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. Every day, brothers, we supplicate to the Almighty during the Witr prayer, and ask Him to provide you with His blessing in your Jihad against the Kuffar from Moscow. You can be sure that no one believes the Brave Lions of Chechnya had anything to do with the explosion (car bomb killing civilians), for Islam forbids such acts. A five year old would tell you that the Russian Intelligence, just like they kidnap people for ransom, would stop at nothing to try and destroy the image of the Mujahideen, who with just the power of their faith, defeated twice the second mightiest army in the world. How ? Through the blessing of Allah (SWT). We all pray for your speedy victory." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 11 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. There are people who do not believe about the sufferings of the civilians in Chechnya unless the source of information is from the west. Please allow this link to the human rights report be made available to the qoqaz readers. Let the qoqaz readers also forward this to others so that more people will get to know the atrocities committed by Russians. Our brothers and sisters in Chechnya are going through such hardships that none of us can even imagine in the comfort of our homes and peaceful surroundings. May Allah protect them and give them strength. May Allah destroy their enemies." [Sister AT, Singapore, 12 December 2000]

"Greetings, warriors! Your resistance is supported globally and not only by the Muslims. Hatred for the Russians unites people all around the world. Keep the good fight up against the dirty rapist-army of the Ruffian Federation! Good luck, and if you don't mind, God bless you!!!" [Mr. PH, Finland, 11 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum. I have been reading the news on qoqaz website for quite some time but have never felt worthy enough to send any email. I read the articles, cry, and pray to Allah to help our Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya and then continue focusing on work, family and other worldly comforts. But then I read in one of the emails that there was an article in the Guardian dated 15th Oct. titled "Cries from Putin's torture pit: ",2763,382702,00.html" - I felt this article should be sent to as many people as possible (Muslims and non-Muslims). I hope that the link will be given to the qoqaz readers so that can read this article. May Allah destroy your enemies and give you victory in Chechnya." [Sister AT, Singapore, 12 December 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum brothers in Jihad. May Allah bring the Muslims victories, and let this be the inauguration of Islam's revival throughout the globe. Alhamdulillah we are reminded of the times of the Sahabah by your courageous efforts. May Allah bring us all success and make it easy." [Brother GA, UK, 12 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum O future Green Birds of Jannah! I pray to Allah (SWT) every day and night that He, the Almighty, allows you and I to attain Martyrdom the way that Mus'ab Ibn Umayr (RA) did. May your wings be stained with blood in the manner of Jaf'ar Ibn Abi Talib (RA). May Allah honour us with the highest levels of Martyrdom." [Sister G, London, UK, 12 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. May Allah grant victory to all of the Mujahideen fighting in Chechnya. We are always praying for the victory of Islam in our duas and Salah. I was filled with joy and praise of Allah when I heard that a fasting Mujahid brother gained Martyrdom in the cause of Allah. I too wish the same in the holy month of Ramadan. And I pray to Allah the Almighty to give us all this opportunity May Allah grant victory to the Islamic army. We always pray for the Mujahideen all over the world." [Brother FS, USA, 11 December 2000]

"May Allah grant our brave Mujahids in Chechnya, unity and victory and may Allah restore the Khilafa to the Muslim world. I feel extremely guilty at only being able to send an e-mail. You...our Chechen brothers are indeed the warriors of Islam. I am overcome with grief and rage on reading about the drunken godless nations' atrocities....May Allah grant you victory in our holy month of Ramadaan. May you establish a truly Islamic state." [Brother S, South Africa, 12 December 2000]

"Salaamu alaikum, I am an Afghan-American who, like most Afghans here, had been forced out of our land by these irresponsible and ignorant Russians that also had killed 1/3 of my mothers' family even before the official invasion of my country. I can only be amazed by the Chechens' and my other brothers' and sisters' plight for Islam all over the world and rest-assured, I will continue to make du'a for you and pray that your numbers grow strong and the Russians may grow weak. May you defeat the Munafiqs so badly that every Kafir shivers when they hear the cry of Allahu Akbar!" [Brother WA, USA, 11 December 2000]

"Dear brothers and sisters, we are behind you. Allah is behind all of us. They are making plans. Allah is also making plans. But Allah is the best of planners. The final victory is for us. Last month I was in Makkah and I made dua for all of you. May Allah accept our dua's. The victory is not far. I like to see the liberated Islamic Chechnya soon. Insha Allah I will visit the Islamic republic of Chechnya" [Brother U, India, 10 December 2000]

Added 11 December 2000

"Assalaamu alaikum my brothers, I was very happy to see the qoqaz page on how sisters can contribute towards Jihad. Subhanallah! Jazakallahu khairan I have decided to take first Aid course/ Health/ medicine studies at college. After this I would Insha Allah go to another country and put it into practice Fi Sabilillah. It is very hard for sisters to go to another country without a mahram, as it is not permissible. Also, it is hard to find someone who would be willing to strive hard and give up Dunya in return for Akhira. This is what prevents many of us sisters from going. May Allah (SWT) reward you." [Sister MM, USA, 09 December 2000] "Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers, I feel ashamed that I am sitting at home in London with central heating and a roof over my head while the Mujahideen are sacrificing their time, wealth and life in pursuit of Allah's pleasure. It makes me feel like a hypocrite that all I can do is write you an e-mail of support and watch videos about Jihad while Muslims are being slain like livestock. Reading stories and watching videos about the Shuhadaah makes my eyes fill with tears, and I sincerely love the Mujahideen and Shuhadaah. May Allah let me be with those whom I love. May Allah grant you a clear and overwhelming victory over Russia and her drunken forces!" [Brother PH, London, UK, 09 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum my dear brothers and sisters, may Allah protect you and bring you victory against the evil and unjust Russians in this Ramadan Al Karim. Keep patient because the great victory is very soon, Insha Allah (just think about Badr). My Du'as are with you. May Allah bless all brothers and sisters in Chechnya." [Brother ML, Algeria, 08 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaykum to the warriors of Allah. I can never attain true happiness by not being with you. Night and day, my soul longs for Jihad. Oh alas to those who have neglected Jihad and dua's for the Mujahideen and the oppressed. How easily do they bring their souls into ruin and waste. You're never forgotten and always remembered, Allahu Akbar!" [Sister A, London, UK, 05 December 2000]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers. It is a great honour for me, writing a letter to you people though I am not physically present there, but in my duas you people will be always mentioned by me. Insha Allah we are going to win this war and free other Muslim lands from Zionists and their allies. Allah is going to help us in this struggle of yours and ours. Let Allah open the eyes of the Muslim rulers who are not really concerned about other Muslim brothers. May this Ramadan bring us the victory against the enemies of Islaam" [Brother TM, USA, 05 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. I live in India and I get very happy when I hear that the Mujahideen all over the world are getting victories against the enemies of Islam. I too wish to come to Chechnya and fight in the way of Allah. Please make dua for me." [Brother FSS, India, 05 December 2000]

Added 10 December 2000

"Mujahideen, this message is late by a few months but I received your CD: Russian Hell in the Year 2000. I must say you have done an excellent job! It is sometimes hard for us to picture what you are truly going through just by reading about it. This CD brought it home clearly. Excellent Viewing! I must say, personally, I would buy every single CD or Video you create with real combat footage. Every one. Again,excellent job on the CD. I truly wish you a speedy victory and the destruction of the entire criminal Russian state. Kind regards." [Mr. RR, USA, 08 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum! Dear loving brothers and sisters over there, I want to support you all. Although I'm only fourteen years old, but my heart and my soul have a lot of desire to be with you. I pray for you all! For all of mu'minin wal mu'minat (male and female believers)! Never give up, brothers! Allah will help us, and nothing or nobody can stop the help of Allah. I love you all, my dear brothers and sisters in one Aqeedah! Never give up!!!" [Brother FR, USA, 03 December 2000]

"Assalamo alaikum, Ramadan Mubaarak and congratulations on Qoqaz completing its first anniversary. I read most of the letters of support and the concern and anguish and anger is the reflection of their helplessness and support to the Muslim brothers and their association to the Muslim Ummah. Let us look back the history how our backbone was broken by eliminating the Khilafa by the enemies of Islam. They fragmented the strong administration into small countries and gave the concept of nationhood rather than brotherhood. The heads of the state of most of the Muslim countries is chosen by them. Now that puppet is assured that if he wants to continue on that big chair he will have to support US and the West. Alhamdulillah, it is our good fate that a site like Azzam & Qoqaz has come up which is a media where all our brothers/ sisters can express their views pragmatically or else all the media throughout the world are biased and we get only a second hand information from them and believe what they publish and broadcast. I praise Allah (SWT) that He is giving our Chechen and Palestinian brothers the courage to fight against the infidels." [Brother AH, Hyderabad, India, 03 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahideen, during your struggle in the path of Allah to make sure His Word will be raised to the highest level, I am currently no able to support you with anything except the hopes and dua to Allah that He makes your struggle to elevate the Deen successful. O Allah destroy the soldiers of evil from the face of the earth, O Allah save the live of all our Chechen brothers and Mujahideen, O Allah protect them from these evil hearted Russians, O Allah make them (Mujahid) steadfast and strong hearted, O Allah unite ours heart in fear to you alone not to others, O Allah let angels descend and fight together with Mujahideen, O Allah help the Mujahideen like you helped our Prophet (SAWS) and his companions during Badr." [Brother H, Malaysia, 04 December 2000]

"My dear brothers and sisters Mujahideen. You indeed are the real Muslims and believers because unlike us you fight in the name of Allah. And you aren't scared to die in the Name of the Creator. May Allah help you during the holy month of Ramadan and while we make iftar it is our duty if not to help you in arms and people, then to help in the prayer and tears. Allah is great and helps those who indeed follow His true path, and you my dear Chechen brothers are doing that, so don't be afraid of the Kafir because you aren't alone. You have Allah with you and His Malaaika (angels) also. I hope only that in Chechnya we have Albanians because you helped us in Bosnia and Kosovo. I hope, like the other Muslim Albanians, that with these short words I have explained our burning hearts for our brothers." [Brother EB, USA, 01 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers, may Allah reward you with victory and Paradise. Our duas will be always for Muslims and Mujahideen, and please make dua for us as well." [Brother IH, Turkey, 04 December 2000]

Added 05 December 2000

"Soldiers of Allah in Chechnya. (Part 2)

We are steadfast in Allah's way as Islam is our creed, And the Book of Allah we always ponder and read, When we die there will come after us a new breed, We enter Paradise without being accountable to our deeds.

We don't fear the Russian military might, We know that Allah commands us to fight, We know that Allah is always right, We know that the reward of Paradise is not out of sight.

In our deaths we are not actually slain, In our deaths there is actually no pain, The ultimate Paradise is what we will gain, Even after "death" we would like to return and fight again.

From 100 to 7 we are outnumbered, In the mountains and hills we are scattered, Our hopes and faith in Allah are not shattered, By the pleasures of this world we are not flattered.

We are like wild grass - the more they cut the more we grow, And many more will come and take the path we follow, In every battle against the enemy our blood will always flow, Our enemies are the ones who will feel sorrow. The Russians came here with their own gloom, For negotiating with them we don't leave any room, Like in Afghanistan their defeat is what looms, And for the enemies of Allah - Hellfire is a painful doom.

The Soldiers of Allah will fight to the finish, Whether it is a great war or a minor skirmish, Compared to Paradise this world is just rubbish, This poetry is very clear and not gibberish.

We are fighting in an area called al-Kavkaz, Against a superpower and is more than a fracas, If you have time please visit the webpage called "qoqaz", Where you can see pictures of dead bodies and carcasses.

The hatred of the enemy is nothing new, Allah's commands - O Muslims please take cue, Allah will fulfill His promise to you, The promise of Allah will always come true.

The best of deaths is the death of a Shaheed, Fighting in the way of Allah is the best of deeds, But this is something many Muslims don't take heed, Mujahideen will fight and all Muslim lands will be freed,

So come and fight my dear Muslim brother, May the spirit of Jihad never waver, The Mujahideen will have nothing to fear, Because the victory from Allah is always near.

There is NO pleasure is this temporary place, And the spirit of Jihad will NEVER fade, DEATH is something every soul will face, And finally may Chechnya be my grave." [Dr. WJB, Malaysia, 29 November 2000]

"Greetings. I'm from Korea, and we also have had invasions in the past. Most recently Japan invaded and ruled for 36 years, which were very painful for our people. So I sympathize with your cause. I am a major in political science and must do a presentation about minority groups in distress. So our team decided to work on Chechen independence. Because we think every culture is entitled to have its own sovereign country. Hope the Chechen people get their state as they are entitled to." [Mr. KYJ, Korea, 02 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum my brothers, may Allah humiliate the disbelieving Russian scum by your hands and unite us once again. I would like you to know that all the brothers from London, UK are daily raising their hands and begging, I repeat begging, Allah to grant you victory so that it may be a lesson to the world. It is an outrage that the Muslims in the West are sitting back in luxury while there are brothers out there fighting for the Haq and giving their lives for Al-Islam and ultimately Allah. My brothers, my dua's are with you day and night and if you never give up the fight then I too make a promise to you that I will never stop raising my hands for you. I wish I could do something more because I feel that my du'as are not enough. I love you all with all my heart and I pray to Allah for your victory. One day I hope I will be with the ones I love." [Brother JR, London, UK, 02 December 2000]

"Salam to all brothers in Islam. May Allah give us victory over the enemies of Islam, may Allah bless you and grant you Shahaada Insha Allah, may Allah give us all the courage to join you and to fight with you against the enemies of Islam ,and may Allah destroy them, ameen. May Allah forgive all your sins and shower His mercy and blessings once again on this blessed month of Ramadan. I pray that Insha Allah we will meet in Jannah." [Brother M, USA, 02 December 2000]

"Assalamu alaikum to our brothers in Islam. You're the ones that we look forward to and you're the chosen ones who are keeping the memories of the Battle of Al-Badr that took place in Ramadan alive. Allah is on your side. We wish you the best of Ramadan and trust me, there are people who never ever forget you brothers in our prayers. Please pray for us to rise from the dirt of this worldly life to the path of Jihad that leads to the Pleasure of Allah (SWT)." [Brother SB, USA, 01 December 2000]

"Assalaamu alaikum. My Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya, I am a Somali Muslim brother living in Norway. I am asking Allah to give all Mujahideen fighters strength and victory against Kaafiroon. I am doing Dunya things, and I think like other brothers and sisters sitting in their homes and doing nothing about this war against Muslims in Chechnya. I think this is the time for all of us to show that Muslims are ONE. Let us travel all of us who have the possibility to Chechnya to help and fight for our Religion and the oppressed ones." [Brother LA, Norway, 01 December 2000]

"I would like say Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim brothers and sisters all over world and my fellow Mujahideen brothers in the land of Jihad. We need to help our brothers every way possible whether it is money, dua, or the boycott of a certain country's product. If the Kuffar can impose sanctions on a country, so can we." [Brother SR, USA, 30 November 2000]

Added 03 December 2000 "Soldiers of Allah in Chechnya. (Part 1)

In the Holy Quran - Lo and Behold! We Muslims are clearly told, Paradise cannot be bought and sold, Even with the earth's weight of gold.

The life in this world is temporary, But the life in the Hereafter is Eternity, The death of an ordinary Muslim is a painful agony, The death of a Shaheed of Allah is pure ecstasy.

And for Muslims Jihad is a clear obligation, Whether you are black, white, brown or Chechen, Fight the oppressor until there is no more oppression, The army of Vladimir Putin the petrified Russian.

Jihad is an obligation and not a burden, This is the way of Allah and can never weaken, And by the faith of Allah the Mujahideen strengthen, Fighting to become a Shaheed is the solution to our problem.

The Mujahideen are fighting a guerilla war, And all the oppressors will be really sore, Soon they will be uprooted to the core. Until most of them can't fight anymore.

We Mujahideen are commanded to do Jihad, We always struggle and always fight hard, We will never surrender Muslim lands not even a yard, And Allah will instill fear in our enemies' hearts.

The Soldiers of Allah is what we are, We come from every country near or far, We have fought for centuries against the Russian Czars, We will give the history of Russia some terrible scars.

We are always strong and never frail, We rather die than be imprisoned in the Russian jail, We will fight the way of Allah and never fail, We fought in Chechnya even before the time of brother Shamil.

Our ancestors were driven out as far as Siberia, Some are scattered from Georgia to Anatolia, We are fighting against a superpower - Russia, We are fighting in the beautiful scenery and mountains of Chechnya. Jihad is by the pen and the sword, We put our trust in Allah our Lord, Whether in a thousand battles we have fought, We are the Soldiers of Allah and will never rot.

We struggle in Jihad and we don't moan and groan, Because our Lord is always with us so we are not alone, Many of us came from far and a long way from home, So pray for us because we are fighting in the battle zone." [Dr. WJB, Malaysia, 29 November 2000]

"I am an American 22 year old. I want to join your side. Is this possible, and if so how do I do it? I am not Muslim, but religion has nothing to do with the slaughtering of civilians." [Mr. MD, USA, 29 November 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. It's during my taraweeh prayer that I ask the Almighty in this holy month to grant you victory, just like millions of Muslims worldwide. You are fighting on the front, with your chests, while we assist you with supplication, the weapon that we all know is also essential and just as efficient as any military weapon. Brothers, may you all be rewarded by the Almighty, the Paradise of the Mujahideen, and be granted the honour of being among the lucky ones who will get the chance to view the Almighty as He unveils Himself. Victory shall be ours through the Grace of the Almighty and then by your efforts. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 01 December 2000]

"My brother Mujahideen in Chechnya, assalamu alaikum. May Allah always guide, help, and bless you in the land of Jihad: Chechnya. We're very touched by your Jihad in this land. I always follow the news of the Chechen Mujahideen, follow what's going on and pray to Allah so Allah gives the help and victory to my brother Mujahideen. Your struggle against the Russians and Jews makes the Jihad in my heart grow and grow. I believe that if we fulfill all requirements stated by Allah for the victory, Allah will give it soon and nobody can stop it. Be patient my brothers and keep the Jihad in the land of Chechnya. We're always with you." [Brother RN, Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 November 2000]

"Assalamu aleykum!!! A Day will come and we all will witness the birth of the Independent Islamic State of Dagestan and Chechnya !!! A Day will come and Kremlin criminals will be punished !!! A Day will come and the Caucasus will achieve real Independence !!! Long live our Brothers fighting in Chechnya !!! Allahu Akbar !!! Muslims of World - unite in Jihad !!! No negotiations !!! Only Jihad can bring us Freedom !!! Allahu Akbar !!!" [Brother TM, USA, 30 November 2000]

"I wish you all the best in liberating Chechnya from the blood dripping hands of Russians. I hope this is their last winter in Chechnya, and soon you will start the spring of freedom and independence. Long Live Islam." [Brother AG, USA, 30 November 2000]

"Assalaamu alaykum. My dearest Mujahideen brothers. I pray to Allah that you all get this letter of mine in good health and in the Islamic Spirit to combat Kafirs and Munafiqs around the world. Alhamdulillah, for your efforts towards Jihad in this life you all will get the rewards of the Hereafter. Here I am staying in Bombay, living a comfortable life but my heart has become uncomfortable, feeling that it has become fard for me to do Jihad against the Kuffar. But its all of my weakness and my foolishness that I am still not doing that. Please pray to Allah that I soon join the ranks of Mujahideen with my wife. Pray for me that I too would become Mujahid soon." [Brother TT, India, 29 November 2000]

"My dearest Muslims in Chechnya, assalamu alaikum. Ramadhan Mubarak. It is my sincerest prayer that Allah (SWT) bestows upon you a speedy victory in this blessed month, and ends your hardships and sufferings. As the mosques fill with the believers every night, and all our concentration is on Allah (SWT) and the day of Judgement, I pray that He instills in our hearts and minds the guidance we need to arise to the challenges facing the Muslims all over the world. Never again should the cries of our fellow Muslims go unheard. Never again should oppression against our brothers and sisters go unanswered." [Brother AA, USA, 28 November 2000]

