Enriching Plwordnet with Morphology
Enriching plWordNet with morphology Agnieszka Dziob and Wiktor Walentynowicz G4.19 Research Group, Department of Computational Intelligence Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland {agnieszka.dziob,wiktor.walentynowicz}@pwr.edu.pl Abstract tions it enters. Thus, LUs having different rela- tions in the language system cannot be treated as In the paper, we present the process of synonyms and belong to the same synset (Derwo- adding morphological information to the jedowa et al., 2008). Maziarz et al. (2013) for- Polish WordNet (plWordNet). We de- mulated the concept of constitutive relations and scribe the reasons for this connection and constitutive features, i.e. those which differentiate the intuitions behind it. We also draw at- the meaning. They include all synset relations, ex- tention to the specificity of the Polish mor- cept fuzzynymy, and LU features, such as stylistic phology. We show in which tasks the mor- register, aspect for verbs, and semantic classes for phological information is important and adjectives and verbs (Maziarz et al., 2016). There- how the methods can be developed by ex- fore, there are no theoretical and methodological tending them to include combined mor- assumptions, which would allow to define inflec- phological information based on WordNet. tional features as distinguishing meanings of an LU in plWordNet. At the same time, it was also 1 Introduction not explicitly stated that morphological features plWordNet is a very large wordnet of Polish. cannot influence meaning. The 4.1 version presented in Dziob et al. (2019) Lexicographic works are ongoing, and currently contains 192,495 lemmas, 290,366 lexical units focus on completing the structure of plWord- (henceforth, LUs), and 224,179 synsets belonging Net with new LUs, increasing the density of to four parts of speech: verbs, adjectives, adverbs lexico-semantic relations, and correcting errors and nouns.
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