
APRIL, 1970 llmi’tijHinu Hews urn n

April, 1970 April 3 thru 5th is the Executive Board Meeting at Carbondale, 111. This Spring is really in the air. I took will be reported to you in depth next some of my sage advice and checked month. PLEASE TAKE THIS ELEC­ out in the Cessna 337 the other day. TION YEAR SERIOUSLY, THINK What a fun airplane. We are really ABOUT THE JOB DESCRIPTION APRIL, 1970 creatures of habit, I tried to steer with WHEN VOTING. If the candidates are the throttles in taxiing and it doesn’t not well known to you inquire of some­ THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. work with the centerline thrust. one with whom you have confidence Will Rogers World Airport Couldn’t seem to find the gravity and then vote as you wish but please International Headquarters switch and landed it the first lime like Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 vote. In order for your Executive Of­ a carrier plane but aside from that ficers to serve you they must represent Headquarters Secretary it was great. Flew the new Cardinal your best interest, show your confi­ LORETTA GRAGG yesterday, in my opinion this little dence by a large vote. If only fifty bird should find lots of homes. Fast, percent of our membership vote then Editor sleek and docile she is. Even got JEAN only fifty percent of the membership HAZEL McKENDRICK REYNOLDS to get me APT. So you is being represented. P.O. Box 38499 see I won’t give you orders I won’t Dallas, Texas 75238 take myself. Unfortunately too many Sectionals are being held on the same week-ends Sectional time is here and let’s all or I would try to make everyone. THE NINETY-NINES NEWS get together for “FUN AND FRIEND­ April, 1970 However I hope to attend the North- SHIP” . The PROJECT AWARE theme Vol. 14 No. 17 Central the week-end of April 10th and is being used at many of the Sectionals Published monthly, except bi-monthly the Southwest the week-end of April July-August and November-December and I would like a report on its effec­ 24th and in between these I hope to be Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and tiveness. This project should be con­ is included as a part of the annual in Washington D.C. for the FAA Sys­ membership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. tinued on the Chapter level at regular tem Planning Conference. THE NINETY-NINES. Inc. intervals to aid the many, many new Will Rogeirs World Airport O klahom a City. Okla. 73159 members we are taking in. Please ac­ At this time I would like to extend R eturn F orm 3579 to a bove address cept the responsibility of the member my best wishes for the various Air 2nd Class Postage pd. at Chlckasha, Okla- you propose. Once she is voted into Races, Poker Runs and the South Afri­ membership make sure she under­ can Air Safari. My thoughts will be INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS stands the meaning of The Ninety- with you. President Nines, our aims and goals and the My Alaskan Calendar reminds me BERNICE T. STEADMAN great heritage we have. 3645 Robinhood Drive to start thinking Alaskan Vacation in Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 On March fourth the Museum Acces­ April. Sounds like a great idea. Thanks Alaska, might just do that one of these Vice-President sions Committee met in Washington days. BETTY W. McNABB D.C. at the Smithsonian Institution to decide on the proper format for the 926 Third Avenue You will be surprised how many new Albany, Georgia 31,01 Museum to assume. Above all this women pilots there are at your local project must start out and remain Secretary airport. Why not have a coffee klatch an important and integral part of our JOAN HRUBEC and meet them? There soon will be central structure. Its whole reason for 16992 Dartmouth Ave. another Ninety-Nine GENE NORA’S Cleveland, Ohio 44111 being is to tell the world the story of DAUGHTER, BRIANA JESSEN. Treasurer Women’s contribution to the History LYDELLEN “LYGIE” HAGEN of Flight and we are the women Have Fun and see you at the airport. South 1907 Oneida Place making today’s history for tomor­ Bernice T. Steadman Spokane, Washington 99203 row’s young aspirants. PAGE SHAM­ President Executive Board BURGER will be the acting Curator and will be your contact for donations PAGE SHAMBURGER of money and or artifacts for the Page Hill Aberdeen, No. Car. 28315 Museum. A Trust Agreement is being Membership prepared now which will establish the DORIS RENNINGER 10-01 162nd Street Museum as a tax deductible Institu­ Count- Is Beechhurst, N.Y. 11357 tion and the Trust will be presented SUSIE SEWELL to the delegates at Convention. In the c /o f Catlin Aviation Co. meantime start thinking Museum 3,791 Will Rogers Sta. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159 NOW. Veep's Column MUSEUM MUSINGS Betty McNabb

The Museum is on the way! The second meeting was held in Washing­ ton, D.C., at the National Air and Space Museum, and what could be a more encouraging atmosphere? Present were B and BOB STEAD­ MAN, JIMMIE KOLP, PAGE SHAM­ BURGER, DORIS RENNINGER, BET­ TY GILLIES, BETTY McNABB, VIRGINIA THOMPSON, BLANCHE NOYES, LORRAINE McCARTY, LEW CASEY and visitor MARY NEIL from Connecticut. What went on: B was elected permanent chairman. 99s visit Silver Hill, Md. during a meeting of the Museum Accessions Commit­ Her baby. The right one for the job. tee. L/R Betty McNabb, 99 VP; B Steadman, 99 President & Chairman, PAGE was elected Curator until that Museum Committee; Page Shamburger, Curator, Executive Board member; lovely future day when we need and Doris Renninger, Committee member, Executive Board member; Betty Gillies, can pay a full-time professional cura­ Vice Chairman, Committee. tor. Meanwhile, PAGE really knows her stuff anyway. VIRGINIA agreed to accept one of the committee appointments for a spot on the rotating committee. BOB presented all sorts of interest­ ing things about the difference be­ tween trusts and corporations and the committe weighed the pros and cons of each. Lew took everybody on a tour of fil­ ing and retrieval methods in his baili­ wick, and on the most fascinating tour imaginable at Silver Hill, where "his” airplanes are restored for exhibit. He told us a great many solid gold things about how to run a museum and what sort of things can happen. We saw ENOLA GAY, and we saw Amelia’s LOCKHEED VEGA, and at least fifty other exciting historical planes—you don’t really know much about them when you only see them 99s Museum Accessions Committee members and guest at Silver Hill, Md. in pictures. But to stand beside them L /R Lorraine McCarty, Executive Designer; Jimmie Kolp, Vice Chairman; is to get a wee bit of the starshine Blanche Noyes, member; Mary Neil, Chairman Connecticut Chapter; Virginia rubbed off. Thompson, member. MARY NEIL told us about the Ruth Nichols collection and about some most pleasant cocktail buffet at Jean’s plans for museum lore at International apartment. Convention. Altogether it gave us a warm feeling We're Having a Clam Bake BLANCHE hosted us for lunch at the about the future of the museum, and You All Come to New England Executive Dining Room of the FAA for that matter the future of the Nine­ and we all saw some of our FAA ty-Nines—and I think every one of us July 12-15, 1970 friends there. thoroughly enjoyed the whole meeting. Ninety-Nines Convention Then JEAN ROSS HOWARD and the Be thinking about the YOU part in Bretton Woods, N.H. Washington Ninety-Nines gave us a YOUR museum!

April, 1970 - 3 — needs to the other. When people of dif­ tude” . Or something! I am speaking ferent persuasions can communicate, to the Dallas Business and Professional the problems can be solved. It also Men’s Flying Association on April 6th. proves what can be done when people My subject will be the Powder Puff take the time to get involved. I note Derby. I am very well qualified to with great interest from the reports tell them how to be a graceful loser. that the Ninety-Nines are getting in­ I also hope to tell them how we will volved with this problem throughout be as an “insuffferable winner” this the country. I’m sure that working year. And speaking of the Powder Puff groups will be formed and 99’s will par­ Derby, please note the large ad from ticipate and the efforts will be as the Ways and Means Chairman, Pat HEADLINES from Hazel fruitful as the ones here in Dallas. McEwen and take heed. Take “heed” means, I think, she would like money. WHOOPEE!!! I have been given a Also note the new and revised route ’Tis raining outside, the roof is leak­ membership in the Australian Women of the FAT race or FUN AIR TOUR/ ing, our new puppy “ Damit” is leaking Pilots’ Association courtesy of Esther CONVENTION AERO-MADA. It has and it is the 20th of the month. How Mather. How ’bout that! Thank you been extended as far west as Phoenix, can you lose with a combination like Esther very much and I shall look Ariz. and ole Charlotte Graham prom­ that to make your day a total success. forward with great anticipation to at­ ises a good time by all. Note to Gov. I don’t know whether any of our good tending a meeting there sometime. Shamburger: My avoir-du-pois quali­ buddies in the east will ever see this, What a great excuse for going to fies me not only to join but to lead as the “ neither rain, nor sleet, nor Australia. snow, nor darkness of night” boys have the pack. I hope to be in Bristol, Pa. Our coming events calendar runneth been stayed from the appointed routes being the insufferable winner of the over. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we because of money. This interruption Derby, but promise to join somewhere could all attend all of these many to the mail service is great in one with all my “ goodies” for the trium­ meetings, flying events, etc. I do hope respect, because at least one of the phal arrival at Convention at Bretton all of you will attend your sectional reports was called in by fone and we Woods, N.H. meetings, renew old friendships, make got to have a nice visit. Remember ladies 'lis always darkest new ones, and have fun. Surely the I am much delighted and very proud before the dawn and all those ole weather is going to abate and the sun of the activities of the pilots in the bromides. The sun will come out . . . will shine and we can wing our way Dallas area of late. Another Terminal then my roof won’t leak . . . the snows into the blue for “ Fun and Friend­ Control Area was scheduled for this will have given way to green grass and ship” . area and AOPA sent Mr. Roys C. flowers . . . “Damit” will have learned Speaking of fun, I have been invited some house manners . . . it won’t be Jones down t o attend. The meeting w e s postponed to the 17th, but since Mr. to speak at a meeting in Richmond, deadline time . . . and we can all do Jones was here anyway, he met with Va. on June 6-7. The subject will be what we like best; fly-fly-fly! In the the FAA, and with many of the pilot “How to Get a Good Weather Brief­ meantime, get ready, study, get cur­ groups in this area. As a result of his ing” . I hope bunches of 99’s will be rent, APT, make friends and have fun efforts, the pilots got together ahead there, so we can visit after I shed . . . get involved . . . and above all “ truth and light on the gathered multi­ of time, ironed out their differences reporl your activities to ye ole Editor. and got behind the ALPA/AOPA cor­ ridor concept. This is the concept that the Ninety-Nines have endorsed as have most all user groups except the Women Airline Pilot's — Past and Present ATA and Allied Pilots. The FAA ap­ Hazel McKendrick and Virginia Thompson parently was also impressed because at the March 17th meeting they pre­ Probably the only industry left that From the 1933 Ninety Niner comes sented a concept that is basically a has not acknowledged the female “air­ a report that EDITH FOLTZ, Oregon’s corridor with only the outer layer of plane driver” is the airlines. Recently first woman pilot and the fifth woman the cake left. They also announced was taken by storm by a in this country to hold a transport li­ that they were forming a working com­ cute blond personable First Officer lor cense did—as far back as 1928—co­ mittee to sit down and work out what SAS named TURI WIDEROE. More pilot on charter trips for a western is really best for Dallas and its pilots. about her later. This sent us back to airline. Here is how she describes it: While Mr. Jones was down here he the records to see who all had flown “ In the fall of 1928, I had my first op­ was presented with a “white hat” for the airlines in the past. Who is portunity to fly as a co-pilot on a tri­ making him an honorary Texan and a flying for the airlines now, and hope­ motored Bach on the West Coast Air member of the good guys. We hope fully what can we do about the future. Transport line which operated between that we will be on the working com ­ Whenever historical data is required, Seattle and San Francisco. I wasn’t mittee or at least some member of VIRGINIA THOMPSON gets the nod. on the pay-roll then and didn't make the Ninety-Nines. The most gratifying I visited with her recently in Annan- so many trips, but just went when I part of this whole thing is that it ap­ dale, Va. and appreciate her efforis in was invited by one of the pilots. You pears now that the FAA and the user supplying the information about our see, I owned an 0X5 Eaglerock and groups are talking to each other and early day Airline pilots and surpris­ soloed it in one hour and 50 minutes, really communicating each others ingly enough we had a few. but that didn’t mean I knew all about

April, 1970 At the Y'alontine’s Sweetheart luncheon, Wings Club in New York, these gals were at the head table. Herb Fisher, Gen­ eral Chairman and Toastmaster of the luncheon selected the 9 members of the Ninety-Nines for the head table. Our Maxi-President, another outstanding member, could not attend. Not shown is RUTH REINHOLD. 1/r JESSIE CHAM­ BERLAIN, JUDY HELLMAN, NONA QUARLES, DORIS RENNINGER, JERRY MOCK, TURI WIDE ROE, ANN WOOD, BLANCHE NOYES, KAY BRICK, JEAN ROSS HOWARD, ELLIE McCULLOUGH. Only three are not members of the Ninety-Nines. TURI plans to join as soon as she she can. flying. So the pilots on this line took retained me for charter trips. I got She did not become a regular pilot turns about, giving me instruction. A around 70 hours on Bachs, Fokkers, for the company, but at least she did woman flying alone in this Northwest and a few on Fords before Western fly an airline. country was quite a novelty then, and Air sold out the line to United. I must HELEN RICHEY learned to fly in at first these pilots, all former Army say that the argument most companies 1930. In 1934 she applied for and got pilots, flew with me out of curiosity, put up about hiring a woman flier is a job with Central Airways. News­ thinking it impossible for a woman to that the women passengers wouldn’t papers hailed her appointment as the fly decently, but after flying awhile trust another woman. But I used to ask “dawn of a new era”. As we know, with me they decided that maybe I the women who were our passengers this was not to be, yet! The Pilot’s would be a pretty good pilot with more how they felt about me and they all Union would not let her join. She flew instruction. seemed pleased. So there you are.” . . . a regular run from Detroit to Wash­ Finally the chief pilot on the airline In 1930 the New York to New Eng­ ington three days a week. Under pres­ said that I handled the Bach as well land Airways company was formed. sure, I’m sure, the company passed as any of the co-pilots and that I could MISS RUTH NICHOLS had the honor a ruling that women pilots could not be his special co-pilot, that is, go with of launching its service with a flight be sent out in bad weather (HA!). him on charter trips. Then Western from to Bristol, Conn. Since she was the only female pilot for Air Express bought the line and I Thusly she becam e the first woman the company she knew it was aimed thought I would lose out, but no, they to fly a passenger plane for an Airline. at her. She took this for a few months

April, 1970 - 5 — ,,|C t and (hen "sm afting” uncjer that un­ jng; her name is an award presented fair ruling, resigned in 1935. by the Queen. ROWENA P. SLUSHER (CLINTON) And now back to TURI WIDEROE. flew a third level air carrier from On February 18, 1970, Turi was the Roanoke, Va. to LaGuardia, New feature speaker at the Wings Club York. Valentine-Sweetheart's luncheon. She Now for a look from overseas: turned out to be just that—a real In the March 1961 issue of Air “sweetheart” . She is a personable, Transport World was a picture of their cute, vivacious young lady who cap­ Miss Airworld for March. She was tured the whole group with her per­ MISS JACQUELINE DUBUT. A two- sonality and charm. Besides that she year veteran as co-pilot for France’s must be a great pilot. Altho not a domestic airline Air Inter, JACKIE member of the Ninety-Nines, she has has been flying since age 17 (she’s Dorio Ronninger, president of been asked to join and indicates that now 29). She scored 94.4 out of 100 Women's International Association of she will do so. Fliers and non fliers on the Captain’s qualifying test last Aeronautics and Executive Board alike were captivated not only at the year and is now a Captain for that member of Ninety-Nines, presents luncheon but by her appearance on airline now. She also holds a degree Turi Wideroe with an Amelia Ear­ the “ Today” show. What a great in literature, history, and aero en­ hart medal. Turi in the center. On spokesman for women in aviation and gineering. She is not a member of the right is Ellie McCullough, Gover­ particularly those who might want to Ninety-Nines. nor of the New York-New Jersey Sec­ pursue a career as an Airline pilot. A gal who is a member of the Nine­ tion. The red roses were from the Maybe, as they said back in 1934 ty-Nines in Australia. From the Feb­ Wing’s Club. this is the “ dawn of a new era” . May­ ruary 1951 issue of the Department be now some of the airlines in this of the Interior, News and Information a bus from one point to another all country will reconsider having females Bureau, comes this information: day. It is not as exciting as it sounds.” as crew members on flying status. “Tall, vivacious NANCY ELLIS, of (I have not flown with Yael, so I Maybe some of the girls in this country Ashfield, New South Wales, has added cannot speak for her prowess as a will be spurred on to try “once again” another “first” to her remarkable pilot. I can say that she is an excellent to fly for the airlines. We hail all the record in Australian Aviation. MISS navigator. She led all of “ us natives” girls past and present who have at ELLIS has now become the first around New York last summer. I won­ sometime or another flown for an air­ Australian woman to co-pilot a com­ der what some of our male airline line. We hope that somewhere down mercial airliner carrying passengers pilots would think about being likened the line we can do another story about on a regular run. She is also the first to a bus driver. airline pilots who are qualified cer­ woman in Australia to fly as first of­ CHRISTINE DAVY, MBE, flies a tificated well trained pilots flying for ficer in a commercial aircraft, first regular run with Convellan Airway air carrers, who just happen to also woman to secure a first-class wireless Ltd. in Australia. The “MBE” follow- be women. operator's license, first woman to have a heavy aircraft endorsement in Au­ stralia, only woman flying instructor Backward Glance Column in Australia and one of two women By Nancy Hopkins Tier gliding instructors. She is Ihe only woman member of the Institute of To fly at the first possible oppor­ grateful. I learned on 0X5 powered Aeronautical Science in New York . . tunity was always in my mind. At planes, a Waco and an Eaglerock. One And from England we have nine years of age, I saw my first plane landing, cross-wind, over the amuse­ YVONNE POPE, AE Scholarship win­ and the sight is indelibly imprinted on ment park was sufficient for JACK ner in 1967 who writes, “ At the time my mind. My High School Year Book MORAN of the C.A.A. to give me my of receiving the AE Scholarship I had recorded, “Hobby: flying, riding, license. A friend of those days and one been promised a Captaincy by the swimming. Next year what? More fly­ who recorded m y progress in the Company for whom I was working if ing. Ambition: For still more flying.” Washington News was ERNIE PYLE. I could obtain the ATR. The company And so it was, until I placed my first Always honest and always fair. What disintegrated and I started afresh with thirty dollars on the counter and had a rare character he was. Dan-Air Services, Ltd. Since joining my first hour of instruction, Novem­ With sixteen solo hours and a license them in January 19S9 I have progres­ ber 1927. April 1928, I soloed and tight in my hand, I applied for a job sed from the Dakotas to the Ambassa­ then it took a year to round up the in the operations office of the newly dor, and hope to actually start flying money to get in my ten hours of solo formed Roosevelt Field, Inc., Mineola, training on the Comet next week. This time and my private license. , New York. And got it! As will be my first jet aircraft and one All my flying was done at Hoover all things pertaining to aviation in I have always longed to fly.” Field, Arlington, Virginia, across the those days started there or soon ar­ YAEL ROM is a native born Israeli. Fourteenth Street bridge from Wash­ rived there, I was in seventh heaven. She learned to fly in the Israeli Air ington, D.C., where I was born. That As an employee, I could get solo time Force. Besides her flying in the mili­ my father understood my deep desire for $15.00 an hour instead of $25.00, tary, she became an airline pilot in and did not forbid my flying in those and I lived on Campbell soup and 1957. “ You might say it is like driving hazardous days, I shall always be most Uneeda biscuits for days on end to get

- 6 - April, 1970 my Limited Commercial license by of the engine I was flying gave a new December 1929. And so it was that on engine to the ‘ Viking Flying Boat Co. that day, November 2, 1929, I was on I felt that was a pretty cheap exchange hand to attend the first meeting of for all the miles of testing I gave what would prove to become the them. *'99’s” , an International Organization In the fall of 1930, aircraft sales were of Women Pilots. Though CANDIS practically nil, but I flew fourteen HALL and I were the last to arrive members of the D. C. Air Legion of and missed being included in that Washington, D.C. at the Old Hybla memorable photograph, we were there, Valley Field — avoiding wires and and I have maintained membership ditches at both ends—and actually sold ever since. m y Kittyhawk. During that summer, I met through In February 1931, I married IRVING my family, ROBERT E. GROSS. This V. TIER of New Haven and, as he future president of Lockheed was owned a Warner Fleet, that was our Taken the day I soloed, May 28, 1928 building the Viking Flying Boat and fun for a number of years. at Hoover Field, Arlington, Va. the three-place, open cockpit Kitty- In November that year, I became Washington Monument in back­ hawk in New Haven. He had ventured Connecticut Speed Champion by win­ ground. to suggest that when I had my com ­ ning a closed course race at Hartford, mercial license, he had a plane that Connecticut. Governor Trumbull pre­ I might try to sell. My first flight, after sented the trophy. receiving my license, was to West In December, I passed my Transport Ilaven Airport to accept the offer. The License test at Roosevelt Field. How­ plane I was to fly, I learned, was in ever, it was not without incident! The Miami and I was to go down and fly Fleet went into a flat-spin and only it up to Roosevelt Field. My longest cam e out of it about two hundred feet cross-country up until then had been above the Westbury Golf Course. No Roosevelt to Teterboro and the thought one knew the cause of such behavior of the challenge was one of the thrills in those days. I remember calmly try­ of my life. With a handfull of Rand ing to do all I could and then felt no McNally State maps, whose outstand­ hesitancy about getting out with my ing features were county lines, I con­ parachute. But with my weight slightly fidently set out. After a forced landing forward, the nose started to drop arid in a hay field at Vero Beach due to I settled back to complete the recov­ a tropical downpour and an overnight ery. Needless to say, my test was com­ at Jacksonville, I proceeded the next Taken May 28, 1969 — forty-one pleted some days later and I lost my day to fly eight hours and ten min­ years later, beside my Cessna 170A. appetite for spins. utes to Washington in spite of the dif­ Canaan Airport, Canaan, Conn. Then followed years of minor con­ ficulty of finding farmers who had the tests fitting in and around the arrival keys to the gas pumps. of our daughter and elder son. forced landing in Indiana, due to This was 1930 and, in the course of weather on the way, I was in Detroit— However, in 1933, I flew solo to Cali­ demonstrating the Kittyhawk, I en­ getting special permission from Henry fornia to visit family in a Warner tered the Women’s Dixie Derby — a powered Aristocrat. I took the northern Ford to work on Sunday and replace race originating at Washington, D.C. route out (not knowing better) and the my cylinders in preparation for the and dropping south to Atlanta, Birm­ start of the sixth Ford Reliability Tour. southern way home. Without weather ingham and Memphis, ending in Chi­ (It was not a tour the last two years, reports East of the Rockies, I sat down cago where the National Air Races but wide open flying for nearly 5,000 in hay fields to wait out storms and two airports had been -emoved com­ were held that year. I had a chance cross-country miles.) Planes had to be at the money until a valve blew over entered by the manufacturer for this pletely. Farmers helped to direct me Arkansas. (A cylinder head blew com­ competition and I was the only woman elsewhere. Trying to get over the ing into Raleigh, N.C., but that was in 1930. We flew two flights a day for Wasatch Mountains into Salt Lake exchanged over night.) Now, I learned sixteen days, regardless of weather, with the gas gauge hitting bottom and how to replace a valve cap among the across Canada to Edmonton, down the the sun down, is a story all of its stumps and irrigation ditches. It was Rockies to Colorado Springs, and back own. also necessary to sew up a ripped to Detroit. There was a Point System Visiting the ROBERT E. GROSSES wing, patch a tire and fly out over the that required brakes and, as I did not in Bel-Air, Los Angeles, I saw the telephone wires. I landed at St. Louis have brakes on my Kittyhawk, we mock-up of the Electra, that followed fifteen minutes before the afternoon were handicapped from the start. Al­ the Vega, and the promise of Lock­ flight was due to leave and, so, at though two more valve caps smashed heed's great future. My flight home least, stayed in the running. I picked resulting in forced landings, (I learned in twenty-eight hours with a 90 H.P. up some money making dead-stick to replace them In record time) I engine that cruised at 87 m.p.h., was landings at Chicago and in ten days, wasn’t last—four were behind me at a great improvement over the strong after flying back to Roosevelt with a the finish. KINNER, the manufacturer head winds going out. We averaged

April, 1970 - 7 — better than 107 m.p.h. The speed was field within a mile of our cabin on activities have been of great interest. heady. We flew Monocoupes for the Lake George. The forty-second year I’ve painted a good many roofs for the next eight years with cruising speeds of my flying has now passed and I air marking program, and spoken from 105 to 125 m.p.h. Great improve­ have been most fortunate and am many times for the Amelia Earhart ment. most grateful. My 170A Cessna with Scholarships. But most of my organiza­ December 1941, the war was on. My its new engine awaits me in its hangar tional time has been directed toward husband went into defense work and not far away and my days are always the Church. This is my interest that the children were of such an age that judged by whether it is a flying day takes precedence now. The beauty, the I did not feel I could leave them for or not, even if other factors often pre­ wonder, the freedom and challenge of the Ferry Command, which I would vent my taking advantage of the con­ flight have always lifted my sights and very much liked to have joined. But ditions. strengthened m y faith. I am so glad in January, I signed up with the Civil I am happy to be a Charter Mem­ to have lived in an age when this was Air Patrol and served from Squadron ber of the ‘‘99’s” . Its friendships and possible. Executive Officer to be privileged to be the first woman Major, Lt. Colonel and Colonel finally, as Wing Com­ AMELIA EARHART SCHOLARSHIP mander of Connecticut. Then ten years Dr. Dora Dougherty Strother, Chairman on the National Command Advisory Staff and retirement and the Excep­ The A. E. Board of Trustees met very difficult one. A grand total of 90 tional Service Medal award. Very little during the month of March at Lake applications were mailed out this year. is really known of the heroic work of Eufala, Oklahoma as guests of Per­ By section they were distributed as the Civil Air Patrol during the war manent Trustee, BONETA EVANS and follows: East Canada, 1; West Canada, years. Connecticut flew out of the Bar Oklahoma 99, VELMA WOODWORD. 2; New England, 1; New York-New Harbor, Maine, north to the Canadian There were two major purposes of this Jersey, 6; Middle East, 6; Southeast, borderline, building radio towers, Spring meeting. The first was to make 3; North Central, 22; South Central, workshops and supplying all equip­ a final determination of the number of 20; Northwest, 8; and Southwest, 21. ment necessary for flight operations scholarships which can be offered, After screening by the sections and by in all weather. Lives were lost off based on the funds received to date the trustees, six finalists remained. Petit Manan in bitter weather but the for this year. It was decided, as hoped These will be submitted to the hon­ patrols were maintained without in­ for, that three scholarships could be orary judges, who will select the final terruption. offered. three winners. We know any of the 6 In Jnly 1963, I was one of the six The second purpose was to make a will make all 99s proud of them. All are women who have proved their charter members of the "99’s” to fly final screening of applicants prior to the First-Day Covers out of Atchison, dedication to aviation and their sin­ final submittal to the honorary judges. Kansas, during the Amelia Earhart cere desire to improve and expand the Commemorative Stamp Celebration. As always, a wonderful group of appli­ place of women in this important tech­ My route led to Teterboro, New Jer­ cants made the selection process a nical field. sey, where I was flown by helicopter to Wall Street and MAYOR WAG­ NER’S office for a presentation to him. Then on to Kennedy Airport where the Covers were put on transoceanic planes for Europe. Well past m y two-thousandth hour in the air (and, at least a landing and a take-off for every hour, according to my logbook), I still fly for the sheer unmitigated joy of it and the unending challenge. Six engine failures before 1931 are ancient history now. With proper care, there is nothing mechan­ ical more reliable than the present aviation engine. Countless landings in hay fields or marginal private strips, as well as at airports, have afforded delightful occasions — picnics, swims, sightseeing, explorations and visits to friends and family. My three children, and now their six, have all enjoyed the thrill of a magic carpet which Pictured during Spring meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Amelia Earhart light aircraft, especially, most certain­ Memorial Trust are left to right: ALICE HAMMOND, Permanent Trustee; ly is. For years, we flew out of our JEAN PEARSON, Vice-Chairman; BRONETA EVANS, Permanent Trustee own front yard in Cheshire, Connecti­ and Secretary; IRIS CRITCHELL, Treasurer; and DORA DOUGHERTY cut. And in summer, we flew to a hay STROTHER, Chairman.

April, 1970 Coming Bvehts CONVENTION NEWS 1970 Southwestern Sectional With spring in the air, can summer er for the Attlelia JSahfiart luncheon. Apr. 24-25-26, 19'0 be far behind? Absolutely not! It won’t Our final banquet will focus on the ex­ Santa Clara Valley Chapter be long before “ June is bustin’ out all citing future, previewed so spectacu­ Host over” and July brings 99’s from all larly when NEIL ARMSTRONG made over the world to the Mount Washing­ April 20-May 11, 1970 that “ giant step for mankind!” It cer­ ton Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Scuth African 99 Air Safari tainly is wonderful to be a 99 and a April 26th-May 16th, 1970 Hampshire where the relaxed setting part of aviation! will serve as a perfect backdrop for To enhance your trip to New Eng­ Flying Poker Run Fun and Friendship! land, watch this column in future is­ April 26, 1970 Exciting programs have been plan­ sues of the NEWS for suggested trips New Smyrna Airport, Fla. ned spanning aviation's history from to be made either by plane or the low­ West Canadian Sectional the early days into the still unbounded er, slower conveyance. There’s lots to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada future. On Heritage Night we will look see and do from Maine to New York May 2, 1970 nostalgically backwards and honor City and we’ ll try to point out a few National Intercollegiate Flying Ass’n. those left us the legacy of today and of the more unusual and interesting. Montana State University tomorrow. We’re very pleased to have See you at the Clambake! Bozeman, Mont. Mrs. Morrissey as the guest speaker SPECIAL CONVENTION NOTICE May 7-9, 1970 for the Amelia Earhart iuntneon. Our Avoid disappointment! Make your Thunderhold P-47 Pilot’s Association— final banquet will focus on the exciting reservations early. As is common with Ex Jug Pilots also future, previewed so spectacularly resorts, the Mt. Washington Hotel re­ Imperial House North when Neil Armstrong made that “ giant quires a $10 deposit per person when Dayton, Ohio step for mankind!” It certainly is reservations are made. The deposit is May 8-9, 1970 wonderful to be a 99 and a part of applied to the bill or will be returned Northwest Section aviation! if reservations are cancelled within Flying Poker Party For just plain fun and getting to five days of Convention. Be an early May 16-17, 1970 know other 99’s, Monday night’s New bird! Resort hotels, unlike large down­ Ctc: Ilovene Potter England Clambake promises to be an town hotels, are often unable to ac­ event not to be missed. Lots of good commodate last minute requests. 99 Air Race — May 17. 1970 food — lobster, clams, corn on the cob Midland, Virginia ’99 SAI.ES ITEM CATALOG (doesn't that make your mouth Is your Chapter interested in increas­ Connie Marsh water?) — and a relaxed, informal at­ ing the money making potential of RR 1, Box 166 mosphere are characteristic of this your 99 sales items? Bryans Road, Maryland 20616 New England sytle good time! The old adage “a picture is worth Southcentral Sectional It’s time now to start planning to be 1000 words” will be put to work in the Tulsa, Oklahoma a part of the 1970 Convention. Many 1970 CONVENTION SOUVENIR PRO­ May 22-23-24, 1970 of you have returned your tentative GRAM! Because we think that Ninety- Illi-Nines Air Derby planning cards to the hostess section. Nines would like to “ see” what they Rockford, 111. If you haven’t, Millie Doremus Reg­ can order, the New England Section East Canada Sectional istration Chairman, would be really has invited all Chapters to place an London Ontario, Canada pleased if you would go ahead and ad for their 99 item, complete with May 23, 13IC drop it in the mail! It will heip US illustration if desired. After Conven­ Dallas Poker Party to get ready for YOU and help YOU tion, a copy of the PROGRAM will be May 23, 1970 get ready for Convention! sent to each Chapter to be used as a 4th Annual Pilot Poker Run Exciting programs have been plan­ visual reference catalog for future or­ First Canadian Chap. ned spanning aviation’s history from ders. Contact Syb’l Dunn the early days into the still unbounded The “ 99 SPECIAL” provides an un­ June 7, 1970 future. On Heritage Night we will look usual opportunity for the individual AWTAR nostalgically backwards and honor to (advertise her special craft, skill or July 3-7, 1970 those who left us the legacy of today avocation. Our organization has amaz­ Monterey, Calif, to and tomorrow. Our speaker will be ing resources of talent. The 99 ads 3M Airport, Bristol, Pa. early aviator CLARENCE CHAMBER­ will make fascinating reading! LIN, a contender for the Orteig prize The CONVENTION SOUVENIR PRO­ International Convention finally won by Lindberg. In , GRAM is standard 8% by 11, with full July 12-15, 1970 just two weeks after Lindberg’s New page ads $100, half page $50, quarter Bretlon Woods, N.H. York to Paris crossing, CHAMBERLIN page $25, and the “99 SPECIAL” (1/8 North Central Fall Sectional and his financial backer CHARLES page) $15. September 4-6, 1970 LEVINE, flew a record breaking 3,911 Time is short! Send camera ready Louisville, Ky. miles nonstop from New York to Ger­ copy to Mona Budding, ENE Ways and Sept. 6, 1970 many in the Columbia, a Bellanca Means Chairman, 1888 Commonwealth Nebraska 1st Air Race monoplane. CHARLES LEVINE be­ Ave., Aubumdale, Mass. 02166. Make Pacific. Air Race cam e the first transatlantic passenger. checks payable to Ninety-Nines 1970 Oct. 10, 1970 We’re very pleased to have MRS. Convention. Please mail copy by May Contact Eleanor Richardson MURIEL MORRISSEY as guest speak- 1, 1970.