Added 31 January 2001

"Assalamu alaykum, I would like to send this message to all my Muslim brothers and sisters across the world, please help our Mujahideen brothers by raising your hands towards the heavens on a regular basis and make Dua to Allah. O Allah! Who sent down The Book...Who makes the clouds drift....Who defeats the armies...Defeat the Russian army and liberate our brothers in Chechnya...Defeat Israel and liberate our brothers in Palestine...and liberate all our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan and all our brothers and sisters in the world, that I've failed to mention. O Allah destroy the oppressors and the tyrannical rulers.....Aameen. O All Mighty! O All powerful! O Allah indeed we ask that You scatter their firing, and shake the earth beneath their feet, and strike fear in their hearts. O Allah! cripple their limbs and blind their sight, and send upon them an epidemic and calamities. O Allah! separate their gatherings and scatter their unity, and make their condition severe amongst themselves, and make their plots go against them, and show us in them the amazement's of your Power, and make them a lesson for those who do not learn lessons. O Allah! Hurry their destruction, and make their wealth as booty for the Muslims. O Allah! Aid our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan and all over the world. O Allah! Unify their rows, and gather them on the Word of Truth. O Allah! Aim their firing and strengthen their determination, and make their feet firm, and descend upon them tranquillity, and satisfy their hearts and guide them to that which is all good. O Allah! Make for them from Yourself an authority, and aid them with the army from Yourself, for to You belong the armies of the Heavens and the earth, O Lord of the Worlds. May salaam be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon all his companions and followers. This is the first time I've been on your website, and I think you brothers are doing a brilliant job in telling the world the truth about the Jihad in Chechnya, unlike the Zionist run media in the world who are showing a biased view in their favour to serve their own interests. Keep up the good work." [Brother A, England, 03 January 2001]

"Asselamu aleykum to Mujahid brothers and sisters! I write to you from Germany. I always try to watch out for your operations and I get happy when you are victorious in a battle. Insha Allah the day of final Victory will come soon. You are the Army of Allah! You are the Army of Muhammed (SAWS). Destroy the enemies of Islam!!! I will pray for our victory. You are always in my heart and in my duas. May Allah keep you strong and victorious." [Brother MAE, Germany, 29 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum I'm very proud that I have brothers who are truly striving to do justice in the Way of Allah. May Allah make you all more stronger in your Iman and forgive all your sins and give you victory over the disbelievers. Aameen." [Brother MK, USA, 30 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. May Allah give victory to Islam all over the world. Allahu Akbar, we are praying to Allah everyday." [Brother FSS, India, 30 January 2001]

"I just want you to know that we are always praying for you, and may Allah give you brothers the best in this world and in the Hereafter." [Brother RO, Canada, 29 January 2001]

Added 29 January 2001

"Assalamu alaikum to our dear Mujahideen, the suffering mothers, sisters and children of Chechnya. This is a small voice from a distant country and the weakest of Muslims compared to you. I pray to Allah Almighty to give you increasing strength in Iman and perseverance against our brutal enemies. May Allah colour the snow red with the blood of the enemies and give sweet victory to His soldiers. Never a day passed without my prayers for you. I love you for the sake of Allah." [Dr. KJ, Malaysia, 28 January 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum , our dear brother and sister Mujahideen in Chechnya. Allahu Akbar, for the victory of Argun. Our prayers are with you. May Allah give you the greater victory soon, and wipe the Kuffar from your country, town after town. Allahu Akbar, again, for the victory of Argun. We always admired you a lot, especially Shamil Basayev, Ibn Khattab and the rest of you. You are very good example for the Muslim Mujahideen. May Allah give you good health too, to fight the Russian army who want to control your country." [Brother and Sister AZ, Toronto, Canada, 27 January 2001]

"My brothers, I write from Iran,... my Mujahideen brothers, I wish you all the blessings of Allah.... you are in a very good position already...with the Russians in dismay and retreat. No matter who they bring,...the army or the KGB... you will triumph...Insha Allah...I have no doubt. We are praying for you." [Brother SR, Tehran, Iran, 27 January 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum brothers, you are very special and are doing good deeds on the behalf of the Muslim Ummah. May Allah give you Jannatul Firdaus in the Hereafter and peace in this world. Ameen. I am making dua for you in every salaah. Make dua for me also as I do the same. May Allah help you in every step in order to destroy the non- believers. Ameen." [Brother JC, USA, 27 January 2001]

Added 27 January 2001

"Assalamu alaykum. May Allah ease your difficulty and hasten your victory. You are our inspiration and role models after the Prophet (SAWS) and his Companions. May Allah increase our Ummah with people like you, who are true to Him, and who do not content themselves with merely organizing protests and fundraisers. You are people who are Insha Allah sincere about correcting the problem and facing up to it bravely, rather than only providing the oppressed with flour and blankets. Money for flour and tea does not give the oppressed back their land or rights, but JIHAD does, so may Allah join us with you soon. Please keep us in your dua, that we may open our eyes and have the strength to really do what it takes to change things. May Allah keep you strong and united on the Truth." [Sister RR, CA, USA, 25 January 2001]

"To whom it may concern, first off I give my wholehearted support to the Chechens and there struggle from Russian domination. I think it's too bad that the peoples of the Caucuses don't unite behind their Chechen brothers to overthrow Russian control of their lives..." [Mr. RB, TX, USA, 25 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, fighting for the pleasure and in the path of Allah, in Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and other places. I love for the sake of Allah and I pray that Allah may grant you success in this life and the Hereafter. It is from this love that I share for you, that I make dua' for you daily, and ensure one of the first things I do when online is to catch up on your welfare. Be sure, Insha Allah, I will not tire or get bored of making dua for you in my daily prayers, that Allah continually grants you glorious victories and success in this life and in the hereafter, and that Allah grants you patience and endurance, and that Allah makes things easy for you. Please make dua for me that I too may join your ranks soon Insha Allah, and be amongst those that please Allah and die in His path, as Shaheed." [Brother SF, UK, 24 January 2001]

"Dear brothers in Islam, assalamu alaikum, I am so glad to hear the news of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. I am even happier to hear that our noble and sincere Mujahideen are not giving in to this Russian trick. Allahu Akbar. I make dua for all of you who are struggling in the path of Allah, either on the battlefield or off. May Allah (SWT) bless you all" [Brother AA, USA, 25 January 2001]

Added 26 January 2001

"Salam alaikum my dear Mujahids: may Allah keep you all united, healthy and strong, Ameen. Please know that since your Jihad began more than a year ago, not one prayer have I made which did not include you before even my own parents and children. In the US all prayers at Mosques include you. I feel the frustration of my inability to do more than use words and yet I feel tremendous pride and am most fortunate to witness your Jihad, for all us Muslims (useless ones included). The Jihad receives almost no attention by the world leaders who have long lost their conscience and sold their souls to the devil. You, my brave Mujahid brothers, are the ones whom our prophet Muhammed (SAWS) talked about, as those who would cause the banner of Islam to be raised from the East. Its been more than a year and Putin the smelly weasel has admitted that his army of 200,000 clowns have done little more than fill the Morgues of Moscow or line the streets of Russia with drunken, depressed, suicidal soldiers, and he now intends to replace the entire Russian army with Domestic Security Service, the successors of KGB. Apparently he thinks that these new set of clowns would be more suited for the job. We all know that they will only be suited with their body bags very soon, Inshallah, as they see the circus of their death. However Putin is not fooling anyone and now means to use terrorism and assassinations to try and control the Mujahid lions. As stated very aptly by The Guardian regarding the deployment of these new fools soon to meet their end Insha Allah, "...a switch of tactics towards what Mr Putin's spokesman calls "neutralisation and elimination" - in other words, state-sponsored terrorism and assassination. Yet more than that, Mr Putin's decree is a silent admission of defeat... " (Please read the latest report " This War Cannot Succeed",2763,427146,00.html) What Putin and the rest of the world of munafiqs, Shaitaans and Kuffar still do not see is that they are not just up against a few proud and brave Chechens but in fact against the wrath of Allah, Who makes the battles of those who are ready to die for Him, His battles, and their strikes, His strikes. Insha Allah victory will be yours either way, and Wallahi my brave brothers and sisters, the Shuhadaa, do live on. May Allah grant you tremendous victories and speed His wrath on the Russian devils so each heart beat makes them face a new terror, and each day is another day of absolute hell for them. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 24 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum all my dearest brothers and sisters. My prayer is always for you. I'm sorry but that is all I can do at the moment. I always cry while doing my prayers because I'm thinking of you. Don't worry my brothers & sisters, Allah will repay your sacrifices with His heaven. Allah is the one and only Helper for us. Allah's promise always true. May Allah bless you and always be with you. Keep going my brothers & sisters, I am right behind you." [Sister TSS, USA, 25 January 2001]

"Asselamu aleykum my brothers and sisters in Chechnya. I want to say that I'm really proud of you. Don't stop this Jihad please. We are making a dua for you. I also want to say something which comes from my heart: I really want to be there. Please don't stop this Jihad so that the other Muslim countries can see what Jihad is. I Love you, my brothers. May Allah bless you." [Brother SS, Turkey, 24 January 2001]

"O Allah please give victory upon victory to the Mujahideen in thier struggles against the chosen people of Hell-fire. Make them steadfast in their fight against the Kuffar. As long as I'm alive, I will always make dua for the Mujahideen in Chechnya, Palestine, Phillipine, China and many more places on the face of this earth." [Brother SY, Singapore, 24 January 2001]

"Salam alaikum to all the Mujahideen in Chechnya and all over the world.Victory is close and Insha Allah it will come quickly. May Allah bless you all and guide you. You are always in our dua...." [Brother SR, USA, 24 January 2001]

Added 24 January 2001

"Assalamu alaikum O my brothers (in Chechnya and around the world, fighting for Allah and His religion). You are the real men of Islam. When most of us are too scared to fight, you are there fighting. May Allah reward you with all that you deserve in the Hereafter. I pray to Allah to make me strong like you. You are the people who really understand Islam. Some of you may not know a lot about Islam, some of you are scholars, but all of you fear Allah and have faith in Him, you really have faith. I love you all as my brothers, but I fear that my words are not enough. May Allah make all the able Muslim men ready for Jihad and make them understand the need for it in this, the Muslims darkest hour. For the brothers and sisters of Qoqaz/ Azzam, You are doing amazing work here and Allah will reward you for it Insha Allah. I was in the site marvelling at the strength and bravery of our Mujahideen, and I realise that I have done so little for Islam. When these fine men give there lives, I should be helping Islam. So brothers if you are in need of any help whatsoever please ask me!!!!" [Brother NB, USA, 23 January 2001]

"Salam alaikum. I wanted to reaffirm and let you know what a TREMENDOUS impact the video (Martyrs of Bosnia) had on myself and the other brothers who watched it. When we realized that people like yourselves are making such an effective effort, we had to let you know to please keep it alive and running for as long as it takes." [Brother ZD, USA, 22 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya and also in Kashmir and Palestine. I go through all the news of the Chechen brothers every day and today I was very happy to learn that our great brothers had done a great job by teaching the Russians a good lesson. I pray for the success of our brothers every day. I am sure there may be millions of Muslims who are also praying for their success. I am also very saddened to learn of the unjust sanctions that has been imposed by the 'Shaitaans' on our brave Afghan brothers. I would be glad if there is any way we could help our brothers there. I pray that Allah helps our brothers and sisters both in Afghanistan and Chechnya, Ameen." [Brother SMS, United Arab Emirates, 24 January 2001]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers, assalamu Alaikum and congratulations on your ongoing successful Jihad against the Kafir Russia. Let me tell you that it is you who revived the Jihad in the Muslim hearts all over the world. It is you who gave encouragement to our young in places like Palestine. It is you who strike fear into the hearts of the so called "Super Powers". It is you who defied all the theories of the "think tanks" of the "Super Powers". It is you who will enter the Jannah without any questions asked, Insha Allah. So do not despair and keep on fighting, Allah is testing you and the victory is coming soon." [Brother AM, UK, 23 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers & sisters In Islam. I wish you all the best, I pray & pray for you! Believe me, in every prayer I remember you. "Ya Allah help the Mujahideen in Chechnya, Ya Allah grant them Victory, Ya Allah help them". I beg Allah (SWT) to give you all the strength & the courage to fight the Kuffar! I love you so much and each time I think of you tears fall down my eyes! I feel so helpless just sitting here not being able to help you, I pray that Allah grants me the death of a Shaheed, Insha Allah!!!!! I pray that He, Allah grants us all Martyrdom, Insha Allah!!! Words can't sum up my support for you. Remember that these Kuffar are nothing. When you have Allah on your side, no one can mess with you!!!! All their plots against you are rubbish, believe me O Mujahideen. You will be Victorious. My prayers along with many others are with you!!!!!" [Sister S, UK, 23 January 2001]

Added 22 January 2001

"My dear brothers, assalamu alaikum. Not a day passes when I do not remember you. You are always in our hearts and thoughts. I sincerely pray to Allah to accept me as a Mujahideen in the path of Allah and grant me blessed martyrdom. May Allah give you clear victory, may Allah keep you safe and healthy, may Allah protect your families, May Allah accept the martyrdom of the brothers who have been martyred. May Allah bless me to join you Insha Allah (please make dua brothers), and may Allah keep us all together in Jannatul Firdaus (Insha Allah, I will be with those in the hereafter whom in loved in this world). Brothers, may Allah bless you and always keep you on the Straight Path forever, ameen." [Brother F, USA, 21 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers and Mujahideen of Chechnya. I've been learning about your history and what these Russians then and now have done to you. I feel sorry not to fully understand the situation of our brothers around the world. It is the history of your people in Caucasus which makes the Russians lose sleep, thinking that you will overpower them and their nightmare has now become true as they are being fought fiercely by the Mujahideen. I wish I could be one of the Mujahideen, no matter where the battle field may be. May Allah grant me that reward. I love you all. May Allah grant you a clear victory, that will give all these Kuffar a lesson and also to all Muslims around the world who are still neglecting their duty towards the Deen of Allah. If we keep practising the religion by obeying the Commandments of Allah in the way shown by the Prophet (SAWS), Allah will surely give victory over the Kuffar and Munafiqs. O Allah give a true victory to the Mujahideen in Chechnya. O Allah protect them from being misguided. O Allah save their families and the civilians of Chechnya from the Russian aggression. O Allah do not make them fear the Russian army more than they fear You. O Allah may their last breath be the Kalimah: la ilaha illallah...." [Brother H, Malaysia, 22 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. Alhamdulillah, the latest news about the Mujahideen attacks gives us the encouragement, and our prayers are giving a lot of positive results as the Russian military are suffering a lot of damage. Insha Allah there will be Islamic Shariah all over the world." [Brother FSS, India, 21 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. To my dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters, may Allah guide, protect and keep you all healthy and united. To the leaders of the Mujahideen in Chechnya, may Allah give you strength and wisdom, please do not accept the Kuffar's withdrawal condition; its full of lies. It will destroy you. Give them only safe passage out of Chechnya and conditions that only benefit all Muslims, not only in Chechnya but other Muslim countries. Don't sell Afghanistan to them. If they (the Russian Kuffar and American Kuffar) really want to go to there, then let them do it and Insha Allah, Afghan Mujahids will let them hear the Takbir and send all of them to Hell." [Brother AP, Indonesia, 17 January 2001]

Added 21 January 2001

"Salam alaikum my dear brothers and sisters of Chechnya: may Allah keep you all united healthy and strong. Ameen. From the East to the West and from North to South, Muslims are being murdered, raped, their property being seized or destroyed, families displaced as in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosova and Albania, and with the nodding approval of Munafiks in complicity with UN and NATO, Muslims are scorned, humiliated and their rights usurped and hoarded like sheep as in the Palestinian refugee camps, one of the largest refugee camps in the history of this world. Muslims often ask why is this so when we are the Ummah of our Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). The answer as per the hadeeth is that though we are great in numbers, we love this world and fear death. We are only Muslims by name and our actions belie that of Munafiks. Only in Chechnya and Afghanistan have Muslims shown that against all odds, in the face of intense suffering and a world boycott, holding on to only Allah, they have braved all that the Shaitans, Kuffar and Munafiks could throw at them. They have proved that in their chests beats the heart of a lion, while the rest of us with are shame on our faces, are content with the heart of sheep and weasels. May Allah keep you all united healthy and strong. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 19 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahid brothers in Chechnya. May the Power of Allah always be with you and May He grant you victory." [Brother FSS, India, 20 January 2001]

"Assalaamu 'alaikum my brothers and sisters, may Allaah reward you all for your service to the Ummah, which could not be excelled by any other deed. Keep firm and remain patient. I, Insha 'Allah am making du'a for you as much as possible. Please also make du'a for myself and and others who wish sincerely to be on the battlefield with you or others from the Mujaahideen, so that we too will have a chance to be among the sincere Shuhadaa." [Brother ASJ, London, UK, 20 January 2001]

Added 19 January 2001 "Salam aleikum brothers, let me tell you that you are doing a wonderful job and may Allah be with you. Is there anyway I can join, if that is not possible how may I help you?"

[Brother AA, USA, 18 January 2001]

"The Western media has announced, that Russia plans to establish 200 military camps all over Chechnya for 25000 soldiers. Thus they think they'll be able to control the entire country easily. But how easy will it be for you to destroy these company-sized strongholds one by one!!! Indeed, if these camps are created and Russians separated from each other, they are at your mercy." [Mr. PH, Finland, 18 January 2001]

"Selam aleikum brave brothers Accept the greetings from a group of Muslim brothers from Macedonia. We are proud with you, our, brothers and we always talk about you. May Allah, the Powerful give us the courage and strong Iman to fight for the cause of Islam. At the end let me express my wish under the God's Will that all the other Muslims around the world to join you in the holy war. May Allah give you power in this life above the nonbelievers and the best reward on Akhirah, which is the highest level of Paradise. "

[Brothers, Macedonia, 18 January 2001]

"I make dua everytime I make Salah for a clear victory to the brave Mujahideens. And may Allah (SWT) lighten the burden of the mothers of the Mujahideen." [Brother F, USA, 16 January 2001]

"Brothers what are you doing negotiating with the Russians? They are on the verge of defeat. They came to your country, invaded, destroyed many cities, killed many civilians, raped your women, murdered your fellow fighters, your cousins, and your children, now THEY are on the verge of defeat, so why are you talking to them? Defeat them, humiliate them, don't allow them to save face, humiliate them in front of the entire world, just like they tried to humiliate you. Don't let the Ummah down by negotiating with these animals. And please do not let them withdraw to the Afghan borders, don't allow them the opportunity to attack Afghanistan." [Brother NP, USA, 09 January 2001]

Added 17 January 2001

"Assalamu aleikum to the Mujahideen of Chechnya and to the people of Chechnya. You have proven yourselves such brave and resourceful people that even the Kuffar are forced to acknowledge it. I pray that Allah restores peace to Chechnya...under the Banner of Islam and not the banner of Kadyrov's bootlickers...and from Allah comes all help." [Brother ZA, Canada, 15 January 2001] "Asalaamu alaikum my dear Brothers & Sisters. Allahu akbar.....Indeed Allah is Great and He will surely help you all. Do not fear for this is merely a test from Allah. Remember the beautiful story of the Prophet Yusuf....they threw him in prison but they couldn't cage His faith in Allah. Do remember that many from our Ummah ask Allah to ease your suffering. "Verily after every difficulty comes relief" May Allah take you all to Jannah and make you all happy and May Allah grant all the martyrs Jannah. Ameen." [Sister ZP, South Africa, 15 January 2001]

"I'm so proud of all my brothers and sisters in Chechnya. You are examples to all the Muslims in the world. I wish if I can find my way to Jihad in the Way of Allah, because the Shaheeds (martyrs) gets the highest level in Paradise. And I know you will win the war, because you fight for Shahaada and they fight for money or position." [Brother R, USA, 15 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, I am from Toronto, Canada. I just want to tell you and myself first to keep up the dhikr in all our dialogues. I remember when I first came across your site I was so excited at the huge amount of hamd and shukr directed towards Allah for every little thing. It was so refreshingly amazing unlike any other site, or people. I thought to myself '' is the Haq''. I have been so motivated by the Mujahideen. I have no one else to look up to. I have never came across anybody like these brothers and sisters except in Sahaba stories. Alhamdulillah! Increase the dhikr. I'm counting on you for motivation and encouragement from a strange and lonely Kufr land." [Brother AB, Toronto, Canada, 14 January 2001]

