*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.

Plant Part Low High StdDev *Reference PPM PPM

Aloe vera -- -- *

Aloe vera Juice -- -- Waller, G. R., Mangiafico, S., Ritchey, C. R. 1978. A Chemical Investigation of Aloe barbadensis. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 58: 69-.

Aloe vera -- -- Mary, N. Y., Christensen, B. V., Beal, J. L. 1956. A Paper Chromatographic Study of Aloe, Aloin and Cascara sagrada. J. Amer. Pharm. Ass. Sci. Ed., 45: 229-232.

Andira araroba Wood -- -- *

Bryonia alba Root -- -- *

Frangula Bark -- -- * purshiana

Frangula Plant -- -- * purshiana

Frangula Tissue Culture -- -- * purshiana

Ganoderma Fruit -- -- * lucidum

Gloriosa Bulb -- -- * superba

Polygonum Root -- -- * multiflorum

Rhamnus Stem Bark -- 10.0 * cathartica

Rheum Tissue Culture -- -- * palmatum

Rheum Rhizome -- -- * officinale

Rheum Root Essent. Oil -- -- * rhabarbarum

Rheum Bulb -- -- * palmatum

Rheum Root -- 2100.0 -1.0 * palmatum

Rheum Bulb -- -- * officinale

Rheum Rhizome -- -- * palmatum

Rheum Petiole -- -- * palmatum

Rheum Root -- -- * officinale

Rumex crispus Rhizome -- -- *

Rumex crispus Root 67.0 12000.0 1.0 *

Rumex crispus Seed -- 280.0 -1.0 *

Rumex Root -- -- * acetosella

Rumex crispus Shoot -- 56.0 *

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases Downloaded Tue Sep 28 10:51:46 EDT 2021 National Agricultural Library Rumex Plant -- 12000.0 CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs and/or CRC Handbook of Proximate hymenosepalus Analyses

Rumex acetosa Root -- -- *

Ruscus Root -- -- * aculeatus

Ruscus Plant -- -- Lawrence Review of Natural Products, Sep-91. aculeatus

Senna Seed 200.0 6000.0 1.0 * obtusifolia

Tabebuia Bark -- -- * heptaphylla

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases Downloaded Tue Sep 28 10:51:46 EDT 2021 National Agricultural Library