April, 1970 — 9 — CONVENTION CROSSWORD 43. Head for the Mt. Washington Hotel and you’ll be course for By Virginia Bonesteel Convention. 44. A Scottish 99. Here is a special crossword puzzle 17. Wild, yonder. 47. Navigational aid (abbrev.) just for 99’s who are thinking about 19. Future 4914 er. 48. What flying is when you’re coming to Convention this July! (We 21. Avoids a 3 pointer in your proficient. want to. thank Marilyn Hibner of the tricycle gear. 49. What you’ll be if you come to Long Island Chapter whose “Plane 22. What every 99 should be Convention! Puzzling?” in the January NEWS in­ (abbrev.). 51. Necessary to keep the cylinders spired this effort.) If you’ve read your 23. We’ll be paying more of *his on pumping. NEWS the past few months and looked fuel. 52. Rocket fuel (abbrev.). over the initial Convention mailing 24. Add power to go .. 54. You’ll do this if you don’t register that you received recently, the puzzle 25. Projected moment of touch early! will be easy. Be sure to look for hints down (abbrev.). 55______rose. about the exciting programs we have 26. No. 28 across corrected for air planned! You’ll find the solution next density at flight level (abbrev.). Down month. Meanwhile, make your plans 28. An instrument indication corrected 1. Come to ! to come to the White Mountains of for installation error (abbrev.). 2. Hot shot pilot. New Hampshire July 12-16! We’re hav­ 29. Yours and mine. 3. Lunar Excursion ing a (No. 1 across)! 30. Increasingly necessary rating 4. Radar frequency band. (abbrev.). 5. GMT minus 5 hours (abbrev.). Across 32. An -line engine is not 7. Delicious crustacean. 1. Informal good time, New England horizontally opposed. 8. Twin one of the airports style. 33. Jenny power, the ------5! close to Convention site. 6. A natural wonder in the White 34. The racer’s edge (abbrev.). 9. A chapter in the New England Mountain National Forest. 35. Pilot’s record. Section. 10. Pilot in the right hand seat. 38. What you’ll do at the Mt. Wash­ 12. Negative. 11. Carrier pilots (abbrev.). 15. Our founder. ington Hotel (abbrev.). 13. 99 = 100 — 18. approach. 39. Cape _____ . 14. ______, ball and airspeed. 20. Survival equipment. 16. Come ___ Convention! 40. Flying machine of the past. 22. Moon ship. 27. Compass point. 31. Control surface. 34. Look Ma! No instructor! 36. Turn your radio before speaking. 37. Maine state trees. 38. You’ll do this at the 1970 Vacation-Convention! 39. May your skies always be _____ ! (abbrev.). 41. ______of attack. 42. Check both ______45. What you can put in the Souvenir Program at a special 99 price! 46. Indoors or outdoors—you can do this at Bretton Woods. 50. Same as No. 52 across. 53. The Ninety-Nines.


VAL JOHNSON wants clippings for Scrapbook. No hiding your light under a basket. Keep “Them cards, letters, & news clips com­ ing.” Mail to VAL JOHNSON 525 S. Main St. St. Clair, Missouri 63077

- 10- April, 1970 shall Boehtp for tlje rpcers to tour her AWTAR REPORT 20 acres of gardens, fyjps. Boehm is the wife of the late and famous bird (Received by phone account no mail) sculptor. The gardens display his Oh what plans has Monterey! A visit will take place in Calif, on April 23rd works in the natural habitat of each to the fabulous Hearst Castle, shopping under the direction of able Helen specie of bird represented. There is the famous coastal Seventeen Mile Shropshire. More about the celebrities a Japanese garden complete with tea­ Drive and Steinbeck’s “ Cannery Row.” next month. house and lagoon; particularly charm­ Following the “ blessing” of THE Plans coming in from the terminus ing. Another highlight of the terminus FLEET (aircraft in this case) the Ft. sound exciting too. A cocktail party will be a tour of the quaint little artist Ord band will pipe the racers off to and dinner at Jim Flannery’s Constel­ village of New Hope, with its bridges America the Beautiful, the words of lation Lounge for openers. This res­ spanning the Tow Path Canal used which are so appropriate to this year’s taurant is Irish’s Airlines first Connie back in the days of George Washing­ race route. All of which means, the converted into a lounge with the origi­ ton. Powder Puff Derby, will be involved nal interior intact and aerial views This month, the 3M company to­ in the beginning of California Century out each window. An invitation has gether with the Eastern Pennsylvania III. Drawing for the takeoff positions been accepted from Mrs. Edward Mar­ are going to paint the center line and the numbers anew on the runways and work on the ramp and taxiways, in t t e / preparation for the race. We’re tickled pink that the capable Joan Hrubec will again serve as Chief Timer at the terminus. ALL-WOMAN TRANSCONTINENTAL AIR RACE, INC. » Co-pilot seats are being sought by Pat McEwen - Ways and Means 16206 E. Central Wichita, Kansas 67230 Monique Weil, Merriwood Drive, Oak­ land, Calif. 94611; and Dorothy Dicker- REMEMBER the International Convention of 99’s in 1964? hoof, 10006 South Tenn., Chanute, Kan­ That was the year we ENTHUSIASTICALLY vowed and voted to sas 66720. Interested pilots, contact! Heard on Ch. 5 actress Susan Oliver support our own race, the A.W.T.A.R. - popularly known as the will participate in the Powder Puff Derby with Margaret Meade. POWDER PUFF DERBY - SO LET S DO IT! It has been reported that in the Let’s get behind the 99’s GREATEST AVIATION EVENT that movie, “Popi” starring Alan Arkin there is a scene where the father in brings us WORLD - WIDE ATTENTION. the movie, is listening to the radio, for news of the rescue of his two sons whom he had put adrift off the coast Our scrapbook boasts press releases from as far away as the of Fla. The first item to come over the radio on the newscast concerns ORIENT, EUROPE and ASIA. What other event could bring the 99’s the Powder Puff Derby racers arriv­ ing at Savannah. About the boys? You such great publicity? will have to see the movie. The FAA has supplied some back­ ground material that will go out to all HUNDREDS of 99’S each year give GENEROUSLY of their time those who request race entry kits. This material should prove helpful when and efforts. ALL of us can PERSONALLY HELP SUPPORT our race. being interviewed on TV, radio, etc. Others desiring this material may have it by writing to AWTAR head­ In 1971 we celebrate the 25th YEAR of racing. Let’s make our quarters, Teterboro Airport, Teterboro, New Jersey. SILVER ANNIVERSARY a MEMORABLE one. Bless you!

ALL ATR PILOTS — Pat McEwen Please make yourself known. A.W.T.A.R. Ways and Means Committee Write WATPA Jessie Wimmers 4750 N. Central P.S. Make diecks payable to A.W.T.A.R., Inc. and mail to me at Camelback Towers G16 Phoenix, Ariz. 85012 16206 East Central, Wichita, Kansas, 67230.

April, 1970 - 1 1 - LEST WE FORGET

A I I 99's help support their race

W in n in g friends for 99's throughout the world

Today is the day to give for '71

Appreciate your loyal support

Remember to send contributions to:

Pat McEwen Ways and Means 16206 E. Central Wichita, Kansas 67230

—12— April, 1970 Does evefy chapter bfive an Air 2‘4'th Anfiual Marking Chairman? IS she active? POWDER PUFF DERBY What better way to extend the hand of "Fun and Friendship” than an Air Marking outing. And, of course, there is always that thrill of “ seeing what you have done” and the pride in ac­ complishment. Springtime is when the fair weather pilots crawl out of their winter dens to take to the skies, and when newly licensed pilots try long cross-countries. Your Air Markings do not go unnoticed, or unappreciated.

The more tedious part of the task when the paint brushes are soaking and you survey your work, is the paper work—the report. We have tried to keep it simple. So, PLEASE, won’t you cooperate, and spend just five minutes more to get that report off to me and BLANCHE NOYES? If you REALLY want to do it right, write to BLANCHE NOYES, CHIEF, AIR MARKING STAFF, FEDERAL AVIA­ TION ADMINISTRATION, WASHING­ TON, D.C. for the FAA forms 1340 COMMITTEE REPORTS (4-61). To refresh your memory, here is what I would like to have on a sisted of assisting another organization Flying Activities postcard: with a presentation on careers in avi­ Virginia Britt, Chairman ation (for women, maybe), include ad­ AIR MARKING REPORT ditional facts which would be of in­ CHAPTER FLYING ACTIVITIES C h a p te r Section terest or assistance to another Chapter CHAIRMEN (ANNUAL REPORT): Location of Air Mark ...... wishing to engage in a similar activity. You should recently have received a Lat. Long. Your Section Chairman has been request from your Section Chairman City ...... State asked to submit her report to me by lor a report on your Chapter flying Airport Hangar June 1 for inclusion in the Annual Re­ activities! Flying is so integral to a City or Town Runway port. Please submit your report to her Ninety-Nine that almost everything New Location Building early. Reports on individual awards she does as a Ninety-Nine would fall Repaint Old Mark Highway and achievements will be condensed. Date Air Mark Completed: ... into this category, so let’s confine re­ A source file will be developed on Mail to: ports to those activities of a more special activities and the most inter­ JERRY B. ROBERTS "special” nature. Individual awards esting will be submitted to the Ninety- 1011 N. PARK AVE. for achievement are fine—as are such Nine News. HADDON HEIGHTS, N.J. 08035 individual efforts as informing the (YEAR-END REPORT): Year-end public and group instruction. New rat­ reports may be simply addenda to a Incidentally, there is an increasing ings??? A license to fly should really copy of the annual reports, but please call for marking Helipads. That is not be considered a license to learn more submit complete reports to your Sec­ so time consuming and does not re­ about flying so let’s include this in the tion Chairman by Sept. 1 so that she quire so many hands as you just paint reports as an outstanding result of a may submit her report to me by Sept. a 20’ “ H” . group upgrading effort. 15. NOTE: Some SE Section Chapters For those of you who have had Air All other Ninety-Nines are eager to have invited aviation insurance men Marking projects during the winter— hear of your unique aclivities and ac­ to their meetings to explain liability. and since last June—would you please complishments. What idea sparked Wouldn’t your Chapter members like send me your reports so I can com­ your special activity or what was its to know more about this? pile my reports for Convention. purpose? How did you develop your activity (research, planning and man­ For those who are going to embark on their first Air Mark, let me recom­ agement considerations) ? What were Air Marking your requirements (funds, prizes, mend the AIR MARKING GUIDE Jerry B. Roberts, Chairman equipment, personnel) and sources for AVAILABLE FROM THE PALO- obtaining them? Results—did the ac­ SPRINGTIME — AIRMARKING — MAR CHAPTER FOR $2.50. WRITE tivity accomplish the intended pur­ AIRMARKING — SPRINGTIME ! ! ESTHER WHITT, 220 OCEAN VIEW pose? And finally, whether the activity They do seem to go hand in hand, DR., VISTA, CALIF. 92083. KEEP was a fun thing, educational or con­ don’t they? PAINTING!

April, 1970 — 13— Public Relations Report yet, but it is surprising what can be done with a bit of ingenuity. I keep So far, I have found my job as Pub­ Our president, BEA STEADMAN, is water cool for drinking by hanging lic Relations Chairman a very frus­ anxious the “ Fun and Friendship” a canvas bag of water on a tree limb— trating one. Promoting the image of theme carry a message to the public evaporation does the trick. Likewise, Ninety-Nines to other Ninety-Nines is of our little known projects, such as butter can be kept firm by covering fairly easy. After all, we are inter­ participation in civic groups and allied with a damp cloth. The butcher is very ested in what we do as individuals organizations, NIFA, etc. obliging about delivering small quan­ tities of meat daily. For Thanksgiving and as a group. The difficult task is I need help especially from section I had delicious steak, corn on the cob, making our activities known to others. and chapter Public Relations chair­ fresh tomatoes, and a fresh peach. National publicity obviously requires men. Get involved, let the news people Christmas was in very unChristmassy a technique other than just sending know about it and then let me know weather, but there were sign, and we information to various publications. I what success you have. have tried that with less than spark­ did have a good Christmas. ling results. It is my conclusion that I need clippings and information on The village of Gaborone is two miles our best source of effective publicity radio and TV appearances. All of us from the capital which is called City must in part come from local chapters know what a great organization of Gaborone. How ’bout that! Ninety-Nines has become. Let others and sections where personal interest My address is B.T.C. Box 525, know!!! Each of you deserves the is keen. The news media appear to be Gaborone, Botswana, Africa. I would more interested in local personalities credit. love to have some addresses of any than in broader scoped activities. MARY N. ABLE, Chairman 99’s in Africa and also would love to hear from the good ole U.S.A. Thanks and love, Helen. Members At Large HELENE ROBERTSON IN AFRICA etc. I am the only woman on the AIR MEETS (Ed Note: Altho Helene Robertson staff and my 12 typists are the only is a member of the Hudson Valley female students. I came in the midst 1970 99’s, she is currently in Africa with of a 12 week course being conducted FUN AIR TOUR/CONVENTION the Peace Corps. Therefore we are by a large, jovial Afrikaaner who was AERO-MADA running her letter in the “ MEMBERS delighted to have me take over. These DATES: July 8-July 12 . . . AT LARGE” column. I normally do girls are training for an advanced typ- CONFIRMED! not retype reports because I don’t nig exam to be given later. The qual­ have time, however thought this was ity of typing is such that I have little The Fun Air Tour, a fun group flight such an interesting report, that I did, optimism that they will pass the ex­ to Convention for Ninety-Nines and so all of you could share it. Helene, am, but we are doing our best with their passengers (family, friends, oth­ wherever you are, if and when you them. My colleagues are a most con­ er Ninety-Nines), has expanded in ever get this, do write us again about genial group and are mostly British scope! your adventures and flying in Africa.) expatriates. Starting point is now Phoenix, Ari­ “ . . . Botswana is fascinating and My first three weeks in Botswana zona, with starting date July 8. my situation here is wonderful. I am were spent in a native village. I lived CHARLOTTE GRAHAM, assisted by teaching typing at the Botswana in a rondavel (a circular mud hut with BETTY JO SMITH, is Chairman of Training Centre and have a beautiful thatched roof and hard mud floor) in the Tour segment west of the Missis­ big house right across the street from the compound of the chief of the vil­ sippi. B.T.C. The Gaborone airport is right lage—Tshimoya Pula, meaning Village Participants may still rendezvous next door! I joined the Kalahari Flying of Rain. My rondavel was furnished with the Tour at any of the enroute Club this week and hope to get up with bed, dresser, wardrobe, table and points. The requirement that overall in their Cherokee 140 any day now. a paraffin lamp (similar to kerosene) winners must have participated from My house has a beautiful large garden and chair. There was no electricity the starting point has been modified; with many flowering shrubs—mostly and water was hauled from the village however, early starters have a natural bougainvillea, hibiscus, poinsettias and tank—which was fed from a borehole— advantage for accumulating scoring others—plus fig, orange, lemon, and carried in buckets on the heads of points. mulberry trees. I have a fine maid women (not this woman!). The native The scoring system still includes and a somewhat scatterbrained young diet consists mostly of bogobe (pro­ points for passengers and for being gardener. So, you can see I am being nounced behobee) and boiled meat. APT . . . APT points for passengers well taken care of. My “hired help” The bogobe is made of pounded ber­ as well as registrant! costs me RIO per month. (A “R” or ries, from grain sorghum or maize and As there has not yet been time to rand is valued at $1.40). boiled into a thick porridge. We pam­ confirm all enroute points, publication B.T.C. is a vocational training cen­ pered Americans varied the bogobe of the registration form (application) tre with a lovely campus and many meat diet with canned sardines, vege­ has been delayed until the April issue. new buildings going up all the time. tables, fruits, and cookies which we The dates of the tour fall during a The courses are mostly for men and purchased from the local general busy time for most of the RON stops, boys—building, carpentry, electricity, store. Here in Gaborone I am living so there will be a June 15 deadline business management, bookkeeping, in luxury. I have no refrigerator as for registration.

- 14— April, 1970 Registration fees will be in multiples July 9 July 12 of 99; i.e., $.99 Barre area, $1.98 Char­ MIDLAND to NATCHEZ, MISS. BARRE to BRETTON WOODS, N.H. lottesville, $2.97 Santee, $3.96 Mont­ (Hardy-Anders) * (Arpt pilot’s choice of Twin Mtn., gomery, etc., per airplane. Dice Roll Midland & Natchez Whitefield, Berlin)* Registration is limited to Ninety- Poker Draw Natchez Breakfast briefing Barre area Nines. There is no limitation on air­ “Roulette” numbers installed airport craft—only that they be properly reg­ Natchez Card “fill-ins” to Bretton Woods istered, licensed and equipped—but it RON Natchez airport is suggested that pilot assure safe July 10 mechanical condition and that inspec­ NATCHEZ to MONTGOMERY, ALA. ??? JAMAICA - JAMAICA . . . tion will remain effective through (Danelly Field)* WHO’S GOING TO JAMAICA??? time required for return flight. Pilot Breakfast briefing Natchez need only be properly licensed. More than one will be going, as the “ Arrival” Contest to Montgomery Chicago Area and Central Illinois VIRGINIA BRITT, CHAIRMAN Lunch Montgomery chapters make plans for their Illi- FUN AIR TOUR/ CONVENTION MONTGOMERY to SANTEE, S.C. Nines Air Derby. This 250 statute mile AERO-MADA (Wings & Wheels Arpt)* “Round Robin” race begins and ends EXPANDED PROGRAM OUTLINE Snoopy contest to Santee in Rockford, Illinois on May 22-23-24. RON Santee Open to all pilots, this race offers July 7 a choice of two categories — speed PHOENIX, ARIZ. (Phoenix-Litchfield July 11 and proficiency. Arpt)* START SANTEE to CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Arrivals Phoenix (Charlottesville-Albemarle Arpt)* Not only will the winners in each July 8 Breakfast briefing Santee category be awarded TRANSPORTA­ PHOENIX to EL PASO, TEX. (El “ Time” contest to Charlottesville TION to and from Jamaica (arranged Paso Int’D* Lunch Charlottesville by Air Jamaica), they will also spend SEVEN marvelous days at the Ja­ “Draw” Poker to Natchez CHARLOTTESVILLE to BARRE, Lunch El Paso maica Inn, Ocho Rios Jamaica, W. J. MASS. area EL PASO to MIDLAND, TEX. (Mid- (European Plan) courtesy of the Mor­ land-Odessa) “Kamikaze” contest arrival Barre row Hotels. area ariport Poker Draw Midland TEMPTING . . . it should be with RON Barre RON Midland an estimated $1,000 cash prize money and trophies to the pilot AND co-pilot of the first five places in each cate­ gory.





—Depart from Houston this afternoon by K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines jet flight en route to Europe. Full meal service included aloft.

Of the entries received the first day, MR. GEORGE EDGCUMBE, President of AUGUST 25 — AMSTERDAM/LON­ Tuft-Edgeumbe, Elgin Airport, Elgin, III. drawing for the order of take-off. DON — Arrive at Amsterdam Airport Assisted by MARY McKILLIP, publicity chairman, MARION JAYNE, race this morning. Change planes and con­ chairman and ARLENE ODEGAARD, operation chairman of the Illi-Nines Air tinue by connecting flight to London. Derby. MR. RALPH KRAUSE of Chicago is number one in the speed category Journey time is one hour. Upon arrival and MRS. PAM STOWELL of Arlington Hgts., 111. is first in the proficiency at London Airport transfer will be pro­ category. vided to your hotel—HOTEL STRAT-

April, 1970 —15— FORD COURT. motorcoach via Amhem crossing the AUGUST 30 — FRANKFURT/HEID­ Afternoon sightseeing of London, in­ border into Germany at Emmerich, ELBERG / NUREMBERG — Leave cluding Buckingham Palace, the Lon­ then via the outer edges of the in­ Frankfurt this morning and journey don residence of the Royal Family, dustrial Ruhr district to Koln. The to Heidelberg. View the stone bridge Changing of the Guard, Houses of Par­ city was almost completely destroyed and the 700 year old castle. Within liament, with ‘Big Ben’ the famous during World War II but has since the castle walls is a giant wine cask clock tower, Westminster Abbey, the been rebuilt into one of the most mod­ with a stairway leading to the top, scene of. coronations and royal wed­ ern cities in Europe. called the Giant Hun. Rising above dings, and Whitehall. Continue via Bonn to Koblenz. HO­ the castle on the same hill is the AUGUST 26—LONDON—Day in Lon­ TEL PFALZERHOF. Konigstuhl (King’s Chair) 2,000 feet don. A private motorcoach will be above the lovely Neckar Valley which AUGUST 29 — KOBLENZ/FRANK­ available for a half day visit to the can be reached by cable car. In the FURT — Leave Koblenz at 10:00 AM London Ninety Nines. afternoon continue through the Neckar and journey aboard a Rhine steamer Valley via the medieval town of Roth- AUGUST 27 — LONDON/ AMSTER­ for a delightful cruise through the enburg to Ansbach and Nuremberg.— DAM — Leave London by Morning spectacular Rhine Gorge—a wonder­ HOTEL CARLTON. K.L.M. flight to Amsterdam.—HOTEL land of castles, old world villages and PORT VAN CLEVE. AUGUST 31 — NUREMBERG/INNS­ picturesque vineyards. Also pass the Afternoon sightseeing of the city, BRUCK — Leave Nuremberg and legendary Lorelei Rock. Arrive at the including the Rijksmuseum, outstand­ journey via the autobahn to Munich, village of Rudesheim at 2:20 PM. The ing for its collection of Dutch and then into the Bavarian Alps to Stein- town has remained unchanged for cen­ Flemish art, Municipal Museum, Dam, gaden to view the “ Little White Church the main square site of the Royal turies and still one must walk through in the Meadow” . Continue to Linderhof Palace, Mint Tower, Nieuwe Kerk, the narrow cobbled streets. Rejoin Palace; said to be the most beautiful Oude Kerk, the oldest building in Am­ your motorcoach and continue to near­ of all the palaces. Also visit Garmisch sterdam, Rembrandt House, and the by Frankfurt. Arrive at about 4:00 Partenkirchen at the foot of the Diamond Cutting Workshops. PM. — HOTEL EXCELSIOR. Oppor­ Zugspitze, Germany’s highest moun­ AUGUST 28 — AMSTERDAM/ KO- tunity to visit with Frankfurt Ninety tain. Continue via Mittenwald, home BLENZ — This morning continue by Nines this evening. of the violin makers, into Austria to the town of Innsbruck. — HOTEL ALPEN. SEPTEMBER 1 — INNSBRUCK/ST. MORITZ — Enjoy a day of spectac­ ular alpine scenery as you drive through the heart of the Tyrolean Alps via Landeck and the Inn River Valley into the Engadine of Switzerland. Here is a land of picturesque fairytale vil­ lages. Arrive at the resort of St. Moritz—HOTEL METROPOLE. ESPTEMBER 2 — ST. MORITZ/ LAKE COMO — Continue your alpine tour today, after a morning at leisure in St. Moritz, journey over the Maloja Pass into Italy, then via Chiavenna to the shores of Lake Como. Arrive at the southern tip of the lake at the town Como. — HOTEL BARCHETTA. SEPTEMBER 3 — LAKE COMO/ LUCERNE — Leave Lake Como and journey via Lugano and Swiss lake district via Airolo to the alpine village of Andermatt, then via the St. Got- thard pass route descending via Was- sen and Brunner to Lake Lucerne.— The Ninety-Nine articles shown above, lighters and book matches, are being HOTEL CHATEAU GUTSCH. discontinued by Northern Arizona Chapter. The items now on hand are being SEPTEMBER 4—LUCERNE — Day sold at half price: lighters now $2.98 each, book matches are 93c a box or at leisure in Lucerne. 2 boxes for $1.58. Additional information and original prices are in the Roster. SEPTEMBER 5 — LUCERNE/LUX­ Orders will be filled according to the date on your letter; those with the EMBOURG—Make an early start to­ earliest postmarks will receive preference. day! Journey through the village of Send orders to: Jean Deck Stein to Base, then into France via P. O. Box 29 Colmar, Luneville, Nancy, Pont-a- Winslow, Arizona 86047 Mousson, and Metz to Luxembourg.

- 16- April, 1970 Arrive at about 7:00 PM. — HOTEL menus, all items of a personal nature Also joining our members for the CRAVAT. such as luggage or personal insurance, day was IVANKA ZUZEK who flew in SEPTEMBER 6 — LUXEMBOURG/ passport fees, laundry, etc. from Simcoe, Ontario, and HELEN AMSTERDAM — Morning in Luxem­ Contact Pierre J. Doley—KLM Roy­ WILSON and MARJ PALLISTER from bourg — capital of the Grand Duchy al Dutch Airlines—Niels Esperson Sarnia. Business was followed by a buf­ of Luxembourg and once one of Eu­ Bldg., Houston, Tex. 77002. fet luncheon prepared by the Sarnia rope’s most important fortresses. In members, JEANNE McEACHERN, IS­ the afternoon drive into France via ABEL WALLS and JACKIE FRAMP­ Bastogne (famous World War II bat­ TON. JEANNE McEACHERN was the tlefield) then through the Ardennes EAST CANADA projectionist for a film presentation of into Belgium via Liege then via the Flying Safety and Sport Aviation films. autobahn through Utrecht to Amster­ SECTION The afternoon in Sarnia found us en­ dam. — EUROMOTEL. thusiastically discussing our busy schedule for the year ahead, making SEPTEMBER 7 — AMSTERDAM/ MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER further plans for flying, fun and work. HOUSTON — This morning visit Rot­ Jacqueline Frampton, Reporter June is to be our Air Marking month. terdam and the Hague. Arrive back The Maple Leaf Money Tree has July is time out for everyone to go to into Amsterdam in good time to de- bloomed! A draw for cash prizes was the International Convention. Many of prat by K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines held at our March 7th meeting in Sar­ our girls are planning now for their late afternoon jet flight direct to nia. The Money Tree and the draw holidays in July and looking forward Houston, arriving in the late evening. were to help the Maple Leaf girls to be to meeting 99’s from around the world TOUR CONDITIONS able to give a cash award and a trophy at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. PRICE INCLUDES: to the woman student pilot with the Two flying events are being planned Air fare from Houston back best toted marks on her written and for the fall. September 5, 6, 7 the to Houston $443.00 flying exams. The woman student for Maple Leaves are planning to work Land Cost $400.00 1969 from the Western Ontario Area with The Experimental Aircraft Asso­ will be announced at The East Canada ciation of Canada to present the 2nd Total Cost *843.00 Section Meeting, May 23rd, in London, Annual Canadian Aerobatic Champion­ TRANSPORTATION: By economy Ontario with the trophy and money be­ ship Competition and Air Show at Cen- class jet air, private deluxe motor- ing presented to her at that time. The tralia, Ontario and October will be the coach, best class Rhine steamer. winners of the draw for the Money Maple Leaf Chapter Poker Run. Two HOTELS: Twin bedded rooms with Tree and the first three cash prizes more events to be marked on our cal­ private bath. Hotels listed will be re­ were: 1st, HAROLD ELDER of Hen- endars for the busy, hard working, fun quested. In the event a hotel is fully sall, Ontario, 2nd DON BERTON of flying year ahead. booked one of a similar category will London and 3rd DOROTHY ELDER of Let’s all keep in mind for a Triple-A be provided. Single rooms will be Hensall, Ontario. The draw was made year, be APT, Aware, and Alert, in made available on request for a sup­ by CATHY HARRIS of the First Sarnia flying and all our other endeavours. plement of $70.00. Air Rangers, who was our guest for As our chairman says, “SEE YOU MEALS: Demi-pension consisting of the afternoon. ANON AND ALOFT.” continental breakfast and table d’hote dinner daily at hotels throughout the tour. In addition luncheon is included on August 28-29-30-31 and September 1-2-3-5-6-7. SIGHTSEEING: By private motor- coach including English speaking guide service and admission fees are included. TIPS AND TAXES: Are included for included hotel services. Tips to hotel bellboys are also included. TRANSFERS: Are included from airports to hotels and vice-versa in­ cluding porterage of two pieces of lug­ gage per person. TOUR ESCORT: The services of a professional courier are included for the motorcoach tour of Europe. Local escort—host included in London.

* THE FARE DOES NOT INCLUDE airport taxes where levied, meals oth­ Maple Leaf Chapter Money Tree all ready for the draw. er than those mentioned above, all Fay Gardiner holding the box on high — ready for the draw. beverages not included on table d’hote All pictures courtesy of Chapter Public Relations Chairman Joan Corbett.

April, 1970 — 17— FIRST CANADIAN CHAPTER Wendy Smith, Reporter

Not having had a meeting since the previous letter, we find that this month’s news is somewhat thin! We are beginning our “bunch for lunch” get-togethers on Wednesdays again; however today’s flyin to Toronto Island could well be thwarted by a snowstorm which is currently moving in from the west. We are all getting excited with the plans for the Angel Derby on May 4. The starting programme should be lots of fun, so do come to share the event with us if you can. If you cannot make it to Toronto for this May date, come join us for our annual Poker Run on June 7 (with a rain date for the 21st). A postcard from ESME and JOHN WILLIAMS in Buenos Aires, relates (L-R) Jean MacDonald—East Canadian Section Governor, Esme Williams, that their three months is positively Helen Barter (back), Ann Melean, and Pat Clarke at our swinging Christmas whizzing past, and what they have Hawaiian party. been busy flying and sightseeing. Rough IFR flying weather has followed them down the east coast to Argentina, which is their favorite country to date. EDITH and WALLY DENNY have again returned to warmer environs in CB'-SKY. On March 10 they were pre­ paring to cross the Gulf from Key West Florida to Cozumel, Mexico, en- route to San Jose, Costa Rica. They will be returning via the west coast of Mexico, Guadalajuara and Phoenix, Arizona. HELEN and GERRY BARTER flew commercially to Key West for two weeks in February and have just re­ turned from a weekend in Ft. Lauder­ dale. We have just welcomed two new members to our chapter, AUDREY BAKER and MARGARET MOORE.