"To my brother Mujahideen in Chechnya, may Allah grant you His Victory soon. Keep the Jihad going. Alhamdulillah obligations are revived these days because of your efforts. Your are our role-models. I always try to make dua for you and Chechnya." [Brother S, Somalia, 14 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. I am from India. I am a frequent visitor to your site brothers. I thought that the standard bearers of Islam were long gone, but with people like you Islam will flourish." [Brother MS, India, 14 January 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah (SWT) make us all as blessed, as you are in fighting the enemies of Islam. May Allah bestow Jannatul Firdous upon all the Shaheeds of all the Jihads world-wide and give success here and the Hereafter (ameen). May Allah (SWT) grant success in the respective Jihads. May Allah give me Shahaada and may Allah give me many Children and bestow Shahaada on them too." [Brother M, Coventry, UK, 14 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear Mujahideen. I have been following the Chechen conflict ever since it started in 1999. I follow the news everyday. Insha Allah I am certain that Allah will grant you victory. My heart is with you brothers; you are the source of honour of the Muslim Ummah, and a source of inspiration. I always remember you all in my duas and pray to Allah to grant you victory." [Brother FM, OH, USA, 13 January 2001]

Added 13 January 2001

"Assalamu alaikam, dear brothers in Chechnya, you are setting the best example for Muslims abroad. You go right to the Kuffar and annihilate them. Alhamdulillah. My dua's go out to you. I am a recent convert to Islam. I haven't been following the conflict that long, but what I have seen is very powerful. May Allah shower His blessings on you." [Brother Y, USA, 12 January 2001]

"Dear brothers in Chechnya I write you from czech republic from university in ** where I study political sciences. I observed your fight from 1994 and I admire you. Men like Shamil Basayev or Aslanbek Izmailov are the greatest heroes for me. I support you very much and once, although I am non-Muslim, I would like to fight in your ranks against the occupiers. I am Czech and 30 years ago Russians also attacked us and killed our people, but far less than in Chechnya. Hold on brothers in your just war against the cruel enemy" [Mr. D, Czech Republic, 08 January 2001]

"Hi, my name is ** and I'm not from your country nor do I know what your going through but I do feel bad for what your going through. I'm sorry for all that's happening over there, I can only pray for all of you and hope that one day it will all end and I hope that that day comes soon. I'm sorry I don't have much to say. I really don't know what your going through. Somebody just asked if I was willing to help so I went to the site that they sent me and checked it out. I knew you were going through a bad patch but I just didn't think it was that bad. So I'm sorry if I don't have much to say but I'll pray for you all." [Ms MA, USA, 8 January 2001]

"Asselamu Alaykum! I'm a brother of yours from Turkey. But my ancestors were from Caucasia. I hope we will win the war in our fight against the terrorist Russians. Allah promises that His Rahmah is with the Muslims. If I ever had the possibility I would like to fight with my brothers over there." [Brother OI, Germany, 12 January 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum dear brothers and sisters, watching and reading your triumphs in Chechnya highlights the courage displayed in the face of Kufr and is a true testament to the greatness of Allah (SWT), for as the Russian cowards plan, so too does Allah (SWT) and He is the greatest of planners. May Allah (SWT) give you success in the Dunya and in the Akhira, for you surely are the true soldiers of Islam. I only wish that I may join you, Insha Allah, in your quest to rid Chechnya of the enemies of Islam. Give my salaam to all the Mujahideen there and I will make strong dua for your peoples fast return to the rule of Islam." [Brother ML, Melbourne, Australia, 12 January 2001]

"My name is * and I live in Calgary, Canada. To all you my brothers and sisters in Islam: may Allah give victory to you soon. I came from Bosnia, and we have the same pain. Aleykum Selam!" [Brother AO, Calgary, Canada, 10 January 2001]

Added 09 January 2001

"I first must state that I am not a Muslim but I, and many people I know, are deeply outraged by the terrible attacks carried out on the Chechen peoples by the pathetic, cowards that are the Russian armed forces. The persistence and courage you have shown in the past years of defending your homeland from the invaders is inspiration for all freedom fighters, particularly your Palestinian brothers and sisters. As an Australian I rely on your website for an accurate picture of the war in your land. The message, however, is now starting to get through, despite the best efforts of the established news media..... RUSSIA CANNOT DEFEAT THE CHECHEN MUJAHIDEEN.... believe me friends we are thinking of you and hope for you to crush your oppressors and free your country from Russian tyranny. May this be the last winter you must endure in the mountains. May your victory be swift so you can start to rebuild your nation." [Mr. DS, Melbourne, Australia, 09 January 2001]

"Salaam to all the brothers, sisters and the Mujahideen in Chechnya. We love you all dearly, we have seen once again how these Kuffar try to dismantle our great Deen. Yesterday it was Kashmir, Bosnia, Kosovo, and today it is Chechnya and Palestine. Subhanallah for the sheer determination, courage of the Mujahideen and other groups in Jihad such as HAMAS and HIZBULLAH. You have played an essential part of setting examples by standing up against people who attack our people and the Deen. You have taken the role where the Muslim leaders have failed. Our prayers are always with you, you have overwhelming support from the Muslims of Britain. May Allah (SWT) make you successful in your Jihad." [Brother AAM, UK, 08 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers of Chechnya...please do not negotiate any truce with the Russians...if you do, you will be stung twice by the same serpent. When they mean is just to buy time. Their evil empire is falling...the wrath of God Almighty is upon them now. Don't fall into their trap again and again in the name of peace...they don't have one to offer you. For the Muslim Ummah...there is only one door left...and that is Jihad...Shahaada or the Victory. Those who don't see is time to wake up...answer the call coming out of your hearts. It does not matter how faint it is...that is the only voice that will lead you to freedom...freedom from the greedy Kuffar. My prayers are with you...every moment of the time. May Allah (SWT) reward you with success. Ameen." [Brother MQ, USA, 08 January 2001]

"Dear brothers...assalamu aleikum. Again, just as passive as before, I send you this email from the cosiness of my home, while the Mujahideen are practically living in sub zero temperatures, surrounded by the swines of Moscow, who come under different names: OMON, Dezant, etc. Again, we only have our supplication to offer, not that I'm underestimating the power of the dua, God forbid, but rather feeling ashamed that I can't feel the bite of the ice, and the heat of the fighting that you face daily. Brothers, may the Almighty (SWT) grant you victory over the swines, and by this victory allow the propagation of true Islam as should be in the Qoqaz, the Islam which would be promoted as a result of Holy Jihad." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 08 January 2001]

"I will pray for the victory of our Mujahideen in the land of Jihad. I pray for the fast success in defeating the enemy. You, the Mujahideen are the chosen ones to carry out the difficult task. Your sacrifice will be rewarded by Allah. Let us pray to Allah to pick us, like those He has chosen to be in the lands of Jihad. Let us not forget the unfortunate Muslims around the world during this Eid celebration. May Allah make it so that, by the next Eid the Mujahideen of Chechnya will be marching down the roads of Grozny left vacant by the defeated Russians. The Palestinians will pray in Al Aqsa mosque free from the Zionists." [Brother SH, Singapore, 08 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. To my dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters, may Allah guide, protect and keep you all healthy and united. To the leaders of the Mujahideen in Chechnya, may Allah give you strength and wisdom, please do not accept the Kuffar's withdrawal condition; its full of lies. It will destroy you. Give them only safe passage out of Chechnya and conditions that only benefit all Muslims, not only in Chechnya but other Muslim countries. Don't sell Afghanistan to them, don't betray your Muslim brothers in Afghanistan. If they (the Russian Kuffar and American Kuffar) really want to go to there, then let them do it and Insha Allah, Afghan Mujahids will let them hear the Takbir and send all of them to hell." [Brother SS, Malaysia, 08 January 2001]

"Dear Mujahideen brothers, assalamu alaikum. First of all I would like to congratulate you, for Allah has selected you for Jihad in His Cause. Insha Allah, the reward of it is Jannah. How I wish I could be among your ranks. This period of difficulty will soon be over and your efforts will get paid Insha Allah. Our duas are with all of you. Keep continuing the good work and pray for steadfastness and never cause any doubts to enter your mind; you all are certainly on the right path. Always pray for protection from Satan because Satan never ceases creating dissent among Muslims. And dissent created is the war lost. Be therefore united. There were many charity appeals in our country and Alhamdulillah the response was good. Alhamdulillah people have come out wholeheartedly in the Muslim cause the world over. You will always have our support. Victory will be ours." [Brother JA, Saudi Arabia, 07 January 2001]

"I always read from the updates that the Mujahideen are steadfast on the battlefield. Insha Allah I will join you one day along with all the Muslim brothers. We will defeat the Russians and all Kufr. We pray every day for your protection and to give you victory. May Allah give all the Mujahids all around the world patience, victory and the highest level of Jannah." [Brother I, USA, 06 January 2001]

Added 06 January 2001

"Believers of Allah, I am a white Christian in the USA. I have been online with for over a year, also with other Islamic sites and most recently I have now accomplished being isolated in my religious beliefs. My spirit tells me that the Islamic Jihads are correct. I give prayers for the Mujahideen and the innocent people that suffer from the lack of support from the world leaders. It would seem the only true leaders of countries are in Afghanistan and Chechnya. I did not expect my spiritual path to lead me in this direction. The words of the various Mujahideen have had a great impression on my spirit. I deserve nothing next to the innocent civilians and children caught in a vice by the unbelieving world leaders. I still ask for a prayer so that my spirit may be opened further to the Truth." [Mr. GK, CA, USA, 16 December 2000]

"Today is the first day of Eid, and we the Muslims in Singapore celebrate it in peace and harmony. To our Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya, we can only send our dua and salam. I am sad here because while all of you are suffering, we here are do nothing to help you. I feel so useless sometimes, when I read about you and what the Bosnian Muslims had to go through, it only reminds me that there is no peace for Muslims in this world. If we lay down our guard our enemy will ambush us anywhere they can. I have lost faith in the leaders who call themselves Muslims, where they have the wealth and the strength but they do not have the Faith that you have. They are nothing but cowards. I am so ashamed to see the Muslim leaders or so they call themselves, do nothing when the USA and their puppet rulers lay a sanction against Afghanistan. I here can only tell you not to be sad by death but be happy, for Shahada is within your sight but for us it is so far away and we have to fight the enemies that hide behind the masks of peace. Fight on brothers in the Name of Allah as the reward is so great nothing on this earth can equal it." [Sister RP, Singapore, 27 December 2000]

"My dear Mujahideen, assalamu alaikum! I am from Pakistan. I visited your site today and liked it. Everybody is aware of the sacred duty you are performing, even then it is an irony that some of our brothers think Jihad is unnecessary. I suggest that you should include their doubts and answers to them in your site for their hidayah (guidance). All my friends and I pray for your success, unity of Ummah and your enemy's destruction. May Allah be with you" [Brother AM, Pakistan, 04 January 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum O Mujahideen,. Eid Mubarak to all Mujahideen. Blessed be those people who fight in Allah's Path day and night and even on Eid. Allah gives so much humiliation to the Kuffar, especially to the Russians that they are far from realizing that they are challenging the soldiers of God. Look at Russian soldiers, Allah gave them humiliation that they are killed by their own people, they have nothing to eat, they loot civilians, they hate each other, and they sell their Iman for money. Really, this is a lesson for men of understanding. Should we not think about this? 'Think' is really too dangerous a word or too educated a word for us Muslims whose minds are so finite, so corrupt by the Western ideology. If we would think properly today, we would have been like the people who were blessed like the Sahaba. Prophet (SAWS) said that a Believer cannot be bitten by the same hole twice. We are not only bitten by same hole again and again and again, but we are dragged into this hole where their is darkness and Kufr and we don't realize that the light of Islam is outside that hole. Verily we are people of little understanding. O Mujahideen, I love you for the sake of Allah and day by day my love for you is growing and dislike for this world is growing too. O Mujahideen you are so blessed a people, so truthful, so courageous, so beautiful in your Iman, that you became an role model for people like me and others to follow. You have enlightened my heart with the truth, O Mujahideen I love you for what you have been doing for Islam, O Mujahideen you fight and along with you are fighting the angels of Allah. I want to be part of that blessing too, today we need people like Mu'tassim billah who destroyed whole city of Romans and answered the call of a just one Muslim sister and saved her. Today we need sisters like Hawa Barayev, who are role models in the current life. Today we see that there is no 'WE' in the Muslim Ummah. If there was a 'WE', then today Muslim countries would have reacted to the wars of Islam against Kufr, today 'WE' would not have tolerated thousands of sisters being raped and many generations being wiped out. O Mujahideen of Allah, our duas are with you, our love is with you, our hearts are with you, day and night. The Russians really should feel privileged to die at hand of such blessed people than to die of hunger or being tortured by their own military officers . May Allah give victory to the Mujahideen and may Allah make me and others among people like the Mujahideen. Ameen." [Brother KMA, NC, USA, 02 January 2001]

"People of Chechnya! I really support you always. I'm from Poland , and as you probably know, we Polish fully understand what kind of people the Russian army has. We were forced to "deal" with them for more then 40 years, and finally we managed to wipe them out. Now we have a Communist and Jew as a president and a big " chance " to have the same kind of people in government next year. The Polish government is now the same like Western governments - they only take care of their own money and interests. It is sad but true - it does not matter in what kind of political option they have roots - they always think about the same thing - money to steal and keep for their own interest. I know that my support is maybe not very valuable to You, but I know the history and I know that you need all kind of support from the rest of the world. I wish you all the best for the year 2001 and wish you to be a free nation after defeating the Russian aggressors." [Mr. MS, Poland, 28 December 2000]

"Salaam alaikum my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters, May Allah guide, protect and keep you all healthy and united, ameen. Today's Internet edition of the The Times revealed that the animal Yuri Budanov who raped and murdered our sister was released by the Russians last May along with five Russian army officers charged with murdering Dmitri Kholodov, the Moscow journalist, in 1994. And a prison release programme is set to soon release 350,000 prisoners in response to international criticism of its overcrowded prison system by Mary Robinson, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, who said recently that conditions in Moscow's Butyrka prison amounted to torture. But I don't suppose Ms. Robinson considers the torture and outright murder of Muslim Chechen men, women and Children as a crime or else she would have sought their release too. Also she probably never bothered to question the Russians of the number of innocent Muslims who would make up the 350,000 prisoners soon to be released, and I strongly suspect the answer would be zero any way. But now that we know that animal Budanov is free, my brothers, please hunt him down and let us know when you do. May Allah bless, guide and protect you all." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 02 January 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum! Wallahi, I love you brothers! As tears roll down my face I cannot express it enough. You guys are the true heroes of Islam, make no mistake about it. May your reward be whatever your hearts' desire, And may the destruction of the filthy Kaafirs be complete! Ameen. Eid Mubarak to you and your families" [Brother A, CA, USA, 29 December 2000]

"My dear brothers and sisters. They will have their weapons and their schemes They will try to place fear into your hearts They will try to make you run... But they shall only fail trying. For you are the soldiers of Allah And they are the puppets of Shaytan They fight to survive But you survive to fight in the way of your Lord They will spill your blood and perhaps bring your people grief But be assured O soldiers of Allah you shall succeed So raise the banner of your Lord Raise it high and show it to the world Show them that their evil attempts have failed Surely the promise of our Exalted Lord shall be fulfilled! May Allah (SWT) be with you my brothers and sisters and may He put fear into the hearts of your enemies." [Sister ME, USA, 26 December 2000] "Assalamu alaikum. My husband and I have wanted to write to you all for a long time but we could never find the words to express how much love, respect and envy we have for the Mujahideen that are struggling to establish Allah's law throughout the world. There isn't a day that we don't think about the brothers that are sacrificing everything for the sake of Allah. But know that the reward that Allah has in store for you is abundant and great. We both wish that we could be there with you, and Insha Allah our wish will become a reality! Insha Allah, I pray that Allah gives us even a fraction of your fear and faith. My children will grow up with the fighters of Allah as their heroes. You all have a special place in our hearts, may Allah bless you all and reward you with the highest level of paradise. Eid Mubarak!" [Brother N and Sister A, Australia, 23 December 2000]

"My dear brothers and sisters assalamu aleykum. What a real pleasure to find News from our Dear Chechnya! Specially in times where the plight of our brothers and sisters in Chechnya is being ignored shamefully, and of course wilfully, by the Western media, and unfortunately even from the so-called Arab-Islamic media! It is a treasure to find your valuable contribution to provide our right to know about our brothers and sisters in Chechnya and to fulfil our duties toward them. May Allah bless all of you and reward you for standing firmly beside justice and truth. Victory is certainly for us." [Brother MI, France, 28 December 2000]

"Dear brothers, assalamu aleikum. Eid Mubarak to the Ummah, and especially to you brave Mujahideen, who spent the holy month of Ramadan doing what all true Muslims are supposed to be doing: fasting, praying, performing the Qiyam, and fighting for Islam, i.e., Jihad. Blessed are you brothers, and may you be granted the Jannatul Firdaus for all what you're doing." [Brother AB, Lebanon, 27 December 2000]

Added 27 February 2001

"Assalaamu alaikum my beloved Mujahideen. May Allah (SWT) continue to bless and protect you in your Jihad against the wicked forces of Evil. May Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Kuffar and Munafiqun. We Muslims here in America support your Jihad and you are always in our dua'. Your website is the most important tool in the fight against the Zionist controlled media. Never give up the struggle and always know that Allah is ever Near." [Brother AAM,USA, 25 February 2001]

"The Call of a Mujahid

Under the shades of swords, Allah has put my provision. Other than to Allah, I know no submission. The greatest weapon I possess, Is my supplication. Reliance is on Allah's help, And not only on preparation. Martyrdom is what I want, I pray I reach that station. Between what's true and what is not, Clear is the demarcation. So brothers do not fall a prey, To sin and to temptation. Come join us in this blessed path, The road to our salvation. Allah does not need us but we, Need our participation!" [Sister AM, USA, 23 February 2001]

"Dear Mujahideen, assalamo alaikum! May Allah protect you. Our prayers are with you. I want to ask you to make a very important dua' for all the Ummah. Allah (SWT) always accepts a Mujahid's dua when in Jihad. Please pray for the Ummah to snap out of this Wahn (love of this life and fear of death) and recognize the Fitan of Kuffar among us, and around us. May Allah (SWT) help us rid our Ummah of Kafir and Munafiq leaders, who have taken over by force in connivance with the Kafir governments. May Allah (SWT) remove the fear of Kafir and Munafiq armies, and secret and covert organizations from our hearts. May Allah (SWT) fill our hearts with Quran, and the teachings and love of Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). Ameen!" [Brother SH, CT, USA, 23 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Muslim Chechnya. I'm from the south of the Philippines. I always admire the bravery of my brothers in Chechnya in preserving their Islamic identity against the evil forces reigning in the Caucasus. We your brothers are also experiencing the same challenges from forces who want to erase any Islamic identity of the Muslims of the south. May we be united one day as one global Islamic movement making the Quran supreme all over the world! May Allah grant us all victory or Martyrdom! Allahu Akbar!" [Brother YA, Philippines, 23 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum, to all lions of Allah, the Mujahideen all over the world, especially my brothers in Chechnya. May Allah give you the victory soon. You are in my prayers always and whenever I make Salah I always make dua for you to win. My heart is always with you. I can't stay one day without reading your website because the western Kuffar media do not give us any news about you brothers in Chechnya. This the only true site we can get true news about you. May Allah gives you victory soon." [Brother AS, Toronto, Canada, 23 February 2001]

Added 24 February 2001

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters: may Allah keep you all united, healthy and strong. Scanning the news one observes the usual injustices committed against Muslims the world over. This is without any protest or action from either, the apparent group of champions of Human Rights, the UN, NATO and the EU whose hypocrisy knows no bounds, or even Muslim countries which sheepishly look on. All the Muslim countries' resources of oil, minerals, money and nuclear weapons are useless to them or to any one else but the oppressor and aggressor Kafir countries who dominate the very organizations set up to monitor and address the rights of the impoverished and weaker nations. The wolf has appointed itself to watch over the welfare of the sheep, and at will devours anyone whom it considers a threat. However one cannot escape the fact that it is also in Islamic countries that the Muslims are facing severe oppression by leaders who hide behind Muslim names and yet can cover up their intense hate for Islam and Muslims. Allah has stated in the Quran that oppression is worse than death. However, nowadays the common attitude amongst Muslims seems to be to ignore and walk away from the corpses of your brothers and sisters, as long as your own neck is safe. One wonders if real men were only born to true Muslims of Chechnya and Afghanistan. Wallahi, truly for these Munafiqs who think that they will prosper forever and the end will never come, they are the ones who will soon wish, plead and cry that the end does come, but it truly never will. What awaits for them in Hell is an unimaginable terror and excruciating punishment from which there is no escape and will continue for eternity. For those of us who have woken, Allah's mercy is boundless and there is still time to amend. May Allah protect and guide you all. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 22 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum. This your fellow brother who watches and reads all the latest and greatest events of the Mujahideen all around the world. All I would like to say is that I am leaving for Hajj Insha Allah. All of you at qoqaz and the Mujahideen are in my duas when I am at Arafat, around Baitullah and in the tawaf." [Brother JA, USA, 21 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum!!!! May Allah bless you and give you the highest Paradise. I am in Puerto Rico. My e-mail is supporting all our brother Mujahideen fighting in Chechnya. Allah is with all of you always." [Brother M, Puerto Rico, 21 February 2001]

"O the winds of the land and the sky and the sea, Can you take this please, a message of hope from me, Can you give it to my brothers my eyes can't see, But my heart and my soul are as near as can be

To the Heroes of Islam, to the Lions of Allah, To Mujahideen-e-Haq, fi-sabeelillah. In the valley of Kashmir, in the mountains of Sheeshan, In the heart of Falasteen, or Afghanistan. Can you tell them not to grieve, Not to fear, and believe In the promise of Allah. Sabr, Taqwa, and Dua.

