Bianchi, M., Heit, B., Jakovlev, A., Yuan, X., Kay, SM
Originally published as: Bianchi, M., Heit, B., Jakovlev, A., Yuan, X., Kay, S.M., Sandvol, E., Alonso, R.N., Coira, B., Brown, L., Kind, R., Comte, D. (2013): Teleseismic tomography of the southern Puna plateau in Argentina and adjacent regions. ‐ Tectonophysics, 586, 65‐83 DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.11.016 *Manuscript Click here to download Manuscript: Bianchi-etal.doc Click here to view linked References Teleseismic tomography of the southern Puna plateau in Argentina and adjacent regions 1 2 3 M. Bianchi 1, B. Heit 1,*, A. Jakovlev 2, X. Yuan 1, S. M. Kay 3, E. Sandvol 4, R. N. Alonso 5, B. 4 5 6 Coira 6, R. Kind 1,7 7 8 9 1 Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany 10 11 12 13 2 Institute of Geology, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 14 15 16 3 Cornell University, EAS, Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14850. 17 18 19 4 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211 20 21 22 23 5 Universidad Nacional de Salta, Buenos Aires 177, 4400-Salta, Argentina 24 25 26 6 CONICET, Instituto de Geología y Minería, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Avda. Bolivia 1661, 27 28 29 4600-San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina 30 31 32 7 Freie Universität Berlin, Maltesserstr. 74-100, 12227 Berlin, Germany 33 34 35 36 * Corresponding author, 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ABSTRACT 44 45 46 An array of 74 seismological stations was deployed in the Argentine Puna and adjacent regions for 47 48 a period of two years.
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