SOUTH AFRICAN (L-R) Cal Martin, Neil MacDougall, Ken Allen, and John Williams at the Hawaiian Party. SECTION

pective 99, JENNY CLARK who works turning to the North via Rand Airport, Yvonne van den Dool, Reporter for Cape Aero Club. From Cape Town we chatted with 99s MURIEL GAR- MOLLY LOWE and YVONNE VAN we headed for Port Elizabeth and then ROW and JACKIE JENSEN, who both DEN DOOL, both of the Northern to Durban. The weahter deteriorated work at the airport. rapidly, and this served as a good ex­ Transvaal, took time off to fly to the Heard today that eight women have fairest Cape on January 2nd. In MOL­ cuse to follow the coastline from East entered the Tip to Top Race to be flown LY’S Cherokee 180 we flew almost the London to Durban—a trip over beauti­ during March. That will be a record length of the country in approximately ful country. It’s the first time I’ve seen number to date! This race is from the 8 flying hours, due to fair weather and a waterfall cascading directly into the tip of the F. M. Tower in Johannes­ kind winds. burg to the Top of Table Mountain in sea. We visited 99 NORMA BRIDGMAN Cape Town. In this year of Fun and and husband, DAVID, on their apple In Durban, ANN WHITE and 49V4er Friendship we are all enjoying just farm at Elgin, Cape. Also met pros­ PETER were there to meet us. Re­ (hat—Fun and Friendship.

- 1 8 - April, 1970 WEST CANADIAN SECTION, ALBERTA CHAPTER — Eleanor Bailey, Reporter

Co-sponsors and committee members for the start of the 1971 Powder Puff Derby. Left to right: LINDA KOHLRCSS, JEANNIE SPRAGUE, UL KEE, DAWN BARTSCH, NADINE LANGE, GINA .IORDAN, W. E. ARMSTRONG, JACK HERMAN, JEAN BLENKINSOP, ROSELLA BJORNSON, ELEANOR BAILEY, RETA SINCLAIR. MR. ARMSTRONG and MR. HERMAN are representatives of the Calgary Tourist and Convention Bureau, who are co-sponsors, with the Alberta chapter of the Ninety-Nines, for the start of the 1971 Powder Puff Derby. Race Start Co-chairmen are Eleanor Bailey and Gina Jordan.

details of the Heritage Night are very ful time. She attended a luncheon in interesting. The final night will be fan­ the FAA private Executive Dining tastic with a "mystery” speaker from room and saw an excellent movie made NASA! More details later. for the retirement of the FAA Assis­ We are very proud of our gal EVE­ tant head—David D. Thomas. One of LYN KROPP because EVELYN has the highlights of the 2 days was her CONNECTICUT CHAPTER passed her written exam for both the visit to the Silver Hill Smithsonian Rose Ann C'rim, Reporter Flight Instructor and Instrument Flight Aircraft warehouse. The month of March finds the Conn. Instructor. Congrats EVELYN! MARY also reports that the plans Chapter knee deep in 1970 Conven­ Our chapter chairman, MARY NEIL for the Museum sound just wonderful. tion plans. Everything sounds so great has had another busy month. MARY They will be presented to everyone at that we’re sure not one 99 will want went to Washington D. C. March 4 & convention. to miss this Convention. The Clambake REMEMBER—THINK NEW ENG­ will be in full swing July 13tht followed 5 to attend the Museum Preparation the next day by the AE Luncheon. The Committee meeting and had a delight­ LAND CLAMBAKE IN JULY! !

April, 1970 —19— installed and they are as follows . . . CHAIRMAN, VICE ADM. C. E. ROS­ ENDAHL, USN RET.; CO-CHAIR­ MAN, DR. ANDREW S. MORELAND; FLORENCE WALSH, GARDEN STATE CHAPTER, TREASURER; JACK LAMPING, SECRETARY. Co-operative relations will be developed with the Naval Air Station, the Federal Avia­ tion Agency and aviation education foundations to enhance the serviceab­ ility of this Memorial. This reporter spent two months in St. Petersburg, Florida nursing gravely ill parents. Had the pleasure of chat­ ting with Sun Coast Chapter member FRAN BUCHAN. Sorry to have missed the Sun Coast Chapter meeting that was at St. Pet e-Clearwater Airport. Had THE ROBERT J. MILLER MEMORIAL LIBRARY COMMITTEE the most tastiest bacon from the Lykes BiU'k row, standing, loft to right: William C. Henry, Director of Ocean County Co. of Tampa. Well now my parents Vocational School: Jack lumping, Judy Meltsner, Garden State Ninety-Nine; now understand my love of flying, they Col. Frank Girard, N.J. Director of Aviation. Second row, seated from left to had their first flight in an Eastern Jet right: Andrew S. Moreland, Ocean County College Co-Chairman; Vice Admiral and they also have no more fear of C. E. Rosendahl, USN, Ret., Chairman; Florence Walsh, Chairman of the flying. My hat is off to the Eastern Garden State 99’s. Airlines personnel for the wonderful courtesy and service afforded me as I also this reporter’s style). traveled with two sick and almost help­ Had some flying vacations . . . a less parents . . . just can’t have enough couple with a little excitement attach­ N.Y. • N i l praise for Eastern. ed. An unpredicted snow storm had Well this is just about all I have to SECTION JUDY and GIL MELTSNER RON in Chat about at this time so I will just Easton, Md. so far . . . yet so near wish one and all a very Happy Easter GARDEN STATE CHAPTER to home . . . and with not even a tooth from all of Garden State Chapter. Mary Rose Myers, Reporter brush. DONNA WILLARDi 49M>er and three children enjoyed an extended This reporter has finally returned Western flight tour in a Cherokee ar­ GREATER NEW YORK CHAPTER from the Sun-Coast area of Florida in row. Landed in Wyoming at dusk . . . time to glean the waiting notes for this Angela Kovacs, Reporter no one at the field so had to hike under issue of our Chatter-session. the stars to look for gas. Ended up in Chairman HELEN EGAN and all of I did miss the Garden State meeting using No-Knox gas (must have been us in the chapter wish to express our that was held at the McGuire Airforce Good Gulf) in order to proceed on to gratitude to reporter MAREB HOKE Base but I have all the information. Salt Lake City. JOHN and ALICE for a job well done. We are sorry she In all, fourteen plans with a total of HAMMOND are also on a Western had to leave us. Happy flying, MAREB! eighty-seven members, 49%ers and flying tour in Trusty “ Susie-Q’’ , this New York Center was the site of guests attended. Our Garden State tour will be March and April. Will our January meeting. We gals either Chapter was joined by the Greater spend Easter in Portland, Oregon and flew or drove out to Islip Airport to New York Chapter. There was visits will await the arrival of grandchild take a guided tour of the Center. After to the spproach scopes, witnessing of number six . . . MARLENE KNAPP we had viewed the FAA film, “A Trav­ C52’s on landing practice and a brief­ and 49tie r in their Cessna. 150 and eller Meets Air Traffic Control”, our ing of the role ATC at McGuire has in Sixty-Six DOLORES ZELENCA and guide showed us through the maze of general aviation in this high density Hubby in their Cherokee Arrow enjoyed radar scopes, explaining each sector area. COLONEL PATRICK HENRY a flying tour of Florida. and its coverage. We were advised to greeted the pilots and during the lun­ GAY MAHER was the main speaker expect many changes in the New York cheon at the Officer’s Club showed at the Camden Zonta Amelia Earhart area with regard to new routing, ex­ slides of the mission and purpose of Dinner . . . ALICE HAMMOND had panded frequencies, required equipment MAC and the history of McGuire. Chap­ speaking engagements at the Bridgeton, (transponder), and the new Metroplex ter Chairman FLORENCE WALSH N. J. Rotary Club and also at the Sea- System of positive control. Governor presented certificates of appreciation to brook, N. J. Junior High School. ELLIE McCULLOUGH, and her Vice COL. HENRY and FAA DIRECTOR The ROBERT J. MILLER Memorial Governor, JULIE VOM SAAL were BERT COVAL for a very interesting Aviation Library has been formally among those present. and informative day. instituted and dedicated at the Ocean This reporter, along with JUDY ALMA HITCHINGS has earned her County Library. The ROBERT J. MIL­ HELLMAN and KAY BRICK—who re­ instrument rating. She passed her writ­ LER aviation education collection will presented their respective cofpanies— ten “Abe Lincoln’’ style . . . self- be housed in the Ocean County Lib­ attended the mid January meeting OF taught . . . no ground school (that’s rary. A special committee has been THE FLIGHT STANDARDS BRANCH

- 20- April, 1970 OF THE FAA AT THE lOLEWILD Also try Bradley Airport, Conn. Their time. She is ttt£ tyjii? you just like and RIVERIA HOTEL IN FLUSHING, Cloud Nine Restaurant and Coffee admire immediately. NEW YORK. MORE EXTENSIVE Shop is open daily until 10 p.m. Bon Our Governor, ELLIE McCULLOUGH RESTRICTIONS FOR THE NEW Appetit! was recently placed on the Board of Di­ YORK AREA AIRPORTS ARE PRO­ Up Coming Events—FAA Instrument rectors, and named CHAIRMAN OF POSED AGAINST PASSAGE THRO­ Course (3 days) at Fairleigh Dicken- WOMEN’S AFFAIRS OF THE LONG UGH THE AREA FOR VFR AND sen University, Rutherford, N. J. in ISLAND AVIATION COUNCIL. SOME GENERAL AVIATION AIR­ June, 1970. More about it later. A combined meeting 7 March by CRAFT, EXCEPT BELOW CERTAIN Garden State Chapter and Greater New LOW ALTITUDES OUTSIDE A 10 NM. York Chapter at McGuire Air Force LONG ISLAND CHAPTER RADIUS, OR THROUGH APPROVED Base was attended by GOVERNOR Sherry O’Keefe, Reporter ROUTES WITH ATC CLEARANCE. McCULLOUGH. It was a delightful NOW IS THE TIME FOR US TO MAKE An indication Spring is right around fly-in and tour, complete with the climb OUR THOUGHTS KNOWN TO THE the com er; my tulips are peeking to the tower and seeing the radar room FAA IN WRITING. through the ground. Which also means in operation. On the local scene, CATHERINE it’s nearly time ot put away the heavy See you at our Spring Section Meet­ BROOKES and HELEN EGAN were winter jacket, and that won’t hurt this ing! Till then, keep your nose up and recipients recently of a statuette for reporer’s feelings in the least. Pre­ your wings level. Happy Flying! the Greater New York Chapter pre­ flighting and climbing in and out of sented by MRS. IRVING BERLIN at airplanes in the cold, cold wind is— MING ISLAND CHAPTER the annual meeting of the Girl Scout cold. Marilyn P. Hibncr, Reporter Council of Greater New York, Inc.; Anyone for a Second Honeymoon? given in recognition of the chapter’s The American Falls are once again work with the Wing Scouts. KITTY “ turned on” , so tune in and fly on over CARLISLE and MRS. HOWARD to Niagara Falls for "Fun and PHIPPS were in attendance at the Friendship” at the site of the New meeting. York-New Jersey Spring Section Meet­ LOUISE GALFAS received her CFII ing. Mark 23 May on your calendar. rating on February 1, 1970. Fine wcrk, THE PLACE: PARKWAY INN, 401 LOUISE! BUFFALO AVENUE, NIAGARA SELMA CRONAN visited the glorious FALLS, NEW YORK. PAGE SHAM- island of Cozumel, Mexico, for a week BURGER and VIRGINIA BRITT will of sun soaking, island exploring, and be present to discuss a Fun Fly-In to pyramid climbing in Chitzenitza. Sounds the 1970 International Convention. We like great fun, SELMA. will also be discussing rules and regu­ February’s meeting found us together lations governing a New York-New at NELL GWYN’s Taveme in down­ Jersey Section Scholarship to be award­ town New York. Dr. U. A. Sexton of ed to a. member of the N. Y.-N. J. Sec­ FAA's Flight Surgeon’s office of JFK tion. The money for this Scholarship Airport spoke on hypoxia, proper use is a result of the 1969 Convention. of oxygen, and recognition of and cop­ Flight Officer, TURI WIDEROE, the ing with vertigo. He presented us with Norwegian beauty who flies 53-passen­ the oportunity to use the high altitude ger Convair 440 airliners for Scandin­ chamber upon our written request. DR. avian Airlines System, and who is the Yes, gals, you’re among the favored CLARA GROSS, FAA medical examin­ first woman plot to be employed by a few to get the first glimpse of the er and member of President Nixon’s major Commercial Airline in the West­ little-known, rare “ Reporter Bird.” As Advisory Committee on Aeronautics ern World, addressed The Wings Club was among those present at the meet­ at its Ladies’ Valentine Luncheon held you’ve been reading this Chapter’s ing. 18 February in the Grand Ballroom columns each month, you must have For flying fun MINA ELSCNER sug­ of the Hotel Biltmore. All 99's in this concluded they were the products of gests "M eet the Bunch for Lunch” and area were invited to attend. New York- a “ rare bird” (and “ tsk-tsk” to those lists a monthly schedule for any and New Jersey Section Governor, ELLIE of you who are saying, "Yeah, she all to attend. ETA is noon each Wed­ McCULLOUGH was an Honor Dais sure laid an eg g !” ). This “ bird” has nesday. All are warmly invited. Con­ Guest and on behalf of the Ninety-Nines, just come out of her winter hiberna­ stant monthly schedule is . . . 1st Wed. Inc. presented Turi with the Amelia tion (see, and you thought all birds —Caldwell Wright Airport; 2nd Wed — Earhart Medal. (See accompanying migrated down South during the win­ Orange County Airport; 3rd Wed.— pictures) Turi is lovely, refreshing, gra­ ter). She’s been squawking constantly Monmouth County Airport; 4th Wed.— cious. We are delighted a person like since she appeared through an open­ Bridgeport Airport; 5th Wed.—At Turi is the pioneer to penetrate the ing of an aircraft tail-section. For­ Mina’s home in Red Bank. Commercial Airline profession on be­ tunately, one of our chapter’s mem­ When you are flying in this a r e a - half of the women pilots of the world. bers did post-graduate work on “ re­ fly into Islip Airport and snack or dine This reporter had the pleasure of meet­ porter bird language and diction;” and at the Terminal Restaurant open M- ing TURI in Tromso, Norway last year, we’ve managed to decipher some of TH 11 a.m.-lO p.m.; F-SA, 5 p.m.-12 and came away with the feeling we those (yecch) . . . horrible sounds! a.m., and SUN, 5 p.m.-10 p.m. had known each other for quite some The following is a rough translation:

April, 1970 - 21— “ I believe she’s saying that the gals you! Just goes to prove that flying in the chapter finally got together is not as dangerous as some people EfiSTT in; the air on March 1st for a fly-in feel it is—cowboys, in particular! JO to Meridian, Connecticut, where they O’BRIEN and 49!4er JIM are off in dined together for a Sunday dinner their flying machine, heading down at the Yankee Silversmith Restaurant Florida way. Hey, bird, get back here CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA nearby. NINA CLAREMONT, DAISY . . . you missed your chance to fly CHAPTER POSS, HELEN MOXIM, JOAN South with the normal birds! Anyway, Martie Pool, Reporter FLEISCHMANN and 49!6er ARTHUR, you’ve got to finish giving us some W e’re a chapter of real flyers this JO O’BRIEN, DORIS ABBATE and info . . . Tell me, bird, how was that year—but the weather for winter ’69-’70 49%er RONNIE, and MARILYN HIB- March dinner meeting, with the guest has just about spoiled the flying to NER (with 24%ers? Amanda and speaker presenting the background of meetings. When we did have 1000 and Paul, sprouted wings for the event. Soaring? I’m glad to hear it was so 3, it was so turbulent over these moun­ Both weather and food were superb, successful . . . bet it makes you feel tains, many of us couldn’t fly. It seem­ and everyone's looking forward to the like getting out there in the sky and ed that every second Saturday arrived trying it yourself, eh? Oh, sorry, bird next fly-in. Sad to say, the chapter’s with below minimum weather. Lots of communications system fell short of . . . I’ll have to remember that you us have to fly out of river valleys, so satisfactory, as our dear ELLIE Mc- taught people about flying and soar­ you know what it means. CULLOUGH and LOU ODORICO, ing. Yes, I did hear that the Chapter However, nothing daunted our mem­ friend of the Chapter, attended the had a very special guest attending the bers, husbands, and guests when it was non-existent Meridan fly-in on Feb­ dinner meeting . . . CAROL ROSS . . . Christmas party time at State College. ruary 22nd! Somebody goofed, but a very unique and exceptional person. We drove. What a lovely affair! HAZEL ELLIE says she still enjoyed the trip. I see there, bird, you’ve got the Feb­ BARTOLET and CAROLYN HARBOLIS This bird is also passing the word that ruary issue of GOOD HOUSEKEEP­ did their usual superb job of arrang­ IRENE BRUNKS has a sponsor for ING magazine tucked under your ing a gay party and delicious banquet. flying in AWTAR and the Angel Der­ wing. Yes, I know that it has a write­ I especially loved my door prize of by with LOUISE GALFAS of Greater up on CAROL ROSS . . . quite a gal!” a sparkly Danish crystal bird. New York Chapter. They might as “ I’ve just about had it with this bird The sum total of our meetings this well cancel the races, since we know . . . dropping feathers and messing winter seems to be the decisions con­ the winner already! IRENE HENRY up the place . . . she’s squawking un- tingent on managing Operations at the finally found it in her heart to return controlably and I can’t make sense out AWTAR terminus which is in charge of home after a trip to Puerto Rico (yes, of any of it . . . I fear she’s laid an­ the Eastern Pa. chapter at 3M airport. IRENE, we see your tan . . . your other egg! FRAN DeHAAN and MARTIE POOL lovely, brown, warm, relaxing, lux­ flew down in my Honest Injun to 3M and met the operator, pretty YVETTE urious tan). What’s that, bird, you HUDSON VALLEY CHAPTER HORTMAN, who has a going, new air­ say 4914 er HUGH CLAREMONT is Kathy Heidrich, Reporter confined to hospital quarters? So sor­ port under way. 3M certainly is well ry to hear . . . tell him all of us wish Our March 6th meeting featured an located for a terminus. You won’t have him a quick recovery. We’re happy exciting “ spectacular” , the Solar E c­ any trouble finding it. The approach to to note that our member and dear lipse! It turned out to be a very casual runway 1 is directly over the terminus Guv, ELLIE McCULLOUGH, along social meeting, 20 of us gathered toll-booth of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. around MADELYN EYLES’ television Don’t descend too low or they will col­ with ANNA DIETRICH and friend to get our glimpse of this special pre­ lect a toll from you! Three planes LOU ODORICO, made an appearance sentation. from our chapter will be entered in the for our chapter at a recent tour of Derby—SHIRLEY WEINHARDT and McGuire Air Force Base—a joint ef­ We were very happy to welcome sev­ HAZEL BARTOLET in a Cherokee 180, fort of the Garden State and Greater eral prospectives as our guests at our last meeting. We will look forward to HELEN SHEFFER and student in a New York Chapters. When something welcoming MINNIE OSTRYEE, GER­ Comanche 250. MARTTE POOL and excites ELLIE, it’s got to be great. .. TRUDE FELSEN, MARIANNE BUR- FRAN DeHAAN in a Comanche 250. and she was excited! The Base ex­ KANS, HAZEL PAULUS, JANET GE- We welcome a new member to Cen­ tended "red carpet” treatment to all HEIRT, CYNTHIA AHO, and CATHY tral Pa. chapter—MARY FOLEY, a the gals flying in to the Base . . . STARK as members of our "sister­ transfer from All Ohio Chapter. Pros­ made ELLIE and ANNA feel like they hood” . pective member, HELEN DAVISON, were coming in after a successful Hudson Valley is scheduling a “ Pok­ of Gibsonia, Pa. visited our January military mission had been completed! er-Run” for June. More on this as soon group at Altoona. A new chapter in Good grief . . . this bird’s losing as details are final, so keep this in our area has been formed, called Tri- feathers all over . . . must be upset mind. We would be thrilled to see many City, which encompasses the triangle- . . . No wonder, just got the news 99’s participate and enjoy the festivi­ Huntington, W. Va. to Morgantown to that HONEY KATE TRATTLER is ties. Hope to see you there! South Point, Ohio. Welcome to our nursing broken ribs after a slight dis­ SHIRLEY BUTTS and prospective Section, Tri-City! agreement with the horse she was MINNIE OSTRYEE flew in from Four couples of us, WEINHARDTS, riding. What can we say, HONEY Syracuse, New York for the March SHEFFER, HULLS, and POOLS, drove KATE . . . some horses let you sit meeting. to Pocono Manor for the ski-weekend on them, and others prefer to sit on So much for this month, happy flying. February meeting. The slopes were too

-2 2 — April, 1970 icy for skiing as were the snowmo­ MARYLAND CHAPTER ing we voted to contribute $200 to our bile trails. Heavy snow and rain kept Lois Baty, Reporter sister chapter—E. Pa.—toward AWTAR us indoors, but we had fun and a chance terminus expenses. We are sorry to According to the ground hog, spring to get caught u-p on each others’ ac­ lose SHIRLEY BERNHARDT so soon was supposed to come early this year. tivities. after meeting her. She has returned to Somehow we have our doubts. The Cheers! KATHY HIGGINS got her Louisiana. We wish we could have seen grass strips in this area are still too Commercial license. MEMBER/FBO more of her during her short stay in soft to use. Not only that, but our DOTTIE McCLURE earned an Instru­ Maryland. western counties had twelve inches of Our March meeting found us in Get­ ment Rating. MARTY OWENS is work­ new snow over the weekend. Taking ing hard at her instrument flight train­ tysburg, Pa. as the guests of DON and advantage of winter, DORIS and JOHN ing, as are SHIRLEY WEINHARDT ELIZABETH SULLIVAN at DON’S JACOBSON flew commercial to Vale, FAA approved ground school and of­ and MARY HULL. Those two took the Colorado for a week of skiing: KAY and fice. DON’s school is practically on Instrument Written Course and test in JIM BAYS flew to Vermont for a week­ February. MARTIE POOL passed the the Gettysburg Battlefield, next door end of skiing (JIM broke his leg); HEL­ Commercial written. FRAN and ABE to Ag-Rotors Heliport, and across the EN DOWNS has been in Florida enjoy­ DeHAAN both are practicing airwork road from the Eisenhower farm. We ing the sunshine. on instruments. met for lunch (brought our own) and CATHERINE GROVER has been giv­ were happy to welcome HANNAH and Flying Around—Recently ALICE and ing her Skyhawk some exercise re­ CHICK OWEN (San Antonio Chapter) BILL FUCHS flew to Colorado Springs cently. SHE and JUNE HANSON flew who joined us for the day. DOLORES for a “Dining-In” at the Air Force to 3M Airport to attend a planning EIRICH and PORTIA HUTTON were Academy and then returned for ALICE meeting for the AWTAR Terminus. the lucky gals who won the two heli­ to attend a meeting of the Women’s Several weeks later CATHERINE, copter lessons given as door prizes by Advisory committee on Aviation in LENORA EATON and guest EVELYN DR. CARROL M. VOSS, President of Washington. ALICE is teaching the SCHEULEN flew to Ft. Washington, the very fascinating Ag-Rotors, Inc., Navajo Orientation School for the Piper Pa. for a luncheon meeting of the Eas­ which operates a helicopter flight train­ factory at Lockhaven and assisting in tern Pennsylvania Chapter and a most ing school, agricultural spraying, bat­ checkouts in the new Navajos. Our for­ interesting talk by LOUISE SACCHI. tlefield sightseeing tours, and complete tunate members who flew off to winter CATHERINE reports she is again cur­ helicopter maintenance service. vacation spots were BOOTS HUSTED rent on instruments. Recent hood time Now members of the Aerial Order of to Hawaii, SELMA BRANDE to the included PAR approaches at Andrews Pinwheelrs are DOLORES EIRICH, Bahamas, SHIRLEY WEINHARDT to Air Force Base. PORTIA HUTTON, JUNE HANSON Florida, and JO WRIGHT to Aspen, Letter from LT. COL. JEANNE WOL­ and HANNAH OWEN. Also 24%’s: BO Colo. ESTHER and DR. ELLERY COTT in Germany. HER NEW AD­ AND LEE BIRCH, JOHN GROVER, MICHAUD were off to Glen Falls, N. DRESS IS FAMILY HOUSING, SECK- DAVID SCHROEDER, DAVID and Y. for a Flying Physicians meeting. ENHEIM SUP ACT, APO NY 09333. LAURIE ANNE BATY. They spend lots of time at their fly-in In her new job she is in charge of Maryland Chapter is in the process vacation home at Indian Lake. MAR­ 5000 apartments with all kinds of weird of incorporating with the invaluable TIE POOL flew in an Aztec to an FAA things happening. She says, "N o flying assistance of attorney WALLY HUT­ Inquiry Board Hearing on the Pro­ because the weather is so bad—rain 40 TON. MARGE LAKE and LOIS BATY posed TCA Ruling for Philadelphia days and 40 nights and an old fellow have spent many long hours drafting Area. Almost every General Aviation out in the back is building some kind bylaws. group was represented and had a of big boat!” Our Chapter assisted the Maryland chance to present their opinions. I was Message to ELEANOR STARKEY: State Aviation Commission in getting proud of the concise and practical dis­ How about some news from Okinawa? out 4,000 pieces of mail announcing an cussions sparked by LOUISE SACCHI Maryland Chapter has a new TV FAA/WB-sponsored Weather Seminar and ALICE MEISENHEIMER, 99’s star. KAY BAYS appeared for a full on March 15. The full-day program was from E. Pa. Chapter. FRAN DeHAAN hour on Channel 13’s CONTACT show excellent and well attended. CATH­ took me along on a trip to Washington on Feb. 27 in connection with the Rec­ ERINE GROVER, RENE BIRCH and in her Mooney last week. She’s a reational Vehicle Show at the Balti­ LENORA EATON manned the regis­ smooth pilot and fun to fly with. more Civic Center where she and Jim tration desk for this annual event at Ground Time — SHIRLEY WEIN- were exhibitors. KAY says it was a lot Friendship International Motel. During HARDT’s daughter was married on of fun and quite an experience. the day, the Ninety-Nines were publicly Nov. 8th. RONNIE JOHNSON’S RAY Our February meeting was held at recognized and thanked for their assis­ was recently promoted to Director of the Frederick, Md. YMCA, and hostess­ tance. Domestic Sales for Piper Aircraft. ed by PORTIA HUTTON and SHIR­ April 11 we go to Williamsburg, Va. CAROLYN HARBOLIS has opened a LEY BERNHARDT. We had excellent for the Middle-East Section Meeting. lovely new gift shop in her home in turnout despite visibility of less than In fact, many of us are planning to State College. RONNIE JOHNSON was one mile in sleet and snow which forced make a week end of it. On April 18 hospitalized for surgery in January everyone to drive. We thoroughly en­ we will be doing some airmarking at and now is recovering. We miss you, joyed hearing MR. FORD, Director of Aldino. LAURIE ANNE BATY's Sen­ RONNIE. Get well fast! the Y and an enthusiastic pilot, as he ior Girl Scout Troop no. 1491 wants to We are all looking forward to the narrated a film (his own production) try their hand at this so they are com­ Sectional Meeting in WILLIAMSBURG, about his eleven years working as a ing to give us an assist. Should be fun VA. See you there! Y missionary in India. At this meet­ for all concerned—picnic and every­

April, 1970 - 23- thing—do hope it is a nice day. nature was held in the United States. MAY is AVIATION MONTH IN The entrance fee for contestants will MARYLAND. Come visit us! be $5; in addition, each pilot must have an FAI sporting license. Entry blanks can be obtained from Connie (RR 1, VIRGINIA CHAPTER Box 166, Bryans Rr., Md.) and all en­ Toby Lehman, Reporter trants will be sent copies of the course. We are getting lots of co-operation Qualifications runs will be held the for a Poker Run except from the weath­ morning of the race and the race will er. FRAN VANSTAVERN and TOBY begin at 2 p.m. In addition, the EAA LEHMAN got a five minute spot on has agreed to hold a Bull Roast. This WRVA Radio Station to advertise our event was thoroughly enjoyed by all Poker Run. This was our third try and who participated last year and we ex­ ole man weather decided to turn us pect an even larger turn-out this year. down again. We aren’t easily put down Hope to see you all there! we are going again for March 15th. We Travel Notes: We hear that CLEO got a tip that after the eclipse on Virginia Chapter members gathered SHERVOW spent the holidays in the March 7th the weather should be good for final distribution of Candy Bahamas. Cleo is a charter pilot with for us. Project. Pictured above Front Row her own twin Comanche—sounds like AMY MORRIS reports that instruct­ Guest, Cam Baskerville, Fran Van­ hard work. JACKIE and TONY VIER­ ing has been booming around Langley Stavem, Virginia Riley, Back Row, LING spent the holidays in KEY WEST Field and Fort Eustis. She has been Jean Harris, Prospective member, —the weather was beautiful, the water spending 120 hours a month flying. Martha Pierce, Maxine Walker, Eve was warm, and the flying was specta­ Our Februax-y meeting at Clayton’s Murch, and Toby Ichman. cular. They highly recommended mak­ Restaurant at Chesapeake Airport was ing Florence Airport, S. C., a stopping a good fly-in day. FRAN VANSTAV­ point on your trips South. JIMMY ERN in her Navion with her guest Our fourth try for a Poker Run on POWERS (at Gulf) will show you what CAM BASKERVILLE and VIRGINIA March 15th proved to be very success­ "Southern hospitality” means—just tell RILEY landed just behind JEAN HAR­ ful. This was the first Poker Run most him you’re a Ninety-Nine. RIS and MAXINE WALKER in a 150 of us ever participated in. We allowed This reporter will be leaving the Cessna. Our other guest MARTHA our participants to purchase as many Washington area and moving to Min­ PIERCE lived to close to fly. cards as they liked but only play neapolis, Minn, this month. It’s been Our candy deal really went nicely. five cards. great fun being a member of this chap­ In fact we are debating getting an­ Our March meeting was held at ter—au revoir—and HAPPY FLYING! other case. Byrd Field March 21st. Our speaker, EVELYN MAHLE is at St. Moritz, Within the next day or so we hope Mr. Charles Armstrong showed slides Switzerland teaching ice skating and to have our 99 emblem ready for the on his collection of aircraft pictures is flying a J3 Cub equipped with skiis. backlog of orders we have received. explaining the history connected with The skiis are for glacier landing. EVE­ The emblem we designed looks smart each. A covered dish luncheon with LYN is returning to Washington in Ap­ on white or navy blazers. We will have a good attendance from our members ril. The 99 Museum Committee was in the emblems on display at the Spring made this a most interesting meeting. Washington for a meeting on March 4 Sectional. & 5 and a party was held in their hon­ We are looking forward to seeing or at JEAN HOWARD’S apartment. WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAPTER lots of you at the Middle East Spring VELTA BENN will attend the AOPA Jacqueline Vierling, Reporter Sectional on April 10th and 11th at the Clinic in Puerto Rico and will be an Williamsburg Lodge. Transportation Now that the holiday season is over, instructor there. will be furnished from Patrick Henry things have begun to slow down. HAZ­ POLLY PINKARD, ground crew Airport in Newport News as well as EL DWIGGINS gave me some final chairman of the handicap race, is Jamestown-Williamsburg (no fuel). notes on the Christmas party. After the planning to enter the Angel Derby. With spring breaking through here “humorous gift exchange’’ and some in the Old Dominion the Virginia games, the door prizes were awarded. Chapter has been busy on various KEN WHITE won an instrument book projects. and MRS. HOOVER won a weather On March 4th, Fran VanStavem, book. VELTA BENN, chief instructor Jean Harris, Virginia Riley and Toby at Prince Georges County Airport, won Lehman with 49% Charlie Harris a pilot pillow inscribed with he fol­ drove to Washington, D.C. for a party lowing message— “ the world’s best pi­ honoring the Ninety-Nine Museum lot”. That echoes the chapters senti­ Committee given by Jean Ross How­ ment exactly. ALABAMA CHAPTER ard of the Washington Chapter. Max CONNIE MARSH has received NAA Sylvia S. Derrick, Reporter Conrad spoke to us on his last ex­ sanction for the second annual CLOS­ pedition to the ant-arctic. His exper­ ED COURSE PYLON RACE which will A surprising crowd of twenty, in­ iences are so captivating you find be held May 17th at the Warrenton- cluding eight 49%ers, came to North yourself afraid to breathe. What an Faquier Airport, Va. Last year marked Huntsville Airport for the March meet­ extra-ordinary man Max Conrad is. the first time that an event of this ing. PENNY and TONY COUCH proved