Can you tell them that I pray, For them night and day. Tell them I will never tire, Them I truly do admire.

They're The Heroes of Islam, They're The Lions of Allah, The Mujahideen-e-Haq, fi-sabeelillah!" [Sister AM, USA, 21 February 2001]

"Assalamo alaikum dear Mujahideen, keep going. We will overcome them one day. Our prayers and dua only for you. You also please make dua for us." [Brother JM, Pakistan, 22 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. What I want is for some of the brothers to be kind enough to give me a dua that all the Mujahideen make. I truly want to make some dua for my brothers in Islam. May Allah accept all the Shuhadaa,and may Allah heal the injuries of the injured mujahideen." [Sister FYA, USA, 20 February 2001]

Added 22 February 2001

"Assalamu alaikum O soldiers of Islam. I hope this message reaches you whilst you are in the best of states. I pray that all those Muslims who have been killed on the battlefield are accepted as martyrs, and that they are therefore entered in to the highest stations of Paradise. And indeed it is true that one who is killed in the Way of Allah, then his is a rank that is not comparable to any other, a station higher than all other stations, a position that is most lofty indeed. And you, O our Mujahideen, are in a position of respect and authority in this Ummah. You are the defenders of our Faith, along with our noble scholars. It is true that the victory is yours and that the victory is near. This Jihad that you are fighting will only bear it's fruits when it is upon Tawheed and the Sunnah. And in you, O our Mujahideen, do we see the light of Tawheed and Sunnah. And we, the rest of the Ummah, have a right upon you, that you keep on fighting according to the Sunnah, that you make Allah's word your objective. And you, O our Mujahideen, then what right do you have upon us. Indeed it is none other except that we pray for you, for your names are mentioned in our every dua, to fight along side you is our only desire. We pray that Allah grants you the victory, having firm faith that this prayer will be answered." [Brother NA, USA, 20 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to the Mujahideen brothers . Hope you all are fine out there by the Grace of Allah (SWT). I like this site very much and when I open it I pray to Allah (SWT) to give happy news. I have asked my friends to visit this site. Alhamdulillah I feel very good when I start writing to you and feel the happiness from the core of my heart . May Allah fill your hearts with happiness and Taqwa. We are always praying for you and for the victory of Islam. I love my Mujahideen brothers very much and pray for them." [Brother FSS, India, 20 February 2001]

"You are always in my prayers. I pray to Allah (SWT) to grant victory, protection, patience to the Mujahideen who are sacrificing their wealth and lives. May Allah (SWT) accept their duas and Martyrs. I always tell the brothers that the Mujahideen are on a completely different level, much closer to Allah (SWT) and I wish and pray to Allah (SWT) that He makes it easy so that I become one of you. Please make dua for me and the entire Muslim Ummah." [Brother M, UK, 19 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. The West seems to rely on its arsenal of destructive weapons to cleanse the Muslim Ummah, while the cursed one (Shiatan) makes their actions fairseeming to them with his lies. They manipulate the masses and speak falsehoods against our people. They bring people to power who ravage and pillage innocent Muslims and people around the world in the name of world peace. They utter falsehood and conceal that which is truth. They say they are just, but The Exalted knows the extent of their justice. By the One who sent Muhammad (SAWS) with the truth, I would rather be roasted alive than see my people be oppressed. It is better that an iron rod be driven through my skull than agree to their plots without doing something." [Brother JAR, UK, 19 February 2001]

"Assalaamu alaykum Brother, may I first (with the help of Almighty Allah ) commend you and the brothers and sisters fighting against the Kuffar. May Allah Almighty help you the same way the Muslims defeated the Kuffar in Badr. Allah Almighty will come to your aid. How can He not, when you are fighting for His cause and secondly you are the followers of His beloved Prophet Muhammed (SAWS). Alhumdulillah you recite the Shahadah, and Allah Almighty will most definitely help you brothers and sisters. Secondly, I like to comment on the immense love and affection you have amongst the Muslims. Brother, it is such a shame that Muslims today are dying and the rest of the Umma are just sleeping." [Brother IM, UK, 19 February 2001]

Added 21 February 2001 "Assalamu alaikum. First of all I would like to give you my congratulations on facing the Russians in such a brave and successful manner. The Russians were beaten severely in Afghanistan before but they did not learn a lesson. They did the ultimate mistake of colliding with the Muslims again. Muslims, when we have complete faith in Allah (SWT) and are confident of ourselves, become unbeatable. From the earliest history of Islam we have learned that the Muslims have almost always been weaker in terms of weapons, animals, soldiers etc. but even then they have almost always won. Therefore we Muslims do not have to get worried about the superior weapons of the Kuffar. What if they have loads of weapons, very superior technology etc.? They will still be defeated whenever they try to oppress us. Because Allah is the supreme power and no power is superior then Him. We should just have faith in Allah's supremacy. What are these weapons? Only small machines? They can stop working only from slight problems! Their soldiers are demoralized and afraid. The ultimate weapon is thus not the atom bomb or anything else: it's our Iman. We should realize that the only way out of the current problems is Jihad. Do some of us think that by sitting back in our homes our lives would be saved? Do we fear that by going out to fight we might get killed? What we don't realize perhaps is that death has a fixed time. It can come anytime and anywhere. What if you are sitting back in your house and an earthquake strikes, or the roof falls for some reason on top of you, or a snake bites you, or you fall off the stairs accidentally etc.? Death can strike anytime. One can get killed even in the safe shelter of his house. So how would we like to die? Die an ordinary death in our houses or die a Martyr's death on the battlefield and go straight to heaven? We Muslims believe in peace. But if some gets aggressive with us�it is our right to reply. What happens nowadays is that we Muslims are attacked in front of the world. We are the one's portrayed as the aggressors! So my friends, it's about time we wake up from this shameful and disgraceful sleep and prove ourselves. The Mujahideen in Chechnya are fighting for Islam and we all should offer our complete support to them. We ought to remember them in our prayers." [Brother HBZ, Pakistan, 20 February 2001]

"I come from Barry, Wales, UK. I am not a Muslim, but I fully support the Chechens in their conflict with Russia. I hope the day is near when the fool Putin will accept defeat at the hands of Allah's warriors. Also, your website is brilliant and is the only source of information about the conflict for me, because the media reports here are littered with pro-Russian propaganda. May Allah be with you all." [Mr. LAN, UK, 18 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, dear brothers in Islam! I've been visiting your site regularly and I am at awe of the authentic events happening in the world of Jihad. It's nice to learn authentic happenings as opposed to the lies that the media feed people everyday. I have always admired our Prophet (SAWS) very much and in a way, it reflects how I respect all the Mujahideen who strive for the Cause of Allah (SWT). May Allah preserve the wholeness of your intention. Ameen!" [Sister AL, United Arab Emirates, 18 February 2001] "Assalamu alaikum, I just wanted to say that we, the Muslims in Adelaide (Australia) are, praise be to Allah, following you closely through your tremendous May Allah make all of you steadfast at doing this Jihad sincerely to Him alone. We will remember you always in our prayers, and we also want you to remember us in your prayers." [Brother ICY, Adelaide, Australia, 19 February 2001 ]

"I've been following all of the Chechen News via Qoqaz/Azzam for months and I have to admit that I envy the courage shown by the Chechen Mujahideen and the Chechen people. I never thought that Allah would give me the chance to let me live to see such courage. Such bravery that you demonstrated are only known to me from a history book. I hope you'll become as an inspiration not only to Muslims but to all people in the world to fight against evil. Allah is Great. We are praying for you." [Brother R, Malaysia, 19 February 2001]

"I'm really happy that our Chechen Muslim brothers are doing Jihad in a well planed way. I assure our Mujahideen brothers that they are not alone. The help of Allah and prayers of all Muslims are with them. When I saw the casualties of the Russian forces I became very happy. I Pray the Allah may make you successful in every battle for the Cause of Islam. Ameen." [Brother MB, Pakistan, 19 February 2001]

Added 18 February 2001

"Assalaamu alaykum brothers. I wanted to bring your attention to the latest Newsweek Magazine, (February 19) which contains two long articles attacking Islam and the Muslim Ummah as a whole. It is interesting that the publishing of these slanderous, one- sided articles coincides with the recent election victory of their hero; the baby-murdering butcher Ariel Sharon in Israel. They also make a vague reference to in the article by claiming that "Osama bin Laden inspired Chechens" are bragging about "future Islamist power" on the Internet. These Muslim-hating people wouldn't dare mention that the struggle for freedom from Imperialist tyranny is every man and woman's God-given right. You are always in my dua." [Brother OK, USA, 13 February 2001]

"Salam alaikum brothers and sisters. The new section (Jihad Lands) added to the Azzam site is really nice. Keep up the good work. I thought it was very educational. It thought me more about lands I don't know to much about. Jazakumallahu khairan." [Brother SR, USA, 16 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum O lions of Sheeshaan! I pray that this e-mail reaches you in the highest level of Imaan - but what level amongst all levels can be compared to that of Jihad? For today Jihad is the peak of the matter and sadly it has become a forgotten obligation. There are only a handful of lions who roar and wake the sleepers of this world. There are only a handful who have sold the illusory life of this world for the Eternal Pleasure of the Next. To Allah (SWT) is surely the best return. He who brings life to a dead field can surely bring light where there is dimness, and freedom where there is oppression, and Islam where there is Kufr. The handful of this shattered Ummah truly have Allah's help with them, for they are the only ones who truly love for Allah and hate for Allah. My yearning never ceases and never will and Insha Allah because I am a sister of beloved Hawa, I too will join her in her pleasure. The help of Allah is with you, so remain firm against those who try to destroy you, but never will. From Allah we come and to Him we return." [Sister MA, UK, 15 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum. I think that you are those people about whom the Prophet (SAWS) says, that one group of my people will be on Islam and they will fight for Islam until the Last Day will come. You are heroes of all Muslims world-wide. May Allah give you success and to all the Mujahideen brothers around the world." [Brother A, Pakistan, 16 February 2001]

Assalamu alaikum to the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. I hope and pray that you are all fine out there. May Allah (SWT) keep you firm on your path and give you the highest place in Paradise. We are all with you and support you fully by heart. We too wish to join you in your struggle against the enemies of Islam and Insha Allah soon we will join you. We are always praying for you." [Brother FSS, India, 16 February 2001]

Added 17 February 2001

"I'm a middle aged European male and for a long time now have been very concerned at the activities of the Russian military in their invasion and oppression of the people of Chechnya. The Western media have had a big role to play in that they have not criticized the Russians nor do they carry any reporting of the atrocities being committed there. In New Zealand where I live, one could think that the Chechen "situation" has been resolved as there is nothing in the media about it. The internet has been the only source of information to keep one informed. I'm not Muslim, I'm just an ordinary man but the "demonizing" of the Muslim religion and beliefs has been largely "manufactured " within Western media. It is not good, and I will pass your address to friends, etc." [MR C, New Zealand, 14 February 2001]

"Salaam alaikum my dear brothers and sisters Mujahids of Chechnya. May Allah bless and keep you all united, healthy and strong. Ameen. While you, my brothers in Chechnya and our Taliban brothers in Afghanistan, are suffering and sacrificing to establish Islam in the lands, it is indeed most unfortunate that some 'Muslims', point to the fact that our Ummah must keep Islam confined to the Mosques and homes. Otherwise we too will end up in refugee camps alienated and shunned by the world, and we shall remain in a regressive state. These Munafiqs seek to destroy the faith of those in whose heart burns the flame of Islam and have the dignity, courage and the intelligence to realize that. As stated by Allah in the Quran and in the Hadith of our Prophet Mohammed (SAWS), the Kuffars and the Shaitans will never be happy with us until we become like them. You do not have to be the Secretary of the UN to see the incredible amounts of injustice and outright destruction of Muslims and their society that the world happily accepts.

No matter where you look, whether its Chechnya, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Kashmir, Palestine, its only Muslims who fill the roles of the wretched in refugee camps, displaced, tortured, murdered, slaughtered, raped while the world merrily looks on. Sadly these atrocities are even being carried out by the governments of these so-called Islamic states. With what conscience can a true Muslim look away without the state of his brothers and sisters slicing away at his heart? Do we then slither away like snakes and rats, and put on an appeasing facade to please our "Masters"?

The Kuffar will continue to hound us for our oil, water, land, warm water sea ports. They will occupy our lands and sell us our own oil, they will commit atrocities upon us, rape and slaughter our families and yet blame us and call us terrorists when we strike back. Islam is not a religion, it is a way of life. Turning Islam into a ritualistic religion without changing ourselves, is akin to the hollow creeds followed by Jews, Christians and Hindus. We are born Muslims and if we have an ounce of dignity of the Muslim Chechens or the Taliban, we would rather die with honour than live the pathetic lives of servile slimy scoundrels, whose fate awaits in the permanence of Hell where they will fuel the fires forever. May Allah bless and guide you all, Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 15 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum dear brothers, I am writing to thank you for keeping all Muslims updated on the current situation in Chechnya. For Muslims living in Western countries it is hard to get correct information on the state of the Muslims across the world. But alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed you to undertake such a demanding task. May Allah bless the cause." [Brother UK, USA, 12 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. Praise be to Allah, the Originator, who has given us such courageous soldiers and commanders. It is no wonder that the world is on the defensive when we wage Jihad. The Lord knows best who are the peacemakers and who are the terrorists. So stand firm against the forces of evil and rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded for verily you are among the best of creation and Allah knows best. Peace be upon you, the day you were born and the day you shall die. For it was by the grace of the Exalted and through your struggle that I realized the value of this Religion. They say that it (America) is the land of hope and glory, but the truth stands high above that which is false. The honour, power and glory belong to Allah, His messengers and the believers." [Brother JR, UK, 14 February 2001] "Assalamu alaikum. Allah will provide all of the Muslims fighting for His sake with anything that is needed. May Allah keep them all on His beautiful, truthful path of Al- Islam. May He help through all their times of struggle. May Allah bring them all closer to Him each day and closer to victory. May Allah have mercy on all of the Muslims fighting for His sake and have them reach the highest places in His beautiful Jannah. Ameen. " [Brother AYS, USA, 14 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleykum my dear Mujahideen brothers! Insha Allah the victory will come soon. You are the defenders of believing people. You are the Army of Allah and His Prophet! You can only be victorious, by the Will of Allah. Its not important if you fight 16 months or 160 years. You are blessed with the power of Iman. You are always in my duas and in my mind." [Brother BA, Germany, 14 February 2001]

Added 15 February 2001

"My congratulations to the brave Mumins of Chechnya. You chose to fight for Allah against the comforts of good life of Wahn. May Allah protect you from the attacks of Kuffar and the attacks of Satan to cause Fitna among your own. In war, may Allah keep you together to drive the Kuffar away. In peace, may Allah keep you together to rebuild your country with Islamic Sharia. And in Hereafter, may Allah keep you together with Rasoolullah (SAWS) and other great Shaheeds. Ameen! You are setting a great example for the Muslim Ummah in modern times. Like Rasoolullah (SAWS) said: Islam will spread by example. Your example is of standing on your own, committing Jihad, and not considering the help from any Kafir third party to mediate. UN or otherwise, the Kafir third parties are worst than the Kafir second parties with even more cunning. They pretend to be neutral. Diplomacy, political settlements, and secret negotiations are just different forms of lying and cheating. It is designed just to prolong the occupation of Kafir and Munafiq control freaks. We don't have to deal with Kuffar, we deal with Allah (SWT). The failure of our Ummah against Kuffar in this world is just a sign of our failure in our trade with Allah (SWT). We are not making enough effort in His Way with our person, nor even with our wealth. Congratulations, Mumins of Chechnya, you showed the Ummah the light at the end of the tunnel of disgrace. May Allah give you victory in this struggle very soon, and make you the new leaders of the Ummah. Ameen!" [Brother SH, USA, 12 February 2001]

"I thank you, brave Mujahideen, for exhausting and laming the Russian army. The Russian economy sways, poverty and diseases lash the Russian people. Every day, that you carry on maiming them, you give a day of peace to the Western world. Russia is getting weaker and weaker: they can threaten their neighbours no more. Again, I thank you for punishing the most infamous and inhuman state in the world." [Mr. PH, Finland, 12 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum, may Allah bless you a thousand times for the wonderful work you are doing. Please do more profiles on the recent and past Mujahids that have passed away." [Brother D, USA, 11 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. I believe that Chechen guerillas will win because of a number of reasons. One is the shield of their 'Iman' and Help from Allah. What they do is not wrong because Chechen civilians are brutally treated everyday and this justifies the Jihad against the Russians. Second is the experience the guerillas have after years of fighting and successful ambushes. Third, the terrain. The Russians with their advanced attack planes and aircraft cannot hold a decisive advantage because of the mountainous region. Fourth, the morale of the Russian invaders. With deaths everyday, they must be feeling miserable because they know that they will die, the only question is, when? Fifth are the Russian civilians who know that the propaganda by the Russian Government is false and the decision to invade Chechnya is an ill-fated plan. The support for the Jihad would never disappear because of the way the Russian troops are treating the Chechen civilians and hence, the popular support will always be there for the liberators. The win will come. The Russians may hold on, but like the situation in Southern Lebanon, the defeat will come. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother S, Singapore, 14 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya . May Allah keep you firm on your path and steadfast in your deeds. Alhamdulillah by the Grace of Allah very exciting and good news are coming to us from the front line and Insha Allah soon the voices of the adhan will echo in every part of Chechnya. I get very happy when I hear the latest attacks of the Mujahideen on the Russian army. We are always with you and are always praying for the Mujahideen fighting all over the world against the enemies of Islam. I am proud of you, my brothers, and I am most proud to be a Muslim . Insha Allah there will be Islamic law in Chechnya." [Brother FSS, India, 13 February 2001]

"Allahu Akbar! our Muslims brothers are struggling very hard in Palestine. Almost every day there will be brothers Shaheed in the streets. There are many brothers who are ready to die for the Palestinian cause but many of them have no military training. They also lack military equipment. All these problems do not weaken the bravery of our Palestinian brothers. I will pray that Allah will send His Mujahideen soldiers there to assist the Palestinians in their war. May the Israelis military be destroyed like the Russians in Chechnya." [Brother SS, Singapore, 13 February 2001]

Added 13 February 2001

"Dear friends, I am not a Chechen woman, or not an Muslim, but I can no longer see the pictures from Chechnya and stay still. I am a woman from Germany, but read all messages from Chechnya and all Russian news daily. In case, I can help you with myself, please send back a mail. I want to help you and sorry for my bad english, my Russian isn`t better. I want to help the people of Chechnya now." [Ms. CH, Germany, 11 February 2001]

"Dear Brothers (heroes), assalamu alaikum. Allah, I am very fond of all the brothers fighting the Kuffar's oppression. The time has come to a point where it as if the whole world is against Islam & the Muslims. May Allah help all brothers & sisters fighting in this fight against evil. May Allah curse the Russian army & chuck them into the pit of Hell to abide therein forever. May Allah bless the Mujahideen & enter them into the eternal bliss (Paradise). Ameen." [Brother MC, UK, 12 February 2001]