- 24- April, 1970 to be unusually gracious hosts. They LOUISE SMITH, SUE OVERTON, and Municipal, North Carolina,, engines have done wonders with the airport. BETTY were there to try. All of which purring. Our most capable chairman, The meeting began with everyone look­ goes to prove—we try HARDER in NITA MELVIN, greeted each person­ ing over the Montgomery collection of the Carolinas. ally as we taxied up. As a new and planes. We were all envious of the Business they did do, though, with very small chapter, with all of nine HEILPERN's vast array of equipment first voting in new member BARBARA members, we are combining our fly in their Super Skylane. It was quite O’CONNOR (Greensboro, N. C.)—a ins with the North Carolina Petticoat an opportunity with the Skylane, the home-built, aerobatic, and Powder Puff Pilots and as a group, make a very HALSTEAD’s twin Comanche, and the Derby flyer. Welcome to the group, impressive showing for ladies in avia­ BEELAND’s Cherokee Arrow side by BARBARA. Next, the Carolinas decided tion. side. to start a new trend which we hope We all were the guests of Raleigh NANCY BEELAND and JUANITA will be followed by all the chapters in Flying Service, Inc., and had a most HALSTEAD flew together in the Arrow, our section (and you, too!)—we voted delicious complimentary luncheon ar­ with spouses in the twin, in order to to donate the equivalent of $2. per ranged for us by MRS. FRANCES MIL­ get in the practice needed for the An­ member to the National Intercollegiate LER of Raleigh Aviation. A personal gel Derby. Many of the Alabama 99’s Flying Association’s fund. You see, Thank-you from each and every one of are coming to the May meeting in hcpefully, NIFA will someday have an us. Huntsville on Sunday and staying over interest producing fund, and, similar to Our own Governor, PAGE SHAM- for the arrival of the Angel Derby on the AE Scholarship fund, they’ll be BURGER, was on hand to speak to us Monday in order to cheer on no 17— able to operate on the profits each and, in fact, we had a question and NANCY and JUANITA. year. So, the Carolinas sent their check answer session on all facets of the Following the gathering at North directly to the NIFA Fund. We remem­ 99ers. MR. BOB FARRINGTON of Huntsville, everyone journeyed to “ Mr. ber that the Southeast Section voted WPTF Radio, Raleigh, North Carolina, D’s Islander” for a Chinese lunch. A $100. to this year’s host, the Bobcats was a guest speaker and was enjoyed quite different treat. JAYE HUDGINS of Montana State. We kinda figure, for his fine humor by everyone there. drove up from Tuscaloosa with MRS. though, that if NIFA could be support­ ESTHER FORDHAM assumed the LUCY TURNER as a guest. MERLE ed to the extent of $2. per member of duties of membership chairman. She HAGLER, who came from Montgom­ the 99s—wowee, they’d be able to cut already has applications for prospec­ ery with the HEILPERNS, was chat­ the costs of operation 'way down! tive members but CAMILLE MARTIN, ting about her planned move back to We thank you for the hospitality, Vice Chairman, presents us with a her hometown, Memphis. Memphis’ RUBY GUINN, and anytime any of question. Her little brown dog (Duke) gain will be our loss. SYLVIA DER­ us get near your FBO, we surely would attends all the meetings—is one of the RICK was excited about the new home like to stop back by. few male Petticoat Pilot members she and ED hove purchased. She has If April’s showers don’t louse us up (honorary), and this reporter, JUNE quit her job so she can devote full time as March wind's did, we’ll congregate RODD, is at a loss as to how to iden­ to decorating it. at Wings and Wheels, our Santee, S. tify him for our group: 99—66—or 00? By the time you read this the South­ C. museum, the weekend of April 25th ESTHER ZELNICK, Kitty Hawk 99er east Section meeting in Huntsville will and 26th. We want to join the Guilford and former secretary, now living in be history. The Alabama girls are County Pilots with their air tour, and Ohio but unable to fly in this month, really working to make it a memor­ we may even have more business by shared with us by letter. We all en­ able occasion. Should be the best yet! then. Ahead of that, all forces await joyed hearing from you, ESTHER. Our Don’t forget—annual dues of $5 00 with much anticipated pleasure—the new secretary is JOANNE JOHNSON are due and payable. Don’t get on P*e section meeting in the Rocket City, and was on hand to record the day’s delinquent list. Huntsville, Alabama—April 10-12th. events. JANE MAHALEY, 99er trea­ See you in June in Tuscaloosa— Then, heavens—May 3 is airport de­ surer, has her work cut out for her. JAYE HUDGINS will be hostess. dication day, Southern Pines—Pine- Glad to report she was on the job to hurst, N. C. and June is saving money start us out right. Our youngest mem­ for the Fun Air Tour to Convention. In ber, MICHELE EVANS, age 19, was CAROUNAS CHAPTER between, we figure we oughta get in the envy of most as she already had PS, Reporter just a bit of fishin and sunnin on one one of those 99 tote bags. You can be At long last, good weather should be of our two state’s coastlines. Won’t you sure you will be seeing many more smiling on the Carolinas again, but come play with us? around. March had to have the last word by Such a busy, pleasant day and only one 99er, JUNE HERRINGTON, not blowing out the APTers. Member KITTY HAWK CHAPTER accounted for. Next month we look for­ RUBY GUINN and her husband, WAR­ June Rodd, Reporter REN, were host and hostess, at their ward to all the Kitty Hawks to share Thermal Aviation, Greenville (S. C.) The Kitty Hawks were more like the our fun as ESTHER ZELNICK hopes Downtown Airport. Instructors FRAN little kittens that lost their mittens to fly in from Ohio. See you there. MILLER, SYL ROTH, and RUBY ell when it cam e to flying in for our first awaited the to-be-APT—and the wind official meet in January ’70. In fact SPACEPORT CHAPTER did blow. “ It all but turned me upside we were snowed out and had to stay Cy Beers, Reporter down,” exclaimed BETTY HAMILTON at home and purr by our own fire­ of her Tri-Pacer’s antics. sides. Our March meeting was held in St. So, really getting APT-tested, they Come February, though, almost all Augustine. It was a beautiful flying day couldn’t—but chapter chairman Wrenn, of our Kitty Hawks flew into Raleigh arranged by our dear JERI SNYDER.

April, 1970 —25— She drove down from Jacksonville so PETE MALLARY and FREDDIE (the CAROLYN and JOHN BELL flew a we would have transportation for white Poodle) came down from Atlanta Skylane to New Orleans, La. CAR­ lunch. JUANITA BLUMBERG, WANDA in their Muskateer. BETTY McNABB OLYN’S parents, MR. and MRS. THO­ GARSON, and GRACE FUNCH (a flew up from Panama City in her Bon­ MAS ANDERSON, made it a foursome. prospective 99) flew up from Orlando anza. BILL and JENNY PREETOR- DR. and MRS. JOHN (JOSIE) HOW- in JUANITA’S new Baron. JUANITA IUS and BYRON and ALYCE STRONG SER are the proud parents of a baby having gotten her Multi-engine rating flew in from Savannah. ESTHER boy. Congratulations! the previous Sunday from a TWA 747 WRIGHT and SHIRLEY NeSMITH flew As for “ little ones,” INA and MIKE pilot, no less. Congratulations JUAN­ in from Thomasville. We were certain­ WALKER have put in their applica­ ITA. DOT McNAMARA and MARY DI­ ly delighted to have CAROLYN KEN­ tion for a future little pilot in June. XON came in DOT’s Cessna 170. CY NEDY back with us. ROSEMARY WILLIAMS and HILDA BEERS, RICKY CUNNINGHAM, BAR­ Excitement was in the air about the SAVAGE are busy making prepara­ BARA HAZARD and ANN CONWAY forthcoming Angel Derby. It looks as tions for the Angel Derby. Bononza’d up from Daytona. ELSIE if we are going to have two planes GLADYS ESTES and JENNY COOK GOSS (a guest) and JANET DAVIS racing from Georgia and a stop in made flying trips to Corinth, Mississip­ rode over from Leesburg with DOR­ Albany, Georgia. We are looking for­ pi, as well as Dyersburg and Jackson, OTHY LIGON (a Michigan 99) in DOR­ ward to seeing all the little angels come Tennessee. OTHY’S 235 Cherokee, which she plans back to Albany. PAULINE MALLARY Yours truly and 49V&ER DOUG flew to fly in the Angel Derby. DOROTHY will be flying her Muskateer and CAR­ (commercial) to California. Our destin­ spends so much time in Mt. Dora, Fla. OLYN KENNEDY will be getting back ation was San Francisco with stop­ we are trying to convince her she into the swing of it with her Comanche. overs at Los Angeles, Palm Springs, should transfer to the Spaceport Chap­ The Georgia Chapter believes in go­ Carmel, and Monterey. It was ten days ter. She is the proud owner of a new ing international, with BETTY Mc- of sun and fun, but wished we had Aero-Commander Shrik N1917DL. DL NABB’s recent trip to Israel, Jean 34 Tango with us each time we saw of course are her initials and she is so Voyles’ and ESTHER WRIGHT’s trip an airport. proud of the airplane that she admits to Mexico, (Jean flew her Cessna 210 The Memphis-Arkansas Chapter had to 1917 being the year she was bom. all the way and had a ball), and CAR­ a meeting-luncheon in Memphis at the How about that girls? OLYN DUNN and JOYCE SOX’s re­ Admiral Benbow Airport Motel. The highlight of our day was the cent trip to the Alps in France. I be­ The Arkansas Chapter members and Aerobatic rides handsome young JIM lieve the rest of the girls are trying to guests were: BEVERLY HARP, RUTH MOSER gave, in a Citabra, to JERI make it to the Bahamas! Me, I may McADAMS, RUTH GRAY, BETTYE SNYDER, MARY DIXON, GRACE go to “Sugar Creek”. JO BOLLEN, CARY HUNT, BETTY FUNCH, RICKY CUNNINGHAM, DOT We are in the process of incorporat­ BEARDSLEY, CAROLYN PUGH, and McNAMARA, JANET DAVIS and EL­ ing our chapter by dual control. Chap­ COREENE ROGERS. SIE GOSS. After treating each of these ter funds plus free lessons for an attor­ The Memphis Chapter Ninety-Nines girls to hamerhead stalls, spins, loops, ney friend by a 99 instructor! The next attending were: VIRGINIA PROCTOR, slow rolls and snap rolls Jim flew off best thing is to marry an attorney, but CHRIS BROWN, GLADYS ESTES, in a Pawnee for five hours of Forest we haven’t been able to arrange that JENNY COOK, MARY OLIVER, INA Patrol. yet! WALKER, JUNE PENTECOST, MAR­ Lunch was at the Parisienne, a quaint Hope to see you in Huntsville in Ap­ THA TOBEY, MARY STANLEY, JO­ little French restaurant in the heart ril and Dog Island in May. Stay out of ANNE MURDOCK, BETTY DUNN, of St. Augustine. They have a wonder­ the pines on Dog Island and bring a and HOLLY SMITH. Guests were RE­ ful onion soup and egg bread. big picnic lunch! Alabama and Florida BECCA HAYWOOD from Memphis; A short business meeting was held girls, we would love to have you join NELDA WILSON and DOT WILSON when we returned to the Airport. We us. Come early and stay late! from Whiteville, Tennessee. The Wil­ voted to participate in our sister chap­ son’s fly a 172 and a Champ. ter’s (Suncoast) Poker Run March 22 Fly-Bye until next month. MEMPHIS CHAPTER and to postpone ours from April until P. S. My thanks to GLADYS ESTES Netta Holden, Reporter May and to make it a Proficiency Race for keeping notes for me on the above instead. Our March meeting will be in According to the trees and flowers, meeting. Orlando and we plan to have an FAA Spring should be just around the cor­ official talk to us about the new regu­ ner, but the overall weather continues TENNESSEE CHAPTER lations on Control Zones and Control to be stubborn about it. We have had Ituth W. Thomas, Reporter Areas. our share of stationary fronts this sea­ son, but somehow our lady pilots man­ The day o f the eclipse the Tennessee age to fly anyway. GEORGIA CHAPTER 99s met at the Morristown Airport with HILDA SAVAGE, ROSEMARY WILr ??? Reporter twenty-four 99s and guests present. The LIAMS, and GLADYS ESTES flew to business meeting was held while the Our regular meeting was held in Al­ Hot Springs, Arkansas to attend the sun was hiding its face and, truly, the bany—a joint meeting with the Civil horse races. They flew over in Hilda’s chairman conducted such an interest­ Air Patrol. At that time, we were ex­ Mooney. ing meeting that no one left the room plained the function of Civil Air Patrol, JOANNE MURDOCK has been fly­ to take a peek. This once-in-a-lifetime and explained in detail, rescue and ing locally in a Cherokee 140. affair added to the excitment of our search. We were delighted that our hus­ JENNY COOK has started on her large gathering (large for us). bands got in this act. PAULINE and Commercial rating. The What’s Up Department: Chair­

- 26- April, 1970 Inside the wind tunnel at Arnold Engineering Development Center are: (left to right) AVIS BROWNING, LILLIE HFR- RELL, RACHEL TRUITT, a guest, FRAN DAVIS, LADY McREYNOLDS, BILL KERSHNER, BEE REID, JAMES E. MARTIN, IRENE FLEWELLEN, FRANCES PARKER, DONNA BOWER, TONY COUCH, EDNA BROYLES, PENNY ('OUCH, and CHARLOTTE PARISH. Tennessee 99s and guests touring AEDC in Tullahoma, Tennessee. man BEE REID has been puppy sit­ and quartet practicing for a Sweet If the Tennessee Chapter doesn’t ting. She has a new German Shepherd Adeline show. take the prize for having the highest named—what else—‘Baron’. BETTY NANCY FISHER, our member on percentage of attendance at Spring Sec­ WICKER flew down in her new Chero­ loan for a year, will be back to stay tional in Huntsville, ’twon’t be the kee 180D. She has passed the Instru­ in September. She will be in the Eng­ fault of our golfing Chairman BEE ment written exam and is working on lish Department of Knoxville College. REID—going is a must she says—then Instrument rating. EVELYN JOHNSON has been work­ she reminded us that it was to be held IRENE FLEWELLEN has passed ing—teaching people to fly. Look at on the same weekend as the Masters. the written for a Commercial and is this list: MARGARET MILLS, just got You know what thy say about ‘best ready for her flight test. MARIE HUR­ her private license; BILLIE O’DELL laid plans’? Well, the Secretary of LEY is working on her Instrument just received her Private and is attend­ State decided to visit the Arnold En­ ticket. DONNA BOWER is working for ing Instrument Ground School; JOY gineering Development Center the day a Multi-engine Rating. DONNA and LYNN MAYNARD just took her Pri­ the Tennessee 999s had scheduled. That MARIE flew up in MARIE’s Skymas- vate test and is attending Instrument meant changing our tour to the next ter. HARRIET SMITH has finished the Ground School; HELEN HAYNES is day. Our large number dropped to 15 new interior of her Bellanca. still working on her Private; and FRAN who could go. EDNA BROYLES, who SARAH DUKE attended the annual DAVIS is finishing her cross-country made all arrangements, is now sche­ meetnig of the Air Cadet League of this week. All these prospective 99s are duling another tour for this summer. Canada. The Cadet League is compar­ students of EVELYN. EVELYN is alsc She is thinking in terms of an over­ able to the CAP program of US. the chapter membership chairman. night affair. LADY McREYNOLDS flew down to JO CHANDLER has spring fever and The Tennessee Aeronautics Commis­ Dyersburg this past week and delivered is back in the air for a cure. sion has com e out with an aeronautic­ a message from the Tennessee Chapter A note from JANE HILBERT stated al chart of the State of Tennessee. It to EVELYN BRAESE. A half dozen that she will meet with us soon as she contains useful information about fly­ gets back from Florida. She spent the of us will be down to help work the ing the mountains. race stop. winter there. (ED. NOTE: All the PPD contestants Since the first o f the year, RUTH She will be doing Interior Decorating THOMAS has been producing (writing DOT JONES has moved to Florida, could sure use that chart. Particularly script and directing) a PTA program in Sarasota. the ones from the flatlands.)

April, 1970 — 27— be in a Bonanza. The Race this year CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAPTER begins in Toronto, Canada, on May 4 Bobbye Kesterson, Reporter and will end in Nassau on May 6. Jeanne Morse opened the March 1st Cincinnati will be one of the stops meeting at the Decatur Municipal Air­ this year and PAT FAIRBANKS has port in the conference room with been busy getting everything ready for KATHLEEN WOOD, ARLENE JOHN­ the girls who will be stopping there. SON, BETTY FLOSKI, MARSHA WIL­ ALL-OHIO CHAPTER COX, MADELAINE LIKE, MARTHA Judy LaRue, Reporter CAPE GIRARDEAU AREA CHAPTER McMAHON, LEAH WARREN, THEO Mary Boyd, Reporter Welcome to Spring! And speaking of SOMMER, JEAN WEST, I LA ZABOR- An excellent and interesting meeting Spring, April 10-11-12 are the dates AC, PHYLLIS HANLON, HELEN MC­ was held by the Cape Girardeau Area set for the Spring Sectional Meeting in BRIDE, HELEN KIRK, NAN LAW­ Chapter at the Cape Airport on Satur­ Detroit, and I hope to see you there. RENCE (sporting a brand new pin) and day, March 14th. It was the first good My sincerest apologies go to SALLY guests LIBBY KAISER, PAT SHERI­ flying weather for a meeting date since YOUNG. SALLY’s name was inadver­ DAN, RUTH MIDDLETON, DAVE and November but only one plane load of tently omitted as being one of the hos­ SAM WARREN, DWAYNE MEYER members flew in, the others all being tesses for our fine Christmas Party and JEAN WOOD. LIBBY and PAT from Cape. this past year, and since she was the will probably have their pins by the Missing from the meeting was primary reason for making the party time we meet again. MARGE HALL who had just departed a success, we would like to extend our We are proud to advise that MAR­ on an extended trip during which she thanks to her at this time. SHA WILCOX took the ATC specialist plans to visit Ninety-Nines in other MARION BETZLER gave F LEE test in St. Louis on February 28th, parts of hte world with special empha­ BAILY a check out in a Cessna 172— along with sixty-nine other people and sis on Australia. We hope MARGE has Mr. BAILEY flies his own Lear Jet. was one of only seventeen who passed. a wonderful trip and that you will all MARION just passed the GI-Advanced Now, if she passes the first class phy­ be looking for her. Also missing was (she already has the Gl-Instrument sical, she will go to Oklahoma City for LOIS FEIGENBAUM who had to be and ATR). nine weeks of training and then to the in Chicago. We understand that LOIS JOAN HRUBEC managed to attend Indianapolis Center. Right now, she is and BOB’s DAUGHTER ROBIN in both the February and March 99 meet­ teaching a Monday night class of ele­ planning to be married in April. Sev­ ings in Michigan—she was actually ven (ten men and one woman) for eral other members also failed to make visiting International President BER­ private pilot (ground school) at Rend it for various reasons. NICE STEADMAN both times. Lake College near Mt. Vernon. The chapter discussed in detail the Congratulations to BERNITA and ARLENE JOHNSON reports that letters received from the Eastern Penn­ ROGER NICKELL of Lakeview, Ohio, GLORIA FARR took her home off the sylvania Chapter about the Terminal who are the proud parents of a baby market. We hope this means that she Control Area “upside down wedding girl bom on Friday, March 13. will stay with us instead of moving cake” proposal. The secretary was in­ MARIAN MOYER’s 49% ED will be West. structed to write to the Senators and on the May Primary as the Republican March 12th, during aerospace week, Representatives of the members asking candidate for the Ohio House of Rep­ we have a meeting scheduled in Spring­ them to intervene with the FAA against resentatives, 14th District. MARIAN this proposal and for the corridor con­ field to celebrate our twenty-fifth an­ has been frantically working full time cept. niversary. BARBARA JENISON start­ on his campaign and we wish them all The plans for the Dyersburg stop­ ed arrangements for us but, due to the the best. over on the Powder FTiff Derby were illness of her Mother, MARTHA Mc­ In the TRIPS TAKEN DEPART­ discussed extensively with chapter MAHON is finalizing things with the MENT, DONNA and JIM FULKS flew members accepting assignments for the help of PAT SHERIDAN, NAN LAW­ their Comanche 200 to Jekyll Island, stop. NADINE HEUER will assist this RENCE, PHYLLIS HANLON, BETTY Georgia in February; CLARA THARPE reporter as co-chairman for the stop, FLOSKI and I LA ZABORAC. We are and friends spent the George Wash­ while MILLIE LIMBAUGH will again very proud that our Chapter Charter ington holiday weekend ice-fishing at serve as chief timer. Assisting MIL­ is twenty-five years old this year. Put-In-Bay on Lake Erie; NANCY and LIE will be EVELYN BRAESE, LEAH WARREN and her boys almost DICK MILLS had a wonderful but brief CHARMIANE FREEMAN, and mem­ made it to Centralia February 22nd to trip to the Bahamas; and LEE and JIM bers of the Memphis chapter. LOIS check on the progress of the Taylor Everglades for their annual bird- FEIGENBAUM will be in charge of Titch at our house; but the weather ROCK flew the Mooney to the Florida greeting contestants, NELL RICE will made a curtain between Salem and watching tour. be the source of information, and Centralia so they couldn’t get in. Last The Angel Derby this year will be MARTHA JOHNSON will be keeper of Sunday was a beautiful day so I got represented by eight Ohio girls— the blackboard. KAREN WILLIAMS away from the two girls and my fifteen MARION BETZLER and JANICE and SUE BURFORD will be in charge year old son SCOTT, and I really got KUCHENMEISTER will be flying solo, of registration while MARY EVANS, caught up on our T&Ls. We, of course, CONNIE LUHTA/CLARA THARPE MARGE HALL, and GENE WILLIAMS would like to have a plane equipped will be flying a Cherokee Arrow 200, operate a sales booth for programs and with electrical system and radio so RUBY MENSCHING/RUTH SITLER sweat shirts. All of us will be looking we could make all the meetings; but will be flying an Apache, and MARI­ forward to seeing you at Dyersburg as the Luscombe does tend to keep us on LYN COLLETTE and yours truly will a contestant or a visitor. our landing toes.

- 28- April, 1970 LEAH reports that the University of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Nines are also working-out for our Illinois may have a three day workshop primarily in the hopes of interesting performance in the Fall Sectional Meet. for teens this summer to tell them some of the reluctant wives to take to We have been a very busy chapter of about their aviation institute. If they do, the air. BOBBI included some of the late. To bolster our finances, we held it would be very worthwhile to some history of the Ninety-Nines and our a successful rummage sale. Louisville of our children. activities such as flyouts and airmark- has been chosen an alternate re-fuel­ DEED HOLCOMB has served our ings. ing stop for the Powder Puff Derby. Chapter well as Chairman, Reporter, See you in Detroit! Several of our members attended a Etc.; but now that she has no job, we briefing in Louisville Feb. 6, 1970, with can’t even get her on the phone. It BARBARA RIGGS (Route Director for GREATER SAINT I.OUIS CHAPTER AWTAR), and Officials from FAA, Air is just as well though, as we were Fannie Jennings, Reporter going to invite them to go with us to Board, and base operators. We plan to Our February meeting with the Aero the last meeting which we couldn’t fully support this activity. Club was a great success. We even re­ make at the last minute. I have asked Several of our girls have been flying ceived a standing ovation for our pro­ my children to please stay well on about. ALICE and WILLIE WILBURN gram. So all the hard work paid off. meeting days from now on. have been soaking up some recent Flor­ One of the highlights of our program ida sun. DOT ARNETT and VIRGINIA LINDA BORUM was busy with an­ was the presentation of our “ 99 of the CHAMBERLAIN chose the snow! DOT other festival in Rockville, Indiana Year” award to ERMA MANZO who flewco-pilot in a 250 Comanche to IRON last week so she couldn’t make it has done so much to promote the 99s MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN for a 5-day either. through her vigorous drive against air ski trip in Feb. VIRGINIA went to New THEO SOMMER has been very busy pollution. ERMA was not at the meet­ York for a visit with her grandchildren with flying trips, book work, etc. but ing but in Hawaii instead getting a well and joined them skiing, snowmobiling still found time to do some work for earned rest. She said she was very and went over to Lake Placid for the us as Membership Chairman. She is much surprised and delighted to re­ Olympic Bobsled events. We are glad planning another trip to the sunny ceive our telegram telling her about they are back and with no scratches! Southwest during Easter time. Pretty the award. soon, she won’t even need a chart. DOT ARNETT and DIANE STAF­ As for Hawaii, ERMA says its won­ FORD have passed their instrument derful to be home but it was a great and instructor’s written. NORMA WOR- GREATER KANSAS CITY CHAPTER vacation—she thinks she almost got LAND and DOT ARNETT attended a Frances Dunfleld, Reporter fresh air poisoning. They played golf recent AOPA Refresher course held at the Royal Kaanapoli Golf Course on REMINDER—The deadline for re­ in Louisville. RITA LE NEAVE used Maui, and the Makaha on Oahu—where cipes for our cookbook is April 31st. If her new multi-engine rating to fly the 1971 Hwaiian Open will be played. you haven’t sent your favorite recipes, their AZTEC to Louisville from May­ Also played the Keau-Hou Kona on please do so right away to VEE ST. field for our meeting Mar. 8. Two the Kona Coast. JOHN, 1018 E. 110TH STREET, KAN­ prospective members also attended Congratulations are in order for two SAS CITY, MISSOURI, 63131. this meeting. We hope they’ll be on more of our members. MARY LOWE T*he third Tuesday of February was hand as members to help wecome you has been a Commercial Pilot since beautiful and our “Fly-Outers” made all to Ky. in the fall. December and ROSE MARY ROTH it to Des Moines, Iowa, in mass. They Welcome, Welcome to our newest has passed her instructor written. were met at the airport by LOIS member, PAT LYDDAN! ERMA MANZO, BETTY BOARD and GRANGE and three other members of SUE MATHEIS were present at the It is the policy of our chapter to be the Iowa Chapter who took them to FAA hearings in St. Louis and pre­ available to help with aviation educa­ JOHNNY and KAYE’s for lunch. Thir­ sented the views o f the 99’s interna­ tion in our community. NORMA WOR- teen members and various friends and tional. At the present time St. Louis LAND recently instructed a fourth relatives flew up in nine planes, to will not be one of the 22 positive con­ grade class on Flight Computers and make a total of thirty-one persons par­ trol airports. We will have a committee Meteorology. ticipating in the February flyout. This of general aviation, commercial and One big factor in flying is PLAN month, we are looking forward to meet­ FAA people formed to arrive at a suit­ AHEAD! Do that now. Please mark ing in Wellington, Kansas. able solution. your calendars: Fall Sectional Meet­ The March 5 business meeting was ROSE RAGLAND was in St. Louis ing—Louisville, Ky. Sept. 4-6. We’re held in the auditorium of the fabulous in February. She visited with some of planning a great time! new T.W.A. Training Center for Hos­ the St. Louis 99’s and has seen quite tesses. The tour included mock up a lot of KIT HEACOCK since KIT MICHIGAN CHAPTER cabins of T.W.A. airplanes, including moved to Albuquerque. Maretta Simpson, Reporter one of portions of the Boeing 747 cabin; With spring and good weather just Our March meeting was held in Cold- also grooming rooms, and the bubble- around the com er, a lot more of us water . . . the site for the 1970 Michigan type all weather swimming pool. will be getting out the old flying mach­ SMALL Race. The Coldwater people MARY ANN NOAH reports fine fly­ ine so happy flying. ing and a relaxing two weeks on her did an excellent job of hosting the trip to Corn Island, Nicaragua. group, with drivers galore, nice place BOBBI MILLER has been furthering KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS for the meeting, good food, and a very the cause of the Ninety-Nines by Rita LaNeave, Reporter friendly approach. speeches for the Bendix Corporation The Kentucky thoroughbreds are now MARGE HATFIELD, LIISA DIXON Aero Club and Chapter Ninety-one of in Spring training and the Ninety- and EILEEN GERMONY showed up in