"Allahu Akbar! Our Muslim brothers and sisters in Afghanistan are suffering because of American policies. I am asking the Muslim leaders to send all the necessary help for the people of Afghanistan. If they can tell me how, I would like to contribute myself. If they can do it to the earthquake victims in India, why not do the same for the victims in Afghanistan. With the wealth that Allah has given to some Muslim countries, I don't see why they can't help. May Allah show as the path." [Brother SS, Singapore, 12 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum, We can be flowers and we can also be lions, with the ones we love we are as soft as flower petals but to the ones who are evil, we are as fierce as lions! Subhanallah, such a beautiful contrast that exists in the very Chechen land! May Allah (SWT) increase your power for He is the Giver of Victory!" [Sister MA, UK, 11 February 2001]

Added 12 February 2001

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahideen brothers, may Allah bless you with more Imaan, Taqwa, mercy, and a victory supreme in this world and the world to come. Ameen. I have been reading messages of support for a while and I really like to read the messages by brother TN, how true he is regarding the conditions of Muslims around the world. We are indeed living our lives like a bunch of coward sheep with Munafiq ideas such as nationalism embedded within our Islamic beliefs. Although we thrive in numbers-more than a billion, most of us are an insult to Islam and the true Muslims. We carry on our ignorant and pre-Islamic ideas with us even after the knowledge of Quran has been clearly revealed to us. Would it not have been better if there were not a billion ignorant Muslims but rather less than a million sincere and true Muslims, so that at least they would have represented the true Islam to the world without any human corruption? But my brothers, I am hopeful and optimistic, Islam teaches us never to lose hope and give up, always think positively, even if the reality is the opposite, so at least we would have the energy to fight for the cause. I think it is just a matter of time when the table will turn to our side and that has already been done as in Chechnya, and everything else will follow Insha Allah. We should always remember the time of our beloved Prophet (SAWS) when the condition of Muslims and Islam was not very strong but Allah united the hearts of the believers and gave them supreme victory and from then on for more than a decade of centuries, Muslims dominated the east and the west, and the Kuffar were in a very dismal situation. It has been only in this century that Kuffar have been successful in achieving their aims, but that will be Insha Allah short-lived because falsehood is destined to perish, and truth is destined to prevail. So my brothers be optimistic and ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy that He may give Islam and the Muslims a victory once again complete and supreme, because for Allah (SWT) nothing is difficult or impossible. But we must work hard to please our Lord and submit ourselves wholeheartedly to Islam and His cause in patience and reverence." [Sister AK, NY, USA, 10 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum, Allah's soldiers (Mujahideen). Everyday I'm on your website to read your news, and before I open the site I make dua to Allah so that He helps you to win this war, which the Kuffar brought into your country. May Allah protect you all, and give you quick and swift victory Insha Allah. Allah is our superpower, and He can make the Kuffar's weapons turns on themselves. You should not negotiate with war criminals and Kuffar for peace. Our dua's are with you always and we are very proud of you. We Muslims should take lessons from you, because you are the best examples for us. No peace with Kuffar/ war criminals. Allah is watching you and us always. Please O Allah protect our brothers/ sisters in Chechnya, and help them with your secret weapons. Ameen." [Brother AMS, Toronto, Canada, 10 February 2001]

"I support Chechen people fighting for their lives. But there is something I think you are wrong about. You are not just fighting Russians or Jews or whatever. You are fighting the forces of Evil. If you don't fully understand this you cannot win." [Mr. MM, USA, 11 February 2001]

"My dear brothers, assalamu alaikum. I Praise our Lord who has given enormous strength to our Mujahideen brothers fighting in subzero temperatures against the disbelievers. Didn't the disbelievers see what happened in Gujrat in a major earthquake? These people are escapists who are not ready to accept the Supreme Power and His strength. These are hypocrites who shout about humanity but Allah better knows what is in their hearts. Let these natural disasters be an warning for Muslims as well , that we should be prepared for death at any moment, and not that when we get old we will start Salah and all Ibaada. May the process of hoisting of the Flag "La Ilaha illallah- Muhammad ar-rasoolullah" start in Chechnya and spread to the whole world so that only the rule of Allah is established." [Brother AH, India, 11 February 2001]

Added 10 February 2001

"Looking around, any honest observer, Muslim or non-Muslim can see the writing on the wall. Take any Muslim country, and it is painfully apparent that its socio-economic structure is in doldrums and is barely making it, with a very large majority of its citizens in abject poverty and terrible social distress. There is a horrible lack of food, water, education, jobs, medical services, medicine, social services and utilities. Muslim countries have more than their share of morbid crime, high infant mortality rates, disease and hunger. The general mood of the masses is so depressingly negative that people seem resigned to living in their pathetic state from day to day, some simply waiting for death to rid them of their misery. However in a sharp contrast those countries where the governments have clamped down on any aspirations of an Islamic system using torture and murder to achieve that end, they are well rewarded by the world with infinite loans, military and economic assistance and will even look away while these countries have a free hand at genocide and their justice for Muslims is non-existent. There is a stranglehold in place by the world of Kuffar and Munafiqs, and our religion, our values, and all that defines us as Muslims is being squeezed out of us.

It would be all to easy to blame the superpowers, the UN, the NATO and the EU for all the evil that befalls us and to a great degree that is quite true. However the bottom line is that we Muslims are our own worst enemies. By ignoring the word and guidance of Allah in the Quran and the Prophet's (SAWS) Sunnah, we have brought this tragedy upon ourselves. We have put cultural norms, often completely conflicting with the teachings in Islam, forward to the world to represent our understanding and appreciation of our religion. With such a confusion of ideas and dogmas, compounded with mindless nationalism, we do not know what part of our belief is based upon true Islamic teachings and which has roots in some residual pagan pre-Islamic cultural anomaly.

We are quite content to confine Islam in our lives to ritual Friday and Eid prayers and going through the motions in the month of Ramadan or giving a bit of money (whether earned honestly or not), all the while patting ourselves on the back and wondering what good Muslims we are. Never mind that our lives are punctuated with open defiance of the teachings of our Prophet Mohammed (SAWS), in all our actions. We steal, we lie, we cheat, our children are encouraged to ape Western or Hindu actors and actresses in our dress and demeanour and any child even vaguely shows interest in Islam is derided and called a Mulla. We accept the anti-Islamic theories of disbelievers and Munafiqs regarding the events in Algeria, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, Kashmir and Palestine. We approve of the shameful attire of our wives and daughters, who strut about in sexually enticing clothes which leave nothing to the imagination. Quite akin to the shameless naked Hindus who feel that splashing about in a river will wash their sins, or the Christians who wipe away the week's worth of sins with the weekend church visit, we too feel that by our rituals and 'feel good deeds' we are in Allah's good books which is why we are rewarded with such prosperity.

However we never stop and recall, the words of Allah in the Quran, that He continues to give slack to such rebellious ingrates and the disbelievers and those who seep themselves in greater sin until Allah will one day take them to task. The reality is that our lives and actions are a total contradiction of Islam and we insult Islam and all true Muslims, by proclaiming ourselves as Muslims through our Muslim names. Allah will never change the condition of a people until they first change themselves and if there is any hope for us, the time is now before the book of our lives is closed and we stand shamefaced before Allah, awaiting our fate.

As uninteresting as it may sound to some, looking towards the Mujahids of Chechnya and the Taliban of Afghanistan one cannot look away without feeling that pang of shame and the nagging sense that they have achieved for themselves, besides a place in history as the true warriors of Islam, a place in Heaven and their successful struggle against all odds, with the entire world against them. It is not the struggle of common men but of Mujahids aided by Allah. In time it will be these lions who, by their sacrifice, will show that they are the chosen ones, and who will unite and singularly lead the Ummah under the banner of Islam. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 08 February 2001]

"May Allah bless you all. Our prayers are always with you." [Brother R, Malaysia, 08 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. Once again, all praise and glory belong to The Exalted, The Guardian of Faith, The Supreme. My hands are raised, my heart is for the cause and my means are at your disposal for the sake of The Most Gracious. We shall certainly recompense the evildoers with a punishment which is most befitting them, Insha Allah, and they will certainly come to know the wrath of the Exalted and His soldiers. The territorial distance between us is much, but it is not enough to separate my heart from yours and it is not enough to tie down my hands and the hands of this Ummah. I will never stop supporting the most supreme fighting force in the world. May Allah be with you." [Brother JR, UK, 09 February 2001]

Added 08 February 2001

"Assalamu alaikum. All praise and glory belong to the Exalted, The Sovereign. They (the Kuffar) pretend to be peacemakers but Allah knows the reality of all things. They can fool the masses but they can never fool the Lord of the Worlds. Iblis challenged Allah and his challenge is manifest in the form of wars against mankind, and although he has his cavalry among men and Jinn, Allah too has His soldiers. The Exalted has chosen you as His soldiers to lead this war in our time and you are on the front line. Evil is what they do. They talk about the SAS and the Navy Seals, but what they don't realise is that in you and the Mujahideen, Allah (SWT) has given us the most supreme fighting machine in the world. May Allah be with you." [Brother AQ, London, UK, 07 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers and sisters in Chechnya and all over the world, who are fighting with their persons and their wealth and all other means available to safeguard Islam and the Muslims everywhere. I pray that Allah (SWT) grants you clear swift victory soon, and cleanses our Muslim lands of Shirk. Once that victory comes, and no doubt it will soon Insha Allah, I pray that Allah guides you with the wisdom and means to establish the Deen the way its supposed to be established. To my brothers and sisters in Indonesia who frequent this site, I would like to advise you to be cautious about how you interpret the news and recent events. Did you notice how attacks against the Indonesian government have grown since the public there showed their support for the Palestinians and called for Jihad? Please trust in your fellow Muslims and beware of the whisperings from enemies among you. To all the Muslims everywhere, when you view the news and any other media material, view it with criticism, and don't believe everything you hear or see. May Allah (SWT) guide us to what is true and what is right, and give us the wisdom to deal with it all in the best possible way. Ameen." [Brother AA, USA, 07 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to the dearest Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya . O the fighters of Allah, O my dearest brothers, you have proven to the world that no army of the world can stand in front of Allah's army. Allah (SWT) has heard our prayers and every forthcoming day fills our eyes with tears of joy when we hear the attacks of the Mujahideen on the Russian army. Insha Allah very soon the sounds of our adhans will echo in each and every part of Chechnya and the Russians will face the wrath of Allah. We the Ummatul Muslimeen are with you in the war of our Islam against the enemies of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). We are proud to be Muslims and representatives of Islam." [Brother FSS, India, 07 February 2001]

"May Allah give all you brothers Nusrah. Brothers, please make dua for us weak brothers that Allah strengthens our hearts and minds. I will make dua that Allah gives you victory." [Brother D, USA, 06 February 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum. I have been keeping up to date with the current Jihad in Chechnya ever since the new one started. Everyday I am reading the news on paper and on the internet regarding the Jihad. I send duas all the time as do many of my fellow brothers around my city. Keep up the good work brothers." [Brother HA, UK, 06 February 2001]

Added 06 February 2001

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya. May Allah guide you and keep you all united, healthy and strong, ameen. I had the pleasure to witness some of our brothers in action in Chechnya including brother **, who lost his leg in this Jihad (may Allah bless and guide him and keep him strong), and was featured in a TV program. Brother **'s display of Iman, courage and valour was indeed most moving. When I look at all the other 'Muslims' from 'Islamic' countries sadly and desperately trying to ape the Western ways, our young men reduced to wearing earrings and necklaces and living the soft effeminate lives, and may of our women viciously shunning Islam in their dress and demeanour it is indeed most depressing. But when I saw brother **, in the TV program, I was reassured with the hope that there are truly many may more brothers like him and who will be born every day. Also if a brother can be such a potent adversary to the Russian devils, imagine what these Russian devils go through when they see a whole army of my brave Chechen lions who live in the fire of the war every single day, and whose passion for Jihad and their Iman makes the Russian devils scatter like rats for their lives. I continue my prayers for you and pray that Allah brings tremendous victory for you each day and more humiliation and death and destruction on the Russian army. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 05 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. The withdrawal of the Russian army has created a lot of enthusiasm in our heart and Insha Allah soon there will be Islamic Shariah in Chechnya and all over the World." [Brother FSS, India, 05 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleykum, may Allah be pleased with you all. With Sabr, you are all fighting as hard as you can day after day. I am thinking so much about Chechnya that my heart is suffering. I pray for victory every day. The Chechens have the right on their side. I am glad that they have started a warfare with remote controlled landmines. That will make life very difficult for the Russian army Insha Allah. A former military defence analyst here in Sweden said in a TV program that the Chechens can continue with this guerilla warfare forever. Another journalist wrote that the Russians are loosing 200 soldiers every month and the war can only become worse for the Russian army. The war is far from over he wrote. I hope you will continue your support for the Chechens till the Russians have realized that the withdrawal is the only way out of this war." [Brother K, Stockholm, Sweden, 05 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. Hope Allah always guides us to the Siratal Mustaqim (the straight path). Ameen. All of my brothers and sisters in Chechnya, you have done the best for the glory of Islam. We always pray day and night for your victory. Allahu Akbar!!!!!!! Keep up the struggle against our enemy." [Sister BB, Indonesia, 05 February 2001]

Added 05 February 2001

"O Allah, Your help is the only help; no other help is comparable to it. O Allah, of Your Compassion, help this nation that has suffered in Your Cause for three hundred years. O Allah, strengthen the Mujahideen and protect the innocent from Your enemies. O Allah, we beseech You to heal the hearts of Your servants. Cradle the grieving orphans; console the raped women; heal and nourish Your Soldiers! O Allah, Our brothers and sisters are being oppressed. You are The Just; we beseech you to administer justice and destroy those who murdered, tortured and looted from them. O Allah, Give the aggressors no respite; kill their leaders and cast every possible misfortune within their ranks. To You we belong, and to You we return." [Brother ZA, Canada, 04 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. It gave me great pleasure when I saw a report in BBC news yesterday (2nd February 2001) that our Muslim brothers in Chechnya have inflicted great losses on the Russian forces during the 16 month old war. The estimation given by BBC was 2700 enemy soldiers lost (information given by Russia) and the report also said that this is only the official figure, whereas the real figure goes as high as 20 soldiers per day (that comes to an astounding 600 soldiers per month x 16 months = 9600 enemy soldiers killed by Mujahideen, just by their estimates). Alhamdulillah, this is a very encouraging scenario and I have a feeling that the Russians will Insha Allah lose this war in the very near future, and it will be a disaster beyond anybody's imagination for Russia. I pray to Allah (SWT) to give victory not only to our brethren in Chechnya, but also guide Muslims all over the world to follow our beloved brethren of Chechnya in all conflicts against the enemies of Islam." [Dr. MMA, Saudi Arabia, 03 February 2001]

"O Chechen Muslims, ask the help of Allah as He always helps the good believers. How God helps the believers you can observe clearly even in this century by your eye. It is a lesson for all the Muslims to have their Faith and change their life in the lands of Allah. Do not care about what the scientists describe these miracles as. Sciences can just only show the reasons by their limited view, but the real reason, the believers know well, is Allah. I request all the Chechen people to ask the help of Allah and ask forgiveness from Him for the sins and change themselves. By the grace of Allah and by the brave Mujahideen, you will get freedom one day from the cruel Russian army." [Brother NAZ, India, 04 February 2001]

Added 04 February 2001

"May Allah reward you with victory against the criminal Russian army and all the countries that support it. With the help of Allah, you gave us hope and woke us up from our deep sleep. You also showed us that we too can make a difference in this anti-Muslim world. I pray to Allah that you stay as united after the war ends Insha Allah and not repeat the Afghanistan tragedy." [Brother AHH, USA, 03 February 2001]

"Dear bothers and sisters in Islam, I would like to send you my greetings and prayers for the path of Allah that you have taken, and may Allaah reward you with His choicest blessings on this earth and in the Hereafter, ameen. I am one of your brothers from Canada and I want you to know that even though we are not there with you, our duas and prayers are always with you, and may Allaah protect you and increase your courage and bravery against the Kuffar. Please do not make any peace with them until you succeed to overpower them and accept peace on our terms, but observe caution when dealing with them for they are Munafiqeen (hypocrites) and can always double-cross the Muslims. May Allah be with you and help you in realising this goal which is for the pleasure of Allah only." [Brother J, Canada, 02 February 2001]

"May Allah help all you Muslims in Chechnya. I also pray for you a lot. Respect to you all. You have big support from UK and Pakistan. May Allah help you in Chechnya and may you succeed in your mission. Take care." [Brother RSS, UK, 03 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers & sisters. May Allah (SWT) help you on the battlefield and ease all your problems. Insha Allah, we are the Mujahideen next. We always make dua to get victory in the path of Allah. May Allah (SWT) gift you with Jannatul Firdaus (the highest level of Paradise) in Aakhira (the Hereafter)." [Brother M, UK, 02 February 2001]

Added 03 February 2001

"Salam alaikum my dear Muslim brothers and sisters: May Allah bless you all and keep you united, healthy and strong. I do not loose one opportunity to voice my opinion on Chechnya and Afghanistan to the world. The following letter appeared on the Lockerbie Debate today, you can view it at "If the court issued the decree in their best judgement based on incontrovertible facts then we must respect the courts findings. However, when shall we see other criminals brought to justice who in spite of their horribly bloody deeds, all on record, presently enjoy complete immunity from prosecution by the EU, the UN or NATO or any other international organization, and indeed such criminals are hailed as true leaders of the free world. The injustices carried out on the Muslims of Afghanistan, Chechnya or Kurdistan by Super Powers under the guise of National Security, remain ignored." Your struggle is not in isolation. Your cause is the cause for the entire Muslim Ummah. I will keep on hammering away letters and opinions and any other thing that I can do that will help you and our cause. Please be warned that under advice from Israel, Mr. Putin intends to send in assassination teams made up of bearded Munafiqs mostly Chechens, Uzbeks and Khazaks, in an attempt to wipe out our leadership in Chechnya. My brothers, make examples of the Munafiqs and Kuffar so that any fools with ideas of selling you for a few roubles will shake in their boots. My prayers for you continue. May Allah be with you always." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 31 January 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum & Allahu Akbar!!! Allahu Akbar to all the Mujahideen who are fighting for Islam. Really, this is the best homepage I have ever seen. I will never forget to make a dua for you. May Allah keep us strong." [Brother SAL, Austria, 01 February 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum to my brothers and sisters in the land of Jihad! A simple plea from a humble slave of Allah: Please don't heed the Russians' 'withdrawal' tactics. If they do leave, it's to help create another Afghanistan. My brothers, Khattab, Basayev and Gelayev; stick together whether the Russians stay or leave, for the sake of Allah and for the sake of the Chechen people! If the Russians leave, thank Allah, stay united and finish off Kadyrov and his bootlickers. May Allah be with every one of you" [Brother ZA, Canada, 02 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. May Allah keep you on the firm path and make you more steadfast in your deeds. We are all praying for you in our Salah and, Alhamdulillah, we get happy to hear the latest ambushes of the Mujahideen against the Russian army. We too wish to come there and fight against the Russian army and Insha Allah we will join you very soon." [Brother FSS, India, 02 February 2001]

"Allahu Akbar, congratulations Mujahideen in Chechnya. We love you a lot. You are the best example of this Ummah. May Allah the Almighty give you a quick and swift victory soon. Kill all those Kuffar in your land, don't make peace with them. Finish them all. May Allah help you, and give you good health. Ameen. Allahu Akbar" [Brother AMS, Canada, 02 February 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. It's so embarrassing for me to neglect my sisters and brothers there in Palestine, Chechnya, and other countries. It's because I can get the objective information of my country. And now I know how does it feel, being intimidated in our own place since we face the same problem here, in Maluku. Patience...I believe Allah will give us the victory. Never give up your Faith to those who are trying to destroy it. Allah is always with us. Allahu Akbar!!!" [Brother IP, Indonesia, 01 February 2001]

"Selamu aleykum dear brothers and sisters. I and my new family pray to Allah (SWT) to give you the Victory as soon as possible. You all are in our prayers in every Salah Insha Allah. May Allah (SWT) grant the brothers and sisters that are Shaheed, the highest level of Jannah." [Brother FH, Turkey, 31 January 2001]