April, 1970 — 29— time for lunch at our meeting. The in­ She was a NIFA gold medal winner in Seminar on Feb. 21st and 22nd at Ar­ clement weather (which was not fore­ Oklahoma City this year and got Pilot den Hills. JOYCE FRANCIS, BEV casted) made a good many of the girls of Year award from the National In­ KERN, ALICE MARTIN and FLOR­ do a smart 180 and then drive down tercollegiate Flying Association at that ENCE ROBINSON were able to give a to Coldwater. Overheard WILMA time. All the more wonderful . . . since helping hand. A later Seminar held at FARRAR make a wise decision and GLORIA is only 19 years cld. MARGE Fort Snelling found NANCY SCHIN- decide to land at Jackson when condi­ ASHTON is already eyeing her for an DEL and PEGGY JOHNSTONE helping tions deteriorated rather suddenly to entry in the next Miss Michigan Avia­ with registrations. IFR. tion contest for MAP A. Our March meeting will be after this LUCILLE QUAMBY served as liason PHYLLIS and RAY RAPAPORT goes to the editor so will have to save for the Detroit Public Schools in the have been flying all over the country that for next month. Happy Flying. “American Youth Performs” concert . . . Vail, Rose Bowl, Houston . . . in Detroit recently. This event was leaving now for Aspen. The Doctor says QUAD-CITY CHAPTER sponsored by the “American Airlines she can ski again, but her husband Gina Millar, Reporter and WJBK.” says “no” . . . be interesting to see Spring is in the air, but I have set­ MARGE and CHUCK ASHTON will who wins! The RAPAPORTS are a tled down to the task of reporting what be at the Apollo 13 launch the weekend flying family with PHYL, RAY and has been going on in our Chapter. of the Spring Sectional. CHUCK just their son all licensed pilots. returned from a week in Lauderdale BEA STEADMAN and family are off Way back in January we flew to Clin­ and Daytona with the boys. to Florida for Easter. They just return­ ton, Iowa, for our monthly meeting and MARY CREASON has added an ed from Las Vegas. She is thinking welcomed new member, MARY DAV­ acrobat to her school. After flying six of getting rid of her twin engine and IS, to our group. She is currently work­ hours with DUANE COLE, MARY getting a single. BEA is now working ing on her commercial and hopes to started showing much enthusiasm for as a consultant for Twining Aviation in have it along with her APT report this aerobatics. Ann Arbor. Spring. MARY and BOB PELTO flew to SECOND MEETING AND VOTED The February meeting took place at Florida for ten days in January, and IN AS MEMBERS: KAY BERGER of the Quad-City Airport, and following returned telling of most unbelieveable Ann Arbor, GLORIA SCHAEFER of luncheon the girls had a tour of the tailwinds both ways . . . much needed Kalamazoo, THELMA CRAWFORD of control tower. One of our group, LIL­ according to MARY for their very slow Ann Arbor, BETTY GOODROW of LIAN SPICKLER, had been a con­ Cardinal. Flushing, and SALLY SCHARRER of troller when she lived in St. Louis. MARY CLARK is off to Ft. Lauder­ Davison. Guest, RUTH SOLLEY, from the Ken­ dale to bask in the sun and make fur­ FIRST MEETING: PAT KELLER, tucky Bluegrass Chapter joined us. ther plans for her trip to Ireland. parts manager of Twining Aviation, RUTH is now ilving in Galesburg, and BARBARA MORTIMER of Birming­ we’re hoping she will join us. BERTHA McMENEMY has become ham, and BARBARA GREEN of Royal a student of Psychology and Sociology In the meantime, FERN RATHE and Oak. at Macomb Community College. JOAN her 49V&er, JOHN, flew their Cherokee New 66’s: BARBARA MALTBY of HRUBEC from Cleveland, International to Aspen for a little skiing. LINDA Coldwater (a math teacher), MAR­ 99’s Secretary, attended our meeting. NORMOYLE and her 49V2er, JOE, GUERITE SMITH, and CAROL EA­ flew to San Juan to attend an Illinois MARIAN NEWMAN has a new (to TON. her) 150 CESSNA . . . N8135S . . . and contractors’ convention there. I’d say PINNED: OLIVIA BOTTUM and is getting checked out from Newman’s that was good planning. LINDA and CHRIS BENTLEY. Private Airport. JOE rented a plane and took a look ELOISE and HARRY SMITH are at the island from the air. flying (commercial) to London and MINNESOTA CHAPTER We’re making this an Air Education Paris for fifteen days of sightseeing, Betty Kuechle, Reporter Year in our Chapter. CAROLYN PO- leaving April 19th. JIM and LIB Having just returned from a flight BANZ, LINDA NORMOYLE, and GIGI SCHUCKER will fly to Fort Knox, Ken­ to California, I find it hard to settle KATZ, took a ground school refresher tucky for their son’s graduation from down to the business at hand. Our trip course offered by the State of Illinois, basic training on March 20th. On Ap­ found us in Albuquerque the first night Department of Aeronautics in Moline. ril 24th they will fly to Cherokee Vil­ where I had a nice visit with VIRGINIA SHARON EHRICH is attending a Safety lage in the Lake of the Ozarks for a CUTTER of the Albuquerque Chapter. Refresher Course offered by that same four-day weekend. On to Palm Springs, California where Department in Canton, Illinois. SHAR­ MARGE HATFIELD, I hear, won’t we met RITA and BURT ORR, CINDY ON has also earned her Basic Ground be racing in the International after and BILL. They had flown their Bon­ Instructor license and is now conduct­ all. MAISIE STEARS of Kalamazoo is anza out and due to bad weather, no ing a private pilot ground school course getting her commercial rating . . . speed records were set. Their two day at Illinois Central College. after her instrument. EVELYN BORST stay in Dalhart, Texas gave RITA a NORMA SMITH broke the all-male is flying (not her own plane) to Phoe­ chance to get acquainted with PAT barrier by being elected Treasurer of nix and is having a ball. She rented a POWELL, a 99 from the Top of Texas the Quad-City Airmen’s Association. plane for sightseeing. Chapter. We also stopped at Dalhart on This is a FIRST for women pilots in the Our new member GLORIA SCHAEF­ our way home and I too got a chance to Quad-Cities. ER has passed her instrument written, meet and visit with PAT. Our two AWTAR pilots, SHARON has her commercial pilot’s license and Our Minnesota Chapter was asked to EHRICH and CAROLYN POBANZ, is working on her multi-engine rating. help at the F.A.A. Aviation Safety have been busy presenting their slides

- 30- April, 1970 of the 1969 race no less than 15 times TIG and what ever happened to GER­ to various service clubs, aero clubs, ALDINE BENNETT? Also missed were church and youth groups. They are do­ ELLEN MAYO, Beloit and MARILYN ing an excellent job of promoting the RITZMAN, Pewaukee. FLORENCE Sa CENTRAL cause of general aviation in our area. TONY had an excuse—she is spending Our Chapter was two years old this the winter in Texas with her dad. SECTION month, and on March 14, we celebrated Hello Detroit—see you in April—Wis­ with a luncheon meeting at the Daven­ consin hopes to fly over—Commercial. port, Iowa, Airport. A skit entitled, Not much to write about—everyone ALBUQUERQUE CHAPTER keeps everything a secret—if I had pic­ “A Typical 99 Executive Meeting,” Peg Noltensweyer, Reporter written by our budding playwright, tures—I’d send them in— (ALVIN AR­ SHARON EHRICH, was presented by NOLD—where are the pictures?) We would like to begin this writing the stars of the day, GIGI KATZ, CAR­ with a correction and an explanation of OLYN POBANZ, FERN RATHE, and CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER a statement made in our November is­ NORMA SMITH. It was thoroughly en­ Sandy Klock, Reporter sue. Our girls, JOY FEAK and BEV joyed by all those present. Following Our annual Achievement Awards Ban­ MURPHY who flew in the Pacific the skit, CAROLYN POBANZ presented quet was held on March 21st at the Race reported very enthusiastically our former chairman, MARIE MERI­ Toll Gate Inn, North Aurora, Illinois. that they had met Mr. Stinson whose DIAN, with the 99 gavel pin as a small Mary Clark, North Central Section gov­ sister was a charter member of the token of our appreciation. MARIE ernor, was on hand to present the aw­ 99’s. It is regrettable that this has worked hard and long in getting our ards, as follows: (1) Marcella Klotter, since been recognized as an untruth. Chapter organized and deserves our (2) Marion Jayne, (3) Ruth Baxter, (4) The Mr. Stinson who was an official of vote of thanks. We ended our meeting Gerry Krause, (5) Elsie Wahrer, who that race is not really related to the with a viewing of the film of our char­ also received a special award for ser­ Stinson family our girls had in mind tering and 49%er initiation. vice "above and beyond the call of and their elations were short-lived. Discussion of projects for future duty” to the Chicago Area Chapter, (6) In the way of a newsier aspect, NAI- meetings included possible air mark­ Charlene Falkenberg, (7) Mary Pan- DA BORDER and WANDA COTHRAN ing in June—where and when to be de­ czyszyn, (8) Jean Clauss, and (9) Don­ entertained and visited with MARIE termined, and an airplane wash as a na Dombrosky. Congratulations all! HIGHT and her husband, STERLING, mor.ey-making venture. As a part of the evening’s entertain­ from the San Gabriel Chapter on their We’re all heading for the Spring Sec­ ment, we also viewed the film "Stamp way through our city beautiful. Among tional in Detroit, so we’ll see you there. of Friendship” , which gave us again our escapees from the winter weather Our next meeting will be in Moline on the inspiration of Amelia Earhart and was MARGARET PEREZ and her hus­ April 18. the original "99s” . band who recently spent ten tropical On a somewhat personal note, I re­ days in the Bahamas. WISCONSIN CHAPTER call last year’s awards banquet, my Since our delightful visit from the Katie Colliding, Reporter first, when one of the highlights of the Tip of Texas Chapter when we toured Our yearly January Dinner Meeting evening was the film "A Powderpuff the FAA Traffic Center in our city we was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DR. for Joan” . Little did I imagine then would like to invite them back and any ANNE ROETHKE coordinated the that I would have the opportunity to fly of our neighboring chapters who would planning and program. The 99’s, 49%- the AWTAR as co-pilot to Marcella be interested in that same tour plus a ers, and guests in attendance had a Klotter. It was her first Powderpuff, ride on our Tramway, the highest one in marvelous social evening. but instead of taking an experienced the world, which rides up to the top of Our February meeting was held at co-pilot, she took a brand-new 99 with our 10,000-foot mountain; our local Madison Air Service, Madison, Wis­ just over 100 hours. FAA District Office has offered an ex­ consin. PAM BINDL, MARILYN DON- The point I mean to make is—sure, perience in their new vertigo chair (on AGAN, and JUDY STONE were hos­ some of you gals have your regular appointment, please); we have a com­ tesses providing plenty of coffee and flying buddies, and that’s fine. But if plete weather center whose top man cookies. We all brought our nose-bag- you have a plane and want to race, and has an unmatched sense of humor and lunch and drove through heavy Wis­ have no one special in mind as a part­ a willingness to show his center to ev­ consin fog to attend. ner, why not take a new gal pilot, a eryone who is interested; all of this new 99, a girl without a plane of her and palatable southwestern food, too! Three new prospective members at­ own? It meant the world to me, and If your chapter can come for a visit tended—LOIS ERICKSON of Blair, Wis­ wouldn’t it to any 99? So why not give at any time, please write WANDA consin, MARILYN EVANS, University the “ new girl in town” a chance. I had COTHRAN and let us set up something of Wisconsin student from Phoenix, that chance in ’69—and sure hope it good. Arizona and SHIRLEY SCHENERS of happens again one of these years! Port Washington, Wisconsin. As usual the "wouldn’t miss a meet­ ARKANSAS CHAPTER ing gang” were there—JANICE THO­ Marge Nielsen, Reporter We're Having a Clam Bake MAS, ETHEL WESTERLUND, KATIE DELORES DEAM enjoyed a lovely CONKLING, PAM BINDL, and CAR­ You All Come to New England business trip via Airline to San Fran­ OLYN ARNOLD. It was good to see July 12-15, 1970 cisco, California. RAMONA HUEBNER back at a meet­ Ninety-Nines Convention RAMONIA SLOAT spoke to CAP ing. Missed the Burlington gang— about the Powder Puff Derby, and has Bretton Woods, N.H. NANCY BRANEN and JANE RAET- enjoyed her flights to Louisiana visiting

April, 1970 — 31— home folks again. Arkansas Chapter is “college Flying" recently to visit their Points will be Wharton, Eagle Lake really getting pretty now with new daughter, EVELYN. and the terminus at Montgomery blue knits and lovely scarves. Some of JERRY GLENNIE combined her two County, Conroe, Texas with a total the girls have their outfits already and favorite things by flying to Denver to mileage of 210 approximate miles. En­ are surely pretty. ski for a few days at Winter Park. Her trants may begin flying at 8:30 a.m. DELORES MITCHELL spent sever­ daughter, JOYCE, assisted with the until the 3 p.m. deadline (to be ex­ al delightful days in Florida visiting navigation chores in the Cherokee Ar­ tended in case of bad weather). Stars her friend, and enjoyed the flight in row. for star prizes this year will be only lovely weather. SUE and GEORGE ANDREWS took % of a dollar—25 cents, an old time the family for a Sunday afternoon out­ RUTH GRAY & CARY HUNT flew bargain! and no, repeat, no entry fee! ing to Lake Texhoma for dinner. once more to old Mexico. They really Now you can’t get a more sincere Have you heard of a 24%’er? SUE love flying South of the Border, & it welcome than that! WIEMAN is about to have one. At the seems that's where they are when not Besides putting our heads together March meeting, we gave a shower for at home. Our members have been for a fabulous Space Chase Houston her and the future 99 (or 49y2’er). spending so much time in their air­ 99’s have been busy flying as usual. KATHY LONG is a grandmother of planes this month it was difficult to M. E. Oliver has managed to hitch two weeks. Naturally she has been to gather any news & also difficult for me Tulsa to see her granddaughter, in a a ride on the Goodyear Blimp Ameri­ to stay out of the Luscombe long new plane no less. ca (by pulling strings?) and everyone enough to type up what I did find. has given her advice on how to Hoping you're having as much flying maneuver a little advertising on the EL PASO CHAPTER happiness as we ore, & your weather Space Chase. Our flying dynamo, IiOis Hailey, Reporter is as lovely. MARY ABLE leaves April 6 to attend EMMA UDOVICH, NORMA KUD- LEAR JET ground school at United DALLAS CHAPTER IESY, MARY FRAN and HANK Airlines facilities ni Denver, Colorado. Janie King, Reporter SEIDL, and NORMA McREYNOLDS In between ferrying trips to Louisiana all flew to Midland on March 8 to meet with oil field equipment, she visited SALLY BRADFORD ajid her 49*2 'er with the Sky High Chapter. DOROTHY with VIRGINIA COOK, 99 from Tuc­ flew to Belize, British Honduras in WARREN, the SCS Governor was also son, Arizona during her recent visit to February on a scuba diving trip with there. It was a great trip from be­ Houston. MARSH COPELAND plans DR. GRAHAM and his wife from Ce- ginning to end. on opening an insurance agency soon, linn, Texas in their twin Comanche. JACKY FAGIN is currently attend­ specializing in aircraft insurance to Virginia Hash of Phoenix was in ing instrument ground school. be located at David Wayne Hooks Dallas on March 10 for the Flying Law­ We had ten people at the regular Memorial Airport, Tomball, Texas. yers Convention; she is the president. meeting on March 7, when MR. JACK ADELLE BAKER buzzing over the While here, she visited with PAT JET­ SCHNAUBEL from ESSA presented Houston skies in her P-51 Mustang; TON. the program on "Thunderstorms” . MAYBELL FLETCHER and MARY Our Chapter has two new members, The next regular meeting will be held BYERS are working on plans for fly­ JERRY GLENNIE, who flies out of on April 4 at the FSS with MR. BILL ing the Angel Derby; and ALICE Love Field, and JUDY COBB, who we SULLINS giving the program on Safety SEABORN will be leaving April 23 for have already put to work on the Flying Survival. There will be a spot land­ Johannesburg for U-fly-it Safari as Poker Party. ing contest at 8:30 with the regular partner with MARY COALE who has Speaking of poker, just in case some meeting at 10:00. already left for Australia and other of you haven’t heard, we are having a On Saturday March 21st we will do points on the way. She is flying every Flying Poker Party on May 16 with a some airmarking at Deming Airport on possible weekend to get ready. rain date set for the 17. Now get tnis, the numbers for runways 8 and 26. VIVIAN BENNETT and 49*AER first prize is a trip to New Orleans. In­ JOE flew to Ada, Oklahoma during terested? I should hope to shout! Take the winter season and found out about off is from any of the following five HOUSTON CHAPTER cold weather flying. The day they airports between 10 A.M. and 1:30 P.M Aline Bush, Reporter CDT: Terrell, Cleburne, Denton, Dal­ planned to leave Ada, came the worst Space Chase, Houston, 1970 — Fun, ice and snow storm the area had seen las-North, or Greater Southwest. To flying, food, fellowship and prizes will qualify, planes must have stopped at in 30 years. After being weathered in leave everybody flippin’, so don’t miss each airport, drawn a card, and have 5 days, they made a soft field takeoff it !!! Date is April 26 on a Sunday. landed by 3:30 P.M. CDT at Greater in 6 inches of snow, determining wind Southwest. direc'ion (as wind sock was frozen) by smoke and tracks from the lone HELEN WILKE flew to Arizona last Please send News Clippings, Pic­ aircraft before them. Now you are week to visit her parents in Chandler. tures, etc. to SCS 99 Scrapbook an expert. BARBARA POWELL has been busy Chairman: during the first two weeks of March; VIV MACKIE and ERVIN FUSE- the first weekend, she passed the com ­ Marge Nielsen LIER made a trip to Las Vegas in mercial written, and the next weekend, J&J Ranch their Cessna 206 with two other cou­ she passed the instrument written. Route 1 ples, accompanied by DALE STOKES That’s really booking it. Van Buren, Arkansas 72956 in a Mooney with guests FRED PHIL- ROWENA and FRED BURNS were LPIS and wife DIANNE, and the C. J.

— 32— April, 1970 BOWLES and JAMES BROOKS in a fortunate that weather kept more 99’s guests gathered at the Wentworth Cessna 182. Quite a caravan. They re­ from attending this informative meet­ Clubhouse for meeting followed by port the 3 day weekend was a blast, ing. lunch prepared by the hostess commit­ the only profit, fun. In January EVELYN FIELDS and tee. The committee, PAT WOLFE, MARY JANE and BOB NORRIS doctor husband GALEN went to Fort BETH HOUCHIN, MARTHA PURDY flew commercially to Portugal in Feb­ of Prince, Limbe, Haite. Accompanied and JUDY WESTBROOK, were at the ruary and met ANNELEISE PINTO, by three nurses, they went to offer Mlilard airport to meet those arriving sponsored by our chapter into the 99’s. medical aid to patients in a 200 bed by air and furnished transportation Spent a lovely day with ANNELEISE hospital as a part of a church spon­ to and from the meeting place. Others and husband HENRIQUE, flying over sored project. attending were: EVELYN SEDIVY, Lisbon and surrounding area. They In the Powder Puff Derby coming DONNA BRUMMER, SHIRLEY are leaving for Norway and Denmark up in July, the Kansas 99’s will be AMEN, ROSEMARY HARVEY, MIMI in April. well represented with PAT McEWEN HAWORTH and JAN HEINS and MARILYN and JON CURTIS joined and MARILYN COPELAND flying in 49V6ER BILL, all from Lincoln; the exodus and bought some acreage PAT’S Bonanza and CHARLOTTE CATHERINE MARSH, Council Bluffs, between Hockley and Magnolia, hop­ PARKER and ELEANOR KNOTT in Iowa; JEANNE GIVEN, OMA, and ing to build by the end of the year. a 180 Cherokee. We’re expecting a student pilot-daughter JEANNE’ from They spent a weekend recently at the good turn out of Kansas 99’s at the Wayne; MARION LARMON, McCook, Welder Wildlife Refuge taking pictures Hutchinson race stop to wave these and student pilot-friend DIANE KUG- for JON’s work at the museum. gals on their way. We’d love to see LER, also MCK; ANN CLAY, Harlan, Welcome to our guests at the March you all there too! Iowa; EILEEN NOVOTNY, Valpa­ meeting, JUDY CRAWFORD who ac­ ELEANOR and MERLE KNOTT raiso; and former member LOIS DUR­ companied KATHERINE SHELTON are off on an extensive trip to Au­ HAM, now living in Ralston. and ALMA JEAN BUSTEN who was stralia to visit ELEANOR’S sister. ANN CLAY and EILEEN NOVOT­ with DEL HIGHTOWER. PAT JACK­ During their six week sojourn they NY, having attended two meetings, SON received her license during the plan to take a thorough tour of the were presented membership applica­ eclipse, probably becoming a first. country by light plane, so the story tions. We are fortunate to have these She was a guest of MARY ABLE’S. goes. It sounds wonderful and we’ll two new members in our chapter! Our next airmarking is March 21, try to get more information from VERA BARTUNEK’S written report 9:30 a.m. at Wharton, getting them ELEANOR on her return. on airmarking was read and we ready for their airshow and opening PAT HASTENS and husband JIM learned she has wind socks available APRIL 5. REMEMBER SPACE and family flew a Cessna 182 to upon request for any airfield needing CHASE 1970 APRIL 26! Breckenridge for a ski weekend Feb­ one. Four towns in Nebraska are ear­ ruary 13th to 16th. The weekend went marked for airmarking and this will fine until their daughter broke her be done as soon as weather permits KANSAS CHAPTER leg. Things seem to be healing up at and VERA organizes her crews! Charlotte Russell, Reporter this point. APT Chairman, SHIRLEY AMEN, The outstanding news item in Kan­ Kansas 99 OLIVE KEMPER has a announced March 7 will be APT day sas this third week of March is a new Commercial rating to boast and to be held at Lincoln. FAA personnel record breaking snowfall: 12 to 15 while we’re boasting, GENE NORA will serve as check riders and addi­ inches in 24 hours. Even when the 24 JESSEN, a former Kansas 99 and tional instructors will be procured if hour period was up it still snowed 5 presently of Boise, Idaho, had an eight needed. We hope to score 100% par­ to 7 inches more and today the pound and fourteen ounce baby girl ticipation in this project! weather wizards say to expect up to on February 26th. We send our con­ Our projects committee, JEANNE 4 more inches. Kansas flying has real­ gratulations to the proud parents of GIVEN and JAN HEINS, have been ly slowed down and Kansas 99’s were little BRIANA, a prospective 99! working diligently on all the details unable to meet with Greater Kansas Food thoughts have been running involving Nebraska’s first Air Race City Chapter 99’s for their fly-out to through our heads this month as we to be held September 6, 1970. As the Wellington, Kansas on March 17th. We have all been sending our favorite plans unfold, and decisions made, we hope we can make their snow-date recipes to the Greater Kansas City are confident this will be an event we on March 24th. This weather has got Chapter for their new 99's Interna­ will want to hold annually. It is hoped to improve eventually! tional Cook Book. It sounds like a this race will be exciting and fun for After talking to a couple of the gals great book! all who participate. who were able to get to the January Kansas 99’s are looking forward to warm Spring weather and to seeing meeting in Garden City (there were OMAHA AREA CHAPTER new and old friends at the South Cen­ ten 99’s present), I discovered that Georgiann Rynearson, Reporter they had an excellent program pre­ tred Section meeting in Tulsa in May. sented by DR. ROBERT M. FENTON, The saying is, “If you don’t like a General Practitioner in Garden City. the weather in Nebraska, just wait NEBRASKA CHAPTER DR. FENTON showed interesting films a few minutes and it will change”. Marion Larmon, Reporter of his flying trip to Alaska which he How true it has been. Over the week­ took with his two sons. He made avail­ Had another nice turnout for our end we were out around the airport able for 99’s perusal survival packs Feburary 1st meeting at Omaha, Ne­ in our “shirtsleeves” making plans necessary for such a trip. It was un­ braska. Thirteen members and 6 for airmarking and spring planting.

April, 1970 - 33— Today we have a coverlet of white over everything with still a few flakes coming down. Nevertheless, we are going to have our brushes and paintin’ clothes ready to go when INEZ STOCKER gives the word. She has a project all planned for us to do next month. The March meeting was at ROSE­ MARY BLOCK’S home with VER- DAYNE MENZE assisting. Those hearty souls braving the snowstorm, besides the hostesses were LUCILLE ULEMAN, JAN CLEMENT, BAR­ BARA KREJCI, JANICE BESCH, BETTY JARVIS, BOBBI McCAF- FREE and LAVONNE TRIPP. LAVONNE TRIPP graduated from the 66s upon receiving her private pilot’s license and was given a cor­ sage and congratulations from the PLANS UNDERWAY FOR POWDER PUFF DERBY—The 1970 All Women group. JAN CLEMENT was presented Transcontinental Air Race known as the Powder Puff Derby will require that with a going away corsage. She is all participating aircraft stop in Colorado Springs. Planning for the July 3-5 taking with her our best wishes as event are, left to right, THON GRIFFITH, national route Director; JOHN F. she moves to Wichita, Kansas. KELEHER, Chief, FAA control tower in Colorado Springs; LUCY SHATTUCK, Speaker of the evening was MR. chairman of the local Pikes Peak Chapter of 99 Inc. who will sponsor the race; DON QUEEN, Eppley Airfield tower and KEN PHILLIPS, convention Director, Colorado Springs Chamber of controller. He presented the new FAA Commerce. regulations and controls at the air­ port, and explained the 5000 foot m.s.l. Runway Descent Area. The diagrams spection and approval. For months Mullens Adv. Agency is placing a he showed illustrated his discussion HELEN has had airplane parts, paint large billboard size route of the Race, and made more clear these new reg­ and glue stored in her house and ga­ plus other information in a prominant ulations. rage, and has been a "delivery boy’’ place in downtown C Springs to edu­ for said parts. Finally, she’ll be able cate the visitors and local people to Three of our members and their to enjoy the result of all her work. our Powder Puff Derby—you pilots families, BURT IS AUFENKAMP, Before long—I hope—we can pack will see the same sign at Peterson CLAUDINE KEAN and BETTY JAR­ away our winter woolies. By the time Field. A painting party is scheduled VIS, flew to Grand Island for the the next issue appears, spring will be at Mullens Adv. Agency for 6 June Flying Farmers’ convention in Feb­ here. The program committee has to make various signs needed for the ruary. BURTIS ended her year of been planning spring and summer ac­ race—the Colorado and Spanish Peak reign as Queen of the Flying Farmers, tivities so stick raound. We’re going Chapters are coming up to help us relinquishing her crown to a new to have some flyin’ fun. paint. A press party is scheduled for queen. She was also in charge of the 19 June—should be fun! women’s luncheon. BETTY JARVIS On Friday the 13th we toured the reports meeting some Iowa Chapter PIKES PEAK CHAPTER Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. JIN­ Ninety Nines there. CLAUDINE KEAN Janie Oesch, Reporter NY SAYER and JANICE BLACK­ and her husband were elected secre- Colorado Springs is a must stop for BURN and their 49%ers, have just tary-treasurers of the group for this our Powder Puff Derby, so all of us given us little 24 and three fourthers. coming year. are busy planning a special welcome Our Pres., LUCY SHATTUCK has INEZ and HERB STOCKER and for the TAR’S. Over-all Chairman for finally passed her Instrument written. GEORGIANN and BILL RYNEARSON the Race is PAULINE MEIGHEN, Happy Soaring. took time out for a flying trip to parts Vice-Chairman is LUCY SHATTUCK, west, Albuquerque, Grand Canyon, Las Publicity is RHEA ALLISON, Trans­ SHREVEPORT CHAPTER Vegas, Tucson and Dallas. While in portation is MARION GABRISH, Hos­ Kay Alexander, Reporter Las Vegas, Inez called NORMA GUN­ pitality is MARION HEINZ, just to DERSON, chairman of the Las Vegas mention a few. All pilots in the race Last month we celebrated our tenth Valley Chapter, and had a pleasant will leave here richer by a sq. inch anniversary with a meeting at the chat with her. of Pikes Peak and a beautiful Colorado home of MRS. GEORGE F. (SARAH) HELEN EHRLICH participated in Carnation from the Broadmoor Hotel, HENLEY, JR. Again the Shreveport the Civil Air Patrol Wing Conference some with Square dancing shoes do­ Chapter received good publicity with in Broken Bow last month. She also nated by Promenade, Inc. and Jim a picture and a very nice write-up reports that the plane her husband White, a good meal or two and a good in one of our local papers. has been rebuilding is ready for in­ night’s sleep at the Satilliate Motel. The chapter began with five women

- 34— April, 1970 member and will be graduating from high school come May. She is the proud owner of a new Cessna 150. What a way to start to college! Another busy Ninety-Nine is DOT­ TIE PORTS. DOTTIE recently re­ ceived her real estate license and promptly sold three houses. Next month our chapter will air mark the Red River Airport in Coushatta, Louisiana.

SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER Marian Burke, Reporter

The last week-end in Feb. was a busy one for the San Antonio Chap­ ter. Handling the transportation for the AOPA flight clinic that was held in San Antonio Feb. 27 thru March 1 kept everyone with plenty to do for the week end. It was fun even though old man weather did try playing a few tricks on all of the eager flying group who flew in from different areas Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Shreveport Chapter of the Ninety-Nines to receive various types of flight is enthusiastically anticipating its new decade. (Left to right) MRS. OHARLKS training and ground school. WRAY, MRS. HKNRY SAIJR, MRS. GEORGE F. HENLEY, JR., MRS. C. M. The March meeting was held at San PORTS and MRS. FORREST HEWITT review the chapter scrapbook. Antonio Int. Airport Mar. 7th. Every­ one is looking forward toward helping the Houston girls with the “ Space pilots, of which three are still active nel 3 news program, and will be seen Chase” that will be held in April. in the local chapter: MRS. M. E. again on March 23, when she will ap­ This winter and spring have been (HAZEL) NEALY, MRS. FORREST pear in a live television interview. unusually bad for flying weather in A. (HELEN) HEWITT and MRS. C. We’ll all be watching — It’s such fun this area . . . So remember! Be care­ M. (DOTTIE) PORTS. seeing our Ninety-Nines in the news! ful . . . don’t take unnecessary Membership has quadrupled in the HELEN WRAY received her Gold chances on bad weather . . . Fly Safe past decade, and the following flying Seal Instructor Certificate. Busy girl, and STAY APT! accomplishments are to be noted: HELEN, passed the 1,000 hour mark seven commercial pilots, five instru­ in her log book this month. She also SOUTH LOUISIANA CHAPTER ment ratings, six ground instructors, recommended her 49%ER, CHARLES, Bev Titzer, Reporter three multi-engine ratings, three for his instrument instructor rating Cal Meredith, Ass’t flight instructors, three instrument on March 16th. He passed with flying flight instructors, two glider pilots, colors — “My proudest moment’’, said March was a busy and a newsy one seaplane rating and one acrobatic HELEN. month for the 99's, so I’ve got lots of certificate. JENNY and 49!/2 DON McWIL- reporting to do. Our March meeting was held at the LIAMS have been made honorary First of all, our March meeting was home of MARTHA CHRISTY. KATHY members of Alpha Eta Rho, a col­ held at the New Orleans International CASTON gave a very informative talk legiate aviation fraternity that has Airport March 1st. We are happy to on the proposed ruling for Terminal recently had a new chapter formed at report that a New Orleans Chapter Control Areas, or upside down wed­ Louisiana Tech in Ruston, Louisiana. of the 99’s is in its formation stage. ding cake. We certainly appreciate all JENNY is enrolled as a junior in the We wish them lots of luck and suc­ of her effotrs on behalf of General Science Education curriculum at Tech. cess and offer our assistance and co­ Aviation, to get a favorable ruling for HELEN HEWITT had the pleasure operation in any way possible. Having Climb-Descent corridors instead. of taking her son JE FFREY’S Air another group in our area should prove Congratulations are in order for Force Instructor, MAJOR MARTINEZ, to be a lot of fun! several of our members who have for his first civilian plane ride. HEL­ Our meeting consisted of a tour been busy gathering new ratings! EN said he seemed to get a little un­ hosted by EVELYN LYONS, which JERE SAUR, our chapter’s president, comfortable when she reduced the took us through hte Delta Operations recently received her commercial rat­ power of the single engine airplane. from baggage to the left seat of a ing. KATHY CASTON received her in­ JEFF recently spent 15 days at Barks­ DC 8—Delta Flight 106 from New Or­ strument rating and now has all air dale checking out in an EC 135 Fan leans to Frankfort, via Atlanta! and ground ratings. KATHY was seen Jet. We then toured the facilities of the on television on the March 14th Chan­ TAVIE COLVIN is our youngest airport — especially interesting were

April, 1970 - 35— the tower and radar. This was a most Now for some of our special guests Christmas, and, we hear, did some informative afternoon for all of us. at our meeting. JANET GREEN and soaring while there. Our appreciation to the men who her daughter were there from the Our fearless leader, MEG GUG- operate these facilities! We 99's real­ Miss. Chapter and their chairman, GOLZ, is off on another jaunt. This ly do appreciate you. PEGGY McCORMICK, a very viva­ time she is on a freighter trip with Here are some of the things our cious little gal, who told us of interest­ lengthy s*op-offs planned in Australia "gals” have been doing as of late: ing forthcoming plans of the Mississip­ and New Zealand. PAT WARD flew out over the Gulf at pi Chapter. The prospective members ROSE RAGLAND is now working as night with DR. H. T. LANDRY (the for the New Orleans chapter were secretary to one of the Santa Fe guest speaker at our February meet­ also present and 3 prospective mem­ County District Court judges. Along ing) in his “ Hello World” Bonanza to bers from the Alexandria area for our with everything else she is getting take night pictures of the oil rig burn­ Chapter—namely, BEV NESOM, who ready to move into a new house. ing. And for a little excitement she has been working on her instrument REGINA and BOB THORNTON has even taken a self defense course rating and chasing kids—no time left have purchased a Cessna 182, N3833D. plus a speed reading course, so she's for any real excitement, so she says. Congratulations! They are looking for­ been a busy gal. Ninety Niner DEE GAYLE ROBICHAUX and her hus­ ward to a lot of flying, and plan an COMEAUX'S BILL passed his instru­ band PHIL (DR. PHIL, that is) went Easter journey to Las Vegas, Nevada. ment written. Cheers, BILL! GLORIA skiing at Winter Park, Colorado last In December, MARGARET LAMB HOLMES says she is still practicing month . . . wanted to fly it but de­ got busy and took and passed the for CFI. 49'/2er DAVE got his ATR. cided to drive instead. GAYLE has Instrument Pilot, Instrument Flight MOLLY STOCKWELL is busy bowling also started her instruction toward a Instructor and Instrument Ground In­ with the Girl Scouts and selling cook­ commercial license. And we discov­ structor written examinations. Since ies. I know what you are going ered PHIL is from Raceland, La. her Luscombe had no instruments to through, I have been having the same (hometown folk). MARY RAMBO speak of, she sold it and is now the with my own troop. Only with me it’s writes that she flew to Dallas a few delighted owner of Ryan Navion A, peanuts and cookies. JANIE KIM­ weektnds ago and took quite a long N4566K. BALL flew to Gulfport for the week­ time to get home. VFR, that is. She We were all sorry to see MARTHA end—took FRAN & EMILE SALLES. has decided she wants her instrument BARNES and family move to the She’s also had 1 hour dual in a J3 rating badly—for this reason! If Lowell, Massachusetts, area, and hope cub—says she’s just beginning her you’ve got time to spare, go by air. that she has made contact with the dual for tail wheel time. Been prac­ Does that sound familiar to anyone? Eastern New England Chapter. At our ticing spins and spin recovery. Fun, MARY invites us one and all to come January meeting we welcomed acro­ fun, fun. FRAN SALLES has had her visit her at the “ Georgetown Inter­ batic pilot KIT HEACOCK from the solo put off again!! Cause—wisdom national Airport” !!!—that’s near Alex­ St. Louis Chapter. KIT is instructing too'h extraction and 2 operations. I andria, if we can find it. She might at Coronado Airport and working with was thrilled to have met ALICE be surprised when we all dron in on DOUG RINEHART of Farmington, on CAGLE, since I’ve heard so much her! (Mary visited with the editor via the Rose Parakeet. In addition we are about her. Now there's a dedicated 122.6 ENRT back—I may get fired, pleased to have CAROLYN MILKEY, pilot, if I ever saw one. Also glad to but it was fun ole cuzzin’ .) formerly of the Indiana Chapter, trans­ see GINNY and LANKY SMITH—They Will have lots to tell next month— fer to our group. CAROLYN is enjoy­ were talking about vacations—What do our meeting in April is in Hammond, ing New Mexico flying and is working you do as an encore to taking a trip to La. and the annual Air show in Houma on her instrument rating. Europe? Visit your travel agent is April 18th and 19th. Our March Chapter meeting was ex­ and they’ll be glad to help you. (Guess tremely interesting. We gathered in what business I’m in?). GINGER ED­ SANTA FE AREA CHAPTER the engine shop at Post Aviation, the WARDS says now that she has her Margaret Lamb, Reporter FBO at Santa Fe, where MANUEL license she hasn't been flying half as It is early March in Santa Fe, and DURAN, engine specialist, and CARL much! That’s how it goes. “ Ah dwarf iris and tulips are already in WICKHAM, Manuel’s second-in-com­ Spring, we sprout wings.” Quote CAL bloom. One of the supreme beauties mand, explained to us all the opera­ MEREDITH, who is working on of New Mexico is its flying weather tions in the shop. They showed us the Project APT. CA.L and I have been and indelible sunshine. Our soecic.l intricacies of engines, from the super­ having a ball entering spot landing brand of visibility is a RVR of 110 charged Aero-Commander Lycoming contests—we don’t win anything but statute miles! to the small Cessna 150 Continental. we have fun trying and people know PAT and JACK DIETZ have been We all peeked at a motor in their there are women pilots around. This very active in Cessna 3100S, mainly solvent tank, left numerous finger­ pas’ Sunday a group from BTR came with trips to Mexico. They finally tried prints on pistons and valves, saw how to Houma and joined us in the second out their scuba diving equipment in a crankshaft worked, and were given spot contest and all had a good time. Yelata. More recently, they flew to a marvelous demonstration of magna- PAT and ROGER WARD, GLORIA Baja California, photographed whales fluxing. MANUEL won the FAA out­ and DAVE HOLMES, JANIE and JIM while circling over the lagoon for two standing mechanic award last year. KIMBALL and FRAN and EMILE hours, and spent the weekend at Punta This was the best meeting we have SALLES. To avoid any embarrass­ Chivato. had to date, and we are most grateful ment, we are not going to mention POLLY DOW and her husband to MANUEL and CARL for this out­ anyone’s scores!!! traveled airlines ot Hawaii over standing session.

- 36- April, 1970 weathered in at Dalhart. PAT POW­ ELL nad RITA enjoyed the chatting time. All members of our chapter are looking forward to some warm weather. We have a couple of air markings and an airport beautification project just waiting for us, so we should be a busy group before long. HAPPY LANDINGS!

TULSA CHAPTER Carol Brown, reporter March’s meeting disclosed more plans and completion of plans for our sectional meeting here at the Mayo Hotel on May 22, 23, and 24. More meetings for workers are ahead to make this sectional meeting a suc­ cess. Our JAN MAURITSON and husband flew to Padre Island on a week-end trip, return flight took them to Corpus Christi, where they visited with mu­ sicians JEAN and CHUCK THOMAS, HIGH SKY CHAPTER playing at the Sheraton Marina Hotel. Attending the March meeting of the High Sky Chapter in Midland, Texas were: JEAN is a former 99, from our chap­ High Sky Chapter chairman, FRANCES COLLINS; El Paso Chapter vice chair­ ter. man, EMMA CDOVICH; NORMA KUDIESY, El Paso; High Sky Chapter vice MARY KRUTSCH, husband and son chairman, VELMA LEE COPELAND; MARY FRAN SEIDL, El Paso; High flew on pleasure to New Orleans this Sky secretary-treasurer, MILDRED GOODSON; El Paso Chapter chairman, month. NORMA McREYNOLDS; BETTY RODGERS, Midland; South Central Section We’re very proud of PAT JENSEN Governor, DOT WARREN of Dallas. and her promotion to manager of the flight school for Pennant Aviation. TIP OF TEXAS (WAITER TOP OF TEXAS CHAPTER Congratulations PAT! Catharina Biehn, Reporter Jane Moore, Reporter The flight-rides given at McCreery The weather just wouldn’t cooperate Aviation in McAllen during their Cess­ with ANN MENTZER and PAT POW­ WICHITA FALLS CHAPTER na Showing was a howling success ELL. They had to drive to San An­ Nan Park, Reporter regardless of the howling wind . . . tonio the last week end in February All you 99’s belonging to Civil Air IRENE YOUNG, from Harlingen was to instruct in the AOPA Flight Clinic. Patrol participate!!! BETTY ALLI­ the only 99 able to make it to help, While in San Antonio they visited with SON, newly appointed adjutant of Red this canceling our meeting. CAROLYN WENHEIMER who is in­ River Senior Squadron, and I were Nice to see those far away 99’s taxi structing in the Air Force Primary among the more than four hundred up to our doors in South Texas. SEL­ Training Program. PAT and ANN adult and two hundred cadets taking MA CRONAN and JULIA VON SAAL say it sure is a long drive from the part in the Texas Wing Search and (New York Chapter) came visiting . .. Amarillo-Dalhart area. Rescue and Civil Defense test held at they were a real shot in the arm for JEAN BAKER nad 49%ER SHELBY Georgetown Municipal Airport March some of PAULINE GLASSON’S female were among the “ His” and “ Hers” 14th and 15th. Texas Wing is in com ­ students. airplane families for a while. They petition with the other states and grad­ IRENE YOUNG and husband helped purchased a Bellanca before they sold ing is done by the Air Force. We with the opening of the new airport their Mooney but now they are back looked at the calendar, gulped and at San Benito . . . while ARDATH Mc- to “Our” airplane. JEAN has been took off from Kickapoo on Friday CREERY came up to Corpus Christi doing a little aerial photography re­ afternoon March 13th in the squadron to help with flight-rides, but somehow cently. She says that at times it can T-34. Not that we were superstitious— people just do not like their first ride be challenging to try flying and pho­ just cautious remembering one cold in a 36 k wind. tography at the same time. afternoon several months ago in this We are happy to report that LOUISE CHRIS LASLEY has decided that bird. (We had just made the first turn CLARKSON is doing so well after ser­ it’s time she began piloting once again. after takeoff when the front canopy ious surgery . . . LOUISE is our num­ Congratulations CHRIS. left us; back canopy somehow re­ ber one scarf designer. RITA ORR and 49% BERT from mained with us and BETTY managed YOUR REPORTER SAYS “stay the Minnesota Chapter spent a couple to land before a good case of the with that flying once you learn . . . of days in Dalhart recently. They were trembles set in. Investigation revealed too easy to forget.” (Amen—Ed.) on their way to California and got the canopy rails had been improperly

April, 1970 -37— mummt Oklahoma Chapter of 99’s doin’ their thin);.

installed—alleviating us of any reper­ worn out. She was putting her 25th on business with 49 ARLO and cussions.) anniversary edition out and it was couldn’t find the time to get toge'her We flew the route search early Sat­ long days and short nites. My spies with the local Ninety-Nines. They are urday morning and also a search area. tell me that great things happen to extremely busy with their fixed base We logged as much time as the orbit this great gal on March 20th. The operation in Juneau. NANCY reports communications aircraft on Saturday. Mayor of Ft. Worth proclaimed “Tony that now that she has a girl to help Sunday our sortie was a photographic Page Day” complete wifh proclama­ out in the office she is getting in a mission to the nearby simulated dis­ tion and official seal. A surprise bash little more flying time. She also said aster area. was given for her at Ft. Worth Press she was able to attend the Whirly- Highlight of the weekend was being Club. Many goodies came her way! Girl convention in Las Vegas. taken back to our hotel in a helicopter; The Ninety Nine News would officially Our AOPA Pinch Hitter course, giv­ landed at the front door of the motel like to wish ole T. Page happy “ quar­ en the first week in March, was very and said good bye to the pilot and ter of a century. I am sorry that the successful. Several men turned out hello to gazing people. editor couldn’t eyeball the proceedings for the course and we had about forty Chapter Chairman LOU ELLEN first hand, but Uncle Sam had prior students. The proceeds from this FOSTER’S 49V2ER LEWIS has done reservations on my time that night. course will enable our Chapter to give it again. We have ended our search for However, we turned to the west at a $500.00 Scholarship to an Alaskan a proper scrap book. LEWIS secured the appointed hour and did 99 low a very large white leather bound bows in that direction as a silent sa­ woman to apply toward gaining a Pri­ scrap book for us. Now to get all our lute to a good editor, great devotee vate License. This reporter is Chair­ goodies collected over the past two to general aviation, and a loyal friend. man of the Scholarship Committee and years permanently affixed. Thank you Tony — you are the greatest!!! is getting able assistance from CAR­ LEWIS! OLYN KENNEDY, JESSIE NOLL, Guests for our dutch luncheon this MARION ZAEGEL and PAT McGEE. month will be licensed women pilots NORTHWEST The selection of the Scholarship re­ in our area not already 99’s. cipient will take place by May 1st. SECTION On the Flying Scene, RUTH FT. WORTH CHAPTER O’BUCK went north in early March to HM—Reporter fly cover for a polar bear hunt. She We have an ole saying down here flew within 12 miles of Siberia and in the “ colonies” that if the “ cow don’t had some tall tales to relate when wag her tail, the flies will bite heck ALASKA CHAPTER she returned to Anchorage. In between out of her”. The reporter for the Ft. Catherine Kippenhan, Reporter giving check-rides and flying hunters Worth Chapter didn’t send in a report One of these days when NANCY on the weekends, she manages to get this time and I guess the reason is LIVINGSTON zooms into Anchorage in some recreational skiing with JES­ that all the great things that have from home-base Juneau we are going SIE NOLL at Mt. Alyeska. Also seen gone on have been happening to her. to throw a net around her and keep on the slopes recently were PAT Mc­ Tony Page is celebrating her 25th her here for a few days. NANCY GEE, MARION ZAEGEL and JAN anniversary of the Cross Country called this reporter the end of Feb­ PESSEL. Doesn’t anybody fly any­ News. I saw her at the TCA hearing ruary from a local hotel to say a more?? (MARION, if you don’t take in Dallas looking bleary eyed and quick hello-goodbye. She was in town your Helio off floats pretty soon, you

- 38- April, 1970 may not have to—summer’s a-com- sequence. It’s a very entertaining Lately, there has been more and ing). movie. more fuss about small plane flying, Those attending the March meeting The next meeting is to be held from a new book called “The Case at JESSIE NOLL’S home were on March 21 in Idaho Falls. Against Private Aviation” to reports BLANCHE KRAGER, MARGARET on collisions between large and small WAGNON, JAN PESSEL, MARGAR­ aircraft. Each of us should concern EASTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER ET SNIDER, CATHY KIPPENHAN, ourselves with this situation. First, Irene Anrode, Reporter MARION ZAEGEL, CAROLYN KEN­ when we hear biased speech on this NEDY, RUTH O'BUCK and NITA Our February meeting was enjoy­ subject, we should speak up with the WOOD. It was announced at the meet­ able, even if somewhat of a "dud” as facts. Flying is not only safe, but ing that BLANCHE was one of the far as original purpose. Attending the getting safer all the time. Airliners do three NW Section A.E. Scholarship breakfast at the Felt's Field cafe, collide with small planes, but they applicants chosen for final considera­ were LYGIE HAGAN, ALBERTA AN­ also collide with each other, tall ob­ tion by the A.E. Trustees. Congratula­ DERSON, HELEN SHANEWISE, MIL- structions, and the ground. As far as tions, BLANCHE—and good luck in the LY SHINN, JAN JOHNSON and my­ criticism of our flying skills is con­ finals! self. News of a washed out road dis­ cerned, the best way to meet that is couraged us from our originally plan­ by ACTION! Any license is only a ned day of skiing at Switzer Basin. license to learn. If there is a seminar EASTERN IDAHO CHAPTER being offered in your area, attend it! Diane Jex, Reporter Various News: ALBERTA ANDER­ SON reported a small mishap with If you know a good instructor, sched­ A noon meeting was held February the Bonanza as 49%ER ROD stubbed ule some dual every six months! Keep working on that next rating, and don’t 21, at the home of ELAINE PAR­ its nosewheel in a taxiway hole at TRIDGE in Pocatello. ELAINE served Lewiston and caught the prop. LYGIE forget to keep refreshing yourself on lunch to BEVERLY LEDBETTER, HAGAN is excited about two forth­ the old one! There is always something new to learn; that’s one of the joys LOIS BAUER, ONITA HOFF, DAR­ coming trips to Florida in the twin. LENE SCHIERS, MARY KILBOURNE, FERN LAKE is not only busy instruct­ of flying. Only in ways such as these can we help general aviation to grow DIANE JEX, and guests, MR. and ing at Couer d’Alene, but has been and remain unrestricted for us all to MRS. DON WASHINGTON. DON is seen recently at the new Community the Pocatello tower chief and spoke College hangar giving demonstration enjoy. to the group about communication pro­ rides. JIM MICHEAL of the Spokane cedures, good operating practices and Sky Roamers stopped in on JOHN and COLUMBIA-CASCADE CHAPTER approach control. It was a very in­ CHARLOTTE DETTWEILLER in Ethelyn M. Opheim, Reporter teresting and enjoyable afternoon. Phoenix and reports them very happy Our business meeting was short, in their new home with swimming Like a hibernating bear, your re­ with discussions mostly concerning pool. (Say, that sounds pretty fancy, porter is just now reluctantly crawling nominations and the Northwest Sec­ CHARLOTTE!) Those of you who re­ out of winter lethargy. On the other tion Convention. member by Petticoat Derby co-pilot hand, her fellow Columbia-Cascade BEVERLY and A. J. LEDBETTER MARGIE FRAZIER, she recently members have been anything but hi­ flew to Bend, Oregon in February. moved to Wenatchee with her children bernating! They spent a pleasant week-end at­ and is continuing on with her Tupper- At our Christmas party, we were tending a wedding and visiting BEV’S ware dealership, and, hopefully, also delighted to welcome transferee from sister in Caldwell on their return to her flying. Pennsylvania, PAT FALLER. It was Blackfoot. Generally, there has been very little great, too, to see some of our super­ We are all excited about the new flying because of the poor weather. busy gals—among them, KATHY plane LOIS and DICK BAUER plan Therefore, may I take this opportunity SMITH, hard at work in college. to purchase in the near future. They to climb up on an editorial soapbox? January’s meeting was brightened have enjoyed flying several different This has been said before, but I think by FRAN TAYLOR’S comments about kinds while they are looking for just it bears repeating. her flying experiences. FRAN is the the right one for their family. DARLENE SCHIERS is busy with Community Concert arrangements and anxiously awaiting a new grand child. Greater Kansas City Chapter 99s have de­ It may be remembered that EMMA- signed the gummed stamp to help promote LYN PAYNE had written about the interest in the AWTAR as well as women NINETY-NINES i / ' A >*> Jex’s Cub being used in a movie. Her in aviation. friends, Producer GORDON EAST­ By using these stamps you, too, will be sup­ $ MAN and Photographer WES MARKS UJ *

April, 1970 - 39- wife of our “Friendly Aviation Ad­ The Three Crabs at Dungcness with ranged for a luncheon at the Yacht visor” , TOM TAYLOR. members BARBARA LaRUE, MAR­ Club. BARBARA LaRUE stopped by Our February business meeting at GARET LAYTON and MARY KO- Diamond Point for JEAN RUTZ and McMinnville Airport managed to get CHANEK present. PEGGY MAYO of MARY KOCHANEK had PEGGY several of our projects off the ground. the Wisconsin chapter was a welcome MAYO as her passenger and instruc­ Foremost, General Chairman of the guest and we hope she will continue tor. ELENE DUNCAN flew solo since 1971 Northwest Sectional (to be held to attend our meetings during her it has been so long again. MAR­ in Portland), JO-NEAL HARRIS, stay in Sequim. PEGGY is from Be­ GARET LAYTON and guest, DORIS named committee chairmen: Pro­ loit, Wisconsin and her husband is HEITZ flew in from Port Townsend gram: JO-NEAL HARRIS, MARCEL­ presently in the process of installing joining LYNNE MAHLBERG and JO LA OTHUS; Arrangements: ETHE- a paper machine at CROWN ZELLER- BURKHART of Bellingham. It was LYN OPHEIM; Registration: LEA BACK MILL in Port Angeles. PEGGY wonderful to have full attendance and PARK; Hostess and Open House: has obtained her private, commercial in February, too. BARBARA DAUFEL, MARION BUS­ and instructor’s ratings in their Cessna BARBARA LaRUE, president, an­ BY, JO CLARRIDGE; Luncheon/Ban­ 150 and is presently working on her nounced that the Olympic Peninsula quet: DOROTHY MERCER, SALLY instrument rating. While here she has Washington Pilot’s Association of Port STUDDARD; Prizes, Gifts: LEA been instructing MARY KOCHANEK Angeles will sponsor a Fly-In Break­ PARK; Transportation and tours: PAT in their recently purchased 172 and fast and Air Show on May 10th. BAR­ FALLER; Decorations: LILLIAN is also taking a driftwood course. BARA received a letter from ILO- LEWIS, LEA PARK; Publicity: LEE VENE POTTER announcing the North­ BARBARA and EVAN LaRUE drove WRENN. Other committees to be west Section Air Games to be held on to Portland on business in January named later—and all members are May 16-17 with the following weekend after an earlier attempt by EVAN to automatically committee members, of as a rain date and a flying poker fly up for an overnight stay in Olym­ course! party to be announced later. The next pia. BARBARA has been doing some State CAP Commander, COL. DON­ chapter meeting will be held at Port of the required night flying and prac­ ALDSON, and CAP cadet, LT. COL. Orchard on March 19th. ticing the maneuvers required for her PAT KENNY, spoke to us about the history of CAP and many specific ex­ commercial rating. MARGARET LAY­ IDAHO CHAPTER periences and about a teenager’s im­ TON has been airport hopping when Eula Ix>gsdon, Reporter pressions of CAP, respectively, at our weather permits and swimming in the Port Townsend pool frequently March meeting at Portland Air Base. The Idaho Chapter’s March meeting during the winter months. MAR­ Our hats are off in admiration of was held at the home of FRAN GARET' was chosen from the chap­ SALLY STUDDARD’S 49y2ER OTIS BROWN in Boise the evening of March ter to apply for the Amelia Earhart for a perfectly executed forced land­ 12th. Our evening meetings are work­ Scholarship and we wish her the best ing on the beach in Curry County, ing out quite well and our attendance of luck as we feel she has been an Oregon, on February 23rd. SALLY is picking up. Those attending the last active and deserving member. and OTIS, with brother PAT and wife, meeting were LUCILLE TAYLOR, were happily cruising at 1500’, enjoy­ LYNN MAHLBERG attended Wes­ BETTY HUBLER, CONNIE WHITE, ing a scenic coastline trip to Santa tern Washington State College fall HELEN HIGBY, ELOISE STOVER, Barbara, California, to celebrate quarter and plans to attend again for GENE NORA JESSEN, BARBARA spring quarter. This is a real chal­ Grandmother Leadbetter’s 100th birth­ HORNBACK, DOROTHY FENDER, lenge in addition to her duties as day, when the Bellanca began losing FRAN BROWN and EULA LOGSDON, rental car agent at the airport. She airspeed and power due to a break with guests MADGE PETERSON and has attended several recent plays at in the throttle linkage. Although they BETTY PRAKKEN. We were all hap­ the Repertory Theater in Seattle and had just passed over Curry County py to see BETTY PRAKKEN again Vancouver. JO BURKHART had one airstrip, there was insufficient time as she is a former member of our of her stories published in the Feb­ to get back there, so they picked the Chapter and is now with the COLUM­ ruary issue of the Ladies Circle en­ beach and "set her down” . BIA CASCADE CHAPTER. We also titled “How Green Was My Family” welcomed a new member, DOROTHY We re extremely pleased to welcome which is a story about her own family FENDER from Caldwell. We are so new member, HELEN JENSEN, pri­ who moved from the city to the coun­ happy to have her join us. vate pilot. HELEN’S 49%ER, JACK, try. The BURKHARTS are also rais­ is ChieJ Pilot at Eagle Flightways. Our big news for February was the ing Appaloosa horses, some of which arrival of a lovely baby daughter, LEE WRENN is putting in about are bred as racing horses, and they Briana, to GENE NORA and BOB 48 hours a day readying her new are busy this time of year with sev­ JESSEN on February 26th. GENE business venture, “Skytech”, which, eral new foals. ELENE and BILL NORA’S mother, MRS. STUMBAUGH, among other Ihings, will include DUNCAN flew via the airlines to the came from her home in Colorado to Ground School, l ink Simulator, etc. Phoenix area in January and spent help welcome the newcomer. Opening is scheduled in March in of­ a week enjoying the warm and sunny HILDA ELLIOTT reports that she fices it: "downtown” Portland. weather and golfing and swimming. presented a talk on “Flying from a This time of year it isn’t difficult to Housewife’s Standpoint” to twenty FAR WEST CHAPTER “leave the flying to someone else” . members of the PEO at Payette, Ida­ Elene Dune an. Reporter The February meeting was held in ho in February. A question and answer The January meeting was held at Bellingham where JO BURKHART ar­ period concluded her talk and HILDA

—40— April, 1970 says that it was a marvelous oppor­ ular monthly meeting and lovely tunity to promote Aviation and Lady luncheon, the also enjoyed their visit Pilots in particular. with MARY and BRAD PEARSON. SOUTHWEST The Idaho Chapter's April meeting They took in the National Soaring con­ will be a fly-in to Homedale with a test at Torey Pines. SECTION luncheon at the home of JACQUE GINNY and NICK ANDREWS re­ BATT in Wilder on April 11th. turned from an enjoyable trip to Bang­ ALOHA CHAPTER The Notrhwest Section Air Games kok by way of Europe with stops in Dorothy Read, Reporter are set up for May 16 and 17th, and Bombay, India, Athens, Greece and the Idaho Chapter has scheduled a Brussels, Belgium. Aloha. The report this month owes Fly-in to Hailey with sailplane rides BOB and MARIAN MORTON just much to IRENE ROGERS as your re­ and luncheon for June 6th, so it looks returned from a trip to Baja, Califor­ porter has been hibernating with like we will have a Spring full of nia. chicken-pocked children. VIVIAN ING has been attending the flying activities. The March meeting was held at the Hawaii Aerospace Education Associa­ home of PRISCILLA COOK with 13 tion Teacher Education Seminar. VIV­ members present (two from the Great­ MOUNT TAHOMA CHAPTER IAN teaches all week and then spends er Seattle Chapter). We saw an ex­ Loretta Prettyman, Reporter Saturdays being taught. She is vice- cellent film on the Electronic Attitude president of the Hawaii Aerospace The sun is out in sunny Washington Directional Indicator made by the Education Assn. and every one seems to be out flying Boeing Company and another film DOROTHY KELSEY is now work­ but us, either that or we are all out featuring BOB HOOVER of North ing full-time for Island Flight Center. at various times but in opposite direc­ American Rockwell stunting a Shrike tions, and we don’t seem to see one She will be ferrying a new Arrow from Aero Commander. another. As for myself, I did get Vero Beach to the west coast soon. checked out in my husband’s Cessna ANN ANDERSON and SANDY Le- 210, so do feel a little personal ac­ WILLAMETTE VALLEY CHAPTER DREW made business trips to the complishment. Bev Saxon, Reporter mainland. MARY KING jetted over We welcomed two new members to enroll daughter Lynn in college. The February meeting was held at into our chapter during the winter EVE’S restaurant in Corvallis with We have had some visitors this season, DONNA PREWITT and ALICE JANE CAPIZZI, EVELYN RACK- month. GLADYS BURRILL from BUTLER, and it is a real joy to have LEFF, LOU WICKS, SALLY HAEVER- Southern Oregon is here, and is going them. NICK, BETTY GROVES, MARIE HOV- to Kalaupapa with LINDY BOYES and In my last report, I made a big LAND, JAN AMUNDSON, ROSETTA IRENE ROGERS. VIVKIE THOMAS gocf, it just doesn’t pay to try and VENELL, BEV SAXON and four from Long Beach Chapter and ANNA write this at the office. With two guests from the Oregon State Flying MAY PARK from Monterey Bay are JOHN’S in my family, a person just Club attending. visiting Hawaii. Hope we see some takes it for granted that every TOM, Our program was an extremely in­ more of you 99s when you are in our DICK and LARRY is named JOHN, teresting one. We viewed the film, islands. but a certain 49V2-er was a little upset, “ Powder Puff Derby 1967” . EVELYN We welcome a transfer from San and please forgive me LARRY and RACKLEFF told us of some of her ex­ Diego Chapter, VIRGINIA SEAVER. MAXINE BLUMER, for it was cer­ periences while flying in the Derby in We also welcome a new member, tainly unintentional on my part. 1961, 1962, and 1964. Her description KAREN BOND. KAREN is a private The only notable activity has been of the AWTAR made it sound very ex­ pilot, the mother of three boys and the participation by some of our chap­ citing and many of us left the meet­ the wife of a psychologist. ter members, who cooperated with the ing looking forward to the day we too That is our very brief report for Washington State Aeronautic Commis­ might join in the excitement of flying this month. Next month I should have sion in registration for the Flight In­ in the “ Powder Puff Derby” . more news. Aloha. structors Clinic that was held March This must have been “ South of the 17-18-19 at the Winthrop Hotel in Ta­ Border” month. JANE CAPIZZI was ALAMEDA COUNTY CHAPTER coma. sporting a nice tan having just re­ Eleanor Alford, Reporter turned from La Paz after two weeks If anyone flying just south of Mt. WESTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER of sun, fun and fishing. DR. and DORI Diablo will look down into the beau­ Priscilla Cook, Reporter LOHR were reported to be in Mexico tiful Livermore Valley, he will see the This is the best time for a vacation and BONNIE and 49V4ER BRAD were airport with LIVERMORE newly to find the sun and some of our mem­ vacationing in Bara De Navidad, Mexi­ painted in 40’ letters on the taxiway bers did just that! co having flown there in their Skylane in bright yellow. UNICON and directly TERRY KELLOGG spent some time by way of Tucson. underneath EL. 397 are written in 20’ in Honolulu in January visiting friends. Two happy 99’s are LOU WICKS and letters. In February DAVE and TERRY flew BEV SAXON with brand new instru­ We originally scheduled the air­ to Southern California where they ment ratings, at last report both were marking project for the first weekend were joined by LES and ILOVENE working hard on their “Good House­ in March but were rained out. How­ POTTER (Greater Seattle Chapter). keeping Seal of Approval” . ever some of the layout committee TERRY and ILOVENE enjoyed visit­ Until next month . . . leaving this worked between showers to get the ing the Palomar Chapter at their reg­ frequency! ball rolling. The weather report for

April, 1970 — 41— the second weekend was for showers group flew to Houston, visited Nasa, the end of Feb. We saw from start also, but actually we finished the lay­ the Astrodome and other points of in­ (through pictures) to finish the process out between showers on Saturday. terest. Then the group observed the of making topographical maps. Sure Sunday loomed bright and warm in total eclipse of the sun at 41,000’ over made us appreciate what we get for spite of the earlier reports. We were the Gulf of Mexico. only 50c. In and about the Chapter there at 8:00 a.m. EDNA BAKER is JOAN and BILL PAYNTER are the we have had a busy flying month, too. solely responsible for the M, JAUNDA excited owners of a new plane—an LORETTA GABRIELSON is checked BIGELOW chose the I, and HIALEAH E33 Bonanza. They recently flew to out in a Cessna 150 for local flights— REILICH’S daughter, EILEEN, claim­ San Diego with their two children and but hopes are high. BARBARA LA ed exclusive rights to one of the R’s. spent a weekend resting and sight­ POINT is checking out in a 182. She The rest of us painted at random and seeing. took a trip over the New Year’s holi­ we finished the job about 2 p.m. MARIANNE LAXAGUE has made day in her trusty 120 to Bakersfield, There were about 20 workers on the several business trips around the state. Salton Sea, and Apple Valley. SHE job most of the time, and also an in­ MARIANNE says the best part of her and BOB celebrated their 20th Anni­ quisitive, friendly audience. Prospec­ job is when her employers want to versary on the trip. tive 99 members came to see what fly someplace. Flying the Cessna 205 ROSE SHARP reports with good was up, and left their names for fu­ is much better than sitting at a desk weather at last the old log book’s get­ ture meetings. JIM BRIANS, airport all day. ting fatter by the hour. Finally got manager, was out to see the work in LORETTA and PASCO GRANT flew over to the Nut Tree—the last of the progress. JIM has endeared himself to Porterville recently and then flew class to get there but it was worth to our members with his enthusiastic to Tehachapi to visit their son who the wait. She tried a few loops in the help to our 99 chapter. He has attended is employed on a ranch in the area. new Cessna Aerobat—real fun. JOYCE some of our functions, invited us to JUNE EDWARDS, president of WELLS found an un-soggy day to zip use the airport buildings for meetings, CAEA, attended the annual Air Youth down to Monterey—would have made etc., and of course, his help on the Day held at El Toro Marine Base on it to Fresno but the left mag gasped airmarking project was invaluable. March 14. June along with the presi­ and gave up so there they sat. Oh The Livermore Valley Airman’s dent of the Southern Section of CAEA well we’ll have more clear days. Association (LVAA) president, JERRY presented scholarships and awards GAIL LANE leaves the 16th of ST. LEDGER-BARTER was there based on competitive examinations to March for a trip to Malaga, Spain for every minute, mixing the paint and various students. Among the scholar­ two weeks. She has promised to give seeing that supplies kept flowing ships awarded were two four-year en­ us a blow by blow description on her smoothly. The FLYING PARTICLES gineering scholarships given by North- return. Speaking of far off travels, sent some of their members to help rup Institute of Technology, scholar­ MARGE FAUTH retired at the end of also, but so many belong to the LVAA ships awarded by Airline Schools Pa­ Feb. and is leaving April 5 for six that it was hard to distinguish who cific, an A & P scholarship by Ameri­ months in Australia. She will travel was from which group. can Air Lines. Other awards were also to and from by freighter. Tour the At any rate we all had a blast! given. interior and North Coast sections, MARFREDA COFFIN was chairman At our last meeting MR. WILLIAM along with visiting friends on the East of the project. Not to rest on our A. DRUM, Director of Airports for Coast. She also hopes to stop in New laurels, GLADYS COBB, chairman of Kern County spoke to us on long- Zealand. Best Wishes for a happy trip the AC99’s, said we were now to look range plans for Kern County airports. MARGE. forward to airmarking projects for He pointed out that private flying still MARY FIELDS took a 5% hr. flight Fremont and Hayward. moves the largest number of people to Indio in an S Model Bonanza. She We had our regular monthly business and accounts for the greatest number and her 49'/ier, RALPH, are looking meeting March 2 at MARFREDA of takeoffs and landings. for an airplane to buy after being COFFIN’S apartment in Springtown “grounded” for a year and a half. (Livermore). Airmarking, of course, HELEN KELTON witnessed the bap­ was the main topic of the evening, BAY CITIES CHAPTER tism of her first granddaughter—future but plans were discussed for a fund­ Kathy Marquardt, Reporter 99. She is still working on her A E raising project to bring our treasury There’s so much to tell this month Scholarship work. up. We also were invited by the Hay­ that I’m not sure I’ll have the space. Australia East opened early this ward Chamber of Commerce to help On March 14 we had our 38th Anni­ year welcoming MARGIE HALL who with the registering of pilots for their versary Dinner. We were privileged to stopped by long enough to attend our sponsored “Annual Hayward to Las have JACKIE SACHEN (Santa Clara Anniversary Dinner before flying off Vegas Air Race” . Valley Chapter) as our speaker. Her to visit our Australian 99’s. FRAN and topic was “Where Are You Going?”. NORM GRANT hope they will be see­ BAKERSFIELD CHAPTER We were pleased to have representa­ ing some of the Australian 99’s before the AWTAR and Convention. Last but Persis Webster, Reporter tives of the Alameda County Chapter, Redwood Empire, Santa Clara Valley, not least, a contingent from our Chap­ JAN CROOKS spent a most exciting, and MARGIE HALL of Cape Girar­ ter had a fun weekend in the snow interesting and informative weekend deau Area. We are proud to say we at MARGARET GERHARDT’S cabin recently. She participated in Mt. San are in our 39th year! at Tahoe. GERRY MICKELSON, Sac­ Antonio College’s "classroom in the We took a very interesting tour of ramento Valley, joined the group. sky on the weekend of March 7-8. The the Geological Survey in Menlo Park While there they took a side trip to