Added 02 February 2001

"Dear Mujahideen brothers and sisters, you are a perfect example for mankind and the Muslim nation. We all pray for you and make dua that with the help of Glorified Allah you will find victory against the Kuffar. You are admired by all the world for your love of Allah and the courage He has granted you. Insha Allah with people like you Islam will live on and become stronger. Respect for all the Mujahideen and well done for designing a beautiful Muslim website. As you are broadening non-Muslim's knowledge of Islam...and introducing Islam in the media it will Insha Allah cut down the anti-Muslim propaganda we hear from the Western world." [Sister FK, UK, 29 January 2001]

"Congratulations, brave Mujahideen! The Russian army has chosen suicide in the form of leaving behind only one division to be slaughtered! How foolish, how splendid! Finish them without remorse. May the One God bless You all!" [Mr. PH, Finland, 29 January 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum, my beloved brothers in Islam. I just would like to show you my support like many others around the world. I thank Allah that there are still people who have faith in Him and I beg Him to give us victory over the Kuffar. Hoping to join your rows someday, Insha Allah. My respect, dua, and whatever else I can do to please my Lord are for you." [Brother TYI, Canada, 31 January 2001]

"My dear Chechen brothers and sisters. I just want to add a small and faint voice of support, to you, the bravest. No matter what the sacrifice will be, it is worth fighting and dying for Islam and freedom. And you will win your freedom, because Allah is on your side. Go for it and let the blessing of Allah fall open those who fight for him, those who fight for Islam. My people will always be with you. We pray for your (and our) children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters that suffer everyday. You are in our hearts, you are in our prayers." [Brother U, Kosova, 30 January 2001] "I am from New Zealand and have been following the two wars against Russian aggression. I pray the war finishes soon, with a victory for Allah's warriors." [Brother MC, New Zealand, 31 January 2001]

"Salams. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam. I can say that no matter what, in my opinion, you brothers and your brave families are the best, Allahu Akbar. Encouragement to you all and may Allah reward you all with the best. Allahu Akbar." [Brother M, Australia, 28 January 2001]

Added 29 March 2001

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers of Islam. We Muslims are proud of you and also proud of being the followers of Islam. The recent victories of Islam and the destruction of the enemies of Islam by the Mujahideen makes me feel really good. I love you my Mujahideen brothers, and I wish to join you. I am always praying with the rest of our Ummah for the upliftment of Muslims. Insha Allah the day is near that Islam will rule this earth, be it Chechnya, Kashmir , Bosnia, Albania, and other parts of the world." [Brother MF, USA, 28 March 2001]

"In sickness and in health, In poverty and wealth, I want to be with you, And be a part of what you do. So very noble is your goal, So pure a heart, and pure a soul. So why am I away from you? So very wrong is what I do! So many sins are pulling me back. There is so much that I do lack. My many faults are in my way, Maybe not true is what I say?? But I am hopeful that this day, My Lord will wash my sins away. So very patient I must be, And pray and hope He will take me. In every trial on my way, "Alhamdulillah" I must say. In every state that I am in, One thing is common out-and-in: I really crave to be with you!! Allah has heard me, that is true!!" [Sister AM, USA, 24 March 2001] "MIR came down with the little pride that was still left in the Russian hearts. Now they're moaning for another space station and it seems that the government must yield. Money, money, money! With you, brave Mujahideen ruining the Russian army and economy, the space station project that they so crave, can only fail. And more, in a few years perhaps, the Kaliningrad area will, after gathering the wealth and the brains of Russia, take a step towards EU and independence. Russia will be left alone, naked and ruined, with no Caucasus, no Kaliningrad, no money and no future. We shall all be avenged. Have patience. Make them bleed! God bless You all." [Mr. PH, Finland, 26 March 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum, my dear brothers and sisters in Jihad in Chechnya. I always pray for you to get a quick and swift victory. You are the best example for us who are still sleeping in this material world. Allah loves you guys. And He will give you victory soon. Ameen." [Brother AMS, Canada, 28 March 2001]

"My grandfather was a Chechen, a very good man. He was killed by Stalin in 1937, so I have never met him. I pray to Allah the Merciful to give you strength and to protect you. You are Lionhearts - the bravest people of all. We follow all the news about you and Ichkeria every day. We are trying to persuade our government to do more to stop the occupation and the crimes against humanity. I lost several relatives in this war. I hope to live to the day when these criminals (the Russian military and government) will go on trial to the International War Crimes Tribunal!" [Sister AL, UK, 26 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, this e-mail overwhelmed me with emotions while writing it. This is for you, the Warriors of Islam. Victory is yours already, yet the world perceives it not. You have not only earned a place in Allah's Paradise but you have re-ignited the torch of Islam all over the world. I can't describe to you the emotions you have stirred in Muslims all over. I weep when I read about your battles, but tears of happiness because your courage reminds us all of Allah (SWT)'s Mercy and Compassion for those who strive in His way. You've humbled us too, as we cannot be there to fight with you, and pray that Allah (SWT) accepts our duas to grant you victory in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen." [Brother IC, USA, 25 March 2001]

Added 25 March 2001

"Dear brothers, I'm a Muslim from Andaluc�a, Spain, and here all the Muslims are with our brothers in Chechnya. We ask Allah that the victory be with the noble people of Chechnya. Our dua after the Salat are for them." [Brother O, Andalusia, Spain, 24 March 2001] "Salaams brothers and sisters. We want to express our support to the people of Chechnya because we (in Kashmir) can better understand the pain of suppression. We have been suppressed by the Hindus of India for more than 60 years now, as you have been suppressed by the Russians. The interesting fact about Russia now is, it is the first country in the world which is ruled by the former "spy". What a Shame for the people of Russia!!! We the people of Kashmir, through want to pass this message to the Russian Govt. and its people, the FSB: nothing holds ground in front of the Truth. The sooner the Russian people realise, the better for them. O Russian people, "Save your men who are in Russian army from being killed by Chechen Mujahideen". O brothers and sisters of Chechnya, please keep us in your duas. Kashmiris are always with you because wherever in the world any Muslim suffers, we in Kashmir feel the pain. The Victory is near." [Brother JA, Kashmir, 24 March 2001]

"Alhamdulillah! May Allah be pleased with the efforts and the sacrifice of your Martyred loved ones. Your struggle is an inspiration to Muslims the world over. May Allah also give you the strength and the patience to endure as you strive to seek His pleasure. Allahu Akbar!" [Brother AA, USA, 22 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum Mujahids, may Allah (SWT) shower His mercy upon every Mujahid, it is a great honour to be able to fight for Islam. May Allah (SWT) give us all the strength to become Mujahid. You are the true heroes." [Brother NS, USA, 22 March 2001]

Added 23 March 2001

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters: may Allah always keep you united healthy and strong. Once again for the sleeping Muslims watching languidly as their brothers and sisters are slaughtered the world over, the recent events in Albania knolls the horrible bell of reality which many Muslims have continued to deny. The very NATO forces who claimed that they were in the Balkans to protect the defenceless Muslims have now suddenly changed their tune. These NATO 'protectors' have now joined forces with the villainous Serbs, the butchers and murderers of old, and incredibly support these craven beasts against the very people they claimed to defend. Will those 'cotton puff Muslims' still look the other way and adopt the pacifist role of sheep lining up to be slaughtered? Will they be content in their false sense of security as they hide inside their houses and nod approvingly in unison with the enemies of Islam as their brothers and sisters are butchered? Was all the wealth of oil and other natural resources which Allah bestowed on them, meant to selfishly maintain their soft lives? Do these ingrates seriously think that they will never stand before Allah and will never be asked to account for how they used the blessings of Allah in the face of their brethren being massacred? What answers will they have then? How will they hide their shame then? What will these Munafiqs say when asked why did their lips only moved to protest the demolition of some miserable statues and yet remained silent while other Muslims were being hacked to pieces in Borneo, Indonesia or in Chechnya where they were made to suffer the most horrible agony of torture by the Russians before being murdered . And where was the affront to their sensibilities when the blood of innocent children, women and men flowed on the streets in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Afghanistan and Kashmir. Have these Munafiqs ever taken time off from their self centred lives to contemplate the what awaits them in graveyards which all their wealth could not help them avoid ? If the events in the world against Islam and Muslims do not stir up your blood and set your heart afire then you are dead. Your soul yearns to be torn free from your miserable body in which it remains. You may hear the beating of your heart but with each beat you are closer to the end of your days, which will end without honour. What an ignoble death it will be. You did not even desire to give your life to serve Allah by Jihad let alone actually participate. On the Day of Judgement you will not stand next to those whom Allah loves. You will not feel the shadow of His mercy. This life, this wealth is just a test to see if you embrace it and love it as your God, or do you treat it with a grain of salt in preparation for the permanent life that is coming sooner than you think ? You do not have a lease on life forever and just one look at the graveyards will make you realize that they did not either - though like you , they too did think so. May Allah keep you all united, healthy and strong. Muslims of the US, continue to unceasingly pray for you in all our prayers." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 21 March 2001]

"Assalamu aleykum my dear Mujahideen brothers! My duas are always with you. My heart feels great pain when I read about the deaths of the Mujahideen. But then I remember to die in Jihad is a great honour and I believe for every Shahid (Martyr) Allah sends 10 new fighters Insha Allah. And I ask dua that I will be one of the new fighters. I have seen Ameer Khattab in my dreams and I say to him I will join the Chechen Jihad Insha Allah and he answered me saying, "your time will come". I pray to Allah that He gives me the power and ability to join the Jihad." [Brother A, USA, 22 March 2001]

Added 21 March 2001

"Assalamu-alaikum, I have read the section on Afghanistan with much interest, and if I could get a message across to them and to the Mujahideen in Chechnya, it would be that Allah (SWT) tests those whom He wishes to draw nearest to Him with the greatest trials and tribulations. Life is much shorter than we think, so please, please remain steadfast, and stick to pure Shariah. Do not bend under any pressure, however severe it may be. The torment of Hell is much more severe. Do not be lulled by any benefit if it is against the Shariah (such as getting a loan with interest to help Afghanistan etc.); the benefits of Jannah are much greater and everlasting. I pray Allah keeps us and you all steadfast on His Deen and never never allows us to waver from it - even an inch! May Allah be with you my brothers!" [Sister AM, USA, 20 March 2001]

"Let me take this opportunity to wish you all the best in this Jihad. May we be together for the sake of Allah." [Brother Y, Tanzania, 20 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear Mujahideen brothers. May Allah (SWT) strengthen you and your Iman with each new day and shower His numerous blessings upon you and your families, and upon the companions of our beloved Prophet (SAWS), for surely your sacrifices are great. May Allah Almighty also grant all the Martyred brothers the highest Jannah and accept their ultimate sacrifice. Brothers, please keep up the call for Jihad; which other Muslims have ignored and deliberately abandoned in pursuit of their own selfish desires, which may not be good for them in the long run. Allah (SWT) has said that Jihad is something that Muslims should not be afraid of, it may be that something is good for you and you may not like it, and you may like something that is not good for you. That is the case with Jihad, it should not be abandoned for it is the only way out of slavery and persecution at the hands of the Kuffar. It is indeed a great struggle but the fruit that it bears are even sweeter and greater for generations to come. Jihad is the only way to alleviate sufferings and to guarantee rights of individuals, no other organization such as Human Rights can do that, we have already seen how successful they were in Bosnia, Kashmir, Palestine, Kosova, and many more places. And why would the Kuffar guarantee the rights of Muslims when they themselves want to see us obliterated? So my dear brothers keep up this struggle, it is the only sure way to gain victory and freedom from oppression for this Ummah, as our Lord has promised. Thus, we must not make excuses, instead we should submit ourselves wholeheartedly and answer to the call of the One in whose hands lies our return and the call of those who are oppressed. It is the only way to show how much we truly love Allah and how committed we are to His Deen. Their is no doubt in my mind that Mujahideen of Chechnya have beautifully shown this commitment over and over again every time they lose their loved one. May God bless all the Mujahideen and their families everywhere, and may He make it easy upon us to join their ranks (Ameen)." [Sister AK, USA, 19 March 2001]

Added 19 March 2001

"Assalamu alaikum to all my Mujahideen brothers and sisters around the globe! May Allah protect and grant you victory. You are the real heroes and Mu'mins. My dua's and prayers are always with my beloved Chechens and other Mujahideen around the world! Victory is clear and it's for Muslims." [Brother FM, USA, 18 March 2001]

"Brothers in Jihad, salamu alaikum I pray to the Almighty Allah to enjoin you with His obedience, and strengthen your feet to face those beasts and brutes, who've been roaming over our land killing our brothers and offending our women. We're praying to Allah to unite the Muslims wherever they are, and teach them right from wrong. Please, do pray for us. May Allah help you to repel the Russian military." [Brother HM, Algeria, 18 March 2001]

"Brothers in Islam, assalamu alaikum. May Allah grant you all success in your efforts and Jannah to all the Martyrs of Chechnya. Insha Allah, Chechnya will be a free and independent Islamic state very soon. We the Muslims of India are deep sympathizers of your cause." [Brother AA, Delhi, India, 18 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum beloved Mujahideen of Chechnya. Your suffering affects me, even though I have never met you all and live far away from you in USA. I am angered at the injustices of Russians against you. I have recently come to check your website regularly for news of your ongoing struggle. May Allah bless each and every one of you and reward you with good determination and success." [Brother AA, USA, 17 March 2001]

Added 18 March 2001

"Assalamu alaikum dear Chechen brothers and sisters. Keep up the fight to oust the Russian invaders from Chechnya. Let Chechnya be another Afghanistan for the Russians. Victory for Chechnya!!!" [Brother EP, USA, 17 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahid brothers, my duas are for you. You are my heroes and you are always on my mind. Whenever I see the Shuhadaa (Martyrs), I break into tears. I always wanted to join the Mujahideen, but under the circumstances I can't. Insha Allah, Allah will give me the privilege to join you guys or at least to see your faces and say salaams to you. I want to thank you guys for putting a smile on my face. I want to thank "" for letting us know about our beloved heroes." [Brother FZ, Sri Lanka, 16 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers. May Allah keep you on the firm Path and slay the enemies of Islam with your hands. The victory of Islam is very near. We fully support you and are proud to be your brothers." [Brother FSS, India, 17 March 2001] "To those oppressed in the land - from an average Muslim.

You and Me

You weep I sleep. I check the news Of your abuse. They rape I gape. They kill I'm still. You die I cry. What can I do? I am afraid, And lazy too! I love you but, I do admit, I love this Dunya More than you. More than Islam, And Allah too. Yes, this is true. I'm a Muslim in...... this world of sin." [Sister AM, USA, 15 March 2001]

"You've got a good web site. I am not Muslim and I don�t believe in "Jihad", but I have sympathy for you because you are not afraid of the Russian Imperialism." [Mr. OH, Czechoslovakia, 16 March 2001]

"Why Muslims Need to Protect Muslims. While I was in the US Military I had the opportunity to travel to many countries. After training, the men would go looking for alcohol and women. I often wondered what they would do if they were to go to Muslim countries. I surely thought since there is no alcohol or since Muslim countries don't have prostitutes they wouldn't find anything. But to my surprise I have found out that this does not stop the gangs that are rich with money and resources when they go to war torn Muslim countries. I was even surprised to find out from one of my friends that while he was in Bosnia that there is a kid called "The God Father". This kid could get you any thing you wanted. At that time it hit me and I realized that their (soldiers) lifestyle has no limits or morals. Granted that some stayed away from such things and I have seen with my own eyes some of them become Muslims, but this is just a few handful my brothers and sisters. At this time I wondered why our Ummah let non-Muslim forces protect the Muslims? In Bosnia they put an embargo at time of persecution of Muslims and that gave the non- Muslims the perfect opportunity to rape and kill for about 3 years till the average Muslim like you and me went to Bosnia and fought back and start gaining ground. Only then did the UN intervene and act as helpers in fear that Muslims will eventually win and build back Bosnia as a pure clean Muslim country. Why do we let these forces continue in ruling/ protecting the Muslim war torn countries and let them take our affairs in to their hands? Brothers & Sisters I am not saying go out there and do un-Islamic acts of terrorism, I am simply asking you why we are not protecting our Muslim brothers and sisters and letting non-Muslims do it? Is it not clear from the Holy Quran and Sunnah that they are our brothers and sisters? Why did the Serbs that were in charge of the rape camps of Bosnia only get about 10 or so years in jail? Do you call this justice? What's wrong with us brothers? Will their killing and raping of our women at their free not be a wake-up call for us????? Brothers and Sisters WAKE UP!!!!! If we don't protect our Muslims sisters, who have already been shattered and their honour already taken from them, then Allah will replace us and bring Muslims who will. Brothers and sisters, remember the time when the Khalifa readied an army to send against Rome because the honour of one Muslim woman was at stake. Look at us now. We can't even protect one sister from being raped and they have raped thousands!!! So are you going to go home to your football game and entertainment or are you going to get up and do something???" [Brother MN, USA, 16 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum. I pray for all Mujahideen brothers. And I say to them, "Don't fear, Allah is with you". Be Patient brothers and keep up the fight." [Brother LA, USA, 16 March 2001]

"Assalamu aleykum. We trust and believe in Allah. We are Turkish Muslims who always love you. We believe that tomorrow there will be Islamic State in the world." [Brother SB, Turkey, 18 March 2001]

Added 16 March 2001

"It is not true that only Muslims love, respect and support Chechens. I am Lithuanian but my prayers are with Chechens from the beginning of the war and even before it. Chechens are the most heroic nation I ever saw in my life. My heart goes to them." [Ms. TK, Lithuania, 15 March 2001]

"What a life! And what a death!

No bullets soaring o'er my head No blood that flows of colour red No grisly sights - wounded or dead No thorns or rocks, a comfy bed Oh what a life! Have I been fooled! My wealth amassed, resources pooled. Nothing can equal what you feel My brothers, with a faith so real A faith that's strong, so very pure A faith this world can never lure Insha-Allah you will be strong! And firmly fight the greatest wrong. And meet your Lord in happiness For you is the Supreme Success

But what of me, the wealthy one! The able one, the healthy one! The one this world had kept behind. The one this glitter had made blind.

The thought of death is what I dread?! Death cannot be delayed or sped. What will I do, when in death I lay? What then to the angels will I say?

No blood had I worthy to shed? To a coward's fate had I been led? With the hypocrites will I be raised? And thrown in hell, doomed and abased!

Take heed O you who are living still Go fight, and fight, and fight until Allah will take you with His Grace Forever live, then in solace." [Sister AM, USA, 15 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya. You guys are always in my daily duas and hope you'll never give up fighting in the Cause of Allah. How I sincerely wish that I'm with you physically over there! You are the true Muslims and I cried when I read about our sister Hawa Barayev who was Martyred! May Allah bless her and place her in the highest Jannah. You guys are the people of Jannah, Insha Allah! Allahu Akbar!" [Brother RI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 March 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum. May Allah grant victory to Muslims in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and anywhere His soldiers may be. For the unity of our Ummah and the return of Khilafah (Islamic state) won't happen in a matter of a day or two, but rather after a long time of sacrifice, and suffering in the Name of Allah. The Taliban in Afghanistan are without a doubt among the true followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) as are you." [Brother RH, USA, 14 March 2001]

Added 14 March 2001

"Salam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya: may Allah always keep you united, healthy and strong. BBC's recent interview of Putin was more entertaining than informative. Though full of pointed questions about Chechnya, the diplomatic correspondent was more impressed by his charming personality and his personal life, than the facts. When questioned about the truth behind Russian aggression in Chechnya, Putin pulled another lie out of his bag of tricks now claiming that Russia was acting in retaliation to Chechen incursions into other ex-Soviet states. In light of the facts that the entire world knows but refuses to admit, such a statement was not only ridiculous but an insult to everyone's intellect. But the real punch line came when Putin declared that all this Russian aggression was really necessary to 'defend Europe' against the Islamic Chechens, and he believed Islam to be the real threat to the entire free world. This is truly one of the most comical statements, when even now, European and American nuclear missiles are all pointed towards Russia and likewise Russian missiles towards Europe and the US. I do not understand how a potential enemy with a political record dripping with blood, is now all of a sudden a self declared crusader for the world.

It is also interesting why the 'civilized' world sees Islam as a threat, because if the a true Islamic system means an abolition of all the prevalent evils from society, such as nudity, alcohol, rape, murder, torture, theft, oppression, aggression, interest, hoarding etc., and the protection of the innocent and the weak, and justice and peace for all, then this world has come a full circle, from prehistoric days to civilization and back to prehistoric days again.