—42— April, 1970 Smith Valley, Nev. tp see the Ger- lengths, but not via the news as in uled to Oc(. 10th. See thp ad in this hardt Acres there. They had a picnic ether columns. “HAZEL, NOT ONLY Newsletter. TJie Interpationai Cook lunch and met FRAN and GUS GUS- THE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE, BUT Book will be a best seller for certain. TAVSON (Reno Area). We hope to EACH ISSUE SHOWS YOUR SPECIAL VI CHAMBERS entry is such a secret/ have another trip in the early sum­ TOUCH. A BEAUTIFUL JOB. PEP surprise that she can’t remember what m er for those of us who like the sun PILLS ARE ON THE WAY; DON’T was submitted! The two Lynn's are and 'rees a little less white. Easter RUN OUT OF STEAM. ANOTHER flying again, this time in the Angel vacation is upon us and I plan to fly, J03 WELL DONE.” Derby. LYNN COULTHARD and fly, fly . . . and move to a new apart­ The Chairman handling the impor­ LYNN BRIGGS (SD) have teamed up ment. Enough said? tant job of Legislation Advisory is to fly from Toronto in May. ECV Chap­ DALE GRAVES just called to say HARRIET ALLEN. Briefly, do you— ter now meets the second Wednesday she attended San Joaquin Valley Chap­ write your Representatives — it does of each month. Please pass go and ter’s Anniversary dinner and was count. Be brief, courteous, reasonable. correct your Membership Directory delighted to hear CLAIRE WAL­ Do not threaten, compliment if pos­ immediately. Then do as HAZEL TERS speak. I understand RUTH sible. (One subject per letter.) In the ADVISES: BE ACTIVE, GET IN­ RUECKERT also made the trip over. firs! paragraph, state the subject and VOLVED, HAVE FUN, SHARE IT Happy Flying until next month. your posidon on it. In second para­ AND I SAY FLY-BYE! graph state reasons for >our position. EL CAJON VALLEY CHAPTER Telephone calls to local offices are LOS ANGELES CHAPTER Boo Christensen, Reporter good, but no copy. For fast messages, Ann IyOdwig, Reporter send a Western Union “ Public Opinion DOTTIE SANDERS is the name to Message”. (15 words for $1.00) The A note of apology: I missed the remember for the next International telegram can be sent only to elected deadline for the last issue, so this re­ Treasurer. Even though election of officials. port includes news from February and new International Officers is not until March. Sorry about that. CONTACT HARRIET, PAGE 119 IN fall, the combined promotion efforts As for those of you curious to know THE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY, of Palomar, San Diego and ECV about telekinesis, mentioned as a FOR ADDRESSES OF WHOM TO Chapters will undoubtedly elect this possible explanation for VIRGINIA WRITE OR ADDITIONAL DOC­ vivacious gal. But, remember please, SHOWERS' repeated success with the UMENT REFERENCES. PLEASE YOU—the voter must mail that bal­ one-armed bandits in Las Vegas, it is WRITE. THE CURRENT CASE OF lot! defined as “ the apparent production THE PIE-IN-THE-SKY OR THE UP­ DOTTIE is an active pilot. Her of motion in objects by a spiritual SIDE-DOWN WEDDING CAKE, RE­ home, Sander's Ranch-Aero, with its medium without apparent contact or FER TO: 14 CFR PARTS 1, 91 DOCK­ taxi strip direct to Gillespie Field is other physical means.” A good trick ET NO. 988, NOTICE 69-41B. FOR filled with flying momentos she and if you can manage it. (Ed. Note: PARAGRAPH 2 USE SOME SPECI­ 49%er BOB have gathered. The lay­ Thanks, ole buddy.) FIC ROUTE SUCH AS GOING TO out of the house is such that it com ­ VAN NUYS, SANTA BARBARA, S.F., Well, the Los Angeles gals really mands a view of the airstrip from all were up and away with the New Year. ESTIMATE NUMBER OF TIMES points. The radio is automatically The chapter was ably represented at PER YEAR YOU GO THERE, DE­ tuned to the tower at Gillespie for Orange County’s Picture Hunt, with TAIL WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, pleasurable listening. the team of HALDIS RAUCHFUS and DANGERS IN/OVER WATER March Flight for the Chapter was a VIRGINIA SHOWERS flying away FLIGHTS ETC. IF YOU HAVE A picture hunt organized by DOTTIE. with the first prize in a C-172. Our PRACTICAL, REASONABLE SOLU­ This navigation exercise is a fun way spot - landing champion, RACHEL TION, BY ALL MEANS OFFER IT. to sharpen ones navigation and ac­ BONZON, came in second in the spot- BERNICE STEADMAN AND 99’S ARE curate chart work. LYNN COUTHARD landing contest at Imperial Airport. ASKING FOR ARRIVAL AND DE­ filled her plane with 3 sets of eyes: She was flying Claire Walters’ PARTURE CORRIDORS AS PER LYNN BRIGGS (SD Chapter) and C-172 and was accompanied by our MILITARY CORRIDORS. Road Runners DORIS and CHUCK newest member, Chapter Scholarship TAYLOR. VI and LARRY CHAM­ Hostess AILEEN FREEMAN at the winner DORIS ROBERTSON, and BERS, ISABELLE McCRAE, DOTTIE March meeting showed films of her Rachel’s son and daughter-in-law who SANDERS, MARGE and BRUCE 6 week trip with 4914 ER AL thru have recently returned from Chile. BROWN, DORIS RICHEY and young­ Tokyo, Taipei, Bangkok, Saigon, Singa­ DOROTHY LIMBACH competed in sters were among those participating. pore, Indonesia and Vietnam to visit her C-172 with SALLY LA FORGE son FRANKIE. Since January, passen­ Welcome to 99’s CODY WATKINS and BEULAH KEE along to add to ger time has built up with trips to and LILLIAN DOWNS. Welcome to the fun. Our thanks to the Orange ECV. LILLIAN received her license in New York, Connecticut, New Orleans, County Chapter for the organization September and since she flies out of Hawaii, and Mexico City. Best trip of and morale to overcome adverse Gillespie she transferred. CODY has all, the 172 flight to Arizona. In Jan­ weather and provide such fun and been a pilot since December. uary AILEEN coordinated a five games. The admiration from this area to plane safari with necessities, includ­ HALDIS RAUCHFUS, VIRGINIA NEWSLETTER EDITOR HAZEL for ing blankets and toys to Baja Calif. SHOWERS, and TILLIE ELEMENTS the extra touches and sayings in the FLIGHT FLURRIES: The PAR battled 30-40 knot headwinds to attend Newsletter has been sent out via wave RACE in October has been resched­ the San Luis Obispo Chapter’s char-

April, 1970 - 43- tering ceremonies. TILLIE reported again this year with almost 50% more Plane facility. She was given the task the evening at the Madonna Inn was people attending. If the demand for of drawing the winning ticket for the a great success, although these three this program is sustained at this level evening's door prize and managed to gals arrived by a somewhat circuitous on an annual basis, the two chapters draw her own. Now there’s a gal we’d route. It seems they dropped in at certainly have a winning project. like to see more of! JO ANN STEIERT has her private pilot's rat­ Paso Robles first! ? To two of our members, the heartiest THELMA and NORMAN SMITH en­ congratulations and best wishes on ing and flies for fun mostly out of Van Nuys Airport. NORMA FUTTER- joyed a lovely flight out to Lake their respective marriages. The for­ MAN is also a private pilot who Havasu and back. THELMA reported mer JOAN SCHMIDT is now JOAN learned to fly at Santa Monica and is this was a trip they had been hoping FOSSLER and has, I understand, set an enthusiastic fly-for-fun aviatrix. to make for a long time, and Havasu up housekeeping with her new husband KATY BOYD, recently of Florida, is lived up to their expectations. THEL­ aboard a boat in the Venice Marina. currently Director of Operations at MA has been very busy lately with And DOROTHY LIMBACH is now Aviation Training Enterprises (A.T.E.) all her committee work. She served MRS. DAVID PEPIN. MR. PEPIN is of California, located on the Santa on the Southwest Section Amelia Ear­ merchandising manager at Minuteman Monica Airport. This school trains hart Scholarship Committee, has been Mailers in Los Angeles and is an en­ pilots for instrument and ATR ratings our representative to the California thusiastic private pilot. And as if that Council of Aviation Associates, and is news were not enough, congratulations oniy. KATY learned to fly in 1964, and serving a second year as the State are in order to HALDIS RAUCHFUS she now holds the following ratings: ATR, ASELS, MEL, CFIA-I, CGIA-I, Membership Chairman of the Califor­ who has become engaged to MEL nia Aerospace Education Association RICHARDS. MR. RICHARDS operates and she is an aircraft dispatcher to boo*. On top of all that, she is build­ (C.A.E.A.). As a result of her contri­ Sky Cruisers at Van Nuys Airport as ing a Pitts Special which she hopes butions to the C.A.E.A. she and Nor­ well as a computer company. This man joined the annual “ Classroom in happy couple are planning to be mar­ to have flying by May 1. Now there’s a go-getter! We hope to see more of the Sky” organized by Mt. San An­ ried in the air, where else? tonio College for the first weekend in all these gals in the months ahead. March. Participants in this program Back to more mundane news, our As for recent flying activities, we boarded a chartered United Airlines March meeting at Claire Walters’ learned from JEAN IVANOFF that DC-8 and viewed the eclipse of the Flight Academy was attended by she has been making frequent trips sun at 41,000 feet and at almost the members JEAN IVANOFF, LYNNE to Mexico in a C-206. RACHEL (BON­ speed of sound, giving the class a OPPER, DOROTHY LIMBACH ZON) and ROBBIE (DORIS ROBERT­ minute more of viewing time than was PEPIN, BEULAH KEE, SALLY LA SON) flew the “ Red Bairn” to Apple possible on the ground. The flying FORGE, TILLIE KLEMENTS, VIR­ Valley for breakfast as part of the classroom continued on to the Cape GINIA SHOWERS, THELMA SMITH, Crescent Bay Flyers February 15 Kennedy Space Center and a special RACHEL BONZON, and ANN LOD- fly-in. They then flew in formation tour of this 88,000 acre complex. WIG. Three members, HALDIS with other C-150’s to Soggy Dry Lake While there the group saw Apollo 13 RAUCHFUS, CAROL LEWIS, and for a day of flour bombing and spot- assembled for the next trip to the CONNIE FRALEIGH arrived late in landing contests. The chapter is going moon. The 139 members of the group the evening after representing the to have an entry this year in the IAR. then took off for Houston, where they chapter at the Santa Monica City Those active Golden Birds HALDIS stayed overnight at the Astroworld Council Meeting. On their agenda was RAUCHFUS and VIRGINIA SHOW­ Hotel. The following day they were a discussion of City Manager Perry ERS are off in their C-172 to try their treated to an early tour of the Astro­ Scott’s Master Plan that would phase skill in the Toronto to Nassau race dome, a Harbor Channel boat trip to out operations on Santa Monica Air­ May 4-6. see the historic San Jacinto battle­ port and replace the airport with a field where the battleship “ Texas” is high-rise office building complex. It RACHEL BONZON has done a Her­ a national shrine. It was then on to seems the fight to keep this airport culean task in assembling a coherent NASA’s Space Center and a special is never won, but the gals reported history of the Los Angeles Chapter. tour there which completed the edu­ that the argument is still open with The chapter was started in 1932 and cation aspect of this remarkable pro­ most Council members favoring con­ is the Grandmother of the Southwest gram. The group had enough stamina tinued operation of the airport. The Section. The history is fascinating and remaining to attend the rodeo at the chapter intends to do its best to repre­ we hope a copy will be available for Astrodome before flying back to Los sent a segment of the aviation com­ perusal at the Sectional in April for Angeles. As THELMA said in one of munity at these hearings in the hope all of you who would like to know those understatements of the year, that an articulate presentation of the a little more about those earlier days. “An unforgettable experience.” arguments in favor of the airport will Our thanks to RACHEL for giving us help the Council members realize the this grand adventure into our past. At the last count, 141 people were need and benefits from not just con­ paid participants at the Flight In­ tinued airport operation, but active RACHEL has also been busy with structor Revalidation Clinic held at her Wing Scouts and reports they are support of their airport. the Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica. an enthusiastic group. She has started We joined forces with the Long Beach We were delighted to welcome four them on basic ground school and has Chapter to organize this clinic last guests to our March meeting. MARY elicited enthusiastic pledges of their year when we had 99 (!) registrants. VAN OSDEL is working on her private help at our airlift in June. That’s right, The two chapters sponsored the clinic ra'ing at the Santa Monica Lease-A- gals, w e’re doing it again at Santa

-44- April, 1970 Monica Airport Days, June 13 and 14. been flying on skis lately. She has a ESTHER is on her first job as an in­ Our committees are firming up ex­ beautiful suntan—already—at least on structor and the student that was with citing plans for the Southwest Section’s some parts of her. Are you that brown her swears by her skill. He was so Fall Sectional Meeting. Specific hints all over M ARY? impressed with her ability to get him about the delights in store for those One of our newer members, HELEN and the Cessna 150 down without a attending will be found in the next DAVIS, recently filed papers to run scratch he immediately signed up for edition of the Ninety-Nine News. for the Monterey Airport Board—good a schedule for the next day. Congratu­ luck HELEN. lations ESTHER, on both the new job Well girls, I hope to see lots of you and rating and your soft field savvy. MONTEREY BAY CHAPTER in Toronto for the Angel Derby. Nas­ Now I hope that the first part of Dolores Boyman, Reporter sau sounds fabulous! this report doesn’t chill anyone . . . Our last meeting was held at it’s just that Orange County is a very AUDRY MORANDA’S home and a large and active chapter . . . and this ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER couple of our girls modeled our P.P.D. was just one of those months! I think Virginia Flanary, Reporter hostess outfits. We’ve all been busy that skill and intelligence was used sewing and the results are gorgeous! There seems to be a time for every­ to handle these situations and it really MORE THANKS FOR P.P.D. FI­ thing. Don’t know exactly what it was showed up. All these girls are adept NANCIAL ASSISTANCE GO TO THE with this month but hope the trend is and APT! MONTEREY PENINSULA AIRMEN’S over. The high winds buffeted the air­ There were many other travelers. ASSOCIATION; SANTA CLARA VAL­ craft of Orange County and there was MARGARET and VERN BOLTON, LEY 99S; PALOMAR 99S; SAN DI­ some damage done. ELIZABETH their daughter and grandson visited EGO 99S; AND THE EL CAJON SHATTUCK’S Mooney came through Great-great-grandmother in Abilene. CHAPTER OF THE 99S. the storm O.K. and checked out ready THON and GEORGE GRIFFITH to CONNIE HOOD reported on her to go. After a pleasant flight ELIZA­ New Orleans. LUCILLE and BOB recent adventures. She ferried a BETH reported downwind to land . . . WAY have a little house in San plane to Norfolk, Virginia via Texas, then . . . OOPS! The landing gear Quinten to flutter back and forth to. Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky, wouldn’t go down, either with the SHIRLEY TANNER and MADGE then made two trips to Wichita bring­ normal one hand action or a two- JOHNSON flew to Palm Springs but ing back a new plane each time. She handed try! She left the pattern, went would not tell too much about the trip says there was lots of snow, blizzards out over the boondocks, gained alti­ so the rest of you will just have to and ice storms. The weather was tude, put on the automatic pilot . . . ask them for details. (That’ll fix you much better, however, when she flew and the tug of war was on. Finally guys!) The NASH’S and the RINE­ to Cedros Island and Mulege. with both feet and much sweat enter­ HARTS had a bit of fun joining the Skylarks on their poker run. CONNIE and husband, AL, have ing the action she managed to get been working hard to get Carmel Val­ wheels. The theory is that the wind Guests at our last meeting were ley Airport open for business by May. jammed things up with sand! HYLA BERTEA, a prospective mem­ They plan to have a unicorn, rental MARA CULP returned from her trip ber, HANA HENDRICKSON’S friend cars, their own charter service (a 4 to Puerto Rico with tales to tell about ANEITA STATON, HELEN CRANZ place Skylane and a 6 place Super her single engine Navajo. Fuel lines for a first time meeting towards mem­ Skylane, 206) and bicycles for you broke, first on one side which was bership we hope, RUTH PHILLIPS’ overweight or just plain ambitious fixed, and then the other side went. daughter VALERIE, and RUTH CON­ people. Best of all—looks like we’ll be At least things were consistent. NOLLY from the Palomar Chapter. having another airmarking party! And then there was MARGO and Newport Skyways scurried and made Our own GENEVA CRANFORD HARRY SMITH who went airport hop­ us a comfortable place among their flew to Las Vegas to meet a cousin ping through Mexico. Through Baja construction to give us facilities for from the mid-west, while GERI HALF­ de Los Angeles, Mulage, and Buena showing films. The boys from Brackett PENNY flew to Salt Lake City. Vista, MARGO reports good strips and had loaned us “Wake Turbulence”, GERI and husband, NORM, spent a services. The only thing that troubled “The Aerobat” and “Thunderbirds” week (away from the kids) at Park her was the fact that it would have for an evening’s good variety of edu­ City, Utah where they took their very been easier to land at strange air­ cation and entertainment. first ski lessons. ports without the additional burden of GEORGIA KNOWLTON has finally This writer was very happy to see a Tach that had broken down! received word that she’s going to re­ GERI return home in one piece—we'll I went up to have lunch (I have to gain full use of her arm and be free be flying in the Angel Derby! include ME in this report somewhere) of the contrivances she has been fas­ HELEN SHROPSHIRE made a re­ at the Fullerton airport with ESTHER tened to. On another hand TERRY cent trip to LaPaz then to Puerto GRUPENHAGEN and found that she DARCH has taken over the sleeve Vallato to confer with ZOE DELL was late coming in. Thought this very fashion spot by being trussed in a tin NUTTER on the P.P.D. unusual for ESTHER so nosed around man sort of thing to repair improper LOAN HUSTED flew to Clear Lake and found her in the middle of a mending of an arm she had broken and DELL HINN took a female type plowed field next to the airport. En­ a few months ago. Both girls have prisoner to Corona. DELL’S still tow­ gine quit on downwind and to avoid been blue being grounded, perhaps ing and flying gliders. tangling with the Edison company they should get together and work up MARY PAINTER passed her com­ property that drapes the boundary of a pilot-co-pilot sort of thing to manage mercial written and I understand she’s the airport she chose the field. one set of controls.

April, 1970 - 45— While we’re making the hospital cruiting office as an advertising a4- CLINIC. INSTRUCTORS FROM OUR rounds it’ll have to be said DARLENE visor. BERNICE DEERING flew Jo OWN WERE RUBY SHELDON, BRUNDAGE has been in and out and San Francisco with husband, KEN, BRUNI BRADLEY AND JESSIE is feeling better. HANA HENDRICK­ to attend the Western States Sheriff’s WIMMERS. SON demands a little more recogni­ Ac ro-Squadron installation dinner. The Phoenix Planned Parenthood tion. She has had her tonsils out for They also flew to Alamogordo, New Auxiliary held their annual event in the second time and she is willing Mexico, for a family reunion. the hangar at Mercury Aviation. For to show her scars to anyone who asks. There were 19 members and guests those of us who fly it was ar unusual Poor, poor, HANA. at our Palm Springs meeting, Mar. sight to see 500 people in evening Members at large have been con­ 14. JEAN PATANE, Coachella Chap­ clothes in the hangar, tut two good tacted. DARLENE BRUNDAGE gave ter Chairman, was there. I wasn’t, bands, plenty of snacks and three of ELEANOR McCONVILLE a call because we were weekending at our Mercury’s airplanes made us all feel while in Mexico and MARA CULP mobile home at Riviera, Ariz., on the quickly at home. One of the airplanes hunted up CLARA LIVINGSTON in Colorado River. was the Cessna 150 flown by Becky Peurto Rico. More fun with carrying a- Our next fly-in will be Sunday, Mar. Beaudoin and Sue Harper in the Pa­ roster along on travels. 22, at Apple Valley Inn for brunch cific Air Race. Among the 99’s attend­ We are tickled to hear that EDNA at 11:00 a.m. Our next meeting will ing the event were SUE HARPER, 3TENNETT, one of our very best either be at Imperial or Yuma Air­ BETTY WIXON, MARY BATTY, friends has had her physical renewed port. CHARLOTTE GRAHAM and BETTY and is doing some flying, among her PAM VAN DER LINDEN reported SMITH. SUE and BETTY kindly flew many other activities down in Romo- that the Powder Puff Derby post cards guest artisan SASCHA BRASTOFF land. Fly in someday for lunch ED­ will be ready this week. She will mail back to Santa Monica after the event. NA, we miss you. some to each chapter and will bring MELBA BEARD worked diligently We're going to miss KAY MALLICK. many to our Sectional meeting in on the Annual Antique Fly-In held MARGO took a farewell flight with April. The cards are printed through at Marana Airport, and of course it her the other day. From now on when the courtesy of the Aero Publishers, was a great success. you beam in on the omni at McCook, Fallbrook, Cal., and are available JUDY and FRANK URBAN will be Nebraska give your wings a waggle from Pam. She has thousands of moving to Colorado Springs, Colorado lor KAY. them—like she did last year. They’re this month. We’ll see you all at the Spring sec­ real handy to have to mail, instead EVELYN and KEITH SASSER at­ tional at San Jose, and here’s wishing of writing letters enroute, for all the tended the Annual Cotton Council in clear skies for the Angel Derby girls. contestants. (Ed. note: Pam—what is Atlanta. the status of the avocado crop this MILLIE DAWE and KENNETH are year. My mouth is all set for some the proud parents of a baby boy born PALOMAR CHAPTER more like last summer!) February 9th. Esther Whitt, Reporter VIRGINIA HASH, CHARLOTTE Everyone had a fabulous time at GRAHAM and RUTH REINHOLD PHOENIX CHAPTER Kino Bay, Mexico. Ate turtle tacos! flew on the annual Flying Farmers Becky Beaudoin, Reporter Even tried baby eels and squid— Tour with members of the Arizona needless to say they were unaware of Airmarking at Sierra Estrella Sail- State Government. what they were eating till later. Those port was the project for March for the attending were WANDA and DEAN Phoenix 99’s. It was such fun we can HENO AREA CHAPTER MILLER and IVY WALTER as pas­ hardly wait to mark Sun Up Airport Jo Cromwell, Reporter senger in their Mooney. PAT and at Harquthela Valley, our next NELL CONNOLLY and PAT’S brother project. By the time you see this in print the in Cherokee 235. PAM and VICTOR MARY and GEORGE VIAL are on snow may be gone but I’ll put it in VAN DER LINDEN in their new Bel- a flying trip to Mexico. anyhow. lanca. MARY and BRAD PEARSON BETH USSHER recently returned Fly from Reno Municipal to Tahoe— took AGNES LANGEVIN and former from New York City. land on the lake—The ski lifts are 75 99 LOIS KLEINSCHMIDT and hus­ DALE and AGGIE LILJEGREN yards from the dock. Your pilot, band MIKE in their Piper Apache. recently flew to Tucson to meet rela­ MIKE BROWN, 49%er of LOIS MARY PEARSON is working on her tives . . . wound up giving sightseeing BROWN who flew the Powder Puff multi-engine rating. WANDA CUM­ tours for them. Derby in 1966 in a Twin Comanche, MINGS is ecstatic over having passed For our February meeting MARY finished 10th. LOIS was co-pilot. They the IFR written and is now flying LOU BROWN arranged for a special have a package deal for three days every waking moment to get her rat­ program on search and rescue by the mid-week. $14 per person per day. ing in time to go Powder Puffing. 302nd Air Rescue Squadron from Luke Call Cal Vada Aircraft Inc. 786-6881. RUTH and JOE KNEIFEL enjoyed Air Force Base. Since it was of inter­ Our Feb. meeting was held at the beautiful Arizona weather with a est to the men, we brought our Valen­ ELAINE BROWN’S lovely home in weekend at Scottsdale and a side trip tines, the 49%ers along to enjoy the Reno. LOIS WILLIAMS, her leg en­ to Flagstaff. MARY MOONS received program with us. cased in a cast, was among those a citation from Air Force Recruiting THE PHOENIX AOPA CLINIC present. Others attending were PHYL­ MASTER SERGEANT GUY DENI- WAS A SUCCESS . . . MANY AT­ LIS AHLSWEDE, LOIS BROWN, COLA for assisting local U.S.A.F. re­ TENDED OR DROVE FOR THE DORIS EACRET, FRAN GUSTAV-

April, 1970 en bones (see last issue) I have been getting acquainted with our newly acquired airplane—Mr. Piper’s de­ lightful J 3 Cub. Now that is really flying! It’s just great. I realize this probably isn’t news to most of you, but for those of us who haven’t tried it, it’s quite a discovery. If you have to be somewhere an hour ago, I wouldn’t recommend it but for just making like a bird you can’t beat it. It would have been great to have learned to fly in the early days of aviation and watched it grow up from the inside, so to speak, as GUS and FRAN GUSTAVSON did. Just the oth­ er day a beautifully restored Travel- air landed here. GUS thought he rec­ ognized it and looked through the log books. Sure enough, there was his sig­ nature dated 1939. He flew many char­ ters in it. Of course I’m rather Phoenix 99’s painting Estrella Sailport showing the layout of E S and 2 4. enamoured of history anyway — old things fascinate me. (Me - too — Ed.) Household hint to airplane scrub­ bers: Use nylon net. It takes off the bugs without scratching the finish. Also very good for removing paint that has been softened with paint remover. Doesn’t ruin the aluminum finish be­ neath the paint so you can polish it if you are so inclined. Happy Springtime!