The Muslim world remains asleep. They feel that Allah 's wrath will never reach them. If the increasing number of warnings in the form of earthquakes, draughts, and general misery does not wake the Munafiqs up, then soon they will be no more if Allah Wills. Developing Muslim countries continue to show their shameless weakness in looking to their UN and NATO masters for a few scraps off their tables. They have no dignity, shame or any fear that they will soon be taken to account by Allah.

Islam is not just a system of meaningless rituals, it means to incorporate Allah's direction in your life completely, and failing that, the punishment for Muslims will be far worse than for the Kuffar because they have broken their covenant with Allah. Very sadly, many Muslims have taken Islam to be a box of chocolates, from which they conveniently chose the flavours they like and discard the rest. My dear Mujahid brothers my prayers continue for you. As much as I would like to participate with you in eliminating the Russian devils, my inability to do so chews away at me. The least I can do is pray and with the written and spoken word, try and wake up the Ummah and the eyes of the world to the truth and the impending promise and warning of Allah. It is Allah from whom we came and it is to him whom we must all return, early or late. May Allah bless and keep you all united and strong." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 12 March 2001]

"Dear friends, I look for daily updates from your German or English Sites. I want to help my Chechen friends anytime from Germany. Please send me an answer, how can I help you? Thanks." [Ms. C, Germany, 14 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum dear Mujahid brothers and sisters! I have always updated myself with the authentic news from your website and Masha Allah, it has broadened my mind to the truth of the sacrifice of our Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah, Exalted is He, preserve your intention with martyrdom and deep Faith. Ameen. I am from the south of Philippines, and like you, we are also fighting for independence. Insha Allah we will be granted the freedom that we have been yearning for since we have been deceived. There is great possibility that our Mujahideen are going to pursue our fight for independence and I ask you, dear brothers and sisters, to make dua' for all of us so that we might be united and guided by Allah (SWT). I have witnessed through your videos of war what Jihad is all about. Masha Allah, I found it too great to put into words. May Allah (SWT) grant Shahaada (Martyrdom) to our brothers who have been fighting for the Cause of Allah. Ameen!" [Sister NAL, Philippines, 14 March 2001]

"May Allah bless the Muslim defenders of Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Philippines, and everywhere else our brave Mujahideen are fighting to keep the light of Islam alive. Our prayers are with you." [Brother F, Vancouver, Canada, 12 March 2001]

Added 12 March 2001

"Assalamu alaikum, I don't think there are any words to be said which can raise the morale of the Mujahideen. How can one's morale be any higher when he knows all this pain, withstanding bitter cold will lead him to eternal reward, and save him from the blazing Fire. So instead I direct my words to those brothers who haven't yet joined the caravan. My brothers and sisters, how long should we talk about unity, talk about the weaknesses of Islam, talk and talk and yet not accomplish anything but more talking. Almost everyone here says in their email something along the lines of "I sincerely want to be there with you". So the one thing I say to you: we all have excuses of why we aren't there, but the question is intention and preparation, as Allah the almighty said, if you really wanted to join the ranks, you would have made some preparation for it. Brothers, let us all prepare." [Brother J, USA, 10 March 2001]

"Assalaamu alaikum respected Mujahideen of Chechnya. Please know that you a symbol of hope for all of us Muslims throughout the world. Never give up. You are constantly in our duas and forever in our hearts. May Allah (SWT) grant you victory in Chechnya. May Allah scatter the Russians before you. May Allah (SWT) grant you sovereignty over Russia itself. Ameen. My dear elders and brothers, the Ummah is in disarray. We are under attack in every village, in every country throughout the world. We ask of you who are out in the path of Allah, whose dua's are readily accepted, please make dua for us, make dua for this Ummah of the Prophet (SAWS). Even here in South Africa we are under attack. Even our places of worship are not sacred to the Kuffar. Our Sharia is made a mockery of and Muslims here are automatically treated like criminals. Please make dua that we are successful. It may be that a time will come when we will need to follow your example and take up the sword. So be steadfast for us, and give us hope and proof that indeed all power and all might is in the hands of Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) grant every single one of you Jannatul Firdous! Ameen." [Brother AH, South Africa, 09 March 2001]

"Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters. I hope that this letter finds everyone in good health and high Iman. This is the first time that I was able to visit the site and actually get a first hand idea of what is going in Chechnya and every other place that the Mujahideen are. I always hear second hand because I don't watch TV. Alhumdulillah that we have so many good brothers and sisters who care. It really breaks my heart that my husband and I can't be with you all due to financial situation. May Allah make it easy for us all. My heart is bleeding to be of some help. So the best way right now is to remind all of Allah. Insha Allah, you are the best in the Sight of Allah and the promise of Paradise is yours if your heart is pure and you die for the sake of Allah. Keep your intention straight and focus because one day you will meet your Lord Allah. May Allah bless sister Hawa for her great courage. I am the same age as her and now she is in my heart, in my prayers and my thoughts. A woman who fought for this wonderful Deen. She will be a role-model for me and an example I can use with the women, when we talk about Jihad. I would have loved to be by her side but we all know that Allah was with her. May Allah give you all victory over the enemy. We care about you and we will keep you all in our prayers." [Sister H, Canada, 10 March 2001]

Added 10 March 2001

"Assalaamu alaikum dear brothers. Just a short note to tell you that myself and my husband think of you and pray for you on a continual basis, and we ask that Allah (SWT) make your path to Paradise easy. May He grant us the rank of Mujahid & Mujahida soon, and I pray that Allah grants us martyrdom. This Ummah knows what it has in you my blessed brothers and we thank you for your efforts. May Allah grant you all the highest level of Paradise." [Sister NA, USA, 07 March 2001]

"Assalamu Aleikum. To the Mujahideen brothers: my prayers are with you. To, thanks for the news and updates. May Allah the Greatest give us Victory in this very generation." [Brother SS, USA, 08 March 2001]

"Asalaamu alaykum. While all of us have spent our Eid in the comfort of our homes, our brothers in various parts of the world have been undergoing the harsh tortures of fighting, injuries and propaganda to preserve this Deen. We see our brothers in Afghanistan who have said that they will destroy the idols in their land and the whole world has got up against them to try to preserve these statues, and not doing anything while people are being butchered in Chechnya, Indonesia, Burma, Palestine and Kashmir. The only people to support the Taliban were the Chechens. It brings to mind the saying of a scholar: as for those leaders who have been educated in the West, who have not even sweat for what they have got, what right do they have to rule the lands of the Muslims. The right belongs to those who have fought for the land and have spilled their blood, they know the value of what it cost. May Allah give the Mujahideen all over the world a quick victory." [Brother AA, USA, 08 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. Insha Allah I will be by your side, and fighting with you. I feel my brothers' and sisters' pain and Insha Allah my Iman will grow strong to fight the the Jews and the Christians who oppress us. I will not forget the brothers who died for Allah for I will be thinking about them and the Iman will grow stronger. We have suffered too long and it is time to fight the oppressors. Eid Mubarak to my brothers and sisters." [Brother MA, USA, 08 March 2001]

"Many salaams to all of the Ummah, especially the brave Mujahideen of Chechnya. Words cannot express what I feel for you, nor can my tears. Please be assured of the immense support you have, many of whom do not have the time to email and others who cannot be as vocal due to their position in government. O Mujahideen of Chechnya, my son who was born to me is named Mujahid, in hopes that he may follow in your footsteps. The Muslims of later ages will recall this legitimate Jihad on your part but most importantly, on Yaumul-Qiyamah, Allah will recognize you. Please be assured. There are many many Muslims, who not only support you but are preparing themselves for the inevitable war against all the oppressors." [Brother M, Canada, 07 March 2001]

Added 09 March 2001

"My dear Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya: salaam alaikum. May Allah always keep you all united healthy and strong. On a recent Internet interview with the BBC, Putin the butcher responded to a barrage of intelligent and pointed questions from reporters from the BBC, Independent Russian News Agencies and a Dutch lady on the cruelty and barbarism of the Russians in Chechnya in his usual derisive way, incredibly accusing them all and the world of ignorance, by stating "...These questions reflect how a significant number of people in the West do not understand what is happening in the Caucasus, especially in Chechnya,..'' and to the question of the plain truth of the futility of the Chechen campaign, by BBC, Putin replied, "...We believe the Russian army's actions are aimed at liberating the Chechen people from the terrorists who had seized power there...".

After all the bloody carnage, reports, video footage, photographs, eye witness accounts, from both European, Asian and even Russian News groups, clearly implicating the Russian army and other Russian "security" forces such as the FSB, Russia's incontrovertible participation in the planned murders, rapes and tortures of helpless Chechen women, children and men whose tortured corpses are still being recovered from "Russian Murder Pits", if the Council of Europe and its "Human Rights" Commissioner still have doubts or if after all this the world is still left wondering if Putin is not lying and distorting facts, then I no longer have any hope in the intellect of the 'free civilized world' and I hereby proclaim all humanity and common sense as officially dead. But then again is it not typically European to lap up all the rubbish and lies of Putin and treat any desperate words of the Chechen victims a utter lies? Can Muslims ever expect any justice from the world? We can rest assured - never. And as such, we must unite now or one day wake up to find the Russian soldiers or other oppressors snorting in our back yards, telling the world that they are there to protect us from ourselves. May Allah bless and keep you all, and bring greater victories with each new day. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 07 March 2001]

"My Muslim warriors, assalaamu alaikum. The world cries for the idols and threatens the Taliban with 'dire consequences'. Where was this outcry when the Serbs and Croats demolished the Mosques in Bosnia and Croatia and killed Muslims? Where was the outcry and the threats against the Hindus when they destroyed the Babri mosque? Where was the outcry for the destroyed Mosques in Chechnya and Kosovo? Or for the millions of Muslims who have been massacred since the destruction of the Islamic empire? My brothers and sisters in Islam, put down the TV remote control and pick up the Quran, it is time to act." [Brother MCP, USA, 07 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum and Eid Mubarak to all those battling evil around the world. Its strange that these people in the West consider themselves the most educated in the world, who know everything about everything, yet they are the most foolish people, and can be deceived so easily. Look at how Russia has deceived everyone into thinking this war is over, while its still raging. This, simply by keeping the media out. No media coverage convinces most people that the war is finished and the Russian army has finally won over those rebellious Muslims. O Muslims what are we really doing? Are we making dua after every prayer? Is that what we consider enough? No, and I think the Shaitan is deceiving us into thinking this is enough, into thinking by doing this we have done our part. And who deceives more than Shaitan. Dua is necessary, but let us not fool ourselves pretending like we have done enough by making dua. What is our excuse before Allah? When Allah asks on Yawm-ul-Qiyama: O you who call yourself a believer, did I not instruct you to fight? Didn't you see that there was a battle, a Jihad going on? What kept you from heeding My call? What is it my brothers and sisters, was it our studies? Were we too anxious to get our masters degree so we can start making money? Is it anxiety to get married? Do we consider ourselves still young? Are we fooling ourselves into thinking we will go later in life? Are we trying to boost our Iman and repent before we go? These are all not excuses O Muslims, these are simply deceptions of Shaitan. Allah says in the Quran, surely if you had the intention to go out, you would have made some preparation for it. I say, those who Allah is addressing are the hypocrites. Look at yourselves, does this verse describe you? Or do you want to put off repentance and our duties. Do not think that just because we are young, we will live long lives and have plenty of time to repent. We can die this second if Allah willed. Once again, let us not be deceived. My brothers and sisters, let us repent this second. Let us repent and stop all haraam we are doing, let us not chase after the minor things in this life which Allah has purposely made appealing to test the Believers. Let us prepare ourselves for Yawmud-Deen. And let us prepare to march into Jannah, before we are forced to march in submission into the worst abode which is Hell. May Allah bless and give victory to His soldiers. Ameen." [Brother JR, USA, 07 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters. May Allah (SWT) help you with Taqwa and patience in your struggle. How I wish I could join your ranks brothers and share the blessings of your Jihad. But for now, all I can do is pray and wait for that special moment to be by your side. May Allah(SWT) accept our prayers and bestow His mercy on this Ummah." [Brother AA, USA, 06 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum and Mubarak ! Dear, brave brothers of the Chechen Mujahideen, I pray this email finds you in good health and the highest of Islamic spirits. Allahu Akbar. May Allah (SWT) reward you with a great and noble victory over the Kaffir Russian armies of Putin and all his evil agents infesting your country with their filthy and nefarious activities. We prayed for you this Eidul Adha as we prayed for you at Eid last year. Your sacrifice is our sacrifice. Never surrender. Even here in New Zealand, in the deepest South Pacific, the furthest from Makkah and more distant from Chechnya than you could imagine, we Muslims think of you constantly. We offer prayers to Allah alone for the Chechen Mujahideen, the Shuhadaa and their families, and the refugees in Ingushetia, every day in our Mosques and our homes. May Allah curse your opponents and let their sons see the beauty of Islam and your holy Cause, and convert to your side in the near future. Ameen. May Allah (SWT) bless you all." [Brother AD, New Zealand, 07 March 2001]

Added 08 March 2001

"The Nationalist Party of Canada calls upon the Government of the Russian Federation and President Vladimir Putin to cease and desist its campaign of violence against the people of Chechnya and to immediately withdraw all personnel from Chechnya. It is time for Russia also to stop its propagandist denials to the world of the murders, torture and atrocities it has inflicted upon the innocent people of Chechnya and to admit these crimes. It is unfortunate that Russia has fallen prey to that part of its criminal element perpetrating these murders and tortures. After three generations of committing and exporting the criminal conspiracy of communism, it is time to step back and recognize that its actions have passed the point of a "policing operation" and now exist as crimes against humanity. Do it now and save what is left of the reputation of the Russian nation and people." [Mr. RMS, Toronto, Canada, 06 March 2001]

"Mujahid's Sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha

Reminding us of Ibrahim, Reminding us of Ismail, And their pure and holy way, Is your sacrifice today! Presented with sincerity, To the Lord of Victory. Accepted by Allah, we pray Is your sacrifice today! Better than the smell of musk And the colour of the rose, Better than what words can say, Is your sacrifice today! You have presented your life, On your neck the sharpest knife, Never matched in any way, Is your sacrifice today! May Allah accept from you, What ever you have gone through, Washing off your pain away, Is your sacrifice today!" [Sister AM, USA, 06 March 2001]

"I pray for all my brothers & sisters in Chechnya who at this moment in time are probably going through extreme hardship and pain. We as Muslims must realise that the battle between the truth & falsehood will only prevail through Jihad & Ilm. It is shameful for me that I cannot take part in the Jihad but please pray for me so my Iman increases & I can also earn the Pleasure of Allah. I live in the heart of Europe & the war against Islam & Muslims seems to be growing bigger. Just today on Eid I saw on the media how the world condemned the Taliban for planning to destroy the statues of Buddha. This just shows why the non-Muslim world does not scream when innocent children (real humans) are slaughtered in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Chechnya & when Babri Masjid was destroyed in India in front of millions & the systematic rape and torture of innocent Muslims in Kashmir, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya. It is high time that the Muslims start taking control of media within their own countries & fight the Kuffar from all fronts. May Allah protect those who strive in His Path. Ameen. Remember, Paradise is made for the believers & Jihad is the most direct route you can take." [Brother A, UK, 05 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers. Just recently I knew about your latest ambushes. Actually every time we hear the news of the Mujahideen's latest attacks, we celebrate it. We feel really nice to know our Mujahideen brothers. We really love you all and we are eager to come there and join you. Every time during our free time there is no topic except you." [Brother FSS, India, 06 March 2001]

Added 07 March 2001

"Dear Mujahideen, Eid is here and everyone seems happy - so do I - but inside, I cannot help but constantly think of all the Muslims in pain, and especially you my brother Mujahideen who have endured a rough winter of heavy snow and ice. You are probably celebrating Eid your own special way in a style none of us can relate to as we are too low in status - your celebration is in the company of angels in the midst of blood and snow, in the mountains under heavy fire! While we are sacrificing animals, you, my beloved brothers, are sacrificing your own selves for Allah! While we give puny Eid gifts to one another, your gifts, my brothers, are so much to this Ummah that we cannot thank Allah enough for having you. Above all are your gifts of your lives and possessions to Allah, that I pray, He (SWT) accepts in the best way (aameen). There hasn't been an update on the news for the past few days and I pray everything is well with you all. I constantly think of you and make dua for you, O pride of this Ummah! May Allah bless you and grant you great victories and keep you all always on the true path of unity and submission to Allah (aameen)." [Sister MM, USA, 06 March 2001]

"I am a white, Christian 16 year old student in the United States, and I would just like to say that I wholeheartedly support the Chechen peoples' fight for independence from the oppressive Russian state. I am continually amazed at how ignorant most Americans are of the reality of the struggle, because the only things they see in the media portray Muslims as bomb-throwers. Please don't be offended, but I will pray to my God for your quick victory against the barbarous Russian army. Keep up your good work!" [Mr. E, USA, 06 March 2001]

"For the Mujahideen on Eid-ul-Adha

Eid Mubarak to you all, O blessed brothers in Islam Your sacrifice is greater than, Our camel, cow, and goat and ram. Eid Mubarak to you all, O blessed brothers in Islam Your sacrifice is your own life, O what can match it, nothing can! Eid Mubarak to you all, O blessed brothers in Islam." [Sister AM, USA, 06 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, my dear brothers and sisters. May Allah's blessings be upon you. It pains me tremendously to see what the Ummah of the Rasool (SAWS) is passing through, at the hands of the Kufr. We as Muslims have been taught to hold on to the Quran and the Sunnah. At the time of difficulty like this, think of Allah a lot. Where I live in the Caribbean, I see fitna every single day of my life. The government of my country is slowly Americanizing our country, and when the Americans come, it is oppression for us minority Muslims. But my dear brothers and sisters, we as Muslim have been taught by the Quran and the Sunnah of the Rasool (SAWS) to be patient, make plenty of dua to Allah and prepare. I will certainly make dua for you who are being oppressed. May Allah destroy the Kufr nations that oppress the Muslims." [Brother I, Trinidad, West Indies, 05 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, never ever think that you people are alone. There are brothers who are not only praying for the you and Ummah, but also are preparing to join you. So we the Muslims will beat the party of Shaitan by the Mercy, Help and Guidance from Allah (SWT)." [Brother SB, Pakistan, 05 March 2001]

Added 05 March 2001

"Allahu Akbar!!! Assalamu alaikum dear brothers and sisters. I read the story of what sister Hawa Barayev Ash-Sheshaani did to destroy the Russian military building. She is a true Shaheed, Insha Allah. May Allah gives her Jannatul Firdaus. I pray to Allah (SWT) that what she has done is enough to open the eyes of all the Muslim Ummah, to stand up and make Jihad against the tyrants and oppressors, Ameen. Brothers and sisters I am so embarrassed with myself for not being part of this Jihad. Please, please, please make dua for me to get the courage to stand up and leave everything behind and lift the sword. May Allah give me and all the Muslims Taufeeq to fight for the sake of His Deen. Aameen. Brothers, please make special dua for me." [Brother KH, USA, 04 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum, I make du'a that this e-mail reaches you in the highest level of Imaan, but what level amongst all levels is comparable to that of Jihad? Special Eid greetings to all the Lions of Sheeshaan! Subhana'Allah, you are truly lucky to spend a day of such blessings on the most blessed place on Earth. Subhana'Allah, this Eid marks the sacrifice that Ibrahim (AS) was so prepared to make. And today, so many eras on, our dear Mujahids are so willing to sacrifice their lives also for Allah. We make du'a that you all have a special day. Oh, how we wish we could be there to gain the reward of fighting. When we wake up to celebrate the blessings of Eid, you will also wake up to celebrate the blessings of Eid but in a place so blessed with Allah's Rahmah. May Allah (SWT), the Lord who takes men as Shaheed, give you the power to kill as many Kuffar on this special day and give you victory over them. Allah (SWT) has blessed us with this day so we must be grateful yet at the same time the real day will be when all the Muslim lands will be liberated from the Kufr filth and Allah's Deen will rise above all existence. May Allah (SWT) reward you. You are always in our dua's." [Sisters RA and MA, UK, 04 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. This email is to all my brothers and sisters in Chechnya. I am proud of all of you. My duas are always with you. May Allah reward you immensely for your effort. You also please make dua for me that I can go and stay in Afghanistan and lead a good life, and that Allah (SWT) accepts me and my family for the work of His blessed Deen. Ameen. May Allah put the efforts of His enemies down." [Brother FE, USA, 04 March 2001]

Added 04 March 2001

"Assalaamu alaikum. I want to thank the Mujahideen brothers all over the world for their most noble struggle to bring back the complete form of Islam in lands where the Muslims are a clear majority. I thank the Mujahideen, their patient families, and the Muslims who are helping them from all over the world. I pray for the people, the older men, the women, the children of the lands of Jihad for bearing the brunt of the barbaric onslaughts of the overbearing outsiders in their lands. I thank the brothers who are maintaining the Qoqaz website, the sister AM for her very appropriate poems, brother TN for their fine observations, the other brothers who have written so well as well. Jazaak Allahu Khairan to all. If you keep up the good work for the sake of Allah, Paradise is yours, Insha Allah. May Allah have the mercy on you all. Ameen. You are all in my prayers very very often, and may Allah accept them, ameen." [Brother MA, USA, 03 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya. We pray that you are all fine out there by the Grace of Allah (SWT). May Allah keep you firm on the right path. Insha Allah we are joining you soon." [Brother FSS, India, 03 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum my brave brothers. This is the fight between right and wrong, true and false. Success is for the believers who are fighting and are martyred in the Path of the God Almighty, and not for self-profit. After reading the latest news on qoqaz about how the Russian army is treating the Muslims in Chechnya, I feel deep pain in my heart. We Muslims are too helpless. Now what can we do? 400 years ago Muslims gave protection to all the people of the world, but now we have become so helpless that we have to be ask protection from others. It is just because we left the Commands of Allah. If the Muslims even today turn to Allah and ask forgiveness and follow the Quran, Allah will give them the same respect and honour as they were given when they were 100% Muslims. The double policy of the big Shaitan (America) is now unmasked to all over the world: that if any Muslim country wants to have arms for self protection they are punished by UN sanctions and attacked by political and financial pressures. When non- Muslim countries take arms then it is OK for self protection. But we Muslims should not lose hope. Allah will punish the disbelievers for their atrocities and arrogance. My dear brothers, you are few in number, but you are in the hearts of all the believers and we all are praying for you. These disbelievers can never finish the believers on this earth, because this earth Allah made for the good people." [Brother NM, Saudi Arabia, 03 March 2001]

Added 03 March 2001

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters: may Allah keep you all united, healthy and strong. The world's conscience is dead and that is grotesquely apparent when it ignores all of the evidence from not just the Russian journalists, like Anna Politkovskaya, but also other independent observers who have reported the outrage and the dire crimes committed by the filthy Russians against innocent Chechen children, women and men. Not only are the injustices against Muslims in Chechnya ignored by the world, but also those being perpetrated upon the Muslims of Algeria, Afghanistan and even in Borneo, Indonesia. It is amazing indeed that the ire of the world was not raised when countless Afghan children, women, the aged and infirm starved and froze to death and are still dying at the Afghan border with Pakistan, but a few abandoned statues have garnered more attention and world condemnation than all the tortured Muslim corpses of Chechnya, Bosnia, Albania, Afghanistan and Kosova. Such utterly gross and sickening display of selfishness and skewed priorities of the UN and certain Western and Asian countries give strength to the general Muslim conviction that there is indeed an international conspiracy to dominate and subjugate or eradicate all Muslims in the world. Do a couple of Statues, as ancient as they may be, hold greater value than human life ? Can the world seriously stare at the dead faces of the innocent children of Chechnya and Afghanistan and still feel the affront to their delicate cultural sensibilities? Muslim lives are worth less than the dogs and cats which seem to be deserving so much more importance and attention. The UN was quick to condemn the Taliban for destroying some statues, yet to date its assistance to the starving Afghan and Chechen refugees living in the most morbid conditions is at best negligible. When will the selfish world learn not to pontificate and to leave Muslims to follow their own ways and their own religion. The Taliban are right in determining that its necessary to destroy these abandoned statues as they serve no other purpose than perpetuate the ignorance of Idol worshipping from which we have come so far. The West should not tell them how to run their country, or how to form their policies and laws or how they ought to live their lives. Just as the Taliban are not imposing their will on the West, the West ought to respect the decision of the Muslim Taliban leaders and back off. May Allah bless and keep you and guide you all, Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 02 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, dear brothers, I love you for the sake of Allah. I would like to wish you in advance a happy Eid and I ask Allah to protect you and give you a prompt victory. Remember that the Muslims in Haj and especially in Arafah will pray for you. Allahu Akbar." [Brother AM, Morocco, 02 March 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam; after reading the experiences of Anna Politkovskaya in Chechnya no one will dare not to say Jahannam (Hell) is for the dhalimun (oppressors). Jahannam is Haq (true). For the oppressors who prepared the pits to torture the innocent Muslims, Allah the Almighty has prepared in Jahannam, pits of fire. Jannah (Paradise) is Haq for the believers, Alhamdulillah. Allah is sufficient as a Projector and Guardian for the believers and we Muslims put our trust in Him alone.

Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allah, and Whosoever fights in the Cause of Allah, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward. And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill�treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help." Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of T�gh�t (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shait�n (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shait�n (Satan). [Qur'an, An-Nisa' 74-76] Allahu Akbar, so we pray Allah the Almighty to send His help and a near victory to the Mujahideen. May Allah reward you for giving us news about Mujahideen in Chechnya." [Sister UI, UK, 28 February 2001]

Added 02 March 2001

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya: may Allah bless and guide you and keep you all united healthy and strong. Ameen. The Western media is 'surprised' and 'shocked' at the barbarity of the Russian army and at their lies and deception to cover up their crimes against innocent Chechen children, women and men. And as stupid and idiotic as it sounds, they are still waiting for more confirmation that the stories of mass executions, horrible torture and rape of even children and men and women by the Russian army and the FSB are true. Did it have to take the abuse of the Russian journalist, Anna Politkovskaya for the world to realize the truth of what the Chechen Muslims have been saying all along? Soon this will be all forgotten by their media anyway. How absurd can all this get? As Muslims we are not shocked. We are not shocked at what the Russians have done to us and neither are we shocked at their the usual round of lies and deception. The deepest wound of all, is the deafening silence from the Muslim World. Whether out of fear of losing their comfort or out of mischief, the Munafiq leaders of every Muslim country did not even raise a protest, let alone any show of unity or strength. This was not lost on the Serbs, the Croats or the Russians who frequently commented that their savage acts had received the silent approval of the Muslim world, which did not raise even an eyebrow at the sight of torn and burnt bodies of Muslims in these lands. We cannot and should not rely on those who are naturally our enemies to help us. They, the Kuffar, are not our masters. Allah is the Supreme and controls all. The time has come when all Muslims, those who are not only Muslims by name, but whose lives are not given to selfish comfort and of music and dance. Those who have the heart of a lion beating in their chests, not of a cowardly, snivelling, slimy snake, and whose eyes are moved to tears to see their mothers & fathers, their sons and daughters and wives butchered, blinded, burnt, raped and savaged in unimaginable ways. It is time to say "enough!!" and take their place in the ranks of those upon whom Allah and His angels smile. This life is just a passing phase, the final and permanent stage is almost here. The question is will we Muslims act to live in the permanent bliss of Paradise, or the permanent sufferings of Hell? Muslims arise, and shake the yoke of shame and servitude. Live and die like lions not like mindless sheep. Be Muslims. May Allah wake us all up from our sleep. May Allah bless and keep you all. Ameen." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 01 March 2001]

"I am proud of you O Mujahideen! You have taken the Cause of Islam with true courage in the manner similar to the Companions (RA) themselves. Words cannot express what my heart is feeling for you, otherwise this would be the longest email ever received in your favour. Tears come to my eyes as I type this, knowing that you will be enjoying the gardens of Jannah by the Will of Allah. Rest assured, Allah is with you. May Allah Bless you." [Brother MS, USA, 01 March 2001] "Assalamu alaikum, my dear brothers and sisters in Chechnya. May Allah keep you strong in faith in all circumstances, whether good or bad, and may He grant you success and victory over the infidels, and deal them a crushing and humiliating blow, just like our brothers had dealt to the Russians in Afghanistan. Truly speaking, at a time when the Muslim Ummah is being subjected to all forms of atrocities by the Kuffar, it is people like you who feel for the Ummah and fight for them, thereby helping them gain a stronger faith in Allah and His religion, and instilling a hope in their hearts of a day not far away when they would be freed from the yokes of tyranny. It is people like you who glorify the name of Islam and show the Kuffar that there are people out there, both men and women, who are near to Allah the Almighty and are forever ready to lay down their lives in His Path, to uphold His Laws, to help their brothers and sisters who have been made victims of the anti-Muslim policies of the unbelievers. It is people like you who show the Kuffar the penalty for waging war against Allah and the believers. I pray that you succeed in your aim, that you free our brothers and sisters from the clutches of the enemy, that you inflict such heavy damage upon your opponents that they would never think of making war with the Muslims again. Whether in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, or anywhere else in the world, I pray that the Mujahideen succeed in their struggle against the Kuffar and inflict upon them a crushing defeat. The enemies of Islam may have sophisticated arms and artillery, but such things can never deter you, the Mujahideen, for you have the Supreme Power on your side, and nothing can come near to the Power of Allah, who will surely make these infidels pay for their violent acts against the believers. My dua also goes out to the families and near and dear ones of my brothers and sisters who have been killed by the Kuffar, to my brothers and sisters who have been so brutally tortured, and to my sisters who have had to suffer the humiliation of rape. I pray that Allah give them strength to carry on with their lives and instil in their hearts a strong faith, and may He grant them a good life in the Hereafter for all that they have suffered. And as for the Mujahideen, may Allah grant them a very noble rank in Paradise. You will always be in my prayers, and I request you to pray for me too that I may join you in your battle against the enemies of Islam. Ameen!" [Brother MR, India, 01 March 2001]

Exclusively for you O Mujahideen of the Battlefield!

Oh how much do I love you, I have no words to say! Pray for you, oh yes I do, Every time I pray. Think of you, oh yes I do, Every night and day. Every day I check your news, So that perhaps I may, Be part of every good and bad, All that comes your way. I hope I can be with you, In that everlasting day. When none are our worries, All sorrows washed away. In the company of Allah, Forever we shall stay! O Allah how to please you?! In all we do and say?! That is the key to everything, We wish for night and day. O Allah how to please you, In all we do and say. " [Sister AM, USA, 23 February 2001]

Added 01 March 2001

"I can't tell you how mad I am after reading about the new atrocities performed by the Russian military. I just can't help thinking, that all the Russians are the same: murdering liars and cowards. Curse them!!! I hope that you will conquer soon and that some strange plague will strike down the entire Russian realm. Curse them, the thieves and rapists! May the One God bless you in your toils." [Mr. PH, Finland, 28 February 2001]

"O Muslim why do you run away?

The doors of Jannah open wide, And the Houri calling to her side, O Muslim why do you run away? What's wrong with you? Why do you sway? When Allah's made your way so clear, And Paradise is very near. O Muslim why do you run away? What's wrong with you, why do you sway? Is the worldly life so pleasing that, You will forsake Jannah for that? And upon yourself take Allah's wrath?! O Muslim why do you run away? What's wrong with you, why do you sway? [Sister AM, USA, 23 February 2001]

"Salaam alaikum my dear Mujahid brothers and sisters of Chechnya: may Allah keep you united, healthy and strong. It is a hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) that a time will come when in spite of a large population of Muslims, their love for temporary life of this world will be at its peak and they will have fear of death. Muslim dignity and humanity is dead, even in the face of open world aggression against their brothers and sisters the world over. They still look upon the UN as their saviour, in spite of its aggression against Muslims in Afghanistan, where it has politicized its aid to favour the Munafiqs, or in Bosnia where the UN not only remained silent while Muslims were being butchered by the Serbs and Croats, but it indeed was fully complicit in aiding the massacre by blocking all arms sales to the Muslims so that they would not be able to protect themselves. But whether its the member countries of the UN, NATO or the EU, their enmity is all too apparent and marked. They assail us with their chief weapon the media, portraying Muslims as demons and branding us a terrorists when we fight back any oppression. They then pound us with bombs, strip our lands of its resources, the oil and minerals and enrich themselves at our expense over the corpses of Muslim women, children and men. Indeed Muslims have become lepers in their own lands. However, the true Muslims are also beginning to rise. If one looks deeply at our Chechen or Taliban Afghan brothers and sisters, aside from the depiction's of the Western and Munafiq Secularist media, the face of the purity of their Jihad becomes vivid. And then one knows that just as those opposed to Allah openly beat their drums of war against Muslims, Allah the most high and all powerful, too is planning and has already shown through the hand full of the true Muslims of Chechnya and Afghanistan that a change is coming soon and fast. Ameen. May Allah bless and protect you all. My prayers continue for you." [Brother TN, NY, USA, 27 February 2001]

"Dear brothers in Chechnya, our Mujahideen. Praise be to Allah who has made you the pride of each and every Muslim in this world; for making you a beacon to all the valiant Mujahideen and the Mu'mins; for protecting the flame of Islam that provides warmth for my brethren out in the cold. O Allah. Please bless my brothers of Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir and elsewhere, with victory over the foes of Islam. Enlighten their lives and spirits with your grace. Accept their Martyrdom to give them a place near the Sahabas of our Prophet Mohammed (SAWS), the highest order in the eternal Paradise" [Brother AA, India, 28 February 2001]

"Dear brothers, assalamu alaikum! Not a single day passes when I do not pray for you. I have been punctually reciting the "prayer of believers" after Salat in my supplications. I sincerely pray to Allah (SWT) to accept me as a Mujahida in the Path of Allah and grant me Martyrdom, so pray for me." [Sister AK, Pakistan, 27 February 2001]

Added 10 April 2001

"Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen. I pray that Allah (SWT) protects you. You have given us a reason to hold up our heads and call ourselves Muslims. You must keep firm on the right path and our prayers are with you every day and every night, that Allah (SWT) helps you in every way to make His Word clear. I appeal to all the Muslims everywhere to help the Mujahideen and the refugees in any and every way possible. If the difference between truth and falsehood has not become clear to you, it very soon will, which path will you choose then? Your Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering, will you not take heed? I would like to point out the economic slowdown in the West. I know many Muslims have invested heavily in the West, shameful as it may be, hoping it would bring them rich returns. The only sure investment is with Allah (SWT), He guarantees your return. Muslims are in dire need of your assistance, but they patiently rely on the help from Allah (SWT), and they ask nothing from you except your duas. Suhanallah! Can you have a faith more pure than that? I pray with all my heart and all my soul that Allah (SWT) help and protect the Mujahideen from the right, from the left, from above and from below, and with the full extent of His Mercy and guide the rest of us to the right path. Ameen." [Sister AA, UK, 07 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. Insha Allah the Mujahideen will establish Islamic Shariah in Chechnya, and other parts of the world. I pray that we will have an Islamic country, with one Ummah and one Khilafah. Insha Allah the Islamic Flag will raise again, and there would be a place we could call home" [Brother RA, USA, 09 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. May Allah bless all the brothers who have done an excellent job of showing the Muslims what Jihad is like, and encouraging them to fulfil the 'forgotten obligation'. I swear by Allah, the story of the sister who sacrificed her life to bomb the Russian base, makes us Muslim 'men' look like wimps. May Allah protect us from cowardice and selfishness. "O you who believe! what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the cause of Allah [Jihad] you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of life of this world as compared to the Hereafter" (9:38)." [Brother AA, London, UK, 07 April 2001]

"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Dear brothers of Islam, I am glad and happy that our mothers are still birthing Mujahideen like you who are fighting like lions for the Cause of Islam and will fight till the day of Judgement comes. We were born to spread Islam on Allah's earth. We all pray for you and Allah will give you guidance." [Brother IM, Saudi Arabia, 07 April 2001]

"Assallamu aalikum. The Jihad in Chechnya is one of the biggest Jihads today. May Allah (SWT) accept the Mujahideen and all those who support them. Pray that one day I go for Jihad." [Brother DTA, USA, 07 April 2001]

Added 07 April 2001 "Peace and blessing to all Muslims in the world, is a wonderful website. It gives uptodate information and we Muslims are also being taught some important topics. Please make dua for me and the whole Muslim world to follow the teachings of Islam correctly. Keep up the good work." [Brother AS, London, UK, 06 April 2001]

"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Assalamu alaikum to all the Mujahideen brothers . May Allah keep you on the right path. I am really very happy to hear that the Russian army is withdrawing from Chechnya. I pray that very soon there will be Islamic Shariah (rule) in Chechnya and all over the world." [Brother MF, USA, 04 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. How are you my dear Mujahideen brothers? I ask Allah to defeat your enemies and I hope one day Chechnya will become an Islamic State." [Brother AS, Eritrea, 04 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. My heart goes out to all the Mujahideen fighting in the name of Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) reward you for all your endless efforts. I pray for you." [Brother S, UK, 05 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum!!! I notice many sincere brothers sending emails telling the world of their desire to go to Jihad and sending their support for the Mujahideen. I understand that dua is a very powerful way of helping our brothers in Sheeshan (Chechnya). However...more is needed in the way of Jihad!! It is Fardh (obligatory) for us to go and help with defensive Jihad, which Alhamdulillah Sheeshan is. So don't think twice. We don't need permission from parents to go for defensive Jihad!!! If our hearts truly desire the Martyrdom then let us make some actions that prove what is in our breasts. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Keep up the work my brothers in Islam and I wish to join you soon." [Brother OH, USA, 06 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaykum to all Mujahideen brothers. May Allah grant you mercy and reward you on the Day of Judgement with the greatest of rewards. We always remember you all in our prayers." [Brothers S & M, USA, 04 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. I have just heard the news that the Russian army are about to pull out of Chechnya. I pray this is the case. For a second time the Kuffar army have been humiliated." [Brother TG, UK, 04 April 2001]

"Salaams. My name is ** and I'm from Macedonia. I love you all and you should know that I'm very proud of you. And every time I pray for my brothers in Chechnya. I pray that Allah will hear and grant my wishes, which I believe are the same as yours, and they are, big victories against the Russian military." [Brother PSE, Macedonia, 03 April 2001]

Added 03 April 2001

"Assalamu alaikum. To all Mujahids who are alive and those who are dead, may Allah bless you and reward you. I always pray for you in my prayers." [Sister M, Germany, 02 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum, I want to say congratulations to all Mujahideen in Chechnya who are killing and defeating thousands of Russian soldiers. I hope the Mujahideen will kill more of the enemies of Allah in the Future. Allahu Akbar." [Brother IJ, USA, 02 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. I hope Chechnya will become an Islamic state like Afghanistan and rule by the Shariah. Then you may help all our brothers and sisters in the world to expand the Islamic State, and especially in my country, Malaysia." [Brother ZAK, Malaysia, 02 April 2001]

"Assalamu alaikum. To our Muslim brothers in Chechnya, Kosova, Kashmir and all over the world, Insha Allah, you will achieve what you set out to do. You have the duas from your brothers all over the world. I am very concerned about all of my brothers and sister who are involved in Jihad all over the world. I am also striving to be a soldier of Allah." [Brother MNA, Malaysia, 02 April 2001]

"Salamu aleykum from brothers in Macedonia. We pray for Almighty Allah (SWT) to help you and make you successful in your operations against the enemy. Insha Allah we will never forget you. We will mention you in our duas." [Brother NM, Macedonia, 01 April 2001]

Added 01 April 2001

"The air fills with sounds of artillery, shelling the homes nearby. Drowning out the voices of the innocent, the elderly and their cry.

While the dead of heart sleep, there are others who are awake. They fear no one, and their land is ready for the take.

The enemy is filled with terror. And he cannot see straight. He thinks he will kill us all, to be able to go home that night. Little does he know, that this is not about might. It is about those Mujahideen, who lie for you in wait!

The world can say what it wants. Even put on us, the blame. But we fight not for our own purpose, rather, in Allah's name.

So be warned O Enemies of Islam. There is nothing you can do. Khattab is out there, and he's coming for you." [Brother MS, Canada, 29 March 2001]

"I am really glad to see our people fighting for a great cause. I wish they succeed in the future. I too have a burning desire to help them out. To do Jihad with them. I too have the desire to die for such a great cause" [Brother HB, India, 31 March 2001]

"Assalamu aleikum. May Allah (SWT) bless you and make your efforts successful in making Chechnya and all other Muslim territories free from the Kuffar. Aameen" [Brother MT, Melbourne, Australia, 31 March 2001]