REDWOOD EMPIRE CHAPTER Nina Rookaird, Reporter Our Chapter’s last two meetings planned for Stockton had to be can­ celled due to weather problems. So twice again our meetings were held at our stand-by spot, Jonesy’s Res­ HI I 2 or JOE STORM, AGGIE LILJEGREN, ANN MOUSER, ANNOU ORABIER, taurant at Napa. Next time we will VIVIENNE DRABIER, DIANE LOVEIJVDY, JUANITA NEWELL, MARGY try for all of twenty miles away and CROWL, SUZAN STORM, SUE HARPER, MARY McPHERSON, SUSIE hope to fly to Buchanan Field in Con­ McPh e r s o n , b e t h u s s h e r , v i c k y g ib s o n , c h r i s t y s t o r m , Ke n ­ cord. We hope a new choice will im­ d a l l HARPER, DEBBIE RANDALL, CAROLINE HARPER. prove the weather. Members and guests attending were PAT STOUFFER, JAN­ ET MEYERS, ANITA WOREL, MYR- SON, ELAINE BROWN and JO railroaded committee chairmen and TYLE WRIGHT, LOUISE RAMSEY, CROMWELL. We voted to send $80.00 assigned various tasks and generally BETTE SMITH and NINA ROOKAIRD. to the Powder Puff Derby. got things rolling. We worked on plans for the coming We got a letter from our Section Our Proposal to race with Salt Lake flying months. We also commiserated Chairman, ALBERTA NICHOLSON. Chapter to Elko was very cordially with MYRTLE WRIGHT who had the acknowledged by the Elko Chamber She complimented us on being repre­ misfortune to be one of ten losers of of Commerce. We have tentatively sented in the newsletter regularly. radios locally. set the date for August 8. Registra­ (Ahem!) Come on reporters, lets get We tricked the weather by having tion by 4 p.m. Aug. 7. So if you are 100% participation. a get-together at NINA ROOKAIRD planning to be around here then, join I heard from the Amelia Earhart and her 49% DICK’S home one Sat­ in. This race has one requirement, Scholarship board that my application urday. All were to bring any of their everyone must have fun! Kits will be had been forwarded for international pictures connected with aviation. We available sometime in May. I’ll keep consideration. (It’s hard to instruct started about three in the afternoon, you posted. with your fingers crossed.) stopped for dinner and finished the The March meeting was in Fallon, While the other girls have been va­ pictures several hours later. It was a at FRAN GUSTAVSON’S home. We cationing and skiing and nursing brok­ lot of fun. We found we have some

April, 1970 —47— excellent photographers in the group. I don’t know what Bakersfield has The meeting centered around nomina­ Those attending were: PAT STOUF- that we haven’t got (hmmm, a fantab- tions for international and sectional of­ FER, OLIVE ARGON, MYRTLE ulous airport facility, for one thing!) ficers, a progress report and discus­ WRIGHT, JACK TAYLOR, ANITA but both THELMA CULL and SHIR­ sions of the 1970 Pacific Air Race and and JACK WOREL, BETTY a id DICK LEY LEHR ended up down there one a memorium to the San Diego Aero­ WORSTELL, JANET MEYERS, THEL­ weekend—but for different reasons— space museum in memory of Mr. A. V. MA and CAL CAMDEN. CAL has THELMA flying with NEIL in their Verville, famed airplane designer. given flying instruction to most of the Tri-Pacer and SHIRLEY transporting PAT OSMON is grinning from ear to members of our Chapter. hubby ERNIE in a Cessna—didn’t hear ear over the high scores she just re­ Your reporter and 49% Dick drove what kind. And I do know what Mex­ ceived on her instructor’s written; it (weather again!) down to San Luis ico City has that we haven’t got and was the first time she had taken it too. Obispo for the new Chapter installa­ RUTH and AL WAGNER are down Congratulations Pat! tion. Congratulations to them in their there for a couple of weeks finding out. Catalina Island seems to be the new venture. GINNY TOWNSEND is flying without place to go lately. BONNIE and Time to go flying! wings again and crooning over the lat­ STEVE ADAMS, MARTHA and JOHN est addition to her “ grandmother MULLEN, and CAMILLA and BOB bracelet” . HUTSON have all been there recently. SACRAMENTO CHAPTER Winter along the California Coast can MARIE and JACK LEWIS spent the Audrey Snovel, Reporter be an exhilarating experience as eight weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona and Heavens to Elizabeth, another month, of our intrepids found out recently. The commented that the Municipal Airport another newsletter! At our February Ladybugs picked a cloudless day to there was real great. BETTY and business meeting, LORRAINE HERY fly to Mendocino County and the Little CLAUDE WHARTON flew their Cessna and DEE OLSEN invited Sacramento River Inn for some of their famous 210 to Yuma for the weekend. tower operator “HANK” HANFORD? fresh Abalone. Although we were arm­ The El Cajon chapter is having a . . . no, HANSON? . . . er-r-r, no, ed with heavy sweaters for a cold sea picture hunt and LYNN COULTHARD “Hey, THELMA, that's HANCOCK!” breeze, the temperature must have of that chapter has invited LYNN Anyway, he's a great guy, and gave been near 80 and there was absolutely BRIGGS of our chapter to go with her. a great talk on tower operations and no breeze. Beachcombers DOROTHY They are also entering the Interna­ some of the trade secrets on expedit­ ANDERSON, DOROTHY HUNTLEY, tional Air Race. ing traffic and how we can help or hin­ and AUDREY SNOVEL returned to In asking various members to relate der, as the case (sometimes embaras- Sacramento with quite a bit of the Iheir flying activities of the month, I singly) might be. We also found out Mendocino sea shore in the baggage learned there has been relatively little that Sacramento ranks right up there compartments of their planes, although flying. It seems the time of the year with the busiest public aviation airports DOROTHY A. was quite morose at has something to do with it as does in the nation. It must be our superior not having found any Japanese ? the fact that Montgomery field is ex­ weather, because it sure "ain’t” t':e What ? ? Prospective member ARLENE tremely tom up due to the construc­ superior facilities. But we’re working CHRISTY flew with DOROTHY in a tion of a new runway and new build­ on that. Cessna 150, our Flying Activities Chais- ings and even the most proficient Mont­ PAT METHOT, a prospective mem­ man DEE OLSEN chose to go it alone gomery buffs can easily get lost. Other ber for our chapter (although the Mo­ in her 150, DOROTHY HUNTLEY, excuses for not flying were everything jave Desert will soon claim her as a MIRIAM BURCHAM, and MUFFY from the flu to working, taking Span­ transfer) arranged for our girls and flew with AUDREY SNOVEL in her ish lessons, the weather, studying for their pilot guests to experience the Spa­ Club’s Skyhawk, and “ GINNY and ratings, entertaining guests from out of tial Disorientation Chair at Mather WINNY” hopped in from Lincoln in a town, etc. It seems therefore that ev­ AFB. MAJOR KENNETH SHERWIN, Cessna 172. On the return flight AUD­ eryone is very busy even though it is a specialist in this area, gave an ex­ REY flew down the coast and circled not the kind of busy that fills up log cellent talk on the effects of disorien­ over DOROTHY HUNTLEY’s beauti­ books. tation and accompanied it with a spine- ful sheep ranch, just 3 miles East of tingling actual recording of a pilot and Point Reyes. They even have a little SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CHAPTER his two female passengers that had to strip swathed out on the hillside for Rochelle Jensen, Reporter be brought down through the “ stuff” their weekend flights in. from on top. They didn’t make it, be­ And that’s how it goes when you’re The San Fernando Valley Chapter cause of panic and complete disorienta­ lucky enough to have wings. of the 99’s joined the Valley Airmen for tion in the clouds. Those attending a Fun Day Sunday fly-in to California were MAXINE and LEO NORTHART, City on February 22nd. Participating SAN DIEGO CHAPTER CLAIRE and HARRY WOLLAM, in the fun were: HELEN SCHLEF- Camilla Hutson, Reporter THELMA (our Chairman) and NEIL STEIN, HELENE KASS, LIZ DINAN, CULL, DARLENE GILMORE, KAY The March meeting of the San Diego VIRGINIA RAINWATER, PAT HAL- MALCOLM (our newest member) and Chapter was called to order by Chair­ LET and guest BARBARA HALLETT, her husband, and MOLLY JOHANN- man, MARGARET MOODY at eight EDDIE WHITE, RAY and AUDREY SEN (I hear she navigates better in p.m. on the eve of St. Patrick’s Day SCHUTTE, JEANNE DAY, and DALE the sky than she does on land!). SHIR­ in the home of BARBARA THISTED. and ESTHER FLECK. LEY LEHR, our secretary, is in BARBARA carried out a St. Patrick’s March roared in like a sheepish lion charge of the next session at Mather, Day motif with her table decorations and found us on the 2nd at Sky Trails for those who couldn’t attend this one. and refreshments. Restaurant for our Chapter meeting

-48- April, 1970 ner. JEAN MURRAY also receives a vote of thanks for her grand decora­ tions. Fifteen couples arrived. MARIE MC­ DOWELL and ALAN brought 13 guests with them. Many of our girls and their 49%’s from the lower valley area arrived together on a bus. Among them were CHARLOTTE RYAN and BILL, MAR­ GARET ANDREWS and DON, EV HENDLEY and WALT, (EV is a Char­ ter member), and BILLIE WYATT’ and EDWIN (BILLIE is also a Charter Member). ROSIE HIJOS and PETE, CHARLENE and BOB KIRK brought two guests, LA VERNE and BOB GUD- GEL brought two guests, all from Chowchilla. DIANA KAUFMAN and her escort, Our chairman HELEN McGEE and HARVEY drove from Sonora area, HELEN presiding over the dinner and introducing our honored Guest speaker from Long Beach Chap­ ter and Vice Governor of the South West Section, CLAIRE WALTERS, who gave a very interesting talk on her ex­ periences in ferrying an Avis Rent-a- plane across the Pacific down to Aus­ tralia in the Spring of '66. After her talk she showed us her colored movies of the trip. Everyone enjoyed Aerial view of Hollywood-Btirbank Airport after airmarking by the San CLAIRE’s talk and want her to know Fernando Valley 99’s . . . isn’t it beautiful? ! ! how much we appreciate her taking time out from her busy schedule to do this for us. Among the rapt audi­ and hangar lying. Would you believe ELLEN TRINDLE, assisted by the ELLEN TRINDLE and PAT CANNON SCHUBERT FAMILY, made the 5th ence was RUTH RUECKERT and have each logged 10 minutes of honest Memorial Year presentation of the FRED. RUTH is Past International to-goodness Blimp tim e?! Mexico still TRIXIE ANN SCHUBERT AWARD for Treasurer and a member of the Bay heads the favorite place for a vacation service. First place was awarded to Cities Chapter of 99’s. We were happy list, with VIRGINIA RAINWATER and CHAIRMAN JEANNE DAY, second to have them both with us. SHIRLEY PAT CANNON joining the “ been there” place to JAN DREYFUS, and third to MILLER’S husband, GARY and JEAN crowd. Catalina is the place for the ROCHELLE JENSEN. BERNIE STEV­ MURRAY’S husband, HARLEY, both lunch bunch, with BEVERLY HARRIS, ENSON, AUDREY SCHUTTE, and EL­ made themselves very useful helping POLLY FLEMING, ROCHELLE JEN­ LEN TRINDLE presided over the pre­ their wives make this evening a suc­ SEN, and AUDREY SCHUTTE lead­ sentation of the WOMAN PILOT OF cess. EVELYN JOHNSON and spouse ing the way. Always popular, Las THE YEAR AWARD with JEAN WILr RICHARD also braved the downpour Vegas was graced by JAN DREYFUS EY walking off with the first place tro­ to attend this memorable evening. and BERNIE STEVENSON who at­ phy. Second place went to FLORANCE THELMA and ELWOOD HANSEN tended the Valentines Day wedding of STANTON GAST, third to VALLETA were the only ones to fly in this day. FLORANCE STANTON and TOM FRIEDMAN, fourth to MARGARET They made an instrument flight to GAST. Congratulation and much hap- WARD, and fifth to PAT CANNON. Stockton just 85 miles from San Car­ uiness to you both! Congratulations are certainly in order los. The plane was loaded and ready Our ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET for all these gals . . . they are real to depart for a two week vacation in was held on March 14th at Harlows winners! Palm Springs. Staying overnight with Restaurant, and a truly gala affair it That’s about it for this time, see you ELAINE and LEW SMITH in their was with 78 persons attending. We next month. lovely home was a pleasure for us. The were honored to have as our special following morning leaving Stockton and guests SOUTHWEST SECTION GOV­ SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER flying the complete trip to Palm ERNOR, ALBERTA NICHOLSON, and Thelma Hansen, Reporter Springs at 1000 ft. AGL. The weather her husband WALT. Other guests were Our gala “ 19th Charter Dinner” was was smooth and visibility 30 miles. DEL SCHUBERT and his children, held at the Stockton Exchange Club. Many hours of practice in our newly HEIDI, PATRICE, and NORMAN. Our The chairman of this dinner, SHIR­ STOL converted Skymaster was nearly Speaker was rone ether than BOB LEY MILLER, did a grand job ar­ completed on this vacation. With con­ BLODGETT' of Flying Magazine. ranging for this lovely room and din­ stant pounding from my 49% I was

April, 1970 — 49— SANTA CLARA VALLEY CHAPTER {£LE GUALANO, Southern California nearly able to tjrop fhe plare on the “ l , numbers. My problem was that I Bonnie L. Seymour, Reporter member, and sometime Santa Clara Valley Chapter visitor has been chosen couldn’t believe that I could lose alti­ The activity of our members has to fly with The Flying 20’s, the award tude fast enough at such a low speed shifted into MACH II frenzy. A big winning Collegiate Flying Team at and still land on the numbers. On our task, like hosting a Sectional, seems the next collegiate meet. ADELE is return home we both attended a three to bring out the best in the gals and a senior at San Jose State College. day ground school for Instrument really afford them a chance to work STAY CURRENT—GET APT. Training. My brain is now oozing in­ closely with one another. The members formation, pertinent and non pertin­ have really gone all out to make this ent to flying IFR. Sometime this week one of the best ever Sectionals. We SOUTHERN SIERRA CHAPTER I hope to pass my Instrument Written. promise you there won’t be a dull mo­ Kay Compton, Reporter RENEE and VAN NEALON and fam­ ment during the whole weekend. We Our great little group, which was ily flew to their Tahoe Chalet to cele­ thought we really had put together a chartered one year ago, is celebrating brate their married daughter, LYNN's package with the “ mostest for the its first birthday on Sunday, March birthday. The following day MAC and leastest” , when Alaska Transportation 22 with an “ Anniversary Luncheon” — DOROTHY McAllister flew up to Tahoe Co. and Aviation Center, Inc. offered Exactly one year to the day from our and joined RENEE for two days of to host a cocktail party Saturday night Charter Banquet in 1969. If this report skiing. prior to the banquet. That’s a surprise beats the news deadline—“ You all Our March meeting was held in no one was expecting and will be an Come! ” 49%ers included. The time is Chowchilla at CHARLENE KIRKS. especially nice “extra” for those of set for 1 o’clock at Porterville Airport; More information on this is forthcom­ you attending the convention. SEE YOU tie-down space and welcome at Coe ing. IN SAN JOSE—APRIL 24TH, 25TH, Aviation. Our season of great flying weather AND 26TH. For the past few months most of us is upon us. Just watch us chalk up Member IRENE LEVERTON has have stayed pretty close to home. We the hours this year. been busy this winter. She has been in­ have continued our monthly meetings strument instructing and got in 25 at the local airport, either for lunch, actual hours of IFR in January alone. business, or both. However, one for­ SAN LUIS OBISPO This gal has many talents, she easily tunate member, PHYLLIS TAGGART COUNTY CHAPTER transitions from instrument instructing and husband, made it down to the Car- Waiula Sfrasshtirg, Reporter to pleasure aerobatic flying, and to fill ribean (by airliner). They arranged a rendezvous with friends—plus Com­ Deadlines come and go but March in a little extra time, flys the Zero- anche—in Mexico City and spent elev­ really caught this reporter. Nothing Zero landing system simulator at Aim­ en days doing their own flying around. ever slips up on our Chairman, WAN­ es NASA. In her "spare” ? time she Fishing was the great sport and Phyllis DA EWING, however. She presents paints. Two of her recent paintings, came out tops with a 200-lb. marlin. each member attending meetings with portraits of Charles Lindberg and Ame­ What a haul! a printed agenda of the business at lia Earhart, were accepted by the We’re all looking forward to better hand. In case we don’t say it often San Jose Art League for a showing at weather and more activity. enough, WANDA Thank you! the Art Center. DOTY and DR. KARL KIRSCHNER Member MARION BARNICK, soloed are boasting the MOST beautiful Ces­ her son Bob in their Cessna 150 before UTAH CHAPTER sna 206 ever . . . along with the new he returned to college. She is busy Barbara Dunkley, Reporter KIRSCHNER son . . . that makes 1970 working on her multi rating in hers and February 19th found a group of us in a year to remember. 49%ERS Beach Baron. This reporter’s Salt Lake City attending a dinner meet­ daughter, LINDA took her first hour HAZEL and DICK JOHNSON are ing at Westminster College to discuss of dual on her 16th birthday this past now MEL-ing it in their newly-acquired forming a special group of 99’s to help fall and got in a few additional hours Aztec C. the Civil Air Patrol. MAJOR DON before the rainy weather set in. Now SHOCKEY was in charge of the meet­ Certainly, we all bask in the reflected she is taking the ground school class ing. Your reporter, for one, signed up, glory of the successes of our sister 99’s while she waits for the good Spring and three days later was called out to but we also would be remiss if we could flying weather. Linda claims she will shuttle some personnel to Milford not also enjoy hearing of the joyous chart the course and be chief naviga­ where a search was being conducted achievements of our families . . . a tor on our upcoming Easter trip to for two downed aircraft. LILA FIELD- huge congratulations to ROGER MOU­ Mulege, in Baja California. Ole! Mem- EN went along as my co-pilot and LIN, husband of our own CRISS, w':o der MARION BARNICK is going on the ELOISE WILCOX went in another has just acquired the rating of Airline South African 99 Air Safari and mem­ plane as an observer. Both planes were Transport Pilot. ber DOROTHY MOTTO has gone to found and the occupants were unin­ Anyone who hasn’t a copy of the Israel. We welcome JANET HITT, a jured. Monterey Chapter cookbook is missing transfer member from Hawaii. MARIA Those in attendance at the dinner many good things . . . STINEHELFER was pinned during meeting were TERI WOJCIK, LILA I shall close with a solemn pledge our January meeting, and PAT HAZ­ FIELDEN, ALBERTA NICHOLSON, to have a column plumb full of news ARD, and LAYNE HACKETT’ are also VIRGINIA WILKONSON, BARBARA next month . . . hopefully, who is fly­ new members. ELLIE BAILEY and BARLOW, ELEANORE IRVINE, JOAN ing what in the AWTAR this year from 49M>er enjoyed a trip to Phoenix in WILLIAMS, ELOISE WILCOX, BAR­ San Luis Obispo County Chapter. their newly acquired Cessna 172. AD- BARA DUNKLEY, NANCY REUU

- 50- April, 1970 \! 'x j > .1 ING, VIVIAN YARDLEY, DARLA Chapter was also our gueit. She was are a wonderful group, collectively and TOWNLEY and WILMA NICHOLS. in Utah on a skiing trip, and we were individually, ahd T afn proud to be a The following weekend found me certainly happy to have made her part of the operation. Now I know winging my way to Cedar City on a acquaintance. She is supervisor of the why Erma loves her job, even though simulated Civil Defense mission. Then adult education flight training program she is frequently buried in work clear the following mid-week I attempted to for Ohio State University. past her ears. fly to Price to look for another downed DONNA ODEKIRK is busy snowmo- There were times working 7 P.M. to plane, but was forced to land in Provo biling and rubbing her aches and pains, 7 A.M. during unsettled conditions when because of weather. but she says it’s lots of fun. it got a little spooky here in the dis­ ELOISE WILCOX has been tempor­ patch office, but knowing I had instant Our March meeting was held at the arily grounded because of carburetor help on the way at the touch of the home of BARBARA HANSON. Our problems, but hopes to be flying again mike was very comforting. Erma was guest speaker was Mr. John Haskew soon. managing the work of at least three of the F.A.A. who presented an in­ WILMA NICHOLS hasn’t done much efficient women and never lost her teresting film on air route traffic con­ cool. Of course, she and I are con­ trol. flying, but goes skiing every day at Alta. Her beautiful sun tan is a delight vinced they would never have been Our Governor, ALBERTA NICHOL­ to see. able to handle the situation without us, SON, advised the group that we have JOAN WILLIAMS is doing a beautiful we keep telling ourselves. It just goes been asked to transport human organs job of re-upholstering the inside of her to prove—you need a job done, call the between the donar ard recipient. This plane. She has done most of the work 99’s. (ED NOTE: This letter from sounds like a very worthwhile endeav­ herself and it really looks great. HELEN BECK was written during the or, and we’ll look into it more. U. C. of Santa Barbara Riots.) KAY HOWELLS took a commercial flight to Connecticut and back. SANTA BARBARA CHAPTER Margaret Meed, Reporter JANE PATTERSON reports that no Australian news is good news, but she took me Well, life is full of little surprises up in "Old Silly" for a local flight and and a few big ones. Little did I know Section hasn’t lost her touch. In fact, she’s when applying for rehiring as a senior/ quite good! clerk at the University of California, Santa Barbara for an 8-5 office job that TERI WOJCIK reports having had Marie Richardson, Reporter her in-laws here for a visit. She gets I would find myself working as radio dispatcher in Emergency Communica­ to fly “left seat” more often when they Unfortunately there is not very much tions for the Police and Fire Dept. are here, so enjoys that. They toured news from this part of the world for Erm a Christian, my extra special the Salt Lake Center while they were this issue. friend who is Police Secretary and girl here and were very impressed. Friday of all work in the department Congratulations to MARGARET KE- NANCY REULING flew to Tucson to was instrumental in my landing here. NTLEY on getting her Night VMC visit her son, RICH, and also flew to Erma is also our local 99 great leader. Rating. MARGARET will be one of Denver in a C-206. She went through Due to a few minor details, like four Guest Speakers at the next meet­ the United Flight Training Center while fires, bomb threats, riots, etc., I sud­ ing of the Institution of Navigation in there. Upon leaving, she was cleared denly found myself as a VIP, working Sydney, when each will talk of their to take off between two Continental twelve hours a day, seven days a experiences as competitors in the Lon- DC-8’s, WHICH SHE DID VERY VERY week, right in the middle of all the don-Australia Air Race. CAREFULLY. excitement. Needless to say I learned ALISON HOLLAND is busy renewing GINI STREETER flew the 411 to San to be a "for real” emergency dispatch­ her Australian Commercial License. Francisco for a long weekend with her er in one heck of a hurry. I also learned family. Her daughter MEG (age 14) why men choose and stay in law en­ Getting a tractor “endorsement” . . . was her very capable co-pilot. forcement and fire department careers "Is the hardest I’ve ever undertaken” DARLA TOWNLEY boarded a T-29 as it is fascinating, varied, and at says Corinne Nugent, who helps her Convair with seventeen Civil Air Pat­ times, totally engrossing work requir­ husband run their farm in northern rol cadets and flew to Ellington A.F.B. ing the best in you to do it well. They Victoria. For the present she finds lit­ in Houston, Texas. They let her have tle time for flying other than to main­ the controls for about half an hour and tain her Commercial License for fu­ she said it was great. While in Houston ture use. Execpt in School holidays, Next deadline APR. 20th. they toured N.A.S.A. Back at the Base she says she can accomodate up to she rode in the F 102 Simulator and It must be in Dallas on the five friends who fly-in and RON. Many did a snap roll on final. It was quite thanks for the invitation CORRINE an experience and she said that the 20th, not postmarked that will certainly take you up on that very soon. Simulator was so real. day. Mail to: VIVIAN YARDLEY is a Grandmoth­ In a few days the "great trek” begins er again. She took time off to fly to here, when light aircraft with women BOX 38499 Sun Valley in the Twin Beech with her pilots leave for Perth W. A. to attend 49V6 JIM. I’m wondering why poor the Australian Sectional and A.W.P.A. Dallas, Texas 75238 JIM has been demoted? A.G.M. but more of that next time. CHRISTINE WINZER of the All-Ohio Meanwhile Happy Flying.

April, 1970 - 5 1 - ever get any suitable weather!) and apparently to emphasize the holiday I’m therefore rather out of touch with aspect of their work. (They have re­ other Ninety-Nines. However, here are cently dropped their scheduled services two or three brief items: and are now concentrating on inclu- SHEILA SCOTT is now back in this sive-tour holiday traffic). The steward­ country after the rigors of the London- esses are dressed to match the aircraft Australia Air Race—and with the “all­ colors, but the flight crew have escap­ woman crew” prize safely in her pock­ ed the indignity (for them) of pink uni­ et. “ Myth T oo” is still in Australia, forms. and SHEILA will be going out shortly DAPHNE POYNTER is our Amelia to collect her beloved Comanche for Earhart Scholarship candidate and we further long-distance flights. She’s cer­ are all keeping our fingers crossed for her. Janet Ferguson, Reporter tainly a glutton for punishment! Rumor has it that JULIA TURNER ELIZABETH OVERBURY’s com­ I’m writing this report from South­ is not letting the grass grow under ampton where I’m temporarily stand­ pany, now called Court Line, is sport­ her feet flying-wise but is working on ing by for some survey flying (if we ing pastel-colored BAC One-Elevens— new qualifications—more news anon.

— 52— April, 1970 99 MEMBERSHIP LIST Pinkous, Jessica L. Edwins, Virginia D. (R. C.) P.O. B ox 686 C h icago A rea 3951 N. Bluebonhet South Louisiana MARCH, 1979 Wir.fif»ld., Jl. 69190 — 665-0933 ■ Baton R ou ge, La. 70809 — 926-6956 Ruzich, Patricia A. Rapier. Isabel M. (Robert E.) 303 D aw es C h icago A rea 2809 54th St. T op o f T exa s “NEW” L ibertyvtlle, II 60048 — 362-1130 L u bbock. Tx. 79413 — 799-1898 r .'i ’O*' <►> • ' *• Sisson. Sherry E. (William H.) EAST CANADIAN SECTION 1. S. 206 Eliot L ane C h icago A rea N ORTH W EST SECTION Petty,.piaoa May (Gary D.) V illa Park. II. 60181 — 629-3087 Pratt. Ellen J. (B. Douglas) 280 W ellesley St. E. No. 1711 F irst C anadian 1870 S.E . E x eter D r. C olum bia C ascade Toronto. Ontario. C anada — 929-9803 S llenbeiger. Jacquelyn (Roger E.) 485 D uane T err.. Apt C -l C h ica g o A rea P ortland. Or. 97202 — 234-6296 Stanfield. Gail Louise G le i Ellyn. II. 60137 — 858-2571 Gormley, Mila Deen (Leroy A.) Helen Avenue First Canadian 512 B irch St. E astern W ashington Unionville. Ontario. Canada — 297-2672 White. Barbara Jean (Corkleigh E.) 333 E. H ig’i St. C h ica go A rea W aterville. Wa. 98858 — 745-2944 Vilen. Karin , n, M undelein. II 60360 — 566-5774 Hatch. Margaret Ann (C. Weston) 2010 Fort. Apt. 3 f Ottawa-Montreal Mountain View Ranch Eastern Washington M ontreal 108, Canada — 431-7708 Buback, Judith M. 6016 Stoneham Greater St. Louis Athol. Id. 83801 — 683-2338 S;. Louis. Mo. 63134 — 522-8361 Johnson. Janice T. (Donald M., Jr.) WEST CANADIAN SECTION (AT LARGE) Notch. Diane Kay (Herbert) 10th & Front St. E astern W ashington Conroy. Marjorie Gwen (Thomas W.) 10 Anchorage Court Iowa G arfield . Wa. 99130 — ME5-2521 116-13 St. N.E. Alberta N ew ton. Ia. 50208 — 792-7361 Fender. Dorothy M. (H. L.) C a lga ry 61. A lberta. C anada — 266-4179 Lyddan. Mary Patricia (James R.) 300 Amber St.. Rt. 6 Idaho NEW ENGLAND SECTION 3901 Della Fay Dr. Kentucky Bluegrass Caldw ell. Id. 83605 — 459-1907 Stites, Carol Cox (Francis H.) Louisville. K.v. 40219 — 969-5961 SOUTHWEST SECTION 8 Bennett Rd. Eastern New England Berger. Kathryn L. (Robert) W ay land. Ma. 01778 — 358-2436 1225 N aples Ct. M ichigan Bond. Karen Franzen (John R.) Ann A rbor. Mi. 48103 — 665-6449 78 Niuiki C ircle A loha Honolulu. Hi. 96821 — 373-3409 NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY SECTION Crawford. Thelma G. (Wilbur) Thomas. Edith (Delbert) 2718 Laurel inn Michigan Buckelew, Nancy G. (Alvin) 63 Surrey Dr. Greater New York Ann A rbor. Mi. 48103 — N05-9525 1370-D Kolekole Ave. Aloha Schofield B rks., Hi. 96557 — 65-2176 W ayne. N .J. 07470 — 694-3150 McFarlane. Dianne B. (Donald R.. M.D.) Frazier. Joan L. (J. Russell) 4263 B arton R d . M ichigan Blair. Geraldine M. (Albert) 15 Paul Holly Dr. Hudson Valley Lansing. Mi. 48917 — 485-7592 430 Lotus D r. F resn o H anford, Ca. 93230 — 582-9777 Loudonville. N .Y . 12211 — 462-2359 McMenemy, Bertha Mary (John E.) Roylance. Lillian B (John) 20440 M itchell St. M ichigan Xaiz. Valjean P. (John A.) R.D. No. 4 Johnson Rd Hudson Valley D etroit. Mi. 48234 — TW3-0823 4320 Clark F resn o Fresno, Ca. 93726 — 229-9981 Scotia. N .Y . 12302 — 372-6328 Schaefer. Gloria Ann Carroll, Elizabeth M. B-215 Henry Hall WMU Michigan Abramson, Jeanne M. (Albert Roy) 42 Park Place Western New York K ala m a zoo. Mi. 49345 — 383-0855 810 L om ba rd i Lane G olden W est* H illsborou gh. Ca. 94010 — 342-2202 East A urora. N .Y . 14052 — 652-9199 Bellair, Barbara Ann (John) 4S23 W Sunnyslope Rd. Minnesota K eyston, Jane S. (G eorg e) MIDDLE EAST SECTION E dina, Mn. 55424 — 920-5396 441 E d gew ood Rd. G olden W est* San M ateo. Ca. 94402 — DI3-5888 Sauires, Mary Jane (William C.) Branting. Virginia 2801 Church Rd. Eastern Pennsylvania 316 O ak G rove M innesota McNeil, Heather Anne G lenide, Pa. 19038 — 884-5699 M inneapolis. Mn. 55403 — 333-8351 888 Foster City Blvd. Golden West* F oster City, Ca. 94404 — 349-3029 Sammons. Ann Davies (Frederick H.) Bushman. Eris E. (Douglas T.) 125 W oodland Dr. T ri-C ities 4732 School R d . M innesota Rothans, Judith Ann H untington. W. Va. 25705 — 525-7165 Edina. Mn. 55424 — 920-3074 605 Orchard Ave. No. 31N Golden West* H ayw ard, Ca. 94544 — 886-4564 Iluck. Durette M. (Michael V.) Dewald, Ramona Rat (Allan L.) Rt. 1 Washington. D.C. 17315 Eldorado St., N.W. Rt. 1 Minnesota Stock. Nancy Jeanne (George T.) P u rcellville, Va. 22132 — 668-5321 A noka. Mn. 55303 — 421-6713 1708 Cula Vista Dr. Golden West Belm ont. Ca. 94002 — 592-3707 Pinkard. Paulette J. (Ken) Hawkinson, Kristi L. 4920 Fran P lace No. 303 W ashington. D.C. 784—2nd Ave., N.W. Minnesota Davis. Helen L. (Robert J.) A lexan dria. Va. 22312 — 354-0898 N ew Brighton, Mn. 55112 2833 Paradise Park Rd. Montei'ey Bay P eb b le B each, Ca. 93953 — 373-3918 Marte, Johanna H. (Egon) SOUTHEAST SECTION 2334 A rgon ne Dr. M innesota Agron, Olive O’Connor. Barbara Ann (Daniel D.) M inneapolis. Mn. 55421 — 788-5134 3172 V alley G reen Lane R ed w ood E m pire 3010 D ellw ood Dr. C arolinas N apa. Ca. 94558 — 266-2395 McFarland. Deborah K. G reen sb oro N.C. 27408 — 288-3545 1625—40th Si. Ct Quad-City Area Malcolm. Katherine M. (James Wm.) Blankinship. Denise L. M oline. II. 61265 — 762-3296 3008 Parkwood Ct. Sacramento Valley R t. 5, B ox 548 G eorgia C arm ichael. Ca. 95608 — 487-5101 Dietz, Caroline V. (Ralph) N ewnan. Ga. 30263 — 253-0588 9813 So. 27th W isconsin Harrison, Patricia L. Bullock. Martha S. Franklin. Wi. 53132 — 761-1215 1221 Lyndon St. San G abriel 4701 T ett R d., N.W. G eorgia South P asadena. Ca. 91030 — 799-3213 Erickson, Lois R. (Donald W.) A tlanta. Ga. 30327 — 255-4095 Roberts, Patricia W. (C. Sheldon) 110 E. 5th Wisconsin Rogers. Annette Jean (Lee S.) 12690 Quinnhill Ave. Santa Clara V alley Blair. Wi. 54616 — 989-3321 5312 K irkw ood Ct. K itty H aw k Los Altos. Ca. 94022 — 948-1262 R aleigh. N .C. 27609 — 787-7486 Shevers, Shirley A. (Gary) * Chapter, Pending Approval Mills. Margaret W. (Frank) Rt. 1, Box 522 Wisconsin 103 U m bria Lane Tennessee P ort W ashington, Wi. 53074 — 284-5591 O ak R idge. Tn. 37830 — 483-4336

S O l’T H C E N T R A L SECTION “ REIN ST AT E M ENTS” NORTH CENTRAL SECTION Holleman. Jane B. Snell. Caroline L. (Richard G.) 1264 S. N ew land Ct. C olorado NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY SECTION 885 Greenhouse All Ohio D enver. Co. 80226 — 922-3918 Hubln, Bettylou S. (Thomas) D ayton. Oh. 45419 — 299-1900 Shinn. Verna Dean (Jimmy Ray) 32 Timberlane Rd. Greater New York Kaiser. Ann Larne (Robert Henry) 1869 N. M cC art F ort W orth U pper Saddle R iv er, N .J. 07458 — 825-1600 3 Cedar Ct. Central Illinois Stephenville. Tx. 76401 — 968-3356 Butts. Shirley H. (G erald T .) M onticello, II. 61856 — 762-3311 Victory Village Hudson Valley Clay, E. Ann (R. Stanley) Sheridan. Patricia Jean (John B.) Cato. N .Y . 13033 — 626-2439 1012 Chestnut C entral Illinois 2011 Ninth Street N ebraska Pekin. II. 61554 — 346-9661 H arlan. Ia. 51537 — 755-5222 SOUTHEAST SECTION Hailey. Kay (Edward W.) Tripp. Lavonne M. (William F.) Trammell, Evelyn Lacy (Mark L.) 4 N 055 Robbie Lane Chicago Area 7313 A m es O m aha A rea 2039 Spring L ake D r. N.W . G eoig ia A ddison. II. 6Q101 — 629-8512 O m aha. Nb. 68134 — 393-2436 Atlanta. Ga. 30302 — 355-1287

April, 1970 - 53— INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS International Headquarters — Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159